Right on time.
If naught else, these Links will exhibit the exquisite Swiss timing. Glibertarians.com promises nothing else. I am getting run over with demands for my time and incessant carping requests for MOAR WORK. Don’t these people know I have links to post?! It is making me downright crabby. So you in the Glibertariat, show them who is boss! Read the links, comment with abandon and stick it to the Man!
- I need to see weepy sermons, comparisons to certain Mid-20th Century German leaders, condemnations and harassment of anyone associated with the Algerian government. THIS is being harsh on “migrants”. How about some Hollywood types, breast beating journos and screeching politicians go “tour” Assamaka. Then come back and tell us how horrible and NAZI the US is. FEH!
- If you can wade through the garbage in this article….you will see near the end of it that TRADE WARZ ain’t going to be solved by an EU – China lovefest. It will just suck for all of us around the globe. BAH!
- Farm Aid?! That #$%& thing is still going on? Want to see how much in YOUR money the poor, downtrodden farmers are getting? Look here and get really pissed off. I saw 101 recipients of MY MONEY just in my little exurban zip code alone (from 1995-2016). Some of the names were big shots and not exactly poors. GRRRRRR!!!!!!!
- I am sure many could find reasons to be angry here…but I am just pointing and laughing instead.

*stalks off to go do hours more work*
If naught else, these Links will exhibit the exquisite Swiss timing.
In fact it was a little bit frightening.
*Takes kung fu swing at Ted*
Don’t any of you people even work?
*Sobs in a corner, clutching a bottle.*
Have you seen the market today? Psh. No.
Asians are mostly lactose intolerant.
And they can’t hold their booze.
HA-HA! /Nelson laugh
But Swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
Smoke on the water
Hmm. I don’t see any big numbers in my zip code. Then again Florida has been moving away from agriculture for some time.
$1.3 million for one farm near me. Guess I need to grow some corn and soy.
TOS did an article years ago on all the people named Mellencamp receiving subsidies in Indiana. Six-figure subsidies.
12 in my zip code over $100 grand.
Over 200 in mine. $6.5 million.
200 total recipients. 16 over 100k.
82 in mine ranging from $1 to over $200,000. My zip code is a 100% suburban zip code with very small lots. My vegetable garden is one of the largest possible agricultural plots.
Sounds like
Agri-Cultural Appropriations.
I only had one over 100k, but that was spread over 20 years.
15 in mine over $1.0 million. Including about $1.9 million for one state representative who ran for US House but dropped out before the primaries.
I see the county judge, ex sheriff, former mayor, a state representative, etc.
It’s almost like politically connected people know how to milk the system.
Plenty of names in my zip code. And yes, they are all the big shots who own the largest farms and have school buildings named after them. Grrr.
$37M in my zip code from 95 to 06. #1 was $3.7M. Yea Iowa.
The Iowa caucuses are where dreams of farm subsidy reform go to die.
Only 16 in my zip code, but one of them is Charles Barkley!
Only 67 total in my zip. The highest was $700k and by #8 on the list it drops to under $100k and keeps dropping from there.
Shit. My zip code has about 5000 total people in it and there were 187 people receiving 3.2 million dollars. The biggest receivers are all families I know personally.
I plugged in my office zip code (center of downtown Minneapolis. 71, some just under a million. Downtown.
$121K in my farm-free suburban zipcode.
The largest numbers were for “corn subsidies”
Look at 35907 and count the number of people with the same last name. Funny enough there is one name I don’t see that is interesting in its absence.
“ZTE, the Chinese smartphone maker, says it can’t fix a urinal in the men’s room of one of its offices because it is afraid doing so will run afoul of the blanket ban imposed on the company by US regulators.
The urinal is made by American Standard, the company said.
The Commerce Department on April 16 slapped a ban on ZTE buying any US parts after the company was found to have violated an agreement not to ship equipment to Iran or North Korea.”
Because the U.S. is the only country that makes toilet parts?
Damn straight. Nobody on earth gets to drop in deuce in 1st World toilet unless America gives the green light.
Got a nice American Standard plant right up I-75 in picturesque Tiffin, Ohio
Picturesque Tiffin
I was going to reply with Tiffin-y Towers, but then I remembered the FamilyFriendly® rating.
And I didnt want to take work from Q.
