The Astros ended their one game losing streak and are still sitting on top of the AL West. Those lovable Hogs won in Omaha while North Carolina were eliminated. And in Russia, Portugal, Spain and Uruguay all won, with the latter sealing their bid in the Round of 16 and the others all but locking their spot down as well. Today’s full of interesting games, with the Danes taking on the Socceroos, the Frogs playing Peru and the Brazilians who think they’re Italian but speak Spanish (otherwise known as Argentinians) take on Croatia. Good luck one and all!

Why hello there!
Sometimes the birthday roster is meh. But I gotta say, I enjoy scrolling through them and catching an odd name or two. Let’s see…today we celebrate the birthdays of: bullshit-artist Jean-Paul Sartre, the voluptuous Jane Russell, singer Ray Davies, E Street Band member Nils Lofgren, former Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto, maker of one good film and two bad ones Larry (or Lana if you believe in that) Wachowski, talking head Gretchen Carlson, actor Chris Pratt, result of inbreeding Prince William, American hero Edward Snowden, and singer Lana Del Ray.
Its also the day Vespasian conquered Jericho during the Great Jewish Revolt. The US Constitution, largely ignored 230 years later, went into effect, Cyrus McCormick patented his reaping machine (insert STEVE SMITH joke here), the first Ferris wheel was unveiled in Chicago, the Pullman strike in Pittsburgh took place, Lou Gehrig retired, Chief Justice Earl Warren resigned, John Hinckley was found not guilty for trying to kill Ronald Reagan, and SpaceShipOne became the first privately-funded craft to achieve spaceflight in 2004…and was then regulated out of business.

I’ve seen better days for birthdays and events, but we got Ray Davies and Ed Snowden! plus the Constitution and Cyrus McCormick’s reaper which are undoubtedly two of the most important days in the history of individual liberty. Yes, I believe the reaper definitely earns that distinction as much as any invention from the last 300 years not related to firearms or personal weaponry. Feel free to debate that in the comments…which we will get to right after…the links!

According to the high school cheer, she ain’t got no alibi.
Let’s see if there’s any discipline for this socialist federal employee pissing away tax dollars to protest while on the clock. Also, bonus points for trying to use the Groucho mask as a disgui…oh, never mind. She’s that ugly.
Trump takes another step libertarians should applaud. Hopefully it’ll result in the elimination of both at some point, but let’s at least enjoy the thought of another federal downsizing.
Uh, hey pal, there’s an easier way to do research on your novel than this. Christ, what an asshole.
This is going to be the next flashpoint in the BLM-Police UOF showdown. I’m gonna reserve judgement until I see the body- or dash cam with audio, but this one is hard armchair quarterback.
Not sure if it was brought up already, but even if it was, its absolutely hilarious. I only hope to God its true and there is video.
This should make everyone happy except the politicians in Cook County. I find a lot of joy in reading that more people are able to move out of that shithole war zone.
The Japanese appear to be taking the Trump-Kim summit at face value.

Phreaking Philly Phans, amirite?
And as always, you gotta keep your head on a swivel!
I can think of no song I’d rather play on June 21st than this one.
Make the best of today, friends!
I’d like to show Jane Russell my hot dog gun
::adds Slammer to the list of “Necrophiliac Glibs::
Dead Girls Don’t Say No
she’s a little too bony these days
I’m assuming he meant VR Jane Russell.
Trump takes another step libertarians should applaud. Hopefully it’ll result in the elimination of both at some point, but let’s at least enjoy the thought of another federal downsizing. – will this lead to actual reductions in spending?
Who knows. But cutting out the people and eliminating their power is a great step regardless.
I’m not sure merging the Education and Labor Departments makes a lot of sense per se–do they really have much to do with each other? On the other hand, if this is a prelude to eventually eliminating federal involvement in education–in my opinion, the most blatant interference of the federal government in what is clearly a purely local matter–that would be just great.
Especially since giving Education its own department also creates a never-ending bureaucracy that constantly cheerleads for its own expansion. Getting rid of that will make total elimination easier later. Maybe it doesn’t really matter where you stick the Education bureaucracy, in that case.
Going from two useless agencies to one useless agency is at least pointed the right way.
And we can call it the ARA (Agency of Redundancy Agency).
But we will need a department to supervise this redundancy. Call it the Department of Administrative Affairs.
There’s a huge amount of overlap between GED, remedial adult education, and vocational and job training within the two departments.
“do they really have much to do with each other?“
They are both inept, unnecessary, and internally redundant. A douchey lean six sigma black belt boot-camper with solid middle management hair would call that: Synergies
six sigma black belt boot-camper
::spit take::
Is that still considered a thing? I mean, do people still put that crap on their resume?
I have seen stirrings of it in various mammal emails, but I cannot answer for certain.
I fear the answer may be yes, and the trend will not pass until your species discovers the next great organizational buzz word solution to obvious problems.
Oh god yes – we’re suffering through A3 meetings, Sensei, and all that other Toyota crap.
Well to their credit, Toyota stuck me as a company that mostly had their shit together from the start.
Imposing some new resource-draining organizational change every few years on a failing company does not work. Mainly because management simply buys some program then orders their already short staff to implement it.
Toyota is also a very conservative company.
But even the “masters of lean” aren’t quite lean:
Where do I send my resume? If a meeting takes more than an hour, your doing it wrong.
It’s Toyota, check their website. A company that big is usually hiring somewhere.
Ask GE how that six sigma shit worked out for them under Immelt…
My company has a VP or senior director of LEAN. The irony is lost on upper management.
On the other hand, I can push commonsense changes through if I frame that as LEAN improvements.
The Army went LSS back more than 10 year ago. A new Secretary came in and pushed it down. The first six months saved a lot of efficiencies and then the LSS offices and bureaucracy and the training quickly ate up and obliterated any of the realized savings.
Most large organizations had a Black Belt that they’d put in a corner and wait for him to retire; then not refill the position.
Right where they improve things with Kaizen.
Companies can do a lot better if they just learn to do cause analysis so they aren’t fixing the same damn problems over and over and over.
But they already know how to fix those problems! You want them to learn how to fix different problems? That’s a different department’s problem.
I don’t get the six-sigma hate. I mean, it means fewer jobs for degreed statisticians, but it’s also nice not to have to explain to a coworker how two data sets aren’t different just because they have different means.
Also, I am a 5S true believer. Yes, it’s all common sense, but it’s amazing how many people need to be taught common sense. When doing one of the toy building exercises, there were people who disassembled their models and sorted the pieces as they did so. And then there were people who disassembled their models into a single pile of pieces. Those latter people exist, and they need to be trained to NOT be those sorts of people.
What’s this ‘exercise’?
Being a government employee, we don’t get exposed to corporate fads, and have our own medlies of antipatterns to deal with.
Lean Manufacturing (and all it’s cousins) certainly can be useful. Concepts like 5S are one benefit. When they suck is when the people driving the program refuse to be flexible and refuse to learn what aspects work in their company and which don’t.
You build something according to directions (often using Legos, K’nex or similar building toys) within a certain time limit. Usually there is a simulated supply chain. Then you iterate your process to maximize throughput and minimize inventory. Often there is a simulated demand and pricing curve. These are manipulated by the instructor to make it seem like what you’ve done results in greater profitability since you can’t see the numbers chosen for the simulations.
My main beef is when you try to apply it to functions that don’t involve repetitive tasks.
Ding ding ding.
The thing these two departments have in common is their need to be taken out behind the woodshed and bashed with a shovel.
I you believe in their mission and want them to continue to be “effective”, this doesn’t look like the best move on the surface.
If you think it’s all bullshit and want to throw them into a pit of swirling chaos and in-fighting, effectively neutralizing them in terms of actually causing external damage, this could be a great move.
What JATNAS said.
Haven’t seen you in a while, JATNAS! Hope all is going well!
Not sure if it was brought up already, but even if it was, its absolutely hilarious. – Trump is in the pocked of big sugar
Too bad he didn’t have any Sugar Babies on hand.
She looks like a Mallo Cup kinda girl. I don’t know why, but I could see her gobbling those down one after another.
You should see what she can do with a Charleston Chew.
This kind of stuff is soul food for his base – with the “Elites” in this country putting jade eggs in their vaginas, Trump munches shares a Starburst with a world leader and makes dad jokes about it – which trigger mocking MSM articles that are like free campaign ads for him.
The Starburst thing sounds like something I would do, which totally hits the “I want to drink a beer with that guy” mark.
Those lovable Hogs won in Omaha while North Carolina were eliminated
Another year, another early departure from the CWS by the Tar Heels
Woo pig spooie.
2-0 and in the drivers seat.
E Street Band member Nils Lofgren
I knew him back in the day; he was a mediocre guitarist in a local band called Grin.
There was a devastatingly hilarious review of one of his albums a few years ago that went, “There are three things Nils Lofgren can’t do, lead a band, write a song, and go on the ride at Space Mountain.”
I once worked with an actual Nils Lofgren stalker
Man, that would be a sad place to end up in life.
I liked that No Mercy song of his that got some radio play back in the day.
Let’s see if there’s any discipline for this socialist federal employee pissing away tax dollars to protest while on the clock.
Japanese worker punished for starting lunch three minutes early
The 64-year-old, an employee of the waterworks bureau in the western city of Kobe, was fined and reprimanded after he was found to have left his desk just three minutes before the start of his designated lunch break on 26 occasions over a seven-month period.
Senior officials at the bureau then called a televised news conference, where they described the man’s conduct as “deeply regrettable” and bowed in apology.
A spokesman for the bureau told AFP: “The lunch break is from noon to 1pm. He left his desk before the break.”
The worker had violated a public service law requiring officials to “concentrate on their jobs”, according to the bureau.
Meanwhile we have federal employees on record as actively subverting the law and their oaths of office and half of (more like 90%) the media are cheering for them.
Well when your boss is LITERALLY HITLER, you have a moral obligation to resist his evil Nazi agenda, every day, all the time, forever! The rules don’t apply to moral crusaders!
But they surprisingly don’t have a moral obligation to stop taking a paycheck, right?
Jesus, government apparatchiks like that make me wanna vomit.
I believe their rationalization for being in the paid employ of The Evil Empire is that they’re “causing more damage on the inside,” i.e. the age-old cop-out of every aging punk or would-be revolutionary.
Hey, now!
Not all of us.
Damn… that song came out back in 1982.
See, I like this. Most of Korean Presidents are either in prison, killed themselves, or were assassinated (By his own head of security at dinner! Hell, yeah!). They really give a shit about the rule of law and people not fucking with it. It’s also very nepotistic so corruption kindling is spread out quite nicely.
My theory isn’t that it’s cultural, although there is that. It’s that Korea/Japan are still new to the republic game. They haven’t had time to be frog-boiled into not giving a shit about its integrity.
South Korea was a dictatorship until about 30 years ago so it makes sense there is quite a bit of concern about rule of law…
That advertisement wasn’t very effective.
In dc speak doesn’t that just mean a 24.99% raise instead of 25%.
Just do that every year for 10000 years and we’re good!
Not every year. You need to wait after each cut to see the effects
The Los Angeles Department of the Medical Examiner ruled that the woman’s cause of death was exsanguination
I didn’t know there was a clinical term for “gold digging”.
Cupellation? I mean it’s not the actual digging, but it’s the important part. Parting gold from it’s source.
That’s called quanitative easing.
Waiting for the cauterwauls of howing merging Education and Labor is proof of Trump’s hatred of the poor and education and racism and insane anarcholibertarism while the actual libertarians complain it doesn’t go far enough.
It’s an odd merger, to be honest. I’d have merged Labor and Commerce, then HHS and HUD, then Energy, Transportation and Interior, then I’d abolish the Dept of Education.
Do you carry a big stick?
Are we still doing phrasing?
( y )
Oh sex joke…
Just like your mom!
She’s no joke.
