Week 6 – Take a Chill Pill

Lets just get this joke out of the way
I’m not a great scholar of the Book. I don’t know the Jewish traditions very well, or how they got turned into metaphors by Christ. But I’ve heard of the Jubilee. Every fifty years, everyone would take a year off of some types of work, some celebrations were held, and debts are forgiven. I’m sure there’s a lot I’m getting wrong and glossing over, but the idea of regular debt repayment is a popular one that’s survived through the ages. Everyone has probably felt like, if they could just take a break from their bills and their stress, they could really get ahead in life.
The Jubilee is a mesocycle of rest and repayment, with a weekly day of rest acting like a microcycle.
What does that have to do with getting fit? Lots, actually. Rest, recovery, mesocycles and microcycles. Mastering them is actually really important for making changes to your body.
Part 1: The Microcycle, or Go The Fuck To Bed
I kept running into three pieces of advice for people trying to get fit. 1) Try hard. 2) Eat right. and 3) Sleep. Numbers 1) and 2) I get. Arnold, Hulk Hogan, and Mr. T have been telling us since I was watching them on Saturday morning. But sleep?
Yeah, sleep. It’s a thing. If you want to lose weight, try sleeping more. If you want to get big, try sleeping more (after a protein shake.) If you want to perform better athletically, try sleeping more.
Give it a try. What’s the worst that could happen? You fuck up and get eight hours of sleep? Oh noes.
Part 2: The Mesocycle, or Taking a Break While You Look Up What Mesocycle Means OK I’ll Save You a Click It Means Big Cycle

The Bear Minimum was his nickname in high school.
So we got our microcycle down, but what is this about mesocycle? Well, our bodies are super complex. And lazy as fuck. They will adapt to a new stimulus, but only the bare minimum needed. In order to keep pushing it, you gotta change things up.
For exercise, well, that’s been studied so much I can farm out the description to someone else. Go read this.
For diet, not so much with the researching. In fact, there are a lot of otherwise-well-informed people that think the human metabolism can stand up to a constant calorie deficit and not adapt. They are wrong. It happened to me, and let me tell you first hand, it sucks. The solution? Cycling on and off a diet. There’s only been one published study of this approach that I know if, but it’s got a punny acronym for a name so you know it has to be good.
In broad strokes, they found that for a bunch of obese people, two weeks of diet followed by two weeks of eating to maintain weight led to more weight loss than a steady diet. Eventually. It took twice as long, you know, for taking half time off. But the two groups ate the same deficit overall.
So what the lesson here? The lesson is it’s week 6. If you have been kicking ass for five weeks, take a rest week if you think it might help. Rest. Recover. Come back next week.
Weekly Challenge
None! Didn’t you just read this article about taking a break?
I thought that Manly Mondays and Thicc Thursdays were a thing of the past now that Glibs has become a more intellectual and prestigious place? I mean, except for STEVE SMITH!
now that Glibs has become a more intellectual and prestigious place
Not if I have anything to say about it.
My eyebrows aren’t that well groomed.
Don’t sell yourself short, they look quite nice in that admittedly tiny photo.
Thanks, Leap! Good stuff today.
Deload weeks have been in my plan for a long time. I only lift MWF as well. My old body absolutely needs it and I find that the days between really keep me going.
Sleeping is my downfall. I have been trying to do better about pre-bed screen time, etc. but I still have bouts of insomnia. I am jealous of people who drop off and sleep for 8-9 hours.
I have a problem sleeping a full 8 hours too. Job and kid stress usually get me up at least once a night, and if it’s not that, my bladder will get me up at least once.
Funny thing – for the longest time I was a night owl who generally slept about 5 hours a night. I’ve been trying to get more sleep lately, aiming for 6-7…..and I’ve been feeling more tired despite the extra sleep. I don’t know, maybe my body needs time to acclimate to the new schedule or something.
Cycling on and off a diet.
Mountain or road or stationary?
I took a deload week (same exercises but 50% weights) two weeks ago. I try to do that every 6 weeks or so. I also try to plan at least 2 days a week where I am not doing any training.
My wife loves working out for stress relief, and she’ll go to the gym 6 days a week. But it seems she’s always plagued by some type of injury. I’m always looking for the minimum effective dose, and though I have had some shoulder and elbow problems, I’m usually not nursing an injury.
Funny, I’ve been reading a few different books about strength training and they all recommend sleep. In fact, one puts it like, “You’re training to lift like a man, so that means you have to eat like a man and sleep like a man, too. Eat steak, sleep at least eight hours a day, and take a nap in the afternoon.” Or something to that effect.
