Week 3 – The Tabata Protocols
Last year, about two millions Americans died. Of those two million, about 760,000 were related to heart issues of some type. That’s more people than were killed by cancer. More than killed reading derp on the internet. Even more people killed than those droned by Obama while attending a wedding. Combined.
Sitting through this movie was also worse than death
So take care of your heart, or it will kill you. But there are things worse than death (far more worse than death.)
Like doing cardio. I’ll take death over boredom. Probably shouldn’t, but I would. I tried it all. Audiobooks. Podcasts. Thinking about baseball. Nothing could convince me to get on that bike six days a week for a half hour to an hour. I chose death over boredom. I had high blood pressure. This wasn’t an abstract choice.
But it was a false choice. I found out, there is another option: Pain. And pain’s name is Dr Izumi Tabata. I’ll take fifteen minutes of pain over an hour of boredom any day of the week.
The premise is this – ‘cardio’ as we all know and love it is more accurately called Low Intensity Steady State cardio, or LISS. Do the same thing at a rate that gets your heart a little elevated, and do it without variation. The other option is the opposite – High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.
You sports fans know these. Ten and turns. Suicides. Push as hard as you can for a few seconds, then recover for a few seconds. And when you push, push HARD. Then, when you feel like you are going to puke – presto. You’re done.
I find this to be much, much easier to get over and done than droning on and on and on and on at a slow pace. Maybe I’m a masochist. Maybe I’ve got ADHD. Maybe I’m a sinner and deserve death. But in any case, I’ll take it.
So I tried it. And I just about died. I did HIIT three times a week, and it was too much. Four days a week wasn’t enough recovery time for my heart, or my nervous system, or something. So I did what any sane person would do. A literature search!
I found a journal article titled Three Minutes of All-Out Intermittent Exercise per Week Increases Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Capacity and Improves Cardiometabolic Health. Three minutes? WTF. So I read it, and the study uses overweight subject. Hey, I’m overweight.

Also, impaling your heart with a knife is considered bad for your heart.
Long story short, but it looks like the worse shape you are in, the less HIIT you need for dem hart gains. Good news. I was in terrible shape, so I didn’t have to push nearly as hard as I was.
I know the N only =1 here, but every week I’ve been doing 1x LISS and 2x or 3x of the protocol here. My blood pressure has gone from “Uncontrolled Hyptertensive” with four meds to “Prehypertensive” with two meds (and its the lower band of prehypertensive that doesn’t look to have elevated rates of cardiovascular disease or reduced mortality, but don’t tell the American Heart Association, they don’t want to hear it.)
Should you do HIIT? I don’t know. But if you are a masochistic sinner with ADHD and uncontrolled hypertension, it might be worth a try.
Weekly Challenge
Go do 1 round of HIIT. Sprint/jog. Cycle. Do push ups. Shadowbox. Whatever. Use the protocol from the Three Minutes paper:
2 minute warm up; 3 cycles of 20 second of all-out work + 2 minutes of low intensity work; 3 minute cool down. 10 minutes total.
I don’t know. I work out by myself. I enjoy running outside when the weather’s decent (depending on location) or elliptical in the gym. I have a couple workouts sets for free weights, etc set up, but they’re just not fun/satisfying the way running/etc is for me.
Need to find a better middle ground for location/etc.
But I might be able to modify your routine for the times I get outside to the trail to combine HIIT with LIIT….even with the ridiculous hills – reminds me of the 30/60s or 60/120s we’d do in Army PT. I’m not gonna try and play in the parking lot.
I meant to weight this morning, I know I am down at least 3 lbs but probably more now. I was ~214 at my start and was 211 last weekend, but haven’t weighed since. I am guessing ~209.
Goal is 184.
That’s awesome!
that measurable progress is addictive.
I have tried HIIT, I am a believer, but I have the same problem with it as other cardio.
Anyway, I am big on the “walk 2 miles per day” strategy. Although I am currently doing the “walk 2 miles per day while pulling a wagon with a 2 year old in it” strategy, which is slightly different.
And better. Quality time!
He’s a procurer for OMWC.
I hate HIIT. It makes me feel like I’m dying. On a happy note, I’ve increased my calories and I’m seeing progress on my lifts again.
Kinda my feeling, too. I’ll sit on a stationary for 45 minutes (or if I’m feeling ambitious, I’ll take the bike out to the Bosque). I’ll even push my heartrate over 200, if those censors are reliable. But I hated and dreaded doing P90x routines.
I did T25 & insanity with the wife. Never again.
I’m on week two of T25 – it’s a good workout for 25 minutes.
I’ve got scuba certification next week and I wasn’t sure I was up to swimming 8 laps, so I went for some cardio – I should have started a month ago.
My right knee is not happy with all the hopping the routines involve, however.
Yep, hopping – the T25 workouts have a fair amout of hopping from position to position.
That seems to really tweak my knee in the way that deeper knee movement, like squats, doesn’t.
(squirrels ate my comment?)
Yes, hopping – the T25 workouts involve a lot of hopping from position to position.
That seems to tweak my knee in the way that deeper movements, like squats, don’t.
I start out OK but fairly quickly end up following the low-impact version of the moves – I’m strong enough, just shooting pains in my knee interrupt my good intentions.
(I tried replying twice, nothing – maybe the URL I included? testing…)
(ok, let’s try this again, sans link).
Yes, hopping the T25 workouts include a lot of hopping from position to position, which really tweaks my knee in the way that deeper movements, like squats, do not.
I start out fine but shooting knee pains when I attempt to push off that leg have me doing the low-impact versions of the moves before too long.