104) I’ve been reading Xenophon’s Memorabilia of Socrates and came across a dialogue where Socrates and a fellow named Euthydemus try to come up with the most basic moral principles that men should follow. They observe that different cultures have their own customs, but there are some customs they believe every culture has in common. The three moral principles they think every culture agrees on are that humans should worship the gods in an appropriate manner, children should respect their parents, and people should repay their debts.
I can’t help but notice that Marxism/progressives attack every one of these foundations. Atheism—not just on a personal level, but as a policy, attacking religion (“superstition”) at every turn. Note that Socrates and Euthydemus don’t think there is any one particular god or method of worship, just that it’s done appropriately for local conditions.
Children should respect their parents—the ones who brought them life, who will support them when no one else will, who 99% of the time want nothing but the best and will work to provide it, who have wisdom and judgment that the children can benefit from. This is always and forever under attack by left-wingers—state-run schools, changing the definition of families, questioning whether parents are really fit to raise their children. Most recently, the idea that parents shouldn’t be able to interfere if their six-year olds want to identify as another gender.
People should repay their debts—don’t even get me started.
Socrates and Euthydemus came up with a pretty good list. Maybe they missed an item or two, but it’s a good start. I don’t think human nature has changed at all since the Greeks. I don’t think human nature really can change, though the environment in which human nature is expressed can change radically. I think it’s incredible dangerous to try to change that, or to try to put together a society that conflicts fundamentally with basic human nature.
Children should respect their parents – provided the parents deserve it. This is often ignored.
There are certainly parents who don’t deserve respect, but I think it’s a small, small minority. As a teen-ager, I used to consider myself in complete opposition to nearly every decision my step-father made concerning me or our family. In retrospect, as flawed a person as he was/is–alcoholic, moody, and completely unwilling to explain what I considered his arbitrary decisions– he was still right most of the time. I could only see his flaws then, but I didn’t realize the experience and judgment of his years far outweighed that.
My point is, even my step-father, who nobody would call a model parent, deserved respect. You’d have to be an awfully poor parent not to. I suppose abusers and outright neglect fall in that category.
small, small minority – I don’t believe this. It is a small minority but not that small. At least in Romania.
How many years do Romania spend as a Marxist state?
I think it is pretty universal, it is a small minority but not that small. Maybe 10 – 15% of parents are some combination of abusive or neglectful enough that they do not deserve respect.
I wonder how that demographic would split out. How many of these parents are single parents or divorced people with their own lives going to hell?
Extremely high percentage of divorced and single parents in this group, however the causative arrow goes the other way.
They are not horrible parents because they are divorced and raising the kid(s) on their own, but rather the same things that make them horrible parents make it difficult to impossible to maintain a long term relationship
I most old cultures, respect has more to do with following the direction of than thinking highly of. Given that most families were also a business, there an element of “do your damn job” in this command.
I missed your century substantive comment here, so belated congratulations.
As to your comment above – it’s Greek to me…
If the gods want respect, they can try to stop being rapist shitheads for a little while. You can turn yourself into a swan and all you can think to do with that power is rape poor old Leda?
And what was Leda’s malfunction? What women looks at a swan and gets all, “damn, I want me some of that!”
Have you seen the internet?
And I think it was rape, not seduction anyway.
Look, if it wasn’t Zeus it was obviously gonna be some other bird.
That swan was hung like a moose.
That’s actually an insult to a swan. Their penises are longer than their bodies, and would shame a moose. They’re also made erect through lymphatic pressure rather than blood pressure, and the erections are almost explosive in nature; they’ll go from flaccid and hidden within their cloaca to fully erect within a second. This helps them with their incredibly rapey reproduction strategy. Swans, geese, and ducks would make STEVE SMITH proud.
#ledatoo, brah
Bad ass tune selection today, Sloop. Happy birthday to Ray. I’ll add one of my faves.
Good one.
Here’s one of mine.
I’ve always like – quite libertarianish
One more and then I’ll stop
That oughta appeal to the SJWs.
Can Bill Weld Restore Conservatism?
I dunno, watching him as the LP VP candidate pushed me back toward conservatism…
Bremmer added that world leaders and diplomats he had spoken to were “extraordinarily disheartened” at Trump’s lack of enthusiasm or interest in working with US allies at the summit.
You know who else was extraordinarily disheartened?
The sacrificial victims in The Temple of Doom?
The Old Man with the vulture-eye?
Christiaan Barnard’s first patients?
Barney Clark?
Gooooob morning frens!
I tried not to laugh at the poor woman who caught a flying hot dog (it was really hard not to type “meat missile” there) in the face, but when I saw the video I just lost it.
Help me, I’m a bad person.
I haven’t been over to Twitter recently- did the Skittle ever move?
No, but he did catch his tail – his fren Sebastian saw it!
She seemed to be a pretty good sport about it. But a 2 1/2 minute news story? Local news is retarded.
My hot dog has a first name, it’s o-c-u-l-a-r . My hot dog has a second name is f-u-c-k-e-r.
Sartre and the philosophy of despair, I have no use for them.
The only ones who read him were/are the well-off, the educated, the ones who have more than the majority of the human race. He rationalizes their self-pity, their ennui, and indulges their melancholy. All the while others, some of whom truly have nothing, manage to find joy in life.
Hence my chosen descriptor.
I’m reliably informed he said one useful thing:
“In the words of Jean-Paul Sartre…. au revroir, go-phair.”
In another tweet, she reportedly wrote: “No one who has ever made their living terrorizing immigrants deserves peace. If you see one in a restaurant, at a movie, or in your neighborhood, remind them of that.”
Come on now, leave Obama alone.
I remember when Destroyer was released. I wore out the tape of GtPWTW that summer, mostly playing Destroyer over and over and over.
Happy birthday, Ray. You are one of the best evah!
Elderly couple falsely tied to XXXTentacion’s murder getting death threats
I never heard of this rapper until he died. Does that mean I’m getting old? Apparently his death is causing people to go insane.
Nobody had ever heard of him. He only had a handful of songs that were not distributed by any major label. I’m not sure why this has become such a big deal.
Never heard of him and still don’t give a shit.
Was his real name Dwayne? I feel like it was probably Dwayne.
“If you see these people in public, you should remind them that they shouldn’t have peace,” she said. “We aren’t the only ones who can do this. Anyone who sees Kirstjen Nielsen at dinner, anyone who sees anyone who works at DHS and ICE at dinner can confront them like this, and that’s what we hope this will inspire people to do.”
No Justice, No Peas!
Eat every bean and pee on your plate.
Nobody’s gonna mention the caterpillars above her glasses?
Martin Scorsese’s live child?
Well, I did make the “Groucho mask” joke.
Ah, missed it…I was thinking about Jane Russell
She got those from the same place Zoolander shops.
From the article on African-Americans moving out of Cook County–““Most people I know who left Chicago is because they are in a pursuit of either a safer environment or greater access to obtain success,” Shields said.”
What? So it’s not social justice and equality they’re after?
Gotta get further away from those Indiana guns.
Somebody is going to have a harder time organizing them when they’re spread all over.
Was the public school system the greatest mistake of the classical liberals?
And Education department was the creation of libertarian hero Jimmy Carter…
Emus launch a new offensive.
No word is the Australian army will be providing support.
Bird Paradise
Paradise ain’t all it’s cracked up to be
Wanted emu in Petersburg
Wanted emu in Albany
If you see me coming, and you know who I am
don’t breathe it to nobody, ’cause I’m an emu on the lam
Mandatory Wiggles video here:
If you’re looking for a summer festival….
This is a case where my reason and philosophy conflicts with my emotions, and I don’t give a damn. I have a magnificent dog laying beside me right now, and that’s enough to make me say fuck these people.
My philosophy is quite sound with CONDEMNING Yulin. They don’t merely kill the dogs quickly and humanely, like we do to livestock here in America (or try to). They believe that the more pain the dogs endure prior to dying, the better the meat tastes. So they torture the dogs to death, usually by boiling them alive.
Harvesting animals for food is one thing. Torturing with the intention of inflicting maximum agony prior to death is different. This is evil.
That’s fucked up.
What the fuck? That is sick.
Christ….really? That’s pretty damn terrible.
Yea, there’s an American, I think his name is Marc Chang? He goes over there and films everything. He raises funds and tries to rescue as many dogs as he can. Unfortunately that doesn’t change anything, just puts money into their pockets, but he’s trying I guess.
Yulin is my sister’s obsession, so I get an earful about it. I even had to unfollow her on Facebook for a time because I couldn’t stomach seeing the pictures and videos she kept sharing whenever Chang posted an update.
Shit, I meant condemn not condone. Edit fairy, could I please get that changed?
Thanks EF
That is fucked up shit. I heard the skin dogs alive after beating them. Sick fucking people imo
You guys better not forget that our proud native residents were pretty fond of eating them some dogs before the white eyes made them give it up. Dog eater is still a slur the Ojibwe use for the Sioux.
Full disclosure: I don’t have a problem with raising dogs to be food. I don’t like it, but I don’t have a problem with it. Pigs are smart, too.
The torture before the slaughter is thought to be releasing adrenaline into the flesh that is supposed to make it more tasty….which not only makes no sense to me (tender….is…good), but is very fucking vile.
I would bite my tongue and vote nay if I had to make this a crime. I’d probably bite a chunk off, but I can’t justify a law.
I’ve got no problem making animal cruelty illegal, provided we’re using reasonable standards. This is cruelty by any standard, and I would absolutely not hesitate to consider this a criminal offense. Shit, I’d have no problem considering it a capital offense. If you’re not that bothered by the idea of deliberately inflicting pain on another at least semi-intelligent, aware, living creature for the sake of amusement or “seasoning” then consider that most serial killers start off by doing things like what this whole city does each year.
Personally, speaking purely from a visceral, emotional standpoint, I’d firebomb the city and gut-shoot anyone trying to escape.
That’s silly. Hold a long pork festival the week after the dog festival. Make sure to blockade the exits to the city first, can’t have the livestock escaping.
Understood completely.
The best way I can justify a law is something like “Anyone who is willing and capable of committing this type of violence is definitely someone that we want off the streets. The act is frightening and immoral enough to justify their incarceration.”
I have the same mental/emotional response. But it’s hard for me to say “Killing pigs is OK!” and “Killing dogs will get you imprisoned.”
I get the cruelty angle, but I’m not sure how I can get around the idea that deeming that killing is OK but beating isn’t.
That’s not a hill I would even approach, let alone die upon.
IDK. I think animal cruelty is gross and immoral, but I don’t see how it can be made illegal. That law would seem to imply some form of animal “rights” and I just can’t see how that works.
If it’s ok for me to lock an animal in a cage until I kill it, butcher it, and eat it then I just don’t see how you can claim that animal has any rights at all.
This is why we have cognitive dissonance as a defense mechanism. It’s how we can hate Michael Vick for torturing and killing dogs in an isolated circumstance while being okay with millions of cows and chickens being treated similarly as a matter of course in order to feed us. I recognize that most cows, pigs and chickens are treated horribly, and have decided that I can accept that in order to enjoy delicious food at reasonable prices.
I get that, and many a vegetarian was spawned by answering that question one way rather than another. I guess the way I look at it is that animals occupy a sort of third category between “person” and “object”. I believe it’s possible to treat an animal unjustly, which is to say that they have some rights that can in fact be violated, but lacking moral agency (and therefore responsibility) there are things which would be unjust when done to a person that are just when done to an animal. And it varies based on the intelligence of the animal; a catfish isn’t operating at the same level as a pig, for instance. For the record, I have no problem with domesticating livestock for consumption, but I also believe that confers a responsibility to provide them with at least some measure of care beyond just sustaining their lives.
I’m not saying it’s entirely watertight, and I’ll freely concede that a lot of it boils down to what *feels* right or wrong, but I’d say in my defense that there are a lot of things people consider right or wrong mostly on the basis of intuition.
I agree with you. It’s difficult to flesh it out on the spot in a post. I may undertake an article on the topic.
