Sorry, rest of the world. The World Cup is headed back to America. Not the trophy, obviously, but the tournament. We will be sharing it with America Jr and our Mexican brothers and sisters. But this will still be pretty cool for us. Especially since, unlike the rest of the hosts over the past several cups, we won’t have to build all new stadiums for the thing.
The Red Sox, Yankees, Phillies, Twinks, Marlins, Rays, White Sox…wait, what? Wow, the White Sox really did win. Oh, sorry. I digress. The Brewers, Reds, Padres, D-backs, Mariners, Dodgers and ASTROOOOOOOS won yesterday. The Ottowa Senators try to stop a catfight. Seriously, what a psycho. And that’s about all that happened in the sports world that I can come up with. Unless you guys want to talk college football recruiting and the best OL in the class spurning Bama, UGA and Clemson to head north to Columbus. But we can talk about that later.
Charles Algernon Parsons was born today. He invented the steam turbine. So was Ma Furgeson, 1st woman elected governor of Texas. And she had the job twice!. Actor Basil Rathbone shares the date, along with “Flying Finn” Paavo Nurmi, football legend Red Grange, genius and nutter John Nash, conservative actor Tim Allen, brat packer Ally Sheedy, musician Rivers Cuomo, child actress and designer Ashley Olsen, child actress and cocaine aficionado Mary-Kate Olsen, and busty “actress” Kat Dennings.

Hey, my eyes are u…aw, fuck it. Go ahead and look.”
Its also the day King Ferdinand of Austria subjected himself to the Ottoman emperor Suleiman, The Marquis de Lafayette landed in the United States to help stomp the limeys, Simon Bolivar was declared dictator for life, Andrew Johnson signed proclamation for confederate reconstruction, Charles Lindbergh had a ticker-tape parade for his transatlantic flight, Hermann Goering established the gestapo, Babe Ruth gave his farewell speech in Yankee Stadium, the last British troops leave the Suez Canal (probably a mistake in retrospect), Vostok 6 took the first woman into space, Mick Taylor joined the Rolling Stones, Let It Be hit #1, “Grease” hit theaters, George Harrison released “This Is Love” and sadly this is the day that stupid asshole drunk limo driver destroyed the body of hockey great Vladimir Konstantinov. (I’d be in the stands the next year as the Red Wings swept the Caps to win the Stanley Cup in front of a sparse crowd at the MCI Center.)
Lotta stuff there. And now…the links!

Do I look like I have a clue?
While the boss is out there making flamethrowers, Tesla is cutting 9% of their workforce. How much longer will their shareholders let this clown run their company into the ground?
Ballot initiative to split California into three states earns a spot on the November ballot. I believe it was out very own Jesse who had some contact with the people heading up this campaign. If I’m right, maybe we can get some inside dope on what’s happening. If I’m wrong then…ignore me.
Trump will be briefed on the IG’s report on the Clinton email fiasco before it is released to the public. And on his birthday no less! The tweets will be, how shall I put this, FUCKING EPIC!!!!!!

“Don’t think I won’t intimidate you if you get too close to real oversight.”
Apparently intimidation of witnesses or people with oversight of a federal department is no longer a crime. This asshole needs to be fired and disbarred at a minimum. He should probably be charged with something involving witness intimidation or contempt of Congress. The people, after all, are merely asking him for records so they can perform their defined job of federal oversight of his department.
Chicago taxpayers, I’m sure you’re happy about your skyrocketing property and sales taxes going to shit like this. Hey, its better than the pension scam the cops and CPS are running. Marginally.
Damn, talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And a horrible way to go, too.

Gazan schoolchildren off to peacefully protest at the Israeli border.
“Rights” group makes a statement. I would assume Israel’s response will be: “and how many Divisions does the Human Rights Watch have?” Seriously, HRW needs to eat a turd on this one. Gaza is a shithole by design of Hamas and their barbaric death-cult followers. There, I said it. Israel has every right in the world to defend her borders from those who very vocally said their goal was to enter Israel and kill as many people as possible. And anybody stupid enough to commingle with this idiots at the fence and burn tires and all kinds of other stupid shit deserve whatever they got.
So many choices today. But really, its a no-brainer for me.
Have a fantastic day, friends.
Nice. Fresh links delivered promptly every morning by our kind hosts. Right on time, and always of high-quality.
Classiest links. The best. Yuge.
And a horrible way to go, too.
At least it wasn’t Florida alligators.
How’s vaycay?
Bittersweet. We’re having a great time, been getting together with wonderful people, but we’re reminded of how much we miss living in Montana. If only I could find work here…
I would like to have seen Montana.
Some people weren’t all that happy to see Montana.
Let me share with you some wonderful advice on making money in Montana
I found out yesterday that Montana has 213 different kinds of license plates. Not ONE of them is dental floss themed. This is scandalous, IMO.
One of our local service organizations made a shitpot of money on these – they just designed a cool black plate with an outline of the state on it. People all over the state started buying it because it looked neat, and all the money went to a Miles City local public works group that started as a bunch of drinking buddies clearing brush.
I was pulled over shortly after getting my IL organ donor plates . Cop claimed he’d never seen them before (possible).
He wanted to see how willing you were to donate your organs.
That’s because they are rabid anti-dentites.
You have a van…start a private ride service for charter school kids.
The OMWC Subterranean Charter School for Wayward Children?
I’d assume it would be kind of a Vo-Tech?
I dont hear anyone asking where Hamas got the financing for the shitshow they are currently stirring up. I would lay the blame on the financiers of that nightmare. Who could they be? If only we had a clue as to who that might be.
I sense sarcasm there Suthen…
I have a longstanding bewilderment at how the Israelis have handled this, dating back to the time that Yasir Arafat had a two-state peace deal in hand and changed his mind at the last second – probably fearing for his life from the more violent members of his movement.
I wondered at the time why Israel didn’t say “Last and final offer!” I would have given the Palestinian people and the neighboring states an ultimatum… take the deal, or we will annex all occupied territory and expel any non-citizens. The country has more defensible and rational borders that way anyway. I would expect that Jordan, Syria and Lebanon would have joined Egypt in making a deal, particularly if they offered part of the Golan Heights in return for the deal… and maybe access to the Mediterranean to Jordan via a chunk of Gaza.
I suppose it is pie in the sky thinking, but by that time it had already been a crazy amount of time to have such a conflict without resolution. They’d have 30 years of whatever “peace” that solution would have brought under their belts by now. Surely people would have tired of living in refugee camps by now if there were no longer “occupation forces” and non-Israelis living under Israeli rule. And that would put pressure on all of the middle eastern states to end the practice of treating the Palestinians as second class citizens who are merely pawns in a war with Israel.
Are you suggesting that Iran might have had some walkin’ around money in USD that may have somehow found its way there? Preposterous! I have it on good authority that the Iran deal was an unalloyed success, an example of “smart power” diplomacy, and precisely what you’d expect from a man with a Nobel Peace Prize under his belt.
As opposed to the meeting with the Norks that just occurred, where the first ever commie the left seems to not like actually agreed to work on demilitarization and the reduction of a chance of war, which they want us all to know was a disaster?
I still remember on 9/11, CNN cut to a scene on the West Bank, where all the Palestinians were dancing and singing and basically having a giant block party over the attack.
That was the day I stopped giving a fuck about the Palestinians. They can reap what they sow.
Or how about when the Palestinians backed Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait? The Kuwaitis didn’t let the Pali workers return after they were liberated thereby cutting off a source of hard money.
You can count on the Pali leadership to do only one thing- to make a stupid shortsighted decision.
The World Cup is coming to America! So much winning!!!
I spent the last couple of days in Moscow. Soccer fans from all over the world are everywhere. There are especially many Argentines, perhaps they hope to win the Cup. I stayed at a hotel full of FIFA referees.
Did anyone accidentally try to bribe you?
Aside from the Koch brothers of course.
+1 Roberto Moreno (2002 referee).
White Sox…wait, what? Wow, the White Sox really did win.
*narrows gaze*
Yeah, but it’s the truth.
Kat Dennings
I’ll be in my bunk.
That show, “Two Broke Whores”, kind of ruined that for me.
…mmmm, Kat Dennings….
I’m not going to say anything ridiculous like that I’d cut off a hand to get Kat Dennings all to myself for a week, because I wouldn’t. I’m pain-averse, and I’m not as stupid as I was when I was in my 20s. But I’d get into the ring with the professional fighter of her choice and go a full-length fight (well, at least as long as I could stay conscious and mobile) in exchange for, say, five years of lost weekends on request.
That’s not a war crime. Israel has a right to defend itself. This is true.
How about this novel idea. It’s just a thought. I might be crazy but maybe the A-rabs might want to consider, you know, like acknowledging Israel’s existence and STOP FUCKING ATTACKING IT?
But I’m just a stupid Muppet-Canadian.
That didn’t work for Egypt and Jordan, who suffer daily bombing attacks and genocide from the Zionist Entity.
It looks like Saudi Arabia, because of Iran, will be joining that list with Jordan & Egypt on it, and once that happens, I think things will really turn ugly for the death cultists. Of course, the anti-semitic Europeans will keep supporting terrorist and blaming Israel for reacting with an enormous amount of restraint to scenarios that if they happened to these European nations would lead to outright mass death for the assholes doing it.
Mass death by what army? Hell, they couldn’t deal with Libya without the US doing half their dirty work.
Yeah, they don’t even have the means or the will to keep the roving rape mobs of “refugees” under control. Europe is a weak hollow shell of its former self.
I would argue that the reason they don’t react to the refugee mob is because the leaders are tote OK with that shit. After all, their agenda is to grow their nanny state and keep their power, and if their citizens must suffer for them to succeed, so be it. Any violence said leadership wouldn’t agree with, and sometimes even things that involve no violence but threaten their hold on power (like Libya deciding to sell oil to China instead of them), however, will be met with massive force.
And yes, that force will come from the US if the task is too big, because most Euro militaries are jokes.
I can now say- SP and OMWC (or two people claiming to be those entities ) are real. SP was drawn away by other activities seemingly based on her enslavement to the dog, but OMWC and I spent a very pleasant couple of hours on the outside patio of a Bozeman brew pub, where tasty beer was delivered by a nice young person who makes Paris Hilton look like the Wicked Witch of the West’s ugly sister. A lovely time was had by me, anyway. I learned a few things, and managed to divulge little, if anything, about myself.
*Q would not have liked her, as there is little likelihood she will suffer from back trouble in later life.
She was a bit fetching, but clearly too old.
