We’re on the sad part of our trip, the journey back from Heaven to Hell. At the moment, we’re stopped halfway, in Purgatory, otherwise known as North Dakota. The mountains behind us, the prairie ahead, and our faithful companion, Manfred The Mighty Wonder Dog, already anticipates being able to shit in her own yard again.
Enough of the personal, now to the important things for y’all to ignore. First, anniversaries and birthdays. On this day in 1963, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Abington vs. Schempp that public school-run recitation of Christian prayers was unconstitutional. I remember this well: I was in third grade, my first year in public school, only Jew in the class, and resentful that we had to do this shit. My teacher made a point of telling us that anything we heard about this didn’t apply and that she would continue punishing anyone who didn’t enthusiastically participate. Which she did. This was one of the early steps in my development of total scorn and disgust with government indoctrination centers public schools. Today is also the birthday of Harry Browne, for whom I voted twice (in different elections, I wasn’t in Chicago then) and Jello Biafra.
Today’s news that struck my fancy:
I do not have much love for Rudy Giuliani, but every once in a while, I have to tip my hat in his direction.
Giuliani also said that he didn’t mean to call the former vice president a “mentally deficient idiot,” as he did in an interview with HuffPost, but then went on to attack Biden’s intelligence.
“I didn’t mean that, I meant that he’s dumb,” Giuliani told Cuomo when asked about his comments.
Such a situation could have long-term, devastating effects on young children, who are likely to develop what is called toxic stress in their brain once separated from caregivers or parents they trusted. It disrupts a child’s brain development and increases the levels of fight-or-flight hormones in their bodies, Kraft said. This kind of emotional trauma could eventually lead to health problems, such as heart disease and substance abuse disorders…
Nearly 4,600 mental-health professionals and 90 organizations have joined a petition urging Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and several elected officials to stop the policy of separating children from their parents.
Huh, it’s really weird that no-one was covering this and circulating petitions three years ago. Huh. I wonder what was different. I guess the WaPo reporters were too busy then to get to this. Yeah, that must be it.
Will this be an excuse to step up even more military adventurism in Afghanistan? I mean, our war there is now becoming a national tradition, and we need to make sure that all of our generations to come can feel the same joy that we have had for the past 18 years. We don’t have Bush or Obama any more, can we count on Trump to follow his wise and brave predecessors in maintaining this glorious honor? I worry about this.
Never let it be said that we don’t find news that can transform your life.
Having grown up watching Brooks and Frank Robinson, Jim Palmer, Dave McNally, Eddie Murray, and Boog Powell, this shit is painful to me, but one of the comments absolutely cracked me up.
This is bullshit, man. Did the Sixers give up when it seemed impossible to set the NBA record for longest losing streak? No, they went out and set that record, and then they broke it the very next year. Did the Browns give up on the dream of an unvictoried season after going 1-15? No, they went out and achieved.
History is history! We may not all be destined for greatness, nor should we demand it. But what more can any man ask than to have his name etched in the annals of recorded humanity? To know when the great cities of today have crumbled, when the valleys have risen to become mountains and the mountains are but dust in the desert, that in some forgotten chamber in some dank corner of the Earth, still there rests a book of human history, and within its pages lies the humble name of the tragic man. “Worst Individual Season (by fWAR) In Baseball History: Chris Davis, 2018, -8.9.”
The headline alone of this story should tell you how absolutely worthless the UN is.
Old Guy Music! This was a wonderful and appropriate Jack Bruce number, here covered by (((Leslie West))) with Felix Pappalardi on vocals- Pappalardi had originally produced Jack Bruce’s version on Bruce’s superb album Songs For A Tailor, so this kinda brings it full circle. Mountain Climbing seems appropriate, though, for the week we’ve just spent, and yeah, it’s a good cover. I was amused that the comments on the video were all basically “Dad Song,” so they also fit the Father’s Day theme.
Will this be an excuse to step up even more military adventurism in Afghanistan?
Transfer all the generals at the Pentagon to Afghanistan.
All signs point to yes.
Related Plugs:
If you haven’t yet, pick up a copy of “Fools Errand” by Scott Horton.
Also “War Machine” of Netflix is worth a watch.
Both are great commentary on our OEF.
Campaign Trump had some signs of reining in military adventurism.
Post-Campaign Trump – meh.
Hell, I’m just happy he didn’t go back to the full-on prog he was before he decided to jump in to disrupt the GOP for the Clinton machine – which propelled him to the realization that he could actually take the prize for himself at which point his ego laid the course.
Hell, I’m just happy he didn’t go back to the full-on prog he was before he decided to jump in to disrupt the GOP for the Clinton machine – which propelled him to the realization that he could actually take the prize for himself at which point his ego laid the course.
Another 17 years of US presence should straighten that place out.
Turns out fourth generation warfare is four generations.
Four American generations. I’m pretty sure we’ve burned through four or five Afghani generations already.
Why I oughtta…
I was going to make a reference to that and forgot. Dammit.
I grew up in a fundamentalist baptist church. I remember being told in Sunday school the this was the point at which America fell from grace…..until we lost prayer in public schools everything was perfect I guess and vice and immorality had been contained.
Either I don’t understand WAR, or is as much a bullshit stat as any traditional stat.
So, if the Orioles replaced Chris Davis with some ordinary plug (me, for example) they would have won 9 more games? I find that … unlikely.
No, it’s if they replace Davis with an average player at his position. Unless you’re a plug good enough to make the majors, you don’t count.
He’s hitting .150. My Grandma could probably do that.
I’m a free agent
No, it’s if they replace him with a replacement-level player (something like a very good AAA player) they will win 9 more games. The R in WAR is for replacement. If they replaced him with an average player, they would win even more games.
