So the crappy part about living on a hill is that when you go for a run, every route is uphill on the way back. I knew that, but it was reinforced to me today when I ran down to the water to do hill sprints on the bridge. Guess who’s house is at a higher elevation than the bridge? Man, that jog back sucked. But I’m giving myself permission to fuck off the rest of the day, so… win?
With enemies like Iran, who needs friends? Who is helped more by “you can’t trust this Trump guy, he’s crazy”? h/t Playa Manhattan
The Singapore Summit has apparently been hard on Larry Kudlow and the Secret Service. In the case of the latter, I assume that finding hookers you can intimidate and being stupid drunk in public are a little tougher to do in Singapore than most places.
Paul Manafort’s legal team will actually know who the prosecution interviewed in bringing charges against him. Its almost like he has a right to defend himself against these charges.
Brexit hangs on in Parliament.
In the spirit of my day.
Brexit lives! Sort of!
Sure is hard just to take the volumes of EU crap and throw it in the skip. “All EU directives and regulations are null and void in the United Kingdom” and stop payment on any written checks.
Almost as if the mass of the U.K. political establishment was pro-EU bureaucracy.
Of course they are; it’s another branch on the career path.
When I say that Theresa May will fuck it up, trust me, she will fuck it up. Probably at least half intentionally. You may as well let Hillary or Merkel handle it.
Ha-ha-ha, Merkel’s Boner.
Biggest regret of the 20th Century New York baseball Giants.
“Judge orders Mueller to identify unnamed figures in Manafort indictment”
Isn’t that just discovery?
Mueller thinks about using the power of the state to destroy innocent people’s lives while he’s jacking off.
I think most prosecutors, certainly political ones at the Fed level, think that. Also, fuck you Preet.
Gustave has obviously at least once spoken to a Russian or at least knows someone who has, so he’s most def a suspect in this collusion. Or is it obstruction? Maybe it’s obfuscation this week. Well, whatever it is… RUSSIANS!
So you are saying he has an unusual job?
no, jacking off at work while dreaming of hot women makes for an unusual job. Jacking off at work while fantasizing of unlimited power is SOP in Washington.
Why yes it is.
My Cousin Vinny was educational.
Man, I’d really like to see your files.
“He has to! By lawuh! It’s called disclosha, ya dickhead!”
I just had a Marisa Tomai flashback. *swoon
It’s called disclosure, you dickhead!
Looks like the process is going to punish Mueller.
Article [VI]
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Florida has Hills? Who Knew?
66 feet!
Overpasses don’t count.
It’s just the one.
Then there’s Space Mountain.
Rich people live on the tops of hills, the poor live in the flood zone…
I remember that show.
Mounds of Natty light cans and broken dreams.
“Florida has Hills? Who Knew?”
Yep, there’s one hill so high right there in central Florida that if you’re on the top you can see above sea level!
Spook Hill!
Reminder to all gainfully (or not so gainfully) employed Glibs: unless you’ve got an unusual job, touching yourself at work is not acceptable.
1 and 19 together or separate.
You’re not my supervisor!
It’s why Jesus/the government/Allah created, or whatever you believe in, created bathroom stalls.
I’m voting with you
Damn, 8 and 11 deliver the thiccness! Throw 34 in as an after-dinner mint.
The highest elevation in all of Florida is 312 feet. The place is flatter than Kansas. Tell us again about these “hills” that cause you so much anxiety.
hey man, when there’s 80% humidity and the dew point is at 75, there’s so much damn water in the air that walking up a flight of stairs will give you asthma and pneumonia at the same time. If Brett went outside today at all we should be supportive….or have an intervention.
Don’t make excuses for him! I want to hear how big this hill is from the man himself. After he catches his breath, of course.
66 Feet! Look up!
What a bunch of wimps. When I lived in Tallahassee, we played tennis one day when it was 104 F and high humidity. Of course we took a water break at every side change and I was much younger…
I once played a round of golf in Phoenix (technically Goodyear) Az, walked the course and carried my clubs wondering the whole time why the course was empty on a Saturday afternoon. When I got done was when we discovered that it was 125 in Downtown Phoenix, 127 over on the west side of town and the hottest day ever recorded as of that point in Phoenix
Dry heat. Doesn’t count.
AIT at Ft Gordon may thru sept (Augusta GA for those who may not know)
Grew gills to breathe
You guys need to spend some time near the equator in South America. Then you’ll know what humid is.
or on the Arabian Peninsula.
Or Thailand in the summer
I’ve been on that hill. Gorgeous. I don’t really get the love of elevation changes.
What is it? A landfill?
Oyster pile. They started in neolithic times.
Seminole’s love oysters.
Native American Landfill.
TW: Math
But is it flatter than a pancake?a pancake?
TW: comments don’t have a preview function.
That’s delightful!
Oh shit, on re-read they got their pancake from IHOP. We’ll never be able to replicate their work!
Now I need to know if Kansas is flatter than a burger.
My house is at the highest elevation of the surrounding area as well. It’s nice that it keeps the basement dry. It sucks at the end of a long ride, when it’s always going to end uphill.
I live at he Bottom of a Mountain Range, 12 miles north I’m at 10000 feet, 5 miles north I’m at 5500 Ft.
Jog that, although hiking is fun…..
Florida is surgically enhanced?
That girl is a 47-year-old mother of three and those bad boys she can tuck into her underwear by now.
Is it because some of those hookers are cops who will beat you senseless with wooden reeds, have you tried in a Singaporean court, sentence you to more beatings with wooden reeds–then call the embassy?
I hope that meant someone stuck a Walther PPK in his face and said “vote or die”
Just when I thought the Swiss were all chocolate and lozenges.
The halberds and flashy uniforms distract you from the other half of the Swiss guards wearing all black armed with SIGs.
Are those shallots next to the cheese?
Kartoff…er, potatoes.
Yeah, I’ve got that.
I’ve heard the argument today that the NORK agreement is just the Iran agreement with the red team and blue teem trading jerseys. What do you all think of that? On the one hand, that sounds right. That’s what red team and blue team do. On the other hand, well, the NORK agreement was done out in the open and is in line with some pretty obvious US interests. The Iran deal was done in the shadows and the administration had to straight up lie about it. The Iran deal was also stupid – here’s a one time shipment of pallets of US greenbacks in exchange for a pinky-swear to never go nukular. The NORK deal is basically “we’ll keep our warships away as long as you stay denukularized,” which has an intrinsic enforcement mechanism.
But on the other hand.. it really is like red and blue teams just changed jersys and are parroting each others lines, like how team blue went from making fun of Romney to deciding Russia is the biggest menace since polio.
Unlike Iran deal, there’s nothing in NK agreement that is irreversible. Trump claims sanctions are in place, and exercises/war games could be restarted at any point. Contrast with dropping of sanctions and delivery of cash to Iran on the vague promise with no reversal clause.
There were side deals in the Iran deal that not even John Kerry was privy to. So in essence Obama not only went around Congress he acted like a little dictator on issues of national security.
The Iran deal is far worse for that simple reason. I believe the NORK deal is going through Congress.
Although I did hear training exercises are nixed in the DMZ?
