Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. Or regular weekend for that matter. And I hope you remembered those who gave their lives to make sure you were able to enjoy it. And no, I don’t mean the fucking labor unions.

Come and take it, Limeys!
Patrick Henry, who uttered the famous phrase “give me liberty or give me death” was born on this date. So was funny man Bob Hope, climber Tenzing Norgay, president John F Kennedy, composer Danny Elfman, “celebrity” LaToya Jackson, musician and buffoon Noel Gallagher, and Spice Girl Mel B. Also on this date, Charles II returned from exile, the aforementioned Patrick Henry made his historic speech against the Stamp Act, the last of the 13 colonies (Rhode Island) ratified the Constitution, Coca-Cola began advertisements, Larry Bird beat out Magic Johnson for Rookie Of The Year, and the Boston Red Sox retired Ted Williams’s iconic #9 and Joe Cronin’s #4. And the “Gilbert” of Gilbert & Sullivan passed away, as did CIA drug runner Manuel Noriega.
Well the Warriors did what I knew they’d do. Hell, you could have turned it off with about 3 minutes left in the third after Curry hit three 3-pointers in a row to take the lead to 6. That game was done. Now they get to play LeBron James for the thirty-sixth NBA Finals in a row it feels like. Also, the Yankees fans were none to keen on Justin Verlander shutting their bats down. And out in the desert, Las Vegas got the Stanley Cup Finals started with a 6-4 win over the Washington Capitals.
OK, now that we’ve gotten that cleared up, and I managed to give a double-shoutout to Patrick Henry as he deserves, let’s get into…the links!
I can’t possibly see how this could be twisted to make libertarianism look bad. I personally approve, but prepare yourself for the onslaught of retarded big-government progressives saying we would pay tolls for every foot of road we drove on if we had our way (forgetting that we pay a shitload of money in fuel taxes, municipal taxes and every other way the government twists our arm into paying for “free” public roads.

Even though Q’in didn’t get the job for the Weather Channel, he kept dreaming and finally landed a short-term assignment in Florida.
Hey reporters, take note: its better to report on the story rather than become the story. Condolences, but this was bound to happen sooner or later as reporters consistently try to place themselves closer and closer to danger in their idiotic game of one-one-upsmanship.
Since they’ve managed to tackle every serious problem on the continent, like rising crime rates, an immigration crisis, economies spiraling the drain and persistent terrorism, the European Union has decided it has the free time for stupid shit.

Seek. Psychiatric. Help. Immediately.
What a crazy bastard. Manning is currently running for the Senate as a Democrat. I’m sure this will garner the candidate some sympathy votes from some quarters but turn off people in others, namely those with an ounce of brains.
North Korean official en route to New York City for talks on the upcoming summit. (cue Dem talking point that Trump will put him up in his hotel in violation of the Emoluments Clause and say this is grounds for impeachment) Let’s hope Dennis Rodman is available if needed.
Corruption, thy name is the Chicago Public Schools system. Seriously, why is this level of corruption not national headlines every sin…oh, never mind. It has nothing to do with Trump and is a city completely controlled by the Democrat Party. Therefore it doesn’t merit national attention.
Wait, were they seriously considering charging a man who does society a favor? Also, it could have been done more humanely if gun-free zones at schools weren’t a thing. So don’t hate the playa, hate the game.

Its like Andy always said, “get busy gropin’ or get busy dyin’.”
Also, Nelson Mandela Morgan Freeman fights back against assault allegations. I’m with him. Words aren’t assault, snowflakes. You don’t like what someone says, tell them to go fuck themselves. Don’t wait 25 years and then squeal like a pig to the media when piling on is all the rage.
And that concludes the links.
Well, except for this ditty. Happy birthday!
Have a great day and a great start to the short week.
“I’m sure this will garner the candidate some sympathy votes from some quarters but turn off people in others, namely those with an ounce of brains.”
At a Democratic primary?
Vote for me or the n****r gets it.
Hey reporters, take note: its better to report on the story rather than become the story. Condolences, but this was bound to happen sooner or later as reporters consistently try to place themselves closer and closer to danger in their idiotic game of one-one-upsmanship.
Think of it as evolution in action.
At least they are out reporting on real events rather than just making stuff back at the office.
Or they’re making things up on location. Journalists do that too
Even respected, national media!
Like CNN and their staged protests? That requires some set design, extras, etc. It’s more of a production.
Well I’m sure Hollywood pays more than a news… Maybe they are auditioning.
“prepare yourself for the onslaught of retarded big-government progressives saying we would pay tolls for every foot of road we drove on ”
More projection. Haven’t they been calling for a mileage tax for years?
This nonsense is near and dear to myself. Back in the day when that cunt Weiker foisted the supposedly temporary state tax on the stupid douches in the People’s Republic of Connecticut, part of the deal was that they would get rid of the toll system and any such other fucking road usage taxes. Fast forward, and we now not only have basically admitted that temp tax is not just permanent – and keeps going up to pay for one of the most inefficient, ineffective, and bloated state governments in this union – but that they need more income and want to bring back tolls to pair up with one of the nations most horrible gas tax levies in the union. The thing is that while we have the third or second highest gas tax, we have the bulk of that money going into a general fund where democrats use it to buy votes. That’s why we need the tolls and other road usage taxes to supposedly pay for the roads not being fixed. of course, pointing out they will likely funnel this income into a general fund and spend it on anything but fixing roads only makes you the racist/misogynist/evil fuck…
“Try as they will, many just won’t pay,” posted Tyson Sutton on Facebook. “I wouldn’t pay.”
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article212029334.html#storylink=cpy
No tickee, no laundlee.
Well, you could look at it as paying residents to not pelt your car with bricks as you drive down the road they paid for. Where I live we don’t have any parking laws, unlike right across the bridge, so people do stuff like put orange cones in front of their house. Others, mind you, take more proactive measures. And we’re talking about public streets, mind you.
Ah, but this is another case where the process is the punishment, Tyson. The whole point is to keep people from using it as a shortcut to the beach. Setting up a toll and jerking people’s chains is all it takes to move the problem somewhere else. I was parking in a bar parking lot to take my kids to the beach. A guy came over one day and politely explained that it was parking for his bar, and he’d prefer if I didn’t park there unless I was stopping at the bar. I’ve also stopped at the bar a couple of time. It is the diveyest bar around. Complete with surly bartendresses, poor beer selection, a dog who sleeps on the furniture, a cat who walks on the bar and questionable decor.
What did you order?
A surly bartendress?
*golf clap*
Tecate. One of the surly bartendresses thought my request “can I have another Tecate” was “can I have a look at your titties” but she was so taken aback by my supposed directness and polite tone that she asked me to clarify before she threw me out.
I don’t want to appear callous, but here goes. Isn’t it kinda obvious that Manning’s entire life has been shaped by cries for attention. The Twitter suicide note is just another one.
I file this under “a lot of transpeople are nuts”. Standard libertarian disclaimers aside, you don’t cut your dick off because you feel like a girl if you’re all there, frankly.
You’re misidentifying they’re nuts.
Don’t you mean ‘their’?
I thought Manning was still packing a dong.
You might be right. I thought he/she had already gotten the chop, but I could be wrong.
Manning is a nutjob who dumped military secrets without any consideration for their impact because he was bitter. The fact that he was pardoned instead of Snowden really grinds my gears.
Snowden embarrassed ‘The One’s of course he didn’t get a pardon. If he had done the deed during the bush Admin, he’d be home now.
Shitheads like Barry enable this sort of behaviour too.
That don’t sound callous to me.
I like the reporters that stand out in hurricane force winds and yell at the top of their lungs. I think it is kinda like a car race, they are appealing to peoples morbid curiosity to draw viewers. They know people are just waiting to see some sheet metal fly by and decapitate them.
well….yeah. I mean I do wanna see a piece of sheet metal decapitate a talking hairdo. But that doesn’t get me to watch the news. I’ll catch it on youtube when it finally happens.
