Some of you might remember that line from when skit comedy was at least occasionally funny. As Sloopy mentioned, we will be doing a joint family vacation on the far-eastern side of the Redneck Riviera. Arranging marriages for the Glibertopian breeding project, drinking bootlegged beer from Texas, and generally exercising Florida Man style decision making. I don’t know about Sloopy and Banjos, but I explained to my wife about bail money and how to go about getting a bail bond.
Here we go. One of London’s
too white cyclists takes reasonable exception to nearly being run down, goes Crocodile Dundee on the car driver.
Bees! OMG!
This is… I mean, aside from catching multiple felonies… pretty funny. Three people in MI showed up to 911 calls and impersonated cops.
This is strange reporting. An Uber driver, who may or may not have been on-duty, fatally shot a passenger in his car. The fact that he wasn’t arrested leads me to believe he had a good story about why shooting someone in his car while on the highway wasn’t a bad idea.
Jesus. This is just horrible. Probable serial killer and all-around terrible person caught in Springfield, Mass.
All right, I’m out of heeere.
I’m done for the week! First?!
My next couple of weeks of work are going to be a lot busier. One manager decided to never call in about issues, and his e-mails weren’t getting attached to incidents, so no one saw his messages. He decided to wait for over a month, then raise a stink. So I’m now point contact for all of his requests and incidents.
Go me?
32nd? I guess something like that.
I miss “The State” – most of the actors have gone on to have decent careers.
The early 90s was so awesome for sketch comedy. Kids In The Hall, The State and good SNL.
Didn’t a very different-looking Amy Poehler have a part in another good skit show back then, called IIRC “The Upright Citizens Brigade”, maybe on Comedy Central?
UCB was a very mixed bag overall. As an aside, I still have season 1 on DVD from back when I was more interested – up for grabs if anyone here wants it.
This seems like a good jumping-off point to start discussing the classic sketches.
I’ll open the bidding here
Hey, I’mma da Pope-a!
The Uber driver must have had the same shooting instructor that I did.
“Whatever happens, once you pull the trigger, make sure your target is dead. That way, there’s only one story about what happened, and its yours.”
A shootout inside the car and he survived? Damn.
This happened in my town. That side of the interstate was closed from 3 am to 8:30 am, in the middle of the city. I really wonder what sort of puzzle the authorities were trying to decipher for five and a half hours.
The cops couldn’t figure out why shots were fired when there were no dogs present.
Furtive movement, brah.
How to milk more overtime out of the terrible, terrible tragedy?
“‘That way, there’s only one story about what happened, and its yours.'”
Do you even Forensic Files, bro?
*make it happen people, only P Brooks stands in my way*
Sad story about the bees. We need bees to make the honey so we can make the mead. Save the bees.
Foiled again!
Plenty, non-honey bees in my yard.
Another sad story about bees
Irwin Allen had run out good disasters to make movies out of by then.
I love that movie! Scared teh shit out of me as a kid.
Nicolas Cage hardest hit
I like mead. I brought several bottles back from Pennsylvania. My relatives say they come from a good meadery. I haven’t tried any yet but look forward to it.
Krugabe hasn’t lost his touch for sheer nutbaggery.
“Once social programs have been in effect for a while, however, and it turns out that they neither turn America into a hellscape nor break the budget “
I don’t know what a broken budget looks like, apparently.
Has he stopped by any mid to large sized city lately?
He sends his cats out for reconnaissance.
Health care can break the budget of a city or a state, but not a whole country responsible for printing fiat currency.
We don’t call him Krugabe lightly.
Countries with their own printing presses have and will go broke. Rather than “insolvency”, its just called “Hyperinflation, no idea why. Natural causes, I guess.”
State capitalism brah
+1 wheelbarrow of cash
Ima gonna steal your wheelbarrow.
Good call. The wheelbarrow is worth more than the pile of cash in it.
Animal spirits.
I skimmed the article ((shudders)) but I didn’t see any mention of skyrocketing insurance premiums, or why that might be a reason people are against Obamacare. But what do I know, I’m just a deplorable from flyover country who doesn’t know that paying a lot more money for the same thing is actually good for me.
Jared Polis (remember when he was the Darling of the Congress on TOS?) is running for Governor of my state. He has ads running for the primary stating that healthcare is a right, and he wants universal health care. This in the face of astronomical Obamacare-related costs, and a single-payer ballot initiative that got shit-stomped at the polls in 2016. Perhaps we’ve finally imported enough progs to make this a tenable election issue.
Nor is there evidence they help people.
Not true! There are LOTS of people getting rich from defrauding those programs.
Two bodies were found “in and around” the Springfield home
Jeebus. If that’s accurate . . . .
The woodchipper was on the fritz?
The photos of the two should have been enough for anyone to figure out they were fakes.
Too skinny?
Good news Brett
A friend of the Dean family in Texas makes a good living with bees. He has hundreds of hives, and rents them out to California farms in the spring for pollination. We guesstimate he grosses a solid six figures on the rent, and who knows how much on the honey. Sounds like the semi was probably carrying bees for something along those lines.
Most large scale producers ship their hives around the country on a regular basis. There is good money to be made pollinating crops.
My grandpa used to run a small apiary. He’d contract with local farmers and set up a few hives at the edges of their fields. Sold the honey in a few local grocery stores. He appeared to make a killing on both the rental and the honey. Minus getting stung all the time and being sticky, it was a ton of fun to help with.
I have friends that keep bees. I have no interest in doing it myself.
Pater Dean just acquired a beekeeper starter kit, complete with thousands of bees. No idea why. I have been afraid to call and ask how its going.
My friends that do it find it a very fulfilling hobby. They also brew. So they use all their own honey and don’t sell any.
Acquiring a hive or two is on our high-priority livestock list. Our orchard is on slightly sloped hill. The idea is to put a small pond on top of the hill and put the hives next to it since bees need water. Then they can pollinate the orchard and our nearby garden.
The orchard is already fenced off so we’ll add geese and ducks to the pond. The goal is for them to live in the orchard, eating grass and bugs to keep the trees healthy. I’m going to run irrigation hoses from the pond to provide fertilized water to the fruit trees.
That’s the theory anyway… we’ll see how it works in reality. At least the geese will be big enough to fight off those damn hawks and owls.
I planted a small orchard 4 years ago. I have a handful of trees that have started to blossom. So far, the native bees and other insects have been enough to pollinate the trees. In a few years, when all the trees are in production, I might need to get a hive. The other choice is to plant flowers that flower just before the trees to attract bees to the area before the trees need help from the pollinators.
