Hundreds of Sex Workers Rally for International Whores Day
OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA—“STIGMA KILLS,” “MY BODY, NOT YOUR CHOICE,” “SEX WORK ≠ TRAFFICKING”—those were just a few of the signs pumped in the air as over 300 sex workers and allies gathered Saturday in downtown Oakland for International Whores Day, a global celebration of sex workers’ rights. This long-standing annual event was injected with renewed intensity this year thanks to outrage over FOSTA, the country’s new “anti-trafficking” law. Several marchers with years of activist experience said the turnout was unprecedented for a sex worker rally.
“This is more sex workers than I’ve ever seen in one place ever,” said Pele, a 42-year-old dominatrix who has been a sex worker for more than 20 years. “We’re out in the street and loud and proud—I’ve never seen this.”
The Fight for 15 is about a maximum number of orifices filled at once. Surgical techniques advance every year. Imagine a sex worker crossed with a Dyson crossed with a Swiss Army knife. Imagine a bluetooth-capable Flesh-scooter that bleeds and screams and poops strawberry ice cream. Imagine a hooker with a supercharger and 4k eyes. I cannot wait. The future will be more erotic and terrifying than any of us can imagine.
President Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky, #MeToo and whether his apology was enough
While some Democratic leaders, including Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, have suggested that Clinton should have resigned at the time, the former president defended his decision to instead fight impeachment charges. He said he wouldn’t have changed his approach, in light of #MeToo.
“Well, I don’t think it would be an issue. Because people would be using the facts instead of the imagined facts. If the facts were the same today, I wouldn’t,” he said.
Clinton said his critics are now pouncing on that affair because of their frustration with President Trump, who has been accused by numerous women of inappropriate sexual behavior, all of which Trump has denied.
“A lot of the facts have been conveniently omitted to make the story work, I think partly because they were frustrated that they got all these serious allegations against the current occupant of the Oval Office. And his voters don’t seem to care,” Clinton said. “I think I did the right thing. I defended the Constitution.”
The only good thing about Billy-Jeff being in the news so much is watching his scrofulous march to the grave. And wondering if Hillary took the cure for every dose of syphilis he gave Her–I mean, the physical and mental decline from tertiary syphilis would explain the last couple of years, right?
The First Time I Saw Lesbian Sex Was Black Swan. Now I’m Out, and a Little Horrified by It.
When I was a sophomore in high school, I went to see Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan with my best friend. It was the first time I ever saw a lesbian sex scene, and it’s fair to say it had a profound effect on me. I came out as gay a year later.
Black Swan was one of the first films I’d ever seen where female pleasure was depicted whatsoever—and the first movie I saw that took lesbianism seriously. At least I thought it did. Eight years later, I’ve realized that the romance that helped me understand my own lesbianism is not just deeply unromantic, it’s also founded on homophobic tropes. Watch more in the video.
Now, I understand that you won’t watch the video, so I’ll tell you the highlight: When the narrator talks about coming out as a lesbian she flashes a before and after photo of herself.
Apparently, coming out as a lesbian isn’t about admitting a same-sex attraction to women, but rather getting the cast of Les Eye For The Straight Girl to turn you into a stylish Mexican twink.
This video is from Slate’s unintentional hilarious series Pre-Woke Watching, a running struggle session with the guilt of enjoying TV and movies before you were taught that they were double-plus ungood wrongthink.
Apparently, even Slate is sort of embarrassed about it since they don’t seem to have a handy link the series as a whole. Look to the bottom of the article above to find past episodes.
oooh nice Anime
I don’t see how the Lewinsky thing is that big a deal compared to his actual rape of women.
Yeah, they’re barking up the wrong bush there.
I think that was the plan. Make a big deal out of the consensual stuff to take the focus off the more rapey stuff.
Bill Clinton didn’t even use a personal cell phone device, just like Washington and Lincoln, which makes him one of the most honest presidents ever!
Yep. Bill has multiple women who have accused him of raping them. Now personally, I think that if I was going to bet money on it, that it’s a lot more “woman scorned lashes out” then it is actual no shit rape. But by the standard the Left holds their enemies to, Bill Clinton is a rapist because Believe All Women.
If Bill had been the CEO of a Fortune 500 company using his intern as a suck doll, there would have been hearings on Capitol Hill with Democratic politicians grandstanding for the cameras.
The single actual change from Trump as opposed to all previous Republicans is that the Republican rank and file voters is now operating under the rules set down by the Clintons in the 90s: it’s none of your business if the President cheats on his wife and lies to your face about it. Even if he swears under oath to tell the truth. There’s a “just a blowjob” exception to perjury laws.
Now personally, I think that if I was going to bet money on it, that it’s a lot more “woman scorned lashes out” then it is actual no shit rape.
We’ll never know for sure, but I tend to believe Broadrick – there’s some contemporaneous corroboration. And someone who will rough up one woman for sex will rough up other women for sex. Balanced against that are the swarms of groupies that any willing politician can use. If you buy Broadrick’s story, then I think the way to bet is that at least some of the other accusations are true.
The future will be more erotic and terrifying than any of us can imagine.
Any of us? We have you for that SF
If SugarFree says that….there is no hope for any of our sanity.
I’m hoping the Eldritch gods eat me first before the world descends into madness.
I got nothin’
Beaucoup boobage.
17 is A-OK.
Not in most states, buster.
Sorry Florida.
*sad trombone*
18 in FL. LMAO.
Actually, 16 in the majority of states.
She looks a little long in the tooth.
Couldn’t get past 9 with the double nipples. That’s just wrong.
