You had your chance, Cleveland. And you blew it. You completely shit the bed and now are destined to fail. Also, the Cavaliers lost last night to Golden State in Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Rafa Nadal is cruising in France like I said he would. Serena dropped the first set but came back and won her match. The Astros were happy to be back home. Boston was not happy to be visiting.
But here’s the sports story of the day: and it explains all-too-clearly why England is probably a lost cause. Its so retarded that even Piers Morgan has chimed in. Trigger warning: trigger.
Boy, today was a day for birthdays. Mormon leader and founder of Salt Lake City, Brigham Young was born today. As was South African political prisoner and later president actor Nelson Mandela Morgan Freeman, Kennedy spit-roastee Marilyn Monroe, under appreciated actor Brian Cox, also unappreciated actor Jonathan Pryce, Ohio State defensive coordinator and soon-to-be recipient of a hefty settlement from the University of Tennessee Greg Schiano, eye-candy Heidi Klum, Canadian person Alanis Morisette, and fat person Amy Schumer.

OK, let’s do this.
It was also on this date that Charlemagne opened the general synod in Frankfurt, Anne Boleyn was crowned Queen of England, Kentucky and Tennessee (in different years) were admitted into the Union, Ohio University was founded as the first land-grant university in the nation, Sojourner Truth began her career as an anti-slavery activist, Robert E Lee assumed command of the Army of Northern Virginia, Thomas Edison was granted his first patent. Lou Gehrig replaced Wally Pipp and played the first of 2130 consecutive games. Adolph Eichmann was executed in Israel for war crimes. Ed Sullivan’s last live TV show aired. And Wings released “Live And Let Die”.
That, my friends, is quite a bit to digest. But I hoped you saved enough room to swallow…the links!

Well, we put the nose on him. And the hat.
Remember in the olden days when a town would just gather together, march to a house and take a witch into custody? Apparently, witch hunts cost a lot more in this day and age. I especially like the “rent” entry. You know, because its not like our federal government doesn’t already own so much unoccupied space that it can’t accurately account for it all.
I like Wikipedia. Hell, I have had some good laughs there, especially going back to the golden age when entries were hilariously inaccurate. I’m thinking of the incident where Jim Rome lost his shit when someone edited Stan Van Gundy’s entry to say he was a stand-in for Ron Jeremy and had also been the first successful pubic-to-head hair transplant recipient. But Wikipedia ceases to be funny when it tars everyone to the right of Hillary Clinton as a freaking Nazi. And Google is no more responsible when they allow a publicly-edited compendium to be used as fact on its search results. Fortunately, their algorithm hasn’t allowed anything like comparing progressives to Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Castro or any of the other communist/socialist butchers. But I would imagine they’re monitoring the accuracy of those descriptions a lot more closely than they are about icky conservatives. Or even Republicans for that matter.

Every bit as serious as John Legend or Jay-Z.
Kim Kardashian opens up about her meeting to discuss criminal justice reform and the hopeful release of Alice Johnson with Donald Trump. I hope CNN can keep from blowing a gasket what with the alleged celebrity worship that is happening for the first time ever in the White House just like it does with every President in living memory.
Blood on the streets of San Francisco! Has the cabbie not considered that she needed that cab more than he did? Did he even stop to think about her, or was the greedy 1%er just gonna let her die?Also, bang-up job there, SFPD. She only ran around in the little city for two hours and crashed herself before you guys located her. Shit, she could have driven halfway to Oakland in that amount of time. Off-rush hour, obviously.
Had it never occurred to any of these fucking clowns that the correct question to ask is: “why the fuck are you granting an exclusive license for a single company to operate a legal business in your city?” But that would allow for competition. Nope, these pricks can’t have that. They gotta try and take someone else’s monopoly away.

Typical Chicago Cop? Probably.
I am trying not to laugh. I am trying not to laugh. I am trying not to laugh. Aw, fuck it. This one is funny.
Placed on desk duty after the shooting, Schuler, 49, continues to collect his $111,000-a-year salary while the city of Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability investigates him for failing to keep his weapon secured, among other things.
Shit. I stopped laughing.
What’s really sad for this guy is that he didn’t even have anything big enough for the SWAT team to confuse for a gun and shoot him. Also, why is he not in Florida where he belongs?
And do you want to know why? Because my son is graduating from high school tomorrow and the family are going to the beach with our friends Brett L and his awesome family for a week of relaxation. I’m sure we’ll check in from time to time, but its gonna be time to tap the keg of St Arnold Lawnmower I’m bringing and fire up the grill while our kids all have a blast. God bless you all and have a great week.
I would find it incredibly hilarious if there were some poorly vetted Russian IT staffers on the team.
Sadly it’s not all that outrageous to think it could be the case.
I thought unvetted Pakistani IT staff were all the rage these days.
Or Chinese staffers/subcontractors (or is that just OPM?).
Federal government agencies do pay rent, even when they are occupying space owned by the federal government. GSA holds most of that property and the inefficiency of the government paying rent to itself is staggering.
That would just PROVE Trump is using his Russian contacts to spy on Mueller.
I just read the Suthen updates from last night.
Glad you and yours are safe.
Great job, Suthen. Sorry you had to go through it, but you the man.
I have to credit Steve McCain. He handled the situation in a sterling manner. He got the man and no one was hurt. All I did was keep vigil over me and mine. I lost a little sleep because it took so long but if that is the price for no one getting hurt I will pay it any day of the week.
I cant imagine how much overtime the GSO is going to have to pay out. Again, small price.
And thank you Slammer.
Yeh. Good to hear.
Now go hit the grocery store!
Do they sell canned jambalaya in Acadia jr.?
Savois frozen. I am not a big jamalaya fan since we went low carb.
Glad you and yours are safe, Suthen.
Rafa Nadal is cruising in France like I said he would – bold prediction
Hey, he did predict the Globetrotters would beat the Washington Generals.
“This is not a time to be glamorising guns — when we have more than 60 dead on the streets of London this year.
“They have become toys in the hands of our youths. This is a critical time when we’ve got all hands on deck to stop the violence.”
Keep drilling holes in the hull, I am sure all that water will drain out.
Shooting holes is faster, just saying
those are “speed” holes
Exactly what I would have said.
Wait, hold on, aren’t guns against the law in London? How could it be possible that people get shot there, when the law clearly prevents gun ownership?
The guns swam the north atlantic to hunt new grounds when their old homes in America became overcrowded.
After they navigated through the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence from Indiana, no doubt.
They bring them all in from Indiana.
“” we have more than 60 dead on the streets of London this year.””
London is a city of over 8 million people.
They did manage to exceed the murder rate for NYC this year. Not that NYC has a high murder rate these days, but still.
I still wonder if removing those victims involved in criminal acts, or ones where the victim knew their attackers, would drive the difference even higher. My sneaking suspicion is London has more stranger violence on random innocent people (who have no way of lawfully defending themselves).
“when we have more than 60 dead on the streets of London this year”
Not counting those getting NHS treatment.
That would make the number in the thousands..
the Cavaliers lost last night to Golden State in Game 1 of the NBA Finals – one of the reasons i stoped watching football was the constant complaints of bad refs. I thought basketball would be different
When’s the last time traveling or carrying were called in an NBA game?
When Latrell Spreewell had a road game?
No one really blames the refs for that. But it is bullshit
One of the main reasons I find the NBA unwatchable.
That and here’s what the game looked like last time I cared.
Shit, that would get me to watch basketball again.
Terrible. Not nearly enough 3-pointers attempted.
/’modern’ NBA
That actually looks fun to watch.
Here’s the exact moment I stopped caring about the NBA. not to say that it wasn’t fun and hilarious, but I stopped taking them seriously when this happened.
I had already checked out – Ben Wallace replaced Bill Laimbeer as head asshole?
Same here. If you want it to be streetball, then change the damn rules so that it is streetball.
That’s part of what kills me about it. College isn’t without its own issues, but the games are typically “truer” to the sport, it seems to me. NBA seems like it’s getting close to professional wrestling.
Welp, I’ve crossed from Real People Time to Glib time, now everything around me is living (one hour) in the past.
EST is God’s time. Which, as it happens, CDT is equivalent too. So Glib time is the correct time…until this fall.
Glib time is always the true time. Congratulations. Bask in its glory.
God bless you all and have a great week.
You too, man!
The girlfriend, 49, picked up the gun — later telling a detective she thought the safety was on. She stuck it under her chin. And she fired. The bullet splattered pieces of her jaw, tongue, teeth and cheek across the room. She crumpled to the floor but survived and, three months later, is still recovering.
No comment. Just wanted that image in your head.
Yeah, I thought the same. In this case I feel the cop gave a firearm to somebody who is mentally ill.
The police dept did too, eh.
Yeah, that sounds a little like Ofc. Friendly figured he’d be able to get rid of his girlfriend problem without having to get his hands dirty. That’s a pretty scary line of thought. Sociopathic, one might say.
This guy planned it perfectly to get a nice long paid vacation away from his girlfriend.
Christ, what an asshole.
Sounds like a waste of a perfectly crazy girlfriend.
What a fucking genius.
The only safety you should rely on is the one between your ears, which she clearly forgot to engage.
She hung out at a cop bar aiming for a cop boyfriend. She got what she wanted.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a revolver.
But Wikipedia ceases to be funny when it tars everyone to the right of Hillary Clinton as a freaking Nazi. – i found it funny
I don’t know what left and right mean anymore.
The hand you whipe your ass and the one you hold the chopsticks with usually not at the same time
Wipe my ass? Dude, have you ever seen a Japanese toilet?
They are horrifying contraptions.
Ever wipe your ass with a chopstick?
Pro tip: not the optimum method.
No, I usually use my friend’s yarmulke.
*My first attempt at antisemitism. Feels dirty, but good.
Tallis works better, but it’s a bitch getting all the tzitzis clean afterward.
If your going to steer into the skid, it’s no fun being antisemitic. Guess I’ll go back to hating the Romanians.
“Pro tip: not the optimum method.”
Says you.
Depends which kind. I feel like Japan felt compelled to make up for squat toilets.
Gotta say that I mailed in my review of the Tora san series. I just hope I haven’t ruined what is actually a very interesting movie. Better next time. I promise.
What in Hell? That was fine work – it conveyed the series’ purpose and style just fine!
No worries!
I’m contemplating writing an article about Japanese pronunciation and the widespread use of katakanago and wasei-eigo.
Their usage continues to crack me up even after something like 8 years of studying the language.
Thanks, Swiss. Honestly, though, I reread it and I didn’t express what I wanted to express. I’m not fishing for anything, just telling it the way I saw it.
I don’t have one, but they are an absolute treat when I go somewhere and they have one. No more of that “Well I’ve wiped for 5 minutes but since it got cut off I know it about 30 minutes it’s gonna have wiggle out and I’m gonna have to go back to the John to wipe for another god damn 20 minutes with crumpled up balls of course paper” horseshit.
^^inb4 Don’t judge my bowel movements.
I do admit that sometimes I find the pictographs confusing/misleading, but that perversely sort of adds to the charm of the experience. It’s also fun to play with the nozzle controls, temps and locations.
Fun fact: Most of them have two squirt locations, one for boys (well, people) and one for girls! The more ya know!
Dude, get some fiber in your diet.
Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about!
Why must you turn this thread into a HOUSE OF LIES?!
Dude, everyone has a different digestive pattern. Some people always have loose stools, others hard. And frequency varies from 2X per day to 2X per week.
Hey man, the fop in me loves the idea of taking a mini-shower for the ol’ bunghole after every usage. I mean, you wash your hands, which come near poop, but you wipe the actual poop exit with crumpled up paper and then shove it back in your Lees hoping for the best? Who’s bright idea was that?
It is how God intended it. Why do you hate God?
After the left gets it ass handed to it in November I am going to advise them strongly to swing harder left. They lost because they didn’t hit it hard enough. They really need to put those deplorables in their place.
I am 100% sure that will be their response in any case. They will be convinced that their message just didn’t get through all the right wing propaganda on the news these days.
My proggies have been dead silent for quite awhile now. Zero politics discussed at family events. Even the Office Proggie talks sports instead of Trump.
Mine too. That’s actually more horrifying to think about the type of stuff they are silently concocting in their little pin heads.
I can give you a good idea what they are concocting in their pin heads.
1. Adopt a China style social credit score for official dem platform.
2. Double down on Russia collusion
3. Move further left
4. Double down on identity politics, call everyone racist more often
5. Make sure next time wins presidency, refuse to leave office end of term to save democracy from a Trump ever winning again.
6. If all else fails, violence
I wish I were so lucky…
My family has thoroughly swallowed, digested, and assimilated every official portion of the RUSHIAANNNZZZ bullshit.
Well, at least you can gloat at their disappointment after nothing happens.
The important thing to remember about Wikipedia is that outside of the technical articles, it is largely edited by unemployed losers with an ax to grind.
Resisting the urge to make a comparison with Glibertarians….
Give into the Glib Side.
I will have you know, sir, that I am fully employed and commenting on my employer’s dime, thank you very much!
Also for some reason no work on 1st of June in Romania. International childrens day or sone such. I feel the local government went overboard lately with the public holydays
Is this supposed to say “Hire more children so they can get the day off”?
