Day 1
We stop for new OMWC undergarments that are younger than SP.
Day 2
STEVE SMITH promised to meet us here.
Day 3
For jail release call 777.7777. Remember, for jail release call 777.7777.
Day 4
We’re expecting P Brooks to be late.
Day 5
OMWC wants to revisit a jobsite from when he was a mere Middle Aged MWC in 1890.
Days 6 - 7
Things were a little more expensive on this trip than we planned.
Day 8
Meeting MikeS! We hope he signs autographs!
Day 9
Top 5 Dining Experience. Ever.
Day 10
OMWC and I are hitting the road.
I thought it would be fun for Glibs to follow along on our adventure. Click the pins on the map and zoom in to see where we are and what we’re up to.
And, for anyone thinking about breaking into our place while we’re gone, we’ve left the alarm system armed…and, coincidentally, my house-sitting scary big brother is, too.
So, what can we expect as we make our way across the land?
South Dakota politicians gonna politic.
There is no end to the stupidity of tourists in Wyoming.
The wheels of justice grind slowly in Montana.
North Dakota police are over-zealous.
In Minnesota it seems as if some teachers are penalized more heavily than most cops.
I swear we aren’t due to be in Wisconsin for more than a week yet!
Have a great weekend. Try not to burn the place down before I get back!
Sounds like you’re travelling I-90
Fargo or Sioux Falls. Can’t believe they did both. Free time must be nice.
Can’t believe anyone would do either.
Anthony Bourdain hanged himself.
What’s with the hanging trend?
It seems like it would leave a lot of time to regret doing it.
I’m assuming most of the recent ones are not the drop and snap neck variety.
Dunno, I think that would be a shitty way to go.
There is voiding involved
Who doesn’t want to be well hung?
“They said you was hung!”
“And they was right.”
Alternately: Zimmern was thinking about it, couldn’t find a strong enough rope
whoah. Damn I’ve always been a big Bourdain fan. Kitchen Confidential is a great book.
I’ve probably watched every episode of his show.
Same here. His politics sometimes verged on the goofy but I found him a very entertaining and very likable guy, at least on television, and his shows were interesting as hell.
We are desperately in need of common-sense rope and scarf regulation.
At least Isadora Duncan actually snapped her neck that way. I can’t see hanging yourself to strangulation being awfully fun.
The only good thing on CNN. RIP.
Suicide by hanging takes some serious commitment. That’s pretty depressing, but isn’t too too surprising considering he struggled with depression. Leaving behind an 11 year old daughter.
Rough age to lose a parent.
Also this CNN article doesn’t say anything about him hanging himself. Just a mention about a fashion designer hanging herself recently.
Well damn. I liked his shows.
What a shame…RIP.
Trump Curse strikes again
You can choke yourself. Or you can jack off.
Don’t choke yourself and jack off at the same time.
+1 David Carradine
+2 Michael Hutchence.
I just saw that. I have to tell you, nothing much shocks me anymore, but that really did. Guy seemed to have the best life ever, I was envious. Travel, eat, drink, and hang out all over the world and get paid for it? Shit, WTF?
Perhaps its depressing to get everything you want.
That’s what I thought when Robin Williams died.
Maybe there’s a huge disappointment in finding out that wealth, fame, and vacations don’t automatically make you happy.
I would very much like the opportunity to find out for myself (minus the fame)
Robin Williams also had Lewy Body Dementia.
I’m of the opinion that feeling sorry for otherwise healthy, non-terminal people who commit suicide is the wrong thing to do. Their memory should be shunned and excoriated.
There’s a lot of talk lately about how suicide has climbed 30% since 2000, I think that the enshrining of the suicideers as victims of mental illness and the elevation of victims to higher moral standing has a lot to do with that. If we want to disincentivize the practice, we have to treat suicide with disdain, as distasteful as it may be to do.
TLDR: Bourdain and Spade are assholes for killing themselves and leaving their families in the lurch.
/asshole off
I sympathize with the sentiment, but I’m not willing to go quite that far. I think it’s fair to be honest about it, though, and not sweep under the rug that he’s leaving his child with a scarring memory that will affect her the rest of her life.
I don’t know, the reason they call them “mental illnesses” is because your mind isn’t functioning normally. I knew a girl with a young son who was diagnosed with depression and had attempted suicide several times. She said that, in the moment, you feel like by killing yourself you’re actually doing the best thing you can for your family. You know they’ll be upset, but in the long run they’re better off without you, the thinking goes.
One my friends, and an all around great guy + world adventurer, killed himself last year. It really shook me up since he was someone I kind of looked up to; sort of a polar opposite of me. He was outgoing, willing to go anywhere and do anything. He visited Africa, worked in Iraq, hauled trucks, visited brothels in Cambodia and Thailand, drove and fixed high performance motorcycles and lived life on the edge. He would also beat the shit out of bad guys and would stand up for his friends.
But he also battled alcohol – almost drinking himself to death to the point where he needed to be hospitalized. Apparently this last bout was too much for him; put on anti-depressants but denied access to a care facility, he ended his own life. It really shook up his circle of friends, anyone of us would have offered him a place to stay until his head was clear.
Here is a pic of Bill – may he forever rest in peace, away from the demons that haunted him.
Oh yeah, you read Kitchen Confidential or watch some of the episodes of his show and think “This is an otherwise healthy lad?” Because its clear that he had some kind of depressive / bipolar issue.
I’m not 100% sure that I want to. My personal notion of self ownership isn’t as absolute as a lot of libertarians’ views of self ownership, but it includes an absolute right to existential questions.
Sorry scruffy, but I’m not blaming the victim, I’m going to blame the gatekeepers.
This is a symptom of the war on drugs. People can’t treat their mild depression by smoking dope – or even smoking cigarettes anymore -, so they get prescriptions for anti-depressants which generally report INCREASED SUICIDAL THOUGHTS as a side effect. And that’s not even counting the side effects triggered by mixing anti-depressants with other prescription drugs.
To a degree you are correct that we’ve somehow desensitized ourselves to anti-depressants. These things are prescribed to help people stop smoking! (If you smoke cigarettes, you “must” be mentally ill!) For fuck’s sake – better to die at 65 from lung cancer than go on anti-depressants at 40 and off yourself at 52 as a side effect while you still have children to take care of.
The lethal combination of FDA and doctors had led people to believe that more dangerous drugs like Ativan are somehow better for you than nicotine. Maybe it’s better for THEM, but it ain’t better for YOU.
I’m totally with Scruffy.
The Army saw a small but significant uptick in suicides by combat veterans after the war(s) started. The level of suicides amongst that cohort was still lower than the general population of 18-24 year-olds, but it was higher than the rest of the Army.
The big reaction was a suicide chain-teaching program and sets of reporting requirements. The gist of the training was that suicide was everyone’s fault. “You’re not looking out for your buddy.”
Outcome: Suicides went up. Moreso for people who hadn’t ever been deployed.
My belief is that everyone has low periods in there life where they question their worth and whether they should continue. Healthy people disscard those thoughts quickly, while less mentally healthy people take time to consider. The Army program incentivized this by adding the benefit of “I’ll show that mother-fucking 1SG/Commander/Squad Leader, too, while I’m at it.”
I’m with Scruffy, kind of. Suicide is a profoundly selfish act that causes a lot of damage to other people. And I can say that from personal experience. Save your sympathy for the people the suicide left behind. Which also entails not slagging the person who committed suicide, at least not out loud, so the shunning and excoriating I will pass on.
Suicide pact?
Yoeman’s work, you.
Bit of a shame. Younger Maeby was pretty attractive. (Marry me!)
You know who else made a suicide pact…
The EU?
Suicide-Murder pact only half successful.
Okay, maybe I’m going to come across as that guy, but I never got the Bourdain love. Honestly, the guy always struck me as a bit of a dick who got off on belittling other people and making others miserable. That said, I didn’t know he suffered from depression. It probably explains a bit. And he was still a human being with a family. My condolences.
He was an upper-middle-class kid who frittered away his advantages, then backed his way into fame after bumming around kitchens for years. I liked early second-act Bourdain (circa Kitchen Confidential), but he started taking himself too seriously at some point. I’ve found him overbearing in the last few years.
Still, a sad end, and a terrible one for his young daughter.
The suspect is described by police as a white male in his 20s or 30s, with short blonde hair and facial hair. Police say he was driving a blue rusty van.
too young!
