Ah, the fresh air. The gulf breezes. The relaxing sound of the surf and seagulls. ALL. GONE. But what a fine week with friends it was. Sure, I’m a little fat because of it. But its a price I’d be willing to pay again if only given the chance. Alas, the next trip is apparently to Phoenix in 6 weeks. I’m praying to God that some auction comes up and I sadly won’t get to go enjoy searing heat with no water in sight.
Anyway, I’m not here to recap my vacation. You guys don’t care about that. You’re here for one thing and one thing only…the birthday and sports update!
Well the Capitals won, and managed to fuel more Trump-Russia insanity at the same time. Personally, I think it was a great trolling by Kushner and his wife Ivanka. And it almost makes a DC team winning something significant tolerable. Speaking of winning, I guess LeBron had enough of it so he decided to punch a whiteboard and break his hand in the middle of the NBA Finals. It only hurt him for a few games though, as his Cavs were humiliatingly swept by the GSW squad. Now America, or at least a very small part of her, will wait to see where he lands next year.
Also, Halep and Nadal won in France, to nobody’s surprise. Sebastian Vettel won in Canada after a woman almost ruined the race. The Astros won in hilarious fashion. (Suck on that, Rangers fans.)
And for those college baseball fans out there, of which we know of at least one superfan, your CWS is almost set. Washington, Mississippi State, North Carolina and Oregon State have advanced to Omaha. The last four spots will be filled today when Texas and Tennessee Tech, Florida and Auburn, Texas Tech and Duke and finally South Carolina and the ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS face off in the rubber match of their best-of-three series. Best of luck to everyone except South Carolina.

This man is so sadly missed.
English playwright and poet Ben Johnson was born on this date. So was the first woman ever elected to Congress Jeannette Rankin. They share the day with coach Vince Lombardi, diver-explorer Jacques Cousteau, idiot-criminal Charlie Rangel, the late, great genius of the silver screen Gene Wilder, mobster Henry Hill, goat (?) QB Joe Montana, and nut job Shia LaBeouf.

Captain Beatty’s nemesis
It was also the day on which Troy was sacked, Ben Franklin invented his Franklin Stove, Captain James Cook discovered the Great Barrier Reef, the Broad Street Riot happened in Boston, Charles Lindbergh was awarded the first ever Distinguished Flying Cross, Hitchcock’s “The Lodger” was released, Charlie Siffird became the first black man ever to play in a US Open golf tournament, some crazy monk in Saigon burned himself alive, Sloop John B hit No. 1 in England, Larry Holmes TKO’d Gerry Cooney in 13 rounds for the heavyweight boxing title, Reagan’s funeral was held at Washington National Cathedral, and Nolan Ryan threw his sixth no-hitter.
What a busy day mankind had on this 11th day of June. Lots of cool stuff. But its time to forget all that and refocus your energy on…the links!

I’d eat that. Even without a peace process.
Trump and Kim meetings kicking off in Singapore. Enough said. Well, not quite. I hope we actually get a lasting peace and an opportunity for the Nork people to enter the civilized world and get out from the yoke they’ve been under for decades now. Appeasement hasn’t worked with these guys in the past and we’ve never gotten this far in a dialogue with them. Its time to see if Trump can put his money where his mouth is and pull it off.
On a side note, what the fuck is going on with Justin Trudeau’s eyebrows?
Well I hope they at least have him on ice. Bourdain’s body still in France after red tape keeps his family, which includes the 11-year old daughter he decided wasn’t important enough to live for, from transporting his body to America for burial.
Somebody ought to ask this guy if he knows where DB Cooper is. Or Keyser Soze! I mean, 35 years? He’s gotta be the all-time hide-and-seek champion.

What a fucking pussy. The correct response would have been “fuck you, its delicious.” But that would make too much sense.
Not all heroes wear capes. And some of them face criminal charges for doing God’s work. Somebody needs to get a GoFundMe set up for this great man so we can help him out.
I swear, I think the people of Chicago would simply be better off if their schools were abandoned and they let everything become New Jack City. I mean, at least Nino Brown handed out turkeys at Thanksgiving and offered Pookie a job if he got off the crack.

But HIS eyebrows can stay on for 3000 years?
And here’s a mystery for all you history buffs out there. Pretty cool stuff, actually.
Listen, I’m sorry if I duplicated links from last week or over the weekend. I was truly on vacation from all responsibility (aside from the 20 or so hours I dedicated to work), so give me a break if I double-posted. But its certainly good to be back doing what I love to do as often as I can. Thanks to everyone who filled in and delivered what I’m sure were better links than I provide. But you’re probably stuck with me for the most part for a while at least.
Have a great day out there, friends!
Is America’s hat now America’s eyebrows?
The Brows influence and control Trudeau, much like the Hat and the Hair.
Hmmmm… Maybe SugarFree could do something with that.
I am filled with joyful anticipation as well as a sense of foreboding and disgust.
The Hat and the Hair versus the Eyebrows and Merkle’s Merkin
Merkle’s Merkin
What the, gah,…..BAAARRFFFFF!!!11!!!!
The plot thickens.
The plot sickens.
The tuft thickens.
Not much body tho
Can’t wait to read the Panama canal chapter.
Does he also travel with an extra bowl of candy beans?
Net neutrality is dead. I wrote this post on June 2nd. Hopefully it’s made it to the right links at the right time.
I had to pay $10 just to get into this story. If I want to access any of the other stories, that’s an additional $10 each.
that’s nothing. I have to commit to a future arranged marriage between my daughter and the son of a mid-level manager at Comcast just to maintain my current Internet service plan.
All my packets are being held in internet customs until they’re cleared.
I assume it’s only as dead as Congress can make it, and Congress has no incentive to make it anything but the president’s prerogative. Am I wrong?
It’s time to stop skimping on air superiority.
Since the end of the Cold War, political leaders were quick to assume the United States would not face a capable adversary. They bought too few B-2s and F-22s, while scaling back procurement of the F-35 from the buy rate necessary to recapitalize the Air Force’s geriatric fighter force.
These were bad decisions, as the world turned out to be more dangerous than predicted. In the words of the Senate Armed Services Committee: “The array of national security threats facing the United States is more complex and diverse than at any time since World War II.”
As the committee further explained, past decisions that saw America fail to pursue a prudent modernization strategy mean that “America no longer enjoys the comparative edge it once had over its competitors and adversaries.”
We must reset these circumstances.
While all Americans hope for progress toward a peaceful resolution with North Korea in Singapore, it is crucial that Congress and the American taxpayers understand that will only happen because of America’s asymmetric power projection advantage. Kim gets that, and that is why he will meet with President Trump.
To ensure America can continue to secure peace through strength, it is well past time to rebuild America’s airpower advantage – to recapitalize what has become a geriatric U.S. Air Force – and to do it quickly, because North Korea is just one of many high-intensity challenges that are facing us.
It is time to rebuild our military to be able to execute our new defense strategy rather than continue letting our defense strategy be driven by arbitrary budget caps.
Come on, America, stop sending our Air Force up in those rickety old biplanes. Modernize the fleet. Make the world safe for retired Air Force generals and their hungry, needy families.
Don’t forget defense contractors! They need to eat too!
“It is time to rebuild our military to be able to execute our new defense strategy rather than continue letting our defense strategy be driven by arbitrary budget caps.”
I think our strategy has been-
Spend 10 times as much as everyone else.
The best defense is a good offense.
Deptula is another general who has gone on to shill for the Defense Industrial Complex after retirement. He must be getting a shit-ton of money from Lockheed-Martin because he loves to tout the F-35 as the answer to all our defense “problems”.
By the time the F35 is fully active (if ever) it’ll be obsolete
UAVs will become more capable than any douche in a silk scarf, and Directed Energy Air Defense will make the skies very unfriendly. Neither of those are very far off.
My prediction is that the Fighter Mafia in the USAF will delay the meaningful launch of air combat UAVs by at least 20 years.
Or, you know, change our defense strategy such that we no longer plan to maintain active fronts in two separate theaters with involvement in a third.
Yes, lets invest trillions into Air Superiority fighters where approximately no other country on the planet is pursuing such a strategy
Look they are right about the USAF getting pretty long in the tooth. The last F-15’s rolled off the assembly line in the mid 90’s and I believe the last of the USAF’s F-16’s rolled out in the early 2000’s. That makes the bulk of the Air Forces airframes 20+ years old and it is rapidly getting to the point where it is a problem. So sure we do need to invest more into building out the Air Force.
However, I hate to burst his bubble but the F-35 is not the answer.
If we assume that the Air Forces contention that the combination of Stealth, Sensor Fusion, and modern off bore sight missiles makes an unbeatable combination then we should not be building fighter aircraft at all. Rather we should be building a far cheaper stealthy missile truck. A larger aircraft that is not built to turn and burn in a dog fight at all but has in internal payload of 50+ Air to Air missiles that works in combination with much smaller unmanned drones that are unarmed but serve to extend the sensor net for the missile platform and a small lightweight stealthy dedicated dogfighter to serve as an escort.
Properly designed you could get the Missile platform, an esort dogfighter, and a couple of drones for less than a single F-35
Yeah but the F35 is optimized as a pork delivery vehicle… Which is what they really want.
Much better G7 picture
(anime that’s taken from is called Kantai Collection. Where Japan’s WWII battleships are portrayed as teenaged girls. No, I’m not kidding. Really. You can look it up.)
Do they get spanked by ‘Merica’s carriers?
…I…I…am not…
*wanders away aimlessly*
Those are not Japanese girls
I might be old but just hearing or reading ‘Japanese girls’ gives me…shall we say ‘resolve?
googlesduckduckgoes furiously*Considering the german battleship wouldn’t it be fuhreriously?