@Semi-Spartan Dad, do you have enough water and incline for an acequia? So much easier long term. We used it very successfully in our orchard in Santa Fe (New Mexico).
My bee partner and I have 4 hives, last year we harvested 360-380 lbs of honey. Not bad for north central Minnesota amateurs. We started about 15-18 years ago, maybe a little more. We’re not in farm country so our honey is totally wild flower. Best part is Mrs Fourscore and the local ladies put on a potluck lunch and feed 40 or people. The Honey Harvest is the best part of the program, neighbors, friends, a few relatives come and visit, watch, ask questions and eat. Any Minnesota libertarians are welcome. Its always the third Sunday of September.
We buy our bees every year, trying to overwinter takes more expertise than we have and requires feeding back the honey we just harvested. Bee keeping is easier than making maple syrup. The bees are busy in the garden. We were lucky enough to get some free equipment but now have upgraded to newer stuff. The capital investment is pretty stiff unless it can be amortized over time.
We also had some tech help from other bee keepers but Youtube has some good videos. We don’t sell any, honey makes a nice gift and we have friends that are always happy to get a jar.
It really works out, because farms in different parts of the country pollinate at different times of the year, so they can move their hives around the country and do a ton of farms. Honey is basically bonus cash for the bigger hive owners.
There are a lot of critical crops that require bees for pollination (like almond growers in California). Those people pay big bucks to get bees put out in the fields at the critical times. Lots of other crops benefit from domesticated bees even if they are not critical to pollination. Bees are a big part of the ag business.
Bees probably do democracy better than us.
A queen ruling drones. Clearly that is democracy.
Meh. We are ruled by arseholes riding the inertia of a broken system.
Man I’ve been out in the sun and sweating too much today.
Well played, sir.
There’s a documentary series on Netflix called Rotten, the first episode is all about bees and honey. They talk about the issues with counterfeit honey, and (from memory) the world’s largest hive theft.
I thought I saw somewhere that honeybees aren’t native to North America, and thus technically are an invasive species.
They are not native. When I plant my garden in NJ I get all kinds of weird looking bugs fertilizing the flowers but only vary rarely do I see actual honey bees.
Even bees hate NJ.
Counterfeit honey? Who else makes honey – wasps?
People do, the largest supplier of counterfeit honey was China. They would make simple syrup, and add coloring and flavoring. Then people would buy it and use that to cut real honey, or just sell it as is.
“Why does it say milch?”
They just mean cut with corn syrup, etc.
Correct. Honey cut with glucose or corn syrup is put into packages and labeled as “honey”. So it is fraudulent labeling. Hence, a counterfeit product.
To put the HFCS paranoia in perspective, the glucose/fructose ratio of most honeys is very similar to HFCS.
I remember when sucrose was considered to be evil and all right minded people used honey instead of cane sugar for sweetening drink as well as cooking and baking.
I decided to try a Keto diet for this week while my wife is away, so have essentially given up all carbs, including all types of sugar (boy can it be hard to find carb-free foods some times, even some types of beef jerky have 10gms of carbs per serving!) But boy does it ever work, as pounds are just melting away. Though I would kill for a big cookie right now, or even a bun for my burger. All in good time…
Yeah, beef jerky was a rude shock to me as well: I was thinking that would be a good snack food. A lot of salamis have 0 carbs, but watch for the ones which add nitrites and nitrates.
Counterfeit honey is a problem. As is contaminated honey from 3rd world countries.
So always buy from a respectable apiary that produces and processes their own honey.
Good catch – I was thinking about actual honey that wasn’t made from clover or something like that. Forgot about that BS the Chinese always try to do with food products (contaminated baby formula, etc).
Most non-clover honey is too valuable to mix with the clover stuff. Maybe if you had a crappy blend or something? Most of the other stuff sells at a premium
Beekeeper’s Lament is a good book about beekeeping. Or you can listen to the EconTalk podcast with the author. I find that I get as much from the podcasts as I do from reading the whole book.
It’s disturbing to me how many people around here are interested in bees or have relations to people with an interest in bee keeping. There’s like 600 people here, and apparently half of you fall into this group.
That says something. I don’t know what, but it’s something. And not good. Not good at all, I suspect.
Most of the 600 people don’t comment as far as I can tell.
The frequency map for commenting should be interesting, even if it’s X glibs make y-z comments per week anonymized data.
I’m a bit terrified that it would fit a power law.
Yes. It is common practice
John Smoltz qualifies for U.S. Senior Open.
John Elway tried, but didn’t make the cut.
When you have a horse face, it’s hard to keep your eyes on the ball.
Most elite athletes could probably be elite athletes in multiple sports, with enough practice and training.
Smoltz’s teammate Tom Glavine was drafted by the L.A. Kings. Oo
+ 1 Tony Romo.
But I seriously doubt the reciprocal is true.
Many of the top echelon of golfers I can’t see in the NFL etc. etc.
Phil Mickelson as a qb or wide receiver.?
How about John Daley as fullback ? Linebacker ?
I would imagine elite hand and eye coordination vs elite speed and strength cross over at different sports. Pitcher or QB playing golf makes sense. RB not so much.
Guy who voted commie in 1980 was in the CIA in 1990. Still blows my mind.
“My first visit to the Oval Office came in October 1990, when I was a 35-year-old CIA officer.”
But enough about Obama’s Presidency…
I had to laugh at the “until integrity returns to the White House”. Like gun “buy-backs”, it implies the government had something that it never did.
Brennan obviously judges everything on appearance and presentation. To him style matters more than substance. And to think, this was a guy who was supposed to direct an agency that is commanded to look beyond the style and perceive the reality.
I KNEW Bush was a commie!
I say again – he’s a sneaky dumb thug who’s at the very center of the deep state attacks on Trump. I really hope he and Clapper end up in jail.
I thought the Electronic Log Mandate was supposed to prevent all of these truck crashes, whatever the cargo, honeybees or not.
The record club sent The Animals Greatest Hits to my Dad. I played the hell out of that record. Didn’t really care for House of the Rising Sun maybe it was just overplayed on the radio. I think Sky Pilot and San Franciscan Nights were my favorite songs.
I knew even back then that Sky Pilot was a commie anti-war song, but it actually made me want to be a soldier.
I like The Animals’ “House of the Rising Sun” better than the Leadbelly version.
Funny, “When I Was Young” by The Animals just came up on my music randomizer.
