Yay, freedom!
Its Juneteenth, Texans. Time to celebrate the ending of slavery in the state and in the south. Of course, slavery was still legal in some states that didn’t secede. But historians would prefer people believe slavery, once ended in the former confederate states, was ended for good much earlier that year. And it still goes on in much of the world, of course. Today is also the day we celebrate birthdays for the following: mathematician Blaise Pascal, divorcee Wallis Simpson, fucking GENIUS funny man Moe Howard, Iron Horse Lou Gehrig, author Salman Rushdie, “singer” and vodka fan Paula Abdul, hilarious Top Gear guest and former mayor of London Boris Johnson, actress Mia Sara, Maverick Dirk Nowitzki, and mean-as-snot child Justice Forall Sloopy Juneteenth Spicer. Its also the day the Metropolitan Police in London were formed, the British royal family dropped their German name and adopted Windsor in order to throw people off the scent of their ties to those filthy Huns, Max Schmeling knocked out Joe Louis, Rommel occupied Cherbourg, Cheerios was unveiled to the disgust of children everywhere, Lewis and Martin ended their run together, that bastard Jim Davis subjected the world to “Garfield” for the first time (and may God have mercy on his soul), drug lord Pablo Escobar surrendered to police, “Batman Returns” was released, and Cherry Garcia hit the shelves.

Looks like the right amount of flopping
England barely pulled out a win over Tunisia, after a dozen missed chances and a lot of crappy play by their attackers. No word yet on whether or not Harry Kane will try to take credit for Tunisia’s goal as well. Belgium thumped Panama and Sweden bested South Korea. Meanwhile, in Omaha, Oregon State sent Washington home in a losers bracket game. No other games were completed, meaning three are on the slate today, with Arkansas taking on Texas Tech in the nightcap. In the big leagues, the Yanks and Cats split a doubleheader, the Dodgers-Cubs was postponed, the D-backs won and the Houston Firstros took their current win streak to 12 with a walk-off win against the hapless Rays.
OK, time for…the links!
“Look, you got your kid eventually. I think its best we all just forget this and move on. No harm, no foul, right?” -Logan Regional Medical Center Legal Counsel (paraphrased) I’d probably go berserk as well, but its kinda funny since it happened to someone else.
I was wondering why James Comey hadn’t tweeted in some time and the wave of supporters he had from the intel community seemed to have dried up a bit. I suppose now I know why. He belongs in jail for admitting to leaking classified information in the name of self-aggrandizement. Even he knows that, which is why he chose to double-down in an attempt to win the PR war. Doesn’t look like it worked.

Morris Dees: asshole
The SPLC took a financial hit and will have to pay $3.375 million for wrongfully labeling a reformer an “anti-Muslim extremist”. Not to worry, Morris Dees and his little slush fund will continue to shake people down and slander them.
Listen, if you’re dumb enough to throw your money at a place like this, you probably get what you deserve.
AG Jeff Sessions asks Supreme Court to intervene in sanctuary cities receipt of federal block grants. The feds have thus far not successfully challenged sanctuary cities ability to get federal tax dollars. But they’ve not exactly been zealous in their challenges from past administrations.

Sorry, losers. You can’t steal more from the producers just yet.
Massachussets grifters will have to wait a little longer to steal more money from the Commonwealth’s wealthiest taxpayers. LOL, these dumbasses are too stupid to even know how to write a ballot initiative that complies with the state constitution. Do we really think for a second they’ll be good stewards of the additional confiscated money?
And Pervez Musharraf will not be allowed to seek office, according to Pakistani Election Commission.
One of these guys is celebrating a birthday today. Plus its from a pretty funny scene in “Caddyshack” involving Spalding, vomit and Dr Beeper.
That’s it for me. Hope y’all have a great day. I’m gonna bake a birthday cake for the youngest member of the family.
Moe Howard wasn’t just a funny man, he was a fucking GENIUS.
An example.
Good stuff. Thanks OMWC
True story: I was at a tech conference a few years ago and ended up at a dinner table with about a dozen scientists. The woman sitting next to me was a black lady about my age. As usual, there were several discussions going on at the same time, mostly about really fascinating stuff like surface energies, Fermi levels, shit like that. Someone mentioned Niagara Falls and she muttered, “Slooooowly I turned…” I shot her a look of recognition, and we ended up doing the entire Maha routine, silencing the rest of the table.
I told her she was a demographic freak.
Top kek
“Orgasmic Meditation”
I think I mastered that at age twelve.
“Those methods include “orgasmic meditation,” or OM (pronounced ohm) for short. OM is a trademarked practice that typically involves a clothed and gloved man stroking the genitalia of a woman, who is naked from the waist down, for 15 minutes.”
if you’re dumb enough to throw your money at a place like this, you probably get what you deserve.
Venereal disease?
Late bloomer, eh?
I tried really hard to post something on topic, but I’m just not feeling it today.
And besides, I’m third.
*resigned sigh*
Did you get your beer?
I was gonna send you an email and keep forgetting…yep, I did. They all survived the trip and look delicious. Right now they are in the fridge chilling. None will make it through the weekend. Hell, I don’t know if any will make it through the week.
And thanks for the swag. The pint “coozie” is really nice. I’ve never seen one before. I’ll definitely be using that a lot. Thanks!
I’ve never gotten a dancing number before! Woo-hoo!
I hope he watches his steps so he doesn’t triple.
If a three falls in a forest and no ones around, does it still make a noise?
Yes, it goes “Damn You, Autocorrect!”
Clicking this link will turn you gay.
You have been encouraged to do so.
Shit, I thought you were going to post this.
Then I realized you said “gay” and not “emasculated”.
that turned me asexual really
But can he change the tire on it?
I got $20 that says “not a chance”.
::flips wrist:: it’s fabulous!
>> 16 former OneTaste employees, some of whom compared it to “a kind of prostitution ring” that sometimes used its teachings to justify sexual exploitation and abuse.
16 former OneTaste employees,
someALL of whomcompared it to “a kind of prostitution ring”WERE FREE TO LEAVE AT ANY TIMEthat sometimes used its teachings to justify sexual exploitation and abuseSEE $$$$$$ and want to cash inFIFY!!!
“The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised!”
So they ran a business that got customers to pay thousands of dollars for the privilege of providing sexual servitude to the company? Those closers get coffee.
Tard Tuesday: The Meathead Strikes Back
Meathead gonna meathead…
Having a national platform to call the President a fascist and not being arrested and shot is not Fascism
Hmmm… Cognitive dissonance is… dissonant.
Cognitive dissonance or dementia?
What fucking planet are those people living on???
It accused Nawaz, a liberal Muslim and former Islamic extremist, of “savaging Islam,”
“Scooter” Soave’s article about this yesterday was a piece of work. He completely ignored that fact governments are using that organization to prop up some of their power grabs.
What’s the normal lifespan for a window air conditioner? It may not be to the ‘replace me’ stage, but I’m not sure what the end-user fix might be
If I set it to “on” it puts out cold air and I can move it around the house with a fan. If I set it to ‘maintain temperature’ it lets the room get to well above the set level, simply not triggering cooling often enough to bring it down to the set level. When I put it in the window, I made sure the filter was clean and there were no signs of damage, but I’m getting fed up with the lack of ability to hold a set temperature in the space.
thermostat needs replacing. probably a cheap fix
Replace the thermostat.
If you can yourself.
Otherwise, you can replace it for likely less than it would cost to fix.
Sorry, replace the whole thing for less…
Maybe the thermostat is broken since it blows cold. Not sure if that’s easy or hard to fix.
I have no clue. It’s a beige box that’s supposed to emit cold. It’s on my mind because the temperature issues interfered with my sleep.
Removing the cover or grille should be no problem. Google-fu should get you a parts list, manual, and/or exploded diagram. Purchase the new part and replace it.
It’s also possible the sensor on the thermostat got displaced somehow so it’s not reading right even if it functions so make sure you know exactly where the sensor is supposed to be.
I’m no engineer or handy man, but this is should be a very easy problem to DIY fix.
HAHAHA! Good Luck with that……. Sorry for the Snark, but there are so many brands, types and revisions I would be hard pressed to find parts, and I’m a Licensed Contractor.
Can’t you just google the model number and “thermostat”? I’d think that would do it.
fair enough. I’ve never done it for a window AC, but I did exactly that to replace the thermostat on my dryer.
It seems odd to me that there isn’t a bill of materials out there calling out the specific P/N and revision needed. Is the HVAC game really that different than literally every other engineered item on the planet?
Window units are kind of like TVs, basically disposable.
There’s no reason for a two-year old machine to need replacing.
It needs replacing every two years when you run it continuously as a cooling fan for your Bitcoin servers.
I think it’s the thermostat, have you checked that?
Turn it on, turn it down, You won’t find a Thermostat to change it, unless you found a Junkman, they aren’t worth repairing.
