Hope all you dads out there had a great Fathers Day weekend. And I hope the USGA are proud of themselves for killing the greens on Saturday. Looks like they are, because they spent all day yesterday patting themselves on the back for “fixing” the problem they created in the first place. At least next year is at Pebble Beach. They can’t ruin that as well, can they?
Way to go, Germany. You too, Brazil. Hell, throw Argentina in there. They all gave points away, Germany most of all. But I think all Americans who follow soccer can unite in our contempt for Landon Donovan. I especially like in his tweet toward Carlos Bocanegra where he says to “stand for something.” I guess “something” is Wells Fargo dropping a small pile of money in your lap. Douchebag.

Hey, look. The Astros just completed a 10-game road trip. And went 10-0. They have their streak at 11 right now and are finally looking like its coming together. Now about that bullpen…
And speaking of baseball, your CWS early round winners were Texas Tech, Mississippi State, North Carolina and the Arkansas Razorbacks. And speaking of Razorback fans, of which I know we have a couple here, get a load of this genius in Omaha.

“And this is for our German friends.”
That’s it for sports. Hey, famous mountain climber George Mallory was born on this date. He shares it with (should-be) basketball legend George Mikan, base-stealer Lou Brock, musician and scold Paul McCartney, blowhard Roger Ebert, one-time hottie Isabella Rossellini, (possibly the best) defensive end (of all time) Bruce Smith, former ace of hearts Uday Hussein, and spitter Sandy Alomar. Its also the date when William Penn founded Philadelphia, Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, Susan B Anthony was fined $100 for voting, the 1st Amusement park in America opened its doors in Atlantic City, Ameila Earhart proved that women can do anything men can do (several years later) by flying across the Atlantic, Winston Churchill gave his “this was their finest hour” speech, Brezhnev visited the US and Nixon, Sally Ride travels to space, Boris Yeltsin visited the US, and Unabomber (and possible Glibertarian) Ted Kaczynski was indicted. Fine stuff, some of that.
OK, on to…the links!

This makes sense.
Five are dead after their SUV, filled with 14 people, overturned while being pursued by the Border Patrol. Its safe to assume both sides in the illegal immigration and detention debate will be using this all day.
Meghan Markle’s father is a really weird dude. I, for one, look forward to him making an ass out of himself and the royal family he’s now technically a part of. This is gonna be like Billy Carter on steroids.
The New York state assembly says “In this case, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.” And apparently, they were just the guys to do it.

Loser assholes.
Party-crashers get what’s coming to them. I’m shocked none of the attendees got arrested.
Fucking Chicago…..not much else to say. But by all means, keep him. We don’t want him back in Texas, unless its to serve out a sentence.
22 people were injured when gunfire erupted at an all-night arts festival in New Jersey. Huh, it got pushed off the front page of all the liberal rags pretty quickly. Gee, I wonder why.
And Ted Cruz beat Jimmy Kimmel in a game of 1-on-1 basketball for charity. I can only imagine that it was a near shot-by-shot remake of the “cripple fight” scene from South Park. Come on, you two. Settle your spat by strapping on gloves and beating each other to a pulp. 1 on 1 is boring and lacks the violence we crave in out politician-vs-talk show host disagreements.
I almost picked “Jet” just to rile someone up, but I’m going further back. And picking a better song.
Have a great day, friends. I’m going to get a root canal in a couple hours.
“Five are dead after their SUV, filled with 14 people, overturned while being pursued by the Border Patrol. Its safe to assume both sides in the illegal immigration and detention debate will be using this all day.”
And first..
I blame Firestone.
/old reference
Not that old if i get it…
Is that a Xenostrobe?
Ah, Xena – Warrior Princess, my first love.
Wooo Pig Soooie
The final tale of the tape: Arkansas sent 14 batters to the plate in the sixth and scored eight runs on six hits, four walks and a hit batsman. It took three hours, 34 minutes of real time with that long delay stuffed in the middle, and by the time it was over a 3-2 Arkansas lead had ballooned to 11-2, propelling the Hogs to an 11-5 victory in their CWS opener.
Five are dead after their SUV, filled with 14 people, overturned while being pursued by the Border Patrol. Its safe to assume both sides in the illegal immigration and detention debate will be using this all day. – people try to save on CO2 and this is what they get …
As the linked article says, it’s the dance of the virtue signals.
Passed as part of the white noise of pandering without actually having to follow through.
Much like the Republicans in the Senate voting to repeal Obamacare only while Obama was President.
Aren’t New York State residents already paying 50+ % of their income in taxes? Single payer? If you want to empty the state this is how you do it.
My math was 35% direct taxes on income, plus 8% sales, a variable amount from the land tax, and a raft of hidden fees and excise taxes.
It’s less than 8% in sales, unless you’re paying sales tax on your income taxes.
It’s definitely well under 50% for me, but only because I’m a low-income miser.
The phrasing was poor. I was not meaning to imply 8% of income in sales, just that the sales tax rate hovers around 8%
For new York City Residents the top marginal tax rates are…
Federal – 37%
State – 8.82%
City – 3.876%
Total combined income tax rate – 49.696%
Now throw in sales, property and other taxes in on top of that.
Of course that only applies to someone making over a million a year in income, if you are under that and over the 500k that gets you into the top federal bracket you can shave 2% off, and if your income is between 200k and 500k then you save another 2%
My 35% calculation was based upon my pay stub and rolled together federal, state, and the share of FICA that shows up on the stub. I don’t make enough to hit the top tax bracket. Given the lack of specificity from Suthen, I figured the question aught to cover more than just the top percentage, but excluded people who don’t have to file.
No, no, it’s magic.
Health insurance would just appear out of the glorious New York sky, you see.
Also, my road trip is over. I’m back in my cube wondering why I still have a job. I mean, I go away for three weeks and they’re letting me come back as if nothing happened? Madness!
You’ve been gone for three weeks?
Not from Glibs.
Posting comments while driving is illegal and dangerous
But not as dangerous as letting a woman drive
You aren’t kidding!
That two of the officers — Coppock and Combs — involved in this fatal incident were female suggests that discipline and training standards have been lowered for the sake of “gender integration,” which was a major policy push at the Pentagon during the Obama administration.
Surprise, surprise. Did that guy get one thing right in eight years?
The assertion in that article is utter bollocks, and I can say this from personal experience. I was a surface warfare officer in the Navy when women were being integrated into the field. My battle stations was as one of the “repair locker officers” who reported to the Damage Control Assistant during casualties:
1) Women went through the same training as men and were held to the same standards.
2) The DCA does not go out and do manly strenous labor… his job is to manage shipwide damage control efforts, and if he were to rush to the scene of a disaster and start plugging leaks he would be abandoning his post.
3) It’s clear to me that standards *are* lower in the surface warfare community than they were in the 50’s, for example, but that has much to do with a lack of an enemy to fight. It has nothing to do gender integration. Women are quite capable of being naval officers on a surface ship.
What do you make of the lightness of the rebuke?
The rebuke isn’t light.
Her career is over. She won’t be promoted to Lieutenant (O-3). She won’t be selected for Department Head school.
She’ll never get a posting on a seagoing vessel. Rather, she will be posted to mind-suckingly shit jobs on shore until she finally gets tired of it and resigns her commission. If not, at about the 8 year mark after her commissioning the Navy will boot her out because she failed to make LT.
This, incidentally, is standard fare for people who fuck up like she did.
That’s just bewildering to me. Sailors died on her watch.
I’ve been gone for two weeks and am wondering the same thing.
I imagine UnCiv cruising down the highway in OMWC’s van, windows open and this in the 8 track.
Eight Track? What sort of newfangled contraption is that?
70’s version of a Tesla.
Meh. They let Congressmen and Senators take off even more time to run for president and they aren’t punished either. Why should you be any different?
Fun fact – I get one day less vacation time per year than a line worker at the Toyota assembly plant.
I still don’t understand paid time off.
Or salary for that matter.
It is an odd concept. Or pay increases simply because you have been at a job longer. Be more productive get a raise, that’s logical.
Racist sexist bigot!!!