I don’t know what the connection is, but I approve.
Did you see the IRL of the photo?
Alternatively, get a copy of Billy Wilder’s One, Two, Three.
I bet the replacement parts are made by American Standard in China.
If only there were a place where various companies regularly counterfeited other manufacturer’s parts, they could buy it from there.
Yeah, but counterfeiting in porcelain has a really crappy margin after freight costs.
I was thinking “there no way the links are gonna be exactly at……”
So, you thought… INCORRECTLY!
“Tres Cool, you are a NO-GO at this station!”
I felt a shiver down my spine.
At least nobody screamed “front leaning rest position”.
GET DOWN! Start pushing Glibertarians.com South!
*Hands Sgt Swiss his ‘time out’ card*
*files PTSD claim with VA*
I went to Basic in 1985…there were no “cards”.
Re: Farm Aid: It’s all too damn common for pols to reference “the family farm” as though it’s some kind of holy calling. It’s just a business, like any other, and business models change. Big corporate farms produce foodstuffs cheaper and faster, yet the Imperial government still makes noises about supporting “the family farm.”
Full disclosure: I come from a long line of farmers on both sides of my family. Plenty of them disagree with me on this, but what the hell.
There are also massive amounts of laws and regulations that favor big corporate farms.
How about ass farming? Me, I ass farm like my forefathers did. One ass at a time.
But watch the shrieking if you suggest getting rid of those regulations.
Get rid of those too. Subsidies as well while we’re at it.
A number of those “corporate” farms are family farms.
This ^ I am surrounded by corporate farms, and every single one of them are owned and operated by a single person, father/son, two brothers, cousins, etc.
My zip list has the same last name on it probably 10 times and the fist two are over $750K.
Same name as the mayor.
What an odd coincidence.
Dairy farmers have to be taking a bath on milk sales now. Gallons locally used to go for around $2.69 but can now be had for $1.09.
Damn. Dairy prices have been up for a while around me. Hard to find butter under $4/lb.
“Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!”
If every Republican six years ago was made to answer for Todd Akin, then every Democrat should be made to answer for Maxine Waters.
I don’t know if this is a pot he should be stirring but I do have to agree with the IQ jab. She was one of the stupidest people in DC during her heyday and her advancing years have only made that worse.
The only “traditional media” source I could find for the story was a CNN article (warning: ad-blocker detector), which made certain to add, “Trump misconstrued Waters’ comments when he weighed in Monday afternoon.”
No, I dont believe he did.
He didn’t, she’s calling for violence with a wink and a nod and we all know it and so do they.
“Misconstrued” according to who? The recent rise in anti-Trump headlines which include opinions as if they are proven facts is stunning. Has every “journalist” and editor decided hurting Trump is more important than showing a shred of integrity?
I hate editing.
Editing audio. Editing photos.
If I could edit out editing from my life I would be happy,
Back to drinking.
Just don’t dis the edit fairy.
If the edit fairy could do the edits on my podcast and….other things….I would be happy.
THIS is being harsh on “migrants”.
But whatabout due process?
I’m no lawyer, but it seems like they should get an opportunity to defend themselves. I could see a scenario where a US citizen got swept up in an ICE raid and didn’t have ID. A hearing would give them an opportunity to show proof of citizenship before being deported.
Born in East LA
Here’s one of those aforementioned puerile and salacious posts.
I hate playing favorites but I if I have to 41 is my gal.
I think I was happy staying at one.
6, 17, 24
There was a girl at the gym Friday with an awful set of fakies. She would have been drop dead gorgeous with tiny ones, but with her implants she was cartoonish.
1 wins this group.
What Tundra is trying to say is that walking into side of the squat rack really hurt.
And it’s her fault.
Ten stitches, Bob.
No laughing matter.
1 and done.
Dirty number 30.
“The Left is Eating Eachother: Mark Cuban’s Bar Under Fire for ‘Homophobic’ Drink Special
Days after praising a Virginia restaurant for kicking out White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, Mark Cuban’s darling left is now turning on him for a “homophobic” drink special being offered at one of his bars.
To celebrate Pride, Cuban’s Landmark at 57 West created a special cocktail menu in honor of the gay community.
Drinks included “The Hedwig,” in honor of the iconic trans performer, the “Boy Band” made with Tito’s vodka and rose jam, and the ‘Intense’ Penicillin.
