Between the skies not being terribly helpful, work being more nuts than usual (how can a chiller that works perfectly completely seize up because I moved it 600 yards into a different room?), me planning on heading north of the wall to meet up with a red-haired French teacher in about three hours, this look into the astral influences is going to be sparse. Or, perhaps you can think of it as me giving you more room to experience your own personal relationship with the stars without having to worry about “rules” or “interpretations” that would impinge on your freedom. Let’s go with that one.

If I have time for stargazing this weekend, something has gone terribly wrong.
Only one alignment to discuss: Sol-Mars-Saturn (retrograde), Venus in opposition. One meaning of that is a woman will be murdered in a particularly horrific fashion. I really don’t like that one*, so hunting for alternates gives us “fight breaks out at peace talks,” or “some people claim that there’s a woman to blame.” Expect Angela Merkel to fuck something up. Possibly Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
As to the whole planet-in-constellation list…
Venus is transiting out of Cancer, lessening the overall feminine influences.
Aquarius should expect a visit from… red? Woman? Scarlet woman? Something like that anyway. Also, commies will gather by a large body of water.
Saturn retrograde will not get the fuck out of Capricorn! There are just so many goat jokes that a non-Welshman can make!
This week will be good for thinking and intellectual work with Mercury sharing the Sun in Gemini. The Venus/Cancer connection earlier will extend this to psychotherapy for all you madglibs out there.
And of course, Jupiter retrograde keeps up governmental misrule, abuse, and general fuckings-over. Speaking of general fuckings-over, here’s what you get when you get when you ask for recommendations for fun things to do in Ottawa (not intended to disparage any glibs advice, this came from a coworker):
*It’s a question famously raised (but not answered) by the Dune books: does the prophet see the future, or create it?
Observer effect
I enjoy these, thanks.
OT, my cat shows no interest in cat nip, but goes absolutely berserk for rosemary. He has been happily rolling around with a rosemary stem for the past ten minutes.
Has the orgy started yet?
“There are just so many goat jokes that a non-Welshman can make!”
Not funny.
I’ve heard of worse things done to goats.
No, I’m just mad because I don’t have a goat.
Well looks like you need a few to have real fun.
Nid oes diwedd ar gyfer y jôcs y gall Cymro ei wneud, fodd bynnag.
I really thought it was going to bounce back.
I guess they finally got tired of it.
*narrows gaze*
Thanks for the narrow gaze. You’ve spared us from any more retread puns.
The puns were getting flat anyways.
Time to rotate?
It’s value was always over inflated anyways.
And this is where the rubber meets the road.
Everyone just thinks they are so slick.
This pun is going down the tube, do you have a spare?
I’m tempted to set it on fire, but we know how long it would go on then.
But it matches the rest of Akron, why tear it down?
It pairs so well with Youngstown.
“without having to worry about “rules” or “interpretations” that would impinge on your freedom.”
I never do
And I larfed.
“Liberal billionaire George Soros blamed the Trump administration for the current woes in society, adding that ‘everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong.’”
I’m not ruling out imminent disaster, but… nothing has gone wrong yet that wasn’t already headed that way.
Did you get my mail?
Ah, yes.
I didn’t realize you pulled my number. I eagerly await delivery. 🙂
You’re getting bath-salt flavored 4LOKO.
Yeah, as if everything suddenly started going wrong on January 20, 2017.
Obama was going to lower the seas and change the world all by himself.
Trump is single handily gonna destroy it all.
No hyperbole there. Nope.
These people. How do they have fans and votes?
I think I’m going to play some more POE2.
Is that the same as Edgar Allen 2: The Quickening?
Gaslight Boogaloo
I though “This time it’s personal” was the tag line for #2
So how does that work?
“The attorneys said they will work with Villavicencio to help him secure valid immigration status.”