Well, for starters, we didn’t ship hundreds of billions to North Korea.
Well, right now we’re missing the pallets of cash. And also the fact that the President went and had an actual diplomatic summit with the opposing leader. Call me crazy, but those are both big differences.
I doubt there will be a dumbo-drop of $billions in cash.
No. Not unless Obama met with the Ayatollahs and shook their hands and somehow i missed it.
Most people are utter idiots – and i include 99% of journalists – when it comes to even the most basic grasp of what bi-lateral diplomacy involves. It is mostly, if not all, just “optics”. but those optics are crucial.
Because those words on paper? those treaties and deals etc? they aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. they’re not enforced by anyone except the respective counter parties and they only enforce them on themselves when they trust the other guy to hold up their end as well. Its about trust and actually defining some shared interests, and gradually reconciling them.
The Iran deal was nothing but “We give you something real (money, ending sanctions) – you give us vague promises”, and then Obama running a victory lap like he’d just accomplished something. It was more about the appearance that “something happened” than any material and lasting agreement between mutually interested parties.
@*(#^@$*(& iran, literally a few weeks after the thing was signed, flaunted a bunch of missile tests in people’s faces and said, “DO SOMETHING, BITCH”, because they knew that the US wouldn’t dare suddenly show that we would enforce our claimed threat to renew sanctions. They basically laughed and took the money and said, “now we own you and you can’t do nothing”.
This norks thing involves no such pretenses. It was a meeting simply to have a meeting, with the promise of future meetings. But you have no idea how important that is in changing the dynamics about how NK is perceived at home and abroad. Its saying, “We can deal” when before the only gesture ever made in each others direction was “my nukes are bigger than yours”. It doesn’t mean they’re going to stop playing games with each other, but the games are now going to be more-personal and actually have the appearance of compromise. That is a huge step forward from a position where dialogue basically didn’t exist.
That’s a much better argument than anything I’ve seen out of team red today. Thanks. This reasoning is in line with my gut reaction, so I’m pretty sure that means its objectively true…
*there’s also more nuance here that i’m skipping past;
this isn’t really bi-lateral diplomacy. China is ALWAYS lurking in the background. What we’re really doing is playing nice in order to get real compromise from China. The dance with Kim is just the optical political shift that allows for things to look as though China isn’t really the one enforcing the changes in North Korea. Kim wants cover so he can make concessions, and pretend that he “won” concessions from USA. This bolsters appearance of Kim as a valid world leader. If he just knuckled under to china and did what they said, it would expose him as a puppet. So this permits Kim to do things and make it look like its part of some grand bargain.
I don’t think he is a puppet; on the contrary, a key problem in all of this has been that China *cannot* control its nominal client, but instead has felt compelled to back up the Kims no matter how irresponsibly they have behaved. This is a not uncommon dynamic – Sparta/Corinth, Rome/Massilia, Russia/Serbia, Germany/Austria-Hungary – but it is also (as that list suggests) extremely dangerous. My guess is that part of what was different about this crisis was that China finally told Kim that it wasn’t going to back him up this time.
“”China finally told Kim that it wasn’t going to back him up this time.””
we will never know what the terms were.
But i think it was probably more like, “you need to deal w/ trump, or else we’re not sending any more food”
Diplomacy involves risk. Trump seems to understand that as he has openly said that this entire effort might be a mistake in which case he’ll have to back off the promises.
Obama never wanted any personal risk in the Iran deal. It had to be a win, even if it wasn’t. The Iranians used that to their advantage.
That’s a good way of putting it.
the success of any bi-lateral diplomacy is the ability of each party to call it like they see it. they hold each other accountable.
but that was the whole flaw of Obama’s deal: he wasn’t ever prepared to tell them, “you’re not doing what we agreed” He had to pretend it was a win, even while the UN was going, “But they’re literally testing nuclear-capable weapons: you think this means they’re not developing nukes anymore?”
one of the ridiculous contortions of the media was trying to cover up how embarrassing this was. The irans laughed behind their hands, “Oh, no, these aren’t for Nukes!” they protested. “These are conventional, ballistic missiles. No nukes needed”
Medium range missiles that are designed to hit “a general area” cannot carry enough conventional explosives to do fucking anything. They’re quite literally multimillion dollar rockets with accuracy of +/- a few MILES. Why would you shoot such hi-tech weapons, and only stuff enough boom in them to blow up a football field? Answer: you wouldn’t. You would only develop missiles like that to do one thing: blow up cities. At distances like, “Riyadh”, or “Israel”.
but the press happily repeated claims by Rhodes and Kerry that these new missile tests meant nothing re: Irans nuclear program. “No no, they’re totally in compliance” they assured everyone.
its hard to convince people of the sincerity of your enemy to de-nuke, when they’re acting like Nukes are still 100% part of their arsenal
He spent his first year visiting places and bowing / bending the knee to anyone in charge. But I don’t think he made a
pilgrimagestate visit to Iran.Watch how our regional associates react. The Iran “deal” freaked out our friends and allies in the ME – there’s a reason the Gulf states have been making kissy faces at Israel the last couple of years…
I wonder if the Secret Service had to search Kim’s portable toilet.
“Angry Eels” takes on a new meaning when it’s North Korean shit.
I want to run another superhero RPG just to see how many weird super villain names I can come up with. I once had a antagonist team made up of anchors from some Fox business show who all had powers related to the stock market. The Dead Cat was rubbery and bounced around. The Bull/The Bear would shift forms at random, etc.
But I think a team made up of obscure names for flatulence and evacuation would be more fun. Need to see how long it would take my players to catch on.
When I used Napster on the family computer, my screen name was “bonerland”. I showed my dad how to use Napster, and he couldn’t figure out why everyone kept messaging him.
“We don’t know Trump’s motivation. Is it blackmail? Bribery? Or just a generalized sympathy for autocrats and hatred for democracy? And we may never find out: If he shuts down the Mueller investigation and Republicans retain control of Congress, the cover-up may hold indefinitely. But his actions tell the story.
As I said, however, this isn’t a column about Trump. It is, instead, about the people who are enabling his betrayal of America: the inner circle of officials and media personalities who are willing to back him up whatever he says or does, and the wider set of politicians — basically the entire Republican delegation in Congress — who have the power and constitutional obligation to stop what he’s doing, but won’t lift a finger in America’s defense.”
That guy really is living in a world of his own, isn’t he?
He’s completely lost it at this point
He has become a Shikha Dalmia of NYT.
That is his crime. That is his punishment.
Absolutely none of what he wrote can be true if you just thought about it logically for 10 seconds.
“the inner circle of officials and media personalities who are willing to back him up whatever he says or does,”
Translation: Only 99% of stories about Trump are negative, and that’s not enough. He might want to think long and hard about why that is.
And he can still find absolutely no reason anyone would vote for Trump outside of racism.
Well, there’s homophobia… and xenophobia… and hydrophobia?
“who have the power and constitutional obligation to stop what he’s doing”
What exactly is he doing? Don’t give me vague nonsense like “making POC and LGBTQQ+++++ feel unsafe”; real, measurable and verifiable harm to the country.
