Since I can’t get any Cryptid support this weekend, and I am not trying call ZARDOZ on his CB any more today, you get my links again. I guess the folks in the home office won’t be very happy when they have to come to work on Monday morning. Too tired from celebrating the ultimate neutral result.

A draw. How…exciting.
I feel for them. I got food poisoning Saturday evening… but managed to go see my Dad today, have a couple of Swedish pancakes and drive home…whee.
Sheesh, OK Conan. Here are your links:
- You know what other extremist group threatened to bring down a Czech government?
- Uh oh, this woman is in serious jeopardy!
- World Cup moment of the event so far?
- I must say I am surprised that groups of armed Arabs are not carefully safeguarding Jewish relics. And, no, I don’t mean OMWC!
I am going to go see if any of those darn AWOL cryptids are answering their email yet. Bis spöter!
Oh, heavens, no!
I have a feeling most Czechs will be happy to hear that.
Never fails. I post something pithy in the prior thread, only to see it has been superseded by THIS thread.
Where’s my Father’s Day Cake ?
And I meant to link to THIS.
Happy Father’s Day.
Yep. Glibbers just missed out on a lovely cocktail recipe.
Ahem, *we* saw it. And it just so happens we have all the ingredients on hand and will be back home tomorrow.
2000 Faurie is quite nice. Maybe just a touch past it’s prime.
We finished ours, but have 98, 99, and 01. Damn that shit’s good.
It is a lovely cocktail. I plan to try it next weekend.
Let me know what you think!
I only have Jack Daniels, so if I don’t like it, I will blame that. (Also different bitters.)
You posted something pithy? This is pithy.
SUP TRES! Happy F Day!
Well…Jewish relics or otherwise…it’s not like any relics typically survive very long in some regions….
I found myself rooting hard for Mexico today over Germany.
I’m going to be deported, aren’t I.
Nah, just strongly condemned.
Fuck Mexico and every single one of their fans for their use of the “puto” chant.
If FIFA went after anti-gay bigotry the way they claim to go after racism, Mexico would have been docked points on multiple occasions already.
It’s OK if it’s in Spanish.
+1 Negrito.
Yeah, the media is afraid to point out bigotry from people who would be minorities in the US.
See also: Tony Dungy.
Bullshit. “Puto” is not anti gay bigotry.
Beats the ultimate phoning-it-in their neighbors to the north provided.
They took their cue from the US team. The T&T game was disgraceful.
I’m still trying to process that.
Anyway, the media are so far up Mexico’s ass it’s hard to find an objective article about today’s shitshow,
I watched the first half. I probably put more effort into watching it than the Germans did in playing it.
Don’t think this was posted earlier, but KDW has another awesome post at NRO today:
Extremely succinct, straightforward and common sense. No wonder it’d never be discussed at TOS.
I didn’t know NR took him back.
I think he’s just alternating articles between NRO and Weekly Standard. Not sure he’s technically on staff.
Ah. Anyway, good article. It is refreshingly direct coming from him.
KDW is an asshole, but he’s right more often than not. His article on the state of the union address is still in my favorites bar.
Why is he an asshole?
He’s an ivory tower establishment type who does nothing to hide his contempt for his supposed opponents. I like his honesty, and his willingness to speak his mind without just mindlessly playing to his base is refreshing. But he’s still an asshole.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I just probably wouldn’t drink a beer with the guy.
He’s fairly right in his diagnosis, but much less in his prescription. Inviting the nose of the government camel under the tent of private contracting will never end well.
Yeah, the airline experience can often suck, but the simple fact is that consumers have voted with their wallets time after time after time and that is the result.
Good article
Also there is always a positive correlation between how much a particular industry sucks and how regulated they are.
“A seven-time “Jeopardy!” winner who taught history at a small Michigan college faces up to five years in prison for sneaking into the email accounts of other professors, administrators and students.”
Well, at least she didn’t lose.