Ya know, I really try to be compassionate. Giving the benefit of doubt, and assuming he’s a doting Father to his 2 kids, he was told 8 years ago to hit the bricks. Instead, 5 years after he was evicted, he starts making a family, all the while knowing he’s here illegally. I’m admittedly ignorant when it comes to the machinations of citizenship, but what other country on the planet would even pretend to care, let alone have a state governor swoop in to spare a pizza delivery guy?
*SLD- I fully believe that the honorable guild of pizza-delivery deserves far more respect than say, PR ‘expert’, diversity-coordinator, or career politician.
And thoroughly unfair to people who actually go through the whole process legally.
It is indeed strange that politicians get political applause for being so brave as to “waive immigration laws” for illegal aliens…
…yet rarely do any of them have the political bravery to actually demand reform of the immigration laws such that there is some benefit and incentive to BE legal in the first place.
It’s easier to blame the president for being a big meanie than to have the balls to pass unpopular laws.
That’s sort of my point.
If the democrats gave a flying fuck about immigration, they’d have made some progress @ reform when they had congress locked up 2009-2011. and there were at least a small handful of GOP senators who could have been persuaded (McCain) to go against nativist vote
they have zero interest in actually advancing interests of immigrants. they want to keep them in perma-victim status so they can rush in and waive-the-“exception for you”-wand and pretend to be defenders of the downtrodden
That makes sense.
I was always suspicious of the Democrats’ professed love of illegal immigrants, anyway. This is the party that wants every single thing controlled, monitored, and regulated by the government. There’s no way they are OK with the unlimited and unmonitored movement of human beings across the border.
If everyone is a criminal than they can arrest anyone who doesn’t tow the lion and keep their boots on the neck of everyone else.
SEIU and ASFCME and Act Blue like immigrants insofar as they provide a customer base for their unions to serve; less so if they were a legalized-and-work-permitted competition for public-sector jobs.
iow, unions that rely on public-spending don’t see illegal immigrants as potential labor-competition because they’re kept illegal; yet they, in theory, help inflate public spending which is benchmarked against population
this is why there was so much freaking out about including citizenship questions on the census forms. districts with very large illegal immigrant populations get tons of state+federal spending they might otherwise not if it were *officially visible* to taxpayers where their $ were being diverted.
Its not necessarily that people would immediately say, “Cut spending to X because fuck mexicans”; its just that it would make ‘where spending growth is going’ far more visible to taxpayers
less so if they were a legalized-and-work-permitted competition for public-sector jobs.
My thought during the last spat of teacher strikes/marches was we need to start recruiting teachers from Mexico, Central and South America. It would keep costs down just like farm and construction labor. They would work for less and love an opportunity to teach here. Let’s see how loud the teachers union would scream at that.
“Take that, Trump!”
how can a chiller that works perfectly completely seize up because I moved it 600 yards into a different room?
Ask Yusef.
Remind him that the C in HVAC stands for ‘chiller’.
Seize up How? Pumps? Drive shafts?
I took some food off your proverbial table the other day, and replaced the start capacitor and fan motor on the girlfriend’s A/C. Not only did it save her $, but I looked like a hero (chubby girls don’t countenance heat/humidity), and was rewarded with a 12-pack of shitty beer (by Glib standards), and sexy-time.
I may need to re-think my chosen career and move over to HVAC, if these things are the spoils.
“I may need to re-think my chosen career and move over to HVAC, if these things are the spoils.”
I’ve seen a number of trade documentaries where these things happen.
Karl Hungus agrees.
Like the one on sausage pizza delivery?
Uh oh…. The cable went out again
One meaning of that is a woman will be murdered in a particularly horrific fashion. I really don’t like that one*,
What if the woman were Hillary?
Would that really be murder though?
*This is a joke* kind of like Bill.
So if the AG Sessions is struggling, is he having a struggle session?
My guess is that once the Russia investigation is over, Sessions will be gone before the ink on the report drys.