Hey ho easy there. You sure you want to report on the Black Croc Dundee? I mean, does that qualify as ‘everyday racism’ according to the retard CNN’s retarded narrative?
To be fair, the driver was a prick, too. The fuck, dude(ette?), watch
howwhen you drive! You’re not in Richmond, BC!I was mocking the zeitgeist. /slap!
I thought you were chastizing him for not having a switchblade!
If you called him “Crocodile MunKee” then you’d obviously be racist, my canadian shitlord friend.
Would Monkey Dundee cut it?
The Macallan introduces 72 year aged single malt
600 bottles available @ $65,000 apiece.
Pocket change
I don’t care how wealthy the individual is. You buy that, you’re just a fucking rube.
What if you receive it as a gift?
I’ll take it, who’s buying?
Right? That said, I’m about half way through a. 150.00 bottle of 21 year Glenfiddich right now…
Most I’ve paid is around $90 for Lagavulin or a 16yo Jura.
I have two $125 bottles of 21 year old oak barrel aged cachaca. One of them is almost half empty. I won’t open the other until I can get some more. Stuff is terribly addicting. My wife hates when I drink it because I always drink too much. Well not always, but every time I have it, she worries I’ll get drunk, lol. I also have one bottle of whiskey that is only 12 years old, but the stuff is $129 a bottle at the local store. I didn’t pay that much, only about $90, Whistlepig Old World cask finish. It’s really good.
I like the Farmstock. The most I’ve ever spent on a bottle was a 1998 Don Perignon P2. It was to celebrate paying off our student loans. Delicious, but definitely a one time purchase.
I got me a bottle of Jim Beam for $12 dollars and a home.
Well, there’s one I don’t have on my shelf yet. You know what, I don’t want it! Or else I would have it, hah!
sounds like barrels they forgot about.
I wouldn’t even know what 72 year old liquor tastes like and I suspect most people wouldn’t, almost no one. But I’d like to find out.
I’m damn curious myself. Part of my job (well, I guess a former job to be technical about it) is tasting spirits in barrels. It’s amazing how unique each barrel is, and the magic that comes from aging.
Obviously, it’s going to smooth. The char of the barrels fell out decades before, taking with it some interesting Congeners along with it.
Still, for that price, I bet even the best of us wouldn’t find it worth it.
I’m sure you’re right – I like wine (and spirits) but I recognize my palate is only so good – there’s a point of diminishing returns. I can tell the difference between $10 wine vs. $50 wine (usually). I doubt my ability to tell the difference between $50 vs. $500 wine (_maybe_ head to head).
The differences are easy – $40 and $450, respectively.
Never change UCS!
I’m the same way at this point. No doubt most of my most expensive stuff on my shelf it the best. But we’re talking about the difference between 50-60 dollar liquor and 70-125 dollar. Of course both of those are far superior to your $20 bottom shelf liquor, which tastes like shit and burns, but it will get you drunk.
So at what point do you get diminishing returns for your money? I was tempted to buy a $400 bottle of 23 year old Pappy Van Winkle I ran across. But I hesitated and didn’t do it. I can buy 5-6 bottles of Blanton’s for that price.
I haven’t drank anything over 21 years old, but the one thing I do notice about all of it is the smoothness. 21 year old liquor of the same type I’ve drank is always smoother than the 18 or 12, or whatever. The 21 year old rum (cachaca) I have has the most incredible like charred oak barrel finish I’ve ever experienced. Wonderful stuff. Not sure if it’s because the stuff was in the barrel so long, but must be it.
At 25 shots per bottle that’s just $2600 per shot. Seems reasonable.
I’m a try to top the 50 thousand dollar belly, uncork that stuff!
Doesn’t look like my AC is getting fixed before next week – lower level is cooler than my computer room (and definitely the upstairs bedroom) – guess I’m camping out there for the weekend.
what’s Wrong?
/Local Glib A/C tech
Posted about it yesterday’s afternoon links IIRC – air’s blowing, but not cooling, thermostat seems to be working ok. Today we confirmed that the main unit in the house seems to be operating fine (aside from not cooling), but the unit outside doesn’t seem to be running at all – so probably something bad in between units – which is weird because it was running fine from the time I got back in town Sunday till around Wednesday afternoon/evening.
Last year I’d had a lot of freezing/leakage/condensing/drippage indoors which turned out to be the system needing a recharge – no condensation or anything this time.
Landlady’s working to get one of her regular folks over here, but the handyman with some work HVAC experience (UVA employee) couldn’t figure it out – he also thought there should have been a fuse inside the main unit, but we couldn’t find one at all.
I can loan you two window units.
Tonio 4 liberty at proton mail
You’re relatively close to me, right? If Tonio is too far or if you need more than 2 window units, I have a portable unit I’d be happy to lend to you from when I had the same issue happen.
Appreciate the offers from both of you – don’t think it’ll be that long – the simultaneous local water issue ( is a bit more of a frustration for convenience purposes.
Insight into the mind of a narcissist – Obama’s reaction to Trump’s victory.
Broken link seems apropos
This is the most comical part. Harry Reid was well aware of this investigation, but Obama and Rhodes weren’t? Not only that – his staff were the ones crowing about how they were “preserving” evidence after the inauguration by leaking it to the media.
If the investigation was totally on the up-and-up and existed only to protect one of America’s most important institutions, the election of its President, what possible reason could the FBI have for NOT telling the sitting President? That makes zero sense to me.
Let me guess: he only found out about it when he read an article in the newspaper?
Mr. Rhodes writes that neither he nor Mr. Obama knew at that time that there was an F.B.I. investigation into contacts between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia
Let me guess– hypertechnically correct? Like the FBI investigation was into contacts between Russia and Mr. Trump’s campaign? Or the FBI investigation was into contacts between the Trump campaign and all foreign governments?
Link fixed.
What if we were wrong?
Dumbshit is wrong about absolutely everything else why would he be right about that? Hell he is even wrong about what he was wrong about.
Posted and discussed earlier this week, but bares a repeat.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but the race to dredge up any available dirt on public figures is getting pretty tiresome to me. Case in point:
However, I will grant that Joy Reid getting swindled by an obvious troll is pretty funny.
that story actually pretends the “Anime Nazis” are real, tho.
Even when they seem to be trying desperately to outdo themselves “NO REALLY WE ALL LOVE HITLER” is still better than
Looks like Brussels and the Italian President have backed down from their soft coup.
I think they saw the reaction and the polls and realized, ‘yeh, I think we’d better not go down this route ‘.
So the coalition will be allowed to form a government it sounds like.