Window shakers aren’t usually Repaired by A/C mechanics, it ain’t worth it.
/The HVAC Glib
*sigh* How many summers is reasonable for a window unit to live? (I do take it out of the window when it gets cool enough outside to not need the thing, so it doesn’t get snowed on)
10-12 years,
This might be a bad decision. The more times you move and jostle something with a mechanical thermostat, the more chances you give yourself to throw the thermostat temp off or permanently damage it.
I’m not convinced it has a mechanical thermostat, at least not according to what the manual says.
Does it have a temp dial or buttons with an LED display?
Do you know the model number?
It has no dials, the only analogue control is for angling the air output. The model number is Fridigaire FFRA1222R1.
-R10 or R10A?
And it looks like the control panel is around $60. That controls everything and looks like a pretty simple replacement.
Neither. -R1.
UCS, when is the last time you cleaned the Condenser coil?
The outdoor coil is as important as the indoor, but is sucks in a lot of dirt. If it can’t cool the hot gas from the compressor, the compressor will go off on internal overload, and you might not even know it, because it auto resets, and that would describe what’s going on.
Never. I’ve only ever cleaned the filter. What’s the best way to go about it?
First, Unplug it 😉
thensquirt a little Dish soap or similar in the fins on the outdoor section and rinse with a hose, not too hard, or you knock the fins over. and don’t worry about electrical parts,
the parts that are meant for outdoors are waterproof and the indoor parts are sealed
Okay, sounds simple enough. I’ll try that before I spend any money and start breaking things.
Not sure if you have thought that it could be the thermostat?
PSA, You all Sound Like Home owners who think they know and end up blowing a transformer or worse,
If you Don’t Know what you are talking about, don’t offer advise that is potentially Deadly, I hear this spew from Customers mouths daily,
Thank you for your time….
Needs more thermostat
But Yusef, have you considered the possibility that the thermostat is bad?
Changing a thermostat on a window unit is potentially deadly?
I’ll bite. How?
Hands in machine, jostle thermistor
Machine comes on, fans cuts Wrist
Human is Stupid and bleeds out
True story?
If changing thermostat on machine step one would seem to be unplug plug. But anyway, I just want to suggest that it could be an issue with the thermostat.
on a more serious note, window units are really cheap, probably worth buying a new one rather than triggering Yusef.
This was a $300 12,000 BTU unit because I needed it too cool more or less the bulk of the house (there are a grand total of two windows in my house that can take a window AC unit, and the closest to the bedroom is one room away.)
For the record, my house is tiny (~1000 sqft) but it was also cheap.
That was my point, They are Cheap, don’t waste your time, unless it’s just for fun.
HVAC is Fun and dangerous, Homeowners are dumb, present Company exempted.
I’m still on my first cup of Coffee, it’s too early……
This, I just saw a 12,000 BTU unit at an over-run store for $150.
Punt it out in the front yard if cleaning it doesn’t fix it.
Possible for sure. But most of us don’t have the balls to try and repair a powered appliance with the power on. I certainly don’t.
Hell, I disconnect the battery when I work on the car!
/not brave
Sometimes I need the power on to test a system, and I’m spooked when I do.
but I don’t like it, Shocks hurt!
I had an employee hook up a 208V inverter to 480V yesterday. That was about $1500 up in smoke.
Always bad when you let the magic smoke out of the electrical box.
I have a vivid memory of what happened when a 115v power supply got plugged into a 22v rack outlet.
Flames shot out of the fan with a pop. Oddly, it was covered under our support contract…
My only bad experience with electricity was when my Thomas the Tank Engine nightlight was stuck in the wall outlet for some reason and I tried to pry it out with a fork. There I was, jimmying away at it, and BAM, there was an explosion of sparks. The wall was blackened, and poor Thomas’s face was all melted. Somehow, I didn’t get shocked at all. My parents were simultaneously pissed off because I messed up the outlet and scared shitless that I could have died.
One of the places I worked at, the IT Manager got a great deal on UPS’s, and started sending them out to remote offices. As the offices started hooking them up, we got reports that the computers that were plugged into them made a loud bang, smoked, and then stopped working. We stopped shipping out the UPS’s, and some of us underlings grabbed one of them off the shelf. I noticed the first warning sign, all of the guarantee amounts written on the outside of the box were in Euro, not USD. So we opened a box up… they were designed to run 220v power, not 110v. Since they had batteries in them, plug in a computer, turn the UPS on, and it’ll push 220v to everything plugged into it.
There were still a dozen of those sitting in a storeroom when we left that office.
I remember my 6 yr old brother continuing to mess with a plug-in Santa Claus light with a shitty wire. Mom told him to not touch it.
I was standing about 10 ft behind him when the bright blue halo appeared around his head and he popped about half way across the room. His thumb was black and (he later confessed) numb for weeks afterward.
He stopped fucking with that Santa light, though.
@Akira – You were not shocked because there was an easier path to ground than through you. I’d wager the flooring in your room was not terribly conductive.
A couple years ago, a 4160 volt 500hp motor on one of our aircompressors went out. The replacement was the correct frame and hp, but was wound for 460 volts. The electrician who wired it up didn’t bother to read the nameplate.
When he went to turn it on, he immediately blew up a 80,000 dollar motor and tripped one of the mains that fed about 1/5 of our plant.
That guy no longer works with us
If someone doesn’t want to take someone else’s advice, that’s their prerogative.
As always, buyer beware, do your diligence, etc.
I think it’s the thermostat, yo.
There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred. Even those who stock and sell replacement thermostats are under considerable economic stress at this period in history.
I don’t know much, but I do know it’s the thermostat.
Lou Reed’s thermostat let him down one last time
I know I don’t comment here too much, but I am guessing it’s the thermostat.
Probably should look at the thermostat.
“Look, you got your kid eventually. I think its best we all just forget this and move on. No harm, no foul, right?” -Logan Regional Medical Center Legal Counsel (paraphrased) I’d probably go berserk as well, but its kinda funny since it happened to someone else. – babies are fungible anyways
Most (white) babies look like Winston Churchill. Who can tell?
Or aliens if there was a lot of pushing
It isn’t like they had to wait 72 years before they found out about the mistake.
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court blocked the ballot measure Monday in a 5-2 decision. The so-called “Fair Share Amendment” would have imposed a four-percent surtax on any individual annual income over $1 million and called for the revenue to be used for the state’s transportation and education needs. However, the court ruled the measure violated a clause in the state constitution prohibiting two different subjects — in this case taxing and spending — from being included in a single ballot question.
“We are incredibly disappointed that a few wealthy corporate executives and their lobbyists brought this lawsuit that blocked the right of Massachusetts voters to amend our state’s constitution,” the group said in a statement, adding that they would be determining their “next steps.”
Back to the drawing board.
They want to put a fixed percentage tax in the state constitution?
How goddamned stupid can you possibly be?
That sound you hear is the Massachusetts producing class firing up their moving vans.
Poor NH ☹️
Stupid enough that they think the people hit by this will stay within the borders of their tiny state.
Worse than a fixed percentage is a fixed threshold.
Also, why doesn’t threshold have 3 h’s?
one got winnowed
Fun fact: German recently changed its spelling rules to
allowcompel triple consonants. Like Schiff + Fahrt = Schifffahrt. I won’t play along with that silliness. Schiffahrt now and forever.The people who brought the suit must be tarred. Not the judges who made the decision. Not the idiots that wrote a gibberish bill. They just cant open their mouths without something something wealthy executives and lobbyists. What would the left do without hoarders and wreckers?
babies are fungible anyways
You see one baby, you’ve seen ’em all.
See also: Asian temples.
There. I said it.
So you don’t think anything about Khajuraho stands out?
+1 Massive erection.
I will add an exception: Angkor Wat really is special. Perhaps ironically, the main temple was the most underwhelming.
The Lara Croft Temple and the one with the faces were absolutely intoxicating. They didn’t get me like Roman ruins get to me, but that was some goddamn good explorin’. That it was 140000 degrees out possibly dampened my enthusiasm, but only just.
The tuktuk driver kept trying to get me to go to local brothels. I remained Master of My Domain.
Evan is a tourist whose every move’s among the purest.
*Narrows gaze*
Not sure if sarcasm or praise….
Waddaya mean?
You seen one crowded
Polluted, stinking town…
(I think we’ve been down this road with you before…)
online quiz – is it a Dorset village or an NFL player
Got 41 of 50. Then again I know almost no NFL players and had to use my wits
I also got 41 out of 50.
I’m gonna dress like Maurice White today. Fuck this business casual shit.
And look what’s in the sidebar!
“The so-called “Fair Share Amendment” would have imposed a four-percent surtax on any individual annual income over $1 million and called for the revenue to be used for the state’s transportation and education needs. ”
I want to fucken vomit.
Parasitical thieves. How can anyone not read right through and take it for what it is? Confiscation.
