Man, I hate it when a sale day gets close and the more I look at the weather, the more I realize its gonna rain and throw my entire layout off. So it looks like I’ll be spending today setting up tents rather than items. BOO! I feel like the Colombian soccer team. Uh, hey guys, don’t you remember what happened to some of the 1994 team members after that failure? Yeah, let’s try not to repeat that, ok Colombian fans? Also, Poland fell to Senegal and Russia locked their place in the Round of 16 after beating Egypt. Uruguay can lock their place down today as well. And Portugal and Spain both get a chance to get a win, as they face some weak opposition.

Now that’s a soldier!
Well the Astros were bound to lose eventually. But it seems to happen all too often that their bats go to sleep when Verlander is on the hill. Way to go guys. And in the CWS, we will have to wait yet again to see Arkansas-Texas Tech after another day filled with delays. Texas was bounced from the tourney and Mississippi State advanced in their winners bracket by drilling North Carolina.
Guitarist Chet Atkins was born on this date. As was super-fucking-badass Audie Murphy, National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, Beach Boy Brian Wilson, Commodore Lionel Richie, brilliant actor John Goodman, Speaker Of The House Munster Butch Patrick, high-flying wrestler Koko B Ware, actress Nicole Kidman, and possibly the second-best real wrestler of all-time Cael Sanderson.

I don’t want to hear one negative word. Not one!
It is also the date on which the Romans and Visigoths joined up to defeat Atilla the Hun on the Catalunian Plains, Oxford received its charter, Queen Victoria ascended the throne at the age of 18, the telegraph was patented, Andrew Johnson announced the purchase of Alaska, Lizzie Borden was acquitted, the NAACP was incorporated, Jesse Owens, running for The Ohio State University, set the 100m indoor world record, Muhamad Ali was convicted of refusing induction into the armed forces, Juan Peron returned to Argentina from exile, “Chinatown” debuted at the box office, so did what is arguably a perfect movie in “Jaws”. Jesus, so did “Blues Brothers”, and OJ Simpson was arraigned in the murder of his wife and her “friend” Ron Goldman.
Heady stuff there, even if the birthday roster was a bit “meh”. Anyhoo, on to…the links!

Guess what I got caught doing?
Look at the picture and see if you can guess the crime without clicking on the link
Please let this happen. Please let this happen. Please let this happen. I don’t know if there’s really anything else to say.
Hey, imagine that: as the economy continues to improve, a bunch of deadbeats are going back to work. Gee, makes you wonder how much of the previous years’ payments were fraudulent. Actually, don’t think about that, it’ll only lead to depression.
Teacher. Students. Sex. You know the drill. But in this case, she only got 30 days.
OK, now do the rest of the United Nations. Because it isn’t much better.
Ah, travel league softball…never change.

Keep it classy, softball dad!
See if you can find all the double-standards for the Kings Men in this piece. It’ll be like “Highlights”, but for libertarians.
If he did it, I hope they spring him up by his nuts until they shrivel up and die. I really don’t have anything else to say.
A pretty big catalog. But I decided to go with this one.
Hope y’all enjoyed this War And Peace-length version of the links. Go have a great day!
*Tundra is slowly crushed by a ton of lynx*
SO it looks like I’ll be spending today setting up tents rather than items.
Now I want to build flamethrowers instead of holding auctions. Shit like that gets investors off your back, doesn’t it?
Promise them Mars, give them flamethrowers to play with while you quietly transfer millions overseas.
You misspelled “cars”.
I bet he does Mars on schedule. The car thing might put him in prison first though.
Could be worse. Like a bobcat.
Or cougars…
I cannot believe you are fat shaming the only winners in Minnesoda sportz.
Winners? 5-6 and next to last in the Western conference is not winning.
Last year dude!
And yeah, they are past their prime and won’t win again for years and years.
I don’t know, they looked pretty damn good last night.
There will be no weirder sentence read by anyone, anywhere today.
And that mugshot – looks like your average aspie libertarian. 😉
We’ll know which Glib it is when they don’t chime in on it this morning.
Present and accounted for.
*looks around* a lot of you guys are missing.
We are all waiting for some guy to bring us chicken. We’ll start commenting as soon as we eat.
I prefer Chicken Carbonnera,
I’m here.
Chicken Alfredo is one of my absolute favorite dishes. Just sayin’.
No, looks like your average guy that cruises elementary schools in a windowless van…never mind.
Ahem, I look far more mature and distinguished.
“M’Lady” *tips fedora*
Is it just me, or does that guy look like Ricky from “Better Off Dead”?
+8 Testicles
“I’m really sorry your Mom blew up, Ricky.”
It was that awesome liqueur!
Apparently pedophiles have a “look”:
Jared sure has put on some weight.
Please let this happen. Please let this happen. Please let this happen. I don’t know if there’s really anything else to say. – you support these chilling attacks on free speech?
I want these asshole grifters bankrupted. I can’t say that any clearer.
Amen. It couldn’t happen soon enough
Best thing to do to these types is to bankrupt them. I am with Sloop on this.
Yep. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Yeah. They deserve everything that’s coming to them – good and hard.
>>The Beach Boys – I Get Around
Hey, imagine that: as the economy continues to improve, a bunch of deadbeats are going back to work.
Welcome to our website.
We are a local media company based in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. We have detected that you are in one of the member countries of the European Union or European Free Trade Association, which is now subject to the General Data Protection Regulation.
We are currently assessing methods for complying with the detailed requirements of GDPR. Currently, only about 2 percent of our website traffic originates from EU and EFTA countries.
Until we are able to ensure our full compliance with the rigorous GDPR requirements, we are blocking access from EU and EFTA countries to our websites, which include,, and We take the GDPR seriously. Penalties for GDPR violations are as high as 4 percent of a publisher’s annual revenue.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing that.
BTW every time I read that acronym I initially read it as DDR or DPRK.
I keep reading “SPLC” as “SPIC”.
What is silly, is that it isn’t about access as much as it is about data collection. So if that site has allowed EU weenies to sign up for accounts in the past, they are already liable GDPR-wise whether they allow access to the site or not.
I seriously like the sites that are cutting them off though.
I am scanning back over the links…I dont see much in the way of peace there.
Oh, there she is…the PE teacher.
The article didn’t say how old the other participants were beyond “Underage”.
I noticed that. By participants you mean people blackmailing a woman for sex, right?
I don’t know if that’s what actually happened, so little information was provided.
There were two accusations of blackmail; one before having sex with the kids and one by a parent after having sex with one of the kids.
That’s why I’m guessing 30 days.
Semi-serious question, how much damage does this do to the boys? A crime has to have a victim. Obviously we’d have to know their ages, but assuming they’re in their late teens.
Depends. The ones who get pregnant and force those young boys to become grown ass men paying child support at age 14-16? A lot.
It is certainly possible that it could have damaged the boys, however given the sparsity of evidence for the claimed harm to girls who have relationships with older men while underage it is highly unlikely to have much if any negative impact on the boys.
Adults having sexual relationships with sexually but not mentally mature teens is one of those areas where it is best described as problematic. It is very possible regardless of the genders and ages that the relationship could be anywhere from greatly harmful to somewhat beneficial to the minor in question and it is not always obvious where on that spectrum a given relationship falls in the short term. It is also equally possible that the adult in the situation, regardless of the impact on the minor, could be anything from a dangerous predator, to a normal person who made a bad decision and may actually have had real feelings for said minor.
The state however only understanding brute force and only having one tool at it’s disposal, a hammer is unable to deal with nuanced situations like this and therefore treats all such instances like a nail.
There is actually evidence that indicates that treating sex with 14 – 18 year old’s as a crime causes at least as much harm to the minors in question as actual acts of sexual predation but you can’t discuss that without being labeled a child molester
From the link on disability:
A 2017 study by Manasi Deshpande of the University of Chicago and Yue Li of the State University of New York at Albany found that “field office closings lead to large and persistent reductions in the number of disability recipients.” Applicants with “moderately severe conditions, low education levels and low pre-application earnings” were hardest hit.
Sure, blame government cutbacks lady. It can’t possibly be that there were freeloaders.
I don’t think I’ve ever met a person on disability that should have been receiving it. I’m sure they’re out there somehaere, I just haven’t crossed paths with them.
I have a friend who is an ex-junky who suffers from migraine headaches and panic attacks. In his previous life he was a U of M student, and even did some management jobs. Now he just sits around, watches TV, and listens to music all day. And he managed to get disability.
I have but the number is barely a rounding error for the number I have seen receiving it.
The one major legit disability candidate I know took like 15 months to clear the appeal process and get adjudicated disabled after a first-pass rejection. When pieces of shit like that NJ cop that was caught doing bodybuilding competitions can get approved for disability, while legit fucked up and decrepit people struggle to get approved, the system is fundamentally susceptible to wide scale fraud.
“15 months to clear the appeal process and get adjudicated disabled after a first-pass rejection.”
Standard practice. There are shit tons of lawyers specializing in this. Hey, all of those law school grads have to eat too!
Turns out that such a lawyer isn’t even necessarily if the applicant is legit fucked up and/or decrepit, based on my deep anecdotal evidence of one case. The administrative judge had no doubt.
But the process is the punishment.
You are automatically denied the first time, no matter how fucked up you are, and the lawyers all work on getting a % of the back pay.
A government graft and money laundering racket.
That is my experience too for a family member trying to go through the disability process. The most success ones it seems are those who have a lengthy history built up before they apply. You know what antisocial paranoids don’t have?
The good news is that as the economy has improved, they were able to find a job (and keep it!).
I think we should probably just close all the field offices to save money.
Good plan.
I don’t want to hear one negative word. Not one!
OK, I’ll be positive. This movie provided job opportunities for people crafting shit-quality rubber sharks. It also gave some hack writers a few months rent, keeping them off the streets of LA.
See? All positive.
You’re a despicable bastard.
I’ll say something else positive: this movie provided a badly needed service. Tards are often confused by well-written and competently plotted films, so it’s nice that there’s a few movies like this one, specifically made for their enjoyment.
::serenity now::
::serenity now::
::serenity now::
The only thing worse than a movie snob is a wine snob.
The only thing worse than a wine snob is a beer snob.
The only thing worse than a beer snob is a movie snob.
*follows statement flow a few times*
*gets dizzy and falls over*
I saw this last year in the theater with my kiddo and his best pal (age 16). I still say it’s just classic horror.
The best thing that ever happened to Spielberg was the mechanical shark being a piece of shit.
He planned on using it a lot more, which would have ruined the anticipatory tension that really made that movie.
Hallelujah, they’ve been touched by the Spirit and healed!
B.S. These poor disabled folks have been Ripped from the bosom of their families and put to work on literal chain gangs right out of Auschwitz or the Gulag.
A society that expects freeloaders to actually work for a living is ebil!
I watched the video. Orgy.
Lionel needs some recognition, too.
I prefer the live version where they have well-built lady dancing in case you aren’t sure what they mean.
That guy is an international jewel thief, right?
Nailed it P, nailed it.
That’s great, fuckface. Please, bring that knife along during the confiscation phase.
I wish I had a Twitter account just so I could remind him the United States is not a democracy. That’s one of my favorite troll moves.
This is Obama’s “pen and phone” legacy distilled to its essence. There is no longer any expectation of legislators to legislate. They want everything done by executive order/fiat.
Well listen up, fuckos. When that happens, be prepared for the other guy to rule by executive order as well. And when he does, you’re gonna have to swallow what’s shoved down your throat just like America had to when your guy was circumventing a neutered congress.
