Snoop Dogg smashes Guinness World Record for Largest Gin and Juice in History
Snoop appeared at the BottleRock Napa Valley festival alongside rapper Warren G to attempt to make a paradise cocktail for the history books. The finished drink measured in at more than 132 gallons.
The giant gin and juice used 38 jugs of orange juice, 154 bottle of apricot brandy and a whopping 180 bottles of gin, according to Guinness. Snoop celebrated his record breaking drink on Instagram with a picture of himself holding the world record certificate.
No, I’m fine, OK? I just got something in my eyes. Stupid allergies.
Trump Pardons Political Prisoner
Beyond President Trump’s prolific dishonesty and extensive use of social media, it’s difficult to forecast what his administration’s enduring legacies may be for the presidency. But it’s becoming ever more likely that his innovative use of the pardon power will be one.
On Thursday, President Trump announced (on Twitter, of course) that he will pardon Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative writer convicted in 2014 of campaign-finance fraud. D’Souza illegally pushed donations to a Senate candidate, asking friends to donate and then reimbursing them, contravening limits on giving.
It’s Trump’s fifth pardon of his short presidency, and the third to go to a conservative cause célèbre, after former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Dick Cheney aide Scooter Libby. Other presidents have used pardons to send political messages, as when Jimmy Carter pardoned Vietnam War draft dodgers or Andrew Johnson pardoned Confederates; or to help out cronies, as when Bill Clinton pardoned financier Marc Rich, a major donor who was on the run from prosecution. Other presidents have also tended to wait until the end of their terms to grant high-profile pardons.
I doubt I’m the first to think it up, but man wouldn’t it be funny if Trump pardoned Hillary? I mean, let’s face it, she’s never going to jail, no matter what she does. She could suck off an underage clone of herself on live TV while giving a screaming DACA teen a knitting needle abortion and Michelle Goldberg and The Atlantic would both have editorials up defending Herself in under an hour. So Trump should pardon her. Give a rambling speech about how her contribution to civic fabric country is too valuable to let her rot in prison. It might just kill the hideous witch on the spot.
Why the Alt-Right Thinks Porn is a Jewish Conspiracy
A few months ago, a user on a bodybuilding supplement forum asked if it was weird that he had a childhood crush on Lola Bunny from Space Jam.
“It’s not weird,” someone assured him. In fact, this someone added, there’s “a conspiracy from sinister guys at the top” to pornify popular culture, in order to get young boys so addicted to pornographic images that they develop “bad social skills” and are too weak and distracted to resist the elites in power. “Looks like it worked,” agreed another user, who then pressed ENTER 144 times and posted a gif of a fly rubbing its front legs together, with a hook-nosed, yarmulked Jewish caricature photoshopped on its head.
How did this bodybuilding forum go from Lola Bunny screenshots to anti-Semitic memes in less than 24 hours? Well, it turns out that despite the stereotype that alt-righters spend hours in their parents’ basements watching tentacle hentai, many of them are theoretically anti-porn. More specifically, they believe porn is a Jewish conspiracy to weaken white men and, if all goes according to plan, destroy Western civilization. (Honestly, this isn’t that different from how a lot of mainstream commentators talk about porn — but more on that later.)
There is a heavy dose of Jack D. Ripper in this one, because, seriously, you really should deny them your essence.
Instead of another link, and in honor of Mssr. Dogg’s achievement in the mixological arts, I’d like to share some of the worse mixed drinks I have ever created. There have been a lot of them. I push the boundaries. I take things, on occasion, way too far. I puke pretty easily. Some were due to my age, some were due to hubris.
Age 14
The “Martini”
It was almost New Year’s Eve and the only way I could get liquor was to steal it from my father. Since I didn’t sleep much back then either, I got out of bed when I was staying at his place, fished a few glass screw-top Pepsi bottles out of the kitchen trash, rinsed them and went shopping. The first 16oz bottle was your classic “suicide style” nick, a little from every bottle: scotch, bourbon, vodka, gin, tequila, Benedictine, vermouth (sweet and dry), Frangelico, Gallico, triple sec and whatever else was there. This was gross, but my friends and I were going to mix it with Sprite or something anyway, right?
The next bottle was the real mistake. I had been reading the James Bond books for the first time and I decided to make a batch of martinis for myself. Some old recipe I had found at the public library counseled 1:2 dry vermouth to gin. I got the dusty vermouth bottle out and eyeballed out around 5oz into my other Pepsi bottle. I topped it off the gin bottle in the back–probably Seagram’s–put the cap on and gave it a hearty shake. I stashed both bottles in my dirty tube socks and smuggled them home.
Mike’s parents were out of town for the holiday, and as Tommy and I walked to his house (we all lived on the same street) it had begun to snow. Tommy had a few beers and Mike had a flask of something oily and dark that smelled like kerosene. When I passed my bottles around, Mike and Tommy both gagged at my “martini” so I was left to drink it all by myself, disgusting sip by sip. And it was really bad. I just thought martinis tasted like that and couldn’t understand why anyone would drink one out of anything but the rankest desperation. I didn’t know then, of course, that vermouth should be kept in the fridge after it is opened. I was drinking room temperature cheap gin and rancid vermouth. A pint of it.
Around 4am, Mike and Tommy were passed out and I was feeling so bad. I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to sleep in my own damn bed. My house was only two doors away from Mike’s, I just put on my coat and left, still pretty drunk. I passed out in my own front yard, in the snow. I woke up when the sun hit me and I got inside before my mother busted me. I tasted Pine Sol for nearly a week.
Age 17
The Tea
2/3 of a pitcher of iced tea
1/3 of a pitcher of vodka
20 No-Doze tablet (the real ephedra kind), crushed
2 5mg valium, crushed
I’m going to blame Derek for this one. Oh, holy shitballs did it taste funky. We ended up shivering on his back porch, chain-smoking and marveling over our exploding hearts.
Age 20
The Kandarian Demon
My friend Paul was working as a bartender at a place a little way out of town and there was this huge bunch of guys in there that just kept order Mai Tais. Paul said he must have made over forty Mai Tais that night. He told us his shaker held about two-and-a-half Mai Tais, but he filled it every time and drained off the excess into this plastic bucket under the bar. So Paul came home one night with a literal bucket of Mai Tais. Now, they were pretty weak, so I had the bright idea to add a 1/5 of the only alcoholic substance in the house: cinnamon schnapps.
In some sort of weird alchemical reaction, the schnapps turned the reddish and clear Mai Tais into an opaque liquid that was a bilious pink. It tasted awful. I mean, just amazingly awful. Hard to describe the taste, but the Mai Tai and the schnapps brought you the worse in one another to create a foul flavor that had never existed before and hopefully will never exist again.
Artie, dear sweet Artie, Paul’s brother, took a long drink and croaked “It tastes like death.” We had been watching Evil Dead movies all night, so the garbage juice I had made was dubbed “The Kandarian Demon.”
These ladies have soft, round things and they’re not afraid to use them!
6 seems like the kind of party I’d like to be invited to.
And Q proves the Alt-right conspiracy mongers correct right out of the gate.
Trumps diarrhea musings about considering the commutation of rod blagojevich’s prison term is nothing short of absurd.
Is there a politician more corrupt and narcisstic than Blago? Admittedly it’s sort of an an infinity-way tie. But, he is as corrupt as they come. why pardon him?
“Is there a politician more corrupt and narcisstic (sic) than Blago?”
I would be ok with a Blagojevich pardon. After all, he was locked up for something he said, not something he did. Sure, if the feds hadn’t jumped the gun because the media was closing in on the contents of the surveillance, he might have actually got that big check for the senate seat he was offering. But since he didn’t, I’m fine with him just being run out of office and his reputation ruined. I’ve always been of the mind that while it’s ok to be fired for something you say, it’s not ok to be locked up for it. That’s the sort of thing that happens in Europe. (Or should that go “You know who else was locked up for what he said?”)
Blago should be making license plates for a long time.
I’m about to punch a hole through the damn wall after reading this story:
tl;dr: 15 year old with seizures. Nothing in medical science helps those seizures, until marijuana. Parents give kids marijuana, seizures go away. Parents tell therapist (I know, rookie mistake) about it. Therapist rats them out. Police abduct kid and throw parents into jail. Kid put into group home, seizures come back worse than before, and he doesn’t even have access to his seizure-detecting dog.
You forgot the last part of the story: parents track asshole therapist down and beat him with a crowbar.
Didn’t we cover this at Nuremburg?
Thanks for that bro. You’re early for nut punch Friday.
Doin’ right ain’t got no end.
I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.
How ’bout a Fresca?
Are you my pal?
Hmmmh? Hmmmh?! Ah-ha-ha-ha-haa!
For any that missed it this morning:
Situation: Four armed robbery suspects fled Monroe yesterday and their car broke down a mile from my house. They were on some kind of crazy robbery spree and probably took off for south Louisiana. They didn’t make it. Three were caught yesterday, one serious bad dude still at large. Armed, dangerous and no doubt pretty desperate.
