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Your galaxy brain take of the day
From the man who also brought you this take on Twitter
There’s a lot more than that, but if I went further down the rabbit hole I’d lose what tentative grip I still have on my sanity.
“So rather than erroneously labeling the tribe a “cannibals” one should label them as a social group that has, from time-to-time, eaten people as meals.”
“So rather than erroneously labeling Hitler a “genocidal maniac” one should label him as a national leader who, from time-to-time, sent millions of Jews to the gas chamber.”
Kurds have the right to armed struggle against the Turks, too.
Just for shits and giggles. I wonder what “palestine” would be like had the Israelis went elsewhere.
I’m guessing somewhere between Somalia and Egypt.
It would still be a ‘geographic expression’ because they’d do exactly fuck all with it.
I’m not sure someone writing for the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation wants to go down that route. International law doesn’t recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus either. As a Commonwealth member with 2 major British military bases, I’m sure Werleman would be just fine with the U.K. bombing Northern Nicosia into oblivion to free Cyprus from its illegal occupier – Turkey.
Because…lack of awareness?
self-awareness. But awareness as a whole too.
“The incident took place during a recent Mother’s Day party at the ARC XVI Fort Washington Senior Center in Upper Manhattan.”
“The commanding officer is aware and will address the incident at the precinct level.”
Now that’s a euphemism.
I am not seeing the big deal with that incident. They didn’t pay a stripper while they were on duty then so what?
I’m just surprised that’s how they celebrated Mother’s Day.
“Sources identified two of the cops as Amber Guzman and Nathalie Lebron, both of whom work as neighborhood coordinating officers under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “neighborhood policing” initiative.”
That’s some initiative.
Today is the 20th anniversary of Phil Hartman’s death.
Fuck Andy Dick with a rusty chainsaw.
Has it really been 20 yrs? I miss Troy McClure.
Apropos of Memorial Day: Fireworks: The Silent Killer
And Bill McNeal.
What did Andy Dick do?
Andy Dick re-introduced Brynn Hartman to cocaine which led to her being re-addicted which led to her killing Phil.
What we need is common sense Andy Dick control.
Around 1996 or 1997 we were sitting in a neighborhood pub in San Francisco one early evening, when a limo pulled up, and a man rushed out, pushed through the pub’s front door and made a beeline to the toilet. Next, several minutes of the loudest retching you’ve ever heard. The bathroom door opened up, and out stumbled the man, with puke all over the front of his sweater. It was then that we recognized him as Andy Dick. He got back into the limo and that was that.
common sense Andy Dick control
Not sure you can blame him on toxic masculinity.
Goddamn, I just skimmed Andy Dick’s Wiki article, and he sounds like a grade-A asshole in everything he does. I mean, holy fuck.
Props to Jon Lovitz.
You know how I know Andy Dick is a pussy? Jon Lovitz was able to smash his head into a bar.
That never gets old. Andy Dick is an asshole.
I guess that expecting someone with the last name Dick to not be an asshole, is sort of like expecting someone with a name like Max Boot to not be an asshole.
How do you explain that mensch Buck Sexton?
Overlooked victim of domestic violence.
Are you trying to fuck up a perfectly good narrative?!
Why can’t anyone cook hashbrowns right, anymore? Maybe I should offer a class.
Or a Glibertarians.com article.
^^^ This!
There’s not an article’s worth to it:
1. Like egould310 says, they take longer than the eggs, and adding peppers/onions makes it take longer
2. Frozen is fine. If you insist on shredding the taters yourself, make sure you blanch them
3. Don’t cover while cooking
4. Use good oil or bacon fat
5. ONLY FLIP ONCE (I can’t stress this enough, people)
6. TOP SECRET TIP- use french fry seasoning
There’s not an article’s worth to it:
Well, obviously, you won’t be padding a doctoral dissertation with THOSE pathetic bs-ing skills.
Well I suppose I could lengthen it with pics and links to scantily clad meatbags.
Buy them from McDonald’s?
What you talking ’bout
**stares lovingly at perfectly seasoned cast iron griddle**
Good question. Hash browns take longer than eggs to cook. If you put bell pepper and onions in them, they take longer. Don’t put the hash browns down at the same time as the eggs. The eggs are ready, but the potatoes are still raw.
The answer, of course, is “pre-cook the veggies, reserve, make the potatoes, then dump the veggies back in and re-heat quickly just before serving.”