I’ve switched back to the older routine I was doing of 100 swings and 10 get-ups a day, every day. I think in part thanks to the break, in part thanks to actively trying to cram protein (from meat, not powders), and trying to be really good about getting enough sleep, I’ve made some pretty decent gains. I’m close to hitting the “Simple” goals from the Simple and Sinister program, which is 100 one-armed swings in five minutes, and 10 get-ups in 10 minutes, both with a 32kg kettlebell.
Interestingly, this has played well with the IF deal I’ve been following. I’m finding that if I stick to protein and fat during the day (post-fast) and limit it to snacks, then exercise, then pretty much eat as much of whatever I want so long as I make sure I’m getting a lot of protein, I wind up losing a little bit of weight but a lot of fat. My guess is that the conditioning aspect handles the excess calories, and the strength training aspect benefits from the protein, and my metabolism goes through the roof for a period during at least part of which I’m in a fasted state.
Hell yeah, man. All of this is great stuff.
Hello Gents and lad… oh right, no ladies here.
Short update today because my metabolism decided this week to just fuck on off. My body temp was 95.5f yesterday, and my pulse when i got home (after walking ~ half mile from the bus stop) was 45 BPM.
So yea, I need to eat more this week.
Sounds like you might be turning Romanian?
Have you started smoking?
When in contact with sunlight…
Sounds like you might be turning Romanian?
I really think so?
206.6 before I left on vacation, who knows when I get back home tomorrow.
I posted before I read the article. I am just that good, I was still on topic.
He also told you not to do drugs and to stay in school. How are you fairing there?
Nice to see you being inclusive with the beefcake since this site is 95% cheesecake (I have no idea whose fault that is…).
I have no research whatsoever to back this up, so feel free to ignore it. I’ve always thought that an individual has some kind of homeostatic body weight “set point” that the metabolism will adjust to try and maintain. I have wondered along those lines if you lose weight and then keep it off for a certain period of time if that set point will change to the new weight. I say this because it seems some skinny people just can’t seem to keep weight on, no matter how much they eat, and (much more commonly) there are overweight people that either can’t seem to lose weight or will only keep it off for a little while before miraculously ballooning up again.
Had to cancel out the beefcake.
I’ve always thought that an individual has some kind of homeostatic body weight “set point” that the metabolism will adjust to try and maintain. I have wondered along those lines if you lose weight and then keep it off for a certain period of time if that set point will change to the new weight.
I agree with this. The body adapts and maintains a level of homeostasis, as such once you get to a comfortable point that is the new baseline.
I would agree to this too. I’ve always been a “hard gainer”, but I had some metabolic testing done, and found out that I burn 2000 calories a day just sitting around. So, to gain weight, I upped that to 2500 calories a day last year. I gained about 15 pounds, some of it fat and some of it muscle (just going by looks). This summer, I’ve decided I’d rather be leaner and stronger than bigger. So I decreased to about 2100-2200 calories. I’m down 5 pounds, pants fit better, and I’m just as strong as before. Even if I have a bad week of eating, my body weight is just sitting at 140 +/- one pound. (I know 140 is low but I don’t have much muscle mass in my legs).
At the end of the summer, I’ll have my body fat tested again. It was 18% last year, I’m guessing it will be a bit lower this time.
I think skinny people “who just cant seem to keep weight on” are most likely bulimic.
I can’t even begin to imagine what that might be like. In fact, I’d be happy to gain the weight for those people if they could subsequently take it off of me.
“and (much more commonly) there are overweight people that either can’t seem to lose weight or will only keep it off for a little while before miraculously ballooning up again.”
No, what happens is that they go back to old habits of eating surplus calories. The thing about “naturally skinny” people is that when you log their actual diets…..they don’t eat surplus calories. You find that they don’t finish their plate, they don’t care for sweets, they don’t consume liquid calories, that they don’t snack, that they often skip meals. It’s not that they have some kind of magic metabolism, it’s that they don’t eat as much.
The “naturally fat” people are eating more. They clean their plates and go for seconds, they drink calories, they love sweets, they snack, they never miss a meal. The “I’m just naturall fat” crowd will get on the wagon, cut out snacking, liquid calories, desert, and then they will drop 5 pounds, fall off the wagon, and then whine about how they are naturally fat.
Sure there’s a genetic component to that behavior, absolutely. But you can calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate for a person using height, weight, age, and gender. That’s the number of calories a person burns in a coma. Mine is 1950. Then you can add in your activity calories, but that BMR is a pretty hard number, maybe with about 50 calories a day margin of error. Maybe.
