Sorry Yusef, it appears the UPS brutals have failed, and your package has been delayed.
The Alex Jones crowd is saying that Hillary Clinton had Anthony Bourdain assassinated.
I mean… yeah.
Thinks how that could fit into the ending for the Harvey Weinstein story…I’ll need to drink on this and let it ruminate…
He was dating Asia Argento.
Sounds plausible. I mean, nothing those creeps do/have done at this point would shock me.
And Seth Rich’s brother is suing a bunch of journalists for their Twitter DM’s.
They also said that about Kate Spade. Its a 4chan joke. Anyone who dies has potential Clinton connections.
It was Colonel Mustard stain with a rope in the kitchen?
I mean, yeah, let’s take attention away from all the people that the Clinton’s actually had assassinated, sounds a worthy goal.
Florida Monkey!
(Weirdness — the moment I surfed into this article, the site indicated that I’d already read two of the three existing entries. How’d I do that?)
I need booze. S’cuse me.
I can share…
Too late. Grimbergen Dubble-Ambrée called me. Dee-LISH!
Currently drinking. It’s good.
Wifey is sound asleep, so I’m a drank moar.
MeToo# *raises Buffalo Trace glass*
I just got here, saw the gun post, and saw this post was up.
I received some guns earlier today. Two Mausers. I counted my collection. Not counting the 1903 and 1903A3 (which are basically Mausers) and my Lee-Metford (early Lee-Enfields were simply Lee-Metfords with different barrels and sights), I have the same number of Mausers as Lee-Enfields. And Suthen thinks I’m obsessed with Lee-Enfields.
Anything more than one == obsessed. 😉
I’ve seen one of the Bob Faris Estate Auction pages. That guy was obsessed.
Well, how many 303’s do you have?
Not counting the Lee-Metford, six. I have one Lee-Metford. I also have a Ishapore 2A1 which is a Lee-Enfield but is chambered in 7.62 NATO. Seven Lee-Enfields total (not counting the Lee-Metford).
Then I’m thinking Suthen might have a point 🙂
Part Two of the Bob Faris Estate Auction.
No. Bob Faris was obsessed. I think there were four separate gun auctions for his estate.
I have a 2A1 too and a Long Branch No.4. That is the extent of my Lee-Enfield collection. I have a couple of Bren kits I should start working on, some day. I do shot the 2A1 more than the No. 4 due to ammo availability.
Ah, but how many Mosins do you have?
Only four. Sad.
Well, get more 1917s.
I didn’t count my 1917. The recent Amoskeag Auction had lots of 1917s.
I have a Remington Model 30 Express, which is a factory sporterized 1917. A light weight 30-06 with a steel buttplate so I don’t put to many rounds through it.
Oh I hope I can look forward to the diaspora doing some more shouting and honking on the corner near my apartment building this weekend.
Cleanse them, d00d. ZARDOZ commands it!
Sir Kenny Dalglish:
Good for him. I only got to see him during his 2nd run as manager and he seemed like a class act all around.
I just don’t get Bourdain. Yeah, he always had this somewhat dark, fatalistic view of life but damn. He had the world by the tail and he was banging Asia Argento. Mental illness doesn’t care about what you are.
I really feel sorry for Eric Ripert. Bourdain fucked with him mercilessly when he was on the show but his final act was the real mindfuck. Ripert will see that in his head for the rest of his life.
He had a virtual waifu?
Wait, wrong Asia Argento.
You’re right. Mental illness doesn’t give a shit who you are or how good everyone else might think you have it. It’s an insidious, evil son of a bitch.
The public stigma around it isn’t what it used to be, but it still exists. I wish it would go away for good.
There should be a stigma, however, when you off yourself and leave an 11 year old daughter behind. That’s just shameful cowardice.
Shit, I wasn’t aware of that. I like Ripert’s various cooking show appearances – seem him a lot more, actually, since Bourdain didn’t really tour the Food Network much that I can recall, being a brand of his own and all.
My wife and I were just discussing the same thing regarding Eric Ripert. He doesn’t need that memory.
Ripert is a Buddhist, so will be able to handle the whole “life is suffering” stuff. But fuck, no one wants to find a good friend dead in a hotel room.
An overdose would have been much better than an asphyxiation hanging. Those are not pretty.
A friend of mine from my undergraduate days hanged himself. I don’t want to know if he asphyxiated or broke his own neck.
I had to deal with a couple during my career. There is a noticeable difference.
That’s what the wife and I are saying. Based on his history, he should’ve just taken a hot shot, and gone out like the rock star he pretended to be. Drugs man! OD!! Rock n roll!
Yep. Found three. The gunshot to the temple guy was the tidiest. The hot-shot was a hot mess.
