Week 5 – Finding Truth in a Sea of Lies
There is a lot of good information about health and fitness out there. There is an order of magnitude more bullshit out there. Set aside the bad actors like Men’s Health actively peddling lies for money (current headline: Can Eating for your Bloodtype Help You Lose Weight? No, and there is no evidence this works, and everyone knows it.) The real problem are the evangelicals. No wait, not that link. Those guys were awesome. These ones.
Lots of people struggle with their health goals. They either don’t put the effort in, they don’t have a good plan of attack, or they have a good plan of attack that happens to not work for them. They try it, and it fail. Repeat this over, and over and over, and “nothing works.” Then, after years or decades of trying, bam. Something works. Maybe they actually put the effort in for the first time (that’s me, this time.) Maybe they get on a good plan (ok, that’s me too.) Maybe the plan is just a good fit for their preferences and habits (yep, me here again.)
And this leads to the error in logic. You’ve tried everything, and everything failed. Then you found this one thing, and it works. And being a social creature, you want to tell the world. This doesn’t make you a bad person – just the opposite! You “know” the one thing that works, and if people would just try it, they can skip over all the pain and disappointment you had.
Just. Do. This. One. Thing. Paleo. Veganism. Keto. Whole Food Plant Based (we just called that vegetarianism in my day.) Lift Heavy. No, Lift for Hypertrophy. Pilates. Yoga. Crossfit. Whatever.

I’m just going to say it: Muscular Christianity was weird.
You know what that makes most people? Evangelicals. Lots of these even have the strong odor of moralism.
This is how your body is supposed to work. Eating dolphins is a sin. Real men lift heavy. Real men Eka Pada Rajakapotasana until they can smell their own taint.
They have one data point, and they want everyone to know it and love it like they do. They are not good sources of information. But good information is necessary for my throw-everything-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks method of fitness improvement. After all, my goal is to work smarter, not harder.
So what would a good data source look like? Well, N would need to be a lot bigger than 1. So we need lots of people. And some personal anecdotes are important, but so is access to larger statistical data. Group think is always a danger, so we’d need a conflict resolution mechanism that rewards good ideas not conformity to ideology. That mean… oh crap. I know what that means.
See, there is this engine that someone built. Its fuel is the autistic rage of over-educated social idiots, and it spits out hate. It’s a weaponized hive of scum and neckbeardery. But it has all those features we are looking for.

Never read the comments
That’s right, my trusted data source is (Lovecraft help me), Reddit.
See, Reddit has this social dynamic where, to win a fight, you have to ascend the scale of reliability to appeal to the notions of the overeducated idiots of Reddit. The weakest form of argument is the anecdote. A better argument is the appeal to group wisdom. Then low-quality internet article, then high-quality internet article. And the winning argument on Reddit is a link to a journal article that you haven’t read.
So yeah. Reddit. If a mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems, Reddit is a machine for turning antisocial behavior into reasonable fitness advice.
I should take a step back and say that there are two kinds of Reddit communities. This is my own taxonomy, but I say there are two kinds. First are the process based. These are all about how to get fit and healthy. /r/keto, /r/veganism, /r/HIIT, /r/weightroom. Then there are the outcome based communities. /r/fitness, /r/loseit, /r/gaint. The first are a breeding ground for evangelicals. The second aren’t invested in a way to get there, just get there. Get fit. Lose weight. Bulk up.
It’s in those places that I look for information. And you know what… it’s scary how good that information is. Probably not quite as good as a specialist medical profesional like a physical therapist or a bariatric nurse, but better than a general practitioner. At least in my experience.
I’ll prove it. Using Reddit’s favored resolution mechanism. Factors Associated With Weight Change in Online Weight Management Communities: A Case Study in the LoseIt Reddit Community. They studied activity in /r/loseit, one of those outcome based communities. They found “Our findings suggest that among active users of a weight management community, self-declaration of higher BMI levels (which may represent greater dissatisfaction with excess weight), high online activity, and engagement in discussions that might provide social support are associated with greater weight loss.”
/r/gainit, /r/loseit, and /r/fitness are three subreddits to get to know, if you are looking for diet and fitness information. All three have high-quality content in their wikis, and generally you can get a good answer to a question if you post it.
Of course, all things in moderation. Reddit makes you stupid.
