Last evening, I was in the market for a smartphone, but a Tracfone. You know the deal, no contract, add minutes on the fly etc. I told OMWC I’d be right back for dinner, I just had to do a quick errand. I drove the two miles to the local Big Box store.
I ventured to the back of the store to the electronics department, where I saw no phones. A young woman asked if she could help me, and I told her what I needed. She helpfully summoned an elderly gentleman working on the photo processor innards. I’ll call him “Mike”…mostly because that was his name.
MIKE: Well, they moved all the phones to the front of the store, you know where the bank and eye place are. In the Wireless Center. We are a Full Service Wireless Center.
SP: Oh, thanks, I can find it.
MIKE: No, I’ll walk up with you and make sure you find it. I’m really supposed to be working there anyway.
SP: Thank you, that’s very helpful.
MIKE: I’m happy to help! It’s my job.
SP: Well, thank you. So let me tell you what I need. A smartphone, but it needs to be a Tracfone, because I don’t want a monthly contract.
MIKE: Well, they aren’t the best phones or service. Here, let me show you these other ones over here. They’re better. Of course, they have a $35 a month charge.
SP: No, thanks, really, I just need a Tracfone with no contract. I don’t even really care what kind of smartphone it is.
MIKE: Well, let me show you all the Tracfones we have in stock. How much do you want to spend? And you know you need a card with minutes for these, right?
SP: Yes, but, really any of those will do. Let’s go with this cheapish LG model. *surreptitiously checks time*
MIKE: You know that’s not an iPhone, right? Now how much minutes do you want?
SP: How MANY minutes do I want? Let’s start with this one. *grabs 120 minute card from rack*
MIKE: Well, now, Miss, that’s not the card that belongs there. That’s supposed to be the 200 minute rack. So, do you want the 120 minutes or the 200 minutes?
SP: Whichever is cheaper. I can add more later on.
MIKE: Well, you can, but you’d hate to be stranded someplace with no service. If you can afford it, I really say, go with the 200.
SP: OK! That’s great. Thanks! That’s very helpful.
MIKE: I’m happy to help! It’s my job! Let’s go over and get this checked out for you…. well, shoot, these keys don’t open this register.
SP: *looks around, sees only one register*
MIKE: Well, shoot, yes, it does I had it in upside down. Now here you go…Oh, wait, you want to pay with cash? Hmm. Let me see where to enter that. Here we go. So, let’s see…your change is…wait, do you want the 2 year warranty?
SP: No, thanks, really, I don’t need a warranty, the phone is only $30.
MIKE: Well, the warranty covers pretty much everything that could go wrong, except maybe dropping it in the…well, you know. And it’s only $9!
SP: No. Thanks. Really. I don’t need a warranty. *checks watch a little more obviously*
MIKE: OK, now here’s your change…I’m going to give you $12…and a bunch of coins. Maybe a few dimes. Do you mind dimes? I hate to give you a handful of coins like that. Well, here you go. Now wait, I need to activate that for you and put all this stuff in.
SP: I can activate it online, no problem. I’m a computer geek. It’s no trouble at all.
MIKE: No, no, I am supposed to help do it. We are a Full Service Wireless Center. I’m happy to help! Here, now come over here and sit down.
SP: *glances at watch wistfully and thinks about food*
MIKE: Oh, darnit, I don’t know where Andy put the Laminated Card with the instructions. *rummages in drawer* Nope, not that one. Now I wonder where it could have got to… maybe over in that desk. No, you sit still, I’ll be right back to help you.
*Two Young Guys walk in*
MIKE: Now, are you guys in a big hurry? I need to help this young lady first, then I can help you.
TYG: Uh, how long do you think it will be?
SP: Oh, go ahead and help them. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. *resigned sigh*
TYG: We need to pay our Straight Talk bill.
MIKE: Oh, I don’t think I can do that here. I’d sure like to help, but no, I know I can’t do that.
TYG: We always pay it here.
MIKE: Oh. Well…is it due today or can you come back tomorrow when the other guy is here to help you?
TYG: Yeah, thanks, that’s probably a better idea. *pitying look thrown at SP and sound of running feet as they haul ass out of the Full Service Wireless Center*
MIKE: Now, where were we?
SP: Looking for the Laminated Card with the activation instructions.
MIKE: Oh! It was right here in this drawer marked Instructions all the time. Now let’s sit down and take a look. *sits down, opens package, inserts battery and powers it up* I hope it turns on, they don’t charge these things, you know.
*goes through the entire activation process in only about 20 minutes*
MIKE: There! It’s all set! Let’s test it! *Speaks into phone* Google! What’s the weather at my location?
GOOGLE: Something went wrong. Please try again.
MIKE: *Shouts into phone* GOOOOOOGLE! W H A T ‘S T H E W E A TH ER at my L O C A T I O N??!!!
GOOGLE: Something went wrong. Please try again.
SP: Really, I’m great at this stuff, maybe I should take a look at the settings.
MIKE: Well, it’s my job to help you. I know, I’ll read the characters from the Laminated Card and you can check what I put in. Active network is http://
SP: Oh! I see the trouble. You left out the colon.
MIKE: I didn’t see a colon on the keyboard, so I skipped it.
SP: Well, look! It’s working great now. I gotta run. Thanks so much for all your help!
MIKE: Oh, let me repackage that for you and put it in a bag. No, no, it’s my job and it’s Store Policy, too.
SP: Well, thanks again! I need to go find the a/c filters and get home for dinner. Really, thanks for all your help!
MIKE: Oh, here, I’ll walk you back to hardware and help you find them….
Logan’s Run ftw.
+1 Jenny Agutter in a toga
Yummy, she had great legs
Paywalled by the WaPo on the old guy link, and monthly limit blocked by the Chi Trib on the utes in Chicago link. Ouch!
Does anyone really pay to read any of the paywalled lefty news sites? NYT? WaPo? Who would do that?
Pauline Kael?
A couple of those links are not available in my location. Slacking on their GDPR I assume.
Aren’t you grateful the EU protected you from those evil websites!
Use porn mode.
NO!!! It’ll make him shoot up a school!
How do you get a school in a needle?
*narrows gaze*
Apparently, that leads to school shootings.
I guess I need to refresh the page more often.
However, you also proved that you actually click on the links.
“If you just switch to doing what we support, we all be farting through silk!”
Is that sort of permaculture? I think it would be rather time consuming to implement on very large scales.
The idea is to have us unenlightened go back to being soil scratching peasants, with our betters being the Lords and Ladies of the Manor.
Meh permaculture can be ok in some situations. Like a home garden. And industrial agriculture can exaggerate with pesticides and such. But switching to permaculture is not really in the cards
You don’t want pesticides and fertilizer? Embrace GMO varieties that can do without…Oh, right, we cannot do that because we are AFRAID OF FRANKENFOOD!!!!! GENES IZ SCARY!!!!
They haven’t found a gene edit that can alleviate the need for fertilizer, have they? Seems like plants that can grow from nothing would be something i’d have heard about.
Yes! Modern liberalism = Feudalism.
No, neoliberalism is the new NAZISM because meritocratic or something.
We use cricket and are pretty happy with it. Kids can blow through their data and it doesn’t affect the other phones. One thing is strange, if you go into store, they charge you to activate phone, but it’s free online. Shouldn’t it be the other way around to drive business to their brick and mortar locations?
We use Cricket too – same reason.
They do NOT want people jamming up the sales people’s time getting phones activated…they got your money, so they don’t want to give you their time.
I use Tracfone because it the cheapest solution for being able to talk and text. For more than 10 years.
Getting a Tracfone smart-phone turned into an ordeal because they dont get 4G coverage in my area. Trying to activate involved talking to the Mumbai help desk and the Mexico City help desk and being bounced back and forth between the two locations.
And being hung up on when I asked for a supervisor. So no smart-phone for Bob.
Last evening, I was in the market for a smartphone, but a Tracfone.
I have had one for a couple of years, now. An Lg something or other. I find it to be quite satisfactory. I probably don’t spend twenty buck a month on phone service. The only real annoyance is the memory-gobbling google updates all the time, for shit I have never even used. You can even get an iphone now, I guess.
I avoid google like the plague.
I know where the colon key is.
*golf clap*
anal prolapse would be more colon, though wouldn’t it? so, “extracolon”, “hypercolon”, “megacolon”? yes, I consulted a list of prefixes, fuck off.
great mouthfeel, file the appropriate paperwork with Webster/Oxford ASAP.
Relevant. Evergreen.
I LOL’d…a lot.
I’ve read it several times before and it still makes me, literally, LOL.
I f’n lost it when I got to this one:
(started giggling while typing that)
I know where the colon key is.
“Don’t you have an off-switch?”
“Yeah, it’s right next to the prostate.”
Florida Man runs a real con.
“You want diplomatic plates, Dude? I can get you diplomatic plates. Probably 100 of ’em on eBay right now.”
Speaking of, he is mysteriously absent this morning
Next time just order a used Blu branded unlocked phone off eBay for 40 bucks and pick up a H2O wireless SIM. Prepaid with a minimum of 10 bucks, which is good for 90 days and ticks off at 5 cents a minute. Highly recommended by all sorts of nefarious types.
we could soak up more than 100 percent of the current annual global carbon dioxide emissions with a full switch to regenerative agriculture.
So- back to farming with horses?
Or worse….

Guess who we are in this photo?
You can’t expect to wield supreme power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
Yes we can, she mentioned the environment!
Most of the time I feel like Patsy.
He’s the one that ain’t got shit on ‘im.
The fuck? There’s porn on the top shelf in grocery stores in Tennessee?
I guarantee you that isn’t the problem in Florida or Texas. You have to browse for it online like God intended.
I think that by “pornography” she probably means Elle and Cosmo.
Teen Vogue.
Hmmm…she may have a point.
Nothing makes a teenage boy angrier than the idea that some other teens must be getting anal because Teen Vogue is printing how-to articles.
Well, reading Teen Vogue and getting anal, but not in the way he intended, might make him angrier.
“Contrary to Black’s take, experts say poor social, economic and cultural conditions are primary drivers of gun violence. Enacting policies to improve those conditions for people, along with reducing access to firearms, would go a long way in stemming mass shootings, they say.
These actions are “far more effective than all the police, doctors and hospitals combined, and intervening only after tragedies have struck,” said professors James Gilligan of New York University and Bandy Lee of Yale University, both experts on violence.”
That’s some mighty fine news work there, Lou.
““Contrary to Black’s take, experts say poor social, economic and cultural conditions are primary drivers of gun violence”
Ok, Im supposing you have evidence for this.
“Enacting policies to improve those conditions for people, along with reducing access to firearms, would go a long way in stemming mass shootings, they say.”