Kim Kardashian opens up about her meeting to discuss criminal justice reform and the hopeful release of Alice Johnson with Donald Trump. – also dinesh somethingorother apparently
“A coroner’s deputy identified the dead woman as Chelsea Cole, a 25-year-old San Francisco resident.”
No pics?
Antemortem or postmortem?
Before she died to see if she was hot.
But I hoped you saved enough room to swallow…
Seriously – are we not doing phrasing anymore?
Great links, Sloop! I love the video, but Brian May is the most boring guitar player ever. He looks less interested than a 40 year old porn star.
He looks less interested than a 40 year old porn star.
Does everything have to be about Stormy Daniels these days?
This seems remarkable even for Chicago.
Military went to zero tolerance at least 5 years ago when it comes to DUIs and popping hot on urinalysis (with a few medical exceptions). I’ve heard stories about folks who made chief or got commissioned with a couple DUIs on their record, but those days are long gone.
On the other hand, it is a little weird thinking about zero tolerance when it comes to tactical matters. If Nimitz had been kicked out the first time he ran aground, the war in the Pacific might have gone very differently.
I was going to reference Nimitz with Typhoon Cobra – but turns out that was Halsey’s bad call.
Good lessons learned message from Nimitz though.
The Army has been nearly zero tolerance for more than 20 years with DUI and drugs. My first couple years in were significantly different. An NCO that hadn’t stepped on his dick at least once was kind of suspect and officer call was expected to devolve into a drunken mess.
I remember when promotions were followed by the promotee(s) providing cases of beer for the whole company or Top brought a keg out to the field..
My Samoan Platoon Sgt. in the late 80s was the barracks weed-slinger back in the 70s before, as he always winced, “Nancy and her Just Say No bullshit fucked it up for the rest of us.”
Shouldn’t he have started collecting his pension 7 years ago?
unappreciated actor Jonathan Pryce
+1 Buggle.
But seriously, it really IS different when we do it!
And yet the left has a whole branch, complete with professional whiners, devoted to smashing the patriarchy and misogyny. Of course it is no big deal when they engage in it.
Here’s a fun thought experiment: What would happen if Trump tweeted: “I think Samantha Bee is the real feckless c__t!”
“was so undeniably racist”
Yet no one can prove that logically. I remember people comparing GWB to a chimp, on a regular basis, for eight years.
That’s different. Because of Nazis…. SHUT UP!
“racist rhetoric and naughty words. ”
Couldn’t that ‘naughty word’ be violence against women? Anyway it’s but conflating when they are the same thing!
Since when is Megyn Kelly a prominent conservative voice?
That stuck out to me as well. I believe she has claimed to be independent. But she DID do that stint on FNC, so obviously a total
NAZIconservative.Yeah I wonder that too. I consider myself conservative and I’ve never found her to be the least bit interesting or thought-proviking. She’s just one of the thousands of other journalist vultures.
I don’t think that journalists have realized that people don’t look at them as “prominent voices” on anything. They’re not thought leaders, they simply just re-state things that other people said, omitting and adding various details to slant the narrative in their preferred direction.
This is so fucking stupid.
You have to torture what she said to read it as racist, and Barr herself said she had no idea Jarrett was (half-)black (and neither did I). Any idiot can see the resemblance, just fucking Google “planet of the apes” and look at some of the pictures. It’s a catty insult from one unattractive woman to another.
I don’t know when, exactly, “society” decided to jump off a goddamn cliff of ignominious and sanctimonious self-righteous idiocy but here we are.
“Mueller’s Russia investigation bill hits $17 million including $1 million on rent and IT according to Department of Justice figures”
That’s peanuts.
They got a deal on the IT consulting by outsourcing it to Imran Awan in Pakistan.
I’m assuming this is all on contingency. We only pay if Trump is impeached and convicted for something that’s an actual felony crime, right?
Brewery agrees to pay $975K fine for bootlegging
Well, it wasn’t rum-running, since it wasn’t rum.
Actually last I heard rum-running was naval smuggling while bootlegging was overland. This could be wrong.
I guess technically correct is the best kind. Improperly labeled beer is technically illegal, so distributing it is technically distributing illegal hooch. I understand that’s how the FBI finally brought down Al Capone…
Technically Capone was nailed on tax evasion.
Lol, perhaps the sarcasm didn’t come through properly.
Or maybe I just need to re-calibrate my sarcasm meter.
Some states require all alcohol sold or consumed in the state to be registered with the state. So if you have a bottle that’s not on the list, you could be committing a crime. There was a story several years back about some poor sap who was driving through Utah to get to a beer fest with a trunk full of rare beer. He got pulled over, his car searched, and all of the beer confiscated since it was not allowed for sale in Utah. Pennsylvania had a whole to do about it several years back as well, where lots and lots of beer got confiscated. You can also find plenty of stories of bars in Minnesota getting in trouble for running over to Wisconsin to bring back kegs of New Glarus beers.
I also had an acquaintance who would tell the story of getting pulled over by Cincinnati cops on the bridge between Cincy and Kentucky on suspicion of bootlegging (he was bringing back everclear for a party, so…). According to him, he was saved from arrest by some Kentucky State troopers. My understanding is that he was still on the Kentucky side of the bridge, and the Kentucky state troopers hated the Cincinnati cops for pulling shit like that. So, the Kentucky State troopers threatened to arrest the Cincinnati cops for unlawful arrest, and tied them up so he could get back to campus.
So I’m gonna be eastbound and down with a keg and several cases of bootleg beer Sunday as I drive to the Florida gulf coast?
Hell yeah!
I think Florida may mandate that out of state alcohol can only be transported in mason jars, or jugs with xXx written on the side. So be careful.
The Ohio river is in KY, at least the location of the river in 1792 (today in 1792, apparently). So the bridges are almost entirely in KY.
Atonement as Activism
Of course these people I’m pretty sure have never actually done anything to atone for in the first place, unless you buy the left’s ridiculous premise that being white = original sin.
Even if you did believe in ancestoral sin it’s far from clear whites are the group you should be targeting. The ancestors of every race often have plenty of brutality, often more but simply tempered by technology.
A group of people who can rack up a million deaths with machetes are hardly more peaceful. Given access to modern military technology I’m sure every race could have racked up death rates as high or higher than Europeans in WW2.
Whiteness is the new Original Sin.
“The degree of fantasy and exaggeration that smart people currently let pass in the name of higher-order thought”
Must have read some gender studies literature.
You know who else used the hand-in-the-air-palm-out gesture…
Michael Brown?
The Supremes?
I really liked that piece.
both SJW and Alt-right bullshit have strong religious characteristics. People increasingly make political ideas their dogma, their unquestioned assumptions.
i increasingly think the difference between people is orthodoxy vs. heterodox views. the difference is that the latter assumes disagreement about many topics, and accounts for it; the former can only think in terms of “Winning” and complete domination vs. the other.
eg. “there’s no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history — one side must win“
If one side only cares about winning and the other does not, the side that wants to win, will win. Understanding this concept is mainstream on the left but marginal on the right. Not coincidentally, the country keeps marching left.
I don’t think you understand what i said.
Cass Sunstein, who i otherwise loathe, touches on a similar point today
I have to admit, the idea of the Indians whining about exclusive casino licenses makes me laugh a lot. You should have seen the freakout when Minneapolis considered a Twin Cities casino (non-Indian) to finance that abortion we call the People’s Stadium. So Governor Mumbles went with e-pull tabs instead.
In other areas of commerce, this would be called a “trust” or “monopoly,” and obviously we have laws against them, called anti-trust. So why is it OK now with certain areas like gambling, is because … feels. I know I am preaching to the choir, but yeah it still gets to me.
More refugees on the loose in Germany
German media say the animals broke out after a storm overnight caused flooding that damaged their enclosures
Was an arc the getaway vehicle?
Nancy Pelosi released a statement criticizing the de-felinization of the zoo refugees by calling them animals.
Or Ark. Farkin A.
Animals? Guess the German media is racist
Your comment struck a chord with me.
You know who else had Tigers roaming the streets of Germany?
Ron Gardenhire’s parents?
Now that is a reference. Where’s our Minnesoda contigent?
Hits gloves off of Tundra’s hands with baseball bat.
Tamil Eelam?
Heinz Guderian?
Just in case you were wondering why Facebook wants to become a regulated public utility
Are you saying that even “big, all powerful companies” might fall behind and fail if they aren’t beholden to the will of the masses? Is no one secure in capitalism?
When Facebook goes the way of MySpace, I’ll quite enjoy laughing in the face of all the Lefties who expressed concern that Facebook would get too big or pervasive and somehow enslave the whole world.
Instagram is owned by Facebook, so I don’t really see a big problem for them there.
I am not sure how that is supposed to work. If they are a regulated public utility people will flock to it? Are they going to force people to pay some kind of fee or be users the way electric companies do? Subsidies? What?
Mandatory selfies every 3 days
They’ll have the opportunity to exclude competition, is my guess.
Of course. I need more coffee.
Schools will make Facebook assignments and not allow competitors to be used. Zuckerberg Youth
They’re leaving it because their parents are on it, no other reason than that.
Once parents start using snapchat instead of facebook and youtube instead of broadcast TV, those platforms will decline as well.
What can we at home do to help. Parent Outreach, Sign Up Assistance, etc
This may be the best picture of La Porte, TX ever taken.
EDIT: This seems like a pretty niche power generation product in the actual article, but I’ve never seen La Porte look so good. Plus, you don’t get the smell in pictures.
mmmmm. Good old La Farte, Texas. I’m so glad I grew up in Austin and not in the refinery hell of south Texas or the cow patty perfume of west Texas.
Another fuckin’ shell game. Where do they think that pure O2 comes from? Magic? How much CO2 is produced in the production of that pure O2? How much in subsidies are involved here?
I think they did admit that if you factor in the O2 production, efficiency drops to about 60% — where every other combustion plant is. And yes, this is all about the subsidies.
If I remember correctly commercial oxygen is obtained by freezing air and then distilling it. That takes a shit-ton of electricity…electricity generated largely by burning fossil fuel.
If this method was commercially viable they would prime the process with purchased O2 then use the excess energy they produce to produce their own oxygen supply. You know, a perpetual motion machine.
I used to know an engineer who designed ethanol plants. I only got half-way through asking him “Why do your designs all include a fuel oil tank?” when he held up his hand and stopped me. “I know, I have heard it a thousand times. Just dont.”
ethanol plants
Like potatoes?
You reminding me of driving across the Laguna Madre from Corpus to Padre island. When I first moved there I though the smell was some kind of rotting sea life but later found it was a old well belching H2S.
Cannabis and sport: NFL’s Mike James asks for permission to use cannabis
Use cortisone injections, Tramadol and steroids like you’re supposed to buddy!
But he’s rich and should get an exception.
Or just go on the Favre Diet: Vicodin and Jack Daniels
Careful Sloopy. I hear Pinellas beaches are where Scientologists hunt for fresh brains.
It looks like they haven’t found any for quite a while.
You earned this
We’re going up north to the Appalachicola area. This is the closest restaurant. Maybe Sloopy and I will do a “Rednecks in the Mist” style writeup.
Nice. That should be a fun trip.
DO IT!!!!
Florida Man Expedition/Safari
YAY, JIMMIE’S!!! I have never had a bad meal there and they don’t bat an eye when I try to eat my body weight in steamed shrimp. Have a great time y’all.
gotta be some sort of rule against Glib meet ups, as this is too much for ordinary mortals to handle. . . but have fun, and be safe.
I keep trying to meet up with the Grand Rapids contingent while we’re there but can’t get any responses.
… Hobbit
We’re a nasty and mean crew over here.
I’m often found at The Derby Station in Gaslight Village.
We’re visiting daughter #2 for several days next week and were hoping to grab a beer with you sometime. If interested shoot an email to jemezhobbit at gmail.
We’re actually walking out the door in a few minutes to start our road trip. Hope to hear from you.
Vermont will pay you $10,000 to move there and work from home
It’s a trap!
This policy is intended to address Vermont’s aging population. While the state may be rich in beautiful landscapes and maple syrup, it has a rapidly shrinking tax base.
“Let’s take some of this money we keep stealing from our dwindling population and use it lure in some new suckers so we can steal their money too. And by the way, why is our tax base shrinking?”
From the sidebar:
“Cyclist in Croydon armed with huge ‘zombie knife’ smashes driver’s window in shocking ‘road rage’ row after near miss”
WTF is a zombie knife?
WTF is a Croydon?
It is thw assualt rifle of the knife world
Goddamn typos. I hate phone typing.
In England? Probably means it has a sharp point on it.
The most valuable banknote in circulation is worth about as much as a bitcoin
No love for the US $10,000 bill? I know they only made a set number of them – and I guess they’re all out of circulation…but not a mention?
Is it me or do the Warriors get a tad too much love from the officiating?
God, I wish Green would play hockey. Someone would smack that jive talkin’ punk. That team rubs me wrong and not sure why.
I don’t care either way and think James is a drama queen but man was he a beast last night. Alas, the gods decided na-ah!