The nipple piercings are what threw you on 9? She(?) looks like a handsome man with a good rack. Maybe it’s just the eyebrows…
Man, you so know me.
Of course I’m not going to watch the video.
I will however go back and rewatch Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis make out in Black Swan
Mmm hmm
Not before you get scolded first.
I am suitably chastened now.
I have never seen that movie. But I just looked up that scene, and wow it was worth it. If enjoying that makes me less woke, then so be it.
That scene will definitely woke up at least part of you
Might as well jump straight to ‘Neon Demon’ for the really weird stuff.
I really liked that. I’m a big fan of all his movies.
He knows us so well.
I’m it sure it will be more erotic and terrifying than I can imagine. But I strongly suspect SugarFree can imagine it.
Heck, I am already making a reservation at the State Mental Hospital down the road.
I’m saving the last shot for myself.
Remember: through the brain stem. It’s the only way to be sure.
It’s fine, at some point it will surpass the ability of human mind to comprehend, and we just won’t be able to notice it.
Maybe we’re already there?
If so, how would we know?
I saw “International Whores’ Day” and assumed another IPCC conference was about to convene.
Wouldn’t ICPP be a better acronym for whores’ day?
Only in Trump’s America…
The Fight for 15 is about a maximum number of orifices filled at once
It’s how you can tell SugarFree was in charge of the links.
Sometimes I wonder what kind of political views Spider has, I mean this right here is pretty damn libertarian anthem.
Including the Super Bowl? Or were you guys just making that shit up?
No it’s true. Both the Eagles and the Patriots are teams made up exclusively of dirty dirty whores.
Hey, football players trade their bodies for money every bit as much as whores do right
300? Clearly this person has never been to Tijuana.
Or DC.
Or Amsterdam, or Prague or Frankfurt…
Reminds me of an old Dave Allen joke;
A convent of nuns is upset at one of their sisters for cursing so much. They decide, the next time she curses, they will all get up and leave the room to show their displeasure. A while later the sister in question comes in and says “It looks like the whole bloody American Fleet has pulled into town!” With that, the others all get up and march out the door. The cursing sister says to them, “There is no need to hurry, they will be here all bloody week.”
CES is probably where you go if you want to find the largest collection of sex workers in one city at one time.
Amsterdam and Frankfurt laugh.
Berlin snickers.
“Pre-Woke Watching, a running struggle session with the guilt of enjoying TV and movies before you were taught that they were double-plus ungood wrongthink”
This is why, I believe, Leftist cultural hegemony will finally break; no one but the most brainwashed true believers can tolerate that level of humorlessness indefinitely. The “culture at large” (Joe six-pack/Geena Hitachi magic wand types) will not put up with that forever. It’s also why the Left cannot meme worth shit.
What entertainment is actually woke these days?
Anything made by POC for POC. It’s not for you to view with your oppressive and hegemonic white gaze.
Anything that makes fun a white men, Christians, Republicans, and/or Trump is fine.
“Let’s sit down to navel gaze and analyze why everything we’ve done in the past is bad” is not a fun way to spend a Friday night for most people.
Go on…
Speaking of which, NSFW and lots of other places
Collect the entire set.
I googled Stormy Leather and she is far less attractive with all her hair shaved off, as it looks to be now. Go figure.
I agree. It wasn’t demographic changes or a new social enlightenment that toppled the right in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. IT was the fact that they won the culture war and ossified into old stick-in-the-muds. They couldn’t take a joke, and SNL et al skewered them mercilessly.
But fast forward to 2018, and its the the right telling people that their bodies are sinful and they are bad people for having a bit of lighthearted fun. Slate and the campus tribunals are on the left and all the ‘merry pranksters’ are on the (alt) right.
TLDR: The left can’t meme.
But fast forward to 2018, and its the the right telling people that their bodies are sinful and they are bad people for having a bit of lighthearted fun.
I think you meant the left.
But, yeah, exactly. It gets to a point I’ve raised any number of times. Honestly, today, in 2018, I see little or no reason to have a whole lot of fear about the right. If I have sex with a woman, it’s not the right attacking me for fornicating I need to be worried about. It’s second thoughts and #metoo. If I go hire a hooker, I don’t need to worry all that much about Christian fundamentalist prudes. I need to be worried about feminists accusing me of trafficking. If I’m worried about due process, it isn’t because I’m worried about a bunch of socons. It’s because I’m worried about a left-wing campus kangaroo court. If I want to learn things from other cultures, I’m not going to be stopped by some rightwinger trying to preserve the integrity of Western Civilization. It’s going to be by a progressive demanding I cease my “cultural appropriation”. If I hear about speech codes or even book banning, it’s not from rednecks worried about naughty words. It’s from leftists trying to stamp out “hate speech”.
I sort of get it. You go back twenty, maybe thirty years and, yup, the right-wingers and Christian fundamentalists were out there trying to tell everyone what to do. But, let’s say Frank Zappa were alive today. Do you think the most flack coming at him today would be from Southern Baptists? Or from the social justice cadres?
Depends, which side of the culture wars Zappa would be on?
My guess is that there wouldn’t be much room for him on the left. Zappa was pretty much a free-speech absolutist. And an unabashed capitalist and businessman.
But he was an entertainer, and thus he would have been progressive.
I don’t think Frank would have progged out. Based on his testimony to Congress and his interviews, I think Zappa would have been damning the left every bit as much as he did the right.
