I wonder what Steve Smith thinks about the movement to make Jefferson a state?
I don’t think that fits in with Cascadia…don’t they overlap?
Cascadia looks to me like a bit more proggie and a heap more utopian. Jefferson is a bunch of rural folks who want way less government in their lives. If you travel in NorCal you will see lots of Jefferson banners and flags. I have never seen anything for Cascadia.
And Jefferson is basically the North if California (above SF) and maybe includes a bit of southern Oregon depending.
Yeah, you are right about Cascadia being more of a hippy-dippy idea. Could just be a map overlap.
That’s not streaking.
Streaking is naked!
Take it away, Ray!
Oh man….blast from the past.
Going OT…whatcha gonna do? Rape me? Bring it, hairball.
Started watching Cobra Kai on youtube tonight. 2 episodes in, and it seems quite watchable. ?
Plus it’s already been renewed for a season
Looks like you got “Dursted”, for that little remark…
You wield your power a little indiscriminately.
Just sayin’.
Who is this “you”?
You do realize there are several of us running this site, yes?
‘You’ are the only management here. Hence, the accusation!
The Royal you if you will.
I thought you were all (((THEM)))
you know, Giant Ants
Damn Swiss, that might be worse than rapesquatch “lovin”.
You’re punishing all of us with that picture, you monster!
Big thumbs up for Cobra Kai btw
The rapesquatch is a lawyer, huh? There’s a surprise.
Forest lawyer at that.
“The first thing we do, let’s
killrape all the lawyers!”I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Shakespeare’s due for a gritty reboot – Rosenkrantz & Guildenstern bear a letter to STEVE SMITH; STEVE SMITH gets to the crypt before Romeo, and has a “double-date”; “Titus Smithicus” (minor edits only), etc
Only’ $80K for a tiny house?
No, it really isn’t.
I’m looking at a “tiny” 3 bd 2 bath Double wide, on a 1/4 acre with a 4 car garage for 40K, Fools…..
Oops, what Yusef said.
You can get a mobile home, which is more usable, for less, but it won’t be hip. It would also be better for anyone with mobility issues.
Damn it! I’m always behind.
That’s me in the Daytime, Links up!, Service call, links up, service call,
You’re always behind what? 😉
I’m headed to Vancouver soon. Any Glibertarians there?
Any restaurant recommendations?
Where in Van are you staying? And what’s your budget?
I have per diem, so I can afford any restaurant. And I would any way because foodie. Last time there, I went to Bin 941 and it was great, but reviews suggest not anymore.
What cuisines do you like?
Anything but Indian.
Pan Zagloba and my humble self are both in the Vancouver area (you are talking about Canada, right?) Don’t know anyone else…
Ace just posted the perfect thread to finish this ridiculous fucking week.
Decompression thread.
My cat used to try to fight the roomba, but is afraid of the broom.
I’m allergic as hell to cats, but the neighbor’s cat always comes over when I’m having coffee on the deck. She jumps up on the table and hollers at me until I pet her. Then she curls up on one of the chairs until I go back in. Makes me wish I could have one.
They’re cute until they throw up all over your carpet or decide to show you where they want the litter box to be the only way they know how.
Except when they get old and Miss the Litter box Completely, Kittah is 19 now and it’s beginning to show
Aww 🙁
Mine aren’t quite there yet… ~12 years old.
My neighbor’s girlfriend’s cat is 15 and starting to miss the litter box. So, she stays with him most days. Also because cat dumped a glass of water on girlfriend’s Mac book. Neighbor: “they ain’t getting along right now, so she’s staying here.”
Aww. He’s a good guy. I tried to set him up with a friend of mine. It didn’t work out, but his girlfriend looks just like my friend, so at least I got his type right.
I’m terrified of my cats getting really old. I don’t know how I’m going to deal with it yet.
My prior cat was 18 when he died. I still miss him. He was the sweetest cat, just wanted to snuggle on my lap.
I think that if he could have trained me to pet him while he ate,he would have been in absolute bliss.
I’ve been drinking…
I’ve been drinking too (Johnny Walker Blue Label and now Calvados) and that video doesn’t impress me. Sorry.