Huh. You didn’t include ‘Acces to firearms’ in your previous statement. That’s strange. Almost like you don’t have evidence, but needed to mention it anyway.
Enacting policies to improve those conditions for people,
They’ve been doing this for 60 years. It fails every time.
“poor social, economic and cultural conditions”
How many of the school shooters were actually impoverished?
I tend to agree with the slow-motion riot argument. The threshold for shooting up a school keeps falling, making them seem more prevalent. Also, limit access to guns and I think you’ll see more young men deciding to bomb schools.
It’s a damn lucky thing that this doesn’t happen more.
The Columbine shooters actually made two propane tank bombs, which they concealed in backpacks and left in the crowded cafeteria, but they fortunately failed to go off. I remember reading that the death toll could have been over 400 if they had exploded as planned.
exploding propane tank subthread!
“Now I’m no expert, but….”
The twenty-ish (?) pounds of gas in your grill’s tank, if you could manage to simultaneously oxidize the entire contents somehow (which would take a whole nother tank’s worth of oxygen, wouldn’t it?), the energy released might be sufficient to disintegrate the container and disperse it as shrapnel. A surprise flamethrower is probably a more likely result.
Unless you used another explosive to set it off, but then I’d question whether describing that device as a “propane tank bomb” is accurate, since any pressurized vessel would likely be just as effective at being exploded into a cloud of shrapnel, the propane isn’t fueling the explosion.
The woodchipper link, that “loving stranglehold” picture of the two murderers ought to be evidence enough.
He’s just trying to help!!
You know who else put people on trains en masse?
The Brits evacuating kids out of London?
George Stephenson?
*prolonged applause*
Sir Topham Hatt?
Without any confusion or delay, either
Taggart Transcontinental?
Japanese guys in uniforms with white gloves?
Chinese guys in uniforms with white gloves?
Lizards in Chinese Guy uniforms with white gloves?
Walt Disney?
Sir Nicholas Winton?
The Controversial Debut of Genes in Criminal Cases
Gangsta rapDNA made me do it.“My client has no agency at all. His genetic makeup makes it impossible for him to obey the law.”
Jury: “Put down the rabid dog.”
This is one of those situations where we’re not allowed to draw all the valid inferences. If genes “make” you do things, you lack agency and thus possess neither duties nor rights. Good luck with that latter.
Poor Mike. Old people just want to be friends.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, my clients’ cellphone location services data show that they were in Chicago when the unfortunate events occurred. They were a thousand miles from that missile base.”
I’m actually surprised we haven’t heard a case where enterprising criminal leaves his cellphone into his accomplice’s car who then runs errands on the other side of town. Even smarter would be to have the accomplice send a few texts or browse periodically to show the phone was in use.
Because smart criminals don’t generally get caught.
I was so engrossed in the story, I forget that there were links, had to go back.
Haha. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.
Can we please get a real president? It is so embarrassing when the Norks are the adults in the room.
The author then goes on to quote the president of the CFR for what to do next. Doesn’t matter that if Trump had listened to the CFR, we’d still be shipping them food if the “promised” to stop nuke testing.
I’m certainly no “Master of the Deal” but when one party says, “we’re not really interested in negotiating until certain conditions are met” and the other party says, “tell us how to make it work”… I’m pretty sick of defending The Donald. He’s a boob and a bullshit artist, but he’s also apparently more capable than not only 99% of American politicians, but it appears to be a world-wide phenomenon.
Absolutely. If this bumbling adult version of Eric Cartman can nevertheless be an at least moderately successful chief executive by ignoring the supposed experts, what does that say about the supposed experts?
Tom Nichols (I’m still not exactly sure who that is, but he sure loves to announce that he’s allegedly an expert at something) on suicide watch.
Holy shit. you’re right! He is Cartman
I have to credit an acquaintance of mine for that one. He started calling Trump “Cartman +60 years” during the campaign, and I found that to be the most accurate description of him I’d ever read. Blustery, tactless, short attention span, not a deep thinker yet possessing an animal cunning…..yep, it’s Trump.
There’s no money to be made in eliminating the problem. Then you’re just an expert in an issue the world no longer has. The money is in prolonging the problem. Ask any consultant.
Well when you possess half the worlds nukes, a giant navy, and an army who is quite well-versed in combat after 17 years of perma-war then is only one simple negotiation tactic. Any behavior other than “act right or there will be less of you” comes off as being a punk bitch (looking at you Hans Brix)
Hans Blix. Hans Brix invented Legos.
Yes but that’s how the puppets pronounced it in Team America
Fuck yeah.
army who is quite well-versed in combat after 17 years of perma-war
Imma take exception to this. What our military has been doing (COIN/Nation Building/SOF) has degraded our capability at actual war fighting.
Not that we can’t still kick the shit out of the NK military in open combat, but we’re no where as near prepared for that as we were in the previous century.
I don’t agree with that. There’s definitely a lot of old Al Bundy’s hanging around the military who insist that their zero experience in combat pre 9-11 is far more valuable than actual combat experience post 9-11. They just want to stay relevant.
We are so far removed from the last major operation that the even those salty veterans without combat experience gained their lessons learned from other veterans without experience.
The CFR types have to really be sweating – if the Hat and Hair and Rocket Man end up making peace….who is going to listen to the Ivy League nitwits that populate the State Department and CFR, etc?
^This times a million.
That is what scares the elites more than anything. There is a good chance that their phoney baloney jobs are going to get downsized if it is demonstrated that the “norms” are complete bullshit.
Why even go to Yale or Harvard if it isn’t going to result in getting a lifetime cushy job in govt?
Yeah, the thought that a businessman with no political or foreign policy experience or expertise can become President and be successful gives the lie to their “expertise” and absolutely terrifies them.
It’s why they’re using the supposedly neutral Justice orgs of the State to take him down with made up BS. Truly Banana Republic shit
They are a bunch of inept, ineffective, inefficient, and incontinent credentialed douchebags. Having everyone see past these meaningless creds would harm their ability to keep being the parasites they are on the productive.
None of these nitwits has ever negotiated anything in their life, I bet.
There are some people you need to use a hard-sell (stick) method on. Based on the results of the soft-sell (carrot) method employed by previous admins with the Kim regime, it’s obvious the hard-sell needs to be tried. So hammering a point home that “if you don’t meet these conditions, any potential deal is off and we will ramp up our military presence and blownyou off the face of the earth if you continue to threaten us and expand weapons capabilities at the same time” is just good negotiating skills.
Or, we could follow the CFR’s advice and give away the farm for nothing in return but empty promises. Because, you know, that’s worked so well for the past several decades.
Sloopy, you’re missing the point. How can all of these diplomats enjoy all the great accomodations for a week if you CANCEL THE SUMMIT?! You’re supposed to go and report disappointment at a lack of progress. Actually MAKING progress is entirely beside the point. If you make too much progress, no cushy summits.
That explains all of those climate scientists constantly needing to fly private jets into tourist destinations and spend weeks working out how to get the hoi polloi to have a smaller carbon footprint.
The only better gig is FIFA/Olympic Committee member.
No way, man. The best gig is to be a nephew of a UN delegate so you can go work on stopping hunger in Africa or setting up water purification systems.
The expectations for meeting objectives are apparently nonexistent and you seemingly get to rape all the locals you want without consequence.
The State Department is a self-perpetuating bullshit machine.
“The teens, numbering more than 100 and some deemed “borderline criminal” by police”
Isn’t that the definition of a teenager?
In this case the definition of ‘feral’.
How is this definrd as “borderline”?
Ask Madonna.
How is this definrd as “borderline”?
Have you ever been drunk in Tijuana or Nogales?
Televangelist with three planes wants followers to pay for a $54 million private jet
“He’d be on an airplane preaching the Gospel all over the world.”
Someone needs to review his Bible, cause that’s not how it is going to work at all.
Jesus would be on Discord. Prolly have a podcast too.
Fools and their money …
I’ll HUFF! And I’ll PUFF!
I watched and enjoyed the first two episodes of the “Roseanne” reboot but I could not continue watching, given everything Ms. Barr represents. I also watched the original version of “Roseanne” when it aired. I remember the Conner family as working class and solidly invested in the greater good of their community. They seemed to be liberals, which is antithetical to the Roseanne in the reboot, who is a working-class Trump supporter. Certainly, the Conner family may have changed political affiliations and become Republicans and there would be nothing wrong with that.
The problem is that Donald Trump is a toxic president who amassed his power through the provocation of hate. He has behaved as if conservatism and racism are synonymous when, in fact, they are not. The problem is that having a major character on a prominent television show as a Trump supporter normalizes racism and misogyny and xenophobia.
President Trump often seems like a living embodiment of Ms. Barr’s Twitter feed, and many of his most vocal supporters revel in that. They revel in the freedom and the permission to be racist. The reboot contributed to a cultural moment that makes white people feel exceedingly comfortable and entitled as they police black bodies in public spaces.
Rosanne (and everyone like her) must be unpersoned, for the good of the Collective.
Badthink is a cancer which must be rooted out, ruthlessly and comprehensively.
“Planet of the Apes” = instafiring
“Cockholster” = just dandy
Ergo, black women are higher on the oppression pyramid than gay men.
Which is also relevant to the proportion of homotarian males to ladyglibs of color on this site, undoubtedly.
“Ergo, black women are higher on the oppression pyramid than gay men”
I believe your analysis is incomplete without checking the political status of the entities in question. If the gay man is conservative, then your analysis bears out. But if he’s liberal, then it is ambiguous, and should be ignored.
There is that sickenly racist phrase again – black bodies. They aren’t people. They are black objects. If these people had an ounce of self-awareness they would realize they are everything they say they hate.
Bonus for more accusations of Trump’s hatred, misogyny and racism without any examples plus calling out the deplorables.
The left really is all about projection. Whatever they accuse others of, they are actually doing 10 times over.
I’m starting to think they have some sort of bbc/cuckold fetish.
The way I read it – whether they do or don’t have a BBC/cuckold fetish they know they are supposed to have one.
black bodies
Agreed. I have said before that this is rather dehumanizing.
How easily one can fall from the left’s good graces. Why I remember the heady days of the Bush presidency when Roseanne was a hero in the mold of Bernie Sanders after declaring herself a socialist and running with Cindy Sheehan on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket to oppose the Iraq war. Or the other Bush presidency when she was a brave television pioneer for featuring gay, lesbian and transgender characters on her show.
“How easily one can fall from the left’s good graces.”
How easily and how far – like Harvey getting perp-walked last weekend!
police black bodies in public spaces
I have no idea what that means.
Isn’t Jarrett Persian? I guess I’m not enlightened enough to see the racism.
It means wypipo are bad, m’kay?
The problem is that Donald Trump is a toxic president who amassed his power through the provocation of hate.
