Since we’ve made a habit of starting things out with anniversaries (I won’t do sports because soccer isn’t a sport, baseball is dead to me until Angelos sells the Orioles, and it’s not football season yet), today has some doozies. For example, it’s the birthday of Ambrose Bierce, who was the most delightfully acerbic and cynical American writer until Mencken. Ditto Fred Hoyle, the astronomer and science fiction writer who was spectacularly and interestingly wrong regarding the steady state universe, and Arthur Brown, the freakishly influential one-hit wonder.
And because I’m feeling cynical, lazy, perverse, and uncreative, I’ll just jump directly into the news.
Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf.
The sudden freedom for Wilson, 57, came after Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks ordered his release a few hours earlier. The judge had tossed out his murder conviction last week after finding that notorious ex-Chicago police Cmdr. Jon Burge and detectives under his command had physically coerced his confession.
Kevin Graham, president of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, who attended the hearing, called Hooks’ ruling “disgraceful.”
Of course he did. And as long as police abuse is attributed to race, race, race, we’ll never get to the root cause of the actual problem.
Nymphs blitz quick vex dwarf jog.
In fact, the ubiquitous yellow CAUTION signs that are visible along the highways and roads along the Texas-Mexico border shows a man, a woman and a child running. We knew it all along. We drove right past them, as the little girl’s ponytail is lifted up by the momentum of her family’s desperate flight. Miller, Nielsen, and President Trump (let’s not forget he celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a taco bowl from Trump Tower Grill) are the faces and the voracious guts of a nation that has for far too long exploited and taken, dined and dashed.
Oh NPR, please never change.
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow!
Romney’s tone has changed considerably since the 2016 campaign when he called then-candidate Trump a “phony” and a “fraud.” Things change after a president is elected, Romney said, adding that he’ll get behind good policies while criticizing bad ones.
Romney, steadfast in his principles. Utah deserves him.
Jack fox bids ivy-strewn phlegm quiz.
The “Christian activist social justice organization” has 34 employees and 125 volunteers and reported $5.821 million in revenue in 2016 (the most recent year for which financial records have been made public). Expenses for 2016 totaled $5.817 million. Sharpton’s 2016 “base salary” was $250,000. The bonus payment ballooned his total compensation to $687,555.
In addition to his compensation, Sharpton’s hefty expenses–first class air travel, luxury hotels, and a chauffeured car–are covered by the National Action Network. While Sharpton has an office at the group’s leased Harlem headquarters, he often works from a midtown Manhattan office rented by the not-for-profit.
Just rewards for a productive and unselfish career. Remember SP’s slogan: “Non-profit does not mean non-money.”
A very bad quack might jinx zippy fowls.
Tens of thousands of anti-Brexit protesters marched Saturday in London to demand a new referendum on leaving the European Union, as a divided Britain marked the second anniversary of its vote to quit the bloc. Organizers of the People’s Vote march say Brexit is “not a done deal” and people must “make their voices heard,” BBC News reports.
Wasn’t the referendum “making their voices heard”? Well, if we keep doing it over, maybe the proles will eventually get it right.
And now Old Guy Music. Since y’all rarely bother to listen to it and the most comments I ever got about it was whining and complaining when I put up a great Joni Mitchell song, you get her again. This time, a song from the ’70s centered on an incident of which YouTube commenters seem to be ignorant, the Hanafi Muslim siege in DC, our first clue that the newly-inaugurated Jimmy Carter might not be… the most effective person on the planet. Marion Barry was winged in the shootings, and of course, a major demand was the cancellation of a soon-to-open movie about Muhammed, with repeated references by the gunmen to how Jews run America and that this must cease immediately. Incidentally, the Wikipedia stuff about this and related articles bear many traces of the PC editing that seems to be the fashion in their non-technical articles. In any case, Joni does an interesting compare-and-contrast, and of course, the playing and singing are top notch.
Where is everyone?
Slept late. Still pouring coffee over my head.
I’m drinking mine, I must be old fashioned.
At least cue it up.
Your link didn’t cute it up for me. 😉
Er, cue it up.
Although it didn’t make the scene cuter, either.
Me either. Oh boy. Here’s my excuse. Woke up today and took my kid, get this, her fucking nursery school class reunion party. Two hours of sitting in a sweltering hot room filled with MIRFS and me. Finish that and go to a nomihodai lunch (all you can drink) with the MIRFs. Throw back about 6 tall boys and then take my daughter to her electone lesson. Gotta kill the hour and half. Three Black and Tans at the Irish bar while she was in class. Pick her up and head back to the home of some MIRF for her home party. Drink half a bottle of shochu (25% alc) and take the kid home. Now it’s nine pm and I’m pounding the cheap happoshu (near beer) my wife picked up. Don’t know if I’ll make it to the Japan/Senegal game. Three hours to go.
Mothers I’d Rike to F***?
Trying to keep up with the language fun from the links.
Living in the same space, and knowing what some of those “M”s often look like, I assume the “R” is for “refuse”.
Two hours of sitting in a sweltering hot room
Sweltering hot room?
Not me. I’ve been drunk, sober and drunk again three times already today.
Surprisingly, I am here. Skipped church bc word on the street is that a lot of elca pastors wanted to talk about the border, dententions etc
The UMC does that, and I will walk out.
I will 100% guarantee that if I went to any of the local synagogues, the sermons (and likely the services) will be full of that shit. So it’s not just the Jesus guys.
Didn’t the last prominent rabbi who said leave the Caesar stuff to Caesar get nailed up?
Fuckin’ wops, you never know what’s gonna set them off.
Yeah, he crossed the wrong people.
Hung over. The…odd…link titles had me wondering if I had had a stroke.
Whoa, date night?
Better she be hung over than just hung.
Very, very hungover.
It took me a full hour to make what is normally a 40 minute drive to work this morning. We are having some hellacious thunderstorms this morning.
My wife called a few minutes ago. We lost power at our house. That’s pretty rare considering I’m the second drop off the substation located at the end of my road.
Kevin Graham, president of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, who attended the hearing, called Hooks’ ruling “disgraceful.”
I’ll tell you what’s disgraceful, Bub.
The sad fact that Burge and his baboons were not dragged naked through the streets of Chicago and hanged from a lamppost in front of police headquarters is disgraceful.
I won’t do sports because soccer isn’t a sport
You deserve a Fred Durst for that.
No, football (aka soccer) is a sport. Now golf, that is something that isn’t a sport.
Rev. Al Sharpton Gave Himself A $437,555 “Bonus”
We learn of this from The Smoking Gun? I was hoping for a mug shot.
