“Anyone know why the harbor police ran away while screaming “SEA SMITH!!!”?
TRUCKSHIP“! “While the contents of the containers are unknown, we understood they do not contain dangerous goods,” Mr Mitchell said. SEE, NO WORRIES, M8! NOW, SEA SMITH RELOAD BAR AND HAVE NEW FURNITURE!
They don’t have golf in Canada. It’s too cold for too long for anything to grow.
In Glibs BIF news, I’ve been testing some of the new summer seasonals I picked up to see which I should send. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.
My buddy in New Zealand just sent me a box of beers (thankfully no IPAs – although we’ll have to see if it shows up) – apparently it wasn’t an issue for Virginia – not sure why we said VA was out of the running for the beer swap earlier this year. Can’t remember details.
I’ve put no restrictions on locations for any of the BIF’s.
Honestly….I can’t recall what the issue was – might have been something Mexican Sharpshooter or someone else said. I was looking online this week and VA falls into some weird shipping categories, but as far as I can tell, only for commercial shippers…so I don’t know.
Heh, I was just reminded of Sea Smith cousin STEVE SMITH and so for the first time in quite a while I wondered over to TOS. Good fucking grief, their case of TDS looks to be worse than NYT, CNN, and WaPo combined. Trump seems to be their only remaining focus. They’re fucking obsessed.
Yeah it’s sad. They have had some decent asshole/stupid cops stories recently.
In not-tariff news, there was a “fun” Shikha + abortion post this morning. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
They aborted Shikha?
Was it a bloody mess?
How do 83 40′ long steel containers “fall off” of a cargo ship?
Have you seen how high container ships get stacked? It would just be one line of stacks along the side of the ship.
That’s nuts
Found a nice exemplar now imagine it rolling to the side in a rough sea…
I’m imagining being up in the bridge when it’s rolling. Ugh.
Even container ships need shipping too.
They get moneys worth.
“According to a 2017 survey of ocean carriers by the World Shipping Council (WSC), an average of 1,390 containers are lost at sea each year based figures from 2014 to 2016. This number includes ‘catastrophic events’, where more than 50 containers are lost during a single event”
Not too bad as more than 100,000,000 are shipped every year.
The LP should have nominated Tuesday rather than her cousin. I doubt she is a Libertarian but we’ll neither is her cousin.
Those jokes are better than late night or cable talk shows….
So, I’m frying chicken, because who don’t love friend chicken? And somehow I wound up with 2 beers. So I picked them both up, one in each hand. Miss Hyperion walks in… Mr Hyperion, why you need 2 beers at same time? Umm, do you like fried chicken? Everyone loves fried chicken.
I love fried chicken. There is is a Chicken & Beer festival downtown tomorrow.
Next weekend there’s a Macaroni and Cheese crawl happening in my old stomping grounds. Who doesn’t love delicious carb loading and drinking?
I love Mac n cheese.
Because I have two hands wasn’t the right answer?
Not sure, but she’s quiet now, eating my delicious fried chicken. I remember when Ms Hyperion and I got addicted to Popeye’s chicken, lol, it reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer and Newman get addicted to Kenny Rogers fried chicken. I was only about a month ago that we were in Ellicott City and she was like ‘Can we take the back way and drive through Catonsville and get Popeye’s chicken?’.
Do you deep fry or pan fry, what kind of oil, seasoning, times, fuck man, we want the deets!
Pan fried, olive oil, Washington Sea Food Mix, with my own added blend.
Interesting facts: the Democrats have been consistently been pro-immigrant since Jefferson despite the complete shift in attitudes. Also for a while they were the party of blacks and southern segregationists. And in cities line Atlanta the Southern Dem shift from White to black didn’t harm them at all.
Democrats paid people to catch and deliver their immigrants by the shipload until 1808.
Is your vagina ready for summer?
Mine sure is.
Did you use Tilapia skin?
You can’t fool me–That’s ol’ Sheriff Joe, holding up pieces of contraband from some raid on illegal fishermen.
That he might turn some of them into a vag, for self-pleasuring purposes, just proves my theory.
Um, I don’t have a vagina.
