Dennis Rodman: Peace Bringer. Almost as crazy an idea 20 years ago as President Trump.
Amen. Strange days we are livin’ in.
Rodman, Trump and Kim walk into a bar……..
Rejected movie plot
Rejected hatnhair cartoon, I don’t have a bar background.
Wow, I’m scared. Swiss seems to be angry, and that scares me. He could kill me 5 different ways before I even knew.
Because someone wanted some peanut butter with their marshmallow earlier. Completing the fluffernutter for you.
I don’t even want to know what your browser history looks like…
Sick Man, Tasty, But Sick………………
I am not sure why I watched that video.
Because combining food and sex is as natural as spaghetti and meatballs.
The 39-year-old asked one of the students on a date and whispered to another, “You are fine as f—k,” a school district investigation found
Real charmer, this guy.
Quis custodiet ipsos- ah, fuck it. Nobody, that’s who.
Those Romans may have been around a long-assed time ago…but they were no dummies. See also “Qui bono”
Then we will do what them there Romans did, at least thays what plutarch said.
Them a women were balling
Buckets of tears…
Qui Bono used to be known as Chastity before the sex change.
Greece and Macedonia will sign an accord on Sunday to change the name of the former Yugoslav republic, the Greek government’s press ministry said on Friday as the governments of both countries faced mounting opposition at home over the deal.
Was there a payoff? The Greek government has a lot of financial problems.
How much are they going to get from Macedonia?
Every little bit helps.
Sounds like they got it right.
Philip had problems with Greeks but his son solved them.
Athens has long objected to its northern neighbour’s use of the name ‘Macedonia’, saying it implies territorial claims on a northern Greek province of that name and amounts to appropriation of Greece’s ancient cultural heritage.
Oh for crying out-
You know what other nations have appropriated Greek heritage? Oh, I dunno, maybe all of Western civilization? Shit, the Greeks are the one culture that comes to mind when I think of “nations whose conquerors adopted their own customs.” It’s like the Romans came in and said, “Hey, y’know what? These guys are on point. Let’s just borrow all their shit.”
I like Greecydonia. Has a certain ring to it
They should change it to “The-Greeks-Whined-Like-Little-Bitches-Until-We-Gave-In-Donia”.
It should be noted that ancient Greeks did not consider Macedon or Alexander all that Greek. And Athens in particular has the distinction of revolting against him until bitching out once they realized he wasn’t fucking around. It’s not about cultural appropriation, though. It’s just old fashioned nationalism. He was a world conqueror and that gets nationalists hard (as long as they didn’t eventually lose the war and/or build death camps).
I remember stories of Greeks fighting in the streets of Toronto over it. Alex the Great is public domain at this point.
Sticker at the Greek student association at my university back in the 90s: Macedonia is Greece; Greece is Macedonia.
Of course the original Macedonia covered parts of both countries so who’s the one supposedly claiming sovereignty over whom…?
Macedon was all the way on the far side of Thessaly, so practically in Asia. Plus, they rolled over for the Persians, something the other Greeks held against them until–well, probably they still do.
I am sad that I had to sign into youtube to watch this Ozzy Man video.
It’s possible the internet has some redeeming qualities.
Some pleasant fights over the years, none with violence. She has chosen work over family more than I’d have preferred at times and takes for granted things that I do just to make her life easier. Miscommunications abound given the language thingy. I forget about family plans she has already told me about and, boy oh boy does that piss her off. We don’t see eye to eye on saving money. I’m fine with 20% of our paychecks and she’s more along the lines of “don’t spend any extra money and save everything else.” She drinks a bit too much. I spend a bit too much. I spoil the kid too much. She rides the kid too much. Ying and yang.
16 years ago, wearing the purple tuxedo her mom picked out, we got hitched. Every guest at the party had to pour a congratulatory drink for us and that meant about 80 chugs of beer for my 120lb wife. She made it. Exhausted from stress and drinking, she passes out in her dress when we get to the hotel room. I put her under the blankets, give her a kiss on the forehead and head out to get some real food in my stomach. Couldn’t really eat during the party due to all the formalities going on. That is why there was a gaijin in a purple tux with coattails eating a 380 yen beef bowl at a dirty gyudon restaurant in Shinjuku 16 years ago.