The ‘Intense’ Penicillin is made with Barrow’s Intense Ginger Liqueur, Monkey Shoulder Blended Scotch, honey water, lemon juice and candied ginger — and appears to be causing an outpouring of liberal tears.”
Re: Farm Aid: It’s all too damn common for pols to reference “the family farm” as though it’s some kind of holy calling.
At a Fourth of July family reunion in Ohio a few years ago (lots of farmers, both former and current), I said the proper term for most of those operations would be “hobby farm”.
That was not particularly well received.
Tax shelter farm is more accurate.
Agriculture is very capital intensive these days. If you’re not running a large operation, you’re running a hobby farm, usually with one or both spouses in another primary profession.
Some of the names were big shots and not exactly poors. GRRRRRR!!!!!!!
I live around quite a few very well people who also run cattle. Running an unprofitable cattle operation is the easiest and most common way for them to reduce their tax burden.
I already do this on a small scale and hope to one day do it on a larger scale.
That said, farm subsidies are dressed up federal aid to the poor farmers of this country trying to get by handmilking every morning and plowing their fields behind a team of mules. It’s all hogwash.
Oh hell yeah! Big ass pickup truck, outdoor power equipment and not homeowner grade, shop tools and shop. All “business expenses”.
My dad was looking at pretty large tax burden for 2016. So, two days after Christmas that year he went and bought a 90k dollar tractor. Same thing the next year, new 1 ton and hay trailer. These hobby farms pay for themselves if you do it right.
“Merry Christmas to me.”
I’ve never met your dad and I already like the guy.
One day, I’d like to be able to afford to be just like him.
Jesus, I was gonna make some “Swiss=bland” joke, but from the get-go, these links are chilling
Hide this from Lou Dobbs, erection might kill him!
em>… buried in a shallow grave in the molten sand.
Melting point of sand: 2930 Fahrenheit.
Look, journalists, just say it was hot. Stories this tragic don’t need embellishment.
Shit. I live in a fucking suburb.
Nice little scam.
Those backyard tomato gardens need subsidies.
Tax shelter farm is more accurate.
Well, yeah.
It’s what I do. I haven’t gotten on the subsidy train yet. Probably need to start working on that.
That said, I just sent my wife that link about who is getting subsidized in our zip code. Her response, “Oh My God. Waldo Flynn is fucking millionaire. And so is T.K. Ballard. All these people are. What the fuck?”
How does she think they got to be millionaires?
No kidding. Trying to get rich honestly is hard work.
/kicks own self in ass.
If the feds give out subsidies to farmers so liberally how do the farmers who refuse subsidies manage to compete (or do they just go under)?
It’s my understanding that there is no such thing as a farmer who doesn’t take government money in some way, shape or form. At least no “successful” ones…
I think Mike is correct. Just looking at that list in my area, every single operation around me is getting the monies.
Actually, in my area the Mennonite farmers aren’t on the list (of course) and lots of them are successful in a modest way. The other big farmers definitely all are – I recognize all the names.
Ah yes, the logic of a trade war. Trump is upset that other countries tax their people at a higher rate then we do. He raises taxes. Then the other countries raise taxes on their people even higher because they’re upset that Trump raised taxes on US citizens.
“Out of Control: Online Mob Wrongly Targets Florida Reporter
Haley Hinds, a reporter for Tampa’s Fox affiliate station, was wrongly targeted by an online mob last week. A video showing a woman ranting nastiness at a nail salon owner went viral. Hinds was contacted via Facebook messenger asking if she was the woman in the video.
“Hello, were you the one in the nail salon video? If not, ignore this completely. If so, I thought you should read this tweet. Compassion is key – you are not above anyone,” the message read.
Hinds responded, saying she was definitely not the person in the video, that whomever the nasty woman was, she was not in anyway connected to the station, and that she agreed compassion was paramount.
Moments later, her picture was attached to the video and she was accused of being the nasty woman on film.
Hinds received death threats, invitations to end her own life, and all manner of vile insult just because some internet rando assumed she was the woman in a video.
Each of us received e-mails from Twitter saying, “there was no violation of the Twitter rules against abusive behavior.” The e-mail went on to say, “Some tweets may seem to be abusive when viewed in isolation, but may not be when viewed in the context of a larger conversation.” I’ve attached photos of their e-mail in which they explained further.