I also like the people who do funny shit in the background while the reporter is talking. Like this guy
Haven’t they been calling for a mileage tax for years?
That toll money won’t be spent on dog parks, or public art. Therefore, it’s ill-gotten gains.
Which is the funny part, because to sell gas taxes they talk about how it’s to keep the roads better, but then the roads don’t get better and pet projects for politicians are built.
Or they’ll “improve” the roads by restricting traffic to build bike lanes.
It’s what I call the Infrastructure Cycle
Rest of Us: Sigh. Okay. Here’s a check for the infrastructure you said we need.
Government Spenders: You do realize that all of the work here is going to have to be performed by union contractors. And, of course, we can’t refrain from reserving an appropriate portion of the work for historically disadvantaged contractors. Yes, we’ll get right on that. Just as soon as the environmental impact statements come in. And the urban aesthetic reviews. Hopefully, they won’t add too much to the cost. But, we can manage that, if it’s the case. Oh, and we may have forgot to mention, we’re going to have to devote a portion of this to projects in Senator Bumblefark’s district. It’s an area that has historically suffered from a insufficient allocation of infrastructure. Some have said it’s because its a rural district. But, how are they ever going to get out of being rural without infrastructure? And really, what’s so special about roads and bridges, anyway? The Europeans are doing some amazing things with light high-speed rail. And aren’t people like teachers or community organizers part of our “social infrastructure”?
Rest of Us; (look incredulously)
That’s a pretty good summary of Public Choice Theory.
Michigan tried to pass a tax hike a couple years ago and one of the selling points was that it would double-pinky-swear absolutely HAVE to be spent only on infrastructure, for reals. Unlike the gas tax which we now admit we were lying about when we promised we’d use that money for roads.
Lottery goes for school, so Gov cuts school budget by same amount as lottery. No lies, right?
I’m sure it works for other taxes too.
You left out the step where the government then spends the lottery on something else and is ‘forced’ to raise property taxes.
I had no idea that narcissistic attention seeking had been redefined as a mental disorder. I learn something new every day.
‘Visa announced it was suspending all of its marketing that features the actor’s voice.’
Actor’s should start including clauses that have companies pay out if they pull marketing/relationships due to unsubstantiated claims.
“The bulge is back! Hillary Clinton wears another over-sized coat with a suspicious protrusion sticking out”
It’s not in her pants.
The skin suit is wearing off. The monster inside is waiting to be freed.
ya it’s a difficult carcass to maintain
Is it her familiar nursing at her witch’s teat?
But looking at the pic, it looks like she’s wearing an oversized bullet proof vest. Which isn’t surprising.
Getting shot would be nothing but a political plus for her at this point.
It’s the Hilbot 2000 battery pack.
Crab people?
She’s going to run again isn’r she?
If the batteries don’t run out first.
I hope so
It would be delightful if she did. The Democraps’ post-election behavior has turned off a ton of moderates, I think. They may have fired up their die-hard supporters, but that doesn’t matter – they still only get one vote each no matter how much they love Hillary. It’s become painfully clear that Team Blue regards any electoral loss as a “failure of democracy” and something that has to be rectified by any means necessary.
Seeing Hillary get schlonged by Drumpf yet AGAIN would drive them over the edge, I think.
Harkonnen suspensor suit.
What an incredibly strange, strange person she is.
You mean like this one? https://www.amazon.com/Magazine-October-Hillary-Clinton-Cover/dp/B00LWFAHFK
One of the article’s authors, Chloe Melas, began working on it following a press junket where she said Freeman clasped her hand, looked her up and down and made comments like, “you are ripe.”
Stink speech is hate speech?
“please go take a shower”
I hope Freeman replies by saying she smelled like she hadn’t used deodorant in a week and he was trying to politely tell her that she was assaulting his senses.
I don’t use deodorant, either. Be honest, do I stink?
Yep. Even worse because your armpits are at nose height for most everyone around you.
But waterboarding is torture? (not saying it isn’t)
This is the most Portland story ever.
tl;dr: Portland vegan bakery (because of course) closes at 9 PM, but there are still a bunch of customers in there at 9, so they can’t lock the doors. Black woman walks in at 9:06, doesn’t get served, because the employees say they’re closed.
You know what happens next.
Woman cries racism, EMPLOYEES ARE FIRED.
Management: Our employees did nothing wrong, but “impact outweighs intent” so you’re fired.
Employees: ????
Failure to exercise judgement that impacts the bottom line in positive or neutral ways.
The woman is stupid. The employees are stupid for not informing the customers in the store and kicking them out. The manager is stupid because he never made it clear that if someone comes in after closing time, you should still serve them if you haven’t locked the doors. Everyone in this article is coming stupid.
The woman is evil, for using her race to punish poor workers. What benefit did she get. The manager is a coward for not standing by his employees (so much for liberals caring about the little guy, just frame them to be ‘the man’).
The employees are the only ones sympathetic here.
The employees are stupid for not informing the customers in the store and kicking them out.
Happens in most restaurants. Kitchen closes at 9pm, but dining area stays open for another 15 or 30 minutes to accommodate the stragglers.
My aunt managed a restaurant where something like this happened fairly often. Luckily, this was a few years prior to the SJW Takeover, so she’d tell people who tried to pull the card to go fuck themselves and never darken the doorstep again. It helped that she was backed up by black people who worked with her and knew both her and the game.
Place I worked had an electronic lock/switch. At closing time, click, any customers inside we helped,
any that snuck in as others were leaving were told we are closed.
When I worked at the Michael’s Arts & Crafts in Queens, the store made announcements 30, 15, 10, and 5 minutes before closing time. One day, a lady called up corporate and complained that doing so was racist because it made her feel rushed. The store was no longer allowed to make any announcement prior to closing; we just locked the doors and shut off the music. Sigh…
There’s black people in Portland?
I really want to know Houston is feeding their pitchers. They even turned life-long mediocrity Charlie Morton into a stud
It’s a testament to the H-E-B meat department.
The rumor is they teach them to use pine tar to increase the spin on their pitches.
That’s only because the seams are lower and they’re trying to offset the deliberate attempt to juice the ball.
And can’t other teams do the same?
Well, it’s technically against the rules, but I guess other teams could teach their pitchers to cheat too.
But it’s within the rules to alter the ball in a way that changes a pitch all the while maintaining that you haven’t (until an extensive study proves you’re lying)?
Also, pine tar is tacky and has a distinct smell. If they were doctoring balls with it, it would be picked up on buntge umpires in a matter of seconds. So that’s probably nothing but other teams complaining that Houston had simply done a better job preparing their staff this season.
It’s a great pitching coaching staff, combined with tech like the Rapsodo 3D pitching sytem. Plus, good pitchers all sharing info with each other every day.
Pitchers have been traded away from that staff. If something really fishy was going on, one might suspect someone no longer on the team would have said something legit by now.
Not buying it. Let’s look at Charlie Morton’s 9 years in the NL:
4.10 ERA, 9.6 hits per 9, 6.3 Ks per 9.
Then in his age 33 and 34 seasons with Houston:
3 42 ERA, 7.1 hits per 9!!, 10.3 Ks per 9!!!
Come on, something is up.
Many pitchers in previous eras also hit their stride at 33-35 and had three to five of their best years.
He had a sub-4 era his last few years but just had a lousy record. He’s benefitting from better hitting, probably better training (since he was hurt all the fucking time before he got to Houston, he never had a chance to settle in for a full year) and a stellar pitching/coaching staff to work with.
There’s no nefariousness going on in Houston.
For some reason I can’t reply directly to Brett or sloopys below posts, so I’m asking if either of you can come up with a SP who increased his K rate even close to Morton’s 4 per 9 increase in his 30s.
Randy Johnson went from really good to 4 straight Cy Youngs at 35.
Are you guys purposely being obtuse by answering different questions than the ones I’m asking?
Not a stats guy, but Randy Johnson went from 7.9 SO/9 in his late twenties to solidly in the 12s for SO/9 in his 30s.
Come on, something is up.
It took him 10 years to learn how to throw a breaking ball?