It’s baseball. Of course the stats are bullshit. 😉
Polished Anus Syndrome. Sounds better than Assburger’s Syndrome.
“… wiping poorly, infrequently, or over zealously…”
As in, less than all the time?
“I only wipe ’till I see a stripe”
The ass-wipe article…..how does one achieve the title of ass-wiping expert?
Well, start with a name like “Asbury”.
I’ve certainly put in the practice hours
Post here?
Oh wait, that’s how one achieves the title of “Asswipe”. My bad.
(love u guys. its joke.)
Develop IBS-D.
Have your gallbladder removed
Drunks act drunk. Proof that homophobia is alive and well!
How could something like this happen in CURRENT YEAR!?
The Mirror: LiveJournal by proxy.
Taunt, or encourage?
Never mind.
Thank goodness Twitter was there to break the story.
I’m calling bullshit.
“As partisan and as divisive as the whole topic of immigration is, we need to start with what’s right,” she said. “Can we start with just keeping parents and children together while we figure out some of the other details?”
I’m a news cycle and a half behind. Work. Trying to get caught up on this one. So, what exactly is the plan that is totes humane the WaPo crowd wants? If you have any border security, any meaningful passport system, any rule of law etc. aren’t you going to have kids separated from their families in some circumstances?
How is it humanitarian to force me to take care of these people?
“Here’s a couple bus tickets to Ciudad Juarez”?
Yes. And if you didn’t separate children from their families, you’d have children being molested just like in real prison. Because despite the “progressive” worldview where all border-jumpers are pure angels who just want to work hard and obey the law, there are a lot of criminals who come over, and you definitely don’t want them around little kids for obvious reasons.
And why is there no blame placed on the parents who choose to bring their children with them when they cross the border illegally?
I haven’t read deeply into this issue. They’re making it sound like the authorities separate parents and children to be deliberately cruel. I couldn’t really think of a reason why anyone would do that. Is it just to have children in a different facility away from adults?
It’s like Akira said. It’s to keep kids away from the collection of violent shit-weasels that are in the general detention area. Kids getting raped to death by MS-13 psychos is pretty bad optics for the feds.
The way I understand it (having grown up 10 minutes from a major bridge on the Rio Grande) most of these children “separated” from their parents showed up by themselves. Their parents weren’t there in the first place and the media is conflating the issue.
literally Hitler.
The establishment repubs such as Hugh Hewitt, who globbed onto this issue are calling for new detention facilities that can accommodate intact families. This is what the likes of Hewitt go for. More gov programs = more spending = more government As mentioned above, most of the kids, around 70% I believe, in children centers arrived alone but now the fact some kids are separated from their law breaking parents the world is ending and something must be done immediately. Breitbart did a write up on these children facilities and they are far from cages. The cost of housing and processing illegal entrants into the US is big business and is ran mostly by so called non-profits. Myself, being a cold hearted bastard have a hard time feeling bad for these kids. Kids are separated from their parents every day by the justice system and nobody, including me, gives a shit. It is only when the parent is illegal that people/media care. That does not make sense to me. What about the kids separated from their parents due to unconstitutional drug laws? That is a bigger outrage to me. Maintaining a national border and controlling who enters and who doesn’t is actually a constitutional function of the Fed Gov. (I realize the last sentence is a debatable topic among libertarians)(I am undecided on it and more so the more I ponder it. What exactly is an “invasion”? Hordes of people coming for freebies or does it have to be an armed force?)
According to this article, https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/05/illegal-immigration-enforcement-separating-kids-at-border/, most kids aren’t separated that long. I’d like to see some reporter find out the average length of separation. They won’t do that though, because their goal is to get these families released into the US with a promise to show up at their hearing date, wink wink, nudge nudge.
Never let it be said that we don’t find news that can transform your life.
At least they mention the bidet.
How Donald Trump makes a mess of handshake etiquette. These people are really running out of things to go after Trump for.
They’ll never run out. Trump could rescue 100 babies from a fire single-handedly and WaPo and the NYT would publish articles about how he contributed to the overpopulation epidemic.
No, they would complain that his total lack of leadership led to the situation where his administration didn’t have the right people there to handle it without his direct involvement.
Nah, that would be CNN’s hot take. Not histrionic enough for WaPo/NYT.
No, they would call him racist because he happened to pull a white baby out first.
Happy Father’s Day everyone who is a dad. To celebrate, let’s look at some poor dads the evil Trump has seperated from their children!
My draft board separated me from both my Mom and Dad when I was 19. Hardly saw my Dad after that. He’s been gone almost 50 years now and I still miss him.
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and fathers-to-be. I’m waiting, waiting for those phones calls, emails and cards from my kids and grand kids. (Actually already got the card from my daughter, scratch that one.)
Everyone is up early for church, I see.
I’m with the women in the photo. Father’s day can go, but only if they take mother’s day and all the other made-up BS holidays with it. The wife ran out late last night to pick up a last minute card. Great! Go spend $20 getting cards from all the kids and the wife that I’m going to look at for 20 seconds and shove in the family album.
Or maybe that’s just my snark masquerading as frugality because my friends and I are all married to women who think that it is great if we take them to an expensive brunch for Mother’s day and then take the kids so they can have the day off…. and then take the kids for Father’s day so we can have some quality time with the kids.
Pointing out this incongruity firmly establishes you as a member of the PATRIARCHY. I was reprimanded by my (now ex) GF last week that I was a sexist for making the bold assertion that the movie ‘300’ was a “guys movie.
300 is definitely a guys movie. Ripped bodybuilders oiled up and grunting. I think it moved.