I’m left shaking my head, wondering what inspires someone thousands of miles away to want to turn someone’s life upside down, to attempt to destroy their reputation in such a large way, and to, potentially, put them in actual danger.
I’m left shaking my head, wondering how so many people on the Internet are willing to abandon their critical thinking skills, their eyesight, their hearing, and to blindly pull out their pitchforks because they’re so desperate to find a villain. They’ll believe whatever someone else says, whether it’s true or not. Truth just doesn’t seem to matter at the time.
It’s how intentionally inaccurate memes and pictures spread like wildfire. It’s how fake news pops up all over the internet. It’s sad and it’s scary and it’s a problem that’s only getting worse.”
“It hasn’t gone unnoticed that the Left is currently only stalking and harassing female GOP politicians…”
A good re-tweet in the comments:
You Know Who Else supported Freedom of Association as long as it allowed him to purge his opponents?
The Ohio National Guard?
30 listed as receiving farm subsidies in my zip code. “Only” a total of just over $200k.
Which wouldn’t be so bad (comparatively), except that there’s no farmland in my zip code.
I also checked my work zip code. This is entirely an urban, downtown area. 57 recipients, around $800k.
Who does this sound like?
The President and about 530 members (give or take) of Congress?
Who are those 5 or so exceptions?
Paul, Amash, Massie … um… Walter Jones … um… ok, 531 or 532.
No Flake, Corker, Sanford or Polis?/Welch
3 of them are on their way out anyways.
Flake was really once one of those guys, and then he went to the Senate and became stupid (I’m not talking about the anti-Trump stuff).
Civility is for chumps
But this isn’t simply a matter of a poorly chosen example. It points to the basic problem with the entire “civility” argument. American politics are uncivil — and have been long before Sanders sat down for dinner this weekend. And at the moment, this incivility is mainly coming from the White House. The Trump administration has flouted the norms of political discourse far more often than any of its opponents.
Sanders is uniquely complicit in this. Her job requires providing cover for the president’s most egregious lies, undermining a vital part of public discourse — the very idea of fair and open public discourse about the truth. If refusing service to Sanders puts the spotlight on this feature, it might not harm America’s political civility; in fact, it might even improve it.
Rawls never really engaged with the possibility that a democratic government might make dishonesty one of its core political principles. But as my colleague Matt Yglesias has argued at length, that is what President Donald Trump has done — using a complete disregard for the truth as a tactic for advancing his agenda and keeping his base loyal.
The sheer breadth of this assault is jaw-dropping; according to the Toronto Star’s database of Trump lies, since becoming president Trump has made at least 1,726 verifiably false statements, a clip of more than three a day. The New York Times compared Trump’s record to Obama’s, and found a huge discrepancy: “In his first 10 months, Trump told nearly six times as many falsehoods as Obama did during his entire presidency.”
Sarah Sanders’s job as White House press secretary makes her especially complicit in this agenda.
The United States is in the middle of a particular type of political emergency: the failure of American civil discourse as a democratic practice. A little impoliteness, of the right kind, might help to restore it.
Let it be war, then.
Riiiiiight. All those cheerful “Antifa” folks, with their reasoned discourse, the high-brow salon that is Left Twitter – I could go on and on.
They want violence and they’re going to get it. Some leftist with a conscience needs to step up and speak out against this stuff. Is Jimmy Carter busy?
He’s still alive?
Is serious political violence really that close?
Well, you’ve got prominent figures on the left of the spectrum calling for violence against political foes, so…yeah, I think so.
Especially when this is the strongest “condemnation” one of the Dem party’s elite has:
I just can’t see the Left ever winning, they are outgunned, and LEO ain’t gonna be body guards for anyone but themselves, So, Bring it on, Slavers!
They see it like a reincarnation of the 60s and 70s. However there are three things very different. 1) they have no galvanizing issue/set of issues to rally the public around them; 2) more than enough on the right are looking for a fight this time around; and 3) there’s no room for the economy to improve as a distraction, like what happened in the 80s.
Read: disagreeing with the left is a ipso facto a lie.
I’m sure I trust the NYT’s definition of true and false.
At least Trump’s lies are obvious and mostly harmless. Yes I’m drinking the Kool-aid.