Bonus 1 week challenge:
Go read about how veganism doesn’t make you live longer. Found this link on Reddit.
Good news, everyone!
I’m above 150, and my bmi is now out of “holy fuck, eat a cheeseburger” levels.
That’s great. Have you been lifting too? I know you said you might think about it, and you are already eating for it.
I haven’t yet. I wanted to get to 155, maybe 160 before I started to burn more calories.
Good job, Doom!
How’s Bridger?
Not too bad. I need to get my rear jump seats soon. Going to take the top off next weekend for some summer drives.
I have an actual weight this week instead of a guess: 207.8 yesterday morning.
started about 214, goal is 184.
Nice. That’s better than a pound a week.
I started earlier than glibfit 2.0, so it is right at 1# per week.
Lost three pounds this week eating at 2300 calories a day as a target (actual 2299/day average). Blew my protein target out of the water. Wanted at least 150 g/day. Ate 202.5 g/day. I replaced my morning breakfast (4x sausage and 2x envelopes of oatmeal) with “yoates” (1x scoop protein, 1x scoop of yogurt, 1x envelope of oatmeal, let it sit over night in the fridge).
But more importantly, I have been discharged from physical therapy. Tendinitis in one knee, arthritis in the other, both under control. I can start doing weighted squats if I can do air squats for a week without pain. Then if I can do that for a while, I can move on to full deadlifts (limited to rack pulls for now).
Excited to start 5/3/1 next week. Tomorrow I need to find my 3 rep maxes. Then the real fun starts – spreadsheets!
Wow, Leap, that’s great news!
I love 5/3/1. Knowing what I’m gonna do when I get to the gym and having that last set max option really keeps my head in the game. I use an app instead of spreadsheets, though.
Good luck, dude!
They are right, the bible is clear (bolding in mine):
If God didn’t want us to eat animals, he would have made carrots out of pork and made pigs out of carrots.
The Bible has tons of places where lamb is part of a meal, and Jesus specifically eats fish in a few instances, so I’m gonna say “no”.
If the bible was against the consumption of meat, G-d wouldn’t have spent so much time in Leviticus and Deuteronomy telling Moses what animals could be eaten and how, and would have just said don’t eat them.
I like gainit. Some helps a lot. Some is like “duh”
I’ve decided to go back to low carb after I started feeling bloated and fat at 195, which is way too much weight for me. So it’s been almost a week and I’ve dropped the bloat and am at 186 in the morning and evening.
Started smelling that sweet smell of ketosis when I was sweating on the golf course yesterday, so that should kick the weight loss back into high gear. Should be back in the high 170s again in a few weeks.
Also, got back on some probiotic. I hadn’t taken them in several months and can’t remember why. They do a good job of getting me regular again so I don’t have those three pound dumps that probably aren’t healthy.
“three pound dumps”
Not healthy, somewhat painful but man are those kind of dumps orgasmic.
Last night I ate a fat juicy burger on a kaiser roll with grilled onions, pickles, ketchup and mustard, and Tillamook cheddar. I paired it with my spicy Asian green beans, and a local beer. Then had a couple gin rickeys for hydration purposes.
This mornings dump was an experience.
I made burgers with bacon, caramelized onions, Dubliner cheese and a fried egg on top of each one. No buns. No sides.
Shit was so cash.
Dinner was an eight egg omelet with pickled hot peppers and onions and roasted tomato salsa on top. Pretty sure Satan was trying to claw his way onto Earth through my toilet this morning, but all in all worth it.
That sounds very appealing. The first part of the equation anyway.
Great article, Leap. It’s hard to separate the bullshit from facts (especially if the medical community is involved in any way), but I’ve had the greatest success keeping it simple. If I stick to a primarily paleo diest, lift heavy, walk a lot and do enough cardio to keep my wind up for hockey, all is well.
Another good week at the gym. Numbers are moving the right direction and the weights are moving well. I like the addition of more high rep bodyweight stuff, too.
OK at the table, but this season of grad parties has been a major challenge. I’ve completely fucked up my keto plan. Luckily, I’m still 80% on track, so I’m not gaining any weight.
Sleep has been decent with the exception of a couple of insomnia nights. Getting to bed early and staying away from the computer and tv really helps.