I think part of it comes down to if you consider Homo Sapiens some sort of divine being with animals as objects or if you consider Homo Sapiens to be an apex animal with a gradient spanning the least to greatest.
I think it’s reasonable to assume that primates and other higher level animals feel physical pain just as strongly as we do. Higher level thought functions fly out the window when you are being flayed alive.
With that premise, why would it be permissible to torture an orangutan to death, but not a human with a similar level of intellectual functioning? Or say a newly discovered tribe of humans who through millennia of inbreeding has the same functional ability and intelligence as primates. Just in case it needs to be said, clearly I do not think torturing any of the above should permissible and would support Naptown’s suggestion that the perpetrators at Yulin face capital punishment.
“I find a lot of joy in reading that more people are able to move out of that shithole war zone.”
My hope is that record low black unemployment, a direct result of Trump’s policy implementation, has provided opportunity for blacks to move out of these shitholes and into more prosperous parts of society. Nothing would be more effective at increased integration into greater American society and throwing water on the fires of racism.
The left and their ilk have been keeping blacks on the plantation for most of our history. Did Trump just cut the lock on the gate and kick it open? We need to know if this is a local or nationwide phenomena.
So problematic – nay, RACIST!STTSSTT!!!
Black Unemployment Hits a Record Low
“The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972… As the overall unemployment rate continues to fall — the lowest since 2000 — it’s also shrinking the gap between black and white unemployment. It is the narrowest on record… The gap between black and white unemployment shrank to 2.4 percentage points, the first time on record it’s been less than 3 points.”
It’s hard to believe this could be happening in a country with known racist Donald Trump in charge.
It must be the aftereffects of noted Nobel Laureate and economist Barack Obama.
Slavery counts as full employment, doesn’t it?
Apparently “Trump hates brown people” is the narrative we’re supposed to go with based on the immigration issue. Now I’ve got my differences with the administration in regard to immigration policy, but I can’t help but wonder how that narrative plays out in communities made up of predominantly brown people who are getting back to work and/or enjoying lower taxes every paycheck.
How can people repay student loan debt if states take away the licenses they need to work?
Roderick Scott Sr., a Texas middle school teacher, had been teaching for several years when his professional license was up for renewal. Although the process is usually routine — the application can be submitted online and requires a simple fee — what happened next nearly left his life in ruins.
The Texas Education Agency denied Scott’s renewal. The reason: He had fallen behind on his student loan payments, the loan he had taken out to allow him to obtain his teacher’s license in the first place. Unbeknownst to Scott, Texas law allows the state to suspend or revoke a professional license as punishment for falling behind on student loan payments.
Scott started paying back his loan instead of his rent and other commitments, a decision that ultimately caused him to be evicted from his apartment and forced to file for bankruptcy.
The result of this Texas law — which also exists in 17 other states — is a dangerous Catch-22. Individuals who default on their student loans lose their licenses and thus heir ability to work. Stripped of their ability to earn money, these individuals have even more difficulty catching up on their loan payments, leading to a downward spiral of ever-greater debt and frustration.
And when Europeans criticize your American savage free market capitalism, you protest…
But if he had a regular paycheck why wasn’t he paying his loans on time?
My guess? Smart phones & lattes were higher on his priority list than owed debts.
Sorry that is just being an asshole to assume that.
Far more likely he was stupid in another way. He likely took out $100k in student loans to get his degree, an amount he would never be able to repay on a middle school teachers salary
We’re both calling him financially irresponsible.
Easy solution, get rid of occupational licensing.
you can’t have proper savage free market capitalism without licensing. First you need your license license. Then you can get the other licenses
Uffda. Preach it brother.
My Master Savage license cost me a bundle this year.
Why the fuck does a teacher need a license?
That said, I would love to see colleges on the hook for these loans. If you had skin in the game there is no way you’d let someone rack up a ton of debt to be a teacher.
Allowing them to be considered for bankruptcy after some term — 5-7 years maybe — would have the same effect.
But that can’t happen with student loans being guaranteed by the federal government and having lending standards imposed on them.
Let banks decide who they’ll lend to, let other lenders enter the marketplace, and treat that debt like all others that are dischargeable. The cost of college would plummet, the acceptance rate of loans would be at market level and the value of higher education would rise.
Yup. And when I hear academics talking about how awful it is that federal education loans aren’t bankruptable, I feel a thrill inside as they advocate for their own destruction.
You only need to be certified for public schools, at least in Florida. Unless they’ve changed the law recently, you can teach in private schools without it. I taught at a private high school for a year right after I got my Piled higher and Deeper. Never took an education class, never got certified, and it wasn’t a problem.
“That said, I would love to see colleges on the hook for these loans. If you had skin in the game there is no way you’d let someone rack up a ton of debt to be a teacher.”
How do you think this would impact affirmative action? Because that is the answer to why this would never happen while the grievance mongers have a say in these sort of things…
Republicans have long expressed an interest in eliminating the Education Department since it was created by President Jimmy Carter in 1980. Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have shown similar leanings.
Cue cries of Team Red being against education because that is obviously what this is about rather than the inefficacy of the DOE or lack of of constitutional justification for the existence of the DOE in the first place.
I’m sure it violates the commerce clause too…
Q: Why do you appoint a wealthy businesswoman with no experience in educational bureaucracy and a distaste for the public school system to run the Department of Education?
A: Same reason you don’t hire people who live in a public housing complex to demolish it.
Actual Canadian libertarians!
They’re very polite, and apologize after enslaving orphans and removing roads.
Question: I saw a couple of headlines yesterday about Trump saying he would sign something about ripping babies from their mothers’ arms, if and when it made it to him. I guess he did. I was actually trying to do something productive, so I didn’t read any of it.
But- that was an executive order, right? Why would he be waiting for it to get to him, if it originates in the Oval Office? Was he waiting for somebody on the staff to write/review it? Or was that more of the same incoherent nonsense the media is so good at?
I think he was waiting on legislation and since Team Blue was stonewalling it, he went ahead and signed the EO…which is in gross violation of the law and I hope the courts strike it down so he can shame the fuck out of Congress for not doing their goddamn jobs.
The EO was written so wishy-washy that it very likely won’t actually change anything on the ground, but now the press will go chasing after some other shiny spot on the wall.
Miss Manners wouldn’t approve of serving dog at a BBQ, but what about Long Pig?
I would try this with my ex wife, but I think the meat would be too fatty.
This is the plot of Titus Andronicus/King Lear.
Miss Manners might not approve. But what would Zardoz say?
+1 Beyond Burger.
1) I assumed the UP was full of cannibals and savages of all types. Appears to be correct.
2) Never the less, this is disgusting. Inhumane. It is an abomination to call high-heat grilling of a hamburger a “barbeque” or “BBQ.”
Controversial opinion:
Leave your fucking dog at home. Don’t bring them to work. Don’t get me wrong, I like dogs. But if I were to bring my child to work (on a regular basis) you bet your ass I’d be talked to by management. Why is it acceptable to bring your dog to work? You can more justifiably leave a pet home alone. They stink and make noise. They don’t wear diapers. And where I work they get free reign irregardless of other employees fears or allergies.
We have a small office and all of us have dogs. Usually a dog is in once a week or so, but not every day. Works well for us – personally I love having dogs around.
I can’t see it working in a larger office, though.
For us it’s a mostly open office concept and usually only on Fridays. I like dogs, and I even enjoy them around, but I do know we have several employees who are terrified of dogs (and we have some larger dogs come in) and one who is pretty allergic (despite how much he loves them).
Not sure this is really a controversial opinion. I know they exist, but I’ve never worked in an office that allowed people to bring in their pets and I don’t think many office workers would favor such a policy.
If you can bring in your dog or cat, I want to bring in Penthouse pets?
I find this to be a completely acceptable compromise.
Because the owner of the business says it is?
I actually have less of a problem with this than when people bring dogs to patio bars or restaurants. A few years ago my aunt got bit by a dog as she was dropping drinks off at the table. The guy had adopted the dog that very day and then decided the best place for him to go was a crowded, noisy patio with a bunch of strangers who also had dogs. Spoiler: his dog was scared shitless and reacted how scared dogs typically react.
Our local is very dog-friendly, as are most places in Annapolis, and I haven’t been out yet and not seen at least one dog freak out at passers-by or other dogs at the establishment. Even when they’re mellow, they’re still underfoot and kind of a pain. There was this one guy who was very nice and had a very sweet Golden Retriever who everyone loved to come and pet. And when they did, Pomeranian-sized balls of fur would float in the air across the patio, landing in my beer, on my hamburger, pretty much everywhere.
Cue cries of Team Red being against education because that is obviously what this is about rather than the inefficacy of the DOE or lack of of constitutional justification for the existence of the DOE in the first place.
Republicans hate the DoEd because it is such an efficient, well-run organization.
Comment of the day (from Seeking Alpha):
Trump’s agenda is personal wealth, personal power. He doesn’t care who he has to step on to get these things. Ask one of his many ex wives. Therefore, he will spend his presidency setting up the conditions for making deals. He considers himself a great deal maker. The trouble is, he is making them for HIMSELF and his family, and he doesn’t give a damn how they impact the family, the Presidency, security, or our status as a nation that loves freedom and democracy.
He also doesn’t care if the wealth comes from states like North Korea or Russia. Sure sure, handshake and peace. No threat as long as that guy Donald is in office… Typical cult of personality, typical autocrat. No real changes mapped out either…where weapons or conditions for the average people goes.
He’s not there on behalf of populations. He’s there to shake the mighty hand of profitability, for himself and his business partners.
He has been using his office to earn wealth.
“Several Trump business ventures appeared to move forward in step with the president and first family conducting government affairs, including a deal in Argentina that was fast-tracked after Trump’s call with President Mauricio Macri. Meanwhile, several licenses for Ivanka Trump’s brand in China were approved as the first daughter enjoyed dinner with President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago.”
1. Trump’s continued global business ventures, despite vows of “no new foreign deals.”
“The president did not put his businesses in a blind trust upon taking office in January, even though ethics experts from both parties suggested he should do so. The Trump Organization also hasn’t stopped its pursuit of global deals that have been in the works for years. For example, Donald Trump Jr. is reportedly planning to launch two new luxury residencies in India within the next few weeks. Ivanka Trump has been granted exclusive rights to use her name in countries like China and Japan, allowing her business to sell high-end spa packages and accessories even as she works as a senior adviser to the president.”
Same guy:
“Oh right, we wouldn’t want to “offend” anyone, the delicate sensibilities and feelings of the Trump team and their astonishingly accepting supporters.
What if the PROBLEM, is radical misuse of power? Is political tactics designed to foster personal wealth and power instead of success for the majority of Americans?
You Claim: “I think the basic problem is that most Americans are not schooled enough in economics to understand the thought process he has and he tries to communicate at an 8th grade level to include those without the education but the need to know. Even on this site, few can describe the ‘twin deficits’ we face and why it is a problem.” –Yet I think these “challenges” of yours are designed to distract and control subjects and conversations you feel threatened by…clearly mine.
And as to Howard Stern, you did know that he’s a friend of Donald Trump right?…
I know who he is. He is an ass. But his politics have not been that far off the mark. In his manners and style he has a whole lot more in common with Donald Trump than with me.
I’m about respect for people. And when there is an outrage being perpetrated on my country, on any group, I am angry. I do not apologize for that at all.
Nor will I run from the kinds of astonishingly cold and mean spirited remarks people make.
Time for people to get rid of this unfit leader. He has gone to far at the US border, and he should succumb to the usual democratic process. Vote him out of office. Hopefully, that will happen before he attains the kind of power that enables him to directly harm the interests of the majority by hampering the rights of those who disagree with him.
Wait, he is doing that right now. His “voter fraud” team that took righteous anger towards faulty hackable e voting machines and system failures at the polls and created a myth about the masses cheating the system by voting twice.
It was all a big lie and experts proved that there was not even a meaningful number of any kind of real ‘voter fraud’… Yet he created a council, and the man “in charge” purged democratic voters from the rolls when they failed to vote in an election.