Pics or it didn’t happen
It says 13 comments, but I can’t see any of them. Am I going blind??!?!?!?!!!!11??
It’s because you touch yourself at night.
But not because I touch myself during the day? Whew…at least I can keep doing that!
Never mind. Monocle and I were in conflict.
Use your monocle. You’re sitting on it.
Last week, Musk said it’s “quite likely” that Tesla will reach its goal of building 5,000 Model 3 cars per week by the end of the month.
Har dee fucking har.
They will build them….but that doesn’t account for how many will be defective ones that will have to be recalled, those that burst into flames, etc.
So Musk is a modern day Hunt Stevenson?
^^That^^ by the way, was underrated.
If they manage it, he will only be late on his 2017 prediction by one year. That’s not too shabby for a prediction that was only one or two months out.
I can see being off by a factor of 50%. Or even 100%. But 1,000%? That’s missing the mark pretty badly.
Someone pissed in Ferguson’s Corn flakes. He opens with:
“TO MOST highly educated people I know, President Trump is a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad president.
For two years, the people with at least two university degrees (PALTUDs) have been gnashing their teeth about Trump’s every utterance and move. ”
How about Niall goes and focuses on the shithole that’s become the UK, mkay?
Lol. It was a bit sarcastic. Good article we kinda already discussed here in these threads.
Don’t read the comments. Because Boston Globe.
These people never get into the specifics of Trump’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad actions.
Trump is guilty. It is known.
They really are idiots. They are going to have to eat one hellofa big serving of crow if he manages to clean up the mess our so called elite have made.
You’re assuming they’ll admit he was the one who cleared it up. I’d offer 3-1 odds 90% of them will find some magic that allows them to place the credit at someone else’s feet.
“Obama laid the ground work and now it’s paying off!”
They actually are currently trying to credit the economic good times to Obama, so why the fuck not?
Yeah – “His policies just needed eight years of utterly sucking before they kicked into place.” I have to wonder if these people are really that delusional, or they’re whistling in the dark.
The Democrat leaders and wonks pushing this know it’s it’s bullshit, but it gives their true believers something to hold onto to maintain their world view and keep them voting Democrat.
Do you think they do?
I have a long screed about this posted late last night over at Reason. I’ve been shocked at how easily people believe utter nonsense, so long as it conforms to their tribal beliefs.
But in defense of your idea, I have met privately with a few of those “Democrat Leaders”, and at least a couple of them let on that they were basically playing a character when they do the talking head thing. Charlie Rangel in particular was very sharp and funny in person, and didn’t exhibit any of the race-baiting attitudes he portrayed on TV.
I think certified idiots like Maxine Waters and DiFi actually believe the bullshit, but the majority of them are like Rangel.
It doesn’t surprise me at all that a lot of the shit is kayfabe for the teams’ respective marks. I think you see some indication of this when you catch unguarded moments of interaction between people on opposite sides of the aisle.
That’s why they call it show biz for ugly people.
“You’re assuming they’ll admit he was the one who cleared it up. I’d offer 3-1 odds 90% of them will find some magic that allows them to place the credit at someone else’s feet.”
As someone that has had to endure numerous people with a long list of credentials that supposedly makes them knowledgeable tell me that the evil Soviet empire was not brought low and the Cold War ended by Reagan being though with them, but by the graces of Gorbachev, I endorse this comment.
The thing the left hates the most is concise examples of reality trumping (hah!) their vision of how the world should work. Their rabid dislike of Trump is simply a function of the fact that Trump’s actions have exposed the world the globalist credentialed elite top men have been vying to create and tell us is the way forward for the pile of shit it really is and exposing how fundamentally inept, ineffective, and corrupt that class that so looks down on normal people really is.
In short: they are butt-hurt because he actually can do, while they can only talk.
““TO MOST highly educated people I know,”
That right there seems to be the problem. Not only is he confused credentialism with education, and thus, smarts, but he only hangs out with likeminded idiots and can’t even fathom the problem is their echo chamber.
To most highly educated people I know, also, Trump is the great boogeyman. It’s because they live in a bubble where they convince each other of this non-sense, same as his friends. What he is missing is that being highly educated does not give you magical powers to create your own reality and force everyone outside your bubble to live in it too. Trump is succeeding despite them and they just refuse to see it.
There’s at least a dozen PhDs among the Glibertariat with varying degrees of approval of Trump, but none of whom seem to suffer TDS. Ditto the vast majority of the dozens of PhD scientists I deal with professionally on a regular basis. So I can say, “To most highly educated people I know, President Trump is someone who has done some good things and some shitty things.” See? Nothing more definitive than anecdote!
The PhD Glibs are a rare exception in my experience. When I say most of the highly educated I know, most of them are products of elite universities, which pretty much explains it. Their bubbles are full of raging lefties. In contrast, most of the most intelligent people I know, PhD or not, are libertarians or other contrarian types who do not tow the proggie lion.
I’m married to a PhD who spends most of her time trolling Trump on Twitter. Her take on the Nork summit is a.) “Oh my god, did you hear what your president said about Justin Trudeau?” and b.) “Ugh, have you seen this video your president posted on Twitter? Apparently it’s some propaganda film he showed the president of North Korea. Also, why is he insulting our allies and being so nice to dictators?”
The first things I hear about are effectively complaints about Trump’s style, namely his tweets, the tweets of others around him, and quotes from cabinet members and associates. Then there’s the fallback of “Trump is a rapist, and he’s a racist.” It’s extraordinarily rare that I hear anything about policy.
It is dog whistles all the way down….
You need to reconsider your life choices.
She has a lot of other qualities to recommend her, but in this regard I’m never quite sure if she’s sincere or if she’s just trying to wind me up. Neither option is a very good look, but the latter can at least be addressed with therapy.
It really shouldn’t surprise anyone that profession students get along so well with professional bureaucrats.
I don’t have a phd, and I want to dislike Trump. But the sonofabitch is winning me over by not being a blithering idiot-golfer like every other POTUS in my lifetime. it really is bizarre that Trump is actually the LEAST arrogant POTUS of the last 50+ years.
Huh, I have two university degrees and all I’ve been doing is getting drunk as hell on salty ham tears for almost two years now….
Marshall, Will and Holly
Fuck. I just realized Will Ferrell’s character in “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” is Federal Wildlife Marshal Willenholly.
never caught that. To interested in boo boo kitty fuck
Somehow I have never been inside of a Trader Joe’s – until yesterday that is.
First thought: Woah, that’s some cheap pricing on their beer.
Second thought: I bet there are a lot of fat people who think that gobbling down a bunch of “healthy” food is okay because it’s organic / grass-fed / no hormones. My SiL is like that: “But I’m eating nothing but healthy food – why am I gaining so much weight?”
Calories in vs. calories burned matter?
Ever been inside a Sloppy Joe?
ewwwww /teenage girl
Depending on what you think it healthy. I’ve known more than one vegan who thinks it’s OK to eat a dozen donuts for breakfast because they don’t have any meat in them.
Their house bourbon is quite good, and the bottle is pretty neat.
Mindful of Buffalo Trace.
Had a friend who is trying to lose weight on keto, and asked me for some help since I’ve lost a couple pounds. Turns out, she’s watching her carbs and eating “healthy” and not watching her calories. Her smoothy every day is two scoops of peanut butter, a scoop of coconut oil, a few fl oz of heavy cream, coco powder, and a little bit of water to thin it out. LIke 650 calories. Her breakfast is bullet proof coffee with two tablespoons of MCT oil.
So I showed her how to track her calories. She wants to lose two pounds a week, and she is a 50 year old woman who weighs like 150 lbs. She was shocked at how little she’ll have to eat to do that.
I get so sick of explaining to people that it’s nothing but calories in vs. calories out. For fuck’s sake, the other day someone mentioned that pork rinds are a “free food” that you can eat in unlimited amounts because they don’t have any carbs in them.
I get so sick of explaining to people that it’s nothing but calories in vs. calories out.
That is only part of the picture. Your metabolism determines what calories are used for, and the form the calories show up in matters. Sugar calories cause insulin spikes and more fat accumulation than the equivalent calories from protein. You can absolutely get fat from a low-carb diet, but unless you have an unusual metabolism you would have to take in more calories on a low-carb diet to gain the same amount of weight you would from the same number of calories in a high-carb diet.
That’s a highly contested assertion, and not a hill I’d be willing to die on. While there is a good story , to tell for why this would be true actual observational studies don’t pan out that way.
If you know of any observational studies that do pan out this way, I’d be *very* interested in reading them.
Harrison was the most underrated Beatle. I like his songs much better than McCartney’s, and even Lennon’s.
Speaking of hockey, I’m moving, and I found a couple IHL jerseys I have no idea where I got. If anyone wants a Detroit Vipers or Manitoba Moose jersey, I’d be happy to part with them for $10, including shipping. email me at my user name @
The only criticism I have of Harrison is his music seems dated. Even the beautiful ‘All things must pass’. Mind you, the same can be said of some of McCartney’s and Lennon’s solo work.
Solo McCartney sucks.
If I never hear another one of his uber-repetitive schlocky songs again, I’ll be grateful.
True. However, given McCartney’s love of music hall, all of his music sounds dated to me.
Like all those British 60’s musicians, he seem to have had terrible taste in women and ended up with total nutters.
He wins for “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”
All Things Must Pass – Spector production aside – is great. Though I have a weakness for Living In the Material World album.
Do the sweaters still stink of musty dressing rooms?
No sweaters – just the jerseys
You Americans.
And don’t let Don Cherry hear you say that.
I live in Florida. 10 months out of the year, you don’t want to be wearing a sweater, even on the ice.
In Canuckistan, hockey jersey=sweater…because they used to be sweaters.
Did you say something? I’m still wiping my tears from the clip I sent.
Crap, I’m losing my Canadian. No Rufus, they’re new, and don’t stink.
Canadian Sweater.
I’ll take the vipers jersey, thanks.
Happy to send it to you, EF, but I should let you know it’s a large. If you’re okay with that, send me an address you can access to my gmail.
It’s Ok. What’s your gmail?
my username @
Especially his cover of “He’s so Fine”
It was unintentional.
Honey Bees Are the First Insect Known to Grasp the Concept of Zero
Yes, but can they excel at spelling bees?
*glares balefully*
*glares Balefully*
I am not sure how to excel at spelling bees. It is a simple four letter word. Either you can spell it or you cant.
Sadly, it took me 2 reads before I got this.
And that’s two reads you’ll never get back.
visual math quizzes using white placards with different quantities of black shapes on them.