I am still waiting for the lakers comeback. Hopefully they too will benefit from whistle in the future
We should start a pool for the World Cup. The deniers of the beautiful game can snipe all they want from the sidelines.
Go Belgium!
I may sit this one out. The problem for FIFA is there are too many shitty referees on the roster that have no business anywhere near a soccer game. I can’t stand watching incompetence anymore. Mind you, I haven’t watched that much in recent years. I went form doing radio work to not caring in a jiffy lube second. Why should I invest 2 hours in a game only to watch it be decided on a retard call? I’d rather stare at my neighbour.
I’ll only come back when VAR is instituted, they put a fricken second ref on the pitch and offer a challenge system.
This thing of a Pope marshalling the game without help is absurd in today’s game.
There are always a million reasons not to watch it, but then it starts and I get caught up in the moment and wind up watching every televised match. Bet you do, too.
I admit to that but not like I used to.
I may watch to see which country gets fucked over.
It’s about time Trump puts tariffs on hockey and soccer, they’re un-American!
2002 started the long process of slowly shedding that sport from my life.
/plops on the coach.
It may go further back when I was inexplicably cut from an elite soccer squad when I was 14. Parents were still talking about that years later because I was basically the top player and the only left-footer. I was deprived of going to a tournament in France. My father, never said much, in a conversation I overheard with my mother said, ‘it’s too bad. There’s no way he wasn’t top five.’ The fucker who cut me is still putzing around the soccer world. I learned a hard lesson that year.
Rumors had it he took a bribe (the player he took was never even at the try outs and a guy on my city team who was really a sub-par player on our team) and he cut me because I wasn’t part of his association. That’s the rumour AND I’M STICKING TO IT.
/turns over on couch. One tear strolls down.
I should add an assistant coach told my mother he was against it and couldn’t prove the bribe but he suspected it. And in the drills, I came top 2 in every single one of them. Damn, I juggled over 1000 footsies with every part of my body.
And still….the Anne Boleyn treatment.
And as if that wasn’t enough. I was put on Team Canada’s short list for try outs the next year. Only to tear my ACL playing organized ball hockey.
And that was that.
It’s funny. When I had a fun stint at Brest (my cousin’s friend played for them) at a practice and practiced with Serie C players, none believed I was from Canada. My father told one of the guys who insisted I play with him, ‘and he has one knee’.
I’m done vented.
Venting. Why am I saying all this like a crazy guy? I just told my daughter this story as an example life sometimes disappoints. She was stunned to hear it and then says, ‘It still bothers you?’
Rufus, you need to change your avatar to Al Bundy. But I get it.
I juggled over 1000 footsies with every part of my body.
I didn’t give a shit about soccer until I moved here and everybody was watching it. Hated it at first, but thanks to hockey I began to see the dynamics involved. Phil Jackson had his triangle offense that ended up in everyone calling him the zen master. Hockey and soccer have much more fluid/strategic beauty to it than basketball. Good stuff.
Hockey is all instinct. My buddy always laughed when coaches tried to set plays up like in basketball because, as a defensemen, he said the second the whistle went the first order of business was to try and ram someone’s face into the goal post. Lol.
The only thing I understand about it, is if your team is losing, you fall down a lot and roll around on the ground grabbing your knee until some dude gets out a red card. Does anything else happen?
Coaching my son and playing soccer myself has taught me a lot about the game and now I really appreciate it a lot more and also enjoy watching it.
It’s relatively easy to throw a ball 30 yards in the air into someone’s hands, but trying doing that pinpoint accuracy with your foot.
U-S-A! U-S-A! Wait. What do you mean we didn’t qualify?
Hank Hill: Bobby, I didn’t want to tell you this, but soccer is a sport invented by European communists.
That’s why it’s popular in Seattle.
Kendall Jenner Is Being Body-Shamed for Her Weight and Tan Lines in This Bikini Picture
I still enjoy the new journalism genre of among the billions on the internet there are trolls.
As one of the most-followed people on Instagram, Kendall Jenner’s pictures are seen by more eyes than most. Unfortunately, that also means she faces completely uncalled for scrutiny over how her body looks. – not that i care about instagram but if anyone calls for scrutiny over looks it is an instagram model
I remember when the price of being famous was facing public criticism. We’re supposed to treat these assholes like literal royalty now.
She’s got sharp knees. Wouldn’t hit that.
Dont lie it is unbecoming
What does she call her Dad, Mom?
Where are people getting all these sloths?
2 for 1 sale at costco
Its not like they can run away.
Very glad to say that I have no idea what she looks like and, no, I’m not clicking that.
$111,000-a-year salary
With this kind of extraordinary salary given to Chicago’s hero’s in blue, I can only assume that the quality of law enforcement officer is equally extraordinary and the crime level is nearly non-existent. Right? RIGHT?
That’s a totally nonbinary salary. Bigots.
What do you mean, it’s completely binary. He’s only making $56 a year, further proof that our protectors are underpaid.
In the Monroe pic, the old guy between her and the bald guys has the best “DAT ASS” face I have EVER seen.
“Shit, looks like positive job numbers are coming in the jobs report today. How do we do our best to make the president look bad now? Ooh, I know….”
-WaPo political staff
Lol, these fucking clowns have completely lost their goddamn minds. Trump has officially broken them.
The comments. They’re so bad, I’ve taken to trolling them. What a bunch of pompous retards.
You can’t troll them, they’re too dumb to realize they’re being trolled.
“President Trump on Friday broke with decades of protocol and commented publicly about the highly anticipated jobs report data 69 minutes before they were released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.”
OHH, MUH BUTTS, MUH BUTT HURTZ!!!! *ships out industrial size barrel of hutthurt lotion, puts ground up glass in it*
All I saw was that he couldn’t wait for the numbers to come out, he didn’t reveal the numbers. Am I supposed to believe that Chocolate Jesus never made any comments before his fabricated numbers came out?
I’m sure some dipshit progressives will say Trump had a bunch of his friends invest in funds tied to the Dow index five minutes before he tweeted that and cash in!
They’ll be a big overlap in that group and the group who says Hillary was genuinely lucky in her futures trading and that Whitewater was a big nothingburger where nothing was found.
And the numbers were always, ALWAYS revised downward later back then.
“The world famous DJ and socialite was seen wearing white heart-shaped Saint Laurent lenses along with a whimsical Chanel surfboard bag and a killer Moschino + My Little Pony print bikini.
Shop the same bikini via the link to the right for $175 and make like Paris this summer.”
That soccer player should have an AK47 tattoo, not an AR.
Yep – If he told the press he was some kind of commie rebel, they would never mention it again.
What is Einfield, chopped liver?
“Amanda Seyfried gives rare glimpse into her ‘dreamy’ marriage and motherhood as she sizzles in a series of sexy outfits
Inside the issue she gets serious on gun laws, motherhood, why it’s a powerful time for women in Hollywood, and why Trump’s election inspired her to get married.
On gun laws: ‘What exactly are you protecting? At this point, I actually demand a reason as to why people believe that assault rifles should be sold in Walmart. Why do you need an assault rifle? Arming teachers? Teachers are not security guards. Teachers are not bodyguards. They are f**king teachers. They’re there to educate. F**k you. Kids are being killed. And they keep saying, “It’s not the guns that kill people, It’s the mental illness.” Well then, let’s talk about mental illness.’”
Virtue signalling and low-key foot fetish porn, with a side order of fashion.
What’s with these fuckers that can fucking get a sentence out without fucking saying fuck, especially on a serious topic? Cursing unnecessarily is just a sign of low fucking intelligence if you ask me.
Yeah, fuck that shit.
They’re a bunch of fucking cunts.
That’s cool, right?
It is completely un-fucking-necessary. Also fuck Amanda. I dont fucking give into demands of fucking airheads that fucking think they get to decide what I fucking need. Fuck that. How about I decide that she needs a heapin’ helpin’ of shut the fuck up.
I have a pact with myself not to swear in court, which is hard to keep sometimes. By the same token, I hear a few judges off the bench who are constantly cursing with each other and counsel off the bench. How can they turn it off, does the switch happen when they put on the robe? Gah, that being said, I did curse today on the record, it was “damn” but no one heard me. Sure there will be no transcript, so I am fine. . .
It’s easy. I swear like a fucking sailor irl, but in a professional setting, never. I always feel like it’s a performance anyway.
If someone starts swearing at work – especially at a meeting and not just banter between co-workers – I’m going to assume someone is an asshat who can’t control themselves.
Hear, hear.
I let the fucks flow freely at work. I wouldn’t work here if I couldn’t.
Some of these women at my office (which is somewhat of a call center, mind you) think that it’s really cute and edgy to talk about their sex lives in great detail.
I don’t participate in the discussions at all and occasionally make a face of “meh, whatever”. They mistake that for me being some kind of 1800s prude who is disgusted by sex talk, despite me telling them several times that after hearing how the women at the prison talk, they couldn’t possibly gross me out.
Oh well, if they want to have reputations as unprofessional and immature people, that’s no skin off my back.
I only ever swear at work when it will make a joke more funny.
This seems appropriate:
I’d still fuck her. She would not be a fuckless cunt.
I saw Anon recently. Kinda meh. Started interesting but the third act was not that great
It was meh.
When I was 17 your state ordered me to not only take ownership of an actual assault rifle (not the wannabe semi-auto versions at Wally World) but in addition the drill instructors made it imperative that I learn everything there is to know about it and how to use it. Heck, they even made me teach the slower recruits about the wonders of the M-16A1.
So now that I have spent a couple decades in your state’s uniform I feel like I kinda have a right to possess one of those assault rifles. But since a real assault rifle would cost more than a decent used car I will settle for a semi-auto rifle. It’s more practical anyway.
And Molon Labe, Futher-Muckers!
Thing about it is, leftists have no idea just how badly they are going to lose this argument. No, schools cannot have armed security, like every airport in the country, because leftists want kids to be shot, so that they can leap upon that pile of bodies and crow for gun control. Now, a funny thing is happening, home schooling is seeing a rapid increase. And guess what? How many of those home schooled kids do you think are going to be constantly bombarded with Marxism, all day, every day?
Why is it that people who have no idea what they’re talking about seem to have the strongest opinions about it?
Thinking is hard. It’s easier to just let your betters throw you the daily talking point so you can agree with them, because. And no need to debate, you don’t need to debate, because you know you’re right. Just build a strawman and attack it. If another individual tries to debate you, just call them racist, stick your fingers in your ear and scream. This means you won.
They’re there to educate.
At my job I am expected to do any number of things. But guess what, I am also responsible for my defense and I take responsibility to defend other innocent people if I am capable.
I actually demand a reason
The reason is irrelevant to the fact that the government is expressly not allowed to prohibit the private ownership of any particular arm, firearm or otherwise.
What exactly are you protecting?
Is she under the impression that you can just take an AR-15 from Wal-Mart and take it through the self-checkout at 3 AM? Does she not understand that the Wal-Mart stores that sell guns are federally licensed firearms dealers who have to do a background check just the same as a regular gun store?
Once again, a Leftist decided not to do a fact check. “Party of Facts and Science”, my ass.
Amnesty International Proves Its Irrelevance Once Again
public opposition to racial injustice
Ah, but you see, he did it in PUBLIC in a country in which no government violence will be directed to him for expressing a (stupid and wrong) opinion. That’s true heroism.
I’ll say this for him: he should have known that doing what he was doing would kill his career and I commend his commitment to it by trading his career to make that statement, whether the statement itself is stupid or not.
If he thought that there would be no cost to doing it, then he’s just a fucktard.
His career was already going in the dumper when he started the kneeling bullshit, likely thinking it would make it harder for the team to cut him loose, because “racism” or “punishing him for advocacy” rather than acknowledging he doesn’t have much to offer anymore. It was pure self-serving bullshit.
If they ever find out he’s a jew they’ll have to make like it was only a pretend award.
It fucking pisses me off that Lefties have made the legitimate issue of unnecessary police killings into a race issue.
There are people of all races who get killed by the cops for an unacceptable reason, and the root of the problem in every case is the same: police unions rescuing murderous cops from accountability.
But the whole Black Lives Matter crowd is actually ignoring the white people who get shot by the cops. They actually pretend that they don’t exist and that white people don’t have any right to chime in on this debate unless it’s to parrot the “systemic racism” line and apologize for their white privilege.
So, thanks a fucking lot to BLM for poisoning the whole debate. You can’t get to the right solution if you’re misdiagnosing the problem.
Preach it!
Woops. Gaza terror rocket hits Strip’s own power lines, leaves Palestinians in dark.
JOOS to blame. News at 11.
You say that in jest, but Twitter was teeming with people claiming exactly this the other day. I shit thee not.
It wasn’t jest, it was sarcasm, because I know that’s exactly what the left will claim. They’re the most predictable people on the planet.
I’m nothing but compost’: Bill Murray on good friends, bad bosses and Harvey Weinstein
So I’m stuck in Florida with little to do because location reasons, and I binge-watched the first two seasons of Boardwalk Empire. Binged hard, I tell you.
I decided to stop at the end of season two not just because SPOILERS Jimmy was shot but all of a sudden I couldn’t stand Margaret when she signed over the land to the church. I would not have blamed Nucky for killing her for that. /bitter from defiled expectations.