I mean, can’t you at least put one on your head, you misogynist patriarchical shitlord?
Nobody seems to have any problems with them espousing far-left politics, though.
Daily Mail has no shame. How the hell is that story newsworthy?
You asked and answered your own question.
Maybe I can help to freshen it up.
New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services have advised anyone boating off the north coast this weekend to “be on alert for debris” after more than 80 shipping containers toppled from a cargo ship off Stockton last night.
I wonder how many guns were in those containers.
Oddly exciting. That dude is better than Geraldo.
At least they put “free marketeers” in scare quotes… almost as if they knew the headline was deceptive.
Utah couple flee territorial golf course moose in golf cart
I’m way too hungover to make sense of that UPI headline.
I’m stone sober – though not for long – and I’m having trouble with it too. It is an ungainly sentence.
I get it now after watching the video. Disappointed.
I’m sure that the combination of being against a booming economy and identity politics will work this time!
”families hit with soaring new costs”
Can we get some idea of what those soaring new costs are?
The 2nd paragraph is just so much fucking shit that I can’t even comment.
Dude, step away from the derp.
So the republicans are the ones who fucked up healthcare now? I seem to remember something different fucking up healthcare around 2010 or so.
I despise how “shareholders” are regarded as some sort of evil thing. I’m a damn shareholder of multiple companies and yes, I want their profits to increase.
It’s crazy that leftists don’t understand how being able to own shares of a company is a way for the little guy to have some small measure of buy-in to a company. It’s the type of collectivism they advocate for (in a way) in workers owning a company but they are too dumb to see it because ERMAHGERD EVUL PROFERTSS.
They advocate the most risky way – owning stock in the company means if it goes under, you not only lose your job, you lose your investment. Owning in other companies and industries let’s people hedge. It’s like being mad that a local bank sells its loans.
Exactly. And just for yucks let’s consider what would happen if their plan worked. Profits would increase at the company. Their dreams can only be realized in a their nightmare scenario.
A fact free, ad homenim (sp?) from Nancy Pelosi !?! I’m shocked. Just shocked.
Hey Nancy, can you tell me why my small group health plan cost increased 67% the first year of Obamacare? I’m not a math professor but I’m pretty certain that’s a double digit increase.
Don’t know what I’m doing next in my life, but traveling meat salesperson seems good!
This is one of the reasons, we need to keep the 2nd amendment at it’s intended purpose.
☝? Opens mouth, closes it.
Am I the only one who finds it creepy that Sea Smith tells dad jokes?
…SEA SMITH has offspring?
There’s TREE SMITH. He took after STEVE, as you might imagine. There’s LEE SMITH who only rapes under awnings. And TEE SMITH is sometimes mistaken for an overly amorous moose.
Well he is a Smith…
What’s the big deal? He’s just doing it for the halibut.
These jokes have no sole.
Are we going to keep floundering about with these puns?
I was gonna mackerel a pun here but I doubt you guys could barracuda it.
This is not the plaice for bad fish puns.
Y’all can kiss my bass if you think you can keep these puns going.
You know these puns are really Crappie.
This is turning out to be salmon chanted evening.
You see what happens when you give a grouper like-minded people together? Madness!
I’ve bream waiting for another one of these threads…
It serves no porpoise
A porpoise isn’t a fish….
No need to be so shark!
Whale you could’ve fooled me, Ted. Porpoises swim like fish. They eat like fish. They seem like fish to me. I say they pass the smelt test.
Yeah, he otter get a catbutt for that.
How do you know what they identify as?
Cod, please make it stop.
Pull my fin.
( •_•)>⌐■-■
obligatory- Kip Addota
When people ask why I nuked the site, I will simply mention these punny threads. Nobody will blame me.
Pigs take game one of the fayetteville regional 10-2. will play the winner of southern miss and Dallas Baptist tomorrow afternoon. woo pig sooie
Ah, Fayetteville. No one remembers what it was called in its original Somali, but what a town!
Fayettenam? There’s been some gentrification downtown, but I don’t know if you can put lipstick on Bragg Boulevard.
If you did you’d have to call it Billy Bragg Boulevard.
The struggle sessions are kind of a turn-off, though.
