Week 4 – Satiety

Every GlibFit 2.0 is, in-part, about ALaTW.  That’s because he is writing them and he can only write about things that he knows.  But this week is more so. You see, ALaTW got fat because he was hungry. He was always hungry.  I don’t mean that, every once in a while, he was a fourteen year old girl having a second bowl of ice-cream and texting “oh I cud eat a horse lol” to her friend.  

I mean he was deeply, truly, pathologically hungry.  All the time.

He wasn’t eating to cover up his emotions.  He wasn’t eating to get back at his dad. He was ravenous.  And nothing would make him full. Eating wouldn’t make him full.  His rule was once a year he would eat until he was full, usually at Thanksgiving.  It never worked. One year, he was bound and determined to see what it was like to be full.  For Science. Yes really.

He ate so much he got physically ill.  You know what he felt on the way to the bathroom?  Hunger. Just like the other 364 days of the year. His normal was just an unending, unmanageable hunger pang.

When the Internet’s Hottest Young Intellectual reviewed a book about hunger and satietyALaTW’s ears perked up.  He read the book (the way God intended, as an audiobook.)  In fact, he read it twice. And he never does that. The Bible and Lord of the Flies are the only other two books he’s read more than once.  But this book was particularly related to his interests and he wanted to sign up for the newsletter. That was in May of last year.

Because ALaTW is a slow and careful and meticulous and lazy thinker, he let those ideas percolate until December, when they got put into action.  A doctor’s visit telling him he was going to die also helped him get started. And you know what?

Ladies, ask me about another organ I have that can grow on command… Hey, um, where are all the ladies?

Two days in, he felt something he never felt before.  He felt full.

Without further narcissistic ado, here’s the meat of this post.  Losing weight requires you to eat less. The human brain is the universe’s most powerful supercomputer in command of the world’s most complicated data network in your hormone system.  It evolved to keep you alive, which means “with fat stores.” If you try to eat less, your brain will fight you. Hard. Most people can’t beat it. ALaTW couldn’t.

So don’t fight fair.  Fight fucking dirty. Don’t take it head on.  Look at it from a security perspective and twist the system to your ends.  How can you give it inputs its not expecting in order to get it to behave in a way it was never supposed to?

Here’s what you do.  ALaTW did this and was able to maintain a 2,000 calorie deficit a day.  And he was full, the whole time.

The Holy Trinity: Fat, Protein, and Volume

The first and biggest hack is to put food in your body that looks like high calorie food.  When your stomach senses fat, protein, and volume, it releases a hormone that tells your brain it got a bunch of calories.  Note the flaw in this design. Its using fat, protein, and volume as a proxy measure.

If you aren’t free to buy old meat from a stranger in a cave with no refrigeration, you aren’t really free.

So eat fat, protein, and volume in low calories.  What does that look like? The vegetables for a huge ass salad are maybe a hundred calories.  Grilled chicken thighs, ground beef, and pulled pork are all full of fat and protein. That’s right, ALaTW ate a ton of salad.  Grilled chicken salad. Taco salad. Cobb salad. Yeah, I know. Salad is something of a meme for the conspicuously non-FitGlibbing.  How about a ribeye and asparagus? That’s got volume, fat, and protein too. Where’s your God now, trolls? ALaTW happens to love salad, and probably eats five a week when not dieting, so this wasn’t too hard for him.

You know what else has fat, protein, and volume?  A protein shake fortified with healthy, nutritious heavy cream.  Four fl oz of heavy cream, two scoops of protein, and a bunch of water was his lunch every day and it kept me full.  

The astute reader might notice that.. Hm.. that sounds a lot like keto.  Yeah, it is. There’s a reason it works. Lots of people on keto can eat on a deficit without trying.  Those of us that still have to try find it easier while on keto. This is why.

Eat on a Schedule

Lots of people get in a routine, and their body adapts.  They wake up two minutes before their alarm. Or they need to drop the kids off at the pool right before they leave for work.

Well, hunger works like that too.  Eat breakfast at exactly the same time every day.  Eat lunch at exactly the same time every day. Eat dinner at exactly the same time every day.  Hell, ALaTW even ate the exact same things for breakfast and lunch every day. Four scrambled eggs for breakfast.  Protein shake for lunch.

ALaTW’s body got on a schedule.  It didn’t expect food outside of 6:30 AM, 11:30 AM, or 6:00 PM.  So it never sent ALaTW hunger pangs unless he was late to a meal.

The astute reader might notice that.. Hm.. that sounds a lot like intermediate fastings.  Yeah, it is. There’s a reason why it works. Lots of people on IF can eat on a deficit without trying.  Those that still have to try find it easier while on IF. This is why. (ALaTW tried IF for a week by skipping breakfast.  IF + 2,000 calorie deficit + an hour at the gym on no breakfast was like getting hit by a truck.)

You eat with your eyes first

Your hunger response is controlled by a very old, very primal signaling system in the brain.  The best way to think about it is to think of it like a two year old. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!  I mean eating!

So when you eat, only let yourself see what you are ok eating.  Make your plate in the kitchen. Then put away the leftovers, take your plate to the dining room, and eat.  If you have to fight with your brain about having another scoop of food, you will lose. Instead, avoid the fight.  Just like putting a toy away and distracting a two year old.

Bonus Week 4 Challenge

Cook a meal from scratch.  Make it in the kitchen. Put a serving on your plate, put the left overs away, walk the plate to the dining room, and eat it there.