Dammit, another reason to think about voting for Trump in ’20 – Sessions out of the Senate AND out of DC.
My only concern would be that Sessions is replaced with _________ . I cant immediately think of someone more power-hungry and averse to individual liberty, but I’m certain that person exists, and would be clamoring for the gig.
Basically any AG in the country. Theyr’e all the same asshole.
Arrested, but how far will it go?
It will go a ways. With what happened to Flynn and Papadopoulus, it will have to.
Sent the 15 year old Weber to the scrap metal pile yesterday. Now to set up the new one today.
First up is a bistro filet. Despite the marketing hype, it doesn’t taste like tenderloin. It does however make a great roast beef for sandwiches.
I was trying to figure out what filet had to do with carburetors before the truth dawned on me.
I wasn’t aware that Queens of the Stone Age were pals with Anthony Bourdain.
Homme appeared once on his show
Yep, visited with our friends that own the Integratron. And I’ve eaten at the Country Kitchen – the pho was amazing, even better than the standard breakfast stuff.
This hagiography nonsense is bugging the shit out of me.
The dude committed the ultimate act of selfishness to get back at his girlfriend, and he left behind an 11 year old daughter. Fuck him.
I fucking hate the media and pop culture. This is how you make suicide popular.
The dude committed the ultimate act of selfishness to get back at his girlfriend . . .
Er, is that a known fact? I thought Bourdain didn’t leave any suicide note/message from beyond the grave.
I don’t think anyone knows for sure. I think there is a real chance of it being Auto-erotic asphyxiation gone wrong.
The moment I heard “hung himself,” my depraved mind (which took into account Bourdain’s somewhat, ah, libertine personal history) indeed went there.
I assumed he hung himself while jerking off. Absent a coroner’s report that states, “lethal levels of narcotics found in bloodstream”, I’m going to assume hanged while jacking it. Besides, the news reports aren’t reporting how he died, because it’s embarrassing to print he choked himself to death while choking his chicken. What a dummy.
I would much rather have that reported about me than a suicide. At least my daughter would know that I wanted to see her again.
Aquarius should expect a visit from… red? Woman? Scarlet woman?
Frankly, Aquarius doesn’t give a damn.
She sounds hot. Wait, French class? I get it!.
…she holds him by the ears!
Don’t know if this was linked yet: Democratic parties accused of funneling $84M into Clinton campaign
Too late
there was extensive reporting of this sort of back-door funds-transfer during the 2016 election itself. Bernie (and PACs supporting him) filed lawsuits pointing out that many Bernie donors were encouraged to send money to state parties, with assurances that the DNC distributed resources equally among candidates. Anytime anyone wanted to donate ‘more than the limit’ to an individual candidate, they were told, “Donate to the party” as a means of bypassing the single-contribution limit. But 100% of that was going to 1 candidate.
from what i read at the time, it was a well-known legal loophole, but one only exploitable because, well, “Clinton”; because of her dominance among party insiders, iow.
From what I read in the article the state parties were actually sending the money back to the Clinton campaign, not spending it themselves is the accusation, so a little different and outside the loophole.
” so a little different”
No, that’s what the original allegations were, i think.
The claims were that huge individual donations were taken (up to half a million), then funneled through 40+ separate *state* democrat party offices (to stay within very low ‘individual campaign/party limits …and then taking the bulk of that money and handing it directly to the Clinton campaign.
There was some long form reporting about this in … the Atlantic, and elsewhere, i think. I will try to find it.
This might be it:
there were various reports of similar shenanigans going on at every level, where the entire national/state infrastructure of the DNC was basically functioning as 100%-owned by the Clinton campaign. and there were various legal challenges made (mostly by bernie-related people, but also indv state DNC offices which felt they were getting robbed of donations that were rightfully intended for down-ballot state campaigns…
What difference at this point does it make at this point?
Democrats subverting the law to get campaign funds?
