I hadn’t seen something that awful come out of Panama since their native son John McCain tried to last land an airplane. 6-1…ouch. Also, the Japanese and Senegal played to an entertaining 2-2 draw and the Polacks couldn’t even screw in a lightbulb as Colombia staved off the death threats for at least a few days by pounding them 3-0.

Meanwhile, on God’s side of the Atlantic (and Pacific if you want to get technical), the Dodgers hit 7 solo homers en route to a victory, tying the MLB record for solo homers in a game. The Reds swept the Cubs (sorry Evan), the Red Sox blanked the Mariners, the D-backs blanked the Pirates, the MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIINS blanked Texas and the Houston Astros won again. Also, in the CWS, Oregon State knocked off Mississippi State to reach the final best-of-three series where they will be taking on the Arkansas Razorbacks, which is a fan favorite of at least two Glibs. As far as I know, there’s only one OSU, so I suppose I’ll be pulling for the Hogs. Series starts tonight at 6 pm God’s time.
I’m fired up for today’s birthdays. Not sure why, since as I’m typing this I haven’t yet looked to see who will make the list. Diving in now…and I find: future-seer George Orwell, cager Willis Reed, singer Carly Simon, dy-no-mite actor Jimmie Walker, bassist Clint Warwick, keyboardist Allen Lanier, selfish child-abandoner Anthony Bourdain, atheist funny man Ricky Gervais, pop superstar George Michael, and Canadian “musician” Mike Kroeger, Pretty thin cast of characters there. But there were some important events! Th first woman (1678) recipient of a PhD, Venetian Elena Camaro Piscopia graduated, Virginia ratified the US Constitution, Custer got his ass kicked at Little Bighorn, the Mann Act was passed, Joe Louis defeated Primo Carnera at Yankee Stadium, Britain carpet-bombed Bremen with 1,000 bombs, Ike was appointed US commander in Europe, Anne Frank’s diary was first published in Holland, the Norks invaded the Sorks and the Korean War began, global warming started when it his 86 degrees in Anchorage, AK, the Andrea Doria and Stockholm met in the fog on Cape Cod, the libertarian moment happens when Britain grants Somaliland its independence, “The Omen” was released (shudders in fear), and John Holmes was acquitted own murder charges.
Hopefully the events made up for the dearth of quality birthdays. Or better yet, let’s make up for it with…the links!
More whitewashing of history. Way to hold a 19th century writer to 21st century social standards, assholes.
Retailers are turning their shitters into nightclubs to keep the junkies out. Hey, maybe Starbucks should try that.
Maxine Waters calls on those who oppose Trump to confront his staffers and public officials in public. This may decide the midterms right here, IMO. Especially when the “confrontations” turn violent, which they inevitably will. Not helping things is Bernie Sanders, who tells people to fight back on every front. I can only take that as an acceptance of violence since he neglected to clarify what “every” means. Sorry, but I don’t think the left will be happy until there are bodies in the street…whether they’re the Trump supporters or the leftist antifa goons, they want blood and they know the media will spin it as Trump’s fault, so they’re gonna stir shit until they get some.

“Let’s see, double-anal at 8, BBC threesome at 10, and I’ve got a midget gangbang at 3. Yeah, I think I can fit you in at noon, Mr Mueller.”
Stormy Daniels was all ready for her next 15 minutes. Then the Feds pulled the rug out from under her.
Senator Mark Warner knows how to separate fools from their money. Just kidding. I’m sure Robert Mueller has confided exclusively in him about what might be coming out of the Russia witch hunt. Especially since he’s been so discreet about things up to this point. Hey Mark, talked to anybody named Awan lately about internet security?

Tolerant Oakland
Ah California’s Bay Area: that bastion of lefty tolerance and acceptance. Maybe they ought to take the beam out of their own eye before bitching about the speck in the old south’s, huh?
Oh Chicago…always on the cutting edge. They’re coming up with a pilot program where, you’re not gonna believe this, people build homes on vacant lots and they get sold to people who want to buy a home! Its fucking amazing that nobody ever thought to build homes on vacant property before, right? Oh yeah, one catch: the lots will be sold off to (what I can only presume are politically-connected) developers and taxpayers will pony up $5 million in subsidies for the buyers (who I can also merely assume will be politically-connected). Um, why not sell the lots to developers at a public auction and reduce tax burdens, dumbasses?

Who. The. Fuck. Cares?
Trump does what Trump does too late night TV host Jimmy Fallon. Like puppets on a string.
Yes, I do support the death penalty in extremely rare cases that are completely proven without any fear of mistaken identity. And yes, I hope they fry this piece of shit. There’s no place in a civilized society for people like this and I, for one, will be glad when they remove him from it with all permanence.
Actually several choices for music today. But I went with this one.
Have a great start to your week, friends!
“That’s why I always call out, ‘Hello! Hello! Oakland Fire Department!’
That could cause problems at the Cineplex.
That’s a GIF worthy first.
>>Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name pulled from library award over ‘stereotypical attitudes’ in her popular books
It was a black doctor who came and saved her sick family! *shakes fist*
The should just update it. “Lil’ Ho in the Pussy Palace.”
the feds figured out that we skin-suited Avenatti
Wait what? I thought from looking at him that he was the vanguard of your open invasion. That is a skin-suit? Why would you make a skin-suit that reptilian?
Cuz mammals other than the commentariat are stupid and unobservant.
I piont to Rick Scott as a prime example. Florida Man elected him twice as governor. We pretty much just tucked his tail and put some makeup on him, and same with Bill Nelson. Although that reptile does need to work on his look
Anyways ya that Lawyer was a quick and dirty snatch & swap. .
We elected him twice as governor because we figured the lizards couldn’t do any worse than any other politician.
Ya pretty much, and you can thank us for that non-existent high speed train later
I think you’ve laid enough ground work that you’re not going to need the skin-suits for much longer. We’re already at the point where we’re electing Trump and Scott. I think we are ready to turn the reins over to the lizards next.
Warner is a douche.
Note that the event was held at Warner’s house on Martha’s Vineyard.
Two comments:
1. I thought the opioid epidemic was mostly pills. Kind of hard to shove those pills into an open vein in any case.
2. Is this the real reason behind the Kmart blue-light special?
Sloopy could have went with this for the music. But I’m ok with BÖC
I still don’t understand the umlaut…
Does anyone?
Umlaut of Unknown Origin
“Attention K-Mart junkies…”
*80’s movie slow-to-fast-clap*
Crushing the pills?
Cut-rate heroin on aisle three might be just the thing to make KMart great again.
I thought the opioid epidemic was mostly pills.
The opioid epidemic is mostly due to the unavailability of those pills. So people move on to heroin and fentanyl.
Some iron law about foreseeable consequences not being unintended?
More whitewashing of history. Way to hold a 19th century writer to 21st century social standards, assholes.
Joke’s on them since Rose Wilder Lane more or less ghost wrote all of those books anyway.
Does that mean libertarians are after all racist?
Was there ever a doubt?
Nicholas Sarwak seems to think so
This hounding people in public is the most depressing development yet. I utterly despise Mark Herring but I’m not about to start following him around so I can start screaming at him in a movie theater or a restaurant.
If we act like total asses and bang the drum a little harder, then the voters will begin to trust us!
Of course it worked for you know who…
Neal Peart?
The Stone Roses?
They wanna be adored?
Todd Rundgren?
Oskar Matzerath?
The little drummer boy?
They really should pay attention to their own history.
Over the top antics by gay pride marchers shoving the “gay lifestyle” down everyones throats did absolutely nothing to help gay rights, What did help gay rights was Will and Grace and similar shows portraying gays as normal average people with the same hopes, fears, and neuroses as everyone else.
Similarly over the top public antics of “resistance” are not gonna endear these morons to middle America and they are just going to drive an ever larger portion of that white working class plurality of the country into Trumps camp
On the one hand, it will eventually lead to a gang fight or mob violence. On the other hand, it’s not like normal, well adjusted people were going to go into these jobs except for the harassment.