I made the mistake of finding out that by season 5, they did not include all that happened in 1928-1930, including the Atlantic City Conference and the Crash (since they went that far down the road), which was a significant dis of history in a period piece. I might have hung in there if they’d done that.
On the other hand, “Esther Randolph” is important for me to know for my WIP, so there’s that.
Can’t you just walk out on the street in Florida and find better drama?
Where I am so far, it is disappointingly normal. I suppose I could go hand out at the sketchy Walmart.
No, do the hand out thingy.
They called the character Nucky Thompson instead of Nucky Johnson (the real person) because they deviated significantly from reality in later seasons. The real Nucky was so dominant in Atlantic County that he was never actually challenged by any of the other bootleggers and mob bosses, and the absence of such conflict was deemed not interesting enough by the producers, so they made up some conflicts and wars and changed his name to Thompson.
Nucky Thompson was a much better, much more believable character when he was a crooked political machine boss rather than an outright gangster.
Nucky Johnson was actually both, and the real shit was very interesting,for example the Atlantic City Conference of mob bosses and bootleggers, where Al Capone allegedly started going apeshit when the hotel he wanted to stay at refused to book him because Italians weren’t welcome and started throwing paintings and chairs in the lobby, Nucky grabbed him and physically shoved him into a car and took him to the Ritz-Carlton where he had him stay gratis. There was really no need to invent outlandish stuff to keep it interesting.
Capone came to Kansas City to see if he could expand his operation here. Lazia very politely (not a euphemism) told him KC didn’t do business Capone’s way (senseless violence or much of it at all), and he was not welcome if he was going to bring a war to KC.
I loved that show. I’m a total 1920s history dork, and that was right up my alley.
The portrayal of young Benny Siegel was awesome – that dude was pure, 100%, unadulterated psychopath.
I’d recommend finishing the series anyway. Some things in season 4 seem a bit pointless, but other than that, it’s a great series.
I might. I admit I am curious about how they do without Jimmy.
Yesterday, there was a nice bit of nonsensical gobbledygook in la WaPo (redundant, I know) about how millionaire football players kneeling during the national anthem is just like that time young black protesters would go to all-white churches in the south, and kneel as if praying outside if they were refused entry.
Oppression is real, People!
It is also like the chinese students standing in front of tanks
The Aussies would’ve done that better. “Hold my beer…”
Oh, the football players are so oppressed, after they kneel in protest of a false premise (that cops shoot black guys more often than white guys, which has fuck all to do with the national anthem anyway) they have to get into their oppressed Bentlys, and drive to their oppressed mansions, and chill by their oppressed swimming pools. So very oppressed.
“Richard Taylor, whose nine-year-old son was killed in a street attack, accused the England ace of recklessly glamorising a gun culture that is claiming the lives of youngsters”
Funny, but everytime I see an attack in Britain it seems to be a truck or a knife. Maybe you should rail against knife and truck culture. Oh yeah, I forgot, the authoritah over there will lock you up for doing that.
Damilola Taylor’s dad slams Raheem Sterling for reckless gun tattoo and demands he apologises to families of gun victims
How the mighty have fallen. Tattoos of inanimate objects are now “reckless”. Perhaps there really is no turning back for jolly ole England.
Also, I would like to point out one overlooked aspect of the American revolution: We learned how to spell.
They came for the “Z” but we fought them off.
Pissing your pants over a tattoo of an inanimate object is pretty low.
By the way, you owe apologies to all the people I told “Bitch. I. Oper-Rate” last weekend.
Operators don’t apologize.
My kids all think the “no making a gun with your fingers rule in school” is the dumbest crap ever.
I remember when I was in elementary school, we would have art class and most of the boys would either draw rockets, trucks and cars, or battles of people shooting each other, with guns. Can you imagine the mass pantshitting today if some kid drew gun battles in art class? Or do they even have art class now, or was it replaced by non-binary intersectional gender studies?
Oh hell yeah, all the boys would draw battles with tanks and explosions and body parts flying and blood all over the place. It was just little boys being little boys and nobody thought anything of it.
I once drew a scene of the Pearl Harbor attack. It was rather elaborate. No violence except explosions. And I turned out alright as I do not have a propensity for violence. Boys can be boys while having no harm or foul.
I used to love to draw cars.
With machine guns and flamethrowers and rocket launchers! Wreaking havoc in urban areas!
And nothing else happened.
“I used to love to draw cars.
With machine guns and flamethrowers and rocket launchers! Wreaking havoc in urban areas!”
So, you had the Murika of today perfectly envisioned. I thought only Europeans could do that.
I had a particular fascination with tanks, which dovetailed with my WWII obsession, so I drew tanks. Lots and lots of them.
Me too – gotta admit I was pretty damn excited the first time I got to do stuff with tanks in the military. Hell, I probably still would be today.
The margins of my childhood notebooks:
1. swords
2. tanks
3. stick-figure Where’s Waldo styled battle scenes
4. geometric tiling
Freaky Friday: Someone please decipher this for me
I ran it through the manslator. It says “I’m nuts. Stay away from me.”
Thats all I got
Good morning suthen! How’d you, the spousal unit & the canine units sleep last night?
Soundly. thank you for asking. I am on the wagon these days so one ambien and lights out. A good solid 8 hours. I plan on having a nap today as well.
Should we stay up late to wait for your ambien tweets?
Deuternomic-derived? Hey babe, can I get your Numbers?
What was the Genesis of that shitty joke?
I call for a mass Exodus from this sub thread. Who’s with me?
I find the puns a Revelation
*expresses Lamentations*
Swiss is going to be all Torah up about this thread.
Not me, I’m still waiting for a revelation to appear.
Y’all are truly Kings of the pun world
It’s a testament to their devotion to the art.
After the Amanda Seyfried pics my Pentateuch was tumescent but this drivel made me limp. I’m gonna Haftorah leave this thread.
I’m remaining neutron on this topic.
Does the UN wheat have to be delivered by UN rapists?
-UN wheat recipient in Mozambique
I am shocked to learn that the UN produces wheat. Where exactly are all of these UN wheat farms?
capitalistically-prescribed gender
What the actual fuck?
All evils stem from capitalism.
Anyone see that the Dems are now running on reducing gas prices? You cannot even make this shit up. Is this the same bunch who had supported a POTUS who said ‘under my plan, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket’? Is this the same bunch who for the past 8 years have fought against fracking and pipelines? Is this the same bunch who always wants more gas tax? Is this the same bunch who wants to ‘keep oil in the ground’? No hypocrisy here, no sirree.
One of the commoners in the WaPo article said, filed under ‘it’s okay when the GOP do it’.
They’ve taken to calling conservatives ‘snowflakes.’
They simply distort everything.
“They’ve taken to calling conservatives ‘snowflakes.’”
They’re infants and they possess the same amount of creativity as said infants. Nuh uh, you are!
What do they plan to do to reduce gas prices that Trump isnt already doing?
Call for it, it happens, claim credit.
In that case I’m calling it now, we’re all going to die someday.
“What do they plan to do to reduce gas prices”
Ban Fracking
Ban oil pipelines
Raise gas taxes
Ban drilling for oil everywhere possible
Chant ‘keep oil in the ground’
I mean everyone can see how much that is going to reduce prices at the pumps, right?
reducing gas prices
So what they are saying is that they want to reduce the gas tax?
It was amazing how the media ran lots of stories complaining about gas prices during the GWB administration, then no stories about gas prices (except for those correctly pointing out that the president has little control over them) during the Obama administration, and now has gone back to complaining about prices.
Funny thing, that.
“Is it time for #StarWars to have a sex scene?”
Only if it involves Chewbacca.
I was mildly annoyed at the previews before the latest Star Wars. They got pretty risque for a movie targeted at kids.
Princess Leia gets gangbanged.
But I’m sure it’s been done and Fischer is dead.
They actually cut a long scene of Chewbacca pleasing himself during the Tie-Fighter attack out of the original cut of Star Wars: A New Hope. Han and Luke were busy in their gun turrets, fighting off the swarming fighters, and Chewie was busy flagellating himself, expecting to die at any moment in a fiery-explosion, and hoping to synchronize the moment with an epic-wookiegasm
I bet she gives great helmet.
Did you send that joke to ‘Cracked’?
/stoic look.
Druish princesses are always attracted to money, and power, and I have BOTH!
It really is not. Sex scenes are not ‘Star Wars’ any more than the ridiculous Marvel style humor they’re putting in it now.
speaking of Marvel humor, I recently watched Thor: Ragnorak. And uh… uhmm… was happy when it was over. So many little flat jokes – as people are getting killed left and right… and his city is in peril. Not that everything needs to be doom ‘n’ gloom, but it seemed Incongruous.
Speaking of incongruous, I may be a bit of a fuddy-duddy, but when I do actually watch a movie, I expect it to have its own dedicated music score. So having Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” blasting out of nowhere (TWICE!) is one of the biggest killers of dramatic tension for me, and rather lowers my estimation of the movie as a whole.
The exception for me is period movies. If there’s a flick set in the 60s or 70s, a soundtrack with period-correct music on it helps set the scene for me.
Only if it involves Chewbacca.
That’s what netflix is paying the Obamas 65mil for.
What do you do when giving an award to a person who said something problematic while gloating over the firing of a person who said something problematic? Ban the press of course.
The only award Samantha bee should be getting is the retardiest person ever allowed on TV.
“We spent the day wrestling with the repercussions of one bad word, when we all should have spent the day incensed that as a nation we are wrenching children from their parents and treating people legally seeking asylum as criminals,” Bee said at NeueHouse Hollywood. “If we are OK with that then really, who are we?”
It’s just ridiculous. Fuck it. I’m in. Let’s fight this war. Everyone gets to strike “one bad word” from any tweet or comment they make. Deal.
treating people legally seeking asylum as criminals
The fact that there is a lot of violent crime in your country is not a legitimate basis for asylum, you have to be in danger of being directly persecuted for your political beliefs, or ethnicity, religion, etc.
Even if these ‘asylum seekers’ actually did have a legitimate claim, the rules of asylum state you stop as soon as you reach the first safe country – which would be Mexico. These people are not asylum seekers, they are economic migrants.
We spent the day wrestling with the repercussions of one bad word
Go fuck yourself, you cunty, mendacious twat. You insinuated the president would evince incestuous interest in his daughter should she dress the part.
Ah, so she’s not actually sorry and doesn’t regret saying it, despite her follow-up apology tweet. I wish I could say that I’m surprised.
What a Canadian cunt.
Oh damn, is she one of y’all’s? Are there many of those on the ground? If so I could see why you’d want to export them ASAP.
What, Canuckistan is responsible for sending us Justin Bieber AND Samantha Bee?
You flappy-headed monsters!
I wonder if Samantha Bee even knows what feckless means? She sees the definition of cunt every time she looks in the mirror, so I doubt that part is a problem.
Tattoo removal by caustic products” is not a good idea, unsurprising study finds
Doesn’t a belt sander work just fine?
Happy Friday you Glibs!
A gift for the connoisseurs of posteriors.
The ginger in 10, for the win. 68, is that Kim Kardashian’s little sister? There’s a very strong resemblance.
Rainbow grilled cheese?
14 knows how to get the best out of a pose – tiptoes, for maximum definition.
Just wanted to drop by and say that I have a piece that’s going to be published here on Monday, but I’ll be driving ~500 miles that day and won’t get to drop in very often to respond in the comments section.
Anyway, Happy Friday.
Thanks in advance!
Don’t thank me yet… you might not like it!
Pissing your pants over a tattoo of an inanimate object is pretty low.
There was a news story a few years ago about a guy who had a tattoo of the butt of a gun on his belly, so it looked like he had a gun stuffed in his belt. He went outside one morning to yell at some workers making too much noise, with no shirt on.
Hilarity ensued.
The only tattoo that has ever truly inspired me.
Now that’s classy
Great goodness
A suitable companion piece
A gift for the connoisseurs of posteriors.
In case this hasn’t been covered: Spain’s government has fallen. This is the first time since the Civil War days when this has happened. The new “government” consists solely of the moribund Socialist Party, which holds less than one-quarter of the seats (and would be lucky to win anything close to that again in an election) and has nothing remotely resembling an ally.
In any case, the soap opera behind the move has been juicy for anyone who’s been following, any Spanish politics junkies out there.
Made the WSJ. But unlike most other major news sources the WSJ feels compelled to report on things other than Trump.
Mind you the editorial page has no problem taking on Trump.
Traditionally the WSJ has always been immensely proud that the editorial and news sections might as well have been two different papers. There was understandably a lot of anxiety about the fate of this tradition after the Murdoch takeover. I can’t say I’ve been paying enough attention since (it happened in the waning days of the average person still giving a shit about newspapers) to know how it’s fared.
Best of the bunch. Editorial remains distinct from news. It’s the reason I continue to pay a hefty sum for a subscription. Given the plethora of “free” news that says a bit.
For a bunch of left leaning reporters they generally try to report the news straight.
I’d add that during the Obama era the WP used to try to actually push back and was good source of US news and politics.
