Another lovely weekend. And if Sherlock Holmes were here, he’d look at me and say, “I perceive that you have been binge watching The Avengers with your wife. And that you sit on the right side of the couch.”
“That’s astonishing, Holmes, how do you come to that conclusion?”
“I noted that your left upper arm is covered in bruises. Each bruise is about the size of your wife’s right fist. So clearly she has been striking you repeatedly. What could cause this, especially from a woman not prone to violence? You are someone of the correct age to have been a young teenager in 1966-1968, your are relentlessly heterosexual, so you clearly would have had a masturbatory fixation on Emma Peel. I see an Amazon Fire attached to your television. The rest is straightforward deduction.”
Enough reminiscing, we need links. First the filler crap: today’s the anniversary of Calvin Coolidge (our greatest president) granting full and unconditional citizenship to all Indians (casino, not call center). And the marriage of Grover Cleveland (our second greatest president) in the White House. It’s also the birthday of Jerry Mathers, whose death in Vietnam caused dad to clobber him or something.
On again, off again, on again, off again. Anyone who has ever spent time in the Middle East recognizes this dance- you perform it any time you buy something at a shop. If you don’t walk out at least twice and let the shop owner chase after you and wheedle you back, you’re not doing your job. The delightful part for me is watching the whiplash as Progressives go nuts at each step of the dance. Perhaps they prefer bombing to dancing? The track record of their heroes certainly suggests that…
Job growth, record low unemployment. Sort of what was predicted after the tax rate cuts last year. But it’s bad news. Really bad news. It may not be obvious to you, but that’s because you’re not the deep and nuanced thinker that Nancy “Hold my head up to your ear and you can hear the arteries cracking” Pelosi is.
Today is International Sex Workers Day. Shit, I could end this right here and let you pervs do the rest. On a related theme, here’s a guy who is great at getting news outlets to promote his business, which promises to rid you of your addiction to alcohol, drugs, and porn. In other words, to remove all the joy from your life.
In the clinic today I meet James, a 32-year-old former office worker who has been coming here since December when his wife found his porn use on his laptop. “I was nipping to the toilets at work and masturbating,” he explains…
“When people use pornography over an extended period of time unchecked for six or seven hours a day, maybe with cocaine and alcohol as well, then the lines get blurred and the tolerance level develops.”
Wankers In the Mist.
Chicago machine politicians gotta do what they gotta do, and Team Blue is of course the party of the little guy, the workers, the downtrodden. Here’s the passage in the story that got me laughing hysterically:
Obama has kept a relative low profile since leaving the White House in January 2017
As the Cos would say in happier times, “Riiiiiiight.”
Every once in a while, The Onion is still funny.
This one is a stunner. I hope you’re sitting down because the shock of this will make you keel over. Ready? OK. Even in Progressive utopias, rich people and poor people live in different parts of town! Whew, I’m glad I warned you ahead of time, otherwise you might have hit your head when you fainted.
Speaking of Austin, my Old Guy Music this week is some folks I would see there regularly. I made the mistake of going out partying with them after a show once, and found out that at my age, this wasn’t a great idea. Kelly is an amazing guitarist, and that fellow on bass has had a pretty interesting career himself.
I never realized jacking it was an endurance sport.
I’m reminded of a cartoon I saw:
First guy: When I was young, I was a member of the 4-H Club.
Second guy: When I was young, I joined the Mile High Club, but I could never last four hours.
No kidding. I have been training wrong. I have been doing more of a HIIT routine.
H/T Leap at the Wheel via Glibfit 2.0
Obviously you’re doing it wrong.
If he was living right, someone would be enacting that labor for him.
Letters to the Local Rag: That’s Just Crazy Talk Edition
Shit Outta Luck testing. Sounds appropriate for government schools.
But those lesson plans take an entire summer AND movie time to develop! And all nights and weekends not completely consumed with grading homework! Lesson plan!
Letters to the Local Rag: I Don’t Think He’s the Only One Edition
/note to glibs, these are actual letters to the local paper
I’ve had to call my phone once a week to locate it since I started trying to keep it with me throughout the house. WIP.
The threats to Social Justice Utopia are many and varied
Enter the tradwives.
Over the past few years, dozens of YouTube and social media accounts have sprung up showcasing soft-spoken young white women who extol the virtues of staying at home, submitting to male leadership and bearing lots of children — being “traditional wives.” These accounts pepper their messages with scrapbook-style collections of 1950s advertising images showing glamorous mothers in lipstick and heels with happy families and beautiful, opulent homes. They give their videos titles like “Female Nature and Advice for Young Ladies,” “How I Homeschool” and “You Might be a Millennial Housewife If….”
But running alongside what could be mistaken for a peculiar style of mommy-vlogging is a virulent strain of white nationalism.
I found the whole thing quite amusing. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us” -ism.