I’m waiting for the counter-mob to surround Maxine Waters. Which will, of course, be totally racist and for absolutely no other reason.
I’m in favor of every politician being hounded out of every public place, every time, forever.
Batman Forever gets the Tarantino Top Gun treatment
That sounds like a good PHD topic for about 100 or so people.
Well, he does run around with a teenage boy dressed in pantyhose
These people are so far up their own asses. Everyone has joked about Batman being gay since forever. No one gives a shit. It was a good comic and a good story. They just cant quit rubbing our noses in it. We get it. We have always gotten it. Now shut the fuck up about it and make good comics.
Bull fucking shit…
Batman Forever was one of the first VHS videos I ever personally owned (a gift for my 9th birthday). I watched it 100 times.
The relationship between the orphan Robin and Bruce Wayne is one between a father and a teenage son.
Therefore, the choice Batman is making is between his lover, and his (adopted) son.
I don’t know about any other Batman shows or comics, but in Batman Forever, it is very clearly a father-son relationship between Val Kilmer and Chris O’Donnell. And only sex obsessed degenerates could think otherwise.
There seems to be a trend in Leftist artsy-fartsy circles where every single work of fiction is re-imagined as a sexual story, usually with homo-erotic undertones. I guess it would just go hand-in-hand with their abnormal obsession with all things related to sex and gender.
Deconstruction allows for “everything goes” in criticism, since the intent of the author is irrelevant and it is only the recipient that matters. Therefore, you should expect art criticism to follow the political winds of the day.
I hope the trend of politicians inciting their followers to verbally and physically harass political opponents is a short lived trend.
I’m curious how this would have been received by the media if Repubs had incited this during the Obama administration.
If they get any traction with it at all, it will not be short-lived.
Remember: Lefty wacko takes actual pot shots at Republican Congressman: yawn, nothing to see here
Lefty protester gets hit and killed by an (redneck) alt-righter driving a Challenger? END OF TIMES! BEGINNING OF FASCISM!
Are you talking about Scalise or when Rand Paul’s neighbor tried to kill him (and later the prosecutor let him backtrack from his stated political motivation, IIRC)?
Or shooting a bunch of Republicans playing softball. That didn’t get 1% the coverage of Parkland.
Should be congressmen – the softball shootings that gbob already mentioned.
Remember the poster with the bull’s-eyes after the Gabby Giffords shooting?
The very first time it happens to a black Leftist, they will compare it to lynch mobs.
Um, why not sell the lots to developers at a public auction and reduce tax burdens, dumbasses? – that is crazy talk. Also muh affordable houzing. Anyway how can you expect people to accomplish stuff without the guiding hand of the enlightened bureaucrat?
Look, you don’t
paycontribute money to those politicians for years only to find you have to outbid other people. Fuck that noise, you paid for that land already.Sorry, but I don’t think the left will be happy until there are bodies in the street…whether they’re the Trump old or the leftist antics goons, they want blood and they know the media will spin it as Trump’s fault, so they’re gonna stir shit until they get some.
On that topic…
The Real World Is Starting To Resemble Twitter, And That’s A Problem
I thought being gay was a choice for some people. I can’t keep up with the orthodox.
It changes based on the needs of the current situation. Sometimes, it’s a choice and people need to experiment to figure out their sexuality. Other times, it’s not a choice and they can’t help it, you bigot!
Third Reich Chimichangas sounds like a nice place to eat.
Good. So I can refuse to serve Catholics, Jews and Muslims. After all religion is a choice.
Hmmm… So’s having a wedding.
Potentially a new classic: Scholar writes a paper about her cat dying. The cat in question and her other cat are co-authors on the paper.
Difference being that she probably wouldn’t eat the cat if it died in her apartment.
One more Democrat voter.
Schrodinger’s cat?
Good morning, Sloopy! Great lynx as usual.
If you are distributing kits like this – congratulations! – you are officially living in a shithole. I wonder if the no-trespassing signs are magic like the no guns signs are?
When I lived in a gay neighbor in Denver, blue lights meant one thing. Guess that’s changed or Alex is right and the bulbs are turning us gay.
Wow. Japanese apartments must seem like a mansion after living in a gay neighbor.
Must a been a big fella.
Straffin is lemmiwinks?
Dammit. Sorry Taro, I’m moving out tomorrow.
Straffin, come out of the colon, er, closet.
…and half of those kits got sold on the roadside by junkies needing their next fix.
Ad Hominem is Everything, Ignore the Content, Study the Conveyor
Damn. We may actually get to see this movie!
Well not we per se but future generations.
It won’t be worth a shit unless Gilliam makes it though. No way would the studios give him the budget he’s gonna want.
Some Rivers Are So Drug-Polluted, Their Eels Get High on Cocaine. If these are gay Mexican Eels, sounds like a libertarian moment to me.
On the bright side, they now have a future on Wall Street.
Stop flushing you stash down the toilet. Dispose of it properly. This should apply to most household waste.
Flushing it a little bit at a time, through your own urine?
I guess with cocaine addled eels, butt stuff is just implied?
The Iceman’s lithic toolkit: Raw material, technology, typology and use
Criticizing a man’s tool skills when he is dead …
Speaking of early man’s tools:
This is not meant to be a shameless plug. And I have finally completed the inventory and added in the estimates.
Isn’t selling Native American arrowheads cultural appropriation?
Don’t know.
Don’t care.
If you know any Indians looking for a piece of their history with a big checkbook, tell them this paleface will be selling a shitload of it in just under three weeks.
lived in a territory where transalpine contacts would have been of great importance
We need more propaganda with our facts.
Had the unpleasant experience of working with some of these knuckleheads when I used to teach a photoshop class.
Used to be tough to rewrite history. Now it’s a mouse click away.
In the future my Grandkids will learn that Lincoln’s final words were “fuck trump”, Hitler spent his time fundraising for libertarian causes, and STEVE SMITH was a woman fighting against the patriarchy….and by fighting I mean….well, you know.
‘ In an effort to improve coverage of gender, feminism, and the arts on ‘
Why is Art a woman’s domain?
Menstrual painting.
Would you pass this university sex and consent quiz?
I think the Dick and Jane level of writing is more disconcerting to me than anything else.
That was my thought. It’s like the program expects college kids to be as intellectually advanced as a kindergartener.
On second thought, maybe it was necessary.
If I pass do I get guaranteed sex?
Kaya decides to wait until morning. – to be fair if it is like 4 AM it should wait till morning, interrupted sleep has negative health consequences.
What you gonna do when you get lonely, Kaya sleeping by your side, Maaayla.
Being woken up to surprise oral sex is one of life’s great pleasures.
Glad I’m not of the current generation of prudes.
Being woken up to surprise oral sex is one of life’s great pleasures.
What if it’s STEVE SMITH? That would certainly be a surprise, but I doubt the pleasure part.
Being woke up by having your ear-drums ruptured?
“Kaya pauses and thinks how she’d feel if she swapped places with Mayla.”
Let Mayla get teh mouth cancer.
Just so I’m clear on this, Kaya and Mayla are both chicks, right? Hot.
You must have missed the link Tres posted last night: https://nypost.com/video/bearded-lady-is-hairy-proud-and-her-girlfriend-loves-it/
I’ll take “things I’m not going to click on for 100, Alex”.
“Trump does what Trump does too late night TV host Jimmy Fallon. Like puppets on a string”
This genuinely makes me think that Fallon isn’t just a douchebag, but a terrible person. You can disagree, but to feel remorse for humanizing an opponent? That’s creepy. Definitely shouldn’t every feel empathy for those you disagree with.
He’s just a coward, which is not surprising. Entertainers live and die at the whim of their audience. They learn early on to conform to those desires.