This makes no sense to me. Does the European Parliament have secret ballots? Should be easy to look up a vote…
Well, it’s the EU so transparency isn’t their strength.
The main missing cache, they say, contained torahs written on gazelle leather
That does not sound vegetarian.
It’s not vegetarian, but I’m pretty sure it is kosher.
It is indeed. Cloven hooves, chews cud. Presumably slaughtered according to kosher regulations. But still, you can’t find papyrus? Fuckin’ Hebes.
Gisele leather. Hawt.
If the Torah was written on that I’d attend synagogue every week.
Sexually provocative ladies dying to call you Daddy on Father’s Day.
I was pretty meh till #48
She is one hell of a mammal.
I rather enjoyed the composition of #41.
Does that come with the service or do I have to pay extra?
Woke up in the middle of last night to my wife telling me she’s going to lose the baby as she runs to the bathroom. We’ve had two or three early stage miscarriages over the past year. Turned out to be a vicious case of food poisoning so the baby is still healthy, though I imagine it’s been extremely unpleasant in there of late.
I guess it’s fitting on Father’s Day to announce a future libertarian coming into the world and joining our ranks early next year. #3 for SSD and co.
If it’s a boy, I’ll bring the Exact-o.
Thanks, that’ll save me some money
No, it won’t. I will, however, extend you the Glibs discount.
Buy one foreskin get one foreskin 100% off?
The big expense is the tip.
*narrow steely reptile gaze*
You’ll take a little off the top?
So would leaving it on…
Congrats, hope the wife feels better and everything goes smoothly from here on out.
You’ll be in my prayers.
Hell yeah. Congratulations and good luck!
Congratulations! Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy is uneventful
Thanks guys for the well wishes. I’m really looking forward to it.
Best wishes.
I hope they get well soon.
Name that one “The Charm”. Congrats.
Nah, Ted is a better name for the kid.
You make women want to puke, too?
I’m sorry I make you puke.
No; I’m not really sorry.
Glad the baby is ok. Mrs. Lachowsky is about 22 weeks in right now and has been feeling crummy the past few days. Nothing serious, just normal pregnancy stuff.
Hope you and yours are all well.
Glad to hear that Lach!
Thanks, and I’m glad to hear Mrs Lach is doing well and holding strong besides the normal stuff. Try fixing her a tuna fish and applesauce sandwich and see if that helps. That’s been my wife’s really strange pregnancy craving for our other kids.
Uffda! That is fantastic. Best wishes and if OMWC is too greedy, I have an ice chisel and reasonable rates.
Best wishes.
Thanks everyone!
Is that more of that weird Schwyzzertüttsch?
I think it comes from spöttisch. He’s asking us to mock him more.
Is there any other kind?
Strangely, the US govt doesn’t really feel the same way. Well, about *itself*, sure; but reading little-people’s email seems to be A-OK for most
Regulation, like government spending, too often is framed as a pro-or-con issue. The question of whether the federal government should spend any given dollar isn’t something that can be answered in the abstract: It matters what the dollar is being spent on.
That’s just nuts.
*clears throat*
I know I’ve been working too much when the first thing that came to mind as I looked at your Brazil-Switzerland scoreboard is the Hotelling model.
Not directly related, but the IOC is kind of like FIFA, right?
“A government so corrupt, the gold medals are made of chocolate, and the chocolate medals are made of street crime”
Saw a turkey today with just one chick. Wonder what happened to the rest of the chicks.
Probably. Supposedly there have been some coy-dogs seen. But we also have an abundance of rabbits, which we didn’t have even three or four years ago.
Vorpal bunnies.
My Fire TV Stick just arrived. Dropping Comcast TV sometime this week, as soon as I get this thing fired up with Sling and get my wife’s Brazil channels going.
I love my roku. No regrets. I still have an antenna.
Don’t have the bandwidth to drop cable.
