Afternoon everyone. My clan also made it home safely from the Glibertarian Breeding Project joint vacation-marriage arrangement get down. While nobody encountered STEVE SMITH or his cousin the skunk ape, Sloopy’s oldest daughter swears she was approached by a seal — which is weird because I’ve never seen or heard of any seals or sea lions in that area. Maybe SEA SMITH had identified her as a target before smelling the Glib on her. At any rate, trying to negotiate a dowry with a guy who runs auctions is rough. I’m going to be lucky to get a handful of goats per marriage. Our kids had a really good time, and I highly recommend going over to Skully’s on Cape San Blas and eating some low country boil and meeting their bassador (that’s half basset hound, half labrador — not a southern emabassador) Rowdy. They were sure nice to our families, and the beer is free with your meal, too.
This is some crazy right here. And I’m saying this as someone who would bet anyone who would give me 5-4 odds that Trump gets re-elected in 2020 if he’s still President. Especially reason 1. If you can call the jobs reports 2 years out, you don’t remember how different September of ’06 was from September of ’08
What do you mean people who don’t vote and don’t affirm they still live at the address they registered at for six years might have to register again?
For Negroni, a laugh at our college football team. Everyone else, just sub in your coach and team because this is an evergreen piece.
I could do a whole riff on this piece on “how to survive an alligator attack”
- Don’t walk your small dog near any body of fresh water in FL unless you’re willing to drop the leash or shoot the gator
- Don’t tie raw chicken to yourself — I’m looking at you Florida Man
- Always have your gator-fighting cat at the ready
- Sweep the leg
- Always give up your meth. The alligators will stop to snort it. It makes them faster, but if you run like hell you’ll usually escape
I feel like there’s a metaphor here. I’m also uncertain about the physics of this one.
Back to Work
Your afternoon dose of objectification.
1 seems like a nice day at the beach, 2 and 12 tie for the cleavage award and 40 wins best in show.
needs more faces
There’s some nice ones in there. 30 is in the hot/crazy danger zone.
30 will definitely kill you in your sleep. Might still be worth it, though.
I got dumped off the voter rolls after missing one off-year election. At first I was outraged, then I was like “Meh, no jury duty for me for 2 years.”
I was always under the impression that you got dumped off the voter rolls in New York after four years of not voting.
And NY uses multiple forms of ID for jury duty. My voter registration and Social Security are under my first inital/middle name (Theodore is my middle name)/last name, while my driver’s license is first name/middle initial/last name. Twice I’ve gotten jury notices within the six year exemption because it flagged first one name, then the other.
I’m in Montana, and I have only had one jury duty call in my life, which I ignored, but I was kind of surprised to get removed after missing one election.
I got 3 notices while in Germany and 1 since (30 years)
Reading the articles, my favorite quote was one saying that the Ohio purges followed: “The letter of the law”. Isn’t that the same thing as following the law?
/Breyer, Kagan, Wise Latina, RBG
/Ice Cream Boy, Jewess, Queen Solomiñez, Zombie
From the comments on FB
Dennis Guldmann Meier Jensen Having to register to vote, is undemocratic.
Anyone eligible to vote should not have to do anything but show up at their destined votingstation.
Of course there won’t be anyway to inform you of your voting station, since there are no voting roles. So just pick the 4 or 5 voting stations closest to your house and vote there. And just to make sure, you’d better go ahead and mail in a ballot, too.
Having to
register to voteregister a gun, is undemocratic.Anyone eligible to
votebuy a gun should not have to do anything but show up at their destinedvotingstationgun shop.see? now it makes sense
Sorry Brett – been waiting to post this:
Manhattan Institute is looking for a Director of Technology:
But then you have to live in, y’know, Manhattan.
Manhattan, Kansas is alright…KSU is there, Ft.Riley is… OK, nevermind.
Corn-fed ladies as far as the eye can see…
Corn’s only legitimate use is bourbon.
Somebody put this freak on a leash.
Something took a part of him
No love for elote?
I don’t know what that is, so no.
You didn’t even want to guess that it’s corn?
Not true. Not only can it be turned into nachos and taco shells, corn is an excellent power source for bacon machines.
This is my main reason for not being interested in the position. Also, I hate strategy-oriented work.
One of the glibs that owns a business should put out an ad looking for a Director of Tricknology.
What’s in the boil?
Pus? Isn’t that what’s normally in a boil?
*narrows gaze*
I’m typically skeptical of anyone who boils seafood instead of steaming it, but I’m willing to try anything once.
Steamed red potatoes? Do they cook through?
From my instant pot experimenting, whole red potatoes need at least 6 minutes. Quartered red potatoes need about 3, and get them out of the pot as soon as the three minutes are up.
People are going nuts over those pots.
Yes. They are soft and delicious.
I don’t know, my experience with seafood and vegetables stops at corn on the cob in a separate pot and maybe some sliced onions if you happen to like that sort of thing. I’ve never had a boil per se, but I’ve had boiled crab and shrimp and was not impressed. Steamed with cheap beer and smothered in J.O. Seasoning is the way for me. Works with shrimp, too.
Gross, Ted.
Somebody just forfeited his portion. More for the rest of us.
I’ve had blisters, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a boil.
Going to be up in Orlando for the rest of this week for work, come back home, and then go back Tuesday to take the kid to Disney.
At least I won’t be in the office this week, and next week will be “fun” (I mean, it would be fun if it was just me and the kid, but with my sister and father there…)
Which park?
Hollywood, Magic Kingdom and Epcot, in some order.
Wow. Going big. How old is your kid?
If you want to get rid of your sister and father, insist on going through it’s a small world, and the Tiki room back to back I guarantee you they will leave.
Jesus fuck no. My father loves the tiki room and will be singing that goddamn song for a week.
Duff beer for me,
Duff beer for you,
I’ll have a Duff,
You have one too.
Lisa, drink the water!
Oh, I’m not a doctor.
grade A derp
Princeton University offers a bi-weekly discussion group on “healthy masculinity” that aims to make men “tremendously vulnerable” in order to get them to “dismantle the institutional privilege that men enjoy.”