We should all be so lucky to not recognize our wives.
I think I’ve read that thriller.
Talking Heads?
Nah, an actual book with this exact scene except the roles were reversed with the dude coming home to what he thought was his wife and she didn’t know him.
When my little brother watched Regarding Henry he said, “If that idiot can learn to read, so can I” at 4.
Cool link, bro.
Really? This is a story? I use this at least twice a week. As long as you can keep it up for at least 10 minutes, eat pussy well, and use that technique, you are golden.
A number of my friends, mostly men, are gone now, the Golden Age Virus catching them. Watching their struggles with routine situations has made me aware that at some point many of my age group will succumb. I’ve asked my kids to watch me objectively and tell me if they see more than the usual out of the ordinary problems.
Many of you have aging parents/grandparents. The physical changes are easier to detect. I notice that I stumble and tend to drag my feet. I try to walk carefully on ice and snow and avoid falling down. I fall down a couple times a year, the balance reflexes just don’t seem to react in time. Fortunately the mental processes haven’t deteriorated as of yet or at least not too much. Recent memory seems worse than long time memory. For example, I can remember all my grade school teachers’ names but may not remember what I had for lunch. Thoughts of a nursing home scare me, I don’t even like to visit, afraid they’ll keep me.
Yes, it’s really hard to watch. My Mom had very few problems of any kind until her health plummeted a few months before she died at 82. My Dad (83) has become forgetful and has lost much of his brilliance (he was a mathematician) and that upsets him so much more than his failing health and stamina.
My MIL (85) is well down the Alzheimer’s path – with no other significant physical problems – and we’re all trying to figure out what’s best for everyone. She adamantly does not want to move in with one of us, but it’s getting to the point that she can’t live on her own 1400 miles from any of us, even with an aide now coming in 5 days a week. I worry constantly, which doesn’t solve anything for anyone.
I hope you have a strong family, with loved ones who will truly look out for you. It seems to be the only thing that makes any of it bearable.
My paternal grandparents fell to dementia as they aged and their kids were obstinate to comforting them. When I went to visit I let them think I was whoever they thought I was. It brought them comfort, so they could have that. I never challenged who they thought I was. (but that did open the possibility that when my grandma was clinging to my hand she may have thought of me as some long lost lover, but that’s why alcohol exists)
I think that was a true kindness, CPRM.
My grandmother often thought I was my (deceased) father, towards the end (103). No point in correcting her.
One last little moment of semi-lucidity was when I brought my girlfriend (now wife) with me and she just gave her a look then said to me, “Does she belong to you?”. More or less correct, as it turns out.
That was a very humane thing to do.
My wife’s grandma passed away at 90. Her house was covered in memos with messages like, “turn of the lights etc.”. Struck me as odd. What if she forgets to read the memo?
Oh, yes, there are notes everywhere. And notes to remind her where the notes are that she wrote earlier. She doesn’t remember she acted on them, however. She called OMWC three times last Sunday to tell him the same something because she kept stumbling across the note every time she went into the kitchen. And then told him, “The reason I called” about three times during each call.
But, at least she’s keeping her sense of humor, thus far, and is still sweet.
When we were filling her medicine containers one morning while I was there in March, I asked if she knew which pill she was forgetting. She didn’t, of course. It was her “memory pill.” She laughed until tears were rolling down her face and said, “Honey, if I could remember the memory pill, I wouldn’t need it!”
My mom checked out at 72 but I saw the signs already. My grandma made it to 85 and boy it was unpleasant towards the end. It’s terrifying because it basically gets everyone given long enough. Barring some currently unimagined medical breakthrough this is just going to be so commonplace.
Yes. My paternal grandmother lived to be 96, but she was sharp as a tack until about a month before she died. Then she took to walking the hallway at 0400 in the morning waiting for the milk truck to come pick up the morning’s milking.
Ah. That”s bad. My grandmother was like that. Her brain failed, but her bosy persevered until 87. The only good thing that came od that was my dad telling family stories after she had finally stopped earimg and was going to pass. She waited for al of us to say goodbye. We went out for Chinese, dad told storiea, and just aa we were finishing up, he got the call that she finally paased. I learned more about my family that night than I wver knew in 30+ years before.