Cook County criminal party
Hey what a coincidence! That also stands for some Russian gibberish I can’t read
Remember SP’s slogan: “Non-profit does not mean non-money.”
It amuses me when somebody says, “The primary goal of a business is to maximize profits.”
Wrong. The goal is to maximize revenue while showing minimal profit. It looks like Honest Al Sharpton has got it figured out.
I would say that non-profit means that any money left over after expenses (that would be called profit in a for-profit entity) gets to be distributed to the leaders, employees and friends.
A rival pro-Brexit march, demanding that the U.K. not compromise with the EU, drew a far smaller crowd.
Mobs on the street > Voters.
It’s easier to get people out to protest against the current status quo rather than for it.
You see how we pay extra if a staffer can use full alphabet sets in a link?
I’m guessing anagrams.
Shit. It’s the “brown red fox…” thingy. Kudos to OWMC.
I get bored sometimes. Clearly.
Not wasted on me. I like that kind of stuff.
Based on the links, I could tell you were bored.
I thought they were secret coded messages to your “children”.
Romney, steadfast in his principles. Utah deserves him.
This is, after all, the state where 20% of the people voted for Evan McMuffin.
Don’t wish such a horrible choice on me. It pisses me off that this carpetbagger just gets to waltz in and assume he gets to walk into power.
Is there a “GO AWAY” voting option? Jesus. You’ve done your public service thing. GO AWAY.
Mobs on the street > Voters.
How the GOP morphed from the party of Reagan to the party of Trump. How the Republican Party has remained relevant by attracting those dumb, uneducated, racist, white hicks clinging to their Bibles, while Democrats have grown by attracting college educated, bright, non white, open minded, tolerant people.
“white hicks clinging to their Bibles”. And guns, don’t forget the guns.
All my hillbilly kin are stoopid truckdrivers: racist, white hicks who know their bible. Like ‘most everyone else, they just want control and free shit. If 300 pound, toothless fucks sitting around drawing foodstamps or disability while talking about the virtue of work makes you a Republican, they’re Republicans. They’re Trumpanistas, and they can’t balance their checkbooks.
That doesn’t at all mean that Hillary is the answer. Maybe it just means everyone I know is a toothless fuck.
Meh, out of all the presidents in my lifetime, Trump is the most like Reagan.
The policy has resulted in more than 2,300 children being separated from their parents or guardians at the U.S.-Mexico border, many of whom had traveled to the U.S. to seek asylum.
Ooh, there’s some slick cape work. Coyote people smugglers are now “guardians”.
Also- the woman who wrote that noxious tripe should be be dipped in boiling bouillabaisse.
“many of whom had traveled to the U.S. to seek asylum”
Note the slick use of the word “many”.
If the actual number of those caught crossing the border was 200,000 you could still say that 8 of those could be considered “many”. Right? I mean, if they took those 8 immigrants, dropped them in your living room and required you to feed and shelter them you would probably consider that to be “many”.
That was some article. Does NPR receive tax dollars? Because if they do, that needs to stop.
Michelle Obama talks about being the first black couple in the White House. It’s about as laughable as you’d imagine.
“It’s just a shame that sometimes people will see me, and they will only see my color, and then they’ll make certain judgments about that” is she talking about all the progressives that deemed her wonderful, beautiful, and brilliant just because she was black?
“Barack and I knew very early that we would be measured by a different yardstick.”
No shit. That doesn’t mean what she thinks it means.
Measured by a different yardstick? Heck, so many proggies didn’t even pretend to have a yardstick. They were like porno queens, on their knees gaping, ready to take whatever came out.
It’ll make me think she’s a narcissist?
You didn’t already think that?
I went past “think” all the way to “heartfelt conviction” years ago.
I don’t like Michelle Obama, but I also think that there was no way for her to win, even more so than for any other first lady. I liked that Melania Trump’s attitude was originally “fuck that” wrt to being first lady and the expectations of being the hostess etc. She’s caved, but Michelle Obama could never have done that in the first place. Dean’s wife was blunt about saying “fuck that” and it’s about time we stopped expecting the president’s wife to take on that job.
I kind of like that Ivanka is the first lady.
Why aren’t these people going away?
Bippity beep, I’m black, boo-hoo-woo, we had diffwent standerds what a shame, blahblahblah we went high when they went low….
God how much more can someone be insufferable?
In major U.S. metropolitan cities, approximately 70 percent of the restaurant workforce self-identifies as “immigrants,” according to Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, a nationwide organization whose mission is to improve the wages and working conditions of restaurant workers.
There’s a reliable source, if ever there was one.
From their careers page:
“Women, people of color, people with disabilities / disabled people, Trans* & Gender Queer/Gender Variant people, LGBTIQ, formerly incarcerated people and immigrants are strongly encouraged to apply.”
That says everything you need to know about the organization.
I wouldn’t swim in that pool of applicants.
It’s one of the few industries that offers felons an opportunity.
Many are illegal immigrants. If you want to work in many kitchens, you need to know Spanish. This is one reason why I have long been annoyed at the idiots complaining about fast food and chain restaurants. They complain about McDonald’s, which pays more than minimum, offers 401ks while praising small restaurants. Far more exploitation goes on in those beloved local bistros. Mostly because the owners can’t pay, or afford compliance costs the way McDonald’s can.
This you’re a hypocrite if you eat at Mexican restaurants and don’t believe in open borders nonsense has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. If people actually take this to heart, which they won’t, who do they think will be hurt the most?
I just love it so much that my tax dollars continue to go to NPR.
It’s the ivory tower version of “you hate brown people” that’s, well, everywhere, including TOS.
What it comes down to is that Democrats did not learn jackshit from Nov 2016. In fact, they just doubled down on everything they should have learned from.
NYT discovers that their and the rest of the media’s screaming about every single thing Trump does has resulted in people defending Trump who otherwise might not. Think they’ll learn something from this? I’m going to guess no.
I like the demographics of Trump supporters graphic…I won’t browse the cesspool that is the NYT comments section but I’d imagine the takeaway from that is that only drooling inbreeds who live in trailer parks support the guy.
“Think they’ll learn something from this?”
No, and there’s no need to think about it.
Muslim Couple: “We were totes Republicans, until that EVIL DISGUSTING TRUMP GOT THE NOMINATION!”
What Muslim ban? There was no fucking Muslim ban, you lying sacks of shit!
Edit fairy? I forgot to put in the closing tags.
Bush killing the shit out of Allah knows how many Muslims didn’t already do that for them?