/straight faced gripes that people have when meritocracy is instituted
I sit across from an employment litigator. His stories have caused me to never underestimate the number of people who will take advantage of ERISA and related law to bilk their former employer on the way out. There’s a cottage industry of “bitch about discrimination, split the $100k settlement with your lawyer” scams out there.
Inflation/cost of living adjustments seems pretty reasonable.
And Ted Cruz beat Jimmy Kimmel in a game of 1-on-1 basketball for charity. I can only imagine that it was a near shot-by-shot remake of the “cripple fight” scene from South Park. – must hurt to lose at basketball to a Canadian
Kimmel is used to being a loser, so he’ll be all right.
The crowd gave Kimmel the honorary win when he started crying.
Kimmel was probably afraid of retaliation from the Zodiac Killer.
Jimmy Kimmel already has to carry his giant bobblehead everywhere, you can’t expect him to manage another large ball at the same time.
Look up the Karl Malone skit by Kimmel…so woke
I bet 50 for Romania to win the World Cup. I think I have a decent shot
Goth Bakery Refuses to Make Wedding Cake for Happy Couple
Amethyst Draconia, the owner of Dead Flours — a small, quiet, and dimly lit bakery near Bricktown — has consistently created macabre sweets for decades. The young, recently engaged couple denied service were allegedly “visibly and willfully buoyant” within her store, leading the goth baker to claim her right-to-refuse.
“I was a little wary when they walked in, giggling about some silly inside joke or something,” said Draconia, staring at a slowly melting candle on a black birthday cake. “Of course they were nice, but what is ‘nice’ if not phony and manipulative? I can’t, in good conscience, make a cake for somebody with whom I fundamentally disagree. I can still see their beaming smiles when I close my eyes, full of life and hope. Foolish people.”
Satire news sites are either growing or I just happen to see more of them lately but overall few seem consistently funny.
FBI agent removed from Russia probe for anti-Trump texts says he’s willing to testify before Congress
I’m eager to testify now that I see I’m going to get a subpoena.
Lemme guess, he’s going to claim he was concerned about “Russian collusion”, for which there is no evidence, so that’s why he was concerned about stopping Trump, for the good of the nation.
Just like how your text plainly showing bias in the investigation was redacted “for national security reasons”. That is such bullshit, the FBI shouldn’t have any national security concerns.
And I need to get in my version of this fiasco before it all blows up in my face?
I’ll wait until all the shit I said has been floating around the internet for months. But, now I’m ready to set the record straight. TBH, I can’t wait to see what crap he’s going to throw up on the porch.
I hadn’t realized that there was a push for USNMT fans to “root for Mexico”. It’s silly because almost everyone I know has a second team (mines La Celeste). I guess advertisers just want everyone to pick the same team so that advertising is easier. This is my shocked face that Wells Fargo is trying to perform social engineering.
Yeah, this is another blunder by Wells Fargo. They are a case study in “whoops, that didn’t work out like we thought it would…”
And considering how bad the Mexicans are toward the US national anthem, why would any American fan pick them as a second team?
Well, the left should love that shit.
Yeh, I don’t like that shit.
Not that I recommend picking them, but considering the crazy infatuation with the royal family, isn’t England the obvious choice?
I root for Switzerland and Chaos.
England is one of the other teams I can’t stand, mostly because I find the fans obnoxious and the assertion that they’re one of the teams we “should” be rooting for.
Anyone see this article on the FBI Russia investigation? Money shot:
“The bottom line is that some Republicans are wondering whether in the above instances, and perhaps others, someone actively tried to frame, or entrap, or set up, Trump figures. And those Republicans wonder whether the FBI knew about it or played some sort of role in it.
In short, there is suspicion that the FBI might have abused its tremendous powers in a highly politicized investigation undertaken in the middle of a presidential campaign.”
So the party of stupid clearly sees that the Obama era FBI/DOJ deep state machine basically was used to try and rig a presidential election in favor of a criminal, by both rigging an investigation into her illegal activities that compromised national security in such a way that she would not only not be charged & jailed but actually would be exonerated, and at the same time using the government intelligence apparatus to dig for dirt on her political opponent, and does just what?
“em>Some Republicans believe the FBI will, finally, comply. Maybe that will happen, and maybe it won’t. But the only thing that can reduce suspicion in the current atmosphere is more openness.”
Yeah good luck with that you fucking idiots. The FBI has no intention of complying whatsoever. If they did, it would basically result in us finding out that the Obama administration, either under pressure from the Clinton crime syndicate or of its own accord, decided to first use the US intelligence and justice apparatus to steal an election, and when they botched that, decided to create a bullshit false narrative about some Russian collusion to steal the election in order to not just deflect and stall an election in the hopes the criminal left would take control of the corrupt US government and help them hide what they did, but to undermine a sitting president’s government in the interim.
Fuck these people are either complicit or stupid.
Fuck these people are either complicit or stupid.
Never rule out “both,” when it comes to entrenched corrupt bureaucracies.
Add some CYA in that mix and I think you’ve got it nailed.
Banana republic-esque bullshit that should frighten each and every god damned citizen, regardless of political affiliation. In this case this was done to favor a political party and agenda (keeping the deep/nanny state). But the Obama administration had already set a record for using the deep state against citizens it felt got too uppity, and the Clinton machine would have made that all look like child’s play. Can you imagine when this became par for the course, with this apparatus basically using the cost of legal action to basically destroy political or personal enemies of the deep state top brass?
Fuck me we are heading for some seriously dark times when it comes to personal freedoms and individual rights, and team blue and team red idiots can’t even be bothered.
If you like your banana republic you can keep your banana republic. Otherwise one will be assigned to you.
I think it’s pretty clear they attempted a soft coup.
How they get away with it is mind bogglingly depressing.
My guess is that the GOP is quietly telling them that if they don’t want to be put in jail, they need to start working for them and not the Dems anymore.
Once again, most of our pols aren’t worried about abuses of power as long as they are the ones pulling the trigger.
That’s what scares me the most Jimbo. I can see the fucking deep staters from team red being just as bad about this shit. There is a reason why so many team red people were never Trumpers, and it is because they share the vision with team blue that Americans are generally too stupid and can’t be trusted to pick their leadership, because they might just opt to give our credentialed elite political oligarchy the finger.
Its crazy. The russian-trump investigation was going to be a purge, Hillary was going to win and the bureaucracy was prepping to absolutely punish Trump and everyone who worked with him as a lesson for even having the indignity of running against her highness. The sad part is the fact that Hillary didn’t even have to tell these people they needed to do this they were more than happy to use there power to crush Trump just because.
“and the bureaucracy was prepping to absolutely punish Trump and everyone who worked with him as a lesson for even having the indignity of running against her highness. ”
Unfortunately that is still going on, and going on on steroids. The new FBI/DOJ tactic seems to be to take Trump supporters to the cleaning shed financially by fucking them over with a never ending ream of legal costs. Unless you are a billionaire, and even if, getting into a tangle with the US government apparatus that has the unlimited ability of forcing you to spend a fortune in legal fees to defend yourself from whatever witchhunt they have sent your way, will dissuade any and all comers from standing with an anti-deep-state candidate, let alone stand up against the deep state.
Ah, there it is. The deadly contagious disease of gun violence continues to spread and no one is doing anything about it!
You see everything is a public health issue. So it really is in the purview of government.
Bullets are bad for your health although I don’t think they are contagious.
Actually, bullets used to defend yourself from an armed attacker are really good for your health.
Oddly, New Jersey’s insanely draconian gun laws didn’t stop this. So very odd. I guess the new even more restrictive laws will finally do the trick!
I should have refreshed….
*shakes fist at Indiana*
I have it on good authority that the problem in NJ is essentially here:
All of the weapons charges are from people who have multiple felonies and are on catch and release. These people are more afraid of their gang peers than they are of the police and justice system…
One direct quote from the street “If you see me, I will have a gun. If I get caught by by the police with a gun, I just go to jail. If I get caught by my enemies without a gun, I’m dead”.
I thought New Jersey’s strict gun laws prevented this shit.
Armed Civilians Shoot Would-Be Mass Shooter At Washington Walmart
Washington State, not DC obviously.
