Back in the day it was determined that certain things brought people together. When enough people in a small group unite for common cause, one might just call them a team. Under most circumstances, teams are a good thing, but what is it they are uniting under?
A pin-up girl.
This is my review of Auburn Alehouse Pu240 Imperial IPA.
In 1944 the US Army Air Corps aircrew under Regulation 35-22, were allowed to decorate their aircraft with nose art, so long as they were done so with a “sense of decency.” This was done in contrast with the US Navy/Marines, who did not allow nose art at the time. The Air Corps allowed it because such images raised morale.
Nose art does not necessarily mean only pin-up girls. This is really a continuation of a tradition some believe date to the Greeks painting eyes on their Triemes. The German Luftwaffe was believed to be the first to paint the iconic shark mouth on Bf. 110. This lead to the Royal Air Force copying them, and finally the First American Volunteer Group—better known as the Flying Tigers. The US. Air Force to this day pays homage to these aviators with the A-10. Another example is aircrews using cartoon characters such as Donald Duck, to decorate their planes.
That said, we just remember the pin-up girls. Aircrews in the Pacific Theater took advantage of their lower public profile and often had art that pushed the bounds of the decency rule, such as Butterfly Baby but the most famous planes in that part of the world had no girls at all. This in contrast with planes such as Memphis Belle from the Mighty 8th AF in England were a bit more understated. So…here you go.

[Insert Tail Gunner Joke Here]

Thankfully, Auburn makes an IPA that lives up to their artwork. If you are a fan of this style, or you are the type that like to drink exactly one beer over the course of hours, this one is a good call. Good body, pungent hop aroma and a healthy abv. Auburn Alehouse Pu240 Imperial IPA: 3.8/5.
I have a sense of decency, which is why I don’t like beer. :-p
What is even wrong with you? It’s unpossible to not like beer! Just have a glass of bourbon between each beer, it will make beer great again.
I’ve said it a bunch of times, but I don’t like carbonated beverages.
Try opening one, and coming back to it several days later, when the gas has bubbled out. hth
Can’t stand the smell of stale beer.
Shake it up to remove the carbonation, then drink it, same day beer isn’t stale.
Try real ale. Very little carbonation. Smooth and, depending upon the beer, typically much tastier than the non-real ale version.
Liquid Bread from Heaven, What is wrong with you Ted?
My wife doesn’t drink beer either. Which is fine with me. BTW, thanks to whomever for the recommendation on Sierra Nevada Nooner pilsner. I’m knocking one down right now after a few hours of yardwork.
Speaking of alcohol, and for those that don’t like beer but do like rye, I tried a bottle of Dad’s Hat, apparently a PA craft whiskey. Who knew such a thing existed in this state, er, commonwealth. Anywho, tasty stuff and made a most excellent manhattan (last night). Happy drinking!
BTW, thanks to whomever for the recommendation on Sierra Nevada Nooner pilsner. I’m knocking one down right now after a few hours of yardwork.
Ahem… It was me…
Thank you good sir. I knew it was someone of discerning taste (i.e. not SugarFree or Ted).
I find this article offensive. It reeks of the patriarchy and rape culture!
Since it’s the first ever, I really should make an effort to go to Pinups and Pints. I expect to be underwhelmed.
A bunch of rapey men drinking beer and victimizing women with ta male gaze. Horrible!
Alternatively, stouts and stilettos, and I’ve met a couple of the writers from there – fine women indeed.
She’s going to continue to seek the ruination of Europe to the bitter end.
Frau Merkel
Hm, that would probably be good news for the UK, if they ever Brexit, though with May as PM they’re probably fucked anyway.
Was this wording intentional? Makes him sound halfway between Martin Luther and Hitler.
There is a strain in Germany that really hates Bavaria. (Seehofer is Bavarian and head of the CSU, the Bavarian equivalent of the CDU.)