Cheers to the little lady. Enforced monogamy? Sometimes. Do nothing that is unforgivable and the rest is repairable. Happy anniversary to us! Great wife.
Congrats. 16 more
Well, let’s not get too hasty.
*narrows gaze, hopes for at least 15 more*
I’m sure you’ll make your narrowed gaze quota by the end of the month.
Be very careful using that terminology with STEVE SMITH around!!!!
If I made it 23 with my nutcae, you should have no prob
44 with my Asian wife. Its been a long 44 but most of the bumps have gotten smoothed out over the years.
September will be eight for the Mrs. and I.
Not too bad for the first try.
7 years in August.
7 state recognized years for us at the beginning of the month.
1 year, on Sunday.
Hear hear! Congrats, my gaijin!
I’m more in awe that any man can go 16 years with a woman without murdering her. What’s the secret?
I’ve dated a few Asiatics and every one of them was… frugal. I learned to quite appreciate it.
That is why there was a gaijin in a purple tux with coattails eating a 380 yen beef bowl at a dirty gyudon restaurant in Shinjuku 16 years ago.
Were you also the dapper black man in the purple suit on that bus in Manhattan five years ago?
I hired Hillary’s team to destroy them.
So all we have to do is ask the Russians, and we get *everything*?
You should have hired her team to “preserve” them.
Congrats on the 16!
16 on 6/16? Many congratulations to Mr and Mrs Straff! I shall raise a glass to you two as soon as I get it filled at home.
(Which is just an excuse to have another drink)
Right on Straff! Congrats or condolences. I lift my glass of vodka and orange to you two. I’m going on ten years this year. It isn’t an easy thing, especially with kidlets, but it beats that weird ass shit that Brochetta linked to below.
I’m drinking the same thing, well with a splash of soda.
I bought an 8lb bag of oranges for 7 bucks yesterday so these ones are going down way too easy. Time for a fourth round!
You were going to do that anyway!
Thanks guys. Some random guy on the internet having an anniversary should be just the reason (not that you need one) to drink another. Too early for me, but tonight will be fun.
OH YEAH?! *raises 5th round, blearily*
20% huh? do you have kids? Or low-paying jobs?
Work is a trap, and saving 20% of what you take home isn’t going to free you from it… ever, really. You need to think bigger if you want to be free on any decent timescale.
I’m a complete fuck-up in this regard, because I only saved about 50% of my take-home last year. This probably had something to do with the fact that I spent near 10k on tobacco and alcohol. I should really reign that in if not eliminate it entirely.
But 20%? No, try to save 60%, and fall back on 40%. If you can’t do that you spend too much or make too little.
Peak monotheism?
Boy oh boy do I love it when people/networks who would otherwise sneer at Christians decide to use the Bible as a cudgel against their political enemies!
I can’t believe there are people still losing their shit about Ebola.
WE ARE GOING TO DIE! …. this time. Really. I swear.
Ah yes, the Great Ebola Freakout over at TOS. Fun times.
And I hate it when the site logs me out during the two minutes I’ve been spending writing a comment.
No pundit drives me crazy like Ben does. He’s the Rob Deer of talking heads: Drives a 500 foot home run or swings, misses, helmet spinning around on his head.
I love how a third of the comments are Progressives going “nuh-uh!”, a third are calling Ben a Christ-killer, and a third are just batshit crazy. It’s the entire Internet in one thread.
Equilibrium FTW.
This too:
That was brilliant.
TFW? Too Fucking White? I have no idea what that means.
That feeling when….
Like I internet SMDH
SMDH? Smack me dick head?
There’s no such thing as “too kinky”; it’s just a different kink than yours.
All kinks are too kinky.
So Much Damned Hate.
Ben also linked to this gem:
I mean, it’s silly. He got to live there because she wanted it.
We have no interest in a marriage that doesn’t provide us space to express and act on attractions to other people, and to continue to change and grow.
*Chucks dictionary in furnace*
I didn’t read it all, did she mention hubbys’ gf?
