Swiss Servator
I believe it was Brett who warned mexican sharpshooter sometime back about his beer reviews, something to the effect of not letting the commenters goad you into joining them should they jump off a bridge. Well, ms did at least fall off a small pedestrian bridge at the commentariats urging…reviewing “Earthquake“.
Well, never learning from other’s mistakes…I saw a bit of banter in the comments of one of ms’ fine beer reviews:
Almost immediately my brain’s higher functions shut down and I started pestering ms “hey, lets do a bum beer challenge! I can do a couple and you can do a couple!” Now the good messican resisted at first, but I whinged enough to get him to relent.
I decided to open with a classic – Olde English 800. It got me to thinking…you know what else Olde and English we had at least 800 of around? Yeah….the common law. Not everything we brought over from England was worth casting aside, like tea over coffee or boiled beef. The common law was a keeper. In fact, when various States set up their Constitutions, they would often explicitly keep such. Virginia for example;
“That the common law of England, and all statutes, or acts of parliament made in aid of the common law, prior to the fourth year, of James the first, which are of a general nature not local to that kingdom, together with the several acts of the colony then in force, so far as the same may consist with the several ordinances, declarations, and resolutions of the general convention, shall be considered as in full force, until the same shall be altered by the legislative power of the commonwealth.”
So, was Olde English 800 one of these Colonial legacies? Hardly. It is a product of the Miller Brewing Company and joined us in 1964. It has been a staple of bums, highschoolers and college kids looking for a cheap drunk ever since. It has a bit of an evil reputation – receiving less than flattering reviews from those that care to do such.
A sniff was a bit alarming. It reminded me of the stale beer you would smell in leftover plastic cups from a college kegger…the next morning when you were trying to remember if you had 13 or 14 beers, and really didn’t want to smell the leftover Natty Light in cups strewn about the living room and front porch.
Taste – like corn syrup and despair, mixed and chilled. Then came the slightly to moderately unpleasant aftertaste. Some subsequent slugs of it didn’t help. I decided to pour the rest of the bottle out, in memory of departed comrades (but not the really cool ones, just the meh ones). RATING: 1 out of 5 dumpsters.
Next up, I had planned to do King Cobra Malt Liquor – Anheuser-Busch’s answer to Olde English 800. I am disappointed that I was unable to find it around anywhere. Oh, not because I expected it to be any less vile than OE 800….but I had teed up some funny:
and some interesting:
But the story of the Queen’s Cobras, serving in Vietnam, will have to wait for another time.
Instead, I drew forth the local Wal-Mart’s latest bum beer – Rockdale Light. Fortunately, it came in bum cans (24 oz) too (I suspected one can would be enough for this lifetime). Unlike OE, the Rockdale seems to have a bit more of a moderate set of opinions.
Slipping the tallboy into its paper sack, I cracker ‘er open. Could it be that the craft beer revolution had come to bum beers? I tried a sniff and got…nothing. Huh. I mean, zero. Odd that…. OK, on to taste. Hmmmm. Similar. It was the Oakland of beers – No there, there. A little bit of an aftertaste of something resembling beer. 24 oz of 4ish % ABV….nothing. Not high enough alcohol content for a true bum beer, but by God, I can see cases of this being drained by thirsty undergrads, furtive highschoolers and others on a budget/not desiring taste, merely effect. I mean, $1.29 for a 24 oz can isn’t bank breaking. Dump a couple in a cheap plastic pitcher and here you go! Gets the job done, maybe a bit slower and you may end up a bit bloated by the sheer volume you would have to consume…but a success for the category. RATING: 3 out of 5 dumpsters.
Later today, in Part 2, mexican sharpshooter suffers because of my enthusiasm.
You brought this upon yourself.
Cobra is mine! I drink it almost every day, Light and refreshing, but keep it cold or you’re Fucked.
And it Get’s you Drunk!
5/5 BBpoints
Only 22 ounces? Shouldn’t they be 40’s to truly appreciate it?
You get the 4×25 oz for effect, only 5$ out the door!
“If I find 6 more aluminum cans, I can afford a 40!”
In th ER we commonly have roaring-drunk patients who swear they only had “2 or 3 beers!” After the breathalyzer comes back really high, we learn it really was just 3 beers….three 40 ouncers of fortified malt liquor, that is. Btw three 40 ouncers is about a gallon of high-alcohol-content malt liquor.
I hope to see my old frendimey Mickey’s Bigmouth, Natty Ice, possibly a regional favorite, Natty Bo (national bohemiam).
One of the saddest things about prohibition was how it killed all the little regional breweries. It’s just now, almost a hundred years later, we’re starting to get back to having regional breweries and styles.
Maybe peaking already. Not prohibition this time, but regulation and bullshit cronyism.
Beer Battle Brews Between Craft-Beer Makers and Distributors
Paywalled, but try the duckduckgo trick.
That article actually popped up in my news feed this morning. These fights have been playing out at the state level for a while. Here in Ohio, it’s fairly lenient, even with an ABInBev brewing location in Columbus. The one strange thing to protect the three tiers here is minimum markups and pricing. A lot of the newer breweries opening up don’t even have any distribution plans, focusing on just tap room sales, and supplying some kegs to local bars.
Here is one about the craft brewers vs. National Chains!
I wonder how much of them adding Surly back was due to Surly changing or because the douches that go to BW3 demanded their Surly.
Will they do Genny Cream Ale?
When I find it on the proper side of the Mississippi.
Those were the days. They escaped.
And you knew who you were then?
I wanted to hear about the Cobra Commander…. oh well.
Sometime, in the distant future, when I have free time….I will do a run down of the command structure and TO&E of COBRA.