Odds it was a bunch of goofy kids who shouted something at a kid as they were driving around fucking off?
Seems way too much like a bunch of pantshitting by some kid/mother.
There is no end to the stupidity of tourists in Wyoming. – there is are a couple of European bison reservations in Romania. I don’t get it. A bunch of cows.
Buffalo burgers are delicious. I don’t care to see one alive.
Midway down Illinois, there is a Beefalo farm – just think of a critter that combines the crackling intellect of a cow with the herd idiocy of a bison. Yeah.
You sure that wasn’t a Berniebot farm?
They aren’t bad as ribeye either.
I love Bison in a burger. Alive and kicking, not so much.
You know what I like about buffalo?
My neighbors have buffalo maybe five minutes down the road. I’ve thought about venturing into them, but my neighbor’s keep busting through their fencing and have to be rounded up. My bull is difficult enough to contain and handle. I wouldn’t want to stand down a buffalo bull 3 times his size.
They aren’t cows. They dont act like cows or taste like cows. They are much more aggressive, much stinkier and much more delicious. Walking up close to one is just dumb.
Well I am not going to pay to visit a reservation to look at one behind a fence either way.
Looks unimpressive
^ This. I’ve worked around cattle my entire life. An adult (particularly a bull, particularly a bull with horns) can kill you while it’s trying to scratch its ear. Adult bison are ALL as big as bulls, they ALL have horns, and they are wild, and temperamental. I’ve seen one cave in the passenger side of a car, casually, it wasn’t even upset.
Always appropos.
So’s this.
Fake news. Everyone knows you have to use a white van for these things.
White vans are ubiquitous because of utility services and such. The DC shooter was thought to drive one because they were spotted all over. The last time I drove downtown I counted 22 white vans on my way (a 20 minute drive)
But are you going to be transporting eyeballs and moonshine? It’s not a terrible way of financing your road adventures.
I see what you’re doing here.
Keep an eye out for moonshiners
*narrows gaze*
I doubt they have the eyelids to squint with at this point.
Moonshine & Eyeballs — I think album name, not band name. Thoughts?
Thumbs up to Scratch Acid.
But is there crack when you celebrate in heaven?
It’s snowing in Ontario.
The Chris Farley of Canadian politics.
MP from the Van-Down-By-The-River riding?
On a side note, what’s with the news websites completely memory holing stories from one day ago to replace it with the update. Leave the old story up, and just put a link to an update. Or label the update. (This lawsuit has already been settled, which the first link I found had replaced the original story with).
Scooters littering US city streets shout at people: ‘Unlock me or I’ll call the police’
Is it still company property if it’s abandoned?
define abandoned
From what i’ve read, these scooter co., leave these all over cities with out permission.
If you throw your wallet across the street, is it still yours?
The proper response is to take sledgehammers to each and every one of those discarded vehicles and toss them remains in a dumpster to watch the lithium ion fires.
ooh violence, arson and destuction of property (dumpsters) I like
And I would say I’m planning an article on property rights which touches on this, except then Switzy would nag me.
Distract him
Naggity, naggity, nag!
*wags finger*
The stories of Americans calling police on people of color who are just going about their daily lives have gone viral multiple times
Are you guys really doing that shit?
Only if I want them dead. I’ve called the police once. When i discovered my pistol missing.
Recovered in 3 days, returned 2 years later.
‘”This is not only an annoying noise, this is a threat to people. For black people, that can really be experienced as a death threat,” said Kaplan, who is crafting legislation to regulate the scooters and now plans to add a proposal to prohibit loud noises and threats.’
Everyone is so dramatic these days.
It’s pearl-clutching all the way down.
I thought Trump pardoned him.
Austria closes mosques and expells Imams
You know what other Austrian expelled Semitic peoples
Wolfgang Puck from his restaurants?
whoops. Hadn’t read the article yet. They’re kicking out Turks not Arabs. Sooooo….Eugene of Savoy.
Conan the Barbarian?
Hate to say it, but it has to be done.
If the Imams are spewing hate and recruiting….’dehors’ as they say here. Out!
They don’t deserve our commitment to liberty.
Am I wrong here? /Costanza.
expels them to Germany?
Interesting. If you know a country has religious freedom, what better way to run a terror cell.
They don’t give two Fux.
Travelling music
You should visit the Redland museum in Watertown SD. Be warned, it is the Redland museum. There are no other artists displayed. It is
What is a Redland?
…don’t leave us hanging (no Bourdain joke implied).
Only acceptable stops in SD (in general) are:
Corn Palace in Mitchell
Wall Drug
And the Black Hills (Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse monuments are both rip offs)
I have an excuse to go to Hoven, SD every once in a while to pheasant hunt with some shirt tail relatives. But I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone on a pure tourist trip.
Skip Wall Drug. Do visit the Corn Palace.
I grew up in a tourist trap of a town. I LOVE Wall Drug because of how absolutely cheesy and over the top it is.
I think all of my kids have been swindled by the shops at Wall Drug on one of trips through the area. It is a great life lesson.
Sounds like South of the Border on the NC-SC state line. A staple of childhood trips to Florida down I-95.
Nothing can be worse than Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg.
A few years ago I took a family trip to Charleston. The plan was to spend a night at Gatlinburg for the tourist trap-ness of it. And after seeing the sights from the safety of the car, we continued on until Asheville.
Ever been to the Wisconsin Dells? Gatlinburg of the North?
No – and I’ve never been to Branson (and hope to keep it that way),
The fucking Dells are a nightmare. I got talked into it once many years ago and swore I would never inflict it upon my kids, either.
We go to wide open spaces, away from all the goddamn people!
I have agreed, in principal, to take my family to the Dells for one long weekend at some point in my life. I’m currently looking into:
1) when the ‘off season’ is
2) what are the exact geographical limits of the “Dells” and is there a place in there that we can go that isn’t a tourist trap is is more like a camp ground a short car ride away from a waterslide.
Oh sweet Cheebus. The girlfriend and I stopped at the Dells on our way home one road trip. We were both wondering what the hell it was. For those who aren’t aware, take your standard tourist trap shops. Build them next to each other for several blocks. All of them sell fudge, and salt water taffy (although there’s no salt water nearby), cheap t-shirts, and things proclaiming that you’ve been to the Wisconsin Dells. The hour or so we were there was long enough for a lifetime.
I remember Pedro’s having pay toilets.
Ah, yes. No trip is complete without a stop by South of the Border.
I say skip the Corn Palace and stop by Wall Drug for a doughnut.
The T-Rex in the backlot is especially fun or terrifying for the kids.
The facade of the corn palace is neat and all, but that’s about all there is to it.
Best popcorn seed on Earth.
Seconded, Wall Drug is the worst type of tourist trap.
Also Custer State park. Come for the donkeys, stay for the bison goring!
And the State Game Lodge and all its Silent Cal content!
I love Mount Rushmore – I’ve been several times and it always impresses me. (Maybe I just like big statues) I’ve been waiting for them to finish Crazy Horse since I first saw it when I was five.
Too bad that Teddy is on that. Replace him with Trump for the lulz.
It is the most narcissistic place I have ever been and worth seeing just for that.
Shit. Redlin
Local rag writes puff piece on local immigrant. They meant it to be a glowing tribute, but it made me see red.
The story is about an immigrant lady who moved to St. Cloud Minnesoda and has started a school to teach other immigrants how they can cash in on “diversity” to get placed on shit tons of boards.
Fuck, she couldn’t even pay her own way to SC.
I really don’t even know where to begin with this story. It is a damning indictment of just how fucked we are. All those boards and commissions are so desperate to have a token. I wonder how many people would be fucked in their phoney-baloney jobs if the govt spigot of money was turned off one day?
To many for the spigot to be turned off.
Sad but true, Pie
Absolutely right Pie. Every body in that story is sucking at the govt teat somehow.
She got her start writing grant applications. Her star pupil is a communication specialist at the Minnesoda Dept of Human Rights. A local college prof is on the board. There isn’t one person with a job in the private sector.
That would be the diversity I would like to see. Maybe all these boards and commissions should be required to hire at least one person from the private sector.
It probably wouldn’t work though. As soon as the private sector schlub saw how things worked and they’d quit their job and get on the grant and govt program gravy train. Why be the sucker who actually works to support that nonsense?
Turning grievance into cash, one donor/sucker at a time
The shame of it is she was successful through her own efforts per the article. Her example is betrer than these board positions.
leadership program originally designed for people of color
So what you are saying is that you are a filthy racist.
