Summer has begun, and here in beautiful northern Illinois, it has been marked by monsoons and much colder than normal weather. The upside to that is that the street shootings tend to diminish slightly, though I don’t see any improvement in the kill ratio (our local yutes are lucky if they manage to waste one out of every twenty people they wing). So of course, my links will have nothing whatever to do with summer.
It’s an auspicious birthday list today. At the top, Alan Turing, father of modern computing theory. Saint Art Modell and his former employee Brandon Stokely as well. Clarence Thomas, who always skips four when he counts to ten. Country icon June Carter. And #metoo fall guy James Levine.
I’ve visited 49 out of the 57 50 states, the lone exception being Hawaii. I have had zero urge to go there since I hate hot humid climates, don’t do ocean sports, won’t eat Spam, and am allergic to grass skirts and progressive government. But maybe I should reconsider.
…sources revealed a number of criminal investigations into activities at the home. One of those investigation involves a mother who says her 5-year-old daughter witnessed sex and nudity at the home while there with her father. The girl drew a picture of the naked people in the house for her mother.
“She was sad, mad and confused. (She asked), why does everybody have to be naked?” said the girl’s mother, who asked not to be identified. A Child Protective Services document obtained by Hawaii News Now says that in May 2018, the girl “showed signs of sex abuse.”
“She took a small toy and was using it as a sexual toy,” the document said.
It is legal to shoot iguanas in the head with a pellet gun, stab them in the brain and even decapitate them as long as they don’t suffer, according to state law. University of Florida researchers say bashing in an iguana’s head and destroying its brain quickly is the most humane way to kill one.
It’s a crime to drown, freeze or poison iguanas. “When you put out rat poison, you can’t control what’s going to consume it,” Portuallo says. “The animals die a slow, excruciating death, which is inhumane.”
Meh, I’m sure he has far, far worse planned for us mammals.
It’s nice that the lazy leech Bernie Sanders doesn’t rely on having money funneled through his corrupt wife any more and has found new ways to grift. I’m sure that as he relaxes at his third beach home, he’s busy giving away all of his money to good causes, like the Koch brothers do. Right?
It is not clear if Sanders will contribute to two nonprofit organizations he founded in 2016 after his presidential bid — Our Revolution, a 501(c)4 political organization, and The Sanders Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit think tank co-founded by his wife and stepson.
Sanders formed his own “dark money” group at the same time he railed against 501(c)4s, which are not required to publicly disclose financial information, and have been effectively used by conservatives to influence elections and policymaking.
Sounds legit.
And speaking of corrupt politicians’ wives…
“Sara Netanyahu is a brave and honest woman and has never done anything wrong. Alongside her work as an expert educational psychologist treating children every week, she spends a lot of time helping children with cancer, Holocaust survivors and lone soldiers.”
Cue massive eye-rolling.
Though I advocate a massive reduction in Customs and Border Patrol and rate them only slightly better than the DEA and ATF, I admit that this was probably a better outcome than encountering STEVE SMITH.
“They put me in the caged vehicles and brought me into their facility,” said Roman. “They asked me to remove all my personal belongings with my jewelry. They searched me everywhere.”
Old Guy music will acknowledge the start of summer with this wonderful cover of a great Eddie Cochran song by a band which really presaged hair bands and spawned heavy metal. One of the comments noted the resemblance of the drummer to Cousin Itt and I can’t help but but agree. I also like the short Hendrix quote at 2:00.
“Sanders disclosed six royalty agreements, which involved book projects dating back to 1990 and a spoken-word folk music album he recorded in 1987. He also brought in money from a pension from the city of Burlington, where he was mayor for eight years in the 1980s.”
Spoken-word folk musicians make mad cash…
Holy William Shatner.
That’s fantasticly bad.
One might even say fucktacular.
It’s self-parody.
How much of a pension do you get for 8 years of work? In the case of a 401k at most you would have about $80k in principal assuming $100K salary an 10% contribution.
401k? For government
leechesworkers? Surely you jest.That was my point. I think they have a 403b analog, but I’m curious how many taxpayer funded pensions the typical life long tick like Sanders has.
401(k) plans are also tested to make sure highly compensated employees aren’t stuffing them compared with lower compensated employees.
If they fail this test the highly compensated employees are restricted in the amount they can out in the plan. It is part of the reason employers match and encourage participation among lower paid employees.
“spoken word folk music album”
I just figured out my office Secret Santa gift this year.
Fuck you Barry. We all know $65 million is not enough for you.
I don’t know about you but I’d say I’ve had enough Bernie and I don’t even live anywhere near his neck of the woods.
Fuck Art Modell.
That is all. Good morning everyone.
He was a saint. A SAINT.
Clarence Thomas, who always skips four when he counts to ten.
They have no natural predators.
I think I see the problem. Just import a bunch of iguana-eating apes.
Already done.
Wow! I see what you did there.
OT: R.I.P. drummer of Pantera Vinny Paul. Dead at 54.
You beat me to it
F***. What’s the cause of death?
Given that he was a rock-star, I have a couple guesses.
I wish I had me one of them
non-profit think tanksdoomsday machines.“I’d like to help you, son, but you’re too young to vote.”
(our local yutes are lucky if they manage to waste one out of every twenty people they wing)
Still better shots than the cops.
>>”They searched me everywhere.”
Go on…
>> “She was sad, mad and confused. (She asked), why does everybody have to be naked?”
