Russia pounded Saudi Arabia’s nuts in the World Cup opener. Mo Salah (Egyptian king) will be on the bench against Uruguay today. And “The Battle For Iberia” is this afternoon. I just thought of that, so if you think its retarded, you know who to point a finger at. And Kellen Winslow II, one of the biggest assholes in all of professional sports over the last few decades, is in a bit more legal trouble than everyone thought when he was first arrested last week.
On the diamonds, your winners were: San Francisco, Philly, Detroit, Cleveland (who managed to split a series with White Sox), the World Champion Houston Astros, Yankees, Braves, Diamondbacks and Red Sox.
And then…there was the bloodbath at Shinnecock Hills. There probably hadn’t been that much carnage on Long Island since the white man first set foot on the continent. It was just brutal. The average score was more than 6 over par. Just four players in red numbers after the first round, and I would imagine that number won’t get any bigger as we get to the weekend. I partially blame the conditions, which were tricky to say the least. But when you crosscut the greens, dry them out as much as possible, and put pins in unapproachable locations, are you really bringing out the best in these players? I would tend to say they should leave everything else alone but at least make the greens comparable to what tour players face on a regular basis. You simply cannot put pins on the side of a ridge on a rear-sloping green with the entire back fringe bikini-waxed. It makes for shitty golf, in my opinion. Look for DJ to carry on and go into the weekend either in the lead or right there in contention. God knows what else will happen, other than a bunch of guys in the 80s and fans grumbling (some) over the weekend that a lot of big names are spending Fathers Day weekend at home.

Sorry for the rant. Hey look, composer Edvard Greig was born on this date. Am an whose work I quite enjoy. So were commie Yuri Andropov, jazz pianist Erroll Garner, asshole Mario Cuomo, musical genius Waylon Jennings, whore/author Xaviera Hollander, “the lizard” Dusty Baker, another commie Xi Jinping, the brother of a great comedian Jim Belushi, fried chicken and beer aficionado Wade Boggs, “actress” Helen Hunt, “actress” Courtney Cox, actor and musician O’Shea Jackson, Starship Trooper Niel Patrick Harris, three-time world champ and San Francisco Giant Tim “The Freak” Lincecum, and also the aforementioned Egyptian King, Mo Salah is celebrating.
Its also a great day in the history of the individual. Its the day the Magna Carta was signed by King John. I’ve seen an original of the document in Washington at the National Archives. It was a really cool experience. George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Charles Goodyear patented the vulcanization of rubber, Henry Flipper (in 1877) became the first black man to graduate from West Point, mustache-genius Wilhelm II became Emperor of Germany, Ford Motor Company built its 10 millionth vehicle, scumbag and cross-dresser J Edgar Hoover assumed leadership of the FBI, “The Dirty Dozen” hit theaters, and Jack Nicklaus, the winner of the most majors of all time and most likely the greatest golfer ever, won the 80th US Open.
I hope you got all that. Especially the golf stuff. Now we come to…the links!

I’ve got nothing on the IG report. Everybody saw it, everybody has an opinion on it. I’d be mailing it in if I used that as a link when I know it’ll be topic of the day anyhow. So consider this my bringing it up, and feel free to go crazy on it in the comments.
Oh no! This is definitely going to break our economy. Whatever will we do? I mean, if this doesn’t end soon, I can only imagine the streets in South Florida and Arizonas will be almost devoid of Cadillacs and Buicks floating across three lanes to get to the 4:30 PM dinner special in the fall. And teenage boys won’t have a fictitious girlfriend to talk about when they get back from summer vacation. And … well, that’s pretty much it.
Bipartisan push for shield laws for journalists is back on. OK, great. But mentioning an opportunist partisan hack sleeping her way through sources in order to spin bullshit might not be as good a poster child as, say, Edward Snowden and Wikileaks, who do nothing put post the raw data and let people decide for themselves how to take it. Also, I’ll pose a question: should we grant protected status to the sources who are breaking federal confidentiality laws or should we merely allow the stories to be printed and not punish the journalists? She’s not being punished. And the defense of the feds here, in my opinion, is that they subpoena’d the records of their target’s lover, not his journalistic outlet. What say you?

If you expected this to have happened somewhere other than Florida, you’re not paying attention. I applaud his desire to enforce his contract. But his methods are suspect.
I see the left is flipping the fuck out that the Trump admin plans on enforcing our naturalization policy and possibly removing violent criminals from the country. Yeah, good luck selling that one.
Only in Chicago. I mean, the corruption in that city just can’t be topped. Maybe, just maybe, all the Chicago Glibs need to move out and we need to drop a nuke on that cesspool of government corruption. Maybe.

And the latest Darwin Award winners are…these dumbasses.
If you’re at work, you may want to not play this song on full volume. For the birthday boy.
Have a great day and a wonderful Fathers Day weekend. I know I will.
A bit of information about Erroll Garner: he couldn’t read music and did it all by ear.
You can see his brilliant playing here:
You lackin’?
Sorry, don’t get it.
*shoots scruffy*
He Lackin’ … intelligence. Shoot your buddy in the face and end up with a felony hanging on ya.
*Appraising gaze*
How do you watch the Open, Sloop? What do you think of the Fox broadcast?
I have Directv so the have the Open Mix Channel where you can switch back and forth with simulcast, feature group, second feature group, and a channel that just follows three holes.
I’m watching 4K channel but it’s the Fox simulcast. I think I prefer CBS golf much better.
As far as the toughness, they do this at the Open all the time. People want to see these guys challenged, unlike Tournos where the winner is like 28 under.
But sometimes they way overdo it, like you said. Par at Shinnecock is 70…I don’t mind watching those primadonnas shoot 3 or 4 over.
It’s typical Fox Sports. Half the people working it don’t know shit and the other half are fantastic.
It lacks the pomposity of Johnny Miller, otherwise it’s pretty good in my opinion. Also, I didn’t notice the saturation of Tiger coverage you get from CBS or NBC. Although they did show all seven of his shots on #1, lol. But it was nice seeing him covered the amount he deserved to get.
I’d give it a B-. They’re getting there, and I expect it to be better on the weekend when they don’t have to worry about a 12 hour day.
I shot better than 40% of the players yesterday in relation to par. I felt good about that.
You wouldn’t have broken 90 at Shinnecock yesterday.
(I don’t play golf, so I definitely wouldn’t have broken 90.)
Probably not. So I would have been in next to last place.
Found in the driveway of the office this morning.
Apparently, someone’s hair weave was attempting a daring escape, but didn’t quite make it.
Has Trump been informed?
Next of kin have been notified, Jerry Curl took it the hardest.
Why did it have to be snakes?
I’ve got a dead baby snake on the back stones.
At first, it looked like a piece of the black plastic that was underneath the stones, but then I noticed it might be a snake so I flipped it over, and sure enough it had an orangeish underbelly.
As a young man in the bachelor pad, I came home to find a striped shoe-lace laying in the hall.
It moved when I picked it up.
Not nearly as bad as discovering the dead mouse between our dirty dishes in the sink. It had been there a while.
I walked into the bedroom one night to find a 2.5ft snake lying stretched out on the bed. We had to chase it into a corner and coax it to crawl along the wall and into a big jar so we could put it outside. I still don’t know how it got into the house.
As usual, the cats slept through the whole thing.
The King of the Lizardkillers (the male Dean Beast) followed up his epic victory over a Gila Monster by killing a 5 foot racer snake a week later. I swear, he was smug about it for days.
Yeah, our snake episode was before we got the Tortie Sisters. They would have been all over it.
Was The Hair seen anywhere nearby?
Strangling any potential competition?
Discarded mistress.
Lorretta Lynch’s…she was celebrating a bit too much last night because she got away with all kinds of shady shit.
Bipartisan push for shield laws for journalists is back on. – meh I am not sure about laws targeted at specific classes.
It will be followed by an attempt to create a regulatory and licensing scheme for journalists.
I said the same thing. If journalists can’t have their emails subpoenaed, how does that square with equal protection? Especially if, say, a blogger gets some scoop instead of a NYT reporter sleeping with her source?
Sleeping with a NYT reporter is its own form of punishment.
Yeah, I’m less wild about the idea of laws protecting journalists. It doesn’t address the root problem, which is government corruption.
If you expected this to have happened somewhere other than Florida, you’re not paying attention. I applaud his desire to enforce his contract. But his methods are suspect. – he could claim it was an art project or something.
I was writing a book, it was for research!
To avoid prison, Chicago movie studio mogul went undercover for feds
Didn’t they already make Argo?
Raul Garcia, 17, is accused of shooting a 16-year-old male during a challenge known as “You lackin?” The game involves pointing guns at each other.
Lackin’ some brains.
He was trying to save face.
They did this in every Hollywood western a couple of generations ago.