According to Princeton’s website, stereotypically masculine behaviors like “being the breadwinner” and “not showing weakness” are among the harmful aspects of the “guy code.”
[Kiff sigh]
Only a stable, prosperous society could indulge in this nonsense. Still, I wish someone would put the kibosh on it.
Only a stable, prosperous society could indulge in this nonsense.
Step 1: You achieve stable prosperous society.
Step 2: You indulge this sort of nonsense.
Step 3: This sort of nonsense becomes the norm and the values and attitudes that created a stable prosperous society are seen as suspect.
Step 4: Society weakens to the point of collapse from a combination of internal and external pressures.
Step 5: To survive people look for and eventually find a set of values and attitudes that will make their society not completely suck.
Step 6: You achieve stable prosperous society.
“Step 5: To survive people look for and eventually find a set of values and attitudes that will make their society not completely suck.”
Alternate Step 6: You import a gazillion immigrants from MENA and establish a Sharia-compliant paradise in which infidels are either converted or killed.
The Germans perk up again…
You’re not a man to begin with if you sign up for the course.
I don’t know, I could see auditing the course to mock the teacher and all of the dumbass ideas in it.
I would join to draw up a Hot/Crazy scatterrplot of the ladies in attendance.
I predict there would be clustering in one quadrant.
I’m ready to give up the “being the breadwinner” stereotype, but my wife is apparently not woke enough to go along with that.
Fuck you. A man should only cry twice in his life: once at his mother’s funeral, and once at the ending of Old Yeller.
Everything else is some gay shit.
fun fact: I missed watching Old Yeller in kindergarten for a dental appointment.
I wonder if that’s the reason I am what I am.
“I know now why you cry, but it’s something I can never do.”
best Old Yeller parody ever
Taps. At a memorial service.
When you sign up, the Army becomes your mother.
Slow march of Old Glory at a retirement ceremony. If your eyes are dry during that you’re a dirty commie.
Taps at your grandfathers funeral. Taught you that ” Mother Nature always made sure we never had too much”
I didn’t cry at the end of Ol’ Yeller. What does that mean?
You need to watch it again.
I’ve never seen it.
I think men, but not women, are allowed to cry at the end of “Field of Dreams”.
Experience has shown me that women dont choose to partner up with guys who are pussies. Women prefer masculine men and for a good reason.
Are they saying that the lack of self-imposed vulnerability gives them privilege? Because if so, why can’t the non-privileged just be less vulnerable?
“why can’t the non-privileged just be less vulnerable?”
That would require work.
So the Powahs That Be have been extremely resistant to letting us telework tomorrow. So I just hope dog has mercy on my soul as I attempt to ride Metro with 1000s of…enthusiastic…CAPS fans.
Damn that Net Neutrality!
My wife wants me to take her to the parade
Just Say No
Come in 3 hours late, smelling like beer and blame the parade!
Now I’m thinking about what happens if I do make it to the office tomorrow. My building has a publicly-accessible food court. 1/2 a block from the parade.
On a normal day it’s hard enough to get a slice of Sbarro, what with all the school groups and their meal vouchers. Tomorrow is gonna be a “no pizza for you!” situation. I know it.
Why would you want a Sbarro?
weapons grade derp
Photos of Prince George playing with toy gun cause controversy
Many took to Twitter to criticize Will and Kate for allowing their son to play with a toy gun.
“Completely tone deaf of Kate… to give Prince George a toy gun. Doesn’t she read the papers in her own country with all the gun deaths? If the Duchess of Sussex had done this, she would be excoriated in the media! Lucky George isn’t black or police would have shot him,” one user wrote.
[head desk]
There are no gun deaths in the UK due of the gun ban.
Just give him a toy vial of acid to play with.
FROM THE FUTURE: “A picture of Prince George has viral, with many attacking the photo that shows the young prince with a toy screw driver. Stabbing attacks are on the rise in London, many done with screw drivers, so many feel it is something a child shouldn’t emulate.”
And the sad part is they’ll back down. Honestly, if they do, there’s no fucking excuse for a monarchy.
Those people would shit a brick if they looked in my boy’s toybox.
Fun fact: my dad tried to prevent me and my brother from playing with toy guns or war toys.
That lasted about a week.
What else is he supposed to Defend the Realm with?
“What do you mean people who don’t vote and don’t affirm they still live at the address they registered at for six years might have to register again?”
Really waiting to read the brief that lists all the things decided to be vote suppression tactics, then has a nice little chart with a corresponding restriction on RKBA. It will be a fun read, but likely futile.
“Ain’t nobody have time for that.”
I love how the cat then went to the boy to check up on him.
When screwing whores is outlawed then only outlaws will screw whores!
“Sonja Bandolik, the brothel’s 58-year-old madam[…]also works as a prostitute[…]decided to work in a brothel at age 51 after watching a Western movie depicting an old saloon. She remarked to her husband that it would be “cool if we still had those.” She says her husband “loved the idea.” He lives with her at the brothel and works as its general manager.”
What a guy.
Some people are into that.
“‘They loved without borders’: Rose McGowan reveals friend Asia Argento had a ‘free’ relationship with Anthony Bourdain as she defends the actress from critics who are blaming her friendship with another man for the chef’s suicide”
Although I thought “love without borders” was Mexican Ass Sex.
“Although I thought “love without borders” was Mexican Ass Sex.”
It’s child sex trafficking. Like, DUH.
“Dear fellow humans”
If you don’t give her exactly what she’s asking for, you’re not human. You’re not some sort of animal, are you?
Yeah, wait a sec. This sort of casts a different light on things. Of course, I’m totally sure the sometime-girlfriend of the depressive with two divorces under his belt and a romantic temperament who just killed himself is a good source for info on his mindset prior.
It’s sexism all the way down.
Bourdain had some truly terrible taste in women. Not sure if it was part of the reason he killed himself, or just another symptom of the depression and bad decisions that killed him.
“Do NOT do the sexist thing and burn a woman on the pyre of misplaced blame. ”
If you don’t believe what she wants you to believe, you’re sexist. Got that?
If I were on Harvey Weinstein’s defense team, I’d be scrambling to get Rose McGowen on the stand and talking for as long as possible.