The left cannot do anything worth shit. They’re a group of miserable no talent, no humor, no fun morons. They’ll need total censorship powers over the internet, they’re getting destroyed on the stage of public debate. You see someone throw out a well thought argument online and they come back with ‘Trump is Hitler! Stormy is our hero. You’d better shut up, you Nazis!’.
This video is from Slate’s unintentional hilarious series Pre-Woke Watching, a running struggle session with the guilt of enjoying TV and movies before you were taught that they were double-plus ungood wrongthink.
Maybe it’s intentionally hilarious? I need to be believe this is an act of subversion that the contributors and commenters are unwittingly taking seriously.
Oh, it’s actually called International Whores Day?
I thought you took license.
That’s no fun.
I like it when they announce the location before hand so I know where to avoid my ex-wife.
It was in multiple cities.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I thought you took license.
Licensing isn’t very libertarian, but it is better than the status quo.
TMZ picked that up.
it’s fair to say it had a profound effect on me. I came out as gay a year later.
What about the Golden Girls? Did she ever watch them?
They only work on guys.
What about guy frogs?
Disinfo agent confirmed! /conspiracy theorist
All frogs are omnisexual and thus immune to gaying-up effects of TV shows.
This is why gaying-up water is such a big deal.
No, but she did travel round the world and back again. Her heart is true; she’s a pal and a confidante.
“Erotic horror” makes me think, “Not with HER! Ewwwwww.”
“I’m with HER!”
So Billy was defending the Constitution when he lied under oath? I haven’t heard anything that wonderful since Minnesoda Madman Al Franken body slammed a heckler for “Free Speech”
“I’m neutral in this race but I’m for freedom of speech, which means people should be able to assemble and speak without being shouted down.”
Does that include college guest speakers?
He said “people”, not “evil shitlords.”
Interesting how we haven’t heard any free speech from wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken lately.
(BTW I can’t hear anyone called ‘funnyman’ without thinking of Bobby Bittman.)
Wise-cracking funnyman Al Franken yesterday body-slammed a demonstrator to the ground after the man tried to shout down Gov. Howard Dean.
I’m sure the same people who were demanding that the Trump supporter who punched a heckler be jailed are calling for Franken to be arrested for a textbook assault and battery.
Hover over the link…
Yeah, missed the date.
The embarrassing thing about that is that Al Franken walked away unscathed.
Like I have said before, I don’t consider myself to be a tough guy. Or even of above average toughness. But if I was heckling The Screaming Commie, and Al Franken assaulted me, they’d scrap him off the sidewalk with a spatula. I’d beat that fucking weasel pretty soundly.
Like how the fuck do you live with the same of being bested by Al Franken in a fistfight? It’s one thing if you get sucker punched and you look up and it’s a big tough SOB. Discretion is the better part of valor.
But Al Franken? You got beat up by Al Franken?
Franken is 5’6″ and was 53 at the time. He’s lucky he didn’t get his ass kicked good and proper.
Rephrasing: are men really attracted to hot women?
Yes. Next question.
Right!? Yes, duh. I’ll put it like this: 10s with terrible personalities can easily get a man to stick around for at least a little while, but having a great personality is only going to save you if you’re at least a 5. If you look like butt but you’re really fun to be around, congratulations: you’re a friend. This is true for men as well, although money can also play a role. Also, these are relative numbers, not absolutes. Also also, your 10 is probably not my 10, and vice versa. So the good news is that there’s generally someone for everyone.
The valid point of the article, though, is that in general, women are a lot harder on women than men are.
That’s why you always need to figure in the amount of crazy. Spoiler: It’s never zero.
Everything you said is absolutely true. Women are constantly competing with each other in a way that, oddly, men don’t seem to do. At least not in the same way. I think there’s something to the Peterson bit about men in social situations kind of instantly and subconsciously assigning themselves ranks within the group and then never really revisiting the issue until something changes.
Really? Because virtually every party I went to in college was guys jockeying for position by trying to impress women with how much they could drink, explaining why that other dude is totally gay, and how they were going to make a gazillion dollars one day because they were majoring in electrical engineering (aka, ME by end of freshman year, Accounting by sophmore year, gen business by jr year).
I heard him say something else about how men always act as though violence is a possibility which brings civility. For women this is not really acceptable allowing for bitchiness to run rampant. For men outside of certain agreed upon standards for position like sports or job hierarchies the amount of jockeying that is acceptable is capped by a point where you must fight or move on.
Not that I’m a Peterson expert but that made a bit of sense to me.
No, the right personality could overcome a 3 in the looks department, the problem is if she is below a 5 you are almost never going to give her the chance to get to know her well enough to find out her personality is that good a match for you.
That said, it doesn’t matter how in love with his wife a man is if an opportunity to have sex with someone significantly hotter pops up he is going to have a very hard time turning it down, and most will not be able to because the sex drive is controlled by looks WAY more than the pair-bonding drive is. So we all look at the hotties in Q’s link and if any of those girls were standing there in front of us and begging us to ravish them there are days where every single one of us would give in. Doesn’t mean we love our wives any less or find them any less attractive or desirable or even that we wished our wives looked like that it is just the reality of human existence, our drive to procreate with the most desirable mates is far more powerful than our willpower. The same holds true for women of course although the things that make it hard for them to resist are of course different
Depends on the amount of beer. And is the fat just extra cushion or is it obesity.
Looks are secondary to personality, but they do matter.
Brains, Personality, Looks, Sanity.
Sometimes it’s fun to min/max. But true happiness comes from balancing.
That lesbian reminds me of Ashlyn Harris. When from blonde to butch in one season.
She still looks pretty good though.
Better question is why she was ever issued press credentials in the first place.