Sick? Had surgery? Going through a divorce? Decide that there is no one to vote for? You risk getting cancelled as a voter. Your state might send a difficult to comprehend index card to you that looks like an advertisement, so you toss it. Look more closely and you see that between the lines there is a risk that you could be cancelled from the voter rolls.
Fail to re apply to vote, lose your chance to vote.
After thousands of complaints about proven unfair practices by Kobach, his Democratic voter hit man, Trump wrote an executive order cancelling the ‘voter fraud’ council he set up for Kobach to run. Unfortunately, it continues on in the background.
The most destructive response to Trump’s lies about “millions voting illegally”..
“When Donald Trump claimed, “the election’s going to be rigged,” he wasn’t entirely wrong. But the threat was not, as Trump warned, from Americans committing the crime of “voting many, many times.” What’s far more likely to undermine democracy in November is the culmination of a decade-long Republican effort to disenfranchise voters under the guise of battling voter fraud. The latest tool: Election officials in more than two dozen states have compiled lists of citizens whom they allege could be registered in more than one state – thus potentially able to cast multiple ballots – and eligible to be purged from the voter rolls.
The data is processed through a system called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, which is being promoted by a powerful Republican operative, and its lists of potential duplicate voters are kept confidential. But Rolling Stone obtained a portion of the list and the names of 1 million targeted voters. According to our analysis, the Crosscheck list disproportionately threatens solid Democratic constituencies: young, black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters – with some of the biggest possible purges underway in Ohio and North Carolina, two crucial swing states with tight Senate races.”
The cognitive dissonance is sparklingly depressing.
You should have seen him during Obama’s reign of mediocrity.
Tiresome progressive shtick.
the Crosscheck list disproportionately threatens solid Democratic constituencies: young
Fire depts are disproportionately threatening fires.
The Ken Schulz of the left.
His “voter fraud” team that took righteous anger towards faulty hackable e voting machines and system failures at the polls and created a myth about the masses cheating the system
Whatever happened to that recount in Michigan that found several “irregularities”?
At least Leave fucking your dog at homeTrump’s agenda is personal wealth, personal power. – unlike other politicians who only want rainbows and unicorns
Shit what the fuck happened…
I wanted to make a joke on fucking your dog, decided against it and somehow it got here… Oh well
Would you say you screwed the pooch on that comment?
Bitch, please!
You don’t have to hound him.
Yeah, don’t boxer around so hard.
Ease up, guys. We don’t want to turn him into a basset case.
Knock it off or I’m gonna collie Swiss in here
While we’re clearing the Airedale around here, I must apologize for Puli-ing your tail from time to time.
I shih tzu not, this is a fun subthread.
Swissy is really gonna bark at us when he sees this.
We need another admin. Anyone seen SP? I’ll golden retriever.
/try the veal
Puns make mastiff.
But this is a bunch a bull, dawg!
It’s not even hump day
Well done, I shall chug a beer in your honor.
LOL, I just made a poodle on the floor reading all these comments.
I would venture being president has been terrible for Trump’s business.
And I hate this crap about emoluments. If followed the way progressives want it to, it basically means no businessman could ever be president and keep his business.
Exactly. The only way people who are rich could be in politics is if they sold access to their office and traded favors for large donations to their “charities” or had hefty “speech fees” given to their relatives in exchange for political favors.
That’s a whole lot more appealing than having actual businesspeople running the largest economy in the world, right?
These marxist – whom have replaced old time religion and the concept of a benevolent higher power & heaven with government bureaucracy and the state – firmly believe government will act like the benevolent higher power they imagine it would. The fact that bureaucracy is staffed by petty fucks like them never seems to sink in.
. If followed the way progressives want it to, it basically means no businessman could ever be president and keep his business.
In their view, this is a feature, not a bug. Academics and career bureaucrats are the desirables.
They must not have read up on Pol Pot and how he handled those types…
It seems to me that lawyers making laws is a huge conflict of interest, too…
doesn’t care if the wealth comes from states like North Korea or Russia.
Or Saudi Arabia or Morocco or Algeria or Kuwait or Qatar or Oman, but enough about the Clintons.
Typical cult of personality, typical autocrat.
But enough about former president “Light-bringer”, aka “Pen-and-Phone”.
Serious question: Is this guy forreal? I see nothing but projection.
Apparently brit internet shitposters are joining UKIP confirming they are nazis. This shows the ISJWs were right all along.
Much alt right. Then again RT is not reliable news
Dankula did it half in cheek and Sargon has said it a few times already this week. Joining UKIP is the ultimate shit posting.
What happens when ordinary people learn economics?
In Manchester, groundbreaking economics courses are giving locals the means to challenge some of society’s received wisdom – for free.
Inside, Pat Bhatt chimes in: “Everything you see around you comes from nature. That’s the basis of everything. Economics is the wrong word. It should be … ecolo-mics.”
Ooohs and aaahs. “Very clever!” beams the facilitator Nicola Headlam and scribbles it down on the flipboard.
“I invented it,” says Bhatt. – I am sure they are learning economics . But what happens? Let us see
More confident is 70-year-old “raging feminist” Lechner. “The economy is a system, right?” she says. “I understand systems like patriarchy and how it’s set so certain people get hurt … and I want to know how the rules of the economy are set.”
Headlam nods: “Somehow, someone, somewhere made these rules up. They aren’t laws of nature.” And they determine “who’s got what and where and why”.
When the Queen famously asked why no economist saw the crash coming, she cut to the heart of the matter: perhaps those who wrote the economy’s laws and policed their observance weren’t so qualified after all. – actually multiple economists predicted but were ignored
At the University of Manchester in 2013, economics undergraduates – tired of memorising abstract models while the eurozone burned – linked up with students from around the world to demand their economics curriculum be changed. Nothing beyond the orthodoxy of free-market economics was being taught; no conflicting global developments, nothing of its critics such as Keynes or Marx, despite their contemporary relevance. – I honestly doubt Keynes is not mentioned in economics in the UK but don’t know the curriculum.
To make the economy more democratic, as everyone from Theresa May to Jeremy Corbyn proposes, we need to democratise knowledge of economics. – right…
Somehow, someone, somewhere made these rules up.
ah… uhmm… wut?
They aren’t laws of nature, man. Like, somebody just invented it out of thin air.
Lets see how that works out for them.
Ugh… What an awful article. Concerned with nothing but anecdotes about the participants.
How seeing if any of the participants understands the law of supply and demand or something basic.
If you don’t understand micro-economics how can you hope to even begin to attempt to understand the true derp that is macro- economics. My personal favorite being the Keynesian cross. I think I’ve got over 20 credit hours of economics and I hated just about everyone of them.
It is more than supply and demand. The most basic concept of requiring more output than input to keep from reaching zero…the most basic math…escapes them.
Remember this guy? “I know the numbers dont work but what we are trying to do is too important for us to be held back by math!”
/Bernie supporter
And this guy? “The first law of economics is that demand always outstrips supply. The first law of politics is to ignore the first law of economics.” (paraphrased)
/T. Sowell
Demand is not the number of people who want something – it is the number of people who both want something and are willing and able to pay for it at a given price point. Barring externalities, price will move until supply and demand meet.
Being specific – the demand curve is the quantity of goods of people who want something at various price levels. (And I’m not suggesting you didn’t know this.) The equilibrium price is where it meets supply.
Next up we can talk about the slope of the demand curve and if we are moving along the curve or the curve shifts…
Yes, but were’ not talking about the curve. The statement I was addressing was “demand alwsy outsrips supply”, this condition only happens in case of shortage, which requires an externality to not simply be price-corrected out of existance.
To make the economy more democratic, as everyone from Theresa May to Jeremy Corbyn proposes, we need to democratise knowledge of economics. – right…
A democratic economy is five freeloading grifters voting to steal all my money. Fuck them and fuck anybody who thinks a democratic economy would result in anything but global misery.
So you don’t want to pay your fair share?
I absolutely want to pay my fair share. I just don’t want all the people who make less than me determining what that “fair share” is.
“logos” and “nomos” are two different words. What the fuck are they on about and what dumbass professor validated that retardery?
“Nothing beyond the orthodoxy of free-market economics was being taught; no conflicting global developments, nothing of its critics such as Keynes or Marx, despite their contemporary relevance”
All modern economics is Keynes. And I doubt Marx isn’t mentioned. And let’s just brush over the cause of the crash, and blame it on free market.
I like the implication that the LP in centrist. Unless you count Macron and Turdeau jr and Wynne as libertarians.
Social tolerance? But doesn’t that refer to “intolerant” leftist social policies?
Andy Cuomo is OUTRAGED!
The Trump administration’s inhumane treatment of immigrant children has left a dark stain on the history of our nation. It is a human tragedy and a threat to our values.
On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order rolling back his own policy of separating parents from their children — claiming to solve a problem that was of his own creation.
But this order is no solution at all. It still leaves open the long-term detention of immigrant children, which would clearly violate federal law.
Moreover, you can’t un-abuse the more than 2,300 children who have been separated from their parents at the border with the swipe of a pen. The administration’s family separation policy has already done potentially irreparable harm to those children who were used as pawns in the president’s political agenda. And the order includes no plan to reunite these children with their parents, something that should be done as quickly as possible.
Andy is a shit flinging howler monkey who just might be positioning himself for a run at another, higher, office. Climb atop those poor sobbing little babies and howl, Andy. Howl and fling your shit.
Hey Andy, How do you feel about FDR?
Womp womp
Merit based immigration and the loss of the black vote would be death blows to their party. They want to import commie votes wholesale to counter that. Nothing short of complete open borders will be acceptable. Until they get that they will keep screeching.
You’re half right. They’re only fine with complete open borders if the welfare state continues at a minimum or grows considerably. Open borders with no welfare state will destroy their ability to create a permanent dependant class of reliable Team Blue voters.
That’s why I have a hard time taking all those “leading libertarian voices” seriously who bitch about border policies without so much as paying lip service to the ever-expanding welfare benefits that attract net takers from both other countries and perpetuate the number of net takers from our citizenry that are a drain on taxpayers and those who want to come here and earn their way to success.
The other day Sloop I heard some guy opining about how we were a nation of immigrants, became great because of that, and now were turning our backs on the new wave of immigrants. As if somehow we suddenly became evil and racist fucks because the new immigrants are not honkeys predominantly.
I wish someone had told that douchebag making this ludicrous and stupid claim that the first group of immigrants that came here did so to pursue a better life, risking it all, and not to get free shit paid for by others, like this new wave of immigrants we are being told by people with a political agenda must be allowed in.
This is invasion, not immigration.
Decoding the Petty Yelp Reviews of Ayesha Curry’s New Houston Restaurant
In what might be by far the boldest play by any Curry in Houston this year, Ayesha Curry has chosen H-Town as the site for her next International Smoke restaurant. Curry, a celebrity chef and the wife of Golden State star Steph, opened her first restaurant in San Francisco in November. The Houston location isn’t set to start serving its signature barbecue until July, but it’s already aflame—on Yelp anyway.
Why to people in Houston hate good food and want to be stuck with the mediocre food they have?
You’re right. We should embrace San Fran bbq because nobody from this state knows how to use a smoker.
It’s a sports thing. If her food is up to Texas BBQ standards, the restaurant will do fine. If not, it won’t.
The brisket at Riscky’s was cooked to dryness. I was disappointed.
Though the toast was good. As were the hot links I had for the other meal there.
You’re the first person I’ve ever heard say anything remotely close to that.
I think we’ll both be better off if I don’t recommend any more regional cuisine to you. First Skyline and now Riscky’s? The odds of both being off are like the odds of winning the lottery.
It was okay, just not as raveworthy as presented. Different expectations would have led to less let-down.
Though I’m still convinced you were trolling me with that Skyline recommendation.
Did you get any Rudy’s while you were in TX? Their green chile stew?