Awww. I’m glad I’ve been collecting the stories from all my elders since I was a teenager.
I made a video of family history, pictures of my grand parents, parents and my siblings when they
younger. I sent copy to my kids, my nephews and nieces. I told them to ask the family history questions now, before they are lost forever. There does seem to be a lack of curiosity by the youth, probably ’cause they are caught up in their own lives.
I became the patriarch by default about seven years ago. I have only one girl cousin older, 4-5 younger cousins and some of them are not doing well. Fortunately my wife and I are in good health but strokes/heart attacks don’t seem to care. We live a rural life style but most things either take longer or aren’t important enough to worry about (like ending sentences with prepositions).
My friends and I laugh at all the political machinations, having seen history repeat itself, more or less. Most important is being left alone by the government.
My parents are getting up there. My dad fell a couple years ago and it took him a year to recover from his ankle injury. It was kind of a wake-up call for the whole family. I plan to get out of the military soon and move nearer to them because I want to be there to take care of them and I want my future kids to grow up with them before it gets to be too late. They’re not old yet (late 60s) but time sure seems to go by fast…
It really does pass so quickly. How is it possible my oldest kid is 31?
A bunch of the Founders were chatting earlier today about Riven’s parents, their retirement plans and the like. I made the mistake of asking how old they are. OMWC’s age. (But, obviously, you all know I am *much* younger!)
Verily, a child bride.
Does anyone else do this? Someone says, “I wonder,” and you immediately interject with “WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WONDER.”
Why why why why why?
Because singing ‘You better stay away from run-around-Sue” would be weird.
But still, I wonder.
Fuck, I missed it, was busy making fish puns.
We had that 45 in the 70s – no idea where it came from. But I played the shit out of it.
My first two 45s were Frankenstein by Edgar Winter Group and American Band by Grand Funk Railroad which was gold colored.
I just remembered an 8-Track we had and wow what a time-warp. I can’t believe this was only 10 years before I was born.
No Red Baron vs. Snoopy?
Or the Xmas version of Red Baron vs Snoopy? (same band)
My mom’s 45s were from the late 50s, like this.
I distinctly remember my 3rd birthday. We were staying at some family friends’ house while they were on vacation. A house! With a big living room! And a huge kitchen! And everything worked! In the basement was a stereo system. My brother and I played the shit out of the “Crocodile Rock” 45. And alot of “Beatles 65”. I got a vinyl/rubber finger puppet of Cookie Monster that I thought was the coolest fucking thing in the world.
Fan of Crime Story?
I don’t know why I know the Del Shannon song, or at least why I know it well enough to make it an ongoing joke. But I get obsessive sometimes when I hear a song I like, and I’ll listen to it on repeat for days. And after memorizing it a couple years ago, I started to spring WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WONDER on people. Now my brother does it, too.
That was a great show. Gone too soon.
Don’t gotta work in the morn, drinkin my 21 year old rum, watchin some Youtube vids, life is good, fails to see first world problems as a problem…
Ballast Point Sculpin IPA in hand. Ribeye warming up on the kitchen counter, simply seasoned with salt and pepper. About to make a chopped salad with romaine, red cabbage, grated carrot, chopped parsley, grated cheddar cheese, sun dried tomatoes, and bacon. Home made ranch dressing. I’ll fry the steak on my flattop in the remaining bacon grease.
Life is harsh, no? We gonna join the victims club now, right? Wants muh privelege.
this nutpunch is a doozy
The jurors determined that Hill was 99 percent responsible for his death because he was drunk when he was shot by Newman who was responding to a noise complaint.
The estate was awarded $4, but the family would only get one percent of that. John Phillips, the family’s lawyer, told The New York Times that a judge would reduce the award to nothing because of the jury’s ruling.
At some point the door was closed and Newman fired his weapon four times, hitting Hill in the head once and in the abdomen twice. A SWAT team eventually opened the door to find Hill dead. A gun was found in Hill’s back pocket but it wasn’t loaded.
That’s colder than just denying the claim completely.