Always the best links and commentary, my personal fave.
Welcome back, Sloop!
The best links, The greatest.
Those other posters are Sasquatches and some, I assume, are good people.
Sebastian Vettel won in Canada after a woman almost ruined the race.
Are we sure it was a woman? I couldn’t tell what it was.
*I assume you’re referring to the checkered flag incident.
Well I’m sure not talking about Danica Patrick being given the keys to a F1 car. Shit, I wouldn’t let her near the pace car.
“You’re right,” Dorsey conceded. “Completely forgot about their background.”
We gotta talk about that Fanta you’re drinking.
I don’t know what’s more retarded. His reaction to the “backlash” or the fact that people aren’t ridiculing a grown man who feels the need to post his lunch and the receipt on social media.
Twitter’s Jack is an asshat. In related news, water is wet.
He needs a giant dunce hat and a sign hung around his neck stating his crimes
Nah, more like on the way to the auto de fe!
Auto de fe? What’s the auto de fe?
It’s what you shouldn’t do, but you do anyway!
Think it’s a little Spanish import, like Le Car
Right? My first, guy reaction is, “I wish some mothereffer would tell me to apologize for eating a chicken sandwich!” But then I think to myself, “What kind of person feels the need to broadcast to the world the mundane, trivial moments of his or her life as they happen? Who on Earth would possibly give a shit what some dude ate for lunch?” And then I realize that the people losing their minds over his tacit condemnation of gay marriage by virtue of secret signals and dog-whistles related to his symbolic sandwich choice ARE those people, and that this guy and the enraged sensitivity squad are two sides of the same coin.
*gut reaction
You say this on a site where everyone says what kind of alcohol they are drinking and what they cooked for supper.
6PM at Baum Stadium in Fayetteville, AR. Be there or be gay. Woo pig. The roosters are going down.
I gave your boys the spotlight. Don’t fuck it up by losing to the Cocks.
I dont think we will. We pounded them hard on Saturday. We had a weird game yesterday. Home plate ump was calling a very small strike zone. He was doing it consistently to both teams, but I think it hurt our pitching more than Carolina’s. We have beaten south Carolina 4 times already this year. Two of the wins were blowouts and 2 were shutouts. I expect the hogs to take care of business and move on to omaha next weekend.
That is a lot of euphemisms between y’all.
SEC Baseball: Catch the homoerotic fever!
some crazy monk in Saigon burned himself alive
Burning Flesh in Year of Pig
Check the 2 dropdown menus
That map is NOT colorblind.
You’re not allowed to talk about that.
Everybody knows math is racist
I assume this is based on the California Achievement Test, which is notoriously easy.
Glenn County can’t teach for shit.
Apparently there are three counties in Cali with no blacks (or at least no black students taking the test).
“You’re right,” Dorsey conceded. “Completely forgot about their background.”
What a retard. Which brings to mind the question of the ages:
“If you’re so rich, why aren’t you smart?”
Because sometimes rich people really are just idiots who got lucky.
And the funny part is the left hates these people – feeling it is unjust they got rich through blind luck – but these people practically always turn out to be leftist douchebags desperate to win the left’s approval.
The appropriate response: “It’s a sandwich. Get over it.”
“I hope we actually get a lasting peace and an opportunity for the Nork people to enter the civilized world and get out from the yoke they’ve been under for decades now.”
This is my hope as well, but in bbn order for this to happen, Kim would have to relinquish power and the Norks would have to give up communism. I dont see this happening. Dictators dont tend to ever voluntarily give up power and the people of north Korea have been brainwashed into communism for 6+ decades. I dont know how one molds a free society out of that mess.
I can see Kim giving up power.
His dad and grandpa cared about power. He cares more about himself. Give him money and exile and he’ll agree to anything.
That’s it. We don’t know how much of that tyrant DNA he got.
Then what? That’s kinda my point. If Kim leaves, the whole power structure of the ruling communist party stays in place. There is no political opposition party in NK that can come in and undo the decades of communism.
If history is any indicator, those commie leaders who have been exposed to the outside world will set up business empires and eventually become what the former Soviet officials became or the Chinese generals/industrialists are now. That’s not ideal, but it’s a million times better for the average Nork than what they’re enduring now.
^This. I think China and especially Russia has shown a way forward for erstwhile Communist dictatorships. It’s not Libertopia or bust, it’s more like open-ish markets, tourism, and graft. Which is a huge improvement when you’re coming from nightmarish Orwellian hellhole.
Our actions in Libya might deter him from that. He won’t be safe anywhere if someone decides to alter the deal later.
Bush: Give up your nukes and we won’t attack you, like we did Iraq and Saddam.
Qaddafi: Gives up nukes.
Obama/Clinton: We came, we saw, he died, HAHAHAHHAHAHA!
Yeah, not a good precedent. But I guess that’s “Smart Diplomacy” for you.
Qaddafi pissed off the Euros when he decided selling his oil to China was a better deal for him, and that is why these assholes killed him (after getting paid by the Euos).
He’d be safe in China or Russia.
Trump has made it pretty clear. His choices are prosperity or death. I think I know which he will choose.
As for those rooting for Trump to lose on this deal – Really? Fuck. You. With a rusty chainsaw.
Remember when Limbaugh was a subversive agent for foreign powers when he said he hoped Obama fails? But explicitly rooting for literally anyone with whom Trump butts heads, including vicious dictators and narco-gangsters, doesn’t fit the bill. How quickly would the people screaming COLUSZHUN reverse themselves if Trump had a spat with Putin? Thing about Putin is, he seems smarter than life-long Dem pols: he knows all he has to do is butter up the dummy a little. You think Pelosi and Schumer realize it yet?
Well, you can make them wander in the desert for forty years…
Peter Navarro: ‘There’s a special place in hell’ for Justin Trudeau after Trump ‘stunt.’
Navarro is a retard.
While scholars are certain the stern bearded figure wearing a golden crown represents royalty, they are less sure which king it symbolizes, or which kingdom he may have ruled.
Stern bearded figure? I’m guessing the Amazons.
::golf clap::
Bethesda kicked ass at E3 yesterday.
Also, not Bethesda news gives us a Kingdom Hearts 3 release date after 14 fucking years.
Yeah, I’m excited for the new DOOM, after how damn good DOOM 2016 was. Elder Scrolls 6 will likely be fun, but I’m sure will continue the trend of being dumbed down from the previous game in the series.
Fuck Todd Howard, I’m not buying his dummied-down trash anymore.
I’ll admit I’m worried about Fallout 76, but it looks pretty.
I’m going to need to see a couple selling points for FO76 before I buy in. Multiplayer anything is a huge negative.
I was behind a farmer driving his pickup a few years ago when a conga-line of those Canadian parasites decided to cross the road. He floored it – feathers and bodies flying everywhere. It was beautiful.
I despise those pop-machines and refuse to stop for them. But I do like my car, so I just slow down to about 10 mph and roll through the line. They can get out of the way, fly over the street, or die under my wheels.
Re Geese, seen on Twitter yesterday:
“I work with a guy from Mexico who doesn’t speak a lot of English. A Canadian goose made a nest by one of the paddock gates and hissed at him while he was putting horses out. He comes back to us after and says, “I do not like the cobra chicken.”
Cobra Chicken. Lurv it.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I’ve got to remember that.
“police say 70-year-old Moses Wilson called Waterbury police and confessed to running over the geese Sunday morning.”
He might be doing God’s work but he is an idiot.
Really, he’s 70. I plan to get away with all kinds of shit at that age.
“I didn’t see any birds. Maybe I need new glasses. And now I’m calling my lawyer.”
I disagree about him being stupid. when birds are in the road, slowing down just encourages them. Buzzards regularly consume road kill around here. I have never slowed down for a buzzard and also have never made contact with one.
New Jersey has completely outsourced road-kill clean up to the Turkey-Vultures.
I meant he was dumb for calling the cops and confessing.
He should have waited for the cops to show up at his house and said
“What? Who? Geese? What geese? I am calling my lawyer.”
Ah. I get it now. Also, Jersey is a weird place. I would NJ have no idea that running over animals in the road was illegal if I was driving there.
Hell, I killed a deer two weeks ago in my poor little sonic. 4600 dollars in damage. I’d be pissed if a criminal charge came with that.
Still, the correct response to it being reported is silence. And the correct response when contacted by the cops is “I’ll have my attorney reach out to you if you need him to.”
Then, and only if you are put before a judge, do you tell anybody what happened. And you do it after you have your lawyer demand to know who witnessed the incident, from what distance, if there is any corroborating evidence not subject to human errors of poor eyesight or memory loss and its a crime if there was no intent to deliberately injure an animal that enters a public thoroughfare in an unpredictable manner while you are focused on the other 4000 lb steel vehicles on the road and the human pedestrians in the area.
You’re right about that. Who the hell would ever call the police on themselves. That’s retarded.
The GOP is being “Trumpized.”
TOP. MEN. have had to keep world order, often against the wishes of the dumb hick masses, but for their own good of course. Now that buffoon Trump has ruined everything!
So now ignoring the “will of the people” is a good thing? What happened to “muh democracy”?
The globalists know what is better for us all, and the fact that more and more people now realize the globalists are looking after their own personal interests and actually seem to often go out of their way to fuck the common man (I will raise your energy costs/I will destroy the coal industry are just two examples that come to mind), is just these people being fucking uppity. These dunces should just be grateful that their credentialed pseudo-marxism peddling top men are making decisions for them and take the lumps and be grateful.
These globalists really feel slighted because people have suddenly realized they are being had by them and voted their own personal interests over those of the marxism peddling SJW globalist elite.