They clean their plates and go for seconds, they drink calories, they love sweets, they snack, they never miss a meal.
I see you’ve been at my in-law’s fill_in_the_blank holiday party. I eat a single plate of food, usually small portions… and then I’m done.
The in-laws? Plates crammed with food, and then seconds. And they wonder how Lady Humungus keeps off the weight.
Yep. People love to blame Thanksgiving-New Years for their weight. But they were eating smart between New Years and Thanksgiving, they wouldn’t be fat.
They always have an excuse. My in laws and my mom are like that. “Oh it’s Xmas/New Years/Valentines Day/Xs birthday/ Y’s birthday/end of school year/Memorial Day/Summer is for ice cream!!!/Back to School/Halloween/Thanksgiving/Oh wait XMas again” Always coupled with “This is the Last Hurrah, we’re gonna buckle down now”
I have to really step on my tongue around family. I don’t think I was ever 400 pounds, but I was absolutely over 375 pounds, because the scale at the gym couldn’t weigh me. So I went, in less than five years, from the heaviest man in the room, to often enough the lightest. Shit, I’m even lighter than some of the older kids, which is fucking depressing. But yet it’s all “genetics” and “metabolism”.
Wasn’t the case for me. Kept my weight around 175 for 6 or so years, went up to 225 or so within about 2 years, got it back down around 175, kept it there for a year or two, then started gaining weight again. Within a few years I was up to where I’ve been for the last several years, around 270. If I’m not constantly trying to lose weight, I’ll gain weight.
If I’m not constantly trying to lose weight, I’ll gain weight.
This is descriptive of me, but with 2 caveats.
1) carbs are the issue for me. If I stop tracking my food, I naturally drift to a carb heavy diet and gain weight. If all I do is keep my carbs below 120g/day, I magically start losing weight, no other diet or monitoring required.
2) as soon as I get active, the pounds melt away. I’m quite sedentary due to my job, so if I don’t get supplemental activity in my day I balloon up.
120?? Wow….when I was staying 170-175, I couldn’t exceed maybe 50 a day.
To maintain my weight, I used to restrict myself to less than 1800 calories and 50 carbs a day, and this was when I was in my 20s and fairly active (ran 10-15 miles a week). Much more than that and the pounds would pile up quickly.
120 is all inclusive (fiber and all). When I watch my carbs, a substantial portion of the carbs I eat come from fruits and veggies. Appx 25g comes from grains/sugar.
That’s what happened to me. I was about 170 in high school into my 20s, not defined but in decent shape. Early 20s I started lifting in addition to jujitsu (and drinking like a fish) and went up to 210, still no six-pack but mostly muscle. Then I blew a knee and had to lay off of martial arts and working out for awhile and didn’t get back into it. I hovered around 215 for years until I hit my 30s. I started putting on weight, until I hit about 250 maybe five years ago. Now I’m back down to 230 with some definition, basically the build I had when I was in my good 20s but bigger, except this time if I look crosswise at a pizza or drink more than four beers I turn into Jabba the Hutt overnight.
There goes that theory. Anthony Bourdain Had No Narcotics in His System When He Died, French Official Says.
I said it at the time, I’ll say it again; you can either choke yourself or you can jerk off. But don’t choke yourself and jerk off at the same time.
I have good reason to believe this is what happened. He was hanged by a bathrobe belt on a doorknob which is classic auto-erotic asphyxiation to begin with.
A friend in the kink community here, who claims to have known Bourdain as an aquaintance during his own kitchen days in NY, said Bourdain waswas a sadomasochist when we were discussing the death. And someone mentioned the belt to a robe part and we both were like, “Ohhh, ouch, that was a choke-jerk gone wrong”
What an odd world we live in that suicide is a less shameful cause of death than a masturbation accident.
I’m not trying to shame Bourdain. Get yo freak on!
Don’t slice roast beef and jerk off at the same time.
Don’t ride a motorcycle and jerk off at the same time.
Don’t carry a sofa up the stairs and jerk off at the same time.
+1 Don’t cook bacon naked.
Why not just wrap yourself in bubblewrap every time you leave the house? What kind of life is that?
I don’t know that it is shameful, at least with this particular group of fucked up perverts.
I think it was more understandable. IE: Bourdain had a hot younger g/f, all the money he’d ever need, and a dream job, and didn’t appear to be depressive. Him randomly deciding to hang himself didn’t fit with the image of him these folks have.