I mean, it’s quite clear that what they needed was a divorce. Only they didn’t have the balls to go that route directly. So slowly by slowly the man emasculated himself allowing his wife to phase him out from letting the boyfriend move in, to giving up his bedroom, to moving out, and then finally ending it all legally. But she’s presenting this as some great success story. The kids and their well being? Not really mentioned. But it did make household chores easier for her!
And she’ll probably alienate her boyfriend to the point where he’s done with her shit, too.
It’s like even if you want to have an open marriage, she’s describing exactly how *not* to do it.
Well, it is a good deal for her. Finding the next bf before you kicked the old one out.
^this wasn’t anything other than a divorce dressed up with a lot of woke bs.
Honestly, it’s worse than a divorce on every level. A divorce can be clear and cordial. These two pretend to be cool with with another at the expense of their children. They got to see their father emasculated slowly but surely over a period of years. Up close and personally. Even if he was sleeping with other women, it’s besides the point. She moved some asshole in and proceeded to slowly push him out.
It’s like the worst of both worlds.
Society is putting this BS on her, man. She wants pleasure and who are you tell her what makes her happy? Nobody, according to her certainly accurate appraisal of the husand’s and children’s mental reactions, was hurt. She’s teaching tah-ler-ence.
even money both her kids are parents by 18. Better than even they’ll still be living with her.
I have always thought that any kind of open relationship/marriage would eventually lead to disaster for almost anyone. It’s a bad idea. If you’re the type of person who can’t do the monogamy thing, you probably shouldn’t get married.
Totally agree. But I think some people are really good at convincing themselves otherwise.
If Bill Paxton couldn’t handle it, no one can
Eh. I’ve known several polyamorist… sets? It wasn’t at all one woman dominating the scene. There are many routes to happiness and as many to misery. Don’t jump to assume the default is misery because of the setting.
Jealousy is a powerful emotion. I’m not saying the multiple partners thing can’t be done. I just think that it is a very rare bird that can make it work long term.
Another “lottery” attempt
“MSNBC guests Stephanie Cutter and Michael Steele called the U.S. centers housing illegal immigrant children “concentration camps” on Friday.
The Trump administration recently announced a “zero tolerance” policy of prosecuting immigrants who come across the border illegally, meaning illegal immigrant parents are temporarily separated from their children at the border. In cases when parents decide to return home, the separation can be less than a day; however, when parents apply for amnesty, they are sometimes kept in custody for weeks.
Cutter, who served as Deputy Campaign Manager for Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign, disputed the Trump administration’s claim it was the “law” to separate children, calling it an “interpretation.”
“We can’t find a solution to this problem without harming children? Without putting them in concentration camps?” Cutter asked.
“I call this a concentration camp for kids,” Steele said. “When you give kids 22 hours of lock-up time, and two hours of air time, what else can it be? And if this is where this country’s going, the American people need to wake up and pay attention, because your kids could be next.””
Schools are concentration camps.
They say it’s a matter of interpretation. Well, then what was the previous interpretation? They were doing the same damn thing before. The frequency isn’t much different.
Meanwhile, you have people all across the country separated from their children for misdemeanors and things that aren’t even fucking crimes with a victim. Like these cunts don’t realize all the dumb shit that gets people locked up for weeks and months in this country. This storyline was dead on arrival when they jumped on the picture taken during the Obama years. They’re fucking clowns trying to put a face on Trump’s immigration policy. And you know why? Because they know immigration is an issue that Trump does well on despite them pushing the bullshit narrative that most Americans want immigration “reform.”
This story isn’t going to catch on. They can continue beating it to death all they want.
The juvenile lock up I spent time in as a kid was 23 and 1 pre trial.
23 hours a day in my cell counting the cracks on the walls and one hour a day in a concrete enclosed outdoor area with a chain link roof. About 4 months of this damn near drive me nuts.
The Micheal Steele that chummed up the Russians?
And the kid’s standard of living is still higher than where they came from.
I’m posting this for the benefit of our readership.
Not gonna click on it. Wouldn’t be prudent.
You have to make an effort if you want people to like you. Just click.
I was with the African fellow right up until he said stop hoarding ammo. Why does he want me defenseless against zombies, inner city minorities, and the government?
“You might be maybe eventually having sex!”