Only week two, so we’ll see if it’s just weakness or something more serious.
Yes, caught in spam. I released them. And it’s because of that URL.
I didn’t realize it was part of the Beach Body stuff. I know someone who is a trainer for them.
Pain is a good indicator to me to stop doing whatever it is!
My SIL has shared her subscription to the online site, where you can stream just about everything. I’ll pony up my own dough if I stick with it past next week.
I believe the ‘trainer’ thing is MLM setup, but there’s no obligation to actually use them (or maybe that’s just the ‘coach’ designation?).
Having torn something my elbow many years ago by “working through the pain”, I’m smarter about such things now, which is why I’m dropping to the low-impact version of things. We’ll see if it improves.
(my elbow is still not quite right, many years later)
Will drinking more beer work? I already had eggs and a nice healthy salad today. So beer is the only healthy deal left for the day, right?
Depends on the kin, quantity and the speed of drinking.
24,000 parasites mowed down in their prime
Worst president ever?
Machine gun attack, London?
Ok, this is a joke, right? Machine guns are unpossible with common sense machine gun control!
Automatic weapons need to be put on double-secret gun control.
I wonder where they could have gotten a machine gun?
*averts gaze, shuffles feet*
If some random bystander was able to distinguish and count 17 shots, I’m doubting it was an actual machine gun.
Anything that ‘sprays’ bullets is a machine gun!
… or is “military style”, or has a clip or a thing that goes up.
Push as hard as you can for a few seconds, then recover for a few seconds.
Does driving fence posts count?
*huff huff huff huff huff huff*
love HIIT. not today but 1-2x a week i’ll bust out the oly bar and rep some cleans or deadlifts. the only drawback to that explosive jumping around stuff is i really have to be cognizant of landing softly or my knees hate me later.
today’s theme was HAVE FUN.. just hit the rink for 80 minutes. lunchtime public skate is the best. for $7, i only have to share a sheet of ice with 2-3 women practicing their figure skating and 2-3 kids playing tag. nothing like feeling the breeze on an edge to feel young again. i stink a little now but that serves to keep the social drifters away.
Damn, that sounds fun. I haven’t been skating in years. And there’s a rink down the street…
Ten bucks with the rental! Why haven’t I been doing this for years?!
and midday there are no skate guards telling you which direction to skate or not to wear headphones.
HIIT is damn effective for improving your cardio health and if running and biking bore you senseless it’s hands-down the way to go. If your goal is long-range endurance, though, tthe best way to get accustomed to it is long-range endurance.
Most programming I’ve done in the last year has involved a long run in the first week, followed by interval training for a couple weeks to improve your average pace, followed by another ‘eval week’ where you do the same long run and mark your improvement. It’s effective.
What is your “long run” distance?
My view of that has recently changed a lot due to a Glib.
Out to 10 miles or so, though I imagine the method works well enough beyond that (half-marathon, marathon, etc). I’ve used it for loaded endurance as well, running with a pack on and the like, and so far it’s been promising.
Tune in next Friday afternoon for a post from deadhead on ultrarunning! (I believe you were talking to him in last week’s Glibfit comments.)
Is that anything like hypermiling?
Looking forward to it!
I’ve started lifting again a little. It’s shameful… I’m curling half what I was doing in high school. Got the pool up and have started exercising, if playing with the kids count. It’s been raining for almost 2 weeks straight though, hopefully that will end today for long stretch of sunny weather.
My wife has been putting me to shame. She’s been weight lifting in the evenings, swimming every morning before work, and eating low-carb. Might need to up my game a bit.
I’m curling half what I was doing in high school.
That will increase rapidly, though, now that you are back to it.
That’s a good point. I’m kicking around getting a weight bench too though I have no idea where to put it. I have a half a ton of free weights in my mower shed.
Mrs. Dean the fitness fanatic finally got me to spring for a rowing machine. Its set up as of last night, and this weekend she is going to give me some training on how to do it right. Given my aversion to LISS due to extreme boredom, I think this might be a pretty optimal solution for me. A solid 30 – 40 minutes (including warmup and cooldown) every other day looks doable to me for a good whole-body workout, and there’s no end of variation to workouts on these things – you can do LISS or you can do something more HIITy.
Additional motivation – this thing cost a fucking fortune, so damn right I’m going to use it. Once I move past “sedentary goo-puddle”, I may even add in some weights.
Best of luck! I’m sure you can become a “semi-sedentary goo-puddle” in no time!
Oh, sure, set an unattainable goal so I’m sure to fail. Thanks a lot, SP.
I *said* “best of luck!”
It’s what I’ve been doing for cardio. My resting heart rate is in the high 50’s now. Unrelated to fitness, I got a Guatemalan Gesha and it’s really good. You should try it at least once.
Am I the only one who read that as “Guatemalan Geisha?”
Yes. You are different and should be ashamed.
/Catholic teacher
I got a Guatemalan Gesha and it’s really good.
I probably will. Sweet Maria’s has a new blend that’s part Gesha that looks good, and doesn’t cost a fortune. The other beans are also ones I enjoy – an Ethiopian and a Bourbon (from Rwanda, which I don’t think I’ve ever had Rwandan coffee).
You’re in for a treat. I’ve had some really good Rwandan coffee.
Curious – what row machine did you purchase? I hate, hate, hate exercise, but force myself to use a treadmill “most” days. My middle-aged belly is an indicator I need to change strategies.
Concept 2 Model D. Its what she uses at the gym.
Still debating where to keep it – its . . . not compact. In the garage now, which is fine for me, but she may want to keep it somewhere else. Not my call.
