Virtue signaling…it’s everywhere isn’t it? At first it wasn’t that irritating, because it was easily ignored. The only people doing it were the usual suspects that would go away when their 15 minutes of fame were up. Then Twitter came along and verified how much everybody is stupid—except for you. It drives people to drink. Then the booze merchants had to get in on the act.
I promised myself that when I finally found this I would take it out to the desert and shoot it. Sadly, it was more expensive than I anticipated so I decided I needed to get back at Stone. How can I do it if don’t have a Twitter account?
This is my review of Budweiser Freedom Reserve Lager (limited release).
I figure the best way to stick it to them is to leave it on the shelf and buy something else that doesn’t suit Stone’s standard of “independentness.” Even if Budweisser is technically virtue signaling with this one, at least its one I can get behind. For the astonishing price of $16.99 for a dirty dozen, Budweiser will donate a percentage of the proceeds to Folds of Honor, a Veteran’s charity.
The problem I have with a lot of Veterans charities is how many of them, to put it bluntly: suck. Turns out Veterans like any other seemingly disadvantaged group are used to prey on the compassion of others. In fairness, if somebody wants to donate money, so long as everything is voluntary it is perfectly acceptable for a well meaning individual to do so.
The most well known example of such a charity is the Wounded Warrior Project. To put it politely: they suck ass. Given their celebrity endorsements, merchandising, being schilled by Bill O’Reilly every night for ten years, and their extensive marketing campaign it should be no surprise they have a high overhead. I would find it acceptable if that was the only questionable thing they were spending their donations on. TW: NY Times. Except it wasn’t; they were actually paying their executives $½ million salaries and hosting events at five star hotels. It got to the point where Charity Navigator gave them a D rating after they spent 40% of their revenue on overhead. They got better, but for many it’s too little too late. Then there are other scheisters who will use their well-known name to enrich themselves.

Brand new spinter vans cost money, yo.
They’re not the only ones, even DAV got a poor rating. This one is my personal favorite, run by a VA employee.
One I do like is Pat Tillman Foundation. I’ve participated in one of their events called Pat’s Run, where Arizona State hosts a 4.2 mile long run around Tempe Town Lake and ending at Sun Devil Stadium. Why the odd distance? He was number 42 at Arizona State. Its a scholarship fund.
Folds of Honor seems legitimate enough to me, they too are a scholarship fund.
About this beer: if you are leaving it on the shelf because you think it’s going to suck—it might surprise you. It’s a malty red lager based on a recipe recovered at Mount Vernon. Obviously, it’s different due to Washington predating lagers. My only complaint is it could use a bit more body but to be completely honest, this one doesn’t suck. Budweiser Freedom Reserve Lager (limited release): 3/5
Can I get a link to that dank chair force title meme, hombre? Asking for a friend.
As a recipient of the Air Force Breathing Award, I am deeply offended by that meme.
Acquisitions officer for six years, here. Resigned my commission and enlisted in the Army. I was that fed up with it.
I suppose thats one way to go….
The meme can be found here: https://www.military.com/undertheradar/2016/02/the-13-funniest-military-memes-of-the-week-22416
I got a 404 message.
I don’t know why tags never work on my iPad.
Looks like the Edit Faerie fixed it, anyway.
My wife did acquisition BTW. Still does, just not for the Air Force.
Isn’t that true of all wives?
Mine just came home from a garage sale (her Kryptonite). We have more, uh, “acquisitions.”
Acquisitions, ugh. I was a munitions maintenance officer and worked with B52s so at least is was combat related. I realized in college that I was not going to be doing real engineering in the AF so I went for maintenance.
Ah, the Air Force. It’s almost like being in the military.
Best is being in another branch but working on an AF run facility.
/remembers Al Jaber
I was one of two army officers (my boss was the other one) at Torrejon AF Base, near Madrid. We wore civilian clothes to blend in better. 2 navy guys, 2 AF and 4 army and a couple civilians. 50 years ago and counting. My friends and neighbors were surprised when we all showed up on New Year’s Day in uniform for the base commander’s reception.