That’s a lot of “first responders” right there.
The Importance of Physical Strength to Human Males
Fighting ability, although recognized as fundamental to intrasexual competition in many nonhuman species, has received little attention as an explanatory variable in the social sciences. Multiple lines of evidence from archaeology, criminology, anthropology, physiology, and psychology suggest that fighting ability was a crucial aspect of intrasexual competition for ancestral human males, and this has contributed to the evolution of numerous physical and psychological sex differences. Because fighting ability was relevant to many domains of interaction, male psychology should have evolved such that a man’s attitudes and behavioral responses are calibrated according to his formidability. Data are reviewed showing that better fighters feel entitled to better outcomes, set lower thresholds for anger/aggression, have self-favoring political attitudes, and believe more in the utility of warfare.
Well this does not apply to libertarians cucks, but to real alt right men.
I’m impressed that guy was able to write that while sporting an atomic wedgie.
I say we let Warty tie him into a complicated sailor knot.
Creosote Achilles probably has some insight into decorative knots.
Also besides a man who can fight women find long legs attractive (but not long arms)
The influence of leg-to-body ratio, arm-to-body ratio and intra-limb ratio on male human attractiveness.
So basically man who can also run away better if the fight goes wrong.
Huh? How many men actually fight women?
All of them. Ever heard of The Patriarchy?
there is a comma there
women find long legs attractive (but not long arms)
Do the Creep.
Well that explains a lot. ::swings his long ape-like arms:
So the conclusion is that we should let the people that roll over and expose their stomach to an enemy dictate how we should behave in a dog-eat-dog world? Yeah, fuck off and die you tool.
Nope the conclusion is simply that among of the evolutionary forces that make men what they are today was sexual selection of good fighter. This may explain some characteristics of men. Nothing to do with what we should do. Is and ought and all that.
Giant Horror Plant That Causes 3rd Degree Burns Has Spread to Yet Another US State
We are all gonna die!
Rule 5643 of Leon’s benevolent tyranny:
Any website that uses clickbait headlines can’t have the word science in their address.
What’s sad is Google labels it as news.
[checks to see if they blame “climate change”]
Surprisingly they don’t.
And no, those photos on the NY DEC site aren’t NSFW.
Party-crashers get what’s coming to them. I’m shocked none of the attendees got arrested.
I love the sad quote from the failed protester along the lines of “we don’t want to shout you down, we just want to educate you” as she was being dragged away from the microphone she coopted.
Of all of the grievance groups, the animal rights ones are the most pathetic.
And by “educate” we mean “shout down and scream at”.
No, I’m pretty sure they brought megaphones to engage in calm, reasoned discourse, not to shout anyone down.
I have a FB friend who posts stuff saying “I will become a psycho bitch to any co-worker who eats lunch at Jimmy John’s, because their CEO does big game hunting”. She’s a lawyer, so probably pretty hard to fire, but I can’t see how you think you get to tell co-workers what they are allowed to eat.
I had one of my first bouts of involuntary trolling when I was confronted by a coworker in grad school who was a vegan. She used the word “speciesist”. As in “an analog to racism where one thinks the human species is superior to animals and therefore it is ok to murder them”.
So the trolling commenced, without really having made any decision to do so. Sort of an involuntary reflex.
I started with her salad. “You know, that lettuce is covered in nematodes. Millions of them. You are probably killing more animals with each bite than every burger eaten in the US this year.”
Then I went on to calling her a “kindomist”. Sure, you respect other species in Animalia, but what about Plantae? Huh? Just because they are in another kingdom, doesn’t mean they aren’t alive.
So she shifted to “they can feel pain”.
Let the trolling continue….. “You know, plants can feel too. Not that they have a nervous system, but they detect injury and can even communicate about it. Did you know that acacia trees detect when their leaves are being eaten and release acetylene gas to signal other trees that “predators” are about and they should start ramping up tannin production to defend themselves?”
The conversation was pretty much done by then. And I was just about to go on a roll about the Monera and Protista kingdoms…
“If you love animals so much, why are you eating up all their food?”
I love animals so much I want to see them bred by the millions and generously fed.
When my best friend went militant vegetarian, I converted to plant worship. “Why are you eating my gods?” shit the conversation down pretty quickly.
I even developed the religion a bit when he tried to out pedant me. Fruit and seeds were okay because they were gifts from the gods. Leaves, stalks and other integral parts of the plant were haram.
shit the conversation down pretty quickly
Lunch at Chipotles?
I think I know your FB friend.
You just might. She lives in Tampa.
UC Berkeley student and activist Cassie King covered herself in poop outside a Trader Joe’s to protest conditions in which egg-laying chickens live at the chain’s supplier farms.
I found this educational.
it was the high point of my morning so far.
she seems nice.
Gosh damnit will Mitt Romney just go away? I happen to live in the state that he is trying to n whore his politics into most recently. Therefore every ad on YouTube is one of his. And because it’s Utah in guaranteed to get him to replace Hatch rather than another Lee.
This is the state where 20% of the people voted for Evan McMuffin, after all.
Do you want the opinion of a former first lady (not Hillary) on the separation of families? No? Too bad, here it is! Laura Bush: “These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II”
I’m not seeing the resemblance. The citizens interred in WWII were here legally and lawfully. And we give much better accommodations to the detained illegal aliens than we did the internees.
+1 topaz mountain
And families were kept together for the most part.
So she is suggesting nuking Honduras?
El Salvador.
These images that no one talked about when Obama was president? I’m not about ‘whataboutusim’ but I will not all myself with people who clearly are insincere, and the mainstream left is the dictionary definition of duplicity.
Trump is the new FDR. At least the dam will be gold plated.
Authorities believe several neighborhood gangs had a dispute at the venue, and multiple suspects began shooting at each other, with police
returning firefiring randomly into the crowd, Onofri said.Also- when was the last time you actually heard a car “backfire” on the street?
“Also- when was the last time you actually heard a car “backfire” on the street?”
Easy, whenever the last time I killed someone and needed an excuse.
Minnesoda takes an even bigger lead in the wokeness sweepstakes.
Personally, I am excited to see how long she can keep the story about her two marriages (one possibly to her brother for immigration purposes) quiet.
I also hope they ask her more about her stance on female genital mutilation. We had a stink about some local Somali girls being carted off to Detroit to get the procedure done by a some fucks there. A local pol tried to pass a new law making FGM a double plus ungood action.
In this case the local Dems (including Ilhan Omar) suddenly wondered why anyone would need a new law when there were other existing ones that could be used. And they also insinuated that the proposed law was just grandstanding. Omar also worried it went too far.
Three years ago today, Trump announced his candidacy for President.
The smug media assholes laughed and laughed.
I love the video of all the laughter and mocking followed by the election night tears.
I laughed at the time. He quickly became the only candidate I didn’t want to see drop dead.
“We’re not here to attack people or to tell them that they’re bad people, we’re just here to educate the public,” a protester says into the camera.”
I bet you she or he was, what, 20ish?
Where would we be without protestors educating the public?
Why are all these people always trying to edumacate me?
To make you conform to their enlightened and scientifical opinions.
Since when is telling me that if I refuse to believe whatever communist clap trap du jour you are peddling I need to educated a good thing? Do these dumb fucks not get that the reason I am balking at their communist crap is precisely because I am well acquainted and educated about the evils of communism?
More liberals go on safari.
I think everyone in the heartland should have an emergency “wandering ivy league” kit, consisting of a chainsaw, a mask made of human skin, fake blood and a confederate flag at the ready for when these kids visit.
What in the….hell?
“Here we see a Redneck Deplorable in his native habitat. Not too many empty beer cans are present, so he is likely not dangerous, yet caution is advised as their guns have been known to spontaneously shoot people at random”.
Last week Mrs. Animal and I stayed at our soon-to-be son-in-law’s house for a couple of days.
His shower is full of empty Busch Light cans. No shit. Iowa farm boy FTW.
that’s a recycling Bin
I wouldn’t categorize that as a win, but that’s just me.
I’m an Iowa farm boy from a long line of Iowa farm boys, so we count it as such. Like calls to like.
Christ, these people are so far up their own asses they’re looking at their molars.