Even a coward should know right and wrong. I’m not saying it’s an easy decision, but the right thing would be to say: Fuck you, Trump is a human, and to dehumanize someone for political reasons is a dangerous road.
I don’t disagree, but he’s a coward, what do you expect?
I really didn’t want to love Trump, but damn that is beautiful.
So they’re saying we *should* dehumanize the President?
Trump Calls for Depriving Immigrants Who Illegally Cross Border of Due Process Rights. TW: NYT.
I’m not surprised. At this point I’m rooting for the wall because the influx and the bitter political division it brings is tearing the country apart.
The Left and their determination to control us all is tearing the country apart. Importing millions of Democrats is just one of their tactics we are currently fighting over.
Yep if it wasn’t that they would have something else to bitch about.
They are already running ads about health insurance premium increases. There tactics seem to involve creating a giant mess then complaining about while blaming Trump.
Of course, it’s always the Kulaks, wreckers, and hoarders fault never theirs.
I forget who said this: “Politicians dont solve problems, they create them and then campaign on solving them.”
I don’t… I don’t quite see how this works. I assume BCP asks, “Are you a citizen, do you have a visa?” and if the answer to both questions is no they…. drop them back off in Mexico and hang out until the would be border crossers leave?
I never understood that part. If I show up at the airport without an ID, they don’t let me through to the gate.
Why don’t we just turn people around and tell them to beat it? I’m certain in many places that’s how borders worked in the past and probably still do – cops or soldiers thereto make sure you really do turn around and go back.
Since when do Aliens have due process rights? We need a fucking Wall NOW!
Whoa there. Due process rights are for the people, not just citizens and permanent residents.
Now when people are captured adjacent to the border and they’re asked if they are here legally and they say no, perhaps the due process is to take them back across and drop them off. But aliens, legal or otherwise, should always be afforded due process. The alternative is distasteful to say the least.
I’m not sure how much of that is snark, i’m not advocating for Violence, just stopping them before they get in. Trump should go Ape shit on the Mexican Gov. for promoting this whole fucking mess IMO
The wall and due process are completely different conversations. Perhaps you conflating the two got me and a few others on here a little confused.
I’m fine with a wall. A big, huge fuck-off wall with wide open doors and CBP staffers there to ensure no hardened criminals come in and to hand out flyers saying we no longer have any welfare programs and to enjoy their time in our country. That’s my ideal setup.
I would argue if we got rid of welfare, and ended the WOD the wall would be unnecessary.
Trump should go Ape shit on the Mexican Gov.
He fancies himself a regular Andrew Jackson. He should challenge the Mexican president to a duel. Alternatively we could buzz the border with B-1’s or something.
That’s why the current tactic is to swarm the border with so many people that due process is practically impossible.
While I am for for expedited procedures, they must be followed, or preferably stopped at a wall before it is necessary.
SCOTUS has consistently recognized 5th/14th amendment rights for *everyone*, including illegal aliens, for over a century.
The strange origins of the free speech warriors
Or they just understand Free speech to be a foundational part of a free culture. But you don’t want a free culture because some women might choose to be mother’s and wives…
And Orwell’s 1984 was about learning to trust and submit to authority. Now bend your neck and accept the yoke.
Which Dem was it that actually said that (or something similar)? I mean, without the last sentence, which was only implied.
It was from Clinton’s memoir
The alternative is policing speech, which is tyrannical and antithetical to freedom.
Sorry to whichever Glib has abook on Amazon. After a story like this, it might be taken down soon.
“The e-book, which has been branded ‘disgraceful’ by Amazon users, describes creep shooting as an “art form”
I’ve seen bigger stretching of the term ‘Art’
Sad thing is, I bet you it sold more than the book I ghostwrote on Niagara Falls. Think we only sold 60 copies in the past four months.
Now I know the topic for the next book!
“Slowly I turned…”
So it’s wrong to take secret photos of women? Asking for a friend.
flashback: Back when I was 20-something, I spent a year living in Boulder. There was one busy pedestrian intersection on Peal Street where an Old Man With Camera sat on a bench and would photograph women crossing the street. From the angle he was sitting, it looked like a lot of breast shots.
Colorado? Breast shots? Sounds like a relative of Q busy at work
I took a creep photo of my neighbor’s car today. I got buy the dude a beer someday.
Oh, and sorry, Yufus, but it made me laugh.
This is a good thing Straff, I have signed up for you podcast………………..
Information wants to be free
Information wants to be $5.99.
Freedom costs a buck-o-five.
What you do in public has no reasonable expectation of privacy . . . right?
Why people who try to do the right thing don’t last long as staffers. Because their bosses are mostly crooked, venal, grasping little thieves.
$1.2 million budget? For a single Swamp Creature’s office?
Yeah, I think we’re well and truly fucked.
Its not very Presidential, but it is at least the basest loyalty of the mob. Nobody hassles your people and gets off free.
I like his axiom, it makes good sense
Have leftists started demanding an ethics inquiry to the statement? Because they said Sanders violated ethics rules by describing what happened to her with her official twitter account.
Say what?
That news is like 12 hours old. In newscycle years, that’s a decade.
But Dem tweets lambasting the NRA are totes cool.
Or, what came to mind for me was all the times Obama talked shit on Fox News.
Gosh! Isn’t it great when every aspect of life is politics? I mean we are living in Democratic Nirvana.
I am so excited that we are entering an era where we must examine the politics of a restaurant before dining there!
The internet was a bad idea.
He shouldn’t have tried the grapes. They’re out of season and sour.
The Reds moved past the Mets into 13th place in the NL.
You are next San Diego!
Your dedication is commendable.
I remember 1976 (vaguely 1975, but I was a daily standings watcher in 76).
It stopped being commendable and bordering on psychotic decades ago.
Apparently, a lot of Christians are failing to Christian properly. But don’t worry, Salon is here to teach us how to be true Christians!
How could evangelicals have possibly voted for Donald Trump in good conscience when they had a moral paragon like Hillary Clinton on the same ballot?
Blessed be the cakemakers.
Without reading the article, I will say I don’t like it when churches get involved with politics. I would prefer to be in doubt about how my pastor votes.
The last time i spoke to my Pastor, he invited me to a Men’s Group on Palestine, and I asked, Why? there is no such place.. not well received
Yep – I’m just about done with the Presbyterian USA. We’ll be in this town a few more years then hopefully out of NJ. Were ever we end up next, it’s unlikely we’ll join another mainline church sinking into social justice BS.
Back in the late 80s/early 90s I had some Pres friends. They were sick of PCUSA then and only went to PCA churches.
We landed briefly at an Episcopal church after ditching the RC church. I can’t imagine anything more nauseatingly social-justicey than them. Even my completely non-political wife was taken aback. Gross.
Hey Tundra, if you don’t mind my asking, where did you end up?
I don’t mind at all. We ended up at a Lutheran church, primarily through friends. The head pastor turned out to be awesome and their kid’s programs were top notch.
That said, I’m a very infrequent visitor now that the kids have been confirmed. I was always happy though with the lack of political bullshit.
Matt Walsh actually had a pretty good podcast about that. Adopting social justice bullshit as your doctrine kills the church.
Ill give that a listen
Book seems very white centric. Black evangelical Christians super majorities have been voting for democratic candidates for decades
My wife and i have been struggling with the prog positions of the elca for years. She is a pastor and thinks she would be black balled if her nom sjw positions were known. Sadly she thinks the leftism just needs to kill the elca then we can start back to basics and fresh
Y’know, y’could just… maybe change synods to WELS or MLS…
*shrugs, kicks rock*
Wife is a pastor. Those won’t work
It’s tricky if a congregation is not politically motivated than thats fine (last couple of churches were not). Every congregation can go to the beat of its own drum kind of. But upward progression is a no go
Whoops, skimmed right over that. Yeah, that won’t fly.