Since it looks like you guys went through my old stomping ground… Charge: Man left child in car, stole vodka from Gordy’s Market
I don’t remember Chippewa having more than 20 streets let alone meth addicts.
It is even worse now, Straffin.
They bypassed Chippewa Falls a few years ago, so you don’t even have to drive through that shit hole and get stuck at that fucking red light that used to annoy me so much when I was driving to Lake Michigan to go salmon fishing. I can’t even imagine how much sleepier it is now.
On the other hand, it is the home of Leinenkugels.
It was a great place to grow up. Inner tubing down the river, drinking Jager shots, smoking weed behind the brewery. It was even more fun when we entered high school.
SP is 4?
I’m 35?
The scale is 1 to 10. Just because you are miffed at Chafed for throwing shade on your child bride is no reason to not honor the traditional manner of rating looks.
Double the ages and it’s somehow worse.
Double the ages and you’re closer to accurate.
When you hear the words “laundry detergent,” what comes to mind? Probably not mushrooms. But a Danish firm called Novozymes is using the fungi to make laundry cleaners more effective, environmentally friendly, and energy efficient.
Man beaten by Arizona officers wants police held accountable
Johnson’s pastor, Andre Miller, said Thursday that he and Johnson’s attorneys don’t believe that the incident was racially motivated. “This is a culture issue — a police culture issue that has to change,” Miller said. “It could happen to any one of us.”
That’s encouraging, although I have to assume the racialistas will be along shortly to turn it into a Black Bodies shitshow.
The brother officer went to town. Doesn’t mean it won’t be racialized.
My road trip is still in the Dallas Area. the miniconvention that replaced the grand opening (due to the store in question not being ready to actually, you know, open) starts tomorrow. I’m trying to work out how best to avoid wasting my time in lines. The problem is, I have no idea how many people will show up and make the scene a hellish one full of strange people.
Why California Hasn’t Moved On From Dianne Feinstein
Could it be that the Dem grass root activists are so looney that something as simple as showing up to vote is beyond their organizational skills?
It is too bad that Feinstein is such a politician. It would be great to have one of them go full on honest and laugh from the podium at the activists. “Hahahahahaha, why should I listen to you dupes? You don’t give me money, you don’t show up at the polls. You are worthless drags on society.”
“much as 24 points ahead of de León.”
You know who else was ahead of de Leon?…
Ya it’s a pretty short list
de tin man and de strawman?
*prolonged and thunderous ovation*
de Leon is a proggie nutjob who tried to bankrupt California. I’m sure he’ll try even harder at the federal level.
De Leon is the one candidate who makes Feinstein look apoealing.
Speaking of South Dakota attractions, there is some sort of sculpture garden not far west of Sioux Falls. It looks cool, but I have never stopped.
Sometimes the Bad Guys win.
Actual evidence of Russian collusion was found last night and cnn failed to cover it.
I noticed the caps
An expansion team did not win a championship during their first year. As God intended.
Yeah, this is why I didn’t watch any of the finals for the first time in my life. No matter who won, it was going to annoy me. An expansion team winning would have been a disgrace, but on the other hand….the Capitals, who I’ve despised since John Fucking Druce scored a quarter of his career goals in a single playoff series and who represent my least favorite region in the country.
I usually don’t watch after the Blackhawks are out of it. So this year I watched none of it, until this final series. But it was a some great hockey. Really fast, really skilled. I like that Ovechkin finally got his last 2 trophies after 14 years.
I teared up a little, not gonna lie. They won and did it in convincing fashion. Vegas was good, but just didn’t quite have it. It’ll be interesting to see what they do next season.
“And, for anyone thinking about breaking into our place while we’re gone, we’ve left the alarm system armed…and, coincidentally, my house-sitting scary big brother is, too.”
We wouldn’t stop by and break into your place, we would stop by with a keg and throw a ragin’ party.
Linking to known Pedophile Rolf Harris…meta.
And not Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport!
Pours a 40 for Almanian…
‘Noisy’ piper cuffed by cops in front of shocked tourists on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh – for playing too LOUDLY
Throwing it on the ground and causing the bottle to loudly shatter would be more fitting than pouring it out.
But yeah, you are right to honor Almanian
when I red noisy piper I though it was a type of bird
All bagpipes should come with a set of hand cuffs.
I suppose…
For those gals? Oh yeah, baby.
Who doesn’t love a girl who can blow like that?
*Any* bagpipe playing is too loud.
Asking for Tundra. How would one discover when and where you and OMWC will be in Minneapolis? (If I can’t loot your house, the least
ITundra could do is arrange a car jacking)I thought she had contacted you? If not, I’ll make sure she does- we were hoping to meet some of the MN contingent.
Maybe she contacted Tundra and in famous Minnesoda passive aggressiveness, he “forgot” to tell me?
Nope. Just checked the super secret email and nada.
Besides, you know I would wait until I was with them and send you heckling texts.
I live in the twin cities, if you are throwing pity-invites to the really pathetic. Email address is this handle at gmail, no spaces between words.
Email sent!
I thought you might have matured emotionally in your dotage…
I can’t imagine why you would think that.
I’m getting senile in my own dotage…
She thinks that we may have ended up in your spam filter. Which would be weirdly appropriate.
I was just assuming Tundra was ignoring my email because of my pineapple on pizza position.
We will be getting there late afternoonish on 6/17. We will have the Bacon Magic-hating dog, and can’t leave her alone in the hotel. We are staying in Minnetonka, but will go anywhere in the Twin Cities to meet the MSP contingent.
I also belatedly realized it’s Father’s Day, so no loss of points for not meeting us.
Email me: sp@ this website.
…my pineapple on pizza position
Not sure where Leap lives, but the Pontiff and I are very close to Tonka. And since you are staying there, make sure to purify yourself!
She proclaims her love for me loudly!
On Tuesday morning I voted in the primary and went to the airport for business trip. Sure enough, everyone I voted for lost.
Yes but did your plane ironically crash?…
No, but they lost some oil pressure.
Belarusian Pilot Crashes and Gets Impaled By Tree, Poses For Pictures And Shouts To Doctors “I am Groot!”
DAyyymmmm – a few inches more and he could have gasped out: “I am Dracula!”
“Bad news. You gonna lose a limb.”
Don’t worry Swiss, no no no don’t get up…I’ve got this:
*narrow reptilian gaze*
A partly obscuring nictitating membrane just doesn’t have the same effect as a swiss stare. Sorry.
I refuse to be upset about my apparent anatomical inadequacies
*crawls back on hot rock to sulk*
UnCiv gets what’s coming.
-1 Leaf on the Wind
Tis’ but a flesh wound!
*Sets out deep dish pizza trap along route*
There are some things that even our dog won’t eat.
I figured you would try to bury it beneath a couple of small bodies that needed disposed of.
Your doggie is packing heat? I though she was all bark…speaks loudly and carry’s a .44 mag.
That roadtrip plan looks like it came from the plot of Supernatural. Are you following Sam and Dean on their wacky adventures?
The European Commission will give the government of sanctioned Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro around $47 million.
The funds are designed to go to Venezuelans and countries receiving Venezuelan migrants, the European Commission said in a note on Thursday. Neven Mimica, Europe’s commissioner for international cooperation and development, said: “We are very concerned about the critical situation in Venezuela and its impact in neighboring countries such as Colombia. This package will improve the Venezuelan people’s access to food and nutrition, as well as basic services like water, sanitation and hygiene.”
That’ll fix everything.
What are they getting in return?
The problem is venezuela isnt lack of resources. The shortages were deliberately created by the commie shitweasels. The ‘we are trying to help’ is bullshit. The money wont go to food or meds and they know it. They are getting something in return.
Venezuelan escorts?
They are getting something in return.
Kickbacks, would be my guess. Suitably laundered through shell corps or NGOs.
This package will improve the Venezuelan people’s access—
Wrong. It will go to the government to be squandered and Venezuela’s socialism problem will persist.
Uffda. Heartwarming story about a lawsuit involving a father and son.
I’m sure the father will be happy next year when his insurance rates go up.
If the Father wanted this covered he should have claimed immediately rather than after years of mounting medical bills.
All bagpipes should come with a set of
hand cuffsear plugs.Sorry, Almanian. Them’s the facts.
Uncultured Swine.
You probably like Oasis.
Well, it is nice to have some place to water the camels… oh you’re probably referring to a band.
*looks them up*
Not sure I’ve even heard their work.