Well, Obama killed his share of Muslims too, and didn’t bother to declare war or go to Congress to do it.
So they’re stuck between a black stone and a hard place.
“We were totes Republicans, until that EVIL DISGUSTING TRUMP GOT THE NOMINATION!”
Sure you were. And I bet you’re also gun owners who totally want more gun control.
Joni Mitchell? Na, I can’t do Joni this morning. Pass.
Question. I’ve hated The Rolling Stones and whiskey for over 30 years. Lately, I’m getting to love both of them. How does taste change that much after so much time? If I start to get into Jimmy Buffet, kill me.
Jimmy Buffet has to be what the Devil plays over the soundsystem in Hell.
I don’t know. I used to hate rap and hip hop but now enjoy much of it. It is a mystery. As to Buffett, I used to listen to a lot of his music but it lost its appeal somewhere along the way. I liked how he was honest and unapologetic about the fact that he had never had a real job and got rich as fuck for throwing what are essentially beach parties. That and he is big in the sailing circles of which I dabbled in a prior life. Maybe If I ever achieve my catamaran I will go a pencil thin mustache and live on sponge cake. Probably never will but at least I can say I have led my life the best I could and was never a lawyer, a thief or a banker.
grow, not go
“Migration” from A1A with “some things are still a mystery to me but others are much too clear” makes more and more sense daily.
greetings from the Delta
I know guys who hate the Stones and LedZep because they’re little English wankers ripping off a neat culture that would flourish if people spent only half as much on John Lee Hooker albums as they do on British Invasion offerings.
I say: fuck that “logic.” I love the (early) Stones because I heard respectful, raw, honest additions to the (my?) genre. Keith totally gets it, and I leave it up to him who else is strutting about in his band. Brown Sugar, Angie, Sympathy for the Devil, and Wild Horses are genuine contributions to what, for me, is roots music; their accents don’t bother me a bit because they’ve got the chops: as solid as any blues entry I’ve ever heard anywhere, any time………..except SRVaughan and Robt Cray.
I was born in the same village as JLHooker, Muddy Waters (well, he moved from the next county as a child), Sam Cooke, Ike Turner, and Son House (how’s that for collectivism), and I vote “yes” on the Stones, whenever in life you find them.
I dig everything up to Some Girls. Let It Bleed is my favorite album.
How can you not love this?
I ate at my favorite Mexican restaurant yesterday, where the workers can barely speak English. I did not check anyone’s ID.
Party went off very well. Only had maybe a 1/4 lb of the 7lbs of chicken and six hamburgers leftover.
I used lump charcoal instead of briquettes for the first time. I like it better but was not prepared for how hot it gets. I dropped the charcoal to the lowest position and still burnt my hand through a work glove and tongs. I’ll need to get an actual heat resistant glove now.
Also a baby copperhead made a surprise entrance. I enjoy having rat snakes and racers around but venomous snakes get the shovel. It’s a good thing an adult spotted it before the kids or dogs did.
fucking copperheads. I hate them the most of all snakes.
Rattlers will warn you off. Cottonmouths are fuckers but stick to the water for the most part. Coral snakes are pussies and run away fast if you encounter them. Goddamn copperheads just love to stretch out in the worst places and wait for you to step on them.
A copperhead bite is a nasty thing too. My cousin Trudy was bit on the top of her foot when we were kids. She didn’t see the snake and thought she was just wasp stung so we didn’t do anything about it. Several hours later her leg from her thigh to her foot was all swollen up and turning brown.
Snakes… why did it have to be snakes?
Rattlers will warn you off.
I was walking in my woods last year when I heard that rattle. Froze with one foot still in the air. I drew and looked all around but couldn’t find it. Ended up just hauling ass 50 feet or so to get out of the area.
Eastern diamondbacks are the most common around here but we occasionally get enormous timber rattlers.
The only time I have been truly scared an animal was going to kill me was with a monstrously big eastern diamondback. Identical situation except that I did find him and let the hammer down.
Once when I was down at my grandparents place in eastern KY, I think I was maybe 16, I was sitting on a big rock down by the creek. I started thinking, wow a spring day like this is the perfect time for copperheads to come out and sun themselves. Then I glanced to my side and sitting on the rock right beside of me was a copperhead about 4 feet long. I just got up real careful like, then I smashed him in the head with a big rock.
I was mowing two weeks ago and saw a foot long long copperhead making it’s way through my yard. It got the blades and came out in 3 pieces.
Nice. It was moving fast so I missed the head with the first shovel strike and had to hit again to put it down cleanly. So this one ended up in 3 pieces too.
I really like having the rodent catching snakes around, but the venomous ones are non grata.
I hate goddamned copperheads. I have zillions around here. I spent a lot of time in the woods all my life and rarely see them but afterI moved here they are just everywhere. And big. The last one I shot a couple of weeks ago was 5 feet long and as thick as my wrist. I have never seen them that big before moving here.
I have grandchildren that play around this yard. I cant have that shit here.
Do you have Guinea hens ?
A flock of them will keep them out of their home yard.
I assume you probably know that already though.
When I was working at a Boy Scout camp, we would carry axes because they were the perfect anti-copperhead tool. It would sever the head and drag it and part of the body ~3-4″ into the soil. Toss the body off the trail and done.
I’m so used to snakes, they really don’t bother me. They send some people into hysteria though. I remember one time, long time ago, I looked out the window and saw a friend of mine who had driven down to visit, she’s just standing past my deck, just standing there staring down. So I walked out there and there was a black snake lying right across the top step on the steps to my deck, it was a big one, had to be 5-6ft long. She noticed me and looked up and said ‘Is that a real snake?’. I said ‘yup’ and she bolted screaming her head off back towards her car. I laughed.
They send some people into hysteria though.
I know one of those. Can’t even say the word. “It will call them!” You have to substitute “string.”
When I was 20 years old my 19 year old fiancee was bitten twice by a big rattlesnake.
The hospital in Port Lavaca Texas where she was taken was staffed by a decrepit old doctor. He gave her an insignificant amount of antivenom and two weeks later she was dead.
A doctor friend of mine told me that he had a lady bitten by a small copperhead and he gave her 10 times as much.
Over 40 years later her memory hasn’t faded.
James Hansen, heroic savior of humanity
With the perspective of three decades, it is fair to ask: How right was his forecast?
The question defies a simple answer. In 1988, Dr. Hansen had to offer a prognostication not just about how the Earth would respond to greenhouse gases, but also about how much of those gases humans would choose to inject into the air.
If his warning in 1988 had been met with a national policy to reduce emissions, other countries might have followed, and the world would be in much better shape.