I borrowed a mountain bike and I’m gonna try doing that for some more cardio. There are some nice trails close by and I need something other than running.
Keep on keeping on friend.
Nice thing about where we are at, there’s nice trails everywhere.
Much easier to stick to a diet when playing hermit than when being in public. Had a catered work lunch yesterday and I said fuck-it, I’m going to brown bag it. Got a little friendly ribbing, but given the fact that I’m in the “holy fuck how much weight have you lost” phase, its not awkward. Good thing I did that to. Catered lunch was pasta with a side of bread and cannoli. I still eat like a normal person in front of clients usually, but my calorie intake is so high that I can make that work in my goals with a little planning. Much harder for you normal folk that don’t block out the sun.
When you do bodyweight work, what kind of tempo do you keep? I noticed a few weeks ago that as long as my circuit has air-squats in the and i don’t take breaks between exercises, I’m pushing my heartrate up into 95 or 100 bpm. AKA – free cardio. I’ve been doing three circuits of nine exercises* with a break between each circuit, but today I said fuck it and did all three without a break. Heart rate was like 110 when I was done. And I didn’t die (just felt like it).
*marching glute bridges, side planks w/ leg lift (my PT loves compound exercises), pushups, bird-dogs, planks, superman, squats.
Much harder for you normal folk that don’t block out the sun.
Not sure I’ve ever been called ‘normal’ before…
When you do bodyweight work, what kind of tempo do you keep?
I usually do supersets or circuits with a very short rest in between. Honestly, by that point I just want to be fucking done!
Once you are rolling, cleans and snatches (light) are awesome cardio as well.
That’s funny, I just added some high rep stuff to my workouts this week too. I think it was that Crossfit post. So now I do some heavy lifting at the beginning, but I added some body weight such as 100 pushups or 60 pullups, then I finish with some Crossfit -inspired supersets. Hoping that will add a little cardio.
I plug this everywhere I can because I think Ben Bergeron is doing it right:
Hopefully some of these workouts will give you ideas. He does a good job of mixing power lifting and skill work into CF.
Are you trying to kill us? 😉
lol no, I can’t complete some of these workouts either. You can always modify or reduce the weights to make it appropriate for your ability. The point being if you look through a few weeks worth you see him breaking out regular powerlifting sets/reps outside of the timed workouts and focusing on skill work for harder movements. I really like this approach as opposed to most CF gyms which just expect you to jump in and get good by doing the timed workouts.
Thats resonated with me, more or less my mentality as well. I wrote the article on crossfit and *tugs collar* really need to get working on the second but what I failed to get across is that it’s a means to an end, not the end itself. If it wasn’t for my schedule and the social aspect I’d probably be doing just what you describe. Of course other than running I don’t have a competitive sport anymore *clicks pebble*
I like the competitive part of hockey. Especially playing against youngsters forces you way outside of your comfort zone. Also, it’s a game and games are more fun.
Tennis, squash, hockey, basketball, soccer, whatever. It’s good to just play,
Was a wrestler and up until 5 years ago had enough buddies doing Jiu Jitsu that I always had someone to roll with. Since I’ve moved my opportunities to ‘rastle have dried up and I really miss it. Unfortunately my hand eye coordination sucks so ball-sports have never been my strong suit.
Training for a sport vs training for fitness has made a big difference for me. I find it’s easier to design your workouts when you have a specific goal (improve endurance for skating, improve speed, etc.). Plus it keeps me motivated. Sometimes I’m in the middle of a set and I’ll be tempted to ease up, then I’ll remember there’s some other guy out there training, who I want to beat next season.
I just started playing hockey 4 years ago. Before that it was 20 years of working out to stay in shape.
Definitely true, knowing your competition isn’t slacking off is a big incentive (incidentally what I like about the competitive aspect of CF). Like I said above I’d love to get back into competitive Jiu Jitsu, the sad part is most gyms run those classes at night and I’m on an afternoon workout schedule so I just can’t commit to paying another gym membership knowing I couldn’t/wouldn’t go very often.
You GlibFits are literally Hitler!
“Profs deride ‘weight loss’ as a ‘Western value’
Two professors argue in a newly published anthology on “feminist nutrition” that “athletic performance” and “longevity” are simply “Western values.”