McGill music student awarded $350,000 after girlfriend stalls career
McGill University music student Eric Abramovitz was among the top clarinetists in Canada. – gay
A month later, Colburn sent an email to Abramovitz. He had been chosen.
Except Abramovitz never got the email. Jennifer Lee, a fellow McGill music student and Abramovitz’s girlfriend at the time, did. They had started dating in September 2013, and within a month he was staying at her apartment almost full time. He trusted her. He let her use his laptop. He gave her his passwords.
Scared he would move away and perhaps no longer be in a relationship with her, Lee deleted the email. She sent the Colburn Conservatory of Music an email, pretending to be Abramovitz, refusing the offer because he would “be elsewhere.”
She sent Abramovitz an email pretending to be Yehuda Gilad, under a new address she apparently established herself,, saying Abramovitz had not been accepted for a scholarship at Colburn.
Don’t stick it in crazy.
i.e. don’t date anyone in a BFA program. Artist? Dancer? Actress? Musician? All are off limits unless you’re in disguise and they don’t know your real name.
My wife has an art degree, and is pretty sane. After reading a lot of stories like this I realize I got very lucky.
I dated a whole bunch of artsy types in my youth. All were fucking insane. Like dangerously so.
I married an engineer.
I married a full blooded Italian ballerina. A little bit of hot headed crazy is good.
I have a friend who dated one. After they broke up he told me the sex was incredible but he sometimes had a nagging worry he’d be stabbed in the middle of it.
That sounds more Puerto Rican to me.
Italians were the minority ethnicity associated with stabbing people with knives before it was cool. Then, in one of the great cultural advancements of mankind, they figured out how to use the design to make their very fuckable women even more fuckable.
Grape pickers, every one of them.
The other strategy is to be more poor and crazier. I tried that for a while. Its too hard.
Yeah. That can be fun too. But they always have an extra gear you didn’t know about. When they decide to throttle up the crazy, then there’s nothing for you to do but watch in awe.
I mentioned her before but in college I date a woman who did nude modeling for the art department. She was bat-crazy. Think long black hair, tattoos, and scars from cutting herself. Very petite, fit, small breasted, but a large-ish booty. She was also, in my unprofessional opinion, bi-polar. Or maybe just “woman” to the extreme.
Yes she was attractive and I like a little bit of crazy; but after a few months it was clear that the relationship was going nowhere. I wasn’t exactly broken up when we called it off after a nasty argument.
One of my last words to her before she slammed the door: “Enjoy that white trash lifestyle of yours.”
Overall sounds like a win to me. Got the goods and got out.
I’d regret that. It’s always good in the moment to take that parting shot. Not sure in the long run.
Meh – she was saying some nasty stuff too before she headed out that door.
Go on…
My second relationship-type thingy was my first year of uni at IU. This girl Hannah and I hit it off really well. She was also a nude model, but she was a chill one-of-the-boys girls who looked hot in jeans in a t-shirt and no makeup. Was a big stoner. Cute as a button. Very Jew-y face. It is not a coincidence that I have a kryptonite weakness for such features and qualities. Oh, she went to Catholic school and had the outfits still.
We made out a bunch, but I never made a move past that. I had every opportunity in the world. For months. I was too chickenshit to do anything about it. It’s one of my biggest regrets of my life. I think about her at least once a month and use it as fuel to make sure that I never miss another chance like that when it’s just spitting on my shoes.
She’s married now. She looked lovely and oh-so-happy in her wedding photos. I sincerely wish her the best of lives with him and their basset hounds.
I’m heading off to the train station—taking The Lady to Seoul for the first time. Museums, scenery, amazing western food, and a very amorous atmosphere. Diggity.
Dancers: ****
Woodwind players ***
Other musicians **
Theatre majors: *
Visual artists: meh.
As for woodwind players, I vote for Bobbi Star.
My first wife was a writer and a Harpist. No not the big orchestral harps she had to specialize in an already low demand specialty instrument. She played Scottish Wire Strung Folk Harps, primarily at Ren Fests, Highland games, and Sci Fi/Fantasy Cons. She was even a pretty big name in the Filk Scene, having written 2 Pegasus Award Nominated Songs (The Pegasus are kinda like the musical version of the Hugos but with less prestige), been nominated forthe Best Writer/Composer Pegasus twice, and with her band won a Best Performer Pegasus.
Of course none of that actually translated to a positive net earnings from her musical career and yes she was batshit crazy and not even hot enough to make up for it. By most of your guys standards when I met her she’d have rated a 3 on the hot scale (at best) and a 7 on the crazy meter. By the time we divorced those were down to 1 and 8 respectively.
Wow, over the course of that post she went from sounding pretty interesting to “what the heck were you thinking!?”. If it’s not too nosy, was she into the lifestyle stuff?
He was big into the “Filk Scene”.
But he was using the other definition.
Oh hell yeah, she was a major pain slut who did not consider herself to have been properly beaten unless the bruises still hurt a week later. Unfortunately for her while I am somewhat of a dominant I am in no way shape or form a sadist and am very rarely into any kind of BDSM pay.
In my defense She was literally the first female who had ever given me so much as the time of day. Prior to meeting her I was perpetually as the feminists call them “the nice guy”, The one they keep around to fix their problems and prevent them from being alone when their asshole boyfriend dumps them but they would never consider dating because he’s such a good friend. A few years before I met Gwen I got tired of being payed for a chump and after hearing “you’re such a good friend I’d hate to ruin that” one too many times told her “I have enough friends and don’t need any more, I am looking for a girlfriend and if that ain’t you I don’t have time for you”.
I then went for something like 2 years without so much as having a conversation with a female who wasn’t either related to me, waiting on me, or trying to sell me something.
The late 80’s/early 90’s were not a friendly time for geek guys who spent the bulk of their time playing RPG’s and tabletop board games.
Also, what the heck do you consider a 1 on the scale!?
His ex-wife.
Don’t share your passwords people.
Yeah after one month?
Thank you for the link! I would never have seen it if you hadn’t posted it!
Was it posted before?
PM Lynx yesterday.
I guess I’m like Swiss with how he gets irritated at people going off-topic two minutes into a new link thread, except that for me it’s 10 people seeing some story and saying to themselves, “Ooh, ooh, I have to share this with Glibertarians”, and then getting it in every post over the weekend. In some ways it’s funny, but in some ways I wonder whether anybody pays attention to the comments. (We know, of course, nobody reads the links.)
Well I am not around for the PM links so… I do not read the post the next day in order to see all that was linked
I also rarely read the PM links or the weekend threads. So to expect everyone to track everything that has been linked is uh… a little crazy.
*mutters, open desk drawer, pulls out bottle of whisky…pours some into coffee mug and goes back to work*
Least you went for whiskey and not milk. Only babies reach for the milk.
Everybody reads the am links.
Wrong. It’s blocked at work.
Then you need to find a new employer.
But if it’s blocked, how…
I’m not at work today.
well the 15:00 links are more convenient than the 23:00 links for a morning person.
What a fucking dope. Doesn’t he know you can set up multiple users on a computer?
He should get nothing but a scolding from the judge for being an idiot.
My guess is that she guilted him into sharing everything “if you love me”
A few years into our dating, my wife tried the “What are you hiding?” variant. I told her, “Nothing. Except my passwords, which you’re never getting. See that email address? That’s mine. If you want to read emails, read your own. This is non-negotiable, and the more you bring it up the more respect I lose for you.” Stopped that shit right away. Today we have accounts that we both access, but we still don’t ask each other for passwords to our own individual things. It’s important to have boundaries in a relationship, and after eight years of marriage on the 26th (and about five years of dating prior) she’s finally learned to appreciate that, too.
My ex couldn’t get this.. it’s why she is the ex.
lol. You made me laugh on the gay part.
Well sure… Canadian girlfriend.
>>I’ve got nothing on the IG report.
I would like to hear our resident lawyers take on this. It smells of a wishy-washy not quite cover up of some deep state fuckups.
Having read it it seems like an Occam’s Razor situation. I don’t think there’s a conspiracy or cover-up. Everyone involved is just stupid.
Have you read the entire report of just the executive summary? They are quite different.
Don’t have time to read the whole thing. Might be different, but I always default to stupidity rather than conspiracy anyways.
You shouldn’t in this case. It lays out all the evidence of a massive conspiracy to whitewash the email investigation and then says “but it’s no big deal” in the executive summary.
It’s quite damning if you look at it objectively. Which, of course, nobody in the political or media world are doing.
I hope the heatings next week give the IG a chance to explain how he squared all of the parties own words with his assessment that they didn’t act for political purposes. Because it doesn’t pass the smell test.
It basically followed the Comey model, where he laid out all of the criminal acts of Hillary and her team, and then concluded no reasonable prosecutor would charge her, so no big deal, nothing more to see.
Well, think of the shit storm that would have followed of Lynch had to do that. Did anybody actually think Hillary was going to be charged with a crime?