Best model from my experience. We had those on the ship for PT when we were deployed. The gym uses them too. If I had the money I would have bought one, but went for a cheaper folding model (don’t recall brand offhand).
Is the machine comfortable? I am looking at the Model E for easy on/off.
Haven’t used it yet. I suspect that using it right has a lot to do with how comfortable it is. Mrs. Dean is actually a rowing instructor now, so I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to having her tell me I’m doing it wrong, over and over again. I’m sure she’s looking forward to it, too.
Ha! my wife did quite well in crew in HS. I know that conversation.
That’s pretty much the standard – they’re consistent from unit to unit, so you can compete against other people. Downside is it’s fairly noisy and doesn’t store very well, as you well know.
My Waterrower is beautiful, quiet and stores upright – but there’s too much variability depending on how full the tank is, so you can’t compare effort unit to unit. I would very much like the online logbook, etc. from the Concept2 but oh well.
What’d you get?
I got a (used) water-rower many years ago and haven’t regretted it (even when it’s mostly been holding clothes).
I was really good for awhile about my rowing – pop on my wireless headphones and start chewing through the shows on the DVR while I rowed. I fell out of the habit some months back (it wasn’t just because the wedding was over, promise!).
My right elbow/forearm has been quite painful for a while, so I went with T25 to get things started again, but I’d like to get back to rowing. I’ll have to make time for the doctor after I get back from vacation next month. I suspect it’s an RSI from too much typing/mousing, but we’ll see.
I’m waiting for my wife’s gym to upgrade rowers (water rowers) here in the next couple years. We got 2 commercial treadmills for $75 when they did the treadmill upgrade. Only problems were getting them in the house and technically I should run a dedicated 20A circuit for each one.
At my last place, I had enough space to set up my tiny garage as a proper workout area – multiple mats, bike and rowing machine – with my TV and DVD player for motivation. Volume up on the music videos, or director commentary worked. This time, I haven’t got a proper setup yet. I really could do it in my home office where I have some mats and my bike and a TV/dvd/blu but just don’t feel motivated to get back on the bike…or the rowing machine. Right now my priority is running outside on the new trail or using the ellipticals (with private TV screen).
I seem to have massive calorie burnthru and/or water loss – but I’m not really making any progress on weight loss. I was a tad over 180 for my fitness assessment in April, but after several weeks of messy schedules and travel, I’m closer to 190 – and my goal from 2 years ago is still 165.
So, I’ll try the HIIT when I go outside for my run. I know some of the ellipticals we have in our gym do have HIIT options as well – so I need to suck it up and try them (even without their own TV option).
Thanks for the tips.
I’m staying the course on my routine, so a good week for me. Thanks for the info on HIIT, I looked it up and I’ve decided to add some of that to my routine. It’s only an additional 30 minutes or so per week.
I’ve also been going to our summer practices once a week. (Twice a week is too much away from the family this time of year). Usually we scrimmage for about an hour straight with no breaks, and at least one of the Paralymics guys usually shows up so the pace is pretty fast. This is our team’s secret weapon. It’s very rare for teams to have ice time in the summer, and all this conditioning and practicing as a team really pays off in the fall.
I’m staying the course on my routine
Go you!
Thanks for being such a great cheerleader on these threads SP! I love all the encouragement you’re passing out.
Everyone is very inspiring! Success shared by even one person increases the likelihood of success for the rest of us (read “me”).
Finishing up week 4 of MTI’s ruck-based selection plan tomorrow morning. Good improvement across the board this week. Supplementing the daily workouts with the time-honored heat acclimation method of stacking bales and cleaning chicken pens in 90-degree heat. It’s definitely helping me sleep well every night.
(Not on the chicken pens, though. Ugh.)
Last week I took up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
The workouts are brutal.
Webdom was a BJJ practitioner in her teens. (NOTE THE SECOND J!) It was the best money I ever spent. I loved watching her successfully defend herself against a 6’3″ 220 pound guy.
There’s your proof right there: No one needs a gun.
that right there burns calories. you’re going to build core stability too.
Martial arts done right can be an excellent workout. My problem is that my schedule is too effed up to allow me to attend consistently.
My workout has consisted mostly of walking in adverse weather. Sometimes in low-celininged spaces with poor light and moisture problems. These dark recesses of the Earth were preferrable to the impenetrable crowds of Hershey.
Also, the Caverns at Natural Arch beat the Florida Caverns, hands down. I may be biased because I didn’t like having to be bent double for half the tour length (though the Florida Caverns tour was shorter in time as well as ceiling height).
Lastly, I’ve been visiting a natural sauna where no sweat evaporates because the air is already at 3000% humidity. How can you Florida people stand it?
We are made of sterner stuff.
Try the meth
The Artisinal Meth, or the Brand-Name Meth?
Well, that’s one way to lose weight.
The caverns/caves of Kentucky are on my list.
This trip was the time when I went “I keep thinking about visiting caves, I should actually go and do it.” I skipped out on Indian Echo in Hershey because the timing was bad (I didn’t want to have to jump on the highway from the tour and drive for Roanoke.)
I highly recommend the wild cave tour at Mammoth.
It is 6 hours of torture. And a hell of a lot of fun.
They got rid of it shortly after I did in the early 00s, but then brought it back.
Great Tour! I took my daughter when she was 16; cutoff was 14 at that time.
What a great experience! There is no way my fat ass could do it now. I was 30 lbs lighter and still almost got stuck in the ‘Split Rock’.