But within a few years after he raised the alarm, fossil-fuel interests and libertarian ideologues began financing a campaign of lies about climate research. The issue bogged down in Congress, and to this day that body has taken no action remotely commensurate with the threat.
Those darn libertarian ideologues, doing their best to despoil the planet and thwart the Top Men who only want what’s best for us.
Nice bit of handwaving in there about “Maybe he was wrong about some of it, but those old clunky computers are to blame. The models have been refined over time to give us the answers we’re looking for.” And now, he wants to fix politics, because it’s not fair that people who disagree with him keep getting elected. The man just wants to help make the planet a better place, so shut up and do what he says.
Fucking libertarians rule the world. It is known.
That’s absolutely true from the perspective of a staunch authoritarian. To them, any remaining freedoms are a scourge and evidence of rampant individuality.
Ban it all
Fat causes cancer? Wut?
Over the past few years, the BBC has put out programs on food history. each program makes the point that the rationing of WWII resulted in a very healthy population. That it was really good for people. For example, on Supersizers, the male host talks about how good he felt and how it was quite nice to have had his food limited. Not just in the episodes about WWII, but they also reference it in episodes about other eras. I’m only noticing a pattern because I have watched the shows over a short period. It really creeps me out.
BBC is just trying to soften up the population to the idea that food shortages due to socialism is actually a good thing.
More soften them up for rationing for health reasons, is what I think in my crazier, more paranoid moments. Obesity is treated as the worst thing ever.
That’s not crazy at all – it’s exactly what it is.
It’s all that “wellness” crap coming out of HR except at the national level.
Why would you think that is crazy or paranoid? They have been suggesting it for a few years now.
Just trying to catch up with these guys.
So healthy!
I really noticed it when watching “Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner”, because of the perfunctory way the host made the statement about how healthy the population became during rationing. She obviously thinks taste is more important (and is very heavy), it didn’t seem to fit the rest of the show.
“…how it was quite nice to have had his food limited.”
Cattle, indeed
Mmmm…. cattle…..
No, they don’t want to ban “pester-power”. They want the State to be the only one pestering people.
Something something big ole’ titties.
I wonder how 28 broke her finger?
Probably banged it on something.
As most little boys are, my kid is a big fan of dinoraurs. Knowing this, my wife and I took him to see the new jurassic park movie yesterday.
Oh my are they stretching to find a story line to match with the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were cool, but the plot was idiotic.
I read the original book many years ago and thought the first movie was great, but I think it’s about time for that franchise to hang it up.
Synopsis: Chris Pratt, mouth agape.
“Shaka. When the walls fell.”
“Chris Pratt, his mouth agape.”
*golf clap*
True story about a little boy and dinosaurs relayed to me by my sister years ago:
She was picking up her son from kindergarten after school and her 3 year old daughter was in the car:
Sister: So what did you learn in school today?
5 year old nephew: *Excitedly* We learned all about dinosaurs! The brontosaurus is a dinosaur that likes to eat……..and does…..and looks like……The TRex is a dinosaur that eats….and looks like…..(and on, and on, and on displaying his new found knowledge and relishing in how smart he was)
3 year old niece: *Not wanting to be left out of the conversation and sick of listening to her brother* Oh ya, well mom says if you don’t get all the soap out it will make your vagina sore!
5 year old nephew: I SAID DINOSAUR NOT VAGINASAUR!!!!
They have a different plot? I thought it was the same story over and over with different actors. Show me a clip from one and I cant tell you what movie it is. It’s just one long movie broken into bits, isnt it?
10-year-old daughter is a huge JW nut. We went to see it.
Plot was again, stupid and relies continuously on stupid people doing stupid things.
Slightly better than the first JW. JP1 was still the best.
Just watched the last movie on blu-ray this weekend. It did take an interesting turn by have the park set up and fully operational for a few years – apparently successful the entire time with minimal safety issues – until the chaotic element is introduced. They didn’t try and explain or have flashbacks or stupid crap about the opening or anything else – just some nice throwbacks to the first flick with the old visitor center, jeeps, t-shirts, etc.
Wish I had actually caught it in theaters in 2015.
Getting ready for the move and I wanted something better to keep my old comics. The stupid long cardboard box got brutalized in the last move.
came across this and bought one to check it out. Just put it together and put some comics in it. Pretty cool little contraption.
not that any of you people are such nerds as to need such a thing…
My girlfriend’s photography studio is now littered with long boxes. It’s nice now that I have an excuse to keep them out and read comics all day. I can now fly my geek flag high!
candid photography ?
My girlfriend’s photography studio is now littered with long boxes
These euphemisms!
Shun the bastards
Listen, I get it. The notion of shunning or excluding or heckling can devolve into philosophical hair-splitting as to whether someone has engaged in normal public service or whether they’ve strayed outside the bounds of decent behavior. Each to his own method of expressing disdain and fury, I suppose.
Nevertheless, it is not altogether a bad thing to show those who think they’re exempt from personal responsibility that their actions bring scorn, exclusion and rejection. If you don’t want to provoke wrath, don’t continue to work for someone whose cruel and inhumane treatment of others rivals the internment of U.S. citizens and noncitizens of Japanese descent during World War II. And yes, I’d have hollered at then-California Attorney General Earl Warren, who pushed for the roundup of people of Japanese ancestry, even American citizens.
“It’s okay when we do it.”
Progressives are kind, thoughtful, inclusive, morally upright people, so they may freely judge the thoughts and deeds of the subhuman monsters who infest this once great nation.
So every Fed employee working in the executive branch should quit? I could get behind that.
I find it odd that he mentioned Republican Earl Warren instead of Democrat hero FDR, who is the one who actually signed E.O. 9066.
How much longer will the GOP put up with National “Public” Radio being so one-sided in their presentation of political ideas?
Is the top. person. appointed or civil service protected? Progs are always calling for “independent citizens” to draw up congressional districts.
How about real independent citizens deciding a balanced ideological line up on NPR?
There shouldn’t be government funded media in the first place. Scrap the whole thing and the problem goes away.
I don’t know why people choose to believe the drivel and dreck that is churned out of National Peoples’ Radio.
If there were a radio station run by Wal-Mart, it would be totally reasonable to think that perhaps any stories relating to Wal-Mart might be unduly biased in their favor. But for some reason, this logic goes out the window when it comes to government. We’re supposed to believe that this radio station is run by good-hearted people who just have a passion for the truth and have no ulterior motives whatsoever.
LOL. Is there anyone on earth not clued in to that giant, honking dog whistle yet?