I loved watching Trump blow up the G7. All those smug assholes who’ve been screwing us for years on trade and defense all butt-hurt that somebody called them on it. Trump flipping them off, pissing in their corn-flakes, then leaving for the conference in Singapore was hilarious.
I admit I was chuckling a little over the whole thing.
But, Trump’s action have united all of Canada behind Justin! Why, I’ve heard that Rufus and John Titor are right now organizing a rally to support Trudeau in his fight against big bully Orange Hitler!
Ford had the only honest statement – he’s for protectionism, not free-trade.
Shit, just when I’m taking a fly in fishing trip. Now I guess the outfitter will drop us off at some unknown fishless swamp. Probably the fish are in collusion with Justin.
I’m actually interested in a year 2016 direct tariff-to-tariff comparison with the other G7 countries to see what the actual god damn story is. Unfortunately I’m not wonkish enough to do it myself and probably won’t unless I’m being paid to do so.
I tried to research that once. I quickly ended up waist-deep in unreadable EU regulations.
A damn chart with tariffs by product doesn’t keep an army of bureaucrats employed.
We’re not getting screwed on trade though. They are screwing their own people for special interest in their countries. Which is kind of what politics is.
That’s what’s truly hilarious about this.
Trump: I’m going to make things more expensive for the average American to help out the steel industry!
Trudeau: OH YEAH? Well, in retaliation I’m forced to make things more expensive for the average Canadian!
I’m shaking in my boots, Trudeau.
What a pack of idiots.
I’ve been saying that for weeks. The only thing dumber than tariffs is retaliatory tariffs.
For an encore they’ll beg the Fed the expand its balance sheet.
The thing that gives me the red ass is the fact that literally everyone in the media are ignoring the fact that Trump said he wants both sides to each international trade agreement the US enters into to ELIMINATE ALL TARIFFS ON THE OTHER COUNTRY.
He’s literally calling for unfettered free trade between nations and he’s being torn to shreds by the media. Hell, even so-called free market economists like @jeffreyatucker are melting down when people point out to them that Trump said that. At least he did yesterday when I pointed it out.
Bingo Sloopy. He calls for free trade and they melt down.
TDS is a hell of thing. The free trade people are setting their hair on fire because ‘Trump’. The man could cure cancer and they would root for cancer. They are insane.
Exactly – our “allies” practice protectionism while calling it free-trade. TOS has slipped further into insanity on the topic.
It says “FREE TRADE” right there!
That’s what ended up driving batty about TOS – no looking at both sides, seeing the positives/negatives of, for example, unfettered immigation, trade, or whatnot. Not that everything needs to be a utilitarian argument, but a writer doesn’t have to sound like a shill either.
Eh, there’s no need to negotiate like that.
The United States can unilaterally lower all trade barriers and be better off than everyone. We can win without doing anything.
Of course, politically it would be a short-term disaster for the person doing it.
But just saying.
On the subject of trade, you are correct.
But Trump’s attitude on tariffs isn’t about trade, it’s about everybody else’s welfare policies and their insistence on the US covering their ass when those policies fail.
“bipartisan elite consensus”
This makes me want to punch someone. A lot of someones.
If partisan means the American people are taking it from one party, Bipartisan means they’re both fucking us. I think there is a cleverer quote to that effect, but I can’t be assed to find it.
Bipartisan = BOHICA
A ship carrying more than 600 rescued migrants, including 123 unaccompanied minors and seven pregnant women, remained stranded in the Mediterranean Sea on Monday after Italy’s new populist government refused permission for it to dock the day before in a move described by rescuers as unprecedented.
Matteo Salvini, Italy’s hardline interior minister and leader of the anti-immigration League party, called on the country to “close the ports” and pledged Sunday to “STOP the filthy business of illegal immigration.”
Nicola Stalla, search-and-rescue coordinator on the Aquarius, told CNN that the situation was unprecedented. “We have never been a situation before where we have been denied a right to a port of safety,” he said Monday via a WhatsApp message. “We are nonetheless prepared to take care of the rescued people until we are.”
Heartless monsters. Innocent children. PREGNANT WOMEN! A tale of man’s inhumanity to man.
Populist is the new fascist, I guess.
Or, they could go to a different port other than one in Italy. But they might not get the sweet, sweet welfare bennies.
“Migrant ships” might be the new Franz Ferdinand
Your new favorite band?
*squints at Swiss*
I wonder where else in the Med they could unload this “stranded” ship?
Minors, my ass.
The nerve, the very gall, of a government official being opposed to literal shiploads of “undocumented migrants” showing up on the national doorstep expecting food, clothing, and shelter.
Oh, and how many of those minors are 17-year-old “boys”? Or 17 going on 30?
and pledged Sunday to “STOP the filthy business of illegal immigration.”
We’ve come to the point at which I have to ask whether the translation of filthy business is a fair or accurate one.
right to a port of safety,
Since when does a person have a “right” to enter foreign country?
When they do it by overwhelming force of arms? At least in that case the other side doesn’t get a serious say. What we have today, where a globalist elite in charge simply see this as a means to keep their uppity population under control, this shit has simply become an insane exercise of illogic.
“right to a port of safety,”
Antarctica is thataway.
The GOP’s 2020 Census change must be stopped! Why, if the census actually only took count of Americans and didn’t also include illegals, how would we properly represent everyone?
Wait, you mean illegal aliens are not entitled to representation?!
They are when you want to have a sanctuary state and rob the real US citizens & legal residents paying taxes to prop up said marxist paradise?
If you don’t like the question, do like I did when I got the long form in 2000….only answer the ones you want to answer (which was number of people in household, address, and name — the last I thought was unnecessary, but I wanted them to know who to come after if they wanted to prosecute me for leaving the rest blank).
God damn people are dumb in hysterical. I listen to this douche this morning say that the G7 is now looking like the G6, and is now suggesting that due to the scuffle between Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump, somehow these countries are not still defacto strong allies. What the hell is wrong with people? If there is any system of tariffs and duties in place at all, where’s the high crime in trying to seek a more favorable business position even if it ruffle some feathers? Full disclosure, I support zero tariffs and zero duties, and think Trump’s little argument with Trudeau is pretty much pointless. I also do not think that the political world in the business world are something that can be completely decoupled.
I look forward to war with canada.
Operation Get Behind the Darkies is probably going to be pretty controversial.
About time we taught them a lesson and took revenge for those fucking geese.
#Unite the links
Screw the Geese, they still need to pay for Beiber and Celene Dion
Don’t forget Neil Young and Jim Carry – they have a lot to answer for.
I look forward to war with canada.
That should take all of an afternoon to win.
Home by tea time.
*squints at LH suspiciously*
We need to get the Baldwin brothers into a bunker.
I’ve been waiting for this day for a long, long time. The Day of Rake is officially here!
Canada is retarded if they side with the EU. Retarded beyond belief.
1) France would stab Canada in the back the second it could. Canada doesn’t do ‘high-power’ politics. It’s the smallest (by both production and mentality) of the G7.
2) Well, we all know the trade between the USA and Canada. Canada is a branch plant economy. Always was, always will be.
3) Re dairy subsidies. Trump is right. Canada’s dairy industry is possibly the best protected of them all and has been a source of debate here for years. Even the EU criticized it when we made some deal with them a few years back. Of course, Canadians, being the little naive flock that they are, buy all the dairy propaganda about how our milk is ‘free of hormones’ and is of ‘better quality’ than American milk. All I know is my niece, who we nicknamed ‘La Tedesca’ (the German – because she’s tall and blonde), loves drinking U.S. milk.
4) Canada’s steel industry had been on a slow decline for some time. A combination of international buy-outs and good old ‘sleeping at the switch’ Canadian thinking (something this country excels at) led to the industry really being in foreign hands. And if I’m not mistaken, in the early years, American capital was used to develop and extract most of our resources…because, again, Canada. It’s how we roll. We don’t do something unless the Americans show interest in it. Very risk averse country. Worse than the Dutch.
5) Canada falls under the sphere of American defense. This is the perfect example why I used to tell retarded CBC listeners I’d meet in the streets and in the bathroom stalls, we need a big-boy military. You can’t defend and advance your interests meaningfully without one. We rely on America to just offer ‘good will’ because Canada. It’s immature really.
6) Trudeau. He’s just an idiot.
Does the eyebrows thing have legs in Canada?
I know he got roasted for having 100 costume changes on his visit to India (where, iirc, they treated him like a little kid, not a world leader).
He called Trudeau “dishonest and weak” Pomp.
Surely the end of times is near.
A politician speaking the truth? Game over, man!
This is funny
Actor whose best years are behind him tries to remain relevant by cursing about Trump during an unrelated event.
So edgy and brave.
This hurts my wife’s feelings, she had a thing for young De Niro in Godfather II.
“That’s not an argument…it’s a slur”
It’s what passes for reasoned discourse on the left these days.
..and he was immediately arrested and hauled off to a gulag, right?
/Trump’s Amerikkka
This is the shit that gets me..
These douchebags are acting as if what they are doing is not just throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get their way, but actually fighting some horrible monster hell bent on genocidal tyranny. The fact that the candidate they rooted for has shown a penchant for that “Let them eat cake because I am above the law” attitude constantly, never seems to make them even hesitate or feel shame at their hypocritical assholishness.
Robert De Niro say ‘F— Trump’ at #TonyAwards, crowd goes crazy https://bit.ly/2kZPsSv”
Of course they did.
They’re commies.
Why is it the sort of stunts one could only have expected from Ted Nugent or Loony Laura Loomer or a rodeo clown in Bumfuck Arkansas are now, after writing these people off as parochial vulgarians, considered de rigeur among classy lefties?
You double posted?!??!