Fight the power(ed appliance)
Blue label? Damn, dude. Pricey for a Friday night.
The Blue Label was a donation for a work celebration from the ex-CEO.
thanks! those were great vids
The puppies are cute.
There is nothing cute about squirrels and chipmunks. I cheered when the local foxes ate the critters. It’s a shame the foxes are gone.
I don’t know about the bears. The family needs a cat. And the last video opens with a cat vs. a bear.
My neighbor (the only person my cat likes besides me) has seen the Henri videos and keeps trying to persuade me to film Oscar so he can do the voiceover. Instead of French existentialist, it would be grumpy southern redneck. He’s convinced we could make a fortune. I am tempted.
Do it.
I was grabbing lunch today at Chipotle (big mistake, spent the afternoon on the shitter), and there was a mouse outside the restaurant with some lady recording it on her phone and cooing over it. I had to bite my tongue, because I almost blurted out “yeah, my cats get 3 or 4 of ’em a week.”
Somewhere Playa laughs.
The cat we got six months ago finally turned into a mouse killing machine. We have gotten three presents in the last week.
Kitty gonna be sad when She Kills all Her fun, but hey Kittah!
Mine have been getting squirrels as of late. They get voles and mice more than once per day, but I’ve seen a squirrel tail and everything but the head of another squirrel brought to the back door in the past week.
We used to train kittens. Put live trapped mice, bowl of water and 4 month old kitten in the box of a grain truck and walk away for a day. Come back and you have a killing machine.
Submit that to the rat map guy.
Let’s try again since the other thread is dead:
I have my issues with Ben Shapiro, but I think he is on point here. Also, for your viewing pleasure, The Rageaholic.
It’s only mostly dead.
It’s pining for the fjords.
Shapiro (and now Peterson), I think, don’t know how to deal with their sudden fame, and they’ve both eventually kind of … um … I dunno. Said a lot of dumb shit to appease their new fanbase?
Bret Weinstein hasn’t done it yet, but he seems smart enough not to.
Now one US firm believes it has come up with the answer: a tiny 256sq ft home on wheels dubbed the ‘Kokosing’.
Didn’t the US companies trying to sell these tiny homes run into zoning problems?
And building code problems.
That’s known as a “shed”.
tiny luxury home
It looks like a really nice camper that’s also exceedingly heavy.
Spotify is great. I was listening to the Stray Cats and they took it from there. Jerry Lee Lewis, Gene Vincent and now Hillbilly Moon Explosion.
Excellent. I like that the right hand sidebar for the Hillbilly Moon Explosion video includes The Dead South and Nathaniel Rateliff.
Ooh, I like hillbilly moon explosion. (Heads to Amazon t buy music because artists should get paid). I love that guy’s voice, especially in juxtaposition with the woman.
I like it.
Makes me think of Everlast.
Speaking of nicknames in college: Getting Dressed in the 14th Century – Ploughman
Awesome. I love history about average people and everyday tasks like getting dressed, cooking, etc.
The Jas. Townsend & Son YouTube channel has a ton of interesting videos about 1700s cooking, clothing, and basically all aspects of life.
I’ve been watching a lot of his stuff. I have not yet developed the discipline to follow one of his recipes (including method of cooking) though. I’ve also visited the website only to find astronomical prices for some things, especially period clothing. I can only assume reenactors have a lot of disposable income*. But, at any rate, I find it all intriguing and a possible hobby for retirement.
*Something I will need to purchase the Pedersoli replica firearms that I want, like this one. I also want a 2nd Model Brown Bess, 1795 Springfield, 1862 Richmond, and a pair of dueling pistols. It’s possible I am more into the firearms than the other stuff.
Hmm. Would there be any interest if I did a post about historical cooking reenactors? It is one of my new interests.
I’d read it!!
I love historical cooking. I also went through a phase where I tried to recreate ancient Greek recipes.
I came across a website that many of you might find interesting:
It’s a database of historical cookbooks from the 1700s to 1940s.
Great! I have found lots on YouTube. I will work on a post.