Granted, it doesn’t take much to be a “journalist” these days, but she’s hackier than the biggest hacks.
She;s the hackiest hack since hacking came to Hacktown.
“You’re the vulgarian, you fuck!”
Her shtick going all the way back to the Daily Show was to pose questions meant to entrap the interviewee then deceptively edit the recording before airing it. At least Stewart had the decency to post the unedited versions of his own interviews online, I don’t think Bee has ever done the same.
My landlady got another HVAC technician out to the house today – turns out that a wire in the outside unit had somehow come a little loose and rubbed against another part of the unit till it was exposed and grounded out. Looks like it should be a fairly quick, simple fix in the end – but not the kind of thing I’d notice. Good to learn about these though.
From Navy experience more recently, I’m getting more used to the trouble shooting format – my radar techs had all kinds of work packages and templates – but not having manuals/etc on hand is a different story. That’s one thing I’d appreciate about building/buying a new house – and getting all the pubs up front on delivery for future reference.
Find the model number off the equipment and google it. Most consumer owner’s manuals will be available online.
Take off the cover and read the Schematic inside, Manuals tell you nothing from a technical POV.
/HVAC Tech
and LT, ask me next time, i have helped Glibs in the past, Maybe save some Money as well.
He knows a lot about vacuums
He told me the V was for velcro.
I posted a couple times. Not my money – landlady handles stuff like this – I’m renting. Something like this breaks, I call them and let them figure it out.
I didn’t think to check the fuse box sooner – just seems weird to me that the indoor unit would continue blowing while the outdoor unit that tripped the fuse – I’d have expected one to prevent the other from cycling period. Also irritating that now I need to make a bit more space around the fuse box in the garage. My last townhouse, it was located in a downstairs bedroom.
Seems to be up now, just getting topped off with freon.
However I do seem to have a negative impact on most ceiling fans – especially in bedrooms. I like to leave them running for circulation purposes, but they all seem to conk out on me in my rentals – 2 in my last unit, 2 so far in this unit. Since I’m planning to stay here a little longer, I may see if I can dig up info on them for repair purposes, but they don’t come labeled very clearly.
That’s because landlords install the cheapest ceiling fans they can find, anticipating that you’re going to fuck them up no matter what they install.
So basically a set number of hours in em before they conk out. Easy to replace?
Yes, quite easy.
Get someone to help you hold the damn unit up while you affix it to the ceiling if you can. It’s the one frustrating part (for me) of putting in a ceiling fan. A second ladder that you can rest the unit on top of while you do the wiring can also work.
Appreciate the tips. Not sure if I’ll bother yet – since it is a rental. Haven’t let landlady know about stuff like this though – normally save “fixes” like this for the move-out. But maybe…since I’m planning on staying here longer.
My landlady got another HVAC technician out to the house today
Yes, go on . . . .
a wire in the outside unit had somehow come a little loose and rubbed against another part of the unit till it was exposed and grounded out
These euphemisms are getting more and more opaque.
Freedom means DO WHAT WE SAY.
The American Civil Liberties Union released a statement on Twitter following the ruling. “As a nation, we’ve already rejected the idea that business open to the public have a license to discriminate against people because of who they are,” it said.
Yeah, okay.
“As a nation…”
Fuck off, slaver.
The ACLU has come a long way when they used to known as defending unpopular speech. Those days are long over. I don’t think they know what liberty means anymore.
Considering they started out as Stalinists (no, really!) then maybe they are returning to their roots…
But have come full circle to their totalitarian roots.
Its basically not even the same organization any more.
What’s that Iowahawk line? Find a respected institution. Kill it. Gut it. Wear its corpse as a skin suit. Demand respect.
As a nation, we’ve already rejected the idea that business open to the public have a license to discriminate against people because of who they are
We have done no such thing as a nation. The federal anti-discrimination laws apply to a subset of “public accommodations” , and protect a subset of “protected classes”.
MSU health physicist charged with beastiality.
Basset hounds lie.
What in the Wide World of Sports is going on at Michigan State?!
I suppose it’s better than raping young girls…
Or horsin’ around.
Seriously. They must have some secret faculty freaky sex club.
He should blame it on the radiation poisoning.
Since the dog’s name was Flash, I hope he was saying, “Coo! Coo! Coo!” while he was doing it.
I ask you, “Is this the face of someone who would fuck a dog?”
“But you fuck one dog….”
Well… he looks like he might be part basset, or related to Mitch McConnell.
Again, with the “one drop rule”, you breedist!
“Grab its motherfucking knot.”
F. Stupidity posted this in the earlier thread but notice that the text at 2:55 blames the Galactic empire on “ruthless trader barons”.
Lefty cannibalism intensifies.
Just in time to avoid the potential decline of Starbucks. Even odds that he’ll step back in if things go really pear shaped.
How soon before the company implodes?
“Myron E. Ullman, former chairman and CEO of J.C. Penney, was named chair”
Pretty soon, the only Starbucks around will be anchor stores in shopping malls no one goes to. But they’ll have a nice catalog every Christmas shopping season.
JC Penny?? If I’m paying that much to attract talent I’d want someone with a better track record.
Wow, I wonder if this is the second coming of the Starbucks Collapse. They’ve already opened a third store in downtown Annapolis, which makes three separate Starbucks spaced about equally along two blocks. Now with Schultz about to be memory holed…wow, man.
My grocery store has one inside the store, one 2 doors down in the same strip mall, and a third a block a way next to the Taco Bell.
There are (were) several intersections in midtown Manhattan with two Starbucks on the same corner. I remember taking pics of the sites back in 2009.