Update: I figured the local desperado would hole up yesterday until dark and then make his move to escape. I turned all of the outside lights on and all of the inside lights out. I put the little dogs and one of the Catahoulas in the bedroom with her. The other Catahoula and myself slept in the living room on the couch. I slept mostly sitting up with a winchester across my lap. I dozed on and off waking every time a cricket would chirp or the dog would raise his head and perk his ears. Combat sleep. In other words, I didn’t sleep.
This morning at sunup there were a hundred cowboy cops staging in my front yard on horseback, four wheeler and on foot. They had the hounds getting warmed up. The chopper is still buzzing around overhead. So the guy is still in the area and still not caught. I am tired of lugging guns around the house with me. It’s been a long time since I had to take a rifle with me to my morning constitution FFS.
I cant imagine how this guy is still going. He was out in 100 degree weather and blazing sun all day yesterday. he probably hasn’t had any food and the only water available is the bayou, they cut the water off for this area so he cant sneak anyone’s water hose. He is bound to be on his last legs. It is already 90 out there now. He is in an area he is not familiar with and probably has no idea where he is or which way to go. I half expect them to find him dead.
Anyone have any tips on his whereabout please call it in. Half the parish hasn’t slept any more than I have. As for those boys out beating the bushes finding all of the chiggers, ticks, and mosquitoes I am glad it is them and not me.
Further update: I tried to go to the grocery store a bit ago. No dice. There must be 60 deputies in the two miles from my house to the highway. The highway between me and the grocery store has that many State Police and they have it blocked off. They have ten square miles of woods and bayou sewed up tighter than a frog’s ass. We have been under siege for two days now and we had not gone to the grocery store for two before that. Tuna fish sandwiches for supper it is.
Surely this guy cant hold out. What is he eating? Where is he getting water? It is 100 out there now. He has to be drinking that nasty ass bayou water. On the side opposite me there are nothing but pastures and a few thousand head of cattle so you can imagine what that tastes like.
I will let y’all know if anything changes. In the mean time I have to move about the inside of my house wearing a pistol and keeping a rifle handy.
It’s been a while since I had a threading fail. huh.
Man that sucks!
Hang in there.
It’s true. Threading fails suck.
Hadn’t heard of Catahoulas before, seems (from what i just read) to be my kind of dog.
Be safe
Damn dude. Appreciate the updates. Definitely hoping this all gets wrapped up (non-violently) soon.
Hopefully he turns up…. someplace far away.
Damn, dude. Stay safe.
Also, wouldn’t this be a good time to get a hotel room for a couple days?
My thought also. Defending the castle is noble and all, but I’d be leaving the gunfight with the desperate crook to someone else. Especially with utilities being shut off. Stay safe, Suthen.
AS it is, I’ve been informed that I will be residing in a hotel room for the next three weeks, due to mold testing and abatement in my home. Wife, child, giant dog, hotel room. Should be fun.
Bummer. Stucco?
Ha. Yeah. Sort of. We decided to have our stucco on the outside replaced with something more durable due to the cataclysmic hail storms we’ve had, and they uncovered black mold down the front of the house due to a poorly constructed upstairs shower. Every time I go home there’s some new expense. I may just stay in the hotel forever.
Every time I go home there’s some new expense.
Yeah, but at least you own it, right?
*opens property tax bill*
Uh, never mind…
Where are you that you’ve had such heavy hail ?
I’d put my money on Suthen if it came down to brass tacks.
But they’ll catch the guy. If the cops don’t get him the bayou will
” they cut the water off for this area so he cant sneak anyone’s water hose.”
What. The. Fuck. I’ve never heard of water being cut off because a wanted man was loose.
I know you’re out numbered so you can’t put the gun to its proper use, but tell them you have a medical appointment or something.
That is something I’ve never heard of before.
What about the neighbors? You mentioned a single lady and an elderly couple – any contact with them?
Good luck, Suthen.
Jesus. Good luck! Be safe.
Damn, at least you sound well prepared for it. Hopefully it will be over soon. Any word from your neighbors that you were concerned about earlier?
Sounds like he’s probably already dead. Not many people can survive multiple days in 100 degree heat without food or water.
Bet you wish Amazon had their drone delivery up and running.
Not that any justification should be needed, but your situation is a vivid example of why the ability to purchase body armor should not be restricted. I have ‘his and hers’ sets on my low priority list for when we have to confront potentially armed trespassers and armed poachers.
Your situation adds a new dimension I hadn’t considered and one that surely even John couldn’t object to as a legitimate use.
even John couldn’t object to
Wow! Thanks for the update. I’m sorry to hear about your having to deal with all this. Still, do stay safe.
Hang in there man. Thanks for the updates
Sounds like the plot of a great thriller.
Hope all is well.
You have my sincere sympathies. Glass half full, you do have dogs and guns.
Sheriff’s original job was to act as the King’s proxy and protect the interest of the King against the machinations of the little people. Sheriff John, you might have heard.
But like many old British titles, the job morphed slowly over time. By the time of the Founding, it had done a 180. The sheriff was elected by the little people to act as a piece keeper. And under our crazy system of federalism, a Sheriff is actually supposed to put their body in between over zealous Federal officials and the little people. It never happens, but I hear tell a few elected Sheriffs out in the abominable Trumpland still consider it part of their duty.
TLDR – this guy is just kickin it old school, and who can hate a guy for that?
Yes, electing the right sheriff is very important.
They are the only LE that are directly elected by, and answer to, the people and not a politician.
Make sure your Sheriff is an Oath Keeper.
“piece keeper”
Typo, or no typo?
The war on drugs is fucked, we all know that, and this is an example of it. That being said, in order to convince the “there oughta be a law” crowd that we should think carefully before putting new laws into place, maybe we should start vigorously enforcing all laws on the books as written.
I actually have to agree with this asshole sheriff here, he doesn’t get to pick and choose what to enforce. Or, at least, in principle he shouldn’t get to choose. The therapist ought to get his skull cracked in so he can live with seizures for the rest of his life while cracked out on all the shitty drugs we use in place of MJ.
Its usually unjust B/S cases like this that can help us get rid of bad laws. This will help those people that are less… sympathetic… escape the iron grip of the state. Its harder to get the public to support repeal if the only people that get caught up in the system are the unsympathetic addicts hanging around the street corner. I am not a fan of selective enforcement. Either enforce equally, all the time, on everyone, as well as realistically possible, or not at all.
As bad as police discretion is, a world without it is worse.
We’d all be in jail, every one of us, and that would certainly be worse. But instead what we get is thousands of new laws every single year, with select enforcement to achieve political ends. I’m not so certain that is better.
Not having seizures is the kid’s way of getting high.
An actual, honest to goodness conversation I had with somebody supporting the Sheriff here. This is why there’s no hope for humanity, and we should be wiped from the Earth.
Yep, they’d rather their kid be dead from seizures than “be a druggie”
Dude, they’re fully indoctrinated. It’s no use. My mom is a constitutionalist, she believes the government should be as small as possible and is somehow a full blown 100% drug warrior. Totally against drugs and believes we should lock every single one of em up.
The propaganda worked on a significant amount of the population. Just going to have to wait for time and demographics to excise this kind of thinking.
Yeh. I know people around me like that. PROPER CHANNELS.
It’s all proper channels….until it happens to them.
It’s pretty aggressive on the conversation style.
What is it with people telling people in authority shit like this?
They don’t give a shit about your kids or your family. They care about some stupid law.
I wonder if the laws requiring people working with children to report any signs of child abuse are at work here. Compelled speech is usually a bad thing, in the long run.
^So much this. I have a feeling that mandated reporting has a hand in this, if not THE explanation. Sure, the therapist could be Samantha Bee, for all I know.
Mel Magazine? I’m not going to click because I want to keep my image of that as being 100% about Mel Gibson in all his insane glory.
Every furry around was berthed either by Maid Marian in the Disney Robin Hood cartoon, Nala from Lion King or Lola Bunny.
“while giving a screaming DACA teen a knitting needle abortion”
Her parents came here looking for a better life, and they found it.
Your drinking stories are better than mine.
All my best drinking stories have to be told by someone else, because Bob was not paying attention at the time.
With all this talk about Rosanne getting canceled and ABC deciding to take one more step down the “get woke go broke” path, I started to wonder just how ABC is doing financially. After a little googling, I found this article: Disney’s profit surges in the first quarter, but revenue disappoints amid struggles in media networks
So Q1 was… not great for ABC. I wonder how Q2 will work out for them. Considering that they’re already lagging behind Disney’s other divisions and Disney had already considered selling ABC to a private equity firm back in 2010, I suspect we may see Disney drop ABC in the future.
It’ll be interesting to see how Disney’s streaming platform works out. I don’t think I’ll be subscribing even though they’re hoovering up a lot of Fox stuff.
My guess is that it will work out well. I think it will succeed if they feed eit enough content and produce/purchase enough to keep it fresh. It will eventually cannibalize their broadcast market but since that’s what’s happening anyway, they might as well jump on the bandwagon. Financially I think they will see thinner operating margins than what they’re used to, but they will be one of the more profitable streaming services out there.
I think network television will go the way of the newspaper. It’s carcass will remain after the feminists and diversity hires finish off the meat but it’s place of influence will never be anywhere close to the past.