Go on…
*it’s the sex-a-torium posts today!
“In one of my bathrooms, my roommate kept hearing something in his toilet and saw something poking its head out,” she says. “It was very aggressive.”
Isn’t it time to admit that the wildlife are winning in Florida and just let them have it?
Yes. Everyone out. I’ll lock up.
*finally lives out post apocalyptic dream*
You won’t be alone. Half my family thinks of Carl Hiaasen’s Tourist Season as inspirational Utopianism.
Wait, are you saying it’s not?
And speaking of corrupt politicians’ wives…
The media class hates Netanyahu as much as they hate Trump, so I always wonder how much stuff like this is being exaggerated.
It probably is, but I always enjoy watching politicians and their hangers-on suffer.
To be fair, Israeli politicians have a long and noble history of corruption.
Think that’s applicable to pretty much ever nation that’s ever existed
Stormy Daniels Says She’s Headed to the Border Next Week As Soon as She Figures Her Best Course of Action
“No, my 15 minutes are not up yet! Damn kids on the border, taking the spotlight away from me and my non-story!”
“Just figuring out my best course of action to maximize my resources.”
Perhaps write a book called “How to sound like a blatant gold digger”?
“Visiting the border” is the latest stop on the progressive Way of the Cross. I know Deblasio was mugging for the cameras down there earlier this week; not sure if Cuomo made it yet. Stormy better hurry up before the media pivot to the next crisis.
He was at a facility somewhere in the state and released a propaganda video that the local news ate up hook, line, and sinker.
Cuomo is a snake.
Wish he’d spend more time governing our state than messing around in Puerto Rico and suing trump over things that don’t affect us. On second thought I take that back, I hope he keeps focusing on things that don’t affect me.
Maybe she could blow some grieving fathers who were separated from their kids.
I havn’t heard anyone complaining about kids separated from their fathers and that doesn’t pull on the heart strings because men are evil. I am thinking some girl on girl milf action would be more on topic.
Some THICC latinas who will do anything to stay in the country…
Practically writes itself from there.
“Just figuring out my best course of action to maximize the strip clubs I can work along the way” is probably a more accurate way to phrase it.
I respect an honest whore more than most professions. Sadly, she’s not honest.
Wonderfully diverse family portrait goes viral! Aww, isn’t this such a sweet story?
Nothing says cultural awareness like tacky outfits.
By hiring a Cameroonian designer? That’s cultural appropriation right there by both husband and wife.
I would like to embrace her Nigerian culture, if you know what I mean.
This family portrait is going viral for all the right reasons, namely because she’s a complete milf who Q would find satisfactory.
Really? As someone with Jungle Fever, I don’t find her particularly attractive, honestly.
You have to admit she’s slumming though. Unless that guy has something going on that’s not visible in the picture.
I went to his Instagram. He’s a total publicity hound whose profile description consists solely of bragging about how many likes he has on various platforms. He probably is an epic bullshitter who can talk his way into anywhere.
He has that ‘smug smart alec’ look.
He looks like an idiot.
And how is that not ‘cultural appropriation’? Even if it has consent!
Cultural virtue signalling is tacky as hell.
OMWC’s home was finally discovered! Turns out he’s actually in California. Sounds like they weren’t completely awful parents.
Behold, the left’s new hero. Trigger warning: The stupid, it hurts.
I listened to Arnold blab about this on Howard Stern. He was making a pile of accusations about what he saw, but has no proof of, and was calling out the apprentice producer to release all of the footage edited out of the show.
Has anyone explained exactly how or why the pee hooker incident would ‘take Trump down’? As far as I can tell it would just be tacky behavior but nothing illegal. If they are worried about Russian lizard people blackmailing Trump wouldn’t showing the tapes yank the rug out from under that?
Russians. Hookers. Stormy. Concentration camps. 24/7 screeeeeeeeching.
Whatever you do dont look at the IG report. Don’t talk about Clinton, Obama and cronies multiple felonies. Don’t talk about a weaponized and politicized federal bureaucracy.
“Russian lizard people blackmailing Trump”
That’s for amateurs, the commentariat knows how we roll
Staying Together by Living Apart (in a Duplex)
One’s a “bad co-sleeper,” the other has bad sponge etiquette. So they moved in together, sort of.
eewwwww /teenage girl
Care about kids in cages? Then it’s time to break the Republican grip on power! TW: Salon
Yup, those damn facts distracted voters long enough for the worst presidential candidate in history to lose!
Feel free to tell yourself unrealistic things about Hillary and learn nothing from the experience, I guess.
to win the flukiest election
I didn’t vote for Trump nor did I vote for Clinton. But much of the “blame” for Trump’s victory can be put on *Obama’s shoulders. And Hillary was a godawful candidate, making the same easy mistakes that she did running against the Chocolate Nixon. A lot of people decided not to vote, or decided to go with a complete unknown versus the corruptness of a Washington power player.
*As I said in the past, we would never have had Obama without the stupidity of Bush the Younger.
I challenge these people to find a single voter…just one…who had their minds changed by anything Comey announced.
The people who were going to vote for Hillary were going to vote for her no matter what. Nobody changed their minds.
True but I am sure they could find or pay plenty of people to say ‘I am a gun owner/Hillary fan but even I think/voted….’
I had someone pull that shit on me about a month ago.