Italians rioting is common, but if they look like they’re organizing a lamp-post party for you, it might be time to back down.
I don’t know if rioting is common but I know that Lega Nord were calling for a snap election and polls were showing the coalition were going to gain even more. Not only that, since March there have been local elections and Lega won both.
If the President – who is appointed and was reported to have said ‘we have to teach Italians’ – was going to push, he was indeed going to be impeached as Five Star were planning to do.
They have the backing of the people.
Trump said something that was interesting. He said when he says ‘America first’ he extends that to other countries who should do the same. That is, ‘France first’ and ‘Italy first’.
I think people see it this way too now.
He said when he says ‘America first’ he extends that to other countries who should do the same. That is, ‘France first’ and ‘Italy first’.
Which is really only a statement of traditional geopolitical realism.
but i think we’ve become so accustomed to the post-cold-war, bullshit-rhetoric where american presidents pretend to be deeply concerned about ‘the global community’ and ensuring to have responsibility for maintaining stability of the world order…. that this sort of expression of unapologetic, naked self-interest sounds absolutely bonkers and bizarre
the funny thing is that US policy and posture, in terms of action, is and has always been 80% “us first” and “20” concern for any multilateral issues. Even tho the rhetoric of the past was very kumbaya, “its a small world’, type shit, the reality was that we often acted like venal thugs vis a vis anyone we wanted to cause static w/.
If you saw how Obama was treated by china – it was no accident that they (and others) often did little diss-moves like this – because they were payback for what was in fact bullying US behavior behind the scenes, essentially dictating to other countries what our demands were. See how Israel basically told Obama/Kerry to go fuck themselves repeatedly. For good reasons
a return to pre WWII rhetoric re: the rest of the world is probably reassuring for many other countries, who may have grown tired of the sanctimonious nonsense that American politicians frequently traded in
I just read it’s the first ‘nationalist/populist’ government in Europe.
Which means it’s the first logical and sensible one.
Austria and most of Eastern Europe have already gone that way.
Not with this kind of mandate from a big country they were saying.
I should mentioned they said ‘Western’. Eastern Europe has been at it against the EU since the migration demands from Germany.
You just jogged my memory. Right leaning parties in The Netherlands beat the left ones pretty badly in their elections not too long ago.
One of their platform planks was “universal basic income”. As such, Italy will also be the first country in Europe to have a negative number of hours for their average work week.
Not mentioned in BBC overview of the policies they are likely to pursue, possibly because it would make them look good to the readership.
The map of unemployment across Italy makes me wish I was playing Crusader Kings 2 so I could fix the bordergore, though.
So typical European “right wing” that would be center left at best in the US? Like the UK Conservatives.
The entire system has undergone a phase shift. Terms don’t mean what they once did. The GOP is now the party of “workers’ rights” for Christ’s/Mohammed’s/Confucius’s sake!
The whole world needs to go home. It’s drunk.
5Star is explicitly left, when it can get around to some sort of coherent policy.
(non-coherent policy being implicitly left, of course..)
Five Star is like Le Pen in France – they’re left-wing in my view.
And they do have a spending policy which is a bit ridiculous.
Yeh, we have to be careful with all the terms. My friends in Italy are telling me interesting stuff. They don’t really view things are we’re interpreting it if that makes sense.
Not sure if this news is of interest, or if already covered, but Babylon 5, Seasons 1,2,4,5 now available on Amazon Prime. And yes, that is correct, S3 you have to pay for.
I have it on DVD. Not sure it holds up as well the second time around, but still recommended.
Trivia is that it was shot 16:9 even though it was broadcasted in 4:3. Also the opening animation was done by Amiga and Video Toaster.
IMO B5 and movies hold up but crusade not so much
My library had the series on DVD. Watched it in order for the first time a few months ago. Worth it if you haven’t seen.
Yeah, I think it’s in my Top 1 or 2 SF series of all time: although I’ve not watched as many as others here have.
Same here. I introduced my husband to the series late last year – purchased all five seasons. IIRC, Hayeksplosives made some awesome B5 dolls.
I watched B5 after it was done and out on DVD. My hat’s off to people who could endure it in weekly run – I’d have blown my gasket.
Writing may have been clunky at times but by Kosh it held together in the end. How I wish modern TV writers had learned the “have a plan for where your goddamn ongoing show is going” lesson.
-1 Lost
I have no sympathy for people who watched Lost.
I never watched Alias and I knew its ostensible long-running plot was a mess of idiocy, ass-pulling and blather. Why the fuck would you go watch an ongoing show from the same creator and expect anything different?
Lindelof sucks money balls. I never understood why he got so much positive attention.
Akiva Goldsman occasionally puts out good material, but most of his projects are crap too. Lost In Space the Movie was easily one the worst films of all time.
I got sucked in to watching Alias because of my girlfriend.
I watched that shit until the end and yelled at my tv multiple times, but couldn’t stop.
I watched that shit until the end and yelled at my tv multiple times, but couldn’t stop.
Right, but hopefully you didn’t go into Lost thinking “Hey I can’t wait to see how all these mysteries are resolved in a satisfying, yet surprising fashion!”
Oh, fuck Lost. Even the commercials looked dumb and I never started watching it.
I understand the hate for Lost — I watched the first episode as it was broadcast, and never missed one after that, but as alluded to earlier, it completely unraveled in the last two years what had been a terrific, often mesmerizing show. Had they known better how to finish it off people would likely still be raving about it. They virtually created the concept of the ‘backstory’ weaved into the current action, and the deep dive into each of the island’s characters’ tragedy and motivation was really good television. The casting was very good as well, and the acting could be great, especially when the writing was nailing it; the episodes when they’d captured the leader of ‘The Others’ and while guarding him have to listen as he professes his innocence, as you slowly start to realize he’s almost the embodiment of pure evil, I still get chills remembering how hypnotic those scenes were.
I’ve been watching Colony and enjoying it, but I admit I have some trepidation over it being “from the people who brought you ‘Lost'” (Carlton Cuse). _Please_ have an entire 5 year story arc already written down. That’s how you do it (B5, Breaking Bad, others, I’m sure).
And it’s not like B5 didn’t have to change course due to factors outside and inside the production. Shit, only after the actor died did JMS confirm that Sinclair was supposed to be the lead, but had to change to Sheridan due to issues with actors mental health. But, because he knew what the general flow of events should be, he was able to keep the show on track, even though it bloated his workload when he felt he had to write vast majority of episodes after Season 2 himself.