Apparently all crime in Canada has been solved.
I’ve got a short essay on bike lanes I’ll submit; it’s not a full-blown article, but it’s too long for a reply.
What’s with the left trying to put Mexican restaurants out of business?
And what’s with calling adults accompanying illegal alien children ‘guardians’? They are fucking scum, human smugglers.
The left would rather have child rape, prostitution and human smuggling than not if it means pinko votes. The only thing lower than the coyotes are the people pushing this narrative. Scum of the earth.
Speaking of child rape-
Go hogs, beat the beavers.
A younger relative when he was 15…I dont know what the means.
A different article says it was a 6 year old girl. Thays really is not a good look for your program in my opinion.
Noooooo. That’s not good at all. I could see 13 or so at that age, but 6? Yikes. We haven’t heard the last of this I bet.
The article says he completed his probation, and it was six years ago, and an age where we wouldn’t try him as an adult, but people want to ban him for life so they can get their political thing on.
It’s the same reason why I’m dubious about lengthening the statute of limitations.
I wouldn’t advocate any type of official ban or a new policy, but I personally would let some one convicted of molesting a 6 year old on my team, not would I want them to be my team mate.
What leader encourages people to leave the country?
Oh right, the one who’s relying on exploiting a neighbor for economic gain and acting as a release valve for resentment toward corrupt government.
That’s refreshingly honest.
Mexico is only going to be a bigger and bigger problem if we dont put the hammer down on this shit.
Shouldn’t we just invade and annex the whole country? Then We could move down there and clean house, it looks like it could be a nice place.
There is a good reason Cuba isnt part of the US. Same for Mexico.
That’s a terrible idea.
acting as a release valve for resentment toward corrupt government.
The Rageaholic made that point well in the links I saw here. It is a good point.
Obrador seems to be getting good press from NPR this morning. It is on as background noise but the tone seems positive in my lazy listening. Positive and a dose of Trump hate and how if he is elected stopping migrants from central america won’t be priority anymore.
It will be if the US decides it doesn’t want to take any more.
Dean’s wife was blunt about saying “fuck that” and it’s about time we stopped expecting the president’s wife to take on that job.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think that hurt him more than that ridiculous “scream” thing. I think there were actually a lot of people who were offended by Dean’s wife’s disdain for the First Lady thing.
Howard Dean has turned into (revealed himself to be?) a screeching lefty imbecile, but at the time, he was a pretty interesting character, and his performance as governor of Vermont gave him credibility. I kind of started to like him when he said GWB was running the country/economy on the Argentine model.
Most first ladies seem to want it. I think it’s high time we scrapped the whole concept. I remember being baffled and very annoyed when I learned that first ladies have their very own chiefs of staff.
If a woman married to a man gets elected, will we have a “first gentleman?” Why should unelected relatives of presidents have a formal role?
Please follow through on this.
I’m split on whether we’re all saying “Too-NEE-zee-yuh” now because PC or because most of the commentators are English. I lost track of this stuff sometime around the time that “Niger” became “Nee-ZHARE”.
I still say “too-NEE-zhyuh”. Niger I say “NYE-jur”.
I still pronounce “Myanmar” as “BURR-muh”.
LOL. Yeah, I always found it highly amusing that the “human rights” international community insists on calling that country by a name preferred by their brutal military junta.
Words are magic.
Niger, please.
The olympics were in Turin, not Torino.
They had Mexican announcers on for the Mexico-Korea match, which was rather entertaining — “Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal!”
Doin’ right ain’t got no end.
Chicago is set to open its largest LGBT-friendly affordable housing complex on the city’s Northwest Side.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the John Pennycuff Memorial Apartments will provide low-cost housing for people “from all walks of life.” The Logan Square building contains 88 units of affordable housing and is primarily targeted for LGBT tenants. It will also include a furnished lobby, a community room and an outdoor picnic area.
The apartment complex is named after John Pennycuff, an LGBT and human rights advocate from Chicago who died in 2012 at age 47.
The project is partly made possible by a $13 million loan from the Chicago Housing Authority.
Segregated housingFreedom of association is okay, when the right people do it.“LGBT-friendly affordable housing complex”
The city of Chicago operates LGBT-unfriendly affordable housing complexes?
Guessing all the projects they operate are not LGBT-friendly.
Competition for Mr. Lizard?
Or advance party
I looked for a link to the actual government advice….anyone else find it ?
SCEMD= S Caorlina emergency managment division
Wow, that’s an old MK2 Reptile Enforcer Light Armor suit. How the hell did that end up in South Carolina?
One of your pvts selling gear to a pawn shop to hang out at tittie bars?
Meh, probably more likely he traded it for a truck load of steaks
Stainless Steel Rat sighting?
Well, huh.
SIMON: How could so many smart people be fooled?
CARREYROU: Well, I think she capitalized on this in part – it’s not the only answer. But she capitalizes on this yearning there was in Silicon Valley and beyond to see a woman breakthrough in this man’s world in Silicon Valley. If you look back over the past 30 years, all these tech founders that have gone on to be billionaires and icons are all men. Elizabeth Holmes was going to be that first tech founder who became a billionaire.
From an interview with the WSJ reporter who broke the story about Theranos’ bullshit blood mumbo jumbo machine. Maybe you should focus more on the product and less on the sex of the person promoting it.
“Maybe you should focus more on the product and less on the sex of the person promoting it”
Ummmm there are some exceptions to that rule…
I’m in “all people suck” mode today. I’m going to do yardwork, process some stuff from the garden, cook something delicious for dinner and drink. I think the world is ripe for a pandemic with a 90% mortality rate.
Admit it, you’ve already been drinking.
Two pizzas last night, chevre/asparagus and classic margherita. Appropriate wine, 20 year old syrah with a French accent.
excellent pairing: 2horse privet shears and a carafe of syrah
Nope. It’s 0930 on a Sunday. Just finished my second cup in bed.
Besides, I’ll be identifying as an illegal Mexican landscaper today. I like all my digits.
Sorry, but Your Future Reptilian Overlords do not feel biological warfare is economically viable. You’ll have to wait for the orbital strikes along with all the other dregs of your puny world.
Damn. Now I hate lizards too.
Sorry player, we are not known for our people skills
New wife hears my chuckling, pauses talking heads. I quote “all people suck mode.” She clucks knowingly: he’s reading his Glib thing. Un-pause talking heads, finish sausage and eggs.
Been thinking an awful lot about the bunch of acres I want to buy in rural Montana or Wyoming.
Keep digging!
She is the press secretary? She reports news? She used official account to report news. Fuck off.
