Just a few more days till vacation…that’s what I’m thinking this morning as I type this. Of course, I have four auctions in various stages going on right now. Shit, make that five. Now if I can just get the two I recently finished all shipped in the next two days I can relax for my son’s high school graduation, which is oddly enough being held 30 miles away at an NFL stadium rather than the football stadium on campus. But whatever. (Speaking of the NFL, I can think of at least one player that needs to take a math class.) And then we can head to the beach with Brett L and clan for a week of fun.
Oh, and speaking of sports in general, Stosur, Mugaruza, Rybarikova, Pera and Mertens have moved on today in the Women’s side of the French.Halep and Serena play later in the day. On the Men’s side, Marin Cilic is up 2 sets in his match and no others are completed. But Sam Querry was bounced yesterday, in case anybody wondered. Not that it matters much on the Men’s side. If Rafael Nadal doesn’t just steamroll the entire field, I’ll be absolutely shocked.
On the ice, Holtby stood on his head as the Caps held on to even the series with Vegas at 1-1. I still think Vegas will win in 6. The NBA Finals kick off tonight. And I think the GSW will also win in 6. And that’s all for sports.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Zinedane Zidane has resigned at Real Madrid as of right now.

Beverly and Howard trying to make sense of the next scene in the script.
If you were born on May 31, you share your birthday with Walt Whitman, Pope Pius XI, actor/director Clint Eastwood, (dead) rocker John Bonham, miracle-on-ice goalie Jim Craig, super-hot 80s actress Lea Thompson, nude (child) model and “actress” Brooke Shields, In Bruges (and see it if you haven’t) actor Colin Farrell, and RUN-DMC’s Darryl Matthews. Its also the day Sir Francis Bacon spent a night in the Tower Of London against his will, Madison Square Garden, named after James Madison, opened in New York City. (Uh, how come the retards haven’t demanded the name be changed from that of a slaveholder? My guess is that they haven’t found out it was named after him.), Montgomery evacuated from Dunkirk, James Stewart retires from the USAF after 27 years of service, and Seinfeld debuted on NBC.
That’s a lot going on. But that’s all in the past. This is the present. So let’s talk about what just happened, which I guess is also technically the past. But its much more recent, so its different, right? Well whatever. Here are…the links!

“Ooh, I can still catch a whiff of my fart up here!”
You want to know what narcissism is? THIS is what narcissism is. I mean…Christ, what an asshole.
Trump met a celebrity in the Oval Office to discuss criminal justice reform. And the leftists went apeshit. Especially Jim Acosta over at CNN. Strangely enough, his on-air outburst on the matter doesn’t square too well with his reaction to Obama meeting with celebrity John Legend doing the exact same thing for the exact same reason. But Jim gonna Jim.
California legislators figure out another way to get peoples money. And what smarter place to put the money of a quasi-legal endeavour (that spelling is for our Canadian brethren) than in the bank run by the state? LOL, anybody dumb enough to participate in that circle-jerk deserves whatever they get.

Its the art we deserve, America.
I’m just going to repeat the lede of this link word for word, since I doubt I can capture the essence any better on my own: STX Beats Lawsuit Over ‘Happytime Murders’ Trailer With ‘Ejaculating Puppets’. That is all.
Joy Reid is back in the news. Since homophobic comments didn’t sink her, let’s see if the 9/11 truther insanity does. Seriously, she was on a panel yesterday on MSNBC for “everyday racism” with noted anti-Semite Al Sharpton. That’s quite the pair to be hectoring us on how we view other people.

“My old man is a TV repairman. He’s got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.”
He wasn’t drunk. He’s obviously not an Asian woman. So this is the most reasonable explanation. But still, I think the Red Cross should take some money away from all those people they help with the money they get the fat-ass salaries they pay their executives or their massive marketing budget and at least replace the dude’s porch.
And in local news, Houston philanthropist and all-around great guy given honorary doctorate from Baylor. I can’t think of a nicer guy to give the honor to. Well done, JJ.
Have a great Thursday, friends.
Obama: Me Me Me Me Me Me Me
You left out “I, I, I, I, I, I”
“Uh, uh..uh, and and and, uh ME…and and and I…uh, Me and I, Me and and and, uh…I”
Throw in a few awkward pauses
Look at this shit from the author of the article:
“But his book offers a new window, if only slightly cracked open, into the 44th president’s handling of Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election to help Mr. Trump get elected and the aftermath.”
Facts not in evidence, fuckstick. There are lots of other cheap post-shots that the author takes at Trump, like this one:
“Mr. Rhodes writes that neither he nor Mr. Obama knew at that time that there was an F.B.I. investigation into contacts between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia, despite Mr. Trump’s recent unsubstantiated claims that the departing president placed a “spy” or multiple spies in his campaign.”
I think it’s pretty much a proven fact that the campaign was being spied on. This is willful ignorance of evidence supporting that fact.
I don’t like Trump in general as a person, and I don’t think he has any ideological code by which he governs, but the fact that his enemies in the media are mendacious scum forces me to take his side way too frequently. It’s really mind-boggling to me how detached from reality, and what I consider to be basic ethics, the typical journalist is.
I have a lot of gripes with Trump’s policies, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to vote for him in 2020. The Democrat Party and these deep state slimeballs need to be exposed for what they are, and Trump is good at getting them to drop the mask.
We can’t afford to have a political/media juggernaught that is vetting and approving all presidents and destroying any unapproved candidates who get into the Oval Office.
Trump met a celebrity in the Oval Office to discuss criminal justice reform. – The other Kim…
I love how the media are on about how ridiculous it is to meet with a celebrity in the White House, forgetting all of Obama’s celebrity visitors like Beyonce and Jay Z. and Oprah Winfrey, etc.
That’s because Obama is cool and dreamy and Trupfh is Hitler!!!1!!eleventy!!
That’s just whataboutism, you’re just deflecting! Besides, it was different!
But seriously, I got into it with the old lady last night about this, just a smidge. I’ll spare the gory details, but my position was essentially that if Kim Kardashian can parlay being famous for a big ass and having sex on camera into criminal justice reform, she’s got me and everyone I know beat by a country mile.
my son’s high school graduation, which is oddly enough being held 30 miles away at an NFL stadium
Just how large is the damn high school?
His class is 1200 kids.
Tell your kid to take a knee.
*gapes, begins applause*
It’s gonna be at least 4 hours, they’re saying. Fuck, that’s reason enough to abolish public schools. No private school would ever get this big.
Economy of scale ?
Nah. It’s Texas–they only get that big to have enough students to field a good football team from.
And then there are those 7-on-7 schools.
I had to spend my high school graduation in the principal’s office cuz I got high. I spent my university graduation at home because I forgot and got high.
Then you punched a drunk girl who wandered onto the stage?
I spent both my senior prom and my high school graduation out on the ocean fishing. never regretted doing either.
I went to my boys kindergarten graduation last week. About 45 kids. It was over in 20 minutes. That’s how it should be.
And then no more graduations, right?
The way it should be is that there is no graduation ceremony for kindergarten. It’s kindergarten for Christ’s sake.
Last Fall, I had to be on stage for the December commencement. When they were about to play the anthem, I turned to the guy next to me (an associate VP) and said “let’s take a knee”. He declined but nearly burst out laughing in the middle of O say can you see…
Well done!
Lea Thompson..The only saving grace of this heaping pile of feces
The pic I had was from literally three seconds later in the movie, lol.
And yes, it was awful. I also think it was the first Marvel Universe film made.
You are correct
I remember getting my parents to take me to that movie when I was 10. I think they wanted to disown me after 20 minutes of it. I’ve still never seen so many people leaving in the middle of a movie to this day.
My wife knew Lea back when they were both studying ballet. Ms. Thompson had a reputation for sleeping her way to the top of the food chain.
*quantum leaps into a Hollywood producer, circa 1983*
when I was an adolescent I went to a free showing of that movie, perhaps an attempt to drum up an audience for a stinker of a film.
I didn’t walk out but instead suffered through the whole thing – hey, it was free!
One of my exes worked on Howard The Duck as a production nurse. Worst movie ever made but it did pay for relandscaping the back yard.
relandscaping the back yard
When they parted for the final time, Ms. Merkel had a single tear in her eye. “She’s all alone,” Mr. Obama noted.
It’s just like Jack and Rose.
If only it had been like Thelma and Louise.
I meant the Kennedy’s.
And I meant the two of them driving off a cliff to their death.
I see Obama ending his life more along the lines of the Predator. Laugh and all.
I don’t. The guy strikes me as someone that would cry like a bitch, offer to suck dick or take it up the ass, and beg and plead to not be greased.
That’s how he likes to spend his quiet nights with Michellle.
I bet you she straps one on, puts the gimp ball in his mouth, and rides him like the gimp he is while he mewls and cries. Not that there is anything wrong with that if they both are into it….
That would have been a just and deserved ending for the shit these two cunts have put people through Sloopy.
I meant the Kennedy’s.
So, Sloop is thinking more like Bobby and Jack?
Who plays Brad Pitt’s role? François Hollande?
Suckin’ on chili dogs behind the Tastee Freeze?
Chili Dogs: You’re Eating Them Wrong
Indeed – that line has always bothered me. You’re doing what now to that chili dog?
There was room on the fucking door, Angela!
Need another article or commentary from Gordilocks on trucking. WaPo massively falls on it’s face trying to figure out why there’s a shortage of truckers: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/05/28/america-has-a-massive-truck-driver-shortage-heres-why-few-want-an-80000-job/
One reference in the entire article to government regulation – and that’s from a retired 70 year old.
Regulation cant be to blame so no need mentioning it
I remember a Guardian article that was basically despite the high taxes and regulations the economy is doing badly.
Sounds exactly like a marxist tool would respond to an economic collapse because of the socialist model. Remember when they used to tell us how Brazil and Venezuela showcased how socialism was creating prosperous and just societies? Now that socialism has played its normal course in these countries, do you ever get any articles that point out that these places are now hellholes because of socialism running its course? Nah, what you get is no mention of socialism or bullshit like you pointed out that despite socialism and social justice, things are bad.
It’s called Cognitive Dissonance.
I’m just going to repeat the lede of this link word for word, since I doubt I can capture the essence any better on my own: STX Beats Lawsuit Over ‘Happytime Murders’ Trailer With ‘Ejaculating Puppets’. That is all. – I would expect this to be fair use as it is sort of a joke/parody thing
Note that the filmmaker here is Jim Henson’s son. It’s a great family tradition.
Puppets spraying jizz?
Yes, we do that sometimes
Imma gonna pass on that event brah..
Oh, and you’re likely too young to remember this gem.
Also to classy
Obligatory NSFW
“….Owing a mob boss half a million dollars which must be paid in 24 hours, a group of executives comes up with ideas for, and films, a pornographic movie.”
Desperate times call for desperate porn….
Funny, I ran an ejaculating puppets link last weekend. I’m sensing a trend.
I linked the trailer 2 weeks ago. You guys are so outta it.
Yeah, but my link was all about the NEWS since it was litigated yesterday. Yours was just a crass, sophomoric pandering to the base and childish instincts of the readership here.
And for that, I thank you.
I am very appreciative of the fact that Brian Henson isn’t trying to carve his father’s legacy in concrete and leave it there, but to expand the company in various directions (ie. this, Farscape, etc). Granted “Mirrormask” wasn’t a huge success, but it continues the company’s experimental ventures. There will/should always be a place for creative props and hard effects vice doing everything in CGI.
I hope he continues his father’s legacy of ultraviolence.
Like, Vulcans we procreate once every 7 years.
The Creature from Reefer Island
Glenn Snoddy, Fuzz Pedal Inventor, Dead at 96
Am I the only one who did not know what a fuzz pedal is without googling?