She is an absolute fuckin’ lunatic. It’s a shame because she’s turning over a lot of rocks in Hollywood and some ugly things are crawling out, but it’s because she’s totally unhinged and is crazying at everyone and everything around her. If she’d drop the riotgrrrl schtick, take a fuckin’ Ativan, and behave like a reasonable, rational person in full possession of her faculties she’d be much more effective.
Remember when Shannen Doherty was the crazy one?
Like, seriously meh.
I’m assuming he’s taking a big ass cut and tapping the younger, hotter employees.
Maybe you could convince your wife…
to tap the younger, hotter employees? No thanks.
In today’s modern businesses, you need a robust quality control system.
According to Princeton’s website, stereotypically masculine behaviors like “being the breadwinner” and “not showing weakness” are among the harmful aspects of the “guy code.”
Marrying a rich Princeton girl sounds like a good career choice.
Until she #metoos you for the sex you had on your wedding night and takes everything.
As my Grandma used to say, it’s just as easy to love a rich girl.
Don’t tie raw chicken to yourself — I’m looking at you Florida Man
I swear the chicken was alive…don’t ask how it ddied.
…and don’t ask why my penis was in it.
Its just good manners.
Did you also get the gumbo at Skully’s? IMO it’s really good – even better than their LCB, but the normal order of it had proportionally more rice than I’d prefer.
Yes! It was quite good. Sloopy and Banjos also raved about it.
$900 sneakers?
How did he not slap the fucking phone out of her hand?
He’s wearing a fucking fanny pack, Drake. Do you really think he has the wrist strength?
Good point, I was looking elsewhere in the pictures.
I’m so glad I can honestly say “who?”. What is he modeling for, heroin?
My 16 year old self is wondering about this Hollywood bar. We had to drive into Detroit to find dives that would serve us.
The headline: “Lisa Rinna’s daughter Amelia Grey, 16, enjoys date in LA night with Patsy Palmer’s son Fenton Merkell, 17”
Sad that none of the kids have the last name of their parents.
That’ll happen when your mother is a whore.
“Casual: She added a sporty, youthful twist to her look thanks to a pair of pink trainers”
Silly me. I thought the youthful look was on account of her being 16 years old. But, no, it’s definitely the $900 shoes.
Smitten? that look isn’t the smitten i’m used to
Maybe in the sense of what you’d be immediately after someone smote you, possibly with a cudgel, or heroin.
I’m sure Trump would be happy to know she’s thinking about him while she’s in the shower, likely while pointing the showerhead between her legs.
That “blue wave” is going to be about +15 seats for the R’s.
Is it “Fuck Trump!” or “Fuck! Trump!” ?
I think there’s a “me” in there.
“I’m sure I shout some of those words in the shower,” Ruhle said to her MSNBC panel.”
I’m sure normal, well-adjusted people don’t.
I would commend her for her honesty, but I’m pretty sure it’s not true. Anybody who is really that fucking crazy would go to great lengths to hide it.
The crazies are emboldened because they only talk to other crazies and believe their craziness to be normal.
“IHOP isn’t really changing its name to IHOb.
But it is adding seven burgers to its menu and it managed to convince a lot of people last week when it suggested — wink, wink — that it was flipping the “P” in its name to a “b.”
Speculation that the “b” stood for breakfast was shot down when IHOP employees began spilling the beans about the burgers.
“Spoiler alert guys: its burgers. I work at IHOP,” tweeted an employee last week.
Dine Brands Global, the Glendale, Calif.-based company that owns the 1,752-store chain, kept mum about the change until Monday, when it fessed up, launching a marketing campaign that includes television advertising touting a $6.99 burger special with unlimited fries and a drink.
“People know us for pancakes,” IHOP chief marketing officer Brad Haley said at a burger tasting event last week at which the chain unveiled its specialty 100 percent black Angus burgers to a small group of journalists.
“The goal is to get people to think about us for lunch and dinner,” Haley conceded. “We have a lot of white space after breakfast.”
Applebees & ihob, restaurant suicide pact. Good work Dine Brands Global.
Applebee’s is the best place to meet hot, horny women…
Or are you looking for all-you-can-eat breadsticks?
I thought it was International House of Blowjobs.
I’m really bad at this.
/waves to a parent.
Heard on radio that Wendy’s tweeted that they couldn’t wait to try a burger from a place that thought pancakes were too hard. Lol.
That’s funny.
Everyone’s getting in on it.
Now this is how Twitter should be.
Wendy’s are assholes on Twitter.
“Man, 21, who admitted raping a 12-year-old girl walks FREE after a judge agrees ‘she looks over the age of 16′”
Honestly sounds like the correct decision given the facts of the case.
She did consent, she told him that she was above the age of consent, and multiple individuals including law enforcement who interacted with her on the night in question all stated she looked to be above the age of consent.
Government: By your looks, you are rapeworthy.
“He looked like he wanted me to steal his car.”
Yeah, nice of the DM to put his current age in the headline along with her age then for maximum instant outrage.
Poor judgement all around, especially from the parents of the girls involved.
They also listed a bunch of other people accused of rape who weren’t convicted.
I wonder if he had to throw the judge the bone.
Rape rape or salutatory rape?
Or, you know, statutory.
Or, spell-check rape.
For those about to rape!
We salute you!
Should have gone with Steve salutes you.
Bravo, either way.
The left can’t meme #1,543,779
Somebody pointed out the watermark in the lower left corner.
Absolutely, but not ready yet to speak its name. Notice how Zoolander is angled away so as to hide his ever-expanding erection.
Peer review in the “social sciences” is a joke.
Good luck trying to replicate that one.
The PI isn’t even affiliated with a university, but with something called “The Portland Ungendering Research Initative”, whose website is this. Unlike the perennially naive Robert Soave, I do believe it’s a Sokal-like hoax.
That’s valuable data! Check-and-mate Robbo!
As ZARDOZ is my witness, I never thought Edit Fairy would actually insert the pic!
Truly, we are blessed.
So how did she classify the dogs that humped the leg of a bystander? Is that considered bestiality?
non binary unidentified canine?