Hillary gets to shit all over ethics rules and laws in broad daylight while giving the finger to everyone and she gets a pass? Now we are going to split hair with Sarah? Fuck. Off. Assholes.
So, is it against the law when the Dems yell, scream, tweet about the NRA?
Schaub has been a self righteous prig hall monitor since the day Trump was elected.
Schaub has been a self righteous prig hall monitor
Stop the sentence right there. This was his qualification for appointment in the Obama administration.
They must really, really want more Trump.
Why, call me crazy, but you might even draw the conclusion that Trump administration officials just want to stop illegal immigration and don’t actually have any problem with legal immigrants, especially those who start businesses.
No way! They’re just motivated by bigotry and hating messicans.
She should’ve ordered the gay wedding cake.
Pam Bondi must have a picture hidden in the attic. How the hell is she 52? She looks like she’s 24. Max.
Those jerks going full ah at a Mr. Rogers documentary. Zero class. The irony of a woman screaming out that she is a horrible person. Look in the mirror b*ch.
Wow, the brownshirts sure have had a busy weekend.
I think I nbn have mentioned this here before, but work can get a little exciting around here when it rains, and we have bee. Having heavy thunderstorms all morning.
When we melt stell, the crane uses a clamshell bucket to drop 30 tons of scrap steel into an empty furnace. The roof swings back on and we arc on the steel until its melted down enough for there to be room in the furnace to drop another 30 tons of steel in.
This is where it gets fun. The scrap buckets are loaded outside in the rain, so there is a lot of water present. When the wet steel is dropped into the already melted steel, we always get a good explosion in the furnace. Sometimes violent, sometimes not so violent. When that second load of steel is being dumped in, we sound an alarm on the PA system that let’s everyone know to clear the furnace floor because when the explosion occurs, God knows what will come flying out of the furnace. It can be anything from liquid stell, to ball bearings to crane wheels.
Our meltshop had essentially the same set-up, with charge baskets loaded outdoors. Wet scrap can make things interesting. Even more so at a secondary aluminum furnace.
I once went to John’s Hopkins to do a test on their medical waste incinerator- they burned everything in the ‘red bag’ or boxes you see in a doctor’s office. When I got there, I learned we had to postpone things for at least a week while they re-lined the firebrick in the primary chamber- someone had charged the unit with an oxygen bottle in the waste. Its my understanding that it was quite the attention getter.
You Steel Guys are nuts
/Bows in Respect…..
HE has the rough job. My department just bitched at his dept.- “look, you guys have GOT to stop doing ______, or KY Department of Environmental Protection will be pulling up to the gates!”
However, a 1,000,000 cfm meltshop baghouse (with its own air-air heat exchanger that radiates around 35 MMbtu/hr) is quite an impressive site.
Yes, the ductwork is mighty impressive.
I’m the little tiny spot up on the Roof, fixing a Control Booth A/C
I did some work at Kaiser Steel way back when, Impressive.
The Things Man Builds are Fucking Awesome!
I imagine it was.
On the side of our furnaces, we have oxygen lines that run into burners. When the furnace is arcing, we blow pure oxygen into the furnace. The oxygen combusts as soon as it is comes into the superheated environment inside the furnace and helps to melt the steel more quickly. We run 3 burners at 27,000 cfm of oxygen each.
It is extremely important that these burners never ever ever get turned on when the furnace electrodes are off. If that oxygen didn’t combust and filled the furnace, I think when the electrode power came back on, there would be nothing but a smoking hole where the furnace is supposed to be.
There are triple redundant safety valves to make sure this doesn’t happen that we test for function on a regular basis.
Oh, dont ever think people cant bypass multiple fail-safe layers. We had a rolling mill (z-mill) crash and burn one day. Since I was the site radiation safety safety dude, and I knew they had a thickness gauge, as everyone was running out my dumb ass was walking in holding a geiger counter. Sure enough, when the e-stop is hit, the shutter on the source is supposed to slam shut too, and it didnt. As it turns out, the start-up procedure for that unit required an extra 10 minutes for check-out of the thickness gauges. Since production rules all, and time is money, it was quite conveniently bypassed. Which was never a safety issue as long as the source stayed where it was supposed to. But the crash knocked it out of whack, shutter open, luckily pointing to the ceiling, and not at people.
They did something similar to the mist-eliminator for the magi-oil recycle system, cause employees were complaining about the “smoky” air in the building. To increase exhaust air flow, it was gutted, and moved it all out of the room….right up to the roof, when it condensed upon hitting air, and coating everything in a thin layer of Repsol.
Do those explosions cause any actual damage? Why not store the scrap under cover or predry it somewhat?
Amazingly enough, they dont really cause too much trouble. Every now and then when liquid steel is blown out it will get on some conduit and burn up the wiring inside it or hit a cooling water hose and burn a hole in it. Other than that and making a mess, it’s no big deal.
When Ford had their casting plant in Cleveland, they used open-hearth cupola furnaces (1930s tech) to do all their melts for blocks, cranks, intakes, etc. The melted steel was poured into smaller transfer-cupolas to move the metal to the areas for the different casts. It was quite a sight when they missed lining up the 2, and poured molten steel all over the floor.
Good Lord. When I am casting lead, which is a hell of a lot cooler than molten steel, I always make sure everything is dry as a bone before putting it in the pot. I made the mistake of not doing that once when I was young and careless. I still have a scar on my leg about the size of a quarter.
They cant put the scrap in a shed and keep it dry? That sounds more than a little bit dangerous.
Fun fact: Molten lead, only at 500 to 600 F cooks to your skin and doesnt come off easily.
Our yard where we keep scrap would require a covering tall enough to get an 80 foot boom from our scrap cranes under it and w oil nbn have to cover around 30 acres. We have a lot of scrap out here.
Ours was _sorta_ covered, but the charge baskets would still get rained on moving from raw materials into the melt shop. I was always astounded at our raw materials people, and how they could keep 50 types of scrap segregated and labeled.
Yeah thats something. All the scraps are graded according to what alloys are in them and then the scrap crane operators are given a recipe for how much if each kind to load in the charge bucket. The recipe varies according to what kind of steel we are making.
The closer they can get to correct with the scrap mixture, the less alloys we have to either add or burn out.
The Niton™ guns they use for alloy identification are really neat. That, and Im an idiot, and can waste hours going around holding it at different hunks of metal.
“Ooh! This one has 11% Cr and 1% Mn !”
The Niton™ guns they use for alloy identification are really neat
Holy shit! Tricorders are real!