Chick-Fil-A is delicious. It is at the top of the fast food chains for quality. I eat there now and then. Don’t like that? Go sit on a sharp stick. I will help you pick one out.
DB Cooper was found the day he jumped out of that plane. By wolves. Or bears. Or buzzards.
Is Trudeau going to wait until he is out of office before xi starts wearing a dress?
They are at the top of the chicken sandwich game. I rarely eat fast food, but Chick-fil-A is one I will stop by at times.
They sure are. And I’ve noticed, with rare exceptions, they’re also the best in terms of service.
Sadly, we’re in the dark ages still up here in WNY, but they are planning a location in a nearby town.
About the sculpted head found.
Did it talk?
Not yet. I think they are going to threaten it’s family in the next attempt.
I’m betting on….
“Hiya, toots! How about a little head?”
Paging Señor Wences. Señor Wences please pick up a white courtesy phone.
I ate at Chick-fil-a on Friday.
Like, Gerald Ford, it was delicious.
All I know is every time we go when on vacation, staff is always pleasant and professional.
‘are always’
No attitude.
What’s next for Trudeau? A fake moustache?
If eating at Chick-fil-a is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
**takes bite of chicken biscuit**
Why is it wrong to eat Chick-fil-a, but it’s fine to drink Starbucks? You can probably take a dump at Chick-fil-a without buying anything.
Well, I do enjoy a nice Hot Brown.
In its alarming new report on America’s fast-rising suicide rate, the Centers for Disease Control cites many pressures that might lead people to take their own lives: problems with relationships or work, substance abuse, money troubles, or housing insecurity. No doubt all such stresses can drive some people to the brink.
The report also offers several strategies to prevent suicide. States can promote employment and tackle housing shortages, for example, and health-care providers can offer treatment online and by phone. Employers, schools and communities can help people feel supported and unashamed to seek help. And everyone can become alert to warning signs. All such changes would reduce the suffering that leads to suicide.
But there’s another prevention strategy, and the CDC ignores it: stronger gun laws.
In 2016, almost 45,000 people killed themselves in the U.S., a 30 percent increase since 1999. To be sure, states and communities should try harder to lift people out of despair. But limiting high-risk individuals’ access to guns would mitigate this epidemic all by itself.
Bloomberg editorial calls for “red flag” laws, because it’s never a bad time to seize privately owned firearms, and any excuse is a good excuse.
45,000 people out of 300,000,000? And, of course, they neglect to break that down into gun and non-gun incidents, because, why bother?
So, suicide is now a communicable disease?
The CDC clearly has too much funding if they are going so far off their mandated reason for existence.
Does the CDC actually research communicable diseases anymore, or do they just investigate PC hobby-horses these days?
Meet the Council for Democrat Cheerleading, adding a thin veneer of “science” to progressive political demands since 4 weeks after they were created.
stronger gun laws.
Ropes, knives, pills, bridges, skyscrapers, etc could not be reached for comment.
If it wasn’t for guns, Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade would still be with us.
I don’t understand why people don’t laugh when the answer to people hanging themselves is always tighter gun control. 2+2 = ???
I don’t understand why people don’t laugh when the answer to every problem is always tighter gun control. 2+2 = ???
Dude, it’s the anti-gun crowd. It’s 2+2 = poundcake.
It’s 2 + 2 = potato.
Fuck you. You cant have my guns. If cops show up here to take my guns, guess what? I wont be here. I will be at your house.
Welcome back, Sloopy!
Holy shit that’s a lot of lynx! Despite all the bad news, the Nadal story is a great change of pace.
Jason Gay wrote a great piece in the WSJ about the FO.
Damn. That’s a solid record. Why is he so good? Jason knows:
Why is he so good at Roland-Garros? Because he’s thin and has a powerful lower body, allowing him to get ahead of the ball on clay. The ball moves too fast for him to out class the field on hard court, and the ball moves slow enough on grass that everybody can get ahead of the ball. It’s a feat of agility and conditioning.
Thin? He’s got some guns on him.
Dude is jacked.
The French seem to think he has, erm, help shall we say?
They ended up being right about Armstrong.
I’ve always wondered whether he was one of the people who was going to be named in Operacion Puerto. Supposedly it wasn’t just cyclists.
They ended up being right about
Armstrongeveryone in the Tour de France.This guy gets it. Cycling works hard for its “dirtiest sport” crown.
The ball moves slow on grass?
Slower than clay.
I’m pretty sure this is as wrong as it could possibly be. Grass is definitely the fastest surface. Like, it’s not even close. That’s why allctgose serve and volleyers who can’t even reach the second week at Roland Garros are making it to the quarters at Wimbledon. It’s because the ball skips off the grass while hardcourt it and kick it up where it can be hit.
You’re right. I said that wrong.
Oops, yep flipped it
Point was that he’s a half step faster on the slower clay, which let’s him get behind the ball.
He’s like Michael Chang was at Roland Garros except on a different plane of existence skill-wise. That dude played his guts out every point.
Nadal needs to learn to start taking the odd point off on grass and hardcourt though. He wastes a lot of energy chasing balls he can get to on clay but won’t reach on grass. If he learned to conserve that, he’d have as many slams as Federer…at Roger’s expense, and would probably be considered the GOAT.
My favorite tennis point ever is when Change underhand served an ace vs Lendl.
Okay, it wasnt an ace.
My favorite player to watch play at the French was Thomas Muster. He’d stand a good 3 or 4 feet behind the baseline and blast away.
He’s a fucking bully. Look at him cry like a baby when anybody tries (or even suggests) enforcing the rules against time-wasting.
Musical selection.
what the fuck is going on with Justin Trudeau’s eyebrows?
Effects of high concentrations of soy?
Speaking of Trudeau, it seems as though he is trying to put on his big boy-pants as of late. This has only led the world to discover that Trudeau does not have big-boy pants. He does have plenty of flamboyant socks,/a>, though.
Need coffee.
What an asshole.
And he’s trimming the eyebrows to keep them from getting bushy like his Dad‘s.
That was a real article written by a “real” reporter.
I think she was trying to show how serous Trudeau is, but it really showed how vapid and empty his symbols are. It reminds me of #bringourgirlsback with the pouty face by Michelle Obama.
Road Rage Situation Leads To One Man Defecating On Another
How exactly did this go down? Did he fling it like a monkey or did he pin the guy down pull out a newspaper and take a seat?
That’s great. They actually sent a TV news reporter down to report from the scene.
Somebody watched too much of “Oz”.
this Chick-fil-a thing can’t be that good… nothing is
Come over and try it, You will then understand Grasshopper…………..
It’s the chicken version of Whataburger. It’s THAT good.
That comparison actually means nothing to me.
It’s the FLBP of Fast Food…..try that
Simona Halep’s win proved smaller boobs are better than bigger boobs
Romania needs more capatilism.
Dear Internet, we abbreciate your batience. Now let’s see who guessed right. B-hold!!!!! #IHOb
Those burgers don’t even look good to me. Fuck that shit! IHoB is dead to me!
Business school case study within 2 years.
I had guessed “breakfast”, that they wanted to go away from “pancakes” due to the carb factor.
But this is just freakin’ stupid.
I was hoping for breasts. Scantily clad women go well with my morning coffee and omelette.
Will they also have New Coke to drink?
If their burgers are as good as their breakfasts… I’ll never eat one of their burgers either.
In the super glossy, highly coifed photos, the patties look like puny little things in oversized buns. The real thing is going to be really bad.
That can’t be real.
Are they trying to commit suicide?
I was about to say the same thing.
Sure seems like it.
Question: If Trump can pull off a meaningful peace deal with the Norks, will he deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? I mean, I fully don’t expect he’d get it. The prize has become a lot more of a popularity contest for international elites. But, if he can pull off a real peace deal, it will have been the biggest win for world peace in 20 years.
The Presidents of the Koreas will get joint prizes; Trump will be ignored.
Dennis Rodman will get it for the US.
Oh, my thought entirely. But that would solidify the prize as even more of a joke than it already is.
If he pulls off some reasonable disarmament, I don’t want him to win the Nobel peace prize. Why add legitimacy to that piece of shit?
If it does lead to disarmament, they should give it to Obama, obviously his groundwork led to this.
“If, uh, uh, we hadn’t uh, uh, allowed them to develop their nuclear , uh, weapons, uh, their would be nothing to dis, uh, arm.”
Yes, anything good that happens for the next 20 years will be due to Obama laying the ground work. It is known, no need to demonstrate any evidence.
It would just be further proof of what a monster Trump is, because reasons.
RE: Chik-fil-a
When my grandmother died a few years ago the Garners Ferry Rd. Chik-fil-a in Columbia sent a ton of food to the church because my grandparents ate their so often and got to know the employees.
Also, if any of you need Chik-fil-a mints, I’m your guy.
Garners Ferry Rd. Chik-fil-a
Hey! I know that one!
Well I hope they at least have him on ice. Bourdain’s body still in France after red tape – in fact it is to hide the fact that he was murdered at the orders of Hillary Clinton. I read that on the internet.
Another heroic pizzagate investigator cut down before they could reveal the truth
Regarding ring leader France’s little hissy fit (they always shit disturb), someone needs to reign Canada in.
Remember the scene in ‘A Bronx Tale’ when Sonny grabbed ‘C’ out of the car saving his life because his friends were up to no good?
Canada needs its Sonny. Fast.
You don’t have to be *for* anything, as long as you hate Trump.
Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota has warned fellow Democrats that they shouldn’t just oppose Trump in the midterm elections; she thinks they need a substantive alternative policy message. Representative Steve Stivers of Ohio, who runs the House Republican Campaign Committee, has the same advice for his Democratic rivals: to avoid making the same mistake in November that his party made in 1998 by stressing the negatives of a Democratic president.