Nonsense. Permanent majority is right around the corned. Needs just import more third world voters.
That was the best when Democrats used to say that.
“You dont expect me to fix it do you?”
/Moobs Schumer
The shitty thing is that this should be a chance for principled separation-of-powers people to rally around Trump’s position that this be solved legislatively. But it’s easier to preen about how he should ignore the law and rule like a dictator.
I hope he doesn’t succumb to this idiocy and he points his finger at the cocksuckers who are on the border for photo-ops instead of in the House and Senate chambers forming legislation to end this bullshit immigration standoff.
What bothers me is that the loudest people complaining about this right now had no problem whatever with this all when it was happening under Obama. Even more galling is that when you tell them this was worse then, they simply accuse you of lying and continue to virtue signal.
Like the travel ban they claim is a Muslim ban.
If you word it right, you can convince the highly educated marxist mob that you hold the moral high ground…
Come at me, bro!
He forgot #dick
Oh, whatever will I do when liberals like this twat bring knives to gunfights?
Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. You lose!
I thought the link would be this.
One of the most memorable scenes in cinema. I once heard that that was supposed a big action whip/sword fight scene. However, Harrison was fighting the flu during shooting and had no energy that day, so he ad-libed the gun to get the scene over with. I hope that’s a true story.
PS; my spell check doesn’t like “ad-libed.” It suggested “ad-lubed” instead. I blame Jesse.
PPS; do NOT google “ad-lubed” at work!
The scene in the movie wasn’t ad-libbed, because sword guy falls on cue. Maybe they improvised that more or less on the fly, but they choreographed what was shown in the movie.
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
It was improvised rather than ad-libbed, if the tales I heard were true. Basically, they say that the swordsman was disappointed that his big scene was getting cut down, and for the first several takes seriously hammed up his death scene, until eventually they got the usable take for the finished product.
Lets say Mike S’s memory is mostly accurate. Not quite ad libbed but also not what was supposed to be in the original version
This string of replies is gold. It’s why the Left won’t triumph. They will eat their own.:
I’m done going high
What strikes me about the proggies is how they always seem to be in utter lockstep with their talking points. This whole “we are stabbing ourselves in the back because we ‘go high and they go low'” narrative is something that is rocketing up the charts recently. Soon it has a chance of being right there with “black bodies” as part of their vocabulary.
It is like they go to secret meetings or something to get the new word of the day. Maybe there is a business opportunity to create a daily tear off calendar: “365 Woke Vocabulary Words”?
Another example of a prog who will no longer be nice to conservatives:
Fuck sorry about that stupid extra link. I hate sites that do that.
BTW. That story is from one of the Harvard trained fact checkers at the New Yorker. She is in a bit of trouble for calling a double-amputee ex-Marine ICE employee a Nazi based on one of his tattoos.
Maybe I’m just too young to remember, but when were progressives ever nice to conservatives?
Their world view is so fucked up, they think high is low.
Or honest?
I choked when I read him saying he was done going high. These fucks NEVER go high. They go low, and then they go gutter. The left doesn’t do high. Oh sure they may grandstand when they can use that against someone that will cave, but they have neither shame nor limits imposed by anything that one might consider morals.
I think it was went they took the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009, gutted every single word of it and passed it in the night to avoid allowing a vote from a Republican voted in from Mass to lodge his vote.
Tiffany Eichler, 36, was sentenced on Tuesday in Canton, Ohio after pleading guilty to three counts of sexual battery last month.
Eichler, who worked as a PE teacher at McKinley High School, came forward and confessed to having sex with the students after they started blackmailing her.
She apologized in court to the victims and the school district ‘for putting everyone in this position’, according to the Canton Repository.
The mother of one of the victims called Eichler a ‘professional predator’ as she slammed the former teacher for manipulating her son.
Wait, what?
There is a civil lawsuit that will make these people recipients of the new American dream in the works, and that future pimp’s mom is just laying the groundwork for her lawyers to go at it.
‘My Johnny is a good boy who would never do anything wrong. He was going to wait until marriage until that Jezebel and the devil seduced him and made him do things he didn’t want to do.’
Hope y’all enjoyed this War And Peace-length version of the links.
Always, thanks for doing them
Yeah, I did enjoy them as a matter of fact.
The Perverse Incentives That Help Incels Thrive in Tech
Besides being human garbage, Elen Pao shows how the grievance industry can be a lucrative career for useless hacks.
The world has recently become more terrifyingly aware of incels, which, if you don’t already know, stands for “involuntary celibate.” – besides a panic mongering on the left incels are mostly irrelevant
incels are usually conspiracy theorists, not victims, who believe the world is purposely denying them their fundamental right to sex on demand—and who share many values and tactics with white supremacist, men’s rights, and alt-right groups. – she forgot republicans and libertarians in that list
Technology plays a central role for these hate groups, as a career and as a weapon. On incel forums, they pride themselves on their tech contributions; – while sometimes may be true, I did look at the time of the panic at a few incel hangouts and a lot of them seem frustrated by lack of a job or a well paying job I doubt they work in huge numbers in tech.
Many large tech companies have unwittingly encouraged these groups in the name of unconstrained debate and “free speech.” – lol yes all that free speech at tech companies
Misguided advocates quote the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis—“Sunlight is the best disinfectant”—to argue that open platforms will expose and show the wrongness of hate and terrorism. Instead, though, what we’ve learned from platforms ranging from Reddit and Twitter to GoDaddy and Cloudflare is that public exposure consistently normalizes, encourages, and amplifies these beliefs. – yes inceldom is normalized. Totes
Incels can be vicious, and dealing with them head-on can be intimidating. When I tweeted a simple question—“CEOs of big tech companies: You almost certainly have incels as employees. What are you going to do about it?”—I got almost 3,000 replies, and many were insults and threats from incels. – very reasonable question. Also the art of I got mean tweets so I am right is thriving.
Why do these sites publish this garbage?
Because they’re run by people who failed to break into ‘real’ ‘journalism’ in the main stream agitprop factories.
Not for want of professional debasement, though. They just lacked the Columbia degree, and there are only so many national correspondent gigs to go around. Journalisming is HARD.
Because it gets clicks and generates ad revenue when people like us go there in order to find out what depths of retardation they’ll sink to on any given day.
Ellen Pao is a scam artist who specializes in shaking down companies for money.
I wish she would GDIAF.
I was hoping “GDIAF” could be pronounced like “Gaddafi,” but it’s really more like “G’dayF”.
No, it rhymes with Cardiff.
“their fundamental right to sex on demand”
I bet she didn’t write a word about Bill Clinton’s remark on ‘what you are allowed to do to other people against their will’.
“You almost certainly have incels as employees”
Meaning what? Hunt them down and fire them? People who have committed no infractions of any kind but simply dont get laid? What, are they supposed to take a sex test? Jebus Christ, this woman is stupid and evil.
Bring a hot escort for each employee and fire anyone who looks like he is bad at fucking
What a waste of training dollars. Have the escorts act as personal instructors, and if there is no improvement, then fire them.
Or do the whole Hugh Jackman swordfish scene, have em code while getting blown
This says nothing of the aetheral digital 1010101010010 that should swirl about the blowee’s head.
^^This guy knows what’s up
Fake it til you make it.
I hate the mandatory standups each morning where I work so the manager can smell our fingers to make sure we aren’t incels.
Stopping at the fish market on the way to work is a drag.
See, this is the sort of community feedback they need over at Wired.
Stick it up your own ass, and tell him you did anal instead?
“who have committed no infractions of any kind”
Aside from wrongthink, you mean.
Some are mean on the forumz of teh interwebz
They’re already not getting laid. Why punish them even more?
Depending on how wisely they can choose. It sounds like they’re not getting much to choose from, so chances are when they do, they’ll choose badly. Then ‘you stuck it in crazy’ will just lie in wait until she manages to leave her toothbrush at your place and the next thing you know, she’s pregnant. Say bye bye to half your stuff. Maybe they should just stick to iPr0n.
While there might be some small number of incels who believe they have a right to sex on demand I have a feeling that the overwhelming majority of them would be happy with just having a somewhat reasonable shot at sex a few times a year
This is a knife fight for the very existence of American democracy.
Note to self: pick up more .45 acp.
“You call 9-1-1, I’ll call 1-9-1-1.” But my 1911 is chambered in 9 bc I find it to be a more usable, reliable, plentiful round. Yes, it’s blasphemous. No, I don’t care.
You Scum…
*looks at handle*
Dammit, stop pre-empting my responses!
My two 1911s are in 9 mm. Lovely pistols.
I was running a little late this morning … and it was made worse by the Buick Brigade. Some stereotypes are true.
On two lane road, 40mph speed limit, no pass zone. Buick Century driver going 10 under the limit. Get around him when we both turn right on a four-lane road.
I turn left, and end up behind a Buick Lacrosse on another two-lane road. The driver decides it’s a beautiful time to go 25-30 in a 45 zone. Luckily I’m able to pass him, eventually ending up on a small service road. Where there is a – surprise! – Buick Regal driver going 10 under, taking every slow sweep like it’s a danger.
You should ride a scooter and pass easier.
Are you accusing LH of being Froot Soo-she?
Buick Brigade
If it makes you feel better, about Thanksgiving, I’ll be the one having to figure out how to pass them.
I’d rather see a slow old man driver than a really fast one, though. The fast old people drivers can be truly scary.
True dat. The only time in my life that I have been terrified of possibly dying in an automobile was when I visited my grandfather during his decline, a couple years before death. The way he would tear ass down Chattanooga’s Signal Hill while routinely trespassing into the oncoming lane in hairpin turns was definitely the only time in my life I was fairly confident I was going to die in a firey crash.
I always call those clots of seniors driving under the speed limit and in a formation that prevents you from passing them as the Grey Angels.
Around here, people don’t buy ‘murican, so it’s the same thing with Volvos.
When did you move to Florida?
Taxation is Theft, and You is an Idiot
And you call yourself a lawyer?
While there can be a long debate over semantics about the word theft, most libertarians who say taxation is theft mostly mean that is is immoral / wrong for the government to have lawful authority to require money from you. Although one could argue taxation, by this definition, is more extortion than theft. So it is not exactly logically wrong.
Most of the people who chant “taxation is theft” are ancaps who reject the legal and moral validity of the state. So I don’t think many ancaps would except his rephrasing “taxation is legal theft” as a meaningful distinction.
“Taxation is when government requires you to pay money pursuant to the lawful authority granted to the government in the organizing document or laws passed by your elected representatives.”
False. Taxation is not citizens doing as they are told by their betters. Taxation is when citizens agree to pool their money to accomplish a common good. Authority is not granted to the government by laws passed by elected representatives. Authority is granted to certain offices by the citizenry in a contract called a Constitution. In return for that authority the holders of those offices agree to accomplish certain tasks on the citizens behalf and agree to stay within the bounds of that contract. That is a whole different animal Scooter.
See, once the government steps outside the bounds of that contract they have broken it. Once the government spends tax money on things the citizens didn’t agree to, they have broken the contract. You cant hold one party to the contract and not the other.
What an authority worshiping POS.
Technically, taxation is more like extortion than theft.
Blue wave a’comin”
If you’re a Republican in a competitive district — or even one that wasn’t really supposed to be competitive — you may be asking when President Trump is going to stop making your life so much more difficult. You loved the tax cut, of course, but while it accomplished the profound moral good of helping large corporations buy back billions of dollars in stock, the voters stubbornly refuse to say they’ve been helped by it. And now things are going off the rails. It’s almost as if the president doesn’t want Republicans to hold on to Congress.
