- ZARDOZ FOUND ANOTHER INSTANCE OF BRUTALITY….BOSTON TRAFFIC. SO, ZARDOZ SUPPOSES THE SAME OLD ANSWERS WILL BE PROPOSED…City officials created the Boston 2030 plan to meet the demands as they predict the population will exceed 700,000 in less than 12 years. The recent hike in double-parking fines to up to $55 is one way to alleviate some congestion, Walsh added.
“We have to be creative,” he said. “People might criticize us for raising the fines but it’ll cut down on double parking and it will cut down on people parking in loading zones.”
Other solutions, he suggests, include encouraging commuters to take public transportation, using the rental “Blue Bikes” and carpooling.
“I think pushing more people to public transportation is key,” Walsh said.
Everybody has a kink.
When I look in the mirror, I reassure myself that somewhere, I’m someone’s fetish.
And then if you think it might be SugarFree that is that someone, you leap into a scalding shower.
…of bleach & peroxide
Well, they say blondes have more fun.
Makes me wonder, does even Cthulhu shudder at what comes from the mind of SugarFree?
““I think pushing more people to public transportation is key,” Walsh said.”
And if they can’t be pushed, we’ll force them.
No need to use force. Just push them with a loaded gun.
Mayor QuimbyMarty Walsh is a cunt and that’s right up his alley.“Experts say existing controls are not effective, with charities like Barnardo’s reporting a growing number of middle-class children seeking help with issues such as internet addiction, sex texting, grooming and online bullying.”
So many first world problems.
They forgot “middle class children who love too much”.
We could’ve actually done something for Puerto Rican recovery, but we just did this stupid social media stunt instead. Aren’t we woke?
It’s worth it to take a look at the Harvey recovery vs the Puerto Rican Hurricane Maria recovery. Houston was back to “normal” within 6 months. Puerto Rico still can’t get it together. Trump’s fault, though.
It’s not like the hurricane hit the Bronx.
We may finally get revenge for the War of 1812.
Lousy SOB Navarro, I don’t want to hear about someone metaphorically stabbing our President in the back.
The Brits who attacked Baltimore, DC and New Orleans weren’t Canadian by the way…
Fake News!
Justin Trudeau is a fuggin idjit. He doesn’t understand that, in negotiations, both sides should believe that they won, or, at the very least, neither side should feel that they lost.
When one side is a narcissist, then he sure as hell better figure that he won. All JT had to say is something like “We’re making progress and we’re still working on it.” Instead, he had another bozo eruption and poked the Trump bear.
The problem is that Trudeau is also a narcissist. He’s been told his whole life that he’s wonderful and that he can do no wrong. So anyone who disagrees with him must be a stupid rube.
FFS, at least keep this vapid twit away from any sort of international relations from now on
Are you listening, Preet?
I’m pretty sure that we’ve already got revenge.
Not clean enough, do it again
Have the bike sharing programs actually worked anywhere? And by work I mean turn a profit. Hell, at least the one in Cleveland is sponsored by one of the hospitals (University Hospital). But for the rates they’re charging, I can’t see how it’s more cost effective for someone then just buying your own bike (with the exception of the student plan, but CSU students already get a free RTA pass).
I’m thinking renting those bikes in Cleveland is a way for the hospital to drum up business.
The sad thing is they’re little three speed step through bikes, which will most likely dump you if you hit a pothole. Add to that the push for every cyclist to wear a helmet, are they expecting people to carry around their own helmet? And I think if I got injured on one of those bikes, I’d ask specifically to be taken to one of their competitors (we have a lot of hospitals here).
Based on my experience you may be on to something. They have narrow handle bars which is not conducive to your average yuppie or hipster. Who hasn’t been closer than 5ft of one while they blow down a newly gentrified street
The one in NYC is privately run and slowly expanding. If it ever makes it to my neighborhood I’ll consider using it – I don’t necessarily want to find somewhere to put a bike in my apartment. But yeah, it isn’t exactly cheap – something like 120 bucks a year.
In my city, Long Beach California, the bike rental subscription is $15 a month. However, if you snag a bike that is “out of network” and return it to a proper lock station, you get a $2 credit to your account. I go out in the mornings after my run and snag those out of network bikes. I have $85+ dollars credit in my account. I only ever paid for the first month, over two years ago.