We used to flick excess lead solder, which is at about half that temperature, onto the floor. Easier that using the wiping pad. On a properly waxed floor, it’ll come right off in nice sunburst flakes without any real damage to the tile.
These guys are artisans with lead. Amazing, amazing quality work.
Sounds like fun
Steyer, [blank], what a [blank].
Michigan’s two largest electricity companies struck a “breakthrough agreement” last month with billionaire California environmentalist Tom Steyer to boost the Wolverine State’s clean-energy requirements. Earlier this year, Mr. Steyer had funded a ballot initiative slated for August to force Michigan’s electricity providers to source 30% of their overall sales from renewable options such as wind and solar by 2030. But under the new agreement, the utilities will aim to produce a minimum 25% of their energy from renewable sources and a further 25% from energy-efficiency measures by that same year. This 50% green-energy goal will effectively govern the state’s energy policy for at least the next decade.
News of the deal between Mr. Steyer and the utilities— DTE Energy and Consumers Energy—has left many in Michigan wondering what happened to the established process for setting energy policy. The deal hasn’t been approved by state officials or voters. How is it possible that two utilities and a single special-interest group can independently agree to raise the state’s renewable energy mandate and get away with it?
It’s purely coincidental that Steyer has massive holdings in those industries.
quasi Fascism right there, and some Cronyism on top…Fuck Steyer with one of Mr. Lizards Flying Crowbars
Cool I get the flying crowbar reference now that I finished Footfall
That would make a fun movie! And I Think we already have some Crowbars in orbit, We just don’t talk about it
Purely coincidental. Nothing behind the curtain. Hey, look over there.
Hey, remember when energy policy was dictated by rich billionaires with a vested interest and that was a bad thing? I guess the Kochs can expect an apology from watermelons any day now.
When will one of these Privateers build there own Nuke Plant? Talk about cashing in,
1) Get uranium
2) Make steam
3) $$$$
Who’s a jammy bastard, eh?
Good luck getting a building permit for a nuke plant. The state would shut that shit down in a heartbeat.
Who said State? They could Buy an Island and stick it there. I think Branson owns one IIRC
Indian reservations.
Fuck casinos. Use their sovereign status to build some nukes and/or oil refineries. that
They could literally destroy half the country if they said they were building nukes because they were so clean and completely conform with their traditional way of being in harmony with nature.
12 mile run this morning along the beach and through the Port of Long Beach and back home. The weather was perfect, my outfit looked cool, I ran fast.
Now to get to work on stewing tomatoes, red and green pepoers, and red onion, in my homemade broth with some red wine. Like stew it all day until the veggies are thoroughly carmelized and melt. Then that becones red sauce, cooked with sweet Italian sausage and mushrooms. Served over spaghetti noodles, with some grilled tri-tip. And a mountain of parmesan.
Gonna take a shower, take out my contacts, put on some lounge wear, snuggle on the couch with the wife, and watch kung fu/horror/shitty 60’s sci-fi movies.
Sounds like an awesome day!
You forgot something. Where’s the beer
Vodka Collins; fresh squeezed lemon juice/simple syrup, Perrier.
Got a couple cheap bottles of pinot grigio and some cabernet on order, should be delivered in time to start the cooking.
Ok now I can approve that as an awesome day
Jogged down the coast about 6.5 miles to the Point Loma Nazarene University track, ran a mile in 5:57.0, jogged back. Had my standard fortified oatmeal recovery food/breakfast, took a nap. Am now having a Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout and about to head out to mission beach with the family. Taking an Avery Tweak as an emergency beer.
Tomorrow I’ll jog up to the track and then do intervals. Normally on Mondays I do 12x 75 second all-outs, eight uphill and four downhill, but with a huge gap in between. Tomorrow I’ll try doing 12x 75 second all-outs on the track with 30 seconds in between. It will suck in a glorious manner. Since I never do intervals that close together, I won’t be able to hold my shit together, but who cares? It’s vacation.
After the big fun above, we’ll drive to greater Phoenix to see my dad. He’s 86 and been in a home for people with degenerative mental diseases for the last couple months. He still recognizes me, I think. We’ll spend the remainder of the day with his wife (ten years younger w/ no mental compromise), then get up Tuesday and see him again before we drive back to Albuquerque.
The feckin’ lot of ye runners
I ran my first mile on July 22nd, 2009, age 46. You’ve got time. The secret sauce is LSD.
Oh, and the Best Energy Electrolyte Replacement is BEER.
Do you at least listen to something while you’re running? You’re not just left in your own head when you’re doing that godawful chore, right? Because I’m pretty sure I’d slit my wrists sooner than spend half an hour with my own thoughts.
I didn’t start running until around October 2014 (at 45 years old) Even then, I didn’t start running seriously until about June 2016. Even then, I didn’t start running seriously *seriously* until March of this year. I turned 49 last week, and put about 70 miles of roadwork on my legs. It’s kind of thrilling right now. I’m not sure where I can end up. But it’s fun as hell.
And yes, deadhead your article and comments have been inspirational. Welcome to glibs (even if you are a Tulpa sock).
My wife started running at 40. She did 4 1/2 marathons last year. At her peak training, she was doing about 28 miles per week. She’s not fast — averages about an 11 minute mile over a 1/2.
While we are all dick-measuring here, mine is a sweet 8.25″ rock hard.
They must really, really want more Trump.
I was subjected to a discussion about politics last night, in my normally peaceful apolitical bar. At one point this guy said something about Trump getting re-elected (he said it like that would be a bad thing), and somebody else said something about those dumb Republicans. I couildn’t help myself; I said, “The Democrats are going to re-elect Trump, if the Republicans can just manage to shut the fuck up and not blow it.” They couldn’t really comprehend what I said.
Of course they can’t. I’ve never seen anything like this. Granted I was a kid when Watergate happened but I recall adults who disagreed having civil discussions with one another. Reagen got a lot of hate but again there was a modicum of respect for the office. BDS for W did get pretty bad and you could see the media sheepherding and psychosis begin. TDS is a whole ‘nother level. Of course the campus fascist and social media mob has helped with the escalation. Not sure what’s going to happen with the next Republican President. Especially if it is an actual conservative. Going to be ugly though.
Or not. What are they going to do? Start showing up to baseball practices with guns? They pulled that trigger already.
Our yard where we keep scrap would require a covering tall enough to get an 80 foot boom from our scrap cranes under it and w oil nbn have to cover around 30 acres. We have a lot of scrap out here.