Massataxes is a small state, it’s easy to not live there anymore. Even easier for people who make over a million a year.
One thing that pisses me off (other than the implication that some arbitrary salary level is too much and must be pushed down) is the idea that giving money to transportation and education is going to automatically result in better quality services despite the fact that funding has skyrocketed but quality of services has stagnated or even declined.
The AFSCME and/or SEIU are just making an excuse to plunder.
At least they are following the Ayn Rand naming convention…
On its website, OneTaste touts itself as a lifestyle brand intended to increase “health, happiness and connection through proven methods combining meditation and conscious sexuality.”
There’s a sucker born every minute.
That wasn’t the method, actually.
Heathcliff > Garfield.
Huxtable > Pussy?
Quaaludes > Consent?
This subthread>other subthreads
Wuthering > Brooklyn
No way.
Edgar > Heathcliff
@Straffinrun: How is your Iqos? I got a vape a while back but it didn’t stick. I like that the Iqos is actually vaping tobacco rather than liquids. I think that would make a big difference, but I haven’t tried one yet.
My biggest thing is that I want the action to mimic smoking a normal smoke. I’m not at all addicted to nicotine. I literally don’t understand people who have cravings for it—I’ve never once had one, and I’ve been smoking for 12 years. But I *AM* addicted to the social aspect of it and the physical action. If it can reasonably replicate the hand-feel, visual effect, etc….I’d be willing to make the plunge again.
Thanks and hope all is well with you and yours.
>>replicate the hand-feel
super Kegel squats?
It works for what I want. High dosage of nicotine without bellowing huge clouds of smoke. I haven’t tried many of the flavors yet, but the ones I have tried are a bit popcornish. Only 8000Yen, so I gave it a shot. Didn’t like vaping.
Sorry, but I’m off to watch Japan get crushed by Columbia. Check in later.
I knew you had an earthquake, but I didn’t realize it was so bad Japan slid into south america.
Godzilla walks itno a wall
Handball and early PK
Bad call gave Columbia a free kick just outside the box. Of course they score on that. Too bad.
Way to survive and win.
Looked good. I’m happy. Good passing and just wait for the opportunity.
Smoke (small) Cigars, don’t inhale. Better flavor, half the nicotine (by volume).
Man, no sooner than Kane scored that goal, you can sense the hype machine go into overdrive. Greater than Maradona!
On the first goal, I would like to see a different angle. I’m not sure the GK parried the header before the ball crossed the line. His hand was definitely inside the goal mouth; I’d be willing to bet that the ball was at least on the line if not all the way across. Close enough to be controversial except that Kane made it moot. If he had somehow managed to whiff on the putback we would be hearing a lot more about it.
This is part of why I root so hard against England.
some of whom compared it to “a kind of prostitution ring” that sometimes used its teachings to justify sexual exploitation and abuse.
Sounds like discriminatory behavior was involved. Assemble the EEOC investigators!
Say what you will about Venezuela, at least their policies have made poor people millionaires.
*Pssh* Zimbabwe’s poor policies made me a multi-trillionaire.
This millionaire thing was a joke in Romania as well in the 90s.
Ia m kind of tired of hearing people cry about having their tit in a wringer after they deliberately put their tit in a wringer.
Dammit, Suthen, it’s not their fault they voted for free stuff and then the bottom dropped out of the oil market. It was those damned kulaks and capitalist wreckers!
They should be paying 4% extra for being so rich.
Have they tried replacing the thermostat?
For you hockey fans, we were talking about where Trotz will end up (Islanders seems like a natural fit because Lou is gonna want to keep Tavares) and the topic of the Oilers came up and the forgotten fact they were a dirty team. Glenn Anderson was a more refined Linseman and then there was Messier (the so-called captain in history – which is ridiculous because a) there’s no way to prove that and b) given Howe was a captain but anyhoo). Messier was a cheap shot artist. One more second and Robinson would have eaten him like an apricot:
He was quite brave behind 4 other guys.
Those were the early 80s – I still remember Bobby Smith and the North Stars eliminating the Habs I think it was ’83? I’m sure you do too. /wink.
That was about the time he was traded to the Habs. Sad days for the North Stars.
‘Gaming Disorder’: World Health Org Says Compulsive Video-Gaming Is Mental Illness
I notice a lack of diagnostic parameters to avoid misclassifying mere gamers as addicts.
Parameters indicating mental illness:
1.found among Caucasian cishetero males
2. firearm ownership
3. skepticism about catastrophic global climate change
4. skepticism about wage gaps, participation in stem gaps being caused by patriarchial oppression
5. ditto for racism
If any of the above is found and in conjunction the patient makes public utterances, diagnose immediately.
And of course, take their guns, because common sense gun control dictates the mentally ill can’t have guns.
That’s why I don’t like the Republican attempts to parry gun control efforts by talking about “mental health”. Just about anyone can be classified as mentally ill with a little creativity, and of course, I’m sure Democrats would have no issue with mandatory confiscation for anyone who is slapped with that classification.
You’re upset about some stuff you saw in Iraq? Mentally ill.
Your wife divorced you and you’re depressed? Mentally ill.
You’re uncomfortable in large crowds of people? Mentally ill.
You’re comfortable with citizens owning guns? Mentally ill.
This is currently happening in England.
Summary from the VCDL:
There’s a candidate for asylum, clear case of political persecution.
Or acceptance by Republicans of the current gun laws generally, especially background checks. They’re not something dating back to the founding of the republic. Background checks were never required prior to 1993, yet R’s casually accept them as an immutable part of the landscape.
Did they blame Trump and the Jews?
They’re just using the old playbook of pathologizing people they find to be icky for some reason.
Does WHO say the same thing over compulsive TV watching?
Good to see they are prioritizing the most devastating health issues in the world first.
The dangerous complacency of classical liberalism
This is one of those articles that tries to quell a ‘resurgence’ before it begins with the usual misrepresentations (ie lies). There ought to be laws against people who rape history I tell ya!
injustices produced by the freewheeling churn of classical liberalism. – ah yes these injustices were produced by clasical liberalism…
tyrannies and injustices promulgated by private power – I think there is a word definition issue here
Here’s a fun game: When you hear a “progressive” telling of the dark days of the late 1800s, ask them which monopolies came about without government enforcement. The answer you’ll probably get is oil or steel, then you can point out that the prices of both of these things went down during the alleged monopoly period. Finally, point out that during the Industrial Revolution, there was a marked increase in wages, nutrition, and life expectancy. Ask them to explain why, in light of these things, this age of “free wheeling capitalism” was a horrible thing that must be avoided for the rest of time.
I have yet to ever hear an example of ‘corporate oppression’ which wasn’t easily dismissed by, “what stopped you from shopping elsewhere/working elsewhere”?
Was a great column somewhere about “freedom of exit” being the great equalizer between large companies and individual consumers. Maybe KDW? I can’t find it now. One of his points was that regulation is usually the thing that makes freedom of exit harder. See — Cable contracts.
Saw a reference to ‘freedom of exit over at Fee.org yesterday or day before. You might check that out.
That’s why classical liberalism is and always will be both necessary and radically insufficient to serve as the governing philosophy of a free and equal democratic society.
I see the problem. We are not and can never be completely equal because we are individuals with various differences.
*spits* I was rooting hard for Panama.
Why the hate? They bother me none.
Critical mass of players I don’t like who play for teams I loathe.
The shadow across the picture: How a photo speaks volumes about President Trump. This is it! Trump and the Republicans have just lost the midterms because of this picture!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If a former nobody is your most notable example of a “leading Republican” denouncing Trump, Trump has nothing to worry about.
Was she denouncing it when her husband was doing it? Did she denounce it when Obama was doing it?
That’s what I thought.
I’m still trying to figure out why there’s no blame placed on the parents who brought their children into a situation where they knew they would be detained and separated if caught.
I know they’ll probably give the “asylum” excuse because some South American countries are very dangerous places. But they should have just stayed in Mexico, then.
Hence the frantic and increasingly successful attempt to redefine “asylum seeker” as “migrant of any kind”.
I thought to claim asylum, you had to be at risk of government persecution, not “my home is a shithole”.
Definition broadens every year
Persecution in general, not necessarily governmental. Typically, in the past, it’s been for religious persecution, or when the Soviet Union was still around, political persecution. While the latter was inherently governmental, the former often wasn’t. There were many cases of severe persecution where the government in question was either not involved or even opposed but unable to stop it.
That having been said, I don’t think many of the current asylum applicants have fallen into that category.
From that Soave twatter thing about scooters:
Because they have about 100 times the death rate per mile of cars?
Suddenly I, too, want to see scooters everywhere in the liberal megalopolis corridors. Especially D C.
You might get that wish, if mobility scooters count.
Oh man, this must’ve been tough for CNN to write. Trump’s approval rating is up.