I had a 44″ chest at the time (they recommended no more than 42″, but told me if I was an athletic 44″ that I’d be fine). The guide had to talk me through step-by-step. “Breath out and slip forward!” I move a 1/2″. Repeat and continue for probably 10-15 times before I got out.
Put yourself in positions where you have no choice but to get exercise. Sell yourself at a Libyan slave market. Seek asylum in Pyongyang. Go out drinking far from home without enough taxi fare to get back. The last one is my favorite.
I’m guessing you’re no longer on speaking terms with your liver.
Are you?
I’ve never met your liver.
So many options and you did that.
I am if you count “get ready for another beating, liver!” as on speaking terms.
^Gets it.
There must be 50 ways to leave your liver.
Progress update:
Average calories: 1408 (goal 1500 or less)
Average carbs: 22 (goal < 30)
Current weight 184.6
This seems to be working. I'm going to start walking to start bringing up my physical fitness, so I'm going to add a goal of 20 minutes/day 5 days/week.
That’s fabulous!
16 1/2 weeks since I blew out my quadriceps tendon. 13 1/2 weeks since surgery. Wore a full leg brace for 10 fucking weeks.
As of now, I do 30 minutes on a stationary bike 4 times a week, plus simple leg exercises with 4 lb ankle weights. Going to therapy twice a week, but that drops to 1 a week next week. Using a limited number of leg machines at the gym/therapy. 3 to 4 more months of gradually increasing weight and adding machines until life returns to normal.
10 weeks of forced inactivity, and I did not gain weight. One of my greatest accomplishments. 😉
Congrats on the avoidance of weight gain.
That’s amazing! Congratulations!
I just have to ask. Aren’t our orphans supposed to be doing our exercise for us? Why have orphans?
To mix the cocktails?
They can get started on that right after they’ve done my workout for me.
My mom makes a mean martini, so add too much alcohol to the list for this past week.
As for me, I managed to stay 100% plant-based the entire month of May (my goal is 90% plant-based). It really wasn’t as difficult as I had been expecting, but, I will confess to desperately missing my homemade pizza. I am sure that starting from about a 95% vegetarian way of eating helped.
My heart rate and glucose readings improved. In April HR was a pretty consistent resting rate of about 58. It is now about 53. Glucose was hovering around 110 every morning (we were eating a lot of pasta and homemade breads previously), it is now down in the 90s, and I expect it to drop further.
Is there a vegan cheese substitute? Or is it one of those things like, once you taste it, you have to ask yourself “Why bother?”?
OMG the commercial products are all so awful.
There are some pretty good recipes for vegan “ricottas” (mostly cashew based), but I have found nothing that is an acceptable mozzarella substitute. I used to make my own fresh mozz, so my standards there are high.
And OMWC does an amazing pizza that incorporates raclette, and there is nothing else even in the cheese world that will sub for that, so…. Just haven’t eaten pizza.
Vegan “cheese” – at least back in the 90s when I followed the diet (for 10 years) – had the consistency of heated orange plastic. Tasted about the same too.
What did they make it from? I mean cheese is milk and rennet. Any non-animal ingredients are part of making a specific variety.
What did they make it from?
Orange plastic?
I just ate Chick-fil-a, so…
But did you enjoy it? That’s important, too.
Every racist shitlord enjoys Chick-fil-a, so the answer must be yes.
I’ve never been to one. But, then, I’m not a racist shitlord.
Shitqueen? You’d better stop complimenting everyone, SP, or people will start doubting your shitqueen credentials. At least call someone Tulpa occasionally and tell them to fuck off.
It’s true, my life would be better if I were bitchier.
/wonders if Coursera has a course for that
I don’t know about other people, but I feel worse the closer to ‘bitchy’ I get. I’d be too miserable if I went through life like that. Besides, people tend to escalate when faced with an attitude. Constantly getting into arguements and getting worse service is no way to live.
Oh, I know it wouldn’t be sustainable. But it might be fun just to try it out once or twice. Sometimes I get tired of being so nice and responsible and friendly and helpful… but I can’t seem to stop it.
I blame my parents.
You’re a Midwesterner, aren’t you.
Actually, from far Upstate New York State.
I was nice long before relocating to the Midwest. Unfortunately.
I’ve never been to one.
That’s un-American.
BeerChick-fil-a is proof that there is a god and he wants us to be happy.”“
BeerChick-fil-a is proof that there is a god and he wants us to be happy.”Only when Chick-fil-a starts serving beer can we be truly happy.
Not all of us have a Chick-fil-a anywhere near us.
Me too. Spicy chicken sandwich and waffle fries. New diet week starts tomorrow! ?
I say that every week. But I do normally eat decent during the work week. Weekends are cheat days.
On the good weeks, I get two cheat meals, Friday night pizza and Saturday night burgers. On the bad weeks, every meal is a cheat meal.
I have to have an occasional cheeseburger. I don’t do it every week, but at least once a month, I have to have it.
I mean, as long as it’s not a bun, I could have it every day.
Mrs. Dean cooks healthy chow for us. My problem is portion control. One cheat night – Saturday, with pizza delivered from the local beer and pizza joint (which has 30 beers on tap and fills growlers, so we’re covered).
Weekends are cheat days.
Are Chick-fil-A sandwiches really that bad for you? Their fare seems like it would be orders of magnitude healthier than probably 95% of all the other fast food that’s available.
Not terrible, but it’s still a ton of deep fried carbs.
“A 64-year-old Cleveland, Ohio, man is suing U.S. Customs and Border Protection after agents strip-searched him at an airport in October and took more than $58,000 in cash from him without charging him with any crime, according to a federal lawsuit filed this week in Ohio.