Still better recipes than 3 month old bong water, 25 year old bourbon, and Mountain Dew. “Spew the Dew”
Rookie mistake. Bong water should always be fresh.
Bacon….why in the name of the Lord would you do that to 25 year old bourbon?!!!
Because if he did it to a scotch, he would be riddled with bullets?
Dad’s hootch and we were 17. I thought you of all people would be neutral in this matter sir.
Look, it is neutrality, not pacifism…
You are fortunate your father didn’t kill you for using his good bourbon.
25-year-old bourbon ain’t cheap if that’s how long it sat in the barrel.
(((Conspiracy))) debunked.
It’s a boon to all the horny 19 year olds that get off on producing the content for free. And we can thank G-d each and every day for that.
“Honestly, this isn’t that different from how a lot of mainstream commentators talk about porn — but more on that later”
Anti-porn/anti-sex has really created an unholy alliance between feminists, SoCons and now, apparently, the alt-right. They should hold a convention.
You assume that there’s any difference between these people.
Porn is like weed and getting shitfaced. It’s super duper cool when your young but then you either grow up or become the McConaughey guy from dazed and confused. It’s like the kid who still tells poop jokes in middle school.
Porn is a vice, just like being lazy, or irresponsible with money. If pointing that out makes me the square to all the 60’s free sex LARPers then I can live with that.
Meh, I know dozens of everyday pot smokers, they are for the most part productive members of society, lawyers, stockbrokers, business owners, mechanics, salesmen, home builders,
I don’t know a single burn out. I know one burn out. And as for porn if you’re spending eight hours a day cranking it then you might have a point but what could possibly be wrong with taking a few minutes and rubbing one out every so often. Its abuse/misuse could be a vice just like any other activity.2 Most disgusting drinks I ever had:
1. The Prairie Fire (1/2 tequila, 1/2 Tabasco) is bad enough, but when you don’t have the proper ingredients for it, it’s worse. Everclear + The juice from a jar of pepperoncinis is rankly disgusting. We called it the Atomic Prairie Fire
2. The Dutch Original. Pitu + Skim Milk, created by my Dutch friend, hence the name. Looked an awful lot like cum when it was coming back up into the toilet later that night.
Undisputed best drink ever created: Everclear, Kool-Aid and Grenadine, aka Jungle Juice. Miraculous ability to make college girls as horny as 13 year old boys watching Skinemax.
The only college girl I had sex with was married and had kids.
Dude, strippers always say they are going to college.
50 year old food service workers slinging food in the dining hall are not what most people think of when they think “college girl,” but good on you for finding a loop-hole.
Well, then . . . . .
My wife was neither a stripper nor a food service worker.
Ha. Stories about sleeping with a girl that’s your wife, without mentioning she’s your wife are my favorite.
I was in a Cub Scout committee meeting once in the basement of a church. Someone said we need someone who can take some professional-level quality photos for promotional material. Forgetting where I was, I pipe up “Oh I’m sleeping with a girl that can do that. I’ll see if I can convince her.” My scouting mentor, a kind old man that’s been an on-again/off-again pastor and really the kind of religious conservative that gives religious conservative a good name was shocked. Jaw went slack, eyes bulged. “Its his wife” one of the other parents told him, and he just laughed and laughed.
I guessed it immediately.
I was just lamenting how boring my college years were. 😉
I gave you the perfect opportunity to lie!
I am perfectly happy to lie about or withhold information about stuff people don’t need to know.
But this is one of the few topics I am unwilling to lie about.
In the old days, this was pretty common. My parents had me when they were both in college. Married student housing.
Met my wife when I was 20 and she was 17. She was cute, hot, fun, and interesting. I had to lock that down.
Pffft-way to ruin the fantasy.
I knew that first one as a Snakebite
Yeah, but not 1/2 tabasco. More like a splash.
Good point
Malt vinegar and Everclear. We used to give it to the pledges as hazing.
Grenadine? Well look at Mr. Fancypants.
The last batch of large scale hooch I ever made was in one of those construction worksite coolers (the size of the coolers that get dumped on winning coaches.) I can’t remember all the amounts but was Everclear, orange juice, pineapple juice, Sprite and quartered oranges, lemons and limes that I let sit in the pure grain for a few hours before mixing. Even for the massive party my friend was throwing, that went fast. The kegs were done around 10, I was done about 2, found two randos fucking in my tent, ended up sleeping in my car.
Wapatui. A classic.
Worst drink ever: Cement Mixer. 1. Take a shot of Bailey’s and hold it in your mouth. 2. Take a shot of bar lime. 3. Swish around like mouthwash.
One time we mixed Everclear with Jolt Cola and I swear I could feel my eyeballs throbbing.
Another time we took cranberry juice concentrate – size of a juicebox, but you’re supposed to mix it with 2 quarts of water – and mixed it with 2 quarts of Early Times whiskey. My vomit left a permanent red stain on the concrete.
This is the best laugh I’ve had in a couple of days. Sorry you went through that. Although, you gotta suffer for your art.
Oh yeah, another time we mixed root beer schnapps with root beer and some sort of root beer extract that my friend found in his parents’ pantry and almost created a root beer singularity and destroyed the universe. Good times.
I know someone who loves him some root beer, and has done the root beer/RB liquor mix. I don’t think extract ever entered into the equation, though. Small mercies, and all that.
“The Prairie Fire” sounds like the hellish results of an STD, and “The Dutch Original” might be a new sex position.
I’m having a flashback of puking my brains out one NYE at my buddy’s house after we raided his dad’s liquor cabinet and I thought gin was the greatest thing ever.
It was a long time until I had gin again.
A buddy in high school fancied he loved gin. One night we bought him a half pint of something awful, which he downed in an hour and proceeded to roll around in the dirt. No idea why. He wouldn’t touch the stuff again.
Don’t talk shit about Judy Jetson!
…Mike had a flask of something oily and dark that smelled like kerosene.
Was Mike from Wisconsin? It probably was kerosene.
I think it was just rotgut whiskey in a dirty flask. I didn’t try it.
Scotland proposes 90% emissions reduction target
Sure why not, it’s not like Scotland needs to jump start growth or anything like that…
Reliable and achievable? What trifles.
If they succeed, will the Scots survive the next winter?
*Shakes Magic 8 ball*
*Shakes Magic 8 ball*
It doesn’t look good.
Why stop at 100%? Why not 105%? 120?
I’m starting to become numb to all the SJW craziness. Now I just read about widespread racism and white privilege and just shrug. Until they actually take it to the next logical step of violence, I’m just going to ignore it. It’s that boring and predictable now. There is so much attention you can give the mentally retarded.
If I keep hearing about how I have white privilege I might decide to actually start exercising it.
The less I pay attention to news, and the more I stay off social media, the less stress I have. Like most people, I’ve never witnessed that kind of craziness in person.
The problem is some of it has been mainstreamed to a certain degree. For instance, I get e-mails where the person’s tagline (or whatever it is you call it at the end with the name/phone/affiliation/etc. is listed) has preferred pronouns…. “(he/him/his)”. People I interact with professionally use terms like “white privilege” in casual conversation, and label ideas with which they disagree as hate or racism, no need for further discussion. I do a lot of shoulder shrugging.
I don’t get as worked up as I used to over it, but it is a little hard to ignore when they do things like take your favorite characters from various stories and change their gender or make them trans or whatever.
I don’t get as worked up, and I care less. And that’s probably how they will win.
I’ve been reading about Kathleen Kennedy ruining Lucasfilm particularly with the Solo fiasco.
There’s tons on youtube about that – of course there are articles/interviews out there where she’s practically bragging about it – and Rian Johnson isn’t much better.
I got there not too long ago. All the comments that link to some derp.. I just skip over them any more. They never me any life-fulfilling satisfaction. Not they don’t even trigger the monkey-brain outrage either.
The next step is jailing people and if history is any indicator you and most everyone else will do nothing about that either. I’m not insulting you, because I’m not gonna get myself killed being a one man commando either but doing nothing will not end well.
Surely this guy cant hold out. What is he eating? Where is he getting water? It is 100 out there now. He has to be drinking that nasty ass bayou water.
I generally root for the outlaws, but this guy sounds like somebody who wouldn’t be missed much if some deputy found him face down in the bayou, dead of a snake bite.
.45 Snakebite……..
Bitten by a Colt Python?
Re: pardon. Make it cover Whitewater, the options trading, lying and defaming on behalf of Bill’s rapes/sexual harassments too. But leave something that could put a normal person in prison out of it (such as the server & mishandling classified documents) so that the rug could potentially be pulled out in the future.
That woman has no shame or sense of decorum, and would use an unlimited pardon to the fullest while still attempting her dreams of being anointed President.
The Left’s reaction to the D’Souza pardon has been more mask revealing. Seen multiple rank and file leftists talking about how “He said this” and “he believes that” so of course he should be a criminal. Because wrong think is a crime.
Never give up your guns. These people will happily hack you to death with machetes as soon as MSNBC issues the order “KILL THE DEPLORABLE COCKROACHES”.
“When you pry the AR from my cold, dead hands don’t pick it up by the barrel shroud, cos it’ll still be hot”
These people will happily hack you to death with machetes as soon as MSNBC issues the order “KILL THE DEPLORABLE COCKROACHES”.