But after the election (and Bezos acquisition) the WP has gone bonkers. I never could have predicted such an incredible meltdown.
Revenge for the Catalan dysfunction/mismanagement? Guess they’ll have to schedule elections unless they can work out an alliance?
I thought the government fell and had snap elections after they blamed the Basques for the 2003 train bombing as well?
Spanish politics junkies
I’m more of a Spanish channel weather girl junkie.
Funny that whoever vandalized the Wikipedia page decided to go after the CAGOP, probably the most ineffectual and powerless group of Republicans in the country.
“decided to go after the CAGOP”
Gotta create that strawman to knock down.
That’s why they go after them. Lions go after the weakest zebras.
Lions, maybe.
Bill Clinton was the first Democrat, other than Johnson in 1964, to win California since World War Two. And those California Republicans did not fuck around either, in general.
“In Old Blog Post, MSNBC’s Joy Reid Attacked Wolf Blitzer For Being Too Nice To Jews
In a post from The Reid Report dated December 5, 2005, Reid said that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then-president of Iran, was really onto something when he suggested that the “Zionist regime” of Israel should just relocate to Europe.
“God is not a real estate broker,” the blogpost reads. “He can’t just give you land 1,000 years ago that you can come back and claim today.”
You can read the whole thing here. The short version of Ahmadinejad’s proposal is to make all the jews pack up and leave the Middle East so they can hide out in a German province somewhere and leave everyone alone.”
I kinda wish public places with tvs would just keep them on msnbc as a constant reminder of how f’d up the left is.
I eagerly await Joy Reid’s passionate advocacy on behalf of the Volga Germans.
“Is England’s performance at the World Cup more important than young lives lost on London’s streets?”
Yes, because a fucking tattoo is what kills those poor defenseless little tykes.
Fucking animists.
In very tentative defense, the suggestion that this ridiculous rando’s opinion (and that of the twat who manages to unite every sector of Britain in contempt) should be pyschologically undermining his morale before the Cup, or whatever, is almost as lame as the comment itself.
In any case, Raheem Sterling fucked this one up. Don’t give us that lameass “As it happens, my own father was killed by gun violence when I was a child; this is what it is for” bullshit. That just makes you some kind of Jamaican Kyle Kashuv. Sterling should’ve played the race card, said it was in solidarity with the motherland, and called the whiny dad an Uncle Tom.
They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, and words are literally violence, so that guy committed 1,000 violences!
Always worth reposting, Hoffer’s take on Israel
link/original source?
It;s posted in a few places on the internet. It was originally a 1968 WSJ op-ed.
That American Thinker has a turn-of-the-century clunky design that’s very similar to what The American Conservative had until recently, and I always got the two mixed up. The general design gestalt seems to also be quite popular for a bunch of publications targeted at…well, let us say, those who find The American Conservative too Likudnik for their tastes. Weird stuff.
At this point, I actually demand a reason as to why people believe that assault rifles should be sold in Walmart.
At this point, I actually demand a reason as to why “entertainment personalities” believe anybody gives a fuck about their brain farts.
That’s easy, they’re unintelligent and pig-ignorant egomaniacs who are surrounded by sycophants.
“God is not a real estate broker,” the blogpost reads. “He can’t just give you land 1,000 years ago that you can come back and claim today.”
If He’s God He can you idiot……….
It’s like, if She Believes in God she’s fucked, and if she doesn’t, then why care?
Joy was obviously appealing to the more conspiracy minded black audience back then. Jew-baiting is a time-honored tradition in that community.
Shouldn’t she just be shutting her yap about conquistadors and colonialism then, by that logic?
The driver has not been arrested which makes me think this was self-defense.
Police said an Uber driver fatally shot a passenger in the vehicle just before 3 a.m.
I suspect you are correct.
“Death By Injection: The band of lawyers that keeps Harris County DA office rocking
Back in 1983, when Death By Injection was still practicing for that fateful Christmas party, Harris County was not yet the “capital of capital punishment,” though it may have been foreseeable for anyone paying close attention.
In the years that followed, the county became the nation’s most prolific executioner in a decadeslong love affair with capital punishment that waxed then waned, almost in step with the group, which has become the closest thing the Harris County District Attorney’s Office has to an in-house band.
“It was emblematic,” Mitcham said. “Part of the zeitgeist.”
In March 1984 — three months after Death By Injection’s debut — Ronald Clark O’Bryan became the first Harris County killer executed by lethal injection.. More executions followed, with the Lone Star State executing 40 men and women in 2000 alone. The band’s popularity seemingly followed the arc of lethal injections. By 2000, Death By Injection was playing to crowds of thousands at events such as Party on the Plaza and the Galveston Sandcastle Comeptition. Two years later, the group released its only album, “Down at the Courthouse.” It’s still available on iTunes.”
Interesting story. But damn even I think that is in poor taste–and I would probably be considered too pro-death penalty for the Texas Republican Party.
Anyone see that the Dems are now running on reducing gas prices?
A few cents here, a few cents there. Peanuts. Why even bother?
It’s funny that back during the reign of ‘The One’, there were several times gas prices were higher than they are now, and all I heard out of the Dems is that they still were not high enough.
No you silly goose it’s State Capitalism!
“Certain statist economic policies associated with a project called 21st-century socialism are indeed implicated in many of the economic distortions and damaging incentives ravaging the Venezuelan economy.”
He should have stopped there. He’s basically confusing economics with capitalism. Both socialism and capitalism obey the laws of economics. The natural human inclinations in response to socialism’s perverse incentives that unsuccessfully attempt to circumvent supply and demand may appear to be “capitalism” but that is because capitalism is much more in line with human nature. You can’t turn a nation into slaves and expect it to work.
It’s never true socialism. Never ever ever. Every time it’s failed, it’s because someone deviated from Marx’s real vision. NEXT time they’re totally getting it right, I swear!
But ‘democratic’ socialism works, just look at Europe! /derp
Morning Glibs! Hope all is well in your world.
Ten years old and already stupid beyond belief. I blame public schools.
You can’t parody this crap.
You would deny it?
In case all y’all wypipo wanted to know how to not be so wypipo-ish
That better be by the author of The Blackman’s Guide to Understanding the Blackwoman or it’s just a waste of time.
I was reading a Sherlock Holmes story the other day, called “The Adventure of the Three Gables”. Whoever compiled the book thought that this particular story might not have been written by Doyle, and in the footnotes pointed out some out-of-character things Holmes does. First, he addresses someone by their first name, then he insults someone based on their social class. In the footnotes, it said “this is something a gentleman would not do.”
It got me thinking, about how much more civilized things would be if we went back to expecting people to act like gentlemen and ladies. But of course, that’s white privilege cis-something-or-other so it’s not acceptable. We are so doomed.
I think a lot of social rules of “olden days” were actually there for good reason. Not every single one, but some of them.
I hear a lot of women these days ruminating on why “men don’t act like gentlemen anymore”, but they certainly don’t act like proper ladies, either.
Why don’t people like this clown just follow their stated beliefs to their logical conclusion and just off themselves? Don’t they realize what a noble act that will be, to remove a toxic white man from the world?
Sarah Silverman’s precarious brush with self awareness is like witnessing the moment an atom is split.
Remember when Sarah Silverman was funny? I remember.
I don’t.
There;s a difference between being a loud-mouth (Silverman) and a funny loud-mouth (Kinison).
This is the one time she made me laugh.
She was good in Cop Land
That was Janeane Garofolo
I’m pretty sure he’s referring to Sly Stallone.
Naw, Ray Liotta. Good way to tell them apart in general is Garofolo wears less makeup.
Oh Jesus! Damn! I just realized I’d never thought of the two of them at the same time. It was always one or the other, and I’d just kind of run them together in my mind without ever actually confusing them. Weird.
This was the one time for me.
1 reply 2 retweets 36 likes
Day Owl
4h4 hours ago
“Out of touch” with what? She advocates policies that help working Americans, like health care. What “realities” is she missing?”
See? She’s in touch! She knows what’s best for them!
Is “advocacy” like a bandaid or a pill? What does it treat?
If only we gave the worst health care in the first world to even more people, all our problems would be solved and we’d be just like idyllic Europe.
“idyllic Europe”
That’s why so many Americans are moving to Europe. Haven’t you seen on the news that the latest refugee crisis in Europe is actually Americans running there for free healthcare? They’re having to set up refugee camps now for Americans. Some blame it on Trump destroying Everything in America, but I know it’s free healthcare they’re after.
Well, to be fair, they won’t allow Americans to move there. Even though we’re clearly as oppressed as Middle Eastern countries living under our capitalist system.
Holy shit, gotta love this one:
L Oh fucking L!
“After long and careful consideration, I’ve determined it’s racism.”
“But it’s always racism.”
“Sure, that’s why I double-checked.”
Fuck her. That racist bitch didn’t think of the Puerto Ricans.
She would. If she shuts up long enough.
Also, re gas prices:
When the price at the pump started to fall after the peak, there was a large chorus of Demos saying, “This is the perfect time to jack up the gas tax, to keep prices at this punitive level and make all those dopes ride the bus.”
3.69$ and rising……….
Luxury! / European
If they fall again I smell a sweet-ass turn-of-the-century throwback mashup at the 2020 DNC! …
It is a few months old, but was wondering if anyone has any comments on the nominees. I have read “Darkship Thieves”, which was okay, but not good enough for me to read any of the sequels.
Just remembered I got this link in my email this morning – need to take a look at some of these: (a stack of land parcels up for auction – no reserve).
Those Wyoming parcels are looking very nice. They almost never come up – esp for that price. Also some nice packages in Canada (Rufus?), NV, TX, OR, CA, etc. Looks like a lot of repossessed land – assume some of the payments, etc – but seems pretty solid on the whole.
Ok….anyone know how to translate this into actual lat/long coordinates for google, etc? APN: SW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 3 T22N R97W 04-2297-03-2-00-044.00 148755
It’d be nice to figure out where exactly in the county it is located.
You’ll need a plat book for the county. I could get you close if I could see one.
I assumed some of the numbers there were minutes/seconds to go with the 22N 97W, but I guess that’s wrong. Any chance of me finding a PLAT book on google? Hell, some of these 40 ac packages are currently at $1 /no bids/no reserve (probably gonna change) with a total cost of <$20k in installments – I'll probably bid on em for the hell of it (and lose to someone in the live bidding tomorrow).
Try this. If you can get your numbers formatted correctly, it will spit out lat/long.
Is that NV?
The ones I’m looking at are all Sweetwater County, Wyoming, but there are a stack of NV plots for dirt cheap as well.
Try this
Awesome. Thanks
I knew Union Pacific still owned a lot around there – might be mixing stuff up. I think that gives me a general feel for the area – I know I’ve looked at the area a lot while driving I-80 before. Probably a little further off the road than I’ve normally been able to view. Might still take a shot with it. Looks like county road access for the most part. Why the hell not.
I think I’m missing a number in order to run the legal check through that BLM site – assuming it’s WY xx T22N R97W – the state and xx # aren’t listed on the property that I can tell.
Here’s a searchable map with a better interface. I think you want 6th Meridian.
Just realized that my answer was terrible. So I’ll try again.
You’ll still need a plat book for the county, but I’ll try and explain better: T22N R97W will get you to the Township it is in. If I’m reading it correctly it is the west half of section #3. (SW 1/4 NW 1/4 SEC 3) The last string of numbers is where I get lost. It’s a parcel number and while they can be “read,” I”m not sure how to do it
I see above it’s a 40 acre parcel. In that case I was wrong about it being a half of a section. Since it says SW and NW 1/4 it must partly in each quarter.
This one I think:,ownership,roads&filter=(pidn%20in('2297-03-2-00-044-00‘))
Thanks for the link. Much further East than I was calculating earlier, and a little further from the main road….but still appealing.
I found it here…well, not sure of the exact one, but you can see the parcels for sale
See the 8 smaller squares in the west half of section 3? It’s one of them.
It’s the one highlighted in this map
Thanks again. Good links for the future. Should work for all the parcels on that auction site. Definitely worth looking at if folks are in the market.
Good luck Ell Tee.
A buddy of mine and I onced researched those. MWe found that many of those parcels are inaccessible, (literally) under water, or otherwise unusable due to easments, EPA bullshit, etc.
Same state or something similar? Maybe I’ll just hold off for another year or so – not planning to attempt a westward move for a couple more years – and I don’t have resources to head back there in the next few months. Just surprised to see any parcels show up from that region in WY……although something may have changed with the railroad or something else. I honestly don’t recall seeing too many parcels at all in Sweetwater or this portion of WY when I was last researching 2 or 3 years ago: Most of the ones on auction are nearly identical to the ones listed on this site now – I mean if it’s zoned residential – that should mean “usable” right?
My research was done years ago, pre-internet. All I remember is that all the parcels were “out West”. My friend’s parents encouraged us to do this as a way of teaching us that something that sounds too good to be true often is.
Zoning is county-level doesn’t guarantee anything.
Shorter Tonio: Caveat emptor!
I do appreciate the tips. I will keep that in mind and do more research. All the ones on the landsofwyoming/washington/montana/etc always listed the address so I was able to keep an eye for some of those while driving. Maybe in a couple years.