That’s exactly what I thought when I read about it. It may as well have been Comey doing the investigation.
“Did anybody actually think Hillary was going to be charged with a crime?”
Not by the Obama administration, and certainly not if the deep state kept their power.
It seems to me like a soft cover up. The FBI’s actions were not politically motivated? That’s just the opposite of reality based on the abundant evidence to the contrary.
I mean, it’s important to distinguish between the report itself and the conclusions the media are drawing.
But it’s hard to read what these people were saying to one another or after and not think jesus…these fuckers really are dumb. It’s not so much diabolical plotting as a bunch of weasel bureaucrats with their own biases and innate stupidity combined with arrogance doing really dumb shit.
Obama didn’t have to order anyone to do anything with regards to Hillary. I mean, it’s just how these fucks operate. It’s SOP.
You would think that this idiocy would put (or at least help to put) a stake in the idea of “Top Men”. I wouldn’t trust these dumbfuckers to run a lemonade stand but here we are.
What I bet we get is we need to give them even more protection so they can properly do their jobs..
Missing from that will be “for the deep state”…
Comey said that he didn’t realize Weiner was married to Huma Abedin.
And he sat on the revelation that Weiner had the emails for a month hoping they could keep it under wraps until after Election Day. And he only addressed it when the WSJ was going to go public that they weren’t doing anything about it. (Probably from an FBI agent disgusted with how it was being handled.)
Think about that. If he didn’t know who Weiner was and what his relationship with Abedin was, then Comey sat on it for a month thinking some random dude had all of Abedin’s emails.
He should be beaten with a rubber hose for that level of negligence, deliberate or otherwise.
Everyone knew Fredo Corleone was porking that Arab working for that crook…
Comey is full of shit
Comey said that he didn’t realize Weiner was married to Huma Abedin.
While I’m tempted to give him the benefit of the doubt and say this just shows what a pig-ignorant dumbfuck he is, I really think he’s just flat-out lying. The pig-ignorant dumbfuck part comes in when he doesn’t realize this makes him look even worse, as sloop points out.
It’s not quite a coverup – there’s a lot of damning evidence in there. It’s just that the conclusion just doesn’t connect the dots – they lay out plenty of things that indicate bias and a determination to bury the investigation, but then ignore it and say that while the FBI did a lot of things very wrong, it wasn’t because they were trying to keep Hillary afloat.
I am rather enjoying the notion that Strzok actually shot his own cause in the foot by trying to stall on the Weiner emails, which then caused Comey to write his letter because he was worried about the FBI’s reputation should it ever come to light. The FBI was never going to do shit about Hillary anyway, and if he had just let things run their normal course there never would have been a letter.
Did you really think the IG was going to really nuke the thing from orbit? I mean come on, it went as far as it could. They aren’t interested in connecting the dots this whole thing is really ugly imho it’s burn it down bad. Everyone knows it, the problem is nobody(the establishment republicans and the democrats) wants to really find out how bad it is. This whole affair shows how stupidly venal all these supposed top law men actually are(and frankly always been). It’s a huge institutional crisis and nobody wants to admit that because doing so would be saying the federal gov can’t actually be trusted to enforce the law fairly which would show everyone what a sham the whole thing is. This Clinton email scheme is the tip of the email iceburg everyone in the Obama administration was doing it including the president, this is why they really weren’t interested in pursuing that case(imho Comey was just trying to keep his job). They have already caught the EPA coordinating with Dem activists on various things, the State department was being run as a laundry mat for political favors, the IRS was weaponized(how do you think they were coordinating that), the Fucking Consumer Protection bureau was being run as a fucking piggy bank for the astroturf of the democratic party. All the while the NSA was spying on various political enemies using foreign policy as the pretense(not only did they bug the trump campaign they bugged congressman/senators talking to israel). These are just the things we know about and really pursuing the Clinton email investigation would have exposed the Obama administration as money launderers and thieves they actually were. This naturally cannot happen for the status quo to remain.
This is why it’s a good thing to bring the opposite party every whats in a while they are just as corrupt but at least they sometimes enrich a different bunch.
I tapped out after season 4 of Russiagate. They haven’t killed off enough characters.
It really is the Wheel of Time of political scandals. Not quite enough hair flipping, but other than that, dead on.
Lol. Perfect.
That’s because you are a poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS.
They have to be lazy. They wanted to keep more of their money, instead of working harder for the state.
All I know is if I’m trump I would fire whoever is atop of the FBI and NSA and nominate Roger Stone and Alex Jones to head up both agencies because fuck’em. All the while I would have hired teams of people to comb through the all the archives and been declassifying every embarrassing detail and investigation(pretty much everything) I could find.
I say he needs to go full on little boot, we need a horse at HHS, a wolverine (sorry Sloopy but I mean the furry kind) at EPA, and 3 monkeys at DOJ, CIA and NSA, NSA gets the deaf one, CIA the blind one, and DOJ the dumb one.
DOJ is already headed by the dumb one.
I left that teed up for you.
It would have been churlish to decline the gift.
Fuck them all. Or did you want a more lawyerly opinion? Maybe I’ll read it this morning.
Good enough for me.
Canadians are sharing tips via social media for how to shop for homegrown products.
One Montreal woman suggested shopping at Tim Horton’s instead of Starbucks and going to Rossy instead of Walmart.
*clutches chest, falls to floor*
My older brother married a (ughhh) Canadian. She’s always going on about how wonderful Canada is… healthcare! Better living, etc.
But she loves to buy stuff here, even ordering on Amazon and having it shipped to my parents so she can pick it up when visiting. Also visiting Sam’s Club and Costco and all of the shopping malls.
And when her daughter needed a complicated surgery when she was a baby, they – surprise! – went to New York to have it done, paying cash.
Yup. That’s a Canadian for you.
Very ‘whaaa?’ when they stick their heads out of their asses.
I especially hate the ones who have the means yapping on like moronic leftists only to bolt the second they have a chance.
I know a woman who moved here from Canada in high school, in the mid-90s. There’s some company that markets specifically Canadian stuff to ex-pats, and she orders stuff like potato chips that taste like ketchup, some weird kind of mayonnaise, and I think there’s like the peanut butter version of Miracle Whip. Mind you, her ass lives in the US of A and has no plans to move back, but apparently we just don’t cut it in terms of snacks and sandwich spreads.
I sympathize, though. I’d happily relocate to Texas and just have Old Bay (and J.O.) shipped to me every couple of months.
Old Bay shipped to you in Texas ?
Why ?
I’ve never been in a grocery store in Texas that didnt carry Old Bay.
Even convenience stores on the coast have it.
Oh no! This is definitely going to break our economy. Whatever will we do?
Leafs lackin’, yo
The Twink In The North! The Twink In The North!
/congrats to Sugarfree, that one is going to stick
*raises biodegradable butter knife*
*raises soy latte*
White House aide Peter Navarro said there is a ‘special place in hell’ for leaders like Trudeau
Next they’ll be calling for woodchippers.
South Florida and Arizonas will be almost devoid of Cadillacs and Buicks…
It would be hilarious if the stupid canuks really did boycott GM and General Motors Canada had to shut down their plants and fire everyone.
As predicted, the IG report was weaselly enough, and provided the ridiculous conclusion that the malfeasance was just failure to follow procedure but was really, totally, no way politically motivated, that the Dems and the media can portray it as a big nothing, move on, we’ll just tighten our procedures so it won’t happen again, we promise, and Trump and the Republicans were lying about it being political.
It’s over, shut off the lights. We rare officially a banana republic.
Isn’t it so tiresome?
“We admit total fuckups, but it wasn’t political.”
Said right to your face. Fuck you, peasant.
Seriously – Comey’s decision to exonerate Clinton months before interviewing her and her aides – not political
Comey’s decision to admit to the Weiner emails to “legitimize Hillary’s expected victory” – not political
Comey’s revision of the memo changing “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” to avoid statutory criminal language – not political
Comey changing the law to suddenly require intent, in spite of the statutes being strict liability – not political
Comey deciding to make a statement that Hillary should not be prosecuted, in spite of that not being the role of the investigators – not political
Strzok email on Trump saying “we’ll stop him – not political
I could go on, but why. The whole fucking thing is absurd. And nothing will happen other a few firings, maybe.
And nothing will happen other
a few firingsa few early retirements with full pensions and analyst jobs for the retirees at major media networks, maybe.FIFY!
Correction accepted. Sadly you are right.
Levin was saying they were ‘bias’ in their investigation of Hilary’s emails. They were more focused on Russia and didn’t treat it seriously.
I still can’t understand how Trump and his foundation gets sued, but the Clinton Foundation gets looked over despite what’s been reported?
This is how you turn your population from skepticism to cynicism.
I still can’t understand how Trump and his foundation gets sued, but the Clinton Foundation gets looked over despite what’s been reported?