Are we quite sure this isn’t bullshit?
My bet is that it is..
Let me see this supposed study replicated…
soooo they really just trained the bees in black avoidance? Racists.
I highly doubt the bees are numerate. They equated white space with food and black space with less food. yippee.
Yeah, it sounds like the bees can distinguish between the presence and absence of something. I don’t know what “the concept of zero” means in this context, and I suspect the authors don’t either.
They can differentiate whether there’s a hive to fly to, or not. If there’s no hive, they don’t fly to it. This makes them smarter than most leftists, who can’t seem to sense whether there’s a Russian in the closet, under the bed, etc., or not.
My theory is that there’s the “publish or perish” dynamic that incentivizes researchers to crank out studies that claim to “discover” things that are dead obvious to nearly everyone, and people are happy to read about these “studies” because it makes them feel like super-intelligent scientific-minded people.
Do the bees get to vote now?
Brothel owner and reality TV star Dennis Hof advances in Nevada election
Seems like a lot of Trumplicans are winning.
Is anyone really surprised that the Trumpet candidates are winning? For better or worse, they are. So it’s the Trumpets vs wacko socialist progtards come November. My vote goes to Pimp Daddy.
SJWednesday: The Misogynistic Avenger Strikes Again
the everyday violence which it allows; the true danger comes from the normalization of that violence.
Citations needed.
Uh, so, has any one of these filthy harridans suffered actual harm from “transphobia” or “transmisogyny?” Because then they may have cause to call it “violence,” and they should report it to the proper authorities instead of blogging about it.
Oh, and misogyny becomes a “nameless epidemic?” You seem to have no problem giving it a name, there, Einstein.
It’s all marxist word salads.
Let’s play IT acronym or grievance group!
Batched-Interface Wrapper and (Outgoing/Oriented) Cypher. Its a middleware layer that allows for multiple JSON objects to be atomically encrypted and uploaded. First described in a Masters Thesis by Hans Yugnbergooood at the University of Bevin-Tarf, where it was called an Oriented Cypher. But because of Brexit, a Scandinavian national studying in England is not permitted to release “Punch-chard, electronical cheques, or data apparatuses having the general characteristic of known informational armaments.” So when Yugnbergoood returned home two years later, he released the BSD library “Batched-Interface Wrapper and Oriented Cypher.”
But in the mean time, the FOSS foundation released their own Batched-Interface Wrapper and Outgoing Cypher library, which does the same thing in all but 11 known edge cases, but is dependent on seven libraries that are mutually exclusive with the dependency chain of the Oriented Cypher.
An IETF working group was convened in Kuala Lumpur in 1997 to resolve the issue. Seven members were stabbed in the ensuing debate, and one young man has half his beard shorn off.
So femmes aren’t women?
The only criticism I have of Harrison is his music seems dated.
Not “Tax Man”.
The Beatles are overrated.
^^This. I’m still convinced that the Sgt. Pepper album was a joke that people took seriously. I mean, just listen to the song “Sgt. Pepper’s lonely hearts club band”. It’s not rock and roll, it’s ridiculous. I think the Beatles noticed everyone calling them geniuses, and decided to make a joke/novelty album to see if their fans would go along with it, and lo and behold even that was hailed as genius. And they chortled all the way to the bank.
Yes, but highest quality overrated band. They’re not the Nickelback of the 60s.
This this this this.
“Come Together” is the most annoying (and overplayed) goddamn motherfucking song I’ve ever heard in my life.
Especially if you include all of the times that “You Can’t Catch Me” has been played as well 😉
Robert Mueller: Spymaster General
Special counsel Robert Mueller warned on Tuesday that Russian intelligence services are engaged in ongoing “influence operations” similar to those used during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Mueller made the claim in a court filing for a case against Concord Management, a Russian-controlled company indicted in February for its alleged role in a massive Russian social media campaign that targeted U.S. voters.
In the court filing, Mueller asked a federal judge to withhold certain documents from discovery in order to avoid providing information that could end up in the hands of the Russian government.
“Public or unauthorized disclosure of this case’s discovery would result in the release of information that would assist foreign intelligence services, particularly those of the Russian Federation, and other foreign actors in future operations against the United States,” Mueller said in the filing.
“I have spent millions of unappropriated taxpayer dollars on a witch-hunt. I’ve got nothing to show for it but, as they say, the
showcharade must go on.”In the court filing, Mueller asked a federal judge to withhold certain documents from discovery in order to avoid providing information that could end up in the hands of the Russian government.
As predicted, once they called Mueller’s bluff, he seeks to thwart discovery because “national security”. What a corrupt fuckstain.
This is all about delaying the inquiry into the real criminal activity of the Obama DOJ, FBI, and intelligence apparatus in general, hoping that this november demcorats take over and finally put an end to the pursuit of the not just embarrassing truth, but the downright criminal activity that was SOP for the last 8 years.
Exactly. And it is intended to drag on as long as possible to try to harm the election chances for the Republicans and Trump.
It is a desperate move to find a way to change the people in power while keeping the populous unaware of how fucked up things got under Obama, and hoping to keep that all in place. We should all be scared.
What is harming the GOP’s chances is that have been revealed as the feckless cunts we all suspected they were. As for me, the swamp rats have all but cemented my vote for Trump. 2016 was not a vote for Trump, it was a “hell no!” to Herself. I gingerly tapped the screen in resignation of the sad state of our republic. There was no way I could make myself vote for the goofy pothead and his sidekick the gun grabber either. In 2020, I will mash the Drumpf button so hard, I may knock over the booth. Unless an actual liberty minded candidate runs, that is.
I’m leaning that way too. He’d have to do something pretty fucking bad for me to consider voting for anyone else.
What is harming the GOP’s chances is that have been revealed as the feckless cunts we all suspected they were.
And that is why a lot of the pro-Trump, Trump-endorsed candidates have won the Republican primaries.
The same dudes he delivered the uranium to for Hillary?
“I accuse you of illegally working for Russia!”
“OK, I need the evidence of that for my defense.”
How does Russia manage it? They fixed Brexit, our election, the Austrian, Hungarian, and Italian elections, and now they’re undermining the Mueller investigation. They’re almost as wily as the Jews.
And yet somehow Russia itself is a crumbling hellhole. Go figure.
It’s a million times worse. He wants to be able to hold a trial and withhold all discovery from the defense.
He basically wants to criminally try people with a grand jury.
We can’t show you how we came to this purely speculative and circumstantial conclusion because it’s classified, but we assure you it’s backed by rock solid evidence and testimony of trustworthy individuals.
-DC jury of the defendants “peers”
This is the legacy of the Obama justice system…
Why did you indict if you weren’t ready to try a case dumbass? There’s this thing called discovery, I’m not even a lawyer and I know that because of My Cousin Vinny. Jesus Christ the fact that this guy was right up there as one of the top lawmen in the land should show everybody what a giant crock of shit the whole thing is.
Since there is no way to make the Russians stand trial in the US, he assumed they wouldn’t bother responding and he could use these indictments (intended for show only) as some sort implication of actual Russian collusion to try to smear Trump. Now that the Russians have decided to call his bluff, he has to scramble to avoid discovery which would reveal that it’s all bullshit.
The fucking key stone cops are all that stands between us and foreign influence.
At this point the keystone cops look more dangerous to our liberty and prosperity than the foreign influence, and that alone should scare us all…
Except at this point the media and half the country think the keystone cops are doing God’s work, because TRUMP!!!
And that makes this even more dangerous to our liberty, WTF. The fact that these people are fine with a tyrannical system where the law is used to go after political enemies, should give everyone pause.
And every last retard in the US is lapping it up.
I think if I’m the judge, I would tell Mueller he has a choice to make right now.
Either turn over all the evidence relevant to the defense, or drop the charges. And I would summon him to open court, give him his options in front of everybody, and require him to make his decision before he leaves the room. As a federal fucking judge, not only can I dismiss the case for him, I can sanction him personally if he breaks his word to turn it over, and nobody can touch me.
That would require the judge to a) have a fucking backbone and a moral compass and b) not have any collateral damage when they come after him.
I don’t think the Deep Staters are quite stupid enough to start a war with the federal judiciary. A pissed off federal judge convening his own grand jury with a hand-picked prosecutor to go after the Deep Staters gives me a chubby, but it should terrify them.
This is an insane request. If this was the case, and the actual reason for the request, Meuller’s team could ask the judge for a protective order that limits disclosure to counsel, issue a non-coping order, and limit counsel to document review within Meuller’s physical office-space.
This request implies, but doesn’t actually state, that Mueller thinks the opposing counsel are compromised by Russia. No other attorney would be permitted to make that kind of implied accusation.
Mueller thinks the opposing counsel are compromised by Russia
His ass is in such a crack of his own making here. I laugh that this supposed paragon of the Best and Brightest did not think one fucking step ahead when he indicted those Russians, and apparently never even considered the possibility that they might hire a lawyer to contest the case, which they can do without even leaving Russia or submitting to US jurisdiction (appearances by counsel without conceding jurisdiction are covered in the first couple of weeks of law school).
What are his options now? If he takes the position that any lawyer hired by the Russian defendants is compromised by Russia and thus can’t be given access to the evidence in the case, then he is saying that they can’t be given due process, and the case has to be dismissed. If he treats them like any old lawyers, then he has to give them (controlled) access to the evidence, or dismiss the case if there is evidence that he can’t even give controlled access to.
If he wasn’t such a dumb piece of shit, he would dismiss the case now and save himself further embarrassment.
Oh, i see, the government wants to charge people with evidence no one ever gets to see.
that sounds fair.
*CNN casts the story differently (shocker)
They suggest that he wasn’t trying to limit discovery, but wanted to limit how certain documents are handled, in order to prevent the defense from leaking them to other defendents/outside sources
“lock down”. I’m not clear on how often evidence is given this sort of special treatment, but it seems to me to be distinctly different from limiting actual discovery.
However, if i were the judge, the question i’d ask is: “How dangerous is the activity we’re talking about? POSTING ON SOCIAL MEDIA? ffs, Mueller, get yourself some dry pampers” Fuck you, everyone gets to see your evidence. What you’re talking about is people ‘saying stuff on the internet’. For everyone – including the public – to see. It aint fucking some cloak and dagger shit you’re charging people with, its spraypainting things on billboards. Get a fucking grip, Matlock.
If this is accurate, then this is much less insane. Possibly somewhere in the ‘not-terribly-remarkable’ zone, depending on the details.