These people are insane. Completely and utterly unhinged from reality. Once upon a time, these paranoiac nutjobs muttered unintelligibly on street corners. Now they write for the New York Times.
What the fuck are they talking about? We are back to ’50s style indentured servitude for women? And Pelosi is talking about…something…that simply doesnt exist. What soaring costs? People have had the yoke of obumblecare lifted off of their necks.
You are right. They are disconnected from reality. I hope they double down.
I Googled one of their video titles, and the creator? She’s a definitely a wrong thinker.
Also, would.
Disgusting culture warriors gonna culture war.
Maybe a lot of people are realizing that raising your own kids is a) satisfying and b) more effective and c) probably saves you money?
I thought that was The Root or something.
An enraging soundbite from the CBC this morning, regarding the Italian coalition:
“The 5-Star Movement call themselves the part of change, but only one-third of their ministers are women.”
Because only Establishment Class people with vulvas can bring about change, apparently.
“Change” and “Progress” =/= Selecting people based on their qualifications instead of demographics
“Change” and “Progress” = Enforcing a predetermined blend of demographics regardless of qualifications
Letters to the Local Rag: LMGTFY Edition
Can’t fucking stand the superfluous “thanks” emails in a work context. Some are okay, but the ones where an extended conversation wraps up and then a day later they send a thanks email to clutter my inbox.
It really shouldn’t bother me that much, but I see it as a disrespect for my time. It’s like a smaller and less annoying version of an invite to a meeting I have no reason to attend.
How would you feel if the Thanks email was more substantive, like a few sentences as a conclusion?
I’ve fully embraced the fact that it’s a weird quirk of mine and so I conform with everybody else’s behavior, but it’s not really them thanking me, it’s an acknowledgement of receipt of my last message. Strikes the same nerve as my dad leaving a voicemail saying “hey, it’s dad, call me back”
Thank you has been forgotten or never learned at the knee of parents. I do find, however, some certain respect from younger folks for such things as holding the door open for older people is most often still there. These days, at the local small town post office I get a big smile from older women, probably widows, looking good in the morning, hair neat, lipstick (why does an 80 year old woman need lipstick at 9 AM?) and a big smile for me. They may think I’m available and I can still drive.
Because they like it and they first put it on at 4-flippin’-AM. ?
My superfluous-thanks emails come via Reply To All, so I get them twice each time.
Whew, I’m glad I warned you ahead of time, otherwise you might have hit your head when you fainted.
Yes, thank you for that. I don’t need a concussion this morning.
Reading the article, however, may have given me brain damage.
Obama Soothed. Trump Stirs. How 2 Presidents Have Tackled Racial Flare-Ups. Just another way that evil Trump is working to undo Obama’s legacy. Obama tried so very hard to sooth our racial tensions. Trump is trying to engulf us in them! But don’t worry, there’s someone quoted who believe Trump could do more than Obama to ease these tensions.
The dumb backwards thinking white hicks would be more open to believing blacks are people if someone like Trump would tell them this, instead of that eloquent and soft spoken Obama.
If only they’d quit banging their cousins long enough to educate themselves.
I find it utterly pathetic that a president would have to try super duper hard for a legacy-type accomplishment – such as 11th hour scrambling to put together the joke Iran nuke deal (giving pallets of hard currency to a theocratic dictatorship because legacy.)
Ultimately, presidential legacies are either (1) the result of a joint legislative-executive process called lawmaking, (2) executive fiat bullshit that is usually detestable or unnecessary, or (3) silly cult of personality cultural bullshit often helped along by organised and planned propaganda.
Legacy qua legacy is retarded and sad.
“Republicans’ cruel, cynical health care sabotage campaign is already spiking families’ premiums by double digits and pushing millions off their coverage, according to the nonpartisan CBO. Big Pharma continues to hoard the benefits of the GOP tax scam, using their handouts to further enrich executives and shareholders instead of lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and sick kids,” Pelosi wrote.
“Democrats know that the American people deserve A Better Deal, with Better Jobs, Better Wages and a Better Future. We are committed to creating millions of new good-paying jobs and raising wages, lowering the soaring cost of living for families and giving every American the tools to succeed in the 21st Century economy,” Pelosi wrote. “Democrats will never stop fighting for the hard-working middle class families who are the backbone of our nation.”
A story that Pelosi would like to ignore. Costco to raise wages as a direct result of the tax cuts. Yup, those “crumbs” sure do look like nothing, don’t they Nancy?
Payscale reports the median hourly pay for fast-food employees in the United States is $8.26, which forces many to take on multiple jobs or rely on public assistance.
There’s a reason why the term “entry-level job” exists.
But what about those that see duty, no, obligation, in making a permanent career as a lowest rung fast food clerk? What if they want a family of 6? Aren’t they entitled to allocate some of your livelihood by force and without your express consent simply because they exist?