That sounds good. It’s wrong. Midterm elections are about grievances, often directed against an incumbent president. There are more than four-dozen competitive House races, and Democrats may settle on similar themes. But they don’t need a single agenda.
But the Democratic talking points don’t amount to a unified programmatic agenda, any more than the Republican assault on Obamacare was. In different districts, there will be different priorities. The threat of tariffs may play big in Iowa, immigration in Florida.
The anti-Trump message will resonate almost everywhere. In some places, it’ll amount to an all-out assault on his policies and practices. In others, the tone will be more modulated, along the lines of a call to hold the president accountable. Criticism of the corruption in Trump world will strike a responsive chord.
That’s right, Democrats, get out there and beat that drum. Tell everybody in America what a bunch of morons they are. Berate them for their traitorous perfidy; scorn and shame them for voting for The Most Ignoble and Unqualified President in History. Tell them how miserable their lives are because they did not elect your candidate. Tell them they’re all just a bunch of feckless cunts.
Al Hunt- all TDS, all the time.
I wholeheartedly agree and they should absolutely double down on the kind of furious monomaniacal rhetoric that has made them so popular with the average American.
Uh, this contradicts how exactly the Republicans gained control. Yes, they were anti-Obama, but they were rabidly anti-Obamacare. That *is* a policy statement.
Point taken, though they may have killed it, whether they meant to or not.
(See: Court case where the justice department is no longer defending constitutionality of Obamacare due to the lack of the penaltax)
Apparently, David Hogg doesn’t know what the word “spur” means.
And this is why he didn’t get accepted into college.
David Hogg
He may be accidentally right when the $15 minimum wage spurs unemployment among the unskilled.
Well technically $15 an hour will make it easier to buy a gun… Assuming you still have a job.
resort to crime to subsidize their income
The fuck?
Anyway, what I’m hearing is that he wants people to have more money so that they can, presumably, by more guns.
If we ever get a basic income 100% of mine will go to guns.
Hasn’t it been fifteen minutes yet?
No, I’d say it’s at 14.5 minutes. And he’s desperately seeking the chance to get another 15. It must suck to have your life peak in high school and for the rest of your life know that your one brush with success was waving your friends’ bloody shirts around.
You assume this asshat has friends.
Hogg’s problem is that when he ceases to be useful he will still be an idiot.
Oh, so it’s not just gun violence. Now he’s advocating for a $15/hr minimum wage? I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find that David Hogg is just another babbling leftist and not someone whose views were shaped by the Parkland tragedy.
You know, it’s funny. If the kid were rabidly anti-gun because of the trauma of his experience, then it’s kind of forgivable. Doesn’t make it right, but it becomes understandable. But the fact is, that’s not what this is about. The kid is just a rabid leftist, plain and simple.
Dude, do you even intersectional?
Throws of despair: are hipster bars ruining darts?
The decline of the pub game and its hi-tech urban rebrand says a lot about how we approach leisure in cities
But Flight Club is a million miles from the game of community taverns and the jargon of Bullseye.
Here, the boards are electronic. All the score-keeping is done for you, as with bowling. Hit a button, and staff bring more drinks. A screen overhead takes your picture and turns it into an avatar, and the next day you are sent a link to your “Flight Club Story”: a montage of action replays, neatly bundled and ready for upload to your Facebook feed.
God damn these millennial bastards. They’re gonna ruin this too? Fuck.
::puts 28g coarse edge Hammer Heads away for good::
National Die-In Day at Mar a Lago Tomorrow!
I’m debating going. But the only shirt I have to wear that could possibly be relevant is a Rand Paul ’16 shirt.
Wait, I have a Firefly Browncoats shirt with crossed pistols. Maybe I can wear that.
I got my wife a cricut and a t-shirt press for Christmas last year. I can now have any shirt for any occasion in mere minutes.
700+ mass shootings since Pulse? Trump’s homophobic policies?
Citations needed.
You could put up a Jim Jones lemonade stand for the serious protesters.
The $15 minimum wage is to help spur gun violence in lower income communities
Higher wages = more and better guns.
Higher wages means more unemployment. More unemployment means more crime. More crime means more gun violence. Spur indeed.
More unemployed and angry teenagers would also help to spur the violence.
If there was ever a time to wear a kilt and a shirt that says “Free Tea Bags,” this is the time.
Canuk feminism
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made “gender equity” a focal point of the G7 summit, and his science minister is doing the same in her portfolio.
Kirsty Duncan has already investigated universities to see if their faculty is properly balanced between men and women. Now, Duncan has announced that she’s going after all government departments that employ scientists to ensure women comprise what she believes is the right percentage of workers.
As CBC News reported Sunday, Duncan is asking all federal government departments employing scientists to provide demographics on the percentage of men and women employed. The minister is basing her concerns on a survey conducted by the public service union that discovered 42 percent of females employed in a scientific category cited gender discrimination as an impediment to career advancement, while 27 percent believe men are favored for job promotions.
Merit is totes sexist but picking someone for job based solely on their is sex is totes not sexist. Because, zomg, it’s like the current year ‘n stuff. Like, I shouldn’t even have to say this.
a survey conducted by the public service union – well I am convinced,. this is a scientific evidence of the problem.
Why doesn’t this broad change her name to Diana Moon Glampers, and cut out the facade.
Or Tronfin Lysenko.
When people talk about the “free market” they imagine companies competing to make something better for consumers. But it’s also workers competing with each other over who will accept the lowest wage in order to survive.
this guy gets economics
also education
This guy writes comics for a living?
I would love it if that were true. Every time some Marxist artist or poet or puppeteer or what-have-you goes on a rant about the exploitation of workers in a capitalist society, they seem to think that their jobs would be just as valuable in the post-revolution fantasy society in their heads.
“Nyet, tovarisch, you are no longer fanciful doodler. Now you pick potato and work in tractor factory. Buistra buistra or go to gulag.”
Well, there used to be a lot more skills testing for employment, and the employer would train the chosen applicants on all aspects of the job. But that was determined to have a “disparate impact” and there were a few lawsuits where companies were penalized for doing it, so nowadays most companies just ask for a college degree. And the colleges respond by implementing diversity quotas and other nonsense to ensure the “correct” racial blend.
Saying that society benefits from the current education system is an unacceptably generous statement. And just because “society as a whole benefits” doesn’t mean that taxpayers should have to fund it. By that logic, they should fund any and all gun safety courses because society as a whole benefits from gun owners being safer, right?
If the purpose education is to prepare you for a job, your boss should pay for it,
He does. He pays taxes for your government schooling, and he pays you a premium for your college degree, which you can use to pay off your student loans or just, you know, save.
because he is the one who benefits.
Surprising to see someone claiming that education doesn’t actually benefit the student.
Well, in reality, the primary beneficiary of an education is the person receiving the education, so they should pay for it themselves. Or their parents should if they are children.
Alex Ovechkin spent the weekend drunk off his ass, doing keg stands from the Stanley Cup, swimming in fountains, sleeping in bed with the Cup (kicking his wife to the couch)… I’m not a fan of the Caps, but how can you not like Ovi?
He literally was randomly walking into bars in georgetown on Saturday with the cup in tow. I knew people that were able to just walk up and talk to him and touch the cup. It was hysterical.
It gets better:
I love this team so much. TJ Oshie was seen around that time double chugging two coronas.
I won’t lie, I’m gettin’ a little choked up watching that.
I thought that was standard Stanley Cup behavior, just normally across Canada.
Probably is, DC wouldn’t know anything about that till recently.
Neither would Canada.
Nah, the players are still Canadian and take the cup home.
Even in “The Era of Trump”?
A lot of people see Ovechkin as a dirty player. I see him as a scoring machine, who after 14 years of hard work finally earned those last 2 awards. Seeing him celebrate this way, and actually embracing fans instead of acting like an elitist asshole, makes me like him more.
He’s hilarious!
TJ Oshie is officially my favorite player of all time.
The tshirt trade is hysterical.
He is a truly great player and there is no one else like him in any era. That said, he’s as dirty as they come.
I truly don’t understand that last sentence, I mean Wilson sure, I mean Ove hits a lot of people but dirty?
You know it’s funny but I remember about 8 or so years ago quite a few people over at TOS stating that Crosby was the better player because Ovi was too soft
Sometimes, Lizzy gets it right.
Maybe she realizes this is how you get more Trump.
When G-d fashioned Eve from Adam’s rib, He set aside an entire week to get the tits just right.
Many superlative options.
I like this chart
And this one
Not real Socialism™.
I’m reading Hick’s book on Postmodernism right now and although I knew Rousseau was an asshole, I had no idea how much of an asshole he was.
This book?
Ugh. New in hardcover for $20 with Prime… or used paperback for $22… or a new paperback for $326. MARKET FAILURE!!!
Yep. I got the hardcover, obviously.
It’s far more readable than I expected.
Yeah, but, look! There are still some question marks down there! Those might not be failures!
looks like he left out a bunch of “failures” at the end and replaced them with question marks.
During the Obama years, I used to argue that “Bush gave us Obama” – ie the voters were sick of the forever war, loss of blood ‘n’ treasure, and were willing to vote for a true unknown.
Same thing Trump. Without the failings of Obama, we wouldn’t have Trump. It’s the fear of the “New World Order” or whatever you want to call it. The disconnect of the “Elites” (to think of Obama or Clinton as an elite anything makes me laugh) from the voter, the embrace of large bureaucratic states like the EU, open immigration, etc – leads to populists gaining political power.
Given Obama’s temperament I’m not sure what he could have done differently, but he certainly lacked that personal “Feel your pain” Bill Clinton touch, as much garbage as it was.