I’m shocked, Shocked I say, that the Daily Caller would fuck up a story like this.
Prosecutors want to bar Concord’s team from sharing the documents with 13 Russian co-defendants and two Russian companies
Oh, c’mon. I’ve never heard of a protective order barring an attorney from sharing information WITH HIS OWN CLIENT. How is a lawyer supposed to develop and present a defense based on information that he can’t share with his own client (and by extension, can’t disclose about in open court). This is a very long way from due process as I understand it.
As I understand it, any the doc-review attorney identifies all the documents that they want entered into the record or otherwise exempt from the protection order or modified (ie shared w defendant, made of record in the open, made of record under seal.) They file a motion under seal to do so, along with arguments for why it should be exempt or modified. The other side files a response, and the judge decides. (I am not a lawyer)
Its not crazy to me to expect that the prosecutor’s team could have documents that 1) match the search terms 2) contain sensitive foreign-relations information and 3) are not applicable to the defendant. That’s what a po is in place for. (again, IANAL)
Argh – the paranoia of old people – my dad had to call me at 7:15AM while I was in the way to work: because he thinks his iPad is getting “hacked” and he is afraid to login to facebook. This coincided with a Chase phishing email. And he is blaming all of us on that kid we were thinking of adopting – a year ago – who used his iPad for 10 minutes last summer.
“You are right. Buy a new one, send me the old one. I will dispose of it safely.”
A lesser son would say something like:
“Okay, dad. This is important do you hear a tick, tick, tick sound like someone is chiseling the computer?”
Just tell him to do a full reset, whether it’s getting hacked or not it’s not a big deal to do.
Tell him he’s crazy.
We are all crazy!
Tell him Facebook is the one that hacked his iPad.
Is the kid Russian?
Gee, who is Rod Rosenstein’s boss? Maybe that guy should wake the fuck up and manage his employees? Or else find another job.
Either Sessions is a completely clueless and incompetent boob, or he is a genius sitting back giving these corruptocrats plenty of rope to hang themselves and self-destruct. It seems the longer this shit show drags on, the worse it looks for the deep state and the Democrats.
If he’s playing a long game, we will all know in a week or so when the IG report hits.
If that results in nothing and Team Deep State is allowed to continue thwarting congressional oversight, we’ll all know Sessions is an incompetent buffoon.
Yeah, I actually tend to believe the “Sessions is an incompetent boob” scenario, but I guess hope springs eternal.
I suspect he might also be part of the Deep State himself…
Maybe Sessions is the actual “insurance policy” Strozk and Page were talking about.
I saw him being interviewed last night. He talked for five minutes without managing to say one single thing. The longer you listen to him, the less you know.
SJWednesday: A Perfect Example of the Marxist Belief That Individuals Are Not Autonomous, But Vehicles For the Collective
In other words, you don’t have independent thought or agency, but are solely the product of your social environment.
… violence and harm because these behaviors are normalized through patriarchy
Citations needed, again. Assertion without evidence is one of the more obnoxious aspects of SJW opining.
because these behaviors are normalized through patriarchy
We know which side won the “nature vs nurture” debate in this person’s mind.
I would really love to give the people who think like this, their own space, their own country, to carry out their experiments. I mean, why wouldn’t they love that? They could just SJW to their little heart’s content without the mean old patriarchy blocking them at every turn. I’d love to see the abject misery that would ensue. But no, they don’t want that because subjecting you and all other sane people on the planet, to the abject misery that would ensue, is their only desire.
Because women have no “potential for violence”?
Trump to receive briefing on inspector general’s Clinton email report before it goes public
I await the Twitter reveal ahead of the public reveal.
Unless this report says Clinton got away with a crime that would have landed anyone else in jail because she had the means to take Obama down with her so they rigged this whole thing, the report is not being truthful. This whole thing was a fucking travesty of justice and why I will never trust our legal system.
It will at best only imply that Clinton got away with a crime that would have landed anyone else in jail because she had the means to take Obama down with her so they rigged this whole thing, using enough weasel words that the Democrats will be able to spin it to claim that’s not what it really means.
I see another “What is the meaning of ‘is”?” lawyer moment…
Doesn’t matter, Cohen has flipped. He’s flipped, damnit! FlIPPED! Do you know what the means! Do you!? I don’t. Neither does anyone else. But this is it, they’ve got him this time! They’ve got the Trumpet! Soon Maxine will be seen escorting him from the Whitehouse, no… tossing him out with her bare hands! And ushering in queen Hillary to be annointed, supreme leader, forever!
I have a question for Capitals fans. I began watching hockey in the late 70s. As the older guys here know, the pre-Bettman hockey world was pretty much A Northern states, Canada cartel. The biggest most fanatical fan bases were in those parts – and still are. From what I saw, places like Buffalo, Minny, Philly, St. Louis, Boston, Chicago, NY (with its fervently loyal Rangers fans), and even LA always seemed to be full (well Chicago had some dark days as we know). Everyone time I’d look at the attendance in the box scores, they were always solid in those places.
Where it was 18 000 in those places, I think Landover’s attendance hovered around the 14k mark on average if I’m not mistaken. I get the impression the Caps had support like the Expos did. That is, it was small but very proud and loyal.
But during the Ovie years and after what I saw during the parade yesterday, was it always like that and I was mistaken or did the fan base explode during the Ovie years?
I didn’t bother to mention the Canadian cities. Place like Toronto and Montreal are like the Packers, Cardinals, Cubs, Lakers etc. all wrapped into one where psycho fans are concerned. The obsession with hockey here borders on needing medication.
it really exploded during the Ovie years and the rock the red era, it was always small and loyal but they were good for so long they had a bunch of people buy in. It’s a fun ticket to go to, they almost always have a packed house at the capital one arena(verizon/mci center). Leonsis has done a really good job developing a good fan experience.
Well, it’s pretty obvious. And Bettman has turned the NHL from a parochial, rinky-dink operation to a legit Big League.
If places like Nashville, Dallas, Vegas and Seattle stay strong….the league is going to be very happy.
It’s a good product right now. Even casual fans are digging the speed and skill.
It also didn’t help that they were the only consistently winning ticket in town. Which helps. The Redskins have been so bad for so long, the wizards are the wizards, and the baseball team while good sucked real hard for the first 7 years of its existence(as every expansion team should).
The Nats werent an expansion team, they are the expos.
Sure, but it was intentionally stripped down to the point where an actual expansion teams would probably had a better roster and long term future.
The Expos were an expansion team that never expanded.
In the southern cities, no reason to go if the team isn’t winning. Dallas isn’t all that strong fan-wise, but they have enough corporate support that they could survive even if they were as bad as the Coyotes.
Vegas I don’t know much about, but it seems like the NHL is a breath of fresh air the residents needed. How long that lasts remains to be seen but they could probably survive just on tourists alone during a long losing stretch.
Blackhawks weren’t on tv back then. No exposure for me so no caring.
Started watching during strike season, that was great. IMO regular season
entirely too long.
RE: Florida mans’ cold brew article.
I’ll administer my coffee flush the traditional way, thank you very much.
Same here. Speaking of which I need to do more of that now.
Misogyny becomes a nameless epidemic that seeks to kill us silently and softly.
All the whining about it is killing me.
Well, it is HIS song.
King Ferdinand of Austria subjected himself to the Ottoman emperor Suleiman
Somebody help me out here. I thought Ferdinand fought the Ottomans pretty hard. He held them off at the first Siege of Vienna and managed to retain some of Hungary after their invasions.
In the court filing, Mueller asked a federal judge to withhold certain documents from discovery in order to avoid providing information that could end up in the hands of the Russian government.
“Public or unauthorized disclosure of this case’s discovery would result in the release of information that would assist foreign intelligence services, particularly those of the Russian Federation, and other foreign actors in future operations against the United States,” Mueller said in the filing.
Right. Because the Russians don’t already know how venal and incompetent you are?
Marines can file this one under “No thanks”.
Norway to invite more U.S. Marines, for longer and closer to Russia
In 1990, my battalion went to the Persian Gulf, the rest of the Regiment went to northern Norway. We had a few guys wounded, they had several Marines dead from hypothermia and / or pneumonia.
Punch Drunk Rob
President Trump, hilariously finding time during an unprecedented and high-stakes peace summit with North Korea, took to his favorite social media site, Twitter, to go after the famed actor, calling him “Low IQ” and “punch-drunk.”
“Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received to many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be ‘punch-drunk,'” smacked Trump, adding that De Niro fails to “realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country.”
“Wake up Punchy!” the president finished off the colorful message.
I do hope his detractors never learn. I find it quite entertaining. In case anyone hasn’t seen DiNero “bravely” speaking of “truth to power”, here you go.
“Wake up Punchy!”
The entertainment value alone of a Trump presidency makes it worth while.
I’m really starting to take to Trump.
Speaking as someone who always hated establishmentarianism, him attacking all these entities and people that for too long had a free kick at the can without much opposition is PRICELESS.
I’m digging it too. The only thing I wish he did better was write coherent sentences.
A combo of Trump’s not-giving-a-fuck mixed with Dennis Miller’s vocabulary would be even better. Alas, I’ll happily laugh at Trump getting all these assholes to lose their shit.
Ditto Sloop. Watching these narcissistic morons lose it because they are being outsmarted by a guy they consider to be a boorish dunce, is just priceless. It is even more satisfying that they keep getting punched in the mouth every time Trump gets a success that shows how stupid the shit they peddle is and it wipes out some nonsense Obama did.
I am licking up those tears with gusto.
This was on the news this morning. I love it.
“Wake up Punchy!” ROFL
Is Trump some sort of New-Yawk genius? Or is it more of a Forrest Gump presidency?
But he certainly drives people nuts – never seen anything like it.
“…giving these corruptocrats plenty of rope to hang themselves and self-destruct. It seems the longer this shit show drags on, the worse it looks for the deep state and the Democrats.”
They thought they could ignore the adage “You cant stir the shit without getting it on you” because they are so used to having cover from above.
Speaking of that, shouldn’t that be included in the Iron Laws?
“You cant stir the shit without getting it on you”
We’ll need a ruling from RC Dean on that one.
I’m not sure sure it’s an Iron Law. I mean, Trump is stirring plenty of shit without getting any on him…or is it because he was already covered with shit that we can’t see any getting on him?
He is a plumber working on a septic system. He knew what was going to happen going into this. He pays no attention to it.
How much longer will their shareholders let this clown run their company into the ground?
Look! A rocket!
They’ll keep him around to the bitter end. Unless he tries to merge Tesla and SpaceX.