I can say that the following recipes from his channel were delicious:
– Cabbage Farce
– “Food of the Enslaved: Barbecue”
– “Food of the Enslaved: Cornbread Kush”
– Asparagus Forced in a French Loaf
– Plum Pudding
The prices for the goods are pretty high; they’re mostly made by hand at their shop in Pierceton, Indiana. I’m in Southwest Ohio, and I’ve thought about making a pilgrimage with some friends to visit the shop and possibly meet him sometime.
Have you ever been to the Pioneer Village in Minden, Nebraska? Among their many, many displays are a series of examples of household rooms from the 1800’s to “modern” times (circa 1980 or so). They feature examples of kitchens, living rooms and bedrooms as they change over the years.
It is an extremely cool place for history nerds.
… Hobbit
FNG here. What fresh hell is this? I came expecting barbed socio-political discourse melded with Rand fetishism and am met by the ramblings of a salacious cryptid. I can’t fap to this!
…stalks off to flip back and forth between Fox news and MSNBC really quickly.
….nearly forgot the lotion.
Welcome. And…fuck off Tulpa.
I can’t fap to this!
Talk to the whore-hopper Tulpa.
I *still* want to continue this discussion, so I ‘ll pick it up here. I don’t think calories are irrelevant. I know that avoiding carbs affects wanting to eat for me. These days I have times when my stomach is growling and I don’t want to eat, but if I have had a few carb heavy days, I want to eat even though my stomach isn’t growling.
Despite that, I remain sure (based on years of calorie counting) that I eat more than diets say I should. I believe that if I went Keto, I would lose a lot of weight, quickly. But, I don’t think it would be sustainable for me. I love bread and potatoes and pasta too much.
I believe that if I went Keto, I would lose a lot of weight, quickly. But, I don’t think it would be sustainable for me. I love bread and potatoes and pasta too much.
This. Grains and processed sugars are my enemy. If I cut them down to a minimum, I lose 2-3 lbs per week. If I don’t, I gain 1-3 lbs per week.
I’m not fanatical, but try to limit them. Like I said, if I have toast (like 2-3 slices because I looove bread and toast) then no pasta, potatoes or rice the rest of the day. But I don’t worry about carrots or cabbage or parsnips. If I counted carbs those would definitely count. My results are slow, but I’m staying sane and I don’t hate myself these days.
1500 calories a day. Count ’em.
Nope. My mental health isn’t worth it. I get obsessed and miserable.
1500 calories a day would make me homocidal.
What is this… “calorie”?
Trader Joe’s has parsnip chips, soy & flax seed tortilla chips, and flat bread crisps that are all excellent low carb replacements for high carb foods.
Pfft. Hippies don’t put rib eyes and bacon at the top of their shopping lists.
This is true.
Can I just say, God bless 20-30 something black and Hispanic men and some of the men I work with. I had a relationship end badly a few years ago and have been licking my wounds for a while. I have finally decided to try online dating, and as I get closer to finishing my profile and putting up pictures I have been plagued by evil thoughts. I am fat and ugly and no one could be interested. But, this week I was definitely checked out by young black and Hispanic men and two men at work commented on how pretty my dress was (not, it is a plain princess line, solid color) and how springy I looked. So, i feel better about putting up a profile. Takes deep breath. I can do this.
Tulip, you are obviously a very bright, witty, and caring woman. I understand what you are feeling, and while I generally wouldn’t speak for other women on this site, I can very safely say that I’m sure other women here also empathize.
My heart aches to read this, but please know that you are not alone.
I have done speed dating and generally had multiple matches. I believe that a strong personality and sense of style can overcome a lack of looks in that situation, but lately all the ads have been for more men needed, and my odds go down. I am trying to have a good first picture and hope the profile pulls them in.
All I know is that if you can put up with us knuckleheads, you got that je ne sais quoi, zeitgeist, ennui or whatever the hell it’s called.
Unfortunately, none of that translates to pictures on the internet. I have to have a good profile. Takes deep breath,let’s it out. I can do this.
For you.