Randy Johnson at least addresses my question, but he started hitting 10+ in his age 27 season. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some help in his late 30s. He was a freak of nature who didn’t really learn how to pitch until his late 20s.
The umps wouldn’t be able to smell a tiny bit of pine tar on a baseball over the gobs of it on the hitter’s bats. Anyway, I’m just chapped because Verlander shut down the Yankees.
Its a shame-Yanks have a great team, but , i dont care what pitcher they trade for at the deadline, they arent beating that rotation in the playoffs.
I don’t know, the Yanks took 3 out of 4 from Houston earlier in the year. And if the Yankees can win home field advantage for the playoffs, it could be trouble for the ‘Stros.
They have an embarrassment of young position players so I’m hopeful they can pull off a deal for a stud SP. I was looking around trying to see who might be sellers who would have a difference maker to trade, but I don’t see many scenarios. The Mets are probably the best match but that’s not happening.
Whatever it was wore off late Sunday. That was one hell of a rally for the Indians.
The same ‘asthma’ medicine Sky gives to Froome?
I kid. I shall await the test results.
Not sure if this was posted before – it does start to explain why the Germans are acting so insane.
The Great German Meltdown by Victor Davis Hanson
“Germany has always had a “Jewish Problem.” In the late nineteenth-century, German academics became obsessed with pseudo-research about eugenics and racial purity—which often led to talk of both Aryan purity and crass anti-Semitism that played out in the real world with disastrous results during the Holocaust. After World War II, Germany tried to make amends through introspection, some reparations, and the subsidized sales of military supplies to Israel. Yet Germany seems to once again be embracing anti-Semitism quite aside from its fierce opposition to Israel. Dieter Graumann, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has warned of the present climate: “These are the worst times since the Nazi era. On the streets, you hear things like ‘the Jews should be gassed,’ ‘the Jews should be burned.’ We haven’t had that in Germany for decades. Anyone saying those slogans isn’t criticizing Israeli politics, it’s just pure hatred against Jews: nothing else.”
In response to the growing hatred, Felix Klein, Germany’s newly appointed special envoy entrusted by the Merkel government with addressing the nation’s growing anti-Semitism—much of it the result of the influx of Muslims—recently shrugged it off, simply pointing out that more and more Jews are leaving Germany: “It is quite understandable that those who are scared for the safety of their children would consider leaving.””
Do you know who else thought Germany had a Jewish problem?
Karl Marx?
The inventor of ((( )))?
Jim McKay?
If it is so bad, why aren’t more leaving
The Grand Mufti?
The Germans are also missing the boat on tech innovation and the GDPR isn’t going to help them.
This article is a perfect summation of my experience working for a big German firm was.
Since he’s mentioned in the links I’d like to plug his biography:
Other than his “Liberty or Death” speech I really didn’t know anything about Patrick Henry before I read this. Coolest thing I learned; much like Cincinnatus he said fuck politics and retired to private life after the revolution. Hence the reason he’s more of a footnote in the pantheon of our founding fathers.
He was definitely the ideal politician. A great Virginian.
I read that as a ‘great Virgin’.
I think I need glasses.
He was also one of the founding Trustees of my alma mater. Yes, cool guy.
Are you wearing Ralph Lauren while killing a keg right now?
It’s 8 am. He’s drinking bourbon.
Don’t you even fratbro, bro?
You’re right, I hereby surrender my panty raid badge until I redeem myself.
He was also vehemently against the ratification of the Constitution because it gave the federal government too much power. I believe his suspicions were correct. He and Lysander Spooner would have gotten along well.
Too much power? Believe Spooner would’ve said “no power”.
Yes Spooner would have, and that’s basically what Henry wanted too in relation to the delegation of powers. Henry wanted everything as decentralized as possible and for states to have sovereignty over the Federal Government. He may not have been an anarchist on the level of Spooner but he was vehemently anti-federal power.
G’dammit, Bob. I insist on have an anarchist vs minarchist argument. Slaver!
Lol we wouldn’t be libertarians if it werent always up for some pointless infighting!!!
Now I ain’t sayin’ she a gold digger.
That’s a lot of fucked up in one photo
She’s a MAN, baby, yeah!
Count Potato: Wait, how do you know she’s a transvestite?
Sloopy: Because her hands were as big as Andre The Giant’s. And her Adam’s apple was as big as her balls.
CP: So you have no proof.
He’s saying a potato won’t believe it’s own eyes.
Who says Caitlin Jenner isn’t transgender?
He’s fucking with you to make his own joke. Don’t you Glib?
Maybe, I hadn’t finished my coffee, and had to deal with the plumber.
Did he fix the cable?
“had to deal with the plumber”
Transexual euphemism?
I just wanted to use that joke. It wasn’t a slight against you.
The 68-year-old beauty rocked a casual chic ensemble
Beauty is in the eye of the ball holder.
I would pay cash money to have seen the expression on the face of the person who wrote that sentence.
Can’t unsee. Can’t unsee. ::stares into the void::
That’s the upside to Alzheimer’s: you actually CAN unsee.
Irish Alzheimer’s: you forget everything but the grudges
+1 Easter egg hunt.
That will do wonders for hygiene.
Forget it man, it’s EU-town. They don’t know what hygiene is.
Though what will they do about condoms?
Chew them until all the taste is gone?
The marine litter doesn’t even come from Europe and North America, it comes from Asia and South America. So this does nothing to address the perceived problem.
“Kylie Minogue poses naked with a diamond-encrusted guitar for sizzling birthday snap as she turns 50”
Fifty is the new thirty… well at least for some people.
She looks good as hell, fifty be damned. She could have a sandwich, mind you, but I know thirty-somethings who would kill to look that good without surgery.
As I get closer to 50, it’s interesting to see how genetics / lifestyle plays out with past acquaintances. Based on FB pics: some look waay older, more like grey haired grandparents, while others age more gracefully. I would like to think I’m in the latter camp!
A year and a half for the big five Oh for me. I plan on going through an inappropriate mid life crisis and then begging my wife to take me back. Spice up the marriage, you know?
14 months for me. I think I already used up my mid life crisis points.
4 months to 54……..sigh
Christ, we’re almost the same age.
I feel like I should be getting hammered on Japanese subways or something.
I did a survey of Glib commenter ages a while back. I think we’re at the peak of that bell curve.
It’s funny, I’m noticing the same thing months away from 40. In the 20s, people look pretty good with absolutely zippy effort, but in the 30s you start to see people fall off, and by the 40s you start to see the first big wave where some people look like grandparents and some people look like 20 with a wrinkle or two.
Fitted jeans are the big deceivers. Looks like they have a nice body at 50 and then you peel them off and all the cellulite settles back to it’s original position. Asian chicks are the masters at pulling off this little trick.
What I noticed is there is a set of women who fall off rapidly going from 20s to 30s and another set who were okay in their 20s but became gorgeous in their 30s. They grew into their looks. And that second set tends to keep it longer.
4Chan had a few collages of women in high school, and then hitting college. Basically: Excessive boozing + partying seemed to pack on the pounds.
And I’ve seen that here: In the 90s I hung out with a blonde haired, very cute (but crazy) 20-something girl that a lot of guys went wild over. She was skinny, smoked, did coke, and loved to party all night.
In her thirties she could still pass of being half-decent looking, though a little chunky. Add in kid and..
Now at her early 40s, based on weight you could make two 20-somethings her. Complete heifer.
I never can find G.
Dogged determination, nobility of purpose, commitment to the truth, and nothing but.
It may soon become much harder for Mueller’s office to maintain its silence as Trump’s team works to shape the political context for the results of the Russia investigations, and to destroy the special counsel’s credibility. Giuliani, for all his different guises, is at heart a politician, and one trained in the hand-to-hand combat of New York’s tabloid-media culture. So he has been quick to exploit a weakness in his current adversary. “There are serious Department of Justice rules and guidelines about what Mueller can talk about publicly, in regards to an open investigation,” says Mimi Rocah, a former federal prosecutor. “If there were a trial in progress and Giuliani tried to make these statements to poison the well or to influence jurors, a judge could issue sanctions. Giuliani’s getting away with it because there’s no pending court case right now. But it’s equally as problematic, if not more, because the jury pool here is the American public. And whatever else you can say, this whole strategy of calling it a witch hunt and attacking the prosecution is extremely effective with some part of the public.”