Some days, it takes all my willpower not to go full Dale Gribble on someone:
Yeah, that’s the ticket. There couldn’t possibly been any other reason for 1,000 year drought of scientific achievement in the Islamic world.
In other news, Spain translates more books into English than all the Arab countries put together. And almost all of those Arabic books are about Islam.
[head desk]
How did he uncover (((my))) scheme?
recently in dubious research
Of course, we have no direct evidence relating to any exo-civilizations or their histories. What we do have, however, are the laws of planets. Our robot emissaries have already visited most of the worlds in the solar system. We’ve set up weather stations on Mars, watched the runaway greenhouse effect on Venus, and seen rain cascade across methane lakes on Titan. From these worlds we learned the generic physics and chemistry that make up what’s called climate. We can use these laws to predict the global response of any planet to something like an asteroid impact or perhaps the emergence of an energy-hungry industrial civilization.
No, you can’t. The atmosphere of Venus is 95% carbon dioxide, which could never happen on earth.
It’s cute when The Atlantic is sciencing.
So many stolen bases, where’s the umpire?
I haven’t seen this many stolen bases since that time Winona Ryder visited the annual alkaline convention.
Try the waitress and tip the veal!
But why Winona Ryder?
She’s a kleptomaniac.
But she really used to be cute. And Dave Pirner got to call her his Girlfriend.
I was jealous.
OMG climate change denier why do you hate science!!!!!
fun fact: in the long term, the sun will cause CO2 levels to go down
wiki sez
The luminosity of the Sun will steadily increase, resulting in a rise in the solar radiation reaching the Earth. This will result in a higher rate of weathering of silicate minerals, which will cause a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In about 600 million years from now, the level of CO2 will fall below the level needed to sustain C3 carbon fixation photosynthesis used by trees. Some plants use the C4 carbon fixation method, allowing them to persist at CO2 concentrations as low as 10 parts per million. However, the long-term trend is for plant life to die off altogether. The extinction of plants will be the demise of almost all animal life, since plants are the base of the food chain on Earth.
600 million years- that’s all life on earth has left.
Gbob – I responded to your comic question on the last thread with a long, detailed response that I can’t be bothered to re-paste here. FYI since I didn’t think this thread would be open so soon.
Two whales walk into a bar….
The bartender asks what he can get them.
The second whale says “damn it Frank you’re already drunk.”
That or he’s a sperm whale.
So I kinda noticed something this week, and I don’t know if it’s just me or if anyone else noticed this too.
It seems like ever since Solo was released, I’ve seen a bunch of people willing to talk about what a horrible piece of shit The Last Jedi was without fear of being called a misogynist who just hates strong female characters. I guess maybe now that the SJWs have calmed down from their initial “yass Leia and purple hair slay queen stfu h8rs” hysteria, and with Solo’s disappointing box office and general lack of interest, everyone feels free to point out all the ways that TLJ really did suck donkey balls.
IDK, could be confirmation bias, but I swear I’ve seen a lot of that this week.
Informal research:
middle age woman says she “ugly cried” when Luke died in TLJ
young woman says she like the original Ghostbusters and the reboot, even though the original had “misogyny”.
all female Ocean’s 8 opens soon.
Can an all female Jaws or Dirty Dozen be far off?
Two perfect porn movies. I’ll go light the Q signal.
The Weekly Substandard folks made that point, or one of them did, but theorized people grew disillusioned once the hype wore off.
There was also a debate about whether SJWbot was a no-shit parody of social justice twerps, because apparently it’s such a cringey on-the-nose character.
Having heard both Weekly Sub and RLM pan it, I’m kinda intrigued.
RLM didn’t pan it – Rich “kinda loved it” and Mike liked it – they both pointed out some issues, but didn’t dislike the movie. Arthouse Jay was bored with it, unsurprisingly.
I hated Force Awakens and Last Jedi and was quite vocal about it. Not many people disagreed and I definitely didn’t hear anything about misogyny.
We went and saw Solo yesterday and I really liked it, actually I liked it the most of any Star Wars movie since the original three.