That’s why I refuse to believe that their push for “campaign finance reform” is anything but a political weapon. They want to make sure that nobody other than themselves can run a political campaign ever again. Wasn’t there some Lefty columnist positing that since Drumpf and the Republicans are sooooo crazy and evil, we have to do whatever is necessary to ensure permanent Democrat Party rule?
84 million? That aint shit compared to a couple thousand bucks worth of russian bought facebook ads.
Solar savings not working-out in UK:
The original scheme, launched by the government in January 2013, lent money to homeowners via private companies to install energy-saving measures, such as solar panels, insulation and ground source heat pumps. It was closed after the government pulled financial support in July 2015.
Those who signed up for loans were told that the resulting cut in their energy bills would more than cover the repayments, which could last for up 25 years. This was known as the Green Deal’s “golden rule”.
However, hundreds of people have found that the savings have been far less than predicted.
The loans, set at 6.96% — almost 14 times Bank rate at that time — and collected through energy bills, remain attached to the property, which can make it more difficult to sell.
Pure genius.
No shit. If the savings actually covered the costs, there would have been no need for government backed loans.
Not when you believe that people are too stupid to do what is in their own interest! Then you MUST subsidize/nudge/smash-with-iron-fist.
It’s hot, sunny Britain. They can make up for it in volume.
You mean a rainy island in the northern Atlantic is not a good place for solar panels?? Stop the presses!
My initial thought, too.
“You wanna put solar WHERE?”
ABC studios issued an apology to its Indian fans after outrage over a recent episode of the network’s crime drama “Quantico,” which depicted Indian nationalists trying to frame Pakistan for a New York City terrorist plot.
Josh Safran, Quantico’s showrunner, said that Major rule of Quantico is that it never features a Muslim terrorist.
OK, it’s his show. He gets to pick the bad guys.
The only safe villains are robots, aliens, zombies, and Nazis. I think even communists are off limits these days. There was an oblique reference to ISIS in the latest reboot of The Mummy.
That’s odd, considering that radical Islamists are the most prevalent perpetrators of terrorism in the world today.
Oh, so you hate brown people?
Nu-uh, it’s right wing nazi altright deplorables, do you even prog bro?
I thought it was the SPLC.
wait a minute. You can pretend to be black and get a pass. you can pretend to be native and get a pass. But pretend to be a native terrorist and hell breaks loose? I need a drink.
. . . how can a chiller that works perfectly completely seize up because I moved it 600 yards into a different room?
Refrigeration units all seem to hate being moved. It Is Known.
If you tip the compressor.
You’re only supposed to tip the bartender! Hayo!
If you tip the compressor.
Doesn’t everybody? 😉
Just the tip?
I’m always confused on how much.
Long enough for the oil to migrate back to the Compressor, Bigger= Longer
/That’s What She Said…….
Connecticut High School state records broken in “girl’s” 100 meter and 200 meter dash.
If we forced all men to transition to female there would only be equality, because the dangly bit is the only difference between males and females.
No, Ms Executive Director the problem isn’t that “the optic isn’t good” it’s that the morality isn’t good.
I don’t mind calling those guys “Louise” or whatever, but if they want to run track, they and all the other swinging dicks can compete on the boys team.
Keystone cop time
Jesus. That dude looked like he liked the taser.
Yup and the 2 (totally equal) female cops went all out to accommodate him.
A former cop who’s a buddy of mine says that some street drugs seem to make certain people all-but-immune to being tased. Since alcohol’s my fave drug, I’m assiming that if I ever get tased I’ll just burst into flames.
“assuming” Criminy.
I just figured you were already drunk.
Not yet. The big bro’s cooking pork shoulder roast marinated in brown sugar and cider vinegar this evening and I have to make it there (at least) sober. After that, all bets are off.
Its Florida, so I’m mildly amazed that he wasn’t shot. Or customers shot. Or Wendy’s employees shot. Or any dogs in a 4-block area.