Lol it’s more than a little homo-erotic. That being said I’ve never met a woman that would think it was a good pick for date-night.
Indeed. That you think so little of your fellow man that you’d call that dogshit a guy’s movie is sexist against men.
So you like gladiator movies Bobby?
it isn’t even that I’m a huge fan or anything…..she was talking about how much she hated it and I just casually said, “Well, it’s a guys-type movie anyway, I think the majority of women who see it, hate it.” Cue trade about how unwoke I am.
Obviously I am a dinosaur. Any remark like that would have me reply – “Well, I hope you can guide your ownself to the curb so my boots can remain un-scuffed.”
She basically did it for me the next day anyway. There was a lot wrong there as it turns out. Gonna hold out for a libertarian woman (aka dying alone)
My wife is not just libertarian, she’s a fellow ancap. Do what I did and hunt in the engineer population. They’re often (but not always) a bit more amenable to logic and data.
I found one, and against all odds, an artist. Take heart and don’t settle.
“I was reprimanded by my (now ex) GF last week”
Story time. What was the last straw? Any good parting shots?
you can make up the details if they aren’t funny. We won’t know any better.
The aforementioned argument eventually lead to me saying “You know, the last few weeks haven’t been that fun for me, you don’t seem to be handling this move well and something has felt ‘off’ for a bit”
*Gets “I’ll scalp you motherfucker stare”
Fast forward to the next day;
Boberson receives text “I’m going to go get my stuff out of your house, I’m leaving for [redacted] tomorrow.”
ME: “I assume that means without me.”
HER: “Yes, I hope I get to see you before I go though”
ME: “No way I’m validating the shit you are pulling, have a nice life.”
Of cousre this is paraphrased but it’s the basic sequence of events.
Good riddance. Break ups suck in general, but a shitty relationship ending is soooo liberating.
“I feel like we work better as strangers”
Yeah, there was a couple days of readjustment but I now feel like a huge burden has lifted. It’s nice knowing that all I’m out is a little time after all that.
here you go. Recent active users appear to be about 10% female and 0% attractive!
Is that HM’s latest fetish?
yes, but only the creepy cartoon avatars. The knowledge that they conceal users significantly less attractive than the norm simultaneously attracts and repulses him
Man it’s so much easier when your household is ambivalent on the greeting card holidays.
The picture is making me unreasonably angry. I miss my Dad.
Rest easily. The image is doctored.
Daddy issues, anyone?
Whoa – Sorry, not you. The beings in the photo.
The image is not genuine.
Eh. This is the first Father’s Day where I won’t talk to my Dad, because I can’t. These kind of transitions are full of weird little adjustments.
About the 35th one for me. It still hurts. I feel for you.
Likewise, sorry to hear of your loss. Wish I could . . . hear his voice, make one more bad pun with him, drink a beer, . . .
I would cut off my left nut just to get to spend a day with my father.
I lost him when I was 23 and soon I’ll be 62.
I feel you. My day started with my wife lecturing me about something I said last night. Heaven forbid she let’s something slide.
That’s funny! What my buddies do in that circumstance is make that little eye contact and maybe a nod that says “yup…. me too”, and leave it at that.
We’ve all got kids from 5-13 years of age, so we are kinda in the same boat. I noticed one of the wives put her hand on her husband’s shoulder during church service today, so I texted him “hey… I see the wife is getting frisky. You want me to take the kids for the afternoon?”. We got a good laugh out of that….
For those who don’t get it… bless your lucky little heart. And if you don’t get it because you haven’t had kids yet… well, good luck.
Another 17 years of US presence should straighten that place out.
It’ll be just like California, in another fifty years.
I wish they all could be burqua-wearing
I wish they all could be burqua-wearing
I wish they all could be burqua-wearing
I see what you did there.
Now that the evil greedy Bezos and Amazon defeated Seattle’s tax, how is the city supposed to help the homeless?
It’s cute that they think that any measurable portion of Seattle’s homeless are homeless because they were priced out of their apartments by the rich.
Zero is measurable.
Can I get a narrowed gaze here?
*narrows gaze*
I was about to reply that that idea is pretty common here, but it didn’t take many posts for the argument to be made again. Convenient!
The problem is two-fold, say experts.
Housing is becoming less affordable, leading to more homelessness. At the same time Washington’s tax laws gave cities few options when it comes to raising funds for more housing.
All housing is now built by the city government? That seems… inefficient. No wonder there aren’t enough places to live.
What a maroon.
Force government-sector workers and their families to live in barracks, opening up regular housing for everybody else.
The city is showering money on anyone who wanders into town, leading to more homelessness.
The city is encouraging homeless camps, leading to more homelessness.
But I’m no “expert”.
The city is also enforcing dumbass zoning rules that discourage housing being built, leading to lower supply, and *gasp* homelessness.
While that is unfortunate from a certain perspective, I didn’t include it because in a normal world, that is not a cause of “homelessness”. It’s simply a cause of people having to look elsewhere for some place to live. If a city wants to pursue a strategy of encouraging only rich people to live there, who am I to argue.
But instead, we have “experts” who push this idea that nobody should be “forced” to move in order to find an affordable place to live. All the rest of the derp flows from that nonsense.
Unresolved is the larger issue of how cities can deal with the huge urban impacts of unmitigated tech growth. Although the Seattle City Council has avoided political fallout, housing and homelessness remain issues that will need to be addressed, said William Riggs, a planning strategist and professor at the University of San Francisco.
“As the impacts of a handful of large employers in the region grow, something must be done to mitigate this,” he said.
I think they’re on the right track. Make your city a terrible place to live and work, and population growth will ease. Just ask those guys in Detroit and Chicago.