Among our drone viewers, only 39% approve! And we’re trying our damnedest to make this whole “family separation” faux crisis stick, so hopefully it’ll have an impact!
In Canada, they hate Trump but when you poll them questions in isolation on issues like immigration, they unwittingly agree with Trump. Shoot, my cousin is in from Spain with his girlfriend (a good Galician) and she said she agreed with him and the wall – apparently it’s not considered a nutty idea in Europe. Gee, I wonder why….
Everyday I have to teach someone to connect dots. I love when I do that and get the look of ‘whaaa?” and ‘yeh well he’s mean’ when they realize how ill-informed they are.
This issue is obviously what the left is going to try to leverage for the midterms. I suspect they are going to be very disappointed by the end results.
I thought we were all worried about the Russians destroying our democracy? What happened about that?
Those impeachment charges are coming any second, man. Any second now.
Those methods include “orgasmic meditation,” or OM (pronounced ohm) for short. OM is a trademarked practice that typically involves a clothed and gloved man stroking the genitalia of a woman, who is naked from the waist down, for 15 minutes. There is no goal “other than to feel the sensation,” the OneTaste website says. A container on the site describes the organization as a “consciousness-based clit stroking community.”
Wait, so women pay to go in and get handjobs? How do they get around prostitution laws?
Pussy Pass.
Women’s Sasquatch research group to visit Remer
“Squatch Chats are open to all ages“
Dammit. They’re trying to distract my running mate from the Animal/STEVE SMITH 2020 Presidential campaign. It might work, too.
So from masochism I assume I did not subscribe to the Quora website and occasionally get emails from them. I don;’t remember why I subscribed in the first place. Anyhoo. Most of the questions are stupid and the answers equaly dumb.
I got this today
You lot keep saying US is better than Europe but there is an answer here which disagrees.
“The UK hands down, no question.
My wages are higher, my living expenses can be almost half to a third lower. What cost my family $25,000 a year to just pay for housing, utilities and insurance in America with nothing else, I can have everything paid for and then some.
In UK I have a home, all utilities, TV, WiFi, cell phones, groceries petrol, healthcare, higher education, child benefit, 15 hours of free nursery and disposable income with the same amount of money, actually I pay a couple thousand less.
General purchases such as fresh produce, meats cheeses are of better quality and inexpensive. The bananas don’t go bad in a couple days, I bought a pineapple in Iceland (store) for 90p last year. Back home they would cost $4-5 dollars.”
I dunno about prices but most things I saw on the internet show groceries are pricier in England and wages generally lower than the states, especially after tax. Having friends in England I doubt 25000 dollars gets you further in England than us and that the cost of living is half. But maybe it is just the healthcare … But at least there is more freedom
“I’m more free in UK, I can have a beer and bonfire on a beach in the middle of my city without permission, I could pitch a tent there without being harassed. You can walk with open containers, you can walk through most parks after dark. Pets and children are allowed in pubs and life is quite peaceful and safe.”
Anyway check mate Americans!!
“The UK is great, the govt
picks up the tab for shit I should pay for myself.”
If that’s the prevalent attitude they really are doomed.
When I visited the UK, food prices were the same numerically as in the US – but in pounds, so it was 1.5x as expensive when the exchange rate was factored in. Also, the fuel prices were such that one quart of fuel in the UK cost as much as a gallon in the US. When you look at the cost of housing and the small size of houses in the UK, plus their nanny police state, hands down the US wins.
But what about muh free government shit!?
It’s not free, it’s taxpayer money.
– Murtaugh
I remember going to a large grocery store (probably Aldi) and the bread was insanely cheap. Like no more than a pound or so for fresh bread from the bakery, in many varieties, and it was delicious. I remember comparing the prices and thinking it must have been subsidized.
Eat it America! He said ‘hands down!’
It’s a she. Be more careful
Are you sure? It can be a ‘xe’ or an ‘it’.
Do you even google, bro?
The stats don’t agree with that post. UK Average income is lower.
And UK has VAT – a tax on everything. And a higher income tax rate too.
And lower than Canada too which is, in turn, $10 000 behind the USA.
In fact, the UK historically is more in line with France and even Italy.
Ok I looked closer at the answer and saw this Katrina Johnston, Waitress
Maybe for the job Waitress England is better…
Not even.
America is king.
Come to think of it, a waitress who provides poor service is liable to be making fuck all from tips, so they might actually pull down more money in a place with a higher mandated minimum.
That was my thought as well. And if she’s not taking tips into account, she might be way off on her estimation of the average income of wait staff in America.
I strongly urge that person to stay in the UK. I will tough it out over here.
Never gets old
The last time I was in England on a business trip I needed to buy a CAT5 cable. The electronics store down the street from my hotel would happily sell me one for 30 pounds. 30 fucking pounds for a $2 CAT5 cable.
6 Revelations From ‘The Swamp’ Documentary That Show Just How Dirty DC Is
I’m not sure ‘shocking’ is the word…
This actually looks pretty good.
I was just thinking about this. What if Trump is the ‘willing’ participant in acting like the pin to a balloon? Maybe that’s all that was needed, one guy to start the process to give confidence to others in finding the courage to start the process of, well, ‘draining the swamp’.
That’s the Trump legacy which may trump all others.
So, they have modeled themselves after the Mafia. How shocking.
I just watched the three episodes. It’s sickening.
I follow Massie on the tweeter… He comes up with some corkers.
Red Cross to Europe: You have an obligation to accept leeches, err, refugees.
Says the aid organization so corrupt that even the left wants to disown them.
Yet another perfectly good organization determined to sacrifice its credibility on the altar of leftist politics it seems.
“international law” LOLOL
“How many divisions does the Pope of Rome have?”
Well, what time period are we talking about?
We want a picture of the cake!
Picture? I want a piece of cake!
Well, SP sent me a decorating kit, so it won’t look like Michael J Fox made it after going on a bender.
The World’s Largest Tax Haven? Guess Who
As an Indian economist once remarked, “the ‘invisible hand’ is nowhere to be seen.”
Uh, you uh, you do realize, um-
You know what “invisible” means, right?
Anyone who doesn’t believe in the invisible hand should look at Zimbabwe or Venezuela. Or India.
Well, he quoted “an Indian Economist”, checkmate. Stellar journalism.
When I think of a well-run nation, India doesn’t exactly spring to mind. Not that it has anything to do with the quality of their economists but hey…
Indeed, as discussed below, despite record corporate profits, soaring inequality, and high debt levels…
Only one of those things might be considered malum in se.
I like this,
“true libertarians from believing in tax competition, and other forms of legalized dueling.”
/Pistols at Dawn!
Does this song never end? Goddamned commie shitweasels.
I bet there are people singing this tune in Venezuela.
Wars have (at least) two sides. If you’re going to use that analogy, then do it right. Every tax hike, new regulation, and privacy invasion is an act of aggression in that war.
Scientists Say They Can Recreate Living Dinosaurs Within the Next 5 Years
Will they taste like chicken?
Wait. I’ve seen this movie…. and its 352 sequels…
I haven’t seen any of them. I guess I’m doomed.
Don’t worry, someday you’ll see the modern re-make with full immersion effects…
Why would anyone want to recreate dinosaurs? WTF man, look at all of the magnificent beasts that were roaming around just a few thousand years ago.
It’s not strictly an either-or proposition. The techniques and processes can be utilized to work on a great many charismatic megafauna. We might even be able to bring back the fucking panda (as opposed to their descendants, the nonfucking pandas)
Miniature pandas. I’ll make a million on the pet market!
Bolivars? that’s not a lot.
Or a million mini pandas?
They’ll sell like hotcakes in Venezuela…
Because I assume they’ll be edible.
But you won’t see any of the money, Maduro’s muscle will steal it.
The nationalized company… Panda Express?
Mmmmmmm, panda veal
How about you gene-splice me back to 22 first?
Wait, I thought you had an extra chromosome?
OT: took a Claritin today, (first time in years) didn’t seem to do a thing. Humidity, pollen, dust, and then it rained last night – but I can’t stop clearing my throat like an 80 year old man.
Claritin never worked for me. Flonase or the generic is the ticket.
Claritin and Zyrtec seem to take a couple days of use to really start working.
the sedative effect seems to happen immediately though…
Never noticed that with Zyrtec, just with Benadryl
The only one that doesn’t knock me out is chlorpheniramine, claratin/zyrtec/(obviously) benadryl are all like sleeping pills to me
Benadryl seems like the only fast acting.
But I find Zyrtec to be much better than claritin.
Scientists Say They Can Recreate Living Dinosaurs Within the Next 5 Years
Dinosaurs? Bah! Bring on the sabre toothed tigers.
Wooly mammoth. Cute, cuddly, delicious.