Best reasons? It’s a fun movie, with lots of good action, spaceship chases, Han wisecracking, and it never takes itself too seriously, as all the others in the franchise have since 1983. For example, I don’t even recall The Force being mentioned once. A woman character was allowed to be sexy, and even make out with Han. You get to see how Chewy and Han first met and it’s a good origin tale. And the music is a lot of good old Star Wars high-energy symphonic crescendos tied to what’s happening on the screen.
And almost none of the ‘mythology’ — there’s one brief appearance by that Darth with the red face and horns, but other than that, none of the usual silly overly-important characters. Instead, this is based on the least mythological character, but the character most of us wanted to be if we were ever actually in the movie’s world, a classic type of movie character, a cowboy, a renegade, an outlaw; yep, Han’s always been the coolest of all the SW cast by far.
I’m disappointed to hear that it’s ‘not doing well’ at the box office, but hell, it’s still making hundreds of millions of dollars — that’s a bomb? (Yes, I know, ‘below expectations’ — but please). To be honest, it doesn’t surprise me that it hasn’t done better, as most fans who were really into the Han Solo character have to be at least forty now — and folks that age and older tend not to go to movies on opening weekend. I’m sure the movie will end up doing absolutely fine once word of mouth gets to the middle-aged folks, and especially for streaming/home viewing.
I would even go see it again next week, I liked it that much. And that’s saying a lot for me. I almost never like movies anymore, they always seem to be such letdowns.
I have mixed feelings. I agree it was fun, but I didn’t like the origin story for Han at all.
You liked the one with Ewoks? Why?
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please. Oh and please don’t make it a Trumpian dictator BECUZ TOPICAL, you fuckwads.
Maybe covered, but this is great. https://www.google.co.jp/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5782697/amp/Black-student-says-classmates-arent-racist-not-holding-hand-school-shooting-memorial.html
“Social media” is a fucking cancer.
Like HPV?
“Philadelphia” Magazine editor editorializes that we need to “actually bring ourselves closer together again.” That sentiment is expressed two paragraphs after he says there is an “amoral mental patient in the White House.” Hurling insults is sure to work for the Left, just like some of the more outrageous Right anti-Obama insults helped defeat him for re-election in 2012.
A cow orker watched one of my short films today and couldn’t stop laughing…of course it’s funny, that’s why I made it, dolt.
Best typo ever.
Intentional on my part, I don’t remember which glib first made the typo, but as Tim McGraw said, “I like it, I love it, I want some more of it, I tried so hard, I just can’t drive a ford.” Lyrics may not be 100% accurate. God I hate that this is the music I have to play for work…
The more you know ?
You do Prime County on SiriusXM?
Welp, CPRM’s out of a job. What’s with it and Glibs losing their jobs today?
Nope, he even brought the station manager in to watch, they all thought it was funny. (These are not The Hat and Hair, but my previous works)
cow orker is a Dogbert newsletter reference
I accidentally made eye contact with a weird lady on the train. She moved over towards me and is now standing uncomfortably close to me. Meh.
Rub a dub dub, straif in a tub.
One time when I was riding the bus, there was a black man about my age in the seat in front of me. He turned around and began writing on post-it notes to me, sticking them to the back of the grab bar above his seat so I could read them. I can’t recall everything he said, but it boiled down to his having excessive anxiety and not wanting to instigate fights, and finally asking me (this is several post-its in) not to beat him up.
Did you at least take his lunch money?
I threatened him with a bic and stole his post-its.
is it important to the narrative that he was black? Or are you just being racist? And if you told the story without the inclusion of a black character, that makes your racist to, you racist!
We were all thinking it.
It’s the comforting glove of the left, anything outside the left is wrong, everything within is warm and cozy.
So the left is a vagina?
The funny thing is, I remember he’s black because it made his situation seem more pathetic in my mind. So is it terribly racist that his blackness gives me space for pitying him even more than his mental infirmity, or am I awesomely woke for realizing that a person of color with terrible social anxiety is worse-off than your average person of color?
In fairness, this wasn’t long after I’d voted for Obama the first time around.
So, you see black men as intimidating, and it sticks in your mind that he wasn’t intimidating. And you felt good about yourself for having that reaction because you had recently voted for Obama. Oh, um, you can’t be racist…um it was the alt…um right russians…you’re clear commrade.