Flexibility is key – I just ran across this little bomb in re: Breaking Bad
JMS mentioned in several interviews that he had built in “escape hatches” for every character on the show. From memory, there were three that he had to use.
Jeffrey Sinclair
Lyta Alexander
Susan Ivanova
I’ll still say the rushed fourth season was an epic ride, which almost makes up for the tolerable fifth season.
All right fine, ya’ll convinced me. I tried watching it many years ago but couldn’t get into it. Once I’m through DS9, that will be my next series to try.
Serious talk – I like B5 far, far more than DS9. I never felt anything other than lukewarm appreciation to DS9 – it’s shitty Star Trek, and not a particularly good SF outside it. Yes, there are amazing episodes on it, but I wish it was its own brand.
That B5 got to most of the themes first and did them better on far worse budget and less quality cast (I love them, but you can always line up a better actor from DS9) didn’t help once I actually watched B5.
And DS9 was the best of the Treks.
After that… Farscape.
For me, Farscape is #1, then B5, then…….I’m slowly working through DS9 right now.
I drive to other corners of the country to visit…. grocery stores. Actually I wanted to make sure I had painkiller on hand because this was around the point in my previous road trip that my neck started to ache (I think I’ve corrected the ergonomic issue that caused it, but I’m going to be careful)
I stopped in to a Publix, because there was one, and some of my most commonly purchased products were cheaper ther, others more expensive.
I like visiting grocery stores when I travel. Usually cheaper than eating at restaurants and almost always pick up something unique to bring back.
I went to Latvia in 2003. Going into the grocery was interesting.
Could you read the labels?
A lot were in Russian, which I could somewhat read at the time. Other things are obvious – I mostly made things like salami & cheese sandwiches, fruit, and some veggies, which you don’t need much literacy to figure out. It was definitely a more cultural experience than eating at the hotel restaurant (and damn cheaper, too).
Since I speak the same language of the places I go, I try to observe the people to get a sense of them. One of the most surreal moments so far happened at a Waffle House in semi-rural North Carolina. A guy with thick inner-city accent and mannerisms was talking to the cook in a rather one-sided conversation about Dragonball with the sort of fervor you normally get from autists in college anime clubs.
Black people love Dragon Ball and anime in general. Geek culture is the closest thing to a uniting force this country has.
this is one of the strangest things you will ever see
it also has a part 1.
and maybe 20 other anime related goofery
I’m the Juggernaut, Bitch!
Did you get a chance to meet Dr. Doom?
(I was shocked as a kid when I found that Latvia was a real country, and Latervia was the made up one.)
Did you happen to catch the Riga Blonde Parade while you were there?
No, to both.
Publix is supposedly one of the best grocery stores in existence but I was so spoiled by Wegmans before I moved down here it’s kind of eh.
Wegmans is sick. It’s a whole other level. Unfortunately the closest one to us is just a little too far to be convenient.
Friday tits.
Nice cameltoe on 27.
So much for poetic intros.
I’ll just take #15 today. I think she’ll be fun to be around.
I’m not much of a tit connoisseur (I’ll have to dig up Q’s earlier post of posterior goodness), but are implants still frowned upon by some? IT isn’t obvious from the lists that anyone seems to care if they’re real or not, since so many of those seem to be fake. I guess I don’t have a problem with them, except when they are particularly obvious…
They’re frequently obvious, because the shape is wrong.
I don’t like implants, but I won’t exclude a woman from an orgy due to her having implants.
“Here we go. One of London’s too white cyclists takes reasonable exception to nearly being run down, goes Crocodile Dundee on the car driver.”
So, how does that dude have this giant knife when Britain has common sense knife control? When you have common sense control over inanimate objects, don’t they just disappear out of existence? I’m still trying to figure out how this common sense control stuff works.
Indiana knife show loophole.
Please say he went all Forged in Fire on the guy.
This knife…will keel.
If yall need an attorney, I’m only several hours away.
You know I do. What kind of payment plans do you offer?
All kinds. Also, interesting trades.
That’s good because I was going to ask about payment in kind. I don’t have much, but apparently I know some guys who know some guys who have access to grade A pure honey. The good shit. Not that cheap Central African shit.
How much honey are we talking about?
55 gallon drums worth of the best
lube“honey blend” money can buy.If Bobarian is around, just saw your comment on dead thread. I think we were on the same tour (probably not). But, the situation was very similar, there was a guy who was just over the 42″ limit bringing his teen daughter. I think he skipped that crawl though.
Chicken Sandwich Carl.
I just got the entire The State DVD box. I tried to get it years ago when some friends of mine worked at MTV, but it was not possible.
Reminder for the anime fans out there, the first half “sequel” to FLCL starts airing Saturday 11:30 PM on cartoon network. *supposedly* it’ll be available subbed on the toonami stream on their website – I sure hope so because my ears are already bleeding from that dub. Can’t stand ’em.
Hey, Fish. You’re a comic guy. I’ve started recording a podcast called “A Gal Walks Into A Comic Shop” (should drop in two weeks). Premise is that my partner, who never read a comic in her life, gets dragged to comic book shops and comic movies, and we talk about it. I know you’re a comic guy. I haven’t really followed comics since the eighties, and a brief spurt around 2008, when my kid started getting into them. Any good recommendations of current comics? I made the mistake of picking up some that I thought were decent bets from Marvel, and they were all so terrible it doesn’t make for good podcasting, since we both disliked them. (For example, picked up a bunch of issues of one called “America” that was….just amazingly bad. I want to cover modern comics, but boy, is that a slog.
Also, I’m always baffled by anime. Because of that, it might make for good podcasting if my partner develops a liking to the genre that I hate. Kind of flips the script. You got any recommendations?
Please drop a link to the podcast when it comes out, that sounds interesting!
I’m not Lt Fish, but he did a few videos on interesting indy comics that sound cool. For mainstream stuff, I’d check out new Batman (Tom King writing), Batman White Knight (limited series, 8 issues and done, last issue just came out, extra cool if you played Arkham series videogames), Supersons (Batman’s kid who’s a neurotic little shit meets Superman’s kid, who is a chill farmboy), maybe Gwenpool (Marvel fangirl drops into Marvel universe, uses knowledge of comics as power, acts like psychopath because these aren’t real people – just got cancelled at issue 25 but was overall strong).
If you’re not opposed to digital comics, for about $70 or so you can get a year-long subscription to Marvel Unlimited, which gives you comics from 6 months ago and earlier, including the entire X-Men and Spiderman runs. Watching a newbie read original Lee/Ditko Spiderman, or Clermont’s X-Men run might be interesting.