Those Rethuglitards are quaking in their boots. They’ll all be looking for work, come November! It probably doesn’t quite qualify as “whistling past the graveyard” but it’s close.
It is a toss up between WaPo and CNN as to which has fallen the farthest. They both have a way to go to catch up to the NYT but that commie rag has been at the bottom of the cesspool for a long time.
the voters stubbornly refuse to say they’ve been helped by it
My take-home pay increased by at least a dollar an hour, perhaps more. That adds up.
Texting and Driving: Is It Just Moral Panic?
No, that one is a real danger.
And typical of government, they pass ineffective and redundant laws to curb something that technology will have resolved in a few years.
Can’t wait for cup holders and radios to be ripped out, not to mention the menu driven touchscreen climate controls.
Worse than drunk driving.
…Made more dangerous by anti-texting laws.
Has straight sex become shameful?
Nope. Next question.
If you do it right.
Yes, it is for her. Not me.
It’s not really straight, it curves to the left.
Well, well. Looky here:
Germany’s Largest Auto Makers Back Abolition of EU-U.S. Car Import Tariffs
Say what you will – this is fun to watch. Now, Germany can’t do this unilaterally of course. The bit players will freak out and clutch those pearls harder, but I like the direction this is going.
That would be kickass if this really happens. How about full scale abolishment of all bidirectional tariffs on goods between the US and EU? That would be even more kickass.
I dont get it. Trump fabricated a bargaining chip out of thin air and everyone freaked out.
Y’know, the guy wrote a book detailing his strategies. They are sold at bookstores. Hell, you can even order online.
The credentialed elite that have the vapors anytime Trump does something that is contrary to their marxism based beliefs can’t be bothered. That shit doesn’t reinforce their perceived views and dogma, so it is considered plain and simple blasphemous drivel, despite the fact that it works in the real world. Besides, having to admit that their beliefs are down right idiotic and ass backward would destroy their fragile egos and deprive them of their firmly held belief that they are the smarter ones, and they want none of that.
He’s already played the rip ball away from Charlie Brown at last second Lucy move on Pelosi and Schmoobz at least 3 times and they’ve learned nothing. And they won’t. You don’t get where you are at as a Democrat by learning and being smart. You get there by lying, cheating, stealing, backstabbing and unleashing your sycophant media.
I see these tariff negotiations like this: The EU has been kicking us in the balls for years and we just take it, hoping that some day they will stop kicking us in the balls. Trump comes in and decides that he doesn’t like the US getting kicked in the balls so he put’s the EU’s hand in a vice and starts slowly clamping down on it. All the EU needs to do for us to take their hand out of the vice is to stop kicking us in the balls.
“Please let this happen. Please let this happen. Please let this happen. I don’t know if there’s really anything else to say.”
Looks like since the promised one is gone, there is no one left to stop the hate. The Nazis are loose!
You joke but I would bet a dollar we are going to hear that argument made in earnest.
Soledad O’Brien
Verified account @soledadobrien
Welp, I guess we’ve put to rest the question: “Nazi Germany: Could it happen here in America?”
Yep, I was just looking out the window and I saw a gang of the red hats dragging off some JOOS off to the ‘showers’. FO REALZ!
Alas, poor Kirstjen. I knew her well.
Back then, Nielsen was what today we might call a compassionate conservative; she was a Republican, for sure, but of the Bob Dole ilk. She was smart, sure of herself, and unafraid to stake out strong positions. But she was also measured and seemed to grasp the nuances that complex questions often engender.
Privately, many of us who know Nielsen from Georgetown cannot believe that she is the same person who we see as, if not the architect, then certainly the engineer of this tragically dark chapter of our nation’s history. “How does she bring herself to do this?” questioned one mutual friend in a recent group chat among several SFS alums.
The issue is that among those of us who know her, we can be fairly certain that Nielsen hates this policy and hates defending it, but she feels that in the oddball “Game of Thrones”-like environment of the Trump presidency, she was handed an opportunity to land a Cabinet level position — one that she might not have gotten in any other administration. For Nielsen, her reasoning for staying on and pretending to defend the policy could be quite simple: This is the most important role she will ever hold in her life, and to give it up after just a few months on the job would be asinine.
“I hate Donald Trump so much I would gladly sacrifice this other person’s career and reputation.”
CNN very graciously offers one of Kirstjen Nielsen’s old classmates a pulpit from which to engage in some good old fashioned character assassination. Because that’s what real news organizations do.
Also- would.
I saw that yesterday. The writer should be ashamed of himself.
The hyperventilating bullshit from this asshole over a policy 2 decades old designed to protect the children of criminals. When did he have his balls removed?
Absolutely. I saw the presser and was appalled at the constant and insistent appeals to emotion from the media. There was absolutely nothing objective about the questions. They may as well have been crying “SHAME SHAME” and calling it journalism. It was disgusting.
Thats exactly what they have been doing to nearly two years
But in this case, she only got 30 days.
Honestly, I’m not really sure how I feel about these cases. Yeah, on one hand, it isn’t right and it is statutory rape. On the other hand, the ostensible “victims” would probably pay to get “victimized” again.
That said, I’m a little disgusted by the hypocrisy of the whole matter. Does anyone think for a moment that a male teacher sleeping with three female students would get kist 30 days? But, yeah, men are privileged.
Soon they’ll be tossing the boys in the clink for taking advantage of the victimized teacher.
Statutory rape is bullshit.
Tell it, Brother!
I’m conflicted. I sure as hell don’t want to see some 19-year-old prosecuted for having sex with his 17-year-old girlfriend. But, I sure as hell am not going to tolerate 40-year-olds diddling kindergardners.
How about 63 year olds? Asking for a friend.
There’s no question that it’s wildly inappropriate in modern society.
But there’s a difference between being inappropriate and being a “child rapist”. All of a sudden kids go to school until they’re 18, and I’m to believe that a sexual mature teenager can’t consent to sex? It’s a bit much to destroy someone’s life over.
#AssumeNothing Campaign Calls Out Men Who Mistook Black Women for Sex Workers at Cannes
If it looks like a duck…
I didn’t read the article, but check out Patrick Coffee’s glamour shot. Is this what they call “lumbersexual?”
Is that Charlie Sheen with a wig and fake beard?
No. lumbersexuals look vaguely more impressive beard wise.
Did somebody mention impressive beards?
Because I’m in!
Well, we are talking about France and people in Film. Whore would be a step up in respectability.
“I was shocked and embarrassed,” Collins told Adweek, explaining that it was the first time in her life that she’d been solicited.
For God’s sake you’re an actor. When has that been terribly different from being a prostitute?
I was shocked and embarrassed
I would have been flattered.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Cannes…ten bucks says nearly every man there is a #MeToo supporting proggie.
Almost certainly. A big chunk of them would probably also be as bad as Weinstein if they had his powerful position.
what if the man in question already assumed nothing and was price shopping, asking every woman there? didn’t consider that, did she? sounds like she’s the one making assumptions.
Ahh… the ‘go ugly, early’ strategy does have it’s merits.
I knew this Jamaican dude that told me he was wearing his dick out like a beauty queen would wear out a bar of skin softening soap plowing through the ugly chicks that just lined up to service him because he had paid attention to them. And this guy was doing some creatures I am not sure were entirely part of the human species. That never appealed to me…
Amazing study in which male birds fought each other to gain access to a ‘peephole’ where they could see a female
+1 Porky’s
Now we just need another NIH study that looks at the reciprocal case. Will multiple females fight to gain access to the peephole if the single male on the other side is a total stud? These are the questions we need the answers to.
Rachel Maddow chokes up on-air over Trump administration’s ‘tender age’ shelters
Yahoo is going all immigration all the time. Comments are good though:
dammit – not meant as a reply
Dang, those replies are pretty good. I usually just post something about all the other kids the feds fuck up, take, or kill.
Incels can be vicious, and dealing with them head-on can be intimidating. When I tweeted a simple question—“CEOs of big tech companies: You almost certainly have incels as employees. What are you going to do about it?”
“I say to you, Mister Corporate Big Shot, your organization is overrun with Jews and Communists. When will you root out these vermin? When will you banish them to the gutter where they belong?”
SJWednesday: You Will Submit to Our Linguistic Politics Edition
Style Guides are written by academics, so ignore them with extreme prejudice.
singular “they”
“They” is not “singular”.
If you are still opposed to this change, you are on the wrong side of history.
That’s your opinion and it is patently incorrect, you language fascist.
totally neutral pronouns have a place! If you get rid of the neutral they/their I have to actually change the pronoun in notary blocks every time I draft anything and that is wasted effort, and leads to errors. So for me, signing documents is going to remain their free act and deed, and they are going to acknowledge that they have read and signed the document!
The US is withdrawing from the United Nations human rights council, the Trump administration announced on Tuesday, calling it a “cesspool of political bias” that targets Israel in particular while ignoring atrocities in other countries.
I can’t be the only one hoping that this is the first step to leaving and dismantling the entire UN.
Evict the useless fucks and turn the building into a luxury hotel.
Amusement park!
Whore house?
It’s pretty clear to me that this is an elaborate Trump plan to gain access to the vacant UN building, which is on super primo land, and make luxury condos. #RESIST
Yes the members of the council are great respecters of human rights
Afghanistan 2020
Angola 2020
Australia 2020
Belgium 2018
Brazil 2019
Burundi 2018
Chile 2020
China 2019
Côte d’Ivoire 2018
Croatia 2019
Cuba 2019
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2020
Ecuador 2018
Egypt 2019
Ethiopia 2018
Georgia 2018
Germany 2018
Hungary 2019
Iraq 2019
Japan 2019
Kenya 2018
Kyrgyzstan 2018
Mexico 2020
Mongolia 2018
Nepal 2020
Nigeria 2020
Pakistan 2020
Panama 2018
Peru 2020
Philippines 2018
Qatar 2020
Republic of Korea 2018
Rwanda 2019
Saudi Arabia 2019
Senegal 2020
Slovakia 2020
Slovenia 2018
South Africa 2019
Spain 2020
Switzerland 2018
Togo 2018
Tunisia 2019
Ukraine 2020
United Arab Emirates 2018
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2019
United States of America 2019
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2018
Jesus that was longer than I expected. Should have more selectively copy pasted.
The funny thing is I’m supposed to believe the UN is some sort of bastion of Democracy. Unelected schmucks making policy for the world? In many cases not even appointed by the democratically elected.
The last thing to do is leave the UN. It will just become even worse with the force of international treaties/laws without the US to veto the worst of it.
Gut it to nothing, send the UNcrats a bulk pink slip. Leave the forum with an impotent Secretary General and speeches by tinpot dictators making speeches to a dead microphone.
I agree. Last night on The Hill, lefty commentors on their version of the ‘pooh migrant chillins’, were trying to claim that the UN says what Trump is doing is illegal and so he can’t do it. So the UN says that the USA, a sovereign nation, cannot enforce it’s own laws? Sounds like the sort of tripe only the left could come up with.
The last thing to do is leave the UN. It will just become even worse with the force of international treaties/laws without the US to veto the worst of it.
How many divisions does the UN have?
Of soldiers or
rapistsaid workers?Very dark and disturbed people.
The left must never know where the guns are.
This can never be over stated.
When the Left know where the guns are, we get shit like the Cheka, Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Pol Pot.