No, I did not. It may have been that I failed to write it down, because I had more than enough days in Dallas.
Did you go to this particular Skyline?
The Skyline in Clifton is the Skyline to go to.
There is nothing wrong with Skyline that a good building fire couldn’t fix.
Sorry, a good number of building fires…
And, if I’m not mistaken, UCS doesn’t like Whataburger either!
My statement was “Whataburger tasted like Wendy’s”. This was an observation of the flavor. It does not put them in the ‘avoid’ category, but it certainly doesn’t put them in the running for ‘best burger ever’.
“duty to the community” is a human right? How does that work?
Marxism demands it?
How is a duty a right?
A duty is an obligation, the exact opposite of a right
From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs…
At the University of Manchester in 2013, economics undergraduates – tired of memorising abstract models while the eurozone burned – linked up with students from around the world to demand their economics curriculum be changed. Nothing beyond the orthodoxy of free-market economics was being taught;
They should do this in the physics department, too. Gravity is just a bunch of made-up bullshit used by old rich white men to keep the alphabet armies in their place. If I say I should be able to fly, that ought to be enough to get me airborne.
They are trying
This Youtube video is making the rounds. Relax, tape a deep breath, and take a look at the video.
The core point that the primary speaker is making is this: Science is nothing but Western colonialism imposed upon the African people (and presumably others). The only solution is for science to “fall” – she would like to wipe away all of science and start with a blank slate, so that Africans can develop their own knowledge.
She gives as an example that Newton saw an apple fall, made up gravity, wrote down some equations, and now that is scientific truth imposed on the world forever (seriously, I am not exaggerating this one bit).
The other pillar of her position is that in Africa there are practitioners of black magic who can summon a lightening bolt at their enemy. This is not explainable by “Western” science, and yet this is African knowledge, and therefore is an example of Western colonialism suppressing indigenous wisdom.
So… she thinks the Technocracy in Mage: The Ascension was real.
For the non-geeks, the concept of the game was that belief shaped reality. If people believe the same paradigm as you, it’s much easier to make your magic work. The “bad guys” in the game were the Technocracy, who used technology to perform all of their magic. So in the game, a car was a magic transportation spell, as was an elevator, etc.
“For the non-geeks, the concept of the game was that belief shaped reality. ”
This very primitive magical thinking is the heart of postmodernism which was formulated as a direct assault on western enlightenment. The people who subscribe to it will forever be impoverished and miserable.
And they will make sure others suffer the same fate too…
Cause that is social justice in a nutshell.
I love that game, and if I had a million free hours would run a video-chat Mage game with some Gliberatti.
Its also telling that the “villains” of the story where responsible for the flush toilet, antibiotics, and the eradication of famine.
Thank God that game doesn’t describe the real world or us Glibs would be screwwwwed. Imagine the paradox backlash when you assert principles of self ownership and 7 billion souls push back against your silly liberty magic.
What’s stopping her, or anyone, from contriving their own alternative system and seeing whether it gets any traction? Has there ever been a better opportunity for her ilk than in West-loathing universities in the twenty-first century? They enjoy the cosseting of college living in institutions wholly committed to destroying their own benefactors, in an era of such unparalleled prosperity you’d have to work your ass off to starve or die from exposure. Even Marx had to hustle to keep the candles lit; these munchkins aren’t even required to show up to class from week to week. So what’s stopping her or anyone from inventing a new, heterodox model of epistemology or the cosmos? Is it because they invariably end up with some incomprehensible Time Cube shit?
That’s, like, work, man. Better to bitch about things and make other people enact the labor for us.
/College girl.
“What’s stopping her, or anyone, from contriving their own alternative system and seeing whether it gets any traction?”
No one is stopping her. The problem is that not enough people want to subscribe to it. Superior ways of thinking must be disallowed and destroyed before her way will be able to get any traction. Same reason socialists are censors and want one-party states.
Don’t they also believe fucking virgins cure aids? or bald men have gold skulls?
Dude, gravity is what the Patriarchy uses to keep their stolen loot from flying back to the hands of those bodies who really deserve it.
Well known fact that the Patriarchy also uses gravity to make strong women get saggy breasts and ass and gain 40lb. They do this to keep them down. If it wasn’t for gravity, all those women would still look the way they did at 18 and would rule the world.
Gravity is holding me down!
Another fine example of progs “going high”.
Fox News asks if they can do some broadcasts from a small local restaurant. Owner thinks it would be great publicity to be featured on a national news show and agrees. Progs instantly accuse the owner of wrong think and start shitting on her FB page.
I hope she stays the course. My gut feel is that normal people spend more at her restaurant that the progs do.
My gut feel is that normal people spend more at her restaurant that the progs do.
I agree with you. I think businesses are insane for backing down to these grievance bitches.
Thank goodness for rising social tolerance.
Get woke, go broke.
If you give the scum what they want, it only encourages them to do it more, and over pettier and pettier things.
Self-described ‘sexual deviant’ BFFs accused of sex with teens
Talia Sisco, 24, and Tina Pourani, 23, were arrested Thursday at their homes in South Bay, Calif., for having unlawful sex with a minor, news station KGO reported.
The women — who had been pals since attending Saratoga High School — reportedly had sex on multiple occasions with 15- and 16-year-old boys, authorities said.
I mean they are not even teachers they are doing good work.
Sisco was a student-teacher at Bernal Middle School, but authorities aren’t aware of any victims enrolled there. – hmm wait one of them is a teacher.
Both pals were booked on multiple charges including oral copulation of a minor.
Would / Would Not
Sometimes you need to lower your standards a bit to make the 3-way happen.
Yeah I’d get in there.
You need to look at them through 16 year old eyes.
I’d have been able to pole-vault…
Although #2’s mugshot is a lot less appealing than the picture yesterday.
Pardons and presidential medals of freedom, imo.
They keep using those words. I do not think they mean what they think they mean
Womp womp
TIME Magazine Cover Shows a Heartless Trump Staring Down Immigrant Child
The family separation issue is tough, but don’t expect liberals at TIME Magazine to understand that. On Thursday, the magazine’s cover attacked President Donald Trump as heartless.
“Welcome to America,” the cover’s title, is trending on Twitter.
Orlando talk radio host Joe Kelly shared the cover, and explained it briefly. “Time Magazine’s latest cover features a fabricated mashup of a child at the border crying with a seemingly uncaring President Trump staring down at her with the words ‘Welcome to America,'” he explained.
I’m starting to think that most of the reporting on and framing of this issue is pure propaganda.
The memes are coming out as we speak
They should replace the picture of Trump with a picture of the editor of Time magazine laughing uproariously at the immigrant child. Equally accurate.
Matt Welch has a sad.
A guy who makes grape jelly? I donno.
Like I said the other day – the fact that this policy is not new, has been known of for years, and yet suddenly is the dominant issue of the day screams of a coordinated messaging campaign between the Democratic Party and their partners in crime in the media and entertainment. Most likely, created to distract from the damaging IG report.
Or the testimony that followed where the IG says it is likely that FBI officials changed their interview reports after the fact in the Clinton and Russia probes for political purposes.
Dear Time Magazine Fuckwits,
Thank you very much for enlightening me. Yes, yes I will vote for the big mean man.
Best regards,
Average (sick of your antifa bullshit) American
I just finished listening to the A Gal Walks Into a Comic Shop podcast and I really enjoyed it. Hell yes, that theme song was worth every bit of that $10 (and then some). Thanks Bob. If you and Lt. Fish keep at it, I’m never gonna catch up on all my funny-book reading.
Thanks! Still tweaking it around, but it’s been a fun project. Very least, it’s given me an excuse to break out the old long boxes, and lounge around the house reading comics and drinking beer under the excuse of “research”.
“Mow the lawn? I would honey, but we got a podcast to record this week. I’m going to sit here and read Swamp Thing instead. Grab me another beer.”
When we went over a hundred listeners last night we both felt happier than I would have expected us to feel.
You are most welcome and please keep at it. If I may be so bold as to suggest one of my absolute favorite comics and (IMO) far and away the best gynocentric fiction I’ve ever read – Starstruck.
Thankfully, not all our issues are going to be about women in comics. In our “missing” issue, it was more of a boys club vibe.
Shit. Starstruck. Hadn’t thought about that in years. I’m going to have to see if I can track it down. It’s on the list!
The IDW reissues are NOT to be missed, they are beautiful.
“I personally might show up at one of those events just to see what it’s like,” said Mike Mayou. “I’ve been to Uncle Loui’s before and I enjoyed my breakfast there, but it’s really interesting when an organization shows who they choose to partner with.”
Don’t do it, Mike. You’ll catch teh kkkooties, for sure.
The memes are coming out as we speak
I hope there’s one of Trump giving that kid a Starburst.
Even better would be a pic of Trump on the wall using the Fanatic’s compressed air gun to shoot starburst at kids being held in the arms of their parents while trying to cross the border.
Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office said they received a report in April about “a series of alleged sexual relationships between these suspects and several boys attending a local high school.”
During the investigation, detectives said they “collected extensive evidence of a graphic sexual nature.”
I’ll bet they did. And will any of them be prosecuted for distributing child pornography because they passed it on to their co-workers?
Of course not. That was an empowering expression of their free and unencumbered sexuality. I mean, I don’t really even understand why they were arrested.
Muslim Migrant Violence Comes to Maine
I went to college in Lewiston. There wasn’t much there in the 80’s except old mills being shutdown and unemployed French-Canadians. There wasn’t much violence as long as preppy college students kept their distance from the disgruntled mill-workers. There was cool sandwich / gun-shop nearby that served great rubens.
Since I left, some of the mills were renovated into apartments and office buildings with call-centers and that kind of crap. And for some reason that nobody has ever explained to me, thousands of Somalis were settled there. Was it a joke or sick experiment to see if the Maine winters would kill them – or the Mainers? Now they have successfully converted the center of the town into a ghetto that will forever more be dependent on the welfare state.
Every time someone mentions Somali resettlement in the US, they’re always put in the coldest, wettest, northern areas as unlike what they’re accustomed to as possible. It can’t have been happenstance.
I have worked with a lot of Hmongs over the years. Every one of them moved here from Minnesota. I guessing that’s where the majority of them settled after the Vietnam war. That always seemed odd to me.
The churches here were instrumental in sponsoring people from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
Lutheran Social Services is probably the single biggest reason. At least they are here in NoDak.
Like Clint says in Gran Torino, “Everyone blames the Lutherans.”
That’s one hell of a change in climate. I’d have to think a Minnesota winter would be a hell of a shock for your average southeast asian.
Not to mention the Somalians
My neighbors are Hmong. Moved here as refugees, started a couple businesses and retired last year. They love the winter!
Hmong were/are very into hunting and fishing, so Minnesota, while tough in the winter at times, is heaven on earth for a lot of them.
I don’t get the same impression from the Somalis.
Devils Lake gets a surprisingly large number of Hmong fishermen. I’m told they love the white bass and just hammer them. You’ll hear about them going over the limit every once in a while, but I think most times you can chalk that up to an honest mistake due to language/cultural differences.
Now, the ‘sconnies that come up here and take 5-6 times the walleye limit are a different story…
At our lake it was Iowegians who poached like madmen.
The problems with Hmong hunters/fishermen was much worse 20 years ago. I do chalk it up to ignorance more than malfeasance. And like you say, poaching crosses all demographic borders.
FWIW – there are a fair number of Vietnamese along the Alabama coast who work as shrimpers. In my own anecdotal experience, those guys couldn’t care less about limits. When I used to go fishing under the bridge at Perdido Pass for Spanish mackerel, the limit was 15 a day but you would see those guys filling up huge coolers full of them.
Alternative theory: they’re put in historically whitest, lowest crime areas. Perhaps because “muh diversity” . But also perhaps they hope the Somalians will learn from the white middle class and adopt their customs.
They’ve never heard of “white flight”?
Libertarian Moment!
unemployed French-Canadians
Does Celine Dion mean nothing to you?