I read the article. While I can appreciate they didn’t find Cletus on this journey, it still baffles my mind how disconnected they are. They consider themselves ‘world citizens’ I bet maybe even ‘bon vivants’ but then allow obvious stereotypes drummed up by retards at CNN or the DNC to drive their perception of their own fellow citizens? How disinterested are you? Jesus, I’m Canadian and probably have been to more small towns in America than these people have – and I don’t have a traveling job!
They were surprised to see women at a gun range? It’s nuts.
I’ve gotten to the point where I consider this unacceptable. Am I supposed to applaud this professor and his journey into the unknown?
It makes no sense to me.
“It makes no sense to me.”
That’s your problems Rufus: you want to apply logic and reason to feelz…
But they seemed so nice!
“My students looked stunned, at first. But then a recognition crossed their faces.” “I knew they seemed deplorable! The whole time I could see the hints of racism and sexism coming from them. This is why we stay on the coast! There’s a reason it’s called flyover country! Because you don’t want to go into it.”
‘Ewww? You actually, like, like working at this Tiki ‘restaurant’? Like, gross’
/pick annoying voice of your choice.
Actually I am sure they don’t mind her actually liking her job, it is just the fact that she has chosen what is best for her and people like her over the fantasies these proggie snowflakes have of how the world is or should be, that bothers them…
So how long until they actually put deplorables on display? This reminds me of the reservation in Brave New World…
Huh? Chicopee has a population of 55K and looking at a map seems to be part of Springfield. That is “country” enough for these dweebs?
Fuck, imagine if they ever really got out into the boonies.
Every time I passed through it on the Mass Pike on my way to my sister’s place outside Worcester, it gave off a decidedly working-class vibe.
My sister now lives closer to you, down in Lakeville.
There are plenty of Republicans as you drive west on the Mass Pike. Maybe why the enlightened Dems that run the state decided to hike tolls on the Pike to pay for the Big Dig – instead of putting tolls on the new roads the Democrats use.
Hah….they should go to where I went for a family reunion a few weeks back – Lyons, GA, population 4000. The big town in the county is Vidalia (home of the Vidalia onion), population 10000.
Is that finally outside of the Georgia Traffic Jam? (I had to drive through Georgia two years in a row, both years wasted a lot of time in traffic jams, even to the point where the first year’s entire visit to the state was spent in traffic until after the highway made it back out of Georgia…)
It’s southeastern Georgia, about a hour west of Savannah, so no Atlanta related traffic.
If you mean Atlanta, then you can drive about 30 miles in any direction and reach Georgia….
Or did you mean I-75 in its entirety? I’d agree with you on that, too.
I found the title amusing. Apparently the New York Post thinks that all of 90 miles from Harvard
and still in Massachusetts is the “heartland”. I wonder if they know if there are states not
on the ocean.
Was my take on this as well. If they figure New England suburbia is the heartland and where the rednecks live, no wonder they look down on the midwest and the south..
My good friend, who is also an old school liberal, is absolutely convinced that The South is filled with klan members terrorizing blacks. And small towns, even here in Michigan, are filled with slack-jawed (TRACTOR PULLZZZ) rednecks who would string him up if given the chance.
When I tell him that South Carolina is one of the least racist places I’ve ever visited I get the: “Well you were in the nice parts of the state” explanation.
And when I tell him about going to bars or festivals in small towns, he looks surprised that I came back in one piece.
Ah, one of those “Deliverance is a documentary about the whole South”.
And totally what happens to enlightened campers that go there…
I don’t know if it is still true but in the 80’s the Klan had it’s HQ and the most members in Connecticut
“My students looked stunned, at first. But then a recognition crossed their faces.”
It was, “Wow, I really AM better than these people!”
This is actually a really good article. These kids are snowflakes because they lack experience. They don’t know what they don’t know. The most important thing that people need to learn in order to grow is that they are ignorant. Trips like this are necessary to pry open closed minds.
“I have been a national political journalist for nearly 15 years. Whenever and wherever I travel in this country, I abide by a few simple rules: No planes, no interstates and no hotels.
And definitely no chain restaurants.
The reason is simple: Planes fly over and interstates swiftly pass by what’s really happening in the suburbs, towns and exurbs of this nation. Staying in a hotel doesn’t give me the same connection I can get staying in a bed and breakfast where the first person I meet is a small-businessperson who runs the place and knows all the neighborhood secrets. The same is true of going to locally owned restaurants versus chains.”
I am a very process and system oriented individual, so I appreciate seeing the process by which this person engages in the activity of journalism. I think if more journalists used processes like this one, we would have a lot more general confidence in journalism. We wouldn’t need to see so many “Rednecks in the Mists” columns, because that wouldn’t be alien to the writer.
Agreed, I liked the article. A point to take encouragement from:
– the trip was organized at the behest of the students after taking the author’s class; they seem self-aware enough to know they’re sheltered and tried to do something about it. That’s more than you’ll get from most people.
That’s an unambiguous win.
Did Kimmel cry after the loss?
My bet is he whined like a bitch and made excuses..
Overrated hack is embarrassed to work for Fox. Yes, so embarrassed that you continue to make your lameass shows for the network.
So he admits he is an unprincipled whore.
Exactly – he keeps cashing those dirty checks.
Goddamit, mom!
Shocking moment Indonesian man is crushed to death by his own mother’s coffin during her funeral while carrying it up a bamboo ladder
He let her down one last time.
*narrows gaze*
*Joins in applause*
What if in their fervor to divide people into smaller and smaller identity groups, the SJWs finally break it all the way down to the individual and there’s a moment where everyone suddenly realizes just what they’re capable of? Could that be…
I can’t think of a better ending to this saga…they defeat themselves while we go pop another bag of popcorn for this whole sideshow….
A guy can dream, right?
The problem with this dream is that the fractional distillation of identity politics is to refine a heirarchy of oppression and score the most victim points to force the ‘other’ to do stuff for the ‘group’. This is inherently incompatable with the precepts espoused by the people I’ve observed describing themselves as ‘Libertarian’.
The reason they are breaking people into these grievance groups is precisely so they can then set them at each other’s throats..
Nope, they only subdivide because it’s politically useful. When it gets to the individual, that will not be the case.
I’d settle for them coming to the realization that reaching for the gun in the room to force people to do what you want them to do will lead to that same power being used against them. Every time you try to correct wrongthink through govt fiat, you create a precedent which will be used by your worst enemy in the future. When you try to correct a historical wrong by handing out goodies to individuals based on group identity, you automatically create a victim that isn’t part of that group but also suffered as a result of history. You want a 21st version of Jim Crow to rear it’s ugly head? Keep doing what the SJWs are doing.
They will never come to that realization as they stupidly assume it will always be their side wielding the power.
I thought we were dreaming? WTF is no MLK.
You guys suck.
Almost half of diabetics skip medical care due to costs. You know what would fix this problem? MOAR LAWS!
They spent it all on cookies
Laws that make the expense to cover this even more expensive?
I’m glad I checked in on the links this morning to see that I’ve been taunted.
I’m sitting in the waiting room while the rest cold gets his eyes dilated.
Not sure how you get rest cold from eldest child
Not all science is used for good.
Why would you program your sex robot to not have sex? That seems to defeat the whole purpose of the thing existing.
“Yes, Mistress”
“What is my purpose?”
“You bend over.”
“… Oh my God.”
“Yeah, welcome to the club.”
Rape fantasy?
If you rape a robot, is it against the law?
It will be.
It depends, does it have actual sentience and agency or is it just following a limited program with no awareness
Right now while we can program a robot to appear to have “moods” and say no we are nowhere near the point of creating actual AI so for now I would say that no you cannot rape a robot as there would be no harm caused in the act. The robot may or may not remember the act occurred depending on it’s programming but even if it is programmed to store memories of every event it encounters there would be no emotion or meaning attached to the memory for the robot.
That said, if we ever do manage to create an actual AI robot, and the key word there is if, as it is nowhere certain that any amount of processing power or programming could ever create something truly self aware with agency of it’s own, but if we do then yes forcing yourself on it would be rape everybit as much as it was for a human.