Citation needed.
He has behaved as if conservatism and racism are synonymous when, in fact, they are not.
Trump and his supporters are not the ones who have been conflating conservatism with racism. I suggest a good long gaze into the mirror.
The reboot contributed to a cultural moment that makes white people feel exceedingly comfortable and entitled as they police black bodies in public spaces.
Yeah, I’m gonna need a translation for this one. “Police black bodies”?!
You know all the slave catchers out there.
I believe the phrase “police black bodies” means the writers apparently think that Jim Crow laws are back, and public areas are segregated. Or, it’s word salad that means “wypipo be racist”.
Translation: white guilt isn’t as effective as it used to be which is proof that white people are guilty.
I’m gonna start calling for mandatory sensitivity classes for blacks due to the disparate victimization of whites in interracial crime. If you can’t beat em, join em.
The reboot contributed to a cultural moment that makes white people feel exceedingly comfortable and entitled as they police black bodies in public spaces.
Ok, can one of you more enlightened bodies out there translate this gibberish?
I think she’s saying people call the cops too much?
Because of Roseanne? That’s retarded. In fact, that’s more retarded than the plot of The Matrix trilogy. Which is exceptionally retarded.
Oh, it’s absolutely retarded. The Tourette’s-like spastic repeating of the phrase “black bodies” is always a surefire sign of retardation.
The first movie was good.
I think the second one was just a really long Cadillac commercial.
Thirded. He did say “trilogy” so I gave it a pass when I saw his comment. The gap in quality writing between 1 and 2 is yuuuuge.
Eh, I didn’t even like the first one, although I’ll grant that the effects were revolutionary at the time. There are only so many times, though, that you can see someone get punched, fly through the air, and make a dent in a wall before it gets dull, though.
^^^ Nice.
I believe Orange Orangutan is permissible.
They revel in the freedom and the permission to be racist.
Sure, racism is not nice, but the alternative is policing thought and speech, which is antithetical to freedom. Of course, the overwhelming majority of the people the author describes as “racist” are not really, or at least not maliciously so.
“Sure, racism is not nice, but the alternative is policing thought and speech, which is antithetical to freedom. ”
Read that again.. It should make obvious why the left loves thought & speech policing…
Apparently you can make up for lost weekday sleep in weekends
But not if you want to Glib Fit
Having subsisted this way for a few years now, and based on my use of “subsisted” there, I’m not going to recommend it.
Uffda. Illegal immigrants are a lot like bicycle advocates. I agree with a lot of their ideas intellectually, but the actual people are so fucking off putting that I can’t stand being on the same side as them.
Local prof is finally going to be deported after coming here in 1992 on a J-1 (student visa). His visa has been expired since 2005. His family is also here illegally, but 2 of his kids are DACA babies.
You know what? Lecturing all of us slobs who get fucked by Big Govt every day about how you aren’t really a law breaker isn’t winning you much sympathy. I get the fucking ICE is a hive of villainy, but you came here by promising you were going to study and then go back. Now you have been working the system illegally for 13 fucking years, I’m not feeling too bad for you.
p.s. Bonus quote from sanctimonious jerk from the liberal arts college where this guy works:
Why would you be mean and make him feel like he broke a law?
Because those rich kid Auggies won’t give money to my GoFundMe page so I can live the life of luxury I deserve.
The tree of Progressivism must be refreshed from from time to time with the money of tax payers and government grants. It is its natural manure
I don’t this mindset on display. The person was flouting the law. At some point, geez, go out and make it right. This person had to have known they were not in compliance with the law and it’s stunning they think there would be no possible consequences associated with that decision.
How’s the school not in trouble?
So much this.
Honestly, the same is true for most libertarians too.
::pretends to be talking on cell phone and staring in other direction so he doesn’t have to acknowledge robc::
“and over on your right you’ll see a debate between 9/11 truthers and chemtrailers over which conspiracy is really being spread by the CIA”
often “stigmatized” and that they’re often made to believe that they broke the law.
I, too, felt stigmatized and made to feel like I broke the law when I’ve been cited for speeding.
we don’t just preach our beliefs, we practice them
I eagerly await the petition to have my charges dropped and/or donations to help me pay the fine in the even I am caught speeding again in the future.
“All you have demonstrated is a demonstration to…
Please be in the English Dept.
All of these statements sound conscientious and righteous. These statements make it seem as if ABC is invested in doing the right thing. The statements make it seem as if the cast and crew are nothing like the show’s star. These statements are but part of an elaborate and lucrative illusion. ABC is the same network that shelved an episode of “Blackish” because it addressed the N.F.L. anthem protests.
I am more interested in the statement ABC could have made by never making the reboot in the first place.
How dare those people make entertainment aimed at people not like me? How dare they?
The Hive has another excuse to buzz angrily.
Prior to that, Wanyama never really talked about his status with his students or colleagues because he felt that undocumented immigrants are often “stigmatized” and that they’re often made to believe that they broke the law.
Gosh, why would they believe something as crazy as that?
Prior to that, Wanyama never really talked about his status with his students or colleagues because he felt that
undocumented immigrantsshopliftersare often “stigmatized” and that they’re often made to believe that they broke the law.Yeah, I just don’t get it…
I don’t get how they put him on payroll without doing the I-9 stuff?
It’s not hard to get a fake SSN.
If it’s the same university where he was a student and probably knew some people, they probably grandfathered him in under the table to suit their purposes (at reduced salary/benefits/etc).
Regarding the phone- I will say, having the ability to conjure up something from youtube and “cast” it to the teevee is rather handy. Also, music via google play.
When I first heard about wireless charging, I thought “Oh, cool, like a mat you can throw down all your electronic equipment and just leave them to charge.” So my phone, my bluetooth earbuds, my fitbit, my wireless mouse, my wireless speaker, etc. No need to plug everything in, all of it goes on the mat. And wouldn’t it be cool if it interfaced with my computer and reported charge levels for each?
Still waiting to see that glorious dream made real.
I think the problem is that to make it efficient involves coils with really high current/#turns ratios, and so the receiving coil ends up being a chunk of copper tubing that weighs more than the battery you’re trying to charge, which is already the majority of the device’s weight.
Seven Signs That Your Man’s Masculinity Is Nontoxic
From the New Yorker – so they are signs that the man is a humorless priss.
First sign: your man doesn’t use made up terms like “toxic masculinity” on account of he isn’t a literal retard.
Let us be charitable and assume it is parody.
Never assume parody when you can just call the other side Nazis /prog
It’s an attempt at parody, but one which nevertheless signals that the author actually does believe in the horseshit that is “toxic masculinity”.
I’m assuming it’s a joke, too.
It’s just so devoid of actual humor that it comes across as sincere.
I see plenty of non-toxic men at my daycare thank you very much.
But not in the mirror amiright
Because they are vampires?
Big chunks of my “masculinity” are traits and qualities which I learned directly from the Vietnam combat veterans who were my leaders in the Marines. While some aspects of that may be lethal, they are not toxic.
I neither care if, nor expect that these dweebs could even purchase a concept to help them understand the difference.
Pussies would like to force everyone to be pussies so they would have a chance at getting some pussy…
I guess I’m not enlightened enough to see the racism.
You have to look at the big picture. It’s not so much what was actually said, but who said it.
an elderly gentleman working on the photo processor innards. I’ll call him “Mike”…mostly because that was his name.
Goober Swiss at it again with the aggression!!
You let SP go to the store by herself? She could have been abducted by some perv.
Isn’t that what the tracphone is for?
maybe pervs respect each other ya know sort of honor among thieves
Pie picked up what I put down.
You’re the reason 91% of libertarians shun the label, according to a CATO survey!
Big props to Mike. He knew that the only reason someone buys a Trac phone with so little regard for the details of the phone itself is for nefarious purposes, so he intentionally delayed SP at the store with a pretense of quaint incompetence to thwart whatever nefarious scheme SP was planning.
Maybe he was just trying to look out for an eight-year-old.
*Two Young Guys walk in*
From the article:
Man, the ACLU has really lost the plot in the past decade or so. Besides, aren’t progressives supposed to be happy about the public getting some use out of the choo-choo trains they’re always agitating for?
I thought it was funny that the alderman who is identified as the chairman of the Black Caucus is bitching that they should have been arresting them all rather than putting them on trains.
One thing that a lot of Chicago progressives are loath to admit is the fact that a very high percentage of the city’s black residents – particularly of the older generation – skew very conservative and take absolutely no bullshit from anybody. The only factor that leads them to reliably vote for Democrats each cycle is that a lot of them are employed in the public sector.
Here’s another gem from the article:
Sorry, professor. White teens egging your Prius while it’s parked in front of your house in Oak Park or Evanston or wherever the fuck you live doesn’t quite count.
Could a mob of white teenagers beat the piss out of another white kid in broad daylight on the street? Sure…..but I must note that I’ve seen a fair number of videos of the World Star variety of black kids doing this and none of white kids, so I’m gonna have to say I don’t believe it’s as common, particularly given the relative sizes of the population/
From lewd comments to upskirting: female teachers speak out about sexual harassment
Tara has been a sociology teacher for nine years. Working in a secondary academy, male students aged about 15 asked her for blowjobs and made comments about her breasts. She often felt scared to report what had happened: “I hate to say it, but a lot of the time I ignored it out of fear that it would somehow be seen to be my fault.”
Leyla, a 27-year-old secondary school English teacher, says: “The most significant moments were when a student told me he’d ‘fuck me in my pussy’ in front of other students, and a period of time where a student wrote comments about my blowjob ability in school textbooks.” But, she adds, low-level sexism is also extremely common. “I’ve had many comments on my clothing, hair, makeup or relationship status from male students, in a way that is intended to be demeaning or belittling.”
One pupil at the same school told a PGCE student (a trainee teacher) that “he wanted to anally fist her”. She reported it but no action was taken.
I am curious about this as I find this very unlike anything experienced in Romania. Is it common in the US for example for students to make direct sexual comments to teachers? I find it hard to believe… It may depend on the school etc but I can’t see this being extensive.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Not in my experience, but I went to a small private school populated mostly by rich kids. They expelled people all the time for much more minor offenses than that. Besides, almost all of the teachers were either men or old hags. I can remember one attractive younger woman, that it. Now, the school secretary was absolutely milfy, a very attractive 40ish blonde who had a killer body and dressed in very nice suits which nevertheless showed off that killer body. Those skirts, man, I can still picture her in my mind as if it were yesterday. Weird to think she’s probably around 70 now.
The article seems to be about British schools.
I know was asking about non Romanian experiences. I am cynical lately and have trouble believing Guardian articles if they sound far fetched. And this one does. So I asked for a different opinion
Gotcha. Well, as I said, it certainly wasn’t my experience, but that was a while ago in a not-typical American school. Since children are allowed to run wild in a lot of schools these days, it wouldn’t shock me to learn that it can happen here, but I’d still be surprised if it were particularly widespread.