This ^
Uh…that’s not what happens with the chillin.
Yeah, isn’t the entire point of “ripping children away from their mother’s arms” to make sure they don’t wind up locked in a cage with pedophiles?
Speaking of disability claims, the other day a guy I know went into the ‘sorry Rufus, but I disagree with you and went on an anti-Trump rant’. Apparently the economy was already on the uptick when Trump took over.
Besides showing him stats from trending economics that seem to contradict his assertion, I asked what measures/policies precisely did Obama put in place that he’s given so much credit for a) fixing Bush’s economy and b) leaving a healthy one for Trump?
One measure they point to is TARP/bail out. Problem is (besides, yeah-okay), progs often like to tell people TARP was actually a Bush thing (to defend the notion Obama wasn’t a spender and actually slowed spending down) but the turn around and use it as an example of getting the economy moving?
But those shovel ready jobs didn’t seem to get much fan fare if I recall correctly. I remember seeing a table that showed the welfare lines swelled under Obama.
With Trump we can say: He cut corp taxes, eliminated onerous Obama-era policies, enacted tax reform. The overall perception is one of confidence with Trump.
I like to point to Obama’s “We have had a run of bad luck lately” speech to excuse why the bailout turned into an epic failure followed of course by the Heinlein ‘bad luck’ quote. I am trying to point out more how un-selfaware they are than their ignorance or mendacity on the subject.
Their eyes usually glaze over.
It’s a bit too short for a full-on article (besides, it’s a little too stream-of-consciousness, anyway) and I don’t want to deal with the shitstorm it would create on DerpBook, so I’ll just drop this here, if nobody minds:
A Hard Conversation
One of the big issues I see in the whole debate about the separation of illegal immigrant families is the fact that “catch and release” doesn’t really seem to work. Deportation is a criminal proceeding that sends the parents back because they’ve violated our immigration laws. But, if you let the illegal aliens go free pending trial, they have this terrible habit of not showing up to their actual trial. So, you have to incarcerate the adults until you can give them a trial and decide whether they should be allowed to stay (generally under asylum laws) or not. But, keeping the families together in incarceration leaves us in the nasty spot of having kids in prison with adults, and yeah, that includes a lot of adults other than their parents (this applies even in the case of some hypothetical “family prison” where the adults are allowed to stay with the kids). That means the kids are behind bars with adult strangers. I don’t think that’s the solution a lot of people complaining have in mind.
The only way you avoid a humanitarian problem is to not incarcerate the adults coming with their kids, a return to the very catch and release that we already know doesn’t work. If you say you don’t want the kids separated from their parents and don’t want them put in incarceration with adults, it’s pretty much a tautology that you want to let the adults go free pending trial. And that means you’re pretty much okay with illegal immigrants being able to ignore our immigration laws without consequence. But, if you’re going to take that position, you should at least acknowledge that’s where you stand.
Now, let me be really upfront here, I don’t necessarily even mind illegal immigration all that much. I mean, I’m a financial services manager in New York with a CFA and a top-school MBA. I’m not exactly at much risk for being replaced by an illegal immigrant or have my earnings put under much pressure by illegal immigration. If anything, I’m a net beneficiary of illegal immigration. I get cheaper meals because of lower food processing, restaurant, and food delivery costs). I would have to pay less to hire domestic help (even if I didn’t hire illegal immigrants, they put pressure on the wages of other workers). I’ve no doubt that there are other areas.
But, I also realize that not everyone is in the same position as me. If you’re in a line of work that is low skill, or even a line of work that can be replaced with low skilled labor, illegal immigration puts pressure on your earnings. It’s simple supply and demand. When you increase the supply of low-skilled labor, the price of low-skilled labor and the price of labor that can be replaced with low-skilled labor goes down. If you’re okay with illegal immigration and screaming about the “Fight for Fifteen”, what you’re arguing for is your own unemployment. As the price of labor obtained in the open market increases, the relative attractiveness of that labor versus labor from illegal immigrants obtained off-the-books goes down dramatically. A business owner might be willing to hire an American or a legal immigrant for $10 dollars per hour over an illegal immigrant who only charges $7, but quite a few will decide that an $8 per hour savings from hiring an illegal immigrant is worth it if the legal minimum wage is $15.
So, I think it would be helpful to acknowledge a few basic things. The folks concerned about illegal immigration aren’t uniformly some gang of racists, xenophobes and bigots. They’re people with very real concerns about their own economic well-being. And it’s awfully easy to ignore that when you’re commenting on Facebook. And for all the furor on the internet about family separation, I don’t hear much of any suggestions to dealing with the problem of illegal immigration (for these people, at least) that fundamentally addresses that concern. Saying you don’t want illegal immigration but you don’t want families broken up isn’t much of an answer. There’s no shortage of children who want cookies. Unless you have a meaningful answer on how to make those things compatible, you’re really just expecting the rest of us to be the grown-ups who give you your cookie.
No incentive for team blue to solve the problem. They think they have the winning hand.
They don’t even see this as a problem, but as the solution to the problem of how do they gain permanent power…
SJWednesday: Who’s The Racist?
BIPOC? What is with these fuckers and letter inflation?
Their power comes exclusively from bullshitting normies. They churn through jargon to keep one step ahead of the realization “Hey, these people are full of shit”. The increased rate of churn indicated that they’re having difficulty maintaining the facade.
They are the priests of the new religion and we are the sinners. We must prostrate ourselves before them and beg for forgiveness and absolution.
CLAR– Joe Sobran, National Review, April, 1997:
It has always seemed to me that people who view the world through the lens of race are the actual racists.
These are strange times. It seems they really want a race war they can’t win. They want to make me into the actual bogey-man they like to accuse me of being.
Seriously, what stage of a genocide of whites are we at?
3. Dehumanization
Would Antifa, BLM, Soros sponsored groups be early forms of organization?
It’s not a biopic, but rather a bipoc.
It occurred to me a few months ago: even an albino is a person of colour. I fancy myself a sorta peach-coloured POC with a little bitta olive tint.
I manage to “pass” for Japanese by speaking the language and following their social rules. Weird how they don’t give a shit after a while that you’re a foot taller than them.
they talk about you behind their back. And I understand you do not have access to the finest brothels.
Soap land is good enough for me.
One common refrain I have read from some Western expats in East Asia is their own perception of feeling the perpetual outsider.
Within Hong Kong specifically, there’s a cohort of Westerners that cannot handle being called 鬼佬 (gwailo) because it’s possible to use the term in a derisive manner. By itself, it’s not a pejorative, merely descriptive. The point is that it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it, and what terminology you use in conjunction with the word.
These people are pathetic and very self-centered and cannot even conceive of your attitude, straff.
They never “belong” because they can’t get past their own incurious narcissism, and want someone to feel sorry for them. It’s possible to feel annoyed by feeling as if they’re a token, and at times find being a novelty act annoying, but after time passes the novelty fades and you become just another dude in a social circle.
You either get over that outsider feeling real quick or you get stuck with it forever. I’ve known quite a few of both types over the years.
I’m an outsider in my home state.
People around here are weird.
I don’t care for those people.
I am an outsider. I’m totally cool with that. The social rules don’t apply to me, but I try to do my best to follow them as best I can. I’ve never been openly mistreated and am indeed simply a novelty for them, particularly the kids.
One of my favorite parts of living here is that I *don’t* have to deal with other people. I’m quite fond of being left alone, thankyaverymuch. I know enough Korean to get shit done and that’s all the unwilling socialization that I have to do. They are terrified to speak English for the most part. The problem is late at night when you’re drinking outside the 7-11 and fucking college kids want to practice their English, without having anything at all interesting to say. This hasn’t happened in a while.
I’m not your zoo creature, asshole.
Do you know what the best way to handle this is? You can do it with a smile.
Do you know any other secondary language from high school or anything like that? If you’re not in the mood to converse in da English, simply start talking in Spanish or whatever. It’s fucking hilarious every time and way better than feeling like a sourpus if you’re just not into talking to a learner.
Eh. I learned how to deal with that shit a loooong time ago. It’s annoying when it happens, but I see why it does and it really isn’t a big deal. My friends dislike it far more than I—I actually enable the gawkers.
Being thin-skinned in Asia ain’t no way of going through life. I have so many friends that swear that they are elbowed on the subways or spoken to very rudely, and I just don’t see it. It has literally never happened to me. They speak about it so confidently, and I just don’t buy it. Projection, as always.
Either I’m incredibly lucky, or they are just more willing to see a slight when none actually existed. I’m leaning strongly towards the latter.
You’re missing out on your chance more #metoo.
I view the level of bluntness in some East Asian societies to be a very positive attribute. Call shit like it is.
“I view the level of bluntness in some East Asian societies to be a very positive attribute. Call shit like it is.”
I have a Korean friend who is exactly like that. He sometimes has no filter at all. I often find it hilarious, although some are shocked by it, which I also sometimes find hilarious.
“I’m not your zoo creature, asshole.”
Well, I mean unless you’re living in a hut with a stone age tribe in a jungle somewhere. Then you are. ‘Look at them poor noble savages. They’re eating bugs and dying young from preventable diseases, but we must not contact them because patriarchy and wipippo, and we must observe them, because science’.
I as a short guy I never felt so tall as when I was in Japan.
Plus don’t you like the look of terror on a salesclerk’s face until they realize they won’t have to try to speak English. And I mean this in a good way – they are uncomfortable that they won’t be able to help you properly.
Talk to shop clerks? What nightmarish place is this?
No need to worry – plenty of self check out available. And let’s not forget the vending machines!
No, no, no, that’s too far in the wrong direction. I want the checkout clerk, but I don’t want to talk to them.
*in the other direction
In English we say “the customer is king”. In Japanese they do it one better, “the customer is god” is the expression used.
The difference in Japan is that many of the clerks truly to live up to that standard. My experience here in the US, much less so.
The customer is not always right.
Neither is the king!
God gets a little more interesting when it comes to fallibility.
I don’t even notice it much. Why would I spend energy on that?
So Sloopy, would you say your next auction will be :: dons black shades :: in tents?
Some orange haired dude is flying in to my airport today. Security says I can’t be on the tarmac. Can’t have the hanger door open. Can’t make furtive movements. I guess I’ll be reading Glib comments instead of working today.
Will you get in trouble if you vogue? How about if you dab? Would you get tackled by the Secret Service if you chose to whip and/or nay-nay?
In those cases – shooting would be justified.
Like you weren’t going to do that anyway 😉
Moreno: Why does he look like he was a target for bullies growing up?
He sounds like a real douche.
Absolutley a douche
Winning hearts and minds
Political activists with the Democratic Socialists of America harassed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she ate dinner with her family on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.
The left-wing activists “entered MXDC Cocina Mexicana, a glitzy [Mexican] restaurant near the White House, to confront Nielsen as her department faced more scrutiny over a policy that has resulted in some children being separated from their parents at the U.S-Mexico border,” USA Today reported.
“How can you enjoy a Mexican dinner as you’re deporting and imprisoning tens of thousands of people who come here seeking asylum in the United States?” one protester yelled at Nielsen.
The activists repeatedly shouted, “abolish ICE, “no borders, no walls, sanctuary for all,” “shame on you,” and “end Texas concentration camps.”
Add that to the list of words/terms that leftists have destroyed.
They created it in the first place. Cant ever leave anything alone, I guess.
What’s frightening is social media teamed up with the SPLC to fight the alt-right and the media often uses them as a source.