Lucky you.
Kate Spade’s husband emerges in bizarre mouse mask
Ummm ya ok.
Meh judge not I guess
I guess he couldn’t find a horse head mask like the rest of us?
“Try not to burn the place down before I get back!”
But if you are going to catch the place on fire, for insurance purposes, make sure you burn it completely down to the fucking ground.
Great links SP. Have a fun and relaxing journey you guys. Should be some beautiful scenery.
This is our first actual vacation in 9 years. I intend to inflict severe liver damage.
Why? Life, my man. You only get one.
why the first vacation in so long or why the liver damage?
“Vacation” to me means curling up nude in the empty bathtub and drinking Gin until I pass out. So, both.
Straff is the last person to question liver damage.
Nature of my job, unfortunately. My division just did some re-organization and a side effect is that I no longer have to be on call 24/7 365 days a year with emergencies flying at me from all directions. So this was a way of celebrating.
Enjoy, in that case. If you come home with a functioning liver, the trip was a loss.
Here you go
Grrrrr….Its 24/7 52, the 7 already includes the days of the week.
But otherwise, I understand, I was 24/7 for a dozen years.
On whom?
I love road trips. Have a great time!
We’ll see you toward the end of it (unless you snub us). We will be pre-damaged.
Think of it as ‘broken in’.
If this is not a Florida Man then we need to get him a certificate:
MIT fed an AI data from Reddit, and now it only thinks about murder
In the AI’s defense, I often think about murder after browsing reddit.
Making me suicidal.
Clean up needed, aisle three
A novelty toy belonging to a Boy Scout reportedly shut down a Texas airport for about an hour when it was mistaken for a bomb.
According to airport officials, the main TSA checkpoint at Houston’s William P. Hobby Airport was evacuated around 4:30 a.m. Thursday after what appeared to be a grenade was found in a passenger’s carry-on bag.
An Associated Press journalist witnessed the event unfold.
“My wife and I were waiting to drop our bags into the X-ray machine and go through the detector, and I heard a TSA agent scream, ‘Shut it down, shut it down, shut it down!’ Everyone was looking around, confused, and people were ordered to ‘Clear out now!’” the AP’s John L. Mone said.
Land of the free. Home of the brave.
That ought to get him an invite to the White House.
+1 Clock Boy
Geez, their ability to clearly communicate under stress is exactly the same as when not under stress. Yell confusing instructions and repeat the yelling until people comply. It’s almost like that’s what they were trained to do.
The fact that they didn’t show a picture of the “grenade” in question leads me to believe it was probably a potato.
Feral peacocks are attacking luxury cars after seeing their own reflections
I wouldn’t call a Mustang a luxury car but whatevs.
My Great-Grandmother had those on the ranch. They make Canada geese look smart and reserved.
The peafowl are not attacking luxury cars. They aren’t singling out high end automobiles and attacking those. They are attacking dark colored vehicles where the fowl can see their own reflections.
Park a white Mercedes and a black Mercedes side by side, the bird will peck at the black one.
Park a white Mercedes and a black Ford Focus side by side, the bird will peck at the black one.
The state of journalism is abysmal.
Even the peacocks are racist.
It’s one of those things, like Trump’s guilt.
Not sure how I ended up with a duplicate up here.
What I was trying to put was this from the article:
“after one her frustrated neighbors illegally downed a tree on his property”
How can it be illegal if it’s your property?
Yesterday I ran 5 miles… and then in the evening went for a 25 minute swim, including a cannonball contest with ze wife.
I slept like a baby, even after a day of work derp.
“cannonball contest with ze wife”
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Will Trudeau pay a price for this
alleged reporter-groping?
I’d guess not but, hey, who knows?
Trudeau’s press secretary Matt Pascuzzo said in a statement to BuzzFeed News that Trudeau has always respected women
So much that he doesn’t wear a pussy hat. He wears the full body suit.
I have an acquaintance from college who was full on into the whole pussyhat thing and encouraged her teenage daughter to do the same. Really an annoying person.
Everyone knows that certain guys on the left get a free pass to do whatever they want. You can’t expect them to follow the same rules as everyone else.
When lefties sexually harass women it’s out of respect so of course nothing will happen.
Women seem to find him attractive, so I would assume he can’t harass anyone under the “Be Attractive” rule.
Internecine warfare
Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday, suggested outgoing Starbucks executive chairman and possible presidential candidate Howard Schultz was “dead wrong” on his stance on health care and government spending.
“I think his comment is dead wrong,” said Sanders, responding to remarks the businessman made this week in which he signaled an openness to running for office and argued the Democratic Party ought to more concerned about national fiscal responsibility.
“You have a guy who thinks that the United States apparently should remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all people,” added Sanders, speaking on “Cuomo Prime Time.”
Schultz took a veiled shot at Sanders and other Democratic leaders Monday, saying he worried the party was drifting to far to the left.
“It concerns me that so many voices within the Democratic Party are going so far to the left,” Schultz said, citing proposals for a single-payer health care system and guaranteed income. “I ask myself how are we going to pay for these things?”
“We’re not broke. We still have plenty of checks left.”
“I think his comment is dead wrong,” said Sanders
Answer his question, dummy.
It’s one of those things, like Trump’s guilt.
The problem is the question doesn’t make any sense to the way they see the world. It’s like a painting to a blind person.
Just last week I had a progressive “friend” lamenting about the cost he’s paying for health insurance. Ask him if he understands how much he’s paying for things he can’t possibly use and I’m the bad guy because “people need those services and somebody has to pay for it”. At this point I told him to quit his bitching since he’s found who’s paying for it.
Hey, these are high-minded ideals we are talking about here. Just like letting trans males compete in female sports (see below), we can’t let those ideals be brought down by white cis hetero male concepts like “reality” or “economic laws” or “biology”.
Bernie knows the numbers dont work but the things he is trying to do are just to important for him held back by math.
/actual bernie supporter
should remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all people
I really loathe this type of argument.
It fails on logical grounds, and it fails on factual grounds too: last I heard, there were some notable children in the UK who were not only “not guaranteed” care, they were actually prevented from receiving care from other willing parties.
“Hey little girl, do you want some candy?”
Does that old line work? I figure it’s like “what’s your sign?”
Take that, Lysander Spooner!
What an asshole.
I don’t like politicians who use kids’ opinions.
And show me where Trump has ever said anything bad about gays.
He was for gay marriage around 20 years before HRC.
Wow. Still going with the “Trump hates teh gays” shtick (among others…). That was painful to watch.
I like the part where he speaks of banning assault weapons, and a kid is holding a picture of a handgun.
Young ladies assuming a pose of sexual availability.
Any. All. This has been a helluva week and daddy needs some diversion.
Well Done Q!
Jesus, Q. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
24 looks like post-guillotine.
Yowsa! 7
35 is either REALLY tiny or just recieved a visit from Steve Smith based on the size of the handprint on her ass
“WATCH: Two Transgenders Blow Out Girls In State Meet
On Monday, when Connecticut had its State Open track and field championships at Willow Brook Park, one person broke the State Open records for girls in both the 100 and 200-meter runs.
That person was a biological boy.
Terry Miller of Bulkeley, a transgender, won the events. In the 100 meter dash, the runner-up was Andraya Yearwood of Cromwell, also a transgender.”
“States are all over the map on the high school transgender eligibility issue. Ranging from self-identifying in Connecticut to hard-and-fast with what the birth certificate reads in Texas. The NCAA has a rule where transgenders can compete a year after completing treatment.”
No easy answers, my ass.
I’ll say. The answer is so easy there wasn’t even a question until a couple years ago.
So what is this easy answer?
Boys are boys, girls are girls. Which is which is easily established at birth.
So the person identified as a girl at birth who is now jacked up on testosterone doesn’t have an obvious competitive advantage?
So the the person identified as a boy at birth who now has boobs belongs in the men’s locker room?
If we have rules against performance enhancing drugs, that would take care of any competitive concerns for the girl taking testosterone shots. If we don’t, then her competitors are free to dope up if they want.
The person who is in fact a boy, and not merely “identified” as such, should compete in men’s sports. How you want to arrange your locker rooms is a separate issue, IMO.
Don’t let the SJWs smear objective biological sex and subjective gender identity together. Where biological sex matters, it shouldn’t be handwaved away. I think it matters where physical performance matters – in sports, physically demanding jobs, etc.