You know, just a few years ago I would have thought that was ridiculous hyperbole. Now? I’m really not sure that there isn’t a significant portion of the population that isn’t that totally brainwashed. I think a significant portion of our country has just turned bad.
The mask is far gone and you need only to look over the ocean to see what the left wants. We are the enemy to them.
As far as guns go the issue will be gone. 74% of Hispanics want more gun control. 74% of black people want wore gun control. That’s according to Pew. Those numbers do not vary very much over multi-generational immigrants and always remain strongly favoring gun control. Only white people favor gun rights and the demographics show in 15 to 20 years there won’t be enough to win the issue.
At least there’ll be less racism! According to The Jacket today.
The Prairie Fire (1/2 tequila, 1/2 Tabasco)
We used to call those the “flaming asshole” at the bar I worked at in Colorado Springs, more because of the behavior it induced than the consequences the next morning.
*our were a much higher tequila : tabasco ratio
‘Techsploitation’ protesters in San Francisco blocked buses with a pile of electric scooters
Love it when they eat their own.
A private company just deployed those electric scooters in my town. I think you enter some payment info, ride it to your destination, and leave it there for the next customer. I see them parked in some pretty random places.
Speaking of cocktails, a Russian coworker of mine once told me she likes to start off with Slippery Nipples, then have some Sex on the Beach and an Orgasm. If necessary, she’d finish with an Abortion. I miss those company meetings.
The sequel to Assassins Creed Origins (Assassins Creed Odyssey) leaked. Holiday 2018 release. If this 4chan leak (and it’s from someone who’s been correct before) is true, I’m in love.
I need to drive home, so I’ll take a closer look at this when I get there, but I’m interested. Assassins Creed Origins was pretty damn good. It still had lackluster characters, but it was an improvement. The world was a vast improvement over previous entries.
One thing I did notice from the screen grab: I am not happy about the re-introduction of naval combat. That shit was stupid in the pirates iteration and it will continue to be stupid in the future. It’s just so damn boring.
These links are juuuuuuuust right.
And awesome drink recipes, as well. BONUS!!!
An excerpt from German magazine Wirtschaftswoche’s article, which cited several unnamed European and U.S. diplomats but did not include any direct quotes, could not be independently verified, while a United States Embassy spokesman in Berlin referred questions to Washington.
The news and current affairs magazine said Trump had told French President Emmanuel Macron in April that he aimed to push German carmakers out of the United States altogether. Macron’s administration in Paris declined to comment on the report.
The Trump administration last week opened a trade investigation into vehicle imports, which could result in a 25 percent tariff on cars on the same “national security” grounds Washington used to impose metals duties in March..
This could destroy exports by German carmakers, which control 90 percent of the U.S. premium market and are the biggest European Union exporters of cars to the United States.
Fortunately, it’s still at the “my sister’s hairdresser’s boyfriend’s pool guy’s brother-in-law said…” stage. Somebody needs to talk to that boy.
National Security?
What, concerned about the Volkswagen?
Sorry, I meant; Do you know who else started a car company?
And was a noted antisemetic? Henry Ford?
I’m going to go with “Stuff that never happened”, and this is an example of EU pols / hacks basically using Trump-esque style politics against him. Or, possibly of the Trump admin feeding bullshit to scare EU people into some sort of complaisance
basically, “make shit up” to rile up public and create some appearance of controversy, so that when you end up doing some otherwise boring and normal diplomatic agreement, everyone sees it at some sort of “breakthrough” and triumph of reason against adversity.
e.g. something that i found consistently odd was how often Trump (and Fox) would mention “China’ when talking about steel tariffs.
China represents less than 10% of US steel imports but you would literally hear “china china china china” during discussions of the topic.
I think half of this “trade war” shit is basically this sort of media-jawboning. Its ginning up fake controversies so that when they’re “resolved” (i.e. never happen) it becomes a manufactured success-story.
Why would you find that odd? You’re old enough to remember Japan-bashing.
For the reasons I pointed out.
Japan bashing, for all its xenophobia, was connected to very-real effects of Japanese exports quickly swamping sectors of US consumer markets. (electronics, cheap cars, etc).
China, by contrast, hardly ships any cheap-steel to the US at all. They’re not even in the top 5.
Its this fake-idea that we’re ‘hurting china’ with steel tarriffs (because that’s what trump voters think, or want to think i guess); its appealing because it gives the impression he’s “getting them”.
But the fact is that particular policy is hardly related to China at all. sure, there are other trade issues which were significant and correctly china-specific… but that’s not what they talked about in the news media.
The point was that its basically based on a mythic notion Trump is getting ‘steel jobs’ back from china, when in fact its mexico, canada,korea, brazil (some of whom were given exceptions to the tarriffs) which were the significant trade-partners.
Well, again, IP protection doesn’t play well for either the Trumpian demographic or the Resist!-ian one.
On a related note, I saw a Jeep in a parking lot that had both one of those “Terrorist Hunting Permit” stickers and an NPR sticker. I marveled at it for quite a while.
I’m going with mixed marriage.
i agree w/ that basic point. I also think its so complicated a topic that it can mean anything/nothing.
It can mean American consumer-brand knockoffs solid in china, which hardly affects US sales of those things at all;…. or it can mean Chinese industrial firms stealing technology/processes patented by US firms… fake versions of US pharmeceuticals, etc.
its so broad a topic, with such a mixed-bag of potential ways it affects US competitiveness, that there’s no way to sell that as anything but corporate protectionism. It doesn’t have the resonance that this bullshit about “manufacturing jobs” does.
Just a verbal tic.
On a related note, I saw a Jeep in a parking lot that had both one of those “Terrorist Hunting Permit” stickers and an NPR sticker. I marveled at it for quite a while.
We get Priuses (Prii?) with NRA stickers around here.
SP and I, while driving through southern WI in 2016, passed a house with a Confederate flag hanging. And a Bernie yard sign.
I once saw a Dead Head sticker on a Cadillac.
Don’t look back, you can never look back.
What’s needed is Marsha Marsha Marsha tariffs
The argument is that China subsidized their steel to make it cheap and control the market. It’s not that the Chinese flooded our market, but that they drove down the price to push honest unsubsidized businesses out when their export prices can’t compete. I don’t know if that is or isn’t bullshit but your characterization isn’t very charitable.
I think every political and trade reporter should get a copy of The Art of the Deal. This is what Trump has done for literally decades: stake out an enormous reach in the opening offer, and bargain down from there. Remember one of Trump’s big foreign policy goals is getting the “allies” in Europe to actually put some fucking money into their military, rather than just leaching off the American defense spending. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if threatening tariffs to get them invest in the Bundeswehr is the goal.
And how many of those “German” cars that dominate the premium market are made in North America?
Quite a few
I was wondering why an article written a year ago was referencing Trump in the comments…. turns out this secret rumor to bury the German auto industry was reported a year ago:
No reference to the above in Brooksie’s linked story above. Sounds like yet another dusted off story being presented as “new”.
What, concerned about the Volkswagen?
They hacked those smog tests, didn’t they? They’ll be taking the whole country down, if we don’t stop them.
I liked the fact that they hacked those tests so much, I went out and bought another one.
Spot the Not: Valerie Jarrett
1. Given the daunting challenges that we face, it’s important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one.
2. Married in 1983, separated in 1987, and divorced in 1988. Enough said.
3. The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.
4. One of the major goals of health insurance reform is to bring down the cost.
5. The biggest strength we have as Democrats is encouraging people to speak up about what is in their best interest.
6. I think that he [Obama] has never really been challenged intellectually. … So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that they had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy…He’s been bored to death his whole life,
I recognize 6, but think that might have been someone else.
If #6 isn’t the Not, I’ll be vomiting like a lightweight at a Sugarfree spirits tasting.
Pretty sure that’s real.
Winner! That one is from Roseanne Barr.
I know 1 is not it.
1 is a truism.
How this possibly be legal? How can a city threaten criminal charges for cracks in your driveway or stacking wood for the winter? Yea yea, I know, FYTW.
I hope they crush the fucks.
Although that lady’s driveway looks like shit.
Doraville’s City Hall
3725 Park Ave. Doraville, GA 30340
Driveway is full of cracks.
Ha. Yes it is. But that’s because the unruly populace is starving the government of badly needed fine revenue.
When I moved counties in the same state, I didn’t think anything of it. A year later, I found a $250 ticket on my windshield because I didn’t have a county sticker on my driver side windshield. I was totally surprised. Turns out I could have gotten probation too.
Luckily the bureaucrat I worked with was kind enough to waive it for me.
How are drive way cracks a danger to the public? How is my lack of a sticker a danger to public safety? It’s all just another tax avenue.
County level auto registrations are an abomination, especially in states where counties number like fleas.
Fuck SharePoint. With a rusty fork.
I work at a fucking tech company, and getting 10GB of space for my team is like pulling teeth. All the while, I could probably requisition a few 10TB external hard drives and hook them up to the network for less that our monthly lunch budget.
Beyond that, SharePoint is a fucking travesty of a software. It’s like they think of every useful feature and make it exceedingly hard to implement, just for the fuck of it. Worthless shit? One click!