This is how you get Skynet…
And why would anyone pay to own such a thing?
No idea. *forlornly looks at cordless iron anniversary present*
The ultimate in virtue signaling. The feminist robot. Program it to nag you about eating too much meat, watching the wrong television programs, and reading badthink opinion pieces.
Today’s winning entry.
I assume because one has a rape fantasy
Drop how much and she says no? What’s the point?
Marriage simulator?
I honestly think that a lot of feminists are frightened that these sexbots are going to provide a somewhat realistic facsimile of sex and lead to a lot of men withdrawing the relationship market, which would in turn cause a sharp reduction in the power that women have over men.
Men have to cater to women’s whims if they want the ol’ nookie, so feminists hate anything that gives them an alternative – pornography, prostitution, and now sexbots (I know there’s a “sex positive” wing of feminism that sees these things as “empowering”, but they seem to hold a minority position).
The day that there are good, personality-programmable sex-bots….civilization will literally end with that generation.
Progs should love it. An organic self-genocide, committed with consent.
My old mantra is that Boys are Stupid, Girls are Crazy. My gender’s mistakes are very dumb and very predictable. I’m sure that it’s maddening to women. But there’s always a very simple explanation for the behavior. To quote Sherlock:
Dunno… My personal observation is that women need babies more than men need sex. Combine sexbots with some form of male birth control pills, and the balance of power in relationships could go topsy-turvy.
If we can have sex-bots with good personalities, we can have baby-bots for the ladies. If we have achieved a-mortality by then it should be a win-win.
a-mortality = you won’t die of old age or ‘natural’ causes, but could still die from an accident or murder.
biological immortality
I’ve also heard it referred to as ‘negligible senescence’
Charles Stross agrees.
New sex robots may turn down steamy romps if they are not in the mood.
Then what’s is the point? I already have nagging gf that is sometimes not in the mood. I thought the idea of a sexbot was for it to be an advanced fleshlight.
I may turn down her request for electricity.
My jailbaitbot will be jailbroken.
Prison bitch?
If elected, she would become the first Somali-American member of Congress.
Why don’t we just make a list, and round up one of each variety of _______-American critters, and send them to Congress; sort of like Noah’s Ark, only for politics.
Make her head of Road Funding and I’d vote for her.
I had a teacher in high school that went on this “isn’t it wonderful how we’re all hyphen-Americans” tirade one day. Even then, my thought was “why can’t we just be ‘Americans’ without the hyphen?”. It’s irrelevant identity bs all the way down.
The whole hyphenated American thing, with its attendant identity politics, has a long history in this country. A hundred years ago Theodore Roosevelt had this to say about the whole thing:
*preps jackhammer for Mt Rushmore*
No need, he’s already up there.
This is why we stay on the coast! There’s a reason it’s called flyover country! Because you don’t want to go into it.
Never get out of the boat, man. Never get out of the boat.
Expect more of this if sex robots start saying “no”.
Christ, what a bunch of Ass-holes
*narrows gaze*
“In a bizarre incident, a 70-year-old man with his entire family have accused six men of sexually abusing their donkey before taking it away at gunpoint in Sahiwal district of Punjab.”
This is a joke right?
“grab it by its motherfucking hoof!”
I can now see why some of these folks just want to blow up shit and kill people…
Sadly, no.
When I was a child in Turkey, my dad would have his students over for dinner. They came from all the various social strata of the middle east.
One guy confided that his family was having a tough time because one of their female donkeys was the right height to make penetration easier for the local boys, and so they had to take extra-precautions to prevent the boys in the village from sneaking in for a quick pump-n-thrust with the poor animal.
And it wasn’t a one off situation. Witness Khomeni’s rules on bestiality:
My coworkers just don’t get why I have zero interest in ever visiting the middle east. I love the cooking. But the culture…. :/
WT everloving fuck?
Bestiality is fine, as long as you kill the animal when you’re done. Of course, since the animal is unfit to eat, make sure you unload it on somebody a decent distance away.
This is a religion we’re supposed to respect?
It’s not the religion…. It’s the local customs. The religion is trying to come up with an ethical framework to cope with the problems created by widespread cultural customs.
You want to know why Leviticus has some fucked up shit in it? Because it was designed to regulate a fucked up culture that was only two steps removed from human sacrifice.
How bad is Venezuela? Fleeing Venezuelans have adopted Philadelphia (!) as a home of freedom and safety!
“But, I know the results of socialism. Venezuelans know the result of socialism. Cubans know the result of socialism. All it does is generate poverty and generate a diaspora.”
That and fawning Hollywood celebrities.
I am sure there are plenty of Venezuelans who just think the wrong top men were involved. If Chavez did not die it would have been paradise. Damn the CIA
Pie should know. He’s an expert on the successes of socialism.
Well, at least its not Camden.
Join Landon Donovan to cheer on the Mexican National Team during the big tournament.
I’m pulling for the Swiss. I think it’s their year.
What’s Landon supposed to do? Take a World Cup off from cashing in because the team fell apart after he left?
I am hoping they draw every match, and advance. Then in the next round, play a draw all the way to penalty kicks…
Love robots have been invented with the intelligence to go on strike – and shut down completely if pestered when not in the mood.
“If I wanted a companion ‘exactly like’ a woman, I’d just go find a woman.”
This feature is for the guys that can’t find willing women, even amongst those that are blind & deaf…
So they can have the real experience…
Woman, 20, who ripped her eyes out while high on meth talks adjusting to new life
Uffda. Like HM isn’t adaptable. He’s probably in his basement right now working on audio links.
Too late. Nothing could be worse than this:
Hey! I like coldplay.
::backs away from Lachowsky while slowly nodding::
Coldplay’s first two albums are pretty good. I even like Square One.
But it just became very clear that their formula was their formula and they weren’t gonna change up.
Pretty piano–pretty falsetto—well structured in a earwormy sort of way. But once you hear that structure it’s just so obvious that that’s their bread basket and every song conforms to it very strictly.
They do one thing, but they do it very well. Or at least their first 3 albums did.
In all fairness, I got their parachutes album as a Christmas present about 13 years ago. I listened to it in my truck and enjoyed it.
Other than that, I dont know shit about them.
You mean they’re Aerosmith?
She’s a hero
That was Robby, not Sandy.
Its safe to assume both sides in the illegal immigration and detention debate will be using this all day.
The truck was over capacity and they were breaking the law. I do wonder how this will be spun.
New laws to prohibit high capacity SUVs.
Assault style SUV’s? No one needs more then 10 seats in their vehicle?
Trump made them do it.
I, for one, look forward to him making an ass out of himself and the royal family he’s now technically a part of.
The Clintons aren’t the only white trash royalty.
+1,000 Kennedys
The state steals children from their parents all the time.
Illegal immigrants crossing the border
Parents disciplining their children in non state approved ways.
Divorce proceedings that all but terminate paternal parental rights
Shitty parents
Parents that die without close relatives
Kids that won’t go to school.
Kids whose parents dont send them to school
Kids whose parents give them too much freesom.
On and on and on and on.
Kids whose parents won’t let them die in a British hospital.
Personally, my wife’s sister has been a ward of the state for 25+ years. Was born premature and never developed due to a collapsed lung in the first week of her life that damaged her brain. She is 29 years old and has been a bedridden 2 year old her whole life. The state makes all the decisions when it comes to her care because it was determined many years ago that her parents couldn’t provide the care she needed.
Callaous as it may seem, her parents would have let her die decades ago absent state intervention.
The Lady and I went to Seoul and saw this amazing Wallace and Gromit exhibit. The building itself is also very stunning. Dongdaemun Design Plaza. Most futuristic place I’ve ever been, I reckon. Interestingly, in the center of the main courtyard lie the ruins of part of the medieval fortress wall of Seoul.
I was so utterly impressed. I’ve liked some of their work (Chicken Run is great) and I love claymation, but I’ve never really watched much Wallace and Gromit. The attention was so crazily attentive to detail, down to cigarette burns on frayed armchairs or the minuscule antique penmanship on old-timey jars holding Darwin’s specimens.