For situations that are more social, such as locker rooms, you can take subjective gender identity into account if you want. But for more social situations, it seems like we should also take into account the views and desires of everyone affected. I would be interested to hear how many women support biological males sharing their locker rooms.
Just eliminate the gender/sex divisions in sports and let it sort itself out at this point.
4 divisions? lol
B-b-b-but Title IX!!!
It’s fascinating how we’re seeing spectacular clashes of lefty ideas lately. There isn’t supposed to be any difference at all between males and females, in sports or anywhere else. But put males vs females in the same sport and the males dominate. Hmmm.
This is why I laugh at the articles promoting females in the infantry. They can totally handle the same physical requirements the men can….except that they really can’t.
There’s a pattern here. The progs are constantly trying to create rules that are justified by a microscopic fraction on the very very end of the bell curve, and apply them to everyone.
A very few women can probably achieve a level of fitness and durability sufficient to function alongside infantrymen. Therefor, the rule should be that all women should be deemed capable of functioning alongside infantrymen.
A very few people aren’t XX females or XY males. Therefor, the rule should be that there aren’t two sexes for any practical purpose, and we should just ignore biological sex.
On and on it goes, the flipping of the exception into the rule. Consequences be damned.
“Intersectionalism” is their desperate attempt to reconcile all their mutually exclusive coalitions.
“Don’t concern yourself that our oppression totem pole simultaneously rewards and screws you over based on group identity! You’re all victims! It’s cis-hetero-white-males’ fault! Focus on them, not on us!”
WATCH: Two Transgenders Blow Out Girls In State Meet
I originally read it as “our” not “out.”
Much less interesting now.
“None of the World’s 100 Highest-Paid Athletes Is a Woman
Respect is one thing, but what does the greatest athlete of all-time have to do around here to get paid?
Per annual data obtained by Forbes, not a single woman cracked the 100 highest-paid athletes in the world for the 2017–2018 year. This is most prominently exhibited by the exclusion of tennis icon Serena Williams, although it could be posited that it was due to Williams taking most of 2017 off due to maternity leave. (Still, endorsements count, and Williams has obtained prominent backers in recent years that include Beats by Dre, Gatorade, JPMorgan Chase, Nike, and Tempur-Pedic.) Other prominent female athletes, such as Maria Sharapova and Danica Patrick, are also noticeably absent from Forbes’ list, which determines rankings by salary/winnings and endorsements.”
Recognize that pay in sports is relative to value as an entertainer. What people find entertaining cannot be legislated or forced.
True, but that’s not going to keep someone from trying to do just that.
This is most prominently exhibited by the exclusion of tennis icon Serena Williams, although it could be posited that it was due to Williams taking most of 2017 off due to maternity leave. (Still, endorsements count, and Williams has obtained prominent backers in recent years that include Beats by Dre, Gatorade, JPMorgan Chase, Nike, and Tempur-Pedic.)
So she is in the top 100, then?
Lewis Hamilton offers you his take on the problem:
You know there is a solution for him.
He could take say half of his earnings, put them into a foundation and then have that foundation endorse female athletes
Respect is one thing, but what does the greatest athlete of all-time have to do around here to get paid?
I don’t know. Marry one of the World’s highest paid athletes?
Tom Brady makes pennies compared to what his wife makes. Better to marry a model.
Also why Brady takes ‘pay cuts’ to help the Pats sign more players.
Well, it also helps that the Pats pay a mint to a certain physical therapy / wellness company TB12, which is owned in part by a certain goat owning, ugg-modeling you man with the initials T. B. who often is seen wearing the number 12…
Both the NFL & the NFLPA are fine with the payments to TB12. The Pats pay the market rate of $200/hr which, while nice, doesn’t approach a significant fraction of Brady’s pay.
ISTM that Brady cares more about the record book than extra cash at this point. He’s good for something like $20 million a year, Gisele is good for something like double that. He doesn’t seem to care that someone like Osweiler, who will end up being the answer to a trivia question in a few years, makes more than him.
None of the World’s 100 Highest-Paid Athletes Is a Woman
None of the 100 highest paid whores is a man.
Actually, I bet at least a few of them are. Although I would expect their clientele to be other men.
If Danica Patrick could win a race, I could see some small reason to include her in that conversation.
Dudes beat chicks at sports for well researched and well documented biological reasons. Other news at 11.
More of this – please. The only way out of the insanity at this point is to make them eat their own turd sandwiches.
That’s where I am. “These are your rules. Live by them, or die by them.”
Inter-group conflict is the raison d’etre of the progs and SJWs. Their entire ideology and psychology is based on dividing people into groups and setting them against each other. The problem is that once you start down this road, what used to be inter-group conflict becomes intra-group conflict, as the group itself subdivides, which it inevitably will. They have sown, and now they reap.
Once that Williams/McEnroe thing blew up I decided I was done with gendered sports. If she’s supposed to be the GOAT tennis player bar none then she and the rest of her competitors should play against the men. That clears up any pay discrepancies and neuters any complaints about different playing fields.
Fuck the SJR and their insane enablers.
Tewwible news
A team of scientists from Harvard University and the company Carbon Engineering announced on Thursday that they have found a method to cheaply and directly pull carbon-dioxide pollution out of the atmosphere.
If their technique is successfully implemented at scale, it could transform how humanity thinks about the problem of climate change. It could give people a decisive new tool in the race against a warming planet, but could also unsettle the issue’s delicate politics, making it all the harder for society to adapt.
Above all, the new technique is noteworthy because it promises to remove carbon dioxide cheaply. As recently as 2011, a panel of experts estimated that it would cost at least $600 to remove a metric ton of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The new paper says it can remove the same ton for as little as $94, and for no more than $232. At those rates, it would cost between $1 and $2.50 to remove the carbon dioxide released by burning a gallon of gasoline in a modern car.
“If these costs are real, it is an important result,” said Ken Caldeira, a senior scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science. “This opens up the possibility that we could stabilize the climate for affordable amounts of money without changing the entire energy system or changing everyone’s behavior.”
I can hear the screams of anguish from the watermelon patch, already.
Why do they want the plants to suffocate?
“Hey, let us make it tougher on all the plant life on Earth!!!”
Bullshit. How much do they want in subsidies and grants?
Even if it were possible doing so would probably create disaster.
How many fire extinguishers or much dry ice do we need? I got a feeling they left the cost of storage out of their price quote
carbon-dioxide pollution
CO2 is defineably NOT a “pollutant”.
And I, too, look forward to the reaction of the environazis.
How exactly is a technological adaption to a problem (assuming it’s real) “making it all the harder for society to adapt”?
Must not be the correct adaption to their minds. Wonder what that would be?
Shocked eHarmony rejected her.
Wow, she needs to get those anger issues checked out.
Dispatches from the blue wave.
I really have to wonder just how much #MeToo has taken the wind out of their sails. Mr. Grab ’em By the Funbits is looking, if not squeaky clean, at least not showered in the shitshow raining on the pussy parade. Clinton’s on an apology tour over comments about Lewinsky this week, ffs.
Where have all their heroes gone?
They ducked back down the alley with some roly poly little bat faced girl.
I would say Clinton is botching his apology tour, even though the DemOps are desperately lobbing him softballs, with nary a single question about rape, smear campaigns, etc.
pussy parade
Something something nickname something something college.
Trump to skip climate portion of G7 after Twitter spat with Macron and Trudeau
lol, god damn this shit is so much more entertaining than what the alternative would have been.
My favourite part:
News, everyone. News!
Who ISN’T familiar with Trump’s thinking? He’s not exactly mysterious.
“People familiar with his thinking” is such a weasly way to source material. It can be used to make up any kind of crap.
fight with top US allies over trade
To be honest, we basically fund/provide most of their national defense. So they should be much nicer to us.
Poor CNN babies, did someone ignore you while you were throwing a tantrum at the supermarket?
The Daily Caller was a POC – CNN needs to check their privilege.
God damn, what a time to be living. *grins*
You asked Trump about Harambe
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) June 7, 2018
I like that Jim Sciutto is bitching about it, as if he were actually a journalist and not a former Obama staffer.
When i am typing on, i feel like the dog at the end of this video
I predict Trump will legalize weed right before the 2020 elections.
(insert dancing snoop gif)
I’m very doubtful of that.
He has been golfing with John Boehner, now on the board of Acreage Holdings. Boehner was on Squawk in April talking about legalization – he made it clear that he is speaking with President Trump.
its a punt. but frankly, drop the federal pressure, and many states will quickly change their stance.