Since my wife is the more devout of us and has a burning hatred of the Catholic church, ever since I’ve been married I go to Lutheran churches. The church she grew up attending was ELCA, so that’s what we attended at first, at which point she discovered that her old church in Erie was apparently a bit of an outlier among ELCA churches. We’ve gone to Missouri Synod ever since.
Similar experience to mine. I grew up in a missouri synod church that was open table, did mission work with any church group, did a teen elca weekend thing, elca camp. I had no idea it was abnormal until I went to college and talked with students that grew up in rule abiding MS
I must have missed the “Jesus” ticket on the ballot.
He was detained at the border.
Ah so you’ve seen the Christmas time Jesus was an illegal immigrant (to egypt) meme
Someone should probably remind those people that Egypt was also part of the Roman empire at the time.
I was making a Hay-Zeus joke, actually.
*Smacks forehead* damn how did i miss that
This thread is closed like a wall. That has a door. Which is otherwise known as a gate.
There is some former methodist pastor that no longer has a congregation he goes around the country rabble rousing sorry I mean giving speeches. He wrote a letter last week that was circulated in many circles that if your church didnt discuss the border yesterday you needed to leave. I wonder how many families he went down to the border to pick up and be their sponsor.
I’m pretty sure that all the race riots for the past half century occurred in righteous, woke, tolerant, non-confederate states.
We’ve had two in South Florida (not including the one where everyone decided to riot in solidarity with LA in 1992 and then Sublime wrote a song about it) which was a confederate state but also is a completely different place than North Florida and isn’t really southern, and both were caused by a Hispanic cop killing a black suspect. I’m not sure where that fits in.
Conquistadors still at it?
Looks like I was wrong.
Having lived in the Panhandle, I can verify that it really shouldn’t be considered the same state. The only similarity with South Florida is the palm trees.
North Florida is the python eating buffer that keeps the rest of us safe.
What about noted Confederate stronghold, Boston, Massachusetts?
Follow Follow @BernieSanders
Now is not a time for despair or resignation. It is a time for the American people to fight back on every front.
The progressive left would have sided with Barabbas.
Give us Barabbas!
Bernie calling for righteous violence is hilarious. Especially since he was able to buybthat third house this past year.
He has NUFFIN against being rich he just hates the ones he perceives who don’t PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.
They’re ignorant, retarded and immoral beyond the pale.
Only in America can a sonofabitch so lazy that he was kicked out of a hippie commune become a millionaire. What a country!
Hey! I have it on good authority that political violence is uniquely right-wing.
Nah, that’s a Koch brother’s proposal.
Had a convo with the wife last night about this, vis a vis Sarah H. Sanders getting the boot from a restaurant. We both agreed that it was totally within the rights of the owner to do that, but we differed in that I feel like that’s not what you’d call productive dialogue. She’s veering towards “punching Nazis”, but my take is that if you just call everyone you don’t agree with a Nazi and yell at them, not only are you not going to get very far in terms of constructive debate, but the minds you’re going to change are not going to change in a way that is amenable to your position. Like when you look more violent than neo-Nazis, people on the fence aren’t going to see you and think, “Hey, they seem like reasonable people with a valid point of view and I’d like to know more.”
Look at Mr. Nuanced-opinion over here. Probably a Nazi.
Constructive debate is for Nazi’s.
If the left agreed that business owners have the right to refuse to service anyone of their choosing, I wouldn’t give a damn who gets kicked out of where. I only get annoyed because I can guarantee that the same people who refused her service are “bake the fucking cake!” types.
That’s the point I brought up. Thing is, she agrees with the “Don’t bake the cake” bit. My point is that, law notwithstanding, you don’t really want a society where every political disagreement manifests itself in Defcon 1 personal attacks. Nothing gets better, however you define better, if your response to someone’s stance on X is to yell at them and not sell them a Coke.
“Wewease Wodewick!”
Fuck Bernie with one of Mr. Lizards Flying Crowbars
So I kinda missed this reference, unless you’re referring to our orbital kinetic rounds? Cuz that’s a tear drop shape with a silicon carbide core and a carbon steel shell (provides a consecutive ferris surface for the rail gun charge)
How is what happened to Wilder not ‘book burning by other means?’
Orwell, Memory Hole, Incinerator, all the same……….
Because the right people are doing it, obviously. Get woke, Rufus.
Who says it isnt? The left has thrown off their mask. They applauded when it was announced. They are proud of it.
Rufus, don’t you woke?!
I am very much not happy with the Cubs.
Unacceptable. I know FOR A FACT that sloopy put a Santerian curse upon me and my boys.
Sigh. Where can I find a live rooster for sacrifice at this hour?
St Louis and Cincinnati are both closer to Evansville than Chicago.
But the Cardinals are pure evil, so I get not rooting for them.
My mom’s family is from Chicago. Her parents were the first generation born in the US after immigrating from Poland/Czech/Greek roots. She grew up in Greektown. My dad was always a fan and I grew up with noted alcoholic and (unintentionally) hilarious Harry Caray and best-color-man-in-the-game Steve Stone. My dad was always my baseball coach and we’d be the Plaza Park Cubs every year. I’d argue that 15% of the enjoyment in my life comes from Cubs baseball. You should’ve seen me in October 2016.
Now, the Reds. I ain’t got no problem with the
VietkongReds. I’ve seen games there and really respect Votto and oddly Arroyo in years past (I loved how he was just a consistent, be-a-reliable innings eater for so long with such mediocre stuff).The Cardinals can go fuck themselves forever. If they’re playing an AL team, I actually root against them, which is the only team that I’d do so for, because Pitchers Shalt Hit For Themselves was one of the Commandments that
MosesMel Brooks dropped on Sinai.I fell the same way about the Cubs you do about the Reds. And we appear to be on the same page wrt to the Cards, the DH, and Bronson Arroyo.
I also root against the Dodgers vs the AL.
Yes, I would include the Dodgers. Evan does not forget the 2007 and 2008 postseasons.
Mother fuckers.
Watching pitchers attempt to hit is the most pathetic spectacle in modern professional sports. AL all the way.
Here’s why you’re wrong.
1. Nine men on defense. Nine on offense. It’s not that hard.
2. I like the struggle of a terrible hitter trying to do something to help his team.
3. It adds strategy: Let’s say it’s 1-1 in the bottom of the sixth. One out and a runner on first. Pitcher is up. He’s been lights out. Low pitch count. Could easily go on. Do you pinch hit? Do you gamble that the PH can get the run in…or do you try to ride your pitcher longer and hope that he can get a bunt down and then your leadoff guy can get a hit to drive in the run?
That decision obviously never comes up in the AL. This is an important moment in the game and a lot of second-guessing can come based on the results of the decision and also of the outcome.
4. People stupidly think that high-scoring games are Good Games. No. They are sloppy and full of bad defense; they are also overly long.
5. It promotes positional flexibility. The way that the Cubs and Dodgers can move pieces around is much more interesting. In the AL you make a lineup card and just run it out there without thinking.
6. The DH goes against the history of the game, which more than any other sport is actually important and culturally significant.
7. The DH promotes one-dimensional players.
8. The DH disincentivizes Small Ball. Now, I understand that lots of Small Ball can be sabermetrically criticized. However, I love the gamesmanship and execution of those plays. I don’t want to see them go away.
9. Pitchers that bean hitters have to put up or shut up, taking the risk that *they* will be the retaliatory drilling.
10. The DH is thoroughly, thoroughly unAmerican. See also: Baseball in every other country where they are fucking pussies who don’t have pitchers hit for themselves.
Banning the DH should be a fucking Constitutional Amendment. QED.
Banning the DH should be a fucking Constitutional Amendment. QED.
Fuck off, slaver.
Any cock in a storm?
Sounds a little vane…
I doubt he cares weather you like it or not.
Vince Crudele, who supervises the inspection program, said firefighters “absolutely” have the right, listed plainly in the California Fire Code, to conduct exterior property inspections while residents aren’t home. The department sends out pamphlets before the program begins, hosts community meetings and gets the word out through neighborhood groups, Crudele said.