“Critical Nutrition: Critical and Feminist Perspectives on Bodily Nutrition”—one of 16 chapters in the book Food & Place: A Critical Exploration—was written by Temple University professor Allison Hayes-Conroy and her sister, Jessica Hayes-Conroy, who teaches a “Feminist Health” class at a small college in Upstate New York.
In the chapter, the Hayes-Conroy sisters worry that mainstream nutrition science rests upon elite, white, and educated modes of thinking, and that the values mainstream nutrition promotes are “Western values”.
Calls for healthy eating “remain embedded in contemporary culture and politics,” the Hayes-Conroys assert. “Countless recent studies offer insight into weight loss, longevity, or athletic performance—all predominant Western values.” ”
That’s totally true. Native Americans didn’t have any sport before contact with Europeans. No one in Asia has any concept of folk sport either.
It probably *is* a masculine thing, for biologically mediated reasons. All mammals play to develop physical skills needed for food acquisition in their traditional environment, with the most playful mammals having the most complex hunting routines. This survives even when you take the mammal out of the environment they evolved in (e.g, cats, dogs). Given that human food acquisition is a sex-segregated activity, with woman gathering and men hunting, and given that hunting is far more complex, we should expected weight control (not just loss), longevity, and athletic performance to be associated with masculine identity.
Why did this article not have pictures of these “profs”? I bet they look like beached whales, that’s why…
Ooh, so sorry, the judges were looking for “Skin and bone scarecrow.” Again, that’s “skin and bone scarecrow.” We also would have accepted “malnourished harradin.”
She almost certainly has/had an eating disorder. So she’s projecting her own experience (what a surprise coming from a prog) onto the whole world.
Didn’t you guys get the memo? The nature vs nurture debate has been settled, and nurture has won hands down. Biology has literally 0% to do with anything.
That’s a relief
TW: All selfies, but #1 alone makes it worth the effort.
Not bad for a midday Friday set. Since I took the day off and am getting drunk all day, expect many more titty shots.
Counterpoint: if you read Reddit, you become a Reddit person.
Meh. I’m already a stain on the human race. What’s three or four more steps down the latter?
I’d rather perform a power-drill assisted autolobotomy than read a book about an author from New England written by a resident of the NYNJBALDC megalopolis. Unless it involves squamatious and cyclopeidan fish people, Arab holy men with names that don’t actually conform to Arab naming conventions, and the Fighting Cephalopods.
Steven King’s Blatant ripoff?
I think King wrote a sequel.
Lovecraft man.
What a squamous and non-Euclidean comment.
“Just. Do. This. One. Thing.”
Doctors don’t want you to know this one weird trick to cure your stage IV pancreatic cancer!
I’ve known 2 people that had pancreatic cancer. By the time they finally saw a doctor, it was way too late and they were gone in about two months.
Same here – that one is as bad as it gets.
I’ll see your pancreatic cancer and raise you a glioblastoma.
Holy shit is that nasty. Just went to the funeral of a good friend this week. Two months as well.
Pancreatic cancer took out Mama Tres. She made it nearly a year, with a pretty decent quality of life. But the final month, things went off the rails rapidly.
I had a patient this week that stopped taking his myasthenia gravis medication because god was going to heal him. Ended up in cardiopulmonary arrest. His new revelation is god gave healthcare workers the knowledge to help him. Good call.
You should get the Parable of the Flood printed out and hang it up on the wall.
I’m not too hard on people. I get it. It sucks to be chronically ill. But it’s even worse when you are stubborn and don’t take help. I’m glad he survived to get his wake up call.
Calls for healthy eating “remain embedded in contemporary culture and politics,” the Hayes-Conroys assert. “Countless recent studies offer insight into weight loss, longevity, or athletic performance—all predominant Western values.” ”
Bless their hearts.
Some of the non-Western values include “not starving to death”, “not dying of a tropical disease”, and “not getting shot in a civil war”.
Well, since Western values have resulted in unprecedented wealth, technological advancement, and health, I would say it’s a good thing. Bitch.
Man, lots of great progress going on. 🙂 Way to go y’all!