Goddamn. I saw the news but haven’t read any of the stories on it.
I am braising some lamb shanks in homemade broth right now. They smell so gooooooooood. Broth, carrots, onions, garlic sweated in bacon fat and olive oil. 3 stewed tomatoes. Will serve over polenta (made with butter and heavy cream), and topped with lemon zest, and a little bit of green onion.
Unfortunately no booze. Just Perrier on a big ice cube with a splash of lemon juice. I’m giving my liver a break for a couple of weeks.
We grilled t bones tonight. Mmmmmmm.
Braised lamb shanks and no vino. You’re one tough hombre.
We were out of town last weekend. I had a superb Kurabota pork osso bucco.
setting aside the content of the link…
…i feel like there would be more social-cultural unity/progress in America if we adopted more “Spanish style” holidays.
what do i mean by this, exactly? I mean: Days where we officially declare it OK to throw talcum powder all over anyone you see; or, conversely, coat yourself in black oil and run drunk and screaming through the desert
i’d mention the “let herds of animals run wild through the streets, chasing you” thing, but honestly i think its a little unfair to the animals, and i draw the line when poop and goring happens at parties.
But more ‘idiotic mass festivals’ would do a lot to create a greater sense of cultural unity, imo. they don’t all have to be “mardi gras’, but i think we can innovate around the margins as long as *some* drinking is OK.
Also, plenty of Spanish-speaking countries have their own holidays.
Anyway, the lack of cleansing is that different ethnic groups have been living within Spain since forever. It’s like they all decided to take different rooms in the same castle.
Dilbert is way ahead of you:
Its basically the same argument about how Peterson said (paraphrased), “even if you’re an athiest, you can’t undo the god-thing that infuses so many aspects of human life”
ritualistic collective behavior actually DOES do important, effective things for people. Just blowing stuff up on the 4th of july and eating hot dogs is more than just the superficial nature of it; its something we see in a specific light which transcends the superficial and makes people go, “we’re all doing the same thing now, which reveals our sameness”.
anyway, as long as beer is involved, and not too-many naked fat people (there will always be some) i’m good. I think the spaniards really have the best ones tho.
TV and radio used to play a similar role until the 00’s or so.
Yep. McLuhan, while not correct abt everything, was certainly right about the whole ‘tribalizing/fragmenting’ thing.
I’m not a fan of large groups of people doing the same thing at the same time. I tolerate it as a necessary evil.
Circle jerks are not my thing.
You, like some others, seem to confuse this point as one of ‘personal psychology’ rather than mass psychology.
you might as well say ‘food isn’t my thing’; but you eat for far more reasons than just “i require caloric intake at this hour (beep)” . mass-psychology affects you and how you perceive and relate to others whether you personally enjoy specific sorts of ritualized events or not. and the same effect of ritual is embedded in tons of you stuff you do all the time and aren’t cognizant of.
i mean, you’re in the *#&$(@ military, man. I imagine “people doing the same thing at the same time” is rather hard to avoid.
Grawlixes? In my Glibertarians?
What the fuck?
my use of curses, as it is w/ all punctuation on the internet, is completely random. i sometimes curse AND @()#*$() in the same sentence. it follows no rule.
And thus the seed of anarchy grows even in the rockiest terrain.
It’s a package deal. The stuff I like outweighs the stuff I don’t like.
There are always outliers and when you live a building with 100 other people, it is possible to be a borderline hermit.
Thank god for walls and doors.
You can have either Catholic-style Mardi Gras-like festivals or Protestant work ethic, but not both.
So you are saying Catholics are lazy?
All I’m saying is that you’ve never seen a Lutheran siesta. Make of that what you will.
And yes, I realize I’m half-Trini and we’re a pretty Anglican country….but we’re the exception that proves the rule.
I don’t really think its an either/or situation, tho i agree that the latter thing was a necessary change for the sake of industrial capitalism, and minimization of the former was
basically, i don’t agree that human societies that have a high proportion of tribalizing celebration type events are de-facto catholic-lazybums; tho those cultures definitely thrived *where people already were preconditioned as lazybums* (southern europe)
you have similar, but different approaches to same issue all over the world. i think in the US we think of “holiday” and we think, ‘time off from work’, but we have few genuine ‘rituals’ where the holiday is something more akin to “guy fawkes day” – where everyone gets together and performs some dumb thing (and usually eats special food and gets drunk), and no one thinks too hard about what the purpose/meaning of the festival-thing really is, but people do it enthusiastically nevertheless.
the closest we have is shit like 4th july, halloween, St Pattys. Halloween being the closest to the pure form of the thing i’m conceiving. I omit xmas on purpose because i think ‘solstace’ type events are on slightly different level; everyone does them, but they’re more family-level, and more-formalized… more baggage .