I can stream 4K with no problem.
What I meant is I don’t have the bandwidth or data allowance to do it.
I hope you got a jail broken one with Kodi on it.
I have a fire TV stick. No complaints except that their pissing match with Google led to the YouTube app being end of lifed.
If you want local TV, I recommend looking at tablo. It’s a DVR solution for antenna TV.
I don’t care about local TV or any TV. Don”t watch it. As long as wifey is happy, it’s all good.l
Brazilian channels?
That ref has the best job.
You don’t have any idea, unless you watch it. The women on the novelas my wife watches are the most beautiful women ever, seriously.
The curse of modernity
To argue that parents’ use of screens is an underappreciated problem isn’t to discount the direct risks screens pose to children: Substantial evidence suggests that many types of screen time (especially those involving fast-paced or violent imagery) are damaging to young brains. Today’s preschoolers spend more than four hours a day facing a screen. And, since 1970, the average age of onset of “regular” screen use has gone from 4 years to just four months.
Yet for all the talk about children’s screen time, surprisingly little attention is paid to screen use by parents themselves, who now suffer from what the technology expert Linda Stone more than 20 years ago called “continuous partial attention.” This condition is harming not just us, as Stone has argued; it is harming our children. The new parental-interaction style can interrupt an ancient emotional cueing system, whose hallmark is responsive communication, the basis of most human learning. We’re in uncharted territory.
Life sucks. Between phones and the straitjacket of oppressive gender roles, the world is a living Hell for those poor folks at the Atlantic. I dread to contemplate what other heinous burdens they bear. Life would be so much better if we could turn back the clock.
Guess we should get rid of PBS
“screens are bad because.. Reasons”
I’m all for limited screen time for children, but they live in a world of screens. They also take interest in whatever their parents take interest in. Thus why baby trshmnstr is obsessed with my wife’s phone but doesn’t really care about mine unless there’s a phone call or video playing.
New ‘Cuda.
hm. is it just a new, hyped-up challenger, or is it really a different car? i can’t tell.
the challenger still looks better, and more closely retains aspects of the OG cars, imo. the cuda’s side windows seem bizarrely small, but that could be the renderings/photo angle
I have mixed feels overall re: the modernized muscle-car thing
overall, i think the mustang still looks the best vs. challenger, camaro
esp the GT (the spoiler, + tail improve the profile imo)
Yeah, I’ve always been more a Camaro fan, but that Mustang GT is pretty badass.
It looks out of balance. The sides are too high. Thanks Uncle Sugar for your new side impact regulations!
It’s just a prototype rendering.
Fun fact- the current Challenger (and Im not a fan of FCA) seems well designed for safety. I was in this a year ago:
Good luck seeing out of that thing.
soon they will just have little slits, like WWI tanks
Climate change is melting our muscle cars.
But is it causing the beltline to rise?
I think all the modern American muscle cars look like shit. They dragged out the sheet metal designs from the last 60s and then exaggeratd what made them cool in the originals only to make them look like crap now.
I agree.
Brands are also losing their identities. Almost every car looks like the same electric razor on wheels.
I saw a commercial for the Jaguar E-Pace, and my reaction was “how the fuck is that a Jaguar?” There was nothing even vaguely British or sporting about it.
The F-types are pretty sweet tho
yes, jag basically copied aston’s design-mold, but its a pretty basic shape.
i think the Merc AMG GT is the prettiest car currently made. yes, similar to the Jag/aston design, but its actually closer to the old jag e-type and OG 300SL design shape than anything since the 1960s.
What annoys me about the newer Mercedes SL is that SL meant “super light”. Then they built a bunch of SL’s that weighed a ton, that still sucked even driving in a straight line because they were so heavy the tires couldn’t overcome the weight.