Speaking as a once and former biologist: There is not and never was any such thing as a sabertooth “tiger.” There were a whole bunch of species of sabertooth “cats.” They were not tigers and were not even particularly closely related to tigers. /pedant
Yeah. And a killer whale isn’t really a whale. And a panda bear may not really be a bear. Pff. Whatever. Things are what people call them. Fuck you, science.
Trash pandas are really pandas though, right?
We’ve seen this movie. We know how it ends.
“We are incredibly disappointed that a few wealthy corporate executives and their lobbyists brought this lawsuit that blocked the right of Massachusetts voters to amend our state’s constitution,”
Because THATS what happened…
the group said in a statement, adding that they would be determining their “next steps.”
Thieving leaches are relentless.
If it’s overwhelmingly supported by the people and the legislature, why didn’t they just pass a tax through the legislature instead of going through the (I would assume much more onerous) process of amending the state’s constitution?
Is there such a thing as non critical investments if it is about the children?
Trade secrets A former sex worker who has slept with ‘a million clients’ after a photographer lured her into prostitution as a teen calls for it to be BANNED
200 men a day… impressive. Also would not, not now and probably not 10 years ago. Certainly not for £140
You owe me some eyebleach
She seemed popular in my post from yesterday
ahhhhh…. much better
I totally believe her.
She’s lying.
Hookers are notorious for being reliable witnesses.
They will “remember” whatever you want if the price is right.
But think of it 140 million pounds… that is good money
Well it is the UK, a country who has to import women good looking enough to be royalty.
I am guessing it was her lack of mathematical, or any other cognitive skill, that lured her into prostitution.
It said £140 an hour, so a single session was likely £5.60…
“We make up for it in volume”
A million clients?
She claimed she was in the biz from when she was 18 till when she was in her 30’s and she’s 32 now so lets call it 13 years
That works out to 151 clients a day every day for 13 years with no days off allowed which allowed her exactly 9 minutes 32 seconds for each client if she spends every second of the day with them.
I think we can safely say that even 100k clients in her career is a massive overstatement and realistically she is almost certainly below 20,000 and likely below 15,000 clients that she has seen.
Of course as someone else alluded to, even with just 15,000 clients gives her 2.1 million lbs in “career earnings” and that is not counting the gifts so if she was at all responsible with her money she should realistically be sitting on somewhere north of a Quarter million pounds in the bank. Not enough to live on to be sure but enough that she should be looking forward to a very comfortable retirement in a couple decades
Did you factor in the possibility of gangbangs and orgies?
/scientific peer review process
As an Indian economist once remarked, “the ‘invisible hand’ is nowhere to be seen.”
Like, whoa, dude.
Needs more Peyote.
+1 Did you guys see the size of that chicken?!
AG Sessions heading to Supreme Court over Chicago’s sanctuary city policy
This whole thing is really simple. State and local authorities do not have to assist in the enforcement of federal law but they can also not impede federal enforcement of federal law.
Been done before I don’t recall lawsuits or millions dieing . What would happen to a peon if s/he refused to “co-operate”?
why didn’t they just pass a tax through the legislature instead of going through the (I would assume much more onerous) process of amending the state’s constitution?
Buried at the bottom of the page is the fact that Mass’ constitution specifically prohibits a progressive income tax. They must have put that in there a very long time ago.
Ah, of course, thanks. Still early, here.
*goes for more coffee*
Of course the whole issue is complete bullshit – and there are 3 choices.
1. Separate the kids from parents while they are in custody.
2. Toss the brats into jail with the parents (basically what Ted Cruz is proposing in a nice way).
3. Let them go – encouraging everyone to crash the borders with kids in tow – what TOS and the Democrats want.
4. Load them back on a C-130 and give everyone a free skydiving lesson back over their home country’s airspace.
Note – Parachutes will be delivered to the landing zone late. Take caution on descent.
If Mexico is actively aiding and abetting this invasion, are they not a threat to our national security?
There is an agreement in place that covers this.
IIRC it is currently being “revisited” by the ninth
I have a queasy feeling that if anyone’s a threat to the Constitutional order, if anyone ends up instigating a crisis, it’s going to be Dems and it’s going to be modeled on one of these utterly mendacious freakouts over immigration. They want a new polity. They want a non-Trump polity. That’s fine, if they can persuade one into existence. But persuasion isn’t sure enough or fast enough, and besides, they don’t want a coalition with former Trump voters. They want to punish Trump voters. They want to will their new polity into existence through vacuous, fact-free melodrama.
In November I hope they add open borders to their platform along with tax increases, gun control, and identity nonsense.
Seconded. It would at least be honest and likely make for good political theater.
The news coverage of this whole thing is atrocious. They are playing a tape of a kid crying like he was in OMWC’s van, though they say the tape is unverified. Nevertheless, they play the unverified tape over and over again. Like there is any preschool in the world that doesn’t have a crying kid. And of course nobody mentions that maybe the parents shouldn’t drag their kids all the way through Mexico, and that if they really are asylum seekers, they should apply for asylum in Mexico, or maybe, just maybe, that the countries they are fleeing are shitholes.
It is atrocious. I’m done with it. I no longer have any fucks to give about them.
Send them all home via a catapult over the border.
Of course, slavery was still legal in some states that didn’t secede.
It’s almost like Lincoln didn’t care about the institution where it existed and only didn’t want it expanded into new states because he wanted to limit Democrat Party influence.
@ Straff and Evan, is this what you guys have? does it work? how much is it? IQOS..
That looks promising.
OTOH, the way the FDA desperately wants to pretend-signal that vaping is exactly as dangerous as smoking doesn’t portend well for this thing 🙁
That’s what I wanna know about from him when he’s off his soccer kick.
We have them in about all our convenience stores. I love the idea of it actually being tobacco instead of just liquid. From my research it’s about $100 for the starter kit. Stores here won’t just let me look around–they always gotta be hovering and that pisses me off, what with my intense social anxiety. Looks like 20 “smokes” is like $4. If it has the same hand-feel and smoke production…I’m totally gonna buy it this weekend. I gotta vape shop around the bend and will test it soon.
Same as the old boss edition: These vapes were taxed much less before 2017—but now they added new taxes. The government desperately wants to lower the smoking rate, but methinks they’ve gotten a bit addicted (HA!) to the tax revenue.
Thanks Evan! IF they let us have them it may be the answer for my wife and others who just don’t like vape.
The PMI website makes it very clear that they aren’t available for sale in the US.
Again. It’s almost as if the government cares more about the tax revenue than its ‘concern’ for public health.
I haven’t seen it here. I don’t even know where to buy vaping kit (i.e. stuff other than Blu and such) around here except online – in which case I would be afraid of my fascist state government stealing it from me (they way do with cigarette deliveries).
Oh duh you’re not in the US. I forgot.
Yeah, about 100 bucks I’d guess. Go online and you can get a discount (at least I did here, anyways.) Tastes like tobacco and will fit your nicotine craving for sure. If you like having a cig burning while you do other things, it may not be what you want. You get about 14 puffs (high octane ones) for each stick. They sell the packs for 460 yen, same as real cigs. With the Olympics coming up, they’re going to up the tax on real cigs 50 yen a pack, but these aren’t subject to that tax increase. One charge of the stick lasts about 6 minutes or a dozen or so puffs. Don’t know about the medical benefits, but no stinking ashtrays or ashes to clean up.
“More complicated and customizable setups are available at vape shops or by ordering through stores on the internet, but those can have a steep learning curve. Most smokers want an easy option to cease smoking and would rather not bother with carrying e-liquid and extra atomizers around with them everywhere they go like I do.”
I don’t carry e-liquid or extra atomizers.
Wait, what? Cigarettes are legal. This product delivers fewer harmful chemicals to users than cigarettes therefore more study is needed?
Cigarettes are legal.
An unfortunate loophole that will soon be closed. /nanny-stater
Was the Colombia red card a good call?
Saw replay…yes.
Not only a good call but an amazingly stupid play.
Unless whacking the ball with your hand is legal, yes.
Oh, about the UK vs. US living thing…dont we have or had a Scandanavian who wrote an article about that? He immigrated here and found that not only was he able to keep more of his own resources but they went further. He had vastly more freedom and much higher standard of living.
I distinctly remember that the article was published but I cant remember details…just the gist of it.
I have a coworker from Belgium. He gets his US citizenship next month. He has no interest in moving back.
The only thing that bothers him about being a US citizen is that if he ever does work overseas, he will have to continue to pay US taxes. But I don’t think that will ever happen anyway, as he values his guns too much to move.
Boris Johnson is pretty funny – and put this epic burn on May last week.
Sometime in the future, U.S. researchers will be able to press a button and reliably identify the thousands of people who carry cancer-causing genes, including those that trigger breast cancer.
In Iceland, that day is already here. With a relatively uniform population and extensive DNA databases, Iceland could easily pinpoint which of its people are predisposed to certain diseases, and notify them immediately. So far, the government has refused to do so. Why? Iceland confronts legal and ethical obstacles that have divided the nation and foreshadow what larger countries may soon face.