With the exception of the Monday night visitation from OMWC and SP… and the drunken munchies I had on Sunday night, I’ve managed to be under calories by ~100-150 every day this week. It’s slow progress, but I’m very specifically trying to lose slowly so I don’t sacrifice as much of my gains. Plus, I let Mr. Riven talk me into following the linear progression from Starting Strength–even though I’ve been lifting for years now and I’m not exactly “starting.” But I have seen the numbers on the bar moving in the right direction, and the number on the scale is moving in the right direction, too. So now it’s just a slow grind down to 135 (from 140) without sacrificing gains or strength. … Or beer. … Or whiskey… Or, or, or…
But those ors are good!
Well, exactly 😉 I’m not into restrictive diets that cut out food groups, specific foods, or, well, anything! I’m big on moderation.
Maybe that means tonight I’ll just have two beers when someone else might have three or four… But two beers is miles ahead of none at all! And I don’t mind taking my time to lose all of 5 to 10 vanity pounds.
I’m pretty much on the same plan in reverse. One extra serving for seconds at dinner. A little extra ice cream for dessert. One more beer before bed. I’m trying to both eat better and just more.
The more has proven to be harder than I thought. Not that difficult, in the scheme of things. Some people are dealing with some real hunger.
That’s the way to do it, though, I think. Just add a little more when and where you can–whether that’s by eating a little more each meal or making sure you choose the full fat option.
Grrr, not doing great. I’m +3lbs on the challenge and -2 this week. I’m hoping to use this next week as a reset. Mrs and baby trshmnstr are in Dallas all week, so I hope I can get back down to my low carb diet.
I find that its really hard for me to retain only a small amount of control over my diet. I’m an all-or-nothing kind of guy, and my wife’s dietary needs are very different from mine. She’s very active and I’m rather sedentary during the workweek. I’m trying to find a good balance between the fact that I can’t really be the primary chef and grocery shopper and the fact that her southern cooking style is heavier in calories and carbs than is healthy for me.
I’ll probably grab some meat at the store and smoke it up this weekend,. That in combo with grilled veggies is filling and low carb.
When Mrs. Trshmnstr cooks, does she do dishes with sides, or are they mostly one pot meals? I ask because it’s easy to just say no to a serving of, say, mashed potatoes. Not so easy to to carb reduce with a dish like paella.
She does a bunch of one pot meals. She’s a big crock-pot user.
I could certainly exert some more self control on fajita night and skip the tortillas and cheese.
It’s interesting, because there’s a fundamental difference in our cooking styles. Her style is to dump a bunch of ingredients in a pot together and add flavor at the end through toppings and sauces. I’m all about seasoning food at the start and combining the flavorful seasoned ingredients on the plate. Mine is a lower cal/carb method, but hers is easier to execute. There’s no fear of her effing up a spice blend and ruining dinner.
I am also a big fan of one pot meals, but I’m much more like you in that I will season food at the beginning instead of at the very end. Not to say I don’t also enjoy toppings and sauces, of course… but that’s part of how I got here in the first place!
I’m still running my 15-18 miles a week.
Eating? I’ve been cheating here ‘n’ there – ice cream on a hot day us sublime – but mostly sticking to my heavy plant-based diet.
Usual meal:
Morning: 1/2 glass of soy milk
Mid-morning snack: small 1.5oz of nuts
lunch: Baby spinach with 3oz of chicken and vinagerette dressing – or tomato soup
mid-afternoon: seed crackers and hummus snack
supper: grass fed beef burger with no bun and a salad.
Add in a 500-800 calorie burn 4-5x a week and I’m feeling pretty thin. My wife threw away the scales years ago so I have no idea what my weight is. Most likely under 200 pounds, was 190 last time I was weighed by my doctor.
ugh almond milk, not soy. Gag. I used to drink soy milk when I was a vegan. Now I can’t stand the taste.
That makes more sense. Still would have expected to see more pain, anguish, and guzzoline in your diet though.
Last year I was all about lifting weights, protein powder, and supplements.
But a visit to the doctor: overweight, pre-diabetic, etc
and I’ve taken another path – more of a stress/weight reduction plan instead of weight / muscle gain.
Two docs told me the same thing: Your blood sugar is going up, your weight is going up, there’s lots of diabetes in your family, so get your weight under control. The second of the two docs also told me, “You have too much muscle mass to have a healthy BMI, so don’t worry about that, just reduce your body fat.” (Full disclosure: I don’t think I’m that muscular).