It’s like Pie just scrolls past any of the amp subthreads. /smdh
“Joy Reid is back in the news.”
Did she try to climb the Empire State Building?
Your begging to lose your TV series.
Are you insinuating he’s talking about King Kong? There are a lot of movies where people climb up the Empire State Building. Must mean you’re the racist!!
“There are a lot of movies where people climb up the Empire State Building”
Name 5.
How many Spider Man movies have there been?
Since the 90’s? 6. The Raimi three, the two in the rebooted Amazing series, and then the one in the MCU (Homecoming).
I’d have to hunt to find out how many of the direct to TV movies were made back in the 70’s.
He’s been perched on the Chrysler Building, but as far as my recollection, never climbed the ESB in film.
You do know I wasn’t giving you shit the other day, yeah? I just needed a vessel for my 40 Year Old Virgin hole.
I didn’t think you were.
Phrasing? Which reminds me I’m a couple weeks behind with Archer.
Don’t use the word “virgin” here, for fear of summoning STEVE SMITh.. .( I thought you knew better)
And that’s all for sports.
So far this year, the Yanks have taken 5 out of 7 from the ‘Stros. That is all.
So far. They won’t meet again until the playoffs. And I believe they’ll meet then.
Might want to watch your mouth with that talk as you are headed into a series with the best team in baseball.
No, they just lost a series to the best team in baseball.
We’re gonna need to have a word with the scheduler, because the run of games we’re on without any rest days is bullshit.
Pffffft….the Yankees played 19 straigh days earlier this year, I think.
The stretch they’re heading into is pretty ridiculous too, largely because they have to make up 3 or 4 games that were rained out.
Most likely.
Not having a dog in the fight, it is really fascinating to watch the whole Rosanne debacle. I heard Rosanne’s season finale was the highest rated show on TV this year so last night I decided to see what the fuss was and watch it on-demand. Nope. The whole thing is gone like it never happened. ABC just had it’s first #1 show in the ratings in 24 years and chucked the whole thing out a week later.
Comrade! Virtue is its own reward.
Honestly, I’m not sure if she should have lost her show over the tweets or not. I’m inclined to say no, but different people have different standards. But, this whole story is really highlighting something to me that I find utterly repugnant. How many people are in absolute delight that they feel like they’ve ruined someone’s life about this? How many people are patting themselves on the back that they feel like they destroyed this woman’s career? Whether they actually have or not, I don’t know, but that doesn’t really matter. The motivation and mental state is unchanged. What kind of piece of garbage do you have to be to take personal satisfaction out of ruining someone? Over what? A tweet? Who the hell is even going to remember what the tweet said six months from now? And, yet, a whole bunch of people are patting themselves on the back for feeling like they ruined someone over it? What kind of soulless, remorseless, bastard do you have to be happy about something like that?
I think there was probably significant opposition to having a show about middle America Trump supporters within ABC in the first place. Some executive probably pushed to get the show on air and the ratings made the rest of them who opposed it look stupid. Presented with the excuse to can the show over a tweet, those who opposed the show would have jumped on the opportunity to get rid of it.
Just my guess in any case.
Yes – If ABC / Disney really wanted the show, they would have sent somebody to her house, grabbed the phone, typed an apology, then smashed it.
The speed and completeness of their destruction of their highest rated show in several decades demonstrates how much they don’t want a program that is even 10% conservative.
Ideology uber alles.
….A Prog?….
Talk about an alley-oop…
They got a tiny piece of evidence that their view of America is correct. See, I’m not insane. Whew. Glad we got that settled. No let’s get back down to dismantling the entire culture since we’re so right.
Couldn’t another outlet pick up the show?
Which Glib came up with this life-hack?
Possibly NSFW
Bob’s your uncle
“We’ve found to put her down, we have to literally stand behind her rocking the bassinet to replicate the movement of the car.”
It’s not the movement of the car that the kid is used to. I’m thinking someone went anal during pregnancy.
Go on…
Laura, who has her own business with Brad, 34, alongside running Instagram blog Attempting to Mum, said: “Lucie is baby number four so we are used to it by now, but she does not do very well at day sleeps.
‘but she does not do very well at day sleeps’
You’d think the English could speak English.
Primo links today.
Sloopy always brings it. The best links.
He could have given somebody a hat-tip for the Randall jersey tweet story….
I always wonder if Rube Goldberg machine videos are edited in multiple cuts, cause it seems difficult to get them in one. But found this one creative.
Not bad, if a little wasteful in materials.
I think this one had some editing, but it’s a fun combo of machinery and clips: https://youtu.be/4V-0RtXqw14
Minnesoda’s AG is speaking truth to power! Or she is suing a pharma company for aggressively selling an opioid. That is great, isn’t it?
The only thing missing from the story is any mention of even one patient who was injured or harmed.
The only thing missing from the story is any mention of even one patient who was injured or harmed.
That’s not important because shut up!
Also no mention of people being forced to suffer with inadequate pain management because they can’t stand the thought of somebody, somewhere, getting high.
Yea, I don’t get that fucking mindset either.
You basically have a see-saw effect with opiates: You can make it harder for junkies to get opiates, but that will also make it harder for pain sufferers to get them. You can push it the other direction and make it easier for pain sufferers to get opiates, but that will also lead to more junkies getting them. Government policy is just not good at achieving a nuanced result like allowing pain sufferers to get their meds while stopping junkies from getting them (not that it’s the state’s job to prevent people from using drugs recreationally).
I don’t understand why pain sufferers are being told to suck it up just because junkies exist. People with severe pain are probably not in that situation through some fault of their own; it’s usually the result of an injury or disease. On the other hand, junkies are in their situation because of their own bad decisions.
Tax em’ if you’ve got em’? Phil Murphy wants levy on e-cigarettes
I could be wrong but I get the feeling that tax hungry leftists are driving away Democrat voters.
neah. what are they gonna do? vote Republican?
Maybe some of the blue collar Dems.
Not many blue collar Dems in NJ. It’s mostly the massive public sector unions and urban voters.
Move to Florida and vote Democrat more likely.
For some liberals, voting Republican can be the ultimate act if rebellion (and visa-versa)
Fuck off
No they lead to black markets.
Que video of person being summarily executed for selling loosies.
And murder victims like Eric Garner.
But detractors say this growing industry isn’t just advertising to lifelong smokers, but to teens who’ve never picked up a cigarette.
Every gateway can be both and entrance and an exit.
“”As much as someone can vape to reduce their tobacco use and some people have used it to quit tobacco, the vaping industrial complex is addicting a new generation of children,” Vitale said.”
Just like Eisenhower tried to warn us?
Christ, what an asshole.
the vaping industrial complex
Paging Wayne Brady, one choking needed, stat!
I give these lynx the Tundra stamp of approval. Also, perfect marks on the captions. Well done.
I still think Vegas will win in 6.
That was a hell of a game last night. So fast, so many scoring chances – if not for Holtby, the Caps are headed home 0-2. They definitely need to stop taking penalties, though.
Happy Birthday, guy.
Great song. Spawn 2 has been working on a Zep song for a school ensemble concert. Her words: “man, this guy is a great drummer!”
Did someone say Lynx?
Uffda. You don’t Minnesoda do you?
Everyone knows that Tundra only acknowledges one kind of Lynx.
All I know is, that dyke can play.
-Patches O’Houlihan
That save!
You all know what I’m talking about.
Yeh, the speed is sick.
We didn’t need that kid, though. Or 56.
The wife and I rewound that shit over and over again, sitting there mouths agape, saying, “…did he move the stick before the guy even got the rebound? It’s like the effing Matrix!”
Vegas in 6…I think this next game is big, and I’m going to say that if the Caps lose this game it goes to a game 7. The penalties are out of hand, though, but I’d like to think it’s partly a function of the refs figuring out how much they’re actually gonna call. They don’t seem very consistent for whatever reason, although this game was better than the last.
Apropos to the California State Bank story; North Dakota is the only U.S. state to have a state bank. And we have a state mill & elevator. And we used to have a state railroad. All leftovers from a populist movement about 100 years ago. The Scandinavian and German settlers/farmers were sick of getting the shaft from banks, grain brokers and railroads in Minneapolis and Chicago, so this was their way of fighting back.
Thanks for the info. I always wondered about that. I had a poly sci professor at MSUM who loved to point out that red state North Dakota was the only state with a state bank.
“The Scandinavian and German settlers/farmers”
The same shitheads that left their homelands because of socialism suddenly wanted to inflict it in their new locale.
Yep. A little bit of good old Nordic socialism right here in the heartland.
I will just leave this here:
“Canada’s ‘adventure gap’: Why it doesn’t makes sense for the great outdoors to be such a white space”
Don’t you know! Only whites are allowed in nature
Thus, black women who ski face a triple racialization due to the perceptions of race, the landscape and the activity.”
Is Racist Mountain before or after the Vail exit?
Snow is white, therefore it’s racist. This is the ‘intellectual’ level of thought today. God have mercy on our souls.
I was thinking about this today. Being surrounded by POC’s that don’t hate me with every fiber of their being is one huge advantage. How fucked up is the West that the Japanese are less racist?
I need some comments from Pope Jimbo below about his Korean wife’s experiences with racism in Japan.
From the outside I’m not really sure what to make of the conflicts with the ethnic Korean populations in Japan.
My wife has never complained about any racism when she lived in Japan.
To be fair, her sister married a Japanese guy so they aren’t in that crazy limbo that you see the ethnic Koreans in Japan in. I have never heard any of them complain about any racism.
On my last trip to Osaka though, I found an underground shopping mall named Whity Shopping Town. I had so much fun making fun of my relatives about how racist it was to force whity underground.
Thanks your Holiness!
The other interesting thing I learned about several years ago was the existence of the the Burakumin .
I always found it humorous that Japan’s underclass are called “blackmen”
(I know, false cognate)
FYI, snow can be asian, but don’t eat it.
Big Rock Racist Mountain is in a land far away next to the crystal fountains.
Possibly Clooney’s best. Except
for maybe Intolerable Cruelty.
He’s a fine actor. Just an asshole.
I gotta watch that again. Haven’t seen it in years.
“Thus, black women who ski face a triple racialization due to the perceptions of race, the landscape and the activity.”
Just go out and fucking ski and meet fellow skiers who won’t give 2 shits of your color.
You’ll have something in common with others … you all ski!
When I think skiing, I think of blue collar white schlubs with regressive views on race for sure.
If you ski you share a common hatred of snowboarders.
When you find a solution I hope you share it with your good English pals
London cyclists too white, male and middle class, says capital’s cycling chief in vow to tackle diversity ‘problem’
Bike paths are a threat to all things civil.
I avoid them like the plague. I have to use one for about 2 miles to get to the fields and it’s torture. The inconsiderate retards on paths make it too dangerous….especially if you ride at a decent clip.
To be fair, the story doesn’t contain a single quote where he says the cyclists are too white. He does mention that there are a lot of MAMILs, the guys who think they are racing in the Tour de France, which can give the impression that you have to get all tricked out to go for a ride.
Wait. There are non-white people in Canada (besides Eskimos or whatever we’re supposed to call them now)? I’ve been up there a number of times and swear I don’t remember ever seeing one.
Yes. They’re called Jamaican immigrants.
Walk through Brampton or Mississauga.
Ontario is gonna be non-white majority in our lifetime.
The Great White North
Hoser, eh?
Get oot!
“If you were African American, of course you don’t go into the woods, because that’s where the lynchings occur. But we’re in Toronto. We don’t have that history of lynching here,”
Umm wat? When was the last time there was a lynching in the United States or Canada? Fairly certain you’re more likely to be attacked by a bear, or STEVE SMITH.