Cynical and ncompetent buffoons run these companies and media outlets.
The natural selection of bad science
Poor research design and data analysis encourage false-positive findings. Such poor methods persist despite perennial calls for improvement, suggesting that they result from something more than just misunderstanding. The persistence of poor methods results partly from incentives that favour them, leading to the natural selection of bad science.
The dismal state of research these days is what led my wife to shift focus to teaching over research. The pressure to publish is so great that literally everyone just pushes crap out as fast as they can. Even in engineering, experimental science is dying as everyone switches to modeling because it’s fast, cheap, and easy. It is truly amazing to see how many grad students and faculty have no problem with publishing papers that say “it was too hard and expensive to test my hypothesis so I assumed a bunch of values from these other people’s papers and plugged them into a model I made. I also cherry picked the publications used to make sure the assumed values are what I wanted. Lo and behold I am right, because the model I made up told me so.”
Even when people perform actual research, the time and cost is great enough that publishing is absolutely necessary if you want to advance. So if you get negative results, that just means you shift your hypothesis until you have something publishable. Or you exclude data until you have a subgroup that does something you want. It’s all garbage.
I was disgusted by academia when I did grad school in the humanities. Watching my wife do it in engineering as turned me into a complete hater of pretty much all academic output.
I don’t think there is a solution at this point except burning academia to the ground and ending ALL government science grants. Let private entities fund whatever research is pragmatically useful to them and stop pretending that science is some fundamentally pure form of pursuing enlightenment.
Scientists are whores every bit as much as lawyers, actors, and…well…whores.
Existential Comics
The aristocracy would have lasted much longer if it had not been so obvious that those who ruled were not wiser, more noble, or more just.
Today, the same myth about the genius entrepreneurs who deserve their wealth is just as absurd, and this is becoming increasingly apparent.
Funny that this douche thinks this about the entrepreneur class, but would bristle when I make the same, and far more accurate point, about the credentialed elite – the political class, the college educator class, and the media scums – class…
How well have those fuckwads served us? If they were even marginally capable I think trump would never have happened.
You missed the most important musical anniversary of the day.
Clare Smyth named best female chef in the world
“We still have a real lack of women recognised at the top of the industry,” Smyth, whose own restaurant was overlooked for the top 50, told attendees.
“We have to do something about that, we’re not going to change it by ignoring it … to separate [male and female chefs] for me is strange, but we don’t see enough women coming through at the top.
“I would love to see very soon that we don’t need gender-specific awards because women will have recognition and there will be a balance in the industry.
“Hopefully we’ll see plenty of women on the 50 Best list and there won’t be a need for that award,” she added.
So now we’re supposed to want more women in the kitchen? It’s hard to keep this stuff straight.
STEPHEN SMYTHE has a sister?
Seems to me the response about the separation of kids from their families to lefties is: You didn’t seem to care when it was happening during Barry’s reign of splendid mediocrity and stupendous cynicism.
The issue completely goes away if that bozo Trump proposes the fast track rollout of “family detention centers” and a massive hiring of immigration judges. This addresses a PR fiasco and filters out all non-legit asylum cases, plus is probably a better approach overall.
With such a system in place, however, it is almost inevitable that there would be bellyaching over criminal prosecution of the non-minor when mommy has to go to jail for a little while.
Isn’t that what Cruz is proposing?
Did you read Schumer’s logic on why the Democrats will block anything?
Because Trump should just solve this with executive power.
I shit you not.
He wants to keep the focus on Trump.
Democrats are losers.
Evil losers.
He’s a real motherfucker that loves rule by fiat.
If you’re okay with illegal immigration and screaming about the “Fight for Fifteen”, what you’re arguing for is your own unemployment.
Intellectual consistency is not exactly a strong point for those people. All things are possible in Rainbow Progressive Land.
For Kristen, Another notable musician’s birthday!
I know Simon is your fave, but I assume John is still a ‘wood’?
My wife got in a Facebook spat yesterday with one of her former co-workers. At one point, she told my wife “I hope ICE takes your kids from you and puts them in a cage!”.
My wife said “That won’t happen, seeing as how I came here legally, and have permanent resident status, and my children are American citizens. Of course, I guess if I commit a crime and have to go to jail, then I would be separated from my children, like anyone else who commits a crime and has to go to jail. You do know that you don’t get to take your kids to jail with you when you break the law, right?”
Her former co-worker then proceeded to delete the conversation.
This is like feminists telling anti abortion conservatives “I hope your daughter gets raped”
I’m seeing a lot of “children in cages” stuff on FB now. Choosing to ignore.
It is kindof infuriating how willfully ill-informed and/or hypocritical many of my fb acquaintances are. But I have resolved to not engage them. No good ever comes from it and they never learn anything.
Facebook is like sticking thumbtacks in your skin and letting people you rarely see and can barely stand flick ’em. It’s weird enough to do the first thing but why would you let the second happen?
Chances are the photos are from the Obama administration too. Most of the ones that are floating around are.
Or that unverified recording which is, to be honest, probably not inaccurate: of course children are upset being separated from their parents and housed in an unfamiliar place with strangers. But it’s taken as written that ICE (HHS, really) is unadulterated evil for putting them in holding facilities while their parents’ asylum claims are being processed, while their parents are held blameless for illegally smuggling them into the country. Sorry, doesn’t wash. That’s like Hillary complaining bitterly that Comey cost her the election.
Actually, the one that has gotten famous is actually from a protest.. Cripes, even CNN is acknowledging as much.
Illegal immigration isn’t a popular platform to run on. I encourage the DNC to buy into it wholesale and run on that and raising taxes.
And gun confiscation. That’s a real winner too. It was Hillary’s best attribute.
And more unconstitutional gun-control. Can’t forget that.
Thus far I have been very good about not engaging in politics on Facebook, because I think it’s a terrible forum for it. But it’s so hard. There’s some massive derp on there.
Ditto…. I used to kvetch all the time about political shit on Facebook in college and then during my heavy drinking days. I think since I’ve been sober, I’ve not made a single political post, and I never intend to. It’s a fucking awful place to discuss politics.
Kvetching is its own reward.
It never seems to work anyway. People will be misunderstood. Or just be click ‘unfriended’. In real life I think you could have a discussion easily and calmly, and that seems to work better for me.
Most people seem to feel the same way, but I have a subset of friends that shares constant political nonsense.
My opinion of these people has dropped dramatically. Which tells you something about how much you should broadcast politics to everyone non-stop.
the times I have tried to be political… just ended up disappointed in people that I (generally) like.
i’ve been commenting on two friends’ immigration posts. i’m having fun calling out the hypocrisy. apparently i have to keep it civil, not frame it as ‘open borders’, and can’t bring up Obama’s policies… but they can drop “Gestapo” and write off 40M voters. some funny shit.
Homeless couple who shared windfall with friends on trial for money laundering
A homeless couple who found €300,000 (£264,000) in an old Singer sewing machine while squatting in an abandoned building are on trial for money laundering after giving away some of the windfall to people who had helped them in the past.
However, the court in Ghent has heard from the prosecutor’s office that the money found in the house in the Flemish town of Assenede was not the couple’s to give away. The nine friends who received money are also being prosecuted.
Rogue beekeepers and dirty tricks blamed for rise in Belgian hive heists
Read more
The public prosecutor told the court: “They shared the money as well-wishers. But of course you cannot hand out money that is not yours. And the people who took the money should have known that Joey and Kimberley could not have come by such sums of money in a normal way.”
The owner of the abandoned building is said to want the cash returned.
Jesse van den Broeck, acting for Joey, said his client was an “honest finder” and should be allowed to keep the cash.
The couple’s windfall was only discovered after the property of a friend with whom they were staying was searched during a drugs raid.
Officers found 1.5kg of speed (amphetamine) and more than 1,000 pills in the house, while Joey was found to have €50,000 in cash on him. The prosecutor’s office is seeking 18-month suspended prison sentences and fines of €6,000 each for the couple.
One of the longest running scams in Romania was with Singer sewing machines. You would see an add saying good money for these things, but then you were told you need two with certain serial numbers, You had one and the guy knew where you could buy the second and he would buy the pair for much more money. It was insane how people fell for that
Greed is the con man’s best friend.
I don’t understand how this can be. I have been assured by numerous sanctimonious fucks that Western Europe, specifically they northerly areas, do not have any homeless because the government hands out all the bennies. Wha happen……..
“We don’t have ‘homeless’ people here. They’ve been reclassified as ‘rough sleepers’.”
“We went with ‘skyhomed’.”
Rogue beekeepers and dirty tricks blamed for rise in Belgian hive heists
Is Europe even real? Confirm Pie?
I wonder if unlicensed hives and black market honey are big bisiness. I wouldn’t be surprised if EU rules make it cheaper to operate on the sly.
But economic rent-seeking rules or misguided watermelon rules?
Aw, hell, why not both?
I saw my first real-life MOMS DEMAND ACTION bumper sticker. Question: how are these morons so unaware of how offputting that sounds? MOMS DEMAND YOU CLEAN YOUR ROOM THIS INSTANT, YOUNG MAN!
To be fair MOMS DEMAND ACTION could also be a decent porno
I almost shot coffee out of my nose.
I think it’s funny. It sounds like they’re not getting any from their hubbies.
Find moms demanding action in your area tonight.
^^^This. Their choice of name is almost as retarded as the gun control muppet babies.
*hangs head in shame*
It’s the same thing with #MeToo. Are they not aware people older than 30 think of # as “pound?”
It’s not ‘Number’?
Pound versus number is context sensitive. In this case, it clearly is “pound me too”.
I did think it strange that they wanted to be catalogued. That makes much more sense.
MOMS DEMAND ACTION only makes me think of cunnilingus and buying more semiautomatic firearms.
So you’re saying you all are rapists?
Question: how are these morons so unaware of how offputting that sounds?
I don’t know about that. Isn’t Mom’s looking for action one of the more popular categories on Pornhub?
Last I heard – their statistics page says no.
Ronaldo is a disgrace.
That is all.
Diving or what? I’ve been in meetings and away from the TeeVee
Diving. Looking for a penalty. *Some* contact but he milked it. The ref/VAR didn’t buy it.
I think the basketball word flopping sounds better than diving
Oh yeah. That’s part of his schtick. I think the refs have done a bang-up job on ignoring dives this WC. If the VAR lets them keep the whistle down in the box, its totally worth it.
Geiger was solid today. Tough to ref cynical teams.
Morocco were being dicks.
Pepe did his usual ‘one a game drama flop’.
in hockey, that would be a 2-minute minor for embellishment. in soccer, that shit is encouraged.
I a fan of flopping in soccer. It’s pretty much the only way to ensure that somebody scores a goal, and sometimes results in games not ending in a tie.
Reuters piles on
The Trump administration on Tuesday issued a finalized rule that will enable millions of Americans to buy skimpy health insurance plans that do not comply with key Obamacare coverage requirements, marking its latest effort to chip away at the healthcare law.
The rule, which the U.S. Department of Labor will post Tuesday, allows small businesses and those who are self-employed to band together and buy lower-cost health insurance policies, similar to large employers.
But these insurance plans would not be subject to requirements under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly called Obamacare, which included mandatory coverage for a set of 10 essential health benefits, such as maternity and newborn care, prescription drug costs and mental health treatment. They are expected to be far less expensive than Obamacare plans.
Health providers, insurers and medical groups have warned that the plans could drive up premiums and make insurance unaffordable for some people by siphoning off healthy consumers who want cheaper coverage, leaving behind a sicker patient pool with higher medical costs in Obamacare plans.