” four counts of resisting an officer without violence and three counts of resisting an officer with violence.”
What??? It was all the same incident.
I must say the $40 pool and $16 pizza float is the best investment I have made in awhile. No better way to smoke ribs than drinking beer whilst floating on nice cool water. Was making good investments part of last weeks horoscope? I don’t remember. And what is up with the Scarlet Women? I need to invent my own religion like they did.
I call em White Trash Pools, and I rock one every Summer, I got an Inflatable Spa once, it WAS cool, til it broke…
Totally white trash and it is fantabulous and just the ticket when it gets 90+. Even more white trash, I was drinking Bud Light because I didn’t want to wait until the liquor store opened so went to the mini mart.
I was eyeballing the Natty Light for the whole white trash experience, but I have class.
You’re wearing some cut off blue jeans and a Hulkamania tank top, right?
And a John Deere ball cap.
you put the lime in the coconut and you throw the can away!
That’s the ticket!
$40 pool? Where can a guy score something like that?
Wal-mart, I assume.
$35.49 close enough for you?
Thanks for enacting the labor. However, the aforementioned girlfriend has 2 boxer-type dogs, and I can see that lasting about 10 minutes before being punctured.
Guess Ill just have to continue laying adjacent to the sprinkler.
That’s Last years Model, Real nice Pool
I had to read some reviews. Biggest complaint seems to be the cup holders. If I didn’t have the hot tub, I would buy one for that price.
If my backyard sloped at less than 30 degrees…maybe. But maybe by next summer if I can take care of the back deck, it might be suitable.
$44 to be exact for the ten footer. Walmart. Don’t gip yourself and not get the pizza float, it is worth it.
Oh! Is SHE included? Seems like a bargain, then.
That’s the one but today mine had a middle aged, could stand to lose twenty pounds white dude on it.
A certain family I know well has 2 young boys. The mother decided to buy the boys a kitchen playset, complete with toaster, oven, plastic food, etc.
I’ll pause here and let you imagine how the boys played with it.
If you guessed: they tore the thing apart and threw everything into the wall as hard as they could, congratulations. You are either a man or a woman with the faintest knowledge of how young boys behave.
The mother calmly scolded the boys for their naughty behavior and spent the next 2 hours forcing them to put every object back in its proper place, including the toy salt and pepper shakers.
The boys attend a fruity school with all female teachers who just stand back wring their hands whenever a boy acts like a boy. Naturally, the teachers have concluded the boys have attention deficit disorder and are recommending various drugs.
On a side note, the suicide rate in the US has gone up 30% in the past 20 years.
Connect the dots, you fucking imbeciles.
[head desk]
No fire involved?
Not yet. One of them has the habit of punching at least one other kid everyday.
The grandparents have dropped a few hints, but they have fallen on deaf ears.
“That’s where I saw the leprechaun! He tells me to *burn* things!”
I taught myself to bake/cook originally out of necessity, then I learned that mentioning to a young lady “why don’t you stop by and I’ll make us supper?” was an effective avenue to get i̵n̵ ̵h̵e̵r̵ ̵p̵a̵n̵t̵s̵ to know her.
+more than 1
Public schools are undoubtedly gynocentric.
Standard Libertarian Disclaimer: I think there should be a very diverse market in school choices, and parents should choose whichever one works the best for their kids.
Now that that’s out of the way: I think there’s something to be said for some degree of gender segregation in K-12 education. Boys and girls develop differently. They apprehend knowledge differently. They are intellectually stimulated by different things. These are all scientific facts that have unfortunately been exiled, and that’s why we have K-12 schools basically being run as girls’ academies with strict punishment and medication for boys who act like boys.
The hell you say! Why, just look at these aggressive, dysfunctional young men.
See? They’re no different at all from aggressive, dysfunctional young women.
I’d call it a self-correcting problem, but inevitably, the smarter/sociopathic soy boys are going to do what boys do, dominate, just in underhanded soy boy ways.