Congress needs to haul Rosenstein in and remind him who’s in charge.
That would require both balls and a spine.
Looks at Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
3 guaranteed bids as hosts?
i thought when Japan/S Korea co-hosted, they should both play in qualifying tourney and if both qualified, Asia should get one more spot, if 1 qualified, the non-qualifier would get the host spot, and if neither qualified, the best finisher would get the host spot and the other would stay home.
Same should be done for CONCACAF. Canada only would qualify if US and Mexico both got in normally, which SHOULD happen, but strange things happen.
That will be first WC with 48 teams… plenty of room for Canada.
I am not sure Canada would qualify anyway. They don’t always qualify for the hexagonal.
But, yeah, with 48 teams Canada can have the token host spot and the US and Mexico can too, as they would qualify anyway.
How much longer will their shareholders let this clown run their company into the ground?
As long as it takes?
Want a giggle? Read this thread.
It’s astonishing to me that owners haven’t stormed TSLA headquarters over the quality issues. That koolaid is powerful stuff.
I know someone that owns one of these death trap money pits. he is constantly complaining about the problems but can’t wait to virtue signal about how cool he is for owning one. When I point out he is talking out of both sides of his mouth and looks like a moron for doing that, he gets pissed.
I don’t understand why he wants to make cars. It’s a shitty business, really where a lot can go wrong and you get very little credit if you make a halfway decent automobile.
For someone so smart, he really is an idiot.
They expect the next democrat president to bail this company out…
After all, government should pick the winners & losers, and this guy needs to be a winner!
Seattle steps away from the ledge.
Less than a month after unanimously passing a contentious tax on big business, Seattle’s city council has voted to repeal the so-called “head tax.” Against the fervent protestations of residents and local coalitions—which were extended to a full hour of testimony—council members voted 7-2 to pulled the plug on what would have been a vital source of support for city’s growing homeless population.
The repeal comes a day after the No Tax on Jobs campaign—a coalition which large businesses which would be affected by the “head tax,” like Amazon and Starbucks, pledged significant financial support to—announced it had gotten over 45,000 signatures, more than enough to generate a referendum to overturn the tax in November. Speakers on behalf of No Tax on Jobs at the City Council chambers repeatedly described the coalition as “grassroots,” however the Public Disclosure Commission of Washington reveals it gave over $246,000 to a firm called Morning in America for “signature gathering and verification” and an additional $20,000 to Cre8tive Empowerment for “campaign/volunteer/social media management.”
Mayor Jenny Durkan described the quick legislative retreat as a means to avoid “a prolonged, expensive political fight over the next five months that will do nothing to tackle our urgent housing and homelessness crisis.” Critics saw the repeal as a backroom deal to appease Amazon.
“Prolonged and expensive political fight” to say nothing of the court costs.
Don’t count on them stepping away from the edge. They will just figure out another way to jack up taxes equivalently. At some point, head tax or no, they will drive up costs to the point where companies will leave.
My bet is they double down on something even more stupid and destructive. With these people you fail only because you didn’t go marxist enough.
what would have been a vital source of support for city’s growing homeless population
Yes, but not in the way they intended.
It would have been exactly as they intended. 1c out of each dollar buying soup and needles for the homeless, 99c to the city bureaucracy and govt. cronies.
True, but I meant you get more of what you subsidize. You want to make homelessness safer and more comfortable? Great, you get more homeless people.
But, as you note, reifying problems are a bureaucrat’s wet dream.
If you make a living off a problem, what is your incentive to ever fix that problem?
Are you suggesting that intentions and outcomes sometimes diverge? Outrageous!
Minnesoda Racoon
Did any of our Glibs go check him out?
No. Fuck St. Paul.
Where is a bald eagle when you need one?
A retrospective on 2008 predictions for the future of climate change.Note the gleeful lilt.
In 2028,
Jeez, you guys trying to say something?
Some people just have to believe in something. Just look at it as a religion and it all makes sense.
Not a religion: a cult.
tomato, tomato.
Well, I don’t many religions that made people drink spiked kool-aid..
Some churches use real wine in the communion.
The oil price broke $400/barrel in 2022
They got one right. One.
And it’s the only one that has nothing to do with the actual climate, and everything to do with government tyranny.
I thought the NoCal separatists wanted AWAY from the bay area, not to be controlled by it.
The Jefferson people have nothing to do with the latest division proposal. If you travel in Northern Cal you will see plenty of XX flags. I would love to see it happe, but I think it’s a pipe dream.
I can’t see them supporting this proposal. Make “California run from LA thru SF and they would.
Have a nice helping of WTF? with your coffee.
One planning group is recommending closing Teterboro Airport and shift its flights to the region’s three major airports due to rising sea levels.
The Regional Plan Association says their plan would shift all Teterboro flights primarily to LaGuardia Airport.
Along with that, there’d be expansion at both Newark Liberty International Airport and JFK International Airport to absorb the extra traffic at LaGuardia.
Their plan involves building a new runway and midfield concourse at Newark airport, as well as improving the airport’s connection to passenger rail.
Their plan also envisions two new runways at JFK airport, where terminals would be expanded, consolidated and connected.
The group says Teterboro Airport will become too expensive to maintain with rising sea levels and in 20 to 30 years, the runways will be under water.
The group recommends spending more than $50 billion over 40 years to make the changes.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and theorize that if this proposal is in any way serious, the real reason they want to close Teterboro has nothing whatsoever to do with rising sea levels.
The group recommends spending more than $50 billion over 40 years to make the changes.
Hmmm, I may have stumbled upon the real reason.
Google earth tells me that the runway there is 3-7 feet above sea level. Ocean level is rising about the same rate it has for the last 12k years – about 1 to 2 mm per year. Of course they aren’t accounting for the north atlantic ocean widening by about 1cm per year or the rise/fall of the land on the eastern seaboard and…well, everywhere else.
After careful consideration I think WTF may be on to something.
We’ve all but mastered the art and science of safe, reliable, and relatively cheap flight all over the world, but seawalls are a confounding technology.
Raising the grade of land to make it more useable is also beyond our primitive means.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m just a caveman pilot. I fell in some ice and later got thawed out by your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me. Sometimes the surf breaking over the ends of the runways make me want to drop the control stick and plunge right into the ground. My primitive mind can’t grasp these concepts.
*opera applause*
“the real reason they want to close Teterboro has nothing whatsoever to do with rising sea levels”
Exactly what I was thinking. Which crony benefits the most from this? I have to say, it’s pretty brilliant to use the biggest prog monster under the bed to get that kind of cash; it’s Musk level fleecing of tax payers. Considering that most NYC denizens buy the climate hoax hook, line and sinker, I’d say they’re getting the government they want good and hard.
That’s nuts. Teterboro is a busy business airport that’s much easier to deal with than Newark (my employer has a facility across the street). And it’s much farther from the ocean than any of the major NY / NJ airports. Nobody with access to a map is taking that excuse seriously.
Nobody is going to go to LaGuardia or Kennedy instead – they are fucking impossible to drive to from NJ. The traffic will end up in Morristown or out in Allentown or Wilkes-Barre PA.
Only one way to get rid of an airport
Copo do Mundo.
Sorry, not real football.
Luscious lingerie ladies sure to bring out your lascivious lewdness.
2, 23, 35, 40. 4 is THICC.
“In meetings with other federations, the United bid did have to answer questions and address concerns about the political situation in the United States — much of it having to do with policies regarding foreigners put in place by U.S. President Donald Trump”
What policies are those exactly? The “travel ban”? I’m sorry and maybe I’m just a hopeless yokel, but I don’t understand what is so controversial about this policy, other than the fact that it was instituted by Trump. Didn’t Obama, Clinton and both Bushes have similar policies at various times in their presidencies?
Either way, this is exciting; I’ll definitely be scrounging to get tickets.
I just hope MetLife Stadium is not one of the venues, traffic is bad enough around here.
They aren’t ever going to fix those Route 3 bridges, are they?
No, they will just keep the “construction” on Route 3 going on in perpetuity.
I don’t recall ever seeing real work going on there – and I’ve had plenty of time as I merge out of the closed lanes and roll along at 3 mph.
Pisses me off every time I go through there.
I started having to travel regularly to Chicago back in 2002. Road construction between O’Hare and Schaumburg has been going continuously since then and they never seem to make any progress. Every time I see it I wonder how many people’s retirements are being funded by it.
Ah yes, the highway to nowhere. will save you 5 minutes on your 3 hour trip.
It is done.
/I-90 triumph
Overheard some old ladies talking while I was eating lunch the other day:
Old Lady 1: “So and so put a really nice picture on facebook the other day.”
Old Lady 2: “Oh, can you show it to me?”
Old Lady 1 gets out her phone: “Ok Google, the picture I saw yesterday.”
Nothing happens.
Old Lady 1: “Ok Google, the picture I saw on facebook yesterday.”
Nothing happens, she speaks louder.
Old Lady 2: “Oh, I’m sure it was nice.”
Old Lady 1: “The phone must be broken.”
Oy vey!
Laugh all you want. In 20-30 years that will be us.
“Google, summon my sex doll!”
OK Google, where did I put my fucking keys?
OK Fucking keys, where did I put my Google?
Google, where did I put my OK fucking?
*screen floods with interracial donkey-dick porn*
Black donkey fucking a white woman or the other way around?
Is this a replay of that scene in the movie Ted 2 where they are discussing that any Google search leads to big black cock sites?
Black men with tremendous donkey dicks, just like old white ladies like.
After you’ve squeezed out a couple of rugrats, you need a bigger plane to fill the hangar.
What if, and I am quoting another of your posts about a BBQ conversation you heard, you want to park that beast in the back hangar?
you want to park that
beastsingle-prop in the back hangarJust make sure your plane is well lubricated.
Takes a lot of lube to grease up a C-5 Galaxy…
Stick it in the zerk
Hey, Fucko, we like to call it inter-species erotica.
-Kinky Kelly’s handler
That dude is gonna cornhole the donkey???
My kids have a running joke about the first time I used voice to text, which consisted of me speaking very loudly and slowly, word by word, into the phone.
Kids laugh, but every time I try to call someone Siri asks me what I meant, until I say it slow and loud.
Pretty sure they made her a pain in the ass to make older people look stupid.
I love playing overheard conversations! Here’s one from a couple weeks ago. My next door neighbors were having a BBQ and I was doing some yardwork and heard this snippet:
Woman #1: “… I just don’t want to get pregnant again.”
Woman #2: “Well your ass can’t get pregnant.”