I think it depends on the location. I was just talking to one of my kid’s friends the other day about fighting in school. She lives one town over, and says there are a lot of fights in her middle school. Our town is small and so is our school, and I can’t recall a single fight in the 9 years my kids went to school there. At our school, I would expect any of this sexual harassment to be dealt with pretty harshly. But I could imagine that in schools where there is a lot of fighting, there’s probably a lot more disrespect and sexual harassment too. I’d expect it to be a bigger problem at larger, urban schools.
Is it common in the US for example for students to make direct sexual comments to teachers?
It is more customary in US schools for the male students to directly ejaculate on the younger and prettier teachers. All that yak yak about fisting and blowjobs is a time waster.
Always better to beg forgiveness than ask permission
That article is about schools in London, not the US. And I would bet it is coming from “migrants” and “refugees”, which is why the authorities will not do anything about it.
From what I’ve heard, lily-white English schoolkids can be just as vile.
These are private schools. Likely elite boarding schools. So maybe it does happen there. But if this happened in a public school, I can’t imagine it going unpunished.
I find it hard to believe as well.
Jameis Winston was her student?
She would be surprised at how a snarky, denigrating comeback would probably reduce the student to tears and keep him from ever approaching her again.
South Park covered this year ago…
“Present them”
“Data from a 2014 white paper from the Rodale Institute, a nonprofit that supports regenerative farming, suggests that we could soak up more than 100 percent of the current annual global carbon dioxide emissions with a full switch to regenerative agriculture.”
So you want to end all life on Earth, or are you just that bad at math?
“At this point, you often hear the argument that, sure, there are these problems, but we need industrial agriculture to avoid dramatic food shortages.
That sounds right on the surface. But the hunger problem today is not a supply problem; it’s a distribution problem. Roughly one-third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year gets lost or wasted.”
It would be a supply problem if less food were produced. Whereas I agree that there are major problems with food distribution and waste. It’s largely due to laws and regulations.
“If you add to this the shockingly high suicide rate among farmers — including in the U.S., where a 2016 study found that farming had the highest suicide rates of any profession — and the fact that three-quarters of the world’s 800 million people who suffer from hunger are farmers, you begin to see the irrationality of the current food system. This agricultural system destroys our planet, makes us sick and harms farmers physically and mentally. In short, we collectively create results that nobody wants.”
Ignoring, there is no “we”. That there are so many hungry subsistence farmers using the “regenerative farming” you advocate (because they can’t afford better technology) disproves the point you are trying to make.
If I still worked at Walmart I’d email this around and we would all get a kick out of it.
At no time did I name the retailer. You’re just making an assumption…based on experience.
Brazil faces calls for return to military dictatorship amid truckers’ strike
Days into shutdown that began over fuel prices, some protesters call for military intervention ‘to put the house in order’
I read in Reason that Brazil was undergoing some sort of libertarian moment …
The left used to tout Brazil – along with Venezuela and Ecuador – as shining examples of socialist experimentation leading to paradise..
These days you don’t hear any mention of that socialism shit they still peddle here when they report on how fucked up these places have become after all that socialism..
SJWednesday: Why Won’t They Let Gals With Dicks In Women’s Prison Edition
Glossed over in this tripe is the lack of distinction between those who are transgender (identify as another sex) and those who are transsexual (have had the operation). I would support allowing transsexuals to be sent to the prison of the sex they have chosen, but I don’t support sending transgenders to the opposite sex prison any more than I support sending gay men to women’s prisons.
I am sure there is a powerful intra-feminist battle waged online about this. A lot of them being called TERFs and such.
Your sex is not “assigned” at birth, as though it is some kind of arbitrary decision. It is “observed” and documented.
Sex being a social construct and not something objective, it cannot be observed. Only things that exist can be observed.
I assume you are being sarcastic.
I observe sex all the time, especially when my wife isn’t around.
“…the sex they were assigned at birth….”
Holy FCUK! That phrase tells me everything I need to know about the rest of the article. It’s like saying “the color assigned to the sky” or “the direction assigned to gravity” as if other options were equally valid.
Considering how insistent they were at first to dissociate gender from sex and make gender the mutable characteristic, is it sloppiness on the author’s part or a deliberate conflation of the terms because eradicating the distinction between penis and vagina was the goal from the start?
deliberate conflation
The objective is to confuse and destroy all semblances of objective reality. Only then can they establish themselves as the arbiters of the New Better World.
I’m not sold on there being any explicit agenda or conspiracy, but they do seem to be stumbling bass-ackward toward a Marxist utopia.
^^^Yes. The ones pulling the levers don’t believe any of this crap, they’re just using it as a way to advanced their agenda. There’s a reason the true believers are called useful idiots.
If this idiot gets her way, you’ll have about 25% of the men being convicted saying they identify as a woman just soctgry can go to a women’s prison and get laid as often as they want, and as an added bonus not have to face the physical danger that comes with being in an all-male prison.
If they let people go to whatever prison they “identify” as, you better set up Planned Parenthood branches at every one of the women’s prisons, because the pregnancy rate will skyrocket.
“go to a women’s prison and rape as many women as they want”
assigned at birth.
You misspelled “observed”.
“Why Won’t They Let Gals With Dicks In Women’s Prison Edition”
That’s not a chick with a dick: that’s a dude with tits!
SJWednesday: Giving Advice Is Racist Edition
As a … makes me want to stop reading. While perspective for various people can be important I have suspicions of people who start with as a …
As an American, I am troubled by your suspicions.
As a cis-hetero white make shitlord, your opinions are worthless anyway.
Everyone is a fucking narcissist
I’m surprised she didn’t call herself femme on top of the rest of that.
Response #1: Celts were black and brown people?
Response #2: Fuck off, dipshit
tattoos were invented by brown and Black people centuries — even millennia — before white supremacy became the dominant global paradigm. – to be fair it is possible tattoos appeared before the white genes spread
Yakub gave the white devil the power of the tattoo as a totem to focus his tricknology powers.
No actual evidence for it, though.
‘Oldest tattoo’ found on 5,000-year-old Egyptian mummies
There could be many older I think but this is as far back as the evidence goes.
See link below. Tatoos found on man in Alps that is 5,268 years old.
Aside from calling the Hamitic peoples of Egypt (closely related to Semitic people in the same region) black and brown people.
Oldest tattoos found on 15,000 year old caucasian mummies in China.
Oops. one is 12K and the rest are around 5000.
Let’s go back and look at their writings from the ti…
Oh, that’s right. They don’t exist and didn’t exist until the colonists came and explained how the whole “written word” thing worked.
Tattoos were invented by brown and Black people centuries — even millennia — before white supremacy became the dominant global paradigm.
Sorry, no, tatooing was invented by wypipo:
Actually, the oldest known tattoo originated from the Austria. Then about 5,000 years later, someone who tried to make white supremacy the dominant global paradigm also originated from the Austria. And failed.
I also doubt that tattoos were common among white colonizers.
“before white supremacy became the dominant global paradigm”
Citation needed. Actually, nevermind. Whatever citation you come up with will just be a load of crap anyway since “white supremacy as a global paradigm” is another non-falsifiable lefty trope.
white supremacy…dominant global paradigm
“Everything wrong with the world can be traced to the white devil and that is in no way a racist position to hold.”
co-opted into the capitalist venture we find today.
Oh, that thing that makes your life so comfortable that you can spend it spewing drivel such as this rather than toiling in subsistence farming? You may kindly fuck off.
“before white supremacy became the dominant global paradigm.
All of these skin-shaming tattooers seem to have forgotten that the modern tattooing practice was culturally appropriated by white colonizers from indigenous spiritual, sacred, and cultural practices around the world and co-opted into the capitalist venture we find today.”
Is it common in the US for example for students to make direct sexual comments to teachers? I find it hard to believe
I, too, find it hard to believe. Nigh unto impossible.
Of course, there was a time when there was an enforceable level of discipline in schools. A student who physically threatened a teacher (female or male) would promptly be expelled. Now, I’m not so sure.
You have to put it through the race/race matrix to figure out whether the student should be punished, or the teacher.
Ehh, I believe her, and I assumed it took place in some US state rather than somewhere in the UK initially.
In the US, consider that in most public schools, at least in major cities, students have learned that they are either not punished for misbehavior, or the punishment is so risibly minor that the schools are practically reinforcing and rewarding the little shits for acting like little shits. And they’ll keep pushing boundaries and continue learning they can keep getting away with acting like this.
Progressives will label the kids’ behavior as inherent “toxic masculinity” and blame the patriarchy or whatever, but I think what it really boils down to is that they don’t respect you. They’ve learned they can keep pushing your buttons and insulting you to your face and nothing of consequence will happen to them.
The situation certainly wasn’t made any better by the Obama administration “suggestion” to K-12 schools to ease up on discipline for ethnic minority students.
Jordan Peterson touched on this whole idea of discipline in 12 Rules For Life. You let kids make their own rules, and they will become the oppressor. And when these undisciplined kids grow up, what kind of adults do you think they become? They are the thugs and criminals of tomorrow. I realize the notion of disciplining your kids was not invented by Peterson, but he explains and illustrates it very well.
That was a pretty good book, by the way. I just finished it yesterday. It’s just an interesting book about life in general, and it’s still enjoyable even if you’re mostly satisfied with how you run your life.
“Roseanne Barr’s new stream of abuse: Star retweets hundreds of abusive comments after blaming Ambien for her racist remark about Valerie Jarrett and claiming ‘I thought she was white'”
Funny thing is that VJ does look a lot like Ari.
As a heavily tattooed biracial Sri Lankan American woman
That’s nice, sweetie.
*pats her on head, shoos her away*
So many descriptors yet none of who she really is.
Kendall Jenner ‘is dating Philadelphia 76ers player Ben Simmons’
Another young career ruined.
Also it seems I missed my chance with Kendall while she was still single.
It’s ok. I’m sure you can find another sociopathic nitwit riddled with VD if you look hard enough.
Are there lots of Romanian Instagram models?
Not nearly enough
Pie is black?
They only date black guys
OT: Roseanne
I did not find her tweet to be particularly offensive. I think the real racists are the ones who draw a connection specifically between apes and brown people. We all, so far as we know, are related to apes, regardless of our skin pigment. The speed with which the cancellation occurred makes it seem like ABC was looking for a reason to cancel it (sound familiar?). Anyway, she should have known how that would be perceived and perhaps some other network will pick it up. The gf and I both found it entertaining. And I appreciated that when it got political it seemed to stay pretty center of the road, basically making fun of everyone. That is all.