Excerpt from a “Times Pick” comment:
“If our nation is to survive, it will take those in the GOP who do value truth, the rule of law, the enduring value of republican democracy to band together against the quisling in the White House, to say out loud in front of god and everybody that any leader who destroys the western democratic alliance is by definition a traitor to the American cause, to tell this president they can no longer support the damage he is doing to our country, the rule of law and republican democracy itself.”
I literally LOL’ed at this. The guy in the next cube over must think I’m mental.
More comedy gold:
“I never cried after an election but I bawled my eyes out on and off for 15 minutes after learning of the results. I wanted to throw up when I realized where our country was going to go, and sadly, my worst fears are coming true. Part of me wants to cut and run to Canada, ASAP, while another, more stubborn patriotic part of me says stay and fight it out until the end. Sad that at almost 53 years of age that I have these thoughts because of the unchecked wannabe dictator and his complicit party who abdicates their Constitutional duty to protect from enemies both foreign and domestic.”
I literally can’t even with the mindset of these people. It’s like they had one too many bad acid trips and are sharing some kind of mass delusion that they’re living in 1939 Germany.
The Krugman column competes with DU for the title of most deranged Democrat commenters.
Yet, if in 2 years Trump just says fuck it I don’t even want to run for a second term, these same people would be howling from the rooftops about how Trump is just scared that he’d lose in mockery. Oblivious to the inherent contradictions in their arguments.
cut and run to Canada, ASAP
*IF* Donald was the evil you’ve created in your head and took charge of the military like a dictator there would not be a damned thing that Canukistan could do to protect you. I mean, we could destroy the Canadian military and overrun Canada in like a day (the cities ‘n such, anyway).
Regardless of the lack of rationality on that front, the bitch is crazy.
The fuck is “republican democracy”? The US has republican government in the sense that it is a “Republic”, or “representative democracy”.
Let’s all try to reconcile the western democratic alliance with Washington’s farewell address and deduce which is more emblematic of “the American cause”.
Ugh. Tesla’s fucked up braking software fix is being touted by someone at work as a great example of how changes can be made immediately, and what we should emulate.
Huh. My brakes don’t have software.
You know what I mean.
Your first “Well actually” is free. The next one is going to cost you.
I’ve done far worse than kill you. I’ve hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you.
Fred Flintstone brakes?
Oh, is your car from the 70’s?
The fact that it can be “fixed” OTA doesn’t fill me with confidence. Surely it can go the other way, right?
By the way, Tesla announced 9% workforce haircut today.
Flat tops or fades?
Pretty dope.
Any second now…..
I have some puts
Aaaaand….. it’s gone
Shall I fetch you a bindle or were you not “all in”?
It was lunch money.
Fortunately, I already had lunch.
Approved – no conditions. I was betting ATT would win, but expected conditions.
Yep. I was expecting a forced selloff at a minimum.
That bothers me too. I have no idea how much effort they put into security. Hopefully a LOT, considering you could do a lot more than roll the windows down and change the radio presets if you hacked into one.
I’m such a luddite I despise drive by wire anything. Give me mechanical linkages and hydraulics or give me death.
You’re just planning ahead for Judgement Day, right? After the machines fire off that EMP, your vehicle will still function.
In theory, secure OTA security has been solved and has been for over a decade. In practice, its more of a vector for malware than a sailor’s underpants.
IOW don’t worry about having a shit software testing program – we can always ship out fixes after any accidents/deaths.
You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
“Why the fuck are there so many egg-shells in this scrambled eggs with cheese!”
Robert Bradley Jr has posted his first promised article intended to repair the reputation of William Niskanen, which Will Wilkerson has been destroying the standard leftist strategy (infiltrate, gut, wear as skin-suit).
William Niskanen on Climate Change: Part I, Key Questions
Ironically, the current Niskanen center is participating in suing oil companies on the grounds that they are violating our property rights. Here is their ‘logic’.
Oil companies produce gasoline, kerosene, bunker oil etc. and sell them to the general public. They know full well that the general public will burn these substances. Once burnt, these substances create the devil substance CO2 which raises temperatures on our property. This is damaging to our property. We can’t sue people who burn these substances because there are too many of them, and they’ll knock the soy lattes out of our hands. So we will sue the evil oil companies who totally shouldn’t have given people these fuels they demand. Also we’re not responsible if we burn oil or gasoline because the oil companies are suppressing discoveries like an engine that runs on tap water and gets 10,000 miles to the gallon.
The moral of this story: Will Wilkerson is a fucking douche and if you run into him at Starbucks, you should make it a point to go up to him and tell him not to worry, even though it is within your power to knock drinks out of his hands, because you are an ethical person you won’t do anything to him. Then whip out a dictionary and read the definition of ‘ethical’ and ‘person’ to him and explain to him that people wouldn’t hate him so much if he behaved like one.
Wilkerson IS a fucking douche, but don’t let Jerry Taylor off the hook either. He has become what he spent years decrying.
I’m hoping he has an excuse – like a brain tumor. Or Steyer holding Taylor’s daughter hostage on Epstein’s pedo-island.
We can’t sue people who burn these substances because there are too many of them, and they’ll knock the soy lattes out of our hands. So we will sue the evil oil companies who totally shouldn’t have given people these fuels they demand.
Also known as “Canada/US is an evil CO2 emitter because Europeans and Asians burn our oil.”
“The A.C.L.U. Is Getting Involved in Elections—and Reinventing Itself for the Trump Era
For most of its ninety-eight years of existence, the A.C.L.U. has spent its resources largely on litigation, arguing for civil liberties, and against government excess, in the courts. Part of the organization’s DNA is a Bill of Rights purism—the group, always liberal, has famously defended the rights of neo-Nazis and Klansmen to protest—and it has been fastidiously nonpartisan, so prudish about any alliance with political power that its leadership, in the nineteen-eighties and nineties, declined even to give awards to like-minded legislators for fear that it might give the wrong impression. In this midterm year, however, as progressive groups have mushroomed and grown more active, and as liberal billionaires such as Howard Schultz and Tom Steyer have begun to imagine themselves as political heroes and eye Presidential runs, the A.C.L.U., itself newly flush, has begun to move in step with the times. For the first time in its history, the A.C.L.U. is taking an active role in elections. The group has plans to spend more than twenty-five million dollars on races and ballot initiatives by Election Day, in November. Anthony Romero, the group’s executive director, told me, “It used to be that, when I had a referendum I really cared about, I could spend fifty thousand dollars.””
It’s going to be funny watching them piss away whatever tattered remnants of the hard-won respect they earned through litigation.
It’s also going to be funny watching them become just another voice in a sea of anti-Trumpers, and wondering why nobody pays attention to them anymore.
Which litigation? The Cato stuff or their climate change one?
Oops. Thought this was the Nikanen comment. Nevermind.
Let them piss away all their cash. They’re not going to change anyone’s minds with their propaganda drivel.
Not true! If you see a commercial on TV you HAVE to go buy that product, You won’t be able to help yourself. Why, I have 23 types of deodorants in my house.
“….fastidiously nonpartisan”, eh? Even if that ever had been true, it’s been a while since then.