In a group of people that engage in some inherently risky sexual activities, accidentally strangling yourself trying to get off is something the crowd could relate to.
I might even go so far as to argue it is the exact opposite. As there are a fairly large number of auto-erotic asphyxiation deaths that are ruled suicides simply to protect the person’s reputation.
Either way, egould310 is right.
That’s what I mean. Even with evidence that it’s masturbatory asphyxiation, the family and the medical examiner will write it up as suicide because that’s somehow less embarrassing. I agree with you and EDG; I think it’s ironic that in the general public’s eyes suicide is apparently preferable.
I completely misread your statement as being the other way around. My bad.
No prob. I would much rather believe my family member was just getting his jollies in an unusual way and got overly rambunctious than he was so depressed and miserable he felt his only way out was self-elimination. I guess to the average soccer mom that make me a deviant.
I don’t get such people – ordinary jerking off works just swell for me.
This has nothing to do with glib fit but I was just watching the first Harry Potter film and I thought of something I hadn’t before. Harry is kinda like a Parkland kid he has tremendous political and magical power because he survived a famous mass killing. I know I’m reaching a bit but i find it interesting to think about in a read way too far into things way.
His family is also well off, like Hogg, but unlike Hogg he survived a direct attempt at his life. Hogg was simply in the area.
Also, Harry Potter’s life continued to be in danger for the entire series.
Related: That supposed swatting attempt at his residence fell out of the news awfully fast. Really was convenient how it happened when no one was home.
That or his 15 mins of fame are up. Maybe he should take up the strip club circuit like Stormy Daniels.
He and Stormy could do a porn together. Then CNN could screen it as part of their new drive to try and salvage their toilet-level ratings.
Hogg Storm kinda like Sharknado. Pulling out can be the common sense gun control.
“You ready for this mass shooting baby?”
She’s taking a break from her busy schedule to go to the US-Mexico border, because she’s a totally serious person and in no way a famewhore.
Being fully onboard the Never-Trump train sure adds to her credibility.
Also, Harry Potter’s life continued to be in danger for the entire series.
Thanks in large part…to the wizard government.
i was eating lunch and i watched this
because who doesn’t want a south african handheld semi-auto 20mm grenade launcher that can be easily mounted on vehicles?
Also: new Razorfist rant
something to do with immigrants. idk i haven’t watched yet.
I start work at 3. I work at Home Depot currently. Work is why I haven’t been here much the past few months.
Harry didn’t advocate banning magic.
America, 2018: Far left sportswriters go berserk because Kevin McHale went to a Trump rally in Minnesota.
First of all, who the hell sits there and carefully scrutinizes the faces in the crowd in the background of a news photograph? Even when I was looking for his face, I couldn’t find it until his position in the crowd until the article told me where he was. And, of course, they’re screaming for him to be fired for attending a political rally.
Some lunatic blue-check bitch starts scouring white (I’m assuming just them) NBA players’ twitter pages to see who they follow and throws a fit because Gordon Hayward follows Fox News, Candace Owens, and Charlie Kirk. The fuck is wrong with this cunt?
Every day, the left just proves themselves even more insane than they were yesterday.
They are doing the Lord’s work, collecting evidence for the Nuremberg Trials 2.0.
Figuring out who’ll need to go to the re-education ‘happy-fun-time’ facilities.
Just a short train ride away.
I couldn’t find it until his position in the crowd
I bet he’s the really tall white guy…
That looks like a giant zombie man.
See, that’s what I thought, that he would stick out in the crowd because of his height, but it’s not the case. Look at the original tweet in the picture and see if you can find him.
Are these lunatics closely examining pictures of crowds at every Trump rally to try to find people they can identify and attack??
I stand corrected.
So just being in the same building as someone; who has never been arrested; who is part of a major political party (~33M members); who happens to be the President of the United States is a firing offense.
You MUST hold the views we have decided are orthodox or you will be, at best, ostracized and unemployed or, with any luck, killed.
These people are insane, dangerous and must be stopped.
Apparently, the one who went through white player’s Twitter accounts was the head writer of Parks and Rec. Probably for the shitty, politicized final few seasons.
Her boyfriend can’t get her off, apparently.
Going through her Twitters did expose me to this awesome Trump line, though: Vaginas are landmines…it (avoiding STD’s, apparently) is my personal Vietnam
Parks and Rec was a shitty show.
The second and third seasons were great. Things started to go down with the introduction of Ben and then you have the mediocre final few seasons.
I watched it a few times when it was new (first season I guess), thought it was dogshit, never watched it again.