If you’re not making hash browns with baked potatoes, you’re doing it wrong.
Meh, that works really well for home fries, but for hash browns, you need the freshly grated russets thoroughly rinsed and drained.
False. Baked potatoes yield the best hash browns. it is known.
Try it. Bake a couple the day before and grate them in the morning.
Rinsing the starch out of fresh potatoes is a must.
I’ve dooded it, like In say makes great homefries, hashbrowns? not so much. If you can properly grate a baked potato then you didn’t properly bake it.
*face slap with a hot baked potato*
Hashbrowns at dawn.
That’s not hash browns; that’s potato pancakes
I like latkes
Ain’t no one got the time to sit there squeezing every last ounce of water out of the potatos before you cook them.
I did it once for latkes. Never again.
“Kylie Minogue wows in figure-hugging gold dress at her star-studded 50th party”
I don’t really know who she is but I thought she was much younger.
Kylie Minogue
Yeh she’s more for us 80s kids. RBS is a pup.
I’m 35 mother fucker.
It’s true, this man fucks mothers.
That may have been a bit aggressive. For some reason I thought she was closer to my age.
So, are you saying that you’ve fucked 35 mothers?
Sounds like fun.
35? Why, you’re a cute puppy!
/ruffles hair.
Get off my lawn.
Check out the top she has on in the “It’s No Secret” video.
She actually looks a little like my wife in this picture, with a similar figure and hair at least, and my wife is also 50.
I think my wife has aged better and is now better looking (and has strawberry-blonde with freckles rather than this woman’s blondeness) and doesn’t look anywhere near as trashy, but I’m probably biased.
You’d also never catch my wife wearing a dress like that, or slobbering over people in photos at a party. She does keep it checked in public, which I do appreciate.
Kylie Minogue Fans Don’t Masturbate
Is that from the cop story or the Kylie Minogue story?
As always, fuck Chelsea for what they did to Anders Frisk.
I wouldn’t fuck Chelsea with your dick.
It works however you complete that sentence. And I wasn’t even aware of this story.
Gross, she looks like Webb Hubbell.
oh… nevermind.
“Maryland police officer’s death ignites a racial firestorm”
The news story reports that her name was Amy S. Caprio, but her nameplate reads A.H. Sorrells.
Well, I can’t really disagree with that.
A person in a position of authority gave me that line when I was a teenager. I responded with “I dont want to hear excuses for thuggery” and I never heard another word about it. I think they were surprised to hear that from a 16 y/o.
Thus causing the rest of the country to tune out in disgust.
The gals were all grins as the buff entertainer — wearing nothing but boots and thong underwear — draped his arms around two of them while a third pointed at his barely wrapped package.
It’s better than shooting dogs.
Yump. If this is the worst thing those cops did that day, then I’m fine with that.
I was wondering why strippers are at a senior center mothers day party then remembered this XKCD
No shit. They can do that all day if they want. You think roided up male cops are overcompensating assholes? Try dealing with a female cop sometime.
I think that is the bigger story here.
Remember the woman that threw shit at a Tim Horton’s? Ozzy Man Reviews.
Well, I’m in Virginia today. I’ve been in four states today. Maryland was… Brief. West Virginia was unexpected (but I should have looked at a map before I drove across the Eastern Arm), and so far in Virginia I’ve seen – a mexican restaurant staffed by actual mexicans, a Kroger and a Bojangles. Not anything to write home about.
All the Mexican places here are staffed by Mexicans. I was warned by a food inspector once to never eat in a Mexican restaurant but aside from what I make at home (really Tex-Mex) I cant imagine how bad Mexican food made by non-Mexicans would be.
Bad, Suthen. Really, really bad.
Hell, most Americans cant even get their own food right. Cooking cross culture is much like trying to make jokes work cross culture. It just doesnt. The worst I ever saw was a Lebanese guy that tried to run a Cajun food restaurant. The food was…inedible. Jesus dude, you are lebanese. Do what you know. Make lebanese food, that stuff is delicious.
Lebanese food is good. A friend of mine used to live near Dayton, OH. I was visiting him and he took me to a Lebanese place near his house. Damn good food.
Did it occur to you that the lebanese guy was just a bad cook?
That’s what floors the wife and me about all-inclusives in the Dominican. They make hamburgers and hot dogs and pizza, presumably because they think the North American guests want that. They’re universally terrible. The local food they make, however (pork, chicken, beans, rice) is fantastic. Jesus, more of that, guys.