My comment was intended as tongue-in-cheek, but I agree with your first point.
I would say that we do have “rituals” that are part of the American civil religion – opening each school day with the Pledge of Allegiance is one, National Anthem at sporting events is another. Indeed, these acts of civil religion “sanctify” the event, making it akin to the festival where “where everyone gets together and performs some dumb thing (and usually eats special food and gets drunk), and no one thinks too hard about what the purpose/meaning of the festival-thing really is, but people do it enthusiastically nevertheless.” I mean, how many people you know who have Super Bowl Parties, yet never watch any other football game during the season? There are as many of them as there are Easter-only Catholics. This is part of why many people lose their shit when someone fucks with the norms and expectations of the ritual (e.g. Kaepernick), as it is, from the civil religious perspective, blasphemy.
but i think those specific things are in a different category than what i’m specifically talking about, which is more like (as you accurately noted) the batshit “Saints Festivals” you find in many catholic countries. Many asian cultures have similar things. maybe they originated ‘farming’ ceremonies (or used to be) or something to do w/ ‘ghosts’ shit, but the purpose has mostly faded and now people do them just because… well because they always do them.
the former, “sanctifying” rituals are actually meaningful as to their content and specific purpose. Nationalist-ideal reinforcing. etc. they’re supposed to be treated seriously.
“saints” type rituals are almost the opposite; the silly games people play might have once had some religious symbolism, but (like mardi gras): no one cares about the fact beads were once rosaries, or that coins were indulgences. the symbolic significance is utterly gone but the “adults playing games” stuff remains.
when i was in england i attended a few (2 really) Guy Fawkes parties, and it was remarkable how similar in basic form/function they were to things like Halloween and 4th. No one really cared about the whole ‘blowing up parliament’ stuff, or proddy/catholic bits, but they loved dressing up silly, getting drunk, and setting shit on fire.
– – > “….minimization of the former was something consciously done for a few hundred years”
in short – i don’t think 2-3 more Halloween-type events injected into a culture would result in significant equal/opposite resultant decline in some American collective work ethic; i think other forces, particularly technology, have alreay played a far more significant role in transforming the latter stuff. the upside is also probably minimal and subtle, but has possible longer term benefits imo as a sort of vague cultural-glue
Collective cultural festivals aren’t conducive with distinct cultures. There’s a reason countries separated themselves out in an order.
I don’t see any way the US comes together. It’s too Balkanized from cultures completely distinct from each other for significant historical times.
I see no reason for the Sturm und Drang. Throughout its entire history, New York City has been composed of various ethnic neighborhoods, Harlem, Chinatown, Little Italy, the Lower East Side, Spanish Harlem, Flushing, etc.. Yet, millions of New Yorkers are coming together this weekend to watch a Subway Series between the Yankees and the Mets.
Different groups can find commonalities to form a larger shared culture. No culture is a Borg-like monolith. For example, the various dialects of American English are much, much closer to one another than, say, Swabian German, Standard German, and Low German (Plattdeutsch). Many of the cultural rituals Gilmore has in mind are actually quite regional and often not celebrated in different parts of the country, which have their own regional rituals.
well, i disagree on both points. immigrants from other places tend to enthusiastically adopt whatever they get told is the “American” thing to do. I grew up in NYC and routinely had to explain to immigrant families “how to do halloween” or the 4th or whatever, and they were pretty much as gung ho on everything.
the same can be said for the way many colleges have their own special traditions or celebrations unique to their school, which students all grab onto not just as ‘generic party’ opportunity, but as part of an ‘adopted-identity’. Or the way they sing songs @ football games in UK.
i also think the US isn’t at all as balkanized as you might imagine, and even if it were, its less so every day. and the sort of events/behaviors i’ve been talking about have never had any particular regional or rural/urban divides associated w/ them.
it sounds like the below contradicted something i said, but i don’t think so
re: America, i don’t think things like halloween are really fundamentally different depending where you go; tho it definitely varies depending on locale and how people choose to do things
e..g. in NY it was often weird: kids would often do it entirely within a building, or a small handful of buildings; other neighborhoods kids would go *store to store* rather than people’s homes – candy provided by proprietors, often pre-subsidized by parents; in the south, there was the “Hell House” thing that i encountered, which ranged from just a fun sort of theatrical thing, to more creepier religious overtones [this is a fantastic documentary, btw, if you can find the whole thing]; but at root they’re basically the same shit with slightly different methods.
i think the “saints” type holidays i mentioned DO have extreme regional/cultural variance on the ‘which saint’, and ‘how its done’ and whether its treated semi-serious, as a crazy party, or violent, or whatever.