What’s amazing is to work at a fast food joint for years and never recieveany sort if promotion.
Ffs, if you start fast food at 17 or 18, and show ANY sort of work ethic, you should be in Management by your early to mid 20s…at most.
If you stick with it, you could be in Corporate/own a franchise within 15 to 20 years.
Those whiners do the least amount of work possible, ahow up late and leave early, and constantly bring their outside family BS to work with them.
And if that’s how they always bitch about the Company they work for…imagine how their Customer Service is
I remember an article about the minimum wage where a woman was complaining that she worked at McDonalds for 40 years and hadn’t gotten a single raise.
Ok, I get that sometimes you just get beat out by someone else who is more qualified or has some kind of education, but for fuck’s sake, if you worked there for 40 goddamn years and didn’t get a single raise, that’s nobody’s fault but yours. And why didn’t she just try to find a better job?
That’s an incredible accomplishment, I think the down syndrome kid got a raise while I was there. I worked st McDonalds for 6 months and got two raises. You basically get raises for showing up and not killing people.
Possibly the most unhinged article you’ll read this week. Trump brings on the death throes of white hegemony. Trigger Warning: Washington Compost
I’m going to call bullshit on this one a few decades ahead of time. Whites could drop to 10% of the population but systemic white supremapatriarchy will be the pervasive scourge it ever was, perhaps even more powerful than ever due to white desperation or some other garbage. The Victimhood Industrial Complex won’t let their grievance mongering go that easily.
Yeah whites would simply be a hated minority. South Africa comes to mind.
The prospect of a summit instead of the pre-emptive war that many feared just a few months ago drew praise.
In some circles, anyway. We’ll be keeping a sharp eye out for Trump’s next atrocity.
‘Prior to the recent reforms, the U.S. had the highest corporate tax rate of all Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations and one of the highest in the world, causing American capital flight for decades. Large U.S. firms have kept some $3.2 trillion overseas since 2005. The worst offenders are in the tech, pharmaceutical and engineering sectors.’
It’s almost as if a company’s primary objective is to ensure a return on investment for its stockholders and not become a willing host for a parasitic government who tends to mismanage any resources sent their way.
Shudder to think.
“The worst offenders”
It’s like these people don’t realize that another euphemism for “taking advantage of loopholes” is “following the law.” What are they supposed to do, just hand over their money unnecessarily?
From the Austin article:
How many times have I heard proggies openly deny that people respond to incentives while puzzling and scratching their heads over why people behave the way they do? I lost count.
Those commie fuckers want everyone to be equally poo;r
Intentions are the only thing that matters, and all proggies know that they have a virtual monopoly on the good kind of those. You see, it isn’t so hard to understand. They really are just fucking nuts.
I grew up in Austin. It is undeniably segregated economically. With near 100% accuracy I can tell you that if someone lives east if I-35 they are poor. Also if someone lives west of Mopac they are rich. Everyone else lives in the middle. That said….who fucking cares? It’s true that most cities are economically segregated on more of a neighborhood by neighborhood basis rather than a huge swath of geography, but….who fucking cares?
People live in the best place they can afford. End of story.
Check prices these days. East Austin is getting more gentrified, especially around 15th-20th Streets.
yes and no. There’s been gentrification in fits and starts but there’s also been lots of pushback. Lot’s of hipster bars/restaurants pop up then disappear. The gentrification that is happening is mainly downtown and within a few blocks of 35. It’s a pretty narrow band leaving the rest of the east side as a giant shithole. And on the other side no one is ever going to let the poors move into Westlake.
Eventually as housing prices rise across the board as Austin packs ever more bodies into it, then all the poors will be forced out and the east side will totally gentrify. It’s just taking a reeeeeaaaaalllly long time to happen.
And then sometimes the higher income people move back in, leading to gentrification.
For many Korea watchers and national security analysts, it had a familiar ring: a wily North Korean regime parlaying a willingness to talk and the eagerness of its interlocutors into long drawn-out negotiations that give it recognition, concessions and validation.
“Right now, it seems President Trump’s North Korea policy is in a state of flux,” said Harry Kazianis, director of defense studies at the Center for the National Interest, a foreign policy think tank.
“The Trump strategy now seems to be to cajole the North Koreans into a potential nuclear deal,” Kazianis said, by showing Pyongyang that America can guarantee its security and provide massive economic assistance.
“While that may work, my great fear is that North Korea will do what it has always done: Pocket the concessions and economic aid and never give up its nuclear weapons,” Kazianis said. “President Trump must be cautious and not fall in the traps that the Kim regime have successfully laid for American presidents for decades.”
If they could get away with that stuff when Obama was negotiating with them, Trump doesn’t stand a chance.
The Old Guy Music is cool today. I dig the song, but I really dig the gear. Tele, Jaguar and a sweet Gretsch kit!