I didn’t see the speakers or what conversation led up to this conclusion and I’m glad. I prefer to imagine the scenario.
Like when you hear sex through a hotel room wall. You never want to see who it really was in there.
“Maybe those guys are lifting weights.”
*lights Jesse signal*
I want to come to your BBQs man…
Stupid Lady, she’s supposed to say, Hey NSA…”
My old man turns his cell phone off all of the time – so he can “save the battery”.
Me: Dad, just leave it on all day and recharge the phone overnight.
Him: But the battery might go dead.
Me: But I can’t call you if the phone is off.
Him: ???
Worst part: he freaks out if I don’t pick up on the first call and then will call my wife’s number.
Son? Is that you?
It will bother me greatly to find out that your dad is younger than I am.
My mother was like that until I had my first kid and started texting pictures. Before that, her phone might be dead or off or in some random room in the house. About the 2nd picture, the phone was always on, charged, and present.
Here’s me with Google.
Me: Ok Google, stop navigation.
Google: Stopping navigation.
Me: …
Google: Turn left at…
Me: OK Google, stop navigation!
Google: Stopping Navigation.
Me: …
Google: Head straight for 2 miles and then…
Me: *cursing, grabs phone and manually stops navigation*
Google: Did you say East Point Market? Starting navigation…
Me: *cursing, turns off phone*
“vast parts of California are poorly served by a representative government dominated by a large number of elected representatives from a small part of our state, both geographically and economically”
This was actually said by someone in Silicon Valley? I guess they’re not all completely hopeless.
Bad part is, they were talking about the republicans in NorCal.
To me, it’s amusing that is even on the ballot. Central Cali with SanFran and Silicon Valley would basically be cutting off their own dick to spite their balls. Northern Cali electoral votes would no doubt go GOP and Southern Cali might become a swing state. No way the progs in Sacro let that happen. If the ballot initiative is approved, it would move slower than Brexit with activist judges all over the country striking it down. Not going to happen, ever.
My thoughts exactly. California is a blue lock and it took them a long time to accomplish that. I suspect the line putting SF, the bay area and Sacremento in the northern portion is a move to keep Northern California blue.
That is exactly what it is. Northern California is Jefferson country. They want to make sure that never ever happens.
But it totally makes sense. North California and South California have very little in common.
My current home state of Florida is similar. The culture of South Florida – Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties – is completely different from the rest of the state. And Orlando is really pretty different from the panhandle. You could easily make 3 states out of Florida.
I hear similar things about New York, with upstate being a completely place from downstate.
I’d be ok with going back to some kind of city-state system given that the biggest divide in the country seems to be urban vs. suburban/rural.
I am a ruralite. What you say is true. I go nearly anywhere in the country and meet other ruralites and find them as familiar as my next door neighbors, culturally and ideologically.
I go to nearly any urban area even in my own state and the people are unrecognizable to me.
The Clinton Archipelago is the problem, we should just make that a state.
Illinois should be broken into Chicagoland and Downstate Illinois.
Maybe you could include Milwaukee in that. Chicago and Milwaukee have almost nothing in common with the rest of their respective states. Rural Illinois has more in common with Alabama than Chicago.
Western Pennsylvania and Central/Eastern Pennsylvania.
I find it very amusing that at the bottom of the “Israel is like totes Nazi Germany” article there was a tourism ad for Tel Aviv featuring a beautiful model frolicking on the beach.
Subtext: “See the decadence of this corrupt (((woman))) while the ummah suffers and dies at their despicable hands! Death to the Jews!”
Israel refuses to play victim, therefore progs hate them and love Palestinians and Hamas. I think it really is that simple.
Israel is a democratic, civilized country with western, enlightened culture. Palestinians have an uncivilized, brutal, impoverished and dysfunctional society large portions of which are a death cult. Of course the progs side the way they do. The palestinians have the ideal society that progs are shooting for here.
Yes, I was going to mention the left often prefers the Noble Savage to civilized man.
I love the term ‘noble savage’. What an oxymoron.
Leftists actually believe that, though, and will not let go of it. The entire planet was a peaceful paradise until whitey and the patriarchy ruined it all. Despite the fact that anthropologist tell a different story, they refuse to believe it, because they freaking love science. Yeah right.
I think they prefer everyone else to be forced to live a life at the level of a savage, noble or otherwise. This doesn’t apply to them. They all believe that they will get the exclusion that allows them to take advantage of that civilization they want to deny others…
+ 1 gambol
They’d rather destroy the world and rule the rubble than have to be treated the same as everyone else.
Only they wouldn’t rule the rubble. SJWs and their ilk would keep their mouth shut and help grub for roots or get the going all neolithic on their hineys. As far as the Palestinians are concerned, same for them, there will be no ‘noble’ savages, only savages. They’ll get the benefit of the doubt only if they have bigger rocks and sticks than the other tribes.
Honestly, if the Palestinians want to blame anyone for their plight, it should be their leaders. If the Palestinians decided they just wanted their own country next door to Israel and wanted to trade and build businesses and become rich, happy and successful, they could achieve that in relatively short order. Really, the Israelis would be more than happy to accommodate them forming a buffer state. And Israel outsourcing low-skilled labor to the next country over would be a boon for the Palestinians and the Israelis. Instead, their leadership wants their own country instead of Israel.
Israel’s half-measures in conquering their swatch of the gulf was the worst thing that could have happened to gulf Arabs. The two-state solution is nonsense. Unless you break their spirit and extinguish any hope of autonomy under Islamic leaders, there will never be peace. And the West is complicit in prolonging the suffering of everyone involved, especially the Palestinians. It’s shameful. We indulged in personally gratifying visions of coexistence because we are foolish and suborned by our own peace and prosperity.
I’ve been saying for a while: just steamroll Gaza and the West Bank, push the Pallies into Egypt, Jordan and Syria (where they would fit right in and instantly have a better life) then build a giant wall. Fuck the international community and fuck the Arab states that use the Pallies as a puppet to propagandize against Israel.
push the Pallies into Egypt, Jordan and Syria (where they would fit right in and instantly have a better life)
Maybe. Palestinians played a key part in destabilizing Lebanon and almost did the same in Jordan. Assuming you could get the existing residents of each country to accept the Palestinians with open arms, I’m not sure the Palestinians would assimilate.
There is a reason they aren’t there already. They are poison. No one wants them.
They have had multiple opportunities to have their own state. I remember when Arafat tried it. The PLO could not supply even the most basic services to the population. They were so incompetent that police, fire, basic utilities, medical service etc were non-existent. They gave it up so that the evil Joooooos would supply those things for them.
“I spit in your eye! Now, makes the lights come back on and the faucets run!”
I have less than zero sympathy.
How Donald Trump eclipsed the ‘libertarian moment’
The other great issue at the libertarians’ disposal, smaller government, simply never mattered in the ways they thought it did. Anti-government sentiment was most powerful with Republican voters as an expression of anti-elitism and resistance to a government run by a liberal Democrat like Barack Obama.
This is sort of true, sort of not. I think, for a while, there really was genuine interest in libertarian ideas in Republican circles. Or at least nascent interest. No, Republicans weren’t lining up to take the non-aggression pledge and they had a lot of ideas that really weren’t particularly libertarian. But, I don’t think you start reading Hayek and Bastiat (and the Tea Parties were starting to talk about them) just because you don’t like the current administration. The problem, bluntly, was the libertarian leadership. Rather than engaging them, encouraging their libertarianism and showing them where they were off on some of their more unlibertarian stances, the libertarian leadership decided to sneer at them, write them off as “yokels”, and do everything they could to disassociate themselves from the Tea Parties. Because, after all, didn’t you see ZOMG THAT DEMOCRAT PLAYS VIDEO GAMES!!!
The libertarian leadership has a distinct anathema towards the religious.
Eh, having migrated gradually from Team Red, I can attest to the fact that there is a massive disconnect regarding the size and scope of government. There’s big government they don’t like, and then there’s big government they do like (such as the military). Ultimately, a whole lot of the Tea Party crowd decided that they don’t mind big government as long as it’s their kind of big government.
And yes, Reason’s enthusiastic embracing of Jared Polis was one of many low points for them.
” Ultimately, a whole lot of the Tea Party crowd decided that they don’t mind big government as long as it’s their kind of big government.”
I think this is an important point to which I would add: multiple failures of Republicans to downsize government, I think, convinced many conservatives that it was a pipe dream. That meant the only way out for many of them was to control the ever burgeoning state. As someone here or TOS once commented, we’re heading for the late Roman Republic.
I also migrated over from Team Red. I understand that they have pretty gaping blind spots. But, I think the Tea Parties were an opportunity for people to be introduced to libertarianism. Yes, people’s worldview doesn’t change overnight. Mind didn’t. But, it’s a lot less likely to change at all if the leadership of the people they’re starting to listen to is downright hostile to them.
Another part of the problem is that there is not much genuine interest in libertarian ideas in libertarian circles.
That’s just because there is no true libertarian….
Never mind that Trump is doing multiple libertarian things like shrinking govt payroll, cutting regulation hand over fist, cutting taxes, getting us out of preposterous deals that are essentially theft of taxpayer money given to parasites, etc. in ways libertarians never thought would happen. Never mind all of that. It is Trump so the libertarian moment is dead. Trump is guilty. Trump is a cheeto monkey. He is killing our democracy.
TDS is a hell of a thing.
You’re right, Suthen. Trump has done the most libertarian like things of any president in my lifetime, by far, no one else has even been close, including Reagan. It doesn’t much matter to me that Trump is not a libertarian and is not doing things libertarians should love, intentionally, or not. All that matters to me is that he’s doing those things. Add to things you mentioned, he just commuted the sentence of a lady who was stuck in prison for life over some bullshit drug charges and has already said he will sign a bill protecting states that have legalized weed from federal prosecution.
“” said he will sign a bill protecting states that have legalized weed from federal prosecution.””
if he actually does it, i’ll cheer then. he says a lot of shit. i ignore his tariff talk until they actually get implemented, and i ignore his good-stuff-talk until those things become real too.
Stockton’s $500 basic income experiment is a commie-libertarian pipe dream
I think you’re doing libertarianism wrong…
No cognitive dissonance there at tall.
The problem is people are free to spend that money however they wish!
That’s the problem.
And I would spend every penny of mine on guns.
What about bullets?
Or will I be able to get those with my libertarian SNAP card?
“a libertarian belief that cash can solve anything.”
I’m not clicking that link, but it better be McAfee’s video announcing his candidacy and stuffing dolla bills down a fat strippers thong.