Heh that thing looks like an engine with a cabin tacked on as an afterthought.
you say that like its a bad thing
Maybe a sharper profile, and an ass-shot will give a better impression of the cars lines.
its pretty elegant compared to similar “long hood, cabin resting over rear-axle” look which has been done before in things like the Viper, Merc/Mclaren, or the Jag XK series. i like it particularly from the rear, which is v.different than previous merc designs (more like a perky-porshe), really makes the whole car look more distinctive
Yeah I’m not even into cars but that looks sweet af.
That is hilariously fake.
It’s like the Ford Gran Torino render that rears it’s godawful head every year that I see passed around.
Some guy with MS Paint draws a “render” because it’d be cool to see how it might look with new design language. and some two-bit car site picks it up and runs with it.
I got food poisoning Saturday evening
S E Cupp infiltrates the NYT opinion page
As a college-educated twentysomething woman with cool glasses and an affinity for modern art and Ryan Adams, I had the constant experience of strangers assuming I was a liberal. I grew accustomed to the shock and horror that passed over their faces when I revealed that, yes, I am a Republican.
Some liberals would explain, usually politely, that I didn’t realize it but I must secretly hate myself and other women. Others presumed it must be a God thing. (I am an atheist.)
And nearly every employer has looked at me and asked how I could possibly be a Republican. Loosely translated: “I like you and you are too smart to believe the things you say you do.”
In early May, Michelle Obama delivered a speech at the United State of Women Summit in Los Angeles in which she expressed a common belief among Democrats: They are entitled to the women’s vote. “In light of this last election, I’m concerned about us as women and how we think,” she said. “What is going on in our heads where we let that happen?”
Mrs. Obama continued: “If we as women are still suspicious of one another, if we still have this crazy, crazy bar for each other that we don’t have for men, if we’re not comfortable with the notion that a woman could be our president compared to … what, then we have to have that conversation with ourselves as women.”
Think about what it really means to suggest having a “conversation with ourselves as women” when the conversation you are having is about how many women didn’t vote the way you think they should have. When you’ve decided that some women didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because they were “not comfortable with the notion that a woman could be our president” — instead of not being comfortable with this particular candidate.
Come, now, Ms Cupp, you need to listen to the Sisterhood. They know what’s best for you.
Michelle Obama’s implication that women shouldn’t be allowed to think for themselves is profoundly wicked.
Well, sure. If they were left to think for themselves, they might think wrong.
Thst’s just the way things are on Kashyyyk.
The comments, as far as I got through them, were as bad as I thought they would be.
George H. W. Bush won women against Michael Dukakis in 1988.
“Look, Mommy! I can drive a tank.”
I’d like to infiltrate SE Cupp.
Report back and let us know what you find.
New ‘Cuda.
Looks like a choptop Mustang with some sort of bubble flares at the rear. Nay.
Having now looked at the pics of the actual Barracuda… it’s ugly.
The green one looks like it came from Finding Nemo
soon they will just have little slits, like WWI tanks
Viewscreens, or VR headgear.
Tesla auto
crashdriveThe green one looks like it came from Finding Nemo
Derived, no doubt, from the AAR Cuda (based on Dan Gurney’s All American Racers Trans Am team cars).
Nice but i prefer driving topless
Woo Pig Soooie!!!!
Hogs use an 8 run bottom of the 6th to blow out the Longhorns. Pigs are now 3-0 against the horns this season and one step closer to a national championship. It was that mich sweeter because it was Texas, and nobody likes Texas.
Never go full Godwin. I can’t confirm that Stanhope said exactly that, but he has said somewhat similar things.
This from the people who supported killing the Branch Davidian kids.
Good day today, the brother in law decided that for Father’s Day, he wanted to grill steaks. So my sister bought about a dozen T-bones, and invited the family over. I made up an orzo, spinach, bacon salad with a bacon vinaigrette, and a batch of chimichurri sauce for the steaks. I brought that along with a growler of beer, a bottle of homemade wine, and a six pack of Otra Vez. The only bad thing was the 90+ degree weather and high humidity. I did get a chance to hike the trail in the forest behind their house, which was nice.