I was in good shape through most of my 20s, then I pissed my 30s away, and I’m trying to pick up the pieces in my 40s. I have been doing a lot of weight training. Cardio is pushing the weight sled around and going for walks at lunch. Cutting back on snacking has been hard, though cutting back on drinking booze has been easy. My weight and blood sugar have turned around and started going down, though the weight has not gone down as fast as I want it to.
Lord Humungus is a soy boy? I need to sit down. Nothing makes sense.
I set a new personal best on my 5K and 500m interval rows. Weights are a slow grind, but I’m making progress. I’m still gaining weight, but hopefully it’s mostly muscle.
Nice, dude! Keep gettin’ after it!
Just finished Week 6 of MTI’s ruck-based selection program. Just eval week and taper week to go. Whew.
I just looked that up. Are you training for the military or just personal health?
Both. MTI has a lot of great “job-specific” programming for military guys, so I’ve been using their stuff for a little over a year now. Even if you’re not a “tactical athlete”, they have a lot of good stuff for building good baseline fitness, and their methodology is sound.
Progress report:
Calories 1350 (goal <1500)
Net Carbs 17 (goal < 30)
I weighed in at 180.2 on Monday. Don't have a valid weight for today, because I'd drunk a bottle of water before I got on the scale (it showed 181.4. if you subtract out the 17 oz of water, that puts me about where I was on Monday). That makes about 45 lbs. lost since Christmas. That's exciting. More exciting: I've been wearing my wedding ring on my pinky for the last several years because it won't fit on my ring finger. I can now slide it all the way the bottom of the ring finger. I can't leave it there, but it's going to be soon.
That makes about 45 lbs. lost since Christmas.
Sweet Jesus cinnamon titties motherfuck, well done!
Man don’t start wearing your wedding ring, your wife will complain if you take it off when you are out picking up chicks.
Good work otherwise. That’s a hell of a calories cut you are on.
Congratulations. I remember when I lost weight being surprised how much was in the fingers.
PS – 45 lbs lost is the amount of energy needed to drive a Tesla at highway speeds for about 710 miles.
Does that include the energy lost when the batteries burst into flame half-way there?
Thanks all.
The odd thing is once you cut some things out, how hard it can be to get to the 1300 – 1500 I’m aiming for. Once you cut out the grazing through the fridge before bed time, and the 3 – 5 cans of soda a day. You can’t eat enough vegies to make up the difference.
Fat is your find. 9 calories per gram!
You are awesome!
Keep on truckin’!
It’s not precisely GlibFit, but since I previously mentioned it:
The 5-times-a-week cardio I started doing 4 weeks back seems to have payed off – I was able to do the qualifying 200 yard swim & 10 minute treading water for scuba qualification without issue. I was feeling it by the end of lap 8 (25 yard pool), so I’m thinking I would have been in real trouble w/o the cardio in the preceding weeks.
2 8+ hour days in the pool really wiped me out more than expected (plus I screwed my ear up a bit descending too fast w/o equalizing).
I dropped ~ 5 lbs during that time as well (always trying to watch the carbs. The delicious, delicious carbs).
Now to stick with the cardio and/or get back on the rowing machine (elbow is better, but not 100%).
Nice job!
When’s the dive trip?
This was supposed to be a rush certification – pool last weekend, open-water this weekend; my wife decided we _must_ dive with the manta rays during our trip to Hawaii in two weeks. A bit of pressure on me not to screw up the plans by being too much of a slug to pass the swim portion.
Smash-cut to today – I did fine on the swim and quite well overall with the diving in the pool. My wife, on the other hand… she had a bad time with the diving itself and relaxing enough to trust the equipment. So diving in Hawaii is off (but not my fault, so win?).
We’ll pick up the diving when we get back, with more personal instruction for her to get her comfortable (and I’ll just get in some extra time in the pool). After she gets it together and passes the pool section, we’ll both do the open-water qualification together. Sometime…
If she handn’t already shelled out a decent amount of cash for the two of us, I suspect she might give up on the whole thing – she _really_ wasn’t comfortable diving. I quite liked it (kept dreaming about it all week), so I’m hopeful she’ll get over the hump.
Weight is down again: 283 lbs.
