RUSSIA 2018!!!!
Sé que estaba en los enlaces de la mañana, pero….Tenemos la Mundia de Fútbol 2026!
Canadá, México y Estados Unidos organizarán el Mundial de fútbol de 2026.
La candidatura conjunta recibió 134 votos, mientras que Marruecos, el otro postulante, recibió 65.
Esta será la tercera vez que México organiza un Mundial, después de 1970 y 1986. Para Estados Unidos será el segundo, ya que fue sede en 1994, y la primera vez para Canadá.
Canada, Mexico and the United States will organize the 2026 World Cup.
The joint bid received 134 votes, while Morocco, the other candidate, received 65.
This will be the third time that Mexico has organized a World Cup, after 1970 and 1986. For the United States, it will be the second, since it hosted in 1994, and the first time for Canada.
*shudders* Argentines…
They actually have a history of unethical behavior with regards to adoption. Feel free to look that up at your leisure. I wonder if they asked to Pope to chime in on this one?
Este miércoles la Cámara de Diputados de Argentina vota la ley de despenalización del aborto.
Hay mucha incertidumbre sobre la decisión final porque en la antesala la votación es muy pareja. La Ley de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo ha sido rechazada seis veces en once años.
El debate comenzará a las 11 a.m. hora local este miércoles y se espera que se extienda hasta la madrugada del jueves.
This Wednesday the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina votes the law of decriminalization of abortion.
There is a lot of uncertainty about the final decision because in the anteroom the vote is very even. The Law of Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy has been rejected six times in eleven years.
The debate will begin at 11 a.m. local time this Wednesday and is expected to extend until early Thursday.
Corrupt Mexican politicians engage in a spirited, televised debate over who is the most corrupt…or least. I don’t for sure.
A las 20:45 horas, quince minutos antes de que comenzara el debate, en la página de Youtube Caso Anaya se hicieron públicos un audio de casi cuatro horas y un video de 52 minutos sobre los presuntos actos de corrupción que habría cometido Ricardo Anaya en colaboración con el empresario Manuel Barreiro, un caso que ha marcado las campañas en la última semana.
Sin embargo, el tema de estos nuevos videos pasó inadvertido por los aspirantes y los tres moderadores del debate, los periodistas Gabriela Warkentin, Carlos Puig y Leonardo Curzio. Como ha venido repitiendo desde hace días, Anaya aseguró que las acusaciones son una campaña sucia en su contra por parte del gobierno federal.
“Yo he sido blanco de una campaña brutal de ataques, de infamias, porque cuando dije que cuando sea presidente habrá una Fiscalía independiente para investigar a Peña Nieto, para investigar Ayotzinapa, la casa blanca. Por decir esto, me atacan. No les tengo miedo”, dijo el panista.
Anaya insistió en que López Obrador ha pactado con el gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto para que éste último no sea perseguido.
At 20:45 hours, fifteen minutes before the debate began, on the Youtube Anaya Case page, an audio of almost four hours and a 52 minute video about the alleged acts of corruption committed by Ricardo Anaya in collaboration with businessman Manuel Barreiro, a case that has marked the campaigns in the last week.
However, the subject of these new videos went unnoticed by the aspirants and the three moderators of the debate, journalists Gabriela Warkentin, Carlos Puig and Leonardo Curzio. As he has been repeating for days, Anaya said that the accusations are a dirty campaign against him by the federal government.
“I have been the target of a brutal campaign of attacks, of infamies, because when I said that when I became president there would be an independent prosecutor’s office to investigate Peña Nieto, to investigate Ayotzinapa, the white house. For saying this, they attack me. I’m not afraid of them, “said the PAN.
Anaya insisted that López Obrador has agreed with the government of Enrique Peña Nieto so that the latter will not be persecuted.
“I have not agreed with him. I have not seen him in six years, “Lopez Obrador repeated again and again.
In response to the attacks he received from Anaya and Meade, Morena’s candidate said: “They are desperate. What fault do I have that you are tied? They believe that here in the debate they will go back 30 points. Serénense. ”
At times, the central themes of the debate – economic growth, poverty and inequality, education, science, technology, health, sustainable development and climate change – were left aside by the aspirants

Reconozco formas legítimas de defensa
Let it be known that Nicaragua is still a hole filled with, well…you know.
Las gasolineras y supermercados de Managua se desbordaron de ciudadanos este martes. Compraban e intentaban llegar antes de las seis de la noche a sus hogares, temerosos de los posibles ataques paramilitares en calles. Los empresarios acababan de dar un paso que no se habían atrevido a hacer hasta ahora.
149 muertos después y ante el recrudecimiento de la violencia a manos de grupos paramilitares, los empresarios de Nicaragua decidieron jugar este martes su carta “más extrema” contra el gobierno de Daniel Ortega: la convocatoria a un ‘paro nacional’ para exigir la democratización del país y el cese inmediato de la represión.
La patronal lo anunció la noche de este martes junto a los otros sectores que conforman la Alianza Cívica por la Justicia y la Democracia –que agrega a universitarios, sociedad civil y campesinos–, quienes han sido la contraparte en el diálogo mediado por los obispos, proceso que desde mediados de mayo está paralizado.
“Nosotros, como miembros de la Alianza Cívica por la Justicia y la Democracia, ante las condiciones extremas que vive Nicaragua, en solidaridad con las víctimas y reconociendo el derecho a las legítimas formas de defensa hemos decidido: llamar a un paro nacional de 24 horas a partir de las cero horas del día jueves 14 de junio de este año y terminando a las 11:59 de la noche del mismo día”, informó José Adán Aguerri, presidente del Consejo Superior de la Empresa Privada (Cosep), organización que antes del inicio de la crisis sociopolítica el 18 de abril mantenía una relación “de diálogo y consenso” con la administración sandinista.
The gas stations and supermarkets in Managua overflowed with citizens on Tuesday. They bought and tried to reach their homes before six o’clock at night, afraid of possible paramilitary attacks on the streets. The entrepreneurs had just taken a step that they had not dared to do until now.
149 killed later and before the upsurge of violence at the hands of paramilitary groups, the Nicaraguan businessmen decided to play their “most extreme” letter against the Daniel Ortega government on Tuesday: the call for a “national strike” to demand the democratization of the country and the immediate cessation of repression.
The employers announced it on Tuesday night along with the other sectors that make up the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy – which adds to university students, civil society and farmers – who have been the counterpart in the dialogue mediated by the bishops, process that since mid-May is paralyzed.
“We, as members of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, faced with the extreme conditions that Nicaragua is experiencing, in solidarity with the victims and recognizing the right to legitimate forms of defense, have decided: to call a 24-hour national strike From zero hours on Thursday, June 14 of this year and ending at 11:59 in the evening of the same day, “said José Adán Aguerri, president of the Superior Council of Private Enterprise (Cosep), an organization At the beginning of the socio-political crisis on April 18, it maintained a relationship “of dialogue and consensus” with the Sandinista administration.
Translation Services available from the Alpha Beta corporation.
Latin America needs to legalize drugs.
So does the US.
But it’s not like there are war zones on the U.S.-Canadian border. Or that the U.S. is a narco state.
Or that the U.S. is a narco state.
Just some neighborhoods in most major cities.
The FedGov is the biggest drug dealer in the world.
It’s also the largest corporation in the world.
Marijuana is the number one cash crop in the US, more than cotton, corn or soybeans.
I was just looking over Catahoula parish in detail on google earth because they have updated photos and found a dozen dope patches hidden out in the woods. If not for that many of those residents would not be able to pay their bills or feed their kids. Local LEO’s turn a bit of a blind eye as long as you stay out of trouble and dont call attention.
A few years ago a man was shot for accidentally stumbling on a dope patch. That caused a bit of a crackdown, but since then, not so much.
Also, a few years ago I happened upon a dope patch on some of our timberland. I knew exactly who was doing it. I just went and knocked on his door, shot the shit for a while and then politely asked “Would you mind moving your crops? There is IP land a hundred yards from where they are now. IP just surveyed that this past winter so they wont be back around there for a few years.”
“Sure Mr. Suthenboy. I thought I was already on IP land. I wouldna put it there if I knew it was yours.”
I have no objection to them growing the stuff but I dont want any feds getting the idea that they have a premise for seizing private land.
I was reliably informed by Justified that such things require about five generations of intermarriage and a quart of moonshine to go so smoothly.
First you tell me IP counts as real property, now you tell me not only is it real property but it’s land property?
“But it’s not like there are war zones on the U.S.-Canadian border.”
That’s because the USA is not giving Canada truckloads of dollars to fight a drug war.
Maybe not as many truckloads, but I bet we’re giving them aid & assistance. There also an international seized asset program that the Treasury uses to dole out money (something like $40M over 20 years) to certain countries including America’s Hat.
I’m not generally a “Blame America Firster,” but over the years we’ve put a lot of pressure on Latin America to not just keep drug production illegal but crack down on it. While the huge amounts of cash that funded the narco-terrorists came from the US. Latin America is screwed up for a lot of its own reasons, but we didn’t help the situation, to put it mildly.
Sure but then how will Maduro pay his army?
I apologize in advance for going o/t right away, but this simply must be viewed immediately. You have to stay with it for a minute for the payoff.
Why must it be viewed immediately? :-p
He’s got a thing for videos where they shoot stuff in people’s eyes?
Of course, but that’s not what’s important right now…
What the everloving fuck…
Nice. Now let’s taze him!
Now let’s see him fight someone with a gun with that pepper spray.
But….but….it’s incredibly painful!
Effective range of pepper spray….10 yds?
Effective range of 9mm……30yds
yup, pepper spray is the answer
Doesn’t matter even at 10 yards. Is he immediately and completely incapacitated? No, and neither would someone shooting. It will slow them down eventually but doesn’t stop them from continuing to kill.
The guy is an idiot. And special thanks to the retards who failed to educate potential citizen Narae Choi why the founders deliberately enumerated firearms ownership into the Bill of Rights.