“Because of my own situatedness as a human…I recognize my limitations in being able to determine when an incidence of dog humping qualifies as rape.”
I haven’t read it yet, but bookmarked for later.
I suspect that it’s going to be packed up to the gills with potentially dank memes.
I dont know what to say about that. I will repeat my grandfather’s version of ‘between a rock and a hard place’
“Like a bitch in heat. If she runs she gets bit. If she stands still she gets fucked.”
Thats all I have.
Fleccas clip.
OMG I love that Hispanic midget! He’s the best. No, seriously. Also notice the gay Trumpsters are far more articulate, informed and reasoned than – surprise! – progs.
These parades have to set gay causes back at least a decade every time.
There is nothing wrong with saying I don’t know. Trying to pretend that you’re informed when you have zero clue just makes you look dumber. It’s fine to not like Trump, hell I don’t either, but don’t make shit up.
You weren’t kidding.
Also, not that I doubt that such people exist on both sides, but has anyone ever accused Fleccas of selective editing? He obviously has a bias, right?
“Kat Von D stirs controversy after saying she’ll raise a ‘vegan child, without vaccinations'”
Just as polio is making a comeback in Venezuela.
But she’ll tattoo her!
Glad I have no idea who that is.
Wait, parenting as one sees fit?
There is a difference between what should be allowed by law, and what one should do.
Ugh, summer intern season is here. Endless undeserved praise for doing make work, or worse “community service” projects.
What happened to summer jobs doing the scut work? Like the kind that instills a strong desire to return to studying & graduate into something other than doing that same scut work for the next forty years of their life? If I was running the intern program, I’d put them to work cleaning the bathrooms on the first day, followed with whatever menial tasks I could dream up. And any offered opinions to be met with STFU.
As an aside, do brothels offer intern programs?
Why would you want to clean bathrooms at a brothel?
Entry level work is hard to find, yo.
Asking for a friend?
Endless undeserved praise for doing make work, or worse “community service” projects.
We work our interns pretty hard. They aren’t super productive, but they usually don’t get make work
Every year a group of engineering interns will spend the summer out here. They mostly stay in the engineering dept, but during summer shutdown when I’m doing an upgrade on something, they will send one of these interns with me.
I’d like to make them do the work while I just sit back and direct, but in my experience, these kids can’t even turn a screwdriver properly. I had one last year that I tried to get to unbolt an electric motor drive from a cabinet. After watching him struggle to turn screws and disconnect wires for 30 minutes, I finally had to take the tools out of his hands. I sent him to the store room to get me a 6in piece of DIN rail. He returned 30 minutes later to tell me he found the DIN rail but couldn’t find anybody who would cut it to length for him and he wasn’t comfortable using the chop saw.
I worked in process engineering for 3 years, and after some initial resistance, I determined that nothing would get done in time unless I did it. So I learned how to use chop saws, band saws, grinders, various CNC machines, etc. I even started driving forklifts and scissor lifts until I got chewed out. I tried to learn AutoCAD, but it was such a pain that I ended up using MS paint to design parts.
Aside from learning some tricks in Excel and a few tidbits from chemistry, my chemical engineering degree was basically irrelevant to the work I was doing.
I got my first engineering job at the bottom of the recession in 2010. I took it because it was the first offer I got.
I have a hard time with grasping how a guy in his early twenties would be ignorant about how to use basic tools.
I guess I just grew up different than most. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have a hard time grasping how someone who clearly has no interest the use of basic tools thinks it’s a good idea to become an engineer.
There are people who are graduating with engineering degrees who never played with erector sets. What the fuck?
MIT grads can’t make a light bulb shine
For real fun, try managing engineers in China.
They may not have a single damned clue about how to do something, but they will never admit it to your face. Instead, they will take your project and go off and butcher it without asking for any help or instructions.
I lost a few pieces of equipment before I figured this out.
I had a team project in engineering school with a student from China. Aside from speaking decent English, she couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
I felt sorry for the various Chinese TAs and students I met. They mostly got mocked for speaking English badly, though I usually knew what they were saying.
You grow up in WV and English is your second language.
I was looking through some interview sheets today. One had a CCIE & masters, but somehow lacked fundamental networking knowledge. not selected fortunately.
I’ve worked as an electrical and manufacturing engineer and managed them. I now rent construction equipment and consult on a lot of failed projects (usually concrete).
I believe it all. Stupid is infinite.
I take that back. Anyone who’s ever worked on a German car knows it’s fairly common for things to be designed by people who have never ever wrenched on anything.
^ This. Plus they get paid by the part with extra credit for moving ones.
It isnt just German cars.
*glares menacingly at refrigerator*
Germans generally design everything to be serviced at a unionized shop by mechanics who have gone thru apprenticeships. They also take that approach towards construction equipment. They expect the end user will be a unionized professional and not temp labor or a guy who just jumped the fence.
” They expect the end user will be a unionized professional and not temp labor or a guy who just jumped the fence.”
Which is one of the reasons they lost WW2. German tanks required special repair guys. Illiterate farm boys could fix the US stuff.
I mean, I didn’t use power tools that much as a kid, but I helped my dad when he was fixing the car or stuff around the house.
One time, he told me to hold a flashlight on pipe where he was trying to find a leak in our basement. I propped up the flashlight with a book. As I was walking back upstairs to go back to watching the Simpsons, I heard my dad say “You sure are holding that light steady. Good job!”
We laugh about it every year.
I was on flashlight duty for more hours than I care to recount as a kid. Tore down my bike and rebuilt it a few times out of sheer boredom. Built models, but never had the attention to detail to do them well.
It really wasn’t until high school that I got to do some real wrenching. My ’92 taurus was coming apart at the seams, so I’d bolt a piece on here or there.
Came in handy when I was dating Mrs. Trshmnstr. She thought I was the absolute shit when I fixed her car in 5 minutes. She had an issue with the car stalling after getting a new tank of gas. Her family’s mechanic couldn’t figure it out for years. Some intuition plus a Google search, and I figured the problem out (a known issue with the model), bought the parts, and had the problem completely resolved before she got back from my apartment with a bottle of water.