Right, that’s what I was saying.
something else i’ll just add as a footnote:
despite me saying above that the ‘more [festival type things] would be ‘culturally unifying’, my actual interest is less to do w/ some sort of ‘national identity’-unifying goal…
…. and more to do with a trend that i see (enabled by internet) towards solipsism
iow, I don;’t care about people inventing some unified idea of “what it means to be american” or some shit like that; more just something that reminds everyone that we/they are collectively more-normal and similar than the internet might sometimes lead one to believe.
One of the things I wonder about sometimes is from reading books written in the 50s/60s – small town Americana type stuff – that I never experienced – where they’d have their small town annual Memorial Day parade or Veteran’s Day parade or general civic participation and just general localized memories, etc.
Kinda think about if it’s something I’d really make an effort to participate in if/when I wind up getting to a smaller area in the future when I get older. Right now – since I’ve been on active duty, etc – I’m just a lazy bastard who looked forward to getting off base and being by myself on holidays (even when they asked for volunteers for parades and stuff from the unit) and long weekends – but in the back of my mind, I always wondered about being more tied into a local community.
Some of you folks might like this one. I follow a Spanish cartoonist called Pau on patreon – his comics are really fun. He posted a link to this free speech pamphlet he contributed to – seems mostly related to the Catalonia issue, but I can’t read Spanish.
Side note, I just received an NZ beer my buddy sent me – I’ll try it when I get home in a week from my reserve annual training. Thinking I’ll have to send him something nice and heavy (and high ABV) since it is winter down under. Probably some good Hardywood options, but this gives me an option to visit a few more of the local breweries.
You’re in luck! That’s mostly Catalan.
Funny enough, I figured out that line.
The tumor that saved Obama care is still after those wascally wussions.
I think Trump is just trying to goose McCain into popping one last blood vessel.
Uh… I suppose yes, that is something that they “concluded”.
Ego and adulation in the wake of a suicide.
paraphrased quote about William Jennings Bryan-
When he was at a wedding, he wanted to be the bride and when he was at a funeral he wanted to be the corpse.
oopsy, that was what Teddy Roosevelt’s daughter said about him
That’s what I get for not googling.
They had a strained relationship.
tee hee
He does have a habit of doing that, doesn’t he.
actual headline
Michelle Obama was not unhappy during Nelson Mandela ‘selfie’, photographer insists
That’s like the photoshop the news articles I was going to write, but so many news articles now have such crazy headlines I had trouble finding good enough good alternatives to do a whole article.
On another note, I disagreed with Charles Krauthammer on a number of issues but he always seemed like a decent, well versed, intelligent man. I wouldn’t wish cancer on my worst enemy and his battle has been worse than many. And to go from a clean bill of health to you only have a few weeks left has got to be devastating.
So god speed, Mr. Krauthammer. You refused to let a devastating injury stop you and the result is you reached the pinnacle of public discourse and intellectual thinking. You will be missed.
Jeez… bummer. PS. I had no idea he is a quadriplegic.
He wanted it that way. He said if his paralysis is mentioned in his obit, he would regard himself as a failure.
Hopefully he is finding peace in his own way as he nears the finish line.
memento mori
Wikipedia says from the neck down.
That is rough. Back in 2002, 03 or so, Krauthammer and Victor Davis Hansen were on TV every night, relentlessly pushing for Iraq part deux. I don’t wish ill on anyone, but I’m not going to waste much sympathy on Krauthammer, either. What’s disappointing is that he has an intellect able to grasp the dangers of military adventurism, the ability to make the case for free markets and free association, a sharp insight into the herd mentality of the left. Despite all that, he had that giant blind spot on war.
ah, a new reason to hate CrossFit
The gym shut down and Mr. Berger was fired.
The company said the statements of their former chief knowledge officer did not reflect their values.
“He needs to take a big dose of ‘shut the f*** up’ and hide out for a while,” CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman told Buzzfeed News – referring to Mr. Berger.
He went on to call Berger’s tweets “appalling.”
“We do so much good work with such pure hearts – to have some zealot in his off-time do something this stupid, we’re all upset. The whole company is upset,” Glassman ranted.
Thank God, because I was starting to lose the plot. … Enh, I’ll just go ahead and hate everybody. It’s never let me down before.
Just let your hate flow
Like a mountain stream,
And let your hate grow,
With the smallest of dreams….
I literally cannot understand who I’m supposed to hate in that story. And further drinking isn’t helping.
I didn’t care about either side, so I didn’t read the link.
Friday is “Bring Your Children To The Riot Day” in Gaza. It’s heartwarming when you think about it.
The family that riots together, stays together. Except for the dead ones, but that kind of goes without saying…
I never do this, but here’s something everyone in theory might support –
Sign petition against internet sales tax for Ebay transactions
Why does eBay hate the poor? And the children? And the poor children??