Many cops prefer the Taser because the Taser doesn’t “splash back.” I can’t help but think how many kids that guy would be spraying with OC, and himself if he actually used it.
“Now let’s see him fight someone with a gun with that pepper spray.”
Yeah, it would be like attempting to use it against a grizzly bear, you goin die.
Apparently, he supports corporal punishment in schools?
If he has some time, I have a number of other nonlethal weapons I could demonstrate on him.
Come on. That had to be parody.
For example, the guy who said ‘common-sense gun-control is not enough’ and cites there are 300 millions guns in America without expanding on it. It’s a non-sequitur.
Then when they introduce Levi his tag is ‘Clean energy entrepreneur – Worked for Obama’.
Either this guy is beyond retarded or it’s parody.
Well then, beyond retarded it must be.
CO-6 is a football held by Lucy that the Dems just can’t seem to help themselves trying to kick. It’s D+2 or something and has a ton of Asians and Blacks, but for some reason they just can’t seem to win it against Mike Coffman. Every two years the Post and CO Dem Party announce that *this* is the year they win that district. I don’t think this guy is going to succeed.
I had to look it up. Aurora. A slightly saner are than what is normally found in the Denver metro area.
What? I’m currently living in Aurora, and I’m not seeing “saner”. I mean, it’s not Boulder, but it’s not “sane”.
I said slightly.
/drops orphan finger from lips.
What the fuck?
Is that guy out of his fucken cotton pickin’ mind?
No parent should let their kids near him. He’s a menace.
‘Worked for Obama’ for ‘clean energy’. So basically he’s a parasite? And did he at least actually accomplish something with his business?
Is that guy out of his fucken cotton pickin’ mind?
Thats raciss, yo.
I’m an alt-righter who hasn’t checked his male white privilege to these quarter-wits anyway.
The guy says there are all these guns out there….and? Was he going from common sense to confiscation with that idiocy?
Yes, they won’t confiscate the pepper spray though, until after they have all the guns.
Wait, the other two are NOT dog owners?
300 million guns, 33 thousand deaths. If those deaths, about 1/3 are homicides. In other words, about 1 in 27,000 guns is used to commit a homicide every year.
It reminds me of an old Walt Kelly essay that I, surprisingly, can’t find online. His thesis was that we were losing the Cold War to the Russians because we had so many half-blooded idiots in government, but the Russians were producing a great many full-blooded idiots (N.B. while the term half-blooded idiot certainly had its roots in race Kelly pretty certainly didn’t mean it that way.) It was funnier when Walt said it.
If Common Sense has failed us perhaps we should engage in some Uncommon Nonsense. It seems to show some promise in dealing with Kim, at least.
This looks and feels like a out take from Fight Club.
I just burned all my levis. It wasn’t even what he was saying, just his voice that did it.
I can still shoot and maintain control of my weapon when pepper sprayed. A lot of other people can too.
I just thought of something else. If someone was planning to shoot up a school, then couldn’t they wear goggle/gas mask/whatever defends against pepper spray?
You and your logic aren’t welcom
So you’re saying we should ban private ownership of goggles and gas masks?
I know this is a dead thread, but:
What I have just witnessed is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen. At no point in his rambling, incoherent statements was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having seen and listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Three Countries, one cup?
The US is the obvious winner here, given our recent history of blowing the easiest qualifying division in the world.
It’s the only way for Canada to qualify.
We have eight years to put together a team just good enough to not look retarded.
Meh, it’s soccer. The other big American sports are more complicated, difficult, and thus much more entertaining.
Soccer in America is the game you sign up your four year olds for because a four year old doesn’t have the motor skills or the cognitive ability to actually play football, hockey, baseball, or basketball. Not saying soccer doesn’t have higher level strategy than “chase and kick the ball into the net” but it pales in comparison to the popular American sports.
The reason soccer sucks hind tit in the American professional sports market is that it’s simplistic compared to football and baseball, and boring when compared to basketball and hockey.
“Hey let’s watch a hockey game that is slower with fewer interesting moments, and instead of being physical, the players can whine like giant pussies all the time. “
I keep hearing this angle but I’m not convinced. I played all those sports (well football mostly in a serious pick-up or flag version set up) – plus tennis plus squash plus cycling – and loved them all equally. Each are unique and command their own set of skill set.
I’m not so sure hockey is any better than soccer – at least cerebrally. Soccer has far more tactics.
But hey…
I’m not saying soccer is easier to play at the individual athlete level, I’m saying it’s simpler in a metagame/strategic sense. If it’s more cerebral than hockey, it’s not by much IMO, and football and baseball are on a whole other level in terms of higher level strategy. That’s not even getting into the parity thing, where dominant players and clubs are on whole other levels from the supposed competition.
It’s up there, if not tops, in terms of individual athletic ability. Huge pitch, if you sub out you’re done for the match, and then you’re precisely firing the ball with your foot, which is really difficult. Those guys are incredible athletes. They’re doing more running than any NFL player, and they’re hitting the same windows an NFL QB hits, but they’re doing it with their feet not their arm.
Ah. Put that way, I agree.
It’s more than hockey. As my buddy (who played against Brodeur in their teens) once said, ‘Those x’s and o’s the coach would draw up were completely out the window once the whistle went. My x and o was to ram someone’s face into the goal post.’
Hockey is pure instinct.
Yeah I think hockey and soccer are on around the same range in the “instinct/free flow improv vs planning/preparation” slider. Basketball slightly higher, but not by much.
I think the reason soccer is going to continue to lag in America is precisely because Americans are huge sports fans who appreciate the more complex, multilayered football and baseball, and thus that’s where the money is. Odell Beckham is by all accounts quite a good soccer player. But football is where the money is.
Probably true. I wonder if MLS will last long enough to keep growing to the point of being able to have a Beckham choose soccer over another sport.
I think it’s the somewhat the opposite. The strategy of soccer is nuanced, and mostly hides off camera. Hockey is similar, but fewer guys plus smaller playing area means that it’s easier to see and understand the strategy. Football and baseball are strategy forward games. The product is the strategy.
If you want a near-fatal example of strategy not coming through on TV, look at motor racing. Without doing a side-by-side of throttle readouts, the strategy is very hard to show on TV.
Not that it matters, I love baseball. I know a few around here don’t. But they’re the same people who hate The Beatles. So they won’t be getting a free orphan from me anytime soon.
Rufus, I heard a talk by an NBC baseball broadcaster yesterday. He says the DH will eventually come to Nat League (though he would prefer the AL drop it) and thinks that within ten years, the home plate umpire will be replaced by a radar device. Says the inconsistent strike zones are ruining the game (as is not calling the high strike). He’d also require the manager to immediately call for a review, not allowed to waste time checking with his video booth guy first. “Games are too darned long.”
I agree on the home plate umpire getting replaced by radar. It is needed. I don’t see the NL changing the DH rule anytime soon.
waste time checking with his video booth guy first
30 seconds is too long?
The DH is a scourge. A cop out. It’s the equivalent of a parasite looking for government cronyism.
The NL must resist!
As for replacing the umps, I don’t know. They’re not that bad but I can see it being useful for its accuracy at all times. I guess the bottom line is get the call right.
In this way, soccer is in the dark ages. It’s not charming when human error ruins a game’s outcome.
As for basketball, the one on one play is not that different from soccer and sinking a field goal bucket is akin to scoring from a set play or from a through ball.
Personally, for me, while I didn’t mind basketball it was my least favourite.
We should propose all sorts of North American stuff like time clocks and time outs.
And you’re allowed two tackles per game.
I’d save mine for Ronaldo.
I’ll save mine for Messi….freaking Argentines.
Yeh but Messi NEVER dives.
South Americans are theatrical as a whole so….meh. Brazilians and U-R-Gayans are just as bad.
I’m not trying to kill him, after all he doesn’t need a knee to survive.
You need a Maradona fix:
I am not clicking that.
“I’d save mine for Ronaldo.”
You’d have to catch him first.
You don’t have to wait long for him to amuse himself with dribbling tricks or stripping off his jersey – take him down then.
I mean, can your country or mine beat them in soccer?
Canada can’t beat a team made up of footless players.
*head esplodes*
Strange days these are when Glenn Greenwald is more sensible than 99% of the media
Glenn Greenwald is that rare socialist who actually takes the whole “anti-war, pro-civil liberties” stuff seriously.
He’s a socialist?
That’s a shame. Maybe one day Punchy will wake up.
Honestly, Trump calling DeNiro has to go down as one of the all-time great insults. Right up there with Rocket Man.
He talks like us!
Calling De Niro ‘punchy’ that is.
You seriously didn’t know that?
I thought he was a run of the mill progressive. Not a socialist. I guess the two are the same anyway these days.
pro-civil liberties” stuff seriously
Except in Russia. Or Venezuela. Or Brazil when Lula was in charge (of course, once Dalma got charged with corruption, his concern for her civil liberties spiked).
Lula is in prison.
OK civil liberties in the US…
To be fair, he’s huge on civil liberties in Israel, too – for anyone trying to destroy it.
6h6 hours ago
Socrates: (applies the Socratic Method to reveal the inconsistency and absurdity of a proposition)
Sophists: Here you go again with your whataboutism!
1 reply 0 retweets 6 likes”
The guy Greenwald is replying to is just precious. He boasts about being a Columbia Journalism grad (the ol’ Anna Merlan routine)….and what has he done with this incredibly impressive credential? He’s an entertainment reporter for the fucking Daily Beast. That was $200K well spent, no?
I really hate the explosion in the term “whataboutism” lately.
Democrats have always been massive hypocrites, but it just went absolutely off the charts when Trump won. Anyone who points this out gets accused of “whataboutism” as a cover for the Democrats having zero principles whatsoever.
I hate ‘existential threat’ or ‘existential crisis’.
Whenever someone says this it screams ‘I’m an idiot’.
Hey, c’mon. Fuck you is a principle!