Guess what, stupid. It’s not your “right” to trespass and snoop around on the peasants’ property. You may have the authority, or the power, but not the “right”.
It has come to the point where I hate that word.
Wilder is best known for her “Little House on the Prairie” novels, which the ALSC has stated “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC’s core values” based on Wilder’s portrayal of black people and Native Americans.
I’ve never read the book, but I doubt it could be that bad. Anyway, if you thought that they would stop with confederate icons/leaders/etc., you were wrong.
I watched the show, at least, when I was a little kid.
It has a very positive view of the family’s patriarch.
That shit won’t fly today.
My Great-Grandfather built his house in Walnut Grove, where some of those novels were set, and was just down the street from the LIW museum.
My Grandma would tell us to not bother to go out to the Ingalls family site to see “The Little Hole in the Prairie”, but they did have have a summer pageant every year and the town’s population would go from about 750 to 15,000, for a few days.
Who knew we were all racist xenophobes?
It was a book written by a woman who grew up in the 1870s and 1880s, mostly in frontier or semi-frontier areas. These jackasses are incapable of noting the times in which she lived and wrote and evaluating the books accordingly.
When I was in elementary school we read every one of her books. When I was little I enjoyed the stories about the times in which my great-grandparents lived, but later I realized that Laura Ingall’s father Charles was an irresponsible drifter. He moved his wife and two little girls illegally into the Indian Nation on a rumor that it was to be opened up for homesteading, and was evicted by the Army. He opened a store with little inventory and his family nearly starved. He stole seed grain from a neighbor.
But again, you have to consider the author. Laura Ingalls obviously loved her father and wrote a very sympathetic portrayal. And the ALSC are still stupid assholes for being incapable of considering that Laura Ingalls was a product of her time, not ours.
It’s weird and sad that these people can’t read a person’s account of their life in that person’s own voice and appreciate it as an authentic voice in a historical context. It’s like refusing to learn about the Reconquista because it “others” Muslims.
I remember loving ‘Farmer Boy’. It made farm life sound attractive, though now I suspect I would focus on how much goddamn hard work that involved.
So this twitter is making the rounds on her interwebz about the Aztec sacrifices and were they evil horrific or not…
And it apparently divided the twitosphere. Then again what doesn’t
If the peoples of the Aztec Empire really were down with human sacrifice, really loved human sacrifice, really thought it was groovy and awesome…..then why were they bound and hauled up the steps, pinned to tables, and murdered?
They liked bondage?
They weren’t sacrificing Aztecs. They were sacrificing captives from other tribes. Despite the religious trappings it was really just cannibalism. Get that? A civilization that fed itself on the human flesh of its enemies.
You can’t own
propertyyour own body, maaaaaaaaaaaan.Yeah, if you really want to understand the Aztec Empire, start with understanding that they fought wars of conquest in order to capture sacrificial victims. Framed another way, they went to war with neighboring tribes who started to get a little uppity in order to capture their warriors and kill them. They were so feared and hated by their neighbors that their rival tribes saw a bunch of hairy, sweaty Spaniards and said, “Yeah, fine, whatever, Catholic. You’ll help us kill these guys, right?”
Tens of thousands killed over the course of a couple of days as part of a religious festival? Put me down for horrific, maybe not evil but definately not a good thing.
I’ma go evil on this one. Generally speaking, if you have to bind someone in order to do something to them because otherwise they’d leave, particularly if it involves cutting their heart out of their chest, that’s a thing. The Mexica were a horrid, horrid people and got everything they had coming to them, frankly.
It’s absolutely evil. If you can brainwash someone into cutting their own throat in the name of the gods, that’s a bit of a gray area. Yeah societal pressure and all that, but at the end of the day, if an adult wants to drink the poison Kool Aid or light themselves on fire that’s their lookout.
But don’t tell me the bound and gagged POW who needs to be held down by warriors while the priests cut the heart from his chest is a willing participant in a unique and diverse rich tapestry. That was the real reason for Aztec sacrifice: they would capture the warriors of subject tribes and murder them, thus ensuring that those subject tribes wouldn’t have the capability to resist. Same reason the Nazis and the Soviets shot all the Polish officers and community leaders.
Concentration camps and ovens were a unique and diverse part of the German Reich’s cultural tapestry. Sometimes some aspects of a culture are shit and not worth preserving. Human sacrifice is a biggy, as is slavery. I know it’s fun to think that things white people do are bad but if brown people do them it’s authentic, but referring to the Aztecs as the Nazis of Mesoamerica, as Urthona does, is being unfair to Nazis, frankly.
Sure, that’s all true and the sacrificing of enemy warriors certainly benefitted them but these were people who believed these sacrifices ensured the sun would come out the next day. They shouldn’t be held to our modern standards of rationality and morality in my opinion.
Well, the “if we don’t do this the sun won’t rise” bit happened to be a convenient way to keep the neighboring tribes terrorized and short of warriors. The Mexica were invaders from the jump off; they migrated south into territory that was already occupied, and made alliances with a few of the locals to establish themselves. The reason they built a home in the middle of a lake isn’t because an eagle landed on a cactus or whatever the myth is, it’s because they were in desperate need of a tactically secure place to set up. They needed a moat so bad they just made an island. They weren’t any dumber or more superstitious than we are, which maybe says as much about us as it does about them.
Maybe not evil…in what way? It was murder and cannibalism. It is undiluted evil in every way imaginable.
Aztecs were like the Nazis of Mesoamerica.
Cortez was right. He punched a few Nazis.
Someone has posted an essay bu a professor that said for decades his students always said murder or human sacrifice was wrong (can’t remember which) then things started to change and kids started saying maybe it was ok. Its their culture etc. then he quit teaching
I celebrate Indigenous People’s day by going to the next town over, kidnapping someone, dragging them up the steps of my city hall, removing their heart, eating some of it, cutting off their head, and then kicking their spasming body back down the steps. It’s fun!
Especially since he was able to buy that third house this past year.
Virtue may be its own reward, but you can’t expect a noble public servant to sleep on the beach.
I mean, he doesn’t actually like milk and apples, he just selflessly bears the burden of their consumption as a service to his fellow animals.
Office Prog is Very Concerned about the National Debt this morning. Very Very Concerned. If only we had responsible, frugal, parsimonious leadership.
Is say double all taxes. Who’s with me?
NO, just double Office Prog’s taxes!
Colored bulbs cast an eerie blue glow in the restroom of a convenience store where people who inject heroin and other drugs have been seeking the relative privacy of the stalls to shoot up.
It seems like the blue light would enhance the drug use.
“Colored” bulbs?
This comment is inconsistent with my values and beliefs, and I demand it be removed.
“Bulbs of Color” = totes different.
Smurf-American bulbs.
Can’t find veins in blue light.
Fucking capitalists wielding technology to keep the downtrodden from seeking solace in a dirty restroom.
“Little House on the Prairie” novels, which the ALSC has stated “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC’s core values” based on Wilder’s portrayal of black people and Native Americans.
As we all know, one should never ever read anything which is not completely consistent with one’s own values and beliefs.
That way madness lies.
Next casualty: the Mark Twain Award for American Humor, sponsored by the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts. Can’t have the racist author of “Huckleberry Finn” honored in any way. Hartford, CT should burn down his house too.
that bastion of lefty tolerance and acceptance
Leftists are the racists they claim to hate.
Germany’s Largest Auto Makers Support Abolishing EU-U.S. Car Import Tariffs
Wasn’t meant as a reply – sometimes my browser hates me.
Their hate is far more important than their tolerance.
Math and SJW go hand in hand?
You feel that 90 degree angle triggers you because 90 is the number of times you were dropped as a child on your head? Then make it 89 or 91! Engineering is a patriarchal social construct anyway.