The former F.B.I. senior official recognizes something more substantive going on with his old boss as well. “This investigation is classic Mueller: he is doing a classic, organized crime case. This is RICO 101, working your way up and sideways. You pop a few guys for gambling, and no one is going to do a million years for gambling, but you’re gonna get their scratch pads, then you move on to their associates. You flip one guy who you arrest with no fanfare. It’s exactly what Mueller has been doing his whole goddamn life. It’s just that this time the boss of the family happens to be the leader of the free world. Mueller doesn’t care if he gets Trump. He doesn’t care if he doesn’t get Trump. He has no political agenda. He is digging through the layers and bringing back the truth, and the truth is going to be whatever it is going to be.”
They don’t come any better than Mueller. He’s a pro’s pro. He’ll take down Teflon Donny Two Scoops and make the streets of DC safe. He’ll bring America justice.
Good grief, what a load of slobbery adulation. If you don’t have a case, make the story about the investigation, and not about the underlying facts. “Why are they spending all this time and money investigating him, if he’s not guilty of something?” is extremely effective with some part of the public.
‘and to destroy the special counsel’s credibility. ‘
And he’s doing that in a vacuum, with no assist from the special counsel.
the leader of the free world
Fucking government-worshippers.
Once trapped, he said he couldn’t shoot them because guns aren’t allowed on school property and bludgeoning them would be cruel.
He should’ve just hid behind the school and waiting for them to leave.
I don’t get this. I live in the city and I’ve never lived on a farm or anything, but what was stopping dude from, say, taking them off campus and popping them there? Or just releasing them elsewhere? I get shooting nuisance animals because you can’t catch them, but once you’ve caught them dump them in a culvert ten minutes down the road, ffs.
My guess is they come back. Govt workers like sending a message to the other creatures.
Why should he have to waste time and gas to take them somewhere else and kill them? They’re the little cocksuckers who invaded his coop and killed his hens. He should be able to kill them right there and hang their carcasses as a warning to other vermin.
Sorry, flashbacks to the great chicken massacre that happened on the Sloopy/Banjos homestead about 5 years ago.
If it was dude’s house, I’d get it. But school? High school? I mean, like I say, this is probably my urban background showing, but it just seems like there were better ways to handle this. Look, I take pot shots at the tree rats eating the bird seed all day long with my trusty Red Ryder, but if I had one in my power, so to speak, I’d give him a good talking to and drop him off down the street.
I guess if I had slain chickens on my hands I’d feel differently. It just strikes me as a little off.
When a pack get in and kills no less than 100 birds that you raised from eggs in one night, then you would certainly feel differently.
There’s nothing worse than an animal that will invade a coop and kill animals. Except for maybe a pack of animals that would. They all deserve to be dispatched with all immediacy one can muster.
They’re animals, doing animal stuff. If it’s a problem, build a better fence.
Why not just kill them? A mixture of offense and defense is more effective than trying to build a Fort Knox chicken coup. There are critters who can crawl over the top of a fence.
Tard Tuesday: Trying to Win an Election Is Racist
“psychological-operations firm Cambridge Analytica”
Cambridge Analytical is psy-ops, but media isn’t propaganda.
I guess all that “micro-targeting” Obama did in 2012 wasn’t psy-ops because reasons.
“Look how dumb and gullible blacks are, they have no agency” is what they’re saying
Expressing an opinion is now “suppression”.
I misread the toll as $500 instead of $5.00. I was disappointed.
It is climate, not weather you anti-science rubes!
It was hotter than hell this weekend. Of course the Rest Star ran a bunch of “it is weather, not climate” stories when we got 27″ of snow in mid-April.
Thanks to rain, it’s been significantly cooler than normal here.
It’s almost like an average is an average , and not a demand that the temp be the same every year.
I think “progressives” have a pretty poor understanding of statistics, specifically averages. They think that an average gives you an accurate picture of the entire situation when in reality, it leaves out quite a lot, and an average is only one number, and you need to look at many other numbers when you’re dealing with extremely voluminous data such as world temperature logs.
Another example is the whole wage gap factoid. They compare the average male salary and average female salary and assume that they’re getting the gist of it. They assume that all the irregularities will just iron themselves out when you average it all together. That’s not how it works.
That’s how it works when you have a narrative to sell and doing this sort of dumb shit helps you peddle it…
That’s good science!
I kind of feel like if Morgan Freeman wants to say awkward shit to women he’s earned that right. Kind of like if it turns out that Jonas Salk used to grab asses all the time. I think I’d have to say, “Well, look, I get that it’s not appropriate, but the man invented the polio vaccine. Maybe we let this slide.”
Fun Fact: Jonas Salk married Picasso’s sloppy seconds
Nobody ever called Picasso an asshole.
The girls would turn the color of an, avocado
When he’d drive down the street in his, Eldorado
“Not like you”
Is Morgan Freeman an Assault Weapon?
Peaceful protests!
You know who else pounded targets from the land & air…
No answer, but ^ this is how you phrase a “You know who else…” question.
Harry Reems?
Peter North
Huey, Dewey, and Louie?
Don’t know where the link went there
GI Joe?
All peace all the time.
Confess your sins. Repent, and prostrate yourself before Our Lady of Perpetual Grievance.
There’s a fine line between weeding out opportunities for bias, and making your workforce feel like robots by removing all freedom to exercise their discretion. But so-called “bias mitigation strategies” – practical techniques to nudge people into more objective decisions, such as introducing more structured recruitment interviews that test what applicants can actually do rather than how much the interviewer instinctively warms to them – do at least recognise how social change actually happens. It doesn’t necessarily start with attitudes, but with behaviour. Humans are creatures of habit, and if they can be persuaded to do the right thing for long enough then it eventually becomes second nature; the feeling follows the behaviour, not the other way round. Change what people do, and not only do fewer people get unnecessarily dragged out of coffee shops in handcuffs, but eventually, the very idea starts to seem bizarre.
So no, you can’t change hearts and minds in an afternoon. But you can change the rules, and sometimes that’s what really matters.
Change the rules. Convert your profit-seeking business enterprise into a free daycare center for homeless people. Tell the people who actually own the business their needs are subservient to your feelings. That’s a good plan for long term success.
My biggest gripe about IT recruiting lately is the prevalence of “coding tests”. Fuck that shit. Any developer can pretty quickly pick up on how your shop works and what sort of design patterns are going to be used. (and most of the time the test turns into some huge nerd dick measuring contest)
It is far, far, far, more important to find people that will fit in. People who can work with the existing team and not turn into a cancer that wants to work their own way and disrupt the team.
My old interviewing technique was to decide if I would mind sharing a cube next to the candidate for the next year.
I’m sure these “bias mitigation strategies” would turn out a lot like the coding tests. They would result in square pegs being hired to work in the round hole team. Then when it doesn’t work, the round holes will be blamed for not changing to acommodate Square.
The purpose of coding tests is to make sure the applicant isn’t lying on their resume.
It should be an elimination factor, not a factor in determining who to hire.
My contention is that you can find out about their qualifications simply by discussing their previous jobs. Having them explain what they liked and what they would change gives more info about their skills than a test.
And I’d budge on tests if they were simple generic tests that really did test to see if you actually knew the basics. However, in my experience (both as an interviewer and an interviewee) all too often they are a bunch of trick questions that are based on esoteric nuances of a language. They mostly make the interviewer asking them feel superior to the interviewee because they can pull a Nick the Computer Guy move and shout “WRONG, didn’t you notice that the variable I asked you about was in an anonymous function and thus outside the scope of the main process?”