Yeah. And then we get this:
I’ve SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It’s a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing “I’m an Oscar Mayer Wiener.
Family you say? And their father?
I know him well. He spent a lot of time away from home when they were younger, but now he comes home every night.
He knows what must be done, and lays down the law when he is home.
His wife is in charge of their schooling. She wanted a girl so much.
Absolute gold from PragerU
Why Is America So Rich?
Did you know the US govt used to have a monopoly on the telegraph and operated it at a loss?
Did you know the US govt u̵s̵e̵d̵ ̵t̵o̵ ̵h̵a̵v̵e̵ has a monopoly on t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶e̶l̶e̶g̶r̶a̶p̶h̶ AMTRAK and operated̵s it at a loss?
(Id add USPS too, but Im already typing with 1 eye closed trying to drink the image of Sloper in a speedo on a slice of pizza)
I’m so bored I might masturbate again.
I heard that if you don’t jerk it enough, you get prostate cancer.
Gotta make sure those pipes stay clean.
Michael Malice and Dave Smith did a podcast.
that should be fun.
within the first few mins Malice points out something i’d also observed from time to time:
“There’s a certain strain of libertarians that think if you criticize any foreign govt, you’re advocating for war with them, just as many conservatives think if you criticize any right wing person, you want them fired, etc”
or as Dave notes – as bastiat said, ‘if you criticize govt doing something, lefties think you believe no one should do that thing”
bookmarked. I will listen in the am. I have to give morning NPR a rest since it is pledge drive time and I can’t take one more dimwit saying how they give to NPR because of the unbiased reporting and balanced news coverage.
AKA all or nothing; black and white, etc.
“This Woman’s Beauty Secret Is Drinking Her Dog’s Pee”
It doesn’t seem to be working.
Man….that’s just *dons sunglasses*…..RUFF!
That’s nasty.
There’s a woman on YouTube named “RainFlorence” who drinks her own urine and rubs it on her face. She also claims to have dyed her hair with period blood.
I haven’t checked out her channel in quite a while; there’s no telling what kind of crazy shit she’s into these days. My brother and I were speculating that it’s just a matter of time before she starts eating her own feces.
“How are white people not extinct?”
I’m just posting this because it’s comical to me how quickly these “activist” athletes fold. Basically, kneeling was easy. But the cause isn’t worth an actual, you know, sacrifice, man.
It was fine when we were just losing our employers and the league millions of dollars. Now they want us to pay!?
It’s not freedom of speech, anyway. That only applies to government actions.
Just Cause 4 announced! Squeeeeeeeeeee
JC3 is a blast and well worth plonking a few bills down.
*Really* want to play it – but that means buying a new console. 2 is amazing – and it captures SE Asia so perfectly in so many ways (aside from the massive snowy mountain) – massive nostalgia blast every time I fire it up.
“FLASHBACK: Donald Trump met Justin Trudeau’s mom back when she was a promiscuous wild-child in New York. In one of his books he writes about setting her up with a friend of his”
Trudeau’s mom is easy? Who knew the PM of Canada commented here under the handle of Winston.
Say what you will about Winston’s mom, she was no Madame Trudeau.
Comparing me to a Liberal is a very low blow…
Trump is Justin Trudeau’s father?
That was Fidel…
And I always thought Winston was HIhn.
Goober Bully! Aggression! Left-Right=Zero *snicker*
“Media ethics Professor Jane E. Kirtley tried to separate what was legal from “media ethics considerations” – for good reason. Then she used a unique public relations term for dating a source, calling it “a multidimensional relationship.””
Media ethics professor?
OK I get why he was hitting that, but what the hell was her excuse?
The job of an “ethicist” is to come up with rationalizations for things most people find ethically repugnant.
I hear the NHS has an entire team devoted to ‘medical ethics’.
a crap song with a wise message
high school never ends