Gutstein, who notes that he once taught a “math for social justice” class at the Social Justice High School in Chicago, argues that teaching “critical mathematics” isn’t an option for math teachers, but rather, a “responsibility to our future.”
Only quoting to remind everyone that this thing actually exists.
So not entering multi-story structures built after 2015.
Leftists are the racists they claim to hate.
They have expectations, which are totally not the same as prejudices. And when a black person does not live
updown to those expectations, like by voting for a Republican, they are… disappoint.George Will is still alive – and woke.
Pretty much George Will is right about modern Republicans and their lack of economic intelligence.
I don’t know if it means you should vote for a communist though.
George Will: Vote Democrat This Fall If You Care About Your Country
I am inclined to do the opposite. Here’s why.
Speaking of woke conservatives, it seems that Max Boot is in for a penny, in for a pound with this impassioned defense of racial quotas at Harvard.
They are a private org, if they want to have racial quotas I dont see the problem. Of course, that should mean any other private org should be able to have racial quotas also.
Indeed. It’s like Pie getting kicked out of that restaurant – the restaurant absolutely should be able to kick out anyone it wants. The problem is that the people doing the kicking would raise holy hell if a restaurant kicked out an Obama staffer.
That also means they never get another penny of public money.
Yes. Does Harvard need public money?
I don’t know about need, but want?
They definitely want public money.
There is, of course, the issue of systemic cheating among certain demos. Perhaps Harvard is compensating.
Sarah Sanders seems to handle herself pretty well considering the level of vitriol levied against her. But I am still an advocate of Milo Yiannopoulos for press-sec. The lulz would be epic.
It would be pretty wonderful to sneer at Leftists and say, “What, you have a problem with the first gay press secretary? This is a historical achievement!”
From the twat linked above:
The Mexica, like many Mesoamerican cultures, believed that without human sacrifice, the sun would stop rising and the world would end. They saw the skulls on the tzompantli as seeds they planted to insure the existence of future generations of people.
This was an absolutely core part of a cosmology and religion that researchers know quite a bit about, but that is extremely difficult for those of us raised in a Western/colonial/settler tradition (i.e., nearly all of us) to fully grasp.
So we need to keep an open mind and consider the historical and cultural context of human sacrifice on a massive scale, but Laura Ingalls Wildeer’s portrayal of “native Americans” and black people is too callous and inhumane to be tolerated?
I need an updated score card.
Cultural/moral relativism is bullshit.
So if Christians believed firmly in human sacrifice that would be cool? I mean give me a fucking break here.
You must dissonate your cognate my son.
By the time a card is printed it is out of date.
Yes, those of us who think it’s wrong to murder someone have a hard time just rolling with human sacrifice.
Every day that I read the news from around the world I become less opposed to human sacrifice.
Does it count as sacrifice if horrible people obligate me to bludgeon them in public? Does hangin’ a foot in someone’s ass because their parents didn’t do their jobs count as human sacrifice?
Seems legit to me:).
So, Rosenstien has until 5’oclock today to produce the documents Congress has subpoenaed or else…something. Hey Congress! This is what happens when you abdicate your responsibility to the Executive. We get an imperial presidency and a bureaucracy that thumbs its nose at you.
Trump put out a slightly ominous tweet on the topic over the weekend. He might start getting personally involved. He could order them to cooperate then start firing people for cause if they disobey.
Good, waiting on the emasculated wussies in congress to stand up and actually do something is a fool’s errand.
I’m hoping they hold him in contempt and schedule an impeachment vote.
Unintentional comedy is pretty high on this one. Wife and eldest both thought this card was funny on it’s one. Even funnier for me.
Whoa. Singularity is nigh.
The Navy publicly destroyed the careers of the Captain and Admirals after the USS Fitzgerald blundered into a cargo ship, but kept the names of the watch officers out of the press. All women and not speaking to each other.
Don’t blame Natalie. Everyone knows Sarah’s a bitch.
Oh yeah!? Well that’s only because Sarah caught Natalie hitting on Sarah’s boyfriend!
I want to say it was Christmas Eve 2012. My parents friends have two daughters. The older one was in the Navy at the time, and she couldn’t make it home on leave, so her and her husband came up and spent Christmas Eve with us. She had a lot to say about the other female sailors.
A buddy of mine was Navy intel and then became a private contractor. They had to escort an Air Force chick through Qatar. Not like under fire, just keep an eye on her in Doha, keep her out of trouble, and get her on a plane with some gear she was in charge of. Apparently like five minutes after they met up with her she was off and running. They had to pretty much sit on her in a hotel until the plane arrived, because when she wasn’t getting lost she was busy trying to find booze.
She had a lot to say about the other female sailors.
The pillow fights get gratuitous after awhile?
If my pillow fights you mean literal prostitution, then yes.
Ha! Saw a couple of Woman Marines brought home for court martial for prostitution in 1990. They had over $50k on them when arrested.
Man, the WMs when I was active duty were generally pretty tough to look at. The main exception was female lieutenants, but then I’m guessing very few of them were actively whoring themselves.
I’m sure these 2 weren’t lookers – but the Seventh Marines had been on the Kuwaiti border for 5 months at that point without even a glimpse at Saudi women in their potato sacks.
Pretty much George Will is right about modern Republicans and their lack of economic intelligence.
True enough, but how are we supposed to convince ourselves Democrats are better? I never took George Will for a nihilist.
History will forever remember Jimmy Fallon – Hair Tussler as the one that normalized Der Drumpfenfuher and set the world ablaze.
At least he would have done something worth remembering.
I have no idea how he got his job. Has he ever done anything funny? The first time I ever saw him was on SNL and the only thing I remember about him there was how bad he was.
His career puzzles me.
Social justice Math:
“Teaching in critical ways is not optional in the present juncture. We have a responsibility to our future and our planet, to life and all species,” he adds. “What we do in the classroom matters, for today and tomorrow, and the myriad possibilities for resistance and transformation are inextricably and dialectically related to the intensity of the crises we face.”
Reflecting on his longstanding commitment to social justice, Gutstein laments that he has had difficulties converting other math teachers into vectors of “social justice pedagogies” to promote “revolutionary” and “radical” teachings.
Traditional mathematics education, he complains, “is not sufficient and does not address many issues” necessary to “critical mathematics.”
“For example, how does one shift contexts from ostensibly apolitical ones to those that are explicitly political (assuming one’s mathematics teaching is contextualized at all)?” he asks. “How does a teacher know what contexts to choose? How to teach about them in ways that bring community wisdom into the experience?”
tl;dr- 2 + 2 = 5
Have I made myself clear?
I want to think that these people have always been here, but they only had the ability to annoy people close to them in the past. Now social media gives everyone the opportunity to reach a mass audience. So now these idiots can annoy the whole planet at once.
Either that, or we have to deal with the fact that huge chunks of the population are going insane in front of our eyes.
I have a friend who worked on Rick Santorum’s campaign. He (my friend) thinks social media has completely destroyed politics. It has given voice to lunatics, and eliminated all nuance by reducing everything to “I love it” or “I hate it”. I have to agree with him. While the Internet has added a lot of value to our lives, it has also provided for a lot of serious harm to be done.
“He (my friend) thinks social media has completely destroyed all relations between people, not just politics”
I’ll expand:
The internet, as a utility and an engine for commerce, has greatly improved our lives overall.
Smartphones are a mixed blessing that increase convenience, but also disconnect people and cause major distraction.
Social media, I’ve decided, is simply a cancer with no redeeming qualities. The nonsense about keeping in touch with friends and family is, IMO, mostly BS. If someone was important to you, you’d pick up the damn phone. And “facebook friends” are not real friends; they’re people marginally socially related to you that you only spy on and compare yourself to.
Facebook is just another tool. My hobbies have me connected to large collection of people with similar interests scattered all over the country. Facebook groups make it easy to keep track of what is going on within these networks.