Big Man Tyrone dropping truth bombs.
*takes notes
This si by far the funniest of his I’ve seen.
“Get a hobby besides ocarina of time speed running, A-haha!”
“School counselor pleads guilty in road-rage beating with bat
NEW ORLEANS — A road-rage-related attack with a baseball bat could result in a sentence of up to 10 years for a former high school counselor.”
I’m no lawyer, but he should have blamed brain-eating amoeba.
Was his counseling in anger management?
Now that there is funny, I don’t care who you are.
I’m thinking more like this one
I can’t believe that back then comedians were allowed to be funny. Did you hear all that racism? Being funny means racism.
Sitting her trying to spend some money on upgrading my PC.
So any of your PC geeks, I appreciate opinions.
My CPU and MB is about 5 years old or so. I just added a GTX 1080ti, so I’m good for GPU.
Just added a Core i7-7820X to my Amazon shopping cart and now shopping for a new MB with a lga_2066 socket.
I’m thinking I’m going to have to buy new system RAM for this board…
What’s the current RAM you’re running with? It may not be optimal, but you can usually run with below MB specs for RAM.
Not sure if it will work in the new board, but I don’t think so.
Holy shit that is a lot of RAM. What are you, running a nuclear reactor there?
Software engineering, including having VS and SQL on my desktop, and gaming.
Ha I run that shit at work on I think 4GB. Not ideal but it works.
It’s really the gaming you need it for, I get it 🙂
I only have 16G on my desktop at work, but most of my 15 servers at work have more than that. 4G is like bare minimum to run SQL server, unless nothing is really going on.
4GB is barely enough to run anything beyond windows XP without problems.
Fuck, my work machine is so shy on memory, I’m tempted to buy more and write it off come tax time just to make my life a bit better. Of course, I’m also tempted to buy a real keyboard to use in the office as opposed to the terrible stock ones, but that’s another story.
“4GB is barely enough to run anything beyond windows XP without problems.”
He’s probably running VR servers where the resources are being allocated on a need basis.
“Of course, I’m also tempted to buy a real keyboard to use in the office as opposed to the terrible stock ones, but that’s another story.”
My keyboard at work for my top client is a piece of fucking decrepit shit. At home I have my G710+. I’m thinking that the one at work, I should just accidentally step on it every day.
Yah, it’s probably time for another round of begging for an upgrade. TBH I don’t run a local SQL Server all that often although I see it happening more frequently with some new practices that we’re implementing but yah with just VS and SSMS and all the other shit I have open all day long it’s starting to bog my little laptop down.
What really pisses me off is that I go to the mothership (Cleveland) and there are armies of junior developers running huge rigs that put my kit to shame. But I’m senior so noooo I get the pleasure of taking my work home with me on an ancient POS grumble.
The keyboard is the only vestige left of the original PC I bought back in ot 4. Getting harder to find PS2 ports on MBs, will probably have to ditch it on the next build. Hopefully I can find a new one that feels as comfortable.
I may be a bit spoiled at home. Work laptop has 16GB & and SSD drive, so spoiled there as well.
I have the same model except half the RAM and an i7 processor. Same graphics. But I refuse to go High Sierra until the new file system supports Fusion drives.
I’m more memory-bound than CPU (lots of VMs for development), so I skimped a bit on the CPU (memory was aftermarket from Crucial). I have a Fusion drive, but it’s still HFS+ for now, obvs. I got a 10TB Synology diskstation around the same time (plus, git), so I _should_ be OK if they sneak in a faulty APFS “upgrade”.
The screen real-estate was the real draw – couldn’t drive a Retina screen this big from the laptop.
The fact that they’re already on a .5 minor version without any news on supporting fusion is troubling. WTF?
Filesystems are an area where I’m happy for them to take their time until they feel it’s ready…
(ZFS would have been nice, though).
What DDR type are is your current ram and what DDR type is in the boards your looking at though?
Sorry, man, I’m a little buzzed.
Corsair CMZ32GX3M4X1600C10 Vengeance 32GB (4x8GB) DDR3 1600 MHz (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory 1.5V
Pretty sure the new MB needs DDR4 ram.