Father’s day smoke and grill fest is done. Chuck roast did 5.5 hours between 250 and 325, and is slightly underdone. It’ll go into the broth and vegetables for an hour or two whichever night we eat it.
Had to do my best to not shove the chicken thighs in my mouth. They did 4 hours in the smoke, and look/smell delicious. I’m looking forward to lunch this week.
The porkchops did 1.5 hours in the mid-zone of the grill, and I have no clue what to think yet. They got up to temp and look good, but they lost a bunch of fluid.
Strip steak spent 45 minutes on the grill, 35 indirect then a 10 minute reverse sear. I couldn’t get the temp up fast enough on the hot side of the grill to get a nice crust on the steak, but it was an otherwise flawless medium rare. A tiny bit of the porkchop rub got on the steak and wasn’t that bad.
What is a reverse sear? 45 minutes sounds like an eternity to cook a NY strip. I usually do around 2 and half minutes a side on high heat, with a quarter turn after the first minute and a half on each side.
Reverse sear is where you do a cook on low heat first to get almost all the way to the right internal temp without overdoing the exterior and then sear at the end on very high heat to get a crust without substantially cooking the interior. Since I had the grill configured for smoking, the sear took longer than it should. I couldn’t get the grill up to temp in time
I see.
Truly, The More You Know….
Here’s an article that includes a bit on the reverse sear (aka Redneck Soo Veed).
I never tried the sous vide thing because it never seemed necessary.
Most cooking skills aren’t necessary, but produce good results. I still haven’t tried sous vide, but I’m more tempted to after reading an article that talks about how to use home brewing equipment to make a sous vide setup.
Sous vide is all about precision. You know that the food is in a happy place at a certain temp, so let’s get it to exactly that temp. Personally, i haven’t taken the sous vide jump because the additional effort required to monitor internal Temps of my food is minimal.
I’ve cooked plenty of turkeys and whole pigs perfectly without using a thermometer.
I wish I had the intuition to cook and grill without temping the food. My final product went from meh to consistently good after buying a meat thermometer.
Same. I guess the idea is you use the thermometer until you get a better sense of timing and can go without.
PS. It has worked for me – tonight I threw some chicken pieces into a boiling pasta disk for about 5 minutes and it came out perfectly. In the past I would have always overcooked it.
Much of it is feel. You can smack things like steak with your fingertips to see if they are rare or medium. With meat on the bone, you can grab a leg and see how it moves.
Bug Bombed the House, I guess the Grand daughter had a good Birthday party, My Tablet Blew up, but I recovered it, and now it’s Cobra and Fajitas,
/Tall Cans in the Air!
Switzerland played excellent in the 2nd half. If Shaqiri had 25% more refined skill to match his pace, they could have maybe stolen it.
I don’t know who is worse: Neymar or Ronaldo.
Actually, we can add Lebron James in there.
Drama Queen Olympics.
He’s been riding that “I’m skinny and everyone wants to knock me down” thing his entire career. The funny thing is I’ve seen him play more matches for Santos before his head got permanently stuck up his ass than for his later teams that I don’t care to watch.
+1 – Neymar, plus he doesn’t deliver.
In other news, a kid in Indonesia posted a comic how he was sad that LGBT is celebrated in the West during June, but he is stuck living under a an oppressive Islamic regime. So a bunch of SJW’s doxxed him for being “Islamophobic”. Which nearly got him killed. He’s in the hospital now.
Is that true?
Wow. Evil little pricks these pampered Western jerk offs are, eh?
Got a link?
No kidding. Not that I don’t trust the potato, but that’s crazy.
It would be nice to have the link to post elsewhere if I wanted, too.
Here are a couple:
There seems to be conflicting reports whether he was attacked or hurt himself.