Keto, or Paleo, or any low carb/no grain diets are not sustainable for most people. I am convinced we are addicted to wheat and research, (that I am not going to link to because I am lazy and half crocked) shows that eating it triggers the same part of the brain as amphetamines. I did the Paleo thing strictly for awhile a few years ago. When it finally broke me, I bought a ready bake Italian loaf in a can where the biscuits and what not are in “your grocers cooler”. When I ate that it was euphoric and better than any drug I have ever done. Well, not better than coke. Or mushrooms. Or a good smoke up with friends, but you get my point. It did make me feel really really good eating fresh baked crappy bread with butter though. Some claim it is due to engineering wheat to grow where it probably shouldn’t grow. I am not sure I believe that and I think fresh baked bread is just good food to the senses. I do no grain for awhile and then enjoy grains and carbs and then go back to no grain. Life is too short to deny ones self a good pizza with a perfect crust and beer or other grain alcohol of ones choosing. In the end if you stay off the grains/carbs more than on them it is a win imho.
Yeah. Before I eat carbs, (rice,bread, potatoes) I think is it worth it. Sometimes it is.
Rice and potatoes I can easily stay away from. Bread or pasta are my go to feel good foods I often falter with. I am also addicted to smoked meats so I have that going for me. Brisket or pulled pork on stir fried veges or slaw is damn good food.
Yes. I eat a lot of cabbage these days.
So 80K x 2500 = 200M. That should be a rounding error in Seattle’s budget.
OT: What are you shitlords cooking tonight?
I have ribs cooking over coals with mesquite, and I’m boiling a pudding with prunes, currants, and dates.
Damn. I wish I was at your house. Just got home from pub. Didn’t eat. Prolly have to settle for a sandwich.
No idea. I’m still kind of in a food coma from a mid-week business trip.
I ate here. If you’re in Boston and like dumplings, I give it a thumbs up.
Pasta. It’s the last day until the wife and daughter come home from vacation, so fuck diets.
I had cheese, salami and crackers. And a negroni.
Ah that reminds me I have half a pop-n-fresh pizza dough waiting in the fridge to be used.
Feeling lazy, so frozen Indian food from Trader Joe’s.
Rotisserie chicken with a fennel, coriander, rosemary, hot pepper rub.
It was awesome.
Papa Johns.
Totinos Party Pizza. Three meat. The best Party Pizza. I am too tired to cook.
We’re at the cabin, so we ate at the local place about 600’ away on the other side of the river. Smoked ribeye for me with mixed vegetables and fries. Grilled chicken sandwich for the wife. Dessert was bourbon and a cigar at the fire pit by the river.
Woops, I didn’t see the new post.
“Amend that: I don’t think black men should be allowed to speak about ANYTHING in public without first studying black women’s work.”
And she wrote a book with this title:
“How to Be Less Stupid About Race”
I first read that as “How to be less stupid about rice”. I was disappointed.
The greviance hierarchy strikes again.
I’m not sure what I just read, but it kinda gave me a stabbing pain behind my right eye….
You might want to take a baby aspirin Tres, sounds like you might be having a stroke.
The other nun couldn’t reach that far.
That’s for a heart attack.
Leftists eat their own.
Kind of like these guys.
Bah. Black women are the white women of black women. Or something.
I’ve studied a lot of Heather Hunter’s work.
Does that count?
I have my five hour class so I can legally exercise my 2nd Amendment without being ventilated by NY’s boys in blue, so gotta get some sleep, but I wanted to share this:
It’s time for Ken White to go on the NPR pundit-circuit full time and turn Popehat over to Marc Randazza
Fuck that, just bring back Clark.
Okay, I take that back. Marc is great; didn’t mean for it to come off another way.
Is the end of the world coming?
Firefighters were unable to tell whether the water contained any of the alcohol, the Standard reported.
They also said the Dalamatian’s ass was starting look to “sweet”.
Shit…I meant this one!
“MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle Worries Detained Children Will Turn Into ‘Terminator-Like Characters’ Who ‘Seek Vengeance’
Ruhle made the comment while speaking to her guest, Dr. Dana Sinopoli, a psychologist who warned that the stress of family separation could permanently damage the psyche of many migrant children.