Surprisingly not mentioned in this morning’s links, today is the 78th anniversary of Winston Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech.
People forget the lesser known ‘we shall fuck on the beaches’.
I just wrote that in the office as clients pass by.
Let’s see what happens Wednesday, But Yeah WC was a very busy Man all his life, and had many great adventures before he ever fucked up at Gallipoli, and managed toreturn…..
WTF? Getting my ducks in a row for the Colorado move and I see that to get my CO CHL I need to have proof of having taken a firearms class in the last decade. It’s been more than a decade since I took a class, and I’ve had a CHL for more than a decade. I did have to do a CHL renewal class in Texas within that time frame but I certainly don’t have a certificate for it. Do I seriously have to go pay for a bullshit NRA basic pistol class to get my CHL there? Moving to FL was easy. Just show a hunter safety card and you’re good to go. DAMN YOU COLORADO
Your Florida card is valid here.
But once I get a CO drivers license then my FL card is no longer valid. So I’m only good for like 30 days.
Have you decided on a place to live yet?
Anywhere but Denver/Boulder/Ft. Collins, I hope.
Definitely Ft. Collins. The reason for the move is that my wife just took a faculty position at CSU.
Then I recommend you move to Cheyenne and commute.
I tried to sell the wife on that idea, but no dice. She is allergic to commuting. We have almost always lived within 15 minutes of her work or school until now where we like 25 minutes away and it pisses her off that she has to commute that much.
If anything we’ll likely go the other direction and live in the Loveland area. Plus my whole family is in Colorado Springs so being further south is a good thing. We’ll be making that drive fairly often.
Ft. Collins isn’t so bad; definitely a little bit on the proggy side, but nothing like Boulder.
E-470 is your friend. It’s longer, but MUCH faster than driving through Denver on 25.
What about 287?
No good. 287 becomes Federal Blvd. in Denver. Slower than I-25.
It may not be obvious on a map, but through town 287 is Wadsworth Blvd, which is a city street.
No, but if you’re heading N out of Ft. Collins, 287 is nothing but net until you hit Wyoming – or am I getting my geography wrong again?
Never mind – missed the bit about wanting to be on the south side.
not yet. Most places have 30 day notice for non-renewal of leases so it’s still a bit early to see what will be available for our move-in time frame. It’s definitely pretty full in Fort Collins. There is very little available at the moment and that is likely to be the case in a month too. We’ll probably take whatever we can get.
I did have to do a CHL renewal class in Texas within that time frame but I certainly don’t have a certificate for it.
I’m sure Texas has a record of it if they renewed your license.
That’s a good point, but somehow I doubt Texas DPS is going to send me a copy of my class paperwork from ~5 years ago. It’s worth a shot though. Thanks RC
They should be able to send you something confirming that you took a refresher class on a certain day. Without that in their records, they wouldn’t ahve renewed your license. Dunno what more CO might require; if they just want confirmation that you took a class within a certain time period, that ought to do it.
Should probably be ok. All I had to do was show my NRA pistol course certificate and that was fine.
The only good thing about Billy-Jeff being in the news so much is watching his scrofulous march to the grave.
It is incredible to think that he and Trump are the same age. Both were born in 1946, barely two months apart. But, holy shit.
He’s married to Hillary fucking Clinton.
That’s the greatest punishment there is.
If you look at before and after pictures of presidents, you will see the office is pretty hard on people. Seems to age them pretty severely. However, Clinton has been livin’ the life and getting as much tail as he wants, so he should have had ample time to recover. Maybe his evil deeds are eating at him like Gollum.
The Ring of Power affects everyone.
Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread
Uh… Trump has been living the life too…
I assume Clinton has improved in quality, but he’s nowhere near Trump
Slight overreaction…
Who does that?
Fair enough.
Was it 30 pages of that phrase repeated over and over?
Like this?
(Incidentally, I understand Kibrick made some poor secretary type out that whole thing.)
That must have sucked pretty bad
“That was the scaredest I ever was,” he said.”
You’d better be.
Smith, who had a plaster cast he’d made of a 26-inch long foot
Power man 5000! It’s been awhile since I heard them. What a fun band. If I remember correctly, their lead singer is Rob Zombie’s brother.
Yep, that is Rob’s little brother. Great band.
“Jewish” organization J Street becomes more anti-Semit… excuse me, anti-Zionistic by the day.
Nice music link btw!
This is all becoming a bit tedious.
Well, it’s Portland, we may as well just leave that place and let them drive out all business and collapse. Then antifa will get the anarchy they want. Let the homeless winos take them out with crow bars and shovels.
Unbelievably, there was a riot, even the police were assaulted, and they arrested four (4) people, including one victim of the rioting mob.
A real US Attorney General would open a civil rights investigation into the Portland PD and their political masters to see why they are failing to protect citizens attempting to exercise their Constitutional rights.
He’s way too busy tracking down every single user of the devil weed to care about such things as Freedom of Assembly.
antifa are the left’s little storm troopers. How do you think they’re going to resort to violence when they keep losing?
“I thought it was the rally so I went into full comedy mode,” Arbo told the Gateway Pundit. He has a comedy act and character that he performs called “Stoner Brony” and began teasing Antifa while going through his routine.
Are there any normal people any more? You don’t deserve an ass whooping for being an idiot but I don’t have much sypmpathy for anyone who goes to a political rally to “perform.”
The look on his face as he was dragged away while flipping all of them the bird won back all my sympathy for him.
Dude went full Iggy Pop. Can’t hate a man for that.