I had just sent a link, about twenty minutes ago, to some online comics. The question will be if she can stand the format of the screen. (Perhaps. Her “real” job is an editor. I’m hoping she’s used to reading things on a screen.) The Ditko Spider-man is absolutely on my list of classics! First, it’s probably the best damn run on comics ever (the Kirby run on FF may be second on the list. Next, the writing of the female characters are sure to spark an…interesting…reaction. Bought a trade of the Dark Phoenix saga. Reading it today, it reminds me how difficult Claremont’s word salad can be for a newbie. Can’t wait to pod about that one!
You going to stick to the superhero genre, or are you going to branch out to some of the trades?
Branching out. I want to do Love and Rockets (a favorite from when I was younger.) and we’re going to record one based on The Private Eye by Brian K. Vaughn (which is really damn good),
Figure it’ll be one week of modern releases, one week of classics, one week of movies, and one of indies.
Thanks for the info. Current youtubers like Diversity & Comics, Yellow Flash, Douglas Ernst, Cap’n Cummings, Just Some Guy, Mim Headroom, and others (Weaponized Nerd Rage, Crumplepoint, etc) are far more versed in the current comics continuity than I am on most titles. No. 1 Marmaduke Fan has been putting out some amazing stuff based on books for younger readers as well as post-modern art criticisms.
As far as current stuff for the current month and onwards that looks good: Marvel: new Avengers series just started – characters are much closer to whats in the movies vs the garbage books recently. Immortal Hulk starts next week (Bruce Banner is back)….can’t really speak to too many “good” new Marvel books (only books I’ve bought regularly are the “True Believers” reprints although Venom #1 is supposed to have been excellent and Amazing Spider-Man #800 is also supposed to have been fun after an absolutely abysmal run). As far as “America” – you have to look that one up on youtube. I think the only people actually paying for that book were buying it to roast it. Diversity and Comics new publishing company is called “Splatto” comics based on “splatto el gatto” – America’s childhood pet that got run-over in a flashback. Absolutely abysmal – and hilarious.
DC: I’m working on the Mister Miracle maxi series (about 9 of 12), the Batman White Knight 8 issue maxi series just wrapped up – excellent contained story set essentially in the Animated Series universe. Also the Watchmen sequel series Doomsday Clock is getting good. 5 of 12 issues so far. DC also kicked off a new set of books earlier this year “New Age of Heroes” that’s a bit of a return to 90s style action heroes/etc – some somewhat Marvelesque titles. “Silencer” aka ‘Long Kiss Goodnight’ meets ‘Punisher’, “The Terrifics” (new Fantastic Four), “Sideways”, “Immortal Men”, “New Challengers” – aka Challengers of the Unknown, “Damage”, and “Brimstone” – haven’t read the last 2 but the first 5 have all been good. They’ve got a stack of other events going on – Justice League, Batman Wedding, etc – and in general have been better than Marvel with the exception of a few titles…I haven’t really felt like digging into established books with them at the moment though.
Dark Horse – random stuff going on lately – Hellboy is hellboy, etc. Just bought one new book by them, but not following a whole lot. Not as much going on with them lately.
Image: Some excellent titles, but quality varies immensely (look at comics twitter or youtube for this stuff – ie. Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon is basically just violent hardcore porn now…but still getting published. On my end, just getting into “Death or Glory” miniseries (issue 2 is out this week)…more stuff here and there.
IDW: Again, very mixed bag – some excellent original titles, but they’ve sunk themselves on most of their license work – they shitcanned themselves with how badly they handled GI Joe last year and Transformers is hurting them too, but some good original titles by some folks.
Buying a LOT of new Euro comic reprints/translations from Titan Comics/Statix Press if you’re into that kind of title – some are very family friendly (like Bone), others not so much – made videos for a couple of them
If you have more specific questions feel free to ask – some of my older tweets have pics of my purchases (or on a few youtube vids).
Anime is another question entirely. Not sure what your preferences are for genres in general. If you already have a netflix account or prime – plenty to choose from there – or also crunchyroll is less than $10/month for a LOT more anime – subs and dubs. Give me a couple genres and I’ll recommend a few titles – although most of them will not necessarily be current. I’m pretty far behind on most new releases.
Oh yeah – if you’re a classic Xmen fan, Ed Piskor’s “X-Men: Grand Design” books are stunning and a great way to introduce new folks or old fans to the classics. Basically 2 larger format issues (48+ pages) so far that cover about half the entire x-men storyline and characters in very retroesque Kirby-style art. The first 2 issues have already been collected and #3 and #4 will come out later in the fall.
Good stuff!
Nit sure about the comics. As fir genre in anime, I have no idea!
Sub only fan… ;-). Naturally. I liked the FLCL, but think I liked the band The Pillows even more.
But I admit it does an interesting job trying to analyze growing up. Same voice actress who plays the crazy female lead plays a secondary character on “Kill la Kill” which cracked me up.
Looks like I stopped drinking about noon and fell asleep for four hours. Had no idea where I was when I woke up.
This is NOT a good day.
Still, at least as sucky as my life is, at least I’m not this guy.
Back to drinking.
Stay safe, brother. I’m sorry about the double whammy of ass suckage.
Thanks, man. Way I figure, a man is judged by the quality of his enemies. Since my enemy appears to be God and the entire rotten universe, I must be doing something right.
Also, I hid my keys. I’m not leaving my weird apartment for the next three days. Should keep me out of trouble.
Pro tip: you are not required to drink _all_ of the booze you walked out with in one session.
(sorry to hear your troubles – I’m also in the “you’ll be OK by Christmas” camp).
I’m not? Huh. I have ten bottles of bourbon, eight bottles of whiskey, three bottles of vodka, and two of gin. Oh, and random bottles I picked up along my years if a distiller. I’m thinking to myself, do I really want to move them again? I’ll figure it out.
Appreciated, though. I’ll be fine. I’ve never failed in landing on my feet.
You do have the makings of a fine party there – perhaps it’s time for a little neighborly outreach (caveat: I have no idea what sort of neighborhood you’re in).
I missed it, what happened?
Think country music.
Started off with an ex wanting more child support, ended with me being laid off from the distillery I worked at. Now I’m stuck in a strange city I just moved to, only one paycheck, a lease that’ll be a bitch to get out of, and no future ahead of me.
On the other hand, I was promised total consciousness, so I got that going for me, which is nice.
Distillery shut down, and his ex is trying to squeeze more child support. Maybe one or two other shitty things too.