There are some companies that do give decent tests (my current employer was one of them) but I think they are the exception rather than the rule. I actually refused to take the second technical test here. I told them that I’d be happy to discuss specifics, but doing another coding test was a waste of all of our time. The interviewers all just nodded and said OK and we had a great discussion of what I could bring to the table for the next hour.
When I just graduated from college and was job hunting, I went an interview that included a whole bunch of “gotcha” questions about C++. Now I had done some minimal programming in C, but nothing to the extent that let me successfully answer the questions. But I would have picked it up – through usage – quickly enough, if given the chance.
Hopefully the C++ bag will appear at the bottom of the page. I can’t find an entry specific link
I acquired one of those years ago.
I never had any language specific questions asked of me. I had to pseudo code a ton, though. Amazon had me sketch out a targeted advertising algorithm. Microsoft was more interested in playing logic games with me. Cisco had me pseudo code some routing algorithm. IBM was just pissed that I was late.
I find the question of language fluency to be offensive in the first place. Any programmer worth their pay can pick up the basics of a new language in less than a month.
not only do fewer people get unnecessarily dragged out of coffee shops
This wouldn’t happen if we just taught people to respect private property. Or is that not an acceptable “nudge” to you?
@Pie in the Sky:
That was a fantastic piece. Beautiful/haunting photos. I like things like that.
I’d love to get more of these. I suppose I could take pictures of my neighborhood. To me it’s a very boring part of town but I’ve also lived here for a long time. If people would be interested in an average Korean neighborhood or Daejeon in general, I’d be happy to snap some shots and share my town with y’all.
Let me know.
I would. Spent some time in Seoul and, as per my habit, got drunk and walked all around the city. The thing that blew me away were the delivery motorcycles that had two meters high of crates strapped on the back. Center of gravity must’ve been a bitch. They still do that?
Italian bond yields surge 49bps.
“In Italy, there is a problem of democracy. In this country, you can be a convicted criminal, convicted for tax fraud, under investigation for corruption and be a minister… but if you criticize Europe, you cannot be the Minister of the Economy in Italy.” — M5S leader Luigi Di Maio.”
Voting for populist parties is one thing….but withstanding the pro-EU onslaught is another. That’s quite the severe pressure.
I jerk off the the thought of the EU collapsing under its own weight. Of course, what will probably happen is the ECB will extend QE to save Italy from their own choices, and the Germans are so cucked (can I use it like that) that they will just let Italy leach off of them.
They’ll make it up by importing a new, more productive workforce that will pay their way forward. ♪ Solidarity forever! ♪
TW: World Socialist Web Site
Documents reveal the vast influence of Koch brothers in US universities and public schools
decades-long bipartisan assault on public funding for both K-12
So one University isn’t a bastion of ultra-left wing ideology due to the evul KKKochs? I guess it’s time to panic…
ultra-conservative “free market” public policy and ideas, maintain control over the appointment of law school and economics professors at the college, a public university in northern Virginia, as part of a nationwide campaign to promote ultra-right politics.
I take it “ultra” is the new “extreme” and is therefor a relative term.
in an attempt to inculcate young people with libertarian and other right-wing, pro-capitalist ideologies.
If only. Also, I guess ‘freedom’ is just an ideology, unlike complete devotion and subservience to the State and socialism.
Let me introduce you to my friends at the Mises Institute.
It’s a term with a very vague definition. You can tack “ultra” onto anything to make it sound scary, and nobody can really prove or disprove it.
In other words, it’s a perfect addition to the glossary of Leftist lingo that is designed to provoke a psychological response without adding any real meaning, just like “common-sense” and “moderate”.
OT, but related to a link from yesterday, I don’t know if I’m weird or what, but I don’t find Mia Khalifa attractive at all, and it has nothing to do with her weird virtue signalling about guns or her inexplicable support of DC sports despite not being a resident, from the area, or having any association with it that I know of. Her eyebrows put me on tilt. Seriously, she could be a 10, but you drop the Tolkien eyebrows on me and that’s all I see.
She is super hot when she’s dolled up. But make-up free she is just kinda average.
That makes a big difference for me. I have only dated girls who wear very little-to-no makeup. I like them to be pretty all of the time, not some weird distorted Dr Jeckyl/Mr Hyde situation. It also reveals a low-key and fuss-free personality which I find to be supremely important. Make up is for the red carpet, not the office.
This has proven to be a very good rule of thumb for me. But, again, I would with extreme prejudice.
At least to me: Women who wear a lot of makeup have this “transgender” vibe to them – ie, they can, especially if they have any mannish features, look like men pretending to be ladies.
Fake tits. Bad fake tits. That is a total turnoff.
Personality: Gross, turnoff
Mega-ultra slut: Gross, turnoff
Still would.
Riley Reid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mia Khalifa
Have you seen her without makeup?
The ideological activities of Charles and David Koch, with a combined net worth of $96.6 billion, extend to universities, colleges and even high schools.
“Our ‘I Fucking Love Big Government’ agenda cannot stand up to the truth. Muzzle them, before it’s too late.”
Those terrible Koches, putting money towards, um… free speech, and, um… criminal justice reform! HOW DARE THEY!
The ideological activities
George Soros could not be reached for comment.
Neither could Tom Steyer and Warren Buffet.
All of you wish you were as Alpha as this dude
Did he punch or bitchslap that hopper?
What’s blue privilege worth?
AAACKKK $5,000,000 apparently
Fiat Chrysler says a “software glitch” could prevent drivers from deactivating cruise control.
One more reason to not want drive-by-wire crap on my cars.
A faulty Chrysler product!? Inconceivable!
I would never get in a self-driving car unless I could immediately disengage it and go back to “manual” driving.
As Starbucks closes for bias training, black-owned coffee shops open their doors wider
How in the world can a corporation be ‘racist’?
And love how no matter how hard SB tries, they still get beaten down. Yet, they still ask, ‘can I have another?’
Howard Schultz is determined to find out in the struggle sessions being conducted this afternoon while they (again) fuck over their paying customers.
Cynical me notes that they chose the afternoon where Starbucks has struggled and not the morning rush.
Men, Are You and Your Legs Ready for a Summer of Suit Shorts?
You wanna get kicked in the boing-loins? This is how you get kicked in the boing-loins.
I wouldn’t mind a trip to Bermuda right now.
And unless you live in Bermuda, you should skip wearing suit shorts.
I’ll have you know that I look great in red.
If I wanted to dress like Angus Young, I’d join a rock band.
-everyone on Wall Street
Daily Beast hires Froot Sooshi.
Daily Beast writes that as a fashion piece.
Coincidence? I think not.
Don’t you want to keep your credibility secure?
Any job where you need to keep “credibility” in the way you dress is a fucking sham job. It means that anyone can do your work and the only thing that differentiates the winners from the losers is who can signal the best that they are part of the “in” group.
I’ll also add, I’m pretty sure shorts suits don’t do shit for your credibility. The very last person I’m going to treat as a credible is the idiot dressed up as Buster Brown. I’ll treat pretty much anyone as having higher credibility than him. What that tells me is that the person wearing it fundamentally isn’t serious, either about carrying himself as an adult or about the actual topic of his work.
Exactly. If someone wants to damn the torpedos and go full speed ahead with actual shorts and a short sleeved shirt, so be it. This nonsense, though? It does nothing but make one look like a pre-war English schoolboy. All you need is to add the little cap.
Something tells me this might rate more than an article in the Post if the races were reversed
“I’m schooling your ass….”
Right hook to the chin would school her plenty.
I’m not going to listen to either rant… But here you go on LIRR.
And your story also made 1010 WINS Radio news this morning.
Give them 22 minutes and they’ll give you the world!
30+ years later, I still remember hearing that in my grandpa’s car.
I listen every morning getting ready for work in the bathroom. I much prefer written news, but really handy when getting ready – especially the weather.
Bernard Goetz to the green courtesy phone. Bernard Goetz, please.
I’ve ridden the NYC subway with my wife and our two small kids. We’re white. No one got up, so we stood. Somehow we managed to overcome this horror and get on with our trip to the Museum of Natural History.