It’s become their Swiss Army knife comeback, a retort to basically anything that points out inconsistency or poor logic.
I have to say that I am uncertain, still, about what qualifies as “whataboutism”. Usually someone makes a categorical statement — “Trump is an unethical monster, we can’t tolerate unethical monsters at the highest level of government”, and someone else says, “doesn’t HIllary Clinton have a long history of unethical behavior as well?” and the answer is “there you go with your whataboutism”. While they are correct that the reply to the original statement does not answer the charge in this case of Trump being an unethical monster, it does seem to hull the complaint about tolerance for such people at the highest levels of government. And while I agree that it in some ways excuses behavior that ought to be criticized, it is almost always the case that such situations bring up an unequal amount of criticism between two fairly equal situations or people.
I can’t stand when someone talks about how bad Trump is but when you point out they didn’t care about all the abuses Obama did (which were faaaarrrrr worse), they either say, a) I don’t care he’s no longer in power or b) saying ‘what about’ Obama is unfair.
The point is, and this is problematic, we’re still finding out shit about Obama. So because he’s out of power and still sticking his face in the public realm, he’s untouchable like when he was in power?
Fuck that. I’m gonna keep mentioning the bull shit he pulled.
Classy uniter my ass.
In my experience, pointing out how Barry was every bit as bad as Bush (and then some) is met with either disbelief (regardless of the evidence provided) or deflection. You see, it’s ok when THEIR guy does it.
“Saying ‘What about Obama’ or Clinton is just deflection.” That’s probably my favorite of the stupid retorts, because taken in isolation it wouldn’t necessarily be wrong.
If you say person X did something bad, and I say, “Yeah, well, what about when person Y did that same thing?” then it’s deflection if my point is that it’s ok when my people do it. However, what I’m really saying is, “Hey, remember when you thought bad thing was great until suddenly Y was the one doing it? And now all of a sudden you’ve gone from a huge supporter of (or at least not caring about) bad thing to the biggest enemy of bad thing that walks the Earth? I suspect you still don’t care about bad thing and really just don’t like person Y, so your argument is probably worthless.”
It’s because one of the biggest things progs like to pretend is that they are all just nonideological purely intellectual pragmatist straight shooters who just want common sense solutions. They pretend to be independents who just vote lockstep Dem because the Dems are the party of science and they just go where the science takes them.
nonideological purely intellectual pragmatist straight shooters
The irony is that they are actually ideological, hyper-emotional reactionaries. IOW, the exact opposite.
Waiting patiently for Q’s World D Cups.
Very nice. Salmita is always welcome in these parts.
Sexy and She Knows it, Damn!
They disappeared.
Tantalizing ta-tas titillate and transfix.
1, 2, 5, 14, 21.
Needs more faces.
“Diversity Is Not Diverse Enough”
Comcast disables throttling protocol, Net Neutrality fans angry.
Now as I read this, Comcast employed for the last 10 years a protocol agnostic congestion manager that was surely one of the least efficient ways of managing high-traffic, but did ensure all subscribers got some bandwidth. Again, I read this article twice and as best I can tell, Ars is angry because Comcast charges you for exceeding your bandwidth and total usage — and says so right in your agreement. How DARE! heavier users pay a larger share. Its like bitching because the toll roads charge by the axle — which is a pretty good estimate of mass and therefore wear.
I’ve said from the beginning that the loudest NN advocates were free-loaders. They want unlimited bandwidth for the same price as granny next door who checks her emails once a day.
Oh absolutely. Guy who lives on his computer, member of multiple torrent sites, logs four or five hours a day of online gaming is absolutely the biggest fan of NN.
Its text-book bootlegers and baptists. I don’t think cynical economic analysis always explains every moral grandstand ever… but it does a lot of work in a lot of situations.
EDIT – specifically, the moral crusading on the corporate level is all done by the big data hogs that using loaded language and never mentioning the fact that they are flooding the network in violation of one of the foundational assumptions of packet switched networks.
They’re loud, no doubt, but the loudest are the fucking retards who seem to think Comcast beats the magic packet elves for bandwidth.
A far worse threat to the internet. But nobody cares because it’s not being proposed by Trump.
Not Cool at all
People care. Boing Boing is running articles about condemning it.
Various YouTubers have been raising hell about this, it attacks their bread and butter.
Comcast has been charging heavy data users for years. As far as I can tell, Net Neutrality had absolutely nothing to do with heavy data users. I don’t understand why new sites and companies keep trying to make that the central issue.
If you cut cable and go 100% streaming for shows, it’s very easy to become a heavy data user. We usually hit around 750 gig/month, just under their data cap (which was 800 gig last time I checked though the article says 1 T. I expect that to increase by 50% over the next couple years as we start watching more 4k and UHD shows. No problem at paying an extra $50/month for unlimited data.
*I have no problem at all paying that extra fee.
I’m also interested to see how 5G changes things.
TW: milos
For your, “the world is getting better” files.
That’s clever.
While that is a heart-warming piece, I fully expected tit pics so fantastic that Q would be ashamed for not having found them first.
Very cool (sorry, Swissy)
Also a reminder of what cheap electricity would mean for developing countries.
Page isn’t loading…
Very Cool, I hope it make a difference
/no Sarc intended
Interspecies erotica?
Anybody know how to get Twitter video to play on Firefox/Linux Mint?
Throw it out the window?
Maybe if she has a few more drinks.
I want to vent a bit (I know, me of all people!): but I have seen a bunch of youtube videos by the anti-SJW types on the likes of Comics, Star Wars and Strek Trek, etc. The big problem I have with these guys is that they are a bunch of ignorant reactionaries. I mean “reactionary” very literally in the sense that they like what they liked when they were younger and hate change even if the stuff they liked are guilty of the exact same things.
Star Trek is a perfect example of this since the whole series has always been leftist utopianism. TOS was very idealized Cold War Liberalism and TNG was heavily influenced by 1980s PC attitudes (see Picard, Troi, Crusher and LaForge).
Star Wars fans ignore Lucas’ own leftist politics like the Ewoks being the Vietcong, Palpatine being Nixon or the Empire being ruled by evil traders. Or how Lando and Mon Mothma were created because of the lack of non-white men in Star Wars. Or how Leia is a Rebel leader who can withstand torture and how Han and Luke botch their rescue of her.
Also I just saw a video from Diversity and Comics where he reviews a James Bond comic and complains that Bond should be going after Muslim terrorists since he went after the Soviets. Except the Bond movies always avoided trying to make the Soviets the bad guys. The closest we got was For Your Eyes Only which ends with a sop to Détente and shows the Soviet Spymaster as a nice guy. Goldfinger was not exactly representative of the issues facing the US in 1964. Also the Aston Martin gets defeated by a mirror…
I disagree.
So you’re agreeing with directors, journalists and producers attacking them as being racist or misogynistic or alt-right?
I think they do a good job of explaining why they hate the films on its own merits. Those films are pieces of SJW propaganda pretty much admitted by those who made them.
Um no, I am accusing them of being ignorant of history as the same things they complain about have a long history. Citizen Kane for example has some very anti-capitalist and anti-masculine themes but I doubt many of them would address that…
Well yeah. The point is Hollywood making leftist propaganda is nothing new.
So what you’re saying is we’re all lobsters?
I’m a Toaster….
I saw a video from some guy named Dave Cullen complaining about Disney Star Wars having a “anti-family, anti-marriage” agenda as if it is something new and not of the major attacks on the film industry literally since the beginning. Not to mention Lucas didn’t exactly put a pro-family, pro-marriage message in his movies…
I’m not sure I would use that as an example. While I admit it’s been a while, last I checked she was rescued.
They escaped because she decided to go into the garbage chute since Han and Luke did not think of an escape route. Back in the 1970s this was definitely a feminist subversion of the old 1930s serials…
So they all improvised and in the end she was rescued. Got it.
Our masculine heroes need womanly help to escape. How would these anti-SJWs react to such a plot point today? Or how Luke is the Hero instead of Han…
They would probably be too busy staring at her bra-less tits.
Vader: “Obiwan is here. The Force is with him.”
Tarkin: “If you’re right, he must not be allowed to escape!”
Vader: “Escape is not his plan. I must face him, alone.”
The Empire put on a good show, but Vader arranged to let the others escape so the Empire could track the Millenium Falcon back to the hidden Rebel base. The Stormtroopers were probably ordered to miss their shots and herd them towards the Falcon.
Tarkin: “You’re sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I’m taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work.”
1) The best argument that content creators could possible have to the reactionaries (and you are right, they are reactionaries) is to say “Yes this is different, but it’s very good.” Big-2 comics, Star Wars, and Star Trek content has been very not good for the past decade. The best of the lot was the new Star Wars stuff, which I wouldn’t even call ‘good,’ just entertaining.
On the other end of the spectrum is Marvel. Yes, they went all SJW. But that’s not the problem. DC went for the 70’s equivalent in the 70’s, or are we just going to pretend that Green Lantern / Green Arrow wasn’t a thing. Both DC and Marvel went that way at times in the 80s. And you know what? It was great. Watchmen, arguably the greatest superhero comic of all time, is dripping with lefty anger. But it was a fantastic comic on both narrative and technical levels. Now, we get shitty comics that also happen to shit on established characters.
Oh, I guess that’s the other thing. Instead of replacing old white male characters, the publishers are erasing them and putting in tokens. And doing it in shitty stories.
I’ve given up on the big 2 publishing houses. I want to like Valient, but I gave up on them after a few years because they made it impossible to follow their catalog with all the title changes and numbering bullshit. I stuck to the BPRD-verse, 2000AD publications, and Usagi Yojimbo. I really enjoyed those, but gave up on them about five years ago when going through a tough spot financially. I’d like to catch up on those, but…
Honestly, there’s still a lot of good old stuff to consume. So I’ll keep working my way through trades of all the great books pre-turn-of-the-century or so. I’m sure I’ll run out eventually.