Also, while I’m at it, fuck Skype. Locked my computer up while presenting to my entire fucking department. Nothings more embarrassing than having my coworker ask the other presenters to stall while I reboot my shitty computer.
/work sucks rant
We have share point at my work too. I was developing a training program and my group was asked to use it. After 2 days we revolted and started using our shared network drive and email chains instead. Anything is better than that piece of shit platform.
I like Sharepoint because a) I don’t have to use it for daily work myself and b) the default security settings seem to be allow access company wide. I’ve stumbled across a lot of useful info by doing site wide searches for stuff.
We had a nice functional wiki/storage system when I was an engineer at Cisco. I ran the thing for our team, and I could do just about anything with it, given enough time. SharePoint is locked down, so I have to beg to IT whenever there’s a configuration issue. Also, it’s really janky. I can’t upload large files through the web interface, I have to map a network drive and upload them through that interface. Why? Fuck if IT knows, that’s just the way to do it.
Speak of Cisco… this was in my Linkedin feed a couple of weeks ago. It boggles my mind that anyone thinks that pushing something like this is professional (or as semi-professional as Linkedin has become).
I looked at their careers page a while back. Lots of photos of what appeared to be high school kids acting like summer camp. Except that it was apparently’s Cisco’s work environment. Or at least a version of it that their HR thinks would be attractive to job candidates.
Cisco is a progressive silicon valley company, albeit much less infected with the inanities of the bay area than some other companies.
When I worked at the Dallas office, it was a very well balanced mix of working hard and having amenities to blow off steam. They also knew that unencumbered employees made for better productivity, so they did everything they could to sweep away all of the BS and make our working hours productive hours.
I’ve worked for Cisco for 10 years and the culture is still that way.
I feel your pain. My largest client (whom I fired recently) insisted on using it, I suspect because they got a “deal.” Everything about it was awful. Oh, my heck*, it sucked.
*Possibly an in-joke for the Founders
Oh man, Skype is terrible. I like the way it freezes up for a minute if I plug in or unplug my headset. It’s also fun when I notice too late that a Skype meeting link was generated by a vendor or client from outside the company, so it takes 10-15 minutes to actually connect.
Spot the Not: Roseanne Barr
1. I’m either mentally ill or Jewish. I can’t sometimes tell the difference.
2. I am a woman, therefore I am a problem solver.
3. I was not raised a Zionist, but a socialist, as were most Jews before the Holocaust.
4. To sum it all up, I must say that I regret nothing.
5. I was completely nuts for most of my life.
6. A guy is a lump like a doughnut. So, first you gotta get rid of all the stuff his mom did to him. And then you gotta get rid of all that macho crap that they pick up from beer commercials. And then there’s my personal favorite, the male ego.
3 Roseanne isn’t that old.
Wasn’t that Mussolini or something? someone after wwII. not barr, at least. so #4
Winner! Adolf Eichmann said that.
You only orchestrate genocide once!
3. I was not raised a Zionist, but a socialist, as were most Jews before the Holocaust.
That was Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wasn’t it?
Christ, what an asshole!
I think the lack of asshole is his problem.
“e productions with a more diverse array of bodies, skin tones and gender identities”
When Dogfart became Woke-Porn
The whole point of a fetish is a monomaniacal obsession with a particular body type, skin tone, gender identity, species, horsepower and torque at redline, bubblegum flavor, or Cherry MX mechanical switch.
or Cherry MX mechanical switch.
My scroll is locked
Re: SugarFree’s mixology efforts at age 14, he said he fished a few glass screw-top Pepsi bottles out of the kitchen trash
There’s your trouble. Pepsi contaminates everything it touches. Forever. It was the residual Pepsi ick that caused the untoward effects of those drinks.
Coke or GTFO.
Pepsi is better for Long Island Iced Teas. Agree with Coke for pretty much any other mixed drink.
Aren’t you fancy! RC cola, baby!
The melange bottle wasn’t that bad, actually. I only had a little, but the flavors all sort of cancelled each other out and managed not to taste like much of anything.
Drink bepis.
No carbonated beverages, period.
for no reason at all- a blast from the past
‘The Americans love Pepsi Cola, but we love death’
“War is our best hobby. The sound of guns firing is like music for us. We cannot live without war. We have no other way except jihad,” he said.
But if any American troops set foot in Afghanistan, they will return to their homeland and join a new jihad against the latest foreign invader. They view their possible opponent with genial contempt.
Mr Inyadullah, 35, said: “The Americans would be easier to defeat than the Russians. The Americans lead lavish lives and they are afraid of death. We are not afraid of death. The Americans love Pepsi Cola, we love death.”
By contrast, the former fighters had a wary respect for Russian soldiers, especially those from the Spetsnaz special forces. Ali Amjud, 40, paid tribute to the prowess of the invaders he had fought from the first to the last day of the 10 year conflict. “The Russians were very brave and they were used to mountain warfare. The Spetsnaz were very dangerous, they climbed mountains like goats.”
With messianic zeal, they proclaim that the greatest terrorists in the world are the twin forces of Judaism and America. Yet they are anxious to make a good impression on a isitor. After talking about warfare with relish and railing against the evils of the West, they present a more moderate face.
“We never fight states or religions,” said Mr Inyadullah. “We only fight evil. Christians are the closest people to Muslims and the Koran says they are noble people. The American people are Christians and we have nothing against them. It is only their government we fight.”
So… they don’t fight states but their goal is to fight the U.S. Government? Okay gotcha buddy.
Good thing the object of war is not to die for one’s country but to make some other s.o.b. die for his country.
See, this is why there were no Islamists in those old Pepsi Challenge commercials.
Cute girl: “so, which one tastes the best?”
OMM: “I WILL TASTE YOUR BLOOD DURING OUR GLORIOUS JIHAD!!! Also, do you have permission from HR to be here? This area is restricted to employees only.”
I got 4 ads in my mail for Democrat candidates today. For being the environmentally friendly party, they sure do produce a lot of trash.
I’m thinking about writing “return to sender” on all of them and sending them back from now on. I’ve probably gotten about 75 at this point. Oh, and 4 people knocking on my fucking door. Unfortunately I haven’t been sober enough to feel comfortable fucking with any of the door-knocking people yet.
If you’re drunk, then open the door stark naked.
Consider yourself lucky that you live in a place where they actually have to compete for votes. I don’t have to deal with canvassers or mailings, but I’m guaranteed to have a Democrat as my Rep in Congress every time.
FWIW peppermint schnapps in a bong relly toned down the smoke. Not sure what it does to the kungs tho.
Interesting. We tried tequila once. It was semi-successful. And then after a couple of nights, I convinced Derek to drink it. Told him it would get him super-duper-extra-high. It didn’t. Later, he said that the worst part was that he should have strained it first. (He shot it straight out of the bong.)
mint vs tequila ? I can see the difference.
PM Poptart Lasagne just nationalized the pipeline industry:
When you lose The Star….
How retardedly fucked up are the retards in the Liberal party? They will use $4.5 billion in tax dollars to buy a 60 year-old pipeline already there. There was a Texas company that was ready with Kinder Morgan to build a brand new pipe line and would have solved the problem for that money.
2019 isn’t coming fast enough.
They will use $4.5 billion in tax dollars to buy a 60 year-old pipeline already there. There was a Texas company that was ready with Kinder Morgan to build a brand new pipe line and would have solved the problem for that money.
Because our local retarded leadership (selling point: “We’re less retarded than Ontario Liberals”) were prepared to do everything to stop the already-approved expansion on the pre-existing pipeline from proceeding. It doesn’t matter who wants to do it, without might of bigger government behind them, there would be no pipeline, rules, regulations and laws be damned.
Which is why Toronto Star hates it. They don’t want the pipeline extension built. This will push it through. Then they’ll sell it back at a profit.
Are you saying Trudeau is being….fiendishly coy and smart?
Just that Liberals are determined not to let retards run wild. Hopefully that’s how the party is run internally as well.
I’m actually more pleased with Zoolander than I expected, by which I mean, he sticks to preening, posing and doing very little. Best you can hope from a guy like that. I wish he’d take a two-year round-the-world junket, he can’t do any damage domestically and his tours are always good for a laugh.
Is that you Cytotoxic?
Let’s just say national memory of Austrian vs German rule makes one appreciate incompetence, easy-going corruption and hedonism in one’s foreign ruling class.
“Just that Liberals are determined not to let retards run wild.”
Exactly who are these ‘liberals’ you refer to? I don’t see any of those, anywhere. Are you talking about ‘classic’ liberals, or leftists?
Their name is actually the “Liberal Party”. They haven’t been very classically liberal since the 1920s and even less since the 1960s…
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you’re talking about Canuckistan.
Find them at !
Pan, are you drunk on Serbian vodka? /wink.
Seriously, other than preen and virtue signal, what has he accomplished?
Also, Serbs drink rakija, vodka is for people who have trouble growing fruit.
He’s polluting minds.
(selling point: “We’re less retarded than Ontario Liberals”)
Isn’t there a chance the New Dictators could win the next election?