Since the late 1990s, tens of thousands of Icelanders have agreed to contribute their DNA to a public-private science projects aimed at delivering medical breakthroughs. But in contributing their DNA — and in many cases, their medical records — these people never explicitly consented to be notified of personal health risks that scientists might discover.
Icelandic regulators have determined that without that explicit consent, neither the government nor private industry can notify people of these risks.
Read more here: https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/article213014904.html#storylink=cpy
How long before single payer systems start denying these people expensive treatm….oh. Never mind.
Should probably drone strike them for the good of the population.
That doesn’t worry me at all. Not.
Mika is unhinged. Scarborough didn’t get the memo about what not to do with ‘crazy’.
Strange that she wasn’t concerned about this issue a few years ago.
Are you kidding? It is mendacious as hell but it is far from the craziest TDS I have seen in the last two weeks.
They’re the most despicable people around. The sort of people who screams help this hobo at the person across the street while they stand right next to him (because statistically hobos are more likely to be men!). They couldn’t care less about the kids. If they did, they would have been talking about this waaayyyy before Trump.
Worst kind of hypocrites and ignoramuses.
Worst kind of hypocrites
It stems from blind partisanship and it is so blatant that it really grinds my gears. I like to think the average person who does not identify as a Party member can see through it, but who knows. I saw a video recently of Schmoobs (Chuck Schumer) talking like a total immigration hawk a few years ago. I’d wager he is shedding fake tears now.
Poll: Kim Jong-Un More Popular Than Pelosi…
Well, he is saner and more likable than Pelosi.
If she had his power we’d be jacked.
The history of
VelcroHook and Loop.Bonus, the Velcro company made a “music video” about their trademarked name. It starts a tad slow but it is pretty funny. Even funnier is the second video about the comments the first video received.
Posted this last night but it was toward the end of the thread:
Last week, I had a brief exchange with Negroni on history reading lists, specifically for pre-Revolutionary America. At least one other commenter expressed interest in having me post the list here. Please note, as far as I know, none of the historians I list are libertarians.
• Taylor, American Colonies (2002): widely considered the best single volume history of early America currently available.
• Berlin, Many Thousands Gone: the First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America (2000)
• Richter, Facing East From Indian Country (2003)
• Calloway, New Worlds for All: Indians, Europeans, and the Remaking of Early America (1991)
• Axtell, The Invasion Within: the Contest of Cultures in Colonial North America (1986)
• Anderson, The War That Made America: A Short History of the French and Indian War (2006)
• Kidd, The Great Awakening (2009)
• Winiarksi, Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England (2017)
• Hall, Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment: Popular Religious Belief in Early New England (1990)
• Crosby, Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492 (1973)
• Bonomi, Under the Cope of Heaven: Religion, Society, and Politics in Colonial America (1988): a little dated but one of the few surveys of religion in all the colonies.
• Butler, Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People (1992): this goes up to 1865
• Isaac, The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790 (1988)
• White, The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 1650-1815 (1991)
• Brooks, Captives & Cousins: Slavery, Kinship, and Community in the Southwest Borderlands (2002)
• Usner, Indians, Settlers, and Slaves in a Frontier Exchange Economy: the Lower Mississippi Valley Before 1783 (1992)
• Thornton, Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World (1998)
• McConville, The King’s Three Faces: the Rise and Fall of Royal America, 1688-1776 (2007)
• And for one on the revolution, I would probably go with Middlekauff, The Glorious Cause (1982)
All of these seem like non-approved, racist, colonialist compendiums of a history that must be erased and forgotten. To the reeducation camp comrade!
Diana Moon Glampers goes to Wall Street
Throughout Hollywood, the concept of an inclusion rider — a special clause in the contract of a lead actor or actress or prominent director that insists on a guarantee of gender and ethnic diversity among the cast and crew — has become increasingly popular since then. The Oscar winners Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Brie Larson have said they would insist on one, as have the director and producer Ava DuVernay and others.
But what if inclusion riders took the leap from Hollywood to Wall Street?
What would happen if the biggest pension funds and university endowments — the financial industry equivalent of A-list actors — were to insist that they would invest only in private equity, venture capital or hedge funds that have certain hiring practices to address the diversity gap?
Andrew Ross Sorkin on the “moral imperative” of enforced diversity. Because reported returns are in no way contingent on hiring the best people available. That is not to say there are no highly qualified capable female fund managers, but the “capable” part should always take precedence over the “female” part.
Everyone with a brain would immediately put their money elsewhere?
A few years ago I heard an interview of Joe Strummer from The Clash. The band had broken up right as they became popular. According to Strummer, they stupidly thought they could just get back together in the future and go right back to #1, but life doesn’t work that way. Success depends on a number of factors, and a lot of it is being in the right place at the right time with the right people. It’s not something you can just reproduce whenever you feel like it.
The current push for “inclusion” reminds me of this. Let’s ignore the fact that success in anything, be it business, engineering, computer science, or whatever, depends on a lot of factors coming together. Let’s mess with a major factor and just assume everything else will fall into place and the result will be the same. Let’s let people into an engineering program based on race or sex and not ability, and just assume we’ll still have skilled engineers. Let’s force businesses to hire leaders based on race or sex and assume the businesses will still thrive.
I see this as a kind of decadence. We’ve become very good at a lot of things in the US, so why not fuck with those things and the results will still be the same, right?
It’s more of that fraudulent notion that every brain is an empty vessel you can just pour talent into and get the same results every time.
I see that. I’m thinking of what Suthen said below, too. Some people just don’t see success as a result of hard work, dedication, and sometimes innate talent. They see success as something that people achieve because they have some unfair advantage or are lucky.
I have said all along that diversity is about destroying competent institutions or just competence in general.
What would happen…?
Incompetence all the way down?
So that’s the second time FS1 has put those two announcers together who are not native English speakers. It was really hard to follow. I imagine that Univision doesn’t get Landon Donovan and Bob Costas to call the games in Spanish. I actually like Navarro, because I used to listen to him do Mexican league games, but damn, put someone who can smooth out the broadcast with him.
No kidding. The overly, let’s say boisterous, commentary doesn’t seem to come off in English as well either. It’s just annoying.
I think they do fine, and good sense of humor too. Most of the others are very meh this go round.
Entertaining, but didn’t reflect what was happening on the field.
I will say that Aly Wagner has done a good job so far, although my husband is “meh” on her.
I think we need to change our immigration laws to give priority based on cup size.
I wanna see a topless battle royale between 10 and 30. 33 for the cultural appropriation.
And yet, study after study shows that firms that include women on their investment committees empirically outperform their peers. And even if the returns were simply the same, wouldn’t there be a moral imperative to improve the balance?
Here’s an idea for a “study”. Let’s grab ten women randomly off the street, and give them Andrew Ross Sorkin’s 401k, and let them manage it for a year. I’m sure they’ll do a fabulous job, and make him rich.
That’s a pretty huge if.
That is tossed in there because the first assertion is false.
“You cant call me on my bullshit because even if it weren’t true my argument would still stand. “
And yet, study after study shows that firms that include women on their investment committees empirically outperform their peers.
Translation: there’s one “study” that’s never been replicated, has no control, and the difference it found was within the margin of error.
I’m off to fix an Ice Machine, i have to change a Switch, Pretty much a thermostat 🙂
Nippon! Nippon!
“Ivanka Trump once flashed the hot dog seller who set up his cart over the road from her $44,000-a-year private school, according to a new book.
The daughter of President Donald Trump bared her breasts from a window of the exclusive Chapin school in Manhattan when she was in eighth grade.”
Hotdogs… flashing… 8th grade…
OMWC will be in his bunk.
Doing God’s work at an early age.
Breaking news: Ivanka Trump was a fairly normal (rich) teenage girl.
Yeah, that’s what I thought while reading it. Nothing out of the ordinary for that age.
This wouldn’t have anything to do with the obscene accusations of incest, would it?
They really think that shamelessly digging into his daughter’s past like this is gonna bring down Trump? Just… wow.
“Washington (AFP) – Just 13.9 percent of the US population smokes cigarettes, according to a US government report Tuesday which said the American smoking rate has reached “the lowest level ever recorded.”
Isn’t that just about the same percentage of Americans who are black?
CDC data on smoking-incidence
American Indians/Alaska Natives (31.8%)
Blacks (16.5%)
Whites (16.6%)
Hispanics (10.7%)
Asians* (9.0%)
that similarity betw blacks and whites i think might be sort of misleading, unless there’s been rapid change in the last decade. if i recall, the split was more like 18%/15% (black/white); but its possible a lot of older people who smoked have died, and that they’re including vapes in their data now, or that data was undercounted in past
Didn’t CA ban menthols?
Asians* (9.0%)
I don’t believe this for a second. At least, not around here (Central MD).