Doesn’t matter, Russians hacked our democracy, they stole from us the most qualified person ever and gave us Hitler!
Correction: literally Hitler
They should run her again.
Bipartisan political grandstanding? There’s always time for that.
The House on Friday passed bipartisan legislation aimed at fighting the nationwide epidemic of opioid abuse, culminating months of work on the crisis.
The measure, which passed 396 to 14, is the broadest of dozens of bills on the topic passed by the House over the past two weeks.
The raft of legislation presents a rare moment of bipartisanship for a chamber otherwise torn by mounting tensions over immigration.
Several of the measures are sponsored by House Republicans facing tough reelection races — and their success could help drum up support on the campaign trail.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”
I can’t even imagine why. Heh, yes I can. Can you imagine the horrors hidden in ‘dozens of bills passed’? I can, makes me want to start drinking already this morning.
“he measure, which passed 396 to 14, is the broadest of dozens of bills on the topic passed by the House over the past two weeks.”
We already know this will do nothing about opioid addiction. The only thing to figure out is who profits from it.
People that run the mandatory education classes. I got my email this week that I’ll have to take an opioid class every 2 years.
I’m reminded of the Lewis Black bit on bipartisan bills. A Republican stands up and proclaims “I’ve got a bad idea. ” Then a Democrat stands and says “And I can make it shittier!”
[goes off to see which 14 voted against it]
OK, the Hill story doesn’t even name the legislation so one can look it up elsewhere.
Ah, here we go. I see they call the “no” votes statistically notable. Unsurprisingly, Massie, Amash, and Brooks are among the “no” votes.
Labeling something a ‘crisis’ is a surefire way to get congress to fuck it up even worse.
I can only hope I die from a quick and relatively painless heart attack. Was nice to know you, pain relief.
“Sara Netanyahu is a brave and honest woman and has never done anything wrong. Alongside her work as an expert educational psychologist treating children every week, she spends a lot of time helping children with cancer, Holocaust survivors and lone soldiers.”
“They put me in the caged vehicles and brought me into their facility,” said Roman. “They asked me to remove all my personal belongings with my jewelry. They searched me everywhere.”
The point, obviously, is that this could have never happened under Obama.
Why doesn’t some anti Trumper take his kids down to Mexico and sneak past the border and see how that goes. Or better yet, why not take a family trip to NJ with a gun in the car and see if they’ll take the whole clan to jail together.
As a NJ resident I LOL’d.
Wow, who knew? An editorial in yesterday’s paper, attributed to “LNP, The Associated Press,” called for the Penna. General Assembly to ban drinking straws because they may get in the ocean and harm turtles. “Americans alone use 500 million straws daily, according to the National Park Service, National Geographic tells us.” I find it very hard to believe each and every one of us used 1 1/2 plastic straws yesterday.
“Americans alone use 500 million straws daily, according to the National Park Service, National Geographic tells us.” I find it very hard to believe each and every one of us used 1 1/2 plastic straws yesterday.”
I call horseshit on that.
The 1/2 is the cokeheads and oxy snorters.
Geez, what happened to just rolling up a dollar bill? No one has class these days.
I still have a rolled up fifty in my desk drawer. I don’t know what I was thinking that night but it makes a nice souvenir.
Post it notes are more sanitary than money.
I feel bad for the Canadians. You can’t roll up a loonie or toonie.
I use 2-3 straws a day in my red solo cups.
Pay no attention to those countries that toss all of their waste into rivers and the sea. We have to eat our milkshakes with a spoon now, if we remembered to bring one, that is.
But not a plastic spoon!!
“Americans alone use 500 million straws daily, according to the National Park Service, National Geographic tells us.”
So now the National Park Service is the go-to source for data?
I guess that nine-year-old was unavailable.
I heard he got a job with the CDC.
[golf claps]
Nevada Christians care about what a politician might actually push in office, rather than focus on personal moral failings that have no bearing on the job. Media continues to be confused.
After decades of telling them not to vote based on religion they finally got what they wanted?
Addiction advocates largely praise the measures as good steps forward, but say that much more work and funding is needed to tackle the issue’s scale.
Never saw that coming.
I didn’t know you could get funding to advocate addiction. I’ve been doing it for free all these years.
Can’t you people take a joke?
Netflix has fired its chief communications officer Jonathan Friedland after learning that he used a racial slur at least twice in the workplace, the company said Friday.
CEO Reed Hastings said in a memo obtained by The Los Angeles Times that Friedland had used the n-word during a public relations meeting about offensive language, described by Hastings in a way that was “inappropriate and insensitive.”
A second incident occurring days later – with two black employees who were helping Friedland deal with the original offense – led to his firing, according to the Times.
“Several people afterwards told how inappropriate and hurtful his use of the N-word was, and Jonathan apologized to those that had been in the meeting,” Hastings said in the memo obtained by the Times. “We hoped this was an awful anomaly never to be repeated.”
“[The next] time Jonathan said the N-word again to two of our Black employees in HR who were trying to help him deal with the original offense,” he continued. “The second incident confirmed a deep lack of understanding and convinced me to let Jonathan go.”
“I don’t know how else to say this; your incessant whining about this stuff just makes you look like a bunch of dumb nigglers.”
So he said the word during a meeting about insensitive language, I’m guessing as an example. So the word can’t be said at all instead we have to speak like a 10 year old infront of his grandma.
Then he said it again when HR asked him what he said the first time?