“So to those who want to say, ‘I don’t care about the welfare of these migrant children, I care about the welfare of my own children … my community,’ help us understand what this kind of damage does to these young people,” Ruhle said to Sinopoli.
“Because they are going to be a member of society, and it makes me think, where do you think MS-13 was born? In Los Angeles, where you often see these angry gangs sprout up,” Ruhle continued. “And I worry that you’re creating Terminator-like characters that will seek vengeance! We must care.””
At least she didn’t call them “animals”.
I care, which is why I don’t exploit them for my own political gain.
Well…look at what forced internment did to George Takei. Based on some of his recent stories, she may be on to something.
Turned him gay?
Turned him Japanese.
We have to give in or these people will turn into vengeance seeking MS-13 terminators isn’t exactly a compelling argument for letting them into the country.
Now I know why MS-13 cries.
I believe the term she was looking for is “superpredators”.
Inside Trump’s “Concentration Camps”
I’d have thought the concentration camps were more like this.
Great movie.
You should cut off all emotional and financial support to your Trump supporting family? I’d like to see that ledger.
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘They’re together and safe’: Father of Honduran two-year-old who became the face of family separation crisis reveals daughter was never separated from her mother
A spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has told that Sandra had been previously been deported from the US in 2013.
The spokeswoman said that she was ‘encountered by immigration officials in Hebbronville, Texas’ in and sent back to Honduras 15 days later under ‘expedited removal.’
Sandra current immigration proceedings are ‘ongoing’ and she is being housed at a family detention center in Texas.
Denis said that his wife had previously mentioned her wish to go to the United States for a ‘better future’ but did not tell him nor any of their family members that she was planning to make the trek.
‘I didn’t support it. I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that? But it was her decision at the end of the day.’
He said that Sandra had always wanted to experience ‘the American dream’ and hoped to find a good job in the States.
Denis, who works as a captain at a port on the coast of Puerto Cortes, explained that things back home were fine but not great, and that his wife was seeking political asylum.
He said that Sandra set out on the 1,800-mile journey with the baby girl on June 3, at 6am, and he has not heard from her since.
‘I never got the chance to say goodbye to my daughter and now all I can do is wait’, he said, adding that he hopes they are either granted political asylum or are sent back home.
Denis says that he has not spoken to his wife or daughter since they left for their journey from Puerto Cortes, Honduras, to the US on June 3
‘I don’t have any resentment for my wife, but I do think it was irresponsible of her to take the baby with her in her arms because we don’t know what could happen.’
The couple has three other children, son Wesly, 14, and daughters Cindy, 11, and Brianna, six.”
I’m starting to think the media may have had a hand in manufacturing this “crisis”.
Just quickly for s’n’g checked NYPost and my local cable news. Wall-to-wall “separated families crisis”. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen the media latch on to one story 24/7. 9/11?
I read a story about she left, but didn’t tell him she was taking little girl. Which, WTF?
I don’t know. The Daily Mail has great photographers, but as you can see from all the writing errors in the above article, its editors are terrible.
If she didn’t tell him, I bet she didn’t have a parental consent letter.
It’s almost as if she took the child with her (note that she left her other children behind) knowing it would give her an advantage during her entry.
I’ve never seen that movie. But I’ve been hearing references to it forever. Is it any good?
Do it.
It’s in my top 5.
Almost perfect.
Saw the whole thing for the first time last year. I couldn’t get the Grand Nagus out of my head.
That is one of my favorite movies. When I taught game theory, I used examples from it.
That scene with the poison has less mind reading than an SJW’s Facebook post.
Iocaine powder or GTFO
Trying to look natural as I’m squished against this middle aged lady on the train right now. Neither of us has space to turn around.
Did it move?
Nah, the oyaji pressed against my back kinda kills the mood.
Just wiggle your eyebrows when she looks at you.
I would have thought being jammed between two pretty girls was the culmination of an unrealized fantasy, but in practice it was awkward and uncomfortable. I couldn’t wait until my stop or at least the next stop and the reshuffling of people.
My strategy is to be clueless gaijin and keep my back against the seat row by the door and try to let the flood of people push past.