I believe you mean….Celine Neon.
Fun fact: I went to school with the brunette. Played baseball with her younger brother. Had a crush on her for at least a decade. Stayed in her apartment in Chicago the week before I came to Korea for the first time. Fucked her roommate. She’s as proggy as it gets. Does cake design for her day job (she’s…actually very talented, as a singer as well).
Disclaimer: Other than memories of her and good (for what it’s going for) production design, this is….not my type of music. At all.
*looks around mill, wonders how the hell could this place ever be converted to an office building.
My friend works here:
It is a fantastic work environment, though I preferred when it was an abandoned art-deco power plant so that you knew where the Batman villains were living. Now they could be anywhere.
That’s pretty cool. I’d have to imagine that there are huge open floor spaces in there.
Yes there are. Most of their floorplan is open space. For conference rooms, they have what are basically glassed-in gazebos. Also, the upper levels have balconies around the central open area and there are desks on those balconies overlooking said glassed-in gazebos.
Frankly, the space is too cool, and she’s paid too much for her job to be legitimate. It’s got to be some sort of money-laundering operation or secret government agency front. Or maybe the Batman villains are still there…
That “open office” stuff is all the rage these days, although for the life of me I can’t understand the appeal of it. I like my little office just fine, especially when I shut the door.
You can cram more ‘resources’ into a smaller building footprint.
My boss lives in a “short-term meeting” room. His boss is in town and is doing the same. Approximately 40% of employees work from home any given day, and the average person stays in the office less than 6 hours per day. When the people the next row over are in the office, I can’t take a phone call from my desk because I can’t hear the phone well enough, so I have to drag my laptop into a cramped “focus room” and leave my two monitors behind. God forbid I have to do something confidential, I may as well stay home.
Open office works great for sales (because they’re never in the office) and HR and maybe for highly collaborative R&D teams (I would’ve hated it when I was an engineer), but sucks for everybody else, especially legal.
Oh, and despite all of the rooms (conference rooms, focus rooms etc.) having glass walls, they frosted the glass from 2′ to 7′ so you can’t tell if they’re occupied without getting on your hands and knees.
HR, no. They handle information and complaints that are often mandated to be confidential.
My elementary school was “open”. 3 classes side by side, then wall, 2 more classes. etc..
Took them a year to figure out it wasn’t ideal. The next year we had temporary dividers, which improved things slightly.
“And for some reason that nobody has ever explained to me, thousands of Somalis were settled there.”
It was explained, you just weren’t listening. Even without explanation it should have been clear on it’s face.
hell, they are talking about the reason right now on my teevee.
No wonder he hates Trump…
That police shooting is taylor made for the #blm national press movement.
Unarmed? Check
just a traffic stop? Check
Shot in back while fleeing? Check
Has old social media photo making him look younger and cuter and less threatening? check
Caught on video! Bonus!
This one has bonus points for “officer just sworn in” in the storyline.
then you read further….
Drive by shooting minutes earlier leaves a kid gutshot… car matches description… has bullet holes in rear window… A bunch of guns in the car…. two guys flee on foot…. cop has actually been on another force since 2011….
Hmm… now maybe it doesn’t sound so unreasonable….
Which is absolutely perfect for the media. We can have two completely separate narratives. One of the skittles-munching teen who never had an unkind word to say getting gunned down for the mere offense of being black. The other of an officer responding to a brutal shooting and seeing the shooter run helter-skelter, threatening others in the community unless he stops him immediately!
It is really well set up. If it turns out these guys were the actual shooters, I guess this one goes away. But if it is inconclusive… that is the perfect storm. That way one side can say they are pure as the driven snow, and the other can say they are deadly killers.
Obviously, BLM isn’t getting the word out. When confronted by police (if you are a POC or Caucasian) , the best option is to put your hands up and say “Don’t Shoot.”
Sort out any mistaken identify or unlawful arrest later.
Talk about mission creep. Why is the Bureau of Land Management involved at all?
/laughs at own stupid joke
Once upon a time, there were hot girls wearing next to nothing. We looked at them. And everyone lived happily ever after.
6 and 54 have quite the caboose. 81 and 92 have quite the knockers. 52 and 58 can be my beach buddies.
Notice in the Pittsburgh shooting reports that everyone is saying “hours after he was sworn in, the cop shot the child”? Well that cop has been a police officer in the area for seven years. But they’re burying that as far down in the stories as they can to gin up enough racial tension to give them the riot they can report on for weeks.
This is pathetic. I am more shocked than I should be at how far into the sewer out media has slid, but it’s incredible to me that this passes for journalism when it’s little more than a attempt to start a race riot.
If it worked for Josephus Daniels…
I had somebody on another forum trying to convince me that the traditional media is unbiased. Of course, all of the sources for my 3 articles here on media bias were easily accessible, so it wasn’t a fair fight, but he tried his hardest to sound smarter than me. I strung him along at first, letting him put out enough rope to hang himself. Lots of use of the term “fallacious” and insinuation that I was ad homming. Tons of “studies say” and mischaracterizing what I said.
Then I dropped the hammer. Sourced every freaking sentence with a study or a MSM article. Cut through every bit of his pedantry with rhetoric. Dispelled every single mischaracterization. Went full asshole on the guy without even being impolite.
It’s surprising to find anybody out there who could possibly believe that the media is trustworthy.beyond that, I cant stand people who try to play “studies say” to create an aura of authority. Fuck that noise! Sometimes it makes me wonder whether our society is redeemable.
Studies say that grain can be politically motivated to grow bigger. That doesn’t mean there’s any basis in fact to that effect.
Even if I were left-leaning, I would hope that I’d be smart enough to see the bias, partisanship and incompetence; in fact, I’d probably be happy that I had such a strong force of propaganda on my side. Anyone who believes that the media is unbiased is stupid, willfully ignorant or a liar.
I love those studies. They are always a hoot to read.
My first experience with those sorts of “media studies” was back in the early 80’s. Edwin Meese commissioned his famous pornography report. Some professor from American University found that mainstream publications like Playboy had sexualized images of children and violence… I forget the percentage, but it was several times per issue. Which, being a young male and having therefore seen a playboy magazine, I found unbelievable. So as a part of a writing project, I took it on. Living in the dorm, I was able to source a couple of dozen issues of the two main magazines pretty easily. In them I found exactly two images of children. Both were political cartoons featuring a young boy making a snarky political remark in a fancy country club study setting.
That was it. So far from 80% of the time, or whatever her study found, it was zero percent of the time, which was what my personal experience had told me.
Since then there have been plenty of knee slappers.
One was during the Bush/Gore election. NPR had a feature on the election – specifically a “week long series” on the issues, giving us unbiased reporting of the stances of the candidates. This particular day they were doing abortion. They reported that Al Gore had been pro-life for a long period, but had evolved to a pro-choice position. They reported that this showed that he was able to listen to opposing opinions and change his mind when confronted with differing opinions. They reported that George Bush had formerly been pro-choice, but had been pressured into changing this stance by the religious right base of the Republican party. This showed that he was weak and willing to cave in on his core beliefs for political purposes.
This was their “unbiased reporting, simply giving you the facts” version. I tell you this part because of the very next thing that they put on the air. It was the fundraising season, so they talked about their excellent reporting. And then they brought out a study that showed they were the most unbiased news source. They backed this up by saying they get complaints from both the left and the right. So clearly they call it straight.
It was astonishing to have such a ridiculously and obviously biased piece that was sold as a simple telling of the facts without commentary or bias immediately followed up with a claim of complete neutrality on political issues, backed up by some university study.
Did you see the picture of the kid on social media? Huh? He was *smiling*. In a photo! And young looking. That could have been your son! Well, not your son. But somebody who is better than you… it could have been his son….
All you need to understand the true objective of the media and these activist groups is to take a look at the Daniel Shaver case. You have a young guy (26), unarmed, no reason to suspect any violence has taken place, wearing gym shorts, taken from his room and crawling down a hotel hallway on his hands and knees as police shout that they are going to kill him, begging for his life, shot 5 times (with an assault rifle!) in the back as he reaches to pull up his pants. It is all caught on video… multiple body cameras.
Oh, but the guy isn’t, you know…. well…. it’s a white dude. So, I guess that explains why nobody has ever heard of this guy.
Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Walter Scott…these are the people who would be regarded as true victims and who should be used to facilitate changes in UOF policies and prosecutions. But BLM would rather use Michael Brown and this dude who jumped out of a car with bullet holes in it that was identified at a shooting 15 minutes earlier. It’s almost as if they are trying to further polarize people rather than get the support of the majority, many of which are white and many of which are supportive of cops because the stories they see being protested/rioted over are stories like this instead of stories like those.
In my darker moments, I think that if I wanted to completely derail any chance of reform/change in the US criminal ‘justice’ system I would be hard pressed to come up with a better way of doing so than the Black Lives Matter movement.
#HISNAMEWASKELLYTHOMAS (FUCK! I can’t even type that poor kid’s name without tears welling up)
Amen on the Kelly Thomas story. That one is another obvious story that should have shocked the nation. You have him begging for life and calling out for his father as they beat him to death, the fat cop who torments him and puts on gloves, telling him that he’s about to beat the shit out of him, and a horrific photo of a face beaten into hamburger, along with a police chief who thought everything was hunkey-dorey. That story all by itself should have carried the day. It even included the reluctant prosecution and inexcusable acquittal.
You beat me by a minute.
His might be the worst story, but there are so many others. But, since the victims aren’t black, the media generally ignores them.
I didn’t recall that incident so I looked it up. Un-fucking-real. That is so damn wrong. How a jury could acquit is just beyond my comprehension.
When the viewing gallery is full of blue-uniformed goons, I suspect an acquittal becomes quite the easy route.
And the prosecutor obviously had no intentions of actually winning the case.
To really, really get the full effect, you have to find the video of the fat cop “questioning” Thomas. He keeps tormenting him – put your legs out straight. Put your hands on your knees. I said put your legs out….
Then he makes a show of putting on gloves and holds his fist in front of his face, telling him “you see this? This is gonna fuck you up”
Of course Thomas gets up at that point and starts backing away…. who wouldn’t? And let the beating commence!
If a jury can’t find someone at fault who threatens to “fuck you up” and then proceeds to do so absent any provocation whatsoever… well, I’m going to go out on a limb and say nobody in that court wanted to get a conviction, including the prosecutor and judge.
And/or the jury was subtly (or not so subtly) intimidated by the Jackbooted “Brothers in Arms” in Blue.
BLM can get fucked by a piece of splintered wood for fucking up criminal justice and policing reform. The Left even skinsuits their own supposed issues. Just like the gun control muppet babies, if I wanted to sabotage a movement, I’d be hard pressed to find spokesmen better than BLM.
They’re just taking cue from this.
South/Southeast Asia really does set the standard for extrajudicial, summary executions by police.
Yup. I’ve made that point to people on the other side a million times – 1)when there are so much better examples of police brutality, why on earth would you keep using Michael Brown as your flag? 2)racializing the problem by ignoring the many, many examples of white victims of cop violence makes it that much easier for a lot of people to ignore a very real, very bad problem.
An unarmed Kelly Thomas was coldly, rather slowly, beaten to death by cops yet virtually no one knows his name.
They trot out Rice and Garner some.
Rice sounds like a slam-dunk… but the police have the “split second decision” thing on their side. In that case the mistakes were made by dispatch (who didn’t say “probably toy gun”) and the driver of the vehicle, who for reasons unknown decided to pull up to within a few feet of the kid, putting his partner in the infamous “split second decision” position.
And although Garner looks for all the world like an unjustified… well, everything…. they have the “he was selling illegal cigarettes” thing. And “I didn’t do nothin'” is apparently enough resisting arrest to get you tackled… and then there’s the weight issue.
So they have a thread for the pro-cop side to hold on to. But they don’t grab on to cases where there’s just no excuse. The Walter Scott case is a good example…. they kinda dropped it, even though it has pretty good facts. It even has a little bit of confusion around grabbing for the taser. But nobody took the other side. So you don’t hear that name.