Public Enemy Number One. Letting people opt for “skimpy” insurance plans, after all the hard work that nice Mister Obama did to make sure everybody had free comprehensive medical care.
Holy shit that is so biased.
I didn’t read the article, but I’m guessing they didn’t mention that such a group would have a lot of bargaining power, and that “lower-cost” might mean that they were able to get a good deal on coverage they can all agree on. As opposed to individuals in the exchanges, who are stuck with expensive coverage for things they won’t use.
skimpy health insurance plans that do not comply
“Skimpy” meaning men do not have to purchase maternity coverage. . .
What’s lost here is that these insurance groups should function just like an employer-provided plan, but for people who do not work for a large employer. Are they saying employer-provided plans are skimpy and cheap?
Trump obviously doesn’t understand how communism is supposed to work.
That’s pretty much it. It’s supposed to ratchet TIGHTER, not looser! What a doofus!
mandatory coverage for a set of 10 essential health benefits, such as maternity and newborn care
Especially for post-menopausal women, right? Totally ESSENTIAL!
a finalized rule that will enable millions of Americans to buy skimpy health insurance plans that do not comply with key Obamacare coverage requirements
Umm, I think you have to pick one or the other, don’t you? If you are complying with a finalized ObamaCare regulation, you’re complying with ObamaCare, aren’t you?
OCare specifically granted DHS very broad rulemaking authority. It was one of the criticisms of it, in fact. And it turns out the ol’ pen and phone routine works just as well at the agency level as it does at the White House level.
I think it’s funny. It sounds like they’re not getting any from their hubbies.
When you’re a cuck, that’s pretty much how you roll.
Best albums of 2018 so far
Lily Allen dished on her divorce, Arctic Monkeys found their inner crooners, Cardi B earned her stripes, Pusha T teamed up with Kanye West and the Vaccines made an unexpected classic
Garbage. What the fuck is wrong with Normals’ tastes?
/resumes listening to Anaal Nathrakh
Joins Warty, puts on Blasphamagoatachrist
Esoteric Malacology is the best album this year.
good god no.
I only recognize the Kanye name, the rest are unknown to me.
“”Laurie Anderson and Kronos Quartet””
Jeez they’ve got to be in their 60s-70s at this point
its like a ‘boring 80s upper-middle-class art-scene’-revival
I am a fan of *some* of the retro-soul revivalism going on …
(with things i love dearly, i tend to be pickier than average, because good things done badly are worse than average things done averagely)
i was a fan of his debut album (“Coming Home“) which was VERY retro compared to some other recent similar things. Basically channeling Sam Cooke/Percy Sledge/William Bell/Jackie Wilson, trying to accurately re-create those sorts of sounds. very very good.
this new thing is attempt to keep some of that throwback feel while injecting much more-modern songwriting + production vibes into it.
it feels less-coherent as a record because there’s no real consistent mood or production-style between tracks. It definitely feels like he had a different producer for each track, and someone was saying, “this one should be like a D’Angelo (or Raphel Saddiq, or Maxwell) joint”
Its not bad; its just less obviously thematic. there are 3 tracks that seem to stand out for me, the rest feel out of place. Here’s one.
Well contrary to what 90% of bartenders, waiters and restaurant owners actually wanted DC Voters Pass Measure to Raise Tipped Workers’ Minimum Wage.
bartenders, waiters don’t know what’s good for them.
I actually don’t feel bad for the voters, I hope they enjoy shitty fucking chain food and higher prices.
I’m curious how this will work out. We generally tip because labor costs aren’t built into the menu price. If prices increase to reflect labor costs, will 20% tips still be expected?
99%, you tight-fisted 1%-er!
Find moms demanding action in your area tonight.
How might one obtain access to your newsletter? Asking for a friend.
I can give you an email where you can send your credit card info and get access
Sheesh, what an amateur. You need to ask for his SSN and Mother’s Maiden Name, then you can get access to whatever you want.
You’ll learn.
I thought they weren’t allowed to use such a cisheteronormative security question anymore.
Remember when you were in Freshman biology and you were learning about cell mitosis and everyone giggled when the teacher said that the process started with cleavage?
No worth trying to pick out a few since it’s all great, but I’ll call out 68 cuz… well… she’s nice.
Does 8 lbs of hamburger, 8 lbs of grilled chicken breast, 28 hot dogs, and grilled cheese upon request seem like a reasonable amount of food for 23 adults and 12 kids?
Not counting sides like potato salad, chips/dip, watermelon, and birthday cake.
Why on earth are you feeding thirty-five people?
It’s my son’s birthday. Both sides of the family and then my wife’s coworkers and their kids. It escalated quickly, but I enjoy cooking and hosting at our place. Just haven’t had quite this many people before.
That’s beyond my threshold for crowd tolerance, so you don’t have to worry about me crashing the party to steal some cake.
It would be a bit much in our house, but plenty of room in the yard. Keep em occupied with a pool, cornhole, and alcohol.
I read that he is plying them with alcohol so he can cornhole them with a pool queue
I’m really not going to attend then.
Why can’t I get the robotic rhinoceros scene from Ace Ventura 2 out of my head now?
Alcohol and cornhole? One of your guests wouldn’t go by the name of STEVE SMITH, would he?
Well, there are 7 acres of forest 300 yards away
You should just publish a weekly summary of things you don’t like. No explanation needed. Just a list. I would read it every week.
It’s a single Warty post-workout meal. You should be okay as long as you’re not having a powerlifting convention.
People look at me funny when I tell them that I normally eat a dozen eggs for breakfast. No, all of the rest of you are the weird ones.
He is roughly the size of a barge…
Jury is still out on his thoughts of antlers as indoor home decor.
There’ll be a cross fitter there but none with the power of Warty.
Sounds about right to me, with lots of leftovers. That’s 32 hamburgers, 16 double burgers, probably 32 normal servings of chicken, and enough cocks to satisfy Barney Frank for a weekend.
Boneless chicken thigh is infinitely better and makes fantastic chicken sandwiches.
In an hour or so I’m going to start marinating mini steaks of pork butt for Korean BBQ tonight.
Okay good, I’d rather have leftovers than not enough food.
I’ve got my grilled chicken breast down. I filet it, then marinade in a teriyaki mixture overnight. Balsamic glaze applied on the grill (charcoal).
Agreed on the thighs. I’ve all but stopped making chicken breasts.
The extra chicken fat keeps em from drying out like breasts can on the grill.
My rule is 1/2 a pound of meat per adult but always have extra, so that seems about right.
1/2 pound is a good rule, I’ll remember that.
We’re assuming he’s talking about food, right?
Wait, food?
Food for thots.
Assuming you’re feeding Normals, that’s enough to feed them and leave you with a few days worth of leftovers.
Drop the chicken breasts (the tofu of dead animal flesh) in favor of leg quarters, though. Much cheaper and much tastier. Marinate them in lime juice and olive oil and salt, then grill.
Maybe I’ll cut back to 7 lbs of each. Breast is on sale it’s not too bad and a lot of the guests won’t eat legs.
Every year on Thanksgiving I set down two perfectly cooked, crispy turkey drumsticks on the platter, and they always end up going to the dogs.
Sacrilege, dark meat is best.
It is known.
Alright alright. Maybe I’ll do half and half. That’ll satisfy the sinners and put some thighs out there.
You, now.
You’re a real people pleaser, SSD. Do half breast, boneless thighs marinated in your teriyaki overnight treatment. The boneless thighs will be all consumed, while the leftover cooked breasts will dry out because people preferred the burgers. Says I.
I got the impression the spirit of the question was “I have this much – do I need to buy more?”
I could be wrong and he could just be assembling the shopping list.
That was the intention, but I’m open to modifications especially in the face of such strong opposition to the breast (where’s Q when you need him). I’ll go half thighs, half breasts and see how that goes. After all, when has Glib advice ever steered anyone wrong?
Cincy Chili.
“Cincy Chili.”
I like Goldstar, I ate a lot of that as a kid. Now I make my own and it’s better.
Anything with spaghetti noodles in it is NOT chili.
Breasts.. marinate 1-1.5 hours third soy, third brown sugar and third bourbon. tastey and not dry #My2cents
“Cincy Chili”
Obvious sarcasm doesn’t count.
24 hamburgers, 24 servings of chicken, 14 servings of dogs plus grilled cheese? Yeah. You’re good.
Lunchtime? Sounds about right. Dinner and I’d throw a bit more out there. Torillas, salsa and chicken. Easy to make themselves.
damn, now I want some fajitas
I am not a communist, but i am a strong believer in the power of Potluck.
some people can’t be trusted to be hygenic in the kitchen.
you’re more likely to get a case food poisoning/contamination/undercooking by some family desperately trying to cook for 20+ when they’ve never fed more than 4 in their lives, than you would a dozen people each making 1 dish at home to bring as guests in a goodwill-gesture
(people usually tend to be even more-scrupulous and careful when cooking for others than they are for themselves; but being overwhelmed by numbers makes it pretty easy for ~2 chicken breasts to be served under-done and give someone botulism)
You overestimate the contientiousness of people. “No one will notice” is all too common a refrain.
although =
it is almost universal that when a dozen people each bring food to a party?
people try a little bit of everything, and discover that one of them is terrible, and you are left with 11 dishes completely consumed, and then this one lonely standout which no one has touched, which becomes a source of obvious embarrassment and humiliation for that party, which, as host, you are obligated to turn into a source of good-natured mockery.
which connects to another common conundrum of potluck: out of deep fear of this potential scenario, all 12 make brownies.
which is usually why you need to delegate what people should bring.
I usually brought a quarter ounce of my finest just for that emergency.
When I worked at a semiconductor fab in Austin, the big meals would be potluck. The company would provide turkeys, and the employees would being everything else. Since the workforce was a nice mix of Euro- Mexican- and Vietnamese- Americans, the food was always awesome.
Until one year.
Having large amounts of people come down with food poisoning in a cleanroom while wearing cleanroom suits is a disaster of such magnitude that all further potlucks were cancelled.
It depends. A birthday party for my kid is on me to provide for. If I had that many people over for something like Thanksgiving though, I’d ask each person to bring something.
yeah, i’d probably do exactly the same. BBQ style. but then i don’t have kids.
just throwing that out there
I hate potluck. People always cook some nasty, poorly differentiated stew or casserole. It’s gross.
My family is loaded with good cooks. I love potlucks!
But yeah, if it’s somewhere else I pray that some lazy soul went for the meat and cheese tray.
(raises hand)
I’m there for you buddy. I’m the guy who stops by the deli on the way to the party.
The last one I attended, I brought a few dozen mini cheesecakes, some with raspberry, others plain.
That’s around 70 decent-sized servings of protein, so it should be nearly twice what you need.
Dude, a few loaves and fishes probably would have done the trick.
– Jesus
Title should have started with “In a surprising development…”
“In a nationwide survey conducted by the American Civil Liberties Union and National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project, 70 percent of prosecutors said that sexual assault is now underreported and harder to investigate than before Trump took office.
In Houston, the number of Hispanics reporting rape in 2017 decreased nearly 43 percent from 2016, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo said last year. Those reporting other violent crimes dropped by 13 percent.”
So if the number decreases it’s bad. And if the number increases it’s bad.
So it turns out that overpopulation hysteria is self-correcting in the USA.