That’s the pole position. Prime real estate.
Gotta watch out for the ones that turn around and walk backwards until they clear the door.
o_O Maybe I’ve been drinking, but wat?
CS, you get on the packed train by pressing your ass against the human wall and back into it. Actually it’s the less disturbing alternative.
Like this guy at the :14 mark
Ha! I just got off the Yamanote.
Makes NYC look genteel in comparison. Well… until the fights break out.
Actually, as much a wannabe ascetic as I am, I kinda dug the subways in New York. I arrived at LaGuardia at around ~6 in the morning and boarded a car to Manhattan, and the thing just kept filling… and filling… and filling. Novelty made it interesting, but the fact that nobody talked to anyone made it tolerable.
I’ll just drive, thanks.
Feature. I’ve lived in smaller cities where people want to “talk to me” and it’s annoying. In NYC people know not to do that shit.
Yep. Small town people freak me out now. Last time I was back, I went to McD’s for some coffee. Standing in line, the dude next to me asks me, “So, what are you gonna get?” I just ghosted him.
I did ask a guy for directions like the clueless southwestern tourist that I was, and he was super friendly. But I waited till I was out of the subway in Manhattan, and looked for a white guy who looked confident but wasn’t hurrying.
The black chick at the register at a Duane Reade treated me to the most casually contemptuous experience I’ve ever had from another human being.
Some of it is time of day in my limited experience. I’ve taken the Yamanote line from Shinjuku to Shinagawa with carryons & roller bags in early afternoon.
Morning rush hour is the worst by far. Grumpy people jostling for position. They manage to not exceed a very specific amount of force in their shoves, though. It must be taught in school, I’m guessing.
Do you ever moan suggestively when you’re shoved?
I’ve taken the Yamanote line from Shinjuku to Shinagawa with carryons & roller bags in early afternoon.
See this. Gustave takes his luggage everywhere. I have witnessed it.
See this is what happens. You can drop off your bags dozens of times, but you bring them with you to the bar from the airport one time…
Sometimes a fat dude will try to squeeze you out of that spot. Good luck cuz I’m not moving.
With their win today, the Reds are now a .400 team!
Damn, that’s like 5 times the legal limit.
Presently watching my SF Giants try and break .500 tonite.
I’ve read the Reds are really a .500 team, just playing in the toughest division in baseball. Don’t know whether that is true but is interesting.
27-30 under current manager.
20-22 outside division, including 6-1 vs AL.
Im so fed-up with Cincinnati’s inconsistency for the past few years, Ive actually found myself watching CFL. Admittedly its to see if Johnny Football fucks up his Canadian gig as quick as he did the NFL.
My current TV package doesn’t include any sports packages, but I’ve been thinking of trying to find a way to watch some CFL games this summer because during football season I work during the games, and I had a friend that used to play in the CFL, so I watched a bit back in the day.
I didnt know Doug Flutie had any friends.
If you can believe it, my friend was even shorter than Doug Flutie; but he didn’t play quarterback so it wasn’t as big of a deal.
Well, isn’t that adorable.
I stopped watching at the power line and DONT want to know what happens.
Remember that squirrel or whatever from the Ice Age movies, the one that keeps dropping the acorn?
Baby squirrel is the acorn.
Resistance is futile!
Mom is obviously a xenophobe. She fucked that kid up.
Fuck squirrels. They’ll infest your house just like any other rodent. And they chatter like like old women.
I heard on the radio today on my way home that Kamala Harris says the US is committing Human Rights violations with all these detention centers. My first thought was well god damn, seems TDS has elevated evils of a horrible nature that have been going on for what, 4 decades, and nobody gave a shit about to bringing them into damn near every story in the non stop news cycle. Trump should get a Nobel prize for being the object of scorn that woke all these people up to the atrocities they could give two fucks about two years ago.
TOS coverage of Trump’s camps! is the Neymar of reporting.
Constant flopping?
I was there earlier and OMG it was insane. Like five in a row.
The flopping, the tears, the open palms pleas for justice. All based on a perceived offense.