/rant over
The idea seems to be that the best solution to a shit script is to have a non-straight white male lead since that makes it good. And judging by the critical reaction they might be right.
Nah, these are separate trends that just happen to be occurring at the same time. About fifteen years ago, the big 2 realized that they could get temporary sales bumps by doing line-wide cross-overs and explicit interconnected stories (think Civil War or Flashpoint) instead of implicit shared universe (think of the editorial bubbles explaining why some character in Thor sees the New Mutant’s space ship in Asgard). This required writers to lose plot control to the editors, which for various reasons led to a massive nose-dive in the quality of the regular stories. This was a real phenomenon that predated the SJWization and character replacement.
Then, because everything needs to be a front in the culture war for the left, and because basically everyone at the big 2 is a lefty, old white male became something that had to change. And because they are bad at their jobs, they tried and failed to launch new and interesting characters (e.g., the Kate Spencer Manhunter, which should have been a top billing character if DC could find it ass with a map and a flashlight). Since these new characters in their own stories couldn’t compete with the established characters because the writing sucked, they decided to eliminate the old white men.
Titan comics and their imprint “Statix Press” are putting out a ton of great Euro comics in excellent, affordable versions right now. Hoping that some of the collected editions will be larger format to better display the excellent art, but they’re a massive relief from most of the stuff coming out of the Big 2 stateside.
“Star Wars fans ignore Lucas’ own leftist politics like…”
Imma stop you right there. The difference was that those stories were good and the politics weren’t heavy handed. I mean, if Lucas didn’t say the Ewoks were whatever, then would people know that? I agree, the anti-SJWs can often go conspiracy mode to prove that everything is being infiltrated by the SJWs (and in some cases they are, but it’s overblown). That said, I really don’t think this SJW/anti-SJW stuff has much real life effect. The Last Jedi was a bad movie. It’s plot resembled Swiss cheese and it is a textbook example of character assassination for a once beloved hero. That’s why the movie was poorly received. Everything after that, the Anti-SJWs saying it’s diversity and the SJWs saying the fan base are dirty white males is just injecting their own politics into a discussion about quality.
Except for the Empire for being obvious Space Nazis
True I highly doubt Black Panther would have made so much money if American moviegoers are so racist or that its gross is solely due to SJWs and blacks.
Personally my issue with The Last Jedi is that it has many of the same problems as the prequels: just too much going on with like 5 plots being jumbled around and whatever is going on doesn’t have a very good payoff (see Del Toro or Luke dying thanks to…overexertion?) and add in Johnson’s desire to subvert expectations and one-up Empire in twists then we get an overlong and poorly paced mess.
“Except for the Empire for being obvious Space Nazis”
They were totalitarians. I don’t know if they were specifically fascist. They also weren’t white supremacists as the current iteration are, as their were aliens serving and officers of color. But that’s not the point when I say the politics weren’t heavy handed. No attempt was made in the films to tie the Empire to a real life counterpart (or at least a contemporary and controversial counterpart. Everyone agrees the Nazis were bad). If Lucas had Nixon in mind for the Emperor then fine, but it didn’t come across in the film.
I think my reply came across as too argumentative anyway. I was trying to agree with you. My point was that fans react negatively to poor quality things, and then the tribes come along and try to make it about their pet arguments. Just ignore them and know that few people really pay attention to either side.
Erm their uniforms? Stormtroopers? Hating democracy and ruling through fear?
Well this is Lucas that we are talking about. The Empire is supposed to a puppet of merchants which doesn’t come across in the first movie at All!
The Empire in Lucas’ film was more about aesthetics than ideology. The dogfight scenes made to look like cockpit-recordings, the Space Hugo Boss look, and obsession with super-weapons all made it into the film, but I didn’t hear a lot about providing wheat and farmland for the space-volk, fasces, or justifying the detonation of Alderon based on Alderon’s imposition of punitive reparations / being taken over by druiish bankers.
To be fair, all that shit was saved for the prequels.
At 4:48 there is mention of the Empire “nationalizing commerce”
and here is explicit mention of the Empire being the work of “ruthless trader barons”
I agree with you 100 percent, Winston. At this point, many of the videos strike me as the Internet equivalent of schizophrenic hobos screaming on a public street corner.
Yes, I get the flurry of videos talking about how The Last Jedi was a flaming piece of shit when it first premiered, but when it’s been almost 6 months since the movie came out and I see new videos about how bad it is popping up in my recommended stream, I have to think the problem has long ceased to be Rian Johnson. And it’s not as if these videos are presenting any new criticisms of the movie, but just different versions of the same frothing at the mouth rant.
I’m really glad that I don’t watch any culture war or new shit on youtube. My recommendation stream is all hipsters making stuff out of wood, rednecks making knives, social-outcasts playing Warframe, andpeople making food.
I don’t watch culture war shit either, but I do watch “Star Wars Theory”. Because of that, Youtube thinks I want to watch 478,000 videos about how Rose Tico is the worst thing since childhood cancer.
Rose was a pretty lame character, but Rey is the biggest problem with those movies. She’s a magic Jedi – no training whatsoever, she just instantly is amazing at everything. It’s sillier because it’s obvious that they did this specifically because they wanted this incredible female lead, but it would have been just as cloying and stupid had Rey been a guy named Ray.
They never should have taken the lazy way out of using the characters from the original trilogy. Rebels is so much better than anything that’s come out since The Empire Strikes Back, mainly because it’s completely different characters and original stories that build upon the old stuff to become its own thing. Same reason why Rogue One was the best of the new crop.
I dunno, I still prefer Clone Wars, despite the shaky first few storylines. Maybe because it has Palpatine and Ahsoka, who are probably my #2 and #3 favorite characters. And most of my favorite Rebels stuff was linked to Clone Wars.
Yes, but Thrawn.
Thrawn is #4 on the list.
To my utter surprise and shock, Luke ended at #1. I think it clicked when the screenwriter of TFA said that he kept putting off Luke’s intro to the movie because every time he turned up, the entire centre of gravity shifted straight onto his character.
Rogue One was decent, but the lack of character differentiation really hurt.
I really actually liked Solo because it was unburdened from the main ‘galaxy in peril’ storyline.
On a tangential note:
1.) I will explain more about the cultural immune system when I finish my post about the 2nd most famous Catholic Jew since Jesus.
2.) I did explain to you before about the life-cycle of a republic, and my thoughts about how the power of both populist and elitist factions must be kept in homeostasis for a healthy body politic.
Yes I did remember this. I would like to elaborate on this more like how exactly one would keep both factions in homeostasis.
Part of it is what I hope to touch upon in my Mortimer Adler post, part of it is designing a system where the interests of the two are constantly at odds with one another. Of course, this is only a temporary respite – as it is inevitable one side or the other will prevail over the other. This is why I believe republics always have a limited life span. However, if Jefferson’s system works, a new one would arise phoenix-like from the ashes.
I also draw upon the ideas of William Graham Sumner in my thinking on this subject, particularly his excellent essay “The Forgotten Man”.
It’s way over the top. Agreed. And it’s become a sort of catechism for certain people to never, ever stop prattling on about Star Wars being hijacked by the SJW cult. It should be enough to mock them when they come out and move on with life.
On the other hand, the ultimate hipster signal has become to laud Johnson’s self-indulgent, fart-sniffing “deconstruction” of the series as the best SW film yet.
Disney better hope they keep harping on. Because the alternative is where I stand, which is “may as well push on, I’m out and you might actually pick up a new audience who likes this shit”.
Opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.
Except the Bond movies always avoided trying to make the Soviets the bad guys. The closest we got was For Your Eyes Only which ends with a sop to Détente and shows the Soviet Spymaster as a nice guy.
Bitch, please. In Octopussy a Soviet general wants to blow up a nuke in Germany to make the Americans withdraw. And Goldfinger’s plan was financed and muscle-provided by Communist China.
Star Wars fans ignore Lucas’ own leftist politics like the Ewoks being the Vietcong, Palpatine being Nixon or the Empire being ruled by evil traders. Or how Lando and Mon Mothma were created because of the lack of non-white men in Star Wars. Or how Leia is a Rebel leader who can withstand torture and how Han and Luke botch their rescue of her.
You really think the fans are racist sexists who just don’t understand their racist sexism should have been preventing them from being fans in the first place? Or maybe – MAYBE – ask them how it’s different.
I can deal with Retardedly Capable Action Girl shit since it’s been standard for…20 years now? Shitting on characters I like because “fuck you, both sides are evil and it’s the Jedi fault Sith have power, because Force will always balance them out” is where I check out.
Not a fan of Filoni’s Bendu, I take it?
Nope, for the same reason.
Also wasn’t a fan of Clone Wars episode where they go to Force Allegory Plant because for fuck’s sake, there’s no Light Side!
I know it’s a lost cause, it’s been bothering me since…KotOR at least. Maybe some EU novels I repressed.
Luckily Rebels (what I’ve seen, still waiting for Season 4 to come out on BluRay) has the correct Thrawn/Bandu ratio which live action movies lack.
If I remember correctly, “grey” Jedi originates with KotOR, no?
That’s my earliest memory, since Bioware wanted Light/Dark powers and morality meter, adding Bindo’s “grey” philosophy was a natural idea.
But now reading his Wookpedia entry, they didn’t do much with it, since he fights the Sith anyway.
I’m allowing the possibility that “grey Jedi” (as opposed to morally ambiguous Force users) were in some novel, because probably anything vaguely SF was in one of the novels…
Considering that Star Wars is just space wuxia, I prefer them treating the Force as a stand-in for the non-dualistic Tao, as opposed to a more Western-style Manichaeistic battle of dark vs. light.
^ It’s what I wanted to get across, but since I know less about Tao then about Yuuzan Wong I didn’t want to say anything stupid.
I’m pretty sure that was what Lucas of the 70s was aiming for, what with all the Samurai film influences (I don’t know if he’d be familiar with Chinese movies, and I’m not sure if wuxia was developed by then – though it certainly influenced the prequels).