First season was basically a completely different show and was awful.
She also complains about how the internet is dangerous for women because they get called cunts occasionally while posting the home addresses/phone numbers of Trump officials. She’s a peach. I think I found my own derpy muse. The Valenti to my Sargon. The New Republic writer that Irish was obsessed with to my Irish.
“Her boyfriend can’t get her off, apparently.”
The definition of a cuck is the guy who keeps dating a woman who tweets that.
No lie.
Commies. No shit totalitarians.
And most of them have no idea what their attitude is leading towards. Don’t remember who I stole it from, but what these lefties don’t get is that Donald Trump isn’t the Right’s last chance. He’s the left’s.
Some of them have an idea, but are certain their side will win.
I don’t think that turns out as well for them as they think it will. I don’t think it turns out well for anyone that loves liberty even a little. Witness the “Arab Spring”. It’s usually the most ruthless set of sonsofbitches that win. And right now they seem to want an ethno-state conflict that is non-whites against whites. Only…that’s now how it would splinter up, I don’t think.
Yup. I’ve made that same comment all the time, going back to TOS – in any sort of armed conflict, whether it escalated to actual open warfare or not, the only certainty is that liberty will be dramatically curtailed and restricted. Waging war has always been used as a excuse to restrict liberty – we’re at war here! We can’t trifle with your niceties about freedom and rights, we’ve got to win! Hell, Grant didn’t even need an actual war – he suspended habeus corpus during Reconstruction.
For the most part, it splits between people who have guns and people who don’t. Guess which side they’re on.
You mean the group that has more people, way more money, and controls most major institutions? How do they plan to win?
That behavior is hugely troubling,
But I will never agree that the right as lived and dreamed by the majority of Americans is any less authoritarian than the left. I will agree that I can suffer the mistakes of the right more easily than the left, but I will not concede that that conservatives have some inherently superior ethic or attention to principle. I love reading here, but so much of the commentary often reminds me of the all so sure Prestonwood types who just assume I’m Baptist and voted for Reagan….no thank you. I wish rationalizing Republican behavior were a smaller part of the discourse. Republicans love a good witch hunt as much as anyone and have proven it in every decade since WW1.
I’ll close as I often do: a pox on both their houses.
I don’t buy into the “they’re equally bad” line that some take with conservatives and progs. My experience shows that conservatives, in general, are much more receptive to libertarianism than progressives. History also shows that some of the most egregiously statist impulses of the GOP come from the faction of religious progressives (SoCons) that were stranded in the GOP when the atheist progs coopted the Democrat party.
Agreed. Watch any congressional hearings/meetings.
SoCons are a pain in the ass, but in contemporary American society, I don’t see them getting a helluva lot of traction for whatever busybody things they might wish to do. Not so with the progs. The ratchet only ever turns in one direction.
“I don’t buy into the “they’re equally bad” line”
I used to buy into this more before the Left tore off their masks, openly started hating America and capitalism and supporting Marxism. Republicans/conservatives can be ineffective, stupid and terrible about certain issues (WoD and foreign adventurism comes to mind), but they are not the ones currently making an organized, concerted effort to “fundamentally transform” (read: destroy) American values of life, liberty and property to be replaced with Marxist-Leninism.
If the Democrats were actually in favor of peace, and actually in favor of staying out peoples bedrooms, and actually in favor of ending the Drug War, but combined that with high taxes, socialism, gun grabbing, I could see the “equally bad” argument.
But the Hippie Democrat wing is totally gone. It’s speech restrictions, gun grabbing, the leviathan state, BAKE THE FUCKING CAKE, high taxes. I mean, you have the ACLU openly talking about how they’re not free speech absolutists anymore.
Definitely. Even on issues in which they were nominally in support of liberty (eg: gay rights/gay marriage) they morphed into totalitarians and showed their true colors (BAKE THE FUCKING CAKE etc.).
Yeah like, if the Republic were to finally completely fall, and we were to be ruled by the First Triumvirate, which Triumvirate ends up with a more liberty friendly policy:
Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Cory Booker
If we count up genocides and mass murders committed by both, how do they compare?