Customs agents seized the money through a process known as civil asset forfeiture, a law enforcement technique that allows authorities to take cash and property from people who are never convicted or even charged with a crime. The practice is widespread at the federal level. In 2017 federal authorities seized more than $2 billion in assets from people, a net loss similar in size to annual losses from residential burglaries in the United States.”
That last sentence is quite the eye opener. The cop steal as much as the buglers. Wow!
There’s too many people in this country who don’t seem to know the simplest of rules. 2 of the top are:
Never call the cops.
Never carry that sort of cash around with you.
Just knowing those 2 simple rules for starters can really save you a lot of grief.
“federal authorities seized more than $2 billion in assets from people, a net loss similar in size to annual losses from residential burglaries in the United States.”
It makes sense, right in line with the fact that you’re probably more likely to be shot by cops than you are criminals.
That last sentence is quite the eye opener. The cop steal as much as the buglers. Wow!
Agreed though armed robbers may be a more accurate comparison.
“The cop steal as much as the buglers.”
They seemed so honest on F Troop.
Bad week eating-wise. Anniversary + new intern meals + high stress work week means practically no focus on health. I only gained 2 lbs, so maybe I can get back to zero by Monday.
My wife got a bench for our workout room for an anniversary/birthday present, so now we just need to start acquiring dumbbells. I also need to start acquiring motivation/discipline.
I had a few days, maybe a week there that I sort of partially fell off my diet. I didn’t gain any weight, I just felt sort of bloated and a little sick and so I went straight back to my typical low carb diet.
I haven’t given myself a chance to fall out of my new way of eating, but I suspect it might not be so easy to be strict on my upcoming 10 day roadtrip. I’m going to have to be vigilant and plan things out.
One of the side effects I had was to feel really sleepy right in the middle of the day. It would take a couple cups of coffee to barely snap me out of it, I hate that, especially when in the office. I never get that when adhering to the lower carb diet.
Mmmmmm caffeine!
Well, between the inevitable pizza and massive alcohol… At least there won’t be much to eat in Butte. Except here, of course.
Alcohol is vegan if chosen carefully.
Well, Yeast is a fungus, and most fermentables are plant based.
Gotta watch out for the fruit flies mixed in.
/actually said to me by an “ethical vegan”
Depends on the fining agents used to clarify the alcohol. There’s still quite a few out there that are animal based, and if you consider something used in the process but not really present in the end result something that would result in a non-vegan end product.
It is possible to make clear beer, wine, cider, and mead without fining agents. Some things clear up fine on their own. If not, filtration will solve the problem. Most commercial scale alcohol product uses filtration.
I’m aware, just pointing out the possibility. I seem to recall that fining agents were more popular in the winemaking world then filtration, but that’s going off memory.
Few home wine makers get wine filtration systems. So fining agents are very common for home use.
Commercial winemakers pump from tank to tank and generally filter at the same time.
The only filter I need for good beer is my liver.
Stay away from Chipperbot’s homebrew.
Although technically, the liver is for processing, the kidneys are for filtering.
Private Chipperbot:
Bell’s has your back.
I have that bumper sticker on my camper 😀
Work stuff can be such a killer, sometimes literally. I am sure you’ll get back on track!
The conversation in the AM thread about the longing for physical labor over office work is for real. Some of it is “grass is greener” talk. Some of it is legitimate soul-sucking monotony that comes with the office job.
Motivation has been a big struggle as of late. By the time I get home, answer the “urgent” emails that have piled up during my commute, and eat, I just want to play with my child for a few minutes and crawl into bed.
I’m hoping that work stuff will settle down and I get a consistent chance to work out. Mostly, just taking the stress level down a notch or three would make a huge difference.
Physical labor can be just as soul-sucking and monotonous. I think it’s about whether there is a sense of accomplishment.
This sounds like OMWC’s work life. He spends most of his 90 minute commute getting bombarded by calls, texts, and emails, which all continue into the evening and on into the weekends.
It doesn’t help when the company one works for is international. When it slacks off from the US folks, it picks up from the rest of the world.
It’s really difficult to not let it get to one when one cares about doing a good job. The slackers seem to have no problem not replying when they are “off.”
Edited to add (because *I* get an edit button!): When I had my last high stress, 85-hour-a-week chief operating officer gig, I found that paying attention to my diet and health stuff actually gave me a sense of control I didn’t necessarily feel in the rest of my life.
I’ve found that being highly unpleasant to deal with really cuts down on the calls and emails.
See? I need to embrace this.
Y’know, I’ve never thought of it as a control issue, but maybe that’s some of the underlying issue.
I think you’re much better off working at a desk and doing an exercise program. The reason is, I used to do construction work and every guy I used to work with that continued doing it, wound up with a bad back and now can’t work and some of them addicted to pain meds.
My next door neighbor took a job with the USPS instead of retiring. He walks 7-10 miles per day, no stress, and gets to leave his work at work.
If I were in the financial position to do that, I’d jump on it. My job isn’t a bad job, but it’s high stress, competitive, and global in scope. Days like today (where the sinking realization that i’ll probably be working more than a few hours this weekend sets in) make me pine for something else.
Just watch out for dogs.
I also need to start acquiring motivation/discipline.
If you find a good source, let me know.
So, a Kim messenger has apparently just arrived at the Whitehouse. Not the Kim with the big butt, but the Kim with the funny hair cut. Big butt Kim already left. So anyway, I’m not sure what has taken CNN and the NYT so long to start spinning out the articles on how Trump is now colluding with the Norks to throw the midterm elections to the GOP.