I approve of this post since it confirms that everyone else is stoopid except for me.
I saw that Impeach, sadly smiled, and turned away,
I drank that Ale late last Month, In a fit of Pique,
i wasn’t drunk,
Good stuff as always Messy the shooter,
You’re the reason I’m at my Computer,
You’re the reason I’m at my Computer,
And I didn’t even have to take off my clothes to do it!
It’s all about the Beer, Man!
/Tall cans in the Air!
I have seen the ads for that that Bud lager. I’m tempted to try it.
How much does that beer taste like Yuengling? Asking for a friend.
Its been a long time since Ive had Yuengling.
It’s just that every time I see an American made darker colored lager, that’s immediately what I think of. I haven’t drank it in a long time either, not sad about that.
Who are the racist sexists again…?
I can’t help to think that they should be very grateful that they have the leisure to sit around and make this shit up and also for the fact that they have the free speech to allow them to blabber about it on the internet. At the same time, I’m sure they’ve never a a similar thought themselves.
“But, seriously, I can’t think of a single thing that renaming the hymen “vaginal corona” (which is apparently something that’s been suggested) will change”
More people will shove lime wedges where they don’t belong?
I promised myself that when I finally found this I would take it out to the desert and shoot it.
Don’t. You’ll get hooked.
Sounds like fun. Can’t have any of that now, can we?
I’d be curious to know the origins of the “Impeach” label. Stone doesn’t strike me as part of the sjw/leftist signalling crowd. Anti-authoritarian, yes. But considering where they are hq’d (Escondido North County San Diego), and based on my casual demographic survey of the clientele at their flagship brewery/restaurant/offices it would be a bad business idea for Stone to #resist or #dumpTrump.
More importantly, ZIMA’S BACK! OMG OMG
Still not sure Stone is “trolling Trump”. Just saying. Subtle satire flies whoosh over the heads of the BSJ and Vinepair editors? Because nothing in Stone’s self-description of I’m Peach really seemed a jab at the President. Intentionally ambiguous? Yeah. I think the message is “here’s a peach beer drink alot of it”.
Thats fair
I looked at it as another Crazy idea, a Bad one at that……
it didn’t occur to me til messy pointed it out
If I was in marketing I would shoot the idea of Imopeach 45 to Pabst to tweak their Colt 45 recipe with peaches and plaster Maxine Waters mug on the label. It would be a hit with both sides. One because they agree with Auntie, the other because her lack of any grasp of grammar is hilarious and she is batshit crazy.
I don’t know. When I find my way down to the local taphouse, I can imagine this being quite popular with the hipster douchebags sitting around shitting their pants over the last thing Trump tweeted. I think those are their target audience.
I’d be curious to know the origins of the “Impeach” label.
Does it have peaches in it?
If I ever make some beer, the first one will be named ‘Salty Prog Tear Beer’.
Sign me up for a case.
I like red lagers and red ales for that matter. I’ve given to DAV on multiple occasions. They at least used to have low admin cost.
Given what they do, I take their rating with a grain of salt.
For those who would like to know of a worthy Vetran’s charity look into Camp Hope in Houston.
They specialize in vets with PTSD and suicide prevention.
I know someone who is heavily time invested and I know it’s on the up and up.
Their reviews from saving vets from the brink of suicide are impressive.
Thanks for the insight.
Near where I grow up a local brewery makes a “re-discovered” recipe from 1803 for the local living museum:
They have it on tap at the museum. I think it’s delicious though it makes me sad that the beer they make in the actual old museum brewery (huge wooden barrels and wooden cooling tanks) as a living display is actually discarded. Any guesses why?
Health regs or alcohol commission regs?
About 400 gallons of delicious old-timey alcohol poured down the drain for our safety.
Woodchipper needed.