OH, and right now the CSU is in danger of losing its absolute majority in the Bavarian parliament at elections to be held in October. There’s a three-way race for second between AfD, the traditional left Social Democrats, and the extremist Greens.
The feeling is mutual.
/resident of Bavaria for a spell
Huh. I imagine the CSU would then coalition with the SPD, right? I doubt they would touch the Greens and nobody will touch AfD even in Bavaria.
I’d guess CSU/FDP if the FDP clear the 5% hurdle.
There’s also the “Freie Wähler”, who consider themselves more or less independent and have policy views all over the map.
Oh, them. “We’re not dead yet!”
Of course the FDP are ineffective. They’re as close to libertarian as you’re gonna get in Europe.
I’m always amused by the British press’ bizarre use of capitalization. From the sidebar:
I can see emphasizing the word terrible, but regime?
WHOA….some of those younger pics of her are rather, umm…..”unflattering”. To be fair, I wouldnt agree to Express’s cookie policy, so I had to view them through a grey filter.
Which may have been to my benefit.
Someone needs to dub in “Frau Merkel” to the Young Frankenstein horse scenes.
Nice Pictures Messy, I have an R/C B-25 I renamed Money Pit, Cash Nose art
A guy I used to work with was into that. He would strap a GoPro into the cockpit of an RC P-51 and try to pilot it from the GoPro.
FPV systems maybe, but I’m not going to try 3D with a Go Pro, that would get expensive Quick, I fly these
Addiction and Addiction X, note the price is Airframe only, So I treat them like Gold
Nice. He bult a scale model mustang. I imagine he was just screwing around and trying to fly visually.
I will admit to buying beer just because I thought the girl on the can had nice cans. But I also extend that to other artwork on boxes/cans. Some of it is really amazing.
+St. Paulis Girl. Decent beer too.
Brazil has Devassa. It’s actually one of the best Brazilian lagers.
Devassa Tropical Lager
Not a fan of IPA’s. At 100 IBUs I’m sure that one is no exception.
Guess you’re going to need to take that off.
Sense of decency?
That’s a rhetorical question, right?
Depends. Do you want it to be?
If you’re only wearing a pair of Depends, are you decent?
Very good ports and classic style pinup girls on their labels.
If you are ever in the Paso Robles, CA they are worth a visit. They even blend a port specifically for having with a cigar.
I can do port + cigar but I’ll let somebody else write that one up.. ?.
Trump’s final solution for the Mexican problem – send them to Japan:
But is Mexico going to pay for it?
And of course the media took that as a serious policy proposal instead of the analogy that it obviously was. Assuming those were his actual words.
Macron strikes me as a guy who *thinks* he has an excellent sense of humour, but actually has a railroad spike jammed up his ass. I can just picture his fake smile and gritted teeth.
That’s awesome. I don’t think it very presidential, but like the fact he isn’t trying to kiss up.
I sent it to my lefty friend in Japan. I’m curious if it got any press there. She is both a good friend and intellectually consistent. Perhaps the reason we are able to be friends. We are able to challenge each other and help each other think through our positions.
For example, she wants the US out of Japan and acknowledges the free riding.
Since Im a fan of the THICC, Miss Olde Frothingslosh for the perpetual win.
That’s not thick. But you and John would probably have a good time together.
Free heat in winter, shade in the summer! I’m havin a ball with cholesterol!
Tight ski pants, cashmere sweater
Root Boy can’t think of nothin, nothin better
Aw, Tres Cool! I thought you were quoting Root Boy Slim’s song “Dare to be Fat” when you said “havin a ball with cholesterol!”
Maybe that phrase is better known than the old song it came from.
WTH. She looks like she likes to have fun.
What is that?
Yikes! That is not thicc, that is fat. And ugly.
I’ve been drinking Provisions box wine recently (sipping some pinot noir right now).
This stuff is good and cheap. I love having a box of wine on my kitchen countet. My wife thinks it’s aersome. Hey! Drink more wine!
Have a goid day Glibs!
Does she say it like Tom Hanks ?