I think you’re on to something when you point out how absurd it is to consider Obama or Clinton an elite anything. The wave of populism that Trump surfed to the White House was based in no small part on a large part of the country seeing Chris Hayes and other pajama children pointing to people like Biden and Clinton and Obama and saying, “These people know better than you. You have a moral duty to give them authority.” That’s why it’s not just the politicians who people rejected, it’s the Progressive political culture and its adherents they’re sick of hearing from. This is why I think Trump is the tip of the iceberg. We’re seeing full-on political war between two schools of civic society: people who genuinely believe in the leadership of a technocracy, a government full of experts and bureaucrats showing us the best way forward and molding society into a better shape; and people who believe that government is there to represent their opinions, not just “interests”, and is basically there to do a job not fundamentally different than any other job.
We can’t break the stranglehold of the left (and I include most of the GOP in that), until we break the stranglehold of the NEA and the education establishment.
You’re right. The NEA is a Progressive PAC but because public school teachers are heroes they’re given a tremendous amount of credence and gravitas. And public schools were designed from the get-go as indoctrination centers first, and educational institutions second, by Progressive leaders such as John Dewey according to Progressive principals around the beginning of the last century.
I think you’re on to something when you point out how absurd it is to consider Obama or Clinton an elite anything.
I understand. But, I’m not sure it’s wrong. Maybe the better term might be cosmopolitan aristocracy. But, everyone knows what either implies – a transnational politically connected group that that owes more to their affiliation to the transnational group than to the local publics that they ostensibly represent and work on behalf of. Is that an elite? Maybe. An aristocracy? Almost certainly. And the interesting thing is that this isn’t strictly a class issue, per se. Trump is obviously a very rich guy in his own right. And there are a lot of other rich guys in his administration. But, Trump’s base of support also includes a lot of blue collar people without two dimes to rub together. In the same way, as much as the cosmopolitan aristocracy includes people like the Clintons and even its share of tech moguls, it also includes plenty of junior assistant deans of students and plenty of representatives of the professional victim class.
Obama had this frighteningly effective charm – the ability to make people emotionally, viscerally in love with him. Every fervent “progressive” I know would have no problem criticizing other Democrats like Hillary; we actually found a lot to agree on about why she sucks. They just took the position that Trump is so terrible that you have to vote for whatever alternative there is.
But not so with Obama. To this day, they are powerless to say anything negative about him. He cracked down on illegal immigration. He was a constant warmonger. He was identical to George W. Bush on matters of domestic surveillance. Lefties should be mad about all these things, but the amount of them who actually call Obama out for this stuff is just minuscule.
It’s truly terrifying how people will fall in love with
great oratora man who is said to be a great orator by the media and suspend all rational judgement of his actions. He could have dropped a nuke in the Middle East, and the “pacifist” Left would have just made excuses like “he had to do it because he inherited Bush’s mess” and “Romney would have done something even worse”.I know we always say that politicians are in that career because they couldn’t hack it in any private sector job, but I’ll say this: If Obama had a better work ethic and a little more integrity, he could have been an excellent attorney, corporate PR man, or salesman. He would just make people fall in love with him and bend them to his will.
“they are powerless to say anything negative about him. ”
That’s because they backed themselves into the not-supporting-him-is-racist corner. And for some reason the retards think racism is a more important problem than the other thousand things that are worse. They tried guilting their membership into the not-supporting-her-is-sexist corner, but the more-sociailist-than-thou Bernie Bros wouldn’t take the bait.
Among people I know who fall into that camp white guilt is a massive factor.
Which is a mental illness all its own. Why in the hell would you feel guilty for something you didn’t do?
We live in a world in which Donald Fucking Trump is meeting with Kim Jong Un to potentially negotiate an end to the Korean War, just hours after ripping Trudeau a new asshole and a few days after signaling the possible end of federal marijuana prohibition (though I really wish he’s just kick Sessions to the curb).
The guy keeps trying to make me like him and is slowly succeeding.
IMO, Sessions kicks himself to the curb, if they ever legalize pot.
Maybe I’m not up to date enough with why people hate Sessions so much, but his statement on cannabis was pretty legit, imo, ‘it is still against the law, and unless congress legalizes, he will continue to enforce the law, even if it isn’t the focus of our enforcement efforts.’ -paraphrased
I feel like this is the same argument that people who support the enforcement of immigration laws make.
Major difference, immigration law is within the powers of the federal government according to the constitution; the federal government is given no such authority over weed or any other drugs by the constitution.
Prohibition is clearly under the commerce clause, or general welfare.*
*I don’t agree with that interpretation of the constitution, but if we’re going to use the constitution to justify abuses of what libertarians would otherwise view as natural rights, I guess I don’t know if you can really complain on constitutional grounds, when the Supreme court has seemingly sided with such an open interpretation.
Prohibition is clearly under the commerce clause, or general welfare.
Not under the general welfare clause as written, which is actually a limitation on the tax and spending power.
The Commerce Clause is a closer question, IMO. Its not at all clear to me that “regulating” interstate commerce gives the feds the power to prohibit much of anything, which as the accepted understanding until FDR. The feds could set standards for the interstate trade in pot – weights and measures, labelling, maybe quality, that kind of thing – which is what I think “regulate” was intended to accomplish.
Of course, if you go with what SCOTUS has said, the Commerce Clause, especially in concert with the Necessary and Proper Clause, gives the feds near plenary power, which is obviously and plainly contrary to the plain meaning and intent of the Constitution.
Yes, in order to believe the open interpretation of the commerce clause, you’d have to also believe that the framers intended the commerce clause to basically negate the rest of the constitution and be counter to the document’s intended purpose of limiting federal power. As RC pointed out, the understanding until Wickard was that it was limited to mostly ensuring free flow of commerce between the states.
Question for those who are better versed in Constitutional law than I am:
What exactly would be the negative effects (if any) of getting rid of the Commerce Clause?
Seeing as how the government has used that portion as justification for all kinds of otherwise unconstitutional shit, would it be better to strip out the Commerce Clause and just accept the consequences as the lesser of two evils?
The problems they were trying to solve with the clause was a lack of a universal weights and measures system and states employing tariffs on goods coming from out of state, so if you addressed those specifically I don’t really see a problem with repealing the clause.
What exactly would be the negative effects (if any) of getting rid of the Commerce Clause?
The original purpose pretty much died when the Interstate Commerce Commission, which mainly regulated trucking and rail rates, went away.
What’s left is almost all ultra vires under the original understanding, and it is amazing what has been pinned up under the Commerce Clause, including the EPA and the Civil Rights Acts.
I think the feds still have some role around issues that cross state lines, like water and electricity, but it should be more as an arbiter of interstate disputes. The other argument for keeping the feds involved in economic regulation is that it gives interstate companies one set of rules to follow, rather than 50-odd. But, they still have to comply with the state laws of every state they do business in, so I’m not sure how much of an argument that is.
The negative effect would be states being able to enact tariffs and barriers against goods from other states. That is what the framers intended to avoid, as at the time the states were much more like independent countries bound by a voluntary union rather than the more monolithic idea of the modern United States.
I see CPRM and RC Dean explained better than me.
Format is goofy, this morning. Trshmnster’s 8:43 comment is three letters wide. I feel like I’m trying to read the site on my phone.
Me too, I thought maybe I did something to fuck up my display.
We live in a world in which Donald Fucking Trump is meeting with Kim Jong Un to potentially negotiate an end to the Korean War, just hours after ripping Trudeau a new asshole and a few days after signaling the possible end of federal marijuana prohibition
Don’t forget the part about how he said what he *really* wants is not high tariffs, but NO TARIFFS AT ALL.
OK. Let’s get one thing straight. Trump isn’t negotiating to reduce tarriffs. That’s just him trolling.
To be reelected, a Republican president must win a couple of rust belt states. To win those states, he has to get a significant number of the socially conservative ‘murca-lovin, union-members to vote for him.
And nothing does that quite so well as a high steel tariff.
This is all about getting votes. The economic claims are completely irrelevant smokescreen.
I don’t know. Trump has this weird habit of saying stuff he means and then actually doing it. It has other politicians totally baffled.
^ this…. my wife often asks me “Why do people act so surprised when Trump does things he’s said he’s going to do since he was a candidate?”
Anyone else getting the Glib home page column on the right side of individual posts now? It’s choking the comment columns down and causing the last indent depth to go to single characters, like trshmnstr at comment #31. Wasn’t like that last night.
ah no. Using Firefox with Monocle.
And it’s gone.
I sometimes wonder if the real STEVE SMITH knows he is a (minor) internet legend/meme.
I hope so.
He thinks it’s juvenile and uncreative, from what I’ve read. But what does a shaved sasquatch know about literary criticism?
Glib lurker: “Wait, there’s a real STEVE SMITH?”
I sometimes hang out with my neighbor (who is a craft beer sales rep) and his circle of beer-drinking friends, and they apparently know someone named Steve Smith as well. One time, somebody over there said, “I haven’t heard from Steve Smith in a while. What’s he been up to lately?”
I was concocting a snappy response involving Steve Smith reconnecting with old friends in his own special way or something, but then I remembered that nobody in the world outside of this small group of miscreants would get the reference.
Ponder the reaction had you just automatically blurted out “STEVE SMITH RECONNECT BY RAPE!!”
They’re a bunch of ribald old men (in other words, fun people to get drunk with) so they probably would have laughed anyway.
RAPESQUATCH I.P.A (In Parkgoer’s Ass)
As much as I like the CAPS, they better give us motherfuckin telework tomorrow. I ain’t gonna brave the wilds of Metro on parade day. And the parade is one block from my office. Fuck dat.
They are actually a lot of fun. You can get to work early, run out of the office when they go rolling by for an hour, then get back at it after they pass.
considering the 100s of thousands of shit-faced Caps fans who will be in attendance… no i don’t think it will be that easy.