My favorite story about train etiquette was the time I was riding the shinkansen (bullet train) from Tokyo to Kobe in ’98. It was a crowded train and I got up to give my seat to a young pregnant mother with a toddler. While I was trying to convince her to take the seat, a salary man slipped in and took it.
When I turned around and saw him sitting there trying to pretend he didn’t see us, I got pissed and grabbed his tie and pulled him out of the seat. A lot of startled gasps, but I got the mother seated for the rest of the trip.
See – Gaijin Power can be used for god as as well as evil!
That’s a good story.
Err – good or god!
Rooting out wrongthink.
A majority of Americans say racism remains a major problem in American society and politics, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll.
Overall, 64 percent said racism remains a major problem in our society. Thirty percent agreed that racism exists today, but it isn’t a major problem.
The poll coincides with an MSNBC town hall airing Tuesday night titled “Everyday Racism in America,” where hosts Joy-Ann Reid and Chris Hayes will address the complex issue of racial bias in America and what can be done to address it.
Racism is as good as solved, now that MSNBC is on the case.
where hosts Joy-Ann Reid and Chris Hayes
But what about “Retardation in America”?
Of by sovled you mean kept alive inperpetuity for all that sweet, sweet grevance mongering
When division and mistrust benefits them monetarily and electorally, they have no incentive to actually see the problem disappear.
racism remains a major problem in American
It is but not how they mean.
MSNBC town hall … hosts Joy-Ann Reid and Chris Hayes
I rest my case.
I wonder what the poll showed by race.
The media loves racism.
Mass disarmamentGun safety activists are still winning hearts and minds.Parkland gun control activists threw themselves on the floor of a Florida grocery store on Friday, screaming and yelling for customers to boycott the store because of political donations that it had made.
The “die-in” was organized by far-left activist and provocateur David Hogg, who has launched multiple boycotts aimed at those who support the NRA or who criticize him.
On Twitter, Hogg wrote: “.@Publix is a #NRASellOut In Parkland we will have a die in the Friday (the 25th) before memorial day weekend. Starting at 4pm for 12 min inside our 2 Publix stores. Just go an lie down starting at 4. Feel free to die in with us at as many other @Publix as possible.”
The irony is that cowering and waiting to be killed is what you want for people as opposed to being armed sufficiently to repel a threat.
CBS News reported that Publix caved to the leftist pressure and intimidation tactics, announcing that they have decided to “suspend corporate-funded political contributions as we reevaluate our giving processes.”
“We regret that our contributions have led to a divide in our community,” Publix said in a statement to CBS News. “We did not intend to put our associates and the customers they serve in the middle of a political debate.”
Of course they did. When will companies learn that the correct answer to this nonsense is a polite, concise “Fuck off”?
There was a silver lining. Apparently Publix gave a lot more money to leftist political causes than the NRA. So now that’s gone too.
They’re still winning. This is a battle we will lose.
The kiddos taking selfies pretty much spells it out.
Well, that, and photos of shoppers going about their business irritated but unperturbed. And seeing Publix choke off donations to abortion and same-sex marriage groups. Winning hearts and minds, buddy.
All this in service to a political theory that implicates gun-owners as co-conspirators in every mass shooting. Okay, friendo, there are around 50 million gun owners in the country. Good luck with that.
… But the Left throws a shitfit if anyone insinuates that a certain other group should be blamed when a tiny portion of its members commit violent attacks…
The best part of all of this was the whining (I think it was Piglet’s mother who said this) that people were ignoring them and stepping over them to continue shopping. Made me think of Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction: “I WILL NOT BE IGNORED!!!”
I’ll say something for Piglet, with the help of a compliant media, he’s managed to stretch his 15 minutes to 20 or so.
He needs a spot on a Fox panel show. The kid is message cancer. Imagine him getting histrionic and hitting higher pitches than the female panelists.
Stepping OVER?
Still a little early for watermelon season, but I would have been hard pressed not to “accidentally” drop the biggest watermelon in the store on one of these fools, and then demand they pay for it because I dropped it because they were in my way.
WTF was the store manager thinking, not having them all escorted off the premises, or arrested for trespassing if they refused to leave when asked? Remember when civil disobedience included doing the time to show your commitment to the righteousness of your cause?
Can you step on them if it’s not public property?
I’m with you on the fuck off messaging, but making corporate-funded political donations in the first place seems pretty dumb to me. You’re inviting it.
I wonder if it’s just the company matching employees’ charitable donations. My company does that, but it’s restricted to non-political organizations more or less.
non-political organizations
I wonder what counts as non-political these days.
All proggie entities?
Yeah, I couldn’t get a match for any Boy Scout group, but Girl Scouts were OK, so there was definitely some game playing going on.
The Boy Scou-
All of you wish you were as Alpha as this dude
Holy shit.
Blacks and Natives owned BLACK SLAVES?!?!?!
You can just smell the writer’s disbelief as he struggles to accept the reality of the facts. ‘Somewhat true’ and ‘mostly true’. Ha.
I don’t see how that is surprising. Unless you are completely unaware of history, most civilizations practiced slavery. The most surprising thing to people would be that the Vikings reintroduced slavery after it had been abolished in large parts of Europe.
Of course some people think Americans invented slavery.
American blacks owning black slaves is a pretty startling revelation in today’s context. Try and talk about this on prog sites.
Even better is to ask them if they know where slavery is still alive and well and still practiced these days…
This shit drives them bonkers.
It also ruffles their feathers if you point out that many of the same places practicing slavery are also the places where rape is literally not a crime in most cases, women have no rights whatsoever, religion rules over your life with force of law, and gays are summarily executed.
Basically, the caricature of America that they draw is a real place – it’s just not in America.
Bullshit. I’m confident many more people know the names of Frederick Douglass, Dred Scott, and Harriet Tubman than the names of William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Torrey, Theodore Weld, or Thaddeus Stevens.
This. That’s a total Snopes fail.
I remember Snopes being a fun site to browse for urban legends and the occasional examination of a current rumor. But it looks like they have turned into another one of those Lefty “fact checking” outlets (which actually just distort the facts to support the “correct” conclusion).
Of those names, I recognized all but one of the black leaders, and none of the white leaders. A couple of their names rang a faint bell, as in I’ve seen that name before, but that’s it.
Back to work bikinis will blunt the pain.
2, 3, 12, 18, 22, 29, 39, 41, 42, 70, 71, 92, 94.
You know what else blunts pain…
The sweet release of death?
RE: Toll roadz
I fucking hate toll roads not for the fact that you have to pay for them in general. No, unlike the caricature of libertarians painted by progs, I do understand that someone has to pay for the roads, lest we become Somalia or something. In fact, I think a toll road is a better and more moral solution.
The problem I have is being double taxed for the fucking road. I already pay income, sales and property taxes to build and maintain these roads, then you’re going to charge me a use tax as well? FUCK. THAT. Privatize the road system and either set up a system of tolls, or an opt-in monthly fee that permits you to use them, then get rid of public highway funding. Just like everything else that’s private vs. public, we’d see better maintained roads and lower overall cost.
In 1953, when the Illinois General Assembly created the Illinois State Toll Highway Commission, it was to borrow money to build highways. The tolls were intended to pay off those bonds. Then the roads were to become freeways, maintained by the gas tax.
Sounds like Q has driven to the Denver airport…
“Suit shorts” begs the question (Haha, GOTCHA!), what do you wear on your feet? The only truly appropriate footwear with shorts is a pair of flipflops, unless you’re engaged in an athletic endeavor.
I’ll also add, I’m pretty sure shorts suits don’t do shit for your credibility. The very last person I’m going to treat as a credible is the idiot dressed up as Buster Brown.
OT: Marc Randazza channels SF: https://www.popehat.com/2018/05/26/randazza-interview-with-the-king-of-cambodia/
Unlike SF, Randazza makes a good case for our liberal speech laws.
Christ, have Popehat commenters always been so sanctimonious and cunty?
Well, Ken didn’t exactly approve of our type.