“In his first 10 months, Trump told nearly six times as many falsehoods as Obama did during his entire presidency.”
– So Obama was also a liar, just not as BIG a liar.
Also depends on what your definition of the truth is. By an objective standard I’m betting those numbers narrow.
They are losing at every turn. The flailing and screaming is epic. It is long overdue. Let ’em scream and flail.
Trump’s relationship with the truth isn’t great, but this is blatant Obama-fluffing. The number of lies isn’t the only measure – one must also consider the magnitude. In my book, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” should count for at least 1,000 worth of Trump’s often petty penny-ante bullshit lies.
Her response, “Oh My God. Waldo Flynn is fucking millionaire. And so is T.K. Ballard. All these people are. What the fuck?”
How does she think people get to be millionaires? Not by paying their own bills.
Boy did the refs make a mess in the 2 o’clock games; particularly the Spain one. How Pique wasn’t sent off and have hand penalty called against him (with no VAR no less!) is beyond me. Spain had no business being in a draw in that one. Morocco got robbed twice this WC (the first when FIFA admitted a penalty shot should have been awarded in the game against Portugal) and that sham of a display today. And to make it all worse, they go to VAR on the tying goal (and even then a case could be made it was offside) and reverse it. Ramos and Pique were in their fine play acting selves today.
The game had consequences for Portugal because it meant Spain out of pure luck win the group and get…..Russia while Portugal get Uruguay.
Ronaldo should have, imo, been sent off but not sure the penalty awarded Iran was a good one but there you. The ref kept control of the game way better than Irmatov did in the Spain/Morocco game. He lost the game when he failed to sanction/caution Pique for a reckless infraction; let alone a straight red.
Games like these piss me off.
One of the more annoying things about Trump is the notion of the post-Truth era. Was there ever an era where politicians told the truth and election campaigns consisted of agreeing on everything?
France and China in a trade deal. Lol.
Watch your backs. France will learn first hand how China does ‘deals’ and China will learn Macron has two asses and two mouths.
Trump should sit back and watch it all unfold.
Hmm does this sound familiar?
Also an example of the pre-Trump Truth Era:
Dief the Chief was no Wizard of Oooze!
You know, you’d figure after 33 farm crisis-es, they’d start to ask what they’re doing wrong.
I reckon Mellencamp has had to change the lyrics to ‘Rain on the Scarecrow’ over the years as I’m sure more families lost their farms. 97 crosses for families who lost 97 farms must be well over that figure. All Trump and Bush’s fault I’m sure if I understand Mellencamp’s politics correctly.
Still love his music though. Yeh sue me. Fuck you.
Does the left care about family farms these days? They are a bunch of rednecks anyway…
Ironic for Mellencamp who is a Democrat. I remember him railing against Reagan and even hating money was being spent on the Statute of Liberty to restore it in the 80s. Something along the lines of ‘I don’t give a shit about it. Put money in education or take care of the poor.’
As opposed to getting his buddies to give a concert to raise money for the poor or education and donating their own sizeable wealth to it. Better to get the government to do it by plundering the middle class to pay for it.
I also remember him turning down Reagan’s request to use ‘Pink Houses’ and that he hung up on him.
I dont remember how it really shook out, finance-wise, but Stroh’s hosted a series of “Run For Liberty” 8K and 10K races in the mid 80s. A portion of the entry fee went to some fund or another to restore the Statue on Ellis Island. Private funding….gov’t monument….
Good Lord.
“Subsidy Recipients 1 to 30 of 1,109 in zipcode 59301
Recipients in this zipcode received $95,856,574 from 1995-2006”.
There are approximately 11,000 people in this zipcode.
There are a bunch in my zip. Not surprising. You can drive for hours around here and see nothing but corn, soybeans, cotton, milo, cattle and timber.
In regards to farm aid: I entered one of the zipcodes from my childhood and got quite a surprise. Check out number nine…
I just may have some suppressed memories I need to come to terms with.
It’s okay, TH. we’ve all been there. You’re amongst friends.
Of course. You think those woods he roams around in are free? Property taxes, planting fees, forestry fees….that shit aint cheap.
*I am working on an article about the timber industry.
