Sorry, this is a bit late. Working for free on this third job. If only there were a way you could help me out monetarily…oh well…Donald and Dennis discuss their historic achievements.

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Somewhat kinda OT – I have started to watch the piece of shit show Superstore. I’m into the start of the second season, where a strike of employees features a group of Christian hate mongerers joining the protest to get their message out. This all ties back to the token Christian on the show, the store manager Glen. See, he’s Christian, but totally accepting of everything. A pushover socialist who is totally accepting of everything gay to include marriage!
The gist of my drunken semi-rant is that these fucks can’t write different perspectives. The Christian main character has to be their version of a “good” Christian. As in, one who believes in next to nothing besides love everyone (which results in him being a pushover). The characters who stick to their convictions are good little socialists like the main character Joana. He causes trouble, but with good intentions (as they’d see them).
The whole show is basically a dumber version of The Office. Entire character types are copied and changed just slightly. Like, come see the chubby, female version of Dwight…
And then they both stand in awe of Roseanne succeeding after all this time and fire her the first time she causes a controversy which anyone with a fraction of a brain could have seen coming. But now we go on…without Roseanne. Just like how we see articles bemoaning the death of comedy in movie theaters. Like, why don’t people want to pay for this crap?
The gist of my drunken semi-rant is that these fucks can’t write different perspectives.
Ring-a-ding-ding. They can write characters that disagree only on the most minor and superficial things, unless for an episode one of the characters is revealed to be a HUGE BIGOT about one specific thing, then the other characters heckle them about being such a HUGE BIGOT, then by the end of the episode the HUGE BIGOT realizes they were wrong the whole time and nothing changes.
“Best Singapore Piss hooker”? Oh boy.
There’s no need to chose only one.
The boys are better in Thailand.
I have a box of Koka Laksa Singapura flavor instant noodles. Makes the kitchen smell like vomit but it tastes delicious, if a bit spicy.
Someone mentioned they like the Hat’s voice – me too. It is like the ultimate in world-weary, with a cigarette and a glass of whisky. I wonder if that is our author.
HatHairThat’s better, the Hat sounds like the love-child of Beavis and Butthead.
So, I’m wondering when the world [read: Trump Admin] is going to discover the joy of the Hat and the Hair and we all get hauled into [hopefully] a U.S. Attorney’s office. [Hopefully, because the alternative might just make Warty’s dungeon look homey.]
I think Trump would get a laugh out of it.
I like his presidency, but that dude puts ketchup on steak and doesn’t drink alcohol. Even with the starburst alleged story, I don’t trust his sense of humor.
The man is a walking comedy act. He’s gotta get it. OK, maybe not.
I had no idea you were that kind of optimist.
That’s why when I tweet out new episodes I don’t tweet them @ his account, stay under the secret service radar.
Master Shake was my inspiration. Sorry if I can’t duplicate it perfectly.
Ha; in college that’s how someone described listening to me on the radio, except he said glass of scotch.
Scotch is whiskey.
I know, I was just pointing out the nuanced difference.
Just giving you a hard time! Loved the new episode, thanks.
Technically, Scotch is whisky. :-p
By the by, I do both the voices.
Next on You Tube ” Shocking Confession ‘four Alien races here on the Earth’ “
Thank you to whoever scheduled this for after I leave work. It was too much of a tease to have a H&H available but not being able to watch it until I got home.
IS EVERY ONE ASLEEP? it’s as if you all Work or something……..
Bella and her Girl, Cindy Lou Who,
Thanks!, G daughter Riley, She Cute
Totes adorbs.
Totes adorbs, indeed. Now someone take a broom to that patio before I go into an OCD coma.
Ha. Ha.
The log in is fucked up, I posted twice, and each time the Site said i needed to be logged in, yet I was already, then it kicked me back and deleted my post, GRRRRR
Video of the knife wielding dine & dasher Straff linked to earlier. Russian tourist going nuts in the humidity?
Dueling threads. My fingers are getting exhausted.
MS13 in Japan? Who knew?
/ but they do have Elvis so…….
Nice!, now a Redhead,
Here you go Yusef.
Fuck you, not cool,
Absolutely Cool, Thanks!
And in other news, I sold my blue Kia on Sunday, I was getting a lot of grief from the City for what amounts to an article of Bullshit, so She went to someone who can use it, not scrap it,
/GoodBye old Friend!
don’t you have to change your moniker now?
perhaps to something like “Yusef rides the Bus”?
He’s a top-hatted libertarian – he owned multiple Kias.
TY! I own many Kias………
Yusef doesn’t take Public Trans, Kia get’s around, YO!
Thomas Massie responds to a tweet from TOS. Theirs: “Libertarians should defend the Red Hen’s right not to serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders, even if it was stupid”. His: “Agree. And the right of a baker not to design, bake, and deliver a wedding cake. Which is why the Johnson/Weld ticket was never really a libertarian ticket.”
do any of those people listen to what they say?
/Fuckwits All
Lol, be sure to have the audio on. Possibly nsfw, not that any of you work, bro.