Photographic proof that I was in Canada
There are two alignments in the skies this week. The first is quite auspicious: Earth-Mars-Venus-Luna. Mars+Venus = the lovers, the Earth places them domestically, and the moon is romance. So for those of you with a spouse, this should be a good week to rediscover how good home cooking can be.

Ottawa Public Art
The second alignment is Saturn (retrograde)-Earth-Mercury. New portents, a boost to creativity, hangovers reduced, and artistic successes. While this alignment also includes the Earth, it doesn’t have any major relationship to the first alignment.
What does have a relationship to the first alignment is the fact that half of it (Venus and Luna specifically) are in Leo. In that context, it just reinforces the domestic bliss aspect and indicates that the more dominant partner will have a particularly good time. By itself, it indicates that your cat will go into heat if you haven’t had it fixed. So get the vicious little hate machine fixed already.

Speaking of hate machines…
The sun remains in Gemini, increasing the likelihood of revelation and discovery. Speaking of discovery, Ottawa seems like it can be thoroughly explored in a day or three. In a way, it’s a lot like DC in that goods are of relatively high quality but more expensive than you’d expect. It is vastly smaller than DC, and much, MUCH whiter. Like, you know the joke about there being no black people in Canada? It’s actually true of Ottawa. On the other hand, it’s vastly superior to DC in the sense that it was built on top of a mountain next to a scenic river as opposed to the middle of a swamp. When you’re on Capitol Hill, you see– DC. When you’re on Parliament Hill, you see woods, a river, boats on said river, roses, it’s really very nice. And the buildings I think are prettier than Federal Neo-Classical, but de gustibus and all of that.

The Great Sept of Balor
It’s also pleasant to look over the river at Gatineau, and note that if the Quebecois get uppity, you can just lob some cannonballs down at them and they can’t really much but curse at you in an amusingly silly accent.
Jupiter (retrograde) in Scorpio. Same Stars, Different Day. Although, when it comes to misrule, there are some interesting examples in Ottawa. For example, we stayed in an AirB&B next to the Greek embassy. Posh neighborhood, right? …no. Behold:

If your embassy is located in a student rental unit, you’re not really trying very hard.
There was a Hyundai Elantra in the drive and a fat crumpy tomcat walked by and sprayed it.
In DC, the various countries at least made an effort with their consular offices. Here, you could tell that nobody really cared about being there, but some countries were interested in showing off. The DC-typical Embassy Row is visible from the river, and clustered next to the PM’s official residence/eyebrow storage facility were France, the UK, Indonesia, Some wealthy petrostate which I forget, and then The US, with the biggest, classiest, most abassadorrific embassy in the whole capital. The Foggy Bottom crowd would give their very best pair of striped pants to be in that embassy, I’ll tell you.
Mercury is in Cancer. Mercury is the planet of news/tidings/announcements, and Cancer is the sign of secrets, so this could be a problematic week for you if you have something to hide. Also, call your mother.

Ottawa built a memorial to the Stanley Cup. I don’t know when exactly. I assume they’ve resigned themselves to the fact that the real thing will never be here again.
Mars is still in Aquarius. Mars of course, is the planet of war, and I can’t quite figure out the Canadian military. When I was in Quebec City, I saw soldiers at the Citadel, and they were in British ceremonial dress: scarlet tunic, bearskin hat, the whole 8.23 meters. The fact that they were wearing that uniform while shouting orders in French hurt my brain, but here at their War Memorial/Tomb of the Unknown Soldier combo they are wearing something similar to a US army uniform, not at all similar to a UK service kit:

Note that the only tourist brave enough to approach the guard is an American
Yeah, June in Canada is pretty fucking gorgeous.
Saturn retrograde in Capricorn. In my despair to come up with anything novel to glean from this never-ending astrological feature, it occurs that this might be one of the most self-referential situations ever. You’ve got Capricorn, the stubborn, change-resistant sign, and into that you’ve got Saturn (Chronus, Father Time, the Grim Reaper) the sign of endings flipped so that it’s negated — it will never end. Of course, this is also true because retrograde motion inhibits/reverses the progress of a planet through a sign, keeping it there longer. Couple that with the fact that Saturn is an outer planet with long orbital lengths, and we wind up with what we’ve got today.
TL;DR on Ottawa: all the cost of Montreal, half the charm. Still a hell of a lot better than Ennis, TX.
Ketchup chips are a scourge on the planet and combined with, Mars is still in Aquarius. Mars of course, is the planet of war,…. means we should invade Canada and murder everyone involved with the introduction of the Ketchup chip, as well as confiscate all of the All Dressed chips which is how a chip should taste.
I didn’t try them. We were at an AirBnB, which would ordinarily mean that the chips were there gratis, but considering exactly how fucked up everything else about the check-in was, I was afraid of a minibar type charge showing up.
The smell of them makes my stomach turn, especially when hungover, and some of the guys I used to work with new this so never missed an opportunity to open several bags in an enclosed vehicle just to be assholes. Yes, they were Canadians.
Me and my boys are invading Ontario next week with fishing rods and billfolds at the ready.We may possibly win the battle of the fishing rods but guaranteed we’ll lose the Billfold Battle. A week north of Red Lake, only cabin on the lake.
Mother in law over making her killer potato salad. Good stuff.
Are you the Target of this Killer Salad, watch your back!
I’m pretty happy about this potato salad.
I was skimming through these comments a very quick and disjointed fashion, and I read that as “killed mother-in-law over potato salad“.
Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.
Bullet with Butterfly Wingtips.
Wife is making bacon and eggs, with leftover ribeye parts. Covered in leftover mushroom cream sauce. Gonna’ head out to the in-laws for some socializing.
I didn’t run today.
Happy Dad’s Day to Glibdaddys.
Oh! She’s making cauliflower latkes too. Best day ever. I’m gonna go pour me a wine for breakfast.
Driving across North Dakota, the scenery of which makes Nebraska look interesting.
The best part of my trip was the drive from Warrensburg to Long Lake. Two-lane forest roads through the Adirondacks with the occasional shining mountain lake. The STI loved it. Though with the weather as gorgeous as it was, I was pining a bit for the Z3.
Sadly, we’re in a rented Chrysler, so even that part is boring.
Having the dog offsets the ability to take the rental car airborne.
The Adirondacks are lovely. When I was a kid we went camping at Moffitt Beach several summers.
I think I camped at Moffitt Beach. Back in 1981. We had a VW camper. Nice trip.
We had a 1978 Ford Econoline van that Dad fitted so that the the back seats could be turned into a bed for Mom and Dad to sleep on while us kids got tents. You could also turn the front bench seat around and put a table in for when it rained.
Dad finally finished converting his slides into JPGs last year. I’ll have to see if there are any slides of the van. It would make OMWC jealous.
When I drove out to Portland from Florida 5 years ago, I did one day where I went north through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and then across Nebraska, finally ending up in N. Platte for the night because I simply couldn’t take it any more. For a 10 day trip that was the only day I didn’t enjoy. God is that part of the country depressing.
Trump’s fault.
Texas was actually neat. It was just the OK – KA – NE part that sucked donkey nuts. It was nothing but endless miles of endless miles.
The “Great” Plains
If I were a farmer looking for unspoiled land to exploit, I can see the appeal.
On the other hand, Wyoming, the Dakotas and Montana were excellent. But I was in a brandy new BMW 335 coupe blasting down the freeway where the speed limit is mostly just a suggestion and a mild one at that. Nothing quite like passing a cop at 115 miles an hour going the other way and having him simply raise a couple of fingers in greeting.
ND is best experienced in January when you can fully appreciate all ND has to offer, which is frost bite and a slow death due to hypothermia the ending of which is said to be euphoric.
Happy Father’s Day to those with spawn. Wifey and the kids gave me the best present of all, they went out the in-law’s in Lawnguy Land giving me the day to steam clean the carpet, watch Commonwealth television (wifey hates foreign media because of the accents), and drink Wild Turkey 101/fresh cherry juice/ginger beer until I have to go to work. Also, gonna dry rub some piggy ribs for the sous vide tomorrow, any rub suggestions would be appreciated. And I have 3 pounds of cherries to pit (on sale at CostCo) to make some Luxardo Cherries (the article penned by Negroni Please got me hooked). OMWC, was it you who mentioned Lum & Abner some time ago? If it was, thanks a million. I’ve been groovin’ on them and Bob & Ray for a week now.
Wonder what the hourly rate is?
Got that Plebe? You want to legally drive a car? Well then, you are now a suspect in any crime ever committed so get used to it.
The more I think about that the more that statement pisses me off. What happened to the Government being instituted to protect our rights one of which is a right to privacy blah blah search and seizure, and now a states attorney saying we have no privacy if we interact with said Government. What a world class douche bag Mr Micheal is.
On the other hand, it’s vastly superior to DC in the sense that it was built on top of a mountain next to a scenic river as opposed to the middle of a swamp.
Ottawa’s existence also predates it being Canada’s capital. It was a logging town before it became Canada’s capital. DC didn’t exist before it became the US capital.
It served a productive function before it became a government town? Yet another point in its favor.
Ketchup and fries are delightful, but for some reason ketchup chips sounds awful.
They are an abomination and awful does not describe them. Swamp Ass Chips would be better.
Speaking of which
the whole 8.23 meters.
Driving across North Dakota, the scenery of which makes Nebraska look interesting.
Oddly enough, one of the flattest, straightest, most boringest roads I ever drove on was in central Illinois. Following my pilgrimage to Hannibal, Missouri; I was headed east.
Try Alligator Alley.
That’s setting the bar damn low.
Try Alligator Alley.
Been there. No interest in going back.
Also, If you want a straight road with crappy scenery, try US 50 across Nevada.
And yet, the guy in Vanishing Point couldn’t be bothered to take that road.
The best part of my trip was the drive from Warrensburg to Long Lake.
I think that’s the road I used to take from Lake George to Gore Mountain to go skiing, when I was in high school. It was a fun drive.
Well weeee love ketchup chips. Phrmpf.
Doritos makes an extreme ketchup.
I plan on eating some, I just never have gotten around to it somehow.
+1 Zesty Mordant and Dressed All Over
Welcome to Ottawa, NA. How long are you in town for? Need any food and drink recommendations?
Is that thing in the right of the second picture Zardoz from the back?