The Georgia case where a SWAT team raided a home on a drug buy tip and ended up maiming a baby with a flash bang grenade comes to mind. The guy the were looking for wasn’t home. They found no drugs or guns. And they went in like they were storming the beaches at Normandy and permanently disfigured a baby asleep in his crib. If you can’t find something to glom onto there… Oh, but they aren’t black. So I suppose it doesn’t count.
As you can tell, I have quite a bit of resentment against this attempt to hijack police reform and make it into a race issue. It was a tough slog as it was, but they’ve made it just impossible to get anything done with the idiotic stance that it is all about racism. I’m not into conspiracy theories, but it certainly seems like there’s another agenda behind pushing the racism narrative here.
*Looks at sports updates. Starts to vibrate like Roger Rabbit after some booze. Erupts*
The Cubs took two outta three from the Dodgers! Even when not running on all cylinders we are the NL team to beat!
Cubs in 6.
RIP Koko
But what about the kitten?
Pussies out for Koko?
Blame global warming.
Derpitty derp derp
American higher-education policy has two overarching problems. We don’t spend enough money on college education for middle-class and poor students. And we don’t demand enough accountability from colleges.
Outside the administration, though, some policy experts are starting to have intriguing conversations about the future of federal higher-education policy. The latest example comes from the Center for American Progress, the liberal research and advocacy group, which on Wednesday is set to release a new higher-education proposal. It focuses on those two big problems: lack of resources and lack of accountability.
Leave it to the Center for American Progress to get to the heart of the problem. NEEDZ MOAR MUNNY. Also, additional federal oversight and control will fix our “broken” higher education system (which may or may not be broken due to previous attempts to fix it on the part of Washington’s elite thinkers). We’ll get it right this time.
“We don’t spend enough money on college education for middle-class and poor students.”
Too many people are going into debt by going to college to get a degree that they never should have been after in the first place because credential inflation is fucking up a lot of job markets.
That’s funny – I was told that young people are borrowing as much as $200K to get a college degree these days, yet they’re strapped for money? Where the fuck is all of that astronomical tuition money going?
Loan officer: 200k? hmm lets see. no credit score, no job history and currently unemployed. You got yourself a loan.
You forgot “completely backed up by the power and finances of the federal government”.
Housing bubble says what? yup i brain cramped
“Rob Paral, a demographic and public policy consultant, believes the flight of black residents from Cook County is lacking any real reason why its happening.”
Cook County is utopia, why would anyone ever want to leave!?! Clearly they’re crazy.
Cook county is like mold. Started localized, then spread. North to Lake and McHenry counties. West, parts of Dupage and most of Kane.
IDK south
Is Justin Trudeau the ultimate libertarian? He covers the trifecta and NAFTA too (nevermind his daddy opposed it) and he and his dad love the PRC.
Hope my fellow Canadian libertarian relish their government pot stores for the next Century…
I’ll give credit where it’s due, I’m glad Zoolander is taking this stance. He may suck in every other possible way, and he’ll probably fuck up legal pot by over-taxing it, but at least it’s a tiny step in the right direction.
Will you give credit to FDR and LBJ?
I don’t follow.
Booze for the former and the CRA for the latter…
OK. Then, yes, I’d give them credit for those specific things, as big a disasters they were overall, they deserve credit for specific actions. Blind squirrel and all. Even if a politician is 99.9% shitty and 0.1% good, I’ll give them credit for the 0.1%. Doesn’t mean I support them or would vote for them, it’s just acknowledging non-shittiness when we are blessed enough to get it.
2015: 0.21
Where is Ken?
“Rob Paral, a demographic and public policy consultant, believes the flight of black residents from Cook County is lacking any real reason why its happening.”
I’m glad didn’t have any coffee in my mouth when I read that.
I’m sure this will end well.
I’m torn on whether these cowards are full of too much soy to actually try and carry out assassinations or if they’re just that crazy. I guess time will tell. But who cares right? They’d only be murdering Literally Hitlers and they have no right to live (just like fetuses, but I digress).
The thing about antifa is that they are both cowardly and willing to engage in violence. So any attack is performed either from a position of strength in numbers, or by ambush. I would not be surprised if arson became popular for them.
That’s a good point. Arson is almost as cowardly as bombing and I wouldn’t put either one past them.
if anything happens to any of them on that list, how high is the bar for a conspiracy charge?
<—— Not a lawyer
However, I'd say they're meeting that criteria. No matter what they say about "we're just putting this out there for journalists and as general information" it's pretty obvious from their rhetoric and their past actions that the true purpose is to identify targets for harassment and/or violence.
As shitty of a law as RICO is, I'd have no problem whatsoever if these groups were RICO'ed and their pathetic soy boy leaders got a nice long stay in Club Fed. Let's see how long your "punch Nazis" philosophy survives when you are faced with honest-to-goodness Aryan Nation types.
Sheldon Richman will be happy…
ICE vs. Antifa?
I say we stay out of it and let them settle this among themselves.
*sad trombone*
SJWs harass, cripple primary employer of SJWs. :joy:
“Oft evil will shall evil mar.”
Well that is unexpected.
get woke, go broke
Wha? So catering to the people who won’t spend $2.50 to drop a deuce in your bathroom has somehow driven off the people who are willing to spend $17.50 for a coffee milkshake and an artisanal Croissan’wich?
It’s shocking, isn’t it?
I made a 50% profit on my SBUX stock — I’m glad I sold it last year.
So you mean the ones in exactly the homeless and black dominated neighborhoods where they have little choice but to have rules against said people using the bathrooms or just hanging out at the tables without buying something first because if they don’t have such rules their store gets destroyed and their actual paying customers get driven away?
Who could have imagined such a thing.
BEHOLD! The wisdom of the top court of the land!
The results were not beneficial to the date, so the previous interpretation could only have been wrong.
To quote myself over at Legal Insurrection:
The State exists only to grow and accumulate more power unto itself. In order to accomplish this purpose, it needs money. Therefore, drain blood from the corpus of the people until it’s white.
Great. So I’m going to have to collect sales tax from out of state buyers now and hire a full-time accountant to do nothing but calculate and remit them?
I might have an auction where I have no less than 50 out of state buyers from at least 20 states. If I do that once a month, that’s an absolute shit-ton of work that’s being created for a very small workforce.
You have money they want. They will come after it. The damage done to you is irrelevent to them.
The first question I ask my lawyer on my next call will be:
How can another state charge me with tax evasion if I’m not operating in their state and do little more than make my goods available?
This is a use tax that should be the responsibility of the resident to pay, not the vendor who established his business elsewhere.
Exactly. Except the states find it hard to collect that money and it pisses off their residents. It’s so much easier to harass a business into compliance.
My guess is that you stop offering shipping.
Make the buyer arrange to ship the produce and tell you who will be picking up the package and when. Since they no longer would be providing you a shipping address you have no way of determining to which state the taxes would be owed.
That would be a pita for everyone involved but it should bypass the sales taxes.
Also, don’t forget about the city/county sales taxes too. This opens the floodgates for not just the state but the lower tiers of government to get their hands in that pie too.
It’s even more fun when you consider local/county taxes like in the great state New Fucking York.
But this is totally going to stick it to Amazon! Why don’t you people look at the big picture and what really matters?
This is up there with VAT for headache value. The paperwork overload is going to be immense.
This won’t bother Amazon one bit. Thanks to their purchase of Whole Foods they already had physical locations in most states. What it will to is kill Etsy and every single small business with a store on the web
What it will to is kill Etsy and every single small business with a store on the web
That’s my guess as well.
It will force all internet business into the hands of conglomerations big enough to handle the regulatory burden.
Yep, it is actually a huge win for Amazon. They already have the software to manage the taxes so it would be a very easy thing for them to offer that service on their marketplace (for a fee of course) and going forward small business who want a presence on the web will have no choice but to host that presence on Amazon or some similar conglomerate’s marketplace and share the profits with those large companies
It will force the businesses into the arms of Amazon. That’s the direction I’m going.
Yessir – but a large enough company, like the one I work for, has tax packages to handle all of the oddities: state, local, etc. It only costs a few thousand plus constant updating.
So the little guy get screwed.
Eh, I’m not going to applaud a ruling that paves the way for more taxes, but “a state can’t tax a transaction if half of it is out of state” doesn’t really make sense if the taxes are genuine revenue vehicles same as totally-in-state transaction taxes and not a back-door tariff between the states.
How does it not make sense? All interstate commerce is going to partially or half take place in one state.
Because that’s what the dormant commerce clause says. States can apply laws neutrally to transactions having a nexus in their state as long as they treat the transactions the same without respect to whether or not they are interstate commerce. What they can’t do is levy import tariffs around their state border.
I wouldn’t, as a policy matter, be opposed at all to an amendment or a federal law (if it was constitutional) requiring no tax on interstate taxes, or one specifying that they are limited to the jurisdiction of the seller.
But as a constitutional matter, this doesn’t seem like a stretch given, for example, Maryland v Wynne.
Besides the whole point that they are levying the tax on parties that aren’t actually operating within the state at any point in time? Rather than taxing activity directly taking place within the state, as was the case in the “dormant” commerce clause cases before? Which is why the Supreme Court had taken the opposite position in the past?
But this just isn’t true, according not just to past rulings…but past rulings written by that moron Kennedy himself:
What does “undue” mean to you?
The jurisdiction of the seller? You mean the jurisdiction where the sale took place.
I have an auction. It’s a live event that I also put on an internet platform. The item is located in Houston, TX. A person online bids through my online platform and their rep relays that bid to me, the auctioneer standing beside the item I’m selling in Houston. The guy in California, whose bid was relayed to me by my Proxibid rep who is sitting in front of me in Texas, is the high bidder. And he requests I ship the item to him in California for a separate fee aside from the sale.
Explain the me what part of that transaction took place anywhere other than Texas and why I should be responsible for remitting taxes to another state.
Its the part where you accept bids, through your online platform, that are made in California, and then you cause the product to be delivered to California. Information and money flow starts in California. The shipping terminates in California. Those things are in California.
No one doubts that California could impose laws on a non-financial-transaction with the same features. If some guy in California emails a buddy in Texas and requests that their buddy in Texas send a bomb to the guy’s ex wife in California, we know that California could outlaw that and put out a warrant for the TX guy’s arrest.
The CC is a limit on the powers of the State government, but its not absolute. California can’t treat you as a seller in TX worse than they can treat your counterpart in CA. But you are not absolutely immune any action by the state of California just because your interaction with a Californian is financial in nature.
(Your balkanization between the sale and the shipping is incredibly formalistic and one that I don’t accept, even as a big fan of formalism.)
You can repeat this, but it is not consistent with previous commerce clause rulings.
So we’re asking an out of state party to follow state and local laws. That’s pretty burdensome compared to a brick and mortar retailer which operates in the jurisdiction. You are asking one to follow countless rules and regulations versus the other which has to follow one fixed set.
Is there a less restrictive way to achieve the result? Yes, as pointed out above, you could tax the consumer directly. Put collection on them.
None of this actually matters because the dormant commerce clause is completely fucking made-up. It has no basis in the text of the actual commerce clause, the interpretations of it for the first century and a half after it was written, and it even directly contradicts/overturns recent rulings.
As Kennedy says, this is a new interpretation. It is a FYTW ruling.
No part of the transaction takes place in California. His proxy is in Texas. The shipping is a separate transaction. It is invoiced separately and his credit card is processed separately for it (although he may choose to pay two invoices with a single wire, which is not uncommon).
Furthermore, the state of texas says I do not have to collect tax if I provide a BOL that terminates in another state. It becomes the responsibility of the buyer to remit a use tax to their state, if applicable.
This creates a lot of work for people like me when we hold live events and makes me subject to the laws of a state I do not conduct business in rather than the actual resident of the state. It does so because states feel like their enforcement mechanism against sellers is stronger than it is against individuals who choose not to follow laws already in place.