I’m thinking more like this:
Kafka would be proud.
INT. Netflix boardroom. Rufus sitting with board members. How he got there is another story to be told another time.
Rufus (picks ear with Q-Tip. Holds it up): Ah. The Q-Tip. Courtesy of the cotton picking prowess of niggers. Amirite?
/mouths drop in horror.
Nobody did the SNL bit?
I has much disappoint.
That’s when SNL meant something and had balls. /grabs Lorne by the medal of freedom and shoves his face in front of the screen.
“I feel awful about the distress this lapse caused to people at a company I love and where I want everyone to feel included and appreciated. I feel honored to have built a brilliant and diverse global team and to have been part of our collective adventure,” he added.
He then put the dunce cap on, and hung the “I am a thought criminal” sign around his neck.
I linked to this yesterday. You might think that if your company had just hired Obama and Rice, you might want to tone down your ethnic slurs.
The guards applying for jobs on American police forces, apparently.
I hope there’s an afterlife and it’s run by dogs.
Considering he didn’t also somehow hurt the students staying there I’m not sure he’s qualified to be on the Police force.
Skip the shitty parts (and weather) of Hawaii by heading to the Big Island (and Hilo) after the current volcanism episode. Get some nice cool air, hike the mountain, etc. Also if you stop in Oahu, head over to Kailua.
As long as there’s Montana, I don’t need to take a long flight to a ridiculously expensive island to experience cool air, beautiful mountains, and great hiking.
As a bonus, beer with P Brooks, Scotch with Riven, and margaritas with Francisco d’Anconia.
I am jealous.
I love Hawaii! The entire family loves to go there in Dec/Jan and miss a bit of our glorious Minnesoda winter. The weather there definitely isn’t hot or humid. And the same almost every day.
On one of our trips we got there the week after they had had a record setting cold snap. It had been 52 in Honolulu. When we were checking in and the staff saw we were from Minnesoda they were all so happy to tell us that now that they had lived through a true “winter” they understood what cold is and we were now buddies. We didn’t have the heart to tell them that it was -5 when we left home that morning.
-5 is a nice, comfy temperature.
In you fish house with the stove going and a bottle of schnapps, it sure is.
Mrs. Whiz and I like Hawaii, too. About once a year I get to go as part of my research collaboration. My wife tags along and hangs out on the beach while I slave away in an office.
Come on out to Hawaii! I enjoyed my time living in Montana, even if it was B.G. (Before Glib). I would wait until the current eruption dials it back a bit to visit the Hilo area, but don’t wait for it to stop since it has been continuous since 1983.
Each island has a different character. Just stay away or get away from Waikiki since it could be anywhere, except the weather is nice year round.
We can meet at the last tiki bar and have a drink.
Your generation thinks it knows what “resistance” means. Resistance means holding off 500 commies with beer bottles.
One tough bastard.
Good on him. It wasn’t that desperate though. If it had been truly hairy, they would have had to use the soju bottles.
Climatepocalypse: there’s no escape.
A new study published in the journal Science finds that methane emissions from U.S. oil and gas operations are 60 percent higher than previous estimates from the federal government.
This comes at a time when U.S. is getting more and more of its power from natural gas; in 2017, 31.7 percent of U.S. electricity came from natural gas-fired generation, up from 27.3 percent in 2013. It’s widely considered to be a cleaner fuel than coal, and natural gas does emit less carbon when it is burned for electricity. But this new, higher estimate of how much methane is leaking from natural gas production could change the whole equation.
“This paper shows that the emissions of methane from the oil and gas industry are a lot higher than what is currently estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency,” Ramón Alvarez, one of the lead authors of the new study, says. “The fact is that the magnitude of emissions are so large that it has a material impact on the climate impact of natural gas as a fossil fuel.”
Methane is the primary ingredient in natural gas. It’s also a powerful greenhouse gas, so leaks during natural gas production contribute to climate change.
I guess we’ll just have to stick with coal.
Thom Hartmann assured his listeners that when a molecule of methane breaks up, it forms six molecules of CO2. Not a joke, I actually heard him say this.
Party of Science!
It’s the infinite carbon cycle.
I guess that puts the warmistas in a nutshell.
::glassy stare::
It’s been a long time since I took chemistry but Hartmann is nuts:
So if I read that right, the answer is one and not six?
Well, as someone that spends time measuring pollution from things that burn other things, the only really valid argument for natural gas combustion increasing any ‘greenhouse gas’ is that water vapor is the largest by-product of burning it, since your standard-issue CH4 about 1/3 hydrogen. So for every 1 CH4 molecule you combust (in ideal conditions), you get 1 CO2 and 2 H2Os. And since water vapor acts like a blankie at night, holding warm air in, what he really means is that we need some international agreement on cloud control.
Also, me being stupid at the tail-pipe of a natural-gas boiler:
Ha! What a dipshit.
I’ll take στοιχειομετρία for $200, Alex.
What’s most telling about this episode isn’t Trump stepping back in the face of public outrage. It’s the millions of Republican who were — are — willing to support an obviously cruel immigration policy. And that, in turn, points to perhaps the deepest problem in American politics in the Trump era: The lethal conjunction of white identity politics and partisanship has made the Republican Party willing to sanction injustices that had previously been unthinkable in modern America.
‘…willing to sanction injustices that had previously been unthinkable in modern America.,
Not that they gave these longstanding injustices any thought until very recently either but whatevs.