If you need new RAM, instead of having to dispose of that DDR3, I could take it off your hands. It’ll be a bit yet before I upgrade.
Sure, I’ll let you know.
Matt Guitar Murphy
ahh damn.
“They still owe you money fool”
never realized how old.
In a completely petty way, how happy should I be that my old company still hasn’t replaced me, and they’ve needed to up the salary on their job offering at least twice?
Re apply and then turn it down if offered for extra pettiness.
I may apply if they add another 20% onto the salary. It would be nice getting a ~40% raise and getting my old seniority back.
Make them an offer. Why not?
Hey Neph, I’m gonna be in Cleveland again next week – what was the name of that restaurant in Tremont (I think)? Unfortunately I’ll be with my boss the whole time again* so he’ll expect to do everything together but at least I want to try that restaurant.
*I am very much not one of those people that likes to socialize with work people (unless we become friends). In fact, I loathe it. But there is no way out of it…
The old school place in Tremont? Sokolowsis University Inn. Think old school cafeteria for blue collar workers that’s been there forever. If you’re looking for other food or drink options, just let me now what your preferences are.
Now I’m hungry.
That’s the one but… only lunch during the week? That’s probably not going to work out since I’m there on Wed and Thu only. Oh well thanks.
Do you have any opinions on the other restaurants on E 4th besides Mabel’s? I’m sure we’ll wind up there at some point. The Vietnamese one looked interesting. I eat anything except I’m not big on seafood.
On E 4th, I’d recommend the Greenhouse Tavern or the Butcher and Brewer. Both have excellent food. If you’ve got the company paying, Lola’s (Michael Symon’s original restaurant in the area) is awesome as well. In that same area, Flannery’s is changing ownership soon (if the deal hasn’t already gone through), if you like Irish food. If you’re looking to travel a bit, W 25th is well worth a stop, with a lot of good food and drink options. If you go that route, I’d recommend the Flying Fig and Great Lakes Brewing for dinner, but any of the breweries that are down there do solid food options as well.
The girlfriend’s one suggestion was to point out that you should try Slyman’s if you like corned beef and you’re in Cleveland. Their sandwiches are generally enough food for two meals for most people, but since they’ve opened up the Tavern locations in the suburbs, I much prefer going there and avoiding the wait.
You are in luck avoiding seafood in Cleveland, as there’s only a handful of places that try to specialize in it… which usually doesn’t work so well, since we’re no where near a sea.
Cool, thanks! And yep, company’s paying!
Mabel’s looks amazing.
I’m no BBQ expert but when I visited the food was fantastic. The only change I’m making on my next visit is to ditch the sandwich bread and go for something closer to what’s in that pic. Just a plate of meat, thanks. Oh, and I don’t know what they do to their pickles but they’re out of this world.
Michael Symon + meat = damned good food. I love that he started a burger “chain” in the area that’s about $12 a burger, but the burger is fucking amazing (I go for the atomic, if they have the Bambino as the special, go that route). I lost some respect when he started serving the impossible burger (the original menu has one vegetarian option called the ‘Why?’ and it came with a free side of bacon). But if you sit at the bar, you get a free order of pork cracklings set in front of you.
Nephilium loves Michael Symon’s meat, is what I’m hearing. NTTIATWWT.
For the record: I would like to try his meat some day.
He needs to open a permanent burger joint downtown.
That’s what she said.
Symon can cook meat well is all I’m saying.
He had a burger place in the old casino, but it got closed down when the ownership changed. I think there may be a location in Progressive Field, but I’d have to go to a game to confirm that. And if you really want to go the decadent Cleveland food route, you should try to get food from Melt at least once. There’s nothing healthy there, but I’ve yet to have a bad sandwich there.
Yeah, the website says there are stands both there and the football stadium. I think at least the lunchtime crowds downtown are big enough to support a full-time location. Maybe dinners, too. Hell, Mabel’s was jam-packed on a Tuesday night with nothing going on nearby that I knew of.
I would be happy about it. But also sad you didn’t get paid more at the time.
Interest doc on North Korea, but check out this dude’s take on the government. Gave me a nice lol.
Yeah, it’s all good until you realize the fact that the government is based on a leftist ideology, just like Hitler. Right is capitalism, people are fucking stupid.