It was such a lovely place–Their ability to create their own worlds using their own unique style was very Seussian or Waterson-esque. Fantastic weekend.
Everywhere I look, I see exactly what I’m looking for.
Even as President Donald Trump downplays the importance of climate change, there are signs that Americans may be taking it more seriously—at least when it comes to buying a house.
Between 2007 and 2017, average home prices in areas facing the lowest risk of flooding, hurricanes and wildfires have far outpaced those with the greatest risk, according to figures compiled for Bloomberg News by Attom Data Solutions, a curator of national property data. Homes in areas most exposed to flood and hurricane risk were worth less last year, on average, than a decade earlier.
Attom Data looked at the annual change in home prices and sales across 3,397 cities around the country, then divided those cities into five groups based on their exposure to various types of natural disasters. What they found suggests the threats of climate change are beginning to register.
Global warmingClimate change. That’s it.So is there actually any evidence that hurricanes have gotten worse, or is it just a Fake Fact promulgated by “scientists” who harp on about how every hurricane is “the worst on record” with no mention that weather radar has only been in common use since the ’80s? Or no mention of the fact that there has been more construction of beachfront property, thus making a hurricane financially disastrous that would have previously rolled through an empty shoreline?
As of 2016 — the last time I checked, Brendan Loy had documented lower Total Cyclonic Energy worldwide over the last 15+ years.
Hurricanes are obviously more powerful. Just look at the dollar amounts of property damage.
Pay no attention to the government subsidized national flood insurance insurance program that made it financially reasonable to build million dollar houses in hurricane prone areas
When people had to pay for these stupid houses on their won there were very few of them. Now with others paying the bill, there are a ton of them..
How that incentives thing work again?
The number and intensity of storms is down, the value of insurance claims is up from the storms that do damage. More people living in the path with inflated home values and better coverage lead to bigger payouts.
Just for reference, we were at a beach house built in 2005 — It was 4 bedroom, 4 bath, very nice. The older beach houses were much smaller, there have been 3 new ones built around it that are all approximately 2x the size and cost. To be clear, ALL are Citizens insured, I’m certain (Citizens is the state of Florida insurer of last resort). However, risk tolerance is way up. Part of it is due to last season being “bad” but not catastrophic. Part of it is due to the hot economy. Part of it is just due to how expensive the land is. If you spend $750k on a piece of land, putting up a giant, $400k house seems like no big deal.
I will say that there were far, far fewer completely wrecked or completely de-roofed houses last year than in the 2005/2006. The Florida building codes are really starting to have an effect on loss. However, I expect the total cost of insurance payments to continue to rise.
I love claymation, but I’ve never really watched much Wallace and Gromit.
Wallace and Gromit are fucking awesome.
The Wrong Trousers is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life.
Somehow I can’t imagine “Direct Action Everywhere” crashing the Parkland bus tour.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie says Democrats in his chamber believe all Americans deserve a health care system that guarantees coverage for all.
You’d think after multiple and recent failures and the shear immorality of socialized healthcare that they would realize that this utopian dream cannot ever come to fruition. But Marxists gotta Marx.
Why do you let reality intrude on the feelz and these people’s ability to garner even more power, huh?
Late one night in the spring of 2012, Anthony Finnelly and his fiancée got into an argument at their home outside Dallas — he’d been drinking, so she wanted his gun for safekeeping, records show.
Finnelly wouldn’t tell her where the gun was. She stepped outside with their dogs and soon felt such a sharp pain in her legs that she thought she might have been bitten by a snake, according to one of several statements she gave to McKinney, Texas, police.
Actually, Finnelly had shot her, with the bullet piercing one leg and lodging in the other. According to varying accounts the police got, she was either shot from inside, through a window, or the couple struggled for the handgun as it went off.
The woman later told a detective that “emotionally she wants to believe the shooting was an accident” — as Finnelly maintained, telling the cops he was inside, tripped with the gun in his hand and that it went off — “but intellectually she realizes that is unlikely,” the records show.
He was charged with aggravated assault, a felony.
Getting shot in the leg would be pretty aggravating. One can only wonder if someone not on the thin blue line would also avoid an attempted murder charge.
Listen up Rebel-
If you dont want to be charged with attempted murder for trying to kill your fiancee, then you need to join the police force.
No worries, the eligibility requirements are ridiculously low. You will have no problem getting it.
Multiple weapons were confiscated, including a handgun with an extended capacity magazine containing more ammunition than is allowed under New Jersey law,
I have it on good authority that banning things makes them go away.
I enjoyed the language in that piece.
They don’t really have the facts… it isn’t clear who shot at who, who actually killed people, or any of it. It isn’t clear that the confiscated weapons were fired.
But they found an “extended capacity magazine”. So they reported that nugget, implying that this extended magazine was the cause of the carnage. (although it says “containing more ammunition than allowed”, so I’m gonna go with “not fired” for that weapon.
I suppose it is evidence of the dying of the drug war that they didn’t report on “small amounts of marijuana were confiscated”.
4, 6-10, 17, 21, 23, 25-27, 31, 41, 44, 46-48.
And when they’re old ‘n’ gray, they can play solo hackey-sack.
We will be able to also…
#7 – busty little brunettes just kill me.
As bad as some of the pin placements were on Saturday, the whining about 18 made no sense.
It was an easy putt if you put the ball on the green below the hole. Above the hole was basically a 1 stroke penalty. Solution is easy: hit it on the good half of the green.
I like the cut of your jib!
Golf is really easy when you think like that. “Just hit the ball in the fairway!” “Just make your puts!”
Actually, the real problem for me was the shots that went just like I planned them. They offered just enough of a tease… that maybe if I just work on my game…. eventually….
Then I realized that I’m never gonna excise that primitive part of my brain that insists that I have to kill the ball right in the middle of my stroke. (slow backswing… nice and easy…. just swing easy…. let the club do the work…. KILL IT! KILL IT!… slice….. Damn….) So I took up ‘not playing golf’ as my new hobby.
Quit playing 10 years ago. Best decision.
18 and absolutely.
Cost me too much time and money to get any better, I quit 15 years ago…..
Back problems helped me make that decision.
I did get to play 18 and lunch at Agusta National before quitting though.
Every other course was a let down after that anyway.
Something something here to help
The department was candid about the high costs of its proposal. In the first year, companies — mostly food manufacturers — would have to spend somewhere between $600 million and $3.5 billion in compliance costs. (The range reflects uncertainty about some assumptions behind the estimates.) After an initial period of learning and adjustment, the annual costs would range from $132 million to $330 million. In the history of federal regulation, that may not qualify as monstrously expensive, but it’s a lot.
What do the American people get in return?
The department notes that there is no evidence that bioengineered food causes health risks. For that reason, its disclosure standard “is not intended to convey safety or health information.” It added that the rule “is not expected to have any benefits to human health or the environment.”
By all means, let’s impose a costly new rule on food producers which will have no beneficial effect whatsoever.
Just to show we care.
Jesus christ.
Since the dawn of civilization, humans have been grafting plants, selectively breeding livestock (this should really appeal to the progressives), selectively planting seeds from the most successful species specific specimens, and generally trying in increase agricultural yield.
I was just reading something from the anti-GMO folks along the same lines.
They hate all GMO, but they have special animosity for “golden rice”. Because it skewers all of their favorite straw men. There are no big corporations, no patent abuse, no seed lockins… because it is all being made freely available. And it isn’t toxic, or breeding resistance, or hurting the poor. It is helping prevent blindness among the poor in 3rd world countries.
So they are saying that the government says that there are no health benefits from golden rice.
Hmmmm…. why would they say that?
Well, it isn’t exactly true. But what the government did say is that they can’t call golden rice “fortified with vitimin A” in the US. Because the levels of beta carotine are too low, based on the assumed consumption levels of rice for a US consumer.
But this isn’t for a US consumer. It is for poor people in Bangladesh et. al. where rice is their main food. And using golden rice would provide 40% of their recommended allowance of vitamin A, enough to prevent blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency, something that affects a couple hundred thousand kids each year.
So good job progs… keep on progging.
The fight against golden rice is purely evil.
I wish blindness on all of its detractors.
keep on progging
It’s like you don’t even “fucking love science”, bro.