“sexual assault is now underreported and harder to investigate than before Trump took office”
LOL, they are in full hysteric mode. It’s raining, Trump at fault! I’m actually shocked that hasn’t been a NYT article yet.
sexual assault is now underreported
How do they know? This assumes some combination of (a) it wasn’t overreported before and/or (b) the actual rate of sexual assault hasn’t dropped.
Aren’t these the same people who go “Most rapes are never reported, and 98% of rapists never go to prison”, and include in the category of ‘rapists’ the accused who were unambiguously acquitted, or never charged due to there being proof of impossibility of guilt.
Law enforcement organizations are unlikely to compromise with advocates of a proposal this session to restrict the circumstances under which police officers could use deadly force.
Their staunch opposition significantly diminishes the prospects for Assembly Bill 931, which would increase the state standard for lethal use of force from “reasonable” to “necessary,” to become law. Though the measure on Tuesday passed its first policy committee, it faces a lengthy and complicated path ahead in a Legislature historically hesitant to cross law enforcement.
At the Senate Public Safety Committee hearing, representatives for rank-and-file police and their management said their objections to the proposed change on use of force could not be resolved by an offer to provide funding to retrain officers.
They need every available recourse in order to make it home safely. Cop Lives Matter (a lot more than yours).
If it wasn’t necessary before then it was unnecessary, something usually referred to as ‘felony assault’.
“A 12-year-old boy called 911 twice to complain after his parents served him salad.
Emergency dispatchers in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia received a call just before 10 p.m. from the child to vent his anger at the food.
‘The child was upset and did not care for what the parent put in the salad,’ said RCMP spokesman Cpl. Dal Hutchinson, who explained officers are obliged to respond to every 911 call.”
Those bastards!
If it were cherry tomatos, I’d have swatted them.
What do you have against them? I mean, they’re not cheese, but at least they’re not avocado.
A ball of tomato skin. No thanks.
“the 3rd time you call us over this bullshit, we’re going to whoop you some discipline”
She looked better heavier.
Would either way.
They… I mean, SHE is awesome in GLOW on Netflix.
“In an about-face, hospital will disperse portraits of past white male luminaries, put the focus on diversity
The employees and students who regularly gather in the Bornstein Amphitheater at Brigham and Women’s Hospital include women, blacks, and Hispanics. The 31 gold-framed portraits of medical luminaries that cover the walls do not.
The portraits are all of men. Thirty are white, and one is Chinese.
On Thursday, the Harvard Medical School teaching hospital plans to remove the paintings of the former department chairs, as part of its broader diversity initiatives.
The hospital’s president, Dr. Betsy Nabel, said she had considered ending the tradition of hanging pictures of retired chairs in the auditorium for several years, especially as more women and minorities train as doctors at the hospital. Of 1,631 residents and fellows training at the Brigham, 45 percent are women and 9 percent are black or Hispanic. Asians make up 28 percent of trainees; they are not considered an underrepresented minority in medicine.
“I have watched the faces of individuals as they have come into Bornstein,’’ Nabel said in an interview in her office last week. “I have watched them look at the walls. I read on their faces ‘Interesting. but I am not represented here.’ That got me thinking maybe it’s time that we think about respecting our past in a different way.’’
Nabel, the first female president of a major Harvard teaching hospital, said the Brigham’s leaders are working to solve those underlying problems, too. She recently promoted Dr. Nawal Nour, a physician who established the African Women’s Health Center, to be the first diversity and inclusion officer for faculty; began a leadership development program with an executive coach for promising faculty and staff who are women and minorities; and is creating guidelines to minimize bias in hiring.
“We need to make sure that our culture creates a sense of belonging for all,’’ Nabel said.
Of 15 current department chairs at the Brigham, two are women (the first at the hospital), one is Hispanic, and one is Asian.
The changes come amid a broader examination by some medical schools and academic medical centers about whether they are welcoming enough to women and minorities, especially given the scarcity of black and Hispanic doctors and executives.
The national activist group White Coats for Black Lives recently published a racial justice report card that criticized 10 top medical schools, including Harvard’s, for policies it says promote racial bias. Among the policies the group flagged are the dearth of plaques, statues, portraits, and building names on campuses that acknowledge contributions from physicians of color — and the presence of artwork that celebrates people with racist pasts.”
“and one is Chinese.”
The WIPIPO of Asia, amirite?
I thought that was the Japanese.
Thank you.
Asians are the WYPIPO of non-WYPIPO.
I increasingly find these sort of “highlighting the dumbest aspects of social-justice politics” tiresome; but you have relish that sentence a little bit
‘as part of its broader diversity plan, the school plans to erase 100 years of the accomplishments of predecessors, ‘
because nothing says, “diversity and inclusion” like banning/hiding/erasing, feeding this idiotic, knee-jerk, over-reaction to symbolism, acting as tho people can’t possibly be expected to ‘accept diversity’ in the present while simultaneously acknowledging its absence in the past.
Only by denying the past can we acknowledge it.
I think they should just put up 20 portraits of random people, but only after several months of meetings in which they discuss the ideal demographic makeup of the people they choose to put in those portraits. That’s pretty much where this is headed.
^Old man yelling at clouds^
Diversity isnt about diversity. It is about destroying competent individuals and competent institutions. Just another trojan horse for the radical left.
HM is secretly working at the State Department.
So that’s how he got it done. Makes sense. Maybe he can threaten Putin with some Maddow nudes and bring him to the table. Some Feinstein nudes should get China to drop all tariffs.
That’s a good way to make him go Jonestown. Fuck that. I don’t want the fallout.
DC really is Hollywood for ugly people.×392.jpg
This is Strzok’s sidepiece? Man, someone at his level in Hollywood would be banging his hot 20 year-old nanny/wannabe model. In DC he gets a horseface FBI lackey.
Yeah, the reporter that the Senate staffer was banging was no beauty but she was at least much younger and better looking than Page
You talkin bout Gumby?
i had a friend in college with massive gums. his nickname was gingivitis. good times.
As someone pointed out last night, she must have skills…
The 3-point blow-job — only the back of your head and your heels touch down, and you have to untuck half a bed-sheet from your asshole upon completion.
I think I find the gross overly-moussed long hair the most offputting about her look. I never understood why any woman thinks that looks good. Does it make thin hair look thicker?
Am I being too conspiracy-minded in pondering that the outrage machine regarding kids of illegals sure kicked it up to 11 right after the IG report was released? It was a story before then, but it’s very suddenly become just about the only thing either the media broadcasts/publishes or idiot lefty celebrities tweet about. Only a crazy person would suspect that this was a deliberate strategy, right?
I don’t think it was a conspiracy. The lemmings just fell on a topic that struck their feelz just right and it puts Trump in a no win situation (at least they think so). I posted pictures of dead Libyan kids next to pics of illegal immigrant kids in ICE custody : “I heard nothing about this. Why should I think you care about that?”
So, if they were smart… they’re not. What Trump will do is come up with some legislation, have Feinstein, Pelosi, and Moobz doing their happy dance. Then they’ll have some staffers read it and find out there’s funding for a wall in there and other conditions they’ll refuse to accept, and then comes the mourning and acceptance part and then we move on the next TDS episode.
This is a loser topic for Trump. The best he can do is let them get it out and poke back a little bit. Like you said, there is always a next episode with this cast of characters. The next news cycle will bury this unless Trump rushes head first into this battle.
Goober Schumer already stepped up to the plate and swung at that T-ball.
Break the law so we don’t have to legislate away a politically lucrative problem. Fuckin’ goon.
Trump would be making a mistake if he caves on this. Let the chips fall where they will: like every ginned-up nontroversy so far, the truth inevitably outs, and it never favors Dems. Caving would only boost their narrative.
Make the 2018 elections all about illegal immigration and open borders. let’s see how that works out.
“We’re gonna build new transition areas for these kids. They’re gonna be yuge and gorgeous. You’re gonna want to check into one.”
Fine, let him steer into it. Be fun to watch, anyways.
Trump Properties?
Trump Majal – Nogales?
Build the family detention centers IN the wall. 2 birds at once.
And how quickly would lefty opinion turn on its head if Trump capitulated and started housing children with their parents? He’s breaking the law! He’s detaining children longer than is legal!
What they want, but are too cowardly to admit, is a return to ‘bama’s catch-and-release program. Amnesty won’t mean shit unless illegals are amnestied in numbers sufficient to turn a handful of red states purple.
My Amnesty proposal is thus – if you are here illegally and leave promptly, you will be able to follow the proper procedure without prejudice. However, if we have to throw you out, you are forever banned from entry and can never attain legal residency.
Our options are these:
(1) Release illegals with children into the US, thus making bringing a child with you a free pass to US residency.
(2) Detain adults and children separately. Everybody with kids who we arrest is separated from their children. The only difference with illegals is that few of them have family already in the US who will take their kids, so the kids have to be warehoused before being tossed into the foster system, like every kid with a parent in jail and no viable alternative.
(3) Have special facilities for illegals where they can be jailed with their kids, but not in a general lockup. I’m sure giving illegals better treatment than citizens who are arrested will go over well.
(4) Jail children with their parents in general lockups. This is so stupid that not even the Dems are proposing it, as far as I know.
Honestly, of the options, I think what we are doing now is the best of the lot.
That seems to be the exhaustive list of options. Look at the options the Dems have:
1) Work with Republicans to come up with a legal fix in congress (maybe a combo of your 2 and 3 options) and make Trump veto it (which he wouldn’t)
2) Keep screaming “Kidz in Cagez!” over and over and hope that is enough to take back the house in November.
They’re going to go with number two.
I hope Cruz gets a bill on the floor and forces Dems to vote against it. Make it as clean as they like, because what they’re most against is enforcement of the law, which means they’ll oppose increasing the number of judges to process asylum claims as much as they’d abhor increasing funding to ICE. Quickly processing asylum claimants and letting in only the scant few with credible cases imperils the Dem policy of overwhelming border controls and asylum courts. Their purpose is packing the polity, cultivating another client caste.
Maybe…..but, again, it’s not a new story. It’s been out there for a while, yet only in the past week or so has it started dominating the news.
Nothing to see here, move along! /Irish cop voice
I was going to say that I don’t think it’s a conspiracy, but as I think about it, I’m not so sure. I honestly can’t remember the equivalent outrage when it got out that Obama was doing the same exact thing. I still tend to think it’s just kismet, but I could be sold on some deliberate timing.
I’ll say this, after 500+ days of Trump and having actually watched an interview or two with him, I think he could not possibly give less of a shit about his image in the media. I’m starting to come back around to thinking he’s got this whole thing figured out. I think he knows that the media more or less has made up its mind and won’t be swayed, and that’s also true in large part of voters. Somewhere in the middle, there are people who are uncommitted, let’s say. All he has to do is make sure that the economy’s doing well, unemployment’s down, and we’re not losing a war and he’ll carry most of the undecideds.
Voters have short memories and ultimately care more about party lines and then their immediate circumstances, in about that order. I’ll bet that most of the people who felt a temporary qualm about Obama sticking brown kids in cages before sending them back across the border forgot all about that shit a couple months down the road. I think Trump knows that nothing he does will change most opinions, so he may as well do whatever he wants. As long as it mostly works out, people will go along with it.
The hysterical left has not swayed a single person away from Trump. He is doing what he said he would, what he was elected to do.
Imaginary Russians didn’t sway a single person against The Hildebeast.
The 2016 election was set in stone the instant Trump was nominated, just like the mid-terms are and 2020 is.