I’m starting to think CNN et al. are playing Trump’s Washington Generals given how freely he dunks on them.
I ran 2 sub-9:00 miles back to back on Tuesday. The 2nd one was 8:37. And then I did 4×20 sec uphill sprints. The Garmin claims I hit 15 mph at some point. I’m taking today off from weights and it will be the first time I’ve missed 3x/week while in town since… March? But I wanted 10 solid days off, as I hear that is something you should do about 3x/year. Next week I will play with the kids (and Sloopy and Banjo’s kids) in the water, swim a little, and drink far more beer than is in line with my goals. When I get back, I’m starting the Racing Weight Quick Start program recommended here last week.
Wow! You’ve been doing great.
Vacations are good.
I missed a week of workouts on spring break and had to deload massively. Got sore again too. I’m almost afraid to miss a gym day now.
That’s motivating, too! 😉
OT: Leftists for double-jeopardy
New York Attorney General
Verified account
Follow Follow @NewYorkStateAG
First it was Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Then it was Scooter Libby.
Now it’s Dinesh D’Souza.
We can’t afford to wait to see who will be next. Lawmakers must act now to close New York’s double jeopardy loophole.
By “loophole” you must mean that pesky Constitutional protection against being tried more than once for the same criminal offense.
“New York Attorney General: Let’s Prosecute People Twice For The Same Crime”
But only if we don’t like their political views. So it’s OK.
I’m just dying to learn what NY laws Joe Arpaio has violated.
Wrongthink in the Second Degree.
I was visiting my mom, so, every time I sat down she tried to feed me. Not a good week. Last night after I finally got home I had a beer (just one) for dinner. I’ve blown off work for the rest of the day. I was just staring at my notes thinking ‘write something’.
I’ll do better next week.
Was beer for dinner or with dinner?
Family visits can be really tough. I am planning a trip to see my Dad in July, and it will be difficult to stick to a plant-based eating style there, as my stepmom will be all like, “I cooked dinner because I know you LOVE my roast pork with sauerkraut!” (And I do.)
For dinner,a Dale’s Pale Ale.
What kind of beer?
I finally had a chance to get on the bike and ride last weekend. Admittedly it was a short ride, but it was good to get on the bike again.
(The second reason it was a short ride was to make sure both me and the bike were still in functioning condition. Last year I had already ridden several hundred miles by this point in the year).
The regular physical activity I do is all outdoor stuff (walks around the property and yard work), and it’s been raining every day for the past week, so this was a bad week. One day this week I got to go outside and help clear brush around a tree we need to cut down, and maybe two days I went out berry picking. I did a little indoor exercise, but I can never seem to stick to a routine for it. I also had to add yogurt to my diet every day for the past 9ish days because I’m on a pretty heavy antibiotic for what was either Lyme disease or cellulitis from scratching at a bug bite. Last dose is tomorrow morning, so tomorrow is the last day I’ll be eating yogurt with any regularity. So that’ll be 100cal I’ll be subtracting back out of my diet. The weather dried up today, so I went for a walk today at least. Tomorrow I’ll be out pulling weeds from under the porch and in the front flower bed, and I have a potato plant (compost bin find, when the compost stopped composting for a couple months because we got lazy with it, that got moved to the veggie bed) that needs to be harvested tomorrow.
With all that in mind, earlier in the week I weighed myself for shits and giggles after I cut my hair off (went from the tips of my shoulder blades, up to a pixie cut) and was down to 213. That was an evening weigh-in, and I usually gain a couple pounds or so over the course of the day. Weigh-in this morning was disappointing, however– 214 again. I’m hoping next Friday I’ll finally officially break 214. I’ll sometimes weigh myself randomly at other times in the week (especially Saturday mornings, since interestingly I seem to always lose a couple pounds from Friday morning, even though Friday tends to be my night to drink beer and pig out on pizza or chinese takeout or something… but I sleep until 10am or noon on Saturdays, which might make a difference), but non-Friday weights aren’t ‘official’ in my mind.
On a better note, since it’s getting into the 90s outside now, I’ve busted out my spaghetti-strap top, and despite being a size 10 it fits. You can see I have a gut with it, but the hem hits around the bottom of my hips like it should, and it doesn’t want to come crawling up my belly over the course of the day like it did when I tried to wear it last summer. Actually, it fits well enough that I’d be willing to wear it in public. So, add that to the list of clothes I’ve shrunk down into. I haven’t tried on any new clothes lately, but I’d guess I’m solidly a size 14 now, and starting to head towards a size 12. Size 12 is my current goal before the wedding, although ultimately size 10 would be great, that’s my optimal size and would mean I can fit into all the old clothes I still own.
That’s terrific!
What kind of berries? We don’t have anything even close to ripe here.
My Mom (university prof) cut my hair into a pixie cut from the time I was about 4 until I was 8. My dad teasingly called me by a boy’s name the entire time. *sigh*
Dewberries, a type of wild blackberry. I’m in southeast NC, so everything is in season right now that’s not a cold weather crop like greens and broccoli. I’ve been picking them for a couple weeks now, and even set up a scarecrow where the main canes I pick from are (two stakes with aviation wire wrap line (because I scored 7 spools of the stuff for free at my old job) strung between them, and aluminum foil wrapped around so the end hangs down, with a slit cut in the part that hangs down so it makes a noise in the wind as well as moving and flashing). The picking was slow going until the rain started week before last, now I’ve gone from a half-full jelly jar to two full jelly jars in a week. I’m still not sure if I’m going to make dewberry pie, jam, jelly, or some combination, and there’s still a ton of berries on the canes.