I found my wife’s late grandmother on the list. She did actually own farmland, though I’m not sure what she was doing with it at the time. My father in law owns it now, but don’t see him on the list. It was a total of $372.
Never mind, I found him. $59! Dude’s rolling in cash.
Just found my grandpa. He got 5200 in the hotter than hell no rain for 2 months year of 2012.
/hangs head in shame.
How the hell do people in a suburban neighborhood in Phoenix get farm subsidies? There aren’t any farms…
All you gotta go is fill out the proper forms.
Beehives? Rabbit cages in their back yards? A chia-head in the kitchen window?
I have no idea.
Now that you mention it, there is grandfathered horse property in the area…..
They may still own a farm and have someone else farm it for them.
Regarding the left’s behavior and the possibility of political violence here: “Conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea.”
Hey Nancy maybe we should consult Maduro or Castro on how to do that?
If we think they are bad now what will it be like when the elections arrive? Will they use violence to keep people from the polls? If they lose the midterms, which I predict they will, Nov. 2020 will be a hell of a shitshow.
They can’t lose unless the Russians interfere with our elections again. /leftist conspiracy theory.
I cant wait to hear them double down on the ‘Trump voters are Nazis’ voter winning strategy.
“If you think this government should look after the interests of its citizens you are a misogynist, racist, islamophobic deplorable who is irredeemable who should be sent off to camps for adults! Vote for us, or else!”
I think Pelosi’s ‘achieving unity from sea to shining sea’ comment is essentially an endorsement for rigged elections. They always were a bunch of banana republic thugs. It is overdue for them to stop pretending they aren’t.
This is essentially their message. “You’re stupid, and we hate you. Feed us.”
I like yours better.
“MUST-WATCH: Crowds in Iran are chanting “Death to Palestine!” Not to Israel. Not to America. But to Palestine. Hamas and Hezbollah and Palestinian Jihad can kiss their Iranian funding goodbye if the regime falls.”
Hamas I get, but Hezbollah – as co religionists (meaning Shiites, not just Islamics) surprises me.
They’re pining for the Shah as well. I don’t think they’re hardcore Islamists.
Is there actually any chance of the mullahs getting toppled?
And in non-Tesla automotive news:
Sweet Revenge: Volkswagen Takes World Record on Pikes Peak
Pretty cool stuff. I prefer the old days, sans pavement, but good for VW.
The last time I was on that rock part of the road wasn’t paved.
Looks like it wasn’t fully paved until 2011.
That’s about the last time I went up there.
“Hermit who escaped civilization to live naked on a desert island is forced to return to Japan by authorities after 29 YEARS”
I want to know where he got the smokes from.
He still had contact with the mainland. Not as cool a story as I first thought.
John pr0n
Yes, yes, yes…..
In the vein of what Maxine Waters seems to be trying to pull (incite violence), isn’t that out of the Al Sharpton playbook? The Crown Heights riot comes to mind.
You know who else had a playbook that called for inciting violence?
Mike Ditka?
Chuck Daly?
Farm subsidy thing is cool.
In my previous zip, a outside the beltway suburban place in Mass with a little agriculture left. 2/3s of the subsidies $450 went to a total asshole. We went to his stand once and he tried to cheat us out of a couple bucks on a sack of potatoes. My son pumped gas at the station across the street and he’d cheat by resetting the pump while filling up. Christ, what an asshole – trying to cheat a 15-year-old who was supposed to make the take balance the pump readouts.
Holy shit.
$450 K
This is like something from South Park.
Unrelated: I always thought South Carolina had a cool state flag.
That’s good.
Fuckin’ Acosta. Crankin’ out pure propaganda 24/7 and screaming like a baby because Trump and Sanders call him out on his bullshit.
The “CNN SUCKS” sign in the background is pure gold.
Fucking storms in omaha are delaying the start of the national championship series. Damn it, I have to be up at 5:30 and the game doesn’t even have a start time yet.
I checked out the farm handouts link and after my shallow rage subsided, I realized I shouldn’t be mad at the “farmers” (one of whom runs a full-time construction business and still takes home 250 large in free munnee). I’m mad at the politicians. If Uncle Sam is throwing money out the window, I’m not gonna blame the guys standing under it with a bucket. I’ll blame their enablers on Capitol Hill.