Yes. I’m morbidly curious what NDP in Ontario looks like, when their Liberals are leftier than BC or Alberta NDP.
(NDP == Commies, for non-Canadian audiences)
Moar free shit and renationalizibg hydro and lowering rates while being Green presumably…
Straff Not sure if you check old threads, so I brought this along
I’ve seen and enjoyed zatoichi, Lone wolf and cub, Kurasowa, miike and of course Hanzo the razor Granted Hanzo is more of a B movie.
Which Kurosawa films?
Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, High and Low (amazing!), Ran, Ikiru, Rashomon.
Big list of titles I still need to get back to – many I still haven’t seen.
One thing I rarely see shared about the Barr-Bee kerfuffle is Rosanne made her comment on a platform she alone controlled. Samantha Bee made hers on a scripted television show. Which meant the words she spoke had to blessed by the network lawyers and thereby the network.
I don’t see that mentioned yet.
Trying to catch the left media out with hypocrisy is never going to work. Only they care about hypocrisy and only when someone they don’t like does it.
It’s even to avoid accusations of hypocrisy if you have no standards at all.
oopsy- It’s easy
My point is the very people who are always harping on hypocrisy have no moral code whatsoever.
I was thinking of that exact passage when I wrote that.
Derp minds think alike.
I’ll meet you in the neo-Victorian ‘burb when that’s a thing. Or are the claves?
As long as I get a skull gun, it’s all good.
Niiiice. Love that book.
Nut punch from the other side of the world:
Police chase stolen car, causing it to crash; 15yo driver & 12yo passenger killed. In a later article, it was revealed that the 12yo’s brother had been killed in a police chase last year.
The newspaper offered a story today about ways to stop teens being killed in police chases. Conspicuously absent was, you know, not chasing them!
He was a prior felon on bail who stole a car. Make stupid choices, win stupid prizes. Are cops supposed to just sit there while a stolen car tools by them?
I’d need to see a LOT more to blame the cops on this one:
Yeah, the kid got himself killed and the cops were doing their jobs. It seems unclear as to whether or not they even knew about the 12 year old.
It may be applicable as to whether the dudes in the stolen car are an immediate danger to the public. Because high speed chases are most definitely a danger to the public, not even a question about it.
Okay, I can agree with that reasoning. I didn’t see the article mention what the kid did to make him a prior felon, but that may have been a factor. Not sure
Just my opinion, but grounds for a high speed car chase, where there is no doubt you are endangering innocent motorists and possible pedestrians as well, should be very limited. Guy previously stole a car and is apparently driving a stolen car now? Just follow them. If they speed off, cut the chase and wait for them outside the next time their location is know. Arrest them when they come out. I mean if they are going on a terrorist rampage, that’s entirely another thing.
You’d think drones could follow stolen cars now instead of having to have a chase.
I can totally see where you’re coming from. I think drones is a really good idea too.
While a great idea practically – already proven effective in Syria by ISIS, etc – the police or any other local law enforcement would likewise have to deal with any number of regulations on their end as well regarding privacy – flying low over private property, etc – depending on the circumstances. While I might not mind it as a less invasive alternative for this sort of event, it still becomes a slippery slope for privacy, etc – considering how much BS we already have with “probable cause” for searching parked cars, or anything along those lines we’ve previously discussed.
I really don’t want to encourage the cops to buy little flying gizmos with cameras on them.
“I really don’t want to encourage the cops to buy little flying gizmos with cameras on them.”
Gee, why not?
Cop 1. ‘Hey Capn Fuzztard, lookie here what’s on this drone camera, them looks like mareejuaner plants!’.
Cop 2. ‘Them is mareejuaner plants! And look, there’s a school only 30 miles from there! The children!’
Capn Fuzztard. ‘Send in the multi-tactical assault squad at 3:30am! We have to protect the children!’.
3:33am that very night:*Cops show up at 3:30am with multiple assault units, raid wrong house, taze granny, shoot family pets, terrorize children, find tomatoes in fridge*
Capn Fuzztard. ‘That’s it, the marejuanner! Arrest the children, for the children!’.
The article is really light on details. No idea on whether the cops were right behind them or using spike strips or anything. The eye witness doesn’t reference a single police car, etc.
My silver Kia agrees
So, a guy just squeezed himself in the trunk, did he? I mean, I’ll believe 15 year-old male will do anything, but it’s a bit fishy.
It’s a hatchback, I’ve ridden in the back of a hatchback in a pinch.
Shit, when I was a kid, my hillbilly neighbors would squeeze 15 kids into a VW bug, at least 3 on the dashboard and 2 in the engine compartment, I think a few riding on the hood, maybe tied down with some baccer string.
20s, motor oil, put some hair on your arse. I may be the only one here to ever drink motor oil.
Oh, and, go Snoop Dogg! I used to drink Paradise Cocktails in my (misspent) youth. Made one recently and it just wasn’t the same. I suspect it’s more a matter of using better gin now and not that my taste has improved (because it likely hasn’t).
He’s one of them dangerous potheads, I’m gonna get em! /Jeff Sessions
Why does my short day always feel like my longest? And what madman invented the Monday to Thursday class schedule? I can’t even celebrate the end of my school week proper-like, ‘cuz I still have work tomorrow. And it makes Mondays all the more daunting, since I’m dropped into the deep end with both work and classes. Make more sense to have classes on Friday but none on Monday, my opinion.
Does “celebrate” mean getting trashed? If it just means throwing back a few, I don’t see the problem. Cheers!
Oh boo hoo. Try squeezing in binge drinking when you have to get up at 4 AM 5 days a week and exercise for an hour.
I do it because I’m so hard, I make diamonds look like Jell-O.
That just sounds inexcusable.
And yet, I recently passed another round of tests with flying colors. Thus certifying that I really am a cunning linguist.
When I’m sober.
You’re not selling this!
OK , fine. Just sit back and enjoy this inspiring music:
Today, I took a series of online classes. One of the topics was how to direct naval gunfire.
Which might be relevant….
Was the class on horse-drawn artillery full?
While it’s obviously irrelevant to you – not sure what a single Army e-learning class can possibly cover, it’s still a massive aspect of amphibious warfare. Each Marine unit has multiple Naval Gunfire Liaison officers (potentially a SWO shore billet) – it’s important to be able to direct safe, accurate fire support for amphibious landings. Yes, we’re not using Battleships any longer, but the average 5″ on a DDG or CG can put quite a few rounds down range with a MUCH better CEP than anything in WWII, Korea or Vietnam, etc.
What do you think we were doing during the Gulf War? What do you think we would do in the case of something in Korea, etc? Seriously? Gotta think Joint.
the average 5″ on a DDG or CG can put quite a few rounds down range with a MUCH better CEP than anything in WWII, Korea or Vietnam, etc.
My new pickup line!
Hopefully P in CEP stands for “penetration” for maximum effect.
“circular error probability” – the smaller the number the more accurate a weapon is – in terms of hitting what you aim at. A SCUD might have a CEP of several hundred meters (or worse), a tomahawk is normally in the single digits. Most US/NATO artillery rounds these days are under 10m CEP – a big deal when you’re talking about calling for fire “Danger Close” (less than 600m up to 2000m depending on the type of round) or just any time friendly forces on the ground are involved.
Threading got screwy, so I’ll just drop this here. Careful Suthen. Dude with nothing to lose is dangerous dude indeed. Hope the whole thing ends without anyone getting hurt.
I’ll swallow your soul!
Could be the tagline on nearly any SugarFree post.
“ANAL CUNT Guitarist Josh Martin Dies After Falling Off An Escalator”
So heavy. Much metal.
This is not shocking.
Food courts are metal head hangouts?
He’s the second person to fall to his death from that escalator alone in 15 years? I imagine it’s a high-traffic escalator, being in a Cali mall and all that, and that it’s one of those large-mall-sized ones that is especially exposed. But still, is this a standard kill rate for escalators? I’m surprised they’re still legal in California. (They promote obesity too, don’t you know? Mankind got along just fine without escalators for centuries.)
Is SugarFree on a QOTSA binge lately? Can’t forget this classic!
I’ve seen em live a few times, always a kickass show.
Beyond President Trump’s prolific dishonesty and extensive use of social media, it’s difficult to forecast what his administration’s enduring legacies may be for the presidency.
Umm, those aren’t legacies, you halfwit. Those will stop when he leaves office. As will his use of the pardon power, which means it also isn’t a candidate for a legacy. Legacies are what a President burdens future generations with, not what a President does while in office that ends when he leaves office. When Trump leaves office, he won’t be issuing Presidential pardons or tweets.
“I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.”
The rules are pretty clear: call anyone who isn’t liberal stupid and racist. You can’t go wrong. Go beyond that, there might be trouble.
Sounds like a winning strategy to me. They are bound to have the deplorables lining up around the block voting for them.
They don’t get that they are electing Trump in 2020 with this shit.
I can’t wait to read Dean Obiedallah’s inevitable apologia for Bee.
Surprised “cunt” is over the line for a Spawn of Trump…
*Rubs sleep out of eyes*
Just woke up from a lengthy nap. Apparently ten minutes after I laid down on the couch for a nap the desperado gave himself up to the Sheriff.