Ah, I didn’t watch just read, I’ll give it a look.
So, I’ve been pretty busy lately, just wondering what the reaction around here was to the ‘You don’t have to bake that cake’ SCOTUS decision. I mean I’m sure outside in the world, dogs and cats are sleeping together and women and children are dying en masse in the streets, but since I just run over anything in my way, I wouldn’t have noticed.
I’m trapped in my office because the tidal wave of blood has inundated the rest of town.
My orphans are sad because I’ve once again doubled tear barrel production in anticipation of Kennedy retiring or the ancient harpy keeling over. Or both, in which case tear barrel production must again be doubled. I see the troubled look on their little faces.
Weak-ass decision. Not based on freedom of association. I believe it was sent back down for CO to reconsider without any “religious animus”. CO has now learned to keep its animus under wraps while reaching exactly the same result.
AFAIK, the consensus is that it was a _really_ narrow ruling, based on the baker not getting a fair shake by the state. It’s a “victory”, but the way the Supremes ruled leaves some gaping holes open to still force the baker to Bake That Cake as long as the don’t call him a filthy Christian before they punish him next time.
IOW, no great victory for liberty – it doesn’t get anywhere near “free association”, just “the punishment process wasn’t done correctly”.
Or just go with the response from Actual Lawyer® above me (though I believe I got it right, just not as pithy).
I’d like to see some lawfare where a prostitute turns down a client for sexuality. Might make for some interesting mental acrobatics.
Governor Fudd pleads for sanity.
Let’s dispense with shiny objects intended to distract from the issue. Arming teachers is absurd; period. Those licensed to carry concealed are not trained law enforcement officers, and we shouldn’t confuse the two. And mental health, while critically important for our nation to address, is a challenge requiring a separate set of solutions.
Let’s focus on what works. Most gun owners are law abiding, yet too often guns get into the wrong hands. That’s why the first step ought to be universal background checks and cracking down on straw purchases of guns.
The overwhelming majority of Americans support comprehensive background checks. We know in the 19 states that have enacted them they have reduced gun violence and saved lives: 47% fewer women are shot to death by intimate partners, 47% fewer suicides by gun, and 53% fewer law enforcement officers shot and killed in the line of duty.
States across the country are implementing “red flag laws,” which save lives by allowing law enforcement or family members to ask a court to temporarily remove guns from those who might pose a danger to themselves or others. We also need to better protect victims of domestic violence from firearm violence.
No shiny objects, but bait-and-switch is still permissible, apparently. We have to stop school shootings, so here are some things which have nothing to do with that.
Bullock vetoes Constitutional Carry every session, like clockwork. Now, apparently, he wants universal background checks and red flag gun confiscation orders. And the cop-ocracy will line up behind him and applaud. I’d say he’s laying the groundwork for a Senate run against Daines once he gets term-limited out of the governorship. Gotta get that silicon valley loot. Maybe he’ll denounce mining, next.
“Most gun owners are law abiding”
If by “most” you mean something like 99.99%. But by all means, let’s punish that group with ineffective measures to try and prevent crimes which are a rounding error.
I always envision having this conversation with people who want a gun registry:
Me: So if I understand you correctly, you want a government registry of a large group because a small number of them have committed violent attacks?
Them: Yes. The law-abiding members of this group really have nothing to worry about. They shouldn’t complain; it’s a small burden that any law-abiding person would be happy to bear in service of greater public safety.
Me: How will you even get all of these people on the registry? There are so many of them out there already.
Them: We would do whatever it takes, and if anyone is found to have skipped registration, they will be punished severely.
Me: How do you know this registry will prevent attacks before they happen?
Them: We will identify and monitor the most high-risk individuals.
Me: So, given that the government abuses every single power they’re given, how will you ensure that this registry won’t be used for something worse down the road?
Them: The Constitution would prevent that. Besides, that’s just paranoid. Nobody wants to take things any further than a registry for public safety. You can’t listen to these fear-mongers.
Me: Ok, great. Glad to hear that you whole-heartedly support the Muslim registry.
Them: What?! But, that’s not what- No! That’s different!!!
Them: The Constitution would prevent that. Besides, that’s just paranoid. Nobody wants to take things any further than a registry for public safety. You can’t listen to these fear-mongers.
Suggested addition at this point:
So the Constitutional guarantee of due process will prevent any abuses, so there isn’t any problem with registering people just because they exercise a right protected in the Bill of Rights?
Good addition.
Maybe I could toss in another tidbit:
Them: In addition, polling data shows that a majority of Americans support these measures. This country is a democracy, and you have to obey the will of the people, not the wishes of small special interest groups.
Ah, the Comprehensive/Universal Background Check. The ONE piece of missing bureaucracy that will finally bring an end to all evil and violence. Just this ONE LAST ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE to finally achieve utopia once and for all.
Just like the one last tax increase we need to solve all our financial problems.
Who are you so wise in the way of governance?
/ Illinois politician.
Arming teachers is absurd; period. Those licensed to carry concealed are not trained law enforcement officers, and we shouldn’t confuse the two.
Not prohibiting (and banning subsidiary government entities from also doing so) CCP holders to carry at their own discretion is not the same thing as arming teachers.
“red flag laws,” which
save lives byallowing law enforcement or family members to ask a court to temporarily remove guns from those who might pose a danger to themselves or others. We also need to better protect victims of domestic violence from firearm violence.Unconstitutional laws to grab guns without due process (*).
(*) Restrictions on ownership with due process are still a constitutional violation. Even convicted felons have the right to self defense, and once released (and thus have served their punishment) have their rights fully restored.