It’s immoral, it’s expensife and it makes me subject to a state’s laws by merely using an online platform that’s accessible to people outside of my state.
This is akin to backpage or Silk Road being fucked over by jurisdictions they don’t operate from because people from there use it and break the law. Sorry, but I shouldn’t be subject to tax collection laws and face imprisonment due to the actions of someone else.
Sloopyinca v. State of South Dakota?
I will have to see how this plays out. But it’s unfathomable seeing as every state I know of that has a sales tax also has a “use tax” where residents (you know, the fuckers actually subject to that state’s laws) are supposed to remit the equivalent of the state’s sales tax on items bought out of state when they did not pay sales tax for it in the state where the transaction took place.
I foresee a lot of noncompliance simply because a lot of people don’t have the resources to comply with the laws of 51+ jurisdictions.
The sales tax is levied against the seller (and of course paid by the purchaser). I say this because the state goes after the seller for any anomalies. This ruling says “You can tax people in other states”.
New York has an added “use tax” on imported products it levies against the consumer to get around this (and has managed to convince a number of eCommerce companies to collect it for them).
This could, in theory, be used to levy both sales and use taxes on imported goods, as they are separate.
There is another problem with this ruling. It essentially allows interstate purchases to be taxed twice. Both states could have a rule that required every transaction where any part of it took place in that state to pay sales taxes on the transaction
In Sloopy’s example Texas could rule that the sale occurred in Texas and so Texas sales taxes applied and California could rule that because the purchaser is in California California taxes apply. Neither state has any reason to surrender any of the taxes they rule are owed and therefore BOTH taxes would be due.
In fact it wouldn’t be hard at all for it to be triple taxed if the online auction service facilitating the auction or even just it’s servers were located in another state, THAT state could also claim that since the electronic transaction took place within their jurisdiction that their sales taxes must be paid as well
This ruling will allows all sorts of dumbfuckery to take place.
Man, what a piece of shit Kennedy has become in his dotage.
Win. He can take the rest of the week off.
Do nothing Congress!
Republicans in Congress have had almost two years to prove they could govern responsibly. They failed. As we approach the 2018 midterms, it’s critical that we elect people who will lead in ways that this Congress won’t — both by seeking to legislate in a bipartisan way, and by upholding the checks and balances that the Founding Fathers set up to safeguard ethics, prevent the abuse of power, and preserve the rule of law.
And so this fall, I’m going to support Democrats in their efforts to win control of the House.
Michael Bloomberg is giving up on bipartisanship. Congress isn’t doing the things Bloomberg thinks are most important, like sensible common sense gun confiscation. Those dumb old Rethuglitards are letting Public Enemy Number One get away with murder, and they must be punished. Expunge them.
Big money in elections is good, as long as the right people are getting their mitts on it.
Michael Bloomberg: Why I’m Supporting Democrats in 2018
Because you were a loyal Democrat right up until you ran for mayor as a Republican (the GOP nomination for which you essentially bought). On winning, you promptly switched to “Independent”.
Christ, what a mendacious fucktard that guy is.
He was the very definition of a RINO; even his “business friendly” stances were statist.
the tax reform’s SALT deduction limit is probably fucking his friends’ friends in the ass in NYC.
As soon as I hear the word “lead” from politicians, I shut down completely. I don’t need a fucking leader, I know where I’m going. You’re the hired help.
100% this.
govern responsibly. . .legislate in a bipartisan way
Responsibly and bipartisan like passing sweeping, constitutionally dubious, fundamentally flawed healthcare legislation in the dead of night without a single opposition party vote?
The first read-through I thought you were talking about the ‘SAFE’ act. Then I saw ‘healthcare’ in there on the second read-through.
*&^#*&^$#% firewalls
I’ve got better things to do instead of figuring out why the network equipment is blocking an install of Microsoft Office
I appluad the firewall for recognizing the hazards of MS Office.
Ask a pro.
Walter Mondale has some advice for his fellow Democrats: Focus all your energy on this fall’s congressional contests, not the 2020 presidential race, because if you don’t retake the House of Representatives first, you’ll probably be dead two years later.
“The November elections are fateful,” the former vice president and U.S. senator said when we chatted this week. “If Republicans win, that’s the ballgame. If Trump can claim the public has spoken, and they are for me, we’re in real trouble.”
He advised Democrats running this fall not only to criticize Trump’s personal and ethical defects but to challenge Republican policies that have hurt the working class Trump pretends to champion. In particular, he recommended emphasizing the environment and health care — protecting Medicare and Medicaid and expanding Obamacare instead of promoting a single-payer government-run system.
Oh, no. If more people vote for Republicans than for Democrats, that rat fink Trump will be able to say, “The people have spoken.”
Keep bitching about the environment and Obamacare, and you’ll definitely win. Throw some #metoo in there, while you’re at it.
Absolutely – if anything will fire up the working class, the environment is the thing!
health care!? you mean the part where their plan was cancelled and the federal exchange offered a family plan for 3x’s the price? yeah, run on that. please.
Keep up the misogyny too! Calling women “gashes” is a sure fire winner.
Only conservative women while frantically looking for a fainting couch if anyone so much as looks sideways at a lefty broad.
Also, is Mondale really the guy you want to be soliciting electoral strategy from?
Hey, his campaign resulted in a landslide!
he’s still alive?!
Only physically. His spirit died when he was sodomized in one of the worst landslides in US history.
Yep…working stiffs’ #1 issue is the environment. By all means, drive that issue home in November.
Apropos of nothing, I have given up on my attempt to disregard combusting dry flowers in favor of vaporizing extracts. There is something about the visceral sensation of lighting and inhaling from a nice piece of glass that the vaporizer can’t replicate. The fine folk at Sticky Stick Vapor make a wonderful product but I think I’ll reserve its use for times when surreptitiousness is required.
Why, it’s almost as if the State’s interest is in saving money and preserving its power rather than treating and curing patients!
Alternate Headline – “Government: Still the Most Efficient Murderer in the World!”
“There was an institutionalized practice of the shortening of lives through prescribing and administering opioids without medical justification”
I’m not naïve enough to think that the NYT would recognize the irony of them continuing to support Socialized Medicine in the US while simultaneously publishing stories like this.
I mean, it’s a mystery. Why would a hospital try to kill elderly patients who were seeking rehabilitative care? And clearly it must have been the doctors, nurses, and pharmacists despite this taking place over a decade long period. All of them got together and said fuck our patients. Totally not…
Wait, administrators did this, you say?
“Of course you know- this means war!”
“I think we’re at the beginning of a soft civil war,” political scientist Thomas Schaller said in a telephone interview. “I don’t know if the country gets out of it whole.”
The heightened conflict of recent weeks led to more ominous rhetoric — anyone else notice the abundance of Nazi references from sane people? — and more definitive, unequivocal acts. Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt renounced his party of 29 years this week and pledged to vote for Democrats until decency returns to the GOP.
But Democrats can tire of rules, too. Lots of rules, after all, don’t do Democrats any favors. The past two Republican presidencies were a product of the Electoral College, that useless appendix of American politics, overriding the popular vote. The Senate favors rural states over representative democracy. (Los Angeles County has a larger population than 42 states, each of which has two more senators than LA County has.) Seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned in such a lopsided way — due both to geography and gerrymandering — that Democrats must win far more than 50 percent of the collective vote to win a majority of the House.
Democrats won’t give up on democracy. It’s too central to their identity, and their commitment to democratic norms and processes is also their point of greatest contrast with Trumpism.
If by “give up on democracy” he means STFU, I wish they would. I’m all for it. I’m tired of hearing their screeching about how anybody who declines to agree with them is an enemy of democracy. I’d be grateful if they’d lay off of their attempts to criminalize differences of opinion.
Francis Wilkinson specializes in hysterical outrage, but this is even better than usual. The Democrats will declare war on us? I’d say it’s unlikely.
Hopefully, they’ll just shun flyover country, and we hicks in the hinterland will rejoice.
He also throws in the obligatory whine about how “undemocratic” the Senate is. “Some states don’t even have as may people as Los Angeles county, but they get two whole senators, and we get none, boo hoo hoo.”
“We’re headed toward Civil War despite the Dems’ best efforts to stave it off and unify the Nation! Only the Evil Rethuglikkkans are driving the country toward darkness, violence, war and despair!
PS: Pay absolutely no attention to permanent bureaucrats trying to sabotage an election, masked thugs beating people in streets for expressing political opinions and the Nation’s universities going all in on Stalinist policies. The Repukes are to blame!”
Time for libertarians, and anti-progs, to stop defending “democracy.” Proudly, “We aren’t for democracy. We aren’t for deciding who gets to exercise their human rights based on the vote of a majority of their neighbors..”
Remind me why I’m obliged to embrace millions of brainless drones in L.A. or anywhere else deciding whether a baker in Nebraska gets to exercise his freedom of conscience? Much less why they should enjoy an outsized opinion of how the feds dictate policy over watersheds in Vermont or public education priorities in Texas or campaign ads in Tennessee or…
Fuckin’ bicameral legislatures, how do they work?
This was amusing:
90% of the news media in this country is squarely in the pocket of the Democratic party but it’s Trump who has the large propaganda apparatus. Right.
90% is being generous. Discounting online, explicitly partisan outlets, Fox News is literally the only news source in the world that doesn’t routinely compare Trump to Hitler.
anyone else notice the abundance of Nazi references from sane people?
Nope. Well, in fairness, one can be sane and also very stupid, or a shill. But I have yet to see a serious-minded person invoke Nazism.
Los Angeles County has a larger population than 42 states, each of which has two more senators than LA County has.
Dumb fuck thinks this is a problem. But, this is the reason we don’t have a hot civil war going on at almost all times.
Fuck California. Fuck Los Angeles. And fuck Thomas Schaller.
These idiots like to point to Europe as an example of how we should order the federal government. They ignore the fact that LA County is as populous as many European countries. It would be in the top 20 in Europe. California would be 9th.
overriding the popular vote
You mean that thing in the document that created the government as a federal republic of constituent States that separately elect the president of said States?
democratic norms and processes
Like accepting the results of a free and fair election based on the rules that have governed said election since the dawn of the republic?
Thomas Schaller can eat 750 rotten dicks.
Democracy = mob rule. And the modern left’s version of democracy involves voting to restrict the views of others from being made publicly. That kind of insanity led to the USSR, Commie China and a bunch of gay Cubans being put against a wall as executed.
Their kind of Democracy has no business in a free society.
Trump has a large and committed propaganda apparatus to assist him.
Yes, exactly. PBS and NPR are government propaganda outlets, with sworn fealty to the President himself and a mission to uncritically disseminate his views and proposals.
Own goal.
I recently noticed a string of interesting news stories, all with the same theme. Domino’s Pizza is donating money to 20 U.S. cities, to be used for fixing potholes and cracked roads. Salesforce has donated $1.5 million to reduce homelessness in San Francisco, and its CEO, Marc Benioff, has spoken of grander schemes to end homelessness in the city entirely. And Facebook is talking about renovating a defunct bridge that runs across the San Francisco Bay near its offices.
All of these initiatives, in and of themselves, are good things. It’s good for potholes to be fixed, homeless people to be housed, and traffic congestion to be relieved. But the fact that it’s private companies taking these steps is an ominous sign for the nation. It suggests a breakdown in the government’s ability or willingness to carry out one of its core functions — the efficient provision of public goods.
Private entities are stepping up to provide “public goods” which should be the exclusive realm of government. This portends the death of civilization. Or maybe it just shows the rank incompetence of government officials. Also bad.
The most terrifying thing for him to contemplate, it largely disproves all of their attacks on libertarianism.
Apparently Facebook, Salesforce, and Dominos pizza are more than willing to step up to the plate and do so and therefore maybe we don’t really need government all that much
And the very next step after that is corporate slavery and death panels. DEATH PANELS.
The comments on that article are suprisingly sane.