Is no one safe from the predations of state capitalism!?
Was that pun intended by Newsweek? I hope so.
OT work rant-
I came into work yesterday morning after a week of vacation. One of the meltshop crane operators hollered at me on the radio and said that his host was vibrating the the crane structure from time to time. I told him I’d come up and look at it. Before making it up there, I was informed that it had been doing that for several days. I asked if it had been looked at and was told that nobody knew.
I head up there and find that one of the two brakes that hold the hoist when the motor isn’t running had failed. It is a drum brake that had failed in the clamped position. apparently It had failed some time ago because the brake pads were burned up and the brake drum was cracked all to help and had gotten so hot that the taper lock that held it on the motor shaft had broken loose and allowed the drum to eat up the jetway. I looked at that and said holy shit, we have to shut this thing down.
Anyway, we spent about 6 hours changing a main hoist motor, a brake assembly, and brake drum to fix a problem that if someone would have been paying a modicum of attention could have been fixed with a simple adjustment of the brake when the failure first occurred. I’m pissed for 3 reasons.
1. That’s about 75k dollars of parts we used to fix what should have cost nothing to fix.
2. It was about 120 degrees where I was stuck working all day yesterday doing a very difficult job in very bad conditions.
3. Whoever ignored that problem could have gotten somebody killed. That crane carrys around ladles filled with 60 tons of molten steel all day every day and has a redundant braking system for a damn good reason. Running with one brake failed means it’s running at one brake failure away from sending 60 tons of molten steel into a free fall.
Sorry. Rant over
Go on….
The brake. Bad lighting but what you gonna do.
I don’t see any sweaty hard-workin dudes in that pic.
I feel objectified on their theoretical behalf. Am I doing feminism right?
Shhhh…just shut your pretty little mouth.
Picture in your minds eye…
*imagines the gay steel mill workers dancing while they work*
…Maybe they were too busy dancing to make safety first?
The number one cause of work related injuries is dumbfuckery. Sounds like y’all have it in spades, just like every industrial workplace.
Whatever you are getting paid you should get a substantial raise Lachowsky.
I saw a man get killed once because his coworker thought it would be funny to goose him in the ass with the hose from an air hammer. Seeing someones guts run out of their ass wasn’t funny. Not one bit.
That’s pretty horrible. sorry you’ve seen that.
I have seen 3 major industrial accidents. A guy crushed himself with a bundle of suspended steel, a guy smashed between a wall and the ass end of a forklift, and a guy hit in the face with a 3 ton chainfall. Everyone of those accidents were easily avoidable if the person injured would have been paying attention to what was going on.
Why be sorry?
I love hearing about the workings of a steel mill.
All I know about them is I put specs in, and get parts out.
Keep up the good work, and I’ll second Suthen’s recommendation that you get a raise, you being gone for a week cost them 75K…
Could go that way. Could just never get to leave for a week…
Seconded. I really enjoy Lachowsky’s posts about the mill, and his work. I passed by a semi-tractor pulling an odd looking trailer/apparatus last week. Apparently it was some sort of “de-coking” machine, and my first thought was “I bet Lachowsky knows what’s up with that behemoth!”
I have never heard of one of those, but give me an hour with it and I could tell you what it does and how it works.
What you are saying is 100% fiction, Lach. OSHA solved all those problems.
No no, I have it on good authority that Reagan completely defunded OSHA and rolled us back to the era of children getting mangled in machinery and dead workers being walled up in the abandoned coke oven.
Companies dont want their workers hurt because getting them hurt is expensive. Lawsuits are way more intimidating than OSHA fines. That and most people aren’t sociopath who want to see their employees hurt.
That and most people aren’t sociopath who want to see their employees hurt.
Well, not all of them, anyway. There are a few . . .
I have never eaten at a Chick Fil A and refuse to.
Not a target rich environment?
Try it once and you will go back. It is pretty good stuff.
I tried it once. Had no idea WTF the big deal was. It was a dry chicken patty with a pickle on a bun. Haven’t been back,
Admittedly, if you’re a vegetarian there’s not a hell of a lot there for you.
Whenever someone eats something disgusting (e.g., rat, squirrel, toad, possum…), they always say the same thing: “Tastes just like chicken!” If that’s what chicken tastes like, no way it’s going in my mouth.
But that’s only because they a playground there, so you’re not allowed within 500 yards of the place.
At least we know David Hogg has not achieved self-awareness yet.
Trump isn’t negotiating to reduce tarriffs. That’s just him trolling.
To be reelected, a Republican president must win a couple of rust belt states. To win those states, he has to get a significant number of the socially conservative ‘murca-lovin, union-members to vote for him.
And nothing does that quite so well as a high steel tariff.
Whatever else you might say about him, Trump is no Bill Clinton. The things he says do not appear to be solely based on a projected vote count.
Yeah. It’s an interesting question.
He might actually be serious, and if he’s serious I like him a bit better.
Still, I’d like him even better than that if he didn’t impose any tariffs at all. The protectionism of other countries predominantly harms themselves.
It’s fun though when, in response to America punching itself in the face, other countries say “Hold My Beer” and go for self-mutiliation.
It’s not 100% one or the other. But, when Trump’s spokes-puppets are making pronouncements that are so farcical that nobody with cognitive abilities greater than shriek buys them, it’s pretty clear that he’s doing it for some completely different reason.
It has to be votes. After all, when Bush the lesser also levied high tariffs on steel, it *was* justified on vote-getting grounds.
Honestly, I have zero idea what the guy’s motivations are. Does he really care about “votes” at this point? Do you think he gives a shit about being re-elected? I honestly have zero idea. My best guess would be that he’s primarily ego-driven, and he’s driven by whatever outcome he can spin as a “win” over his political enemies — Democrats and otherwise. But, really that’s a shot in the dark at best.
Do you think he gives a shit about being re-elected? I do, because he’s driven by whatever outcome he can spin as a “win” over his political enemies.
Ain’t nothing says “winning” like, you know, winning.
First time around, sure. Second time around? Not so sure. 4 more years of half the world bitching no matter what you do might make it look like the best possible move would be declare yourself the greatest preznit of all time and walk away.
But, what do I know? I honestly thought that after he’d won he would lose interest in actually doing the job, delegate it all to a bunch of croneys and spend his days driving chicks around in the biggest limo money can buy. So I clearly don’t understand the guy.
I get the distinct impression that Trump is having a great time Presidenting.
^ Bigly ^
True, could be as simple as that.
Running out of coffee on a Monday morning should be an excuse to riot. Frenchies get to riot over insufficient breaks during their ten-hour work weeks, I can’t even throw an office chair?
Your office provides coffee?!?!?
My office has a coffee maker – and some of the cheapest brown water coffee that has ever set foot on the planet earth.
A few years ago, corporate talked about charging 25c a cup for the crud and there was a minor revolt with some talk of people leaving the company if that happened. Our free coffee remains.
That seems like a real good way to kill office morale for an unfeasible scheme to raise a piddling couple bucks a day.
Yeah, well I have to get my coffee from Saxby’s. How can a chain that specializes in coffee do it so wrong?
Uh, Starbucks ring a bell?
We have a really good local coffee shop here, but my colleagues always out vote me and go to Suxby’s. Starbucks is the furthest away, believe it or not. It’s a whole 2 blocks!
Well, the proof/encoding department budgets for it, and we in the mailroom arranged to trade mail sorting for coffee. Twenty minutes flipping through bills for several cups of decent coffee is a pretty good deal.
Till now. The pact is broken.
*pictures barricade in office hallway made up of cubicle rubble*
We get free coffee, but it is the cheap kind that comes from a big metal can. When one of my co-workers left, the first thing he told me about his new job was how great the coffee was.
It’s nice to be the boss. MY lab always has copious supplies of Peet’s.
Read “Peet” as “Preet” and wondered what setting you put your woodchipper on to get the right grind.
It is a drum brake that had failed in the clamped position. apparently It had failed some time ago because the brake pads were burned up and the brake drum was cracked all to help and had gotten so hot that the taper lock that held it on the motor shaft had broken loose and allowed the drum to eat up the jetway.
Eek. Also, that brake drum ()if I’m seeing it correctly) is a lovely shade of blue.
Yeah. the motor is powerful enough to drive through one of the brakes. It had to have ran locked up for an extended period of time to get that drum that hot. That’s part of why I’m so aggravated. There’s no way that wouldn’t have been extremely noticeable. I guarantee that whole assembly was smoking like crazy.
As a weeb, I must give you your daily nightmare fuel.
ha ha ha. Couple days ago I was lamenting hot chicks taking over all my dorky past-times. Good to know the lads are still the same.
In 1985 I purchased 67 acres adjacent to 200 acres that my family already owned. It had been clear cut by the owners and was as flat and bare as a football field. I hauled in hundreds of pounds of acorns, walnuts and hickory nuts and planted them. I tried cypress seed as well but I dont think any of that took (Geese? Hate birds my ass. Fuck beavers, the hateful sons of bitches). Over the decades I have spent years of time and effort clearing out the weed species that popped up, first with machete, then axe and then chainsaw. Cleaning out the junk really makes a difference in the growth rate of the desirable tree species.
Today those woods are some of the most beautiful woods you can imagine, like something out of a Tolkien novel. The food producing species have nurtured a terrific population of wildlife. I go up there and just spend the day walking around all day long marveling at it. Red oak, white oak, black cherry, yellow poplar, white pine, holly, magnolia and beech. We have a lot of other timberland but that piece is my favorite. When I go there I have to force myself to leave and go home. I will never see a penny from all of that effort and time but my grandchildren will and that is fine with me. I am counting on the hunting leases being worth more than the timber so it will never be cut. It really is fantastic.