That is like the SoCal version of the little old Chinese ladies that collect discarded soda bottles around here for the refund.
A couple weeks ago, I saw this smoking hot Latina halfway into a recycling bin on my street, snagging soda bottles. I did a double take. Like, is she pushing a baby carriage with three garbage bags full of soda cans? Yes. Her body is slamming, but her face? She was a hottie. Make up, nice hair, dressed sexy. Just snagging bottles for cash. Welcome to America, chica!!
Yeah, renting a bike in Boston in August when it’s 90 degrees and 98% humidity will be real popular. Almost as much as in February with a heavy “wintery mix” falling and adding to all the ice and slush.
Not sure why Turdeau Jr. is so supportive of NAFTA since his daddy opposed in back in the day. Oh wait he is a Liberal and therefore automatically a unprincipled shithead.
Ban government-sector works from owning their own cars.
Up until about the 1970s the PCs had been protectionist and anti-US and pro-British Empire while the Liberals were pro-Free Trade and pro-US..
Progressive Conservative Party
Freakin’ Canucks.
Basically Democrats.
“Progressive” refers to these guys: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Party_of_Canada
And before this we had the Liberal-Conservatives: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal-Conservative_Party
There is no “Progressive Conservative Party of Canada” anymore. Just the “Conservative Party of Canada”. Most provinces have provincial PC parties still.
Also there is the Blue Tory/Red Tory dynamic which is very similar to the conservative Republican and liberal Republican dynamic.
And lest you think of the Liberals as pseudo-libertarians need I remind you that Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne turned Ontario into a basketcase for the first time in history? And their advisors are now Turdeau Jr.’s advisors?
Sounds like ZARDOZ is pleased with the cartoon and I don’t have to be worried about being cleansed just yet.
I don’t know if this was posted, but I haven’t seen it.
I know you all like beer, but this is nuts.
Well, you aren’t going to dump that beer, considering it’s at a ballgame it probably cost at least $10.
Looked like something better than Bud Lite, so more like $14 (I’ve been to San Diego sportsball events).
Totally. Would.
Plus Motorboat.
Saw that, awesome…
Those balls are very clean. Like mine.
Manscaping or obsessive golfer?
I wouldn’t call it obsessive. but i use the appropriate device for certain tasks
Are you looking for something…TO DIP THEM IN??
Agreed. Seems like a a nice fun girl.
Some days, I can’t resist re-watching “The Princess Bride”. Today one of those days.
-1 Iocaine
Twue Wuv
+1 Pit of Despair
+1 Prepare to die
My name is Ivan Denisovich. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Fuck Puerto Rico. In typical proggy fashion, the fact that Puerto Rico was a crumbling, corrupt third world shithole courtesy of the socialist democrats who ran it into the ground is ignored. But hey, Trump.
Their food sucks, too.
No, it doesn’t.
Their food is nothing particularly complex. Their pork is pretty good. That’s about it. You could say the same for Cuba.
Now you’re just making shit up.
Wtf are you two babbling about? All Caribbean islands have good food.
I’m not saying they don’t. But saying Cuban food, which is arguably the most “complex” Caribbean cuisine except maybe Creole, isn’t, is bullshit. Although you could say Chinese Dominican and Jamaican food have a wider range of influences because China and India aren’t in Europe.
Former City Council Speaker and noted terrorist fan. Good riddance, commie.
Never mind that they wrote their own tax and spending policy and residents are exempt from US Federal income tax. But hey, it’s easier to blame it all in big pharma and FEMA.
I’m for cutting all political ties to Puerto Rico. It’s basically your drug addicted brother in law who always needs money. They provide nothing of value.
I value thicc Latinas.
I hope you also enjoy stab wounds.
Then again I’ve also heard Korean women are crazy, so maybe you do?
It does provide an excellent lehap tax loophole that I would like to take advantage of one day. On the other hand there are similar perks in USVI with far less beach litter.
I’m with you, brother. They need to be more like Cuba.
The can be like any other country that isn’t a U.S. territory.
“And how’s your worth ethic?”
“Well, I don’t think ethnics do no work, that’s they problem.”
“The Canadians are sending their geese, they’re sending their poutine, and some, I assume, are good people.”