Thanks to the kind chile smuggling feat by Bearded Hobbit, our dinner tonight is smothered in red.
Am I the only one who read that ‘chile smuggling’ at first as the way some southerners say child and thought it was right in line for OMWC?
I’ll pretend like I did that on purpose.
I have returned from the abyss to give you a gift.
I like the cut of that person’s jib.
Best reply.
I honestly can’t tell if it’s a joke.
I couldn’t, either. There were some “legit” (as much as they can be, but I’d at least heard of them before) ones sprinkled in, but some of them seem like such obvious trolls. Like the snakegender.
That and the flags were pretty well done.
compgrokker on Discord found the source of the flags and there was even more derp than made that thread.
I made a poly-grayromantic flag. Not polysexual grayromantic, but grayromantic AND polyromantic.
I have… nothing.
I… wow.
So it’s become Occam’s Razor-thin at this point?
I thought it was a joke but then I realized, no, they’re not joking.
The whole mindset of fractal pigeonholing is just completely baffling to me. It is not a healthy way to go through life.
Just put cakes in place of the stars on the US flag and be done with it.
I read read the first one as “lithosexual” and then wondered why anyone would fuck a rock.
For anything you can think of, it’s a fetish for *someone*.
The more you know… the more you yearn for the noose.
Before clicking the link: Pfft. I read this kind of crap all the time and have quite an imagination. Bring it on.
After: Maybe I should take a break from derp for a while.
“Ze goggles! Zey do nothing!”
Isn’t that called a rapist?
Looks like that was the tweet June deleted.
Whoa…look at Merriam Webster over here!
Twitter- making dumb people louder since 2006
You don’t have to listen if you don’t want to, Hater.
I’m not seeing a list (or that tweet in that person’s timeline.)
Although it looks like June deleted a tweet.
OK, I found them. But twitter isn’t threading them.
That was some good eats, right there.
“snakegender: a gender that slips away every time you tried to figure out what it is, it keeps changing, and it’s hard to confront so you just tried to avoid thinking about it ”
Nice pigeon-holing, Commodius! I’ll have you know that we Snakegenders won’t be grasped by the tail quite so easily. These people. I can’t even.
You can atone for you absence by doing a Teen Vague cover on this!
I have an idea for one! I haven’t had time to make it yet because John Titor and RickC-137 have been holding me prisoner in their derp mine!
The woman running for Keith Ellisson’s Congressional seat seems like a chip off the old block.
Farrakhan just delivered a speech regarding Satanic Synagogues so why are we surprised?
Apparently Farrakhan got de-checked on twitter too.
Well, until the Gaza and Palestine bits I could maybe see a point about Israel making all of their policy about religion and deriding regional countries for doing the same things they do. Also.
What is that? Tricknology? “Heb-nology”?
Dear Zardoz,
I’m in Oakland watching the sportsball game, seriously getting my drink on at the local dive bar.
Once the inevitable rioting starts tonight and I help “cleanse” the local shops of their capitalism-slavery goods, can I hide out in your stonehead while the heat dies down?
Thank you for your consideration.
Oakland, eh? Do you blend in with the night? What’s your paper bag ratio?
The human body I inhabit is pasty white…I don’t blend in for shit.
It could be the booze screwing with my language processing algorithms, but I can’t figure out what that means 🙂
It’s a racist trope that certain black folk used to abide by. If you were lighter than a paper bag then you’d “pass”.
CM Punk won’t visit White House, Donald Trump because ‘a racist is a racist’
“Number one, I would not be invited,” Punk told FanSided MMA. “Number two, no I would not go. If David Duke invites me over for tacos, I’m not going to David Duke’s house. Come on.”
Well, he also believes in ghosts, so not sure he is a brain trust.
He’s gonna get his ass kicked again tomorrow night. I can’t wait to see it.
I didn’t know who he was until he tried to fight in the UFC. He’s a WWE wrestler that tried to follow in Brock Lesner’s footsteps and try MMA. Difference being that Brock was a legit elite athlete and Punk is a total fraud. Tune in tomorrow and watch him get choked out again!
Meh. He’s an odd duck, but was a great wrestler. I’m not going to bury a guy for trying to live his dream. He might have turned out to be bad at it, but by all accounts he does try hard, just not naturally talented.
I’ll give you that the farce is Dana White’s fault and not CM’s. Disrespectful of real fighters to put Punk on the main card. That is like giving a spot on a Major League Baseball roster to Jordon. No, go to the minors and prove yourself first. Some blame for CM, though, for knowing he was taking a real fighter’s spot.