Watch out for the black ice while you’re driving through the great outdoors
Black Ice air freshener — had a friend who used it and with the way he speaks, it sounds as if he’s telling you his car smells like “Black Guys”
And yellow snow.
She almost reached her target:
“Feel Safe, Feel Welcomed, Build Diversity in the Wild
The forest has always felt like home for me. Even before I stepped foot into the PNW, I would dream about it’s forests, rivers and mountains. When I am hiking the sounds of the forest is like a familiar voice.
In this second home of mine, I seldom see people who look like me. It is not clear that there is a welcoming space for people of color in wild spaces. It isn’t clear that there are safe comfortable places for queer people in the outdoors. It isn’t clear that people can hike their own hike or enjoy the forest in the way that feels the best for them. The forest is more than a place for summit preparation. It is a place to also relax, rest and rejuvenate it the purest parts of our world. The forest is a place to grow, heal and feel nurtured. The forest is a place to escape inward by going outside. And yes, the forest is also a place to prep for the next hike, build strength and accomplish goals.”
/drops cigarette from lips.
“It isnt clear..”
What would make it clear?
In other words you are making this shit up. The ‘I am not welcome here’ is all in your head.
I think an alternate rejoinder would be that NOBODY is actually welcome there. The forest is trying to kill us all with equal fervor. See the mountain lion attack (WA?) a few weeks back as an example.
Actually the cougar killed a Trans person. No joke.
“I identify as a hot young stu….AHHHHH, COUGAR ATTACK!!!”
I feel so much dumber for having read that.
Finally. The UN brings actual experts in on a global problem.
I expect good things now that they have replaced Switzerland as the head of this important conference.
The UN is so fair and equal. How could anyone oppose it?
“GEORGE TARGETED Chilling picture of Prince George and jihadis that ISIS terror plotter used to encourage attacks on royal at school
THIS is the chilling picture a wannabe jihadi used to urge his followers to attack Prince George at his school.
Husnain Rashid, 32, also encouraged bombings at football matches through messaging site Telegram and was accused of asking followers to inject ice cream with poison.”
Do you think that if one of them successfully attacked a royal that the Brits would wake the hell up?
That sure is an interesting question. I’ll guess they just submit harder.
They would blame it on an understandable reaction to white supremacist hate speech and use it as an example of the importance of suppressing hate speech from people like Mark Meechan even harder.
Yes. In a case like that, the biggest danger would be Islamophobia.
Doubtful for Prince Harry. Guy’s an Afghan veteran who did actual soldiering before being outed by the media much to his chagrin.
The royals are complicit in neocolonialism and postcapitalist oppressive systems of power which causes bodies of color to act this way due to dehumanization.
What if during the attack, their baby suffered brain damage and was in a permanent vegetative state. Would NHS pull the plug and forbid the royal couple from taking him elsewhere?
Sloth Barre Is the New Goat Yoga and We’ve Never Been More Into Exercise
I got nothing
I’d like to hang on some things in that photo, if youknowwhatImean.
Where would one even get a sloth? I’m surprised it isn’t illegal.
Obama: Not gone enough.
Such a classy guy. So classy he doesn’t have the decency to shut the fuck up and fade into the sunset.
He’s already irrelevant.
Every time he opens his mediocre mouth, Trump should open the book and look to overturn something else from Obama.
I would laugh
That fucker pretends to be above the fray and people eat it up. The reality is that he is one of the most partisan, double-dealing, dirty trickster Presidents in modern history.
He did more to elect Trump than anyone except Hillary.
The next day, Mr. Obama focused on cheering up his despondent staff. At one point, he sent a message to Mr. Rhodes saying, “There are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on the earth.”
I’d accept Trump placing a spinning wheel kick to his temple.
That cant be real…
Oh, I can absolutely believe that a consummate bullshit artist like Obama spouting some pseudoprofound nonsense like that.
He’s also a superficial, cliched moron.
If someone told me that and I knew they were a puerile huckster I’d laugh in their face.
‘Yeah-k buddy’.
George Soros has a new grand plan for Africa and Europe. It involves the EU borrowing 30 Billion Euros (probably from George Soros) and giving that money to George Soros so he can transport the population of Africa to Europe. Then everyone lives happily ever after or something.
So Soros thinks he Africa is not a place worth living in? Sounds raaaaacist
As long as they all go to Sweden it’s ok.
I was never one to buy into into this theory of ‘globalists’ and ‘internationalists’ cabal looking to uproot the West and capitalism but I’m starting to wonder because none of these proposals and actions make any sense anymore.
Why are they pushing so hard for migration?
Because natives vote wrong. Look at italy.
Mattarella usurped the people.
70% of the population voted for a non-left wing/pro EU party.
That is, in case it wasn’t clear AGAINST the left and pro EU.
No kidding. I’m trying to follow that shit storm. Their trying to block appointments by lawsuits, right? Sounds familiar.
Sounds like it. The coalition hammered out their deal and everything was set to go. Until….
Granted, the elected parties first order of business was to spend into oblivion. In a country with persistent low growth and low birth rates, that’s suicide.
Because Soros wants to break Europe. Personally, I think Soros has some serious internal guilt issues.
I think it’s pretty well established now it’s all projection with the left.
Because geography is magic. Europe is the way it is because it is Europe, not because of the people who live there and ditto for Africa. All you have to do to fix things for the poor Africans is move them to Europe and voila prosperity.
It takes a special kind of idiot to buy that.
Animism didn’t help either. I am astounded ‘experts’ of today simply ignore both geography and religion as driving forces for the societal development of the past several centuries.
If the solution to African despotism and poverty is Europe and America, why aren’t any of these leftist globalists calling for a return of colonialism instead of trying to flood western nations with Africans while leaving the problems in place in the nation’s they want t opluck the migrants from?
I’m serious. If these asshats really think these people, a small percentage of the population of the nation’s they’re coming from by the way, will be that much better off in the west, wouldn’t it be easier, more just and efficient toctake the west to their entire nation rather than letting a small percentage of them come here?
It is almost like they have something other than the welfare of Africans in mind.
Never mind you can’t just ‘transport’ people from Africa/Mid-East and drop them in the middle of, say, Norway and expect them to integrate.
It’s next to impossible. No wonder there’s friction and a social malaise.
The expect the Europeans to integrate into Middle Eastern / North African culture. The Brits seem to be doing a good job of it.
Sure you can! Why, look at this wonderful plan from one of our expert social engineers:
Drop a bunch of third-world citizens from a religion with a problem of violent radicalism into an inner-city war zone with little to no economic opportunity… What could possibly go wrong?
Woman born without vagina has one made out of FISH SKIN in pioneering reconstructive surgery
“The rare congenital disorder ”
Today I learned that congenital does not mean ‘inherited’.
As long as it doesn’t smell like salmon.
And it tastes like chicken..
Something SEA and STEVE SMITH could enjoy.
Holy mackerel!
Rejection ? How about other body parts?
“Why couldn’t she be the other kind of mermaid, with the fish parts on top and the lady parts on the bottom?”
What ya gonna do when the fish head comes at you with the gills flapping trying to kiss you?
dammit, i didnt even have to scroll down too far to see the mermaid-morphology angle was already covered.
Eureka moment or urethra moment?
This is how mermaids SHOULD be.
Victorian police faked more than 258,000 breath tests by blowing into the breathalysers themselves so they could meet their quota
*Golf claps*
Wonder how many they failed.
I’m just confused. Why is there a quota for just giving the tests, shouldn’t it be a quota for catching violators, in which case, then, wouldn’t the cops NEED to be drunk to fake the tests and meet said quota?
There was still a 57% percent failure rate.
Today I learned the english word curtilage
is it like Cuntilage?
I read the summary of that opinion yesterday and I was like “yay! they use the word curtilage!” /nerd /criminal procedure Also: yay on less fourth amendment exceptions.
Except for Alito, who appears to be the next generation of the New Professionals
Legally speaking, I wish the definition was, “The boundaries of your property”
For Supreme Court’s conservatives, it’s all about the letter of the law
If laws can be widely interpreted other that written, how is that not possible for arbitrary power and abuse.
It puts the kibosh on the liberals attempts to use the Court as the leading edge of progressive reforms. If the court were creating law with a conservative bent, they would be screaming just as hard or harder.
Of course it’s arbitrary abuse of power. But it’s okay if it advances the leftist agenda.
If Trump acts like Obama does after he leaves office and keeps his face in the news, how much you wanna bet the left will suddenly not like it?
What if they go on a speaking tour together? Or have a tv show. Like The Trip but with Obama and Trump. I should pitch this to ABC
Sounds like G. Gordon Liddy and Timothy Leary touring together.
(PS ~ This happened)
In ten years, they’ll be saying how gracious he was.
It is good to see teen vogue take a break from phrasing communism once in a while
Written by a tranny?
You may be right…
That jaw… it’s… rather substantial…
With the biting power of a Sabre Tooth!
if you have a better suggestion for hiding your adam’s apple, I’d like to hear it. And the response ‘hipster beard’ has already been submitted.
Yeah, if I had a date with her, I’d keep the receipt until I checked the plumbing.
How ya gonna check? You grab them by the pussy?
I’m not the world’s most passionate man, but I know what I am…
Speaking of white:
You know who else …something something… white
She’s almost translucent
“Oof, she’s whiter than us!”
-Mel Brooks dressed as albino.
Saright, takeoff.
“Just a few more days till vacation…”
I’m wit you sloop. I’m working 12 a day until sunday, and then I’m off for 10 days. First vacation I have taken since may of last year. I’m looking forward to spending it working my ass off on my house and watching the Hogs punch their ticket to Omaha next weekend.
“Hogs punch their ticket to Omaha”
That’s an interesting way of saying, ‘to the spits’.
“It’s math.”
It’s math? Cracker + X = Racist? She needs to show her work.
Heh. Math is racism, racism is 90 degree angles.
What happened to Jill Stein’s recount millions?
tl;dr: Pretty much exactly what you think happened to them.
Given that the FEC is unable to form a quorum because Democrats refuse to nominate members, I think she’s going to be safe.
If they did have a quorum, Hillary would be the first order of business, hence the resistance.
The fact that two political parties are allowed to make up the entire election regulatory apparatus is an affront to the concept of free and fair elections.
But they have our best interests at heart Sloop!
Where do the old people shop now?
Sears Closing More Stores as Sales Shrink For 26th Quarter in a Row
They do have a decent tool selection.
Rufus, Sarcasmic, Winston, and other Canadian Glibs, or Glibs that know anything about Ottawa:
I’ll be in Ottawa weekend after next — any recommendations for places to eat/see/do? My coworkers only know Montreal and Toronto. One of the waitresses at the local poutine place recommended “The Bowl.”
I hear the McDonalds up there is pretty good. Just don’t get the fries. They put gravy or something like that on them. It’s disgusting.
Some of the worst food I had was in Victoria BC – “Mexican” restuarant: their idea of a beef burrito consisted of 80% salsa, a trickle of ground beef, and a scrap of lettuce. I was _happy_ to go to a McDonalds and A&W to get some grub that was semi-edible.
If you’re in Victoria, you need to head into Chinatown. Good stuff there. Don’t recall any bad meals there, but I didn’t try Mexican.
Getting food from places that my vegetarian brother frequents probably wasn’t the wisest choice.
I have actually had the McPoutine. It’s disappointing. Late nights, there is always a long line outside Montreal Dairy Queens, but I haven’t tried theirs.
The only thing wrong with putting gravy on fires is not using sausage gravy, but our Northern neighbors aren’t that far along in their cultural development.
In the Philippines, the go-to budget meal at McDonalds is rice and gravy for something like .50 cents equivalent (at least when I was in school there 20 years ago). Not sure if they still offer that and fried chicken, etc.
Sarcasmic is from Maine.
And no. Unfortunately.
Oh yeah, Maine is technically part of the US.