Genessee Cream Ale was one of my favorite ‘beers’. I still think it tastes great. I, therefore, will never make fun of someone who drinks box wine.
It’s pretty terrible, in my opinion. I know a guy in FL who loves it and he told me to try it. Figures he’s in FL, makes sense now.
So, you accepted a wine recommendation from FloridaMan® ?
Beer. but yeah. He drinks good beer also, we’ve drank together a lot of times. Not sure what’s happened that he’s drinking that swill. But whatever, as long as he likes it.
Ah- I love drinking. I mean, I really love drinking. Aside from the connotations, I can’t buy a box of wine because I’d just sit down and drink it.
I’m afraid I’m going to have to stop drinking- my body is starting to tell me that I have to. In fairness, I suppose I’ve had more to drink than several people who like to drink would in a lifetime. But I am going to miss it. Sitting on my patio on a nice Saturday afternoon drinking beer is what I like to do, and I’m not sure what I’ll do instead.
Another fun JP rant
Socialism / Communism could only work in a post-scarcity economy.
Of course, if you’ve made it to a post-scarcity economy, there’s no need for Socialism / Communism.
That’s why we have to raise taxes and end capitalism now before post-scarcity happens.
If you say it enough it becomes true?
Lower than scumbags
I dranked too much last night. Wife wanted to take me out for food and beer and I don’t even want to go. Hungover is what I is.
He could run as a Democrat here.
Also, do not read the comments. Racism is apparently real and they all hang out at ZeroHedge. /not sarcasm
Sadly, Malema’s the kind of person who gives racism the reason to exist.
Nice job, asshole.
White people won’t be the real victims of his racism. They can leave, maybe a few of them get caught in the middle of the night before they wisen up. But it will be his own followers who suffer the most.
By white people, I mean the white farmers. Apparently, a lot of them have no plans to leave. Not sure how smart that is. I think Australia is offering them asylum. I think I would take that up and take my chances with the poison bitey things.
If any of those white farmers are anywhere near as badass as their Boer ancestors, he may have some trouble evicting them.
“You cannot [measure] the Zimbawean revolution based on the capitalist definition.”
You mean in terms of prosperity and success? He’s right on that count.
Having declared Im going to do some babybacks on the ghetto-approved grill (indirect heat), suddenly, my little slice of SW Ohio is about to have a thunderstorm. Nevertheless, as much as I generally abhor Alton Brown, I swear by his dry-rub, which I apply and let sit in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours.
8 tablespoons brown sugar
3 tablespoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon ODB (Old Dirty Bay) seasoning
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
Alton is cool. You just have to understand he is a sociopath and you are actually eating a dead hooker at his dinner party.
Thats the most well-thought out and reasoned argument for his smugness that Ive ever heard.
I may have to reconsider my disdain.
I figured that his smugness was because he was surrounded by TV chefs all day, and being the only person with a 3 digit IQ, he couldn’t help but become smug and cynical.
I’m surprisingly OK with that as long as 1) she’s delicious, and 2) Science!
Here’s a picture of your average Balmer pothole.
Balmer Pothole
Well, it’s on the wrong side of the road. There’s the problem.
The problem is there is no right side of the road, the potholes are on both sides.
Notice how you’re not burdened by pothole reports from Somalia.
That’s the next phase in Balmer road construction, no roads at all.
That’s gonna take more than a bag or two of cold patch.
Apropos of nothing: one of Croatia’s soccer players has a haircut reminiscent of Zippy the Pinhead. Yow!
Krugabe off his meds again
Such a mendacious partisan hack.
I thinks he’s the Times #1 DNC Propagandist. That’s all he is.
Let’s see, their top 3 writers:
Crikey, how retarded do you have to be to read that shit all of the time?
Was there ever an actual time when NYT had talented writers? At least maybe unbiased?
William Safire?
He provides what his customer want with minimal effort. Who am I to judge?
I’d judge if he believed 15% of shit he spews but I doubt it.
