You had your chance, Cleveland. And you blew it.  You completely shit the bed and now are destined to fail.  Also, the Cavaliers lost last night to Golden State in Game 1 of the NBA Finals.  Rafa Nadal is cruising in France like I said he would.  Serena dropped the first set but came back and won her match.  The Astros were happy to be back home.  Boston was not happy to be visiting.

But here’s the sports story of the day:  and it explains all-too-clearly why England is probably a lost cause.  Its so retarded that even Piers Morgan has chimed in.  Trigger warning: trigger.

Boy, today was a day for birthdays.  Mormon leader and founder of Salt Lake City, Brigham Young was born today.  As was South African political prisoner and later president actor Nelson Mandela Morgan Freeman, Kennedy spit-roastee Marilyn Monroe, under appreciated actor Brian Cox, also unappreciated actor Jonathan Pryce, Ohio State defensive coordinator and soon-to-be recipient of a hefty settlement from the University of Tennessee Greg Schiano, eye-candy Heidi Klum, Canadian person Alanis Morisette, and fat person Amy Schumer.

OK, let’s do this.

It was also on this date that Charlemagne opened the general synod in Frankfurt, Anne Boleyn was crowned Queen of England, Kentucky and Tennessee (in different years) were admitted into the Union, Ohio University was founded as the first land-grant university in the nation, Sojourner Truth began her career as an anti-slavery activist, Robert E Lee assumed command of the Army of Northern Virginia, Thomas Edison was granted his first patent. Lou Gehrig replaced Wally Pipp and played the first of 2130 consecutive games. Adolph Eichmann was executed in Israel for war crimes. Ed Sullivan’s last live TV show aired. And Wings released “Live And Let Die”.

That, my friends, is quite a bit to digest.  But I hoped you saved enough room to swallow…the links!

Well, we put the nose on him. And the hat.

Remember in the olden days when a town would just gather together, march to a house and take a witch into custody?  Apparently, witch hunts cost a lot more in this day and age. I especially like the “rent” entry.  You know, because its not like our federal government doesn’t already own so much unoccupied space that it can’t accurately account for it all.

I like Wikipedia.  Hell, I have had some good laughs there, especially going back to the golden age when entries were hilariously inaccurate.  I’m thinking of the incident where Jim Rome lost his shit when someone edited Stan Van Gundy’s entry to say he was a stand-in for Ron Jeremy and had also been the first successful pubic-to-head hair transplant recipient.  But Wikipedia ceases to be funny when it tars everyone to the right of Hillary Clinton as a freaking Nazi. And Google is no more responsible when they allow a publicly-edited compendium to be used as fact on its search results.  Fortunately, their algorithm hasn’t allowed anything like comparing progressives to Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Castro or any of the other communist/socialist butchers. But I would imagine they’re monitoring the accuracy of those descriptions a lot more closely than they are about icky conservatives. Or even Republicans for that matter.

Every bit as serious as John Legend or Jay-Z.

Kim Kardashian opens up about her meeting to discuss criminal justice reform and the hopeful release of Alice Johnson with Donald Trump. I hope CNN can keep from blowing a gasket what with the alleged celebrity worship that is happening for the first time ever in the White House just like it does with every President in living memory.

Blood on the streets of San Francisco! Has the cabbie not considered that she needed that cab more than he did? Did he even stop to think about her, or was the greedy 1%er just gonna let her die?Also, bang-up job there, SFPD. She only ran around in the little city for two hours and crashed herself before you guys located her.  Shit, she could have driven halfway to Oakland in that amount of time.  Off-rush hour, obviously.

Had it never occurred to any of these fucking clowns that the correct question to ask is: “why the fuck are you granting an exclusive license for a single company to operate a legal business in your city?” But that would allow for competition. Nope, these pricks can’t have that.  They gotta try and take someone else’s monopoly away.

Typical Chicago Cop? Probably.

I am trying not to laugh. I am trying not to laugh. I am trying not to laugh. Aw, fuck it. This one is funny.

Placed on desk duty after the shooting, Schuler, 49, continues to collect his $111,000-a-year salary while the city of Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability investigates him for failing to keep his weapon secured, among other things.

Shit. I stopped laughing.

What’s really sad for this guy is that he didn’t even have anything big enough for the SWAT team to confuse for a gun and shoot him. Also, why is he not in Florida where he belongs?

This is how I feel today.

And do you want to know why?  Because my son is graduating from high school tomorrow and the family are going to the beach with our friends Brett L and his awesome family for a week of relaxation.  I’m sure we’ll check in from time to time, but its gonna be time to tap the keg of St Arnold Lawnmower I’m bringing and fire up the grill while our kids all have a blast.  God bless you all and have a great week.