I laughed and didn’t think it racist either.
Tim Allen’s show was cancelled by ABC despite high ratings simply because they don’t like his politics. With Rosanne, they were obviously looking for an excuse.
Fox picked up Allen’s show, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did the same with Rosanne.
I just skimmed the agriculture article, but it seems like the doom and gloom, all or nothing type of scare reporting we’ve seen before. I live around a lot of farming, and they do about half of the things the article recommends. They don’t till very deep anymore, and they always rotate between soy beans and corn because otherwise the crops wouldn’t grow after a few years. I don’t know if the seeds they use are GMO, but they do have Monsanto (gasp!) and other signs showing they type of hybrid in each field. I suspect they are just cross bred the old fashioned way. I know the harvesting machinery has GPS on it so they know which parts of each field are yielding more or less, so they can make adjustments the next year.
Anyway, I just don’t see the slash and burn type of thing they are reporting on. A lot of the practices they reported just make good business sense. The farmers are in it for the long haul, and they’re not interested in destroying everything for one year of crops.
Any discussion about agriculture should begin and end with getting rid of the billions of dollars in subsidies. Direct payments, federal crop insurance, ethanol, FSA offices, farm loans. The list is endless. The competitive advantage goes to the farmers who can milk (get it?) as much money from the Feds as they can. that means row crops, fertilizers abs pesticides, everything the Rodale Institute hates. But god forbid you want to reduce subsidies. Why do you hate hard working Americans? Are you trying to literally starve the world?
SJWednesday: Hexadecimal Is Where It’s At Edition
The rest is fantastic.
Narcissism – it’s FAN-tastic!
Good grief! I’m euphoric because I’m drunk with the power to make people call me by my ridiculous made up gender.
I, too, felt lost when I discovered that I, in fact, identify as an attack helicopter.
Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
‘We’ve lost all hope’: the investment scandal wrecking Russian lives
In Russia there are anything between 40,000 and 120,000 “defrauded co-investors” – people who paid money for new apartments but were unable to move in because construction never finished.
In Romania during our epic real estate boom, it happened all the time people bought apartments on which construction had barely started or not at all, just looking at sketches blueprints and computer simulations of how it would look. On the one hand, in very sought after developments f you did not do this you ended up missing out or had to pay even more than the absurd prices. On the other hand I could never buy a house apartment I could not look at, especially given the shoddy workmanship that happens in Romania during these boom times when things are build very fast and corners are cut. And while some people got the apartments they were expecting, others got really poorly built ones. I am to risk adverse I assume to buy something I cannot look at. Hell even with those I would be wary that behind the shiny finish the walls beneath may be shoddy.
Traveling in China in 1988 – visiting a “Friendship Store” where locals might be able to purchase goods unavailable otherwise unless they had somehow amassed enough “Foreign Equivalent Certificates” (money only available to foreigners which could be bought on the black market) to make a purchase.
A group of people buying a washing machine had brought along the brother of a friend of their cousin (ie: somebody who actually worked in the factory where the washing machine was made) were taking apart said washing machine to ensure that all parts were there and everything was in order.
SJWednesday: Toxic Masculinity Avenger Edition
I found your problem.
I tried reading that but I don’t even know what this guy is babbling about.
There’s just so much pressure on him to perform!
I could not write a better parody of a soy boy if I tried.
Can we start a deadpool when Scruffy Nerfherder is going to get a brain tumor? I’m not an oncologist, but there is no way reading that shit doesn’t cause cancer.
It’s like my weekly allergy shot.
I’m building up my resistance.
Or “bullshit hormesis.”
That my toxic masculinity felt like a misguided sense of responsibility where everything falls on me as a man, as a husband, as a father, as a purported head of the household who must provide.
Being a man comes with manly responsibilities and it is in no way “toxic”.
Well said.
Everyone’s a hypocrite
For a guy who said, “at some point, you’ve made enough money,” and a gal who said, “someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more” the Obamas sure rake in plenty of dough.
Unless installing an in-ground pool in the yard of an $8.2-million home located in a fancy Washington, DC neighborhood is considered spreading the wealth? Since, leaving the White House the duo seems to be gathering, not “spreading, the wealth.”
Fresh out of the White House, Michelle and Barack began “leveling their playing field” with a joint book deal in excess of $65-million penned with Penguin Random House. Let’s face it, $65-million is not a bad payday for people who earn oodles of capital reiterating the same hardscrabble story about impoverished childhoods, suffering racial injustice, and how understanding gender inequity and the plight of poor people is something only they can do.
The $65-million the Obamas will earn on their books will trickle into the couple’s bank accounts in dribs and drabs, first for Michelle, whose long-awaited memoir is due out in November and is entitled: “Becoming.”
While the Mrs. is busy showing up angry on book tours, hubby will be pleasantly giving speeches at $400,000 a pop where he can pontificate about community organizing and commiserate with the problems poverty-stricken Americans suffer. And while payroll is processing Barack’s speaking stipend, the former president can continue to bide his time with extemporaneous musings about American prejudice, minority mistreatment, and how Trump-style capitalism is a global blight.
At least they had the decency to not steal the china and take all of the T’s off of the keyboards.
The Obamas are doing the Lord’s work by helping a black family that came from the mean streets of Chicago.
You misspelled “Hawaii”.
These fine, glistening ladies are wet in more ways than one.
2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? Hot, semi-nude girls!
I would like to see 24/26 without the sunglasses.
The GOP congresscritter saying porn is the reason for school shootings is pretty funny. However, Huffpo mercilessly mocks and rips her for it while banning porn would have just as much effect on shootings as banning guns.
So you’re saying it would work
Non-nefarious purpose of Tracfone: I need to be able to manage a client’s FB account, but I’m sure as shootin’ not putting that app on any device of my own. Have you seen all the data they hoover up from all the other apps? And that’s just what they *admit* to doing.
/adjusts tinfoil Cubbies cap and makes another cup of coffee
Moving bricks, got it
Need a re-up.
I’m still in Fargo. They rebooked me for 5 am then cancelled that and I am hoping to leave at 9:30. There are a lot (like a lot) of men wearing ball caps in this airport. Who told men that was a good look?
A lot of them use that look to cover balding
You can have my baseball hat when you pry it from my cold, dead head and receding hairline.
Whatever, Kojak.
Who loves ya, baby?
Are they ball caps (as in have a logo of a sports team) or are they seed caps (farm implement manufacturers are included in this category also)?
Seed caps (which I grew up calling gimmee caps).
“Morgan Freeman threatens to sue CNN and releases video he claims proves he didn’t harass pregnant reporter and was instead responding to Michael Caine when he said ‘I wish I was there'”
Ya so fucking with Morgan Freeman who probably has triple-Jew lawyers fixing his drinks…that’s a bold strategy
He should sue, anyone who watches that video who isn’t lying about it knows responding to Cain was exactly what he was doing.
Freeman’s lawyers also use their letter to suggest that Melas, who co-wrote the story with her editor An Phung, may have been motivated by racism or a desire to advance her career when she published her claims.
el oh-fuckin’-el. Almost certainly yes on the career advancement and a definitive no on the racism, but damn if it’s not amusing to see that accusation lobbed around the woke kumbaya circle. Oh, your mistake isn’t racism, just provocative sloppiness? Prove it, racist.
I’m inclined to believe Freeman. Either he’s telling the truth or he’s one of the greatest actors or worst sociopaths in history. Because he’s responding to all this like someone with a clear conscience.
Should’ve taken your big puppy…he would of barked him into submission.
See? This is why SHE hates you! You persist in othering HER by using the wrong pronoun.
(And also because you did not bring her pizza like Swiss did.)
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
To make matters worse, 12 states do not even require a permit — or a background check — to carry a concealed handgun in public, and “concealed carry reciprocity” would force Montana to allow visitors from those states (including neighboring Idaho, Wyoming and North Dakota) to carry within our borders. By enabling people with no permit to carry concealed guns across state lines, “concealed carry reciprocity” would make it easier for domestic abusers to evade the law and carry them into our state.
This is also a recipe for disaster for law enforcement. If police stop an out-of-state resident from one of the 12 permit less states, that person would not have a permit to present to law enforcement—meaning law enforcement would be unable to confirm if they are a law-abiding gun owner. That’s why many of the nation’s largest law enforcement organizations oppose “concealed carry reciprocity.” It endangers law enforcement and would make communities less safe by allowing people with violent criminal histories — like domestic abusers — and people lacking any gun safety training to carry guns in their communities.
Gunz? We don’t need no steenkin gunz.
Just think- some deranged maniac from Vermont might come shoot up Montana. I’m trembling.
My bosses are just hoping for a mass Florida Man carry protest in NYC
What’s the National gun crime rate for concealed carry holders?
Virtually nonexistent. But since when does that matter to these people?
I don’t understand why Article IV doesn’t compel states to allow carry laws from other states.
’cause it’s yucky. M’kay?
Technically it does, but in reality it doesn’t because FYTW.
Just like the 13th Amendment doesn’t prohibit the draft.
She keeps mentioning “domestic abusers”. Wouldn’t that mean they already have a home there?
Imported abusers?
Goddamn NoDaks toting guns in Montana? The HORROR!
To make matters worse, 12 states do not even require a permit — or a background check — to carry a concealed handgun in public, and “concealed carry reciprocity” would force Montana to allow visitors from those states (including neighboring Idaho, Wyoming and North Dakota) to carry within our borders.
Is that even correct? Because a lot of states have concealed carry reciprocity with other states right now, and its reciprocity for people who have a permit, whether its required or not in their home state.
AZ is a constitutional concealed carry state, and issues permits anyway precisely so its residents can take advantage of reciprocity with other states. I have one so I can carry in NM and TX when traveling there.
do not even require a permit
Requiring a permit is unconstitutional. Despite that, it is also ineffective. People that are intent on doing harm are not going to get a permit.
would force Montana to allow visitors from those states (including neighboring Idaho, Wyoming and North Dakota)
States known for their rampant crime problems…
meaning law enforcement would be unable to confirm if they are a law-abiding gun owner
Guilty until proven innocent, I see.
So, I may be in hot water. Want to ask the Glibs about what y’all think:
I’m in class. Kevin and Tom are about 13. Kevin pushed Tom and the latter says something in Korean. Tom says something to him in Korean and Kevin blurts out “Teacher! He said ‘fuck you!'”
I retort firmly “So did you!”
They shuffle off and I say “You can’t say that in English!” and I flicked him in the ear with my finger. He gets real despondent and puts his head on the desk and refuses to get up, move or do anything in class for the next 15 minutes til class ends. Class is over. I get out of my next class and Boss pulls me aside and tells me that the kid’s mom had called saying that Kevin arrived home crying and thinks that I hate him. Truthfully, I say to Boss “After five minutes of letting him be I made sure to tell him that I wasn’t angry with him. I was just warning him that that’s not a thing you can say.”