Ya, I enjoyed that. Being a non musical type, I always thought Tele’s were the coolest guitars. The Black Keys really turned me onto them when those dudes got going in the late 90’s so much that I thought I should take up guitar. Ya right. I have the dedication and discipline of a happy dog staring at a forest with a squirrel in every tree. This is also why I am really good (lol) at tying flies.
So in college towns that are state capitals the poor choose to live separately from the rich? I thought the poor decided to live in thier own ethnically diverse enclaves to keep thier cultures alive. -sarc
Why aren’t these gentrifyiers moving in so we have more rancid class warfare grievances to perpetually be unsatisfied with and bellyache about??
Yep, you can’t win either way. “Wah my neighborhood is poor but I’ll be damned if I let any rich people move in!”
It’s also a problem that some central city neighborhoods see higher income people leave to suburbs nearby, thereby exacerbating segregation.
Reverse gentrification! They’re nefarious, those rich people.
That is what the head count on jobs tax in…Seattle?…Portland?….is about. Jack up property tax and people move their residence out of the city. Easy fix, tax office cubicles. They will never move those offices out of the city!
Keep playing whack-a-mole until your city looks like Detroit then blame the Republicans.
So the rich move in to the suburbs, who moves into the places they left in the city? In Austin’s case I can tell you it ain’t the poor. The inner city is growing as fast as they can put up new apartments.
In the rust belt where I grew up, the answer is “nobody”.
So now WaPo is running an adblocker blocker. Oh, woe. How will I ever survive without their insightful analysis and trenchant commentary?
Haven’t tried it, but usually you can just hit escape as the page is loading and still bypass the blockers, anyway.
Haven’t tried it at WashPo I mean.
uBlock Origin has you covered. I don’t get those anymore.
Good ol’ Silent Cal.
Cal and his dog Spot!
Another example of why this country needs a loser pays system for lawsuits-woman leaves bad review of doctor on Yelp, ends up getting sued and gets to experience all of the attendant pleasure that comes along with that:
Levine said she found Dr. Joon Song of New York Robotic Gynecology & Women’s Health online
Never sue a Robot
I wonder if that doctor represented himself in the lawsuit. He seems like the guy who has his finger in a lot of pies…
Close the internet for the day. The Pope owns it. He can do with it what he pleases.
“Joon never even gave her a manual pelvic exam”
I’ll take care of that for you honey.
Saw the photo; wouldn’t.
“By Sheer-luck! Buffalo Custardbath fights off gang of four muggers after seeing them attack a Deliveroo food delivery rider near Baker Street home of his Sherlock Holmes character
Benadryl Combobitch channelled his inner Sherlock Holmes as he saved a cyclist who was being attacked, it is reported.
The Hollywood star – who plays the quintessential detective in the hit BBC series – is said to have leaped to the rescue of a Deliveroo rider who was being beaten up by a group of four, it emerged on Friday night.
The Sun reports Cucumberpatch was in an Uber vehicle on Marylebone High Street in central London with his wife, Sophie Hunter, when they saw the cyclist being hit over the head with a bottle.”
Bent his dick in a briar patch on Marleybone, no less.
Did you start drinking already? (Jealous)
The recognized the driver? Who was he?
Probably one of the Doctor Whos.
London is turning into 70s NYC before our eyes.
For me, the most surprising thing in that entire article. For the record, my gaydar is terrible.
“Being British” sometimes interferes with the signals.
Yes, the old “gay or European?” conundrum.
Buffalo Custardbath
Benadryl Combobitch
Mike M., is that you?
Block Yo Commabatch
Dakota Johnson as a redhead?
Jessica Harper had dark hair.
WTF WHY? Why remake a fucking classic? Fuck you hipster trash
Huh, I guess I need to watch that.
Suspiria is a classic giallo horror film. People either love it or hate it. It’s one of my favorite old movies, but most of my friends/family detest it. I think there are quite a few Glibs that share my love for this film though
I’ll check it out. We watched ⁿLet the Right One In” the other night. Thought that was decent addition to vampire genre. Liked the ending especially.
Read the translation of the original swedish novel – even more creepy/disturbing on the whole than the movie reveal.
Who used to do the horror reviews?
Gojira. I wish he’d do more, but he discovered the URL to PornHub and we can’t seem to get him back.
Roy Reid Returns To Skull Island To Spend More Time With Family This Weekend
Good ol’ Roy.
I think you meant Ruh roh!
Hopefully the edit dairy will fix it.
White-wash it away?
Johnny Depp has the AIDS. Or cancer.
Or is cancer
Like Keith Richards, Depp actually died sometime back but there remain sufficient drugs in his system to keep his corpse animated
*amends dead pool*
He’s no where near Keith Richards stage, he has years in front of him.
He’s getting older and he’s a drug and boozehound. The man won’t look 30 forever.
How long do you figure he takes to prep himself in the morning?
I’m exhausted just looking at him.