FREE SHIT! works every time…
I finalized my trip to the land of the rising sun. I’ll be spending a week around Kumagya station then Tokyo for a few days.
When? Kumagaya is a bit too far for me. Let me know when you’re in Tokyo. Maybe we can get Mustang out for a cocktail or two,
I’ll be in Tokyo 3-4th of August. Staying around Tanagawa station area. I have whiskey bar I wanted to go back to in Tokyo. It was amazing.
OK. I’ll be around then and always am whiskey ready.
I’ll provide more info when the date gets closer. How far of a train ride is it for you?
Shinagawa is fine. I’ll be in Shibuya on that Saturday. Maybe 15 minutes from there.
Also, can’t find Tanagawa. You mean Kanagawa?
Sorry Shinagawa station. Home of Ramen alley
Ramen alley sounds right up my… yeah.
It is a badass assortment of 5 or so restaurants in one little alley under a train station. Two of them that I sampled were great.
There’s a ramen stand in my office building I hit 2 or 3 times a month. Pork & broth, spicy sesame oil, hard egg, scallions etc – decadent af
Sounds tasty. I’m more of a Miso ramen fan lately. Tonkotsu (pork) used to my fav.
Skipping Piss Alley?
I hit that place every time I’m in NYC.
A good aqaintance of mine just opened the first Ramen joint in the local area. I’ve really appreciated what he’s been cranking out. Makes his own noodles and does the pork bone stock with chili oil and pork belly.
I keep typing things out and deleting them because I’m stoned on Klonopin and I’m not sure whether what I’ll type will bite me in the ass in the morning.
Less Klonopin, less Posting=Win
Like this, which wasn’t supposed to be a reply.
But i am trying to plan a trip to Japan in November. It’s unlikely, but I’m trying. A few days in Tokyo for a concert and sightseeing, and down to Mount Fuji and Numazu City for a couple days as well.
Not enough Cash for Gas to the Slabs, Bummer
Go for it! One of my many regrets in life is not going to Japan twenty years earlier.
It’s pronounced “Coom a guy a” not “cum”.
Do you like it? It takes forever to kick in and a long time to wear off.
Does anyone else remember lefties as recently as a couple months ago lauding Un for lobbing insults back at Trump? Treating him like the sane one in the exchange. And now he’s rightfully back to being reviled, not because he’s a brutal autocratic thug, but because he helped Trump earn some halfway favorable coverage.
Heh. “That very morning we crossed into the DMZed.” Peak Brit reached.
Left out the part about gifting them the money to buy the arms there France 24.
So are the Houtis really an Iran proxy or what? I am not seeing the likes of the UAE backing an Islamic interdenominational war. Them blowing the fuck out of Iran I believe. And no we should not be involved. AT ALL.
On a side note, I almost went to work their some five or so years ago. Glad that didn’t work out in spite of my current life.
A/C guy, could work anywhere in the World, Stays in U.S. you are nuts to leave, IMO
Not to diss your profession, but there are top notch A/C guys all over the planet and most don’t speak english or need to. If they are recruiting in your field I would not pass up the chance with your experience. I had what was apparently a rare talent for not being a dick to locals and encouraging work for oil exploration to complete a project in a timely manner in some of the worlds finest shitholes and being able to deal with said shithole conditions because I rarely give a fuck and really what are the odds of being killed by someone or something? A rare trait for someone with an American passport so I was told. I went to work overseas because it paid better than carpenter wages and why not see some other shitholes. I was living in Oklahoma at the time. I did that line of work for almost ten years until a few years ago when the price of oil tanked. Now I am doing what I do. I know some climbers who worked in Yemen on an exploration project. They said it was a crazy mess of canyons where they worked. It sounded like a cool country. The thing you learn working overseas is that people are the same the world over for the most part and just want to be left alone, have a job, make some coin and raise their families. It is governments and zealous religion that suck beyond belief that fuck those simple goals up.
Why am I being sent to Glibs Twitter account when I hit “Post comment”?
Twitter loves you, and Wants You………..
I somehow got that one right. Probably to avoid saying cum a guy a.
There’s a Glibs twitter account?! Must be where the younguns hang out.