Although from what I can tell, he got turned over to authorities, then tried to kill himself over fear what might happen to him. But that might not be entirely correct or the whole story.
However, in regards to the doxxing, the perpetrators were so audacious they posted a livestream of it.
“It appears that someone has my IRL address and they already sent it to my country’s authorities. I guess I won’t gonna make it after all… I’m sorry… But it appears that this will be the end of me…”
Also at the NYT… “Things really changed for me in March, when management decided that my cartoons about the president were “too angry” and said I was “obsessed with Trump.” This about a president who has declared the free press one of the greatest threats to our country.”
This man clearly needs to read The Hat and The Hair, just so he can have some real perspective on his own work.
And dude, the bit about the President hating the press – that isn’t exactly something new. Goes all the way back to Jefferson (at least while he was in office).
Um… did he read it? Maybe he was fired for being an idiot.
I blame Trump for making irrational about Trump.
‘Neymar and Brazil couldn’t capitalize on their opportunities against Switzerland in Sunday’s 1-1 draw in the 2018 FIFA World Cup, but they did find their way into the record books with some help from the Swiss.
That’s because Neymar, the 26-year-old superstar, was fouled a whopping 10 times in Sunday’s match. The double-digit total, according to ESPN, marked the most fouls on one player in the World Cup since 1998, when Tunisia fouled Alan Shearer 11 times. And while the barrage of fouls certainly fit in with the sloppy nature of Sunday’s draw, it also made Brazilian soccer history, as no player representing the country has sustained more fouls since 1966.”
At first I thought I was watching a tatt-sleeve and frosted hair competition.
Neymar got marked and rocked, but I think he got some generous whistles.
On VAR. Interesting comment:
“About significance of a situation…
A situation is significant enough for a mandatory intervention by VAR if the wrong decision directly caused a change in the result, a PK or a RC.
The intervention is only wanted, if it is no grey field, but a black or white situation and minimum 85 % of other refs would have taken the “better/right” decision. If both decisions can be backed by arguments, then a “70%decision” is NOT enough for intervention. That is Italian.
In Germany they still tell the ref, hey, we think you were likely wrong, but rewatch please and then make your decision.
That’s why we have more interventions in Germany. But the try to gett to nearly perfect decisions leads to a loss of playflow and causes uncertainty of emotions in field and audience. The Italian way brings a bit less justice – but saves the principle character of football, the emotions of the game.”
Sounds like VAR is not being applied consistently. There are two competing visions in ONE tournament.
Yeh, this is gonna get interesting.
I don’t get why VAR takes so long. There is way more scoring for example in AFL and the occasional video review takes like 30 seconds tops. Not like 3 or 4 minutes I’ve seen in soccer a few times.
Ironing out the wrinkles?
Who’s out there claiming they actually kinda like it?
As opposed to what, throwing children in adult prison?
Yes, well that would be the logical outcome. Except that those decrying the “separation” are either knee jerk antiTrumpers or think CBP should tear down all walls, fences, ports of entry, and go home.
Seriously, that’s it.
Well, because the way its being phrased in the media it’s made to sound as if ICE is swooping down on families of migrants, kidnapping their children, and then booting the parents back across the border. It’s obviously not. As Trump even pointed out himself, when an American citizen is arrested, charged with a crime, and held pending a hearing, their children don’t come with them. They go with a relative, or if no relative is available they become a ward of the state until the parent is released (assuming they haven’t lost custody). And it’s the end result of charging them with the actual crime of “illegal entry”, rather than letting the parents slide through Immigration Court, told not to do it again, and then dropping them off at the border. The other option is that they go to jail with the parents, which would be contrary to US policy, because it’s not considered a good idea to stick ten year old kids in jail with strange adults who may be there for God know’s what. That isn’t how things work south of the border, granted, but that’s how we do things in El Norte.
Nice to see the Boys out and Rambling, or Gamboling, See ya Tomorrow,
Burnt out weekend………………