And yeh, he doesn’t seem well.
he’s looking like that because of the potter movies.
he’s a method actor. he fucks himself up for his movies.
when he first started doing PoTC, he was wandering around LA looking homeless. They almost called security on him when he went to pick up his kid at school.
Recently saw Justice League and Black Panther. Justice League had its moments (& Gal Gadot). Black Panther was meh – don’t understand all the praise for it. Maybe I don’t have enough white guilt?
I was planning on going to see BP now that it’s at dollar theater. Still need to see new Avengers movie and Deadpool 2. Haven’t seen XMen Apocylypse or Logan either. Nor the Justice Leauge. Need to catch up.
I think I made it through about 20 minutes of Wonder Woman and that was my last attempt to watch a super hero movie.
Maybe I’m just old and ornery, but that genre seems entirely played out. Two people in tights are going to fight and wreck a huge city. Yawn.
Yeah, I hear ya. Kind of like Lord of the Rings movies. Making the battles bigger and bigger doesn’t make them more interesting. Gal Gadot was pretty hot though.
Because black power. Hello. Look outside your white privilege.
I watched it on the plane. Black Panther was terrible. slightly better written than Wonder Woman, but still awful.
I actually enjoyed Wonder Woman as a popcorn flick. A lot of that might be due to Gal Gadot, though; I suspect if, say, Amy Schumer had the role I wouldn’t have enjoyed it nearly as much.
Yesterday as I came back in from my lunch run, the receptionist asked me if I was wearing my orange shirt by accident or if there was a reason for it. The receptionist (who was wearing an orange shirt too) said someone had asked her about her choice and then told her that this weekend you are supposed to wear orange to show support for gun control.
Then she sat there thinking that I would agree with her about how lucky we were to have accidentally worn orange for such a good cause. She was pretty surprised when I thanked her for letting me know and that I now had to go strip off my shirt so no one would think I was associated with those nuts.
My impression is that the receptionist and I won’t be talking as much in the future.
I’m glad they’re wearing a highly visible color.
‘Good cause’.
Early start on deer season?
Makes it easier to sight them.
Graduation party last night: open taco and margarita bar. I was stuffed and drunk by the time I drove home.
Awk-ward moments – mom ‘n’ dad of the graduate are getting divorced soon so lots of uh stilted uh conversation.
Ah, the ole Wait Till The Kid Graduates To Get Divorced routine, good luck with life, Kid.
“Finally Buffalo Wild Wings verified that they were hacked. But I still have a bunch of white supremacists harassing me because of the tweet from the BWW account.. I’m willing to settle out of court for an 80 piece order of Lemon Pepper wings, and some curly fries”
I hate racists, so my precondition on any settlement is that Tariq Nasheed leaves social media forever.
I don’t get this. Why waste all the time instead of just pricing things fairly from the start?
Hear, hear. I hate that shit. There is no need to make the act of shopping even more tedious and annoying.
Their country, their culture. Just observing.
But why do they do it? Where does this irrational behaviour come from?
In their minds, it’s perfectly rational. The Arabs are traditionally a trading culture, and trades involve negotiations.
We actually do the same thing, just not at the retail level, as anyone who has negotiated a distribution agreement will attest.
We actually do the same thing, just not at the retail level,
Haggling/negotiation makes sense at a certain scale. Spending time and energy to get a few percentage points on a multimillion dollar transaction makes sense – there’s an ROI on your investment.
Spending time and energy haggling on a small transaction doesn’t really have an ROI, unless (perhaps) you are very poor and can’t get a better return on that investment elsewhere.
I think the low trust society thing sets the framework for the initial price being ridiculous, triggering the negotiation. I also suspect that there is an element of establishing social dominance, a pecking order, by having a zero sum negotiation which will have a winner and a loser.
Low trust tribal society is my guess.
That’s probably it. There are cultures that seem to assume everyone is trying to screw you so you must try to screw them or you’re a sucker. It’s just how business is done.
It happens lots of places, if the storekeeper identifies you as a tourist/mark. I remember getting 50% off the marked price in an Italian tourist trap because the person I was with spoke up, in Italian, about being born and raised in Milan.
I will walk away before haggling. The very idea rankles. I don’t have enough time to waste arguing with shopkeepers.
Wacking off in a public restroom is gross.
Really? Or are you just trying to justify your masturbation on a park bench as “classy”?
Yeah, I dont even like using public restrooms much less whacking off in them. Park bench would be gross too. Other people germs everywhere.
OK, I was going to link to a pic of the dirty glory hole in Paddy’s Pub, but then I found something better.
Which of you romantic Glibs is this? (SFW)
Safe for work? There’s a detailed drawing of a guy getting head right in the center of the photo.
Of course Pelosi hates people having jobs. People living off the government tit are the democrats top demographic.