I have fine hair that liked to tangle when I was a kid, so when I was in 1st grade my mom had it cut into a short bob. At the time, I looked like a boy and hated it (didn’t help that I’ve always had a deep voice for a girl, and was a tomboy, so people legitimately confused me for a boy when I had short hair). After that, on the promise that I’d quit screaming and crying when she brushed my hair, I grew it back out, and it was down to my butt when I decided to cut it to shoulder length in 6th grade. I’ve mostly kept it short ever since (either a bob, shag, or pixie cut), except when I’m overwhelmed and lazy. The past two years I was busy getting my house, and then settling into the house, and didn’t feel like dealing with either cutting my hair, or spending the time and money to have someone else cut it, so I grew it out. I finally decided the hair was too hot (it felt like I had a wool hat on, so I’d start pouring sweat as soon as I stepped outside, and it was only in the low- to mid-80s the last couple weeks) and cut it off again.
I love dewberries. I’d be hard-pressed to not eat them all while picking. My favorite berry pies are blackberry and black raspberry. Instantly transported to my childhood summers spent at my grandmother’s place in the Appalachians. This year I need to pay attention to the black raspberry thicket in the woods behind our house so I don’t miss the short season. (And, free vegan food!)
I have hair trauma. That’s why I can’t see ever going back to short hair. My Mom used to bug me all the time about “women your age shouldn’t have long hair,” but I still have long hair. And it’s all her fault!
comp, I read most of your comment playing the odds and assuming you were a dude. My mental image got pretty . . . out there when I hit “spaghetti straps”.
LOL Nope, woman, at least the last I checked. *checks again* Still a woman.
Well, unless you subscribe to Holger’s theory that I’m an advanced AI. Because there are no libertarian women. 😛
So, what are you, some kind of cis-het shitlord who is intolerant of a man in spaghetti straps?!
That’s awesome. I want to wear tank tops, but my arms are flabby. Ha, autocorrect wants to say flabbergasted. That too.
Weightlifting or yard work would help tone up your arms. As I said last week, I just have a pair of 10lb dumbbells, and I just do high rep (was 20, now 30) bicep curls and wrist curls. It helps with the nice toning a bit more than hauling around 40lb bags of Black Kow does, although cutting brush with a machete or sling-blade seems to do about the same as the weights.
Although, I know not everyone has a few acres of brush out back to hack at, so my workout plan might not work for you.
I actually do have a few acres of brush I could hack on. Nothing survives long in the Sonoran Desert without an impressive array of spikes, needles, teeth, fangs, venom, and/or claws, backed up with a bad attitude. Most of my brush is fully capable of self-defense, so I leave it alone.
I plan on weeding this weekend.
Sweden is done. In Sweden they put bananas on pizza. SMDH I have no words.
TW Buzzfeed.
See, this is what happens when you let in those darkies from the Middle East.
Dutch pizza (I think they call it pannekoeken) has all kinds of weird shit on it, but its pretty good.
Since this went up, I’ve decided to add some HIIT training. I just posted on FB to see if anyone has an old rowing machine, and one of my friends just offered me one for free. Not sure if I’ll use it normally, or mount it on a wall so it mimics the motion I do when I’m on the ice.
mount it on a wall so it mimics the motion I do when I’m on the ice.
I don’t know why, but this blows my mind a little bit. I’ve never conceived of mounting a rower vertically.
Free is good!
Turns out it’s one of those piston ones, without a flywheel. I should figure out something.
As for mounting it vertically, my thought was something like the arm component of a NordicTrack, but you’d move both arms at the same time.
HVAC update from yesterday. Landlady’s handyman showed up and we took a look inside the main unit – no dirt, no apparent blown fuses or anything. Some sort of disconnect between the outside unit and the main indoor unit – even when indoor unit is “operating” ‘correctly’ the outside unit isn’t starting up. She’s gonna have to spring for a proper HVAC tech – unfortunately seems a lot of them are busy due to a lot of recent flooding we’ve been having in the area.
Just 83 degrees inside…will pick up another box fan tomorrow.
Weight: lost two pounds since last week
Saturday’s ruck run: 5k in 26:09 (8:26 min/mile) w/35# pack @ 154bpm
Wednesday’s ruck run: 12.26 mi in 2:36:46 (12:45 min/mile) w/40# pack @ 128bpm
FWIW, I do interval training as part of my Monday morning run. I do eight uphill all-out runs for seventy five seconds and four downhill all-out runs for the same amount of time. Those intervals are interspersed into a total of 13.1 miles of running, most of which is at a leisurely (130bpm) pace.
Drank many good beers this last week, including Barrel-aged Old Rasputin (North Coast), Uncle Jacob’s barrel aged stout (Avery) and Abbaye De Saint Bon-Chien (Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes).
Tomorrow: Crest Trail hike (~26 mi, w/ 5,400 ft. of gain) w/ 50# pack
Young man’s music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmDAwA9jIPU
Only if you were a young man in the 1960s. Which would make you an old man now. (Just add candy!)
This would make a VERY interesting link for the afternoon: https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1002596549346590721 Great twitter thread with updates on the HRC email investigation and a number of apparently new discoveries. Recommended Reading!
I love the “Garsh, one of our execs was phished and sent out a $25K wire transfer. Any ideas on how to keep this from happening again?”
Well, get execs who aren’t idiots, and tell people not to click on every single stupid fucking email they get?
HIIT works. It’s also incredibly painful, like you said. What I used to do is sprint all out for 400 m, then walk 400 m, repeat 4 times. Then you’re done. However, 400 m sprints are the worst thing ever conceived.