Donald Trump has been in the public eye since The the 1980’s and aside from some of his father’s shennanigans about rental properties has he ever said anything that could be construed as “racist”? Here’s the guy waving a rainbow flag around on stage and some limp-wit from Maryland running for Governor wants to paint him as the second coming of Phyllis Schlafly. Don don’t care if you kiss your husband/wife. Don wants to win.
He doesn’t play the left’s games – that makes him racist. QED.
Saying that a particular Hispanic judge would be biased against him because the judge is a “Mexican” is pretty racist.
That one certainly could be deemed “racist” by reasonable people. That one isn’t, however, the one that most people use to brand him racist. It’s usually the Charlottesville comment.
Or “countryist”.
Well, no. Not in this case. If the judge had indeed been born in Mexico and immigrated here, then a charge of divided loyalty would be sleazy, yes, but a different animal than claiming a judge born in the United States would have a particular viewpoint because of his blood heritage. That’s the textbook definition of racism, no?
The irony being, that if I remember correctly, the judge eventually ruled in favor of Trump.
Scott Adams’ take was that Trump threw that charge out against the judge in order to force him to rule in Trump’s favor. I dunno, but many people that complain about that (not you, HM) are the same people that feel it’s absolutely cool to dismiss an individual’s opinion based on their inclusion in a group. Just gotta be in the right group. I just want consistency and tribal politics preclude that.
” I just want consistency”
Never happening. Trump says stupid things. Constantly. I don’t know if there’s any actual animus behind his words, but I’m more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt than the identity politic idiots that call him anti-gay despite being by far the most pro-gay Republican in history.
Well, there’s also a conspiracy theory that all of Trump’s misspellings in his “tweets” are actually a secret code to true American patriots as to the actions he’s taking against the “deep state” that will eventually involve using the military to “clean the swamp”. Trump is a living, breathing Rorschach test, and people are going to see what they want in him.
That’s exactly why he should be judged by his actions more than his words. It’d be nice if we could have an honest discussion about his choice of words, but the hysterical reactions of his enemies is making that impossible. He’s a slimy salesman and not a slimy politician. How To Win By Forcing Your Enemy To Overreach. Or maybe he just stumbled into that sweet spot by happen chance. I honestly have no idea how much was intentional strategy on his part. We’ll probably never know.
Fair enough.
He trips over his comically over-long tie, from time to time but what do you want? We all know he’s an incoherent moran.
His heritage actually makes him wise.
Pace Justice Sotomayer.
Is Mexican a race? I can’t keep up with all this.
Mexican isn’t, but Hispanic is an race/ethnicity, no?
What characteristics separate said race from others? I truly do get confused by all this race talk. Mestizo is an ethnicity, but what is ‘hispanic’? I really never got that.
Mestizo is whatever you want it to be. White-Latino to MS-13 it’s like plasticine. Moldable.
Well, a Mesitzo is a Hispanic, and all of the other castas within Latin culture would be too.
Of course, muddying the waters is the fact that not even less than 80 years ago, we still used the term “race” like we use the term “ethnicity” now – thus people talked about the “British race” the “French race” etc.. Though, my favorite is in the original Boy Scout’s Handbook, where Lord B-P refers to the penis with the euphemism “the racial organ”.
Well there you go with another one ‘Latin culture’ who does include and exclude? All former Spanish and Portuguese territories? From which period? Or does that not matter? Only those in South America?
Sorry to corpse fuck the thread two days later, but I was busy over the weekend. As I understand it Trump’s take wasn’t that the judge was biased because of his Mexican backround but because of his membership in The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. It was a charge of ideological bias, not racial bias.
Cavaliers have given up. Outscored by 12 in the 3rd quarter. No effort.
With a few ‘sad’s and ‘classy’s that’s a Trump tweet rit der.
No carrying, no traveling, no three point line. Stopped being a real sport in the eighties. Ballet for tall Black guys. Way too much hugging.
If I see this oh-so-earnest Facebook commercial one more time I’m going to put my head through a window.
/don’t really care about bbal but the game is giving me a good excuse to drink and see the local wildlife in action
I’m glad this is over and done with well before my next business trip to CLE in a couple weeks.
Bron-Bron could win the next 6 ships in a row and he still wouldn’t be fit to carry Jordan’s jock strap. the GOAT would never have quit like that.
Let’s not go crazy here. If he isn’t the GOAT, then he’s 2nd. His team quit on him during game 2, and frankly might be one of the worst supporting casts around a star to make the finals ever.
He has quit on his team multiple times through the years. I wouldn’t even put him top 3.
You’re opinion but I disagree. LeBron is and egotistical moron, who’s personnel decisions and politics have doomed the Cavs for the future. He abandoned his team to hang out with his bros. But from purely on the court action I don’t think he can possible be less than 2.