He’s racist to whites, blacks, Brazilians, to people that wear glasses. This is the belt holder in the UFC. Genius.
Wow, there’s two strikes for that guy right out of the box.
1. You can’t be racist against whites.
2. Brazilian is not a race.
Ok, at least he gets it right on the 3rd one, people who wear glasses are definitely a race. I’m wearing glasses right now, you racist!
How is this guy racist?
Did you notice his skin tone?
No justice, no youtube
YouTube suddenly terminated the channel for the firearms parts company Brownells, the company claimed on Saturday.
“Brownells’ YouTube channel has been terminated without warning or notice,” Brownells’ Twitter account stated.
Update Monday 10:53am: Brownells announced Monday morning on Twitter that their channel has been restored and thanked those who voiced support.
Just an honest mistake, no doubt. A misunderstanding. A hiccup. Nothing to see, here.
They havent gotten Midway yet?
BTW, anyone interested in guns should go watch Larry Potterfield’s gunsmithing videos. They are fantastic.
I saw a cool video yesterday from some 3d printing service. They made an entire 1911 out of 3d printed parts (except the springs). It seemed a perfectly ordinary 1911 when they were finished.
These were the guys….
Solid concepts. Pretty cool. Firearms controls are about to get really complicated.
So what you’re saying is that I’m going to have to go to PornHub to see Brownell’s videos soon?
That would be Browneye’s videos.
The whole universal basic income concept accepts as inevitable the disappearance of blue-collar jobs, which is what wrecked cities like Stockton. It doesn’t even ask the “1 percent” to consider how their eternal quest for profits and personal wealth endangers society
Jesus Christ on a diamond-encrusted popsicle stick, when and how did “profit” become a crime against humanity?
The buggy whip manufacturers are really pissed off these days.
Ever since communism started working out so well, every single time it’s been tried. Duh!
The instant those profits went back into the infrastructure and retirement funds for hard working companies instead of the pockets of thieving pinkos.
Well, it’s all over now, folks. They’ve finally got Trump this time, for the 4,324,436th time in the last 6 months. But this is it, this time is really it.
Hoo boy! Now we can declare the election invalid, reverse everything Trump did, and install Hillary as the rightful president!
/Not how it works
Right now, there are a few thousand mindless drones at DU repeating exactly what you just said.
It’s all about reversing the will of the American people and declaring the person they had thought they had rigged the election to produce as the winner, as the winner finally…
It’s nothing but a child’s tantrum because they are not getting their way.
I found the perfect horror/thriller movie for Q.
Ok, I mean really, what? I don’t get this. I don’t even want to talk about whether this is bad, or not. It sounds bad, but I haven’t really delved into the issue. What I want to know is, if it’s bad, why is it only bad for Democrats? Is it because they are the default victim class, or because GOP voters are somehow smarter or just better than them? It sort of reminds me of how women need to be ’empowered’, apparently by men, to be equal to men, even though they say they’re equal to men and it has nothing to do with men. That’s not a very good comparison, but all I could think of at the moment.
All I can think of is that it will make it harder for a group of people who constantly vote Democratic. I’m talking, of course, about dead people.
The dispute revolves around Ohio’s process for removing voters from the voter rolls based on a failure to vote in previous elections. The state mails a notice to anyone who does not vote in two consecutive years, seemingly to see if the person still resides at that address. If the person does not respond and fails to vote or update their registration during the next four years, the state removes that person from the voter registration list. Once removed, the individual cannot vote unless he or she re-registers at least 30 days before the next election.
If this is really too much for you, I really have to conclude that your major motivation here is to support voter fraud. Sorry, but six years and a written invitation is fair.
“Women, minorities
hardest hittoo lazy or dumb to comply with very, very low standards of votorship.”Rally behind that, Dems. Seriously. Let that flag fly high.
CS too lazy or dumb to proofread.
And I suppose they kinda have a point, at least with the lazy part. Which isn’t really about laziness, it’s more of a rational ignorance thing. They want to rely on intermittent voters who will show up for “historic” elections but normally won’t bother with votes between two pink-toned presidential candidates, let alone off-year elections. So six-year purges might be enough to dissuade certain people from voting at all. That’s not a question of disenfranchisement but the cynical view and low opinion Dems take of certain voters.
They want to rely on intermittent voters who will show up for “historic” elections but normally won’t bother with votes between two pink-toned presidential candidates, let alone off-year elections.
Or, they like having a bunch of registered voters who don’t vote, as that creates an inventory of available votes that can be applied as necessary by the right people to assure the correct result.
I’m trying to maintain the illusion of rule of law here, thank you!!
*lays back and thinks of Margaret Thatcher in a bikini*
“the cynical view and low opinion Dems take of certain voters”
To be specific, their own voters.
“Women, minorities hardest hit too lazy or dumb to comply with very, very low standards of votorship”
Seriously, Democrats have been all but screaming that very message from the rooftops for decades. If people didn’t need to depend on Democrats for their very subsistence, why would anyone vote for democrats?
I saw a discussion once with….I want to say Thomas Sowell and some other dude.
Dude – “So why do the democrats want these policies that seem like it would make voter fraud easier to pull off and more difficult to detect?”
Sowell – “Because they want to engage in voter fraud.”
There is your answer.
But pointing that out results in you being accused of being a racist or something like that in the hopes of shutting down any sort of discussion on the facts.
If there’s one thing Trump has done, it’s he’s shown the way to make that a moot point. You just say ‘I don’t give a fuck’ and ridicule them. I don’t know why so many people still cower before those retards. Stand up to them and they run away with their tail between their legs.
It has become even easier now that they have become so profligate with their smears. When literally anything and everything that contradicts their pet theory is racist/sexist/homophobic etc. etc., then nothing is. The proper response is to laugh at them. This drives them even crazier and further destroys their own credibility.
Ockham’s Razor. It’s not rocket science. Same reason the Dems want the border to remain open and to give instant citizenship to all illegals. If those groups were likely to vote Republican, we’d see the Dem-Op-Media throwing themselves crying and wailing and rending their clothes about how the open border is a national security threat and destroys US sovereignty.
It sure seems to be that. Well, I think I can say for certainty that when Democrats want to avoid requiring ID to vote, it is specifically for the reason of wanting to engage in voter fraud. Not too long ago, the town of College Park, MD, tried to pass a measure allowing, just straight out allowing illegal aliens to vote in local elections. And they actually passed the measure. But then it got withdrawn because of some angry blowback from the local yokels, rednecks and all you know. So I guess they’ve just quietly went back to allowing illegals to vote by fraud.
Deadthread but oh well.
I used to work at my county’s election commission. We have similar rules for purging voter rolls as Ohio does, and for the same reasons (I believe our threshold might be 10 years of voting inactivity instead of 6).
This whole case is a waste of everyone’s time. The SCOTUS should have had a unanimous ruling against the plaintiff.
The plaintiff claims that he didn’t receive his inactive voter notice because he was deployed. Deployed military vote by absentee ballot and it seems that he must not have cared about the previous elections enough while he was deployed (is 6 years a normal amount of time to be spent deployed?).
He likely also had the option of failsafe voting, if he wanted to contend that his voter registration was purged in error. Maybe he didn’t want to sign the required affidavit.
Here’s another thought: Purging inactive voters decreases the likelihood of engaging in unintended voter fraud. If you’ve moved to a new apartment or house, there’s a good chance you’ll have changed districts. Changing your voter registration is not something that occurs to most people. Voting in the wrong district is in essence a fraudulent vote, albeit not with the intention to commit fraud.
You know, I was curious about documented instances of voter impersonation in the US, so I looked at the Wikipedia article for “voter impersonation”. It’s a typical roster of statements from lefty organizations saying that it’s a problem that doesn’t exist, but I did find this little gem:
Oh, the same percentage as those crazy people who believe in alien abductions. It must be totally insignificant, right? Well, according to as of right now, the population is close to 328 million, but let’s just be extremely generous and round it down to 327 million.
327,000,000 * 0.025 = 8,175,000
So over 8 million people admitted to have engaged in voter impersonation, but we’re told that it simply doesn’t exist in any scale large enough to influence an election? Sure, some of them probably marked “yes” just to be silly, but a huge portion of people probably didn’t answer honestly.
cnn is playing the tu cuoque game with Fox news.
They sort of have a point…. except Trump didn’t go there to apologize for America an drop off a load of cash in exchange for nothing.
Other than “this is a deal with a brutal dictatorship”, I struggle to find a single point of similarity between Obama’s Iran deal and what we are being told is the Trump’s Nork deal.
I think one of the greatest things to come out of the ‘deal’ so far is that Lindsey Graham seems to have developed a great case of butthurt over it. What he’s saying, that Congress needs to approve any deal, is legit. It’s just that he’s saying it for all the wrong reasons. He wouldn’t care if we invaded 20 countries right now without Congress approving of it, it’s just his TDS flaring up anew.
there is no deal.
its just an agreement to meet again, with a limited framework for what they’re going to talk about. in the meantime, he wont test nukes, and we wont parade off his coast in flotillas.
even if they signed things, it doesn’t make anything signed any more significant than if they pinky swore. these aren’t treaties and they’re not enforcible and there’s no oversight. the idea that anyone won concessions from one another is mostly a figment of imagination.
the Iran deal, on the other hand, literally involved the US turning off a sanctions regime that had lasted 30 years and involved 6 separate countries.
it also ended up releasing boatloads of money to iran.
in exchange for…? nothing. It bought Obama the opportunity to pretend he was a foreign relations genius and distract from the implosion of the ACA which was dominating headlines. but then the Iran deal imploded too. the iranians literally continued to test nuclear-capable missiles while Obama was on a victory tour bragging how he’d ended Iranian ambitions to attain nukes. Americans may have missed the significance because our media is dogshit, but no one else in the world – particularly those within range of those nuclear-capable missiles – missed it.
at least 30% of reporting these days is “news orgs complaining about other news orgs”
Maybe it should focus on a different goal? Like becoming profitable…
Good news, we’ll make it up in volume!
If there’s a culture shift around don’t leave your driver waiting five fucking minutes while you search for your pumps, I wouldn’t mind splitting fares. Out on the curb promptly within a minute or your ride drives away with half your fare forfeited.
The last time I shared a cab ride with other people, was in Rio. A fight broke out within 5 minutes. I won’t say that the fact everyone in the car except the driver was drunk, had nothing to do with it. Basically one woman in my party and one in the other got into a fight about who got to sit in front after a stop. Never again, ever. I ride with me and my party or I do not ride, period.