As a genre, wuxia is 2000 years old. And stories of Wong Fei Hung were some of China’s first films at the start of the 20th century. I don’t think Lucas would have known wuxia as such, though he certainly would have known of Bruce Lee! I agree though that any wuxia influence was secondhand through the Japanese chambara, or “samurai” films. The tropes and themes of which are basically identical.
Except he was a rogue and was killed by Gogol. The Living Daylights does something similar and even implies that Communist Czechoslovakia ain’t so bad, ironically two years before the Velvet Revolution.
Also I said “Soviets” not China and the since China was isolated back then the Bond producers had no fear of offending Mao. They did fear implying Khrushchev and Brezhnev were backing Goldfinger though.
No it strikes me as more that they grew up with Leia, Lando and Mon Mothma and don’t mind them and didn’t not grow up with the political context of those times but now the SJW’s are doing this stuff in an even more blatant fashion with more relevant political context and that is what is upsetting them.
I think SJW/Feminists make characters into props more than the old white male farts who still go to these movies. I loved that Leia wasn’t passive — it just made the movie more fun with her as a foil to the other characters. Mon Mothma was good in her limited screen time but wasn’t an important character.
Any time you get energy and conflict onscreen — even between allies — it makes for a better story.
For the podcast I’ve been doing (just waiting on music for our first drop), I’ve been reading an ungodly number of comics and following the creators. It’s been a crash course of crazy.
I don’t think, in comics at least, that the politics are more heavy handed. Read some early Cap runs where the head of the Secret Empire was literally Nixon (who then kills himself in front of Cap). Is it lame? Of course.
I think the difference is that all of a sudden we’re more aware of the artists. I shudder to think of what Steve Gerber (one of my favorite writers) would have been like with twitter.
I have to say that I am uncertain, still, about what qualifies as “whataboutism”.
It begs the question, “I know you are, but what am I?”
I’m rubber, you’re glue, bounces off me, sticks to you!
/Thank you Mr. Herman.
Holy Bigoted Chicken, Batman!
My family didn’t have much money then so eating out was a rare treat. But when the trip included waffle fries ― an ingenious food so alien to southern Wisconsin in the early ’80s that they seemed like small, salty miracles to my tiny, still-soft mind ― it was almost too much for me to take. Still, as delicious as the Georgia-based company’s fried foods were, they weren’t my only weakness as a kid. When I wasn’t fantasizing about grease, I was spending my young swishy days doing a really shitty job of hiding my insatiable hunger for other boys….
So you can imagine how upsetting it was for me when Chick-fil-A’s president, Dan Cathy, proudly came out as a homophobe in 2012 by claiming, “We are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,’ and I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.” Even worse, the company put its money where Cathy’s vile mouth was by donating millions of dollars each year to anti-LGBTQ organizations via its Winshape nonprofit organization…
For some strange reason I still don’t fully understand, some queer people and their friends and families began eating at Chick-fil-A again and are still eating there. I’d venture a guess that Cathy’s somewhat conciliatory yet ridiculously inadequate non-apology and the company’s (totally bogus) promise to stop donating to anti-LGBTQ groups (while it may have ceased funding some groups, it’s certainly still bankrolling others) may have made some people feel justified in returning to the chain. People can be disturbingly indignant and defiant when faced with giving up their beloved chicken sandwiches.
I can’t recall of a time that Chick-fil-a ever denied service to anyone for the orientation. In fact, I do recall them giving free chicken to the people protesting them.
They already lost. Now they’re just beating a dead horse.
I haven’t followed this in quite awhile. Did the company itself donate corporate funds to anti-LGBT groups/causes/whatever?
IIRC, no, Cathy earned money from the company (either a salary or shares, not sure which), and then Cathy used some of that money to donate to some bad group or another.
I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. Cathy started a charitable foundation, to which he has had Chick-Fil-A donate money to, and that foundation has given money to groups opposed to SSM.
Oh really? Ok, my bad. Thanks for the correction.
I’m not entirely sure about that, but I think that’s how it goes. Now, it may be that they stopped the donations after this whole brouhaha started, but I really don’t care enough about this to bother looking it up. *goes back to eating a Spicy Chicken Deluxe*
Apparently no one even cares. You can’t go to a Chick-fil-A around here any time of the day without it being busy as hell. They lost, they’d move on if they were sane, but they can’t because apparently they are not sane. I guess they’ll be shitting their pants over Chick-fil-A and Trump for the rest of their lives. It must really suck to have to live like that.
Apparently no one cares.
You can’t go to a Chick-fil-A around here any time of the day without it being busy as hell.
I go once a week for lunch to treat myself. The line is nearly always out of the parking lot.
Yeah, I only go there on off hours.
We eat there while on vacation. We’ll wait the long lines (it’s fairly quick) because vacation.
When we see the line small we go for it. But by the time we get out of the car the line is already growing with people who probably think like us.
Holy bitchy word count-padded nonsense over fast food chicken, Batman.
You can’t recall it because it’s never happened.
I used to have a close friend, we knew each other for over a decade. Politics diametrically opposed to mine, total prog, but she’s funny and cool and has the same goofball sense of humor as me. We hadn’t lived near each other since I left California way back when, but kept in touch. She went completely off the deep end over Chick-Fil-A when this whole thing started (what was that, 2012?) and basically everything she posted on Facebook was screaming about Chick-Fil-A. I just ignored it for a while, but she made one comment that was particularly ludicrous, something about how anyone who eats at Chick-Fil-A is eating sandwiches where the real condiment was the blood of gay teenagers and that anyone who eats there should unfriend her, and I felt compelled to respond. Told her that I eat there all the time because I like the food. Told her that she had known me for 15 years and knew I was no bigot – went out drinking and to concerts with her and her gay friends many times. I just make economic decisions based on the quality of the product, not the politics of those who own the company, and that’s the way I would continue to be.
Didn’t even get a reply – she just dropped me from her friend list and never spoke to me again. That was the point at which I begin to truly realize just how insane the left was becoming. And that was wayyyyy before Trump, even. By now she’s probably deserving of a straightjacket.
A very similar thing happened to my friend about something regarding transgender rights. I forget. It was a girl he had known for decades. They were close at one point.
He’s a moderate Republican.
He said he disagreed with her about something transgender related, and she dropped him immediately. No conversation. No dialogue. Nada. Gone.
How very accepting and tolerant.
This goes back to the study someone here linked to that conservative students were more tolerant than liberal ones — the progressives were less likely to even associate with anyone who disagreed with them.
I think progressives conflate their political opinions with morality.
In reality, I think my attitudes towards welfare and the state help poor people more. I think I’m the moral one. But I at least understand why someone might think otherwise.
eating sandwiches where the real condiment was the blood of gay teenagers
Chick-fil-a is in Saudi Arabia now?
she just dropped me from her friend list and never spoke to me again
I’ve had this happen multiple time with leftist acquaintances. Try to have a little friendly debate, get dropped for disagreeing. I’ve learned that those that preach ‘tolerance’ the most are the most guilty of intolerance. One time it was because I took the position that the gov’t should not be in the business of recognizing marriage as anything other than a contract. Therefor all such unions should be recognized as “civil unions” as far as the gov’t is concerned and “marriage” could be left in the realm of religion. I still fail to see how that makes me bigoted in any way as I was just trying to support a meaningful separation between church and state. Another more recent time was because of a disagreement over 2a and firearms. He was ex-mil but also a leftist who could not separate emotions from reason and made every logical fallacy in the book. I was orderly until he became a snarky little shit. At that point I informed him that he typed like a teenage girl, with emoticons and “lolz” galore. I suppose that didn’t help. But it doesn’t matter. You can’t reason with the unreasonable. And the unreasonable are the most intolerant.
Lolz Galore. Is that Pussy’s goofball sister?
I usually order the Blood of Gay Teenagers Chicken Sandwich when I go there, but sometimes I crave spicy so I get the Blood of Mexican Ass Sex deluxe.
And yes, it is funny how progs will drop you as a friend over wrong think regardless of past history of friendship. It is something to behold.
“And yes, it is funny how progs will drop you as a friend over wrong think regardless of past history of friendship. It is something to behold.”
Not really. Just look at the history of leftist regimes. The closer you get to achieving utopia, the more that purity and total devotion to the cause is demanded. And progs today believe they are ready to usher in utopia. Doesn’t matter how far that is from the actual truth, they live in their own world, not the real one. And it’s just not those who differ in opinion to them, it’s now becoming those they agree with but who have not proved their purity.
“For some strange reason I still don’t fully understand, some queer people and their friends and families began eating at Chick-fil-A again and are still eating there.”
Yes, that’s right, you don’t get it and are apparently not capable of getting it. People care more about food they like than they do about your stupid imaginary problems. Imagine that.
Basically what happened is that LGBTQWERTY interests had some sort of beef (pun intended) with donations being made.
They kvetched.
Chick-fil-A changed their policy immediately. Like the day after.
Wingnuts were pissed that their victimhood status was taken away so switflyy.
So they made up a bunch of other shit about Chick-fil-A that’s a serious stretch. This was just so they could keep protesting them.
The truth is just about every restaurant chain has equivalent shit like this you could focus on.
Ignorantly, perhaps willfully mischaracterizes opposition to gay marriage as bigotry against gays… but expects others to take to their fainting couches because Cathy put his money where his mouth is in defiance of this chick’s feelings.
No, sorry, I will not take you seriously, lady. If you’d like to wind your neck in and exercise a degree of proportionality, even though you feel just so damned hard about the issue, I might be willing to talk. But I’m not inclined to share your indignation over someone donating his own money to campaign on a legislative issue, even if I generally disagree with it. I’m certainly not willing to indulge your breathless outrage when you JUST. CAN’T. EVEN. over chicken sandwiches.
What a dumb hill for liberals to die on.