Ayuh. Sometimes dead is bettah.
Well, that Obama article is quite something. The book definitely deserves prime space in the fiction department.
On election night, Mr. Obama spoke by telephone with Cody Keenan, his chief speechwriter, and Mr. Rhodes to figure out what he should say. Mr. Rhodes asked if he should offer reassurance to allies. “No, I don’t think that I’m the one to tell them that,” the president said.
No kidding. You lost. You’ve got one foot out the door, and it (the door) is headed for your ass.
This is just too precious:
Mr. Obama did not impose sanctions on Russia in retaliation for the meddling before the election because he believed it might prompt Moscow into hacking into Election Day vote tabulations.
I need to pay closer attention. I had no idea our elections were conducted by the federal government and tallied in a central computer in an underground bunker. I’ll bet it’s one of them giant mainframes with spinning tape reels and blinking lights, like in the movies.
That poor, poor man, everything he worked so hard for, up in flames.
“because he believed it might prompt Moscow into hacking into Election Day vote tabulations.”
*cough, bullshit, cough*
That is what happens to all socialist’s endeavors.
Germaine Greer calls for punishment for rape to be reduced
Feminist academic tells Hay festival that ‘most rape is just lazy, careless and insensitive’
She wants the r tattoo so she knows who to stalk at bars.
“We don’t live in terror of the penis … A man can’t kill you with his penis.”
He can get you to be quiet for once.
I killed Christgau with my big fuckin’ dick.
Too much mommy porn out there… These crones are all hoping someone gives it to them hard..
It is good to see teen vogue take a break from phrasing communism once in a while
Lots of exercise and fresh air, I hope. And plenty of fluids.
Needs pics
The vagina loves a warm and moist environment
My penis does too! Men and women really are the same!
A thought that I’ve had for a very long time:
Imagine if political beat writers went after their subjects as hard as sports journalists did to theirs.
Now, this isn’t as true as it used to be even ten years ago, as everyone has been softening. But the really good sports writers (I like Buster Olney for baseball) are reputable, objective and well-informed. God, it would be nice to have that pointed towards Washington.
This came to be because in Olney’s piece up at ESPN he quotes a manager that says that he doesn’t have to do a whole lot anymore because the game has been changing to strikeouts and home runs. He accredited the source as “Longtime MLB Manager.” And I believed it because I feel I can trust Olney. So few these days.
Also if anyone knows any good baseball blogs I’d love to know. Follow espn, bleed cubbie blue, fan graphs, sometimes the hardball times and 538.
I was amused by the recent investigation piece into whether the sixer GM had burner twitter accounts. Heavy stuff
There’s a fairly new site called The Athletic. Hardcore sports. They are a startup, so the coverage isn’t massive, but you might give their free trial a shot.
Getting pretty massive though, especially on the baseball side.
Athletic is well worth the $ to pay for it. No ads, no political bullshit in the reporting (except sometimes in their longform stuff), and excellent writers.
Cool. Their hockey coverage is awesome, but I don’t follow baseball. I will definitely re-up when the time comes.
I thought you guys all got your sports from the morning links.
::kicks pebble::
Not enough sumo coverage to keep me interested.
I pay the subscription to D1baseball.com
They are all college coverage so probably not what you’re after, but the do a very good job of covering the college game.
Also, my pigs got a #5 seed in the big tourney thus year. We’re hosting at fayetteville until Omaha assuming we make it through the regionals and super regionals. I assume we will make through though. 30-3 at home this year. woo pig.
Since you mentioned BCB I like Cubs Insider.
The Athletic is pretty solid on the Cubs as well.
manhominid should take pride in his work.Kid’s Lemonade Stand Shut Down by Cops After Someone Called and Complained
Asshole busybodies. This was cute, too:
They should try a weed stand next. Good news is that they had a successful GoFundMe campaign.
Ah yes. I bet there just so happened to be
an assholea vendor at the art show selling lemonade.You’re probably right. For 5 times the price.
That would be one that would get me pit in jail for the night. If cops come to shut down my kids lemonade stand, I’m gonna be leaving in the iron bracelets.
“but there are also no rules protecting it”
We’re going to need a bigger wood chipper.
Good. That is how you get salmonella
So someone called the cops on someone who wasn’t committing a crime?
That’s called Swatting.
Or douchebagging
Nah, it’s cunting.
And tundra goes for the kill.
Nah. Beer stand…
So in the news there’s this big thing about how in Puerto Rico, they estimated that about 50 people died from that hurricane last year, but in reality it was about 5000. How the fuck does that even happen? Did they just get the dispatch that was sent on a tramp steamer? Maybe they had do to it that way because net neutrality was overturned.
I going to go out on a limb and say both numbers are wrong.
They’re counting all the 2nd/3rd order effects of people unable to get “routine” or more serious treatment afterwards due to continuous power issues, etc. Not sure how long they’re going to be counting that though. Apparently PRs government has been doing a very poor job of everything associated with this.
That’s a good explanation of why it took so long. It’s safe to assume there was research and studies involved.
PR’s government was dead broke, so it’s no surprise that people who can’t balance a check book wouldn’t be good at handling a major disaster. It’s also no surprise that they are blaming it all on Trump.
The second number is based on a survey of 3000 households and extrapolated
Hurricane Roseanne is all I saw on the news.
btw, Powers-That-Be, I have a new post that is sitting in pending. It’s more uh “fiction” of the hominid variety.
Kim Jong Un wants to open burger joint as ‘show of goodwill’
Dude wants his MickyDees
Right next door to a new motel
I saw that at the drive in. Was pretty funny.
I am… pleased(?) I guessed what you linked to before clicking through.
Puts a new meaning to “grass-fed”
Fox needs to stop using the DPRK twitter feed as a news source.
“Trump creates fast food lifestyle in country whose diet was mostly based on fresh vegetables and grains”
“Trump kills more North Koreans than Lil Kim with the scourge of Obesity”
“Health and Human Services Dept. unable to address North Korean fast-food crisis because of Trump Administration cuts”
“Average weight in North Korea predicted to rise 20%!”
From starving to merely malnourished.
“Obesity rate doubles!”
From just Kim to Kim and his dogsbody.
He probably heard that no two countries with McDonalds have ever gone to war with each other. He might also think that Trump owns McDonalds.
Tesla Model 3 drives 606 miles on a single charge in hypermiling record
That’s the good news, I guess. It’s hard to know what it actually means in the real world, though. A slow speed, closed course isn’t exactly normal driving.
The bad news is at the end of the article.
Another reason I don’t like batteries for vehicles.
Hand-cranking or gtfo.
That’s what she said!
A nearby supermarket has a row of 8 Tesla superchargers – I’ve seen cars there, rarely, and never more than one.
I suppose they are building for the day when there is a Tesla in every driveway.
I usually park my gas-powered Expedition in those.
My FIL’s one ton diesel gets 800 miles on on a single fill up. It has an ax tank and holds 50+ gallons of fuel, but it also is reliable, useful, tough, and not subsidized by the government. I know which I’d rather have.
So…distance? What is it with people’s incessant need to fart out these pointless neologisms?
Hypermilfing makes more sense.
Go on…
I got 422 miles out of a single tank in a Honda Pilot that costs nearly half of the Tesla.
So you’re saying Tesla needs more subsidies?
The bad news is at the end of the article.
The batteries caught fire and everybody was burned to death?
He said bad news
WATCH Parkland Attacker: ‘I’m Going to Be the Next School Shooter of 2018’
I didn’t watch, because fuck that loser, but when the hell are we going to hold schools and the media responsible for these little monsters?
Malcolm Gladwell’s article was written in 2015, but it could have been written today.
We really need some common sense media control.
Top Gun 2 starts production today. If you needed any more military homoeroticism in your lives, here you go.
Top Gun 2, F-35 version. It’s all about military bureaucrats competing to see who can get the most funding for the project.
Already done.
Seriously though, if you’ve never seen it that’s a great movie. Tells you quite a bit about how the weapon development process becomes such a bloated waste.
I’m guessing all the pilots are chicks or trannies?
Cuz progress and stuff Shitlord.
Except you don’t really have to be an alt-right POA Kool-Aid drinker to see that Hollywood has been doing a hell of a lot of reboots that pointlessly recast the main characters as women or reverse genders lately. Not every criticism of progressive culture diktat means you’re just some ignorant “neckbeard”.+
I actually had a Japanese guy that has never even been to America ask me why Hollywood is doing precisely what you point out.
Ice Woman and Mave-Ricki
As long as there is sufficient tooth snapping, I’m OK with it.
I know someone who got lucky at a drive-in while that movie was playing. (And it wasn’t gay sex).
+1 Danger Zone
Better than getting lucky in a drive-thru.
-1 Big Mac
Hey, stop telling all my secrets!
Tom Cruise is 55 years old, and yet he’s supposed to still be an active duty pilot? Right.
I mean, he also was supposed to fit on that Ninja without a booster seat and be able to sustain an erection for whatever-her-name-was, so it’s consistent.
The guy who does his own stunts like holding onto the exterior of a plane? Cruise is alright in my book. Never causes trouble on set, gets his work done, and makes people money.
The questions are: Are there still inverted Polaroids? Is there still unnecessary homo-eroticism? Do we still have the need for speed? Will the Russian planes really be Russian? And, most importantly, can we still buzz the tower?
but the F-14 was retired, how do you even have a Top Gun movie without the Tomcat?!
Couple of nerds sitting at a computer drone striking Arab weddings?
That’s a movie I would see…
Last night I kept thinking about that awful, totes bigoted comment that Roseanne made. It was completely wrong to liken Valerie Jarrett to ISIS and Planet of the Apes.
Valerie Jarrett is much more like the product of the Symbionese Liberation Army making a trip to the DMV.
Pretty good. Greg Giraldo should organize a Valarie Jarrett roast.
Tough to organize that from the afterlife.
My addict friend did a stint in rehab with Greg.
Top Gun 2, F-35 version.
So- asphyxia. Autoeroticism may or may not be involved.
Maverick has to bail out due to a software glitch in ze’s plane.
Goose dies in an unfortunate elevated G masturbation incident.
Cue leftist outrage about campaign finance and how laws should apply to everyone.
President Trump announced Thursday he will pardon conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, who was convicted of making an illegal campaign contribution in 2012.
Trump said in a tweet that he “will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!”
So weird that you posted this because I stumbled upon D’Souza’s “Hillary’s America” on Amazon Prime last night. I watched the first 40 minutes or so.
That film is really, really cringe-worthy. Just watching the first 10 minutes had me scratching my head thinking “did you intend for this movie to come off as overt propaganda?”
I don’t like Hillary and I actually agree with a bunch of things said in the film. But the way the director went about it really does a major disservice to his message.
D’Souza’s a guy that, in theory, I agree with on several things but he’s so frothy I can’t take him seriously.
I’ve seen it as well.
I actually agree with a bunch of things said in the film. But the way the director went about it really does a major disservice to his message.
Pretty much this.
The lack of Bollywood numbers doesn’t help.
Just back from a really fucking long week in SC visiting fam. WTF has been happening round these parts? Any dramas?
Apparently my dad is not allowed to fart out loud anymore (new wife’s repressed Southern Belle rules, I guess). So I got him a mug for Father’s Day that says “World’s Best Farter”.
Send him to my house – my kids are still in the phase where nothing is funnier than farting.
I still think that is high brow humor and my kids do too.
Minnesoda is all class, baby!
Phase? Nothing is ever funnier than farting.
Correct statement
I’d rather hear the fart and have time to get away then get silently attacked.
Does the wife excuse herself when she has “the vapors”?
+1 Mint Julep
I could go for one of those right about now
It’s nine in the morning! That’s bourbon and coffee time.