That’s what I thought. Am I just not hep to the new jazz dadyo
Because fuck you that’s why?
I think you mean #fytw, that’s how the kids speak these d
In half the conversations I have with my daughter she’ll say “hashtag” whatever.
Or #seriously?
I give (probably) too much shit to my niece about her generation. Once I saw there was alcoholic seltzer water on the shelves, the next time I talked to her, I blamed her generation. Vodka + Seltzer is not too difficult of a drink. Somehow, she still finds me entertaining enough to hang out with on occasion.
That’s how its done
Posted in a dead thread:
Okay. So Professor Weinstein testifies to Congress about the Evergreen riots. What’s the purpose of involving Congress? Is it to determine if they get funding? Is it to let politicians know what’s going on?
I wonder if he still thinks being progressive is the smart way to go.
I somewhat disagree with the claim the extreme on both the left and right are equally dangerous. They both exist, this is true, but one side has access to the levers of power more than the other. I don’t see the ‘extreme right’ doing what we see at Evergreen and elsewhere. It should be admitted one side is at fault.
Access to the levers of power and a massive propaganda machine.
And usually, what the media portrays as ‘extreme right’ isn’t anything I would call right. I see the scale from left to right about the size and scope of government. To be far right would be a minarchist or anarcho capitalist; to be far left would be communist or anarcho communist.
What the media often portrays as the ‘extreme right’ are people who are fine with government power, but want it based on religion or racism.
It’s the same thing you see in Youtube videos from people who considered themselves “liberal” or even progressive during the Bush era or even throughout their life. The left is purging itself. And you get these leftists who refuse to admit they now agree more with people on the side of the political spectrum they had been mocking for so long. This guy is one of those smarmy Bill Maher type of liberals, complete with his own mini-platform in his classroom. He wants to be provocative and offensive at times, but he has to view himself as one of the “good guys.”
I mean, Congress listens because its red meat. Not because they can or even actually care to fix things. It’s posturing. They could cut funds and do things, but it’s pretty low priority.
I mean, he places the blame of this politicization on the threat of “austerity.” People fighting for scraps.
He’s an asshole.
Yeh that bit was weird.
Even after what they did to him, he doesn’t connect the dots.
Suthen and I had a disagreement over this exact topic. Brett thinks you can have a gentler socialist state and so he disagrees with the bigots at Evergreen. So I think he’s a fool. He’s great at dismantling the authoritarian principles on display at Evergreen. So Suthen is appreciative of that.
I’ve moved somewhere between those two positions.
Caveat: Hopefully I did justice to Suthen’s opinion.
After hearing him and his wife on some podcast or other, I’ve got a greater respect for the two. All the is/ought questions of governance, whatever. There’s license to be stupid about questions over which nobody, not even marginally influential college professors, get a say. Recognizing the poisonous atmosphere on their campus, and standing up to it? That deserves credit.
Yeah, I don’t wanna be too picky on allies in that fight. I’d attack him on Glibs, but I’d defend him on a prof infested forum.
I found it odd to listen to him (5th Column, maybe?) – I’m nodding along with what he’s saying regarding the importance of free speech and then he drops something like “I’m still a dedicated Marxist, of course”. Cue needle-scratch sound.
Weinstein seems to be a good man. He’ll come around.
He needs to drop the utilitarianism IMO.
He’s definitely reasonable and looking for truth. The mere fact he’s come out on Rogan and speaks with Shapiro and Peterson is big because he realized the right is more tolerant than he even thought they were. They welcomed him in and even help him in his fight because they understand the battle is a little more important than partisan politics. So yeh, he deserves credit. Now we have to make him dark and appreciate the value of orphan labor.
This guy is some fun to listen to. He’s a Berkeley professor. A couple times in recent episodes he’s complained about the state of public education. The real Marxists are getting rarer, replaced by pod people SJWs who have no historicity in their education, just loads of jargon-filled culty pablum they picked up from their professors. The authentic Marxists he knows are bright, learned scholars who are eager for debate. The students coming up in the social justice branch of Marxism are propaganda-fonts, and thin-skinned to boot. None of them want to argue, they want to be didactic without doing any work to earn that privilege.