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them.
Slate (TW!) brings the subtle, nuanced buisness analysis you’ve come to expect.
But while it’s good that Holmes and Balwani are being prosecuted, there’s another message being sent here by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the northern district of California. Which is, implicitly: If you’re a startup and you’re not in the highly regulated health-care industry, then you probably can continue to embrace Silicon Valley’s fake-it-till-you-make-it ethos without fear of criminal prosecution.
Look, for instance, at the long list of startup scandals enumerated by Erin Griffith in her December 2016 Fortune article about “the ugly unethical underside of Silicon Valley.” Theranos was there, of course, but so were, among many others, Hampton Creek; Zenefits; Lending Club; Skully; ScoreBig; Rothenberg Ventures; Faraday Future; Hyperloop One; and, of course, Uber. Most of those companies ended up embroiled in nasty civil lawsuits, but none of them, except for Theranos, ended up with criminal charges.
As companies stay private longer and raise hundreds of millions of dollars in highly opaque private markets, the incentives for founders to lie about their finances become bigger every year. Meanwhile, the disincentives to lying remain negligible. If you fail, in Silicon Valley, it’s never because you lied to investors, it’s just because you failed to achieve the fabled product-market fit.
The only way to disincentivize founders from lying to investors is to throw one or two of them in jail for doing so. And Elizabeth Holmes doesn’t count. The Theranos indictment is likely to have zero deterrent effect, because it’s clear that she’s not really being prosecuted because she lied to investors. That’s just the easy, prosecutorial low-hanging fruit. The real reason for the prosecution is that her activities were incredibly reckless and dangerous on a human level for thousands of patients’ health.
Or, to put it another way: So long as you’re not killing anybody, you probably won’t face criminal charges. Even if what you’re doing is just as much wire fraud as what Holmes and Balwani did. The message, then, is that Silicon Valley can carry on lying with impunity. And that’s not a healthy message to send.
Yes, exactly. There is no difference between outright intentional fraudulent claims and optimism. And what the fuck is the problem with “private markets and their opaque funding” exactly? Let the
buyerinvestor beware. Or should the government fund all research and business startups?And, of course, Silicon Valley and “tech” continue to destroy the very fabric of civilization.
I’m guessing it wouldn’t make a difference to this person if I pointed out the number of SEC prosecutions for investor fraud? The 1933 Act is still there and chugging, and the SEC is pretty aggressive about making sure it’s followed to the letter.
More seriously, about intentional fraudulent claims and optimism, this is pretty much the whole point of the SEC. You’re allowed to be optimistic so long as you don’t lie. Here’s an example of a statement that’s required in every SEC filing
For the filings I do (and most I look at), this is followed by two pages of bullet points detailing specific risks, mostly things that we say elsewhere that we expect to happen, but this is how things might go wrong.
If you *lie* about these things (i.e., in the pharma sphere, you talk about your expectations for approval of your drug and you know you’ve received word from the FDA to the negative), that’s when you get into trouble.
For those who don’t know, private equity markets are not opaque. They are much more transparent than publicly traded stock. I know, I’ve done several private equity transactions.
The investment bankers send in teams of auditors to look through anything and everything. They interview anyone they would like. They set the requirements for the deal in any terms they can negotiate.
I used to do dog-and-pony shows for these guys on a regular basis, showing them how everything works and where we were headed. They got to ask any questions they liked and got straight answers. I know it might be shocking to those on the outside, but in general people don’t spend tens or hundreds of millions of dollars without doing their due diligence. If it costs $250k to fully vet a potential investment, so be it. `
I’ve also done a couple of public offerings. The paperwork is much worse, and the rules and regulations are much more onerous. But I can guarantee that once a company is publicly traded, the average investor knows orders of magnitude less about the company than the average investor in a privately held company.
I’ve taken to watching the World Cup on Telemundo. I can’t understand the commentary and it’s still better than listening to the commentary in English.
I’m certain FOX will have it’s Mexican crew on board for the Germany-Mexico match. Those guys are pretty good. Plus GOOOOOL!
FOX is even acknowledging that Germany is also participating in this match.
I for one hope Mexico get their asses kicked.
Ja, bestimmt.
A nice bone-crunching tackle on “Pea Brain” Hernandez would be welcome, too.
I’m not seeing the Teutonic superiority in action here.
My family and I watched the end of the match at a local Mexican restaurant ….. on Telemundo. And you are right… even without understanding the language, the announcers were better. And the match was great!
AIIIIII!!!! Que gran equipo!
They cut to live feeds from public squares in Mexico. They had almost as many fans out watching the game as Trump’s inauguration!
Giuliani also said that he didn’t mean to call the former vice president a “mentally deficient idiot,” as he did in an interview with HuffPost, but then went on to attack Biden’s intelligence.
I’m definitely not wading into YouTube to find a link, but Bidet has a hilariously high opinion of his own intellect, and states it frankly in public.
Humidity here in crazy. I went jogging this morning when it was “only” 72 degrees but it felt like running underwater. After one mile I was a wet rag. After five I was done.
Cardio? You WERE underwater. Drownin your gainz bro
It’s 75 degrees right now (9:40 AM Ohio time) with 87% humidity. It’s supposed to get up to 93 degrees today, so I’m trying to get out and run quickly.
The only reason I’m waiting around is because I need to wait until I can take a crap so that I don’t have to stop and go while I’m running.
Supposed to be 96 later on today. I’ll be hanging around the pool.
*googles with trepidation*
Whew. I’ll be in Ohio mid-week and the weather looks a lot better then.