They were a non-partisan organization made up of a bunch of people who all had the same partisan allegiance. They started out as a partisan organization, but discovered they would be more effective at their goals if they behaved non-partisan. And they were right. They lost a significant amount of cash by defending Literally Nazis and Literally KKK members. But they advanced civil liberties significantly. But they’ve been hollowing out that organizational backbone for years, and Trump’s election snapped their back.
They sued Obama. A few times. Surveillance. Drone-strike review. Gitmo.
its just that the press didn’t applaud them as loudly, or as enthusiastically.
Haven’t read the article, but Trump is the greatest real estate mogul ever. He’s living rent free is so many of their heads.
“Part of the organization’s DNA is a Bill of Rights purism”
I’ll be right over here holding my breath for an example of the ACLU defending 2A.
Surprisingly, they came out with this recently.
Somebody had better have lost their job for that!
“Retired sheriff’s lieutenant denies tipping off massage parlor to raids in exchange for sex
A retired Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department lieutenant has pleaded not guilty to charges of tipping off a West Hollywood massage parlor about potential raids “in exchange for sexual favors or other gifts,” according to a criminal complaint made public Friday.
David Smith, 59, was accused of giving information about law enforcement activities to an employee at the massage parlor and has been charged with two counts of obstruction of justice, according to a statement issued by the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office.
Smith, a former lieutenant with the West Hollywood station, is accused of advising an employee at Pine Therapy Massage on Santa Monica Boulevard about vice operations being conducted in the area, according to the complaint. In June 2017, Smith told the woman he believed police were in the area and suggested “she should be careful or close for the evening,” according to the complaint.
Prosecutors also accused Smith of visiting the parlor and paying for acts of prostitution in 2016 and 2017, the complaint said. In addition, Smith “utilized on-duty [Sheriff’s Department] personnel” to determine whether authorities were “involved in any law enforcement actions” in the area, according to the complaint.”
A woman works at a massage parlor in West Hollywood?
Real life imitates 2 Days in the Valley!
+1 8″ clit
How is this news article anything other than free advertising for Pine Therapy Massage on Santa Monica Blvd.?
Got a zip code for that?
“We need to expose the lies spread by the far right – Muslims aren’t homophobic – the far right want us against each other”
Cool story, comrade.
Why don’t they just hold signs that say
“We’re retarded”
Also… “There are more of us than there are of them”
As there are 4 people standing there.
There are a few videos on LiveLeak that he needs to see
Yeah, the ghosts of the dudes hanged from the construction cranes would probably beg to differ.
Or the guys thrown off rooftops
Moderate versus radical Islam.
Does he really have to point his finger out like that for emphasis? Literally every terrorist video features the speaker pointing up for emphasis.
What’s the term? Truthiness?
Useful idiots.
I’d respect them a helluva lot more if they took a road trip to Gaza and held that same rally.
Islam is not homophobic
Freedom is slavery, etc, etc.
Being is Nothing, Nothing is Being
We can thank the philosophers for the really stupid ideas.
Holy shit, from the comments – have you seen this page?
I’m dying!
Rod Rosenstein seems like a real dick.
Rosenstein threatened to ‘subpoena’ GOP-led committee in ‘chilling’ clash over records, emails show
He’s playing the role of top bureaucrat. He’s going to protect the DOJ from the fallout of their malfeasance.
What would his justification be, exactly? I mean, that the committee has been infiltrated by Russian scum?
Maybe it was something like, “Oh yeah? You’re gonna subpoena me? How about I subpoena YOU?”
Article I, Section 6:
Is their investigation “attendance at the session”?
J Peterson on Prager U,
This is exactly why people like him so much. What he’s saying is stuff all of us around here know, but could not put into words so succinctly and clearly. That’s why his work is so transformative; it’s easily digestible to the masses who, unlike us, don’t sit around brooding on this kind of stuff 24/7.
I would say, having listened to about 1/3rd of his book, that he is leading an objective realist counter-revolution against the subjective reality of many leading cultural forces. Over and over again he insists that certain things are real! (Emphasis in book) And that you cannot avoid reality.
Just for the record, I don’t brood so much as wear my crown upon a troubled brow.
Gotta find me some eye bleach.
Hmmm. Didn’t work. What else ya got?
There we go! Grazie!
Come to papa.
She’s so healthy.
Then you don’t want to watch this:
I have seen 3 different people claim they were the inventors of that meme today.
*i have also seen big accounts on twitter (people w/ between 30K and 200K follows) routinely take quips from teeny accounts, either in their own replies or elsewhere, and re-package them as their own and get 1000s of re-tweeets.
its a strange medium
People don’t become Hollywood celebrities because they’re smart…
35 years ago nobody would have believed that Rupert Pupkin was simply typecasting. But here we are.
He’s absolutely right, though, the #Resistance may as well be Trump’s fifth column. You couldn’t do more to drive undecideds towards Trump, or away from people running on an “anti-Trump” platform and nothing else without gunning down their children in the street. For professional public entertainers backed up by people who probably majored in things like Communication or Media none of these idiots have the slightest idea how poorly all this shit reads.
This is a nectarine:
My favorite part is Don Lemon, when some other idiot says that the North Korean people couldn’t even imagine what was being dished out there, stares dumbly for a moment before finishing it all off, “Right because they just don’t…its a poor country because of Kim Jung Un and his family.”
They act like catering a meeting among diplomats and heads of state is new or something. Straw. . .grasped.
Sounds like $30 worth of takeout.
Yeah, man, just imagine the cost to import all that Chinese takeout to Singapore…
That is… surreal.
Don Lemon: aeronautical engineer and physicist.
Period of time = 20 minutes
ERMERGERD! Humans cause climate change everywhere they go!
so much for battery vehicles saving the planet
Students in a middle school US & world history class study why the founders believed an armed civilian population was necessary, along with what has happened when populations are disarmed and left to be victims… no, of course not. They’re being fed a diet of gun control & climate change along with a dessert topping of approval by the the local political idiots.
“Manning, an Army veteran and former state corrections officer, argued that there’s no place for guns in schools.”
Clearly the school shooters didn’t get this guy’s memo.
Apparently, if your last name is Manning, you can’t help but be retarded.
Eli agrees.
My guess is he’s not getting laid as a woman, either.
Trancel? traincel?
Does Ernest and Preston prove your point?
The level of indoctrination is pretty horrible. I’ve been reviewing my daughter’s 7th grade World Geo homework, and it essentially is pro-Bernie agitprop.
The good news is that the more intelligent kids recognize that it’s hamfisted propaganda.
Sure, but then every vote counts so the “more intelligent kids” are going to be badly outvoted.
True, but it doesn’t matter.
The U.S. government is as doomed as the Soviet one was. And like the Soviet Union, it will die after people start ignoring it as they go about their affairs. And people will start ignoring it because compliance with its laws will become a sucker’s game.
Manning, an Army veteran and former state corrections officer, argued that there’s no place for guns in schools.
It’s a mystery as to how they keep getting in. . .
“Guns are designed for one and one reason only, and you have to be willing to take another person’s life if you want to carry a gun. And that’s not a burden I think should be put on teachers.”