Also, Curry, Durant and Thompson on the same team would’ve given The Bulls massive headaches.
He always seems pissed off for no good reason. He can make as many Cheerios commercials as he likes but I’ll always picture him as a mook.
I don’t follow BB at all, don’t know the guy at all, only watching this series because I have a slight connection to CLE that made me root for them.
But that is the first thing I noticed. He does this thing where he scrunches up his face and it’s kind of scary-looking.
The thing that still strikes me to this day is Jordan never seemed to have a physical advantage over others. It was seemed to be his will that made him better. The flu game is case in point. And as he his physical abilities that made him Air Jordan diminished he recreated himself with the fadeaway. Like Jerry Rice. Sure other guys were bigger, stronger faster. But what separated Jerry Rice from Randy Moss or TO was his work ethic, not his physical talents.
JFC. I’m trying to wade through the baker decision. Does it have words? It’s just made of eggs, flour and sugar. What did the customer intend when buying the cake? What did the baker intend by denying the customer? It’s giving me a headache.
Irrelevant details like those have long since been swamped by feelz.
I’m thinking the decision basically says that any cake that fits in the Overton Window is A OK.
It’s the Supremes kicking it right back to the Circuit Court judges. It’s a no-decision and will certainly be right back for another in three year’s time. I wish there were some way to curtail the Court and the Executive. Gee, wish I knew. Just how would we balance the powers that be in Washington? Could it be CONGRESS?
Come on you late night people, entertain me. I got up, had breakfast and left for work as usual this morning. But, today is actually my day off. The wife would’ve filled it with boring shit, so I’m pretending to be at work. Lie of omission, but my sanity needed the time away. Gotta kill 2 more hours until the wife leaves with the daughter to go to her friend’s b day party. No effin way I was going to that.
I’m here for you, man. Damn Pacific Time Zone.
Your wife is going to a Japanese lesbian sex party? (let me dream)
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Imagination is always a stronger image than reality.
Knock yourself out. It makes me proud to have strangers fantasize about my fictional wife.
Get your ass to Saitama for Aqours 3rd Love Live “Wonderful Stories”.
I’m a deviant.
Whenever i’ve spent too long thinking about something, i just look at this, and my my mind is reset back to blank.
So “Idiocracy” is not something to be averted but instead embraced? Where was that sturdy rope that I was referring to earlier? Fuck that! They die first!
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I’m just glad James Comey has found a home in the Wu-Tang Clan
Stop resisting! Thug Life needs to get some shades for that Croc.
O.G. = Original Gator
There’s a better vid that I can’t download but the guy is slapping the snout of the gator for a minute or two. He get’s his.
OT, but if you’re still up, language question. In Japanese, it is standard to indicate that you heard of an action done by someone else rather than simply saying the action occurred. For example, you’d say, “I heard he borrowed 20K from our parents” and not just say, “He borrowed 20K from our parents.” Even if it’s not debatable that the action occurred, they invariably will report that it isn’t first hand knowledge. Other languages as strict with that distinction?
I would guess Hebrew, they love to gossip (swats tomatoes thrown at me).
Ah Nippon! The most passive-aggressive land in all of God’s grey earth. I’ve lived in Vancouver and I don’t get East Asians. I’ve worked with South Asians and they are greedy under-cutters but these people seem to want it both ways.
Really? What looks like passive-aggressive to us is pretty clear aggression to them. They have a phrase for people that can’t read a situation: 空気を読めない. Kuuki wo yomenai. Literally means they can’t read the atmosphere. Their disapproval of behavior looks like P/A but it isn’t passive at all to them.
So, what you’re saying is ‘It might seem like a love tap to you, but they are punching as hard as they can’ SAD.
Seriously, that’s close. You don’t need to go far to get your point across because everybody is finely tuned to catching what we’d call subtle hints.
Just a beginner, and not the specific usage above but Chinese seems to be somewhat like that, with softening assertive statements.
Thanks. I’d assume it’s common in East Asia.
I need suggestions here
“We don’t like him”? Sorry, I have no feelings on the matter one way or the other. The man’s ideas seem like those of a simpleton and I can’t believe they are getting so much press one way or the other.
What we get with Google translate of the ISIS flag.
They’re missing the W-O
The sign looks like it could be in latin
“Mens agitat Jordan Peterson” or mind moves Jordan Peterson
Your first clue should be the advert to the right that touts breathable men’s boxers and the second clue will be the fags holding a sign like that.
The Intellectual Cuck Web.
The guy with the thought bubble looks like Billy Maiz (sp?) so I’ll say “Oxy Clean gets the smart out!” Just spit ballin since I don’t care.
“Did someone say ‘stereotypes’?!?”
“My room is a shithole.”
lol, i think some variant on that might have potential
“But I don’t wanna clean my room, Dad.”