It’s not going to work. Why? Because most people, including myself, do not want to share a ride with just any person who wants to get into the car. If people wanted that, they could just take the bus, for a lot cheaper.
One of those days. I get a program request for “can you take this email we get from the customer that has a list of serial numbers and bring it into our ERP system so we can ship off them?”
Me: Wut?
That sounds like a pretty reasonable idea, at the surface.
What I always do in this situation is try to drill down to the true objective. They don’t actually want to initiate shipping via emails. What they want is to not have to touch this stuff as it comes in via email and retype it. They have a customer who already typed the serial numbers, so why type it again?
I have faced this exact scenario more than once. Back in the 90’s I solved it by writing a batch script in a DOS shell to take data from a Paradox database and format it into a MCIMail email for an automated electronic data interchange. So nobody had to touch the data more than once. The request was to read in a printout – so we just skipped printing and faxing and invented a network protocol based on email. It worked because we could control both ends of the conversation.
Later, I got the same request for emailed information. They just wanted to avoid typing it. So I made a B2B portal where the customer could enter their information directly and have it hit our ERP and subledger without human intervention. The trick there was making it easier for the customer than sending an email or fax. So we included tracking information in the hub that let them see things that they couldn’t’ otherwise access.
In this case it all depends on the email, I suppose. If a human is typing it…. I’d send them to a website. Make it easier with autocomplete and number checking and such.
The real problem is getting the business unit to move from “here is the solution we want” to “here is the problem we have”. I always try to train my business managers to bring problems, not solutions. (everyone still wants to bring their solution. Somehow “I used a website last week” seems to trump “this team has literally decades of experience in solving these problems”)
So if their problem really is “we need to get these numbers into our system from our customers without having to touch it”, diverting to a better solution than parsing hand-typed emails should be a no-brainer for everyone.
Oh… one other solution I’ve used in this scenario…. we had a similar batch of text coming in by email and nobody wanted to retype it (transcription errors were the biggie). But parsing it was a pain because there was no set format. So I made a copy-paste box where they could select the relevant bit of information and paste it. We then handled the vagaries of comma, line feed or space delineation and put the data where it belonged.
Oh, and one final bit of analysis…. I had this request for a fairly complicated data import. After some investigation I found out that it was being done by hand about once a month, and it took one low-wage clerk about a half-day. Subscribing to the data feed was going to be $17k per year, plus development costs. So I told them to just keep doing it manually. It cost many thousands of dollars less to do it that way. So if this only comes up a couple of times a week and it only takes an additional minute or two, maybe it isn’t worth automating at all, even though it seems like a good idea.
Yeah I’ve done this sort of thing with data files but never from a straight-up unformatted email. There will be a solution, just not a magic one.
My two big recommendations for an unformatted email solution are :
1. Cost-benefit analysis. How much are we really saving here? Subset of this analysis: how accurate do we think it can possibly be?
2. Push them to a non-email based solution. You might even be able to make an auto-reply bot that pushes them to a web page.
Unformatted email by untrained 3rd parties is just begging for a very high failure rate. Meaning it may very well be worse than useless. Managers should know this going in. If the list is pretty short, fixing up import errors is worse than doing it right by hand the first time.
re: World Cup – FIFA is looking at our big stadia seating capacity. I think the fact that out soccer league has started to flourish is basically a cherry on top st this point.
It is FIFA. My supposition is that they are looking at someone’s big back-door check.
It’ll be interesting to see who gets exclusive contracts, no doubt.
Whether or not there is a back door check, TV deals etc., will be bigger if the tournament is in the US because of time zones.
World Cup related, Spain fires manager two days before first game:
I took a quick look at MSNBC. Just like CNN they are parroting the party line that the primaries demonstrate that the GOP is only open to those who will kiss Trump’s ring. (yes, both networks actually used the phrase “kiss the ring”)
But then I clicked on a link that promised to tell me why the “giveaway of military exercises with South Korea fits Putin’s plans”
Ok, that was a mistake. I admit it. But it intrigued me. Why exactly does MSNBC think that postponing military exercises with South Korea is some dramatic “giveaway”? What do they think it costs us? I’m going to guess that it costs us a -$50 million bucks. But who knows. Maybe those things cost a lot more than that.
Anyway, the real mistake was that it was a Rachel Maddow link. Holy crap, is she terrible. I don’t mean her politics. I mean as a presenter. Boring, smug and so deliberate in her delivery that it takes 5 minutes to deliver 30 seconds of content. Anyway, I didn’t make it through the whole thing. I still don’t know why it fits Putin’s plans. I made it more than 5 minutes and she just finished explaining that Russia shares a border with North Korea. A small border with one crossing, for trains only.
Oh, and she also explained that North Korea used to be a client state of the Soviet Union and they are nominally called communists, but not really.
Anyway, if you want to go watch the end for me, let me know exactly how this all fits into Putin’s grand conspiracy.
I am laughing my ass off that all it took for these marxist douchebags to finally find a commie they hated was for Trump to win the election and tear down the shit palace Obama build with their help.
I’m still unclear on how cancelling military exercises w/r/t a Chinese client state benefits Putin.
The great thing about cancelling military exercises, from a negotiating standpoint, is that if Kim starts playing games, we can just start them up again. If we give him nothing, we have nothing we can take away.
You get more of what you reward, and less of what you punish.
That’s what I thought. I keep seeing Trump negotiate away nothing for something. All this tariff noise seems like that. Make a bunch of blustery threats, and then get concessions for taking them off the table. Kinda like the Kim family has been doing to get payments.. or Iran… or …
Yet somehow not holding the military exercise that MSNBC was opposed to as needlessly provocative is a major concession to…. Putin?
Earlier I suggested that “You cant stir the shit without getting it on you” should be considered for status as an Iron Law. It was suggested that we need a ruling from you.
Under consideration. I like the thought.
I don’t know about that law, but Mark Crislip says that mixing “Complementary Alternative Medicine” with science based medicine is like mixing cow pies with apple pie.
The the cow pie isn’t improved, and the apple pie is significantly worse.
That really has nothing to do with it… I just thought it was a really pithy metaphor.
The version I heard involved shit and ice cream.
“I still don’t know why it fits Putin’s plans.”
BECAUSE TRUMP! DUH! You’re just a Russian troll!
Why couldn’t Corey Stewart have fallen down an open elevator shaft or something?
Anyway, the real mistake was that it was a Rachel Maddow link. Holy crap, is she terrible. I don’t mean her politics. I mean as a presenter. Boring, smug and so deliberate in her delivery that it takes 5 minutes to deliver 30 seconds of content.
If you look up “smarmy” in the dictionary, you’ll find a picture of Rachel Maddow.
After that ludicrous and ill fated prediction of hers before the election about how Trump had no path to 270, even if that, even if this!, blah blah blah, I’m surprised she’s still able to show her face on TV. Seriously, these people have no sense of shame.
Her reveal of Trump’s tax return was even better. It was obvious from her tone and the look on her face that she had not looked at the return before the broadcast and she had been certain it would be a bombshell. Instead it was “Oh look. Trump paid his taxes.”
Rachel Maddow strikes me as the kind of person who can’t go five minutes without being critical or sarcastic. I suspect if you scratch the surface you’ll find someone who is deeply insecure.
What I want to know is, if it’s bad, why is it only bad for Democrats?
It might be enlightening to see a breakdown by party of the people struck from the voter rolls.
I’m sure they’ll be pulling that data right out of their ass any time now.
All 3 States will still suck
At this point, I’m not sure it’s possible to separate ‘left coast’ and ‘suck’. Probably the only solution is that it breaks off and floats out to sea.
You could take Jersey and NYC … the whole northeastern megalopolis while you’re at it. Together with LA they form America’s armpits.
Learn to swim
Shocking dispatch from an alternative reality in which lefties are cynical hypocrites rather than towering paragons of virtue.
*head esplodes*
some on the left
Oh, phew. It’s only little-known back-benchers like Chuck Schumer. You know, progs with little influence over the Democratic agenda.
Speaking of ME oil: I haven’t heard anyone mention or discuss the significance of this but I recently saw where Saudi Arabia and some of the other gulf states are ramping up the drilling of natural gas wells. I think this is telling. Could it be that the end of cheap, abundant OPEC oil is in sight? The supply is not endless and we have been pumping those reservoirs for many decades.
Natural gas is less profitable than more energy dense oil and gasoline, why would the Saudis be interested in gas wells if they have fountains of oil?
For years I have suspected that what most in the west were thinking but not saying is that we should use up the ME oil and save our own reserves. While their oil has fueled our cars and factories the oil money has fueled the violence and political dumbfuckery that has been going on in the ME. When that money runs out they will go back to being a quiet backwater that no one can find on a map.
I dunno. The gas thing could be about heating in Europe. They have perennial run-ins with Russia over natural gas supplies. If the Gulf could be a second source, that could alleviate a lot of tensions. I bet they’d pay a bit of a premium for the service.
RIP Christopher Stasheff
Could it be that the end of cheap, abundant OPEC oil is in sight? The supply is not endless and we have been pumping those reservoirs for many decades.
Wasn’t there just a big new find on the Arabian Peninsula not long ago? Dubai, or one of those countries?
Possible. I just had a moment of ‘Oh, really?’ when I heard about their sudden interest in gas wells. I may be off base but it seems significant and I am not hearing anyone talk about it.
In the 1970s the amount of recoverable oil – what technology at that time could get at at a reasonable cost – was estimated to last us until 2010 at the predicted consumption rate they estimated the world’s energy needs would grow. A decade later, new recovery tech jumped that number to 2050. Now with us pulling oil out of shale and at ocean depths they couldn’t even fathom as possible even a decade ago, the supply is expected to last until 2350 or so. And from what I read, we will have natural gas for even longer. It might not be cheap, but it will still be more viable and less expensive than a lot of shit they pretend they can replace it with. Ingenuity always gets in the way of these bozos screaming peak oil or whatever.
BTW, the one and only real alternative energy source that could meet the demand we currently place on oil & gas, nuclear power, is something the people telling us the only solution to our energy problems is marxism and global world governments, absolutely despise and want to prevent. The fact that it is 100% carbon neutral and new technology has basically made nuclear not just safe, but a lot cheaper (especially now that they have far better systems with little to no waste products) despite the massive regulations. After all, this would solve the energy problem in a way that really doesn’t meet the end goal of the watermelons: global communist government.
The hero we need!
This one weird trick to solving the Marines recruiting problems.