Left wing Democrat prosecutors office. The goal is to hinder Trump as much as possible, and also the timing of the suit is to give the media a “big story” to compete with the IG report.
And it’s pure coincidence that the lawsuit is announced on the day the IG report is released.
What story, if there were any actual evidence of lawbreaking it would be an indictment, not a lawsuit
I never for a moment believed that the Deep State – especially the DOJ was going to fix itself. The only solution is political leadership.
I predict:
– R’s pick up some seats in both the House and Senate in November.
– Right after the election, Trump purges the DOJ – everyone named on the IG report, Jeff Sessions, and especially Rod Rosenstein is tossed out.
– The next Attorney General is a Giuliani or Christie – and he continues to fire, purge, downsize, and tame the DOJ and FBI.
Which is why Mueller is never going to end his investigation. Because then, that can’t happen.
Two more years and he’ll finally get some slip up
As long as the R’s hold or gain in November, Trump purges the DOJ. Not sure if he’ll fires Mueller or just brings in an AG who makes his life hell.
I don’t think it matters, if the stupid party manages to keep the house(seems farfetched but possible) its over for him. Done he’s gone, Trumps going to make him issue a report and fire his ass.
Really. Is that what they did in the offices they occupied before?
Early on as Governor, Christie has some epic battles with Unions and Democrats in the legislature. He would get in their face and not back down. Giuliani had similar fights in NYC.
Fights with Dems isn’t the same thing as purging assholes out of the DOJ and both of those love them some DOJ assholes. They ~are~ DOJ assholes.
Then pick somebody else who will clean house and never back down. There seem to be few of those in DC.
Please, not Giuliani
Schumer’s line on this is gobsmacking. The FBI wasn’t out to get Trump, despite some of its top brass literally saying they’re out to get Trump, because they did more to damage Clinton’s campaign in their slow-walked preordained exoneration. No mention that the seriousness of the crimes Clinton committed obligated the FBI to at least go through the motions, of course.
I don’t think there’s a conspiracy or cover-up. Everyone involved is just stupid.
Plausible deniability.
The don’t even have plausible deniability, but the IG was willing to play ball, likely in some misguided attempt to “preserve the integrity of the FBI”.
Of all the stories on the IG report, this one was the best at highlighting how much bullshit CNN and others are peddling:
So, let’s recap what they want the narrative to be:
1. Comey screwed up the Clinton investigation, but not for political reasons! (even though the IG report itself states that Comey’s thoughts on the election influenced his decision making)
2. A few FBI agents you already knew about talked shit about Trump (and they never mention the unnamed individuals in the report who were doing the same thing)
They want to make anything damning of the FBI to seem like old news. A rehash of what they already begrudgingly reported on in the past. That Mueller had to can another member of his team for bias? Shhhhh….
I mean, listening to the left on this? It’s a bunch of people trying to tell you 2+2=1.
Cool link, bro.
Such beauty… should have sent a poet
Looks sort of lacking in Lombardi trophies.
I still think they dropped the ball about the WH.
Call me an old farty.
French police cut soles off migrant children’s shoes, claims Oxfam
Charity accuses authorities of detaining minors without food before illegally returning them to Italy
It is shocking how Trump spreads his meanness to other countries.
Oxfam went on to say “Luckily, it works out for us, because several of our staff members have foot fetishes”
There are some Blue Helmets out here, demanding access!
There were diamonds…
I’ll let myself out
I suppose technically you can make the case that Deep State self-preservation is not “political” in the sense of strict Party loyalty. It’s more of a them against us scenario. The Mandarins stick together. The process must continue.
Exactly. This is about institutional preservation.
Astronomers see distant eruption as black hole destroys star
Some days there just are no appropriate STEVE SMITH links and one must reach
Black hole destroys star? Is this about Milo?
Supermassive Black Hole? I loved that song when it came out!
Does anyone still own a cassette player, or has purchased one recently you’re happy with?
<--- Still owns Sony Walkman
They have New Old Stock on Amazon, but I don’t want to pay that much.
Check out the hipster here!
In Romania we are still figuring out this new fangled Magnetophon thing
I got one in my Pacer, but my Ratt tape is stuck in it. It’s all yours.
like Japan would allow you to import an AMC…
What goes around, comes around. I’ll tell you why.
That is on the other side. I challenge you to come out with another Ratt song.
Alas, I cannot.
I happened to see the video for Round and Round the other day for the first time in 30+ years. Imagine my surprise when it featured Milton Berle for some odd reason, including him in drag.
Uncle of singer Stephen Pearcy, I believe.
Alas, I cannot.
C’mon, man!
Lay It Down? Slip Of The Lip??
I still have one but never use it.
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro warning!
Ron Wood’s twin sister!
Canadians are shopping ‘Trump free’ by boycotting US goods, stores and cancelling vacations to the States in solidarity with Trudeau
Now we don’t even need a northern wall to keep the wildlings out.
Bullshit, I bet I will still see plenty of Quebecois in Cape May this year.
He said Canadians, not bargain-bin Frenchies.
Man, why couldn’t this have happened when I lived in Arizona and the streets were clogged in the winter with giant fifth wheel trailers from Alberta?
It’s June. Everybody boycotts AZ in June. Even Arizonans, who flee the state like frogs jumping out of a boiling pot this time of year.
I reported to MCAS Yuma in August 2004. When we first rolled into town, it was right around noon. Yuma has the kind of quaint little downtown that wives tend to love, so we went down there since we had nothing better to do. Almost every store was closed…and it was a weekday? We found out why when we went in the (empty) one that was open – most of them close in midday in the summer because no one goes out in the middle of the summer day in Yuma if they don’t have to. It was 112 that day, for the record. Before the week was out, I managed to get a burn on my arm from the seat belt buckle because we didn’t know that windshield covers are necessities there.
This “game” seems to be lackin’ something.
This “game” seems to be lackin’ something. – RPGs?
No, kidding. Where’s the rape?
Sounds like the latest moral panic. Perhaps they should just have a rainbow party instead.
The long read
How to spot a perfect fake: the world’s top art forgery detective
I was praying Canadians weren’t going to be retarded in their usual one-dimensional, faux-nationalists way.
/looks up from under bed sheets.
Meh. I’ll be in Nashville at the end of the month and will be sure to bring home some bourbon.
Not only that, we’ll be taking a second trip to the U.S. in August.
[Confused face]
Are you taking a side trip 1 hr north?
Driving through Cuntucky.
Eat some Memphis-style barbeque when you’re there, and marvel in the fact that it is the worst barbeque available in the US.
Memphis BBQ is port, which makes it superior to cow based bbq.
I don’t like fortified wines myself.
*moves hand closer to Ruger Vaquero, squints*
Why eat pork bbq from Memphis when the Carolinas are but a quick hop away? I mean, only an idiot would say Memphis bbq is anywhere close to western Carolina bbq and shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same comment as eastern Carolina bbq.
What he said.
*raises hammy fist in solidarity*
I will take dry rub Memphis style bbq over vinegar based bbq.
I don’t care for wet rub, so fire away at that.
Also, how come no one ever puts Owensboro-style BBQ in the discussion. Anti-mutton bias?
They need to use vinegar and wet cooking to cover the rotting pork.
If you want good BBQ in Nashvegas try Edley’s or Martin’s in the 12 South neighborhood where I live. If you want any other travel recs let me know.
I had Stockyard’s once. Liked it.
I like pretty much all barbeque styles. Carolina vinegar, Texas brisket, deep south pulled pork, Memphis dry rubs – it’s all good to me. Never had Kansas City style, but I’m sure I’d like that too.
*whispers so Texans can’t hear him*
KC brisket is better than TX
Leave it for us to eat, then.
*Reaches for Not Adahn’s Vaquero*
A proper burnt end sammich is the greasy, sweet, spicy, crunchy, chewy, smoked food of the gods.
The don’t even have plausible deniability, but the IG was willing to play ball, likely in some misguided attempt to “preserve the integrity of the FBI”.
I was thinking plausible deniability in the “Look at us. Do we look like we’re smart enough to concoct a widespread intragovernmental conspiracy to thwart the will of the American people? We’re just a bunch of clockwatching idiots, right?” sense.
US Open is about avoiding the big numbers. The leaders did that. The randomly selected players I clicked on last night all had at least 1 double bogey, if not worse. Many had otherwise good rounds screwed up by back-to-back doubles.
I like when the US Open winner is about even. The sweet spot range is +1 to -4 for the winner.
For other majors, I like the -4 to -10 range for winners.
For regular tournaments stretch that up to -8 to -14.
Tournaments where the winner is like -18 or -21 are unwatchable.
This is all my opinion only, but I don’t think I am wrong on this. I bet tv ratings backs it up.
I’m sure they will back you up.
Look, I don’t want to see Byron Nelson scores at tge US Open. But I don’t want to see insanity like a breeze blowing a ball away from its mark because the greens are shaved down so low and are so firm they’re rolling a 14 and won’t even receive a wedge with a ton of spin on it.