Well, yes, if you need to use this particular tool in a self-defense scenario you must be prepared to take someones life. But guns are literally designed to launch a projectile at a controllable trajectory. As far as a “burden”, I grow tired of this reasoning, or lack thereof. EVERYONE has the “burden” of self-preservation. Smdh.
This is just more ‘Please dont take our soft targets away, we need martyrs for the cause’ horseshit. I am gonna go out on a limb here and say these people are evil.
Was the public school system the biggest blunder of classical liberalism?
For anyone who missed it last night, the Hat, Hair and Trump were live tweeting during the event.
So was Rodman wearing the real MAGA hat, or one of its siblings?
The Hat was riding a Rodman.
Does anyone know anything about a Rodman interview where he stated that, five years ago, the NORKS gave him a message that they were willing to talk to Obama about a deal and that Rodman couldn’t get the time of day from a totally uninterested Obama?
i don’t think there’s any evidence that he ever spoke to Obama. at least that i know of. i’m not even sure how that would work. He phone up the state dept and say, “I have message from Dear Leader”?
Guessing. As public as his trip was, i’d say the state dept. would have met him at the plane.
Anyway “populism”. What does it mean exactly? It seems any critique of the current elites is “populism” and it seems to imply that no one can possible dislike said elites. Also very amusing to see some libertarians attack populism when said elites loath libertarianism even more than populists.
““populism”. What does it mean exactly?”
Appeals to the masses via lowest common denominator. Nativism, God, Free Stuff, Common Enemy, imaginary dragons (or real ones for that matter).
You forgot majoritarianism.
And this is different than normal how?
Normal what?
Normal politicians…
Ah. It isn’t. Populism has been the default mode in the U.S. since the ratification of the 12th Amendment, with the 17th Amendment putting the final nail in the coffin for classical civic republicanism. Without a healthy enough cultural immune system, all representative forms of government degrade into populism. And even then, it’s just a matter of time.
I think it goes, the Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Or something like that.
What is this cultural immune system that no longer works?
You’ve never replied but who are the natural elites who should be running the US? Do these natural elites actually have libertarian ideas? What is the difference between rule by natural elites and technocracy and epistocracy?
Or is nothing more than Real TOP MEN should be in charge? Like HL Mencken who seemed to think that Imperial Germany was a country with the natural elites in charge.
I think of populism as strongly rooted in silly notions that will be bad for most people in the long, but those advertising the flavor of the day (see JB’s list above) don’t know the first think about how things work: markets, geo-politics, trade, physics; they’re the flat-earthers of politics.
Said another way, if someone has a principle or model that can describe what they want, believe, and how it works, they are thus described; a protectionist believes in protectionism, and so on. The raps populists deserve are:
a) no coherent or consistent philosophy
b) a willingness to be swayed by attitudes instead of principles and a happy disdain or ignorance of data
Example: The problem with MAGA is that everyone projects whatever they want onto it; Klansman hear white power; autoworkers hear return to huge wages. The genius of Trump is his selling sizzle as a campaign strategy: no one demanded numbers or theory or consistency before voting for him. I’m a hillbilly related to two or three hundred truck drivers who voted Trump: their only coherent thought on the subject was “not Hillary” (which is fine, which is enough for them, no argument here, but none of them could name three things Trump had espoused all his life and intended to do after gaining office).
Bernie isn’t a populist; he’s a commie. He tells you what he believes government should be, he is committed to bankrupting us on bad policy, and he’ll proudly put it all in writing.
And this is different from the elites how?
Except he does rail about evil rich people all the time and the glories of free shit…
The “elites” are as guilty of leveraging populism as anyone. How uses of populism get reported by the media is a whole different ballgame. Obama was a Uniter but Trump is a Populist. Same as all their other spin. Different labels depending on who’s doing it.
I’ve always been amused by libertarian attacks on populism. It’s not as if the current elites are a principled incorruptible bunch let alone want to push libertarianism…
I understand why you are using the term but every time I see ‘elites’ it makes my skin crawl. The people you are talking about are not ethical. They are not smart. They are not competent. They dont breath rarified air. There is nothing about them that would qualify them as elite. They are essentially a gang of low-rent grifters.
Populism is a belief that whatever the plurality of a society desires is what should happen.
There are times that happens to line up with libertarianism (most people dislike being told what to do) but other times it decidedly does not as it allows for no limits on the mobs whims.
Populists would always be against the elites as populism is inherently directed towards the desires of the middle of the populace but they are hardly the only ones who would oppose those same elites. That said because populism is dangerous, very very dangerous
Also Niskanen, CATO, Reason and the LP seem to want to become radical centrists. Basically Turdeau Jr., Macron and Bill Clinton are their heroes….
They’re not going to get invited to cocktail parties preaching Libertarianism.
Damn that Riven. After looking over the afternoon coffee article, she mentioned in the comments about waiting to get her hurr did, and the incredible coffee.
THIS has been stuck in my head all afternoon.
Sup Tres!
/Tall Cans!
Just because.
(my boss showed this to me. She retires next week and has been spending the last of her work-life watching YouTube videos (like this one).
I love her smile and her polka dot socks. That little girl is just delightful.
And she’s having so much fucking fun.
She’s killing that cowbell.
Awww.. but I prefer this a little more.
would not. she’d snap like a twig
I sent that link to my buddy that considers himself a C+ drummer.
Im eagerly waiting to hear from him.
Cute as a button. Glad she’s not my neighbor.
I prefer Sina:
I’ve bought her first album. This young lady can drum like the Apocalypse is comin’.
More Jordan Peterson.
The feminist was at least trying to have a reasonable conversation. Although im sure her views aren’t reasonable. The talking head was putting words in his mouth, creating strawmen, and being an ignorant bitch. That’s typical though.
It takes 2 women to take on one man. EQUALITY!
So, I’ve been here less than normal lately so…Just Say’n left, then came back. Has he left again?
Yes. He’s back at TOS for God knows why.
and How do YOU know this?…..
Yeah, saw that. He was posting in both places before but I guess gone from here now…
I occasionally post over there still. Probably would do more if there commening functionality didn’t suck so bad and they didn’t have so many trolls shitting all over the threads. Sometolimes I go there and they’ll have a few pretty articles and sometimes I go and turn right around and leave because its derp or just same ole same ole.
Pretty good articles.
I still go there to read, and lurking the comments can be fun for a bit
I’ll still read some of their stuff and peek into the comments, which are now even more of a toilet. More Hihnsanity than ever. As much Tony as ever. John losing his shit in every single argument. This new Arthur Kirkland shitbird. Crusty having irrevocably evolved into an asshole.
Amazon review of Strike Back, season 3:
It’s Skinamax, fool!
False, Showtime now has all the good softcore.
I remember the original Strike Back when it was a serious dissertation on terror — it was thought of as equal to or better than Homeland.
Wind power is great as long as it’s not in my back yard.
3rd world ‘migrants’ are a lot like wind farms in that respect.
Free bus rides to Conneticut?
Seriously, I’m not even bothering to read that, just read the headline. It’s so stupid that it’s almost hard to believe anyone can be that stupid even when you already know they’re that stupid. I mean, yes, yes, indeed, listen to Hollywood, dems, you can’t lose!
We lost to an insane person.
Wait, I thought Hillary lost?