He believes that the policies he advocates are beneficial to himself. Whether that is true or not… I mean maybe short term, in the long run, most definitely not. When we socialism ourselves out of first world problems, he’s fucked along with everyone else.
You can live pretty well under right kind of socialism, if you’re of the correct alignment. I bet his Brazillian equivalent has an even higher standard of living in some secure gated community, with way better weather, private beach, and hot and cold running Cariocas.
If you don’t go to prison, that is.
What defeated the Nazis?
Thicc…and the Red Army.
“Thicc and the Red Army.”
Band name?
It is now.
Thicc + Red Army = Marshal Zhukov
Phil Mickelson misbehaving at the US Open. Can’t find a story on it but it’s being covered in the BBC live blog:
Apparently one of his putts was going to roll quite a way off the green so he ran after it and hit it while still moving. USGA gave a 2-stroke penalty but many observers think he should have been DQed.
He hasn’t fought Bob Barker yet, has he?
+1 Price Is Wrong
+1 Sexually harassed model
+/-1 Bitch.
DQ his Ass, anyone playing a tournament in the U.S. Amateur or Pro would have been, with good reason, it IS an advantage
To reduce inequality, political leaders will need to return to the social democratic policies embodied in the New Deal, pass more progressive taxation, and invest in education and infrastructure. To foster a sense of liberal democratic identity, they will need to emphasize education as a catalyst for assimilation and promote national and public service
So, Social Democracy or Liberalism? You can’t have both at once.
I also am curious about their definition of “tolerance” – is it similar to the newly-official Canadian one? Likewise “assimilation”.
“I also am curious about their definition of “tolerance”
It means we don’t tolerate wrong thinking shitlords like you.
“Overall, liberalism remains perennially and universally appealing because it rests on a commitment to the dignity and freedom of individuals.”
but we need to talk about “To reduce inequality, political leaders will need to return to the social democratic policies ”
Which will it be, freedom or progressive taxation?
Both of course, until you trust us enough that we can start taking the freedom part away and there will be little or no blowback. *see UK.
That’s why we need to get rid of scary guns, because what are you going to do, throw rocks at us? We know what is best for you. /American Progtards
That’s not liberalism. That’s collectivism, which is anything but liberal.
something something kill-skin-wear…
The terms liberal, conservative, right, left, centrist mean nothing anymore. They’re victims of acedemias Marxist sophism. They constantly redefine the language to make all arguments over syntax rather than content. They know they can’t win being truthful.
Man, this hangover sucks. My stomach is fubar. So I’m making my version of shimp diablo and drinking another beer. That will fix it.
Just poured a rum and diet.
Rum (cachaca) is what got me this hangover. But… that bottle is not empty yet.
Yeah, we always have rumchata around as well.
I’m doing zacapa solera 23 gran reserva
Pitu Vitoriosa. Yummy. Headache, not yummy.
I’ve heard of it but never had it. I’m guessing if I want to buy it in Columbus it will have to be online.
I’m sure it will be. And the price will probably be well over $100. Worth it. The stuff has the nicest oak barrel finish I’ve ever tasted in a liquor, including any whiskey. It’s quite dominant at the finish, so if you don’t like that aged oak barrel taste, you might not like it. Very nice though, very little sweetness for something made from sugarcane.
Pitu Vitoriosa
Yeah, it sounds right up my ally.
These guys have it. Pretty good price too.
Saratoga Wine Exchange
Cool. Thanks!
Mmm… beer and Clamato. I may need to run to the store.
Unlike Messi, Modrić can hit a penalty.
Since HM seems to be in attendance, and once it quits raining Ima get my swine on…..
Ima get my swine on
That’s barely a euphemism!
He means he’s going to cook some of that pig on the grill. What girl? I didn’t see a girl.
It is good that she is grilling all that meat…cuz dat ass ain’t gonna feed itself
Have you no sense of decency:
Haven’t seen this posted, but I’ve been sick so…
Red Letter Media solves Star Wars with SCIENCE.