The nearby grocery store started selling hard alcohol. And they’re carrying my favorite gin for only $30 a bottle.
I also like the name of this: BREAKFAST RYE
My favorite gin would be one that doesn’t give me a terrible hangover the next day.
hmmmm barrel finished gin sounds like it could be an interesting negroni component. I will check this out.
It’s damn tasty – should be outlawed by the Geneva Convention cuz I could easily become a full-time drunk on this stuff.
Unfortunately their distribution lies exclusively in areas I will never ever visit.
My favorite is Solveig from Far North Spirits. I’m trying to find a store in DC that will order it for me.
It’s cold and rainy, here. There’s a big cloud parked on top of me, and visibility is about fifty yards.
Hot Aryan babes ready to create a Master Race.
I stopped at #1.
#24 triggered actual fear in me. yikes.
Ya #1 obviate my need for a hot rock, and or fixing my own sandwiches.
You mammals may be on to something here…
#1 is pretty hot. So is #3. Actually, all of them are hot.
the # of things on #1 that were fake disturbed me
Burn the UN down to the ground.
As for the World Cup, coaches on the sidelines that interfere on any level should be carded immediately. That shit between Serbia-CRC where the CRC coach picked up the ball and refused to give it to the Serbian player was a slide tackable offense. I don’t blame the Serbian player for shoving him. Get the hell out of the way asshole.
Also, this has been a pet peeve of mine since I was kid. If the added time is 5 minutes it should be 5 minutes. Not freaking 8. Brett may disagree having been a ref because things happen, but that figure is based on the previous 45 minutes. You can’t just keep adding to it. It’s absurd.
Don’t get me riled up over the 2000 final.
Euro final.
Also the ref needs to make clear he’s considering VAR. It went past the 5 min added time but no one knew why.
But this is new so I won’t fault the ref who was competent enough this game.
That’s just asking for all kinds of time-wasting shenanigans during extra time. Like today, which is why it became 8.
What I’m not getting is where did they come up with 5 minutes in the first place. Even games where nothing happened… 5 minutes. WTF.
Which was my comment about the 2000 final. A final 5 minutes were added when two tops should have been given and the ref was refusing to whistle.
France then scored the tying goal and went on to win.
That’s the thing. They add five. The wasting time shenanigans begin. Players cramp up. Goalies fall to the ground wrapping the ball etc. This should be discounted and the whistle blown at the designated time.
Or else just get a damn clock in there.
Tradition my ass. Penalty kicks settling games was never part of the tradition and they do it so why not a clock?
I’m surprised they went with VAR. Maybe there’s hope in modernizing this game.
Is it always clear when to stop and start the clock? I’m not sure.
Give me the clock. I’ll make it work. /shakes clock.
It would be up to the discretion of the ref but I imagine it would go something like: He posts the added time, player play acts, ref identifies it as such, stops clock.
I’m pretty sure it would stop.
Also, it’s a shame you can’t crack forwards around the 18 meter box anymore. The art of man to man defense (a la Baresi and Maldini for example) is dead.
It’s all zone and it’s boring.
I would love to see Ronaldo play in the 80s and 90s out of curiosity.
It stops when refs start handing out cards for it.
On second thought, the six-second rule hasn’t put a stop to goalkeepers wasting time. *shrugs*
Does it?
Anyway, I see Germany/Mexico started.
Have fun!
I thought back then there wasn’t a fourth official to announce how much stoppage time there was.
I believe there wasn’t.
This is one problem I have with soccer. Put in a damn clock so everyone knows exactly how much time is left, and stop it when appropriate. This is the 21st century for cripes sake.
I still prefer hockey, by a wide margin. Much faster, more shots, more goals, and pulling the goalie near the end of the game when you’re behind by a goal is really exciting.
Hockey is by far the most exciting sport to watch live without a doubt.
In my first year in grad school at Wisconsin (1977), they won the national championship. I’ve been hooked ever since.
Rough road ahead
Halfway into a three-year, $12 billion IMF loan program signed in 2016 which is tied to the austerity measures, Egypt hopes painful reforms will lure back investors and kick-start an economy that crashed after its 2011 Arab Spring uprising.
IMF First Deputy Managing Director David Lipton told government officials in May that Egypt would have to deepen reforms and better encourage private sector growth if it wants to cash in on a wave of global expansion.
The IMF-backed austerity program carries risks for President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a former army general who was elected for a second term in March.
AusterityMath is hard.Define “wasting”.
“They aren’t working on things I approve of, therefore it’s a waste. Instead they should be working on this, this, and this.”
Forbes no likey my VPN, does that pretty much cover it?
I didn’t RTFA but I assume they’re talking about the fact that most of theoretical physics is just supernerds jerking off over nonsense that will never be proven.
Pretty much.; though the author does make a few valid points that the obsession with “elegance” leads physicists to bias themselves toward certain ideas. But I get the distinct impression that the subtext here is that smart people should be working on “real problems” to lead us to utopia.
I’m ok with keeping that subset of mammals far away from practical engineering
We need more social psychologists and Keynesian economists, that’ll get us to the promised land.
And the response from the theoretical physics community should be simple: “Fuck off, slaver!”
Seriously, how much of a narcissistic douchebag do you have to be to think you can dictate exactly what people you acknowledge up front are much smarter than you should spend their time taking an interest in?
Love of elegance is problem in economics as well.
Speaking as a theoretical physicist, probably 95% of what we come up with is wrong (in the sense that it’s mathematically correct, but not an actual description of the world). But that’s how progress is made; come up with an idea, and then see if it works. If not, go on to the next idea.
“Studies” departments are wasting our worst living minds on nonsense.