George C. Edwards III, an eminent scholar of presidential rhetoric at Texas A&M University, examined data on five separate policy debates under three recent presidents (Obama, George W. Bush, and Reagan) in a 2015 paper. He found clear evidence that the more closely a policy is identified with the president — particularly through public comments by the president himself — the more likely people from the president’s party are to support it.
“The president’s association with a policy is an especially powerful signal to those predisposed to support his initiatives,” Edwards writes. “By reinforcing his partisans’ predispositions, presidents can counter opposition party attacks and discourage his supporters from abandoning him. In addition, co-partisans appear to be resilient in returning to support after periods of bad news.”
Ponder the pointlessness of your existence as you torture your psyche with what could have been.
#1, Sweet Jesus. #3 seems an agreeable sort. 81, 43 and 6 can battle for the cleavage award. No soul award to 12 and 62.
I’ll take 3 or 7. Or, any of them, who am I kidding.
2,4,15, 22
Oh fuck me, go away Belgium already.
You know who else wanted Belgium to just go away?
Jean-Claude Juncker?
The villain in a Jean-Claude van Damme movie?
Leopold I?
Helmuth Von Moltke the Younger.
Patrice Lumumba?
The Vlaams Bloc?
And take Mexico with you.
And South Korea.
They will forever pay for 2002!
It’s simply a fact that Trump’s racial politics are popular with millions of white Americans; even a policy as vicious as the family separations attracted significant amounts of support. It’s also a demonstrable fact that the strength of GOP partisanship means that, in theory, Republican presidents should be able to attract the support of the party base and, as a result, its political establishment. Those two facts mean that Trump will pretty much always be able to get them to back his attacks on members of minority groups, given time and effort.
Let’s be clear: Ending family separation (for now) is a good thing, and it’s understandable that some liberals may be tempted to count this as a win. But that the separations happened at all, and that millions of Americans were perfectly fine with them, is something that should trouble us all.
Yes, yes, of course. White Power!
Here’s a thought. What if Americans (of any race or social status) are looking at the countries of origin of these “refugees” and thinking (consciously or not), “Those places are shitholes. What are the odds these new immigrants will turn this country into a shithole, too?”
Maybe it’s right, and maybe it’s wrong (I think it’s at least *mostly* wrong), but it cannot be anything but rational self-interest to consider it.
But it’s so much easier to declare yourself in command of the moral high ground and scream “RACISSSST!” at the top of your lungs.
The fact that so many of the elite continued to burst blood vessels after Trump signed the EO shows that family separations were never what they cared about. Some portion just wants open borders, the other portion is just trying to score political points by attacking Trump and don’t give a shit about the immigrants.
Ding ding ding. He played them – again.
In this case, it isn’t that the Matador is so skillful – it is that the bull is so stupid.
I want to see the left continue to completely lose their shit over this. Keep up the lies, spins, and deflections, guys! America is totally eating it up in anticipation of #bluewave!
“Social Studies teacher, 54, is ‘busted for having sex with the same girl disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner was jailed for sexting’
Jonathan Busch, 54, was arrested Thursday for encounters that allegedly took place during his time as a social studies teacher at Lake Norman High School in 2016.
The Mooresville man has been charged with two counts of statutory rape of a child over the age of 15 and two counts of indecent liberties with a child under the age of 16.
His accuser, now 18, happens to be the same girl the New York Congressman had a months-long online sexual relationship with, according to WSOCTV.
Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison after his sexting relationship with the 15-year-old was exposed by”
I hope that poor victim is holding up! #godspeed
So he loses his job and gets 30 days just like if the genders were reversed, right?
Deep thought from our old friend, Virginia Postrel
In the end, we simply don’t know. The jacket demonstrates a consistent truth about Melania Trump: She is an enigma onto whom people project their pre-existing beliefs, hopes and fears. In that sense, she is still a professional model. She looks good in clothes and lets the audience imagine whatever meanings they prefer.
Blah blah blah that jacket? It means what you think it means. Fashion is as fashion does.
My take; maybe she thought it was going to rain. That looks like a rain coat, to me.
And- I am stuck trying to determine whether the person holding the door for her in the accompanying photo is a man or a woman.
Its a lady.
“The jacket demonstrates”
WTF does Nick Gillespie have to do with this article?
Wait….. Huh?
Uffda. Well what was I supposed to think? It was a story by a Reason person about something Trump related. Of course I thought she was referring to The Jacket.
“It means whatever you want it to mean.”
Bang me hard?
Very tight pants for a male.
I saw this this morning and it definitely made me want to break something.
What the fuck does this even mean? What are LGBTQ values? How does a family have them?
“Agree with everything the Democrats say”?
I like lesbian porn so I assume that makes me super woke.
Good stuff.
“It’s a crime to drown, freeze or poison iguanas. “When you put out rat poison, you can’t control what’s going to consume it,” Portuallo says. “The animals die a slow, excruciating death, which is inhumane.”
You guys are dicks
“the #freethepimple movement wants you to embrace the skin you’re in”
Sure, I’ll look at some nipples– OMG NOOO
Progress and growth make us worse off, apparently.
But are we right to place such store by ever-increasing economic growth?