“Wait, Solo was a disaster?! The three other people in my theater seemed to enjoy it.”
I watched it last night, but didn’t link it here. My only complaint is that the video was on the short side an RLM video.
I, for one, would welcome a return to ’40s pinup culture.
More in, ‘The Liberal World Order is Collapsing‘ pants-wetting-category (getting a lot of play lately)
1) we pay for everyone’s security already. we also stick our dicks into way too many of other people’s fights than we ever should have, and the reason we do has a lot to do w/ how “We pay for everyone’s security already”. We have no more business mediating the Ukraine/Russia conflicts than we do India/Pakistan or Iran/Saudi Arabia or Israel/Everyone else, but yet…. everyone seems to think the position of the US on these matters is the MOST important. Its idiotic and transfers responsibility to a country who doesn’t answer to the actual PEOPLE in any of those places. GO. FUCK. YOURSELF. You Brussells-sucking, empty-suit of a NGO-permanent-government-hack.
**noted: one of the few places in the world we DO have some responsibility for? The Korean Peninsula. And guess what? it turns out we’re on that shit like never before.
2) Nope: that neither. Playing trade-hardball, while not the strategy i necessarily favor for bi-lateral trade relations, is hardly “hostility” to trade. You what is? FUCKING FRANCE. That’s right, the EU’s favorite son is the biggest cheater on the international stage, effectively undermining every possible aspect of its obligations to the joint obligations of EU members… and why isn’t brussells bitching about it? Because you’re fucking terrified that pressing them would produce Frexit faster than you can say Gaullez-vous. Your whine is really just, “The Americans aren’t helping to prop up our collapsing house of cards”.
3 ) The US isn’t any more “isolated” than its been at any time in the last 50 years. We still trade w/ everyone and, as mentioned above, if anything, are TOO involved in places we have no business being.
because here’s the problem with these people’s conception of the “liberal world order”:
It was only ever something that made much sense during the cold-war. when all of the “West” had some mutually shared security+economic interests? It made sense. But the cold war is over, the power in the world which everyone is aligning around is China, and the UN/NATO/US don’t need to be sticking their dicks in other country’s potential-communist revolutions anymore. The entire raison d’etre of this Clubhouse of Democracies went bye bye 30 years ago.
and frankly, we were never really that into you anyway.
“GO. FUCK. YOURSELF. You Brussells-sucking, empty-suit of a NGO-permanent-government-hack.”
“But the cold war is over”
The Democrats won’t rest until it’s fully back on. Makes some sense in light of what you just wrote.
i mean, witness the galling hubris of this line:
These are the wise people who want to lecture the US about its global responsibilities.
Team America: World Police. Fuck yeah!
The U.S. never should have taken out Saddam Hussein.
In the mood for a giggle ?
Kinda dated, but I really like the guy’s writing style.
The real canned meat. These are actually not bad.
Underwood Chicken Spread is a gift from G_d.
That has to be the most unhealthful way ever to eat chicken, but I love it. Generally, my Meijer has it for the cardiac-enticing price of $1.74 (opposed to nearly $1 more at Kroger) and I load up when ever I can. Due frequent lack of availability on the shelf, Im not the only person in SW Ohio interested in feeding my treasonous body what it so richly deserves.
/2 can per week habit
The devil is pictured on the side of the can.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Remember, fat and protein are good for you. Carbs are what you need to stay away from. Don’t believe the persistent bad science that people can’t seem to give up about avoiding fats and eating carbs instead — it all came from crappy studies funded by the sugar industry. Even the FDA finally had to admit that cholesterol and fat in your bloodstream don’t come from your diet, because these are broken down in your digestive system (the idea that these went straight into your blood should have been comical from the start).