Sorry, but I’m not really buying it. Yeah, if this blog were around in 1980, I’d say you sure as hell had a point. Hell if it were around in 2001, I’d agree that you might have a point. But, at least right now, that world is gone. The SoCons hiding under the bed have, as their biggest, most monstrous agenda item….not having to bake cakes or not having to buy birth control when they’re nuns. Maybe if the right made some sort of resurgence, I’d have cause for alarm. But, right now, they really don’t have that kind of clout. And they’re not really pushing any major infringements of liberty. On the other hand, it’s not the right pushing speech codes in colleges and universities. It’s not the right stripping away due process rights. It isn’t the right that’s saying it’s okay to beat up your political opponents. It isn’t the right who are calling people trying to peacefully petition the government to protect their rights “terrorists” and demanding they be banned. It isn’t the right looking to destroy people’s lives for the sin of saying something out of line or displaying anything other than utter conformity of opinion.
Our leftists are just like all the ones from history. They must come out of a cookie cutter. These personality types, their language, their tactics and their goals are identical to the ones from Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, all of the eastern bloc, …you know the crowd.
Never give up your guns or we will be fucked six ways from sunday.
Didn’t run yesterday. However, My wife and I ended up on a 5 mile walk back to our place after dinner. That also involved stopping at 5 bars along the way. 3 beers and 3 whiskeys.
Now I’m sipping a coffee, and am about to take off for a 12 mile run. The sky is thick with onshore clouds. The air is cool. Perfect weather for running.
There’s a tremendous urge to avoid blame or assigning it, but I know exactly zero people who are faithful to a sustaining calorie diet and gain weight, so I suspect that’s all there is to it. My sister weighs 250, and she is not related to any woman who ever weighed over 160 ever ever ever. There is nothing wrong with her metabolism that a lunch of cornbread, tomato soup, and Liam beans won’t cure. If I’m wrong, just add milking twelve cows at four and four to tweak the system or hoe an acre of crops a day. My people routinely live past ninety….just put down the cola.
Liam beans? I don’t think I’ve ever taken those before.
Yep. If I locked a fat person up in a prison cell for 3 months and fed them exactly 1200 calories of rice, beans, and spinach a day with all the water they could drink, they’d come out significantly slimmer. It’s science. LIke actual science, not prog science.
I became a fat kid when I was 7 years old guzzling soda and shitty food when I started riding the bus home. Stayed fat for 20 years, peaking at 375+. In exactly one year of tracking everything I put in my mouth, I dropped from 250 pounds to 185, and have maintained that weight for nearly two years now.
What would be interesting in your experiment would be what kind of variability would you find if you took two people of equal weight and stature and did your experiment. I’d assume a bunch of genetic factors and age influence the rate of loss.
But I’m not disputing your argument – I’d agree both would lose weight.
“I’d assume a bunch of genetic factors and age influence the rate of loss.”
Age is like less than 100 calories per day for decade.
Like two 6 foot 250 pound men, the 20 year old has like a 2400 calorie BMR, the 50 year old has a 2200 BMR.
So a 90 day 1200 calorie diet, the 20 year old loses 30 pounds, the 50 year old loses 25 pounds.
That’s all pretty rough, back of the envelope stuff.
What about this guy?
Sounds like he had some crazy medical condition. Like Lizzie Velasquez has.
7 billion people on the planet, there’s gonna be some odd ones.
Yep. If I locked a fat person up in a prison cell for 3 months and fed them exactly 1200 calories of rice, beans, and spinach a day with all the water they could drink, they’d come out significantly slimmer.
Would you give them a choice?
Lotion or the hose?
In that case you want to fatten them up since it will create more skin for the suit.
It’s calories in vs. calories out. Of course, you do need to get enough protein and fat, but it still comes down to calories.
I get so tired of explaining this to people. There is nothing that will make you lose weight on a caloric surplus (save for a tapeworm or some rare disease). Grapefruit juice, oolong tea, and all the “negative calorie foods” in the world will not make you lose weight if you don’t run a caloric deficit.
I guess it’s just one more manifestation of the desire to have an easy, painless solution rather than putting in the work to make lasting, positive change.
that’s all there is to it
You wish to add something to our discussion?
Are these lunatics closely examining pictures of crowds at every Trump rally to try to find people they can identify and attack??
They pore over those photos just like our cold war Kremlinologists studied the physical arrangement of Politburo officials and generals on a May Day reviewing stand and the potential hierarchical shifts implied thereby.
They study them just as the CIA worker bees counted the antennae on Soviet “fishing trawlers” off the Connecticut coast.
a lunch of cornbread, tomato soup, and Liam beans
“No, seriously, I’m just not feeling particularly hungry right now.”
What kind of monster does not love tomato soup?
I used to not like it. Until I had homemade tomato soup, changed everything.
Made with gin.
Progress Update
I ate a bit more than usual this week, but the carbs are still good.
