RUSSIA 2018!!!!

Sé que estaba en los enlaces de la mañana, pero….Tenemos la Mundia de Fútbol 2026!

Canadá, México y Estados Unidos organizarán el Mundial de fútbol de 2026.

La candidatura conjunta recibió 134 votos, mientras que Marruecos, el otro postulante, recibió 65.

Esta será la tercera vez que México organiza un Mundial, después de 1970 y 1986. Para Estados Unidos será el segundo, ya que fue sede en 1994, y la primera vez para Canadá.

Canada, Mexico and the United States will organize the 2026 World Cup.

The joint bid received 134 votes, while Morocco, the other candidate, received 65.

This will be the third time that Mexico has organized a World Cup, after 1970 and 1986. For the United States, it will be the second, since it hosted in 1994, and the first time for Canada.


*shudders* Argentines…

They actually have a history of unethical behavior with regards to adoption. Feel free to look that up at your leisure.   I wonder if they asked to Pope to chime in on this one?

Este miércoles la Cámara de Diputados de Argentina vota la ley de despenalización del aborto.

Hay mucha incertidumbre sobre la decisión final porque en la antesala la votación es muy pareja. La Ley de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo ha sido rechazada seis veces en once años.

El debate comenzará a las 11 a.m. hora local este miércoles y se espera que se extienda hasta la madrugada del jueves.

This Wednesday the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina votes the law of decriminalization of abortion.

There is a lot of uncertainty about the final decision because in the anteroom the vote is very even. The Law of Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy has been rejected six times in eleven years.

The debate will begin at 11 a.m. local time this Wednesday and is expected to extend until early Thursday.


Corrupt Mexican politicians engage in a spirited, televised debate over who is the most corrupt…or least. I don’t for sure.

A las 20:45 horas, quince minutos antes de que comenzara el debate, en la página de Youtube Caso Anaya se hicieron públicos un audio de casi cuatro horas y un video de 52 minutos sobre los presuntos actos de corrupción que habría cometido Ricardo Anaya en colaboración con el empresario Manuel Barreiro, un caso que ha marcado las campañas en la última semana.

Sin embargo, el tema de estos nuevos videos pasó inadvertido por los aspirantes y los tres moderadores del debate, los periodistas Gabriela Warkentin, Carlos Puig y Leonardo Curzio. Como ha venido repitiendo desde hace días, Anaya aseguró que las acusaciones son una campaña sucia en su contra por parte del gobierno federal.

“Yo he sido blanco de una campaña brutal de ataques, de infamias, porque cuando dije que cuando sea presidente habrá una Fiscalía independiente para investigar a Peña Nieto, para investigar Ayotzinapa, la casa blanca. Por decir esto, me atacan. No les tengo miedo”, dijo el panista.

Anaya insistió en que López Obrador ha pactado con el gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto para que éste último no sea perseguido.

At 20:45 hours, fifteen minutes before the debate began, on the Youtube Anaya Case page, an audio of almost four hours and a 52 minute video about the alleged acts of corruption committed by Ricardo Anaya in collaboration with businessman Manuel Barreiro, a case that has marked the campaigns in the last week.

However, the subject of these new videos went unnoticed by the aspirants and the three moderators of the debate, journalists Gabriela Warkentin, Carlos Puig and Leonardo Curzio. As he has been repeating for days, Anaya said that the accusations are a dirty campaign against him by the federal government.

“I have been the target of a brutal campaign of attacks, of infamies, because when I said that when I became president there would be an independent prosecutor’s office to investigate Peña Nieto, to investigate Ayotzinapa, the white house. For saying this, they attack me. I’m not afraid of them, “said the PAN.

Anaya insisted that López Obrador has agreed with the government of Enrique Peña Nieto so that the latter will not be persecuted.

“I have not agreed with him. I have not seen him in six years, “Lopez Obrador repeated again and again.

In response to the attacks he received from Anaya and Meade, Morena’s candidate said: “They are desperate. What fault do I have that you are tied? They believe that here in the debate they will go back 30 points. Serénense. ”

At times, the central themes of the debate – economic growth, poverty and inequality, education, science, technology, health, sustainable development and climate change – were left aside by the aspirants


Reconozco formas legítimas de defensa

Let it be known that Nicaragua is still a hole filled with, well…you know.

Las gasolineras y supermercados de Managua se desbordaron de ciudadanos este martes. Compraban e intentaban llegar antes de las seis de la noche a sus hogares, temerosos de los posibles ataques paramilitares en calles. Los empresarios acababan de dar un paso que no se habían atrevido a hacer hasta ahora.

149 muertos después y ante el recrudecimiento de la violencia a manos de grupos paramilitares, los empresarios de Nicaragua decidieron jugar este martes su carta “más extrema” contra el gobierno de Daniel Ortega: la convocatoria a un ‘paro nacional’ para exigir la democratización del país y el cese inmediato de la represión.

La patronal lo anunció la noche de este martes junto a los otros sectores que conforman la Alianza Cívica por la Justicia y la Democracia –que agrega a universitarios, sociedad civil y campesinos–, quienes han sido la contraparte en el diálogo mediado por los obispos, proceso que desde mediados de mayo está paralizado.

“Nosotros, como miembros de la Alianza Cívica por la Justicia y la Democracia, ante las condiciones extremas que vive Nicaragua, en solidaridad con las víctimas y reconociendo el derecho a las legítimas formas de defensa hemos decidido: llamar a un paro nacional de 24 horas a partir de las cero horas del día jueves 14 de junio de este año y terminando a las 11:59 de la noche del mismo día”, informó José Adán Aguerri, presidente del Consejo Superior de la Empresa Privada (Cosep), organización que antes del inicio de la crisis sociopolítica el 18 de abril mantenía una relación “de diálogo y consenso” con la administración sandinista.

The gas stations and supermarkets in Managua overflowed with citizens on Tuesday. They bought and tried to reach their homes before six o’clock at night, afraid of possible paramilitary attacks on the streets. The entrepreneurs had just taken a step that they had not dared to do until now.

149 killed later and before the upsurge of violence at the hands of paramilitary groups, the Nicaraguan businessmen decided to play their “most extreme” letter against the Daniel Ortega government on Tuesday: the call for a “national strike” to demand the democratization of the country and the immediate cessation of repression.

The employers announced it on Tuesday night along with the other sectors that make up the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy – which adds to university students, civil society and farmers – who have been the counterpart in the dialogue mediated by the bishops, process that since mid-May is paralyzed.

“We, as members of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, faced with the extreme conditions that Nicaragua is experiencing, in solidarity with the victims and recognizing the right to legitimate forms of defense, have decided: to call a 24-hour national strike From zero hours on Thursday, June 14 of this year and ending at 11:59 in the evening of the same day, “said José Adán Aguerri, president of the Superior Council of Private Enterprise (Cosep), an organization At the beginning of the socio-political crisis on April 18, it maintained a relationship “of dialogue and consensus” with the Sandinista administration.

Translation Services available from the Alpha Beta corporation.