No, no. See, I’m white. Therefore, I’m a racist. Voting for Obama, or feeling sorry for a POC, is part of my penance for being white, but the trick is, see, this really nifty trick the identitarians learned from Christianity? I’m never really cured of my racism. It’s the original sin of progressivism. So no matter what I do, if I’m a good progressive, I can always be talked into–in fact, I’ll be eager for–another round of self-flagellation. Because I’m such a racist.
Racism is your original sin as a white man. It was irrelevant the race of the guy in front of you. Or the gal in front of you. Or if the seat was empty. Or if you were asleep. Or dead.
You’re just a racist you racist racist.
BTW, you’re racist.
SugarFree to the courtesy phone please, SugarFree to the courtesy phone, we have a lead.
She moved over towards me and is now standing uncomfortably close to me.
Go on…
“It was then I noticed, and smelled, that her pants were soaked through with her own piss.”
All pussy smells a little pissy. It’s part of the allure.
I’m off the train now. She actually tapped my foot with hers. What kind of 30 year old woman (about a 6.5) would hit on my wrinkly 48 year old ass? Not low self esteem, just realistic.
Gaijin are like Kiju, rare and exciting.
That ship sailed about ten years ago. Either the white fever has died or I just got old.
Well you’re doing no favors for the Japanese board of tourism. Sheesh.
She looked across the pond and realized white men are where it’s at.
Maybe you’ve watched an old video tape with a little girl with stringy hair crawling out of a well?
Cuddling in public? My wife would punch me in the throat.
Especially if you were cuddling someone else.
In my experience, women who act like that are pros. NTTIAWWT And if I wasn’t sober, I usually left the encounter with less money and a feeling of shame as well as pride for contributing to the free market.
Hey Straff, don’t know if you ever got my text response, but how does next weekend work for a drink? I’m good for Thursday through Saturday. If there’s any other Glibs lurking around these parts (I think there’s a couple more) feel free to chime in.
Next weekend works. Sat night?
Unleashing your inner PUA?
The two best letters of the alphabet are T and A.
Plenty of excellent choices here though I’m partial to the directness of 34.
I was walking through a department store yesterday and saw a sign that said “85% of women are wearing the wrong bra size.”
Just think, some of you guys starting out on your career, unemployed, or looking for a change of scenery, might want to apply for the job of helping all these poor women select and try out proper bra sizes. It’s a dirty job, sure, but someone has to do it.
I’ve told this at TOS before, but many years ago I tried to buy my wife lingerie for the first time. Sales lady asked me what size bra she wears. “I don’t know, but bigger than you.”
Perfect. Did I absorb that scene and create my own memory? I don’t know what’s real anymore.
You’re all just FBI covers to honeytrap me; so of course when one of you messed up a described a scene from a major hollywood film one of the other tulpas had to come in and save the day. Smart Gustave Tulpa, smart…
Never saw it. Thought it was about Rothbard.
I’d like to thank 6 and 40 for starting my weekend. Also, everyone stay away from 11. I think she has live victims in her basement.
I’m watching Lords and Ladles on Netflix. They recreate a historical feast in a manor home. Interesting.
You made it home?
Good. Your puppy needed you.
Have a great weekend!
Added to watchlist. Thanks for mentioning it.
I watched something similar about 2 years ago where a formal dinner/Thanksgiving feast was prepared in an old Boston home. The goal was to recreate a Thanksgiving meal from circa 1880-1890. The dishes and flatware, stemware, everything was antique vintage. The kitchen in the house was vintage with a wood stove, and no electric/modern appliances. The ingredients were all authentic to the era, and were carefully sourced (today it’s difficult to find the same types of meats and produce consumed in 1880).
Just Googled it. Here is an npr article about it. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130536078
I’ll check it out and supersizers
It sounds like The Supersizers…. I’ve seen ‘The Supersizers Go… Restoration’, which was quite entertaining.