Yeah, what was up with Destro? Was he equal in rank to Cobra Commander or did he just not give a shit? From what I remember, he was technically an associate of Cobra and not a full fledged member. But if so, why was he part of the inner sanctum? Also, how come he didn’t have a Scottish accent?
I seem to remember Destro was an arms dealer.
All good questions. Frankly, I don’t know, and knowing is half the battle.
I don’t know if it’s considered bum beer, but Carling Black Label was my go to college beer along with easy drinkin Black Label Ice.
It was a frat boy go-to back in my day, as well, at least when we were buying cans and not kegs. For kegs, we usually had a selection – you could have Old Milwaukee, or you could have Busch (I think, its a little fuzzy after all these beers, err, years).
Mabel, Mabel, Black Label?
Jesus, what a childhood I must have had to remember all of these fucking ads and jingles.
Rheinlander. 6$ a case and the bottles were returnable. Took 2 cases to Alpine Valley for a concert, forgot bottle opener and ended up using the wheel of the car to pop them off. +1 glass shards mmmm.
I remember having to get the beer for a suite party at an LP convention in, like, 1978. Anyway, I grabbed Schiltz and everyone loved our choice of a “premium” beer.
Christ, this is doing nothing for my latent hangover.
I find referring to beers purchased due to ones frugality as “Bum Beers” to be offensive and I am mildly triggered.
Sorry. Would “Vagabond Beers” be better?
“Beers of the Frugal Free Spirit”
Hobo Hooch?
Oh, you wanna be triggered.
Ya that did it. Jesus
The common law was a keeper.
Like The Bill of Rights, void where prohibited by law.
In other beer related news, I’ll be at the AHA rally tomorrow at Platform Brewing here in Cleveland.
Video from the rally
Sure, they’re cheap, but that’s stupidly low ABV. Since the whole point is to blot out reality, wouldn’t rotgut whiskey be better?
Is that like bathtub gin?
No, nothing that classy. Think turpentine mixed with avgas.
*curls up on floor, moaning*
Nah, hydrazine can’t actually make it into the bloodstream if consumed orally.
Cobras are 6% and there are higher % out there, but for taste, I’m Shilling for Cobies!
I was taught in drunk class, (granted this was over 30 years ago) that all beers made in any national production brewery range around 4-5%. That was when it was legal to drink 3.2 at the adult age of 18 and his point was they are all the same. I am not sure if that is true, but that is what the counselor told us drunks back then. That was before the micro brew craze when brewers started going for high AC and marketing that way. And I would not say the point is to blot out reality, but rather make it more enjoyable with a refreshing beverage. If one really wants to blot out reality I think meth or heroine is the ticket.
I enjoy beer. Gin is for blotting out reality.
I’m speaking about bums only irt reality blotting.
And notice I’m not giving you any shit about your Joan of Arc comment.
She was a junky. Hence the visions and I assume always itchy.
Yeah, we used to have 3.2 beer here although it really wasn’t hard to get the 4.2 under age. Different times.
OT (as if a domineering Reptile Overlords cares about your senseless adventures inside a brown bag)
I spent the morning perusing the Tampa Gun Show. The deals are definitely back, and it was a lot calmer than 2 months ago. Also they got rid of one aisle so that there is actually room to move without getting run over by a power scooter.
I did manage to find a sig-branded magazine for a p232 but not much else.
I also saw a Daewoo 9mm which is not rare but I had never spotted it in the wild before.
Yeah, I haven’t seen a Daewoo for a while.
Daewoo makes guns? Huh… learn something every day
Yeah, they were supposed to be pretty good quality. Their AK variants were popular for awhile. This was before the black gun craze.
The DW AK’s semi auto likes to go full auto when warm.
Don’t we all.
But boiled beef (and carrots) is the stuff for your Derby Kell! Not to mention the fact that it makes you fit and keeps you well.
I stopped reading at this point, tbh.
We don’t have bum beer per se but some cheap beer brands do 2 2.5 or 3 litre plastic bottles. The cheapest one should be likr 1.5 USD per 3 litres
Subcategoria Cu alcool
Copper alcohol? Eeewwwww. 🙂
I did the conversions – $1.70 for 8.5 beers. Pretty good deal if it’s drinkable.
You want to make sure you don’t wonder far from a toilet the day after the bum beers.
Alright you’ve convinced me to go ahead and get started. Stolie’s Blueberry vodka, Simply Cranberry Cocktail, Sprite Zero and a handful of fresh blueberries in the glass for good measure. Classic R&B on the side (currently Earth, Wind & Fire:)). Day’s looking up!
We used to drink this horrible cheap “Bavarian” beer (not Busch). It was like $6-$7 for 24 bottles. Bottles were refundable for 10 cents a piece. That stuff was nasty, definately paid for it next day.
College was ‘Golden Annie’ – Koch’s Golden Anniversary. So cheap. So gross.
Way back when I was a young bum-beer drinking lad, I mostly drank Mickey’s, but I had a friend whose bum-beer of choice was rather politically incorrect.
Blankets? Is Pendleton code for small pox? And why not 32 horses?
32 Horses? He wasn’t that sorry.
I hope not. I sleep under a Pendleton blanket.
“”I also saw a Daewoo 9mm which is not rare but I had never spotted it in the wild before.'”
Isn’t the “Lionheart” LH9 gun just a Daewoo w/ different branding?
More or less. Lionheart is the import company, the pistol is made by Daewoo.
I once got a 40 of OE for shits and giggles. The giggles came that night, the shits the next morning.
Also, I’m kind of surprised it got 2 out of 5 on Beer Advocate. (I clicked EVERY link Swiss!)
St. Ives FTW.