I wouldn’t say it’s a punt. Leaving it to the states is ending federal prohibition.
there may be a better term for it; my point was that its something other than “unilateral removal of class-a FDA designation”, which would be actual “legalization”.
Simply issuing a formal declaration that its no longer an enforcement issue for Feds is nice, but it still leaves open arbitrary future changes by other administrations. Legalizing it on federal level would basically be an overnight change across the nation. this method instead dumps the issue to the states and lets the thing gradually change from the ground up. which i think is good! i think its probably the only politically-viable option. whatever works is fine. but i think it is still worth pointing out that the method is less than a sweeping unilateral declaration of legalization.
It will be interesting to see how Democrats would argue against it.
I think it depends on how much Jeff Sessions pisses him off.
There’s a strong possibility of him making such overtures. It’d definitely lock down his 2020 reelection, unquestionably.
“Ok can we stop using animals to be retarded human beings? First that annoying racism one and now people are making them for other shit”
I count myself fortunate not to know what ‘T*RF’ is.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist, a hate term created by transgenders and their allies to smear women who don’t think transwomen and biological women are identical identities. (The radical feminist part is about lesbians who refuse to sleep with transwomen who still have penises. Lesbians are interested in penises… go figure, right?)
c’mon, it’s a woman’s penis.
(that link is evergreen).
“Just close your eyes and think of it as an enormous clitoris that shoots jizz.”
“Creamy woman’s jizz.”
that is so….. i think i’ve had a stroke
Or two?
TERF isn’t a hate term. It’s an acronym. It’s not to smear women who don’t think transwomen and biological women are identical identities. And the radical part is not about lesbians who refuse to sleep with transwomen who still have penises.
In common usage, TERF refers to those attacking MTF on social media through mass flagging, doxxing, false reporting, etc.
Last night news’s had some CDC flunky talking about suicide rates. First, WTF does the CDC need uniforms? Second, is suicide contagious or communicable? No, then it’s not a public health issue. NOTHING. LEFT. TO. CUT.
If not for mission creep they’d just be creeps.
It’s a Mission of Mercy
Actually it kind of is contagious.
I don’t mind the uni’s if they are quarantining an outbreak.
(sigh)… it is important to remember that “leaking” and “whistleblowing” are not the same thing. That said, I really do hope the Justice department treads carefully.
Also, this raises a legitimate question: how far should journalistic shield laws go? Is the girlfriend of a guy with top security clearances able to avoid scrutiny just because she writes for a blog? At some point, if her relationship isn’t strictly professional, does she deserve the protections that we normally give journalists?
At least they cite that it’s a continuation of an Obama strategy.
Ms. Watkins’s personal lawyer, Mark J. MacDougall, said: “It’s always disconcerting when a journalist’s telephone records are obtained by the Justice Department — through a grand jury subpoena or other legal process. Whether it was really necessary here will depend on the nature of the investigation and the scope of any charges.”
I agreed. Ditto attorney-client privilege – right NYT?
A journalist’s records are due no more protection than anyone else’s. I had have a lot more sympathy if it wasn’t for the special pleading and the snaffling after privileges not suitable for the riff-raff.
A journalist’s records are due no more protection than anyone else’s.
I agree with this statement but I think it’s worth appending: “, which is to say a substantial amount of protection already”. Or something to that affect. They don’t enjoy special protections, but they still (should) enjoy a hefty heaping of protections granted by the Bill of Rights and common law tradition to all.
I agree. That’s what I was trying to get at with second sentence.
At some point, if her relationship isn’t strictly professional, does she deserve the protections that we normally give journalists?
Basically, yeah. If we know about whatever it is because the woman reported it in her blog, she’s acting in the role of a journalist. How she knows the source isn’t the key issue. But, the fact that she’s reporting this information. Her reporting it makes him a journalistic source.
Her reporting it makes him a journalistic source.
Being a journalistic source doesn’t override his sworn obligation to protect sensitive and classified information. At least so far, it seems she’s not the one being investigated, he is.
That having been said, I do think there are lines. I just don’t think Wolfe’s alleged actions put him on the right side of them. It is one thing to reveal that the U.S. government was engaged in a possibly illegal action. It is another thing entirely to reveal personally identifiable details held sensitive by the government, for the purpose of smearing someone’s name. Even if the initial investigation was unjust, which is certainly not the case that Watkins and others reporting on it have been making, the purpose of revealing it to the public should be to call attention to its existence and injustice, not to use it and the targets identified by it as a political tool.
I agree with you. My response to AFWM was more focused on what the particular qualifications are for someone to be considered a journalistic source. Too often, the First Amendment is perceived as protecting a certain set of institutions, rather than the public at large. Honestly, I don’t see a reason why journalists might get any more protection than anyone else.
My response to AFWM was more focused on what the particular qualifications are for someone to be considered a journalistic source.
I can’t imagine the relevance of being considered a journalistic source to any claim that someone breached privacy or is being investigated. If anything leaking private or confidential info to a journalist would be worse than leaking it to a non-journalist, because the journalist is likely to compound the violation by publishing it.
I think it matters as to whether the person in question was obligated to identify the leaker.
How so? Would a journalist be excused from an obligation to identify the leaker that would apply to a non-journalist?
Some states have protections for journalists above and beyond what is required by the first amendment / state constitutions, and which are greater than the protections given to run-of-the-mill citizens. AFAIK, there is no such protection at the federal level that singles out journalists.
Some states have protections for journalists above and beyond what is required by the first amendment / state constitutions,
Which raises an interesting equal protection argument, aside from the difficulty in identifying who is a journalist entitled to the special protections.
You know, it’s interesting. The Russia/Facebook narrative is still going strong, yet there’s far more evidence that several individuals with positions of trust in the U.S. government engaged in a politically motivated campaign of “investigations” and/or leaked information about the same, for the unmistakable purpose of affecting the outcome of the election. And yet the New York Times talks about their reporter getting spied on with nary so much as an insinuation about the underlying motives.
I’m not afraid of Russia, they’re not in any position to affect my life, nor do I believe they want to, Their desires are their own and involve their own needs.
I do, however, have an extremely healthy respect for and fear of the power that my own government has over me.
If both things are true, the Russians tried to influence our elections and our own government broke the rules in trying to influence the election, then the latter is far, far worse for the health of the republic and should be treated as such.
Indeed. Many a coup and crackdown has begun with the nominal pretense of foreign interference. True or exaggerated either piece may be, unless the actions of the government over the next few years are carefully checked, the latter will become the rule rather than the exception and the former will be used as the excuse.
Russia meddles in our election to the tune of some six figures and it’s the end of American democracy, but dropping a tidy nine figure sum on the Clintons is just philanthropy.
I still haven’t seen a single shred of evidence that this “meddling” amounted to anything other than paying for advertising. That’s not meddling. If so, the U.S. government itself has committed dozens of instances of such meddling (apart from the more serious cases it has also perpetrated).
The DNC leaks rise to another level but, so far, no concrete evidence has been presented that they were done by a foreign (or domestic) government, and there is stronger evidence that they were an inside job by one or more disaffected DNC employees.
Well, this is a bit awkward:
Jesus that show’s been out for a lot longer than I thought
Even longer if you count the superb UK version
“[Thread] Obama years, in no particular order ….”
You’re doing it wrong.
Some of dem comments, doh…
I’m not sure which canned reaction pisses me off more: the “Obama isn’t president any more, why you mad about old shit?”, the “BOOOOOOSH!”, which apparently is still a thing, or the “Obama was undermined by the Deep State, and in an unrelated note DRUMPF!!!”
Fucking Obama, that Dr. Caligari motherfucker. These people are like cultists. They need deprogramming before you can even have a rational conversation with them.
No doubt many of these same people talk about “hyperpartisanship” (whether in name or substance) without any hint of irony.
They also wish for greater civility in civil discourse, it’s just that those Teabaggging KKKochsukers….
On a completely unrelated and entirely ranting note, I’ve noticed that most people who have a “choose civility” bumper sticker (although they are getting rarer lately) drives like an ass.
It’s only “partisan” when the other team does it. See “obstruction”, for example.
They are, indeed, cultists. They cannot admit that the lightbringer was every bit what that they claim to hate.
Richard Spencer means NOTHING to me, and to prove it, I have written a long, anguished thumbsucker about him.