Answer: absolutely yes. I mean, Ken is clearly a left-leaning sort, but his commenters bitch about him all the time because he (unlike them) respects civil liberties anyway.
I don’t mind objecting to the tone or appropriateness (or, as one commenter points out, the misdirected ire at the royal family rather than the political class). But deliberately missing the point in order to horn in objections about putative racism… fuck right off with that noise, twits.
The King has nothing to do with the laws. I mean, he’s supposed to approve of them, technically, but he conveniently happens to be out of the country when the laws are actually passed, so he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty.
The laws may be the work of the political class in order to suppress dissent, but that doesn’t mean that the King doesn’t approve of them.
As I said in the comments there, fuck tone policing and fuck the King.
Even clarifying who’s to blame kinda misses the point. I seriously doubt the king of Cambodia is a fecalpheliac or a mommy-fucker, but that’s not the point of the essay!
Mikee says
MAY 26, 2018 AT 12:15 PM
Considering your close association with the white supremacist movement I have serious doubts that this attack on Cambodia has anything to do with their ridiculous speech laws.
Sounds legit to me.
~650 millihoggs
Protests in support of Tommy Robinson.
“Cyclists in London are too white, male and middle class, says bike tsar in diversity push to stop the rise of ‘Mamils’ (that’s ‘Middle-Aged Men In Lycra’)”
“Cycling Czar”
Oh… you mean “twat”
You want more bicyclists yet you don’t want them if they are the wrong color or gender.
Fuck off, slaver.
Let’s do the math:
Wants more people biking.
Wants fewer white men biking.
I think the only way to accomplish this is to reduce the population of white men.
“Garrett Yrigoyen, one of 28 cast members on Becca Kufrin’s season of “The Bachelorette,” appears to have a history of liking social media posts that mock trans people, undocumented immigrants, left-wing women and one Parkland high school student.”
First reply:
David Burge
1h1 hour ago
Replying to @HuffPost
Congratulations in advance on your Pulitzer Prize
So his history shows he’s sane.
This crazy meritocracy stuff gives David Brooks the screaming heebie jeebies.
The older establishment won World War II and built the American Century. We, on the other hand, led to Donald Trump. The chief accomplishment of the current educated elite is that it has produced a bipartisan revolt against itself.
What happened? How has so much amazing talent produced such poor results.
A narrative is emerging. It is that the new meritocratic aristocracy has come to look like every other aristocracy. The members of the educated class use their intellectual, financial and social advantages to pass down privilege to their children, creating a hereditary elite that is ever more insulated from the rest of society. We need to build a meritocracy that is true to its values, truly open to all.
Truly, we have lost our way.
Success breeds success? That’s the craziest thing I ever heard. What we need is more bland selfless communitarianism. Or, rather communitarianism which portrays itself as selfless. Just as long as the right people are in control.
If only government were a meritocracy…..
Maybe we should simply randomly assign babies to people at the hospital? Have a baby, take a baby.
My guess though would be that the result of such a policy would be that the kids from 2 parent families that give a shit about their kids’ educations and well being would still outperform the kids from single parent families or families that don’t give a shit about their kids’ upbringing. In other words, if you randomly assigned kids to families, the same schools would have the same low test scores.
Shorter version:
Genetics would trump all of that easily.
There’s been studies using twins showing this isn’t true.
Is Chelsea Clinton really an example of “success breeds success”?
The best part of all of this was the whining (I think it was Piglet’s mother who said this) that people were ignoring them and stepping over them to continue shopping.
“OOPS! Oh, darn it, that big bottle of ammonia slipped out of my hand, and spilled all over those people lying on the floor. Gosh, I’m so embarrassed.”
“An Unconvincing Case That Slavery Taints the Second Amendment
In the New York Times, Carl Bogus attempts to taint the Second Amendment by linking it to America’s greatest historical evil, slavery. I say “attempt” because Bogus doesn’t make an argument so much as he insinuates, gestures, and implies perfidy with a wink. Where there should be glue, there is handwaving instead. Where one would expect a joint, there is an ellipsis, a “may be,” or a hard-turned “I believe it likely.” As is typical of the genre, the result is as transparent as it is shoddy.”
Of course, an actual case can be made that gun control has its roots in Jim Crow. But never mind the historical record, there’s a narrative to be constructed!
Carl ?Bogus?
On my drive back East this weekend, I’ve been re-listening to “Sum of All Fears”. Has not in fact aged well – at all ;p Sure the nuke plot is fun and interesting and presented well, but good gravy, the naivety and pandering in huge chunks of the rest of the book is just mind-blowing.
From the middle east peace pact where all 3 religions agree to stand aside and let the Swiss run Jerusalem and the Palestinians running a non-violent protest – it’s absolutely mind-blowing – even 10 years before the 2nd Intifada….then again, in the early 90s after Gulf War 1, maybe it seemed plausible – older folks might know. The fact that Ryan thinks its a great idea to send an entire Armored Cav Rgt as an “occupying security force” in Israel – and the Israelis allow it – is absolutely obscene.
Either way, still fun to listen to, but good gravy….reapproaching some of these from an adult mindset 30 years later is really eye-opening. Missing a few books from the series, but I think conceptually “Red Storm Rising” is one of the best just in terms of actual realism. I do want to check out “Debt of Honor” and “Executive Actions” via audiobook again in the future – since I enjoyed those concepts the first time through – but I’m ready to be let down.
Give the earlier harold coyle a try
I recall enjoying Red Storm Rising, but I don’t think I’ve read any other Clancy books.
Red Storm Rising is a standalone – no connection to the Jack Ryan universe.(Which is part of the reason it works, I think.)
Had a similar experience with Without Remorse and Clear and Present Danger a year or two ago. Without Remorse was still okay, but CAPD was just something else.
Wouldn’t mind revisiting Red October and Red Storm Rising.
I skimmed that DB piece. It’s basically AIDS-cancer, only less fun.
“Brianna Wu, a software engineer who was one of the targets of Gamergate and an expert in being harassed online, told me she “absolutely” has experienced the wrath of the MuskBros.”
“.@erinbiba has done something incredibly brave. She’s documented what happens when female journalists dare to question Elon Musk.”
Because Muskbros are nice to male critics of Elon?
Since when does trolling for sexual harassment complaints against “Elon Musk fans” = “questioning Elon Musk”?
Can’t everyone lose?
Kill. Me. Now.
A tanker that feels like a pipeline?
Any parent who’s willing to do this should permanently lose custody.
“Typically”, they aren’t called. And “user amounts” means, what exactly?
Typo for lesser, my guess.
Probably “user” vs “seller”. That looks like a real racket though.
That makes sense.
“Nice home you got here, lady. Be a shame if someone narced on your kid.”
Question: Why is it taken as a given that Tommy Robinson is going to be killed in prison?
Yeh been hearing that. Maybe it’s for effect?
Because the last time he was arrested, he was thrown in a cell with a few radical Muslims for shits and giggles.
He talked about it on the Delingpole podcast awhile back. Playing it up for notoriety? Maybe, but prisons are violent places, and I have serious doubts that his captors would lift a finger to protect him from taking a beating or worse.
I really don’t know.
I’ve assumed part of it is racist. Just to be sure
That guy who left a ham sandwich on the steps of a mosque was killed in prison. Because religion of peace.
Why is it taken as a given that Tommy Robinson is going to be killed in prison?
I think its more “is at high risk” based on a couple of things:
(1) Apparently, there are more than a few radical Muslims in English prisons. You know, the sort of people who will kill someone over a perceived insult to themselves or their faith.
(2) Add to that, he is officially an Enemy of the State now, so its unlikely state employees will do anything to protect him.
Unsurprisingly, his best bet now is to hook up an actual white supremacist organization with muscle behind bars.
Who do you think the majority of the other prisoners are?
I doubt he’ll be killed. The Orwell fans running the UK want him to shut up and go away. They don’t want a martyr.
They don’t want a martyr.