Pajama boys don’t realize it, but a man who can wrench on things is sexy.
We just fired our first one. 22 years old, no shit, SOBBED like a fat kid being told “no cake”. Took two weeks to pass a cert test that should have taken 2 days, was otherwise completely useless, didn’t listen. Kept saying “I moved here for this job!”. Well, then, work, dummy.
Ha, ha.
/slaps orphan for no reason.
No reason? Because you can is reason enough, my good Rufus!
/Thrashes servant with cane
Our intern is currently doing a content inventory on an old-ass web site for me. Might as well be cleaning the bathroom, AFAIC.
A guy runs from the cops, gets away, no one gets shot, and Ozzy Man-it has it all.
Quite impressive actually.
The Final Countdown is quite possibly the finest modern naval movie that’s been made. It’s like 1 1/2 hours of carrier porn with 30 minutes of a mediocre story grafted onto it. Top Gun wishes it was half the movie that Final Countdown was.
It is a fine example of 80s film making.
You misspelled Tora! Tora! Tora!
Ah, back when they used actual planes instead of CGI
+1 You want confirmation?!
I did put modern in the qualifier.
Love those Zumwalt era beards on board.
I don’t know what you all are talking about. Iron Eagle beats all of these.
Iron Eagle was an AF movie.
Obviously, that was a joke.
Fun movie. “…Splash the Zeros”
I really liked the hunt for red October. I read the book before I saw it and I still liked it. That normally doesn’t happen.
Fun fact- that steaming pile of Hollywood knows as ‘Firebirds’ was filmed partially at Ft. Hood, using a lot of our aircraft. When it came out on post at the theater, a large group of us got nice and & drunk before going to see it, and had to be told to leave for yelling “FAKE! THAT’S FUCKIN FAKE!” through most of the movie.
I recall a similar experience when watching Transformers.
Or porn?
Dude, that’s all true
“We Were Soldiers” was filmed at Ft Hunter Liggett, CA because LTG(R) Moore put it in the contract. FHL looks very similar to the highlands but they had to add the fiberglass ant hills. Sam Elliott lived on post and drank in the base bar most nights and saw how Soldiers interacted. He would freely sign autographs and was considered very cool. Mel Gibson came on base only for filming and treated people like they were beneath him.
The blu-ray restored footage is absolutely gorgeous – late 70s/early 80s or otherwise – looks sooo good.
That kevin williams piece is worth reading if only for the statement, “NWA and the Village People were, from that point of view, essentially the same act”
It also points to an issue i’ve been fascinated by for a number of years: the conflation of the ideas of tolerance and affirmation
(and its inverse: the dilution of the term “bigotry” to mean, “bad opinion” rather than, “intolerant of x group” – which few people seem to grasp, but is significant: there is a distinction between, say, ‘believing x group are inherently inferior people’, and ‘treating x group of people differently, or demanding that x group be barred from your workplace or environment)
the ‘tolerance/affirmation’ dynamic can be subtle at times, but it conceals an enormous distinction:
– the first considers ‘pluralism’ its founding virtue (the idea being that the optimal world is one in which differences of opinion *don’t really matter*; we are free to disagree)
– the second desires unanimity – or its appearance – as the baseline for comity; disagreement of opinion in any form is ‘divisive’ and upsetting to communal harmony.
in many areas of life, we seem to have shifted from the former to the latter.
I think the idea that the country is “polarized” is really not so much a real change in partisanship among opposing groups (because polls do tend to show declining degree of party-affiliation)… but rather just a psychological shift in attitude about whether we a) can disagree, and it not matter so much, and b) disagree, and have it be a deal-breaker, socially and professionally, etc.
iow, its more of a change in attitude, than some quantitative aspect of ‘intensity of partisanship’
Yeah. Years ago, I heard a guy say: Tolerance is not enough; we need acceptance.
If ever get a time machine, that’s the first guy I’m gonna stuff into a burlap sack and beat with an ax handle.
Or as South Park explained it way back when:
Tolerance doesn’t mean you have to like everything. You tolerate a crying baby on an airplane.
The usage of “racist” instead of “bigot” has been going on for a while now.
I absolutely believe that this was intentional in order to make everything “racist”.
I’ve heard this side described as the Neo-Rousseauians
I had to google that.
the only example i found is this, from National Review
this makes a lot more sense to me: Rousseau’s bag was essentially about man being innocent and good in his natural state (see: Emile) and that modernity has basically corrupted and spoiled him; ergo, the lefty notions that indigenous populations possess some inherent-virtue that has been spoiled by colonialism, and that poor countries are less-tainted by the sins of excess
I’m not sure that’s a direct parallel to what i’m talking about, which is more about a general trend towards cultural orthodoxy, where difference is seen as threatening – compared to a heterodox POV, where difference/disagreement is seen as healthy.
Rousseau was also about complete and total subservience to the State. He was the progenitor to all of the 20th century totalitarians.
“whoever refuses to obey the general will will be forced to do so by the entire body; this means merely that he will be forced to be free.”
“The state … ought to have a universal compulsory force to move and arrange each part in the manner best suited to the whole.” And if the leaders of the state say to the citizen, “‘it is expedient for the state that you should die,’ he should die.”
And the most appropriate quote on religion toleration:
“While the state can compel no one to believe it can banish not for impiety, but as an antisocial being, incapable of truly loving the laws and justice, and of sacrificing, if needed, his life to his duty. If, after having publicly recognized these dogmas, a person acts as if he does not believe them, he should be put to death.”
yeah, i get that, its just that i couldn’t find any context in which it was being used in that way.
and what i’m talking about is less about “conformity in service of the state’s social-engineering goals’ so much as in-group/out-group, socially-enforced conformity
iow, “the state” had little to do with the formation of tribes of people like “SJW/Alt-right/MRA-MGTOW/lolbertarian”… but this is how people talk about each other when there is a difference of opinion around a given topic. disagreement means “you’re siding with an out-group”. its not ‘mere disagreement’ because disagreement is healthy… its simply signaling tribal disunity, and means you are now an enemy because you have offended the tribe on a single-topic
Williams has a way with words.