Alongside its obvious benefits, growth has brought a raft of increasingly serious environmental problems, from rapidly declining insect and bird populations, to plastics pollution and climate change. Since 1980, growth has also driven a vast increase in wealth inequality, stirring political instability. Modern economics sees growth as a necessity, but some researchers are wondering if we might actually do better with less growth, or even no growth. Managing it will require some creative thinking.
Economists widely acknowledge that growth is a terrible indicator of beneficial economic activity. It goes up if we have more traffic jams that waste gasoline, or more pollution that needs cleaning up. It says nothing about social well-being, or inequality.
Some economists have proposed better measures, such as the Genuine Progress Indicator, which includes a number of social and environmental factors. It gives a rather different picture of the benefits of growth. For the U.S., for example, GPI data indicates that economic growth made the nation better off up to around 1970, but further gains have been offset since then by worsening social conditions and the depletion of natural resources.
Mankind is nothing but a pestilence upon the Earth. Greedy, grasping vermin who destroy everything in their path.
The Chocolate Jesus aint president no mo’. This kind of shit doesnt bring in the grant bucks anymore Mark so shit-can it.
Let’s go back to 1700s when the peasants were gamboling in meadows outside their rose-covered snug cottages. And the climate was ideal and the Lords were fair in dispensing justice and no one was shooting unarmed folks and the kindly doctor made house calls and treated you for the price of a couple of potatoes.
You need a Proper Bleeding I say…
They are always the Lord or the Lady living in the big castle in those fantasies, so it is all good.
+ Lady Chatterley
Money is not really that important but wealth inequality is the worst thing ever.
I’m still trying to find a worse article, but I don’t think there is going to be one for at least a few days.
That was amazingly stupid and petty. And politico even I someone who posts here expected better of them. This might be the most honest anti trump op ed ever though.
Oh my God.
“This isnt just about policy. Our political opponents aren’t just people with bad ideas, they are bad people. People not deserving of consideration as human beings.”
*fires up ovens*
Filed under “things that never happened”?
Yet they can’t find anyone who can dish the inside on what President Obama’s college career was like, what grades he got, whose pigtails he dipped in the ink well, or what brilliant legal papers he wrote in becoming an esteemed constitutional scholar.
“John F. Muller writes and studies philosophy in Wisconsin. He was formerly a lecturer at Harvard Law School and an attorney in Los Angeles”
Yeah, none of this is surprising for a bully and a dick.
“Reason commenters are cancer.”
I have no idea who that person is?
You know who else hates Reason commenters?
Umm, us?
“a man walks down the street in THAT jacket, people know he’s not afraid of anything…”
“Donald Trump Is Not Adolf Hitler. But Sometimes He Acts Like A Nazi.
Just because more unhinged critics liken him to Hitler doesn’t mean the resemblance isn’t there at all”
Shorter Thor Benson: My raving TDS is more nuanced.
Sure, and sometimes the SPCA acts like Hitler (who famously loved dogs.)
“Go to the profile of Thor Benson
Thor Benson
Medium member since May 2018
Independent journalist. Featured in The Atlantic, Wired, Rolling Stone, Vice, The Daily Beast and elsewhere. Twitter: @thor_benson”
“…Donald Trump is a cruel authoritarian who admires bloodthirsty dictators, demonizes and dehumanizes minority groups, and feels absolutely no guilt over any of it. That someone like this leading the United States of America is beyond alarming. Trump is probably not the next Hitler, but the Nazi associations aren’t always off the mark.”
“There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.” Justin Trudeau
“Tehran is a large, sophisticated country.”
Barack Obama, December 18, 2014
Speaking in Georgetown, President Obama pushed tax increases for a highway bill, claiming it wasn’t socialism and that he wasn’t breaking laws as an imperial president.
“It’s not crazy, it’s not socialism. You know, it’s not, you know, the imperial presidency, or, no laws are broken.”
Barack Obama, July 1, 2014
Right Thor, Obama didn’t act like a dictator when he signed the Iran deal or Paris Accords without Congress.
Get bent.
Or the TPP. Does anyone even know what was in that?
“I apologize for my three day absence but I was unconscious for two days at the Vidant Medical Center in North Carolina and just woke up. My enemies maged to spike something that i ingested. However, I am more difficult to kill than anyone can possibly imagine. I am back.”
Who should the LP nominate? Such a tough decision.
Wild Whack Mcafee and The Pale Poser.
Two men from different worlds united in finding the libertarian moment.
Now there’s a story waiting to be written!
How about Shikha?
Why not put Judge Napolitano on the ticket? Could we lose? Could he get an electoral vote? Does he know what Aleppo is?
Will he praise the Democrat nominee? Will he be the one asking questions in the debates?
The Judge seems to have a similar temperament to Rand Paul, that is to say he doesn’t suffer fools easily. While that’s not a negative to me, it didn’t seem to serve Rand all that well in his candidacy.
I’m still trying to find a worse article
Good luck. That was… special.
Uffda. Shit just got serious.
The Resistance is going after Minnesoda sportzball legend Kevin McHale. His crime? Attending a trump rally in Duluth, MN.
You know what is really wrong with Lurch as a famous person? 1) He still lives in rural Minnesoda in the offseason, 2) he has been married to the same gal since forever, 3) he didn’t demand to be on the stage with Trump and 4) hasn’t issued any statement – much less a groveling apology.
These people are intent on making me feel obligated to vote for Trump. Something I swore I would never do. Arseholes.