Good article ALATW! I couldn’t agree more about fitness/dietary moralism. What’s disturbing to me is their have been some VERY evangelical ‘documentaries’ about nutrition pushed on the streaming services lately (Looking at you “What the Health?) that are very popular ad many people I know accept their validity of without question. I don’t want to know how many times I’ve heard people parrot the “meat gives you cancer” BS in the last year.
For those who care, Portugal 1-0 Spain on a Ronaldo penalty 5 minutes in.
Tax evasion is just a red card now?
Well, red card with massive fine and possible time in prison, but… yeah
OT: you should keep voting for communist.
Let me get this straight, you advertise a bunch of free shit and you end up with a free-rider problem? You don’t say? It’s almost like you get more of what you reward…..
It’s shocking
Best comment:
Dorothy Michaels
Nelson Muntz has a pretty well-known, and appropriate, response to Seattle.
Like · Reply · 3 · 59m
Shoutout to Deadhead. I started the Racing Weight quickstart plan. I am freaking knackered by the training, but my legs aren’t sore. That’s like a perfect training zone. Tired every night but not sore.
I lost three pounds in the past week, but I’ve increased my protein consumption, so I’m hoping for less muscle loss when I get my next hydrostatic weighing (still several weeks out). My performance continues to improve.
I’m Still Vaping, and feel a Whole lot better but after all the testing they did on my Heart, they said I run like a well tuned Machine, no problems at all. 🙂
So what is the pain in my Chest from? Yikes!
Next stop, Pulmonologist
Yikes is right. I hope things work out for you.
Maybe anxiety/panic attacks? Pulled chest muscle? Gall bladder attacks? Reflux?
First 2, maybe, too high for GB, had Reflux before so not that, and my Lungs Feel fine, clear and such, We’ll see…
Good luck. Hopefully it’s nothing
Of course, all things in moderation. Reddit makes you stupid.
Even the Reddit porn? I disagree.
r/cfb is also okay. I mean, it is stupid at times, but not the same way as the rest of reddit.
There are corners of reddit that aren’t havens for 26 year olds with the emotional maturity of 12 year olds, but they’re few and far between.
I’ll occasionally stumble on a page and be fascinated by the conversation, but I inevitably get to clicking around to other seemingly interesting stuff and realize why I don’t go there.
Guy who beat the hell out of Rand Paul gets…..all of 30 days in prison.
You know who else got a reduced prison sentence…
Carlito Brigante?
Ricky, bubbles, and Julian a week before the inmate guard hockey game?
The leaders of the October incident?
For beating the crap out of a Senator? This is good to know.
You calling dibs on Schumer?
Lord, my MIL had the TV on this morning and I heard his voice: I just wanted to punch him so hard. It says a lot about Team politics that people like Schumer, McCain and others get fawning support.
You should know ahead of time, though, the thirty day rule only applies if the Senator is ikcy. If the Senator is just super-wonderful, dreamy, or the part of the Senate’s conscience, totally different sentencing guidelines apply.
Dammit, you beat me to it.
So, Lindsey Graham would be okay?
Well, he does have that icky “R” after his name. But he’s kind of a mini-me to John McCain, who is, like, totally not icky. Unless he’s actually running against a Democrat. Then he’s icky and creepy. I guess it depends. What is he saying about Trump this week?
What about former senators from Illinois?
This, combined with the IG report, combined with an Obama commissar throwing Manafort in prison, combined with the NY AG going after the Trump Foundation, combined with every other fucking thing since the Lightbringer Ascended to The Throne, is the kind of shit that is going to lead to political violence. The Left controls the bureaucracy, the judiciary, and the media, and are the de facto permanent ruling class of the nation, and the Right is either unwilling or unable to actually see the incredible danger that is allowing this to continue without stopping it through legal means.
If the rules don’t apply equally, then you don’t actually have a government of laws anymore, and the Left/Deep State/Permanent Ruling Class of Bureaucrats aren’t even pretending to be even handed anymore. Shit, I should go beat up a Democrat Senator and claim it was because his sprinklers were hitting my siding.
Here’s a fine overview of the IG report
Yeah, whatever. Y’all wanna lose weight? Come down here and walk a mile. Three digit temps and three digit humidity.
Thank you for reminding me of why I no longer live on the Gulf Coast.
That’s all water weight! 😉
I just cut grass. I think I lost ten pounds in two hours.
Yeah, no thanks.