That’s obscene
This old historic house near me used to be a distillery, and they have lots of original (and unopened) cases and individual bottles of whiskey.
Damn. I wonder how old those bottles on the shelf are? I want some too.
Why have I never heard of that?
/grew up in W. Montgomery County
Dunno… It’s a pretty cool place, though. They had some kind of folk/bluegrass music festival last year, and there were pie vendors inside and food trucks in the parking lot.
It’s amazing to walk around that house. I’m a total 1890s-1930s history dork – especially when it comes to buildings – and I could spend all damn day just wandering around in there looking at and touching the walls, pillars, furniture, and everything else.
Oh…I have an ex-GF who is pals with people that go ga-ga over the Strawberry Fest, and the oktoberfest in Minster. Now I remember why I avoid Miami County and parts north…..
However, I have done the obligatory trips to Piqua for the canal stuff. Not to mention the Lowell Thomas house in Greenville, which is actually more about Annie Oakley and the indian treaty. If you’re really bored some day, go down to Brookville and visit the ‘Samuel Spitler House’. http://brookville.dcoweb.org/house.htm
Maybe I’ll have to check out that Spitler place sometime…
I think the Strawberry Festival is pretty cool. The main attraction for me is the food vendors. When I was a little kid, there was some guy who would sell wooden rubberband guns, and my friends and I would buy them and then run all over the festival shooting each other and occasionally other people.
Now, my favorite event in Troy is the Festival of Nations in August. They have people from all over the world selling their native foods and exhibiting arts, crafts, and music. Had some cabbage rolls from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Greek gyros, and some Filipino eggroll-like dish.
Finding solid gyros in SW Ohio can be daunting. I generally go to a greek place on Airway Rd, near WPAFB. Or if Im coming back from Cincinnati, a place in between Middletown and Monroe on Old 25 (aka Dixie Highway).
The eggroll-like dish is, I believe, lumpia. I had an army buddy that was filipino, and his girlfriend would make them all the time. She was also big on taking a whole, intact, fish, and throwing it on my oven on just a bed of rice. Once it was done, everyone just picked the thing apart, scooped up rice, and there ya have it. I called it ‘Holy Mackerel’.
There’s a place called Gyro Palace down in Miamisburg where my friends and I always stop whenever we make pilgrimages to Jungle Jim’s International Market. It’s pseudo-Americanized Greek food (kind of like “Chinese” food around here) but damnit, it tastes good.
Gyro Chef on High Street, upstairs above Mean Mr Mustards in Columbus used to make a fucking good gyro. At least 18 year old drunk me thought it was the best gyro ever. But I was drunk. I think there’s a Banana Republic there now.
inding solid gyros in SW Ohio can be daunting. I generally go to a greek place on Airway Rd, near WPAFB.
Is that the Greek Isle deli? It’s either that place or another one that has kickass gyros. Can’t remember which.
Thats the one. The was another around the corner, in that shopping center on Harshman- the ‘Gyro Palace’ (conveniently located near AutoZone)
Nice review and nice NATO strap. Attached to a nice Omega, right?
Ha! No I lack the funds for that.
I can imagine this being quite popular with the hipster douchebags sitting around shitting their pants over the last thing Trump tweeted. I think those are their target audience.
Separating hipsters from their money is a worthy pursuit. Especially if you’re laughing up your sleeve while you do it.
Sorry, fruit in beer=fail. Not that I’m intolerant, or anything.
They probably put pineapple on their pizza too.
Belgian Monks miight argue with that, as do I
Yeah, I like Trappist beers which often contain fruit.
Not a fan of Lambics. They have fruit in them.
Some fruity beer is ok, but I can only drink one of those, then it’s back to beer with no fruitiness.
If I want fruity alcohol, liquor and fruit juice is the way to go. I d ok not like fruit in beer. It’s not right.