Careful. Civil wars have been fought over such peculiar institutions like mint juleps and getting the vapors.
What’s interesting is it seems my dad pretty much married his mother. I don’t know that I heard her LOL the entire week I was there. She’s a pill. Just like my grandmother.
I thought you said South Carolina, not Alabama?
She’s from Alabama! LOL
Let me tell you a secret. Most men marry their mothers.
Not me, I couldn’t marry a ginger. I want to keep my soul.
My mom was nothing like my father’s mother
^World’s Best Daughter.
Vacations that are a really fucking long week are so much worse than ones that are a really long week fucking…
Wise words there Pope.
An interesting story about trademark infringement:
Alternative takeaway: juries are comprised of people who are too stupid to get out of jury duty.
Buc-ees is what Texas is all about. This lawsuit is bullshit, but those are some fine gas stations.
So, Buc-ees is like Wawa, except not as good, because it isn’t Wawa?
Well neither is as good as Sheetz, so I guess they’ve got that going for them.
Is there a way to block people on this site?
I now have a surefire reason to build it into Monocle.
I love Sheetz and Wawa both. But neither have 200+ pumps at any of their stations and an open-pit bbq stand.
Keep your shmuffins. I’ll have some fresh brisket and a roll, thank you very much.
This is how you do a gas station!
It must be 5am on a Sunday to have that little traffic on the freeway.
I wish Sheetz had Amazon Prime. Ordering my food at the touchscreen and getting it 1-4 weeks later is getting rough.
I concur. We stopped at a few Buc-ees while driving through Texas a few years ago.
Sounds like someone needs a better lawyer.
Well the 70-something year old guy I work with is going to take a buyout and finally retire. But he still wanted to stay on and continue to work, even though he is down to part time.
Apparently his wife doesn’t like to have him around the house.
It’s going to make my job more difficult because he knew how the ERP system worked – down to the grittiest detail – so he did most of the program specs that i had used.
That Obama article is just insufferable.
His aides reassured him that he still would have won had he been able to run for another term and that the next generation had more in common with him than with Mr. Trump. Mr. Obama, the first black man elected president, did not seem convinced. “Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early,” he said.
Wow. He really sees himself as ahead of his time. Such humble. So humility. His lackeys make me sick. “We promise dear leader, if if weren’t for those pesky rules, we know you could be dictator for life!”
I also find is sickening that they think Trump will test our institutions’ strength, as if he operates outside of the law or something. If I recall, it was Obama that said he had a “phone and a pen,” essentially openly stating that he’d rule by fiat to avoid having to govern based on our institutions’ rules. Trump has brought back some semblance of actual law and order back to the presidency- Trump plays by the rules. Obama flaunted his ability to get around the rules and the media cheered him on for it.
Let’s not forget that whole “I won” thing.
“Elections have consequences”
I keep waiting for some so-con organization fighting teen pregnancy to go with “Erections have consequences”.
This is the claim that still really gets me. Exactly what does anybody share in common with him? He’s a fucking empty suit with no distinguishable traits outside of his political bent. Did his aides believe that an entire generation of Americans are as dreadfully boring as he is?
They want free shit, he promised to give it to them. It’s a match made in heaven.
Don’t forget: He’s also the one who expressed envy for the way the president of China can just make things happen.
No Justice, No Humor!
The decision prompted surprise, relief and schadenfreude from many on the left, who already regarded the sitcom — in which Barr’s character, like Barr herself, is a supporter of President Trump and his radical racist authoritarian ideology — as an alarming bellwether of Trumpism’s slide into normalcy.
Meanwhile, the right-wing backlash is unfolding as scripted: the usual cries of censorship, the usual recriminations about liberal celebrities who once said something mean, the usual lamentations about politically correct overreach, the usual free-market fetishists suddenly oppressed by the marketplace of ideas.
Racism is America’s defining sickness, and comparing black and brown people to animals is one of its most pervasive pathogens — a rationalization that, even in 2018, kills people every day. Flint still doesn’t have clean water.
“Roseanne” was not canceled because it is mean or “HORRIBLE” to compare a black person to an ape (though it is both of those things). It was canceled because it carries the weight of both historic horrors and current atrocities — because comparing a black person to an ape nods to a historically rooted yet increasingly emboldened far-right hate movement whose chosen figurehead, Donald Trump, is the president of the United States. Because it is our collective responsibility to not let that movement win, to fight to be a better country, and right now cultural power is all we have.
Rest easy, America. Lindy West is here to explain what a bunch of racist Nazi murderers you all are.
“President Trump and his radical racist authoritarian ideology”
Citation needed.
There’s a direct line from slavery to Jim Crow to opposing illegal immigration.
I heard that on NPR yesterday.
Easy, there, Skip. Saying a black person looks like a monkey (not what she did, but let’s go with it) is neither a horror nor an atrocity, it’s just rude. And it’s rude pretty much only because of the history of race relations in this country, not because there’s anything wrong with monkeys.
JHTFC, these people are tiresome. Flint isn’t about racism, you dumb cunt. It’s about make-work government jobs programs taking precedence over the quality of services delivered. It’s about stupid fucking politicians thinking they can do it better than the professionals and buy some votes in the process.
If racism is “America’s defining sickness” it’s because people like her are obsessed with injecting it into everything. Frankly, I’d say Progressivism is America’s defining sickness; it’s the thing that will destroy the country, that’s for damned sure.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the bureaucrat that originally decided to switch Flint’s water source a black woman?
Not certain. I do know that Flint government is solidly Democrat and has been for a long time. All of the major decisions involving the water crisis were made by Democrats. The Republican governor took the brunt of the blame but was barely involved in the process of switching the water supplies.
Like an idiot, Snyder let himself be the fall guy. He probably felt some guilt over the entire thing, but failed to consider that the Democrats would not take any responsibility for the fiasco even though it was their creation.
P.S. #ALLCAPS, motherfuckers.
“This stuff is a poisonous stew of fatuous and totalitarian “if you see something say something” culture, hysterical propaganda about “trafficking,” helicopter/village child-rearing culture, the media relentlessly making money off of innumerate fear, and old-fashioned racism.”
First part is great:
Fuckin’ kids.
Holy shit, that is horrifying. My wife and I are both straight-haired brunettes with hazel (green in her case) eyes, she didn’t take my name when we married, and our daughter has curly blonde hair and blue eyes. By the logic of the first person who replied, my wife would have to prove that she was my daughter’s mother, presumably with documentation since you obviously can’t trust a lying child, and she wouldn’t be able to do so. For that matter, how the fuck could I? Drive home and get her birth certificate?
Tell them to fuck off and mind their own business? Oh wait, I forgot, privacy and courtesy are dead.
Thanks for writing what was in the tweet. I couldn’t see it because Popehat still has me blocked on twitter because I put “deplorable” in my handle for a few days after Hillary denigrated half the country with the label. Popehat blocked me when I replied to a tweet, as well as everyone else who self-identified that way back then.
Really? What an asshat. I guess nobody is perfect, though.
Ken really wants to be a good person, but his execution of same is complete shit.
If you log out of Twitter, you should be able to read his tweets.
Just open a window in a different browser where you’re not logged in and it’ll work fine.
Fuck that. He made his decision. I’ll respect the asshat.
Sporty gals showing some skin for your titillation.
1, 2, 6, 10, 17, 19, 21, 29, 31.
Any and all.
The spectacular can on 26 has been featured before.
OMWC hardest hit?
5 bucks says the creator of that feed is a pedo
So OMWC is hitting himself?
Political correctness is just people reacting to other people; parents protecting their children; the oppressed and underserved advocating for themselves. Canceling “Roseanne” is not society regulating “mean” speech; it is us regulating our collective morality, so that we don’t atrophy into a moral vacuum. It is saying no, because we are more than animals.
Sure, Lindy. Our collective morality, as defined by you and your thin-skinned co-conspirators.
*a fiery steed, a cloud of dust, and a hearty, “Fuck off, Slaver!”*
it is us regulating our collective morality, so that we don’t atrophy into a moral vacuum
Yeah, based on that, Ms. West has no moral or intellectual basis to object to a Rick Santorum type deigning to regulate her “collective morality”.
What a piece of human excrement.
If her skin were truly thin, I think all of her guts would just come tumbling out.
Ah, the ol’ motte-and-bailey. Just like “feminism is just the notion that women are people”. Reduce your socio-political ideology into some statement that nobody can possibly disagree with. It’s classic Leftist sloganeering.
“Roseanne Barr Fallout and #EverydayRacismInAmerica”
How is Valerie Jarret black?
One drop rule I guess. So that’s still a thing. Frederick Douglass would be overjoyed, I’m sure.
Some Black Guy=better analysis and criticism on this subject than ABC, NBC, CNN, and Fox put together.
It’s a good day for some Snake Corps – dig the 80s video effects
So. Trump pardoned Dinesh D’Souza.
I mean, fine, I guess … but there’s a bunch of people in prison for doing the same thing he did, and I’m sure they’d like a pardon. Plus, you know, all the other people in prison for reasons even more bullshit than that.
At least Trump’s using his pardon/commutation power more than Obama did (until 2014, when Obama finally decided to start using his)
Is there really anyone else who has been criminally prosecuted for what D’Souza did? (I’m really asking, I don’t know the answer)
I thought the real tragedy of D’Souza was that he was actually criminally prosecuted for what a bunch of other people had skated by on.
It happens all the time. Only occasionally criminally prosecuted, but it does happen.
Well, I watched part of “Hillary’s America” yesterday and he was contending that it was the first time that anyone had been sent to prison for it. Then I looked it up and found out he was given probation and a period in a half-way house… which is not prison, at least in my book. What a weird piece of propaganda that film is.
He needs to get off his ass and pardon Matthew Charles.
“The past year, Dinesh D’Souza has: —Suggested the Charlottesville rally was staged —Shared a meme calling Obama a “gay Muslim” —Suggested Michelle Obama is a man —Started a conspiracy theory about the Vegas shooting —Defended Adolf Hitler as “NOT anti-gay””
All of those things mean he should be in Florence ADX FOR LIFE. You do NOT commit lese majeste against the light bringer and get away with it!
None of which are crimes.
I can actually give some credence to teh Ambien defense on that “VJ” twit, because I found it to be merely incomprehensible.
“Muslim Brotherhood + Planet of the Apes” ????
I get Planet of the Apes because of the hair cut, but Muslim Brotherhood?
Because she is Iranian/Farsi – ..while the Muslim Brotherhood in mainly Egyptian… Arab…
So what bothers me more is that it’s not the hate, it’s the stupidity
“Mainly Egyptian” means it could include Iranians. There’s gotta be easier shit to call Roseanne out on stupidity than that one.
Well, MB is Sunni, right? Most Iranians who are Muslim are Shi’ite, I thought, and never the twain shall meet.
Trump met a celebrity in the Oval Office to discuss criminal justice reform. And the leftists went apeshit.
Honestly, I really don’t know, at this point, whether the outrage is feigned, to distract from the possibility that this could lead to a real accomplishment on Trump’s part (I mean, prison reform is supposed to be one of those issues that people from across the aisle are supposed to be able to agree on, right?) or if it’s just a social pose at the particular type of celebrity Mr. Trump is hosting. I can just hear the NPR crowd making snide comments about the Kardashians and low-rent rich.
I use my wife’s response to things as a barometer for the NPR crowd, and there was some definite snobbery (“I mean, Kim Kardashian. Seriously? In the White House? He’s ‘meeting’ with Kim Kardashian.”) but there’s also a strong determination to avoid acknowledging anything good he might do, as evidenced by the initial nonplussed reaction followed by the damning with faint praise when I brought up that he signed the Right to Try bill.