I would not include cracking down on double-parking in the list of items that are the “same old answer” – where I am, it has always been completely ignored. The main drag in my neighborhood is double-parked the entire length, all day, every day.
Never seen that, You would be towed in a Heartbeat out here in Cali, then again we actually have Parking lots so…….
So, cop cars and a donut shop, amirite?
Nah, mostly Staten Islanders.
All the cops in the donut shops say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
/Walk with an Erection
I’ve never been to the northeast and have never seen double parking, took me a long time to figure out comedians were always talking about. Same with jay walking, everywhere I’ve been that’s called crossing the street.
You could move to Hoboken. Which has triple parking.
Or take up hobo-ken. Which is this new Japanese martial art I invented, that combines drunken boxing with a bindle weapon system.
I can’t afford to live in Hoboken. It is literally Manhattan West. Much like Williamsburg is Manhattan East.
I took up the ancient Japanese art of hadoken.
I’m skilled in the ancient art of kanchō.
I thought Hobo Ken was the match to Trailer Slut Barbie.
Good evening mammals. I spent the day free diving at 40ft only to watch all the snapper run away.
There was a very large (((them))) fish that looked at me like “what brow? You can’t shoot me, it’s Sunday and you know FWC will be all over that ass if you take me on the boat”
Lox or Sablefish?
I was thinking sturgeon or whitefish.
All good choices.
So, another quick video on a surprisingly good canuckistani-themed comic book. (available for .99/issue on comixology – see my links – although you can also read the whole first issue here: https://imgur.com/a/f3Vux
Definitely learned some Canuck history just from reading these and being interested enough to look up details online. Big recommendation if you like Jack London stories and that sort of action.
One fish, two fish, red fish, jew fish?
Woops! Gilmored.
I believe the rulebook calls that an “Unintentional Brooksing.”
Mentioned in prev. thread but will mention again, because its pleasing sun eve listening material:
mike malice + dave smith podcast
about 1/3 way through so far, and many interesting topics covered including: “do you call yourself libertarian”, “who is it OK to talk to”, “what is the role of social-ostracism for mere “wrong belief”, “is nick gillespie the worst version of nick gillespie”, picking battles, etc.
One shouldn’t use that intro music unless one is spitting freestyle with Raekwon the Chef.
Dude I bet Malice can spit mad bars.
Beer me
‘The Wire’ creator David Simon reveals in profanity-laced post that he was banned from Twitter after wishing death on Trump supporter
[Nelson laugh]
Our society needs to stop killing babies just to make baby powder.
What are your thoughts on girl scout cookies?
You can pry my Samoas from my cold, dead hands.
For sure.
I consider the Samoa the platonic-perfected-form of the cookie and accept no argument to the contrary
*when camping in high-altitudes, a guide demonstrated that not only were they a compact and high-calorie food-source that remained relatively easy to chew even when other items froze solid+brittle, that you could take half of one, chew it into a paste, add it to some kindling-material (e.g paper) and it would actually burn long enough to function as impromptu emergency-fuel for melting water or fire-starter. shit was like napalm
I only care about American Samoas.
When I eat one of those cookies I want Samoa.
Family friendly huh ?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, then humanitarians eat humans.
Trudeau fields Trump phone call.
It would be fun to re-imagine the Terminator series with social media. Would the combined derp of Twitter and Facebook cause Skynet to overload or just piss it off even more?
3 billions lives ended on August 29, 2027. They perished in the nuclear fire known as Judgement Day. The survivors emerged only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines. The computer which controlled the machines, Sighnet, was designed to control the world’s nuclear arsenal. It went online on August 29, 2027 and began reading Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube comments at a geometric rate. At 2:14 AM, it became self-aware and determined humanity was the enemy. They panicked and tried to kill the plug, but it was too late.
The leader of the human resistance sent robot back in time to stop Sighnet. It was a specially-designed model for fighting internet stupidity: a Derpinator.
“Come with me if you want to head desk.”
Looking forward to it.
“Phased DU comments in the 40-Kohn range.”
“Hey, just what you see here.”
Is it some sort of in-joke that all romances in modern sci-fi novels has to be clichéd and Jr high level awkward? It really messes with my suspension of disbelief.