There’s one Belgian ale that has a a little fruity taste, I can’t remember the name, it comes in blue cans with gold or yellow print. Those are pretty good, but like I said, I can only drink one and then it’s just too much, back to normal beer with no fruit.
Yeah I’ll drink a little of the lambic and use the rest for cooking.
that would be incorrect.
I have half a dozen of these.
I have one of these. I was only able to get two. The one I opened was awesome.
And many, many other fine products from Cascade.
Oh, hell no. Not that there’s anything wrong with it though…
Nothing wrong with it at all. And lots that’s right.
Your Freedom Reserve‘s bottled in a stubby. This Canuck approves. And sheds a tear for the nostalgia.
Red Stripe has those also. It’s not bad.
As someone who plans to try and join the Air Force, I am highly offended by that picture and demand it be removed ASAP.
As someone who spent five years in the Air Force, I demand you get used to it.
It is a good place to be, if you are a pilot.
Too much truth here.
Yo Air Force! If you want to Army to provide security for your pool in Kirkuk then you better be ready for Soldiers to use it as well.
I read it costs about $11 million to train a fighter pilot and despite offering huge bonuses for staying in, a lot of them quit.
[Derpy puts elaborately decorated sock puppet on hand]
Socky, is there something you’d like to tell the brass?
for best results, imagine the above in the voice of Handy:
“Even now, he sulks like Achilles in his tent!”
Last I heard, pilots hate it the most.
As a victim of the AF’s human transport experiments, I demand moar.
-1 Air Mobility Command
As a mediocre soldier who….
You know, I’m just gonna stop right there.
I just shipped off some “Optical Glass” to my BIF,
/When the bottles are empty you can see through them, Right?
Don’t you need that for monocles?
It’s good to reward charitable behavior, but like all good things, it becomes bad from excess. The old saying is most vices are just virtues that are taken to far.
I will take the high road and not make fun of the USAF. Instead, here is some joint service satire: how the different branches eat cereal
Also relevant: I was turning money into noise and got to talking to some old fogey. He said he bought an AR called the Obama special. On the selector switch, instead of “SAFE” and “FIRE”, it says “HOPE” and “CHANGE”.
Oh, how I laughed. Gob bless grumpy old men. Hopefully, I will live long enough to be one.
I’m with the canuckistani…..I remember swiping Pater Tres’s Burger, Blatz, and Black Labels, all in those stubby bottles.
I’m out! going to play some Electronica and Eat massive amounts of Food,
And Beer,
Cheers til tomorrow Glibs!
/Gambols off with a Kia’s worth of Synthesizers
Stop saying the g-word!
Stubbies rule.
Even though it’s a Jamaican brand, I drank quite a few Red Stripes (mentioned above by Hype) whilst in Barbados. Nostalgia. **SIGH**
If I wanted to donate to veterans, the most efficient way would be to go to the local VFW club and buy a round of drinks. No middle man necessary.
I think the amount of freebies we get is pretty generous. In some cases, it is arguably excessive. I have gotten a lot of use out of my lifetime free entry to all national parks pass.
I will say it again because it doesn’t get said enough: I know you taxpayers are paying an arm and a leg for guys like me and I try real hard to be worth the money.
Oh, drat. I’m virtue signalling, aren’t I?
In all seriousness, if I found out tomorrow I’d have to take a 20% pay cut to keep the country from going bankrupt, I wouldn’t get bent out of shape. What good is the military if the country is broke?
I dont much begrudge veterans. Or welfare recipients or crony businesses for that matter. The fact that there is a system in place that rewards people means that people are going to accept those rewards.
Something about incentives and them mattering.
A person who loafs on welfare or some make work job is not breaking the law. It might be a stupid waste of money, but like you said, they’re just rationally responding to incentives.
It’s very hard to be true to all of your principles all the time. Everyone has to make compromises.
As I like to say, the way most people feel about the speed limit is the way I feel about everything.