That’s total shitlord patriarchy stuff.
In fairness, I have to figure if you’re still an old-school Bolshevik at this point and haven’t gotten aboard the social justice train, or, you know, reformed your dumb economic views, you’re probably in it for the long haul. You probably have some chops to back yourself up.
Oh, I’ve met my fair share of really bright and articulate commies (even progs) – mostly in university.
Those I just like to think they’re misguided. If they were to own their own business, for example, they’re smart enough to quickly see the errors in their thinking where economics is/are concerned.
This group has hope.
“The authentic Marxists he knows are bright, learned scholars who are eager for debate. The students coming up in the social justice branch of Marxism are propaganda-fonts, and thin-skinned to boot.”
This was my experience in grad school.
Fuckin’ grad school. Hain’t even been to real school. Been bumming around at community college ‘coz it’s cheap. Even took criminology one term. WTF is that for, am I studying to be Batman?
Commodius is Bruce Wayne! He’s been doxxed!
Nah. Dante Hicks.
What’s the purpose of involving Congress?
Ya, that is my question and one more mark into the government is illegitimate column. Why is this getting an audience of congress?
It’s not like Congress is doing anything else
i Just had a great Genius mix on the old iPod. Placebo followed by The Sisters of Mercy.
Keep Running Up that Road…
That’s how its done
Cougar Kills Bobcat.
You win the internet today.
My old Tough Mudder group was named the Rabid Bobcats after a founding member who had choked out a rabid bobcat attacking a lady and her dog. He said the scariest part was when a sheriff deputy showed up and was waving a shotgun in his face about to shoot the cat.
I was deer hunting with my dad when I was 10 or so. We were on opposite sides of a small canyon that was adjacent to grape vineyard.
About ten o’clock that morning my dad shot a bobcat that was slinking up the canyon. He sent me down to get it. I retrieved it and gave it to dad. He put it in his game pouch and we started to make our way back to the truck.
About halfway there, my dad rips his vest off in an enormous hurry and throws to off of him. About the time it hits the ground a pissed off bobcat tears it’s way out of the pouch and runs off.
He had shot it in what appeared to be the head with a 30-30. I guess he had just grazed and knocked it out. I hate to think what that t hi ing would have done to him I bvb he hadn’t been able to get his best off in time.
Yeah, I love love love love hard rock.
Shitlord Stuffffffffff
ok, again.
Jesus, pour another one.
How about this (psycho shitlord stuff)?
Needed to listen to some Otep to clean my ears after hearing that.
Fit fillies.
Chicks with six packs are gross.
But most of them didn’t have 6-packs.
I think 17 for me. Amazing behind.
Q! I met up with deadhead last night at a certain watering hall downtown. Neither of us is dead, so that went about as well as one might expect two libertarian shitposters coming in contact with one another. You came up in conversation. We wondered whether you’re ever coming back to town. I said you’d never show your face in these parts again, not after the last time, but deadhead seems to think you’re no coward, you’ll stand toe to toe with any cowpat-tramping hick. So which is it?
Pisto!s at dawn, Q.
I’ll definitely be coming back, probably over the summer. My folks still live there so I come back pretty frequently. I’ll let you know.
Once again you are doing the Lord’s work.
A couple of transexuals whoop up on some female track competitors, complete with snarky commentary:
Terf league football.
I think it was Slammer who was looking for a new tape deck. If anyone see’s him around this weekend feel free to pass this along.
Apropos of fuck all I was reading the previous article about the Supreme Court decision and it brought this anecdote to mind. Mother and Father divorced in 1991 and both of them re-married. 2013 mom turns 65 and petitions the courts for half of dad’s retirement benefits which they grant. She drops dead six months later and he doesn’t get his full benefits back. They’re just gone. Into the aether. Now the decrepit old fuck still has to work for a living at 78 and that nasty bitch is cackling from beyond the grave. Never stick it in crazy, I guess.
Something is fishy about that story since she remarried.
Canada, Chafed. She fucked him royally even though she didn’t have to. She was living comfortably in what counts as paradise up here. It was just how she rolled. I never shed a tear at her passing and I’ll care not when the Oldun kicks the bucket.