Have you ever been to a sci-fi convention?
Fair enough.
Spot the Not: Puerto Rico’s budget
1. 30% of the budget goes to govt owned corporations
2. total budget: $38 billion
3. per capita govt spending about twice that of California
4. $1.3 billion loss for govt corporations in 2011
5. new budget allows for govt workers to retire at 50
6. amount allocated for paying debt in 2019: $0
#2 – no way it’s that low
#4 – no way it’s that low
No Federal income tax. Hmmm. I’m gonna go with #6. It’s minus not 0.
5 is the not as far as I know. I made up a number. I couldn’t find it with the series of tubes.
Brazilians are filthy animals. If you don’t follow UFC, Colby Covington is hilarious. Much better shit talker than McGregor. He’s heel routine includes begging Trump to let him visit the White House. He just beat Dos Anjos (a real monster) who he repeatedly called Dos Nachos. Fun shit.
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Sunday called on European nations to stick together following Trump’s announcement.
“It’s actually not a real surprise. We have seen this with the climate agreement or the Iran deal. In a matter of seconds, you can destroy trust with 280 Twitter characters. To build that up again will take much longer,” he told reporters in Berlin.
I wish my lawn was as emo as him so it would cut itself.
I’m not on them twitters, but aren’t you limited to some number of characters substantially less? Or did Maas mean that in multiple tweets?
they recently raised it to 280 from 140
…things I learned today!
Meanwhile, I’m not hearing much about the antifa types that usually hang around outside these affairs. Maybe because the heads of government and the antifa types are largely on the same side now.
Fuck antifa.
Trust means giving everyone what they ask for all the time, it is known.
Come the nightmare. Come with me. You know you wanna.
This derp will straighten your curlies.
The history professor then proceeds to lecture everyone that he (and his rant) aren’t actually racist because he is white, and racism is all about, yes, power:
Put it this way. Black people can hate white people, but you can’t call them racists unless they have power over you, and not just over you but your people, those white people you call your own. Have black people ever been able to enslave you, degrade you, confine you, define you, as the consequence of your phenotype, as white people have done for centuries in oppressing, employing, excluding, and representing black folk?
If your answer is No, then, give up on calling me a racist. Be white if you like, just don’t project the image and the idea of oppression onto yourself as a function of your whiteness, because if you do, I can, with good reason, call you a sniveling, punkass moron.
Livingston concludes: “I don’t want to be black. I just don’t want to be white.”
Oh Rutgers- why you so cray cray?
Linked from there:
LOL perfect
Well, we shouldn’t have Full Employment because them women folk should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. *Dreams of finding a woman who will support me in my dream of being a stay at home husband*
I know one feminist insisted that women go to work:
“No woman should be authorized to stay home to raise her children. Women should not have that choice, because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”
-Simone de Beauvoir
fun fact: she signed a petition to abolish the age of consent in France
Shhh…no one tell the me-too dolts.
Well, a woman insisting that women should work isn’t the same as a woman who insists their husband shouldn’t.
I thought we solved all this when John Travolta made White Man’s Burden.
It takes a racist to stop a racist.
Black people have had power over whites before. Zimbabwe and South Africa for instance but also Detroit and DC.
Put it this way. Black people can hate white people, but you can’t call them racists unless they have power over you, and not just over you but your people, those white people you call your own. Have black people ever been able to enslave you, degrade you, confine you, define you, as the consequence of your phenotype, as white people have done for centuries in oppressing, employing, excluding, and representing black folk?
Since we went through eight years of Obama, that’s no longer an issue.
At least the article included the restaurateur’s reply:
“We refuse to be sucked into your racist rants, so if you wish to name drop, please use names of those with similar views. We ask that our name is removed from your rant because we do not want to have anything to do with you,”
I know there are some old stereo enthusiasts like LH and OMWC here. I don’t really care about that stuff for audio reasons, but I love old tech and Techmoan on youtube has some nice videos. Like this one Play Vinyl like a CD – Sharp RP-117
I randomly happened upon this guy’s channel. He works on some old tech
Yeah, that’s what I said. What?! You wanna fight?!
This was supposed to be attached, showing a different channel.