Because if they lacked anything in 2016, it was support from Hollywood.
Oh come on, I always take my advice from people who do nothing but play make believe all day like little children. Sure, a lot of them have way more talent than little children… at making believe.
Any random mechanic I work with has a deeper political insight than your average Hollywood celebrity.
I find this idea that their problem is “not enough people hear their message” laughable. If anything, their problem is that people did hear their message.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m thinking. When you’re batshit crazy, it’s better if you are unheard and unseen. But they’ve been been spinning this same message ever since they started losing badly in midterms under Obama. ‘It can’t be what we’re doing, that’s unthinkable! It’s just that the simpletons don’t understand our message! Our message isn’t clear enough!’. Hubris, what is that? So let’s send out some insular Hollywood types to scream profanities. Yeah, that’s going to work, they’ll get our message for sure.
Well, they can’t possibly wrong, so that only leaves them with two options, depending on their mood at the moment. A) they just haven’t explained themselves clearly enough, or B) you’re too stupid to understand.
When your message is-
You stupid rednecks need to fall in line and do what we say, speak how we tell you to speak, value what we tell you to value, and gimme all your money
-its probably for the best that your not heard.
FBI agent charged with 2nd degree assault.
What, he wants to be just a cop now? Oh, wait, that would have been first degree assault… I mean the puppy died, granny got tased, and something or someone died when the officer’s weapon mysteriously discharged.
Missed the morning links, wanted so thanks to sloop if hes around. Its appreciated.
Also, it’s about the tenth time I’ve bitched about it here, but here we go again.
I hate my damn lawn mower. I mowed for 2 hours then welded on my deck for an hour so that I could go now for another hour. I’m sick of it. Damn big box store piece of shit.
I have a Scott Reel Mower I love it
/Tiny yard
Buy a goat.
Its tempting. Seriously.
I have some old coal dumps on the border of my place that are pretty grown up. I have toyed with the idea of fencing them off and putting goats in there.
my grandparents in southwest VA had a neighbor (granddads estranged brother; he lived next door, but they never spoke in 50 years) with a goat, and they said, “we rose above that.”
owning a goat, to them, was like an advertisement that you’d abandoned some core human responsibility. I personally thought it was sort of cute. I fed it garbage every now and then.
the same neighbor also had a car up on cinderblocks in their backyard that i think remained that way from the time i was 4 to ~24, when the estranged brother died and the kids decided to clean the place up.
Up at the family land this weekend I snapped some photos of the house granddad started building. There are footings and stem walls and steel beams and siding staged for installation. That was 42 years ago.
I’m curious about what broke. It seems like all I ever hear about lawn tractors is what pieces of shit they are.
Spindle housings are aluminum and non breakable. When the bearings give out, the bolts that hold them in break because they are self tapping steel bolts threaded into an aluminum housing.
The belt tensioning system sucks. I can’t spell it all out here, but it’s just a shot design.
The deck is stamped and thin and prone to bend, and tear. I have had to heat it up and beat it into shape and weld the deck supports back on it.
The engine is a Briggs and Stratton that won’t run right unless I run non ethanol gas with stabil in it.
The cowling is plastic and it falls apart.
I have replaced the alternator more than once.
I have half as many hours working on the damn thing as I do mowing…it seems
So this is one of those situations where you end up spending more money buying the less expensive product? Buy cheap thing, spend time and money repairing cheap thing, give up and buy expensive thing you could have bought in the first place.
Exactly. I spend 2700 on this thing 5 years ago. I have probably another 7-8 hundred in repairs since then and now I need to go ahead and spend the 6 or grand on a quality machine that I had the money for then but was too cheap and ignorant to let go of.
As click and clack used to say. It’s the cheap person that pays the most.”
At that price-point, imam say zero-turn? Getting a welded deck can be done for cheaper than 6, but definitely more than 2.7.
Like so?
I would avoid the Koehler Courage engine like the plague. Piece of crap.
My buddy buys commercial mowers from another friend who owns a lawn care company. The guy is a fanatic about maintenance and the mowers are ridiculously overbuilt. Still a ton of life in them when he turns them.
Might be an option.
Hustler commercial mowers are some of the best available. My father has two and they’re extremely reliable.
Also, it’s important to note that on any riding mower, the commercial version will have a much better engine, even if it looks like the same thing as the homeowner version.
I have this. Honda motor is the key. Or is it the other components that are giving you trouble? Either way, TroyBuilt is generally considered a good brand and you can never go wrong with a Honda motor.
the Suicide of Europe, more Prager U
OT: My son’s 8th grade graduation is tonight. It’s hard to believe he was ever small, now that he’s Actual Person Sized. Now it’s only a few short years until he’s off on his own.
They went to DC last week for their final class field trip. They got a tour of the Supreme Court (which I never got, even as a Senator’s intern, those lucky kids), went to some museums, meet and greet with Kamala, were offended by other kids acting inappropriately at the Holocaust Museum, and luckily didn’t get caught in any of the Caps craziness.
Anyway, we’re moving to the South Bay for the kiddo’s high school, if that helps any Glib meet-ups!
The Best/Worst is yet to Come, tell him a crazy guy on the internet said Congratulations!
My boy just got through kindergarten this year. Six years old and it seems like he was born a few weeks ago. Jeebus time flies.
I have an 8 year old granddaughter. Seems like just yesterday that I was rocking her mom to sleep as a baby. It does indeed fly.
I finally got my 26 year old Ne’er do well Son evicted from my House, and He left without Causing trouble, so no Cops were called,
Sorry to hear about that Yusef. Thankfully it was a peaceful departure.
Thanks, but it needed to happen, He’s Smart, and is a Hard working guy, but he needs to Launch , so out He goes
Yup, he’ll thank you for it in 5 years or so.
My parents kicked me out at 18. Can’t really blame them. I had dropped out of college. I was working but was also out partying all of the time.
TresCool Version 2.0’s gov’t school sent a letter that he was sentenced to advanced placement mathematics starting this fall. I wasn’t sure if I was gonna burst with pride, or yell THIS.
So I did both.
Numbers are Cool,
Sup Tres!
I already said HI up thread, now you’re making me re-enact the labor.
Well I wasn’t going upthread just to check, so Tall Cans anyway!
..standard-size Keystones tonight
Congrats, I’ve got one who just finished elementary, one in high school, and another in third grade.
TLDR: I’m broke
Seriously. We do fairly well and my daughter’s private school leaves a bit of a dent. AND SHE CHOSE THE LEAST EXPENSIVE OPTION.
The other private Catholic school she was considering is 22k (CDN) a year.
Just wait.
And lemme tell ya, as someone who blew off school and let his ADD control his life and fucked around, I’m not tolerating her inconsistent grades. I find myself one of those ‘don’t be like me’ parents and threaten to take her out if she doesn’t push harder.
She has the Rufus family genes. Very hard working and creative but very aloof. A frustrating combo.
My wife on the other hand is a disciplined, though the wall, win all the awards, high IQ, no nonsense academic over achiever.
We got some interesting discussions at the table.
It’s insane how fast it goes. Sitting at Spawn 1’s commencement Saturday was a little surreal. The reality that he’s leaving in 2 months even more so.