Today’s weigh-in: 215. Up 2lbs from last week. Probably because I’ve been slacking a bit, spending my lunch dealing with calling people about stuff instead of exercising, we ate out a couple times this week and Gerald made a pot of chicken-and-noodles for dinner one night that’s also been my lunch for the last couple days. I’ve also been slacking because it’s either raining outside, or hot+humid+mosquitoey (90-someodd degrees, 90+% humidity, and a ton of mosquitoes). I’m not sure indoor exercise makes up for skipping walks, although I did do some random weight stuff/bodyweight exercises a couple times this week.
On the plus side, I haven’t seen my dad and stepmom in about a month, and last night stepmom said I look like I’ve lost more weight. I also picked up a couple pairs of size 14 pants– they’re snug, but they fit. Hopefully they’ll fit a little looser when I wear them this weekend; I tried them on last night after eating a big dinner, and drinking my share of 2 pitchers of beer. Also, I can tell I’m getting ready to drop more belly fat– last couple weeks my stomach has been firmer and less rolly, now it hasn’t gotten any bigger but it’s flabbier. Not sure why, but right before I drop belly fat it gets softer and flabbier/rolly. So c’mon not-snug size 14.
spending my lunch dealing with calling people about stuff instead of exercising
This. My engineers on pacific time love scheduling calls over my lunch hour. My boss and coworkers love scheduling meetings in all the adjoining hours. Makes a lunchtime workout all but impossible.
Fortunately, my lunch is sacred. I’m hourly, so I just lock my laptop (and therefore set myself as ‘away’), and walk away. I don’t answer Skype when I’m away, and no one calls me.
Unfortunately, I’m having to call about wedding stuff, or go online to do wedding stuff, and we had to stop shipment on a shed kit and work with Costco to get a refund because we found out after reading the product description and the manual before purchasing, purchasing it, then having the local building inspector insist we get the wind speed rating documented, and emailing the company and getting a reply from one of their engineers, that the shed is only rated for 65mph. That won’t work in hurricane country, in fact if we weren’t figuratively flipping off the county and went groveling for permission for a shed, they’d want a 120mph wind rating. As it is, after the incompetent, bureaucratic assholery Gerald dealt with just asking if we even need a building permit for a shed, we’re saying screw it and not bothering with one when we build it. I’d rather pay a potential fine than deal with some petty bureaucrat. Considering how sheltered the shed will be by trees and buildings, and which side is exposed to the open, I’d be comfortable with a 90mph rating… but 65mph is unacceptable even for me. It’d blow over in one of our strong summer thunderstorms, much less anything tropical.
Portugal-Spain tied 2-2 at 54 min.
Correction – now Portugal 2, Spain 3.
I didn’t add any more updates b/c I realized I might be spoiling it for people who want to watch.
I will say that it’s a pretty good match so far.
Good point – my bad.
As expected, definitely the best match so far.
Definitely. They’re both threatening often, and well.
Does it make me a bad person that my only motivation here is to watch Ronaldo lose?
I only watched the Super Bowl out of hope that someone would break Tom Brady’s fucking leg.
I was incredibly disappointed.
Do you know that Ronaldo is (one of) his middle name(s)? According to the TV commentators, Ronaldo’s father picked that name in honor of his favorite movie star: Ronald Reagan.
Yeah, credit where credit is due, the third goal was a thing of beauty.
Completely OT: Stupid work interwebs hasn’t blocked Glibs outright but I keep getting a “Page not found” every time I try to open the site. Grrrgh. I may have to do actual work, Rufus. So in my boredom I stumbled onto “Frankly Curious,” which has been linked to many times over here I know. I was bored enough to read the comments and *some* of his articles about Glibs. Lord what a wretched hive of sanctimoniousness and mendacity. Good job Sloopy, HM and I See Woodchippers (does he/she still comment here?) for making them all look stupid. Of course, they’re far too up their own asses to realize how thoroughly schooled they were.
I was running and then developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot and it sucks and I haven’t run in 3 weeks. FML.
Real men Eka Pada Rajakapotasana until they can smell their own taint.
Real men smell their own taint when they climb out of their truck with a side breeze and the passenger window is cracked making a side waft out the driver door.
Great articles for 2.0 Leap. I am keeping on in my mediocre way.
*adds febreeze for seat covers to shopping list
holy tag fail.