What a relief. No one was hurt, no homes invaded, no shots fired. They had the guy surrounded for two days, he simply couldn’t go any longer without food and water, realized he was gonna be buzzard food if he didn’t give up so he surrendered. All is well and back to normal.
My wife says she understands now why I keep a gun handy all of the time. She started thinking about what could have happened if the guy had showed up at our house before even the cops knew about him. It sunk in that this or something like it could happen any time. The world is full of bad people and you dont see them coming.
Good. Now she understands why I always say “I am leaving this pistol here on the table for you. I will be back in a few minutes.” She thought it was silly before. Not so much now. When I went to the store this morning she surprised herself that she was carrying that little revolver with her from room to room and to the bathroom. Tomorrow I am going to get her to brush up on her shooting skills. I have a sweet little smith and wesson J-frame 22lr that is perfect for her.
Life is back to normal. I appreciate all of the well wishers. Thanks y’all.
great news
Glad to hear it came to a peaceful resolution.
Bad boyz, bad boyz, whatcha gonna do…
Great news!
Yes. Glad to hear this as well.
Great news!
Glad to hear it’s over!
Fantastic news, Suthen. This has by far been the craziest story I’ve read on this site, and I’m glad that you, your family and your neighbors are all safe.
I forgot this tidbit: He considered sneaking in our yard for water but changed his mind because “…that guy kept going in the backyard with his dogs carrying a rifle.”
It is impossible to over-emphasize how important it is that criminal types fear the average citizen because we are armed. Without that single factor crimes against property and persons would increase exponentially. It is the biggest suppressor of crime we have. Predators always think twice when they think their prey can effectively defend themselves.
*starts sketching out an article*
Remember how the Mexicans supposedly thought invading the US in WWI was stupid because, among other things, all the guns?
And to add to what Winston said, supposedly Admiral Yamamoto said that if Japan invaded the United States it’d be a disaster because there was ‘a rifle behind every blade of grass’.
Suthen, I’ll be glad to read that article when you have it ready. And I’m glad that you and yours came out of this OK.
Did he call you “that guy” or “that scary white boy”?
*starts sketching out an article*
Yes, please!
that guy kept going in the backyard with his dogs carrying a rifle
God bless John Moses Browning.
I second that. I chose the ’94 in 30-30 to carry around at home. It is cozy back in the safe now.
I’ve been eyeing that one since y’all have been talking about it here. The new 94’s look like the quality is back up as well. The carbine length seems just about right.
Texas Red dumped my ass a decade ago, but our son reports she keeps the S&W60 with the sweet trigger job I got her handy.
J frame FTW.
The more I think about it, his wife was behind the whole thing to get a free 317.
Congrats on your continued safety and the birth of another 2A defender!
I forgot to mention that he gave himself up in sight of my front porch. So, the MF was hiding in sight of my house for two days. My paranoia was warranted.
I remember my friends thought I was nuts for sleeping with a 12 gauge under my bed. One night I heard a noise in my kitchen. I got up and racked the slide. Then I heard someone run and the screen door slam. I stepped into into the kitchen and the regular door was wide open.
Please forgive the source; I just love the anecdote.
Q is Jewish? Way to avoid the stereotypes!
Also is Sugarfree really a librarian? Are there any teachers or Fed bureaucrats posting here?
And You are the One True Tulpa!
Only Tulpa would accuse someone of being Tulpa…
“Tommy Robinson Drew Attention to ‘Grooming Gangs.’ Britain Has Persecuted Him.”
They’re a bit late to the party but better late than never I guess.
This gets me annoyed. Quite a few libertarians insisted that believing any of this was racist.
Also I like how the Euros openly admitting they are lying about immigrant crime is going to stop anti-immigrant sentiment…
took second to notice the Hogg boy LOL!
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet, but the Snoop Dogg article has some absolutely delightful details buried at the bottom:
Took one whiff to figure out it was real weed. Also, apricot brandy sounds nasty.
Oh god. Harmony Korine my old enemy. The man who brought you this masterpiece.
Warning: possible HM fetish
You’ll have to narrow that down.
Spring Breakers was very entertaining.
Fuck Korine. In college I took one “fun” class with a film major friend because I had room and why not. We somehow ended up doing a group project which subjected us to watching Korine’s whole library at the time (Spring Breakers wasn’t in it then). Gummo made me want to strangle a kitten and Kids made me want to murder everyone under the age of 15. Pure torture.
Haven’t heard his name for years and I’m now angry that he’s somehow still making shit films.
I thought Kids was good movie, but Gummo was just too weird for weirdness sake.
I will grudgingly admit that I recognize that Kids had artistic value even if I hated it. But watching that along with men in latex masks humping trash cans and a kid in a bunny hood eating bacon that was taped to the wall back-to-back-to-back actually killed part of my soul.
I tried to watch Spring Breakers but I gave up out of boredom shortly after it started. I’d rather watch Weekend at Bernie’s.
I’d rather watch Weekend at Bernie’s over many movies, it is a masterpiece.
So immigration. What do pro-immigrant libertarians say about how statists want to import immigrants to vote for them? Is it false or not important?
This also leads to the issue of how a libertarian society is supposed to work. You need some sort of libertarian culture (what this culture *is* is another issue) . And you need to have immigrants and yutes support said culture. The classical liberals thought public schools would solve those problems and we all know how well that worked…
It’s a fair question, but unfortunately, I’m pretty exhausted after a long day at work, and I fear I’m too tired to give it the answer it deserves. So, take a raincheck on that. However, I will make two observations:
1.) “Import” is a loaded term; it evokes images of people being loaded into shipping containers by the 1000s. This is inaccurate in the American context. No one is sponsoring en masse movements of people into the country, and even if Democrats return to power, I don’t see something like this happening in the foreseeable future for a variety of reasons.
2.) You’re neglecting a more important question – if a libertarian society requires a libertarian culture, and we are willing to control movement into a country to accomplish that, then what is to be done when we have a native son who goes into a library, reads Das Kapital (I assume there would be no political censorship in Libertopia), and comes out thinking, “Hey, that Marx fellow had it right!” Do we exile him? If not, why? If restricted immigration is seen as necessary to protect a libertarian culture, then why would forced emigration be off the table? And if libertarian culture is the Bubble Boy of societies, so vulnerable that it cannot brook the introduction of outside pathogens, then does it really deserve to survive?
I’ve read Das Kapital. The problem is when you are where you can’t argue against it. Ideas have a “market” not entirely unlike physical products. And in a market of ideas, long-winded bullshit about early industrialism doesn’t sell.
Russian bot, we got a Russian bot here…see, nobody cares./Nedry
Fair enough. I wasn’t necessarily referring the recent refugee crisis of Europe but to how Canadian Liberals have been alleged to have supported immigration to turn Toronto from a Conservative stronghold into a Liberal one or immigrants to outvote Quebec separatists. In other words they want guys like Rufus to come because he will hate the PQ.
Also similar allegations have been made about the 1965 US immigration act. Or how Mexicans helped turn California into a Democratic stronghold. Or Irish immigration turned Northeastern Urban areas into Democratic strongholds. New York being a prominent example.
Not an en masse immigration but a deliberate policy of promoting immigration of groups you think will end up supporting you in great numbers in the future.
Then we have the whole issue of using the welfare state to keep everyone dependent on the government so they will vote for statist parties. If you live on the government dole or have a government job you are not going to like even the mildest smaller spending increase. Immigrants are just a part of it. And since Government has grown while gays, blacks, Mexicans, women, transsexuals, etc. have gained more rights then the libertarian agenda is obviously bigoted.
And libertarians can’t promise free shit to these minority groups which seriously undermines any minority outreach.
Are you suggesting it doesn’t? Do you think a libertarian society is even possible?
Good point. I was sorta of alluding to it with my remark about having the yutes support libertarian culture.
I wasn’t necessarily saying this is the case. If Libertopia had open borders, they will need to make these immigrants will assimilate to libertopia in some sense. Because if they come to libertopia and disagree it will cause problems. If a large number of those immigrants that disagree come in during a short period there will be problems.
Libertopia isn’t going to work if large numbers of people, be they immigrants or natives, don’t agree with it. Will they leave? Secede? And if that is allowed will Libertopia be able to defend itself from potential invasion and not betray its principles?
Also I forgot to point out that quite a few people on this very site like to complain about Blue Staters immigrating to Red States because of high taxes only to vote for higher taxes that caused them to leave in the first place.
“New from @Bernstein and me: Joy Reid Published A Photoshopped Image Of John McCain As The Virginia Tech Shooter On Her Old Blog”
The fainting couch outrage game is boring AF. Roseanne said what? I don’t care. Joy did what? I don’t care. Fuck you, cut spending.
Yep, the solution is not to see who can be more outraged but to not play the stupid game
Maybe the solution is to make them play by their own rules but, yeah, it is getting tiresome.
But Straff, Why do you care about U.S. spending? You’ve been in Japan so long you’re practically Canadian….
You mean those people who hacked her archived works published that don’t you?