“I was eager to witness the interaction between the best products of America’s colleges of education and those of America’s journalism schools—our least-selective and second-least-selective college majors, respectively.”
“What do you mean people who don’t vote and don’t affirm they still live at the address they registered at for six years might have to register again?”
Minnesota does that, but I am not re-registering.
The evil Joos are trying to take over the country one town at a time. I think we make an example out of OMWC to send a message that don’t go around here. I mean, he’s pretty much the exact opposite of a Hasidic Joo, but he’s still one of them. Actually, they may thank us for removing him from the Joo ranks…
Robert Bradley Jr. announces that he intends to rescue the legacy of William Niskanen from the shit being smeared on it by the Niskanen Center:
Part 1 is published here. Other parts to follow.
Kill it.
Gut it.
Wear its carcass like a skin suit.
Did I miss an Ask ZARDOZ column dedicated to dating advice?
That is Dave Burge’s;
1. Identify respected institution
2. kill it
3. wear its skin as a suit
4. demand respect
ZARDOZ would have yelled something about the penis being evil or somesuch, right?
“For Negroni, a laugh at our college football team”
Sounds about right. I’m getting reaaaaallly tired of hearing “All we need is a QB.” There are still plenty of other problems to fix. Like the fact the Texas has fielded about 3 good O-lines in my entire life.
hope springs eternal (and dies in September)
Again, one of the advantages of being a KU grad: we need pretty much everything; 4-8 will be a good season.
Yeah KU never should have fired Mangino. So what if the fat meatball was a racist asshole? He fielded the only halfway decent KU teams I can recall.
Hmm, never heard the racist side.
How bad is Kansas: Mangino had 50 wins, good enough for #2 on the all time KU list.
Bill Clinton: ‘Norms have changed’ for what you can do to somebody against their will
Instinctive realities…. instinctive realities……
More proof the right has adopted the language of the left. We’re all postmodern now.
PragerU meets Jordan Peterson = critical awesome
Quickest recap of Peterson’s views ever. Not bad.
Mmmm… You got any of them French fried taters in there?
Mmmm Hmmm.
+1 Nervous Hospital
“Germany to consider ‘educational state-funded feminist pornography’ to combat sexist stereotypes
The SPD, the junior coalition partner of Angela Merkel’s Christian-Democratic Union (CDU), is the biggest party in Berlin where it governs together with coalition partners the Greens and the far-left Die Linke.
In the proposal, the SPD wrote: ‘Mainstream porn generally shows sexist and racial stereotypes in which consent is not a theme and certain “optimal” body types are made as standard.’
‘In these films, sex seems more like a performance or competitive sport: everything seems to work right away, there is no communication between the performers, no trying out, failure and trying out new things.’
‘In these films, sex seems more like a performance or competitive sport: everything seems to work right away, there is no communication between the performers, no trying out, failure and trying out new things.’
She said: ‘In feminist porn there are fat, skinny, young and old people and the sex is enjoyed by everyone.
‘In mainstream porn, sex is like a competitive sport, the focus is only on the woman who often is humiliated, and contraception does not matter. Young people should get more access to feminist porn.'”
“‘In feminist porn there are fat, skinny, young and old people and the sex is enjoyed by everyone.”
except the viewer
But what if my fetish is attractive people?
Zoe Quinn Reeducation Camp is made for sad cases such as yourself!
The only truly feminist porn features Andrea Dworkin with a strap-on, sodomizing a football team.
100,000 Germans suddenly perk up and don’t know why.
There’s pooping involved?
by “more access to X”, bureaucrats generally mean, “ban Y, mandate X”
Perhaps young people should try making it, and if it’s what the public wants, they’ll flock to it.
Rule 34 already exists, idiots.
Quota porn can’t be constitutional.
will the strapons feature only dongs of 6″ or less?
If you make it, they will…..cum?
How to survive an alligator attack: easy peasy, just like surviving a gun fight – dont get into one in the first place.
“Doctor, it hurts when I do this.”
The gator fighting cat video is amazing. First, that the alligators didn’t just eat the damn thing, but mostly because everyone is so casual around some fairly good-sized gators. People, kids, just walking around like it ain’t no thang to have gators just right there, or to have your pet kitty whipping their asses.
half basset hound, half labrador
I went pheasant hunting with a Bassador once. This one had a basset hound body from the neck down, and a lab head and coat. Game little hunting dog, given that it had those stubby basset legs. Found us some birds, and was a wonder to watch retrieving; since it couldn’t really see where they dropped, its owner would steer it in with whistles and voice commands.
My granddaughter adopted one, it was a most lovable dog. But worthless, take the worst qualities of a lab and a basset hound, you get a bassador.
Reposting my little comic review link from last night.
No idea when I’m going to get around to another movie review – just not feeling as motivated lately – and been watching/doing other things too. Might get back in the mood when the weather starts cooling down again.
Very cool comic, I’ll have to check it out!
Have you ever looked at Hugo Pratt’s Jesuit Joe? You might like it for the setting, although protagonist is…less than heroic.
Noooo….but it does sound like something I’d like. And since it was just reprinted – I’ll check in my shop when I get back to town next week – it’s the kinda thing they’d carry.
I’ve not seen it in AM links or ZARDOZ evening ones, so apologies if it’s a repost but
Cyberpunk 2077 cinematic trailer is out.
No gameplay footage, but the aesthetic and tone are exactly what I want. And a somewhat optimistic vibe for what is clearly a dystopian setting.
I’m in. I was sold when they first announced it. Plus, CDProjekt.
Suthen, the comment you had in the previous links about the forest you planted was amazing. I sent it to my wife and now we want to do that someday.
Also, I made the black bean dip you posted a couple days ago and it was wonderful.
I don’t like black beans. I like Great Northern or Navy. I’ll do pinto in chilli.
Definitely. Love the concept and hoping to work something like that at some point in the future.
So, the new Fallout ’76 game is essentially a survival MMO.
Fuck that, man. If I want to interact with people they have these things called ‘Bars’ I can go to and do so with alcohol. Vidya games are for not interacting with people and one of the reasons I like Fallout is that it is a single person game.