OT: Is there any danger in growing potatoes a few feet away from the compost pile?
I know that a healthy pile is full of bacteria, but since the potatoes grow underground, they probably have bacteria and helminths all over them anyway, plus you wash them off and cook them. The other thing I was thinking about is that my compost pile is full of earwigs, millipedes, roly-polys, and other insects – is there a chance they could damage the plants or the potatoes?
Probably not unless your compost pile has something toxic in it. It might make the potatoes grow faster.
Depends; you gonna eat ’em or drink ’em?
Sounds like a shitty idea.
Do you have a dead hooker buried in the compost? I usually do. Makes the potatoes taste like death, sex and despair, just like god fucking intended.
Wash them and cook them and you’ll be fine.
Compost heaps often have darkling beetles, and their larvae can cause damage or spread disease.
Going to apologize ahead of time for future drunk posting over the next 24 hours.
Fuck. Woke up to a text from the ex demanding more money in child support for my son, since he won’t be going to college this year. Bitch! The reason he’s not going is that you promised over and over again that you sent in his applications. Turns out, not a single one sent. Nor did she apply for a financial aid program that *everyone* qualifies for. My bad for thinking the dumb c**t could be trusted to do anything right. Now it’s too late, and his “free” (thank you NY taxpayers for picking up my slack) tuition is now a lost cause.
At least I have a job I love.
Oh, until an hour ago. I should have been suspect of working for a distillery that was run by a political adviser. He was a slimy creep. Most of my checks were in envelops full of cash. Should have raised my spider sense. Anyways, I’m fixing an electrical issue when he wanders in, hands me a check and tells me he’s shutting down production since he can’t meet payroll.
Asshole. You *just* got a major grant from the state to expand the company. You bought a quarter of a million in equipment. That’s part of the money I pay the state, BTW.
Six months ago, I tossed away my life to move to the shitty city of Utica. I’ve been living check to check, because I knew I made a good product and we were going places.
Now I’m out of work, no money in my account, in a strange city, and with no backup plan.
Can’t even use unemployment, since my last distillery was using it to supplement their own payroll issues.
So, I’m fucked.
At least I have booze.
Can’t bitch to friends, lovers and family just yet, so you bastards are my vent.
What the fuck. It’s on me. I rolled the dice and played the game. My own fault when snake eyes come up. I don’t care if I need to collect cans out of dumpsters to make enough scratch to move someplace where I can get back on my feet.
Just wish I had more weed.
On the other hand, I grabbed a few cases of bourbon on my way out. I’m drinking it now. Damn, it was a hell of a booze.
What a fucking day.
Sorry to hear all that. Bring on the drunk posts!
Better than drunk texting your ex anything vile, which, from the sound of it, she deserves.
Always good at that. When I found out she had been researching divorce lawyers, had been having an affair with some chick from work, and had been transferring cash from our accounts, I was initially going to blow up. Thankfully, I had just read a book on George Washington. Really pressed home the value of strategic retreats. Wrote down my “victory conditions” (healthy life for my son, establishing a good dynamic in co-parenting, etc, etc) and based a strategy on appearing to retreat on what other folks considered “major” issues, and focusing on the objective. It worked. Turned a nasty divorce into a pretty good one. Even the bailiff at court was impressed enough to say to us “you know, I never saw two people here who were as good at sorting things out as you two.”
Why the nasty turn from her? No fucking idea. Guess her life sucks now. Whatever. I have the love of a good woman, and shit is good.
Huh. Drunk after only a few drinks.
Why the nasty turn from her?
Her son turning 18 and the spigot being shut off have anything to do with it? Maybe that’s unfair, but seeing the ringer mom put dad through really soured me on the subject.
Probably pretty close to the truth. Imagine yourself taking a 600 dollar a month pay cut!
The great thing about bourbon (one of the great things) is that with the proper glassware, you can be drunk after just one drink.
This is the perfect place to vent.
Did your divorce decree obligate you for support after the age of 18? And tuition? If not, then, “Son, I suggest you watch some Mike Rowe videos, then get crackin’ so you can support your old man.”
I need to check.
Nice thing about being broke and unemployed is that it allows you to focus on the important stuff.
The Ex I can figure out. Hell, I spent more time raising him than she did. I can’t expect a fair fight in court, but at least it’s a chance to fight.
“I need to check.”
Highly suggest you check and the sooner the better. Also, you cannot be passive about that stuff. The day your kid reaches the age that you should be making your final child care payment, call their office and tell them so. You’ll have to keep calling them back and after a while they’ll send out a letter to you and your ex informing that the child has reached the age that ends the child support. Then they’ll give you your money back that you paid after the case officially ended. That is, if you do what I just said. Otherwise you’ll be paying, forever, and nothing will be done about it.
Not a family law-talking guy, but I think that generally speaking most divorce decrees call for child support until age 18, and may (or may not) have a separate clause calling for college tuition support. But, yeah, you need to check.
If nothing else, your son was offered a valuable lesson in not relying on other people to do important life shit like applying to college. I remember filling out my own applications; although I confess I don’t recall who put the stamps on and mailed them. Honestly, a year of working a real job before college will probably work out better for him in the long run anyway.
That college application, you didn’t mail that. Somebody else made that happen.
Depends on which state you live in.
Yeah, quick Google says NY requires “child” support until age 21. In AZ its age 18.
Dunno which state gbob lived in when his divorce happened, but I would expect that a non-NY order that ends child support at age 18 would mean it ends at 18, regardless of where gbob or his ex live now.
What the fuck. It’s on me. I rolled the dice and played the game.
Well you could be a coward – like me! – who stays safe (until layoffs, that is) in the corporate world, slowly having his soul sucked away.
But the wheel of fate will turn and something good will come up for you. If not, well then it’s a sign to start something different.
I just can’t picture myself going back to an office job. Distilling is physical labor. I go home dirty, coated with sweat and smelling like whiskey. Shit pay, but so much better than real work. Last time I worked int he corporate world, I would find myself in the parking lot wondering how much money could I make blowing sailors for cash…and if it would be better than a cubicle.
I know that feel, but I would never go give blowjobs to sailors (I live near Wright-Patt Air Force Base, so it would be airmen, naturally).
I found myself staring out the window at the lawn care guy in envy of his job – just doing a simple, stress-free job, sometimes in good weather, sometimes bad, but always going home covered in sweat, grass stains, and the pride of doing an honest day’s work (meanwhile, this poor guy was probably wondering why the office weirdo was staring at him, trying to figure out if I was going to fuck him, kill him, or both). It only egged me on when I looked it up online and saw that most lawn care jobs payed just about the same as what I made in that hellish office.
Fortunately, I found another job in a different office that is quite a good place to work.
I found myself staring out the window at the lawn care guy in envy of his job – just doing a simple, stress-free job, sometimes in good weather, sometimes bad, but always going home covered in sweat, grass stains, and the pride of doing an honest day’s work (meanwhile, this poor guy was probably wondering why the office weirdo was staring at him, trying to figure out if I was going to fuck him, kill him, or both).
For me it was the window washer. Looks like a fun job, may have to confront a fear of heights, but honest physical labor.
I’ve now spent a year on an overnight gig stocking shelves in a large regional grocer. My aisle is entirely my responsibility, I spend a great deal of time figuring out how to fit an an ever expanding range of goods into a finite space (this scratches the OCD itch quite nicely), I largely set my own schedule, I get to wear whatever I please, I can easily go an entire 6 – 12 hour shift in headphone isolation without having to speak to anyone, and because it’s a union job in NYC the pay/bennies are (what I consider) staggering compared to the time/energy spent on the job. Also, because my goods have very high turnover, I find the job more fulfilling than others I have held going back many years.
doing a simple, stress-free job, sometimes in good weather, sometimes bad,
Something like this?
I’d go home from that shitty job and watch clips from that movie on my worst days.
Sorry about your luck. Sounds like son should be 18 soon so won’t have to give ex anymore money at least.
Dude, that sucks. I hope it improves soon.
Also, I hear Warty has a position open.
I’ve already been fucked too much by the universe this morning to even consider what kind of position warty might have open.
Warty isn’t exactly generous with the lube.
That sucks, Gbob. Fuck the fuckers!
Now I don’t feel so bad about my tooth implant today. Still not looking forward to it but at least the pain won’t be long term. Hopefully your’s isn’t either. Seems like job market is better than a year or so ago.
Sorry about the shitty situation. What a bitch-ass ex.
Just keep an eye on your personal limits with the booze. I’ll tell you from experience that depression-drinking can have some bad effects both short-term and long-term.
I’m sure you’re welcome to vent as much as you want, though.
Thanks, man.
Yeah, learned that lesson the road. Spent my twenties running from shit. Brain like a cabinet of pharmaceuticals from the fifties.
Run long enough, and you just wind up tired, with the demons catching you in the end.
This is a cathartic drunk. I can burn the city down, or be drunk before noon.
As someone who’s posted my own dirty laundry on this forum, I say, fire away and we’re happy to listen.
Usually when something bad happens to me, I will wallow in it for a while, then hit some type of rock bottom mentally, and finally I get tired of being depressed and get inspired to do something about it. Hope it’s that way with you. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thanks, man. I go through your typical roller coaster of shit. Get energized because it’s a challenge. Get depressed because it’s daunting, get drunk because you’re depressed, wake up still feeling crappy, but once the hangover eases off, you can kick some ass.
Still in drunk phase.
Sorry 🙁
I know it doesn’t count for much, but my sympathies. It sounds like you caught the short end of the stick.
Vent away!
With the facts you have, your lawyer will keep her from getting additional child support, she’s proven she can’t handle fiduciary responsibility. One thing you could try is opening a joint savings account for your kid and you – you can deposit money directly to him if you are so inclined.
Many years ago a buddy of mine called me from Hiroshima. “I left my wife and followed this girl here. She kicked me to the curb a week later. What should I do? Can you help me out?” I’m sitting on an inflatable chair in my rat hole apartment, eating Doritos and washing them down with tap water. “Sucks to be you. Good luck.” Guy friends are the best.
^Not helpful to you at all, gBob. I’ve been drinking, too.
Fuck, no. It’s a great reminder. Why are all Glibs the cranky assholes we are? Because we know, in the end, that we all have to pay our own tabs, on a cosmic level. None of us are cowards who would abandon a dying man (to steal a phrase from Achewood), but we’re not putting up with self pitying either. Fuck it. Tomorrow is another shitty day. Just means you fight harder. Fuck the fuckers.
None of us are cowards who would abandon a dying man
Well, it depends. *polishes monocle* Can he afford my rescue fees?
Will to life. People die passionless lives all the time. Screw that. If you can cut the strings, do it and move on.
Damn, I’m sorry youre going through that. That’s a metric fuckton of beat down life is trying to put on you right now.
I’m an eternal optimist, so pardon my search for a silver lining. You’re so freaking unencumbered right now that you can end up wherever you want doing whatever you want. With struggle comes control over your life. If I were a betting man, I’d put my money on you being in a better position by Christmas than you were in a week ago. Mourn the loss, drink away the pain, but youre gonna hoof it like you always have, and you’re gonna turn this suffering into a monument to perseverance.
Related to the kid issue, right around this time when I was a kid, my dad sat me down and had a talk. Essentially, he said “no matter what the state says, no matter what society says, and no matter what your mom says, you’re an adult in my eyes. That means making your own decisions for your life, and that means taking responsibility for those decisions. There are people who will treat you like a child, but I know better. You are an adult. Here are the reigns to your life. I’m here to help whenever things get tough, but I’m not here to run your life for you. Good luck!”
After I done spent all that time begging my local to start stocking that brand? Sorry to hear, damn sorry to hear sir. Rota Fortuna will spin around yet again; you are a skilled artisan. As for the fruit of your loins, I know a couple fellows here in NYC who are always hustling to meet target; I’m sure they would be happy to schlepp Upstate to extol the virtues of a career in Today’s Modern Army™ to the young lad. Also, bring on the drunk posts!
Sorry to hear that man. I was hoping to convince the girlfriend to head up there so we could see the place. Unfortunately, most of my industry knowledge and contacts are on the brewing side here in Cleveland, and we’ve only got a couple of craft distilleries (and one just went under late last year).
Sorry, gbob.
From where I’m sitting it looks like your ex set you up for another year of child support and screwed over her own kid just to score points against you. Or to keep him dependent on her.
If the boy is college age, ie an adult, why does he still qualify for child support?
If possible I’d say cut her off and offer to have him move in with you. I realize the timing is super bad for that.
Richmond, Virginia has a growing distillery sector. Just saying.
Anyway, best of luck.
I get a lot of emails for industrial auctions. This one has me tempted to buy in and join the (((club))).
There was a weird conversation on last night’s thread between Drake and TK, wherein the former linked to the Kickstarter of the indie comic book Alt★Hero and the latter said it looked good and he’d be donating. (Actually the campaign ended, raising a quarter million dollars of its $25,000 goal.)
Anyway, in case anyone was thinking of supporting this in any way: It’s a Vox Day comic book. Nothing about it–the Rebel flag and White Identity Movement hero outfits, the title, etc.–is a troll; as with everything pertaining to himself, Vox is quite (painfully, in fact) serious about it. Also, apparently the comic book fucking sucks, like all his previous ones.