Right? Every single Asian man of a certain age around here smokes. Every one.
Yeah, its possible their data is super-fucking skewed by the disparity between, say, “middle-class suburban asians who are 3rd-4th generation and respond in full to their census forms”, and the “million dudes in Chinatown who smoke a pack of Winton 100s a day while riding a delivery scooter thru downtown”
but to be fair – the amount that is “uncaptured” in each ethnic group is actually relatively similar. e.g. there are many poor-whites + blacks and hispanics who still chainsmoke who don’t get picked up on census. As data stacks state by state, the rough proportions are generally accurate, even if they don’t reflect your own quasi-urban or urban experience.
“Political sex scandals: why don’t we blame the women, too? http://bit.ly/lpAz5W #weinergate”
What did that first link go to? Deleted.
Like Monica?
Our Debate On Illegal Immigration Is A National Disaster – David Harsanyi
Trump has admitted, in fact, that “zero tolerance” is not only meant to cut down and discourage illegal immigration, but it’s a gambit to push Congress towards some form of a broader immigration deal that favors his priorities. It’s difficult to believe that Democrats, who’ve eagerly embraced the ugly optics of separation policy, will be more inclined to agree to a deal now. You can’t simultaneously argue, as Trump officials have, that you’re being forced to do this, then admit it’s a negotiating tactic as well. At least, not convincingly.
Moreover, even if everything Trump is saying is true, there’s got to be a more humane way to deal with families that are separated. Any policy, for instance, that fails to let parents know immediately, and continuously, exactly what’s happening to their children, is immoral — and it seems to me such things can be fixed administratively. It can certainly be fixed by Congress.
The idea, however, that this is something hatched completely in a vacuum is absurd. Even if separation policy is misguided, and I think it is, the administration doesn’t “kidnap” or “snatch” little children from immigrant parents. Nor is the policy equivalent, in any conceivable way, to the Holocaust or human rights abuses of third world nations.
So when people like Joe Scarborough offer hysterical analogues, comparing Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who are temporarily separating illegal immigrant parents from their children while cases are being heard with Auschwitz guards leading children to cyanide showers, they help create a moronically hyperbolic atmosphere that makes it increasingly impossible to fix anything. These children deserve better, yes, but there is no evidence that they are being willfully mistreated. In some cases, they are being protected.
I suppose leftists would prefer that the children be in jail cells with their criminal parents as opposed to the dormitories provided.
It’s nothing but a talking point. Steyn breaks it down pretty well.
Drop the ‘to be sure’s Dave. You aren’t dealing with boy scouts here.
Anyone complaining about this now who had nothing to say about the hordes of single children streaming out of Latin America unaccompanied or this same policy before 1.5 years ago needs to shut the fuck up and go back to chasing imaginary Russians.
“needs to shut the fuck up and go back to chasing imaginary Russians”
Same thing applies to people who are horrified by Trump’s sexism and cheered on the Clinton presidency.
And don’t get me started on all the Republicans who hated Obama’s budgets but have nothing to say about Trump throwing money around.
I once asked someone for explanation of their claim that Trump is similar to Hitler, and the answer I got was essentially: “Trump favors putting illegal immigrants in detention facilities. Conditions in those facilities are very bad, and some detainees have died. That’s basically the same as putting them in death camps.”
The irony of the pro abortion crowd taking a day off to criticize separation of children from parents is not lost on me.
No, leftists want them released into the US with a promise to show up at their hearing, wink wink, nudge nudge.
No, leftists want them released into the US with a promise to show up at the
ir hearing, wink wink, nudge nudgevoting booth.Please allow me to introduce myself.
Been interesting to watch this airhead evolve from a pro-gun upstate moderate to Hillary’s replacement / Schumer’s sock puppet. Now she’s ready to run for President as a fully-formed moron without a thought in her empty head.
Now she’s ready to run for President as a fully-formed moron without a thought in her empty head.
So what you’re saying is she’s the political establishment’s perfect candidate?
Trick question – nobody covers her remarks about anything. And that’s got to be eating her up.
“To me? Yes, these are all things that come from the darkness that are ripping children from their mothers’
armswombs”Long as hell post:
So for the past year, I’ve been an accountant at a small P.E. firm but yesterday, I decided to put in my two weeks. I did so because the owner didn’t have any sort of long term plan for the firm, showed glimspes of a lack of integrity, and also the low pay. Fortunately, I found a good job at a tech company doing their accounting work for them but man do I feel a ton of guilt.
The guy who got me the job is one of my best friends. He was in my wedding, and we’ve known each other side our undergraduate days. But even that didn’t keep me at the firm and while he wasn’t visibly angry and told me that he’s happy for me, I felt like I betrayed him. It’s a stupid irrational feeling but some part of me felt like I should have stuck it out there, if only for him. I wanted to tell my friend that he should be looking for other options too because I feel like the owner does not have his best interests at heart, but that wasn’t the right time or place. And it’s also inappropiate and unprofessional. I also felt bad because this resignation (for him) came out of left field and he was clearly shocked that I decided to take this course. Part of me think I should have told him that I wasn’t happy and searching for other options earlier, but common sense prevailed and decided that it’s never a good idea to tell your boss that you’re looking for other options, even if they are your friend. But at the end of the day, I made my choice and I would do it again.
The crazy part about all of this was that I got an email from one of the lawyers who we share a suite with. Over the year I’ve worked there, I’ve cultivated a friendship with him and his staff. So apparently after the news of my departure broke out yesterday, he went on this rant about how he felt that I betrayed my friend and him and was showing a lack of loyalty because I decided to leave. He sent me an email this morning telling me how disappointed he was in me that I decided to not only leave but was looking for a job without telling him or my friend. And then went into this sppech about how important loyalty is and how I was part of the office family. I mean, I’m all for loyalty but I would never ever ask loyalty from someone if it inhibits their potential or growth. To him and perhaps my friend too, my leaving was a slap in the face.
The rational side of me is like fuck this guy. He gets paid waaaaaaay more than I do and doesn’t have the resposnibilities that I have like a wife and most likely soon kids. And also, I just bought a new shiny house in Barrington, so my expenses have increased somewhat. I’m not going to put what’s good for me or my family aside out of some sense of loyalty. But the irrational and sentimental side of me feels bad that my friend( the lawyer) feels this way.
Fuck that guy, Ed. Seriously, fuck him with the barbed cock of Satan.
Your responsibility is to yourself and your family first. Don’t think for a goddamn second that they wouldn’t cut you loose to protect their income/asses.
I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life – putting business before my family was one of the worst.
Good luck in the new job! I hope you hit it out of the park!
What Tundra said.
I would offer to have lunch with him and discuss it. You will end up not burning a bridge, and perhaps mending a relationship.
I know how you feel, but the truth is the supposed “loyalty” from people demanding it is a one way street. If the company slides, the same people demanding you “owe” them unlimited service would be the first to send you packing without much of a thought. Good bosses don’t expect unlimited service if you have better opportunities, they’ll either pay you more to stay or truly wish you well. Also part of a good boss is developing your people for those same opportunities.
Congratulations on the new job. Hope it works out great.
How long would the company continue to keep you on if they couldn’t justify the cost? Loyalty seems to be pulled out when someone is looking to drive your decision by emotion rather than thoughtfully weighing your options.
You did the right thing. More fodder for my firm belief that you never work with friends. Hell, I don’t even want to make friends at work.
More fodder for my firm belief that you never work with friends.
It sucks. A wise man once told me that ‘every partnership is a slow motion divorce’. It’s 100% true.
My Grandfather would laugh and say “Every partnership ends in a court battle or a gun fight.”
“Mr. Butinski, thank you for your concern…”
You shouldn’t feel guilty at all. If you had been a total loser of an employee, then maybe you should have felt guilty for embarrassing your buddy.
Speaking as an employer, the lawyer is being a ridiculous asshole.
Everything you said is perfectly reasonable. Yes, your loyalty is to your family. Your wife. Your children. Your ‘office family’ would drop you like a hot rock if the shoe were on the other foot. The guilt will dissipate sooner than you think.
I had a buddy who is an accountant in a very similar situation. He did the same thing, relocated from a Lafayette oilfield shit-rig company to Houston to work for a screwing company….uh…I mean nuts and bolts and fasteners manufacturer. He has made more money in the last five years than in the previous ten and he is happier than a pig in shit.
Fuck em Ed. You have to take care of you and yours. My wife had to choose between doing what was best for her family and supporting a very close friend. There was never even a question in her mind of not putting us first, but it still sucked and was painful for her.
In the end, my wife (and I) were angry that her friend even put her in that position in the first place. Your friend and the lawyer should encourage your professional growth and doing what’s best for your family. If they don’t thenthey’re not your friends and don’t have your best interests at heart.