I was watching some bookmarked vids when i got home from bar…
and one interesting point that came up from Steven Pinker vid was his point “Poverty needs no explanation; wealth does”
to wit: a lot of ostensibly left politics is obsessed with why people are doing badly. why is shit fucked up for x or y?
well, because fucked up is pretty much the default state of affairs.
the only stuff that matters is what improves that. There are many and various reasons why things go wrong; only very few things actually help you go right
Pinkerism is, iow, basically, “pragmatic optimism”: its scientific optimism, which decides that examining reasons for failure is a bottomless pit of wasted time, but analyzing reasons for success is where the gold is.
if this sounds too-much like some self-help nonsense, the point should be contextualized to history: the point is that the reason places like USA are successful is for reasons that are often unexamined.
we’re wildly successful. but why? (crickets)
instead, people obsess over why “some” fail. Because they’re brown! because they’re women! because…
its really a very relatively dull point, but the implication is only interesting because its so contrary to the way the mainstream media and public consciousness has become so fixated on trivial differences.
pinker + sam harris is one of the 3 things i watched. its a decent listen.
Great listen so far. Fucking Harris and his TDS is annoying AF.
Pinker is an interesting guy. Capitalism works. But, we could probably tweak it and get some better results. It’s frustrating when free marketers recognize the benefits involved with voluntary trade but can’t see how their “micro” interventions lead to macro interventions.
The lefties seem to have the opposite baseline assumption i.e. things go well until capitalists intervene. It’s ahistorical and there is no proof of it. It’s part and parcel of their belief that this time communism will work. It could be true if all historical evidence is ignored and human nature changes. In other words, it’s wishful thinking.
Random question…I plan to get out and pursue a career in private security after this assignment. I’m shooting to get the Certified Protection Professional rating but I also know cyber security is HUGE and I’m interested in learning more about it. Anyone have some tips for how someone can get an intro to cyber security and see if it’s something they want to pursue? I’ve got a couple years left but want to start early so I can transition more easily to the civilian sector.
Become a McAfee intern. Not the company. The man.
I don’t think I’m cool enough for that.
We know someone highly placed in the cyber security field. You would know the companies for which he has served as chief security officer. Drop me a note at glibsp at pm dot me with some more details about what you want to know and what you might be looking for and I’ll see if he’d be willing to give you some input.
I don’t work in it but I’ve seen the job openings for it.
Might check out the forums in techexams (dot) net (spelling out the dot to keep this out of the two link moderation). Usually a good amount of helpful advice along with this is how I did it posts.
If it’s something you do want to go for, check out Cisco’s https://mkto.cisco.com/Security-Scholarship.html I’m not sure when the next scholarship cohort starts but the participants seem to be pretty satisfied with it
Maintain your security clearance, since I assume you already have one! Lots and lots of security jobs (at least the service provider ones I’ve seen) seem to touch FedGov.
My brother works for Cisco. I’ll send him a message and see what advise he has for Mustang.
Thanks for your help! I will definitely look at it.
Deja Vu.
Given your background, any corporate security department would hire you. If you want to move towards the more tech-heavy end of it, research datacenter security and deep-dive into how the higher-end civilian access-control technologies work, especially the smart-card based integrated solutions (Think CACv2). Dive into supply-chain security as well.
Good industries to learn about are:
Health sector (especially the large insurance and PBM players)
Finance (Larger players, like banks and exchanges in NYC or Chicago)
“Cloud” players (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Rackspace, and smaller)
“Cyber” covers everything nowadays from staring at an Arcsight console for eight hours a day – to reverse-engineering device drivers – to spouting naive bullshit on Lawfare.
If you have a TS/etc – even Diversity and Comics (also in cybersecurity) has noted that a lot of contract companies will pay for you to get all your certs (although you could also use GI Bill) – just because it’s cheaper/faster than paying for the security clearance process.
She had better Uber home.
(Sort of NSFW)
Sort of worth it.
I’m in.
Haven’t been commenting much lately because I’ve been feeling a little under the weather. I thought it was just old athlete running down stuff but it seems more than that. Trying to get an appointment with Wifey’s Dr. soon. I had a G.P. but he dropped me from his rolls because I never darkened his doors for twenty years. What was the point? “Yep, that’s a broken leg.” when the cast was already in place? I just want to go in and get some blood-work done and get a baseline and hopefully no intrusive fingers up me bung.
Over 40? Finger time.