But, the snobbery is only a form of social climbing in your own right, which is what I think the funny part of it all is. If someone were really, really, elite, their response would be something more akin to “Kim who?” The fact that they’re invested enough in the Kardashians to look to them as gauche or the inferior, rather than just as part of the normal pop cultural background noise, kind of frames them, at least in my estimation, as really not all that elite.
Gah! I didn’t mean to say “in your own right”, but “in its own right”.
I really should proof before posting!
Oh yeah, like how in middle school it was taboo to be seen shopping at K-Mart, but if someone saw you at K-Mart they were in a bind, because they obviously couldn’t say, “I saw so-and-so at K-Mart” for fear of outing themselves.
Her husband went off the plantation, which is the main impetus for the whining.
I think that a lot of the progs are scairt that Trump might actually do something concrete on prison reform because it would help highlight the fact that the Lightbringer did squat on the issue (despite it supposedly being one of the things that progs like him are so good at).
I don’t think they’d ever admit in public that Trump did more than Obama on an issue they care about, but deep down it has to bother them.
“I think that a lot of the progs are scairt that Trump might actually do something concrete”
You could have stopped right there. From the start they have been in a panic that he might actually be successful, and since he would likely do so by doing the exact opposite of what the left peddles and the Obama admin did, it would cement the fact that the left is a movement replete with inept, inefficient, ineffective, credentialed elites with delusions of grandeur. I think that after Reagan ran circles around them and their stupid collectivist ideas, the left has been hard at work making sure they could/would sabotage anything that would prove the shit they peddle is destructive and stupid. Not to mention making sure that everyone knows they will punish anyone and everyone involved with someone they don’t want in charge.
It’s worse than feigned, really. It’s a sincere expression of fanatic partisan loyalty, because politics has replaced sportsball as our national pastime. It should be horrifying, really: for people who can gin up breathless indignation just like that, government isn’t merely an instrument we’ve accepted as unfortunate but necessary, it’s central to their identity. Politics isn’t a dreary reality, it’s the end unto itself.
“Police: Woman named Crystal Methvin busted with crystal meth”
She pretty much had to.
Well, it – WAS – in Florida of course.
“Samantha Bee Tears Into ‘Feckless Cunt’ Ivanka Trump
The ‘Full Frontal’ host urged Trump’s daughter to ‘do something’ about her dad’s immigration policies instead of posting cute photos with her son on Twitter.”
Stay classy.
I applaud Samantha Bee for taking time out of her busy schedule of tirelessly keeping poor kids out of her neighborhood school to keep her show going!
I applaud Samantha Bee for being the least talented comedian in history. It took a lot of work, but she accomplished it. There is literally nothing that could say or do that would elicit a humorous response from anyone. She is the black hole of humor.
I will say this: anything that gets “cunt” prised from the Lexicon Prohibitorum is fine by me.
Oddly enough, Trump is haranguing Dems for refusing to come to the table. He offers Dreamer amnesty in exchange for securing the border. Dems demure. Is Bee getting on their case for forcing Dreamers to continue living in fear that they might be deported to a country they barely remember? I doubt it.
That’s a cry for attention, her ratings must be sliding.
What a cunt.
It’s okay to demean Jewish White women.
If you’re not free to be
wrongan asshole, you’re not really free.Ok, so in the wake of the Jawbreakers comic Indiegogo (coming up on 1/3 million dollars and counting), Ethan Van Sciver (Green Lantern Corps, etc) launched his indie comic indiegogo to make a new book for his original character “Cyberfrog” (last seen in the 90s) – https://twitter.com/EthanVanSciver/status/1002195282963107841 – over $75k in 24 hours!
Ethan’s youtube channel is a blast https://www.youtube.com/user/fascistfrog – esp. if you love to hate on recent Star Wars, etc – plenty of good art tips too. He’s blowing up despite the constant negative press and twitter, etc (as pretty much one of the only admitted conservatives in the comics industry).
Surprisingly even-handed piece on current comics from the UK press(?!?): https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/06/is-it-a-bird-is-it-a-plane-no-its-transgender-superman/
The Spectator is not UK press; it is published from some sort of parallel UK that still has some pride in itself, then transmitted by some unknown means into our dimension.
(((Spider-Man))) is now Latino?
Miles Morales is technically an alternate universe “ultimate spiderman” – I think he’s getting a separate book again. Some people complaining that SM: Homecoming didn’t feature him – but even though he’s been around for about 10 years now IIRC, he’s got barely any visibility. Not that Peter Parker in current continuity is a shadow of his 90s self.
Morales has been drawn into the 616 universe in the last few months. One of the few Ultimate characters to survive the Marvel version of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Miles wasn’t included in Homecoming, but his uncle was. Donald Glover played him.
As for the rest of the stuff, I understand that Marvel has rolled it all back. Tony Stark is Iron Man, female Thor died, the Hulk is back to Banner, and Captain America wasn’t really a Nazi.
Only partially from what I’ve seen. There’s still “Totally Awesome [incredible] Hulk”, but Banner should be coming back as “Immortal Hulk” starting next week. Cap America is still garbage. They didn’t retcon the nazi thing completely, and they handed the book off from Mark “crybaby” Waid to Ta-nehisi Coates – reviews for all the recent books have been dumpster fires.
Stark is back, but has not been sounding good from the last issue, Riri is still around. Female thor died and came back – but “movie” Thor (and Cap, Iron-man, etc) is in the current “Avengers” book weirdly enough. Spider-man has been going very badly on most accounts, and Nick “Nazi Captain America” Spencer is taking over from Dan Slott in an issue or two.
Miles Morales has been around a while. Want to say 2010, 2011 maybe?
Punisher is transgender? What the fuck? Why don’t they make Sergeant York a cross-dressing gender-fluid pansexual while they’re at it?
I’m not sure where that reference is coming from either – I haven’t seen that in any discussion of current books on youtube – although I haven’t read any issues since Garth Ennis early 00s run.
Interesting article. As I see stuff like this happen in different industries, all I can think to myself is “BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.”
I just wish I had more artistic skills.
Yeah, I’ve got some more writing ideas slowly taking shape, unfortunately most of the artists I’ve worked with before don’t really have the style to adapt my current stories which would work better with some more realistic military vehicles, designs, etc. vs potentially more free flowing designs for other stories.
Lie this?
Oh that looks pretty sweet. I might have to throw them a few bucks.
I do have to say that kickstarters, indiegogos and other crowd-funding sites make me nervous. I always feel like I have around a 5-10% chance of actually receiving a finished product, and maybe a 2-4% chance of getting the product similar to the one I thought I was funding.
There are so many people that bite off way more than they can chew, or receive way more money than they ever thought they would and think that more money automatically translates into being able to add more features, make the product bigger or more complicated, etc. When in fact, it just means that a lot of people want exactly what you promised — no need to change anything. But they inevitably do pile on the features and the project buckles under its own weight and the inexperience of the company.
I’m mostly talking about video games. Comics are a bit less complicated, so hopefully they can pull it off.
Haven’t had issues with any comic kickstarters myself, but it tends to depend on the creator – always good to do some background checking depending on artists/publishers/etc.
That’s good to hear. I like what I see on these guy’s comic pitch. The art is only okay, but I like the story premise.
I have yet to fund a Kickstarter that didn’t pan out, but I do it based on the development team involved, not how cool the concept is. I back people I know can get shit done.
I’ve actually never funded one before, just because I’ve seen so many go down in flames in the gaming market. I’ve also seen a lot actually make it to the finished product, just to find out that the finished product is just not that great. Granted, making games is really, really hard.
Adam Smith warns us about the horrors of oversupply.
“Why Sam Harris—Not Ezra Klein—Is the One Making Space for People of Colour”
In other news, Quillette is the “Daily Stormer of centrism”.
Maybe “Honestly, you can’t make this shit up” is referring to the rest of his buffoonish tweet. Or maybe Quillette really is the Daily Stormer of centrism–as in, what the Stormer was to white nationalism, Quillette is to centrism. Perhaps, destined to completely crush the lower-quality dinosaurs that came before it and scorned it?
Pretty sad that using logic and reason to make arguments rather than running mendacious hatchet jobs and deploying hashtag assassins is now considered “centrist”. I guess at least it’s an honest admission by the Left that they have fully embraced all aspects of postmodernism; ie, nothing has any meaning, personal narrative is prime and all dissent much be swiftly and severely punished.
Ah, Dan Arel. I’m pretty sure that Kim Jong Un is too right-wing for Arel.
That’s funny, just the other day I recommended Quillette to a few people as being refreshingly high-brow, fair-minded journalism and opinion. I guess that makes me a Nazi now.
BREAKING: Matthew Yglesias is an asshole.
“Patreon-funded conventional wisdom repackaged as bold contrarian thinking is really 2018’s greatest hustle.”
…says SadBeard, professional sad-sack basement-dweller.
He is walking evidence that even retards can graduate from Harvard.
Not everyone wants to suck off everyone who will stand still in the DC media industry to get a sympathy job at Vox.
Yglesias makes Sling Blade Billy Bob look like a genius. (these tweets have long since been deleted, but the internet remembers)
He used to be the Finance and Economics columnist for a major publication.
Which is a reason why you don’t hire guys with a BA in philosophy to write finance and economics columns.
Just don’t hire guys with a BA in philosophy. Full stop. They are the worst, most authoritarian, most self-righteous asshats you can find.
Except my dad. He’s awesome and not a self-righteous authoritarian.
Your Dad is a barista?
Okay, your dad gets a pass. For now..
I have a BA in philosophy. Does my JD potentiate or mitigate the authoritarian, self-righteous asshat thing?
I think it makes it worse by default, Dean. You receive a -2 to compassion, x2 weakness to authoritarian spells and +3 to self-righteousness.
Luckily, wielding your powers for good, such as defending civil liberties and individual rights, will nullify the initial stat handicap.
“Matthew YglesiasVerified account
A bold truth-teller who refuses to be silenced.”
A sick burn in the comments:
The comment doesn’t mean what he thinks it means, apart from anything else. If I said “the Spitfire was the Bf 109 of the Allies”, the comparison wouldn’t imply a moral equivalence between the Allies and the Nazis – it would just mean that I was drawing a parallel between the importance of the two aircraft.
It’s almost like all cultures are not equal.
Two Afghan asylum seekers severely beat a woman on a train last week for “showing too much cleavage,” a French paper reported.
According to France’s Valeurs Actuelles, the attack happened on a train leaving Paris at around 10:45 p.m. last Wednesday. The men first verbally abused the 33-year-old woman for not being dressed in a way they deemed appropriate. Then, after they stopped at Dijon’s train station, they tried forced her out and beat her legs. The woman was reportedly kicked and beaten until she fell to the ground.
Police were called and the 19- and 23-year-old asylum seekers were arrested at the train station. The pair were scheduled to appear in criminal court sometime this week. Both of the Afghan men live in Dole, in France’s Jura region, but hopefully not for long.
I, for one, do not want to live in a world without cleavage.
Q’s links will look like a carpet swatch sampler.
Those young men were just misunderstood. We really need to respect their culture by adjusting our expectations. Really, when you think about it, the woman should be arrested for being so indecent.
Then again, maybe shit like this should happen in the USA and a suitably armed woman would have pulled a subcompact .380 from her bra holster and we’d have two fewer illiterate savages to worry about.
All I’m sayin’ is that my grandfather didn’t take a bridge at Nijmegen so that foreign barbarians could insult and strike ladies, especially ladies kind enough to brighten up the day of those around them. Try that shit in America and see where it gets you.
+ 9mm
Then, after they stopped at Dijon’s train station, they tried forced her out and beat her legs. The woman was reportedly kicked and beaten until she fell to the ground.
Police investigator speaking to the victim later: “Pardon me, do you have any grey bruises?”
Fuck those guys, and fuck their “asylum”. If there were any justice, the French government would drop them at the Afghan border and let them walk back to whatever shithole village they came from.