I think it’s more of keeping the Trump hating outrage machine operating. The topic isn’t always as important as keeping the “Trump is evil” bullshit in the news.
^^ This was a reply to Chip’s post above.
Sean = P Brooks sock
And P Brooks is really Tulpa.
Hah – that’s exactly what Tulpa would say, Tulpa!
“Feminists are blaming trans women for ‘forcibly transing’ crocodiles
Trans-exclusionary radical feminists, or TERFs, have a long history of aligning themselves with the religious right when it comes to transgender people – trans women, in particular.
But one dingbat “environmentalist and eco-activist” has really taken it to the next step. She’s almost hit the same level as the rightwing Christians who believe that LGBTQ people are responsible for weather catastrophes.
“Another thing that really breaks my kind of heart is oestrogen-ic pollution, which is that because of trans and because of HRT [hormone replacement therapy],” she told the gathering according to the UK outlet PinkNews.
“We’re peeing a lot of oestrogen, synthetic oestogren into the water and that’s forcibly ‘trans-ing’ the fish, and that means that crocodiles and alligators are in danger. It means fresh water fish are in danger. It means we’re destroying the world partially because of the trans ideology.””
When you’ve lost all touch with reality, this is what can happen. Didn’t they use to refer to conditions like this as a mental disease?
That’s Alex Jones in drag.
I decided not to comment on this story. No way I can top your comment
“Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity.”
Peter Fonda’s still alive? Well, whaddya know.
Shitty actor turns out to be shittier person.
/shocked face
Wow. These people are insane.
Let’s see if that blue check gets yanked. If not, I’m going on twitter and calling every celebrity I can find a “gash”.
Lefties made sex boring by being too stridently expositive and ended up clinical and sexy like a speculum. Now they’re making outrage boring by being stridently offensive. They go for shock and come off hackneyed and tiresome instead.
I’ll bet you $1000 this guy would refer to me as a “gun nut”.
Meanwhile, I’ll just wait here until Rose McGowan calls Pete out for referring to a woman as a “gash” and calling for her to be restrained, stripped, and beaten in public on film.
Hey, let’s play Let’s Pretend! Pretend James Woods went on twitter to say “Hillary Clinton is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity”.
Now….what happens?
I get really confused because Woods is wittier than that.
Well, again, you have to use your imagination. Or, if it makes you feel better, replace James Woods with Kid Rock.
He is trying to to DeNiro for angry, hate filled hysteria.
to top
“Obama Held More Than Double the Number of Children in Shelters Compared to Trump White House”
TW: Newsweek
That’s because under Obama the dems were actively encouraging the kids to come. The real story here is ‘Number of children put at risk in human trafficking down dramatically under Trump’.
“Inside an Alleged Abusive Emo ‘Sex Cult’: ‘None of These Poor Girls Could Say No’
Multiple women claim that musician William Control is the leader of a violent ‘sex cult,’ branding women with his initials and forcing them to obey his every terrifying demand.”
Was hoping for emo girl photos. Le Sigh.
While disappointing, I won’t get all depressed about it.
A lot of us trade dignity for bill control.
Not even a narrow gaze? *coughs, taps the mic* This thing on?
When did emo stop being about yelling and self-deprecation and lunch boxes and become goth’s awkward cousin?
FBI Corruption Update:
Of course, FBI agents were taking bribes in exchange for leaking to the media. But what I found really interesting was a selection of texts between agents in the runup to the election:
A few thoughts:
Why not name all the agents involved?
The real troubling detail is the last one, which shows how deep the rot goes.
and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm
That’s going to be written off as “co worker banter”. “Grab’em by the pussy”? Now that wasn’t a joke.
Billy Bush isn’t laughing.
“Why not name all the agents involved?”
I’ve got a better idea: dissolve the FBI. How useless can an organization be? They fucked up San Bernardino, Pulse Nightclub, Vegas, Parkland (that’s not even getting into Ruby Ridge and Waco) just to name a few and spend most of their time chasing after people like Ross Ulbrecht and trying to rig elections. Like every good secret police, they’re far more interested in instilling fear to gain control over the populace than in actually solving real crimes.
Their motto: “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity” is laughable on its face.
I can’t figure out how we’re going on 2 years of a Russian collusion probe, with zero evidence still, while we caught FBI agents saying things like ‘Trump will never be president, we’ll stop it.’. That sure sounds like collusion to me, with hard evidence.
Legitimate legal question: the existence of a federal police force has no constitutional mandate and it is an executive branch agency, couldn’t Trump do exactly this with the stroke of a pen? We’d save the billions we spend on an agency that actively works against us and return policing power back to the states.
I believe it was legislated into existance, so it can’t be erased by a stroke of the presidential pen. The mere existance of a federal law enforcement body is not outside the scope of their power. What this incarnation does on a routine basis is.
Scroll down.
What sort of shitlord are you? I bet you’d also call for ending the DEA, DHS, FDA, DOE, who knows what extremes you would go to. You hate the children and probably own orphan slaves.
Famous But Incompetent
I didn’t know the investigation went back to 2012 when Obama was elected, weird.
Right?! And the line before it:
Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing.
Did someone say “Obama phones?” (which were actually “Reagan phones” anyway)
What’s that? They hate the middle-class that they claim to want to help? Well, I never.
These a-holes really are the worst and I’m not the least bit surprised about their superiority complex.
Huh, I thought it was Bernie who came up with the guarantee everyone a job idea. Trump is trying to steal Bernie’s mojo!
which were actually “Reagan phones” anyway
Sort of. The current system was laid out by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 as basically a codification of what the Reagan administration had implemented after AT&T was split up by the courts. Originally, universal service was AT&T’s mandate to accompany its quasi-monopoly. However, as far as I can tell, the direct provision of cell phones to individuals seems to be a bureaucratic invention. The stated purpose of the Universal Service Fund is to expand service especially to rural and low income areas. I don’t think the law, or the Reagan-era policy that preceded it, ever explicitly required or endorsed doling out equipment. That having been said, IIRC the Bush (43) administration was also doing it, so it isn’t unique to the Obama administration, either.
^ Pedant! ^
Kidding. I know I was way oversimplifying it. If I understand it correctly, when cell phones came along and people ditched their land lines, well, now you have to subsidize the cell phone service. And, well, the phones themselves are necessary for the service and can be expensive…so next thing you know people are getting free cell phones. Throw in a few political operatives going out and informing people of the program and helping them sign-up while simultaneously handing out Obama buttons: whamo! You now have Obama Phones.
A modest proposal.
Along the lines of my idea to move all the Dreamers and DACA illegals to Hawaii, where the dumbfuck judge who overturned Trump’s executive order revoking Obama’s executive order lives.
You are wasting your talents, RC. If I ever run for president, I’ll hire you as campaign head and then chief of staff.
But I’m lazy so you can be president.
That’s pretty much what I do in my real job, just not in politics. Examples:
(1) We have heroin in our pharmacy, and a bunch of heroin addicts causing trouble on our units. I say, give them heroin. As a plus, most of the addicts are on IV infusion and have a handy port for injecting drugs built into their arm. Win. Fucking. Win. (This proposal was declined, believe it or not.)
(2) We have some fat fucks who refuse to leave the hospital even though they don’t need to be here, because its basically free room and board. I go to court, get an injunction ordering them out, and I tell them I’ll file criminal trespass charges if I ever see them again. (I’ve actually done this.)
Why are fat fucks infesting your hospital? Don’t they know fat is healthy and beautiful?
because its basically free room and board, that’s why.
Send them all to Hollywood and Pelosi’s neighborhood with instructions to set up tent cities on lawns and expect handouts from the residents. That will solve it.
Some millenials moving out of mum’s basement
This is sort of disturbing. If you’re a Democrat. If those kids get out of the safety of mum’s basement, they might do awful stuff, like learn personal responsibility. They could even start liking tax cuts and refuse to vote for Democrats. Democrats in Congress must act now. I see some legislation upcoming. Let’s call it ‘The freedom from personal responsibility and keeping the safe space’ law.
Daily Caller now propaganda wing of right wing Nazis
The foil was Hillary’s idea. She likes her 3rd world toddlers nice and crispy before she dines on their flesh.
Seriously; it’s frustrating as hell. Criticize the law, by all means…let’s have an adult conversation about it. But for fuck’s sake, drop this bullshit about it being Trump’s fault. The media lackeys and the sheep they feed bullshit to are one thing, but when you have elected officials -who damn well know better- playing this fucking dishonest game, it’s disgusting.
They’re perpetually in Carl Sandburg’s “pound the table and yell like hell” mode.
The Democrats have no path to the dominance they want, except through importing and legalizing 3rd world migrants. None. The American public has turned all cynical and are not the sort of compliant sheep needed to rush in lefty utopia. Add to that, their big advantage in minority voting is starting to erode. They’ve almost completely lost whites and blue collar voters, along with the middle class. And they continue to alienate those populations and refuse to correct it. So they are going to double down on this because it’s their only salvation. Americans are not going to the polls to vote for higher taxes or gun control in sufficient numbers. If they fail in the next couple of elections, then they start resorting to violence. But they’re never going to let go of illegal immigration, it’s all they have left.
Meh. There’s a lot of people alive today, myself included, who we either not born yet or too young to remember the decades of Democratic political dominance post-FDR or what it was like to live when communism was the greatest threat. To the extent they’re cynical, it’s because the Democrats are out of touch. And they still are. But that may not last forever, and the right “populist” message from the left could (re-)capture a lot of votes. That, combined with the Republicans post-1997 inability to articulate and carry through on a politically inspiring message, and then of course to govern like idiots when in power, leaves the ground ripe for somebody a little less like Obama and a little more like Trump (but not too much like him).
As just one small example, zero-based budgeting has been a disaster. Maybe the system that preceded it was worse, somehow, but it has created an utterly perverse incentive system. Every government office spends like a drunken sailor at the end of the fiscal year to ensure they don’t “lose” any money next year. Even if the spending itself would be justified on its own if spent soberly, the crunch spending ensures that it gets done wastefully. Then there’s asinine shit tangential to it like being unable to spend this fiscal year’s money on next fiscal year’s needs (e.g. buy a 3-year warranty once instead of a 1-year warranty 3 times, the latter being more expensive overall), even though the government buys lots of capital that is expected to last well past the current fiscal year.
If the GOP had anybody with vision, they would be tackling it. It’s the sort of thing that doesn’t generate a lot of headlines and thus could fly under the political radar* while still being inspiring to fiscal conservatives.
* = Probably, anyway. There’s no telling when one of the grievance groups, government employee unions included, decides to gin up the outrage machine. I’m sure they could manufacture nonsensical but emotionally gripping talking points.
Criticize the law
This. The president is constitutionally mandated to carry out the law. It is his literal job description. Make a case that he is not faithfully executing the law as written or call your congress-critter to advocate that the law be changed.
The goal is not to fix the law, but to gain control over Trump. The short-term end* may be the same but the long-term objective is different.
* = Although what that end is, is not exactly clear. Imprison the children with adults? Release all of them? Build a bungalow for ever to-be-deported family that needs to be housed? Remove due process and expedite deportation so nobody needs to be housed?
North Dakota just got woke as fuck!
‘I am the first’: Full gender reassignment surgery believed to be the first in North Dakota
Pics or it…no, never mind. I’ll take your word for it.
Serious question; is that even possible?
Serious question; is that even possible?
Nobody knows and, as far as I can tell, nobody nominally charged with investigating the matter has any interest in figuring it out, so we won’t find out anytime soon.