There’s something about all-inclusives that kind of wouldn’t be my thing. A lot like cruises, I’d think. I want to go poking around on my own.
Yeah, after a couple of days on the beach you have to go off reserve.
I’ve never been on a cruise and I strongly suspect my reaction would be the same as David Foster Wallace: A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again
Alll the restaurants here are staffed by Mexicans.
Same here. The owner will probably be whatever the target ethnic group is, and everyone else is Mexicans.
There are people other than Mexicans who work in restaurants? ( looks at the Mexicans cooking Chinese next to the bike shop)
There is a fried chicken regional chain in central TX that is known for having “good white people” in the kitchen.
Shockingly racist, but the best chicken tenders I’ve ever had. My moral outrage only goes so far.
Don’t get me going on my experiences with that sort of stuff.
I don’t really care provided you know what you’re doing and more often than not it’s just to make a buck – and it shows.
Hell, in Denver, even the Chinese restaurants are staffed by Mexicans.
Here in Oakland, even the cooks doing the fancy Asian knife tricks at Benihana’s are Mexican.
Did Bojangles dance for you in worn out shoes?
No, they sold me a chicken sandwich
I buy Kroger because cheap, but I didn’t know Kroger operates stores.
The Kroger in my town (in southwest Ohio) recently upgraded to some kind of supercenter. They now have all the regular grocery offerings along with a cheese section, wine tastings, a sushi vendor, and a pretty decent craft beer selection. It’s pretty awesome.
What’s funny is that the wine tasting area is usually full of drinkers on Friday and Saturday nights, and it appears to be the most upscale clientele of any drinking establishment in town.
Cougar hunt!
That sounds like a neat place to go.
Give them guns
I am not even going to read that. I just looked at the photo and instantly thought “nope” on the guns and anything else.
Sane Sober thinks it’s just a coincidence .
Tinfoil Sober thinks it may be a set up.
What is wrong with people?
Mental illness and serious personality disorder are a lot more common than most realize.
‘There is confusion, however, about his Jewish heritage, as some reports say his parents, Irina and Arkady, who died when he was four years old, were Jewish, while others say Abramovich is a Russian citizen who is known to have Jewish ancestry on his paternal side only.’
What is certain, however, is that he’s one loaded cat who apparently knows Gal Gadot, he’s getting in. The size of that yacht was insane.
Meh, the weather is better in Israel.
Ya, that boat is fricking huge.
So, you’re not going to need a bigger one?
maybe maybe not
No interest in seeing the movie, but thanks for reminding me that Beyond The Sea is an awesome song. Probably gonna put on the 45rpm record of that and sit in front of the fan with a vodka tonic now.
Nor I, but couldn’t pass on the jaws reference
Saw this the other day, laughed.
Seth Myers let’s one of his black female writers get on TV and rant. This gets passed off as comedy despite not there being no jokes and the delivery itself.
Imagine what would happen if the people in corporate America, particularly the media, actually understood most Americans. Think about how much money could be made.
Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?
Russian hookers?
I’m interested.
Obviously, the white man.
I don’t think I have to be in a mood to think Amber Ruffin is talentless and unfunny. Maybe you disagree, in which case, I’d love to see one thing she’s ever said that was humorous.
I never heard of her until now. I’m just more interested in thinking what you expected from “late night TV”. It’s like complaining that it burns when you pee if you get gonorrhea. It’s tautological.
I don’t expect to actually laugh. I just expect the hacks to make an attempt to make me laugh.
Particularly after the Daily Show, that’s not what it’s about anymore. It’s basically just a tent revival for smug 20-somethings. No time for humor or wit when the primary function is to be reassured in one’s moral righteousness.
More HM concern trolling.
Wow, that’s pretty fucking bad.
I like how she’s pointing out incidents where people called the cops for stupid reasons, but only when it backs up her “Super Racist America” narrative. I wonder why Lefty comedians don’t take some humorous jabs* at the soccer moms who freak out and call the police every time someone is open carrying a firearm in public while they are obviously just going about their mundane daily errands.
* If there are Lefty comedians who do make fun of things in a more balanced way, please let me know. I don’t watch TV, I listen only to the classical station, and avoid pop culture conversations at work, so this website is basically my only contact with the outside world.