I still picture him as the little dude catching sunnies off the dock and laughing like a crazy person every time he pulled a fish from the water.
I am really thankful that I spent so much time with him growing up. I highly recommend it for those of you with little ones.
Z went Everywhere with me, Disc Golf, Caving, Races, Hiking, Sailing, and He still fucked up, but He’ll be fine
/Z is for Zander
Or maybe I fucked up………………..
It does. Where to?
RPV, overlooking San Pedro. Kiddo’s going to Jesse’s old alma mater in case you didn’t see earlier.
Jr did not escape: will be L1 this fall in Texas.
I gave him some advice in 2005, I’m pretty sure; he’s his own man.
And yet, I managed to pull it off. Thanks, Jasmine!
Ah nothing like a Coors Light after an 6 mile run.
Cold Clean Water? Same thing…………….
YOU SHUT YOUR FILTHY WHORE MOUTH! CL is Ambrosia. And try and malign it, heretics, but its scores a reasonable 4.2% ABV.
I could have sworn it was less than 2%. You lyin, like you buckeyes always do?
It’s a light lager after all. At least it’s water with 4% alcohol.
or as Tres the Elder used to rationalize (before his aged pancreas nearly exploded): “Look, the beer I drink is about 96% water. Everyone says you should have 8 glasses of water a day. So I guess a 12-pack should cover me.”
A variation of that is men from the old country who only drank wine, no water. When asked why they’d say ‘water rusts’.
Wasn’t Beer made for the Cleanliness factor as well?
I see an Old Spice soap scent idea on the horizon.
4.2? right up there with Session Ale, Cobras are 6% and No Tres CL is Gross, Coors regular isn’t THAT bad, hell try a Mich Ultra,
It’s the Water, and not a lot more…………………..
“We’ll make it up in volume!”
My skinny Ass is definitely doing that right now,
Cobra= Snake Piss
I tell ya, Mich Ultra Amber is pretty damn good for a diet beverage.
The amber variant actually has flavor.
‘A six mile run’.
I just read it like it was a Python sketch. If you were really Canadian, it woulda been 10Km anyhow.
Well, I write to my base. And my base is ‘Murican.
Bell’s porter
yankees are wonderful, don’t care what anyone sez
Oh, this should be entertaining:
This won’t have any negative blowback.
Oh, oh.
Watching the Capitals parade. Wow. Well done.
Interesting Viewpoint,
Malcolm Gladwell: The strange tale of the Norden bombsight
Another take:
i larfed 🙂
What greeted me this morning. Across the world, people sipped their coffee and saw the same thing. Gilmore and others have made the point that what moves the needle is imagery. Amazing stuff.
They saw a page that doesn’t exist?
Fcuk. My imagery is bad.
Nimble fingers begone! 😉
Now you’re just teasing with that menu with Premium Malts on it. You can keep the vomit fries. It looks worse that poutine ones.
There’s also the Denny’s Highball. Whiskey at Denny’s. Yum.
That sounds good, and I’m having breakfast for dinner tonight. Too bad I don’t have any soda water.
Fixed your link (you had a trailing double-quote mark).
Yeah, it’s amazing. I’m also enjoying watching/listening to leftist heads explode. Even some in my own family are twisting themselves into pretzels trying to downplay this or explain it away.
The theme of my FB goes like: “He insults our allies and loves dictators!” Enjoy playing that hand.
The allies deserve to be insulted.
It would be so easy to pick apart the scant concessions and ask whether it’s worth coming to the table after all these decades. That’s a sensible, reasonable complaint to have. Instead, they can’t help but derpen down the hatches and derp speed ahead, derp the derpedoes.
Derp endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. Derp was always here. Before man was Derp waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it always was and always will be. That way and not some other way.
Sweet Jesus cinnamon titties motherfuck, commodius, how do you remember that?
tbh I wasn’t sure whether you were paraphrasing something, so I ran it through ye olde Google and that’s the only hit.
Ight, for a second there I was a little freaked out.
The japanese take this NK shit far more seriously than Americans.
they’re the ones that the Norks occasionally lobs rockets in the direction of. they care.
americans don’t really care, other than in the abstract of, “this is someone we’re told is bad, like Iran, but who also presents no real threat to us”
Back when the insults were flying, the pearl clutchers in the media were aghast that Trump was going to do something to get the West Coast nuked because Kim Un was crazy and didn’t care if he started WWIII.
If i recall, the closest any NK missile could possibly reach was *Guam*
and no one @CNN laughed
sad, really.
Nope..that was the IRBM, the most recent ICBM test was technically capable of reaching the East Coast (warhead combo untested). It’s that they arced it higher vertically to avoid looking too threatening in one direction – but the total miles flown was equivalent.
This Whole Trump/Kim thing seems as big as when the Wall came down, we never thought it would happen, and we were all going to Die in a Nuclear Holocaust, Goodd Times!
I hope it works, maybe Iran next?
Guess the Norks love their children too.
More like Kim wants to get rich too. I think he aspires to more than being the richest guy in that shithole.
Possibly even less to being the formerly richest, now tortured and dead guy in that shithole.
Keep in mind that while it was awesome when the wall
came down, W. Germany nearly went bankrupt trying to integrate all the former commies into their economy.
And one of those commies ended up in charge and really fucked things up.
no, its not even 1/100th as big as that.
the end of the soviet union was a collective sigh which affected the entire planet in myriad ways. it wasn’t just that large swaths of Europe was freed from totalitarian soviet rule; or that the ever-present danger of nuclear-conflict had subsided; there were ~ a dozen small countries that had violent conflicts within their borders w/ marxist groups that expected soviet support. when the wall fell, many of these african/latam countries simply stopped having perpetual internal revolutions.
it was an overnight paradigm shift for the entire world. it changed the way everyone thought about the future.
this shit is peanuts. the nice thing about it is that its a first baby-steps towards reconciliation.
I actually think the meeting between North + South @ the DMZ was likely more significant than the US/NK meet, at least for the locals. but the fact that Trump went over there and said, “sure I’ll stop calling you rocket man, you fat little weirdo” was a nice touch.
Well there isn’t anything important going on right now, might as well clean it up
I was in Germany on a base waaaay down south when the wall came down and it was unnerving. The summer before (1989) it became obvious that the powers in the DDR were losing control as people fled in their crappy Trabants on the DDR/Czech/Austria/FRG route. The actual night the wall fell we were watching at our homes when we were alerted and started to get ready to deploy. Checking weapons and gear, requesting ammo, comms checks, the entire bit. Nobody knew if this was a diversion because nobody thought the USSR would let their key route into the west quit. By sunset the next day it was apparent there was no threat of invasion and we stood down.
The West Germans were ecstatic. The US military felt this huge wave of relief and disbelief that the Cold War might actually end peacefully. All of NATO was a little bit off kilter. Then when the color revolutions spread and the Poles, Czech, Hungarians, Rumanians (bit bloody there but no tears from me) and even Albanians started getting freedom without any pushback from the USSR it was heady and surreal.