Make the course difficult from tee to green. But don’t deliberately make the greens unplayable/unapproachable to the best putters/short game guys in the world.
Exactly, I like seeing a course that punishes the players harshly for bad shots but still rewards them for good ones. Watching balls trickle off the green and into a hay field at .01 MPH is not a ton of fun to watch.
This was probably in yesterdays links – but hey, dig the Chelsea Clinton gummy smile:
Mom busts teen son in bed with middle school counselor: cops
1. Why is a 17 year old only in 9th grade?
2. If he’s in 9th grade, he’s not in a Junior High
3. Since he’s above the age of consent, and not attending the school where she works, who cares?
Re: #2, in some places, junior high is 7-9 and high is 10-12.
I’m beginning to think that women can’t be trusted to control themselves around young male students. Maybe we need sex segregated education.
Or younger hotter teachers.
As a soon-to-be father of school aged boys, I would like to very thoroughly interview these teachers and make absolutely certain that anything my sons might learn from them, I already know.
During your interview, please find out where these teachers were when I was in school.
We need a hashtag… #iwasmacroned?
Oh yeah, Maine is technically part of the US.
[citation needed]
She’s on a journey to National Socialism?
Drumpf’s Amerikkka, yo
What are they butt hurt about again? That Trump threatened retaliatory tariffs if the Canadians don’t ease up on tariffs on American goods? Is that really it?
The hair tore off one of Zoolander’s eyebrows.
Old Orchard Beach…
The Canuck Riveria
enforcing our naturalization policy
It’s almost like it’s the literal job of the president to enforce the laws, including immigration law that has been on the books for decades. Of course, Jim Acosta disagrees because reasons.
The constitution even contains a section requiring the President to faithfully execute the laws. Because they didn’t want a situation like they recently had with the King where laws were selectively enforced depending on the King’s personal likes and dislikes, and who was in favor and who was out of favor.
That was a well-delivered burn.
I’ve been really enjoying the news try to spin the north Korea thing and now the ig report
Once children were birched at school. Now they are taught maths
A primary-school child of my acquaintance can handle counting and proportion, but he cannot access the world of complex numbers and algebra. – maybe Romania is different but never got what was considered so difficult about high-school algebra…
Let alone primary school which were some equations or systems.
We used to accept that some kids shouldn’t go to college. A good understanding of arithmetic along with basic geometry was sufficient for their future careers as carpenters, plumbers, truck drivers, etc… Instead of wasting time with Algebra, they went to vocational school and learned stuff they would actually use in the real world.
Now that every special snowflake should get a useless Bachelors degree, schools are desperately trying to pound algebra into those empty heads.
Math. It’s called math. There’s no “s” there. Not in the civilized world where math was used to take men to the moon.
^this +10000
If “math” was supposed to be plural then there would be some fixed number of them. So if anybody who believes it has a plural form, at least anybody who knows wtf they are talking about, should be able to tell me how many “maths” there are. I haven’t met one yet.
How do you shorten statistics?
Round up?
I guess that makes the word “mathematics” problematic.
Some folks find honour in allowing their parochial views to throw a spanner under the bonnet of their thinking and colour their responses to traditional usages.
I say!
Shut yer gob, ya poofter!
There are plenty of singular nouns that end in “s”.
like vinyls 😉
a week late… but the beers and tears are still flowing!
Ovi won’t be sober till October.
You know he’s had sex with that cup.
One Man One Cup
It’s amazing how many people I talk to are happy for the Caps and especially Ovechkin.
And fuck Capital One.
if he was handsome or had all his teeth or played like a pansy, then it would probably be different. fortunately, he’s none of those things.
…and I am the opposite.
I don’t mind seeing Ovechkin win, but I can’t stand the Caps as a franchise and their fans can throw themselves down a well.
i’m surprised you feel that way. our fan base always struck me as benign, harmless, not dispassionate but certainly not rabid. you look up milquetoast in the dictionary and it says see Capitals fan base.
Glad to see Trotz get one too after helping to make Nashville a hockey town.
good point. they have rallied round the Preds down/over there in TN.
Lemme give you two example of how Canadians think.
Actually, I think I’m gonna make this a glib article.
I like where you’re going with this.
A very short one I assume?
/erases blank Homer stare picture.
Canadians think?
After obtaining two pistols near Richards Community of Grimes County, the pair reportedly played a “challenge” that the sheriff’s office described as prevalent on social media. “You Lackin’?” involves one person pointing a gun at the other person and asking, “You lackin’?” The other person pulls out a gun and points it back, saying “No,” according to deputies.
Deputies say Garcia pointed his gun at his friend while playing the game. The pistol discharged, striking Garcia’s friend in the face. Garcia then threw the pistols out of the vehicle and called 911.
If you point loaded guns at each other, you’re going to have a bad time. Also, I’m kind of surprised they use passive voice here.
They forgot that was reserved for the King’s Men
obtaining two pistols Was the intent to play the game?
threw the pistols out of the vehicle Why, if it was an accident?
I’m thinking they possibly may have been up to something else.
This won’t end well
It’s their natural report writing language they forgot to switch to the pin-it-on-someone verbage.
I’m wondering if a good lawyer can get him off for self-defense. He had a loaded gun pointed at him. All he has to do is convince the jury he thought his friend was gonna shoot first.
I’m still kinda hung up on the “obtaining two pistols” part. I mean, they didn’t buy these pistols from a shop. I assume they took them from one of their parents. The story just makes it sound like they bought a couple packs of gum.
I thought it was easier for a kid to buy a gun than a comic book?
Only in Indiana
Doesn’t everybody have a brace of dueling pistols?
I normally ignore what Trump says and concentrate on what he does, but this is fucking creepy.
ugh, what an ass
I don’t even know how to try to read that charitably
Depends on what he means by “my people”.
*The Hair bristles*
Yeah that’s a good point
If he means the executive branch, I can give him kind of a pass.
Remember, seriously, not literally.
Assuming it’s accurate. I don’t know anything about Philip Klein, and when I tried to Google that I got nothing.
Writes for the Washington Examiner
Thanks, now I know who Klein is. I meant when I Googled the Trump quote I got nothing.
Or “stand up”…maybe it’s a euphemism
Red meat for the wolves? Trying to keep up the flattery of Kim so Kim will do what he wants?
Maybe joking? Can’t tell without actually seeing it.
That too. It could be tongue in cheek. Or more narcissistic searching for adoration. Either way, he’s not out demanding people bow to him as dear leader. So it’s a “meh” for me.
It’s always healthy to be reminded that, while I so enjoy the madness Trump inspires in the left and the fact that his administration has been surprisingly OK, at heart he’s still a fucking asshole.
Yeap, always has been.
Comey was stealing all the attention for himself, and Trump gets jealous if the media isn’t dousing itself in gasoline and threatening to strike the match over something he tweeted.
OK, now I’ve seen the video clip of this. Trump’s pointing at the White House when he says this, so he’s talking about people in the administration I think.
Does not make it much better
Not too much better, I agree, but I just think this is being inaccurately described. It’s unsavory enough as it is without the embellishment of suggesting that Trump wants America to be North Korea.
That was my immediate thought upon first reading it. He’s talking about his underlings, which I don’t find unreasonable with the amount of shit thrown at him by the Deep State lately.
Good news
The New York attorney general sued President Trump and his foundation on Thursday. But his bigger problem might be with the Internal Revenue Service.
The lawsuit accused Mr. Trump and three of his children of using the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a nonprofit charity, for political and business purposes, even though he signed federal tax returns swearing that wasn’t happening. Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood referred her findings to the I.R.S. for further investigation.
Any involvement of the I.R.S. puts in play a range of possibilities. The agency has the power to bring civil penalties, and its investigation could lead to federal criminal charges.
I have no idea what the facts are. There may be real, willful and knowingly egregious violations of the law. There may be dumb mistakes based on ignorance. However, based on the historical evidence, I am going to assume personal animus is what is driving this process, and that outrage against the upstart, Trump, has led the NY AG to seek any avenue of retribution against the man who usurped the Clinton dynasty. The NYT, for exactly the same reason, is gleefully chumming the waters.
I assume it’s a stunt designed for the mainstream media outlets to ignore the IG report and engage in TDS instead.
Russia hacked the election. Also trump maybe could have used a small amount of money from a place he’s not supposed to. Lets ignore the fact that Hillary was running a pay to play scheme.
Somehow spin the ig report to try to make trump look like he’s shouting like a paranoid nutjob. There’s not spy. Look over there!
-the media
And that’s technically correct. The best kind!
It’s just so fucking obvious
So long as the Clinton Foundation was also put through the wringer, I’d have no problem with this. Since it won’t be, I’m calling it bullshit.