Wow, what an idiot.
Maybe we should let each teacher decide whether he or she wants to be armed rather than calling the idea absurd and dooming them to be at the mercy of Officer Friendly standing outside the door while someone’s snowflake has a mental breakdown with his dad’s shotgun in class.
Oh, and those background checks: are they universal or are they comprehensive? Are you even actually asking for anything specific? There are already “universal” background checks; in every state of the union to the best of my knowledge anyone buying a firearm has to do a background check. Comprehensive? They already check for outstanding warrants, felonies, and certain misdemeanors. What more should they check for, while still remaining within the law?
There are already “universal” background checks; in every state of the union to the best of my knowledge anyone buying a firearm has to do a background check.
Federal law only requires a background check for FFLs conducting a transaction. Private parties, including private parties at gun shows or other public venues are not required to conduct background checks. State law may extend the requirement though.
This has also only been since 1993. Prior to that, no such background check requirement.
Well guys, the author is right. CC holders are not law enforcement professionals, and we need to recognize that distinction.
CC holders are far more competent and accountable than law enforcement officers.
File under: ‘wut’
California primary election could solidify Democrats’ power
That passes for journalism. A sufficiently bright foreigner who understood nothing about the US political system could write a better article with a day’s worth of research on Google.
If by solidify they mean “remove the possibility of blaming California Republicans for everything wrong about the State” then it would be a change.
But I doubt it, the Rethuglicansv will always get blamed in California.
Once the Dems have total legislative control, they generally blame the occasional Republican governor or, failing that, the most recent Republican President.
total legislative control of a state*
+2 minutes of hate.
Commies are all the same, everywhere. The Glorious Soviet Five Year Plan was ruined because a Ukranian peasants were selling chicken eggs on the black market. It’s always the kulaks fault. Look at the murder of Freddy Gray. Apparently a black Democratic mayor with a black Democratic city council in a city controlled totally by black Democrats with a black Democratic police chief isn’t responsible. It was the 15% (?) of the city that are white Republican voters that killed that guy.
It’s always someone else’s fault.
“in related news: NBA indicates growing interest among black players”
Prime derpaway:
I could have sworn that transition to one-party rule occurred no later than 2011, when Gov. Brown took over from Schwarzenegger. CA went full jungle primary after the 2010 elections. How many Republicans have been on a state-wide ballot, or won state-wide office since 2010?
Other one party successes include Detroit, Washington, DC, Baltimore, South Africa, and the Soviet Union.
Bluer? I think the author means more blown.
This was pretty amusing.
Sunday’s Verizon IndyCar Series race began with a bang. Only moments before the green flag flew on Dual 2 of the Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix on Sunday, the pace car slammed into the Turn 2 wall.
As the Chevrolet Corvette ZR1, a car valued at around $123,000, entered the second turn on the streets of Belle Isle, the back end swung out and it slammed front first into the concrete wall.
More: Pace car crashes happen — even to the best of drivers
Mark Reuss, General Motors Executive Vice President of Global Product Development, Purchasing and Supply Chain, was behind the wheel of the car, while IndyCar official Mark Sandy was in the passenger seat where the airbag deployed. Both were taken to the infield care center where, according to IndyCar, they were each checked and cleared.
Chairman of the Detroit Grand Prix, Bud Denker, confirmed the report, saying Ruess and Sandy escaped with no major injuries, though Reuss was “obviously disappointed in what happened.”
There’s a little hump there, and as soon as the back of the car got light, it lit the tires and turned hard left into the wall. He probably had the traction control turned off. What a dumbfuck.
Did you watch “fastest car” on Netflix? Interesting but I think they tried to game the system against the super cars.
I read that intro paragraph about the fight for 15 while sitting on the toilet and it scared my poop back in.
Thanks for nuthin SF
Aw, man. I didn’t intend to make you prairie-dog, dude.
John Lott, on universal background checks:
Two points supposedly support background checks on private transfers of guns. A survey showing that 22 percent of U.S. guns obtained in the last two years were acquired without a background check. But this is mainly a result of inheritances (presumably, mainly within families) and, to a lesser extent, gifts. No evidence is provided that guns acquired through inheritance are commonly used in crime. The survey claims that 16 percent of people bought a gun at a store without undergoing a background check, but this is illegal everywhere in the U.S. It is not a credible claim.
Other surveys show 90 percent of people support these checks. But when these laws were put on the ballots in Nevada and Maine in 2016, they had a hard time breaking 50 percent, despite Michael Bloomberg massively outspending his opponents by 3-to-1 or 6-to-1 margins.
But intentions. FEELZ!
So what you’re saying is, you’d rather kids get gunned down in schools every day than have someone fill out a little paperwork.
Gun grabbers are lying liars who lie. It’s what they do.
NEEDZ MOAR HORS! And not the Richard Simmons clone. Good God, what kind of a sick fetish is that. Does she make you do easy exercises while telling you how awesome you are?
Blue dress. Would.
Never been to europe?
Lol. Just heard Schultz was a big supporter of Obama and Hillary and is looking to take his woke act to…politics.
These people. Can’t they just go off and enjoy life and leave people alone?
The last thing they need is Bloomberg 2.0.
He’s utterly incompetent. Let him run.
Charles? I thought he’d passed away.
Did you watch “fastest car” on Netflix? Interesting but I think they tried to game the system against the super cars.
No Netflix, so, no. There a lot of ways to define “fastest”.
You’re not missing anything. Home brew cars vs super cars, but they made it more about the evil rich and sob stories. I just skipped the talking part and go to the race.