But as far as family and local friends are concerned, I don’t use Facebook. I block and ignore 3/4 of my distant relatives. Annual family reunions are actually too much time spent with some of these people.
Family are like fish. After a day or so, they all begin to stink and you want them out of your house.
20 years ago, I stopped in a McD’s for breakfast on the way to the golf course. There was a guy in the back ranting at anyone that sat near him. Everyone eventually got up and left. Now this guy is on Facebook and Twitter.
The solution is easy. Get up and walk away. However, for every troll on social media, there are several dozen earnest people that think they need to respond to the troll. Way too many people have failed to learn that the only solution is to just get up and walk the fuck away.
I would disagree with you about the “facebook friend” thing. Last week we got a call from a guy we met probably 10 years ago. He was a friend of a friend, and we met him in South Carolina when we were visiting. We’ve stayed in touch mostly through Facebook, and last week he was in Indiana and called us, and we all go together and had a nice night hanging out (me, my wife, and my SIL all know him). So that does happen, it’s just pretty rare.
I’d agree with that as well.
I couldn’t agree more. Politics has always been tribal, but it took social media to make every single thing become a national bone of contention. How long did it take Melania’s jacket to become a thing? I lay a lot of blame for the divisiveness at the feet of the media, but in truth they seem to follow, not lead, a lot of this stuff. It’s someone posting something on Twitter that finds its way to Reddit and is shared on Facebook and so on that seems to be the way it goes now. It’s people showing off for their friends by saying something popular and snarky rather than people genuinely interested in discussion.
I’d add that that most of the media seems to be under 40 (& much of those under 30) and have grown up with social media running their childhood so think it’s normal.
Critical theory’s single useful contribution to anything at all is the notion that you shouldn’t necessarily accept something at face value. And then, pretty much everything else to do with critical theory in any regard is effing idiocy. It’s not even wrong.
It wasn’t even their contribution. Critical theory (in practice) exists solely to politicize everything.
This. Skepticism is the basis for the enlightenment. Post-modernism and critical theory are direct attacks on the enlightenment.
Well, what critical theory gets right is that a problem looks different if you analyze it from a different perspective. Beyond skepticism, the application of different perspectives to analysis, not just changing the method of analysis but changing the paradigm by which you understand the issue entirely. There’s worth there, in my opinion. But critical theory as it manifests in most cases today is simply Marxism and infantile emotional shouting–I can’t even say “argument” because there isn’t even the nod to rational case-making–in the place of analysis.
Analyzing problems from multiple perspectives is part of being skeptical and existed long before the Marxists tried to co-opt it and use it as a trojan horse for discrediting the notion that up is up and down is down.
^^^This. Critical theory, in spite of the name, was never about actual critical thinking and logical analysis. It was a smokescreen for applying post-modernist horseshit that nothing had objective meaning so however you “critique” something is equally valid as anyone else’s critique. Thus, the Left’s obsession with lived experience and feelz over objectivity.
I’d argue that critical theory goes far further than that. It is an explicit denial that objective truth exists in any shape or form. It’s Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason ab absurdum. The only thing left to argue over is who gets to define reality as they see fit. Therefore, power becomes the only metric.
A massive misunderstanding of Kant?
“How does a teacher know what contexts to choose? How to teach about them in ways that bring community wisdom into the experience?”
“How can I better indoctrinate the nations youth using the veil of science.?”
I grow weary of collectivist bs.
Hundreds of years ago, people understood that it’s worth while for people to study several disciplines and several points of view. The word “university” comes from the word “universal”, meaning that education should be broad.
But today, we have people trying to force every single subject through the filter of one political viewpoint. This is insane.
They’re the ultimate cynics. It’s all about power.
“We have a responsibility to our future and our planet, to life and all species”
Ha ha ha we’ll see how long they hold on to that principle
It’s not a principle, it’s moral cover for their unabashed power seeking.
Actually I was referring to how these proggies will feel while witnessing a whole new species is crushing their puny world.
A lot of words to say what that Bernie supporter said: “I know the numbers dont work but what we are trying to do is too important for us to be held back by math.”
“Series starts tonight at 6 pm God’s time.”
Sloop knows what’s up.
You have survived another weekend bender of booze, cocaine, meth and whores. You deserve some posterior.
#6 wins. Fatality.
Monday is not Hump Day. Maybe it’s Double-Hump Day?
Mugged by reality?
Asian Americans need to wise up and end our blind loyalty to the Democratic Party
Or what, get waterboarded?
Fun fact, John Woo’s father-in-law is one timer CNNer Peter Arnett.
Frankly, I’m a little baffled at why so many Japanese-Americans vote blue when it was Democrat hero FDR who put them in camps during WWII.
Count me in the same position WRT Jews. The Dems have become openly hostile to Israel, harbor and associate with known anti-Semites and attack religious liberty wherever they can. I know OMWC has covered historic reasons for the unflinching (((support))) for the Dems, but you’d think people would wise up and eventually start making different choices.
NYT editorial board chokes on a bitter pill.
Mr. de Blasio could also consider applying the plan, or something similar, to the city’s other competitive high schools, many of which are also failing to admit significant numbers of black and Latino students.
It is a bitter irony, or just a deeply damning fact, that the spirit of Jim Crow would prove so stubborn in a city whose leaders pride themselves on their enlightened politics. Without aggressive action, New York will continue to fail its black and Latino students, a waste of their potential and its own.
Selective admissions process is RACISM. Big convoluted drama about NYC “elite” high schools. Surprisingly, few black or hispanic student score well on the admissions exam. This is not because they are stupid, or innately unqualified. It’s because the public schools they attend suck. The obvious solution is not to fix the school system. That would be hard. Instead, they propose to change the admissions process to forcibly inject a bunch of poorly prepared students, because fairness. Don’t worry, they’ll rejigger the curriculum and divert teaching resources to remedial assistance.
Meritocracy is exactly the same as selection based on skin color.
This recent attack on meritocracy (seriously, do Leftists have a numbers station that they listen to for coordinated talking points??) just confirms my conspiracy theory that the Left is going to try to take over the employee selection process from employers.
The fact that employers are allowed to choose their own workers throws a wrench into a lot of Leftist utopian fantasies. Minimum wage doesn’t work because they’ll just demand better workers for their money, just for an example.
I could see, in a few years, a push to “equalize” job opportunities by just letting the government choose which employees will work at which businesses. Universities will crank out some bullshit “studies” to further the perception that employees are chosen based on arbitrary race and gender distinctions rather than ability, and therefore the process should be handed over to the government.
There might also be some rhetoric about unwise employers “not hiring enough” workers, and this will also serve to sell it as a sort of full employment program.
It might sound kooky, but a lot of shit that Leftists are doing right now probably sounded kooky 10 years ago.
Union membership has been declining for a long time, so I guess they’re on to Plan B.
The suburb I live in is near the old car factories, and still has a strong union presence. A couple of the unions have put up a billboard by the freeway I use to get home everyday. The message on it is simple:
Right to work is a lie!
Private employer union membership is declining. Public sector union membership is growing.
As if you needed more evidence that leftist want everyone to be equal even if it means equally worse off.
” It’s because the public schools they attend suck.”
I question whether it is possible for the public schools to overcome the cultural & disfunctional environment of these kids. Maybe if they were “ripped from the arms of their parent” and put in orphanages (like Gingrich once suggested)? You can imagine how that solution would be viewed next to “spent another shitload of money to hire the world’s best teachers.”
Gingrich? I think you have him mixed up with Ceausescu.
I would say the spirit of Jim Crow is pretty stubborn and that NYC is failing the black and latino students but not for the reasons they put forward and the solution for black and latinos failing to make the cut for these elite schools is not to just start admitting them willy-nilly.
What they are doing is ensuring that they will continue to fail these students as well as the students who do make the cut.
I am seeing a market opportunity here.
“Surprisingly, few… hispanic student score well on the admissions exam.”