The very same prosecutor’s office concluded there was no reason to investigate the Clinton Foundation.
Here is the thing. They are not some random group, they are the PROSECUTORS office. If there were any actual evidence of criminal wrongdoing it would be an indictment being filed, not a lawsuit
But what was his intent?
I had this thought last night, and already put it in the discord but wanted to put it out here.
High capacity mags are banned in a bunch of states. But a normal 30 round ar mag can be used for several different rounds. It would be a 10 round mag if used for 458 socom.
Could Magpul and others just relable their existing product with “458” on the side and be legal? Right now people use 556 mags for other rounds. Couldn’t they buy a 10 round 458 mag and put 30 556 in?
i bet the ATF’s opinion on the matter would change with the administration… much like AR pistol arm braces.
Maybe some states wouldn’t notice for a while.
If that were possible, I expect states would pretty quickly change their laws.
They use the same mags? Looks like I need to get a 458 upper.
Same everything but the barrel
and gas block from what I’ve seen. Maybe some work near the ejection. A new upper seems easier.
Well, different bolt for sure. And of course a different extractor. Probably different firing pin for the larger primer. My guess is that you would want to run a different buffer too.
I’m too cheap to invest in a caliber that is $2-3 per round and I don’t reload.
Yeah I don’t think it’s a super great option. Just thought of a way around a mag ban
I’d just like to have one, it’s a neat round.
makes my whole being hurt
I saw the florida man story yesterday. I just assumed he wanted to go to jail. 3 hots and a cot.
Since we’re replying to points brought up yesterday, Q asked why soccer brings up such vehement statements of dislike.
I should really understand this better than I do, since I used to be one of those people. I think it stems at least partly from being lectured by my NPR-fanboi ex-in-laws that I should like soccer because a bunch of people like it in other countries.
Fast forward to today, and I’m actually excited about taking the young’un to the women’s soccer games at the local university.
The local U’s women’s team is quite good .
I find all the “Bunch of dudes pass the ball around and try to get it in the other net” genre of games to be boring in proportion to how few shots on goal there are. Basketball is a little-bit boring. Hockey is more boring. Soccer is most boring.
Doesn’t explain why other people who like basketball or hockey find soccer boring though.
The sport is boring because it combines all of the worst elements of Hockey and American Football into one sport and then removes all semblance of violence from both.
Constant Non stop difficult to follow action very little of which has anything to do with the outcome of scoring plays: Check
Low scoring games primarily not based on the skills of the opposing defense but because the rules are set to make scoring difficult: Check
Seemingly arbitrary rules: Check
Huge field making it impossible to follow everything that is going on: Check
The bulk of the game taken up with little to no real action going on: Check
That said the sport not being very interesting to watch cannot explain the hatred for it. no the hatred stems almost entirely from our “betters” lecturing us for the last 40 years on how unenlightened we are for not loving the sport. In the 70’s Soccer was just considered foreign and weird but no one really hated it. The Hatred came in the 80’s with the never ending pushes to try and make Soccer the next big thing and subsequent cries of racism and xenophobia when Americans didn’t instantly fall in love with the sport.
The field is too big. Too much running around, not enough kicks on goal. They need like an arena soccer. That might not be so boring. I don’t need to watch people run around a field.
I used to feel that way about hockey until I went to a NHL game and sat just a couple rows back. Totally different experience. Those sidewalls are not very solid.
Also Avs Ice Girls.
Would you have preferred that he bow?
After the summit, Trump was asked in an interview with Fox News about praising Kim as “a very talented person” despite his horrendous human rights record and doing “really bad things.”
“Yeah, but so have a lot of other people done some really bad things,” Trump replied. “I mean, I could go through a lot of nations where a lot of bad things were done.”
Sanders said Trump hasn’t “downplayed” human rights in his praise of Kim.
“Like you said, the president has raised North Korea’s human rights record, and some of the abuses of the North Korean regime in a number of occasions. He also raised them at the summit that took place earlier this week, but the focus of the summit was denuclearization and peace on the peninsula, and that was the purpose of the president’s conversation, and that was the focus of what took place there,” she said.
“A lot of people have done some bad things,” Sanders added. “However, the president hasn’t ignored the bad things that have been done by the North Korean regime.”
Asked which human rights issues Trump has raised with Kim — “gulag work camps, torture, public executions, the lack of freedom of religion or the press, kidnapping, women’s rights” — Sanders wouldn’t elaborate.
Baby steps, people. First the nukes, then you can move on to other things. And stop acting previous admins never had to be cordial with unsavory foreign regimes.
I was about to post something on this. What was he supposed to do, disrespect one of their top military leaders, who saluted first and showed respect to Trump, before a summit? That would not have gone over too well.
Exactly. Remember when Obama got a pass on accepting a book from Maduro or Chavez because he said “what was I supposed to do, he handed it to me?”
The media accepted that answer at face value. I’m sure they’ll accept whatever answer Trump gives as well since they’re so consistent.
NPR has been hilarious this week
Ig report: “has produced a lot of varied responses” plays one clip of some Dem who says it really hurts trump and shows how wrong he is.
Nk: “has been an interesting few days with possible fallout from failing to do good enough” plays one clip of some Dem lambasting the stalling of the war games with South Korea. And then one clip of another person saying there’s no proof anything is going to be done, so really this is worse than ever.
it really hurts trump and shows how wrong he is
In the same way that Comey’s detailed explaination of the crime committed by Her Shrillness proved to everyone how innocent she is.
Talking with mutual respect is always better than threatening and brinksmanship.
Two hours of Grieg for his birthday.
Deputies say Garcia pointed his gun at his friend while playing the game. The pistol discharged, striking Garcia’s friend in the face. Garcia then threw the pistols out of the vehicle and called 911.
“The pistol discharged”? Huh? That’s language reserved for stories about cops.
It went off all on its own, like magic.
Guns have agency, it is known.
If you want to eliminate guns, this is the proper language to use. If you say, “Garcia shot his friend,” it implies Garcia is the bad actor here. If you say, “The gun discharged,” it’s because guns will just do that and should be banned.
I hope you got all that. Especially the golf stuff.
You teed yourself up for a golf pun about links but just puttered along.
He lacked the Drive?
I thought it was all an OMWC euphemism? Wasn’t the whole point that grass on the green keeps him away from the hole?
The drive fore what?
Welp, some asshole tried to break into my house last night. Woke up to huge crashes that I could not identify, then saw a car speeding away. Came downstairs and saw two giant footprints on the front door; the old gal held though. Then I got to pull a Suthen and sleep with my pistol on my chest the rest of the night. Oh well. All’s well that ends well I s’pose.
Glad to hear it ended well.
What kind of neighborhood do you live in? I’ve had a break in of my detached garage, but never my house.
It’s a brand new development; from what I’ve read they tend to be prime targets of opportunity for people coming from outside.
Glad it turned out alright.
sleep with my pistol on my chest
So what you’re saying is that you ain’t lackin’, you packin’.
I’m always packing down south, IYKWIM!
I wouldn’t say it’s exactly over, at least not in your mind. Something like that will keep you on edge for a long time. I’d look into motion lights and a security system, if you don’t have one already.
Gonna call about a security system today. has some good stuff.
Get a Ring camera. It has motion sensing and will send an alert to your phone. You can also activate a siren or choose 2-way talk. Stores recording in the cloud. They’re a little pricy but worth every penny. The discount price Costco sells them for will cover a year of membership. I also have the video bell, which is excellent, but not as good as the camera.
Arlos are good too. I have these inside my house for when I’m not home (unplugged and facing the wall when home), but prefer Ring for outside.
Cool, thanks.
Check your frame. Just to be sure. Maybe a new metal strike plate. Medeco has a steel one with the full cup.
Got a locksmith coming out to look at it/install something better.
Good. Glad it wasn’t worse.
Damn dude. Did you notify the police?
Maybe I’m just a paranoid libertarian weirdo, but no. If they had actually gotten in and stolen something (or had been shot by a gun that “discharged”) then I might have.
ROFL the police? Come on Q had an attempted home invasion, not a hooker or a drug buy. The police have more important issues.
Your police response will certainly vary by locales. Where I live, I would have notified them. I can see in a big city that it would be a waste of time.
I would have too, based entirely on the dynamics of where I live and what I know about the neighborhood. They take home invasion very seriously because the local city counsel members do. Previous places I’ve lived, police DGAF.
That sucks. I’m with Doom, make sure that if you don’t already have a steel box in the frame that you get one installed. 3 inch screws going into the stud behind the frame. What kind of deadbolt do you have? I’d recommend a Medeco or a Schlage b560 or b660 if you really want something super tough.
I always liked the 560 and 660.
I have a Schlage and the box has screws going way into the studs. The front door withstood two or three big kicks.
Did you report it to ADT so they could call the cops on the two white men in their late 20s wearing hoodies?
“white men”
How dare you assume their gender!