Reminds me of <a href='http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/04/01/g-k-chesterton-on-ai-risk/'this article from a year ago. It wasn’t actually written by GKC (note the date), but I thought it captured his style well:
$#!&ing close tags…. Here’s the link.
The oil ministry said the price for 95 octane gasoline had been increased to 7.75 Egyptian pounds a liter from 6.60 pounds; 92 octane had been raised to 6.75 pounds a liter from 5 pounds and 80 octane had gone up to 5.50 pounds a liter from 3.65 pounds.
($1 = 17.8000 Egyptian pounds)
Still not exactly market price, I’d guess.
Forbes no likey my VPN, does that pretty much cover it?
Forbes has one of the worst goddam websites in the universe. I never click on Forbes links.
My adblocker turns it into something decent again. Are they still doing that “Proceed to site in 5 seconds” crap?
Please share, I like Forbes, but as Brooks noted, the website absolutely blows.
uBlock Origin is the bomb.
But I get the distinct impression that the subtext here is that smart people should be working on “real problems” to lead us to utopia.
Will the hadron collider lead us to our post-scarcity space travelling destiny? If not, scrap it.
No. It’s going to result in a wormhole to a hell dimension and then cenobites are going gruesomely murder everyone on earth.
Propaganda Broadcast Service feels your pain, America.
From drivers paying more for gas and families bearing heavier child care costs to workers still awaiting decent pay raises and couples struggling to afford a home, people throughout the economy are straining to succeed despite the economy’s gains.
They are people like Katy Cole, a 33 year-old music teacher from North Creek, New York, who’s still repaying her student loans. It took her two years of working a second job to repair her credit and amass enough money to try to buy a home with her boyfriend. She just gave birth last month — the fourth child in her blended family — which means having to take unpaid leave from her school job.
When analysts at Oxford Economics recently studied American spending patterns, they found that the bottom 60 percent of earners was essentially drawing on their savings just to maintain their lifestyles. Their incomes weren’t enough to cover expenses.
“Many people are still living on a paycheck-to-paycheck basis,” said Gregory Daco, head of U.S. economics at Oxford.
Hmmm, you just added a fourth child to your “blended family” and you wonder where the money goes? I’m having some difficulty getting terribly worked up.
And, of course-
Problem is, America’s wealth is increasingly lopsided, with the affluent and the ultra-wealthy amassing rising proportions and everyone else benefiting modestly if at all.
The top 10 percent of the country holds 73 percent of its wealth, a share that has crept steadily up since 1986, according to the World Inequality Database. The most sweeping gains are concentrated among the top 1 percent; this group holds nearly 39 percent of the wealth. And they’re arguably poised to become even more prosperous because Trump’s tax cuts largely favored the wealthiest slice of individual taxpayers.
Trump’s fault. Because that’s the only possible explanation for “wealth inequality” which has been on a trend line for decades.
Kids just happen, man. How dare you judge.
This again. Is that like The Brady Bunch or something?
I think it is (also/more often) a single mother who was bred by different men.
Trump’s invented the Pareto distribution with his business acumen and art of the deal.
Life must be easy when every single problem in the universe has the same solution.
Toilet clogged? More government control of the economy.
Girlfriend dump you? More government control of the economy.
Arrow of time problem got you down? More government control of the economy.
Someone, somewhere is unhappy? More government control of the economy.
Arrow of time problem got you down?
Zeno’s paradox is only paradoxical due to insufficient government largess.
We had a speaker from PBS (from the back office; not on-air talent) introduced the other day as basically ‘PBS is inoffensive and no one doesn’t like it. It provides trustworthy wholesome content for kids, etc etc’. I was silently fuming about their ongoing theft from my wallet along with their indoctrination, not so much in the home which is on parents, but their presence in the classroom.
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles.
Though I will say the chorus of the Mexican national anthem is pretty kick-ass.
Mexicans, at the cry of war,
make ready the steel and the bridle,
and may the Earth tremble at its core
at the resounding roar of the cannon.
and may the Earth tremble at its core
at the resounding roar of the cannon!
Germany’s was just standard-issue “unity” stuff (Germany – not Prussia, not Bavaria, etc. – hence the “über alles”) until the Nazis put a different spin on it and now they don’t sing that verse any more.
It was born in the romanic era in the age of revolution and unification. Same thing with Italy. Verdi composed its anthem and it’s all about romantic nationalism.
More from the great minds at PBS:P
For all their good fortune as the favored recipients of job growth, there’s a major downside for recent college graduates. Obtaining a degree has increasingly coincided with ever-higher student debt loads. Since 2004, total student debt has climbed 540 percent to $1.4 trillion, according to the New York Federal Reserve. About 60 percent of college graduates from 2016 held debt, with an average of $28,400, according to the College Board. That figure doesn’t include any graduate school debt. The Urban Institute found that advanced degree students borrowed an average of $18,210 in 2015 — about triple what undergraduates borrowed that academic year.
It’s almost as if those putative “excess earnings” (and then some) presumed to accrue to college graduates have been captured by the higher education industrial complex.
No ,mention, either, of the credential creep behind the rise in jobs going to the “college educated”. Also, no doubt, Public Enemy Number One’s fault.
It’s the higher education bubble.
I had it figured out back in 1990 when the financial aid department calculated how much our family could pay toward tuition. I immediately realized that if the amount of aid increased, we’d still be expected to pay the same amount as a family, with the extra money going to increased prices somewhere.
Is that like The Brady Bunch or something?
I guess so. Or maybe it’s a polite way to say, “Four babies, four daddies.”
It’s going to result in a wormhole to a hell dimension and then cenobites are going gruesomely murder everyone on earth.