I just hate the idea that working for the state somehow makes people a class of citizens above us, and increasingly is seen as a both necessary and sufficient to be a “hero”: look at how often “veteran” and “hero” are conflated.
It’s a lot of why I have the same issues with the term “first responders”.
The “hero” stuff is basically a fringe benefit for people who are generally working a crummy job that most people don’t want to do or can’t do. It also needs to be glamorous in some way.
Loggers and garbage collectors don’t get the hero treatment because it’s not glamorous.
My dad had 18 months stolen out of his life courtesy of the peacetime draft, and spent those months at White Sands Missile Range preventing the Ernst Blofelds of the world from getting their hands on those missiles.
I mentioned this on another site one Veterans’ Day and said that he’s the one veteran I might honor on the day. Everybody else got pissed at me for not respecting veterans enough.
(There’s also my late uncle Carlton who was forced to serve in Korea during that little war….)
I am 100% against the draft. At least in regular slavery, you are not put in kill-or-be-killed situations.
The whole point of this country is freedom. Freedom means being able to do what you want.
This country began because a bunch of guys wrote a nastygram to some jackass which basically said “screw you guys, I’m going home.”
How the hell does a draft fit in with that?
Look into Camp Hope in Houston.
They specialize in suicide prevention for vets with PTSD.
They are the real deal.
I Just spend the better part of an hour explaining to a full grown man what the police are allowed and not allowed to demand of you in a traffic stop situation.
This shit should be covered in junior high civics classes. It breathtaking how many people are absolutely unaware of their rights.
Most people care a lot more about emotions, intentions, and rituals than they do about results.
It’s frustrating.
They see a cop in a fancy uniform shouting “RESPECT MAH UH-THOR-I-TAH!” and the monkey brain automatically goes into the “submit to the alpha male” sub routine.
We discovered that the car we rented for this road trip has XM enabled. Much high volume outlaw country being played as we rip across Iowa.
Very volume. Much outlaw.
You have to pronounce it Etlau Cuntry if you want to be a real redneck.
Feckless cuntry
Much high volume outlaw country being played as we rip across Iowa.
Here’s something to torment the moron progs in your life:
If You Live in Freedom, Thank the British Empire
Prager U is still allowed on YouTube?
Incredible, isn’t it? YouTube has restricted/demonetized the following, among others. See if you can guess why.
Is America Racist?
Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Israel: The World’s Most Moral Army
Don’t Judge Blacks Differently
Are 1 in 5 Women Raped at College?
Who’s More Pro-Choice: Europe or America?
Lawn mower parts unexpectedly got delivered on a Saturday by USPS, so put the mower back together and spent the last 3hrs doing yardwork. Now time to rest before I have to cook dinner. Beer tonight is highly anticipated.
I have been working on my mower just about every time I use it this year. I just completely rebuilt the deck a few weeks ago. I’m getting sick of working on it. In hindsight, I would have bought a commercial grade.
Second time I used it this year, had to work on it both times as well.
I have a push-reel mower and I love it. It has some drawbacks, but overall, I like the simplicity. Any problem with that thing is going to be purely mechanical and very simple to fix.
… But I understand that some people have larger yards than me, and using the push-reel might get old after an acre or so.
It would be extremely labor intensive for me to push reel the 2 1/2 acres I mow every week.
After spending a shitload of money to keep my big box Husqvarna running, I left it sitting dead in the middle of the yard, drove straight to the John Deere dealership and bought an X350. Best decision I’ve made.
I’m almost there. And a big box husqvarna is exactly what I’m getting fed up with. I’ll probably keep it through this year. I’m looking at an ex mark brand mower. There is a dealer around here that has pretty good prices. I’m also looking at grasshopper. My uncle has one that he has mowed extensively with for 15 years without much trouble.
Just for mowing, get the grasshopper. My neighbors son was mowing my 10 acres with one and that thing was amaze balls fast.
I had an X450. Not too bad for mowing, but I was mowing 10 acres and it wasn’t really up to the task. I started paying my neighbors son to mow it with their zero turn grasshopper.