Glad you’re OK.
don’t forget one of those signs about how your family doesn’t dial 9-1-1, you dial 7.62.
You could say these ladies have… specs appeal.
My, my, my #10.
I’ll take #10 too.
All I see is my bank account being sucked dry.
bank account being sucked dry
With any luck, that won’t be the only thing, amirite?
As long as it’s not the only thing….
I’m not fat, I’m multicultural!
Written by an anorexic
So, not having diabetes is racist I guess?
Everything is racist.
Looking at pics of the author, I figure she’s had weight issues along the lines of bulimia and anorexia and is blaming her own psychological issues on the white patriarchy. The lunatics are running the asylum.
Holy Skeletor Batman!
You can pretty much tune out anything labeled “critical”.
Apparently she skipped the week in history class when they talked about ancient Greece.
How do they square this with the idea of “food deserts”? Or the idea that white people are killing black bodies?
Hmmmmm, that sounds to me like something a cishet white male would say.
First world problems
A more scientific study of the themes of Mother’s and Father’s Day cards looked at a batch in 2010. The researchers, Carol Auster and Lisa Auster-Gussman (who, fittingly, are mother and daughter) came to this conclusion: “Ritualized holidays tend to support the status quo, and traditional ideologies of motherhood and fatherhood,” of mothers as nurturers, and fathers as providing more utilitarian support. “The portrayal of motherhood and fatherhood on the greeting cards is important because these cards may act as agents of socialization, shaping individuals’ perceptions, regardless of whether the cards reflect the reality of parenting,” the study goes on to say.
Cards for both genders jokingly suggested that parents turn to drink to cope with the stresses of raising kids—though in card-world, dads are always drinking beer, while moms love wine and cocktails, seemingly without exception. (A public health study from 1980 expressed concern that greeting cards regularly suggest that “getting drunk is a natural and desirable concomitant of celebrations and that drunkenness is humorous, enjoyable, and harmless.”)
There’s no escape from the tyranny of gender stereotyping.
Those poor mommies and daddies, locked into their traditional roles, as if in the remorseless grip of a giant anaconda.
Oh, the humanity!
The higher ed bubble can’t pop soon enough.
I think they are overestimating the influence of a card with a fart joke that you get once a year and that takes 2.5 seconds to read.
Brought to you by the Atlantic, that august journal of our cultural betters.
What a joke.
Before the Rise of Obama The Atlantic was a very enjoyable and well put together magazine.
True. And it still does put out some good articles, but as a whole it’s yet another living manifestation of David Burge’s skin suit hypothesis.
I mean, Mark Steyn used to write for them for crissakes.
The Skin Suit Hypothesis has enough evidentiary support for least Theory status, and possibly Law.
But, don’t you dare for a moment suggest that these people are effete poseurs incapable of stringing together two thoughts that might have well have been cribbed from a sophomore paper for a Women’s Studies class.
Seriously, the caliber of thinking in the humanities is a disgrace. We’ve degraded from a society where intellectuals could talk knowledgeably about Shakespeare, Aquinas or Aeneas to one where “intellectuals” get their panties in a twist over greeting cards.
Paraphrased from Stanley Fish (concerning deconstruction):
“You no longer have to be right, you just have to be interesting.”
Yeah, but we’ve passed that point and gotten to the point where they’re no longer even interesting.
This is from a “scientific study”:
Holy shit! I am going to have to re-examine a lot of things in light of these stunning revelations. Wonder how much the two leeches who wrote this were paid for it?
I refuse to take any publication seriously that considers tan to be a bold color.
reality of parenting
I.E. the reality that we reproduce with a partner and that the parents each have gender-roles in raising the offspring.
*hissing and other guttural sounds resonate from the gender non-binary crowd*
I apologize for the multiple posts, but the more I read this the most absurd it becomes.
This purports to be a serious thinkpiece in a highbrow publication.
Or they like to make their kid’s laugh…
Or they like to make themselves laugh.
*hits window lock button on car and then hot-boxes the family*
My guess is that person has never spent any time around children.
Or men who don’t wear skinny jeans and drink soy lattes, for that matter.
“Both genders”? Are the cis-shitlords suggesting there are only two genders?
These cards are “almost more about being a man than they are about being a father,” says Emily West, a professor of communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who has studied gender and greeting cards.“You like pizza and relaxing. Is that about being a father, or is that about reasserting your hegemonic masculinity even though you’re a father and you perform care work?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
These cards are about some low talent poet making a buck off a made up holiday. Why does this professor hate people with BAs in Creative Writing?
I for reals want this Fathers Day card, though.
Outside: (picture of cartoon man enjoying pizza)
You like pizza and relaxing.
Is that about being a father, or is that about reasserting your hegemonic masculinity even though you’re a father and you perform care work?
Getting that card would make my day. It would make a good meme, too.
I would definitely snort beer out of my nose if I got that card.
What Brooks said.
“The pistol discharged,…”
No, it didn’t.
Sure it did! Right when the trigger was pulled.
The trigger approached the grip. Pulled denies it agency.
The gun identified as discharged. Who are we to deny its lived experience?
No, it was possessed, like the old Friday the 13th television series.
Says the Democrat candidate wearing a $9k Rolex.
You dont need to be a billionaire to have a 9k watch
See! Even HE is a victim !
Oh goody. That’s my district.
I’m wearing a $100 Citizen watch right now that looks just like Putin’s.
Nobody pays retail for a mechanical watch!
/former watch nerd
A second hand Rolex after the initial depreciation holds its value extremely well. Other fancy watches not so much.
Whelp. That’s it, then. Case closed. The election was obviously hacked by Big Abestos.
No one escapes the reach of Big Cancer!
Wait, we were still trying to figure out if asbestos was bad?
The study was delayed by the double blind study of whether children should eat lead.
My thoughts as well. There’s nothing else to research. It’s one of those departmental expenditures that never ends.
Nothing else to research?
It’s like you don’t even care about the effects of asbestos on non-binary children of color affected by climate disruption.
It’s true, I really don’t care.
We use that shit in everything. Damn Russia. Making us not test stuff we already know is dangerous but really good at what we use it for!
Vacay update: we’re holed up in a Unabomber cabin with longtime buddy Francisco d’Anconia playing our version of You Lackin’. This involves intoxicants rather than guns, and I think that after my resounding victory over Frankie yesterday, he won the round last night over SP. I haven’t seen either of them yet this morning.
The Hangover Part 4?
More like “Fear And Loathing In Bozeman”.
“We were somewhere around Bozeman, on the edge of the mountains, when the drugs began to take hold”
So basically you are saying Francisco d’Anconia won a drinking contest with a middle schooler
Hey a win is a win, right?
::goes off to play basketball against some toddlers::
Elementary. By middle school, they’re used up and they start getting stuff on their hair parts.
Do you hear some violent retching in the outhouse?
What’s SP’s opinion of the F-22?
I miss Frank around here.
I’ve been working on him. We’ll see who’s more stubborn.
Good luck. I’d like to see him back, he added a lot to the conversation.
Seeing Q’s nighttime escapades above, anyone have recommendations for security cameras? Like whole camera + media server/provider setup? Not interested in a monitored security solution right now but wifey would like to be able to watch the property either at home or remotely.
A little hesitant about setting up web connected cameras. Of course, the laptops and phones are already there so I’m just tinfoiling on the last point I guess.
Will copy post to Q. Get a Ring camera. It has motion sensing and will send an alert to your phone. You can also activate a siren or choose 2-way talk. Stores recording in the cloud. They’re a little pricy but worth every penny. The discount price Costco sells them for will cover a year of membership. I also have the video bell, which is excellent, but not as good as the camera.
Arlos are good too. I have these inside my house for when I’m not home (unplugged and facing the wall when home), but prefer Ring for outside.
I was hesitant to get a web connected camera too, but the advantages were worth the disadvantages for me. You can also purchase software to connect your own IP cameras and not go through a third party, but I felt Ring’s interface and price couldn’t be beat.
Much appreciated! I’ll have to look into it when I get some time.
TW: HuffPose Blah blah blah kkkapitalism sucks, and bosses are a bunch of selfish meanies.
Capitalist businesses are starkly undemocratic. Employers are economic dictators. They wield enormous power and control that is unaccountable to the social majority around them: their employees and the communities in which they live.
Employees’ labor produces profits, which belong 100 percent to the employers. Yet workers are excluded from decisions about how to use those profits. Instead, they depend on wages (set and controlled by the employer) as compensation for the work they produce.
There is an answer ― a mechanism that can bring democracy into the workplace: worker cooperatives. Under the cooperative model, workers have decision-making power that corresponds to the risks and productivity of their employment. Each worker gets an equal vote on decisions, which are made on a majority basis.
All share democratically in the company’s gains and losses. If mistakes are made that threaten, weaken or even destroy the enterprise, those mistakes will flow from the affected workers’ democratic decisions.