They had no qualms about martyring a small child. Why would they hesitate at martyring an adult who is an enemy of the state?
They’d much prefer he explicitly tie himself to a white supremacist gang than get shivved. Ideally, both.
Because Muslims kill people who criticize Islam. Especially the type that are in prison.
Free speech is overrated, says Ross Douthat.
There’s a similar problem with debates about free speech on liberal college campuses. Yes, it’s obviously bad when speakers are denied a platform, threatened and shouted down. But if every protester suddenly fell silent, the atmosphere in elite academia would still be kind of awful — and not only from a conservative perspective.
Meritocracy, materialism and smartphones would still induce mental breakdowns among bright young climbers. The humanities would still be in existential crisis and possibly terminal decline. A “hedge fund with a library attached” model of administration would still prevail. An incoherent mix of ambitious scientism and post-Protestant moralism and simple greed would still be the ruling spirit.
A cycle of conservative speakers triggering left-wing activists may vindicate the First Amendment, but it won’t help the university escape its current incoherence and despondency. A classical liberalism that only wants to defend its own right to argue — because that’s what John Stuart Mill would want or something — will end up talking only to itself. If you want a healthy culture of debate, it’s not enough to complain that Marxists and postmodernists are out to silence you; you need your own idea of what education and human life itself are for.
The scourge of “meritocracy” looms terrifyingly over the halls of academia, as well. Pay no attention to the echo chamber behind the curtain.
Douthat also contrives to drop this highly polished turd in the punchbowl:
a typical conservative cluelessness about black grievances, a performative and commercialized Americanism that parodies healthy civic life, and the toxic identity politics that Donald Trump is constantly encouraging.
You have to tick the necessary boxes, if you want to keep that cushy NYT gig, I guess.
“Meritocracy” is the whipping boy of the week. I imagine that the editorial board said you have to include it in your opinions so that they maintain their talking points.
And I don’t understand what Douthat is arguing for at all here. It comes across as a big whine of “Why can’t we all just get along?”
It’s funny though, because by attacking meritocracy as sexist and racist, they’re basically saying that women and minorities are incapable of beating white males on even ground. As this guy found out.
toxic identity politics that Donald Trump is constantly encouraging
Knowing that I am as vulnerable to bias confirmation as the next guy, and that I don’t get much info from the DemOp media, I have to ask: What am I missing? How is Trump “constantly encouraging” identity politics? Note: A tweet from years ago about Mexico “not sending its best” doesn’t count. Is calling MS-13 sicarios “animals” supposed to be toxic identity politics? Anything else to support the narrative that Trump is constantly blowing the racist dogwhistle?
You see it’s like this…
Trump baits the progs.
Progs trot out their identity politics in response.
It’s all Trump’s fault because the progs can’t help themselves.
For progs it is always someone else’s fault..
Anything else to support the narrative that Trump is constantly blowing the racist dogwhistle?
Don’t you remember RC? Before 2016 and Trump, identity politics was considered totally unacceptable in academia. Any time someone tried to bring up race or sex as defining factors in human existence were laughed out of polite academic company.
Free speech>all
He has a good point. We should beat him over the head next time he speaks to signal our agreement.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your “NYT Pick” commenter:
Stephanie Wood
Montclair NJMay 27
Times Pick
We have already politicized sports by making them jingoistic. Why do we play the national anthem at games? Once I attended opening night at the Metropolitan Opera and I was shocked and disgusted when they played the national anthem. I felt like my palace of international culture was soiled by nationalism, and degraded. Perhaps because I realize that this is not a good country, and not one worth celebrating or praising. The NFL protesters are heroically protesting the injustice, racism and violence in our country. Until we have a safe country where all people feel secure, we cannot call ourselves free. Free speech won’t make us free. Only laws which impose taxation on the rich, affordable health care, and equal justice for all people. Until we have equality imposed by law, we will have justified protest.
I can’t wait.
Until we have a safe country where all people feel secure, we cannot call ourselves free.
Well, I won’t feel secure if I am at risk of having my guns confiscated. As for the rest:
laws which impose taxation on the rich, affordable health care, and equal justice for all people
We have highly progressive income taxation and free health care for the poor via Medicaid (and EMTALA). As for equal justice, we have colorblind laws (for the most part; those that aren’t are biased against white people). Enforcement of those laws equally is a tougher nut, I’ll give them that.
Until we have equality imposed by law, we will have justified protest.
We certainly have equal opportunity imposed by law, except where affirmative action puts white males at the back of the line. One wonders how this commenter would respond to having equal outcomes imposed by law, with, say a law requiring that every person receive no more and no less than the median income for their household. How much of a pay cut would that be, and would they be happy about it? I doubt it.
Enforcement of those laws equally is a tougher nut, I’ll give them that.
Given where much of that unequal enforcement takes place, I doubt that’s a rock this lady wants to look under.
“Until we have a safe country where all people feel secure, we cannot call ourselves free”
Doubt she’s pro border wall.
“Nice tits, Steph.”
They would have to be absolutely perfect to counteract the raw sewage between her ears.
Perhaps because I realize that this is not a good country, and not one worth celebrating or praising.
I’m not a “love it or leave it” kind of guy. But, honestly, if you really do hate your country that much, why on earth would you choose to live here? She really seems to think that America is basically some terrible place she doesn’t see as in any way compatible with her worldview. If I thought that, I’d be looking to leave as soon as possible.
Because, as a good little collectivist, she isn’t going to take the personal initiative to improve her life as she sees fit by going to the effort, sacrifice, and risk of moving to another country?
Also, I don’t get people who do leave their country because they know it’s shit, but then tie their entire identity to the country that they left.
From Montclair, NJ, where the median home price is $675K.
I suggest Ms. Wood cough up some of that home value for the downtrodden and go live in the ghetto.
I know I’m an asshole for doing this but…
Ms. Wood got her current home for $1, presumably bought from her parents. Valued at $380K.
And she bitches about taxes in her local media…
Who needs Trump for an enemy, when we’ve had Montclair robbing and bullying us and ruining our neighborhoods for decades?
Bah, last section should have been quoted
Lord, that woman is insufferable in print, she must be a real peach in meatspace..
mega developments that are destroying the value of our property even as our taxes soar.
While I suppose its possible for a big development to devalue nearby properties, typically the opposite is true.
And, why are your property taxes going up if (i) the value of your property has been destroyed and (ii) you have a bigger tax base due to those mega developments?
“I yearn for the true equality of the mass grave.”
White people are the MacGyver of potheads?
The only time potheads delve into the morass of ingenuity.
As usual, there’s always more to the story. You kick a cop in the balls and spit on another one in Philadelphia, chances are you’re going to get punched in the head.
It was on the beach in Wildwood, NJ, but yeah.
Whoops. I based it on the news outlet. But yeah, Jersey.
File it under “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
Turns out, once you import hundreds of thousands of barbaric anti-Semites, your country becomes a bad place for Jews to live. Furthermore, not importing said savages prevents your country from trying to reincarnate the 3rd Reich. Whoever could have seen this coming? Totally unexpected!
If I were living in Europe, I’d be making preparations for Aliyah.
Is there any animus between native or founding Israelis and Jews from elsewhere? Like, “Oh, NOW you show up.”
I’ve never lived in Israel, but I don’t think so. The whole purpose of Aliyah and creation of Israel itself was as a safe haven for the world’s Jews in their ancestral homeland. I think it’s more of a welcoming with open arms like you would a lost family member returning home.
I’ve heard there was some cultural prejudice against Ethiopian Jews when they started coming in the 70’s-80’s but its always been third-hand anecdotes.
They guy wearing the yarmulke yelling at our shuttle driver for being late probably deserves a little scorn.
Many Jews push these open borders thinking a coalition of minorities will include them. It does, until it doesn’t.
If I’m Jewish, I’m thinking any “coalition of minorities” that includes me is probably going to be the one getting its windows broken and being offered one-way train rides.
They also can use ladders and shovels.
In other news, would.
Yeah, walls without on-the-spot active denial are of limited, but not zero, effectiveness.