I have that to look foreword to. I dont think about today. I think about tomorrow and what I can do now that will count for the people I care about.
JB, the next time you see that dark cloud creeping up, give it your double middle fingers. Stick around. Life isnt about you. It is about what you mean to other people, the difference you make in their lives now and long into the future when you are gone. Keep your chin up buddy.
Also, go plant a tree. Or two. Or a hundred.
Nice. I would like to do something like that in my retirement.
I just planted a bunch of tress in the yard to replace those that were diseased or damaged.
I did plant a disease-resistant elm that will hopefully outlive me by a couple of centuries.
31, 45’50.64N, 91, 55′.57. 50W
That is the Southwest corner. Strait south of that you can see two distinct 40 acre plots and two more east of those two. The 67 acre plot I am talking about is north and east of those coordinates. Pull it up on Google earth and you can plainly see the lines. The squiggly going throughout it northwest to southeast is the headwaters of the Brusly or Brushy (pronounced Bursley) bayou. Some of the trees along the bayou are easily 200 years old as no one cuts that close to water. Offhand I can think of one magnolia and a few hickories and pines that are between 6 and 8 feet in diameter at the base.
Oh, and if you go about 2300 feet south of the coordinates and a thousand feet west you will see a cemetery that has my gg grandmother, her daughter and her grandson who died of yellow fever on his return from fighting in France, WWI. One day I hope to be planted there.
Oh, in addition to the trees there is a muscadine vine easily 12″ in diameter that reaches over a hundred feet into the top of a hickory on the creek bank. My guess is that the vine is as old as the trees.
Somehow yesterday I went down a Bonzai rabbit whole. Now I’m considering trying to make my own mini tree.
Alas, the next trip is apparently to Phoenix in 6 weeks.
Sloop, if you happen to find yourself in Tucson, let me know.
Elizabeth Holmes, the Theranos fraudster, is out trying to raise money for a new venture.
I have to go along with the idea that she is a sociopath. You’d have to be, to set up a fraudulent medical testing company. Blown tests kill people, after all, so planning to run millions of bad tests would have to be something only a sociopath would do.
I’m curious as to her pitch for the new company. She can’t take it public under her SEC settlement, at least not for 10 years, but that’s the exit strategy for tech start-up investors. They aren’t going to want to have to wait 10 years to go public, but having the CEO resign right before a company goes public is going to take a big bite out of the IPO, and that’s her best case scenario.
P.T. Barnum with tits.
I remember reading somewhere that some large percentage of CEOs and Industrial Titans are diagnosable socio/psychopaths. I think her problem was that she didn’t have the actual tech to back up her puffery, whereas many others do.
Also, would.
If you did, you’d be a fool.
Seriously. People with narcissistic personality disorder are fucking dangerous.
No shit. Sound advice.
“They didn’t throw me in prison for tens of millions* of fraudulent investments, you think they’ll put me away for an unsolved murder?”
*I could be an order of magnitude off in either direction, I forget the specifics of the case
They didn’t put Stalin away for tens of millions of murders.
But those deaths weren’t intentional; they were mostly due to starvation, exposure to extreme weather, and disease outbreaks in the camps. And besides, the Soviet authorities had to deal with serious threats to national security. Plus, they were lynching black people in America, so nobody’s perfect, not to mention that the USSR was decades ahead of the US on women’s rights.
/things I have actually seen people say on Reddit’s “LateStageCapitalism” section
The same kind of bullshit you hear from murderous felons in prison.
It’s a classic case of complete & unrestrained narcissistic personality disorder.
She aped Steve Jobs because she has no substance within her and she adopted his public persona as hers.
I expect that she won’t stop until she’s in jail.
She should hook up with that there Hogg fella and show him how to step up his game. Maybe they could procreate something SF could write a story about.
I’m stuck wondering why Elizabeth Holmes isn’t in jail.
Pussy privilege.
She should hook up with that there Hogg fella and show him how to step up his game.
They could probably mulct the True Believers out of billions with a “smart gun technology” scam.
Damn, P. You are evil for even putting that thought out there.
Random question which popped into my head while doing my last set of bench presses. The media dredged up some old quote from Trump about German luxury cars and how it’s not fair that there are so many Mercedes Benzes clogging up Park Avenue, and we need to slap some tariffs on them until they buy more American cars (or something).
What does any American manufacturer make which would be desirable or suitable for the European market?
The Mustang? Sure, if you’re rich enough to afford the taxes and fuel. You might get sales numbering in the dozens per year. Chevrolet Cruze. Yeah, right.
There are frequently market preferences completely unrelated to tariffs.
Ford sells a lot of small cars in europa.
We had a bunch of Mustangs all over Europe keeping those German motors in line once upon a time.
Does it matter? If the market is open to competition, they’ll compete well or they won’t – no excuses. The Mustangs and Camaros with 4-clyd turbos might be competitive – and their small SUVs.
I think the small Fords are made in Europe – not sure how they get tariffed if at all – parts?
Corvette? I personally will never buy a GM product but I can at least imagine some international interest in supercar performance at a (comparably) bargain price.
Maybe something from the Jeep product line? Are there international competitors in that market segment other than Land Rover and ridiculously expensive Mercedes-Benz models?
I admit, I’m scraping the barrel even trying to come up with one or two.
Feel good story for you all today.
Can’t tell if serious.
So… she just stands there watching all day, or what?
1) Your son is disabled, I’d be happy he has real work at all, and at a wage which is probably competitive for what hes doing.
2) In what way is work isolating. IIRC, one of the great benefits for most disabled folks of getting work (besides the money and having something to do) is getting to be around other people besides family. Honestly, that can probably be said about any worker, regardless of disability status.
Fuck the idiot adults in the story. This guy went from being unproductive and on the dole to being productive. He went from being told he needs special help to “adapt[ing] quickly to the often frenetic pace of a restaurant kitchen.”
Its not his fault that his mom has trouble recognizing growth and meaning when she see it. He’s “isolated” leading a sing along? Doesn’t sound like it to me.
I’ve spent a fair bit of time around intellectually disabled young men. Nothing is poison to them than an overprotective mother or state telling them they can’t. And nothing is more powerful for them than finding out they actually have something to contribute to their fellow men. Fuck his mom and fuck the state if they don’t see that.
Ford sells a lot of small cars in europa.
True. Lots of Focuses. I was thinking something which would be competitive upmarket. Maybe the Cadillac ATS/CTS?
I’m too lazy to look for numbers.
I think if it were feasible, a lot of Europeans would love our full size trucks. But with import taxes, gas, small roads and parking spaces – no chance.
Anyone who doesn’t love a full-sized American truck either has never driven one, or was never an 8 year old boy. I have absolutely no need for another v8 4WD F150, but God some days I miss it.
And we have absolutely no need for an FJ Cruiser with a supercharger, cold air intake, cat-back exhaust, and tweaked ECM, not to mention a fisful of other mods. I fully expect that thing to still be in the garage when I die, so I doubt I’ll ever have the chance to miss it.
If you limit your life to meeting your needs, you will live a very small life indeed.
Electronic Countermeasures?
Erection Causing Machine
Engine control module
It’s what determines how your engine runs.
When you pull up next to a Prius, it automatically scrambles NPR.
I will accept either MikeS’s or Lachowsky’s definition.
It can be configured to make Mike’s definition accurate.
I do enjoy tromping the accelerator and listening to the supercharger yowl. Maybe a little too much.
Yeah, depending on set-up either erection causing or canceling module.
A well tuned, growling V8 is music to the ears.
If you have balls and your vehicle serves a purpose other than transportation naturally you want a vehicle with balls.
Otherwise, get one of these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peel_P50
or an idiotmobile : https://www.smartusa.com
I like interesting vehicles, balls notwithstanding. I’d absolutely own the Peel, strictly for its weirdness.
Did you see the Top Gear segment on the P50?
He drives it through the BBC offices.
Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJfSS0ZXYdo
That is awesome.
The spousal unit and I saw our first Smart car approx. 18 years ago on a French secondary highway at a T-intersection. The Smart car had tried to enter the highway and got broadsided by a conventional sedan. The conventional sedan was somewhat damaged, and SAMU (the national equivalent of our EMTs) was attending the driver of the sedan, who was shaken and bleeding but not apparently in a life-threatening way.
What was left of the driver of the Smart car was being hosed out of what was left of the Smart car by the pompiers.
My wife turned to me and said “We’re never getting one of those.”
Let me clarify. I want another used F150 that makes a big burly rumble. I want fifteen grand more.
“No one needs 27 different brands of automobiles.”
I used mine for hauling bark dust and loam for the yard this weekend.
This weekend I used mine to haul two of those huge wood cable spools home to use for tables. Real classy redneck shit.
Meh. I’ve driven one plenty, and I was an 8 year old boy once. They have their uses, but I’d never choose to drive one over driving a fast car, a luxury car, or (preferably) a fast luxury car.
One of my favorite vehicles ever for highway driving was a GM pickup. It just rode real nice on the interstates.
All the full sized trucks sold these days *are* luxury cars.
Very fair point, in terms of comfort & amenities. It’s the handling that I don’t like; I prefer something that feels nimble. That also eliminates the land yacht sub-segment of luxury cars.
They didn’t put Stalin away for tens of millions of murders.
Something something one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.
Meh. I’ve driven one plenty, and I was an 8 year old boy once. They have their uses, but I’d never choose to drive one over driving a fast car, a luxury car, or (preferably) a fast luxury car.
No kidding. I have a full size size 4wd pickup, and it sits in the driveway 98% of the time while I drive one of my other cars, except when I need to haul trash or bust through snowdrifts.