In cloud cuckoo land, that would totally work. A chicken in every pot. I also like the part about how these workers’ paradises will forego he evil of advertising in favor of some undefined social services for the collective. It’s odd how none of the people who call for this brave new world stuff ever seem to want to roll up their sleeves and make it happen.
belong 100 percent to the employers
Well minus the wages, health care costs, 401k contributions, taxes, and all the other things. The company I work for sounds out a yearly letter showing the total cost of compensation. From memory I cost my company an additional ~30k above my salary.
I wish all employers would do that. The union employees here have bitched in the past about wages not being increased. They have, but the contract negotiators (by extension the union employees) chose to take wage increases in the form of healthcare not cash.
Capitalist businesses are starkly undemocratic. Employers are economic dictators.
By that reasoning, Richard D. Wolff’s love life is starkly undemocratic. He’s an utter dictator about decisions about who he’s date and marry. And don’t even get me started on his family life. Who does he think he is denying the rest of our proper democratic say over all of those aspects of his life.
I’m not aware of any laws against “workers cooperatives”. So why don’t any exist?
Well, there are a few, particularly in the agricultural sector – Cabot Dairy, Sunkist, Ocean Spray – and the financial sector – Navy Federal Credit Union, Credit Agricole, NY Life, TIAA. It’s not inevitably a terrible model. It just doesn’t work a thing like this clown suggests.
The ag coops aren’t worker coops. They are owner coops.
Mutual companies like USAA, NY Life, etc. also aren’t worker coops. If you wanted to hang the coop label on them, their more like customer coops.
Actual worker coops are vanishingly rare.
Waffle house?
At one time, every employee owned at least 1 share of stock. Not truly a coop, but sorta.
Because they don’t work
It depends. Lots of workers coops work just fine when each worker is doing their own thing but aggregate capitol. Lots of farmers run market coops. Lots are artisans share a working space with expensive tooling.
The problem is when you get a room full of idiots that don’t want to have the power of employers (set shifts, making choices about what products to stock) and the freedom of employees (not being ultimately responsible for shit). Add in the fact that they are more likely to be a young Bernie Sanders than a young Wayne Huizenga…
The Deep State is nonsense. But Deep Business? Absolutely.
Employees’ labor produces profits, which belong 100 percent to the employers. Yet workers are excluded from decisions about how to use those profits. Instead, they depend on wages (set and controlled by the employer) as compensation for the work they produce.
Hmm… employees can find new jobs or start a new business. If enough good people leave, the company goes under. Sounds like employees have have some say, albeit indirectly.
Employees’ labor produces profits, which belong 100 percent to the employers.
“Profits” being whatever is left over after the employees are paid. Who should profits belong to?
Yet workers are excluded from decisions about how to use those profits.
Just like the employer is excluded from workers’ decisions about how to use their wages?
There is an answer ― a mechanism that can bring democracy into the workplace: worker cooperatives.
Which have been around forever. Maybe there’s a reason they are vanishingly rare in the real world?
starkly undemocratic
Except for the part about people voting with their wallets. Or did you mean from an employees standpoint? In that case, the owner owns the business and sets the rules. If you don’t like it, leave. No one’s got a gun to your head.
profits, which belong 100 percent to the employers
Employees are a cost. You trade your efforts for a wage. And the business gets whats left over. Where’s the problem?
That’s as far as I got. What an idiot. I’m tired of marxist clap-trap.
Word are literal violence and economic inequality is coercive.
Capitalist businesses are supposed to be starkly undemocratic.
Woops, link omitted:
Employers are economic dictators. They wield enormous power and control that is unaccountable to the social majority around them: their employees and the communities in which they live.
I’ll cut Prof. Wolff a little slack here. He’s been in academia his whole life. He’s probably reflecting his experiences in academia and assuming the business world works the same way.
That is some tired Marxian shit with a slight touch of reality applied.
At least bring it into the 21st century prof, needs more diversity metrics to make it convincing.
That’s retarded as fuck.
I don’t know what else to say.
There is a difference between a person who shows up, works their 8 hours, then goes home, and a person who assumes financial risk and spends extra time outside business hours trying to keep things going. A vast majority of people are totally fine with the former and have no interest in taking on the responsibilities of the latter.
They wield enormous power and control that is unaccountable to the social majority around them: their employeesand the communities in which they live.
Anybody in the community can stop patronizing a business, so there’s quite a bit of accountability.
This. Every day in every transaction the business’ customers get to vote with their dollars. Wish I could do the same with my local, state and national government instead of having to wait for two or four years to pass.
Happy Birthday US Army!
Posted too late last night. A day late after 243 years isn’t so bad.
Yeah, but they weren’t born in a bar.
Now that’s a name.
I refuse to take any publication seriously that considers tan to be a bold color.
UnCivilServant haz a sad.
Shocking footage: Woman tries to talk to another woman, keeps getting manterrupted by some dude who won’t shut up.
Can’t wait for the feminists to jump on this one.
That’s not a real woman.
Razorfist on the IG report (TW-he’s an Arpaio fan and that makes it in here; still good though):
Isn’t is sad how often some metal head on YouTube gets it right?
Also, in that Workers’ Collective thing:
All share democratically in the company’s gains and losses. If mistakes are made that threaten, weaken or even destroy the enterprise, those mistakes will flow from the affected workers’ democratic decisions.
What are the odds Wolff would accept the notion that the government should stand impassively by as the workers’ poor decisionmaking skills brought the organization to ruin, rather than rush in to bail them out?
So if the company loses money, a bill is sent to the workers?
Silly man, don’t you know that if a workers collective fails it is obviously because of anti competitive practices engaged in by their rapacious capitalist suppliers and competitors
Actual worker coops are vanishingly rare.
I’m tempted to say a small professional partnership is about as close as you get to a “worker co-operative” but even a small partnership would have employees with no input into strategic or managerial decisions.
Hey now, some of us might be getting ready to pony up for a CTS-V…
One of the few American cars that would be allowed in the Dean garage.
That’s firmly in the “I find a winning lottery ticket on the ground” slot.
sloop, you may have missed it from yesterday, but I wanted to complain about your auction of arrowheads and stuff.
It totally sucked me down the rabbithole. I’m now a registered bidder and obsessed with that site. Not just for arrowheads, either. I don’t need another (a) time suck or (b) money suck, but now I have both, thanks to you. Poking around looking at other arrowheads, I found one I was very interested in, until I saw the estimate was north of $5K.
So, thanks a lot.
Keep going into the later lots. A bunch of them with book values well over $10k.
Why don’t you come to the sale? I’ll have the venue booked pretty soon. It’ll be somewhere near DFW airport.
John pr0n:
Isn’t she everybody pron?
There are some Glibs who look at pics of Marilyn Monroe and think she’s a big ol’ fatty and whose tastes IMHO tend towards starved androgyny, but there’s someone for everyone I guess and it would be a funny old world if we were all the same.
Not mine.
There’s a reason they always photograph her lower body facing the camera: they’re not marketing cottage cheese.
They’re still running with this?
“Mika Brzezinski slams Ivanka for posting ‘tone deaf’ Instagram about ‘date night’ with her daughter when the ‘women’s issues’ Trump counselor has done nothing about babies being taken from their mothers at the border”
In the olden days it was easier to avoid the rantings of the village hag.
“Being Straight Is A Choice”
Mika Brzezinski slams Ivanka
Mika is as crazy as a shithouse rat.
The End.
some of us might be getting ready to pony up for a CTS-V…
Can you get one with a 5 speed manual? Otherwise, naah.
I’m looking at a 89 325ix 5 speed tomorrow!
None really yet. Clean outside.a tiny bit of surface rust on the right rear door, maybe a dime size. I saw it in a parking lot near my brothers school. Not sure on miles yet. Clean original red paint. From what I could see the interior looks original. Not bad shape, but not super clean either. No tear in the seat or dash. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.
You can get an ATS-V Coupe with a 6-speed manual.
OT: Was there some kind of transposition of the letters V and W in Victorian era English?
In Charles Dickens books, some characters – usually low class people – say things like “wittles”, “warmint”, and “wery”. And I was listening to an English opera from 1887 (and they are trained to emulate the original accents as much as possible) a singer pronounced the word “lowly” as “lovely”. For what it’s worth, I don’t immediately recall seeing this in any pre-1800s literature.
Was this the norm at one point, or was it a class dialect sort of thing?
Oh, gaaaarn!
-Eliza Doolittle
I had always assumed it was his way of showing a lower-class accent – a brief search of the internet seems to bear this out, but it makes sense – Dickens was great at creating not only visual but sonorous imagery; I always found myself repeating some lines out loud to hear how they sounded.
Gor blimey!
looking at a 89 325ix 5 speed tomorrow!
I’m hoping its clean enough and the right price.
preferably free!
I’d also accept dirt cheap