Calories: Average 1643, goal 1500 or less
Carbs: Average 18, goal 30 or less
I finally started walking this week. Got in 5 days (M-F) 20 minutes each.
Current weight: 177.4
This includes yesterdays blowout (2200 calories 21 net carbs). I went out for Mooyah’s at lunch (860 cal 4 net carbs – iceberg lettuce instead of bun), and had pizza for dinner (1300 calories and 17 net carbs for 4 slices – cauliflower & cheese crust).
Ran 5 miles yesterday but my heart wasn’t in it – average time was 10:43 a mile. ie, I started out in the low 9s and then got progressively slower with some walk breaks.
I did, however, beat my best mile time on Wednesday. I did a 6:45 mile, beating my previous record (6:48) by a mighty three seconds. I suppose I was pooped out from Wednesday’s “mad mile” run, which is why my performance suffered.
And this Tuesday I finally hit the weight bench after taking ~8 months off. Damn I have lost a lot of strength, one of many reasons I hate body building. If you take a long break it’s back to (not quite but almost) square one again.
If you take a long break it’s back to (not quite but almost) square one again.
It comes back a lot faster though; you’re just reconditioning the existing muscles, not building new ones.
Yeah I haven’t loss my wide shoulders or V shape, just lost mass.
I’m also down ~30 pounds from the same time frame; some fat some muscle
The local gym I have been going to for 20+ years just ripped out 2/3rds of the weight machines that I have been using (they were old — who knew). The new ones aren’t installed yet. And I have no ambition to learn a whole new set when then arrive. So I am thinking about basic free weights for home use.
Can anyone point to a decent program for newbies to free weights? At this point, I am interested in upper body exercise because I am still working with a therapist on the quad tendon rehab. Bonus points if it is something my wife can pick up as well.
I got good results with this:
I modified some of the exercises so they weren’t machine based but free weights, ie dumbbell flys instead of machine.
Thanks, I’ll give it a closer look tonight.
oh and I used bands instead of a cable machine. In my garage I have a dip/pull-up station (~$120), a weight bench (?? – prices vary) that has an extension to do legs, preacher curls. And a simple bench-bench (~$50-$60?) which is good for doing flys, tricep extensions, or any other dumbbell exercise.
Didja hear the one about the college girl aspiring for a career in porn?
She was majoring in pubic relations!
yuk, yuk, yuk!
What kind of monster does not love tomato soup?
Actually, I like tomato soup. And cornbread, as long as it doesn’t have green peppers or whatever the fuck it is people ruin it with.
Lima beans (aka green mush) are the deal killer.
Yes. My mom tried to serve us those when I was a kid. No go. Even Dad rebelled.
They are satan’s shit dollops.
You guys are crazy. Lima/butter beans are delicious. They’re only shit if you’re serving them in shit.
Butter beans are good, though
If I locked a fat person up in a prison cell for 3 months
Tomorrow’s the end of the final eval week for MTI’s ruck-based selection program. After that it’s a taper week and then it’s time to ship. The last seven weeks have gone by pretty quickly in retrospect. Good results so far but we’ll see how the numbers translate.
Hope y’all Glibs are meeting your goals and considering second careers as Abercrombie models!
You’re an inspiration Mr. Machine! I just got an email from MTI today talking about programs for us normals.
Where are you shipping off to?
Thanks, duder! Heading to Benning for Basic & Airborne, then Bragg for Selection after that. Good luck with your own training, MTI doesn’t fuck around but it’s worth the payoff.
Good luck, kid. Check in when you can!
Ouch! That’s a lot of training injuries to avoid to get to the good stuff.
Those schools remind me of when I was in a NG infantry company. Great bunch, lots of good quality prior service & guys with their heads screwed on. A number did airborne+Ranger, and at least two went SF. Best way, according to one of the full timers that set things up, was go to Ranger first as a leg (at the time could do this, not sure if it’s changed since) then go to airborne. Took a little ribbing as a leg ranger, but basically got Airborne School as a post-graduation “vacation” and didn’t to worry about getting fucked up & losing your Ranger slot.
One of the guys doing that path was prior service and had gone to Airborne when he was 17 or 18. So here he was twenty years later and something like fifteen years since he last jumped, and found himself with a chute in Ranger.
Very cool! Yeah, SF seems to draw from a pretty broad pool. Of the handful of team guys I know, no two of them have much of anything in common, save the choice they made to go SF. And they’re all pretty impressive dudes.
Good luck! Hope your new handle is “This Machine Passed Q Course”.
And can’t go without posting this of course.