I’m not 100% sure how all of this wasn’t completely fucking obvious just from looking at it, since it is right there in front of you–how it would ever make anyone (even tentatively) think, “Well, indeed, this does look like a quality work, and quite promising.” But hey, I’ve had my share of brainfarts from time to time so I can’t judge.
I looked at the page for about 20 seconds and just saw the first 2 pictures and read only a couple of sentences. It came well-recommended by another Glib that knows more about comics than I do, so I figured I’d look further into the rest of it later. I also figured I could take my fellow Glib’s recommendation at face-value.
That being said, thanks for calling me out and making me look stupid. Also, fuck you, asshole.
*goes back and re-reads “conversation”* Okay, so I’m pretty sure Drake was being sarcastic and I didn’t realize that the page was a parody of anti-SJW types. Joke’s on me. Still, the call-out wasn’t needed. I still think you’re an asshole, but I do appreciate the heads up about the comic (although I had already forgotten about it).
Oh you were serious about me being an asshole? That part I was sure was a joke!
Well, you spent a bunch of time analyzing 1 three-word link, my 1 sentence reply to it (I really just wanted to talk about how much kickstarter skeeves me out, which was the bulk of the post), then proceed to go out of your way to be a dick to me this morning.
So, yes, you really are an asshole. Congrats!
I ain’t that mad though, I’ve been an asshole on here too. Its a loving “wow, you’re an asshole.”
Hehe. But if you’re talking about Drake, which is all I can see from the subthread, I certainly don’t think he could be characterized as recommending it. At least I would hope not! He just linked to it. You had mentioned the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY arising out of the SJWing of comics, and I would interpret the reply as him saying–cheekily, as we are wont to do here–“oh, like this guy saw such an opportunity? Har har.” As indeed Mr. Day did.
Was not recommending. I had seen it but was suspicious due to Vox’s involvement. I’m not really a comic book fan unless I’m waiting to get me hair cut.
IDK, I love this sort of alternate history storyline and find this setting very intriguing. On the other hand, I’m not enamored of the art style; my tastes lean heavily towards Michael Kaluta, P. Craig Russell, Mike Mignola type stuff. I would love to read it .
These are the sentances that I read on the site:
But apparently I’m a total dumbass for not realizing this is a parody.
What do you mean parody though? It’s not a parody per se. It’s a serious comic book from a white identitarian, based on one of his white identitarian novels. One that asked his fellow identitarians for $25,000 to publish a white identitarian comic book and raised a quarter-million dollars from them. And, like I said, this guy is nothing if not deadly serious about his own importance.
Who gives a shit? My point is that you’re as asshole.
No, that was not your point in this subthread. That was your point in the subthread above (which you claimed you were totally chill about, not at all mad about, despite my assholiness). Here you were talking about this being a “parody.” And I replied, as is the tradition in forums like this where making a comment implies that you are inviting replies from other commenters. I was curious about what you might mean by calling this a parody, since the word does not seem at all to apply here. This is standard behavior in a discussion forum such as this.
But, while we’re here…
Look chief, no offense but I did not make you look stupid. You did that yourself. (That is not to say that you are stupid; it’s to say you did something stupid. A bit of carelessness. A brain fart. I’ve done far stupider things before, and will many times in the future. I tried to make that clear with my last sentence of the “call out,” to make it clear it was quite possible you’d had a brain fart and I don’t think I’m any better than you. If that was not clear enough I apologize.)
So again, what you did was to reply to a sarcastic link to a white identitarian comic book, say, “Oh, that looks good, I think I’ll donate money to them.” And again, you did that in front of everyone; they could see it as well as I could. (And, like I said, it’s in fact rather obvious that this is what it is.) It wasn’t like I exposed something you didn’t do in front of everyone. There is nothing to “call out.”
And I think if i did that, made the mistake you did, I’d be rather embarrassed I did it and horrified at the thought that I’d have never known I’d done it but just been oblivious to having that be out there.
And then from my angle, I’m thinking, Hmm, well, Diego, it sure seemed obvious that it was an alt-right comic. Does TK actually take that kind of thing casually? Well, I don’t know him, but almost certainly not! So maybe I was wrong and it isn’t so obvious as I think that it is an alt-right comic. In that case, I should certainly bring it up to warn everyone away from a similar mistake. On the other hand, if it really is as obvious as I thought and TK did say that about a completely obvious to everyone alt-right comic book, then surely it wouldn’t be a bad thing to bring it up, to clear things up! It’s not like I went behind your back. I was expecting you to be here to reply, as you are now.
Anyway this was honestly what I was trying to do. Maybe I didn’t handle it the best, but it was what I was trying to do.
You’re right, I apologize.
Alright! Apology accepted! And again, please accept mine for any flaws in communication on my part.
Sounds no more far fetched than Red Son but I’ll happily cop to love, love, loving Elseworlds, What If?, etc..
Exactly. I didn’t read the rest of the page yet, but from the very little I did read, it sounded interesting and very much like something a normal comic would explore.
Indeed it does–from that description taken in isolation. That’s not what it is, however.
Perhaps I’m just immunized to this stuff. I was weaned on underground comix and
ugh… High Weirdness By Mail/Steamshovel Press were like holy gospel. I’ve been collecting fringe/kook/hate literature for decades and am quite fond of the stuff.
Yeah but it’s actually apparently a horrible comic book too, although the art is much better than previous ones he’s written. Certainly having repugnant views or being a repugnant person doesn’t make your art bad; it’s just that this happens to be bad art. People seem to think it’s essentially an alt-right SJW comic. And not even very good by SJW comic standards!
Some of the reviews have pointed out that Vox actually has admitted that this is about advancing a white-identity political agenda rather than making a good comic book. Then he is surprised and lashes out at the poor reception from the very crowd (mostly prog or liberal, after all) whose gripe is that Marvel has been publishing comics that promote an identity-politics agenda rather than just making a good comic book. His ego is just so massive that he honestly thinks he will make better comics, even as someone with neither experience nor interest in comics, nor even one with making good comics a priority, than the most experienced and long-respected people in the field.
I’m pretty fascinated sociologically by racism myself. I try to understand all its ins and outs. If I were black I’d probably be one of those (there are a lot; it’s a real thing) who collects old-timey racist memorabilia.
I’m just following this subthread waiting for the make-up sex.
I know, just bang already.
I’m naked and ready.
“Dear Glibertarian Forum, I never thought this would happen to me…”
I think I may be able to handle being a character in SugarFree’s based-on-a-true-story, as long as CPRM doesn’t try to animate us.
I wish I’d seen this sooner! We just made up platonically; I would not have done so so hastily if I’d thought we could do so otherwise. Oh, well, live and learn! There’s always next time!
This is a little late (hey, I had to work this morning!), but FAKE NEWS ALERT! Ohio U is NOT the first land-grant university. Iowa State is. Ohio is the first uni chartered by Congress, but that’s different than being land-grant.
Ack! Thread fail….
I realized too late that today is that stupid “Wear Orange” day for gun violence that’s started by Bloomberg’s groups and I’m wearing a Syracuse polo shirt.
What is this, St. Patrick’s Day?
LOL I wish I had the balls to show up at the NYC parade wearing orange!
Not too late to hop on a plane for a quick trip to Spain, where it will look like you support the Ciudadanos party and their demand for new elections!
Also, if you have one of the old-school gear that says -men or -women you are cool; the progs will never mistake you for one of their own.
Why orange? Because they want to make ownership a felony?
I assume it’s because in today’s America a child should wear orange to have a prayer at avoiding being shot. Forced metaphor but that’s all I got. Yours is better of course.
I applaud the color because this will help impede the gun grab movement from catching on with brown people. Almost all of us look like shit in orange. (Which, yeah, you’d think that would be extra incentive for us to stay out of it. I’m cutting y’all off with that joke before you get there.)
Well, hunters wear blaze orange to avoid being shot, but that’s so its obvious they aren’t game and won’t get shot boy accident. If someone is looking for people to shoot on purpose, blaze orange would be the stupidest possible color to wear.
They’re already disarmed, they may as well wear day-glo vests to facilitate the massacre.
Yes. Like I said, a deeply flawed analogy but it is the best conjecture I got. They’re not exactly always tight about it. As Kyle Kashuv recently tweeted (now deleted for some reason):
i sympathize. I’m a pale Scot/English type–the kind where you can see blue veins just under the skin type of deal–and wearing warm colors makes me look like I drowned off the coast and have returned to walk among the living seeking my revenge.
The only things that looks good in orange are oranges.
*My freshman composition teacher had an orange K-car. Ugliest thing on the road*
Orange Challenger? *whistles Dixie*
Dark olivish green and white for me today, with a purple tie. My socks have dollar signs on them, because that’s just how I roll.
Casual day at work, so jeans and a novelty shirt with pictures of classic Chevys all over for me.
Casual day at work, jammies, slippers and old holey t-shirt, ball cap.
Light blue jeans, white casual oxford with the sleeves rolled up, light tan boat shoes. It’s the uniform of the person who’s going to leave work early for drinks on the water but does not plan on falling in.
Underachiever 😀
Old grey shorts, dark grey t-shirt, socks (I work from home).
I have a confession that will earn Gilmore’s disdain (deservedly so): I am also wearing Crocs. With socks. (they are my inside-shoes – I don’t like slippers).
The Dutch are not amused.
btw – Some generic LL Bean blue jeans, Under Armor undershirt (with the local high school logo) and a red Firetrap polo shirt. Shoes are Birkenstock (not the sandals) since they keep my feet pain away.
“Certain statist economic policies associated with a project called 21st-century socialism are indeed implicated in many of the economic distortions and damaging incentives ravaging the Venezuelan economy.”
Wait- Venezuelians buying dirt cheap subsidized gasoline and reselling it at the Colombian border to raise money for food is problematic?
I realized too late that today is that stupid “Wear Orange” day for gun violence that’s started by Bloomberg’s groups and I’m wearing a Syracuse polo shirt.
I’m wearing a red sweatshirt. Red as the blood of innocent little children.
Now I’m out of work, no money in my account, in a strange city, and with no backup plan.
Ouch. You have knowledge and skills. Good luck.
I’m heading to Ottawa next weekend, and checking out restaurants when I discovered… this… blasphemy:
What in the fucking hell is that “fajita?” A breaded chicken cutlet, drizzled with… Buffalo sauce?
Oh Canada, I really thought you weren’t that bad…
Nothing on that page is right. Nothing.
You know about Canadian bacon and you think they actually have food that is the genuine deal?
That photo on the article… the almost nekked lady, is that one scoop of ice cream she’s got there? Let me guess, she’s almost nekked and has only one scoop of ice cream because she was just assaulted by Donnie Two Scoops?
By the looks of it, she started with many scoops of ice cream, and ate all but one already.
Fortunately, our heroes made it home safely that night.
Not true. They were placed on “administrative”* leave. So something happened. They got a paid vacation.
*I assume this is the copocrat euphemism for “paid”.
Like I said. Want to get a vacation for needlessly beating up people, or maybe even shooting them to death after tazing their granny and killing the family pets? Cop is the job for you! They should actually use that for a recruiting tool.
I’ll keep it in mind but I prefer my current job shaking down shopkeepers in Little Italy for protection money. It’s just less morally hazardous.
And you don’t even need to do the dirty work yourself, just send in Vinnie and Guido.
We ask that the public and the media remain patient while we conduct a thorough and objective internal affairs investigation into why those knuckleheads allowed themselves to be filmed.
“Sucks to be you. Good luck.”
“Samantha Bee’s Defenders Play Calvinball with the Language
Do you ever get the impression that the rules of the game are being made up on the fly? Consider this tweet, from CNBC’s Christina Wilkie:
Conflating racism and profanity is dangerous. One is a worldview, the other is a word choice. Big difference.
— Christina Wilkie (@christinawilkie) June 1, 2018
This is Calvinball. Imagine, if you will, that, say, Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter had called, say, Chelsea Clinton a “c***.” In what universe would the word have been dismissed as merely a “word choice,” divorced from any associated “worldview”? In such a circumstance, we’d be told that the word reflected the speaker’s sexism and misogyny; that it indicted his entire political ideology; that it highlighted the depravity of his audience; and so forth. The New York Times would link the comment to “rape culture” and “toxic masculinity.” College professors would explain that it came deep from the wells of American inequality. MSNBC would write an opera, and broadcast it over three days. The word would become a Weltanschauung in ten seconds flat.
Questions abound. Why was Roseanne’s crime one of conscience rather than of lexicon? What determines whether a phrase can be separated from a creed? N***er is just a word — abhorrent in the mouth of a Klansmen; emancipatory from the pen of Mark Twain — in what circumstances is it damning of a culture, and in what merely a joke? Is sexism less prone to capture our language than racism? Do wounding words not wound when wielded by someone popular? But none of these questions matter much, and it is futile to try to answer them, because there are no rules on display here. Bee is given a pass where others are not because . . . well, because she is. On Monday, words are mere tools; on Tuesday, they are superglued to superstructure. This is a game — nothing more, nothing less. It’s different when we do it.”