If you do a true Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off), it’s interesting how 10 seconds feels like nothing but 20 seconds feels like an eternity.
I tried 500 meter rowing sprints. I nearly vomited after the third cycle.
I used to do those back in my Marine days because I got bored just running endless miles. I would quite literally die if I tried it now.
Yeah, my back doesn’t do that anymore.
I can push while swimming, but sprints are dangerous.
I’ve been forgoing the usual weight training and have been instead jogging 12-15 miles a week.
This week I ran over 5 miles twice, going around the local lake where I can see many houses that I can never afford.
I usually start good – doing 8-9 minute miles. But toward the end – and with the recent heat – I’m struggling, doing an overall average of a 10 minute mile. So I’m not giving up the day job quite yet.
I have been cheating a bit too much on my very plant-based diet – that chocolate!! Plus I got a nice fifth of Valentine Gin that’s been too tempting.
Here’s a nice one for you.
And. I need chocolate.
Good thing for you most non-milk chocolate is vegan. Also, you can have bars with added nuts, and it’s still vegan.
Hey, Glibfitters! Do you know what day it is?
*glares menacingly*
Are you evil?
Wait. You’re an attorney, aren’t you?
Monocle – check
Tophat – check
Philosophy BA – check
JD – check
Several law licenses – check
Yup, must be evil.
Monday is National Cheese Day.
Et tu, Tulip?
I got back to the routine after several weeks off due to illness and schedule, and I’ve found a good combo routine that works. Three days a week (M, W, then F or Sa) strength training followed by HIIT. The strength bit is 5 kettlebell get-ups (once per side for both sides is one rep) and the HIIT is the 15:15 V02max protocol. In my case, that’s 7 kettlebell snatches in 15 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of active rest, for a goal time of something like 45 minutes, alternating sides between sets. So far I’ve gotten to 16:15 before my form starts crapping out and I stop.
HIIT is great, though. At the end of, say 15 minutes, I don’t feel like I’ve gone for a long jog, I feel like I used to feel coming out of a jujitsu class: like I’m totally out of gas, just this side of nauseous. Ironically, that’s a really good feeling, especially in retrospect.
That sounds like a pretty good program.
Just finished a 10 mile run. Started in the hills above San Clemente, ran down to the beach. To Capistrano, and back to San Clemente. I’m now waiting for my wife to meet me at this taco joint. I am going to absolutely murder a bran and cheese burrito.
Bean and cheese burrito.
Oh, that sounds more delicious.
The old neighborhood! I get a little twitchy when I go back there. I keep thinking an angry Sergeant is going to yell at me to run up Mount Motherfucker with a ruck and rifle.
Every time I hear San Clemente, I can only think of retired Nixon with a metal detector and baggy shorts, shuffling along the beach, mumbling to himself.
A bran and cheese burrito sounds like it would murder you.
High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.
“I’ve got one word for ya, kid. Cleans.”
Bean and cheese burrito.
Scrambled eggs with bacon bits and swiss cheese. Sourdough toast.
Mmmmmmm. To all of that.
I have no goal, per se. Just focused on the process. If I miss a day, I feel shame. That’s a good sign.
I don’t know whether this is my favorite version of the national anthem, or my favorite version of a nearly-dead meme
How long till he declares as a member of the LP?
Not sure what he’s thinking. Not only is there no way he’s getting elected, he’s putting his face out there for potential employers to see. Guess maybe with his felony conviction, he figures he has nothing to lose.
Libertarian moment?
Late to the party. I also have a job that is “high stress, competitive, and global in scope” so I’ve been working evenings and weekends. (Took most of memorial day off, but not all of it).
Anyway, I am 1 week into a 2 week regimen of eating at 2300 calories instead of 2800 calories. So far so good.
My physical therapist was all ready to discharge me and clear me for lower-body lifts this week… until I had an arthritic flair up in my non-tendinitis knee. :/ The pain isn’t too bad, but there’s still swelling a week and a half after the symptoms started. As soon as they go away, I can start deadlifts and squats.
Oh, I also compressed my spine doing heavy OHPs and not watching my form correctly. I’m going to change over to dumbbell OHPs to I don’t have to fuck around with the back movements.
Banner week, really.
Sorry, dude…but the eating looks good.
And, thank you for the great GlibFit posts! You rock!
Late to the party. I gained weight this week. Up two pounds which is not good. I have a bad feeling that like last time I will miss my goal.
I was pretty good about going to the gym. I’ve only missed one day this week, which is much better than my average during the last challenge.
I indulged in sweets though. Someone bought the company I work for. I think, but am not certain, that certain things my company does (like occasional Friday gatherings involving beer and food) will end. The last Friday beer gathering was rescheduled for earlier this week, and instead of beer, there was dessert with food. I indulged. Today, the purchase deal closed. The purchasers paid for pizza and beer for lunch as a celebration. I indulged a bit with beer and went over my weekly limit.
I am still going to indulge at my company’s summer outing next week. It will probably be our last as I don’t expect they will continue as part of the new company.
If you were working out, you may have gained muscle!
Hope your job is secure with the purchase. You don’t need *that* stress.
Thanks! I found out Monday what my offer from the acquiring company is.
The acquisition is good for the company I work for. It is a good strategic fit for the acquiring company. Will the acquisition be good for me? I’ll find out when I get my offer on Monday. From what the acquiring company has said, I’ll have a place with them. The question is, will be a place I want to stay in? Stay tuned!
Good luck. We’re all counting on you.
“Find out Monday” I PROOFRAD GUD!
As long as it’s not a proofreading gig, you should be good.