I’m to talk to Kevin on Friday and make sure that he knows what the deal is. He’s a cool kid, but he has shown in the past that he can be very sensitive.
I know that I should’ve avoided flicking his ear but it isn’t like I pushed or slapped him in any way. The other kids thought it was totally normal, what I did. No one batted an eye. Tom was jokingly trying to coax him out of his despondency and was smiling the whole time. Rest of the class had no reaction.
Parents: How upset would you be?
I’m confused, how big around was the stick you caned him with?
That would be Singapore.
Oh, the glorious thrashings mothers would give their kids in public.
*Some of them were glorious because their kids had been shit weasels. A couple of times it was….deeply uncomfortable.
Different cultural standards for teacher/student interaction here in the US than in Korea.
Personally, I’m of the opinion that the teachers should be hands off unless I give them explicit permission. I’m not opposed to some corporal punishment, but it has to be established in advance what justifies it and it has to be administered judicially and without anger. That’s as much of a warning to myself not to lose my temper as it is setting a fair system for the kids.
Public school, no way I let a government stooge employ corporal punishment. Private school, well, at least you made the choice to put them there and the teacher can get fired more easily. Still wouldn’t agree to it.
Corporal Punishment was Sergeant Slaughter’s best sidekick!
I actually went to school under corporal punishment until 7th grade. And it was, in my opinion, done right. A second teacher had to be present for swats. There seemed to be a lot better discipline than in 8th grade, when I moved to Cali and things were completely different.
Teachers had reputations. Mr. Fields the Math Teacher and Bailey, the gym teacher, were feared. Mr. Fields gave me a birthday swat that was 50% worse than the two Mrs. Baker gave me for spitwads.
This is kind of what I want.
For the record, I’m not happy about what I did, but I just flicked the kids ear. Not even hard like I would with my brother while sledding in January. The Boss grabs their forearms and applies very firm pressure point pressure to the kids. I’ve also seen him bop kids on the head with a ping pong paddle.
Iiiiiiii think the kid is just being a bitch. Which is a shame, because he otherwise is very cool and athletic….I think someone is feeding him this bullshit* because it doesn’t seem like it would come organically.
*Yes, psychology is very different and it takes all times.
Korean military used to have a reputation. My buddy had a KATUSA (Korean augmentee) who was a fuck-up. The Korean SGM called him out to the front of American formation and gave him a verbal ass-reaming and then front kicked him in the chest, MMA style.
Parents: How upset would you be?
That their kid is an emo pussy?
^^This guy fucking gets it.
That kid is in for a long, sad life if he’s already this big of a pussy and his parents aren’t telling him such.
Ignore it. He either grows out of it and into becoming a man, or he slips further into the darkness of retarded emo loser culture.
My brothers and I went to an all boys Catholic high school. My youngest brother’s first day there, he wises off to a teacher – teacher flips over his desk with him in it. My brother goes home and reports the whole thing to Dad as if Dad will get mad and yell at the school. Dad says “yeah good, that’s why I sent you there”.
My mom would have given me a wooping to boot and demanded I tell her what shit I really was doing…
My grandfather always said you weren’t worried about the whooping you got at school, you were worried about the one when you got home.
English woman convicted of being grossly offensive for posting antiSemetic songs online, will be sentenced next month:
This stuff isn’t even shocking anymore.
No, wait, she was only talking about Zionists!! That’s ok, isn’t it?
Apparently in the UK it’s only safe when you don’t talk about anything, which is the plan of course.
“This is a huge verdict particularly because there is no specific law against Holocaust denial. The fact that she was found guilty means Holocaust denial is considered grossly offensive.”
No it means that you are grossly offensive. Holocaust survivors should be hunting these fascists down.
What a menace to society!
I bet some of the Rotheram rapists deny the Holocaust, too.
Not the Onion:
No political slant? Bullfuckingshit , a lie like that right there is almost cancel-worthy.
What? You don’t believe the guy who bundled $600K of contributions to Obama’s campaign? What a cynic.
I actually do believe him. My guess is that that $50M deal will result in no content actually being produced. It will be Clinton Foundation 2. All that money will be spent on sycophants who will pretend that they are trying to produce some content, but in reality are just siphoning off that money.
What on earth is Netflix thinking? At least the Clintons had the decency to pretend to give speeches to small groups out of the public eye. They didn’t flaunt their money laundering operation.
^^^This. Whatever content that is actually produced will be unwatchable dreck. This is just some kind of underhanded cronyism to enrich the Obamas personally and buy access for powerful Silicon Valley players.
Serious question – what do the Obamas do that isn’t explicitly politics? For example, Bubba plays sax and Dubya makes paintings (and both do so admittedly rather impressively). So just what is Barry’s thing? To be less charitable and more overt, what talent does he possess that could possibly translate into an ability to “produce” entertainment that anybody could even remotely relate to other than just shoveling money at some writers?
He’s black and he was president. LIKE DUH.
Bowling? Hmmmm…maybe not.
Baseball? Yeesh.
but the content from the former First Couple will not have any political bias
My bullshit-detector just went haywire.
Bill Nye, the used-to-be-a-kindof-a-science-enthusiast guy’s new show doesn’t have any political bias either…
Bill Nye was bad enough but ignorable then they added Susan Rice to their board and added Obama for content. That was enough to tell me they don’t want my money anymore.
I’m still in Fargo.
Could be worse.
Thank your lucky stars you’re not in Atlanta.
Hey, remember Duke professor Nancy MacLean’s hatchet job on James Buchanan? There’s yet another takedown of it as the mendacious piece of shit it is.
However, the real reason I’m linking it is that one of the authors has the same name as Hank Azaria’s character in Heat. No word on whether or not he’s wanted on a cigarette smuggling warrant out of New Jersey, too.
Is this the lady who wrote her book as a narrative with fictitious quotations and conversations she attributes to Buchanan?
I don’t know about the narrative/conversation part, but she definitely played fast and loose with quotes…..and a lot of other facts.
She seems not to have been very rigorous with her attributions. Ah, but who cares about a paraphrased quotation stuffed into the mouth of a dead man? You know what he meant: not the literal words he put down on paper, but the secret plutocratic feelings he harbored. So when he says, in effect, a true liberal neither wants to rule or be ruled, what he meant is that the rich should feast on the flesh of the newborn poor. You just have to read between the lines, and sometimes between the words.
This is from the conclusion of the piece:
““MacLean does not provide convincing proofs to sustain the accusations she makes. Determined as she is to portray one man as the mastermind of her story, MacLean tries to make everything fit into that implausible assumption, no matter the cost. This gives an account marred by imprecisions, mistakes, distortions, unproven assumptions about the motives behind each character’s actions and sometimes a surprising lack of rigor. Sadly enough, it is only by misrepresenting her main characters that can MacLean construct the story she insists on telling and that, in the end, proves unconvincing.”
The full review is 50+ pages.
Seriously, that paragraph perfectly sums up progressivism, doesn’t it?
“There’s no political slant to the programming.”
Just reasonable middle-of-the-road sensible stuff. You know. Totally unbiased.
I don’t give a damn about Rosanne but this seems a bit much:
If Roseanne can fit in the memory hole, none of us are safe.
Terrified of the SJW mob when they should be terrified of their shareholders.
A comment on that story:
“this is awesome! i’ve never liked roseanne or her show and now her show is being wonderfully scrubbed from my tv! a big thumbs up from me to you, television networks!”
Way too many people out there think just like this asshole.
It’s all about winning. If acts of “racism” make you so obviously elated, perhaps it’s not about racism at all.
“On both the bobo Left and the libertarian Right, legal pot has been traditionally imagined as a civil-rights issue for a small minority of stoner oddballs who practice harmless commerce amongst themselves. Yet as this longtime dream becomes reality, its actual outcome is manifesting as something far more aggressively capitalist and corporatized, driven by ambitious businessmen with no intent of staying small.
Marijuana is not a consumer good serving any obvious function. It’s a plant whose leaves you burn, sucking the smoke into your lungs until it makes your brain go funny. A growing pile of evidence suggests doing so is not healthy for either organ, though it can be quite addicting. Making money in marijuana is thus mostly an exercise in manufacturing a public desire to self-harm — a cynical project of a sort we’ve seen before.”
Must. socon. harder.
Marijuana is not a consumer good serving any obvious function.
Cookies are not a consumer good serving any obvious function.
Games are not a consumer good serving any obvious function.
Beer is not a consumer good serving any obvious function.
Fuck off, slaver.
My thought exactly.
When, by the way, did enjoyment stop being a legitimate function of consumer goods, anyway?
He’s right, you know. Anything that could bring harm to people should be banned. Junk food. Cars. Guns. This guy gets it.
We should just put everyone in prison now to protect them. For the children.
I don’t know whose idiot nephew that guy is, but I guess he doesn’t know that WFB himself advocated legalization.
I don’t give a damn about Rosanne but this seems a bit much:
Doin’ right ain’t got no end.
She must be unpersoned.
Yet as this longtime dream becomes reality, its actual outcome is manifesting as something far more aggressively capitalist and corporatized, driven by ambitious businessmen with no intent of staying small.
Capitalists. We hates ’em.
“Roseanne Barr, the nuttier-than-a-Christmas-fruitcake actress who plays the main character on the hit ABC show Roseanne, tweeted out a blatantly racist comment about former top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, in which she made references to the Muslim Brotherhood and the film Planet of the Apes. ABC immediately responded by canceling her highly rated sitcom.”
Ben Shapiro, Christmas Dessert Expert
So, here’s something I’ve been thinking about in light of this. Is the rule that every time you compare a black person to an ape it’s automatically racist? Because if it is, you run into some problems right off the bat. Is the offense rooted in historic racism? Because if that’s the case the Irish and the Japanese have some standing there as well. Is it because, on some level, people who are offended by the comparison believe that it’s apt? Do they see someone with dark skin and full lips and think, “That person looks like a monkey”? What if someone has dark skin and thin lips? Paler skin and full lips? Where’s the cutoff?
Abraham Lincoln.
Leftists project. It’s what they do.
Where’s the cutoff?
Did you, or did you not, NOT vote for Hillary?
Aren’t the apes in Planet of the Apes intelligent and the dominant species on the planet? Isn’t that the premise?
Don’t they have plastic faces that look like they were put together by bad surgeons?
i’ve never liked roseanne or her show and now her show is being wonderfully scrubbed from my tv! a big thumbs up from me to you, television networks!
That little channel selector button is a daunting technology. We’d just better censor this stuff at the source. Other, less enlightened, people might willingly watch things which offend me.