Why not pick your battles? People like chicken. If you tell them they’re bad people for not liking your chicken, they’ll move away from you instead.
Dear people who like music:
Bernard Purdie did a new album
inc. vocals by cyrill + ivan neville, others.
You should go pay money for it ASAP. Even if it were bad I would say this. It is not bad. at all. It is very good.
Bernard Purdie is a god.
*Bernard Purdie is also the origin of Eddie Murphy’s “5th Beatle” sketch. You could say he had slight ego-issues.
I like him, He sounds like a Cocky Asshole
He is a god. Gods tend to have high opinions of themselves.
Of course now that I have complained about the anti-SJWs here are the SJWs complaining about “toxic white male fanbase”.
Wear its skin, demand respect. Sure thing, honeybuns.
“Sure thing, honeybuns.”
I prefer the term ‘Sugartits’.
I use it to piss people off, it works every time
That was my point. They’re reacting to this shit.
I’ve seen people note that there hasn’t been nearly as much online bitching about Ocean’s 8….because it apparently is a pretty good movie. Yeah, some people still do, just as some people would have complained about Star Wars and Ghostbusters even if they had been good, but using “toxic white male fans!!!” as a crutch to explain away a shitty movie is pathetic.
The Force Awakens and Black Panther were huge hits. Obviously the “racist manbabies” have a lot of a clout at the US boxoffice.
The other night The Daily Show came on tv and before I could change the channel I noticed in the intro they have a “TDS” symbol come on the screen. Seemed very fitting and I larfed.
It’s no wonder why our left love jihadist Islam so much. They have so much in common.
Ok, you do not and never have had any free speech and are 100% totally against that concept, but we’re violating it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t much approve, almost 100% of the time, of the USA flying around the world bombing peasants. But I couldn’t resist posting this because the Taliban sound so much like our left, it’s scary.
that’s cute
“Still trying to find a source for this photo.”
So you posted it anyway?
“BUSTED! The viral photo of the kid in the cage is from a STAGED PROTEST, not because of Trump ”
“the Taliban sound so much like our left, it’s scary.”
Are you sure it’s not the other way around? That was my first thought
Well, I suppose you could see it from either side and still be correct.
LOL, that is great. And why it’s great is that it’s exactly what would happen. Friedman and Bruni would be working their little fingers to the bone to crank out pro-cancer articles for the NYT, 24/7. I only wish I didn’t really believe that.
After they defended MS-13, it’s obvious they will take any position against Trump.
good stuff!
“UPDATE: I am told the decision to move Tommy Robinson from a relatively safe prison to a highly unsafe one came from the @ukhomeoffice — which means people need to be asking questions of @sajidjavid, Britain’s new Home Secretary. #FreeTommy”
The current state of the UK was easily predictable the very moment that Theresa May became PM. Just think of the British version of Hillary. You don’t need to, there it is.
I thought She was Right of center, but what do I know………
In current Eurotardia, right of center apparently means those who believe 1984 was indeed an instruction manual.
It seems like the Euro establishment left and right think of 1984 that way. It’s disgusting but they seem to be waking up over there.
They want him to be killed in prison which he very well might be. If that happens the riots will be fucking epic.
“I am told” sounds like “sources say” he has already walked back some of the hyperbole that followed his tweet, i.e. it’s a 70%
Fat fingers….70% Muslim prison, and that the “home office” is in charge of prison transfers. He was a shit stirrer when he was with Breitbart and apparently that is still his gig.
The only sources I could find for this were Alex Jones and Prison Planet.
“Women shun cycling because of safety, not helmet hair
Roads designed by men are killing women – and stop millions from cycling
It will come as little surprise to anyone who cycles that twice as many men as women ride their bikes at least once a week, according to research from Sustrans, the cycling and walking charity. Almost three-quarters of women living in seven major UK cities never cycle for local journeys, the study found. Despite this, over two-thirds said their home town would be a better place if more people pedalled. Some 76% of women who already cycled or wanted to start said segregated lanes would help them to cycle more.
As a woman who cycles, I am often asked why so few others follow suit. Is it because of helmet hair? Or the bottom-amplifying effects of Lycra? There’s no doubt that women generally feel more pressure to look presentable than men. And although I’m rarely troubled by saddle sores, I find the logistics of cycling to work a right pain in the bum: the skanky showers, the outfit changes, the struggle to find somewhere discreet to plug in a hairdryer. And yes, I know that everyone in the Netherlands rides in their ordinary clothes, but I live in Stockport and work in Manchester: would you like to sit next to me unwashed after I’ve ridden 10 miles?
The main reason most women don’t cycle in the UK is because they think it is dangerous. You can tell them until the cows come home that the roads are statistically safe, and that you are more likely to be killed walking than on a bicycle. But when they sit on the top deck of a bus and look down to see a cyclist squashed up against the kerb they feel no compulsion whatsoever to join them. Women do seem to be more vulnerable, perhaps because they are often more reluctant to “own” the lane and so end up in the gutter: 10 out of 13 cyclists killed in London in 2009 were women, and eight of them were killed by left-turning HGVs, according to the campaign group Cycling UK.”
Roads designed by men are killing women
Libertarians tried to tell you, but you banished them all to Somalia!
Well, since libertarians also hate women, I think we need to readdress our feelings on roads.
Glad I’m a Glib then, I like the Wimmens!
Wow, what a pile of stupid. Nowhere of course, is there any description of what roads designed by women might look like.
Then she ends with: “Then I got knocked off by someone who didn’t bother looking before he opened his door. I was unhurt, and will not appear in the cycling safety statistics. But when women tell me cycling is too dangerous I can’t, in good conscience, persuade them otherwise.”
I guess the conclusion I should draw here is that if you were a male cyclist this would not have happened?
A male cyclist would use his penis to slam the door shut.
“Wow, what a pile of stupid. Nowhere of course, is there any description of what roads designed by women might look like.”
Denier! You don’t have faith!
I’m sure roads designed by women would eliminate all those sexist uphill climbs. (both ways)
I HATE this article because I’m sure that some local Minnesoda proggie bike riders will read it and think that this is the way we fuck Portland over in our quest to become the most bike friendly place in the universe. A huge amount of money will be spent on studies on how to give even more money away to some woke women to build The New Soviet Bikeway.
Most young women get on their menstrual cycle at least once a month.
“Roads designed by men are killing women – and stop millions from cycling”
“And nobody is claiming that people are designing roads with the intention of killing women. But they may be designing them without taking into account the physical difference between men and women that might make a difference in how safe a particular design is.”
Wait, what? I’ve been informed by those woke, that the only differences between men and women is purely a social construct. In reality, there are no differences. This one is not woke.
It’s disgusting and sexist to say that women on average are not physically suited to be front-line infantry, but they can’t ride bikes without having roads specially designed for them, because they’re too meek? Not able to withstand physical damage as well? Less observant? Smaller and more difficult to see? I don’t get it. If your premise is that men and women are the same, then it doesn’t matter whether a man or a woman designs a road or makes a movie or whatever. If those things matter, then they matter because men and women are not the same.
I suspect she’s promoting women-designed streets in order to more efficiently kill men.
If she’s like the typical ‘liberal’ woman, and I suspect she is, she needs to visit Baltimore to see what roads are like after people who support the same politics she thinks are so great, have been in complete control for 5-6 decades. If you’re driving a car, consider yourself lucky you’re only going to break a wheel when you hit a third world level bottomless pothole. If you’re riding a bike, you may be killed, I’m not exaggerating, and trust me, that pot hole doesn’t give a fuck what gender you are. If I have any reason to be thankful for being here for a few years, it’s that is has ingrained in my very being, forever, just what shit democrats are and what happens when they get their way. Lesson, learned.
Hint: It’s not economic prosperity, accessible healthcare for all, affordable housing, and crime reduction.
Baltimore and Chicago – the DNC’s vision for America.
Idiot complains about roads designed by men instead of bicycles designed by men. I mean, I’d bet a lot of bicycles are designed by women and women still don’t like them, so the idiot has to complain about the roads instead.
Women are smaller, dipshits. Hit them with a car and more will die.
Hold up guy’s car won’t start, he racks up more charges unsuccessfully trying to carjack two cars, whose owners whip out their own guns, in a Walmart parking lot.
I can’t believe it was a man from Florida with a neck tattoo.
Everyone knows robbery and assault are perfectly acceptable in those circumstances!
And it will be swept under the rug as the gun grabbers push their latest gun grab.
Dress like Sandra Bullock for $7150*
*Stuart Weitzman sandals not included
Still would dispite her choice in men.
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘It was like summer camp on steroids.’ White House stenographer lifts lid on President Obama’s Air Force One and reveals how ‘Xanax and Ambien’ on long flights made ‘awkward hookups with colleagues funny and bizarre'”
“Head to tailpipe: Curious teen gets stuck in truck’s EXHAUST pipe during country music festival – before being cited for underage drinking when she is freed”
Well that was a compromising position.
The thong’s a nice touch.
I’ve got some good news and bad news.
Head stuck in tailpipe. That isnt even a euphemism.
We’ve all been there.
Seriously, why did you all wait so long for me to post one of my favorite pics? (NSFW)
Starcrossed lovers!
“STASI: Fox should fire reporter Kimberly Guilfoyle, who can’t possibly stay neutral while dating a Trump kid
Now that Kimberly Guilfoyle is reportedly having sleepovers with Donald Trump Jr., the Fredo Corleone of the Trump boys, while she’s reporting on him, his father, his father’s sex scandals, and the Mueller investigation, what Fox News — that fair and balanced network — should do is bust her down to courtroom reporter. Or fire her.
That’s what the sex-scandal-plagued news network must do to maintain even the slightest shred of journalistic integrity. She can’t report on the most powerful family in the country while dating one of them.
Meantime, what’s up with Guilfoyle? She gives a whole new meaning to smart women making foolish choices.
She grabs these inappropriate men so fast after they leave their wives that they probably don’t even have time to close down their Ashley Madison accounts and fire up Tinder.