Also, were there no other men around when this beating was occurring?
Apparently they’re thin on the ground in France these days.
were there no other men around
Possibly. But assuming they were French, they were too busy jerryrigging a white flag…
Yet another article about universal income
In the United States, a program supplying $10,000 a year to every American would cost $3 trillion. Even some proponents of expanding the social safety net oppose the idea, fearing it would siphon money away from existing programs.
Still, as the traditional promise of work breaks down, unconventional ideas are emerging from the political margins to gain a serious airing.
Within the Silicon Valley crowd, basic income had become a fashionable idea for addressing collective angst over the social consequences of technology. The masters of innovation were becoming stupendously rich via creations poised to make working people poor, replacing human labor with robots. Basic income was posited as compensation.
a) “Even some proponents of expanding the social safety net oppose the idea, fearing it would siphon money away from existing programs.”
Feature, not bug.
b) “The masters of innovation were becoming stupendously rich via creations poised to make working people poor”
Assuage your feelings of guilt. Buy a Papal indulgence today!
Let’s treat the symptoms and leave the causes unmolested.
We have this incredible machine for turning labor and ideas into a previously unthinkable standard of living! But let’s take a bat to it and come up with a machine that converts idleness and depression into bare subsistence.
But you see, capitalism is Not Sustainable™. We need to change to a more Sustainable™ economic system, like taking 95% of income from corporations, then implementing a guaranteed $15/hr jobs program when the corporations leave the country. Then we can employ all the people through the jobs program, which will be funded by taxing corporations.
Jeez, you’re not using your brain at all. This is so simple, even a moron could figure it out.
Morally, the universal income is a catastrophe.
HOWEVER, from a practical standpoint, I’d be willing to implement it on one condition: it would be opt-in and if you opt-in to receive it you sign a binding agreement that prohibits you, all your relatives and all your descendants from ever receiving any other type of federal or state assistance in perpetuity. No welfare, section 8, food stamps, social security, Medicare, Medicaid or anything else ever again, forever. Additionally, if you get a job, the basic income stops but you do not regain the assistance programs you already forfeited.
It is, but imo not really worse than other types of welfare.
I generally agree, though.. You may get your own welfare to spend as you choose if you forgo other types.
Ultimately, it’s Democrats who will have a huge problem with this though. Because many people will choose to spend their money wrongly.
Democrats are unable to process the fact that some people are poor because they make shitty decisions.
The guy who makes decent money as a chef but blows it all on alcohol and drugs. The guy who got a factory job paying well over minimum wage but quit and went back to fast food because his back was sore. The woman who said she “doesn’t see the point in saving money because you can’t take it to the grave with you”. The guy who purchases every single household item from Rent-A-Center and ends up paying 7 times more than regular retail price.
These are all people I know in real life. No “system” is to blame for them being poor; it’s their own decisions. Most Leftists have one of two responses to these examples:
A: “Those are just anecdotes. Most poor people are working hard but still can’t get ahead.”
B: “This system we live in keeps people poor. It’s still society’s job to take care of the less fortunate.”
They process the fact that people make bad decisions just fine. That’s why they want to take the decisions away. They will decide what you need and give it to you…good and hard.
Make UBI equal to the tax deduction. Basically a “negative income tax” that won’t discourage anyone from working, and significantly lower taxes on the poor.
I’m ok with UBI if it replaces some existing welfare program directly and for the same cost.
Jesus fuck…
There’s a cycle of Democrats saying stupid shit that almost makes me support Trump, and then Trump reminding me of why he’s a piece of shit.
This is the NYT we’re talking about here. So by “breaking news” do they mean that Trump and his people are writing the rules down as we speak? Will we see tariffs by the end of June?
Or do they mean “we know someone who knows someone who has on good authority, under the condition of anonymity…”
“… that one time, in a 3 story underground bunker that was confirmed by anonymous sources from yesteryear, that Trump asked about metal and taxes in 2 different yet unspokenly connected sentences according to sources familiar with the matter and were standing several hundred miles away at the time.”
Don’t care; here’s hoping Kudlow smacks the stupid out of him.
I hope this stupid policy never becomes reality either, but these days I’ll wait before even believing that this is a real thing. Until I see actual policy put in place, I’m not going to get myself all worked up.
I’ll assume it’s just more of Trump’s bluster until proven otherwise, myself.
“then Trump reminding me of why he’s a piece of shit”
Agreed… however, my opinion of the NYT (and the MSM in general for that matter) is so low that my reflexive reaction to this is to assume that it’s a lie. Trump does plenty of dumb shit, but they falsely accuse him of 10x more dumb shit than he actually does so it really is a wolf-crying situation. For all I know the NYT is getting this from an “anonymous (read: made up) source” based on a conversation overheard in the men’s room between two interns, but wait no that was actually a dream the source had last week and after he overheard the conversation he had amazing dream sex with Shakira and it was totes the best and what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, EVUL DRUMPF GRIND UP MINORITY CHILDREN INTO DOG FOOD
and then Trump reminding me of why he’s a piece of shit.
Trump’s a clown. A buffoon, even. But, the people who have styled themselves his opponents have gone stark, raving, mad as March hares. So, you don’t have to support Mr. Trump blindly or go along when he does stupid shit (and metal tariffs would fit that bill). But, barring the emergence of a genuinely non-insane opposition, the only alternative I see is opposing the administration on an issue-by-issue basis.
Fuck those guys, and fuck their “asylum”. If there were any justice, the French government would drop them at the Afghan border and let them walk back to whatever shithole village they came from.
Fly them to Afghanistan, and push them out of the helicopter when they reach the border.
“People who constantly vote for more laws are the same people who complain when men with guns are sent to enforce them.”
“Toilet Paper Tube Hedgehog Launcher”
Lauren Southern hardest hit.
Apropos of nothing-
Would it be wrong of me to say I’d like to put a bullet in the back of the head of anyone who uses the expression “lived experience”?
“I want a version of the Ben Rhodes meltdown with Africa by Toto playing in the background.”
I liked the one someone did with the Sad Hulk music
I’d pay to get that.
Well, not pay pay, but you know. I’d…say “thanks.”
Thanks pundit280!
And Chip’ for the tip!
In case you were wondering about that cover:
The scariest part of the entire story?
The mother-of-three
“Sex on Mars could create new species of human”
Half-Damon/Half-Potato, but all Hero.
The Hero we deserve right now.
I’m no biochemist, but that’s not how food works.
Now I’m hungry for a steak and side of broccoli covered in garlic butter.
No it is. Just that 100 calories of beef is 2 forks, and 100 calories of broccoli is a whole head. Which way is easier to get the 100+ grams of protein you need every day?
It’s also a lie:
11.08g protein / 100 cals for steak, 8.29g protein / 100 cals broccoli.
And, as you say, 100 cals of broccoli is about 3 cups. 100 cals of steak is about 1.5 oz.
#1 tasty, #2 Disgusting shrubbery
I don’t give a shit what these people eat, just stop evangelizing.
Today in the life and times of Talcum X, we’re shocked to learn he’s a (not so secret) ant-semite.
Something has to give between the Left’s increasingly overt anti-Semitism and the ginormous majority of Jews that reflexively vote D. My guess is Reform and Progressive Synagogues rejecting wholesale the concept of Israel’s legitimacy along with repudiating large parts of the Tanakh in order to stay aligned with prog policy. Democrat Party uber alles (and why I stopped going to Temple).
Interesting, if unusual, story.
Is pedophilia a “sexual orientation”? I’ve considered before how torturous it must be to have sexual urges that are deeply unethical, illegal and impossible to act upon without severe consequences. Should “non criminal” pedophiles be treated with compassion? Bigger question, if pedophilia is a sexual orientation that can be “cured”, why is the same paradigm so deeply problematic when applied to homosexuality? I’m just glad I like good ole’ adult females, especially their upper anterior region.
It is an interesting question. What is the modern thinking on this? That pedo behavior comes from childhood abuse? If that’s the case, then maybe it is a treatable thing that we should focus on rather than trying to criminalize. Obviously it should never be normalized and frankly I think it should continue to be stigmatized. But maybe we should have more avenues for treatment.
I have absolutely zero compassion for pedos that are acting on their urges (“offenders” as the author calls them), but if the author is correct that most don’t want to offend and just want to be normal, then maybe treatment is better and may reduce the number of kids that are abused.
I know that it’s a pretty low recidivism rate, but I suspect that’s mainly because the vast majority of what the government counts as pedophilia just isn’t.
My understanding is that it is a compulsion combined with an orientation. Accordingly, those that engage in it need help, monitoring, and probably forced sterilization. Not talking about teen sexters obviously, or some 28 yr old banging a 15 yr old, but honest to goodness pedos.
Steve Chapman strikes again.
The tweet that caused an uproar that led to the cancellation of Roseanne Barr’s ABC sitcom was a reminder of the most illuminating and depressing reality of our time: the stubborn centrality of race and racism in our national life.
It has been more than half a century since Congress passed the landmark Civil Rights Act, which Americans of that era assumed would set the nation on the road to confronting and eliminating the blight of discrimination and prejudice. But this year, a major network provided a weekly platform to an entertainer who once referred to Susan Rice, President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, as “a man with big swinging ape balls.”
ABC should have known what it was getting with Barr, whose show it dropped after she likened Valerie Jarrett, another black Obama aide, to an ape. But the network had been willing to overlook her nasty side in hopes of appealing to those forgotten souls who voted for Donald Trump….
Rice and Jarrett are Stanford alumni with enviable records of academic and professional achievement who have served their country in high positions of trust. Yet the only trait that appears to matter to Barr, a high school dropout, is that they are African-American, which to her means they are more like beasts than humans….
The essence of these comments is that no matter how much intelligence, education, money, or renown an African-American has, he or she can never be the equal of a white person.
That prejudice has persisted despite being disowned by our laws and rejected by most whites. Last year, a National Opinion Research Center poll found that 26 percent of Republicans think blacks are less intelligent than whites—as do 18 percent of Democrats. To be an African-American is to be endlessly subjected to assumptions of inferiority.
Obama’s election to the presidency appeared to mark a historic achievement, entrusting the most powerful job on the planet to a black man. But it also turned out to be a powerful goad to white fear and anger.
Trump’s success would have been impossible without Obama, who was especially threatening to bigots not because he and his wife resembled the racist stereotype but because they refuted it so thoroughly.
I literally can’t even.
And, of course, a sizable portion of those bigots who voted for Donald Trump voted for….Barack Obama. Twice.
This shit has just gotten to the point that it’s impossible to look at it as anything other than the ravings of street preachers.
Fuck this. Do we know, absolutely without a doubt, that Roseanne (whom I have no love for) was referring specifically to her race in that tweet? Granted, referring to blacks as monkeys or apes has some historical baggage, but that doesn’t change the fact that Jarrett is objectively one weird looking person. She actually DOES look a little bit like the Planet of the Apes characters, regardless of her race!
specifically to her race
I do not think it likely. And, as I recall, in the movies the apes/monkeys come in all colors. Jarrett herself is less black than Barry and is passably this character. I too acknowledge the historical baggage, but it’s time to get past that. We are all, so far as we know, related to monkeys.
Need moar coffee.
She says she thinks Jarret is white, as do I. I also think that nutty Roseanne’s description is accurate.
the stubborn centrality of race and racism in our national life
Hard to argue with that. Racialism is a distressing, atavistic aspect of modern life.
And yet the only people who seem to keep it so central to our national life are the imbeciles who make these sorts of complaints.
Fuckin’ Chapman. Most of the idiots he is talking about voted for Obama.
Rice and Jarrett are mendacious pieces of shit. Fuck them.