By Cass Sunstein none the less.
Cass is right a lot of the time, he just can’t help himself sometimes.
My big problem with “nudging” is that the government tends to nudge in the wrong direction. Look at the history of USDA food recommendations.
Also, you know, I would like to nudge Sunstein in front of a train sometimes too.
Albert Einstein’s outrageous list of rules and demands his wife had to follow
No cuck here.
LOL, Al was certainly easy to get along with
I didn’t get a picture because I wasn’t quick enough.
I found my pregnant wife cooking dinner in the kitchen while barefoot yesterday.
I got a couple of those pictures last year.
Of Lachowskhy’s wife? WTF is going on here…
Other than part A, how much of it is the same things wives expect from husbands?
Well, why not forego the wife altogether and live on cup noodles?
D is a good one. Though it should be followed by both parents.
Don’t bust each others’ chops in front of the kids. That’s an important rule to follow.
Besides part B, very reasonable demands.
It’s not football season, but at least we can watch the Bears vs. the Eagles in Alaska.
We won!
Donovan, in spite of being one of the best players the country has ever produced, has always been a little bitch.
I can’t fault the guy for wanting a payday from Wells Fargo, and I’m sure advertisers were scrambling to try and make up for lost viewership when the US didn’t qualify, but his tweet replying to Bocanegra was just stupid. “You should support Mexico because your dad is Mexican and especially right now becuz DRUMPF HATES TEH MESSIKUNS.”
Response: “Don’t bring my family into this and fuck off you sell out.”
At the same time, the department was aware that if the federal government did nothing, manufacturers might face a costly system of state-level labeling requirements. In 2014, Vermont enacted mandatory labeling legislation. In fact, that enactment provided the impetus for the federal legislation, which pre-empted state requirements, and so attracted support from manufacturers who favored federal uniformity (and a less aggressive set of labeling standards).
Without regulation, we’d all die.
In 2014, Vermont enacted mandatory labeling legislation.
One ponders how the dormant Commerce Clause would apply. Here we have a state saying “You can’t sell your products in this state unless you also do X, Y, and Z.” Sounds like a restriction on interstate commerce to me. Why not just strike it down?
If they do that would then strike down the California Cancer labelling of products too.
So of course it wouldn’t happen.
You all need to go check out image 6 in this link. These people are really crazy, I think even if you were a vegan/vegetarian for ethical reasons this would make you squeamish about your side.
Liability what?
Audi CEO Rupert Stadler Arrested, Declared a Flight Risk
I saw this
car last week at the nearby parking lot.
All I see are repair bills
I like the way he missed the parking spot in the classic “I’ll park like a dickhead so I don’t get any door dings”, and by hanging out into the lane on a corner actually placed his car at greater risk.
and the week before that: this
Parked in a handicap slot.
They _could_ have a handicap sticker hanging from the rear view mirror…. but I doubt it.
If you can get in and out of that car, you ain’t handicapped.
Soo. the owner doesn’t know how to park?
It comes with the territory. see Corvette owner.
Corvette Owner == Old Bald White Dude with issues
Not in my experience.
Corvette owner- 19 year old oil rig hand who has to get rid of it after he knocks up his girlfriend.
A few years ago someone at work parked their Corvette, taking two parking spaces.
Since I was driving an old 1994 Buick Roadmaster, I parked as close as I could to the driver’s side door. There is a shortage of parking spaces here so I was in a pissy mood.
I expected the section following “Since I was driving an old 1994 Buick Roadmaster” to end with “…so I pushed it into one space with my bumper.”
Out on the edge like that is just asking to get hit by something with a long wheelbase in the garage.
Cool! I saw this one at the gym last week.
It’s parked correctly – must be a rental.
last year – in the same neighborhood – was this https://i.imgur.com/U4FXVHs.jpg. At least they knew how to park.
derp – link is https://i.imgur.com/U4FXVHs.jpg
That far from the curb gets a ticket around here.
Attendees at a Bay Area barbecue festival were not happy when protesters with a Berkeley-based animal rights group crashed the party…
One protester somehow commandeered the microphone and began talking about animal cruelty, as other members of the group joined onstage with “It’s not food, it’s violence” signs held high.
Procuring food often requires violence. Just observe nature. Jeez.
Also, you can take my BBQ…from my sticky, dead hands.
No thanks, you already touched it.
Unciv is obviously an only child.
Not even close – which is why I’m not going to take food from the hands of someone who’s been finger-eating BBQ unto death.
If cows didn’t taste good, there would be no cows.
Animal rights activists are retarded.
And they look a bit bloated. I wonder what the diabetes rates of the grass eaters is.
And they talk funny too.
Venezuela is a wonderful, happy place, but what problems they DO have are totally America’s fault.
He looks pretty much exactly like you would expect, plus check the background.
I’d better never be in charge of a university, I’d run guys like this out on a rail.
I see he has a photo of the homophobic mass murderer on his wall.
Holy shit, is that ever a face that cries out for punching.
And I was thinking he sucks a mean one.
Love the cat-eye chick glasses.
A law professor who specializes in human rights claims that Venezuelans are “better off” because of Hugo Chávez and are currently enjoying “free and fair” elections.
Ah, you’re still pissed that the hag lost. It can’t be a “free and fair” election unless your preferred candidate wins. I gather that this professor cares little about or knows little about rights, law, elections, etc.
Venezuelans are “better off” because of Hugo Chávez
By what measure?
They’re nineteen pounds lighter!
How can you take yourself seriously, or better yet, how can anyone else take you seriously, when you make arguments like this. It’s like the tankies, you’re so brainwashed and so committed to your ideology that you overlook mass starvation and genocide.
“Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”
Elon is the gift that keeps on giving.
Tesla Now Building Cars in Tents Outside the Factory Walls
“Manufacturing is hard!”
/EV Barbie
Look, Elon, take a few mil from the pot the government gave you, hire a consultant from a real car company, and have them set up the line. Do what they say to do. You will be able to get production going properly.
Criminal mastermind, or bumbling oaf? It’s so hard to decide.
One stumbling block to public understanding of the Mueller probe, in addition to a steady stream of propaganda and lies designed to undermine it, is that it’s hard for even a cynic to accept the premises of what is being investigated.
U.S. history simply doesn’t offer a lot of reference points for a major-party political candidate who so casually subverts the law and sells out the nation’s highest values. How many Richard Nixons are there?
To believe the accusations that Trump colluded with Russia, laundered vast amounts of money and/or put American foreign policy on the auction block in return for the enrichment of his family requires an awkward leap of faith. You have to believe this leader is both profoundly corrupt — far more so than Nixon — and staggeringly sloppy — again more so than Nixon.
This is essentially the portrait that Underwood paints in the detailed accusations against the head of the Trump Foundation: that of a shady huckster who engages in “persistently illegal conduct” and is buffoonishly sloppy along the way.
Mueller should use the New York complaint as a template, since his fishing expedition has drawn a big blank so far. There is no proof of “Russian collusion” (If there were, I suspect we would have seen it by now), so Mueller should just go after Trump for violating the rules for charitable foundations. I’m sure that’s buried somewhere in Mueller’s instructions from DoJ.
Everybody’s guilty of something.
“Show me the man and I’ll……oh forget it”
One stumbling block to public understanding of the Mueller probe, in addition to a steady stream of propaganda and lies designed to undermine it, is that it’s hard for even a cynic to accept the premises of what is being investigated.
Well, that tends to be a common problem with fishing expeditions.
But enough about Hillary Clinton…
How many Richard Nixons are there?
Counting Caramel Nixon, at least two.
casually subverts the law and sells out the nation’s highest values
Again, President “Pen-and-Phone”, “you -didn’t-build-that” and “future-does-not-belong-to-those-that-slander-the-prophet-of-islam” could not be reached for comment.
“U.S. history simply doesn’t offer a lot of reference points for a major-party political candidate who so casually subverts the law and sells out the nation’s highest values”
But enough about Hillary…
“U.S. history simply doesn’t offer a lot of reference points for a major-party political candidate who so casually subverts the law and sells out the nation’s highest values. ”
One must buy into such myths when one works for an outfit named “Bloomberg.”