Thanks! Gonna be a couple years yet, but I’m doing my best to prep for the Q and hopefully I get it all done on the first try.
OT: Just quit the organization and kick them off our soil already. They exist only to attack Western Civilization and apologize for brutal dictators.
I found this to be the most entertaining claim:
I should have kept reading:
At least American tax dollars don’t pay for any Russian troll farms.
Where is this contempt for the poor? What the fuck is he talking about?
Expecting them to work = contempt and cruelty.
The UN would just be used like we did when the Soviets boycotted it in the early 1950’s.
Best thing is to take a chainsaw to the whole edifice, leave it with a limp dicked powerless secretary general & an auditorium without a working microphone. Let the tin pots pontificate to their endless delight where no one is listening.
Aka kill it, gut it, wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
We can skip the part about the UN being a respectable institution.
This is some Hard DERP right here
The comments there…yikes.
Why do both sides have guns?
They want a civil war. In their fever dreams they can exterminate the deplorables and usher in utopia. The deplorables are the only ones standing in their way.
Every policy they want to enact further fucks over the poor. As far as the commies taking over, like we would let that happen, lol.
We barely dodged that bullet in Nov. 2016
Hitlery is a criminal, but I don’t think full commie threat because she can be bought like a $5 whore.
contempt for the poor has intensified under the Trump Administration.
If that is true, where are the poor farms?
“contempt for the poor has intensified”
It’s about time
This is my shocked face.
Let them eat cake. Also shocked her last name is Kennedy.
SOP for these fuckers. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
“While many public school students complain about lunchtime mush that meets White House calorie guidelines, President Barack Obama’s daughters are dining on gourmet meals at a posh private school in Washington.”
Let them eat cake, indeed.
What sane moral person could have voted for that pinko shitweasel? None, thats who.
Can’t possibly have people using their money as they see fit in order to make a better future for their family! IT’S NOT FAIR!
It’s not their money. They didn’t build that.
Really, the more I think about it the more despicable they are.
First 2 Friday beers:
Mueller Brew Barn Wally Post Red ale – very good rendition of Red. Nice full flavor, session worthy.
Kentucky (Alltech) Bourbon Barrel Strong Ale – taste the bourbon without any harshness. Good Barrel aged beer, very drinkable.
“Mueller Brew Barn”
But did the beer find any Russian collusion?
Lol. It’s actually Moeller. My apologies to the brewery.
‘Driver’ of autonomous Uber was watching Hulu during fatal Arizona crash
No mention if any of this was obtained via a warrant…
Not sure why this is an issue. It’s a self-driving car. Perfectly safe.
That will be one of the problems with self driving cars. If it works 99.99% of the time people will learn to not pay attention.
If they work 99.99% of the time, they would drastically reduce crashes and fatalities. The standard is going to be higher than for actual human drivers. By a lot. Everyone likes to think that if they have control of the wheel, everything is fine. Or that they aren’t the problem as a driver. And lawmakers are just waiting to stick their dicks into the issue.
The fundamental conflict is that increasing levels of automation result in increasing levels of user distraction. So the automation is great at eliminating common user errors, but the operators fail utterly when the automation encounters a situation outside of its design criteria. So fewer accidents caused by people combined with catastrophic results for accidents caused by the automation.
Like this:
Technology objectively lowers risk, people respond by taking less personal responsibility thus countering any actual increase in safety.
“overall, consistent condom use dropped from 46% to 31%”
What’s shocking to me is that it was that low to begin with.
I hate to be Debbie Downer but it’s going to be a long time before this tech is ready for prime time. It will be less efficient then really good drivers and more efficient than idiots who won’t be able to afford it anyways. Not sure how that averages out. Also not sure what the driverless car blue screen of death equivalent will be.
“not sure what the driverless car blue screen of death equivalent will be”
It will be less efficient then really good drivers and more efficient than idiots who won’t be able to afford it anyways.
That’s another cute little trick the autonomous car fans like to pull. They imply a zero additional cost for the system. If you think hybrids are expensive relative to their internal combustion equivalent, what ’til you get a load of the MSRP for a fully autonomous car.
I’m checking in late.
I didn’t go to the gym today. I did mow the lawn.
I fell off the wagon with snack control. Today I went over my booze limit and broke the “one doughnut a month rule”. The former CEO of my company donated a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label for a celebration, so I indulged. When we were done, we noticed there were still Friday doughnuts. I had one so they didn’t go to waste. Two douhnuts this month.
I’ll weight myself tomorrow when I go to the gym.