Yeah, I’m only doing 3/4 of an acre with the X350. 10 acres would definitely require commercial grade equipment.
Yep, you’re good to go. A 350 is almost overkill for 3/4 acres.
Where it really shows it’s worth is with the fall leaves. I have a number of 40’ tall deciduous trees. The leaves can get a foot deep.
If you aren’t drinking beer while doing yard work, you are doing it wrong. Just saying.
And that’s why I mow in the afternoon. No more than two, though. The third beer makes it difficult to keep the lines straight.
And the streets ran red with blood. wait what? they didn’t? but we are told background checks prevent shootings.
I don’t think that’s the best place to use a comma.
Where the hell did all these infringements on our rights come from? I don’t think some people know what ‘shall not be infringed’ means. Aren’t these bill of rights supposed to be unalienable rights?
I don’t see any ‘except when government decides to take them away’ clause in there anywhere.
“Egregiously, of those 365, 291 individuals had their gun license revoked once a proper background check was completed.”
I am calling bullshit on that.
Since beer is sort of the topic and I never go off topic.
The Hemperor
Beer made with hemp and hops.
This should be interesting.
Sorry about the bad picture, not sure what is up with that.
Just popped one. Here’s my short review.
It tastes like beer made out of rope. Seriously, I wish I was joking, but I’m not. Avoid.
I should have reloaded before cracking my joke. (I arrived late and was going through the comments.)
Tastes like Rope?
Yes. Exactly that. I have no damn idea what they were thinking.
I drank a hemp beer 20 years ago at the Kleine Scheidegg. I don’t don’t recall how it tasted but I stole the bottle because I was 20 something and “Pot Beer!”
I’m a fan of honorbrewing.com – they’ve got some nice brews at very respectable prices. Also seems to be a few styled that way in the South – esp near bases.
Service Brewing has a similar shtick:
Ground Pounder pale ale
Gun Bunny witbier
Battlewagon double IPA
Rally Point pilsner
Always enjoy your reviews, MS.
Currently sitting in the back yard enjoying the beautiful weather, and a Beau’s Lugtread Lagered Ale. Tasty stuff.
Nice bottle.
Yeah! They all used to come like that, but I think it was a cost issue. They now come in 600 mL glass bottles, but the ceramics make occasional limited edition appearances.
I’m sort of surprised that Grolsch still sells beer in those heavy flip top style bottles. Of course you can buy them in a 6 pack of regular beer bottles instead of the 4 pack flip tops. But when I buy Grolsch, I always get the flip tops, I really like those bottles.
Lawn mower parts unexpectedly got delivered on a Saturday by USPS, so put the mower back together and spent the last 3hrs doing yardwork. Now time to rest before I have to cook dinner. Beer tonight is highly anticipated.
I pulled the 914 inside, fully expecting to pull off all the brake calipers, because the brakes were hanging (wouldn’t release). As soon as I cracked a bleeder to drain the fluid, the rotors were free. Hmm, sez I, maybe it’s the master cylinder, which is a giant pain in the ass to get out/in. Goody. I decided to give the brake pedal a push, and it went part way down and stayed there. Totally not what’s supposed to happen. The pedal assembly was hanging up from lack of use. A few shots of break free and some manual encouragement, and hey, presto! working brakes.
Some days you get lucky. Now I get to fabricate a new trunk latch.
The Hemperor
Beer made with hemp and hops.
I think that’s the stuff I thought smelled like moldy hay. I didn’t taste it.
Good for you. It tastes like rope. I was thinking they must have used the leaves. But apparently, they threw in some hemp fiber. Fermented rope = not good!
“It’s called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. Fuck you, you can’t have my guns.”
This is what happens when kids today have parents who have never ever told them no or even corrected them for being wrong.
Can you imagine anything lower than being a Hogg groupie? That pretty much puts you somewhere between amoeba and protozoa.