Jordan Peterson has been asking this question for a long time: “Just tell me when you will say the left has gone too far.” That is what pisses me off about the Roseanne shit. We get it. If you can make a link to racism, you’re gonna work to end the person’s career. And you do exactly that. OK. That’s your line which you won’t allow to be crossed by those you see on the right. What is too far left for an actor to do where you allow them to get booted? They’ll never do it. Peterson is spot on by asking this question repeatedly.
Listen to the unhinged dreck DeNiro, who’s a great actor, has been spewing lately.
There was never much there with DeNiro to start with – like a lot of great actors he doesn’t have much personality of his own (I suspect being a blank slate helps with the acting).
I’m swayed by the suggestion (from here) that DeNiro’s butthurt is due to something personal in the past with Trump (likely over a woman).
Actors and pro tennis players. Empty fucking vessels.
I’m tempted to purchase every season of Rosanne ever made, if only to spite these totalitarians. Perhaps I should get the Dukes of Hazzard series while I’m at it.
Make sure the General hasn’t been digitally modified in your version.
We should pool our funds and start a web network for these banned shows.
Seventh Heaven. The Cosby Show. Benny Hill. Dukes of Hazard. Roseanne.
I’m sue the owners of the rights would be happy to offload them. And the shows are decent quality. I’ll bet there’s still some money left in them.
I volunteer to be the person in charge of Benny Hill.
+1 Yakkity Sax
I was thinking the same thing. There’s definitely money to be made there.
I think of the Sportsman channel as “deplorable tv” with their hunting & gun shows.
*Not the most original thought:
Socialistic thought is impossible to eradicate. It’s fundamentally part of who we are. All of my kids constantly rat each other out, obviously thinking that if they can get someone in trouble by showing how they are misbehaving, that they will be rewarded by the authority figure. So much so that “Don’t snitch/be a snitch” and “Mind your own business!” are go-to phrases in my otherwise shitty Korean.
Most/many people never shake this idea. Pushing the others down is the only way that you can get up. By definition of hanging out in this den of inequity and (((lust))), we are all in agreement of how this is so fucking toxic.
I also think that this is why America truly is special. Everyone who came here (Natives excluded) came by choice. An arduous choice that was fraught with a real danger, all for the hope of homesteading and starting up a life for themselves on their terms. The personality traits that drove/helped/allowed them to make such a choice were a fundamental part of who they were. This reflected in their parenting beliefs, passing on these traits and moral beliefs to their kids, who passed it on and so forth.
The frog has been boiling for too long now, and many/most of these fundamental values have bubbled out. It’s a goddamned shame.
“Everyone who came here (Natives excluded) came by choice”
Well, there was one significant group that did not come here by choice…
Very valid point. A silly mistake on my part.
German camp guards?
Children who weren’t prophylactically aborted?
Emerald ash borers?
Zebra mussels?
Why exclude the natives? They purposely took boats over from Pacific Islands or hiked down the land-bridge from Asia during the Ice Age.
For 200 years, we viewed the founding fathers as heroes to be celebrated. Now they are terrible racists and everything they did was wrong.
Snitches get flicked ears!
I think it’s just one more manifestation of self-interest (the fact that socialism doesn’t actually serve the individual’s self-interest doesn’t disprove this; it just means that they sometimes engage in lazy thinking and fall victim to lies).
That’s probably why most successful human societies came up with some notion resembling private property rights – they need to put a check on the jealousy that inevitably arises when humans are faced with the physical scarcity of the universe.
Socialism works well at the smallest level, the family. Also probably worked pretty well in small groups of hunter gatherers. But when taken to a larger scale, it falls apart in spectacular fashion and results in mass starvation, social unrest, prison camps, all that bad stuff.
All other considerations aside, there’s a logistical burden inherent in socialism that makes it exponentially more difficult to implement as your population gets larger. Taking the family example, a patriarch or matriarch might take all the income and wealth the family has, pool it, and then distribute it among the family as needed without too much headache. Once you start hitting, say, twenty people, however, that becomes a hell of a lot of work for one person, so now you need an assistant. As you get more assistants, you need to manage them in addition to running the distribution system, albeit at a higher level. Even assuming they’re all morally upstanding there are bound to be mistakes or confusion that will require your time to resolve. Before too long, you’ve developed a bureaucracy.
One of the great things about capitalism is that, instead of the actively-managed system of ownership and distribution required by socialism, it sets out some basic rules and then lets the individual members do what they’re gonna do. Distribution happens as a result of interaction between the members of the system rather than as a function of a separate group of administrators.
But it’s unfair! I mean who will provide jobs for the bureaucracy who provide all that lovely red tape?
Being in Asia, I’m sure you get a lot more of that sort of vibe, as Asians seem to be more receptive to authority and socialism. Americans, a lot of us anyway are like herding cats for the authoritah, which is why Democrats want so badly to import new and more obedient serfs, Americans are a difficult bunch to rule over.
One of the interesting things about studying Asia is the influence of Confucianism and filial piety .
It’s an integral component within the Japanese language for example. It makes distinction between in-groups and out-groups as well a seniority. I know Chinese and Korean are similar, not sure about other Asian languages.
One Korean who I know was telling me about how respectful they are of elders. I actually think we could use a little of that here, to be honest. Especially that I’m older now, get off my lawn! But anyway, he was telling me how he saw an elderly guy walk up to a police officer and slap his hat right off his head. He did nothing because it would not have been acceptable for him to touch the old guy. Here, poor old guy would have been tased at best and maybe shot.
It also tends to get my Japanese friends disconcerted. For example, when discussing work in English they stumble as they try to use natural English and drop the hierarchical language.
Something as simple as “my brother” is a stumbling block – is the brother older or younger? There is a different word for each. I can ask if you have siblings, but if I want to inquire about a specific person I need to use birth order.
Also different construction if the brother is part of the in group or the out group.
My brother lived in Korea for a little over a year, and he said that the police are quite tame because a lot of the population is still resentful (understandably) of the Japanese occupation forces, and they don’t want the cops to resemble them in any way.
Interesting. And believable too.
I’ve often said that China and Korea can agree on very little, but on Japan there is much agreement and not much of it good. Japan still pays a price to this day for its 20th century Asian colonization.
Every Korean male has to do 2 years of military service. Another thing they can do is civil service (don’t know if it’s a choice or a draft) and they become cops.
You see groups of cops here who can’t be a day over 20 years old all the time here. They’ve never needed to shave (though that is a bit different with Asians). They look like children and I can see an ajussi (older man, I guess mister or sir is the closest title we can compare) not giving a shit about hassling them. It’s not like the cops carry guns here.
Only people who carry guns are working for banks or Brinks-like money delivery services. Always revolvers.
I honestly call bullshit on this. I know that it exists but it plays out a lot differently in real life.
There are no dumpsters where I live, at least. Trash is piled up on the corner and it gets collected each day. This is done by elderly men (60+) so that they can get by. Old guys picking up bags of garbage and breaking down hundreds of boxes to schlepp off to wherever at 3am while youngins get drunk in the same streets as the garbagemen. You would never see that in the States.
As long as envy, laziness and venality exist, socialism will exist. So yes, you’re right that it’s fundamentally part of the human condition. You might even call it part of the (((yetzer hara))); the inborn inclination toward evil within every person.
Well, this is shocking.
White Squaw praises China’s total government solution
And this is one of the beloved favorites of the progtards. She also manages to sort of take North Korea’s side against the USA and say that Trump has nothing to do with the summit, instead gives credit to China and the Kims. What a fucking retard.
Again, makes me ask how long it will be before the Dems make China’s social credit score program part of their official platform?
China is a shithole with mobile execution vans and antisuicide nets placed around the upper floors of factories. I’ll pass.
So, when you think of China, what most people see is these ultra modern shining cities. But most of the country is still dirt poor. And of course you have the leftist media painting them as the next economic super power soon to overtake the US. I don’t really believe it, their economy is not that stable.
Behold, comrade! The miracle of central planning facilitated by scientific Marxism!
If we build it, they will come! Well, ok, if they won’t come we’ll just force them! Oh wait… we only have total rule over these poor Chinamen.
“One of the core beliefs of the Democratic party is fairness. Tax the rich, help the poor and spread the gains of a growing economy more widely.
It has been a consistent message by federal and state lawmakers alike. Until now.
On the heels of the new Republican tax law, state Democrats, who until recently were advocating higher taxes on the rich, are suddenly fighting to protect their own members of the top 1 percent from higher taxes. Some Dems are even proposing both — raise taxes on the wealthy with one hand and help them with the other.
The new divide is the result of the so-called SALT provisions of the new tax law. Taxpayers can only deduct up to $10,000 in state and local taxes from their federal returns. In high-tax states like New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, more than a quarter of one-percenters will see tax hikes under the new cap in 2019. In New York, a whopping 40 percent of one-percenters will see tax hikes under the plan.
The Democratic governors of all three states have passed legislation aimed at helping those one-percenters avoid the new tax provision. In New York and New Jersey, they’ve proposed a scheme to allow taxpayers to give to charities that support local schools and other government services, and then allow those donations count as tax credits and become tax-deductible.”
One of the core beliefs of the Democratic party is fairness. Tax the rich, help the poor and spread the gains of a growing economy more widely.
Correction: One of the core elements of Democratic party rhetoric has been fairness. That’s always been the gimmick. The Democratic platform has always been to jack up rates on the well off and to ensure that there were a host of strategies available for the very wealthy and the very well connected to avoid the burden while sticking the affluent and unconnected with the full brunt of higher rates. And the same very wealthy and very well connected get to be first in line when it comes to lucrative opportunities to be suppliers and contractors for the Democrats’ “generosity” to the poor. Of course, that generosity is just enough to keep the poor hanging on to the same Democrats in perpetuity. It’s a scam. It always has been, going back to the days of Tammany.
That’s why I’ve always made the quip, I’m nowhere near rich enough to be a Democrat.
The core belief if the Democrats is to find the percentage of high earners they can tax and the percentage of low earners/net takers they can give itnto in order to maximize their voter base.
Anything else is just window dressing.
One of the core beliefs of the Democratic party is fairness.
It’s “fair” to steal a persons property and give it to another person that did not earn it.
Excited for the Fallout 76 news. Remastered FO3? According to canon, Vault 76 is in the DC wasteland. Maybe even a whole new game, if you can believe that?
It’s one of the worst games ever, the ending is most definitely the worst ending ever and the game is maybe 30 hours long if you do all the quests. Just play New Vegas instead with all the DLCs and tons of mods.
Hyperion speaks truth. Fucking but thou must ending of FO3.
I still haven’t picked up FO4 because of that. When the GOTY of it gets to <$10, I'll probably pick it up.
Regardless, commodious spittoon, you may be in for some disappointment. The early news that was leaked also included that Fallout 76 is "a kind of online game".