There is a Steel Dynamics plant in Pittsboro, Indiana, just down the road from where I rented shop space. They had mountains of scrap steel waiting for the furnace. It would take a pretty big “shed” to keep the rain off it.
Not the best picture, but you can see behind the substation, there is a lot of scrap out here.
We take scrap to the recyclers now and again. Lots of scrap studs from demo work. It’s mostly steel, but sometimes we have aluminum mixed in, and who knows what else. How does it get separated? Or does it?
steel is magnetic where aluminum and copper are not. The scrap buckets are loaded with a crane that has a big electromagnet hanging from its boom. That keeps the non magnetic material from being introduced.
As far as grade of scrap, i dont know how that is sorted. I think we buy it from the scrap vendors pre sorted.
Does someone go through the nonferrous metals and sort it by hand?
Here’s the heat exchanger I mentioned:
…you can kinda see raw materials in the background, and the ersatz “roof”
Thats pretty cool. On our billet reheat and heat treat natural gas furnaces, the flue exhaust passed through a heat exchanger that preheats the combustion air that is mixed with the natural gas in the burners.
The air going into the burners is usually around 1000 F pre-combustion.
The same idea in utility boilers, where heat is scavenged from the flue gas to preheat combustion air. 1,000-2,000º is pretty common. Thats where things get expensive….lots of inconel.
Making heat is expensive. Just letting all that hot exhaust gas go out the flue is pretty wasteful.
Duke energy was going around to facilities here, trying to sell them on co-generation. Duke would install a small gas turbine to provide some amount of electric, and the waste heat would be used in place of gas burners. Lafarge Gypsum comes to mind, since they have multiple steps in drying the FGD material before they use it.
From what I learned, the facility always got screwed.
“So my little cousin was selling water and didn’t have a permit so this lady decided to call the cops on an 8 year old.”
If you want a gun that shoots willy-nilly any which way, you get a trifle.
Wasn’t meant to be a reply, but it fits.
Child separation!
BREAKING: Matthew Yglesias is an asshole.
Even if you believe the laws should be upheld rigorously, maybe you could also suggest that they be changed to be more reasonable.
I think he’s being sarcastic.
I used to make a good hustle when I was a kid on race weekend. The road to the raceway went right past my neighborhood, and it was wall to wall traffic for hours. My dad staked me for cases of bottled soda and bottled water from the Costco. 20 oz bottles. Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, or water. 2 bucks a bottle or 3 for 5, ice cold out the cooler. We used to make a killing.
the flue exhaust passed through a heat exchanger that preheats the combustion air that is mixed with the natural gas in the burners.
The air going into the burners is usually around 1000 F pre-combustion.
Try and wrap your head around the idea of superheated steam….water vapor at 710º F at around 3500 psi.
That’s super-critical, superheated to be sure, but there are zones of superheat even at room temperature if the pressures, enthalpies, and densities are right. To me that’s what’s fun to wrap my head around: the degrees of freedom that combine to describe states of matter.
Once I began working for a combustion engineering company, “pounds of dry air” was a tough enough for me to conceptualize. But once it sunk it that all the air/fuel units were in mass, that little light went on and something clicked.
Then again, Im still an idiot.
Hey, you never know. Sharpton might have done something really worthwhile with that leftover $4000.
“Betsy DeVos. Kirstjen Nielsen. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Why are only female members of Trump’s team being stalked and harassed?”
” I always make sure everything is dry as a bone before putting it in the pot”
That’s a good plan in any process: minimize the variables, to say nothing of the riotous phase changes.
As for the sheds, remember two things about scrap:
a) it ain’t ingots; the majority will be tube or sheet stock with huge amounts of surface area per unit volume
b) in the humid eastern US, (a) means overnight temp swings will allow the scrap to cool quickly, often below the dewpoint, ergo: condensation
so you’ve always got to be able deal with at least some moisture in the scrap, even if the material is “always” inside.
FWIW, much of the very best stainless scrap is non-magnetic, so, after magnetic sorting, it’s the silvery, unrusted stuff that ain’t tin or copper.
You’re correct. Trying to keep the scrap completely dry would be a fool’s errand. A lot of our scrap has been processed through a shredder. The only really solid stuff we have is a mountain of used train wheels.
It’s my birthday, the big 3-0. As a present to myself, I’m thinking about getting a new phone to upgrade from my Galaxy S5. Anybody have experience with the Note 8?
Ooooh! 30! Why I remember when…..nevermind. Thats why I drink- to forget.
Actually, I had my 30th birthday when I was out of town for work, in of all places- Nashville, TN.
I wouldnt be shocked if someone told me that there’s still vomit stains on Printer’s Alley from that night.
Happy Birthday Trashy!
Throwing up is a standard practice in BNA.
Happy Birthday you garbage creature! Have a great day and do something nice for yourself.
This talk about steel mills and recapturing heat for combustion air takes me back to the discussion about burning tires for fuel. It reminded of something I read about some tire furnace. The way they described the setup made it sound like they had what was essentially a giant turbocharger with the intercooler running backwards (pre heating the intake air instead of cooling it) because combustion temperature is crucial to getting the cleanest and most complete burn possible.
I think I jumped in on that, since Ive been party to the emissions-testing side of tire burns from a number of places, including blast furnaces and coal boilers. Each have their own problems, but just shredding the things (steel belts and such) to get them to an ideal size is the start. I have yet to see anyone make it a viable project.
Cooler intake temperatures create higher Carnot efficiency in a heating process (like an internal combustion engine where you are pumping air to move a piston), so that’s why cold-air charge can be a good thing. But if the job is to reach a high combustion temperature for a target material (not the primary fuel itself), then primary efficiency isn’t the issue any more: it just costs whatever it costs to set the second thing on fire or melt it or whatever you’re trying to do; you move the entire intake/exhaust temperature regime up however many degrees it takes to achieve an exhaust temperature that burns the target (tires). You might raise it further still to burn all the tire (carbon) completely….all the way past CO to complete CO2; just remember that air is mostly nitrogen, so you’re creating NOx and pumping that in the air.
Like economics and everything else in life, engineering is just tradeoffs between costs and acceptable residues (literally!); this is one of my favorite balancing acts.
Also, when you burn certain plastic-y rubber-y things, once the gas cools you begin to develop those pesky PCDDs and PCDFs than the EPA has a huge boner for.
How did it take me this long to find this amazing channel? I know what I’ll be watching for a while. (hint – not comic or SJW-related)
I’m watching the Columbia-Poland match on FOX, and the color announcer sounds remarkably like Mary Carillo (it’s not, in fact it’s a man). I keep expecting to hear something about “Big Babe soccer.”