Oh no. I’m sorry. I hope you find a new job soon and get that ex off your back.
Reminds me of the good old days. I used to wander around parts of Urbana-Champaign drunk… got up to some crazy hi-jinks.
Any of those years between 1984-1991?
Haha, no. I’m a much more recent phenomenon. Was there from 2009-2011, iirc… it *is* a little fuzzy.
I was going to school down the road in Bloomington from 1978-1982, and popped over a lot to hang with friends, but did also spend some time in Champaign-Urbana during your years from 84-86, as my sister was going to U of I. I may have even done lines in a hotel restroom with a group that included Tony Eason at a sorority formal around that time.
Today, you know you’re rural if there are guns in the rack. Driving around with guns in a rack in most cities today would have the terror squad and helicopters following you. There would be shitty pants it would take the city years to clean up.
I want to make a joke, but then Swiss will using his editing powers to fix the post and you will all just think I’m a crazy person.
It’s a place holder. Now he’ll add in some neutrality.
And we already thought you were crazy.
Why would he be here if he wasn’t crazy? I mean at least a little crazy. He has after all, survived at least a few Sugarfree posts.
You know how hard it is to go to the media library we have, find what I want, copy the url and then update the comment…on a phone?!
That’s only because your browser’s non-binary intersectionality engine is controlled 100% by the patriarchy.
*head explodes*
Too many bee stings?
Tomorrow’s lesson is all about toxic web server masculinity.
You work for Starbucks, don’t you?
Starbuck’s cannot afford me, they wish. Or wait, they would actually be able to tell my gender, so no. they don’t want me.
The best part of putting together a post is seeing the images and going WTF are they using that for?
Ha! And just like that The Hyperbole has a new hobby.
Don’t worry Tulpa, I also saw it.
“On some occasions, the real police would ask them to perform tasks at the scene, not realizing they were imposters.”
I’m reminded of the “Too smart to be a cop” ruling.
Holy shit, that case was New London as well?
They’re like the poster child for shitty court cases and terrible government. I used to work there, then they banned parking on the streets near my work, so I moved to a different state. (There may have been other factors involved as well)
A guy I knew from my undergrad years dropped out to join the Navy. He was in sub school in New London. I used to go visit him every now and then after I moved to New England. What a dump New London is.
It *is* a shithole. Almost everyone worth a damn at the major employers anyway came from out of state, too.
The fact that he wasn’t arrested leads me to believe he had a good story about why shooting someone in his car while on the highway wasn’t a bad idea.
From the article:
The driver, identified by police as Michael A. Hancock, 29, is being held without bond in a Denver jail on suspicion of first-degree murder.
It looks like he was arrested.
We’ve used Uber quite a bit with no problems, outside of a few fairly bad drivers. But I found a driver for when we need her and she’s typically available if we give advance notice. We just pay her in cash, and I don’t mind paying well, and she has a nice car and is a safe driver and lives near us. There are a few times we still just call Uber, but it’s typically only when we go to the local pub and want to drink, it’s only about a mile from here.
Uber driver wanted for rape here. “Too drunk to consent”.
I don’t think I’ve ever had sex that I could consent to. Legally, I mean.
In fairness, with STEVE SMITH, consent is implied.
Too drunk to consent my fucking ass. If you’re an adult and have consensual sex, you were not to drunk to consent. Maybe everyone is children now, I know Marx fans love that idea.
I have an easy fix for people who don’t want to have sex while intoxicated…. don’t get intoxicated*. You don’t see gbob complaining about waking up and not knowing where he was. Drunk sex with someone regrettable is sometimes the price you pay for a good night out.
*I’m not talking about passed out-drunk people. Thats some straight up rapist shit guys.
And yet the article is from yesterday… thats some kind of regret, or else he knocked her up.
Probable serial killer and all-around terrible person caught in Springfield, Mass.
I caught a glimpse of some bad shit happening in Springfield, MA on the gym TV when I walked out. I read the article. Holy shit, that is terrible.
Well he didn’t mis-gender anyone so there’s that.
Finally done with work this week… time for a few beers and a 3-day weekend, bitches.
3 day weekend? I’m gonna have to settle for beer and two day weekend.
I have $60 of Troegs in the fridge, and no idea when I’m going to dare open them. Probably after I get back to the house.
*in two weeks…
2 weeks? That’s awful. I’m gonna have a rye or bourbon for you, man.
Fuck yeah, working 4-10’s.
Ah, I see. I can’t do that. But as a consolation prize, I do work at home at least half the week. Still have to be available for clients 5 days a week.
Your pimp needs to give you a day off midweek.
*lifts beer*
na zdrowie!
Whoever mentioned the ‘Bitch, I op-er-ate!’ thing earlier: I was compelled to google that and now it’s totally stuck in my head.
Thanks for sharing.
I saw it earlier and didn’t have a chance to check it out. Not so catching to be, although you’d think so, given the tagline.
Since I went over my beer limit this week, I decided to have one more. What could it hurt to have one more? It’s a good one.
Hm, well I like coffee stouts, and I like milk stouts. I bet that is delicious. NH isn’t *that* far, wonder if I can find any.
“edit” Looks like the closest place selling it is an hour away.
Road trip!
I don’t know that I’m that desperate for a good beer. Maybe you can join the next BIF and send me some. 😀
I was going to join this BIF but I was expecting to be away when shipping starting. Shipping started a bit later than I thought it would, but even though Nephilium said he could get me on the list, I said no because I didn’t think I’d have time to put a good package together.
Maybe next time.
Well, now that you’re over bro, I say fuck it, drank! I would join you if I was there.
You make a good point, but I don’t know if I will continue drinking. My weight is up this week.
You talked me into it, but only one more. A change of pace.
Really old guy music. God damned, if Big Jay McNeely isn’t awesome!
Like Hasil Adkins, the dude is so amazingly nuts, it’s captivating!
He turned into an adorable old guy!
Not bad, but the hooting and hollering really detracted form it.
More old guy music. Basie and Bennett jamming out!
I’m not one for kneeling, but he HAS to better than the alternative.
*kneels before Zod*
/No euphemism
“I Use ‘They’ Pronouns Because I’m Non-Binary and Also Because I’m Always Surrounded By My Bees”
The future is Bee male
Annnddd I’m done. No more clicking on links for me.
Except for Q’s.
If she can imagine she is non-binary she can imagine a swarm of bees, I guess.