Another stunning revelation from the “elections have consequences” desk.
In the Trump administration, a popular $500 million transportation grant program is focused more on projects in rural areas that turned out for Donald Trump in the 2016 election. That means more road and rail projects in GOP strongholds such as Idaho, North Dakota, and Oklahoma, and fewer “greenways,” ”complete streets” and bike lanes.
It’s a refocusing from the priorities of the previous administration, which gave most of these TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grants to urban areas represented by President Barack Obama’s Democratic allies on Capitol Hill.
Wow. I’m flabbergasted.
What the fuck are “complete streets”?
I think it means sidewalks.
Dedicated bike lanes too, I would guess.
Jeezus. It’s worse than that.
I remember in my childhood I was taught to look both ways and wait for the cars to clear before crossing a street. Because the cars will turn me into a blood drenched pancake. Now it’s pedestrians have the right of way and cars need to stop for them. BS. They’ll still kill or seriously injure you.
I remember shortly after I first moved to New England commenting about all the signs about pedestrians having the right of way and pedestrians walking out without checking to make sure cars had stopped for them or the road was clear.
The native New Englanders I was talking with said about the signs, “It’s like that all over.” No, it’s not. When I moved to New England was the first time I saw them. I only saw those signs in Pennsylvania many years after I moved out of Pennsylvania. When I was kid, pedestrians, unless they had a “WALK” signal, were expected to wait for traffic to stop or clear before crossing. Even if you had a “WALK” signal, it was a good idea to check for the reasons you state about being turned into a blood drenched pancake.
About not checking that the road is clear, the native New Englanders said, “It’s the LAW!” I said, “No law can change the fact that people aren’t mind readers and even so, the driver might not have enough time to stop.” They laughed.
Well, there’s a time and place for that stuff. Consider Manhattan, where the majority of residents don’t drive but the streets are designed for maximum convenience of drivers over everyone else.
Here’s a thought. Let states and localities keep their money and spend it on shit they want.
Nah, too crazy.
I guess it’s better than the UN sent Angelina Jolie as a special envoy instead of a bunch of rapists.
That was refreshingly critical of the UN, for a change.
Two fired Manchester, NH cops accused of rape
Two Manchester police officers who were fired earlier this year are being accused of using their badges to coerce a woman facing criminal charges to have sex with them in exchange for getting the charges dropped, according to a newly filed claim the alleged victim made against the city.
The claim – received by top city and police department officials on June 1 – lays out new allegations against former undercover Detective Darren Murphy, whom Police Chief Nick Willard fired in February, and street-level Detective Aaron Brown, who was fired in April. For months, Willard and city officials have refused to discuss the reasons for the terminations, describing them only as misconduct.
But in the three-page letter, lawyer Olivier Sakellarios writes that Brown coerced his client, Amanda Rogers, to have sex with him in a car parked at the Elliot Hospital parking garage in 2009.
Brown forced Rogers and another woman to show him their breasts in order to secure bail and prevent him from notifying their probation officer, the claim letter states. Brown then started inundating Rogers with telephone calls, ultimately showing up at her house in full uniform and ordering her to meet him at Billy’s Sports Bar. There, the letter states, he bought her drinks and “using his authority, demanded that she have sex with him.”
Today’s AP story admits that Trump’s separation of children is just larger in quantity but not in kind than what was done under Obama. Trump is arresting more illegals with kids instead of freeing them for future court appearances, when most won’t show up. I guess it is the “quantity” that got the protesters attention. Would they be o.k. with the feds setting up camps – like the Japanese American concentration camps in WWII – where families would live until their status was adjudicated? I suspect the answer is “no” and that any illegals showing up with kids be housed at Fairmount resorts until they are swiftly processed and let into the U.S.
any illegals showing up with kids be
housed at Fairmount resorts until they are swiftly processed andlet into the U.S.FIFY.
Yes, this is what I touched on above. That is exactly what the establishment repubs are calling for, but they don’t call them camps, they call them facilities. The media and the Dems think everyone should just be let go.
Looks like Macron is trying to be some sort of De Gaulle.
First, he tries to challenge Trump with his G6 nonsense and then turns around and pisses off Italy – a member of that G6 he wants to create.
Never mind I doubt Japan is all that interested in upsetting Trump given the North Korea thing. And Canada, one would think, will come to its senses and realize France has little if anything to offer. That leaves France with the UK and Germany as a trio of PC idiocy. And even then, I’m reading there are rumblings in Germany. So that G3 will whiter to a G2.
Did I get that about right?
The CBC article is edited. He said Italy’s actions were ‘cynical and irresponsible.’
Yeh a country defending its borders is cynical.
He apologized but he’s an idiot. If France wants to take them, they can open their ports and let them in as Di Maio said.
These aren’t refugees; they’re economic migrants. Huge difference.
Strange, the article doesn’t mention France closed the border with Italy, contrary to Shengen agreement, because very few people landing in Italy want to stay there.
Several countries reintroduced border checks because of the migrants. Austria and Germany are two.
I think the agreement allows for temporary reintroductions of border checks in response to security problems.
Gah – I’d rather be stuck in Italy than France.
Hilariously, a lot of them don’t want to go to France either, but it’s on the way to UK.
Ah, that makes sense.
They don’t stay in Italy because Italy doesn’t give as much welfare payments as in the North – or else they’d stay.
If Britain ever really exits the EU, that will keep them out of the cool kids club, so G1.
re: France
as i said yesterday… the capacity for hypocrisy is boundless
And the second Trump would say so, France would ditch everyone and join him.
Don’t trust France under Macron. He’s an idiot. Look up him giving direct citizenship to a guy who saved a baby supposedly hanging from a railing off a building. It smells like it was staged but he took and ran with the ‘see? These refugees are a-otay!’