In an update none of you care about, I made it to the Gulf Coast before the crowds. Took some pictures, stole some nacre and made it out of florida before the tourist traps opened their gaudy maws for the day.
That’s the way to do it.
Are your coast pictures posted anywhere?
No, they’re on my camera. And I left the cable for it behind.
Totally not a shakedown. Minnesoda forming committee to decide how to spend the $850M 3M paid to settle a lawsuit.
I’m not a certified Democrat Scientist, but maybe you should use that money to clean up the drinking water that you sued 3M over? Especially since your opening amount in that lawsuit was $5B. If you have money left over after remediation of the problem you sued over from $850M, what were you going to do with $5B?
My guess is that money will fund a shit ton of lefty environmental groups. The primary job of those groups will be to a) support Dem candidates and b) get more funding from the general fund next year.
Keep it to pay pensions when jobs leave the state?
Meh. That is what the general fund is for.
Gonna stock Mille Lacs with 850 M walleyes. Fishermen are happy, casino is happy, resort owners are happy. Goofy gets re-elected, DNR gets a big budget increase in 2019. Everyone is a winner, ‘ceptin’ 3M.
“SJW bimbo thinks she’s making the world a better place by holding up the line at McDonald’s so she can harass a minimum wage worker over happy meal toys.”
It’s shocking how prosperity breeds weakness.
Love the followup comments pointing out that the person upset about gender binary toys at McD’s is wearing a hijab.
I liked the “It was then that Barbie discovered that Ken was a liberal” pic.
Would. Both of them.
I have a solution: give little girls lots of guns to play with.
“Tommy Robinson supporters overrun city centre as HUNDREDS gather outside court”
Can you spin any harder? Why is there a picture of the National Front from 1979?
I would love if this turns into something major.
Do they have zombie knives?
Nothing says low-profile like grabbing a large public park for a titanic monument to your awesomeness. Behold the left struggling with the ramifications.
Pres. Transparency rides again!
“Low profile” = Friendly media not focusing on the Obama’s spending all their time with elite squillionares and their goal of becoming just as rich as them by pretending to care about the poor dolts who idolize him.
In enlightened Europe all people live in the same neighborhoods, regardless of wealth, race, nationality.
So, when is Europe actually going to undrgo this magical transformation into the mystic place everyone talks about?
When all of the non Indians are forced to self deport from North America?
Why should we give it over to India? We’re not outsourcing our country too!
What do you mean? There are no poor neighborhoods in Europe.
Q? Have we found you?
Nurse denies setting off emergency alarm to watch colleague’s breasts bounce as she ran/
The son of a bitch! He stole my move!
Also, separate link. I have never seen a flying headbutt before. But it seemed effective.
Another separate link on that page reminded me why I just cannot quite get to being opposed to the death penalty in all cases:
Four men filmed carrying woman out of bar before she’s ‘gang raped and beaten to death’
I would have zero qualms about hanging all four.
That’s f’d up
I know that’s in Turkey, but UK media is weird (may have changed) but headbutts will get censored out of movies – apparently due to connections with soccer hooligans or something else. There were a few big titles when I was in college where the UK versions on DVD were nearly perfect (compared to US DVDs, but had censored out a few seconds here and there due to headbutt scenes – really weird).
is that an original quote or does it come from norm McDonald?
Maybe he’s in prison?
An abortion at the age of 23 gave me freedom
During the Irish referendum, there was a lot of talk about abortion in extreme cases, but some – like mine – are banal but necessary
Personally I am generally pro abortion as a stance, but not in a militant way. But I find many militant supporters either tone deaf or disingenuous. They make no attempt to correctly present the actual disagreement on the issue…
So many nuggets in that story pointing to someone with serious mental issues:
I think her statement that having kids made her even more of an abortion supporter is the most chilling, but the last one runs a close second for pure quill narcissism.
And my abortion was so free of shame and fear that it has never affected me emotionally. The miscarriage that I had at 38, I think about every day, because I wanted that baby; my abortion at 23, I never think about at all.
That’s legit sociopathy there. Like gut the neighbor’s cat, but overprotective of the family pet sociopathy.
Y’know, you hear a bunch of prisoners on dateline say the same things about murdering their spouse. Murderers gonna murder.
“The Diversity Staff at the University of Michigan Is Nearly 100 Full-Time Employees
There are various reasons for surging education costs, but the primary one is the expansion of university administration in recent decades.
1. The University of Michigan currently employs a diversity staff of nearly 100 (93) full-time diversity administrators, officers, directors, vice-provosts, deans, consultants, specialists, investigators, managers, executive assistants, administrative assistants, analysts, and coordinators.