As a periodic reminder of what the word “fascism” actually means:
Not fascism
Actually Fascism is an economic system wherein property and the means of production are privately owned but controlled by government.
Racism, nationalism, party fanaticism, thuggery, etc dont have anything to do with it. A good example of real, no-shit fascism would be our government’s recent bailout of the domestic auto industry and mandates on how energy is produced and used. We are not a solidly fascist country but damned close.
Nazism also has nothing to do with the kind of thuggery that people are labeling as Nazism. Nazism is simply a heavy mix of nationalism and socialism.
Meh. That argument runs into some weird kind of “not real fascism” line of thinking. The Nazis, the Falangists, the right-Peronists, the Iron Guard, and the original Fascists of Italy are all fascists. Those regimes had more in common than just economic ideas. If anything, the economic side of fascism is the carrot while the brutal repression and centralized state control of politics and society is the stick. Regardless, both are essential characteristics.
trying to type w a sandwich
characterists you mention are baked into the socialism side of things
whats fucked up about fascism is extreme central control meaning economic disaster
I might be making a distinction without a difference. both fascism and socialism have coercion baked right into them. Both systems must be imposed more so than most.
Communism the government owns the business. Fascism the business is owned privately and the government just tells it what to do. Two opposite ideologies standing shoulder to shoulder.
I am not sure they are that opposite. Superficially they are nearly indistinguishable. both strong central command economies rife with cronyism.
One of the best descriptions of the two I learned a number of years ago. Fascism and Communism are supposed to the opposite ends of the spectrum. But if you look at ideology as a circle, it makes much more sense.
Start at the top of the circle with Fascism. Travel around the circle until you butt into Fascism and you’ve reach Communism. Every other ideology lies somewhere on the circle in between those two.
No comment section… hmmmm….
ZTE, the Chinese smartphone maker, says it can’t fix a urinal in the men’s room of one of its offices because it is afraid doing so will run afoul of the blanket ban imposed on the company by US regulators.
I sympathize.
At a previous job, the batteries in the sensors for the urinal’s flushing mechanisms died. The building management claimed they needed a special tool to open up the mechanism to replace the battery. It took six months to replace the battery. The building management couldn’t be bothered to put an “OUT OF ORDER” sign on the urinal.
I searched in the farm subsidy database for the ZIP code where I grew up. The municipal government got a subsidy. Fuck.
This was posted in morning lynx but here’s the link to the actual study.
Over-under on number of Glibs participating is 6.
Sounds like a scam to collect dick pics.
I am guessing there will be skewed results based on flawed methodology.
DU is a fucking joke anyway.
What kind of retard spends $40K+ per year for an education that is vastly inferior to CSU?
At first I thought you meant Ducks Unlimited. I was about to go all STEVE SMITH on your ass.
I thought he meant Democratic Underground.
Didn’t search earlier, but another good piece by Williamson at NRO: https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/06/venezuela-economic-collapse-socialism-always-fails/
Nice. What could the Atlantic have been thinking when they hired him?
I have long had trouble with the term ‘capitalism’ being used to describe an economic system contrived by men. For me it simply means the natural course of successful enterprises that recognize the nature of the world we live in.
Any enterprise required the investment of resources, effort to improve natural resources and then an output greater than the initial investment plus the effort involved. The ‘capitalists’, the people supplying the initial investment are simply providing a service to those investing the effort. In the end the output simply has to repay those players and have a surplus. It is simple math. Anything less and resources are squandered and eventually run out.
This ultra simple concept is what escapes the socialist.
Re: Farm subsidies
My Iowa zipcode had over 70 million from 96 to 06 to over 1000 recipients
Two were well over 1 million.
Top 10 are all > 750k
For the zipcode I grew up in much smaller numbers, only about 33 million and 750 recipients.
My grandfather (who lived in another state) got a rather piddly amount (after fuel, maintenance, and time for the annual mowing that was required) for keeping his land in conservation.
He could have made three to five times as much by having someone cut hay off it two or three times a year, and not had to go out and spend a few days mowing it.
He passed away last year and my parents have since been been having someone cut hay off it. Fortunately these days the large round bales are the thing people want so no nasty hay bucking.
My old man’s long term plan is to turn it into an orchard of some kind. If he can get the trees to take off, in about 5-15 years it could be one of the most profitable farms in the county, and certainly the most profitable for its size.