I hear you, but to an under-30-year-old what you said is less comprehensible than the use of payphones.
It’s not New Vegas, therefore it sucks.
Agreed. I’m bummed out.
Maybe we could get a death raid of Glibs together…
Yeah, this crossed my mind. Raider-gang. (see below)
there is strength in numbers.
Another fantastic opportunity to say, “Fuck Todd Howard.”
I refused to play Fallout 4 after they dumbed-down the RPG elements. I’m sure as hell not going to play this.
Word homie.
“the new Fallout ’76 game is essentially a survival MMO.”
Can you form slaver gangs, and enslave any solo players you find, and sell them as rape-fodder to brother-managers for ammunition + chems?
Asking for a friend.
At this point I really want them to remake Fallout: Tactics or at least reskin/mod X-Com for something like that. It was their only venture into the midwest and it worked really well (esp with the vehicles and other character class options). Might have to dig out my old copy and see if I can run it on Win 10.
The only game I play that can’t be paused is Elite: Dangerous, and then I have to pretty much get a babysitter and carve out an entire day to myself. It’s fun and all, but I don’t have the time to blow on stuff like that anymore. And while I still play video games, I’m finding as I get older I’m getting a lot less out of them.
I have to say, listening to Trump on trade with Canada. He’s a bit much. I hate to the fact he’s making me agree to some extent with Justin. Fuck you Donald!
It’s all part of his evil plan.
You will love the Justin, whether it’s Trudeau or Bieber, you will love the Justin.
I foresee Justin’s eyebrows becoming the next Hat and Hair character.
They should wrassle the Bolton stache.
Idea for The Hair, in the next HnH cartoon?
How do you agree? Justin reject the free trade offer and is now apparently going to the mat to keep tariffs on stuff like dairy products. We can argue whether it’s worth Trump’s trouble, or if he’s just beating up a wimp to impress the Koreans, but Trudeau’s position is pretty indefensible.
I’d take Trump over that slimy weasel Trudeau everytime and I don’t even like Trump.
Yeh, I guess there’s that angle.
I don’t know what to think anymore.
Trudeau is definitely not the guy to be in this situation.
“Team America, fuck yeah!!! Gonna save, the mother fuckin’ day yeah!!!”
I’d say they’ve gone off the rails, but that would imply they were on the rails in the first place.
For them, there are no rails. They haven’t even figured out the wheel yet.
But the runners on that sled are greased and she’s perched on the top of the highest hill in sight.
“We’re America, Bitch”
An official in the Trump administration. Who?
Damn, the whole thing is unnamed “officials” and “Trump friends”. As if I’m going to trust him to be honest.
Is this guy in the Administration now? If not, he should be.
That is a video full of win.
You know, the guy familiar with Trump’s thinking.
Doesn’t matter. I love it. I’ve been a political junkie since Nixon was running for a second term and this administration is just fascinating with a full range of emotional responses. Every day I find reason to shake my head for good and bad reasons.
Regardless of the outcome, I’m still rooting for a species ending asteroid.
My 9 year daughter makes up stories, too. Maybe I can get her a job at The Atlantic.
What the hell is wrong with you?
It’s the study of the human condition. If more than two people are involved, politics are involved. And it’s not just politics, it’s current events as well. It all ties in with spending 30 years dealing with other people’s crises. The ability to watch people’s interactions and be able to predict the outcome fascinates me.
Until I get disgusted and turn everything off. Everything in moderation, including moderation.
I find it helps to think of it as a sport.
Guy Fieri.
This is an apricot:
“Well, since Meliania has been seen in public, @brianstelter and the rest of @CNN need a new Malaysian airliner.”
Fukken nice.
Jesus…those comments from hardcore Trumpistas. Political tribalism is one hell of a drug.
What am I missing here? A photo goes “viral” and a news outlet explains who all the people in the photo are, presumably for those who are not quite dialed in, seems fairly straight forward to me.
You guys all post tweets, I can do that to!
You can do that to what?
Winston’s mom.
For IHOP, they should let the bums use their restrooms for free and rename themselves IHOBO.
The last time the wife and I ate there, years ago, The young woman herding people to tables was thin, about 6 feet tall and had such unnaturally long legs that you got kind of a surreal feeling looking at her. She was a human grasshopper.
After sitting down I pointed that out to my wife, who had noticed also.
Me – “What do you suppose she tells people when they ask where she works?”
Wife – “IHOP?”
Me – “I didn’t ask what you do, I asked where you do it.”
Significant of nothing, only mildly funny but for some reason that has stuck in my head for over a decade.
Short clip. somewhat amusing
That wasn’t very nice.
“MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle admitted Monday that she curses at President Donald Trump while taking showers.”
Video or it didn’t happen.
But you can never leave.
“Mozambique police warn bald men after ritual attack
Bald men in Mozambique could be targets of ritual attacks, police have warned, after the recent killing of five men for their body parts.
Two suspects have been arrested in the central district of Milange, where the killings occurred.
“The belief is that the head of a bald man contains gold,” said Afonso Dias, a police commander in Mozambique’s central Zambezia province.
Albino people have also been killed in the region for ritual purposes.
Three men have been killed in the past week alone.
There has been a spate of killings of people with albinism in East Africa in recent years, with their body parts used to make charms and potions by witchdoctors.”
Does this qualify as a shithole?
And after the first one was gold free, why go for another?
They ask the same thing about leprechauns but I keeps catching them.
Everyone knows leprechauns are extinct.
Sounds like a lovely place doesn’t it? Also, how damn stupid do you have to be to believe something like that?
About as stupid as taking a course at Princeton in being a more vulnerable man.
Maybe they are like scratch-off tickets?
Today’s Scotland news – everyone is an organ donor:
Families will no longer have the legal power to block the use of a deceased relative’s organs for transplants after legislation for a new opt-out system was tabled at the Scottish parliament.
The legislation followed the SNP government’s announcement a year ago that it intended to adopt the system that is already in place in Wales and the subject of a consultation in England, to help to boost the number of organs available for transplants.