2. More than one-quarter (26) of these “diversicrats” earn annual salaries of more than $100,000, and the total payroll for this small army is $8.4 million. When you add to cash salaries an estimated 32.45% for UM’s very generous fringe benefit package for the average employee in this group (retirement, health care, dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability, paid leave, paid vacation, social security, unemployment insurance, Medicare, etc.) the total employee compensation for this group tops $11 million per year. And of course that doesn’t count the cost of office space, telephones, computers and printers, printing, postage, programs, training, or travel expenses.”
what do these people do though? Why do you need so many? Besides providing sinecures to *** studies majors?
They sniff out wrongthink and light the proverbial pyres.
And file the required forms and reports. The diversity scam doesn’t operate in isolation.
what do these people do though?
Create “work” for each other, is my guess.
See, everyone needs to go to college….looks like that’s where jobs are.
Nobody need 93 diversity administrators.
Hey guys, the DoJ IG may release its report on how the Clinton Email investigation was handled. And there is a problem. The results might be used politically. Trump may be able to use the findings to his advantage and that is bad.
There will be plenty more ‘no fair you cant tell people the truth about what corrupt shitweasels we are or you will destroy our democracy’ just like there was for Clinton.
Ya, he really stuck it to them. How many Grand Juries have been convened due to an IG report? If I am remembering correctly, he recommended criminal charges for McCabe. How is that going? Seems they are still looking for the rug to sweep it under.
“Taiwanese students who are entering Norway with Taiwan passports get their status changed to “Chinese nationals” when they enroll at Norwegian universities, or won’t be allowed to study there. New low of Nordic countries kowtowing to China”
well isnt the official name of Taiwan also China?
“Republic of China” – i.e., where the non-Commies fled after the Civil War. Norway appears to be one of the countries that doesn’t recognize the ROC.
I wonder what the implications are of being officially categorized as the subject of a Communist dictatorship by the government. Could the commies demand that the students be sent to Commie China rather than Island China? Do the commies get informed of their movements, studies, activities, etc.?
That Onion story is funny.
“Welcome to Starbucks, you fucking bourgeois pig”
Rajoy is gone. Can Pedro Sánchez tackle the corruption plaguing Spain?
ehm I’m gonna go with no.
LOL I had to stop there to catch my breath.
so would ?
Would LMAO
“My [27M] girlfriend [26F] still drinks out of a baby bottle”
This guy gets it.
There’s actually a story hidden in the rambling.
“Beef Supremacy in Portland”
That’s some headline.
TL;DR but FFS am I tired of politics infecting sports. And as far as MLS is concerned, Portland is ground zero for that shit. It’s all self-styled “we’re not racists! queer power!” BS in the supporters’ stand. *plotz*
If you have to tell people that you are not racist….
One young man suggested that to hold nonconforming views on gay marriage ought to be in itself disqualifying from a career in journalism, on the theory that somehow such ideas are categorically incompatible with journalism per se. He also wanted to know how he was supposed to work with people who viewed certain aspects of his life as immoral. I suggested that he consider growing up, but the message was not well received.
KDW is a national treasure.
He also wanted to know how he was supposed to work with people who viewed certain aspects of his life as immoral
The same way they deal with working with you? Ignore your personal views on morality, in an (unspoken) bargain where you each keep your yaps shut at work about irrelevant crap?
The same way that I work with people who support gun control and the drug war and think porn should be illegal.
Going back just a few years, the conforming view was marriage was between a man and a woman. That was the president’s stated view. Other views were outré and people who held such views should have been disqualified from being journalists, correct?
That’s right up there with, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”
“Happy co-birthday to me, @freddiedeboer, @patcaldwell, Martha Washington, and the Marquis de Sade!”
Happy Birthday! Hope you get smothered in delicious toppings!
Another Civil Forfeture nut-punch
A 64-year-old put his life savings in his carry-on. U.S. Customs took it without charging him with a crime.
Another Civil Forfeiture nut-punch
AA 64-year-old put his life savings in his carry-on. U.S. Customs took it without charging him with a crime.
“… nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; ”
Stop laughing.
Due process = being offered the chance to get some of it back, I guess.
Actually, I think the official story is that due process is satisfied by the ex post facto opportunity to contest the seizure. Leaving aside, of course, that you are deprived of your property before due process actually kicks in, which seems like being deprived without due process to me.
But what do I know? I’ve only been practicing law for 30 fucking years.
So, not as long as they have been violating it. I think you are outgunned.
Dollar bills are not people!
/Citizens United statist cocksucker
I see the Institute for Justice is at it again.
I think the IJ might be one of the few organizations around that would actually be happy if they litigated themselves out of a job. I feel good every year when I mail them my check.
I think the real travesty is all the clothes they make them wear. Stop covering them up.
“Cheerleader Bailey Davis was fired by the NFL for posting an Instagram in a lingerie body suit”
She shows more skin in her official outfit than in the lingerie, fer chrissake.
But that skin was under contract. She was just giving away views.
If I were one of the Top. Men. at the NFL, I would just get rid of the entire cheerleading program. With lawyers like Gloria Allred involved, things are only going to get more litigious from here on out.