The biggest issue I have with this person isn’t what they are going on about, though that’s insufferable. This is on one of the late night shows – dedicated to humor – and there’s not even an attempt to make actual jokes.
Was that supposed to be funny? Because I don’t get it.
One minute in is as far as I got. The audience reactions were either prompted or dubbed in. There was a time when some comedians actually tried to be funny.
Apparently, that is not allowed anymore. I love watching them destroy themselves. Who was it that said something like ‘when my enemy is fucking up, I try not to deter him?’. Napoleon? That guy had a good idea there. This is why I try to spend every opportunity I get on advising the left to double down on identity politics and moving further left.
Sun Tzu.
Bloke on the Range’s Youtube account terminated, but later reinstated.
Is that dude an Aussie? I’m just guessing from the accent. Because if he is, how is even surprised that he’s not being censored? The Aussies are the most censorist fucktards on the planet, they even outdo the Limeys. I bet he’s not even allowed to play any video games that have titties in it.
He’s a Brit who lives in Switzerland.
Well, they’re going to make him have a gun so he’s a true blue shitlord from this point on.
The video which was flagged as spam.
“Women owe the majority of student loan debt in the U.S. — and it’s all because of the pay gap”
I thought it was because they got useless degrees then chose fields which paid less, causing them to have difficulty covering their vast waste of credited cash.
Well math is hard.
And it’s never going to be paid back because most of them got stupid worthless degrees in some social science BS. More males are shunning college now because they don’t want to have their life ruined by some fugly butch dyke they wouldn’t fuck with your best friend’s dick, by lying about some sexual assault that didn’t happen.
Those debts will get paid back. All the women need to do is find a Sugardaddy!
Majority of student loan debt not because they are the majority of students and largely choose to study in low paying fields, no sir, it is because of a completely imaginary bugaboo the left pulled out of their ass.
Patriarchy to blame, once again, news at 11.
It’s not because more of them are going to college than men?
I want a new sci-fi franchise. Star Wars was played out long ago. It’s 40 years old, FFS. Something as good or better in vision or scope. A universe that the movies show is just a glimpse of.
If do it myself, but I have no talent in such things.
I have an idea, just not that much writing talent. It’s about some people who escape earth, to escape a draconian world government, in an interstellar ship and eventually settle on a series of planets around an old very stable orange dwarf star.
Also, the basis of the story is that most technology has been outlawed to save Gaia, by the core leaders of the government, who are now a sort of cult who have proclaimed themselves the saviors of the one planet.
So, ripped from tomorrow’s headlines.
Hope not, but probably. Also, don’t have that much faith in some libertarian engineers who have managed to hole up in a 3rd world country and build an interstellar ship unnoticed. But that’s the story.
As long as the finale involves angels.
“Sure, why not?”
/crappy Hollywood writer
Only if they clone the 1970s Charlie’s Angels.
The finale always involves angels RBS. In real life.
I have a couple small ideas percolating in my head for a sci-fi universe. I’m not a good writer, but I’ve been thinking about subjecting you schlubs to my scrawlings.
One is about a small crew doing ice runs from Europa to the asteroid belt. They’re what’s left of the second generation of a colonization ship that has been repurposed into a giant freighter. The plot would involve figuring out that the end of their colonizing mission wasn’t as clear cut as they believed, and was much more conspiratorial.
The other one is about a guy who gets posted to a military ship, but the military (and society as a whole) is more about rewarding politicians’ kids and expressing global unity than being an effective fighting force. The theme would be the tension between the guy’s social instincts suppressing his masculinity and his experience with the frontiersmen, which resemble neo-vikings. The plot would involve the tedium of inspection patrols being interrupted by a surprise combat situation that would be bungled by the crew, resulting in the guy having to choose between military and manhood.
I keep hearing rumors that they might make a Ringworld series. That’s a great basis for a show. They have a mysterious structure with 1000x the habitual area of the earth filled with humanoids with various stages of development being explored by four aliens.
Let’s see Gibson realized on the screen.
I take it back, let’s waste another fifty billion dollars on another twenty dozen Marvel and Star Wars movies.
I liked the last Star Trek. That was a surprisingly fun adventure romp.
The url sounds promising…just keep reading. Heh.
hehehe… won’t take a charge. heh.
“Over 370,000 signatures for Tommy. Let’s get to 500,000.”