First, there were reports that she and Anthony Scaramucci (who looks like Jr.’s separated-at-birth brother) were an item about four seconds after he and his wife split. They denied it. Now she’s having sleepovers with the dumbest Trump.
Jeez, if she lived in Boca, she’d be showing up at the widower’s house with a casserole before the dead wife was even in the ground.
Thing is, Guilfoyle is an otherwise brilliant woman. When it comes to picking men, though, she’d probably have better odds picking lotto numbers”
Although it looks like “picking lotto numbers” was changed from “picking grapes”.
Whataboutism risk but I wonder how these people justify ignoring all the connections between reporters and Democrats?
That’s different and you know it. Why it’s different, I have no idea.
BUT… Would with Vigor
Sounds a bit like misogyny to me…
Why do they hate women?
She works for Fox so she can’t be a woman.
I like how the author is named “Stasi”.
I honestly thought the East German police had formed their own news-organization for a minute
You mean Newsweek?
Little more on the World Cup bidding:
US/Canada/Mexico bid expected to make $11bn profit for FIFA. No way was Morocco getting anywhere near that.
1994 World Cup had highest average attendances
Of the 14 stadiums in Morocco, 9 have yet to be built while 5 need upgrades
No decision has been made on awarding host slots.
MetLife Stadium is hosting the finale. *checks Ticketmaster*
“Lawyer moves to seize Stormy Daniels’ crowdfunding cash in Avenatti spat
An Orange County lawyer has asked a bankruptcy judge to seize much of the $577,000 donated to porn star Stormy Daniels to pay legal bills in her suit against President Trump.
The lawyer, Jason Frank, is trying to collect on a $10-million judgment he won last month against Eagan Avenatti, the Newport Beach firm of Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti.”
Wait, a couple weeks ago I thought Michael Avenatti was moments away from dropping the bombshell of the century about Trump’s many crimes. Surely the judge will cut him a little slack just long enough for him to file the paperwork necessary to bring Trump’s nefarious deeds to light.
build the walldrop the bomb and make Trump pay for it!I will never read Wikipedia entries the same way again:
Women’s-Studies Students Across the Nation Are Editing Wikipedia
“I never realized the Crimean War involved so much *phallocentrism*!”
Its also notable that these expert editors are primarily students w/ zero history or expertise in the topics they edit.
Tho this does explain the Gamergate wiki entry
You mean it doesn’t mention how most of the “feminist” men turned out to be sex offenders? Or how much of the “harassment” was staged in order to get people to donate money out of sympathy?
“It’s part of this broader online culture where women are harassed or challenged, maybe the edits are not always accepted because of gender bias. But I think that Wiki Education has done a great job of acknowledging the potential for this sort of climate issue, and working closely with faculty to address it, and be proactive about it. We can’t hide from the fact that this type of bias exists, broadly speaking, but particularly on Wikipedia.”
Funny, I’ve been online for around 23 years. And I’ve seen the exact opposite.
maybe the edits are not always accepted because of gender bias
Nobody need know whether it’s a man, woman, or gelding doing the editing.
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.
Yeah, I don’t think so, Skippy, but please prove me wrong. If it results in you attacking the wrong person and getting the shit beaten out of you on national TV, then I totally support the cause. Where can I donate?
Oh I think that would be lovely. How about Baldwin/Maddow.
Which one do you think will be the man? I’m thinking that Maddow probably has the bigger penis.
Dialing assholes. More proggie tears to drink up next election night.
Dualing. Not sure why spell check changed it.
Not sure why spell check didn’t change “dualing”. :-p
Yeah, s/b “dualling”.
Just watching those two speak to their proggie fans would like derpgedden.
With a 97% chance of winning.
Oh FFS he said that on Howard Stern.
I’ll take “Unintentional Self-Parody” for $1000, Alex.
The Onion continues to be real life.
See #2
Damn your nimble fingers! 😉
Thank you for posting this! I would never have seen it if you hadn’t posted the link!
Comments are open, but they’re deleting a bunch. When I first looked at that video, there were over 100 comments; now its down to 58.
“Universities in Slovenia ban male gender from grammar”
I like how only the “far right” could disapprove of rewriting the language in order to validate your hatred of men.
Also: Slovenian women are super hot.
I know 1 slovenian woman. She is super hot.
I think Melania was slovenian at one point. but can’t remember. I think when she was slovenian, she was also hot.
*tho i think the thing this chick does w/ her eyebrows? Nah. please stop that. I think the …. whatshername… model with the super-thick-brows Cara Delevingne? that shit is over. it was a hot minute, you had your fun, now we can return to normal. thanks world.
So you don’t like Barbara Horvat or Cara Delevingne? Maybe you are more into chest hair.
I like em just fine (more this example than the supermodel, who seems put-offish),
i just think the eyebrow thing is retarded and weird-looking. it would be one thing if they were just naturally thick (i think cara’s are, mostly) but most ppl seem to be engaged in some retarded grooming/thickening to get the effect.
One of my pet peeves is the shaving grooves in the eyebrow thing that I don’t understand why certain men think is an attraction. Stop that shit.
‘certain men’
i call them guidos.
I thought it was an “urban” thing – given where I live – but you may be on to something. Assuming “guidos” can be of any race. Except blacks – who don’t seem to do the eyebrow thing at all. In the end I usually settle on “douchebag”.
I don’t like this any better
apparently not long ago Barbara was rocking pencil-thin brows. which i think is fine when a women is wearing a 10,000 gown and modeling for Hermes, or something, but as a regular day-to-day look? no. it makes you look overly-formal.
as a Certified Brow-Consultant, i would advise her: “Bitch, just leave em be. you’re already hot”
Neither excessively plucked nor caveman marker look good, imo.
So you like Barbara4U2C?
Ah crap, I didn’t see that Count Potato linked one of her vids.
McDonald’s to roll out one thousand self-serve kiosks a quarter till all locations are equipped in 2020. They won’t say how many jobs are being replaced, and claim they’ll transfer cashiers into other positions. Sure. If we’ve learned anything from huge capital investments in other industries, it’s that more machines equals more jobs.
I went through a cashier line today at the grocery store. He rang up my squash as starfruit. ~1.00 worth of produce rang up as $8.00. He didn’t notice it, nor did I, till I got home. If I’d gone through self-checkout like I usually do, I wouldn’t have made that mistake.
Even if you’d noticed, it would be 5 minutes to get a supervisor there to make the change.
The cashier at Costco double scanned a $60 item a couple weeks ago. I usually watch them scan but missed it. I caught it by checking the receipt immediately afterwards when the total seemed off but had to go to the supervisor fix it. Being a cashier is not a fun job, but my sympathy rapidly disappears over mistakes like that.
They charge $8 for a carambola?
2 at 3.59 apiece. Which makes it especially dumb because squash is sold by the pound.
At my local grocery they have to enter a lot of the fresh produce by hand and… it’s kind of amazing how often wrong they get it wrong for even stuff that isn’t very exotic anymore. The underneath scanner prevents them from making some mistakes, but not all.
On my most recent trip it wouldn’t let the cashier scan one bag… “These are brussels sprouts, right?” she asked. They were tomatillos.
OTOH, I let her enter a bag of poblanos as jalapenos because jalapenos were $1.69 pound and poblanos were $3.69 a pound. I’d normally correct a mistake like that, but the confusion is so consistent, and I’ve spent so much time identifying peppers for cashiers there (don’t let’s get started on Anaheim vs Cubanelle, etc,) that I took the fucking discount as compensation for the time I’ve spent teaching their cashiers what they should have taught them about peppers, and wished I had loaded up on poblanos. Because I didn’t my sin was venal to the tune of about two bucks.
Juicy rationalization for theft and deceit.
Well, RAHeinlein, that might be so, but I would like to point out that this proves that there is at the least such a thing as a discounted lunch. Just sayin’.
*raises hand*
I’ve had this job – they don’t teach you shit about how to recognize produce. It’s a pure guessing game. And it’s a high-turnover job so it’s not like they have enough time to learn them all.
^this^ you’re lucky if they teach you how to run the register.
Yeah, I understand that. And yeah, when it comes to food especially I can be a bit more of a snob than I ought to be. But the Brussels Sprouts/Tomatillo thing surprised me. I can see not being familiar with tomatillos (I’ve had a cashier there ask me, and I quote, “What the hell are these?”- I just thought that was funny.) I do not understand how you can mistake them for Brussels Sprouts.
I’m not sure the turnover is actually all that high at this location though- there’s certainly the working their way through school contingent (LOL, these days) and the after-school contingent, but there are a lot of cashiers and baggers I’ve seen there for years. I’d think, especially since they only sell about eight types of fresh pepper, that it might be worth their while to teach their cashiers the difference between a poblano and a jalapeno.
I am a fanatic about self-service lines. The only place I actually shop at that doesn’t have self-serve is Total Wines (and I got into it with a cashier today that involved me getting a manager involved)*.
My father hates them. The reason? As a probation officer he placed a lot of his incredibly stupid criminals as grocery baggers (who dreamed of working their way up to the cashier spot) with jobs at the supermarket. He said that a disturbingly large portion of his case load were people that stole because they were too dumb to find a job. A lot of them would get their start on the straight and narrow working on the checkout line.
When my dad told me that story I almost felt bad for a few minutes. Then I remembered how much I hate fucking checkout lines.
* The clerk demanded my ID in the line. I told him, I’d be happy to show him my driver’s license, but he couldn’t swipe it. He sputtered and had the gall to tell me that city law demands that they card everyone and swiping it proved that he had followed the law. At that point, I laughed at him and said, let’s get the manager over here so you can have a witness to your tireless dedication to the law. (it was dead in the store and I didn’t hold up the line at all). (btw, I’m 50, fat and have a good start on grey hair). What a tool this kid was. His manager rolled his eyes as the kid tried to explain what was going on.