So when I see Canada talking as if France is a good ally I want to puke.
I was in Polk County last year. We took a train ride in the mountains in Etowa on our way to Chattanooga. Messed up.
From 2016. Have to scroll halfway down the article, past the attempted Trump association smear, to find out that this guy was running as an independent.
I didn’t notice the date. It showed up on the news site today.
I didn’t either. The part about candidate Trump started me wondering.
It shows up under ‘Trending’. I wonder if the DNC social media machine has a way to get old articles to “trend” or if the news site adds those themselves? Could be pushed down from ABC national as well. Useful tactic for run up to midterms.
Well deserved to Mexico. They’re putting a lot of pressure on Germany’s mid and defense.
That’s more eloquent than my first thought which was “Germany stinks”.
They’re doing okay on attack. My take away is this is the Germany I observed during qualification. Vulnerable.
Mexico is using its speed effectively. Germany’s d is struggling with that but they close the gaps fast enough.
Mexico is also doing well stretching the German defense.
Okay I’m watching some replay on PVR here. They’re being ripped apart. They have to find a way to get back into this one.
Maybe ‘stink’ is a good word.
“Underwear company makes vibrating knickers to try to get women interested in the World Cup
Mexican lingerie company Vicky Form has created a pair of knickers that vibrate every time a goal is scored, because obviously, women need clitoral stimulation to be able to enjoy sport, called the Siente el Juego.”
Goddammit, Lytton! Up until a few minutes ago, I was utterly, blissfully, unaware that such a thing as “smart growth America” even existed. Now i want to hunt down everyone involved and run over them with a steamroller.
Don’t click on the About Us|Staff link! They’re kids who need a big serving of STFU.
Truly we are a prosperous country for people to navel gaze like them instead of grubbing for food daily.
When I was kid, pedestrians, unless they had a “WALK” signal, were expected to wait for traffic to stop or clear before crossing. Even if you had a “WALK” signal, it was a good idea to check for the reasons you state about being turned into a blood drenched pancake.
Rational self-preservation is just patriarchal tricknology.
“What does Father’s Day tell us about toxic masculinity?
Rebecca Reid
Lifestyle reporter, feminist and sex writer”
These are sad people inside.
“This Father’s Day, men are experiencing a crisis of masculinity. The solution? More feminism.
Men experience violence and oppression because gender norms are not changing. In other words, feminism isn’t killing men — toxic masculinity is.”
New Feminine Man!
That’s odd, because every time I go to the shooting range, I see many father-son pairs who are having a great time together. Also, gun owners are disproportionately safe and law-abiding as a group. Most of the mass shooters were not “gun people” until they planned their massacres.
Actually, the decline of two-parent families and devaluation of fathers – brought about in large part by feminism – is what leads to a lot of dysfunctional life outcomes like gang membership.
Well, from a biological standpoint, they are. And whether they’ll admit it or not, women find these traits attractive in men. The overwhelming majority of women want a man who is able to handle a crisis in a calm, controlled way, not a man who will collapse into a hysterical, sobbing mess. This doesn’t mean men can’t ever express emotions; it just means that a man is supposed to control his emotions, not the other way around.
Also, gun owners are disproportionately safe and law-abiding as a group.
In my new life of being a crippled service droid in a public facility I get the great joy of working at “shows”. All kinds of shows from gun shows to lawn and garden…..etc. Also festivals and parties. It was glaring how the gun show crowd treated the facility compared to groups drawn to other events. I watched a little girl at the gun show spill her popcorn, crouch down and clean it all up and then take it to a trashcan. Other groups will throw shit on the floor four feet from a trash can. I was blown away by how well the kids at the gun show behaved compared to other events. That toxic masculinity of raising polite respectful kids sure is evil.
“British female motorcyclist stays in Bolivia for a year to see the machete gang who raped and left her for dead put behind bars for total of 42 years”
I’m impressed the Bolivian courts did that. They’d probably be coddled in the UK or Sweden!
“Woman on solo motorcycle tour of shithole is gang-raped.”
Seriously, people, think about the risks you are taking.
i think hot ass women should be able to solo-tour the world on motorcycles.
i also think they should have the right to carry a glock during said tour.
but seriously tho, she’s pretty fine.
Ouch. That could have been a penalty against Hummels. He’s struggling out there.
The Shit-charito dive? Fuck that. The ref seems to be doing his job today.
Yeh he embellished but there was contact. But right call I reckon.
Looking for a penalty is cheating in my book. I know that ship has sailed, though.
Men experience violence and oppression because gender norms are not changing. In other words, feminism isn’t killing men — toxic masculinity is.
That must be it.
It shows up under ‘Trending’. I wonder if the DNC social media machine has a way to get old articles to “trend” or if the news site adds those themselves?
You don’t suppose there could be some sort of twatterbot algorithm to autogenerate “trends” do you?
Moar diversity and inclusion please.
“The spotlight was thrown on moped crime following a spate of acid attacks and robberies last year, including one attempt to steal the phone of former Chancellor George Osborne.
The apparent impunity with which gangs stole mobile phones, wallets and watches from victims led to police vowing a crackdown on the crimes.”
People are gonna rebel.
This can’t end well.
The spotlight was thrown on moped crime following a spate of acid attacks and robberies last year, including one attempt to steal the phone of former Chancellor George Osborne.
And, if you decided to emulate John Steed, and hook the escaping mo-ped miscreant by his scrawny neck with your umbrella, whom would the Bobbies slap in irons?
Easy there Gomez!
Puke. Garbage defense. Absent offense.