Sterling Brown’s lawsuit against the Milwaukee PD
If half the shit in there is true, his settlement’s going to be bigger than his NBA contract.
Elysian has been doing some good stuff,
That looks rather tasty…
I will say your species is actually on the galactic forefront of craft beer. In fact we totally shut down the planned invasion when you came up with Jai Alai. Ever since then I’ve made quite the profit smuggling various beers off your puny world.
You mean A-B InBev. I’ve been hearing really good things about the Barrel-Aged Stout and Selling Out book by Josh Noel. From Paste:
I submitted the first part of a short sci-fi story for publication here at glibs. It’s rare that I get the time and motivation to do fictional writing, but I hope it’s enjoyable for y’all to read.
I’ll look forward to it.
I don’t guarantee the quality, and it’s pretty dystopian, but I’ve been thinking about this story for a few months and I’m hoping it comes out in the words as vividly as in my head.
It won’t, but that’s part of the process. Unless you’re SF, then it comes out a little too accurately.
There are a few small nods to SF in my story. Very subtle…. well, except for the walrus fucking the bowl of jello.
Ever think you’re looking like hot shit one day and then catch your reflection in a window. “Ah, damn, I’m fucking dork”? That’s the moment someone else reads your fiction.
On my way to work this morning I was thinking about some twit link someone posted here months ago of a blue thing/glob and the question to describe what it was. The top twit back was Blue Man poop. For some reason this idiotic tweet popped in my head this morning and I thought I wished I had twitted at the time that it was what washed up on the beach after a blue wave and it was deposited into the sea of politics after Hillary ejected it out of her cloaca. I am not sure how much SF knows his writings effects us. Hell, before I started reading SF I did not know what a cloaca was. Hat and hair needs more cloaca.
Piker. SF would have had the bowl of jello fuck the walrus.
As long as it’s better than those Links posts I keep skipping over… the narrative structure is all over the place, and there’s no continuity.
I, too, have a sci-fi story lined up. Will see how my other submission works out.
… Hobbit
Hey, I met up with deadhead (the ultrarunner ’round these parts) last week. If you’re ever in town, he’s someone to hit up. Cool guy.
Still want to touch base with you sometime. Maybe we can all get together.
… Hobbit
I have a sci-fi dystopia story I’ve been kicking around in my head for a decade, maybe after I figure out how to end the Harvey Weisnstein adventure I’ll give it another looksee for publication here.
Woohoo pig sooooie!
Was waiting to see this from you. Gratz.
I don’t root for them in any capacity (like all other SEC teams), but I’ve had a soft spot for them since they won me $200 in a NCAA bracket pool when I was in 11th grade.
? You’ve been all over this since the beginning of the season. Good luck buddy.
We are in the catbird’s seat. The last time arkansas won a major sports national title I was 7 years old. I’m loving this. Woo pig.
I liked watching that team. Beating Duke (essentially a home game for those dicks in Charlotte) in the tournament for the NC was a bonus. Corliss Williamson was the dude.
I’m pretty sure everybody loves to see Duke get beat.
Especially as a Tarheel fan.
My family moved around alot when I was a kid. So I inherited much Buckeye love. But I grew up in Chapel Hill, so I’m a Tarheel fan. Also, two years in Texas and I learned to love the ‘Horns (Earl Campbell is fucking the most amazing rb ever).
But yeah, fuck Duke.
Fuck Michigan! Hi Almanian wherever you are.
The City Hates me, but you
love me, Peace out!
Should have seen that coming.
That squatch with the rock is scary. Im going to pass out now. Ran 14 miles. Roasted a chicken made a salad. Cleaned the toilet. Swabbed the kitchen floor. Vodka Collins. Wake up early tomorrow, another 10 miles.
Good night Glibs.
Maybe linked already, but FFS… Kulaks and wreckers…
Someone oughta tell ol’ Donnie that he’s lookin’ rather Aryan himself
In that video, he looks like Sam the Eagle made a human muppet* of himself.
*With all respect and love to Rufus
Not to worry, Rufus is at work
Of course he is.
Deutsch is confusing. At first it was don’t call them Nazis but at the end it’s they are all Nazis.