This seems to be their last gasp…the immigration canard. They are reaching such a hysterical frenzy surely it will burn out and they will finally just shut up. Or will they start going after individuals? First politicians, entertainers and sports figures and then who? You and I, thats who. First Trump supporters and then anyone who is not explicitly onboard with the glorious revolution. That is before they start to eat each other anyway.
How did we let this happen?
Sorry if this has been covered, but I’ve been busy lately and haven’t been able to keep up.
David Hogg is in the news again. This time for being surrounded by armed guards.
Some pretty good mocking in that article, but the prize tweet was from Hogg:
I must have missed his presser where he has come out in favor of the 2A.
That asshole is never going to go away.
This thing where they quote every tweet word for word is really annoying.
Rhywun wrote, “This thing where they quote every tweet word for word is really annoying.”
About. Yes, I see why they’re despised as “right-wing”.
Anybody besides me thinking of going on an internet spending spree before the states catch up to the recent (and idiotic) Supreme Court ruling?
That is one way to go. Personally I’m thinking of throwing together a site that promises to easily collect and remit taxes for online sales. Online stores will send me a total and I will generate a random number and tell them that they owe that much in taxes. They will send me that much to send to the proper authorities. Instead I will just deposit the money in my own bank account. I figure I can probably get away with it for several months and collect millions. At least enough to live somewhere with no extradition treaty in luxury for the rest of my life.
I know it violates the NAP, but I figure I might as well steal mine before everything goes pear shaped.
Speaking of which….
Is the Resistance going to support sanctuary cities that refuse to enforce any law enforcement actions against online retailers who don’t charge appropriate taxes? Or is that the wrong kind of illegal activity?
I don’t need any help spending money:(
I recall, in my career, having “nexus” disputes with various state governments (such as Cali) about having to pay corp. income tax on sales in those states, even if my company had “no presence.” I’m wondering if this sales tax ruling will be creating nexus for state corp. income tax purposes? If so, this could be a whole lot more complicated and costly for a small mail order business trying to comply with sales tax filing AND corporate tax filings in numerous states.
Next step will be go after individual income, even worse that the current horseshit convenience of the employer. Oh, you thought you could quit paying us by moving out of state? FYTW.
Oh, NY is trying to institute payroll taxes to get around the deductibility cap on state income and property taxes.
i was reading the Wiki entry on “Freedom of Association” , and came across this gem of an insight
i had to read it like 3 times before i finally said, “but that’s the same fucking thing”
“Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so”
I assume that’s Me’d
that said:
popehat’s reply
I increasingly find him to be slimier and less legally principled than he’s often pretended to be. his take on the SPLC settlement was fairly idiotic. he basically moaned about how the judicial system is “broken” because “costly defamation suits”…
…never mind his case-study here was “a piss poor individual suing a $400m-endowed team of lawyers”. His basically obviated / elided right past that glaring contradiction, pretending *poor wittle SPLC* was like a start-up media-org was being harassed by Peter Thiel bazillionaires. Less than useless “analysis”; its not analysis at all.
add to that – there was no ruling, no arguments made in court, no precedent set. It was a voluntary apology and settlement. He saw no discovery and knew nothing about the underlying facts of the case. He was simply moaning that, somehow, the result (an apology and settlement) was *bad*… why? Well, speech, or something. It really amounted to nothing but legal sounding argle-bargle with no actual legal issues involved. The only purpose of it would be to signal, “HEY BIG COMPANIES WHO MIGHT GET SUED, HIRE ME, I AM SYMPATHETIC TO THE IDEA THAT YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SLANDER/DEFAME PEOPLE AND GET AWAY W/ IT SANS CONSEQUENCE”
I never got the popehat love. He always struck me as a sneering “I’m an academic|professional with a license” elitist, even when I agreed with the substance of his writing. Like WFB without any charm or personality.
He’s written some interesting things, and I usually enjoy his takes on legal matters, but he’s also something of an insufferable prick once he’s decided he’s right about something. He also seems to be a little…flexible…when it comes to principles. Or, maybe it’s that the principles he holds aren’t the ones he claims to support.
Holy shit, things are getting ugly. I have never seen anything like this, not here anyway. Looking at the replies…people like that would have been considered crazies just a few years ago.
Yeah, well, they want people who disagree with them to be ruined and/or killed.
“I assume that’s Me’d”
It’s an example of a business refusing service.
yeah, i also had forgotten that was the reason why the whole FoA debate began this A.M..
She should have told the owner to bake the fucking cake.
I have no issues with this nor with the consequences to their business.
the debate around FoA is utterly fucked because people pretend that the choices are:
A) can’t refuse anyone’s business; if you do, you must be punished by govt
nobody grasps that the idea is actually “no, you should be free to make whatever choices you want, and benefit/suffer costs for it, w/o any interference by govt at all”
Social pressure is much more effective as a long term permanant solution to social ills but government force never allows that fix to take place. Let bigots reap their just rewards via freedom to be assholes and in less than a generation you’ll have Christian bakers hanging rainbow flags in their windows. People rationalize their actions based on what they believe is in their long term interest which changes as they receive new feedback. Prevent the feedback, prevent the change.
Although I will say some of the “non coercive social consequences” nowadays include things like doxxing and marching mobs onto private property and calling it protest.