Has American society been this tribal since, I don’t know, the 60s? Or the civil war? Sometimes it genuinely feels like we’ve reached a point where we’d be better off just splitting the country along roughly partisan lines and going our separate ways. It just doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of willingness to live and let live anymore.
It’s the creeping social dominance of the left causing this. They hold the reins of power over the media, the education establishment, and (despite GOP electoral success) the government. The fractured feeling is the feeling of a culturally dominant movement driving a wedge between right thinkers and wrong thinkers. When wrong thinkers are a small minority, you get gulag. When wrong thinkers are almost half the country and heavily armed, you get a coup or civil war.
The Marxist march through the institutions has successfully undermined large chunks of what used to be shared beliefs/culture. Its been gradual, but if I had to put a date on when we hit a tipping point (if we have, hard to say from the inside), it was during the Obama administration. That’s when the march hit its zenith with a fellow traveller in the White House and the Marxist useful idiots felt free to drop the mask and get really aggressive, with the power of the federal agencies behind them. Title IX would be Exhibit A, I think, as it was a federal order (in effect) that males were untermensch.
How our currently fragmented culture compares to America leading up the Civil War, I couldn’t say.
I’m not a historian, certainly, and to the extent that I’m a student of history my focus has not typically been 19th century America, but from what I’ve read and have been reading recently I’d say we’re not in “Bleeding Kansas” territory but you can definitely see it from here. It’s hard to think of what else the left could do, though. They’ve gotten damn near everything they want. Maybe a repeal of the Second? Force reparations payments as part of income tax? I mean, Southern secession started when Lincoln was elected but it wasn’t until several diplomatic missteps that the shooting part started.
It just doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of willingness to live and let live anymore.
You know, as much as I’d like to say “A pox on both their houses”, at this point I just can’t see it. There’s really only one side of the fight who isn’t willing to live and let live. At least today. In 2018. Conservatives really aren’t doing a lot of pushing of their morality on to everyone else. At least not anymore. It really all seems to be coming from the progressives. Maybe my perspective is a skewed NYC perspective.
There are certainly still pockets of SoCons (which are progs in Christian clothing), and there’s still a sense of “bad means illegal, good means mandatory”, but that impulse of the conservative movement has been completely dwarfed by the Orwellian overtures of the prog left.
Well, my perspective isn’t going to be that different coming from the DC area, but in Annapolis conservatives couldn’t do it if they wanted to because they just don’t have the numbers. I’ll put it like this: you could walk into any establishment in town with a Bernie shirt, certainly a Clinton shirt, and absolutely an Obama shirt and nobody would bat an eye. Shit, you can put Che or Lenin on that list. But I would personally be nervous walking around with a MAGA hat, and even an NRA hat is going to get you some glares. Now that’s not going to be the same in, say, Oxford, or Easton, but here or I’d guess Baltimore even more so that’s gonna be playing the day on Hard mode.
I would love this even if only to learn just how long it would take for Progtopia to collapse into a maelstrom of clogged sink drains and flat tires.
We will name it: Shitholio
There will be no tires in Progtopia, for everyone will ride streetcars and high speed trains!
They do it because they really are in the bag. I know the stuff about “liberal media” isn’t supposed to be talked about in polite company, but these folks have dropped any pretense of neutrality or the objective pursuit of truth. And it’s been going on well before Donald Trump came on the scene. Really, I think it started during the latter part of the Bush administration. It’s why they were willing to take being treated as less than junior staffers by Mr. Obama and still had to move his testicles out of the way to wipe their noses.
And a lot of the public has picked up on it. That’s precisely why Donald Trump is able to get applause lambasting the media. It’s not like he’s poisoned his followers on the press. The press did that to large swaths of this country long before Donald Trump showed up. He’s just taking advantage of the attitude that the press themselves have created with much of the country.
They truly started losing their minds because of the 2000 election, both because of the Florida silliness and because W was a stuttering simpleton.
Linguistic Calvinball is a fantastic metaphor for what’s going on.
You wanna know how goddamn, fucking stupid I am? Just spent an hour and a half trying to explain to my wife how forcing people to be charitable isn’t charitable at all. It makes you a slave. You’d think I’d know better. But I don’t because I’m a fucking moron.
Well, technically you are correct. Which is the best kind of correct.
Wealthy celebrities who hector you about the taxes you pay are the only truly charitable people. They’re so selfless!
This is a guayaba:
Back when I used to actually watch cable news, more than 10 years ago, I watched both Fox and CNN. CNN has not at that time reached the level of hysteria they are at now. Not even close. I stopped watching because I could no longer tolerate the global warming related commercial every 5 minutes. So then I only watched Fox. I haven’t watched more than a few hours of TV in the last decade. Wife and I watch Netflix or Amazon videos on it, that’s it for me. She watches her foreign programming, besides that, TV is not used.
I don’t recall ever watching cable news regularly. Maybe during the Gulf War, but not since. I realized I get could better information faster on the intertubes, so much so that what was breathlessly reported as breaking news was something that I had known about, or seen coming, days or weeks in advance.
Originally, CNN operated largely the way network news did by running feeds from affiliates. It was very repetitious. So they expanded with more of their own reporting, airing longer segments, and putting the video version of 1010 WINS on Headline News (which is now the missing white woman channel). The problem is real journalism is expensive, unlike the broadcast networks they had 24-hours to fill. So added more and more opinion, brought in more political pundits, to the way things are now: most of their programming is just their own employees talking to each other.
Meanwhile, back on Skull Island:
“So, uh, when did MSNBC’s Joy Reid stop thinking that George W. Bush “permit the breaching of our borders in order to feed slave labor to multinationals”? Or was it that darned hacker again?”
She was hacked again. Duh.
One interesting thing I’ve found out about that. Apparently, a lot of blacks here do not like illegal immigration too much. Apparently, they might think that illegal immigrants are after their jobs. While this is probably not true in most cases with black college profs or business owners, it certainly does seem true of blacks who mostly work in hourly jobs. It’s not like I’m making this up, I’m getting it from someone who hears it discussed first hand. So, my question is, who do Democrats want to piss off the most among their favored voting blocks? I guess it’s always possible they won’t piss off anyone and everyone who’s not a wasp will just keep voting for them no matter what. But no matter where I look, unless it’s a far left site like DU, which is mostly comprised of signaling white progs, illegal immigration is looking like a losing issue for Democrats.
That’s their plan – so far they’re (mostly) not wrong. So far.
The thing is, if anyone even questions why they should vote democrat, or god forbid, actually says something that could be construed as disagreeing with democrats on the most seemingly frivolous of issues, the left will immediately start a crucifixion campaign against that person, calling them things like uncle tom, porch niggah, nazi, whatever. Now, I’m just saying, when they do that shit, some people might just get offended by that and start actually not voting for Democrats. I think it’s just a matter of time before that reaches a point where it actually affects them at the voting booths.
So, my question is, who do Democrats want to piss off the most among their favored voting blocks?
Because they aren’t their most favored voting block. They’re their most loyal voting block. The attitude among progressives is what are blacks going to do? Vote Republican?
The attitude among progressives is what are blacks going to do? Vote Republican?
That’s probably how the Republicans were thinking 50 years ago.
Even ignoring, you know, the pedophilia… and the incel shit…
“Libertarian” polls better than “batshit-crazy retard.”
C’mon guy, you know all libertarians are just like that.
Well, all you would have to do is come to this site. I mean, everyone here owns orphan slaves, machine guns, tanks, and want their own country with ballistic nuclear missiles, right?
So you’re saying you have a hot sister?
I’ve disowned the LP, for sure. Team Gayjay and the Weld was enough for me. I can live with naked dancing fat guys, but when you run a guy who gets shown up by Samantha Bee and his running mate is a boring as all fuck east coast RINO, I’ve had enough.
Neoreactionary? He wants a monarchy?
The conspiracy theorist in me says that it’s a false flag intended to create a perception that libertarianism is associated with pedophilia, Nazism, and the “incel” crap.
I mentioned the mandatory safety training I’ve been having to attend.
I just found out that salaried folk have to make two Safety observations a month, versus the one for the actual floor workers. I mentioned how crappy of an idea this is to one of co-workers (ex-boss), and he said: “Just make something up, that’s what everyone else is doing.”
So our safety incident system is going to be flooded with a bunch of bad data… and (hopefully) the mandatory reporting, like so many other bad corporate ideas, will whither away.
One of my favorite things right now are progressives that have deluded themselves into believing that today’s employment numbers are part of some long-game master plan that Obama secretly cooked up during his eight years of beer summits.
Of course they have. They can’t live with the actual truth, so they just imagine up stuff they like to feelz to be true. Like socialism works.
It only took his hand-picked replacement losing to a goofy clown who dismantled much of his legacy to pull it off.
Well, everything bad that happened under Obama was because of Bush, so of course everything good that happens now is because of Obama. Do you even science bro?
On the flip side, a lot of people who were justifiably skeptical of official employment numbers during Obama seem to have lost that skepticism.
I note that the labor force participation rate, which declined during the Obama years and was often used as a counterpoint to low unemployment numbers at that time, has remained basically flatlined. Of course, this is a Department of Labor number, and I would imagine the DOL is full of “resistance” types who wouldn’t be above gaming this number to make Trump look bad, either. Still, I detect a whiff of confirmation bias in the former skeptics who now tout data that they formerly dismissed.
When I think of just how disingenuous the left really are, I always tend to think about one thing. They just keep beating that same old dead horse issue ‘100% of American gun owners want more gun control’. Umm, no, they actually don’t, you lying pieces of shit.
Lies in service to the narrative aren’t lies, they’re facts in disguise.
Some lies just identify as truth, I guess. Who are we to judge?
I totally agree. I was a skeptic then and remain a skeptic now. I was only pointing out the insistence of Obama’s true believers that anything good that happens can only be a direct result of his divine and benevolent intervention. I’d love to hear them explain in detail exactly how his action to drive down unemployment worked, because I suspect they’d describe a perpetual motion machine fueled by magical thoughts .
Also, I often wonder about the people that dropped out of the workforce and remained as such for years. What the hell do they do for money?
Liberal arts
collegeuniversity goes under, 27 year old single mom studying creative writing & English left high & dry after spending $50K.Surprisingly the comments are not at all bad, and the reporter gets nailed after trying to white knight for her.
Plenty of work out there for twenty-something single mothers.
Someone obviously didn’t click the link.
That was a gooda one. *Cracks open new fifth of Jack*
Me meant work as a pussy hat wearing screeching fugly butch dyke full time activist. She only needs some some green and pink hair, a few tats , some piercings, a hand painted t-shirt saying ‘fuck you, buy me shoes!’, and a large purple strap on and pussy hat for the real accents.
I feel kinda bad for her, to tell you the truth. That kind of debt is no joke, especially with no degree that can even give you a shot at getting a better job. Yeah, her decision to go to this school for that degree was a bad one, and she will bear the consequences as God intended, but still . . . .
Even scary is there isn’t a mention of financial air or loans in the article, just that she spent $50K so far. I take it as somehow she pulled it out of her wallet (or parents’ wallets).
Good point. I assumed it was borrowed. She’s much better off if she somehow paid cash for it.
I’ve got a degree in English (lit) and economics. The English degree has been much more useful to me, but times have changed since I was in Uni. Creative writing seems worthless unless, well, I can’t even think of a way to finish that sentence.
You could maybe land a job teaching other suckers how to write creatively.
Or other Sucker MCs how to flow creatively!
The article seems to be missing one major detail; that being what year student she was after having spent $50K. Without that I have to withhold judgment on whether to feel a little sorry for her or to conclude that she’s a total idiot.
Who the fuck spends 50K on a creative writing degree?
With a STEM degree, you might earn your money back in a reasonable time frame. But a fucking writing degree? Just write a fucking book and self publish.
Or get an IT job and write and self-publish on the side like one of the nerds around here.
And then drive around the country a lot for some reason.
Marylhurst conducted a transfer fair recently attended by more than 20 schools
No feckin’ doubt. With students willing to run up tens of thousands of dollars in debt for creative writing classes I’m surprised there weren’t dozens more schools putting lines in that pond.
Anniversary today. Only 7 years on the state permission slip, but we’ve been together for just about twenty. Gonna celebrate by clearing more blackberries in the back and get brush staged for the second burn pile this weekend.
I’m thinking that a labor-saving device might make the work of clearing and burning brush easier.
I don’t want to burn down the entire neighborhood. I use a brush blender blade and the blackberries go quickly. But I do have to get out there and actually do the work. Highly recommend that cutting blade for anyone with blackberries or ferns that need to get cleared.
Well, sure. You can do it the right way.
Or you can have some fun.
Oh, please submit the “itch” article to glibs. Vocarious living is the best. Congrats!
Thanks for reminding me that I’ve poison oak out there. You really want to hear about decontaminating tools & clothing, followed by pus filled blisters, and prednisone treatment? Trying to make that not happen.
I used to pop those suckers like bubble wrap.
You really want to hear about decontaminating tools & clothing, followed by pus filled blisters, and prednisone treatment?
“In today’s installment of Warty’s Basement . . . “