I laughed when he cereal from 1991, and it was still “good”
“To make things more interesting, and a little bit easier on myself, I decided to break out the Hershey’s syrup and whip up some chocolate breast milk.”
because here’s the problem with these people’s conception of the “liberal world order”:
It was only ever something that made much sense during the cold-war. when all of the “West” had some mutually shared security+economic interests?
Yeah, that guy seemed to glide right by the possibility the world might have changed in the last seventy years or so, despite his fervent wishes to the contrary.
This is pretty good.
The one thing that is immediately clear to me, is that there are a lot of people ‘studying’ at universities, who clearly do not belong there.
*Looks at papers which have just been graded* Damn right!
Can’t you just give them all an F and be done with the grading in five minutes? 🙂
Ha! I have a theory that I could give everyone in the class a B. The only people who would complain are the ones who thought they deserved a B+ or higher AND were willing to complain. Then I could just grade the work from those people.
Ahh, currently slamming an ice cold Payette North Fork Lager in a frozen glass mug after an afternoon of yardwork.
June is Pride month.
July is Lust because bathing suits, April is Envy because taxes, August is Sloth because it’s too hot to do anything, November is Gluttony because Thanksgiving, and December is Greed because of all those kids writing Santa.
But which month is Wrath?
February. I fucking hate February. It’s cold, frozen, hunting season is over and I’m sick of winter.
February, because it is the second month, and wrath of khan was the second ST movie.
*golf clap*
January should Envy, because everyone else got cooler shit for Christmas.
That leaves you with Wrath for taxes in April
In re: ribs….clearly, I was the one in front of the grill, and not the THICC girl I posted earlier.
And the final product:
Not too bad.
Cater for Me please… looks Great!
The chubby GF (codename: Jugsy) approved, as did I. That, some keystones, and Star Trek TOS will round out *some* Saturday activities.
I’m going to binge watch Rome: Season 2 with a Beef Pot Pie and some Dark Swan Sours,
Tall Cans in the Air!
…lemme see ya FUCK YOU!
OK, FUCK YOU! Feel Better?
I applaud the juxtaposition of the finished rib picture under the ad for two vegetables that will melt belly fat overnight.
A Freeman Dyson Interview, Rare!
“Looking at the contributions that you, Niels Bohr, Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein have made to our culture, do you worry that they perhaps contributed negatively just by looking at their nuclear legacy?”
Not sure if I’m the only one in the know, but I doubt it. I just probably was not here on that day. But Einstein is apparently a racist and therefore everything he ever discovered is hereby declared irrelevant. I for one, am just happy that the idea that we cannot travel faster than light is bull pucky. Because I seriously want to put some fast and hard distance between myself and the people who made this most important discovery.
I hope the shrimp/beer was a modest treacle for your hangover.
Maybe this helps, too.
Last summer, I posted about how I called my credit card company and asked for a 0% Apr in exchange for using their card while on vacation. Discover gave me a 12 month 0% promo, and it took like 5 minutes total. I was looking to do the same this summer. Last night I tried calling my preferred credit cards.
I started with Amex. The best they could do was shave 1% off my current Apr. No deal. Took 10 minutes.
Next was Capital One, they offered to shave off 4% for 7 months. I let them process that, but I still wasn’t happy. About the same 10 minutes.
I tried Discover next. They weren’t interested in extending my current 0% last August. Faster than the previous 2.
I circled back around to Amex’s website and applied for a new card. 15 months 0% Apr and bonus points in less than 3 minutes with an even higher limit than my existing card.
My point? Not entirely sure…other than try shopping around for your credit cards.
I keep getting offers from Cap1 for 18 months 0% balance transfers. I took advantage of one to get another card’s rate down. Saved me a couple hundred bucks. Now theyre sending me more offers 9n a regular basis.
BTW, we’re $344 from paying off all of the accrued CC debt from when I was unemployed and we relocated at the end of law school! Now just 2 cars and a mortgage’s worth of student loans.
I throw all credit offers in the trash. The only credit I use is with my mechanic (0%) and my car loan. Well, I have those student loans, but good luck getting that back suckers.