I had not seen Richard Spencer in more than 10 years. He was not yet known as our generation’s most prominent white supremacist. I remembered him as my eighth-grade-chemistry lab partner and high-school classmate. We spotted each other and walked closer, circling uncertainly for a few seconds, before he spoke my name and confirmed that a wormhole had indeed opened from late-1990s North Dallas.
Spencer must have sensed my surprise (I would have sooner expected to see our gym teacher at a Washington magazine party). He told me he had blossomed intellectually since high school. Then he asked me what I thought of Hitchens’s fulminations against God. I had no interesting opinion on the subject. But Spencer did.
I think Spencer knew he had me at a loss, because he curled out a smile and let his point hang in the air. I was flummoxed by his argument, a more thoughtful Nietzschean critique than I was prepared to take on—and by the unnerving fact that the kid who’d once cribbed my chemistry notes now had something to say.
Spencer invited me to join a discussion group he was organizing, the Robert Taft Club. I was wary when he evaded my questions about the politics of his club. He seemed reluctant to reveal too much, too soon. I made a point to lose his business card (he was the literary editor of The American Conservative, it said) and forget about him, as I had 10 years before.
Yeah, okay, I get. Spencer is a jerk. You’re a wonderful, kind, caring human being.
As far as I can tall, the only thing this guy has demonstrated is that he’s dumber than Richard Spencer, not exactly something I’d want to advertise in a national magazine.
Hey! That’s ventriloquism!
It’s a theme day.
Am I the only one who thinks that this was planned all along in order to get publicity?
Yet another example of why military experience does not automatically grant wisdom.
It also shouldn’t automatically grant one the status of ‘hero’ but of course it does.
It automatically grants the status of ‘enabler’.
Maybe. If you truly want to infiltrate the officer corps, putting a bunch of pictures of yourself on social media holding up The Communist Manifesto and “Communism Will Win” signs seems like a less than successful strategy. Glad they finally shitcanned that clown, though. What really needs to happen now is forcing him to pay the Army back for his West Point diploma.
So much this.
Is a commie like Rapone even interested in a job?
Blackadder: Would you like to earn some money?
Comte de Frou-Frou: No I wouldn’t. I would like other people to earn it and then give it to me. Just like in France in the good old days!
“Proof that Dems’ unfair race baiting doesn’t add up
The rise of the “alt-right” has been hyped as “the new Klan,” but even their numbers are miniscule. The racist march in Charlottesville, for example, only drew a couple hundred while the counter-protest drew many more. The term, like “racist,” has been used by the left as a weapon against anyone they don’t like. Conservatives like Ben Shapiro, an orthodox Jew, are routinely labeled as “alt-right” for political purposes, not factual ones.
The “alt-right” gets so much media attention you’d think they were more than just a few fringe guys with bad haircuts living in their parents’ basements. Just because the internet made them louder doesn’t mean they are legion.
Data shows significant progress. In 1920, Klan membership was estimated at 4 million at a time when there were only 106 million people in the country. We’ve gone from a nation with 3.7 percent Klan membership to one with .0019 percent. Yet the left portrays this country as racist to its core.
The average 2016 attendance of a WNBA game was 7,655. That means there were, on average, more than 1,100 more people attending a random game of the country’s least popular professional sport than there are total members of the KKK. If that isn’t progress, what is?
Racism exists, of course. In a nation of 330 million there will always be bad people. But a rounding error is not an epidemic or systemic. That fact scares liberals. As demonstrated by the opportunism of Jarrett, this reality isn’t something our liberal friends celebrate, it’s something they seek to deny. It’s not by accident, it’s by design.”
Monkey Hear, Monkey Laugh
By Kevin D. Williamson
The great tragedy of George Carlin’s life was that he stopped being funny before he stopped performing comedy. The great tragedy of Samantha Bee’s life is that she stopped before she started.
Samantha Bee does not sell humor or satire: She sells status adjustment. She got her start on The Daily Show, which of course is nothing more than an extended, tedious, witless exercise in concentrated status-lowering: hence all that chest-pounding excitement every time Jon Stewart destroyed! somebody or another, which is precisely the sort of thing that gets the ol’ chimp juices flowing.
Calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless c***” on television is a win-win for Bee et al.: One possibility is that Ivanka Trump offers no response, in which case her status is lowered by her being obliged to endure outrageous insults by a relative nobody on TBS; the second possibility is that she responds, in which case her status is lowered by her being obliged to condescend to respond to the outrageous insults of a relative nobody on TBS. The proverb holds that the problem with wrestling a pig is that you both get dirty but only the pig enjoys it. Samantha Bee is that pig.”
“Samantha Bee is that pig.”
How dare he fat-shame Miss Piggy!
Williamson knows how to bring the pain.
Bigger hack, Carlin or Black? At least one is dead.
Black heckled my ex at a show. She came traipsing in a little late and a little drunk and teetering in heels on the stairs trying to find her seat. So that’s a little funny. But his popularity is baffling.
Black, by a mile.
Carlin was truly funny, especially early on.
Yup. Black is awful, faux-outrage “comedy”. Carlin had a whole lot of great bits that had nothing to do with his politics, particularly regarding language. He had a bit in one of his HBO specials about airlines that was hysterical. “‘Get on the plane’? Fuck you, I’m getting IN the plane. There’s a lot less wind in there!”
Totally. I like Lewis Black, but Carlin is a legend for a reason. He wound down as he got older, sure, but that doesn’t take away from his career as a whole, I think. He’s up there with Lenny Bruce.
I enjoyed both Stewart (and Colbert) pre-Obama, so I don’t agree wholeheartedly with Williamson on his characterization of them. I admit that, in retrospect, I may not have been the target audience. But I still found it useful to see people held to some standards and I think we should have more instances–regardless of party or politics–of high-ranking individuals getting raked over the coals for their hypocrisy and malignant actions. It was not always just, even then, but there is no such thing as perfect justice.
It went off the rails when their biases took center stage and dictated entirely who and what they made fun of. They may have always been hacks, but they used to have some semblance of integrity.
Colbert was amusing when he did a pitch-perfect O’Reilly impression. It quit being funny when he became the left’s O’Reilly.
It quit being funny when he became the left’s O’Reilly
They’ve only got one? I saw Maddow doing a pitch perfect O’Reilly impression just the other night. Of course, I don’t think there was any humor behind it.
Fair point. There’s very little to distinguish lefty “comedy” commentators. The same smarmy lilt, the same half-smile delivery, the same can you believe this guy scorn. It must be tiresome.
But Trump is the boor.
Would somebody shut Giuliani up? What an asshat.
If you were trying to provoke Kim to cancel the summit, you could hardly do better than that.
Anybody who hires Giuliani for anything deserves the disaster that follows.
That guy would screw up getting laid in a Tijuana whorehouse.
I’ll give him this, he sure as hell made a lot of hay out of John Gotti.
The “other than honorable discharge” means that Rapone will not be entitled to VA benefits or the GI Bill and may even have trouble finding a job.
He could always get a job as a “political analyst” on Morning Joke.
“Thoroughly and completely unmasking the Satanic Jew and the Synagogue of Satan.”
Totally not anti-semetic or hate speech or anything.
From that Spencer article:
“There’s this notion of parliament as an ‘endless debate,’ ” Spencer explained over lunch. Liberalism accepts that disagreement is part of the political process, and that people who disagree profoundly can live together. But eventually, Schmitt argued, the parliamentary debate does end, and someone gets his way while someone else does not. The state’s job is to provide not the coffeehouse for the debate, but the threat of a beating to compel the loser to accept the result. “Politics is inherently brutal,” Spencer told me. “It’s nonconsensual by its very nature. The state is crystallized violence.”
I know jack shit about Spencer, except that he gives the wokesters the night sweats. I know little, if anything, more after having read this article, but It’s hard to disagree with that.
The NAZI RACIST stuff might be completely true, but it gets thrown around so carelessly these days I tend to discount it pretty steeply.
He’s definitely a serious white nationalist and white supremacist, not a Nazi though.
I saw a photo from one of his ‘rallies’. Counter protesters surrounded Spencer and his supporters. There appeared to be several hundred counter protesters. Spencer and his supporters amounted to Spencer and two other guys.
Spencer falls in the same class as ‘5 out of 4 women are raped on campus every day’. Just another imaginary bogey man for the left to work themselves into a lather over.
That stein looks like it’s abouta snap his twig arm.