I’m not saying every political activist is a whore. I’m just saying I like the ones who are open about it.
Good for NZ. Although since the country is filled with nothing but hobbits, midgets with hairy feet aren’t my thing.
All right. Which of you road hating Glibs did this?
12p? That’s gotta be the most inconvenient toll booth ever.
Deep down in her pockets
She finds 12p
Hey is that any way for a young girl to be
I’m gonna get out of school, work in some factory
With all the hours God gave me,
Make myself a little easy money
Here’s a GILF for you Q.
I would pay to see that fight.
In baby oil.
Kerry, most definitely
I guess my standard of what constitutes hot is just not the norm.
As I mentioned in the past, I’m more of a Bailey Quarters guy than Jennifer Marlowe.
I have no problems with buxom women, but I can see that. Also Maryann > Ginger.
Here we go.
Betty or Veronica?
Wilma or Betty?
Goddamn it.
Betty and Veronica were the same girl with different hair.
I never liked the animation style of the Flintstones, so I can’t really give an opinion on Wilma or Betty.
Dude. Use your imagination.
Those tight butts and slender legs and perky breasts….c’man!
Plus Wilma is a red head. I can’t picture either Fred or Barney getting the job done. Joe Rockhead had to be banging both.
GILF= at least 2 generations of poor decision making.
I’m glad somebody else did the math.
I thought it was worth mentioning.
“Gilf” is is intended to evoke the reaction “Hot Grandma? Good genes!!!”
When it’s quite the opposite.
Get Woke, go broke.
Apparently the plan to turn bathrooms into hobo spas didn’t sit well with some folks.
Odds are it was because he wasn’t woke enough.
That having been said, once they’ve divested of everything not-woke, the pensions and retirement funds are going to have to put their money somewhere.
And now he’s taking his woke act to politics.
Buckle up buckaroo.
GOOD. I just bought puts on them this morning.
At the end of the day, he just couldn’t make a real espresso.
I do see a problem, though.
I was counting on that asshole to be in charge until at least August
Just another reminder that when you’re dealing with “progressives”, never capitulate, never apologize. It’s just like prison – stand your ground NO. FUCKING. MATTER. WHAT. They might devour you anyway, but it’s the only chance you’ve got.
But Schultz is woke so the chances of him not capitulating was remote at best.
I sold my last SBUX stock last year with a 50% gain — glad I got out.
Sold mine a few days ago, very glad I did.
I wish I had enough money to be this self unaware,
Except for…. a few family members. And I’m not just talking about Soon Yi.
“I’m a big advocate of the #MeToo movement,” = please don’t come after me.
What a startling set of balls on Der Speigel:
Trump an autocrat?
How do you say ‘surely you jest’ in German?
Getting real sick of the diminution of autocracy or fascism or Nazism or whatever’s the new boogeyman of the week. Yeah, we get it; you’ve been playing down the threats of socialism and Communism for decades. Now that you’ve met your polar opposite, you have to play up the existential threat he represents, even if it means making a joke of no-shit Nazism. Fucking retards.
What pisses me off is that back in the Obama years, I would hear his fanboys and fangirls constantly calling for more power to the executive branch and insisting that Obama would only use it for good, never abuse it. When I pointed out that many of the worst dictatorships in history happened because people cheered for more government power under the faulty belief that government officials would only do good, they ridiculed me. They said that because of democracy and our Constitution, we’re well past the stage where a slide into a dictatorship is a risk.
Funny how peoples’ beliefs can do a total 180° when someone from a different political party is in office.
And the thing they don’t get is they don’t get to roll things back when their guy isn’t in power.
If they demand more power concentrated in the executive, you can’t cry when it’s not used the way you think it ought to be wielded.
That’s what I tried to tell them, but I think most of them were under the delusional belief that Hillary in the White House was “inevitable” and would usher in an era of permanent “progressive” rule over America.
They said that because of democracy and our Constitution, we’re well past the stage where a slide into a dictatorship is a risk.
They’re right. We’re in the stage where it’s a near certainty.
Did I ruin the game?
Sicherlich scherzen Sie!
In the future, all debates will be settled by trolling.
My money is on her.
My my. His lemonade stand is really paying off.
Hilarious. Well played, Kaitlin.
I fully expect the DemOp Media stories on Gauleiter Hogg’s bus tour to be devoid of any reporting on who is paying for it.
I JUST SAID: his unpermitted lemonade stand
Which just happened to be originally owned by some Hungarian Jews in 1941.
That would explain the arm band.
I say again – No one ever wanted to make you defenseless for your own good.
These people are awfully blase about making sure that the one thing that could have saved people’s lives during that shooting isn’t available to future victims. That’s weird, huh?
What, did he expected to go on his tour unopposed?
Why, that would make him a – anyone? Bueller? – a dictator!
So, about these lesbians.
I don’t understand it at all. As a guy interested in women, I generally try to make myself appear masculine, because most women prefer masculine men, and vice verse… straight women (typically) attempt to be more feminine to attract more hetero males. Then why is it that so many lesbians are butch? Shouldn’t other lesbians be going after the most feminine people who are also gay/bi? Why make yourself *less* attractive by appearing to be more masculine? Or conversely, why are lesbians attracted to masculine women?
This question has been bugging me for awhile- and I think something similar works for a lot (though by no means all) of gay guys as well.
I never put much thought into other people’s sexuality.
They exist but they have “straight passing privilege” and when paired with a butch they “reinforce the masculine/feminine gender stereotype.” Get along about as well as you’d imagine with the out and loud activist types.