** What is the deal with Total Wine. I absolutely love everything about them EXCEPT buying the hooch. This isn’t the first time I’ve fought about them scanning my DL into their marketing DB. I’ve also had multiple clerks have a snit when I’ve refused their demands to take a liter of whisky out of the carry basket. WTF? If taking a sixer or a bottle out of a hand basket is too much for you, get a new job working with the muslims who won’t scan bacon.
He’s probably been told that he’ll lose his job if he doesn’t follow procedures. And in many cases he’d be right. Stores actually practice sting operations to catch out cashiers not following procedures. I would know.
If it’s not the store, it’s officer friendly and his underage partner Lolita Looksthirty
Yeah, I had one of those but I only got called into the manager’s office for a “talking to”. Christ what a shit job that was (is).
A sting op at the new Twin’s stadium ended the career of the iconic “Wally the Beer Man”.
How famous was Wally? Well he was acquitted by the jury, but the other vendor who was nabbed with him was found guilty. I’m sure it was only because Wally is famous.
BTW. What a douche the judge was:
Yeah, selling a $7 bottle of Mich Golden is worthy of jail time. Fuck that asshole in the neck.
Yeah, at the time having recently been a resident of a country that’s not completely brain-dead about this shit (Germany), I was naturally inclined to roll my eyes at the whole thing when I was “caught” selling beer to some underaged sting chick. An early libertarian moment, perhaps. And I wear my emotions on my sleeve so you can imagine how the “talking to” went.
Is fucking neck assholes a new fad that I will soon find about on Inside Edition that I should be scared of?
I was in Japan a month ago and I bought some beer at a self checkout. All that happened was the terminal flashed something and said “Are you really 20?” and I just pushed the “yes” button and continued on with the purchase. No one had to come over and override the terminal or anything.
The US is really too fucking uptight about drinking.
If you hesitate for more than a half second on that screen, the clerk will lean over and punch the correct button for you, in my experience. If you’re going to have something, I’d rather have something like that.
Also love the self serve auto beer pouring machines and self serve alcohol in hotel/airport lounges. Completely forbidden here in my state.
So the prosecution witness has a credibility problem and the jury still convicted the other guy? I don’t doubt that the adult minor lied his ass off, and has done it before, to get the collar.
If anything should have bodycam footage or at the very least audio, it should be these sorts of things. The fact that they don’t seems to be official endorsement of perjured testimony & entrapment. Not that they should exist at all in a free country.
In this day and age, any sting that doesn’t have video/audio/text messages should be thrown on merit.
Yeah, I’ll let someone ring up the wrong item in a big store if it’ll never get held against them. I might even get annoyed by their vegetable identification skills (though I’ll be mainly annoyed that their employer didn’t just go “this is shit- this is shinola. This is a jalapeno. This is a poblano.”
I’m not going to fuck with a minimum-wage employee for doing what they are required to do. I’ve been there, not in that job, but in others enough like it. If I really disagreed with the policy I’d talk to the manager, but in a way that made it clear my problem was with the policy not the employee.
Now, if I felt like the employee was maliciously fucking with me it would be game on, but that’s not something that happens very often.
They are not required to ask for an ID, much less scan one. Plenty of other cashiers at Total Wines have rung me up without scanning an ID.
I think that some clerks have just decided to ask everyone for their ID as a classic passive aggressive Minnesoda move to hassle someone because you are pissed about your job. Then you get extra pissed off when someone doesn’t go along with the plan and bluffs you and makes you actually look at the ID.
Well if someone’s maliciously fucking with you then like I said “game on.” I’d just want to be sure that was the case.
I’ve managed to piss off one of the assistant managers at the grocery store by refusing to let them scan my license so he has to come and override the register,
I hope it isn’t “preparing food”.
Sure, all cashiers will be transferred to other jobs. But, with the typical employee turnover in a fast food joint, it will only be a couple of weeks until the headcount for the location will be down by at least one worker.
Ah good, with self-serve kiosks, McD’s will be able to implement click through EULA type notices of calorie counts.
“More children’s stories about feminism and the war on plastic ”
Behold the brain-cogs of a NYC Democrat at work simultaneously claiming that segregated schools are the worst thing evar and how DARE you do this to MY people. I have whiplash now.
Yeah, take that!
It justifies the long hours of toil and grueling effort as their families struggle to eke out an existence in a city with historic levels of income inequality.
Meritocracy good and income inequality bad. In the same fucking sentence.
Let’s deconstruct the stupidness. Families are struggling to make a living, not because costs are high, not because they’re impoverished, but because some other guy down the street makes more than them. You see, when they’re at the grocery story buying their non-gmo, organic, fair trade ribeye steaks, the cashier says “sorry, Warren buffett has too much money, you cant buy this”
The real funny thing is; if Warren Buffet hoarded less money, there would be more dollars in circulation, thus inflating prices to where those people actually couldn’t buy those things.
No no, Warren Buffet is one of the good rich people, along with Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, and George Soros. You need to name one of the bad rich people like the Koch Brothers.
For all the foo-foorah about inequality very little attention is paid to what actually puts sand in the poor’s vaginas. Having been poor for a good part of my life, and having been (admittedly kind of voluntarily) destitute for patches, I’m just going to say that housing is the most important question when you’re poor.
The vocal left is ridiculous on this front- people who make six figures envious of people who make 7 to whatever figures complaining about inequality while making sure that no one without a six figure income can live within a fairly large radius of them and justifying it with their concern for the poor… it’s called “smart growth,” IIRC, and it’s a Catch-22. To live where you can make money it certainly helps to have money.
The right is often (but not as consistently, at least) stupid here as well. It’s worth pointing out that our poor are very rich by some standards- they have smartphones, and big TVs, and these are things not even a magnate could have had fifty years ago. What this misses is that the fundamental characteristic of poverty is insecurity.
I am frugal, and live on not that much more money than a poor person would (though I am prone to occasional extravangances) but I am not poor, because I am not insecure (I mean, I keep a years’ worth of living expenses in my checking account, and rent in a mildly expensive neighborhood full of small ranch houses valued at 400k, so- not poor anymore.) Free at last, free at last. Especially from the poor people I used to have to live next to. I have some sympathy for progressives in this regard- I don’t want to live near the perennially poor either.
I just wish affluent progressives would admit that they have rigged the housing game against the poor in a manner that hurts the poor worst, and that they have done so pursuing their own self-interest and, revoltingly, have done so in the name of the poor. The education game is similar. The whole thing really.
And I wish that some on the right would admit that having an iPhone is cold comfort when you can’t pay your rent. Because, to sum up, being poor in the US is mainly about being able to make rent and not paying for the iPhone is going to be marginally useful when the rent is so high.
Well, rent wouldn’t be so high if property tax was lower. That’s an easy way to help the poor. But Cromm forbid you ever bring that up.
If all types of taxes were eliminated or lowered, the poor would be far better off. In addition to keeping more of their own earnings, prices of goods and services would be lower for them as well.
But Team Blue is clinging to this Marxist idea that the poor and the rich have diametrically opposed interests: whatever helps the rich must be hurting the poor, so there’s no such thing as a “rising tide that lifts all boats”.
“I’m not talking about boats! I’m talking about people! You heartless heretic!”/typical response.
The rent wouldn’t be so high absent quite a number of policies. Property taxes are not high on the list in most places, but…
Well, I kind of sort of grew up in Vermont and I saw a number of families forced off land they had owned for generations by property taxes, especially in the vicinity of Burlington (looking at you Charlotte, Underhill, and Jericho.)
This is a different thing than outrageous rents though- related, but not quite the same thing.
No; it’s a rent. You only rent the land at the suffrance of Big Government.
You know who I’d like to desegregate? Black and Asian women. They seem very set on only dating their own kind. I think I need a law to force them to date me.
Rejected by black & Asian women? You must be a Latino male then.
Ha! Right there is a great example of revealed preference versus stated preference.
In my experience Asian and black chicks love them some pale face.
I had a good Asian male friend who begged to differ on that.
Most of the asian ladies around here are Hmong, I think they are tighter…(trying to hold in laugh at something I find funny while drunk, but is a stupid joke in reality.)
HuffPo headline: “Trump And Kim’s Summit Felt A Lot Like An Episode Of ‘The Bachelorette’”
SF should sue for infringement.
Oh come on! It’s clearly the Bachelor! Neither of them are gender confused as far as I know.
Is that for real? Well, I can sort of see it, though I am guessing about what the Bachelorette is, because I’m pretty sure I don’t want to watch it.
That said, maybe the right approach to Kim has all along been treating him like one of the bros? You know, the weird frat brother everyone makes fun of, the one who sits in his room brooding and cutting himself, but who bounds into your arms if you show him a bit of affection. Dunno- nothing else has worked.
Border Patrol agent shot in Arizona gunfight was first responder for his own wounds
Unless the BP agent was physically unable to do so, why is so noteworthy that the first person to tend to his wounds was himself. Isn’t self-care to be expected? Also interesting that the CBP news conference video was hosted on the DoD media site.
Double hero.
Yeah; I’ve linked before to stories where a regular person was first on the scene of an accident, and the report goes on to talk about the “first responders” arriving.
Pisses me off.
Not to sound like a tabloid, but you will not believe this is Paul from S Club 7, and the biggest shocker of all, he’s not gay. Many of you will think I’m rambling, but I know who will get this.
Screw Paul. He turned them into S Club 6 and then inevitable spin and breakup.
On the up next list is one for Hannah in constant pain from boob job. In 2013. That’s like fifteen years too late. Not that there was anything wrong before. Smells of desperation.
I just watched a video of Hannah saying her boob job gave her heavy metal poisoning or something. But we’ll always have Seeing Double. I bought it at the dollar store a few years ago.
Speaking of Boob jobs, Stormy coming to town.
Probably too late for anyone here to see, but this thread is a real riot:
See the kings men get released to their boss instead of rotting in jail like us plebes would if we accidentally shot someone in a fit of dumbassness.