It will replace the present system, in which potential donors have to opt in before their organs can be harvested. The number of organs which become available for transplant is often limited because relatives can veto donation even if the donor had made their wishes clear. Under the new system it will be presumed that consent for organ donation has been granted unless a person has explicitly declared otherwise.
In a further significant change, families will be able to override the presumption only if it can be shown that the deceased relative did not want their organs to be used for transplants.
How many more organs could we salvage if we quit providing critical care in borderline cases and assume the patient I mean donor implied consent to forego treatment.
Larry Niven could claim IP rights.
In other news from Scotland, a new shortage of haggis.
What is this? China?
And people tell me I exaggerate when I say they see their citizens as cattle.
Another “hero” helps his community
No charges for the idiot cop, only the guy who found the gun.
not yet. hahahahaha not ever
It’s happening. Trump and Kim meeting. Smiles and handshakes. Holy shit.
No shit. Im somewhat stunned.
Just got my BIF package, and how Cool is it? Many fresh Brews I can’t get, lots of Shwag, and a Killer Vibe,
If you haven’t joined, you should…………….
Put me on the next list….Ill send ya’all Little Kings, and Prell shampoo.
I wanna send you some Cheap, Really good beer to blow Your mind, addy me @ ARE Lozonne@ GEE MALE DOT COM
BIF Club, Send in your reviews! Let’s make it an article! We get to drink Beer we would never see IRL, and make People Jealous! Maybe next time we can have more participants,
Either I’ve had entirely too many 24 oz Keystones (which at this point of the evening is almost always the case), but just to see what the Left had to say, I watched MSNBC coverage for the past 10 minutes or so, expecting Maddow to say the entire N. Korea thing was the result of Obama, or Rodman, or someone.
She seemed genuinely congratulatory to Trump, by making the remark (paraphrased) “this whole scene is due entirely to this president”.
Am I dead?
I’m guessing she expects it to blow up, and is laying the blame explicitly at his feet.
If nothing substantial comes out of this summit, the flip side will be just as swift and absolutely vicious.
And MSNBC is also looking at the ratings. All anti-Trump, all the time has tanked CNN. MSNBC is looking for a slightly milder path.
Drink more Beer, ignore Politricks………..
Sup Tres!
‘Will You Give Up Your Nuclear Weapons?’: CNN’s Acosta Shouts Questions at Kim, Trump
Kim Thought bubble, “Dis da sheet you gotta deal wit to have free press? Meeting ova!”
sorry, “fwee pwess?” Translation error.
I Call my Silver Kia LIL Kim,
I hate that I have to agree with the FOX anal-ist that said essentially, “Trumps bluster at the G8 and upsetting everyone was just to set the stage for the meeting with Kim”.
80-D chess, dude.
I get it now. In 2016, half the country had a Dale Gribble moment. That’s how we got Trump.
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
This one.
Here Q, this Fits….
Heh, the playlist that is on also has SugarCult, SouthGang and Butch Walker; I might like the feller that made that playlist.
You need to add THIS
I trust Trump more than Pompeo and Bolton; and I just made a cartoon about Trump doing this all to sell steaks; so that says how squeamish I am.
ABC news live stream is interviewing a Kim impersonator who said he doesn’t have to destroy America any more because Trump is doing it. This is journalism in 2018.
this makes me feel like they might make it,this good
They just gave the lunch menu for today, desert is Hagendass; the host made a two scoops joke.
For two dictators?
4.8% projected grow up from Obama’s 1.5% average. We’re suffering for sure.
James Taranto on Ben Rhodes post-facto account of his time in the white house
with specific emphasis on the “Red Line” incident.
It aint’ complimentary.
There are a number of silly reflections by Rhodes
The 2013 crisis began in late August, when U.S. intelligence reported a “high-confidence assessment” that the Assad regime had used sarin gas to massacre more than 1,000 people in a Damascus suburb. Mr. Obama convened the National Security Council on Aug. 24. “The tone of the whole meeting suggested an imminent strike,” Mr. Rhodes writes. He began planning a public-relations offensive to support the military one. “It felt energizing,” he adds, “as though we were finally going to do something to shape events in Syria.”
Sure ben. As though you hadn’t been balls deep in Syria up until that point.
Then, pesky GOP congress starts signaling that they might not approve a syrian war! shocker. Rhodes blames the GOP – at that time a 54-46 minority in the senate – of dissuading Obama from decisive action.
there was also, of course, the pesky PR-problem of Obama’s own writings as a presidential candidate:
(sad face)
its an interesting look at how obama’s foreign policy team always seemed to worry first about ‘how something looked for Obama’, rather than “Is this thing the right actual policy??” But, as Taranto notes, they don’t seem to recognize this as a source of their own ineptitude.
Taranto, and surprisingly, a large swath of the MSM, seem to sometimes think that the “Red Line” moment SHOULD have been a moment where the US declared war. Again. So they cast Obama’s failure in that moment as one of failed leadership. It always struck me as an example of failure not because we avoided war, but that he nearly bluffed himself into one through pure hubris and incompetence.
Hat and Hair have been live tweeting the #summit.
I’m sure it must have been linked today but I was traveling and am now just sitting down to the Dennis Rodman interview from CNN earlier. This is some truly hilarious shit. I am entertained.
Rodman in a MAGA hat?
Am I dead?
“Rodman traveled to Singapore ahead of the summit, though he is not expected to play a role in the meeting between the two leaders, the first between a sitting U.S. president and North Korean leader.”
Well, if it all falls apart, now we know why.
What a bizarro world this is. “The Donald as President, Dennis Rodman, and the North Korean dictator hanging out in Singapore”. Ten or twenty years ago that sounds like the plot to a mediocre buddy comedy. Hell, even four years ago.
You’re missing all the craziness if you aren’t getting the hat and hair live tweet.
You’re doing the Lord’s work.
14-4 hogs take down cocks. Omaha bound those pigs are
This might be the coup de gras; I might end the live tweet now.
Leader of the free world shaking hands with the dictator
Trump is on the right, who is that other guy?
Kim Jong Appeasement.
Hopefully he didn’t drink the water.
(I hate Doris Day)
Then that is an odd choice.
First thing that came to mind about not ingesting something
Not something about the brown acid? sad.