“Woman’s Husband Likes Her to Leave Fruit in Her Vagina All Day so He Can Eat it Later
There are lots of exciting ways to eat an apple. You can bake it in a pie, you can slice it up into small pieces, you can eat it whole, or, for some added flavor, you can do what this couple is doing and eat it straight from the loins of your lover.
A woman on Reddit recently posted about a new sex fetish she and her husband have been trying out, in which he asks her to place a food item (“like apples, pears, carrots, etc…”) in her vagina all day, and then he eats it from her vagina later that evening. *Chef’s kiss* MWAH, a true delicacy, because what could be better than vaginally fermented fruit?”
Whatever. I mean, what if she has to pee? Can’t he just eat her out like a normal guy… or I mean… WTF, are they German?
But then again, it’s on the same website as this article
Whatever fills yer anus
Not having one’s spouse die from Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Have you met her?
Cosmopolitan. Somehow the name doesnt fit.
Yo… apples are kind of big.
Anally fermented fruit?
And the yeast infections make it that much more fun!
Candida, we could make it together
The further from here girl the better
Where the air is fresh and clean
I happen to know that root vegetables will sprout in there. Not a good idea.
“Cops: Little Caesars worker shoots, kills man in clown mask who attacked him
HOLLY HILL, Fla. — A worker at a northeast Florida Little Ceasars pizza shop shot and killed a man in a clown mask who attacked him, police tell CBS affiliate WKMG. According to the Holly Hill Police Department, Heriberto Feliciano, 28, had just walked out after closing the Holly Hill store Saturday night when a suspect wearing a clown mask attacked him.
The suspect hit Feliciano with a wooden post until the post broke and tried to stab him with scissors, according to a police report.
Authorities said Feliciano was able to reach his concealed firearm and shot the suspect several times. The suspect was pronounced dead. A medical examiner will conduct an autopsy and release his identity.
Holly Hill Police Chief Stephen Aldrich told the station it appears the shooting was justified.”
So ends the great clown panic of 2016
Just a juggalo
Life goes on, without him
Trans mountain? WTF? Is that a mountain who thinks it’s actually a plain? I mean it’s Zoolander, do I even want to know?
The term didn’t come from him, thankfully. It was named because it’s supposed to go over the mountains.
I ain’t buying shit. OR turning off ad blocker… I guess we just have to assume that theres a big transexual mountain in Canada that isn’t being built.
“MSNBC breaks silence on star Joy Reid’s ‘hateful’ blog posts: ‘She has grown and evolved’
MSNBC issued the following statement after weeks of silence on the issue: “Some of the things written by Joy on her old blog are obviously hateful and hurtful. They are not reflective of the colleague and friend we have known at MSNBC for the past seven years. Joy has apologized publicly and privately and said she has grown and evolved in the many years since, and we know this to be true””
“Joy Reid on How Pat Buchanan Is Right, Hillary’s ‘Male Ambitions’, the ‘Nattering Nellies’ of NOW, and Dick Cheney’s Voodoo Dolls
Or maybe that hacker has just been extremely busy lately.”
So… they’re really gonna call her a full-grown monkey like that?
So the Republicans are going back to their roots?,_1856
Yes, in a way! Hamilton is all the rage, you know, and his polices are the heart of the American School.
Republicans were traditionally protectionist, mercantilist and suspicious of immigrants. 19th Century Republicans liked blacks but not the Irish or Chinese.
As I said earlier, we are in the middle of a “phase shift”. We are in the 7th Age. And as you know:
Speaking of political terminology my favorite was how back in 1850 Bastiat was considered center-left.
“Mutually Nonconsensual Sex
Is it possible for two people to simultaneously sexually assault each other? This is the question—rife with legal, anatomical, and emotional improbabilities—to which the University of Cincinnati now addresses itself, and with some urgency, as the institution and three of its employees are currently being sued over an encounter that was sexual for a brief moment, but that just as quickly entered the realm of eternal return. The one important thing you need to know about the case is that according to the lawsuit, a woman has been indefinitely suspended from college because she let a man touch her vagina. What kind of sexually repressive madness could have allowed for this to happen? Answer that question and you will go a long way toward answering the question, “What the hell is happening on American college campuses?””
I think we have somehow gone backwards in evolution. We are now trying to figure out norms in male female relationships as if we just discovered the two were different.
It’s okay to revisit assumptions, but this is checking gravity by jumping off buildings.
The livestream on Steam’s “Dungeons and Dragons” sale page is as if all my college friends got together to form a band.
Goddammit… gamers today. There were no women interested in gaming when I was a youngun’, unless their boyfriend/husband drug them to a game.
We had a few in my circles.
Don’t despair, these aren’t actual XX women, but merely gamers who identify as women.
Or “role play”, if you will.
You mean crossplayers like Sneaky Scuderi? I’m pretty sure he identifies as male.
I have no idea, HM’s video isn’t loading.
That’s why LARPing took off. I think the group I belonged to back in the late 90’s, early 00’s was close to 50/50.
Today I learned that Paul Fuckin’ Krugman decided to weigh in on the travails of my former industry/career, and what a surprise, he only partially understands what the fuck is going on.
Also, after spending the last hour on twitter going through multiple retweets and various threads, it has become apparent that there are very, very, very few legit truckers on Twitter. Which raises the opinion I hold of my fellow road warriors.
Also, my daughter turned four weeks old today. I understand that GBob and Suthenboy have had some adversity going on, and I hope to figure out how the fuck to get imgur to work on my phone, such that I might brighten your days with baby photos.
Or just mail us the baby. Go all Solomon on that. We’ll flip it to call it heads or tails.
Suthen has problems too? Oh no, what did I miss?
Congratulations on your daughter’s birth! I think I missed it.
Paul Krugman can go fuck himself.
There was a fugitive in the bayous around Suthen’s property for a good two days.
Yikes! Suthen, if you’re out there, I hope all is well.
The situation has been resolved – bad dude has been captured by the cops (gave himself up, I believe), Suthen finally got a good night’s sleep.
I think some craziness went on near him somewhere …. I missed it too, and only saw comments in the aftermath.
I’ve been very absent the last 4 weeks …. new kiddo taking up most of my time, over and above work and everything else.
Congrats on the kid, hope you got to take some time off. Our little guy just turned 4 months old, he barely slept the first 3 months, was really trying for us, but its also been a lot of fun.
Krugman advocates changes to work hours/logs/other restrictions for truckers – nope.
What a hack Kruggers – I linked that article here 2 days ago. But yeah – people with normal lives/real jobs don’t twitter.
Forget 72 yr Scotch.