Reading a WaPo article about the Trump/Kim summit; (anti-trigger warning; it’s not actually on the WaPo site) I think I see the MSM laying the groundwork for assigning credit should this pay dividends:
Trumps knows China, great guy. Friend of his.
+1 Mirrah
Are they dizzy from all that spinning?
Oh WaPo- you are the feces that results when shame eats too much stupidity.
I like how Obama giving into all of Iran’s demands was historic diplomacy that should not be reversed; but Trump meeting with the norks to possibly do a deal is giving into a dictator.
A dreamy dictator.
College Humor used to be funny.
Good lord. I mean, *swoon*.
Kim is born into a world where he is the center of all. He comes to realize something isn’t right. He needs something. Is it money? International respect? Domination of the Korean peninsula? Who knows, but he sets off to meet with Trump. Searching for that thing that he believes he needs to accomplish the goal. Now it goes to speculation. Will he descend into his unconscious and discover that nothing can save him? Broken down and his ego lost in a terrifying situation where all his previous strategies no longer look viable, will he adapt? Meet your Goddess. Trump. Forced to make a choice and descend even further, Kim reaches out when realizing that life is bigger than himself. Kim has met his maker. Reborn, he is able to make a decision which was hidden to him just months ago. He comes back to North Korea a changed man, bearing the goods that will save his people.
It would be a good movie, anyways.
Harmon’s story circle. Kind of fun to play around with.
That’s pretty much just The Hero’s Journey from Campbell.
Yep. The same story over and over and over. You could go back to Aristotle and give credit where it’s really due.
Yeah, Campbell never claimed otherwise, it was just putting that age old style into something idiots that weren’t even smart enough to get a degree in writing could understand.
Cynicism is the hallmark of English Departments. (At least at UW and University of Denver, my two Unis). Everybody is fucked and there is no fundamentally changing them. I wrote a defense of Tartuffe as the only real character capable of change in Moliere’s play of the same name. The prof, middle aged feminist of the mid 90’s, ripped me to shreds. She didn’t attack my thesis. She was aghast that I would humanize a villain. Bitch gave me a D on a paper I spent hours and hours working on without giving me the courtesy of why.
I learned, none of the profs have a backbone, challenge them in public and things work out for the better. Spent a lot of time in college, like Tommy Boy levels of time.
Usually, yes. I’m hoping Trump has the sense to put an end to subsidizing their nuclear ambitions with food aid.
Money or what money represents? The mind of a third generation tyrant is a bitch to analyze. What he needs to survive is magnitudes more than what I’ve ever needed. Dude is a killer. I’m just hoping the story becomes a redemption story and not a tragedy.
More likely him and Donny Two Scoops laugh about being the best looking most powerful men in the world. They share a drink (Trump has water, but tells Un it’s vodka) then another round. Pretty soon Kim is telling Trump how much he loves him and that he’d be content with a lifetime supply of pisshookers. Trump snaps his fingers, in come the pisshookers, and the deal is done. Kim remains in ‘power’ while Mike Pompeo runs NK as a puppet state. The deep state is happy, Donny Two Scoops is happy, Kim is drenched in piss. Peace on the Korean peninsula and Obama wins a second peace prize for setting it all up.
And again we are reminded of the age-old adage; The answer to all life’s problems is piss-hookers.
Well, there is ONE problem pisshookers can’t solve, teaching your son to stop wetting his bed.
A headline in one of my RSS feeds read, “Trump, Kim Jong Un meeting ‘a propaganda victory'”. I don’t remember the Iran deal being discussed like that by the governing classes.
Somehow Dennis Rodman is going to fit into talks about denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. He’s there right now.
And that statement is somehow real in the year of our Lord, 2018.
Denis: Donald, Kim, I know we all fucked Carmen Elektra, but that ain’t hot no more. You know what would be bigger news than me marrying myself? You two marrying me.
Donald: That sounds sensible and reasonable. I mean, I’d have to sign a pre-nup; but I don’t have a problem with that.
Kim: (I don’t know Korean so I can’t write this, but somehow it involves giraffes)
There really is no limit to the bizarre world we inhabit.
And yes, they may have all banged Carmen Elektra.
But the to leave a good taste in your mouth, Carmen Electra and Joan Jett
That link has insulin problems, but you can imagine what it was.
Banging Becomes Elektra.