In a court case filed by Texas and 19 other states, the Justice Department said in a brief on Thursday that the requirement for people to have insurance — the individual mandate — was unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate in 2012 as an exercise of the government’s power to tax. But since Congress repealed the tax last year, the mandate and the law’s consumer protections can no longer be justified, the Justice Department said.
The mandate cannot be interpreted as a tax “because it will raise no revenue as Congress has eliminated the monetary penalty,” the department said in a brief filed in the Federal District Court in Fort Worth.
The Justice Department said that the protections for people with pre-existing conditions were inseparable from the individual mandate and must also be struck down.
The Justice Department said that the protections for people with pre-existing conditions were inseparable from the individual mandate and must also be struck down.
I think this goes a bit far. Sure, the fiscal reality of it says as much. But SCOTUS has already held the line-item veto to be unconstitutional. Unless and until Congress itself repeals the relevant portions of the law, they remain in effect.
Of course, if consistency reigned, then NFIB v. Sebellius would have gone quite differently. It’s amazing that the Court can both find something to be not a tax and a tax at the same time.
Unless and until Congress itself repeals the relevant portions of the law or SCOTUS strikes them down, they remain in effect.
Penumbras and emanations FTW
Let’s not forget, the Dems intentionally omitted a severability clause from ObamaCare, basically daring the courts to strike the entire thing down if any part of it was unconsitutional. SCOTUS is on the record that OCare is not a valid exercise of the Commerce Clause. Having hung their hat on the taxing power peg in upholding the law, SCOTUS is now faced with having to strike the entire thing down.
I don’t think SCOTUS has ever said that they don’t have a line-item veto. Only that the President doesn’t.
Above comment may not make sense. Or maybe it does but not in the way I originally meant. Carry on.
This must have been Roberts’ plan all along. Like 256-dimensional chess.
Apologies to Ms. Sebelius who apparently has only one ell in her name, for which she should be ashamed of violating some unidentifiable principle of the English language that led me to double it.
“We cant repeal Obumblecare because we dont hold any power.”
-Here, we are giving you the house.
“We cant repeal Obumblecare because we dont have the Senate.”
– Here, we are giving you the Senate.
“We cant repeal Obumblecare because we dont have the Presidency.”
– Here, we are giving you the Presidency.
“Hey I am sitting here with the pen in my hand. I will sign Obumblecare repeal the instant you send it to me.” – Trump
Where is our goddamned fucking Obumblecare repeal? Fucking useless, nutless, spineless, lying snakes in the grass Republican trash. I get so mad I can hardly see straight.
How about this? “The Affordable Care Act is hereby repealed.”
Any R that doesnt vote for that gets an old fashioned, bare knuckle ass whipping.
I am not much of a diplomat.
Try not to go full Mike M.
Rand Paul’s super-secret Medicaid love aside, the Republicans completely dropped the ball on this. Of course, the party itself is kind of in disarray. They don’t like Trump, and they say it’s because of all the other stuff, but it’s odd how often they oppose him for doing things the party allegedly supports.
John McCain can’t die fast enough.
At any rate, some new lawsuit will make it up to Trump’s SCOTUS that says the tax is gone, kill OCare — and maybe they’ll do it this time.
I forgot to include John Roberts in the list of people needing a trip to the woodshed.
I’m witcha, Suthen. I dread the road the Dems have put us on, but the establishment Repubs seem perfectly happy to keep us on that road. Sure, the Dems may drive us off the cliff at the end of the road a little sooner, but the establishment Repubs will happily take the wheel and send us off the same cliff. Fuck them. I won’t support them even against the Dems.
Strategically, I think we would be better off if the current Republican Party went into the wilderness for a few years, because that would at least create the possibility that we might have a party afterwards that wasn’t useless from my perspective.
I am sort of on the fence. The Dems haven’t been able to pass the gun control legislation that they so badly want.
What the fuck is this bullshit?
Students required to smile between classes or be sent to the office:
If I had been required to do this when I was in high school I would have beyond furious.
The Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate in 2012 as an exercise of the government’s power to tax. But since Congress repealed the tax last year, the mandate and the law’s consumer protections can no longer be justified, the Justice Department said.
I hadn’t thought of that. Interesting. I will be fascinated to see how the courts wiggle out of this one.
Teacher: smile sober
me: FY bully
Do they take policy advice from Franz Kafka?
Hi, my problem is that I’m locked in a box with an idiot on a power trip. It makes me not want to smile.
(double checks to make sure its a government school with mandatory attendance – yep)
Administrators’ perspective: Why aren’t they happy to be here? This is a grossly overpaid and largely unnecessary but nevertheless secure position that protects us from almost any accountability!
What, it’s not like that for the students?
It’s the kind of shit that would have pushed me to start causing trouble. I’m usually pretty go along get along until somebody starts poking me in the chest. Sort of how I usually vote, although I often don’t fill out the whole ballot – but if voting became mandatory, I’d video myself burning the ballot and email it to the Secretary of State’s office.
I often don’t fill out the whole ballot – but if voting became mandatory, I’d video myself burning the ballot and email it to the Secretary of State’s office
Terroristic threats, compromising the integrity of the elections process, intimidating a government official, being a general nuisance, and engaging in one or more forms of prohibited speech; sentence: 20 years
/U.K. Police
Not to mention disenfranchising a voter. That’s probably a Civil Rights violation.
Sounds like something from a dystopian future story. And also unconstitutional compelled speech.
Mixing it up today. Just jogged 2 miles to a different coffee shop. Just watch a crazy homeless lady have a meltdown and smash a bottle of kombucha on the floor. Now she’s in the middle of a busy intersection screaming at traffic. I’m about to head out for a 10 mile run. Gonna cut through the ciudad, dodging traffic and the homeless. Cut through downtown, dodging bikes and businessmen. Then over the bridge to the Port of Long Beach, dodging tractor/trailers. Got 5 new albums cued up in Spotify to dive into. I could run all day.
Coffee’s done. Check in with y’all later.
Have fun!
Don’t look back – something might be gaining on you. -Satchel Paige
Sounds like a nightmare.
By 8am I had walked about 5 miles behind a self propelled push mower, transplanted my wife’s beloved coneflowers to the front bed, removed ~100 bricks from the old bed in the back and restacked them, trimmed the huge jasmine vine plus cleaned and refilled all of the hummingbird feeders. All of the yard work is done before the weekend and I got some good exercise. Also, I didn’t see any crazy people or so much as hear any traffic. Quiet, peaceful, with chirping hummingbirds and manicured lawn.
I think I will have a drink and a nap.
Don’t you people have jobs?
*he writes as he refreshes the comments for the N-th time today*
The wife and I are effectively retired.
Ah, mazel tov. Sounds like you’re striking a nice balance between keeping busy and relaxing.
I could run all day.
The world is a strange place, filled with baffling people.
When you are young and in good shape running is a joy. I was there once, but that was a long time ago.
Even when I was pretty good at distance running, I hated it. It was never more than a necessary evil.
You won’t want to miss the 2 pm post today on ultrarunning!
*Swiss has a heart attack*
Oh… running.
That’s why I swim — so much easier on the body.
Yeah, I wonder what that’s like.
/stands up, wonders who’s popping bubble wrap, realizes it’s his knees
I thouht libertarians supported being having the right to commit suicide? Especially assisted suicide?
Fucking squirrels…
Self-ownership and all. Also suicide used to be a crime…
I just wonder how the state would go about protecting that right. Would police be allowed to interfere?
Involuntary commitment to an institution until some panel of twats thinks you won’t hurt yourself.
Hmm. I may or may not have applied your question to the wrong side of the topic.
Well with socialized medicine assisted suicide is a government program…
Also what is so controversial about my statement? Libertarians support Self-ownership which means being able to ingest unhealthy substances, engage in unhealthy lifestyle choices and to kill yourself and to have someone (voluntarily of course) help you kill yourself.
I thought libertarian supported the right to commit suicide? Especially assisted suicide?
You have the right. It doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole.
What do you think of the prospect of depressed people using euthanasia programs?
Since suicide is taking your own life, if euthanasia involves someone else taking your life, then that would be murder. I think the real question is: Should it be murder to have someone kill you with your consent?
I’m teh disappoint at the lack of Doug Ford in the links.
Anyway crazy that the guy is actually Premier of Ontario!
And he got there thanks to Metoo and Kathleen Wynne being so Terrible. Maybe if she wasn’t a lesbian the Libs would have forced her out?
Also Turdeau jr’s advisers were former advisors of Wynne’s Predecessor McGuinty.