” “non coercive social consequences” nowadays include things like doxxing”
i don’t know if that’s exactly right (tho the ‘mob on private property’ certainly is)
its not ‘doxxing’ to name a business and say, “boycott this shithole”
doxxing is typically more to do with when someone uses speech anonymously on social media, but then gets exposed by ppl who disagree. its not really to do w/ “business transactions” where neither party is ever anonymous to begin with.
you can certainly make a comparison between ‘free association’ and its ‘costs’, and ‘free speech’ and its ‘costs’; but i think they’re distinct enough that they ultimately diverge for a reason.
I’ve read the reason she tweeted that is her server crowed on social media about what she and the restaurant did.
i was reading the Wiki entry on “Freedom of Association”
Other articles i would avoid like herpies:
Critical Thinking
What someone said the other day, wikipedia is garbage outside of the technical articles. My new game has been to spot the edits from that recent wave of GrrrrrlPowerOnWiki bullshit.
I don’t know if that references the same thing or not, but i posted this a while back
it would seem obvious that the editing of wiki would eventually get done in large-scale fashion by organizations interested in “bending the overton window” in their own direction. Certain topics have been repeatedly gutted and massaged because “truth” was inconveniently getting in the way of narratives.
e.g. the entry on “Bigotry” used to explore the historical origins of the term, and clarified that it was different than “prejudice” in very key ways – Bigotry was ‘intolerance’ towards groups which you held prejudice against.
iow, Bigotry wasn’t merely the holding of bad-opinion – it is intolerant actions & behaviors motivated by those beliefs.
The thing that rubbed the SJW’s wrong was the idea that someone can say, “I don’t like X, but i will tolerate X and work w/ X and treat X just like any other person”, and *not technically be bigoted*. The erasure of clear distinctions is part of their entire M.O.
Alan Turing: 2:46:03. Lance Armstrong: 2:46:43.
Hey, deadhead, we’re in the same state. We should get together sometime for a beer.
… Hobbit
Most definitely. Commodious and I met at Anodyne a couple Thursdays ago. I looked at my feet and asked him, “Do you like … stuff?” I’m not a great conversationalist, but I do like to drink.
I generally try to avoid Alb. in general and downtown specifically. Maybe we can find something uptown. You can send me an email at jemezhobbit via gmail and we can set something up.
“Robot burger restaurant set to open in San Francisco making burgers untouched by human hands”
Without reading the article I am guessing I know why in that location. Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.
The robots don’t have to worry about finding affordable housing? 😉
I was going to go with something related to the city’s recent, well-known hygiene issues.
They turn the cows into burger meat as well?
I’m wondering if this sales tax ruling will be creating nexus for state corp. income tax purposes? If so, this could be a whole lot more complicated and costly for a small mail order business trying to comply with sales tax filing AND corporate tax filings in numerous states.
Why do you deny the State your essence, Comrade? Embrace the Total State in all its glory.
The boss denied several states our essence: he closed regional sales offices in Illinois and California in order to end the “nexus” problem. Too bad for those half dozen inside sales reps and clerks.
I guess it’s probably a function of body mass, or a ratio of mass to surface area maybe, or just the heat capacity of air versus water, but….
I’ve frozen a number of aquarium fish rather than flush/bury them alive, or wait for them to croak in the tank. They go inactive in about 15mins, ice cubes two hours later. I’m a monster.
Then this should warm your heart…many species of fish can tolerate being frozen. After they thaw they wake up.
Yep. Forgot to plug in the stock tank heater one winter and the fish pond froze solid. Plugged it in and when the ice had melted the koi were fine.
Is it too soon to start drinking? One of my family members is liking a Linkedin post about the phony BS health problems because families are separated at the border.
Is it too soon to start drinking?
The sun is over the yardarm, somewhere.
A response on that popehat tweet about Sarah Sanders:
I thought the right supported the idea of private businesses refusing service to anyone they want?
I guess I missed the part about how she hired an attorney to force them to bake her a
cakechicken.Anyone who like soul music:
somehow I missed “Big Crown Records“, which is (sort of) a spinoff from Daptone scene. The guy who started it in 2016 is a DJ i used to see all the time in the soul/funk scene in NY.
they have ~45 singles released so far, a couple LPs, and i’ve been going through them and they’re all pretty banging. Just pick one and let it run for a while.
This is the sort of thing that appeals to me in particular: a steel-band cover of “Love like this” by Faith Evans
Vacationing with the family in San Diego. I got up, started listening to and very slowly ran about six and a half miles south to the track at Point Loma University. Switched to the Smut Peddler’s “If You’re Gonna Be Dumb”, followed by Del McCoury’s “Rawhide”, ran a mile in six minutes flat, then switched back to the Dead and jogged back to the family.
Picked that show because my sister and I were there. We bought some acid from a random person and thought we had been ripped off (because we were impatient and cynical) until The Wheel. I started noticing everyone had halos. It was a pretty good trip. Turns out, the runner’s high coupled with a very pleasant (albeit ancient) memory and nice surf was pretty spectacular.
We’re off to the zoo now. We leave for Phoenix on Monday. In principle, _I’d_ like to meet other glibs, but being mostly a lurker and it being last minute and having my family in tow, I haven’t said anything (until now). SP knows how to contact me.
Oh, and if you want to lose weight, we can get together and I’ll do nothing but talk about running. You’ll then chew your arm off to escape and voila! Those pounds are gone.
Coulter does love her little barbs.
If Ann Coulter and David Hogg had a child, it would literally(!) be a stick figure.
FYI, Brooks is drunk.