The full impact didn’t hit me until 2000 when I visited my son who was studying abroad in Berlin. I remember walking past the Soviet War Memorial with no guards and walking through the Brandenburg Gate towards the Unter Der Linden and it hit me. I just stopped and turned around and realized that the West had prevailed over the horror of socialism. I felt it in my chest and eyes. WOW.
Of course the progsters and SJW want to return to those killing horrors of the 20th century and it confirms my belief that freedom is too rare and too precious a condition to just go by feelz that people see the value of freedom. The socialists will always want to destroy the edifice because freedom is hard and occasionally scary and they intend to control the boot stomping on freedom’s throat.
Thank You
I went over to eastern europe in 1992.
it was at least 2 years after the fact, but the resonance from “the soviets are gone” was still there.
the consciousness ‘before the fall’ was that everything east of Vienna was potential territory ruled by the “Other side”. and when i did go traveling around eastern poland/hungary/slovakia/slovenia areas, the stunned and broken nature of the residents in those places was something unique to behold. People basically seemed to have their entire worldview ripped out from beneath them.
i don’t think anything that significant will ever happen again. there were entire generations who lived through the soviet nightmare, and in one day, suddenly their world basically vanished. and there was this weird, few-year gap where nothing came to replace it, and they basically realized that the thing oppressing most of them was their own fear. the nice thing was the young people, who were the only optimistic ones… they were still cautious, because all the “ex cops” and “ex bureaucrats” still presented threats as most were immediately hired in the new bureaucracies, but they realized, “soon, we’ll be able to run this shit” and the enthusiasm was infectious.
I have never seen/felt anything quite like that immediate post cold-war attitude, where you had such huge populations of people whose worldview was changed so drastically, and whose vision of the future suddenly became wildly optimistic. it still charges me to this day.
I actually think the meeting between North + South @ the DMZ was likely more significant than the US/NK meet
Agree. I also think the Olympics may have played a part to be honest. The whole unified Korea thing turned my stomach at the time but I think maybe it worked on old kim fat boy and he may want that, but knows the world won’t let a nuclear bomb throwing mad man run the show there. That and Trump’s idiotic rhetoric. I am not sure that can be overlooked. No one has ever seen ass hattery like that and I can’t help but think it may have played a part in getting them to a sit down. No it is not the wall coming down, but then again how long was Reagan fucking with Gorbechev before he gave the tear the wall down speach? Years. I have doubts Kim will stick to anything, but I hope to be surprised. If we got a “Peacefully Unify a Non-Nuculear Korean Penensula” speach from Trump, the talking heads exploding would level cities. I also think Kim might want to unify korea and then start throwing bombs because he is crazy as fuck so who knows.
I was born into a bipolar world and was in my mid-20s when “The Day After” came out. The world had always been communism vs. democracy and always would be. Then came 1989.
I remember sitting on the couch in Australia watching people dancing on the Berlin Wall with tears running down my cheeks. When I show that clip in class, I still get emotional.
Hell, I was only six and I understood what a big deal it was.
I was a freshman in high school. they brought a tv into class and we watched live as hordes of east germans assaulted the wall w/ hammers. Regular school basically ceased for a few days. it was so world changing that everyone just stopped and sat dumbstruck for a like 48 hours w/o saying anything.
and even when the commentary resumed, it wasn’t really triumphant or gloating; it was more exploratory and hesitant. no one really knew what was going to replace this huge vacuum that had suddenly come into being.
“what was going to replace this huge vacuum that had suddenly come into being.”
There was that brief sickening moment during the coup when a lot of people thought it would be back to the bad old days.
A bit younger, but same worldview as a kid. WWIII was just something that could happen like an earthquake or hurricane, and there wasn’t any point to worrying about it. Then the world changed.
A couple years ago I found one of my parent’s VHS tapes of a movie or tv show also had part of the late night news on the overlap. Was the fall of the Wall. Just left me stunned to watch it “happen” only a couple of hours prior to the newscast.
I remember my dad (ex-airforce) telling me about our town’s emergency siren “if the siren doesn’t stop, that means a nuclear attack.”
Found this on Youtube
Only about six months after Tiananmen . Seemed unreal that the East Germans would let it happen rather than just machine gun their way back to control like the Chinese did.
The sad thing though, my sister hosted an exchange student from Germany a few years ago who was born after the fall of the wall. Her parents had lived on the east side; but when I asked her questions she knew nothing about it.
Is there a greater feeling than taking off your work boots and scratching your legs raw.
Having the orphans do it?
Wearing Vans instead of Boots?
Either my Georgia Boot metatarsals (4.5 lb each), or SFC. Or gtfo.
I’m as cheap as I’m not picky.
I get a pair of THESE every 5-7 years.
I fly Attics, Narrow 25 gauge studs, I like traction, and I’m an old school Pool Skater, so whatever Works for ya,
Nice boots Tres!
Danners are my daily driver.
It puts the lotion on its skin.
Something like this?
Nephilium just made my Night………………..
Tim Kaine probably wasn’t losing anyway, but at least Nick Freitas is a respectable candidate from a libertarian perspective. Corey Stewart is a fucking jackass.
And also RE the Trump/Kim summit/love fest. I love it how everyone from NPR to CNN to Dem Senators saying giving up war games is a huge give away with nothing in return. lol….Nice to see the Progs show their true colors. We need us some war games is the new progressive mantra. Hilarious. There is a meme there but I lack meme talent. I am sure someone is on it that is ripe pickings.
If we miss JUST ONE TRAINING EXORCISE while discussing peace our troops will forget how to fight!
Smells like #TeamSpiritForever
Perhaps No War Game No Try
Nooo war game no try….insert music notes around that
I am coming up with nothing in my lyrics but references to the most excellent Iran deal and plane loads of cash and that doesn’t really correlate to stopping non important war games. Plus I can’t do a Chuck Schumer impersonation of that song.
The whole idea of Leftists being against war was always bullshit, anyway. A Democrat president presided over almost every major war of the 20th century, and a lot of them supported the Iraq War until it became apparent that it was going to be a catastrophe. They just found it politically expedient to poo-poo the Republicans over Iraq, so they put on the anti-war mask.
Obama should have demolished any credibility that the “anti-war Democrat” perception should have had, but I guess ideological consistency is not their specialty.
But the Democrats and Republicans magically swapped sides in the 60s! Southern Democrats were mad that a Republican Senate and House passed the civil rights amendment under a Democrat president, so all the racist southerners decided to become Republicans! You just hate history!
Do you know how many Republican Senators there were in 1964?
So if We bail out on the Germans it will be all, The Russkies oh help us!!!
/Fuck them all
WOW. I was looking for videos on Brother word processors, and somehow youtube put this in my search results. I think the youtube search bar is altright.
Now THAT is a severe hat…..
I couldn’t get past the beard. I think I saw a fly trapped in there.
My YouTube suggestions are packed with “Jews Control The World!” conspiracy videos. Hmmm, maybe you’re on to something.
Man, forget the summit shit!
Notice Lachowsky’s post above on his lawn mower. I am with him. It is near impossible to find a good, well designed mower. I beat the shit out of one every four or five years. I also have steep hills and tractors on hills scare the living shit out of me.
I am thinking about one of these:
Of course price on those can be a problem. I will have to think long and hard on this.