(sorry, couldn’t resist)
Raise your hand if you’re surprised.
Gosh, I can’t wait for the government to take over health care so we can all get this kind of quality treatment.
There are two nursing homes in the area I live in. One run by the state and one privately owned. My worked for many years in the privately owned one and says she can’t even step foot in the state run one without being disgusted at the quality of care.
Go figure.
Lack of funding strikes again.
Republikkkins are womyn-hating assholes. Vote Democrat!
As pro-choice Republicans, we refuse to support a party that has rightly earned the labels anti-woman and anti-common sense. Our organization, the Republican Majority for Choice, the organization founded by Ms. Crisp in 1988, is shutting its doors. The big tent has collapsed for good.
We don’t have the space to outline President Trump’s transgressions, but it is important to understand that his rise is an inevitable result of the hostility to women within the Republican culture. Women’s reproductive freedom has shifted with the wind: Remember that Ronald Reagan once supported abortion rights, as did George H. W. Bush, Mitt Romney and Mr. Trump himself.
I, unlike some people, am not categorically opposed to abortion. I don’t like it, but I would not like to see it go back to being illegal. These women spend a fair amount of energy conflating “abortion rights” with “family planning” when abortion is a drastic response to a catastrophic lack of planning. As for their assertions about the vitriol and abuse they suffered at the hands of biblethumping hillbillys, I’ll just consider them to be assertions.
Trump hates women so much he has appointed evil women like Sanders, DeVos, and Haspel to top level positions – who make all women look bad and force us to rain our hate down on them.
They are conflating rights with forcing other people to pay for their rights. You see, if you dont pay for their BC pills or rubbers or tampons or abortions then you are denying them their right to them. Not giving is taking.
The replies, though.
oh shit i love that
“What would make things better? It would be nice if people felt social ties that transcend politics.”
I can’t disagree with this statement, however the Left has absolutely no interest in doing this whatsoever. Part of their decades long project has been to make the personal the political and we’re beginning to see the results of that. When you adopt this attitude, any political disagreement is a personal, even violent, attack. If I were a good little Lefty foot-soldier, I think long and hard about what direction this is going, because if things ever do actually turn into outright, organized killing and violence, everybody loses.
“Every communist thinks that after the glorious revolution they will be the one walking around with the clipboard.”
I dont remember who said that. It was someone around here.
” It’s because the public schools they attend suck.”
I question whether it is possible for the public schools to overcome the cultural & disfunctional environment of these kids.
In this instance (the NYC elite schools) that is not really the issue. They’re not talking about crack babies, they’re talking about middle class kids who are bright but not academically prepared for either the admission exam or the work which will be expected of them if they were to be accepted into one of these schools. There also is a complaint that they cannot afford the (horror of horrors!) private tutorial assistance many of the successful applicants have had.
“Teacher Allegedly Paid Student Hush Money After Sex
WEST DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – A Dallas ISD middle school teacher was charged with sexual assault for allegedly having an affair with a teenage student, who later went on to extort nearly $30,000 in exchange for his silence, according to police.
Thao Doan, a 27-year-old teacher at Raul Quintanilla Sr. Middle School in Dallas, was arrested on Friday in connection to the suspected sexual relationship with the 14-year-old.
The student’s mother turned Doan in to the principal after she found inappropriate text messages a few weeks ago. She said the inappropriate teacher/student relationship started a year ago.
In addition to the texts, the teen’s mother was tipped off by the fact that her son had a lot of cash all of a sudden.”
If you are sending texts to 14 yo’s about sex you are too stupid to live anyway.
I’m not sure this will work out the way the mother assumes, unless she’s assuming her son will be charged with extortion.
I’m not sure exactly what I would do in that situation, but I think I’d work pretty hard to avoid setting my kid up for criminal charges.
“The fire service is a microcosm of the world. Racism exists in the world, and it exists in Oakland and everywhere else.”
Oakland Fire is a hot mess. A microcosm of Oakland.
“These are the signs that your partner is cheating on you”
That illustration is ridiculous.
i have so many questions… i can’t figure out the race of the cuckold. but he’s definitely angry. i assume he’s screaming a garbled mix of “goddamnit” and “fucking bitch”. who’s in the picture on the wall? his parents? love the cool smile on the dude on the couch in his white gym socks, hands behind his head. why the need for the second blanket hanging off the arm rest?
Antifa Militants Ready To Break Bones, Invade Homes
Reveal published a story Tuesday titled “Antifa has a rapid response team that targets alt-right organizers.” The kind of targeting the article describes is not just keeping an eye out for people on the streets, this is more organized and specific behavior that results in a published hit list of right-wing targets. In this case, “hit list” is not a metaphor. This is the list of people Antifa members plan to hit and injure if they encounter them. Reveal reporter Will Carless spoke to one of the “most militant” members of the Bay Area Antifa, a guy called Dominic who sees himself as a “Nazi hunter.” Dominic is ready to take his street battle into his target’s homes if necessary:
One antifa activist, who would give only the name “Dominic,” talked proudly in a series of interviews with Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting about forming this broader alliance of “Nazi hunters” to seek out, reveal and fight these enemies wherever they might show up. Their goal became even more specific after Charlottesville: to prevent more casualties like that of activist Heather Heyer.
“We’ll go to their house, I’ll put it that way. We’ll go to their house,” said Dominic, an imposing, muscular man in his 30s. “I don’t want to hurt anybody, but I want those people to stop it. If I have to put Richard Spencer or Nathan Damigo into the hospital critically, and it would have saved Heather Heyer’s life or the next potential Heather Heyer, I would do it without question.”
Heather Heyer was killed as a result of you a-holes harassing and threatening people. Also, I dare you. If you threaten me or my property you are going to find yourself gazing down the barrel of a polymer-framed black rifle and you are going to have a bad day.
“If you threaten me or my property you are going to find yourself gazing down the barrel of a polymer-framed black rifle and you are going to have a bad day”
Not just a bad day, your last day.
he’ll either die in a home invasion or go to prison for felony assault. that is not a smart man.
“Women Are Evil
The monsters are always men. They menace from the highest positions of power; they lurk in the shadows of our subconscious. At this time of reckoning ― thanks to movements like Me Too and Time’s Up ― some of our cultural monsters are being revealed. But there is a reckoning that hasn’t yet happened and that’s with women, who use their bodies and social positions as wives and mothers to mediate how we handle the monsters of our society.
These intermediaries are all too often women ― white women ― of privilege, who are doing quite well under the patriarchy. It’s a neat trick ― enforcing a system that affords you an amount of privilege but also oppresses others just like you. And it’s one white women have been playing for years.”
TW: HuffPo
“England risk punishment if fans sing pro-Brexit chants during World Cup game
England could be punished if their fans chant pro-Brexit songs during their World Cup game against Belgium, Telegraph Sport can reveal.
Fifa confirmed the Football Association would be sanctioned if Three Lions supporters were found in breach its rules on “displaying insulting or political slogans in any form” and “uttering insulting words or sounds” during Thursday’s match in Kaliningrad.”
Why do they keep using the word England instead of Airstrip One?
How about “Not So Great Britain”?
Fucking stupid. What’s to keep the Dutch fans from chanting pro-Brexit stuff to try to get England penalized?
FIFA is stupid. Soccer is stupid. European “elites” are fuckign stupid.
stupidevil.FIFY. Being more corrupt than the UN is an impressive achievement.
“I don’t want to hurt anybody, but I want those people to stop it. If I have to put Richard Spencer or Nathan Damigo into the hospital critically, and it would have saved Heather Heyer’s life or the next potential Heather Heyer, I would do it without question.”
And if somebody blows your brains out when you assault him in his home, you can go to Heaven as a martyr and be served by a flock of virgins.
ordinary peopledoomsday cultists. I hate ’em.England could be punished if their fans chant pro-Brexit songs during their World Cup game against Belgium, Telegraph Sport can reveal.