I looked into this Trump foundation thing. Its a tax vehicle that every super-rich person has; when you have a year w/ high tax exposure (due to market boom, big deal closure, or whatever), you dump some $ into the foundation and it helps reduce it. so revenues/grant payouts will, by nature, be sporadic.
he was turning over ~$500k-1.2m annually in the thing.
which is peanuts.
The Clinton Family Foundation (which does not include their bigger, charitable foundation), does about 3-4 times that,
The “Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation”, which is the umbrella group for a handful of charitable foundations, was raking in between $100-220m a year, with net-assets floating around between $200-500m
It received gigantic sums of money from middle eastern/central asian states when Hillary was Sec State. “A Washington Post investigation in 2014 showed that there was “substantial overlap between the Clinton political machinery and the foundation””
Yet we’re supposed to believe that Trump’s half-million $ annual tax write offs were a major source of nefarious-goings-on.
for clarity here:
we’re talking about a family in which no one had a “real job” for a decade or so. A 100% political family was raking in so much personal dough that they needed to offset more than *a billionaire real estate magnate*. And continued to do so while holding public offices.
sounds legit
There is a truly hilarious money quote in here from the SPLC
that was good.
Popehat chimed in on this thing with, what is my opinion, pretty dull-witted stuff.
there’s no legal analysis necessary, because there was no case, no ruling, no precedent. They retracted and settled. He has no idea what facts were, or what discovery would have shown. But he moans that its an example of our “broken judicial system”, because defending against defamation suits are so-expensive, you see.
except: SPLC has $100s of millions of $, and a full time staff of lawyers. Nawaz had a patreon.
they folded because Nawaz knew something that would have come out in discovery: that his name was likely fed to SPLC by some activists. discovery would have shown that SPLC’s process is basically as “hitmen for hire”. and while he’d have still lost his defamation case, the exposure would have crushed the organization’s reputation, and made them useless for future donors.
I’ve been busy the last couple days, so not sure if anyone else has linked this, but…Chris Hardwick (famous for the spread of fake nerd culture) got #metood, except not really because the article written by his ex-girlfriend didn’t even name him, yet he’s been removed from everything immediately, his new show was stopped from airing his name was taken off the Nerdist website within days. I’m no red piller or MRA and Hardwick has always come across to me as a douche, but this shit is getting insane.
I heard some women at work the other day discussing some recent accusation of molestation, and one of them said “Yea, but I just don’t know what to believe anymore because they pretty much call everyone a molester these days.”
I think the #MeToo movement is starting to reach the bottom of their credibility reserves.
I clicked although I had no idea who this guy is….at least, I wasn’t familiar with the name, but he was the host of Singled Out way back when? That guy always seemed like a dumbass on that show.
I mentioned this to my girlfriend (she’s a fan of Hardwick) and her comment was “that crazy bitch is just mad he got married and it wasn’t to her.” I’m inclined to go with that reason.
Part of my wants to be mad. The other part considered that I would be happy to support any team Wells Fargo is willing to pay me to support.
TSTSNBN does dad jokes (TW: TSTSNBN)
I’m triggered by the fact that it was a derpbook link.
The digital masterminds at TSTSNBN have not uploaded it to YT yet.
Yes they did, two months ago.
Well, shit – I only looked at the last week!
Not gonna click, but I imagine that it’s a very tedious article.
It’s just a coupla guys sitting in front of a mic telling libertarian dad jokes. Pretty funny, actually.
It’s a Heaton/Bragg video
If we are ever to achieve a glibertarian paradise, the rest of you non-breeding glibs need to step up.
Jus sayin. I know some of ya’ll are carrying your weight, but others need to step up.
As a libertarian, why would I bring something into my life that drastically reduces my own personal liberty and puts me at the mercy of the State at just about every turn? Fuck that noise.
Also, I’m 46, so that train has sailed for the most part.
Libertarians hatred of children confirmed!!! 111!!!
Yeah, sorry, technically still breeding age but that
shiptrain has sailed. I have 7 nieces and nephews across 3 siblings, if that helps.Well for one because if you don’t then the children of progressives are gonna be the ones voting for what to do with/to you when you’re 80
I can’t afford the ‘Half my shit plus child support’ rate…
That’s just it. I’ve seen too many men get plunged into absolute financial ruin over child support and alimony. And if you can’t pay, you go to prison. This is even with guys who were so certain that they had found “the right one” to start a family with.
It’s weighed on my mind since my brother knocked up his (now) wife. My nephew is adorable, and the circumstances lit a fire under my brother’s ass productivity-wise, but that marriage is headed for a crack-up and I can see the woman being a vindictive harriden when it does. I can’t see my brother walking away from it with his house or (meager) savings.
I’m carrying the weight of my ex wife with my child support. That’s more than carrying my weight. At least sixty pounds over.
I assume I missed some news. Congrats!
My third girl is due late July. Wife owes me at least one more try at a boy. It will be our third kid in 38 months, so I might give her a break before #4… if she’s lucky.
But trust me, I’m doing my part.
Supergirl goes anti-gun
Two things:
2) The Supergirl writers are just awful.
Definitely would, she’s cute.
Cute or not, I bet you she ends up being insufferable…
At least they have a few characters who sort of kind of put out counter arguments though.
Gig economy: threat, or menace?
Elsewhere in the island continent, the latest round of debate into whether gig economy workers are contractors or employees is playing out as Australia’s Fair Work Ombudsman has decided to take online food delivery service Foodora to court to determine the work status of its riders and drivers.
Underpinning this proceeding is the idea that gig economy companies are taking advantage of workers and denying them minimum wage rates and entitlements.
“The on-demand economy is a tired example of old-fashioned exploitation, with tech billionaires reaping the benefits at the community’s expense,” Australian Trade Workers Union national secretary Tony Sheldon said.
If the future of work is to be more like the gig economy, the least it could do is provide a living wage, like the old economy has done for most people.
As technology has become more consequential in society, there is only so far that a Silicon Valley-inspired technolibertarian model of work can go before it crashes against the expectations and protections put in place from lessons learned in the past.
Australian nannytarians want to save you from yourself. And from Silicon Valley technolibertarianism; that shit’s a plague upon the Earth.
the rest of you non-breeding glibs need to step up.
Well it does start with the fucking.
Wise observation…
Remember. The ONLY way to stop mass shootings is to pass arbitrary laws. No other way. Nope.
But carjacking is illegal! So is burglary! And attempted murder! There are laws and everything!
Robbery, rather.
It doesn’t fit the narrative so it will be swept under the rug. It is known(tm) if there is an armed man running around shooting people the only reasonable response is to wait for the police to show up, set up a cordon, and then have them sit around for a few hours until the gunman kills himself. Duh.
Haven’t heard shit about this on local NBC news in Philly, but they did report on two folks who fell out of a catamaran in North Carolina and were rescued by a passing boat. Next up: some cute cat video from Oklahoma that’s going viral.
if there is an armed man running around shooting people the only reasonable response is to wait for the police to show up, set up a cordon, and then have them sit around for a few hours until the gunman kills himself.
And the hostages.
Rich Lowry susses out the kenneled illegal children fracas. Surprise: it’s a lot less inflammatory than CNN wants you to believe.
Lowry summarizes: you want to put a stop to this policy? Look to Congress, Trump’s hands are tied.
But, Trump has a pen and a phone right? All good Presidents just use a pen and the phone to ignore laws by congress. Why does Trump hate America!?
“Look to Congress, Trump’s hands are tied”
Unpossible. DRUMPF is an autocratic dictator who controls the weather.
Drumpf personally locked up all those children during Obama’s tenure. Obama only found out when the news reported it last week.
I’m resurrecting my theme of 2016: we’re living in the dumbest of times. Fucking partisan cunts.
This Belgium Panama match is boring AF. If you thought baseball was slow…
Sounds like it needs a ripping guitar solo.
Sometimes I worry that my basic skills at work aren’t developing quickly enough. Then I read some of the work our outside counsel does and wonder why I ever worried in the first place.
If it makes you feel any better, outside counsel costs your company at least twice as much per hour than you do.