“Roseanne Barr says she may fight ABC firing, retweets claim Michelle Obama was behind ouster
Roseanne Barr made it clear on Wednesday she’s considering fighting ABC’s move to cancel her revival after her racist tweet — and the comic even pushed an accusation that former first lady Michelle Obama was behind her ouster.
Despite initially saying she would be quitting Twitter after posting a negative and racially charged comment about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, the star returned Tuesday and let loose on social media.
On Wednesday, Barr revealed that the positive feedback she was getting from people who still support her was making her feel emboldened to combat ABC in some way.”
Just go away fatso.
Hey! I like Count Potato.
I hope she fights them.
Why the alt-right thinks porn is a Jewish conspiracy
With, for some reason, near-furry porn pic.
“The goal of this addictive material, supposedly, is to neuter and desexualize white men, and ultimately doom the white race. This is where the alt-right theory of porn ties into the larger theory of white genocide. The immigration of people of color into Europe and North America, coupled with the declining birth rate among white couples, will render white people a minority, if not altogether extinct, and then Jews will be the only high-IQ race left in the West, leaving them free to control the black and brown masses.”
That’s some galaxy brain shit.
Are Asians grouped in with the white people in this scenario or does the alt-right consider them a non-factor?
I have no idea.
Don’t they mean black and brown bodies?
“Are there serious problems with porn? Sure. But we can’t have that conversation if we’re narrowly focused on poor men degenerating into antisocial incels. The biggest problem with porn, after all, is that people have stopped paying for it! Pirated content powers free tube sites that promise bottomless wells of dopamine blasts, making porn both more addictive and more accessible to children.
If we started consuming porn ethically, we’d give a boost to better, more creative porn, and young folks could be exposed to sex that didn’t follow the pattern of bored kissing, bored blowjob, bored pussy-eating, bored missionary position, bored doggy-style, a little more bored blowjob, money shot. Paying for porn would also encourage productions with a more diverse array of bodies, skin tones and gender identities.
But we don’t want to have that conversation. If we think there’s a problem with porn, we’d rather blame “modern society,” the “elites” or “cultural Marxism,” and before you know it, you’re only a YouTube rabbit hole away from blaming the Jews for white genocide. We need to grapple with how the modern porn industry is shaped by neoliberalism, patriarchy and white supremacy, or else all we’re left with is the same tired story of white dudes suffering from death grip.”
I resent that. My pornography collection features many scenes of strong, independent women taking charge of their own sexuality with no men around. I am also meticulous about being racially inclusive – there are many black, brown, and yellow bodies that I watch on a regular basis.
Hold up, now I’m lost. Free porn makes people hate Jews?
You know what would really upend the narrative? If Bezos had Prime pick up Roseanne’s show. Say what you like about him, he’s not averse to making a buck.
“Lauren Southern might be too controversial for alt-right media but she’s allowed to tour in Australia
Why are we letting people deemed “too racist” by other countries come to speak here?
Far-right YouTuber Lauren Southern revels in the cornerstones of her movement, parroting them at every chance. She’s anti-non-anglo immigration; anti-Islam; anti-feminism; thinks they’re should only be two genders and actively campaigned against the Black Lives Matter movement, saying it caused more deaths than the Klu Klux Klan (it hasn’t, by the way).
The 22-year-old shot to fame after a diatribe against feminism, which now has 1.2 million views, and then started reporting for the same alt-right media company Mark Latham works for. There, she recorded videos where she faked becoming a man to mock gender identification laws and attended a Slutwalk protest holding a sign that read, “There is no rape culture in the West” —a stunt that saw her suspended from the Libertarian Party.
Last year, she was detained by the Italian Coast Guard for attempting to obstruct NGO search-and-rescue boats trying to help shipwrecked migrants in the Mediterranean and released a book titled, ‘Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Generation’.
The commentator seems to embody the alt-right, but even some of the far-right think she’s a bit too much. Rebel Media — an organisation that has been praised by Nazis and former Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizards — parted ways with the controversial identity. While neither party would disclose the reason for her departure, it suspiciously coincided with her increasingly sympathetic tone towards fascism.
And now, Southern will be hosting a speaking tour in Australia, despite being banned from entering the UK just months ago.”
Short Version-People who say things I disagree with should be banned. Pathetic, yes, but that’s where we are.
if i were an editor, i’d slap the writer and say, “get out of here and never come back”
Give ’em a slap from me for this one, too, if you don’t mind: “parted ways with the controversial identity“
Obama’s election to the presidency appeared to mark a historic achievement, entrusting the most powerful job on the planet to a black man.
One of the best things about this site is never having to read Steve Chapman. I’ll thank you to keep that in mind, next time.
Fess up. Which one of you is this?
Not me.. I only masturbate when I am in the waiting area before I get on the plane.. Yanking your crank on a plane is a federal offense and can land you in the pound-you-in-the-ass prison..
It wasn’t me. I don’t fly coach.
The hate is strong with this one:
Update: I figured the local desperado would hole up yesterday until dark and then make his move to escape. I turned all of the outside lights on and all of the inside lights out. I put the little dogs and one of the Catahoulas in the bedroom with her. The other Catahoula and myself slept in the living room on the couch. I slept mostly sitting up with a winchester across my lap. I dozed on and off waking every time a cricket would chirp or the dog would raise his head and perk his ears. Combat sleep. In other words, I didn’t sleep.
This morning at sunup there were a hundred cowboy cops staging in my front yard on horseback, four wheeler and on foot. They had the hounds getting warmed up. The chopper is still buzzing around overhead. So the guy is still in the area and still not caught. I am tired of lugging guns around the house with me. It’s been a long time since I had to take a rifle with me to my morning constitution FFS.
I cant imagine how this guy is still going. He was out in 100 degree weather and blazing sun all day yesterday. he probably hasn’t had any food and the only water available is the bayou, they cut the water off for this area so he cant sneak anyone’s water hose. He is bound to be on his last legs. It is already 90 out there now. He is in an area he is not familiar with and probably has no idea where he is or which way to go. I half expect them to find him dead.
Anyone have any tips on his whereabout please call it in. Half the parish hasn’t slept any more than I have. As for those boys out beating the bushes finding all of the chiggers, ticks, and mosquitoes I am glad it is them and not me.
You all dealing with an escaped convict or something?
Four armed robbery suspects fled Monroe yesterday and their car broke down a mile from my house. They were on some kind of crazy robbery spree and probably took off for south Louisiana. They didn’t make it. Three were caught yesterday, one serious bad dude still at large. Armed, dangerous and no doubt pretty desperate.
That last part Suthen is why you should stay vigilant man… Desperate people lacking any sense of morality in the first place will do some nasty shit when cornered…
Exactly. A man doesnt get more dangerous than this one is at this point.
Holy shit man. That is a really dangerous situation. Godspeed my friend, stay safe.
Any chance a gator got him and that’s why they haven’t found him?
yes, actually there is. The bayou is chock full of big ones.
Damn Suthen. Stay safe.
Shit. I was hoping that I just missed the update where you said they caught him. That sucks man. I hope they get this loser quick. Keep eyes and ears open and hunker down. Stay safe.
Wow, man
Hope they catch him soon.
Stay safe, brother
If folks are still posting regularly here – for the experienced HVAC folks. I had some issues last summer that turned out to be low pressure (system needed a recharge) – lots of condensation, leaking and wet carpets in the basement. My landlady sent a guy over to work on it and it looked like it fixed the problem although he didn’t have enough to top off the unit fully.
Now, it looks like I’m about to re-enter the same situation. System has been set to 72, but since last night, I’ve been watching the house internal temp climb to 75, 76, 77, 78 – vent air is distinctly less chilly than a couple days ago too. No condensation on the main filter system yet, but I’m keeping an eye on it. My guess is that having someone recharge the outside unit – as last year – will solve the problem – at least for the next few months.
At this point though…would it be better to just switch the unit off completely while I’m waiting for a technician, or let it run (and blow some air) until it does start dripping, etc? Don’t want to cause damage, etc – but it’s a tad warm – I need to buy one or two more standalone fans at any rate (just got paid thankfully).
You are looking for Yusef. I think I can safely say if your refrigerant is low you have a leak. A recharge wont help, it will just leak out again.
“Now, it looks like I’m about to re-enter the same situation. System has been set to 72, but since last night, I’ve been watching the house internal temp climb to 75, 76, 77, 78 – vent air is distinctly less chilly than a couple days ago too”
This problem might be caused by quite a few other problems other than just lack of coolant. These things have a motor that cycles the air. I had an incident where that motor died so the cycle step worked at beyond sub optimal level meaning the vents produce warm or tepid air. You could also have a blocked drain for the unit, leaving it operating inefficiently. Someone will need to diagnose.
“At this point though…would it be better to just switch the unit off completely while I’m waiting for a technician, or let it run (and blow some air) until it does start dripping, etc?”
Switch it off. if it is constantly on trying to bring down the temp it will sooner than later overheat, and then pricey bad shit happens. More importantly your electric bill for a system constantly cycling the compressor will be astronomical.
Thanks for the confirmation. More fans shouldn’t be that much of a problem.
You can leave the fan on in the unit, which will leave air circulating in the house.
And Alex is right, the water is a different problem, if your refrigerant is low to the point of no cooling, then you won’t get condensation. No water to worry about. Water pooling is almost always a blocked drain line or a bad sump (if there is a lift system).
Well I’ve set “fan” back to “On”, but with my unit, I think it’s only “fan” as it relates to AC or Heat. It’s definitely a different situation to last summer, although the initial symptoms seem similar. Hopefully my landlady can get someone to run diagnostics the next few days.
Most modern-ish systems will automatically shut down before they overheat.
Are the lines icing up at the unit?
No, no sign of any issues on the outside unit and not even the beginnings of condensation at the main filter unit where it was dripping like crazy last summer. Course it rained a lot last night so not as many obvious indications outside.
Shut everything off for the moment – a more thorough inspection is probably in order.
Follow up to the big blue beach assault story:
Weinman can be heard saying, “Is there a problem?..Mind your own business.” She also says, “I didn’t take a drink of anything,” after blowing into a Breathalyzer, and passing the test.
Police ask for her phone number and she doesn’t provide it. Weinman instead walks away while looking at her cell phone. “Go grab her real quick. We’re going to have them pour that all out,” one officer can be heard saying.
Later, the officers continue to ask for Weinman’s information, including her name. She declines. “I’ll give you one more chance to give me your last name,” the officer says. She declines again.
“OK, what’s your last name?” the officer asks again.
“You don’t need my last name,” Weinman says.
“OK. That’s it. I’m done with you. Do you have cuffs on you?” the officer says as he heads toward Weinman.
“Get over here,” the officer says.
“Don’t touch me!” Weinman says as she puts her hands up, calling for “Matt!”
“You’re about to get dropped,” the officer says.
The officers then appear to grab Weinman’s hair as she goes down.
Failure to obey. The ultimate crime against the police.
Awesome kick-off to the tourist season Wildwood.
woooo – finally new Coheed (looks like a return to form after the distinctly iffy previous album): https://youtu.be/T3zm1_JSPOQ
There’s another Coheed fan in here? Hell yeah man, i’m excited. Just saw them in DC last summer for the Good Apollo tour, it was so awesome!
And yeah, The Color Before the Sun was probably my least liked album, hopefully they return to form with this next one.
Got all the Neverender stuff when it came out 10 years ago – just never been anywhere close when they do their shows (not driving to Raleigh or Charlotte from Cville). There’s a lot of clubs here, but I don’t see a lot of bands come through that I recognize.
Very cool, let me know if you ever want to part with any of the vinyls hahaha (assuming you have them).
If you ever get the chance, definitely go see them, one of the better live bands i’ve seen. I really want them to do another Neverender tour and play all of SSTB, which is my personal favorite album.