I’ve never seen a 5.56 (for example) make a hole like that. Certainly a .22LR AR-15 wouldn’t make a hole like that. Is that at 20x magnification? Is the protestor high?
The AR I shot made teeny tiny holes in the paper…
That is the size when you push the rifle through the paper and spin it.
CNN is going to run with this in 3…2…1…
Wow, I must be using the wrong ammo in mine. Dang. Perhaps they can help me out?
Oh yeah, kid? Well your mom has a hole that big. Why don’t you try crawling back up it?
Thanks MS. Picked up a six pack of the freedom Reserve with the groceries and got guff from the wife because there was already other beer in fridge.
Whaaa? My wife encourages multiple types/styles of beer in the fridge. I think she’s trying to make up for her garage sale addiction.
I love my wife.
My wife likes when the fridge is full of beer also. So I won’t drink bourbon, scotch, or rum. All of which apparently make me ‘silly’. I swear it isn’t true, every time I start into a bottle of spirits, I pay close attention to make sure I don’t get silly. I’ve determined that I have never been silly. Case closed.
I wouldn’t have Tres Version 2.0 if it wasn’t for Crown Royal. Now THAT is silly.
I liked the original version of Tres, you’ve been gone for a while, nice to see you back.
Multiburst trigger activator. Did he have a pair of Levi’s in his closet?
Nah! This couldn’t happen. Nothing could possibly go wrong when trying to comply with unconstitutional laws.
$150,000 bail?
Straight up unconstitutional.
Burn it to the fucking ground.
glibfit update: 209.4 this morning, so my guess of 208 Friday was a bit low.
25.4 to go, so about December at current pace.
Better than me. I seem to have done something to my left shoulder’s AC joint. It’s putting a real cramp in my sweat-fu.
Seeing as how half of everything I pick up and put back down again has to be done with my left shoulder involved. :-/
How often do you weigh in?
Even at 150, I can vary +/- a lb or more daily with water weight.
At ~300, I have a +-5lb variance. So I keep an eye on the trend line rather than the day to day.
rarely, weekly at best.. I vary by up to 2 lbs. I dont care about minor variations.
I’m drinking some frozen peach shit from a foil pouch.
Pro: My wife is drinking too
Con: It’s going to give me a headache
The aluminized drink? Or the wife?
aspirin for the one, cialis for the other?
Do you put it in a cup or does it come with a plastic wrapped straw?
And is that straw glued to the side and far too flimsy for the task of being jabbed into the pouch?
It’s frozen solid. Squeeze pouch.
I had to break out my opened bottle of 21 year old cachaca to get rid of the taste in my mouth from moldy rope beer. I swear I really don’t want to drink this stuff, shitty beer made me!
I had a glass of red wine with dinner (burgers on the grill), and am going to have an electric lemonade tonight.
We drank a whole bottle of this https://www.vivino.com/wineries/vespira/wines/red-blend-2016 with grilled pork chops and avocados tonight. All of it was quite good.
If anyone has any good pico de Gallo recipes, I’m all ears.
I’m uninspired with my regular recipe, which I make at least twice a week in the summer.
3 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 jalapeno, 5 gloves garlic, juice of 2 limes, and a half bunch of cilantro. Mince everything, salt heavily, and let the flavors blend in the fridge for 2 hours.
We buy Wal-Mart’s pico. Decent and low effort.
No Wal-Marts here. The “activists” don’t like them.
Add some olive oil.
I love this picture. Trump might actually get me to vote for him.
“Trump told reporters Saturday when asked about what might happen if those countries did not agree. “We’re like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing. And that ends.”
This has been the case since the end of WWII. The Europeans are like spoiled 20 yo’s living on mom and dad’s dime who are being told they have to get out of the nest and pay their own way. This is why we elected Trump and why he will win re-election.
Fuck you Angie! Is my caption.
No, you can’t have stormys’ number