I would love a NV remaster, since I sunk a whole lot less time into it than I did FO3. I’m just going off what we know about Vault 76. But the main appeal for me has never been the overall story but the atmosphere and the exploration and the vignettes and the character building.
At this point, I’d rather see a new Elder Scrolls game. Skyrim is what, 11 years old now? But what I’ve heard is that the new Bethesda game will be some sort of Scifi themed game. I guess that would be ok. Just wait two weeks after release so it’s maybe actually playable. I bought FO4 on release day and I see how they earned the name of Bugthesda. Uh oh, game crashed, restart, uh oh, stuck on computer terminal, restart, oh shit, stuck on a door, restart… well, you get the picture.
Just don’t buy FO4 VR. Not like it is now, it’s practically unplayable. The controls are atrociously horrible and the framerate sucks ballz with a 1080ti.
Hopefully by the time I graduate and find work next year the 20 line will be out in mass production.
Gamers pissing on bitcoin farmers for buying up all the cards… hey, so you might have to pay a hundred, two hundred bucks more. But that increased demand is a huge incentive for manufacturers to ramp up production and for Nvidia and AMD to ramp up R&D. New cards might cost you a good chunk more than the previous line, but if not for that demand, you might not have next-gen chipset architecture for any amount of money.
Nvidia are well aware how badly their core customers, gamers, are pissed about this situation. I’m not overly happy about it myself. Nvidia is working on a series of cards specifically geared towards miners to alleviate this. I’m gonna snatch up a 2080ti the moment they are released just to be sure.
Ever given much thought to liquid-cooling GPUs?
I think it’s the unpredictability of the quantity demanded rather than just that they’re buying them up. Card manufacturers don’t know whether the demand will continue apace because of stuff like the tax status of cryptocurrencies changing in the US, for instance, or whether or not country Y decides to accept BTC for payment of taxes, or Warren Buffet launching a tirade against cryptocurrencies.
I’m waiting for the GTX 1080s to come down a little further. They’re not going for a grand apiece anymore, which is nice, but I’m seeing stuff in the $600 range and thinking that’s still a little high.
“Ever given much thought to liquid-cooling GPUs?”
Yes. It looks awesome and cool and all that. Our of our friend’s son, did it, he’s 18 and a total geek, very smart kid. It’s a lot of damn work and if you get a leak, you could fry your entire system. Looks cool, but I’m not doing it, it’s not necessary except to look really awesome.
“I’m waiting for the GTX 1080s to come down a little further.”
I don’t see it happening any time soon.
This pisses me off. I do not want to deal with other people when playing my video games. it is why I liked NV and FO4 so much. I mean, I still go back into FO4 and dick around building stuff or murdering stuff and I bought that game 1.5 years ago. The combo of gameplay hits the sweet spot, so hearing they may make it kind of an online game has me disappointed.
Peak California?
Yes, let’s reward people for being dangerous, antisocial dropouts.
So, by that… btw, isn’t Stockton the same town that has filed bankruptcy a couple of times in the last decade? Anyway, back to, by that logic, wouldn’t it makes sense for me, as a person most likely to shoot someone, to just take my $1000 and then go shoot someone? Then I can say ‘See, that wasn’t enough, if you really don’t want me to shoot someone, I’m a need $5000, Idindunuffin’.
I don’t own a gun and have no intention of shooting anyone, but when I hear about actually violent people being rewarded for not shooting someone, well, I feel my blood pressure rising and the voices start chanting for blood. Now give me money.
“. @THEHermanCain on ABC canceling #Roseanne: “I believe they were looking for a reason to cancel #Roseanne and here’s why. Even though the show was a ratings success, forces within ABC didn’t like the fact that her conservative defense of certain things was so popular.””
Of course that’s why. The only thing the left has going for them now is completely control of entertainment, education, and the media. There not giving that up, she probably would have wound up face down in a ditch somewhere if she hadn’t of shot off her own foot.
I agree with that assessment. Prominent lefties say things that are just as outrageous on a daily basis and not only don’t get fired, but get offered jobs for it. I forget which “journalist” implied that Trump was having an incestuous affair with Ivanka and Keith Olbermann has been a caricature of a snarling left-wing lunatic for years… then gets offered a job at ESPN.
Not that I endorse Roseanne’s comment; not because of RAYSIZM but because it wasn’t funny. If you’re gonna say something offensive, make sure it’s funny.
The difference is that you can say anything you want about a straight, white male because their privilege prevents them from being harmed, but a black American woman is way higher on the victimhood scale, so Roseanne’s lucky she hasn’t been sent to the Gulag. Jesus, if Jarrett was an otherkin they’d have nuked Roseanne’s house from orbit already, so she should count herself very fortunate indeed.
Something I’d heard this morning: as “conservative” as the reboot was billed, it’s only the first episode that’s very Trumpian. After that it becomes a bit of a moralizing slog, with the “conservative” elements being resolved by the end of each episode in progressive-friendly life lessons.
That doesn’t disprove the possibility that the show was axed for ideological reasons, of course–efties, especially the censorious Twitter mobbing sort, aren’t into nuance, even if it ultimately favores progressives.
This showed up in my dm because my girlfriend is saying racism doesn’t exist in a societal level.
Fun stuff.
Makes note not to spend any money on Ben & Jerry’s
Of course racism exists. The problem is, is that this social justice non-sense and identity politics will only make it worse. I remember a time where you know, I was thinking it was all but over in the USA, no one talked about it and most people seemed to be getting along. Then all of the sudden, people want to drag this shit back up out of the pits of history and make absolutely sure it will get worse. One of the biggest problems is that all of these social justice warriors are telling people that it’s totes ok to be racist as long as you are not white. Either they are really stupid or they actually want racism to exist.
These stats in the article don’t, in my opinion, really mean that the cause is racism. There seems to be a few other causes to create these disparities
Yeah, agreed. Most likely it’s due to too many blacks living in poverty on the Democrat plantations where they are trapped by Democrat policies. Take Baltimore for instance, the Democrats have done everything they can do to make sure these people stay unemployed and dependent, just to get their votes. It’s pure evil.
The new book by Thomas Sowell goes into this.
“Then all of the sudden, people want to drag this shit back up out of the pits of history and make absolutely sure it will get worse”
Of course they do. Progs politically benefit tremendously from racism and division, real or imagined. If people stopped hating each other and voting tribally, they might see how terrible progressive ideas are and reject them.
I think one* of the main catalysts for this was that, as the end of racism was perceived, many minorities continued to live in economically disadvantaged situations. In order to explain this, people felt that some form of racism must still exist and went looking for it.
*Obviously, there were also a lot of people looking for ways to make the sweet government gravy train keep moving.
Shut up and make your fucking ice cream, hippies
“It wasn’t too long ago that a lot of people were talking about a post-racial America. We had elected a Black president for the first time, and then went ahead and re-elected him four years later, and the country was feeling pretty good about itself.
While Barack Obama’s presidency was indeed a profound and meaningful mark of true progress, racism, of course, never really went away.”
We know this because if it were true, we would love a significant way in which we, as progressives, derive political power. Racism will never go away until we have absolute, irrevocable, dictatorial power over the country and we’ve liquidated all opposition. We also reserve the right to revive racism the instant we think that power might be threatened.
Obama (and his camp followers) just made it worse – any criticism of Obama was usually labeled racist. Heck this defensive method, by it’s very nature, gave rise to the alt-right / Trump,etc.
Bingo. Any criticism of the Lightworker, no matter how mild, would be ascribed to racism, every single time.
we would lose*
“Progressives” are working harder to keep racism alive than all the bedsheet-wearing, swastika-saluting morons put together.
And they’ll wind up getting something much worse than Richard Spencer or Tommy Robinson. Easily predictable to anyone not in the bubble, but if you point out that they’re giving the asshole right fringe all the ammo they ever wanted, well, you must be one of them!
If Barack Obama’s legacy was healing the racial divisions in American society, why did they get progressively worse during his presidency? Why were they worse on the last day of his second term than they were on the first of his first term? The man and his followers exacerbated racism in this country by normalizing blood guilt against white people and institutionalizing things like intersectionality and privilege.
Some Freddie King:
Great blues guitarist
Shut up and make your fucking ice cream, hippies
Thumbs up. Would read again.
“Ben Carson is a monkey of the porch variety.”
And we all know nothing will come of it because she’s a prog.
The Root is just the Klan in blackface.
No idea why they would report this to Twitter, they won’t do anything. And I mean, she should be able to say that, no matter how stupid and hateful it is. The problem is Twitters unevenness in applying their rules. Which also should be allowed, they’re a private company. I for one want to protect these dimwits ability to say hateful stuff, carry on I say.
So, anyway, has ol Ben built a pyramid yet to house HUD in and then kicked everyone out so he can store grain in it? Now that would be funny.
Crazy eyes.
“‘Ban cartoon characters’ on unhealthy food, MPs say
Cartoon or fictional characters, like Tony the Tiger and the Milky Bar Kid, should no longer be used to promote unhealthy food, a group of MPs says.
The proposed ban would also mean that film or TV characters like superheroes could no longer appear on such foods.
But characters like the Jolly Green Giant could still promote healthy food, the health select committee says.
Other recommendations include a ban on junk food adverts before the 9pm TV watershed.
The MPs’ report comes after figures showed that one in 25 children aged 10 or 11 in England were now classed as “severely obese”.”
These motherfuckers are whistling past the graveyard.
Yeah, shouldn’t they be focusing on common sense Amish control?
Banning Tony the Tiger. You’re sitting on a powderkeg of civil unrest, and you’re talking about banning cartoon characters on cereal boxes. FFS.
I mean, at this point the British public can’t even resort to strong language, never mind armed rebellion, so I guess the government can do whatever the hell it wants. Shit, why even bother showing up? Once you can arrest people for saying nasty things on Twitter you’ve pretty much got your boot firmly on the neck anyway. Who cares what the peasants think?
This is the sort of stuff that useless politicians do to distract society from real issues, which they are unable to deal with and at least half of which they have created themselves. This is why we have so many useless stupid laws. You could list all the laws we really need in a very short list. Don’t kill or hurt other people or steal their stuff. If we were busy working on fixing real problems like that, things might actually improve. I think the solution starts with some sort of mulching devices, can’t remember what those are called now…
hurray! I’m in Minneapolis….and my flight is delayed.
At least it’s a really nice airport…
Where are you attempting to get to?
DC. Minneapolis is nice for an airport but I am grumpy and tired and I miss my dog. /end whine.
Ah yes, the glamour of business travel. It used to be fun.
Safe travels!
Yeah, shouldn’t they be focusing on common sense Amish control?
Fat people have a harder time dodging wayward lorries.
But they put the lard in bollards.