“Inconsolable Jeff Sessions Tries To Commit Suicide By Smoking Joint
WASHINGTON—Following months of bruising criticism from Democrats and President Trump alike, an inconsolable Jeff Sessions was reportedly trying to commit suicide Thursday by smoking a joint. “I swore I’d never take the coward’s way out, but what choice do I have?” said a teary-eyed Sessions, carefully laying a sealed envelope containing his farewell note on a tool bench in his garage as he raised a lighter to the marijuana cigarette with trembling hands. “This is it. I’ve taken four puffs to make sure there’s no chance of survival. It should only be a matter of minutes now. Oh, what a wretched, ignominious ending. Goodbye, cruel world, I’m sorry I’ve failed you so.” At press time, Sessions reportedly realized he had died after being overcome by a euphoric, floating feeling.”
I’m not a prolific smoker, but one bad night (admittedly, after drinking a fair bit) I found myself curled up in a patch of moonlight on my bed spread, inching down the comforter to stay in the beam, convinced the moon was my totem back to sanity as I spiraled inward forever.
Get a new Dealer, seriously
“It’s grossly inappropriate and just flat-out wrong to describe or talk about @IvankaTrump or any woman that way.”
Except your mom.
Geez, I’m more than happy to claim that Bee is the ugliest cunt in Entertainment. I mean, I put her face up there with the opening-the-Ark scene in Raiders. That vileness is certainly matched internally. That she found a husband* and mated is proof Lovecraft was on to something.
*It must be tough when you’re better-looking than your wife.
Not that he isn’t a cunt, himself. Still….
Also bad, when the actress who plays your wife on the television show that you and your wife created, write, and produce, is far hotter than your real wife could ever become.
“State Farm insurance became the second company on Thursday to drop its sponsorship of comedian Samantha Bee’s TBS show “Full Frontal” following her vulgar slur directed at first daughter Ivanka Trump.
“We have asked TBS to suspend our advertising in the program and are reviewing any future placements. We constantly review programs to ensure alignment to our programming guidelines and brand values,” State Farm said in a statement reported by The Wrap.
The company’s decision comes just hours after the online car shopping site Autotrader announced it had cut ties with the show after Bee called Trump a “feckless c—.”
Pussies. Cunt is a beautiful word! Quit being cunts about it!
Besides, she went on to suggest Trump has an incestuous attraction to his daughter. That’s pretty unseemly.
She should get SugarFree to write her some good stuff. This is just embarrassing.
It’s like these people have never been to Australia. “Cunt” and a comma are basically interchangeable there.
So… that means State Farm and Autotrader are Nazi sympathizers. That’s how this game works, right?
I like corporations pretending to give a shit.
This isn’t even remotely the first time Ms Bee has done this. Conservatives are just pretending to give a shit because Roseanne was one of theirs. But not really.
She thought George Bush senior assassinated Kennedy And that his son orchestrated 9/11.
She’s just nucking Futs.
Not that scores of people should lose their jobs. Who gives a feck? Not me. I’m completely feckless over here.
Re: the D’Souza pardon. I’m not happy with anyone in this. When the original sentence was announced, someone (perhaps at NRO) quoted Alexander Pope, “Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?” in arguing the sentence was way too harsh. According to Wiki, D’Souza still had over a year of probation to serve. Since he clearly broke the law, why not just commute the sentence – which I believe the president also has the authority to do?
Because what he did should not be a serious crime at all and all record of it should be erased.
Why in the hell did they let him on to begin with?
Starbucks is Why…..
Damn Creech! timing or What?
He had a ticket?
Not the first urchin who lucked into one.
Don’t read the comments.
Fox might be the only MSM outlet that still allows them.
“I’ll take a long list of shit that never happened for $500, Alex.”
One of my favorite commuting experiences on mass transit here in Chicago is occasionally getting to witness a train pull into the station with a seemingly empty car and then realizing that all of the passengers are huddled at one end in a desperate struggle to avoid inhaling the putrid stench of some random vagrant that boarded at the last stop. I usually just chuckle and board a few cars down, so I can’t imagine the horror that these airline passengers must have been subject to in mid air.
More rain. I was finally able to go get my dog, 3 1/2 hours to go 90 miles round trip. Tuesday it took 1 hour 20 minutes to drive 80 miles. I miss Minnesota.
Where are you?
DC area. At least she loves car rides.
It was stop and go on the way out, and I saw a 2+ miles backup for the return (no movement at all), so I started on another route back and then the rain picked up and the cops blocked that road (water, I’m sure), so I went back to interstate. At least I was past the backup, so it was stop and go again. Whew!
Thank Christ for southwestern weather and traffic. And I get mildly irritated if I miss a light because someone’s fapping about in the turning lane.
Cat was all happy. You’re home! No Dog!!! Now he’s pissed.
neither here nor there
I saw a great meme the other day. It was a picture of Hogg with his fist in the air. The caption was” I want to start a revolution”. Below that was another caption that said: dude, you couldn’t start a lawn mower.
He looks like a toff bit character from a Hunger Games movie.
LOL chaos at Real Madrid – predictably, two biggest prima donnas figure.
*shrug* match made in heaven, I guess. Still won’t watch.
European soccer transfer-window rumor season makes the trade/FA market look like nothing.
One source says Bale wants to go to ManU, others say he wants to go to Bayern and wants nothing to do with ManU (I think that’s where the money is right now, at least according to the bookies).
CRonaldo might go to the Scum, but he’s 33 and probably in for a rude awakening about the physicality of the PL.
I have no idea what you’re talking about with this child’s sport. I kick de bol!
Either way, maybe the change of scenery will convince him to ditch the “greasy vagrant” look.
The money’s with the English and Spanish teams. Hell, Bayern loses stars to them.
Well folks, here it is. The perfect example of projection:
MSNBC Host Joy Reid: Republican Party Is Built on ‘Victimhood,’ ‘Resentment’
She just misses Skull Island.
AP Stylebook Instructs Writers Not to Use Words Like ‘Pro-Life,’ ‘Refugee’ & ‘Terrorist’
She explained that the guide instructs writers to use “anti-abortion” instead of “pro-life,” “people struggling to enter Europe” instead of “migrant” or “refugee,” and “militant,” “lone wolf” or “attacker” instead of “terrorist” or “Islamist.”
She said if authors do not adhere to that style when they submit an article to a mainstream media outlet, they will likely see their words edited to conform.
[head desk]
Oh good the Newspeak dictionary has been updated.
Progressives. I want you all to write, “1984 IS NOT A GUIDEBOOK” 100 times on the board. Thanks.
-1 homicide bomber
They’re also referring to people on the other side as “pro-abortion” rather than “pro-choice”, right?
Journalism is activism (propaganda).
Hillary Clinton wants to run Facebook
“Speaking at Harvard University before receiving an award Friday, Clinton was asked a hypothetical. … If Clinton could be chief executive of any company right now, which company would she choose? ‘Facebook,’ Clinton said without hesitating,” the Los Angeles Times reported.
“Clinton said that she’d want to be in charge of the social media giant because of the immense power it has over the world’s flow of information. ‘It’s the biggest news platform in the world … but most people in our country get their news, true or not, from Facebook,” according to the newspaper.
It makes sense that the woman who set up bootlegged email servers and installed them in her bathroom while secretary of state would like to run Facebook. It’s apparent her goal, since she was guaranteed to win the race (you know there are insurance policies for that, right?), was to make sure she controlled the flow of information.
She accomplished this by resorting to those unofficial (and unprotected) servers, roping off media like cattle, refusing interviews, and trusting in her legacy media sycophants to make sure the party line was never disturbed.
OK, I’m done. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
You can’t even parody that woman.
That reminds me… I’m loving all the “sorry not sorry” commercials that are showing lately. First there was Equifax and Wells Fargo and now Facebook. “We’ll do better next time, honest!”
I can’t wait for the Starbucks version.
Ontario Liberals?
“Clinton said that she’d want …. immense power”
No shit.
Neither here nor there. I think streaming services have missed a giant gap in the market. When Hulu started it was free, but had ads. It would ask you which ad ‘experience’ you wanted before the show, but only give you the choice between two sponsors. In the online world that was a missed opportunity. They had a chance to directly target consumers and fucked it up. I’m not in the market for a new Camary or Lexus, so I don’t care if those are my choices. But put ads for Marvel movies and Predator collectibles and link me to where I can find them and the advertisers will get all of my money. Just sayin.
Brad Garrett is playing Eyore in the movie ‘Christopher Robin’ instead of Peter Cullin. I smell Russian influence!
When SNL did actual parody.
Phil Hartman RIP.
Aw…….actual comedy. oh how I’ve missed thee
I know right here is kinda-sorta what I’m looking for, but, could we please get an entire article on Glib drunk stories? I’m loving what I’m reading, but I have faith that many of the stories already posted could be fleshed out more.
Or, maybe not. Still, it’s fun to imagine.
The day My 1st Wife died, Her Brother and a Friend of ours went driving north with much Alcohol, after many stupid adventures we ended up without a car, 120 miles from home.
A nice lady lent us phone change and someone came and got us, never found the car…………
/Drunk Stories
-My sincere condolences for going through that pain.
-This part:
is what I figure could be instructional/cautionary/humorous. Especially for us with rather boring lives.
Wassamatter? Chicken?