Especially when the owners force these gals to get down on their knees. Right?
Spent my Saturday night here. Nomihodai (all-you can-drink) for two hours for 2000 Yen or about 22 bucks. Perfectly clean, nice view and decent, for a bar, food. We dropped a total of 200 bucks for three of us. Cheers y’all.
When Hooters goes belly up here, will it survive in Japan like Tower Records?
nice view
You don’t have Tower Records anymore? How about Mr. Donuts and New Balance sneakers?
New Balance is alive and well – headquarters (along with flagship store & outlet) are just down the road. One of the few who make wide shoes (9 EEE is a tough fit)
This is why we need Porn Studies scholars
I go to real peer review for amusement but this is kinda fucked up
On the 13th green and decide you really need a Michelob Ultra? No problem!
Grand Forks considering first drone delivery service at a U.S. golf park
How many weekend duffers are going to be aiming for that floating daiquiri? We were so bad as kids, that we’d drive golf balls from our back yard at the convent down the street. There’s going to be hell to pay for that some day.
I swear, just the other day my wife said something to the effect of, “It’s 2018. Why aren’t drones delivering vodka to our house on demand?”
I like the cut of her jib.
But wait there’s more!
$70K for a loser! Why arrest him? They could have “hired” him and just fed bullshit to him for the next ten years without giving him an actual employment badge. Then when the fun ended, charge him.
A nice piece of copsucking here.
Fourteen year old kid gunned down by cops in LA. He was running away from them. The justification:
Which, naturally, we take entirely at face value.
As he ran, Romero was clutching the front of his waistband, a telltale sign of someone who doesn’t want to drop an improperly secured handgun.
Note: at no time did the police ever see Romero with a gun in his possession. But we assume he had one because he was clutching the front of his waistband. No other reason to do that. I mean its not like baggy pants that fall down if you don’t hold them up aren’t a thing. Its not like he perhaps had something else, even something else illegal, stuck in his pants. Nope, we can assume to the point of certainty justifying killing someone that grabbing your waistband means you have a gun.
It seems odd that someone would fire one shot and then discard a weapon. It also seems odd that someone who was going to shoot at the cops would do so when they were out of sight around a corner. If he wasn’t shooting at the cops, who was he shooting at, and why would he do so while being pursued by the cops? I don’t know how high the fence was, but if it was very high it would seem even more odd to fire one shot and then heave it over a high fence. Later, it is stated as a fact that he shot at the officers, when there is absolutely zero evidence in support of the identity of the shooter or what or who he (or she) was shooting at. Convenient, no?
There’s a big stolen base here. Earlier, the claim is that the officers heard a shot, and then one looked around the corner. Now, it is claimed that one of the cops actually witnessed him shooting at them. Which is it?
Not to worry. In spite of the holes in the official “good shoot” story, Nothing Else Happened.
Wow. So, I’m not a teenage gang member, but a .22 revolver seems an unlikely choice for an illegally-obtained handgun. It does, however, sound a lot like a burner pistol a cop would keep on him in case he needed to justify a shooting.
Apparently, you can hear a gunshot on the body cams, so its seems unlikely that it was a throw-down. Plus, I don’t think the cops would have thrown it down on the other side of a fence.
One other thought – let’s say the kid was planning to ambush the cops as they came around the corner. He fired one shot, and the cops had time before he shot again to shoot him twice? Possible, but it seems unlikely.
There’s something rotten in Denmark. The cop story is that they’re chasing this kid, he rounds a corner, finds that it’s a dead-end, and turns to ambush them. Fires one shot before they turn the corner, and before he can fire another, he’s shot. And then he throws the gun over a fence? That’s the least unlikely version of the story that still lets the cop’s elements be true, and it strains the bounds of credibility.
Its about burden of proof, really. If the burden of proof was on the cops to show that they shot in self-defense (like it is for you or me), I think they’d be in trouble. Since the assumption is that every time a cop shoots someone, its a good shoot, the burden of proof is flipped, and it has to be proven that it wasn’t a good shoot.
I saw another story recently (can’t find it now), where the cops shot someone through a closed door. They walked. No way would a mere subject like you or me get off if we killed someone firing blind through a door.
Yeah, what happened to that para-olympic dude in South Africa who killed his gf behind the bathroom door? Obviously this 14 y.o. never got the BLM rule when confronted by a cop while black: “Hands Up. Don’t Shoot.”
Contributing to your masturbation addiction.
Be sure to look at these on your smart phone in a Starbucks bathroom while engaging in furious self-abuse.
I would but someone’s in there sleeping off a hit.
Get them while they are hot. I can’t imagine (yes, I can) what most will look like after age 40 and two or three babies.
I didn’t want to be the one to tell him, but with those narrow hips that girl couldn’t have more than six or seven children.
(note: the hips are not that narrow)