Perhaps i should have been clearer.
It was more like, “What is the smiling one thinking”?
i actually think the fact he’s excited and the other 2 look sad is more potentially amusing than anything to do w/ jordan peterson
Jordan Peterson is so manly that he is able to cringe an erection in a single redound!
Help me hold this, I says. and I won’t tell anyone you guys are power bottoms.”
^^ Wins Thread^^
That fucktard Ilkay Gundogan got the shit booed out of him at today’s Germany-Saudi Arabia friendly.
(tl;dr; He was born in Germany of Turkish ancestry. He appeared at a “charity” event with asshole dictator Erdogan and called him “My President”. Germans weren’t happy.)
So what you’re saying is German’s are racist against Turks AND Saudis?
But I bet they’re fine with Turks AND Caicos.
C’mon…who isn’t? One without the other is, what…Club Med?
Would they have been happier if he called Erdogan “Mein Führer”?
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Soccer fans are the Nick Gillespies of the sports world.
Something about Anthony Bourdain’s suicide really put me into a depressive spiral today. Which is why I’m sitting here at 1 AM despite working on ~4 hours sleep a night for the past week due to work.
So I’m trying to focus on things to look forward to. In a couple of weeks I’m taking my daughter up to Disney. We’re going with my sister and her kids. My daughter’s 9, my nephews are 11 and 6, and they’ve met each other a total of twice in their lives (since my sister’s ex husband was a total dickwad, and my sister was totally willing to go along with whatever he said).
My older nephew has some pretty severe behavioral issues. I’m waiting to see what kinds of meltdowns ensue when something tiny goes the wrong way for him.
Wait, that’s not focusing on positive. Um… I become chair of a major Florida Bar subcommittee this week.Being groomed to become President of the Business Law section within the next decade, or so I hope.
Also, Bourdain’s episode is on Archer on FXX right now. He was pretty damn good.
Also they keep playing a commercial for Dick’s Sporting Goods and they use the song You Make My Dreams by Hall and Oates and I keep thinking of that awesome scene with the song in the otherwise forgettable (500) Days of Summer
He left behind an 11 year old daughter. That’s a year older than my first born.
If you’re in need of some perspective, think of your daughter without a dad.
Or ^this.
That’s honestly what’s kept the suicidal thoughts to a minimum over the last 9 years. They’re still there, but I can’t go through with them because of her.
Are you familiar with Kevin Hines?
I’m familiar with him. Somewhat. Tried to kill himself by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, survived, now works for menal health causes.
A very unique perspective. I was just talking to a buddy of mine who’s a shrink about him today.
Incredible human being. Better than me, no question.
Take note of what he says at 2:10
Arm chair psychologist here. Sounds like JB is acutely aware of others pain and so is a libertarian. How the state fucks average people and turns them into criminals. Hines made it his mission to make people aware that people do in fact care. Maybe JB is doing his own work for the same reasons.
No politics here. I don’t mean to conflate the political and the personal.
Politically, I believe that you have the absolute right to end your own life on your own terms. Full stop.
Personally, I believe that you shouldn’t.
My views on abortion are likewise.
It’s tough for me to separate the personal and the political. Being a decent human should include not advocating theft, murder, kidnapping etc. I wouldn’t be friends with a raging racist and I find nanny staters more harmful than racists in 2018.
Our daughters are the same age. Bourdain’s was 11? Fucking crazy. Reminded me of the saying, “Give a man a why and he can bear almost any how.” Looking at your tiny kid with her whole life ahead of her and still offing yourself. Hell yeah, that bugged me all day, too.
Bah! You and he and I may share some characteristics but You are your own person. Sounds like you are not breathing right. Relax, Brother. Let the bullshit flow.
OT: I love these new “Earth-friendly water-saving” toilets they have at work.
They have buttons to flush either liquid or solid waste, which would be nice, but it also has a sensor that flushes it automatically. It flushes once when you walk up to it, flushes one or more times while you’re peeing, flushes again while you’re zipping up, flushes again when you close the stall door, and for some fucking reason, the odds are very high that it will flush again while you’re standing at the sink washing your hands. Also, the faucet is sometimes running for no apparent reason when you enter the washroom; who knows how long it’s been running.
I would find it funny, but then I remember that if such bathrooms were mandated by some enviro-nut law, a great number of people would support it and insist that anyone who opposes it just hates the environment.
“Quick! Akira’s a pro-shit hydrophobe! GET HIM!!!”
/someone somewhere would probably think this
Wild animals are wild
Another, wasn’t deterred by the grizzly license plate
That wife is the best. My would’ve freaked out.
Will there be a mailbox cameo?
Gah. Everyone knows how it all turns out. Or do we?