1. Responsible people feel some guilt whenever we change jobs. We owned that shit we were getting done.
2. But, that’s how the business world works. If you have been there a while, were honest with the employer, and gave adequate notice (sounds like you did) – you fulfilled your side of the bargain.
3. Good bosses, co-workers, and friends will be happy for you if it’s a good move. Fuck that douche who thinks you owe somebody more time in a dead-end job with shitty pay, he isn’t a friend.
No. Fuck him and them. If they don’t respect your decisions made in your own self-interests, they’re not your friends.
The appeal to loyalty is rhetorical. what did they do to encourage / reward it? If they weren’t on top of the fact that people weren’t thrilled w/ management or the atmosphere, then they’re negligent. If that’s the only thing the dude’s got to say, it means he’s just trying to deflect blame from themselves. When people jump ship, its a sign of failure on the employer’s side, not the employees.
What others have said – no reason to have “loyalty” for any company or firm.
If things get bad $$-wise, I’m sure they will be crying into their milk as the cut you. I’ve seen it too many times at the place I work at. Economy bad? Time to cut some workers, even if they have been on the payroll for over twenty years. Usually a time to even office political battles, or to get rid of the one guy who doesn’t tow the company lion.
additional: I’ve always thought myself as a “hired gun” – I’m paid to take care of business. If I could find a better situation, either less work time or more money, then I’m a movin’ on.
In my situation: I could easily make more money at another job; but right now I get so much freedom of movement and less than forty hour work week. It’s hard to give that up.
I’m (hopefully) going to be in the same position soon. I’ve been job hunting for a while now. I’ve been at my current company for 10+ years, and it’s very small so you tend to get close with your co workers and the boss. They have seen my kids grow up and seen me go through a lot of stuff. But, the company isn’t doing well, it’s losing customers and employees, and we haven’t had raises in years. So it’s time to move on.
I do feel like I’m being disloyal too, because losing any of us programmers will be a major hit to the company. But, as Tundra and Suthen said, you have to be loyal to your family and yourself first. My kids and my wife should not have to make sacrifices for me to stay at this job, when there are better options out there. I should not have to struggle financially and come home with tons of stress so that someone else can be happy.
So, you did the right thing, and in a pretty short time you will see that.
Business is business. Don’t ever forget it.
Anyone that condemned you for moving on instead of congratulating you for moving up is an asshole.
And as one of my better bosses told me, decades ago when I was trying to figure out whether I should leave the company I was at and strike out on my own, “Loyalty to a company is simply lack of a better alternative.” Sho’ nuff!
Adults understand that jobs come and go and people find a situation that works best for them. It’s not personal, it’s business. The fact that he doesn’t understand that shows that he is a child.
My friend who got me the job to his credit was super gracious about it. He understood that life was coming at me a 100 miles/hour and had to put my interests above the companies and his. We shook hands and he wished me good luck.
The lawyer friend on the other hand was not happy and if we weren’t friends I would have like Gilmore said, told him to go fuck himself with Satan’s barbed cock. But for the sake of friendship, I have no problem with sitting down and talking to him about it. Now if he is still on this loyalty BS and how I was wrong, that’s when I will politely stop the coversation and wish him well. Like you guys said, anyone who doesn’t understand that you have to make the best decision for not only you but also your family isn’t your friend at all.
After reading you guy’s take on this whole thing I feel a lot less shittier. I saw that email this morning and not gonna lie, sent me into a funk. You guy’s shit uplifted me and made me realize that I didn’t do anything wrong and made the right decision.
It sounds like the lawyer was (deliberately or not), just playing the guilt card. Unfortunately, it tends to work (or at least have an effect) on people who are responsible and hard-working and doesn’t seem to work on people who are irresponsible.
That is what bothers me the most. Everyone knew that I just bought a house and my wife and I are trying to have children, but for some reason I look like an asshole for doing what’s in my best interest. And everyone also knew that my current job quite frankly compared to others in my field paid way less than my peers.
Like I said, if the lawyer wasn’t a friend of mine, I would have told him to go fuck himself.
I don’t really know you and I don’t know the circumstance, but I can tell you one thing: if you have a sit-down with that lawyer, and after he hears your position and doesn’t unconditionally support you (i.e. backpedal his lame loyalty position), chances are that he ain’t actually your friend.
Fuck everyone but you when you have to make decisions about your own self and your family’s best interests.
Loyalty my ass. When people talk to me about “loyalty” in a corporate context, I ask them if they’re ready to take the “employment at will” terms out of my employment agreement. No takers so far.
The daughter of President Donald Trump bared her breasts from a window of the exclusive Chapin school in Manhattan when she was in eighth grade.
I’m scandalized. I must now retire to my fainting couch, from whence I may ponder this in depth.
I’m probably not alone in thinking “pics, or it didn’t happen.”
Also, OMWC probably approves.
It’s a stupid irrational feeling but some part of me felt like I should have stuck it out there, if only for him.
Friendship and loyalty may be irrational, but they’re not stupid.
That’s very true. I felt bad that he offered me this job and a year later, I decided to leave. Like I know this is the best decision but some part of me felt like, I screwed him over.
See Lytton above. They didn’t offer more money or security as an incentive. They played on your emotions.
Very telling.
In all fairness my boss outright said that they couldn’t match what my new company was giving me and that he felt bad that the company didn’t have the resources to do so. And he congratualted me on my success. The lawyer who we share our suite with was less enthused and was the one that sent me the email this morning.
Unless you’re under contract or there’s some sort of industry/professional expectation, one year is usually a good minimum for a position. A string of one year or sub-one year jobs would suggest total opportunistic job hopping (or incompetence) that I’d be leery of.
I felt bad that he offered me this job and a year later, I decided to leave.
Did you sign a long term contract? Did you swear a vow to remain “until death do you part”? There’s nothing wrong with saying, “Time’s up.”
And, as the others have pointed out, would he keep you on if there was no further need for your services, or would he cut you loose with a hearty handshake and a fond farewell?
They really think that shamelessly digging into his daughter’s past like this is gonna bring down Trump? Just… wow.
Speaking of which, wasn’t there some utterly bizarre thing about one of Donanld jr’s ex-girlfriends?
New first for me. Wanted to find a place to eat and logged into yelp. It’s been about a year. In the inbox was a message from a magazine editor. I used to write yelp reviews five years ago. She dug them, and offered me a job writing for the magazine she edits. Just freelance, but it pays decent and the mag is pretty respectable.
Never imagined drunken yelp reviews would pay off.
Well, that’s cool.
Congrats on the new gig! Can you write off booze on your taxes if it’s a necessary part of your writing process?
There’s such a thing as sober Yelp reviews?
I am very, very that I had to discover the existence of beaver-flavored bourbon on a lesser website.
I’ll buy an adjective for $200 Pat.
I was so disappointed that I couldn’t bring myself to type “disappointed.”
That’s how disappointed I was.
Are we talking like Adriana Lima’s beaver? That might make it worth it.
I seem to remember a similar idea
I’d rather drink it out of the tap…
I think y’all have this company confused with the chick who brews beer using her vaginal yeast.
I think y’all have this company confused with the chick who brews beer using her vaginal yeast.
“So, whaddya think of the brew?”
“Tastes like crotch.”
I saw this and thought of you, Q:
(As a photographer, I actually learned something from this interview — who knew it was called “the pee-pee pose”!)
Those are some high quality tits.
This bullshit about “ERMERGERD childrunz are being ripped from their parents’ arms and led to Zyklon B showers!” is a whole new level of disingenuous for these fucking hacks.
1. Stop denigrating the Holocaust with these comparisons. It’s bad enough to keep saying Trump is worse than Hitler, but calling Border Patrol agents SS members and the facilities Auschwitz is stupid and insulting to those who actually lived through those atrocities.
2. This is federal policy designed to protect the children. This is why we have separate detention facilities for juveniles and adults. Wanna take kids under the age of 14 thrown into a facility filled with adults (some of them criminals)? Try that out and see what happens.
3. Obama did exactly the same fucking thing!
The press is the enemy of the people.
from what i can tell, there are two alternatives:
1. return to catch and release
2. family detention centers
obviously Congress isn’t going to pass anything b/c they can’t compromise. and obviously Trump isn’t going to fire Sessions as scapegoat.
that pretty much just leaves family detention centers. presto. families no longer separated. i think the only impediment to keeping children detained is Flores.
3. Immediate and unconditional deportation to the country of origin, the groups can stay together no problem. Do not give said country of origin the option of not taking their people back. Make it a felony to give government benefits to people who cannot prove eligability and prosecute the bureaucrats. Once the no vacancy sign is lit, the flow of people will reduce (see Australia’s no boat landing policy)
family detention while they await criminal or asylum proceedings. deportation to follow.
also, i’m not sure immediate and unconditional deportation is tenable to much of the electorate.
Since when has what the electorate found tenable mattered?
For Ed Wuncler:
The three demons
<a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/CFUnbOA"Demons
I give up…