They’d better do something, and now. If they don’t, I cannot feel any sympathy for them and do not feel any responsibility to help them. Look, we already showed you the way, you want more, Britain? Prove it.
Hear hear.
I signed it.
Fuck those totalitarian creeps.
I haz an outrage. Not everyone thinks New York City is the centre of the fucking universe, asswipe — even if you think you’re just being funny.
“All it took to expose horrible treatment of immigrants during the Obama administration was for Trump to become president.”
I saw the link and thought they were tweeting a picture of a suffering illegal Ben Shapiro.
That’s excellent.
Neither chocolate nor Jesus.
Have you guys seen Little Spike Lee’s rant at Cannes?
What a douche. And a vastly over rated one at that.
“So weird how Linda Sarsour, an Obama Pod Bro, Shaun King, a NYT editor & a CNN reporter all tweeted the exact same AZ central article thinking it was 2018 & not 2014. How do those things happen? It’s a Scooby mystery that may never be solved”
That is almost as good as T. Sowell’s take on Trump – “Democrats haven’t been this upset since Lincoln freed the slaves.”
“Bob keeps shitting in the urinal. He thinks it’s funny.”
“No, he doesn’t. And if he does, it’s because George shat in the urinal four years ago.”
“Ok, well, he did it again on his last day.”
“Dude, Ted got hired in his place. Why are you dwelling on old shit?”
A good day overall. The framework for the bird netting on the blueberries has been replaced and is ready for netting, I just sauced the baby back ribs on the smoker and I’m 2/3 of the way through an ice cold Greyhound. It’s a sunny 82 with a light breeze. Time for a shower, grub and a bourbon on the patio.
You’re eating cold dog?
Burgers for me. Bit disappointing. Put too much worcestershire sauce in the meat & fire wasn’t hot enough. Picked up some Steigl Goldbrau and doesn’t taste like it did in Vienna. Too long since brewing & questionable storage/transport I think.
Out to cut some more blackberries.
At least a rodent didn’t chew your grill apart.
Been French kissing Chelsea again?
That would have been way more traumatic.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Mother Nature is chewing it up instead. Almost time to buy a new grill after 15 years.
I’ve just about worn out my charcoal grill through heavy use.
I’m thinking about just buying a ton of those garden edging stones and making a big round cylinder. I’ll need to find some kind of round metal tray that will serve as the coal pan, then I’ll set the grate about 6 inches above that, then lastly, find some kind of metal cover to serve as a lid.
Stone/cement doesn’t rust in the rain, and replacing one of those three metal components now and then would be cheaper than buying a new grill every few years.
My grill is 25 years old, from my father. Needs new grates and a sanding and paint job. Hopefully I’ll get around to doing that this year, cuz I ain’t never gonna give it up.
I ain’t never gonna give it up.
Are you gonna let it down? Are you gonna run around and desert it?
“Goood, GOOOOD!”
/Emperor Palpatine
Yeah, I think it’s way worse than Watergate not that anyone on the left cares. It’s ok when they do it.
Who exactly was the spy and what did they do? I’m seeing a lot of hysteria and very little actual facts.
Stefan Halper
And what was his position in the Trump campaign?
A Spy In The House of Love https://youtu.be/qt2BOl7T-jw
Not a spy, an informant. See, that is important because a spy is someone you insert from the outside to find something. An informant is someone already inside who comes forward with knowledge of wrongdoing they already have. Stop calling them a spy because that means Obama used state intelligence agency to put someone into the Trump campaign to find dirt on his political opponent. You make it sound like some kind of banana republic monkey shit. Informant, not spy.
It was just a matter of concerned parties looking into a problematic situation for the benefit of everyone involved, including Trump and his administration. Of course, they should want to know whether they were colluding with Putin–unintentionally, to be sure!–through one of their campaign proxies. Trump should be thanking the FBI for putting this informant on the case, to protect him and the country. The fact that Trump is so obviously upset about being extended this courtesy by the outgoing Obama administration raises some pretty startling questions, doesn’t it? Why isn’t Trump more appreciative of being protected against Putin? What is Trump hiding?
A chicky boom boom down.
I simply asked who the spy was and what he did, I didn’t realize that I was making it sound like anything.
Whut? Change the batteries in your sarc meter. I was pointing out why they insist on the word informant instead of the accurate word you used – spy.
I wasn’t using my sarcasometer because my questions were asked earnestly. who was the spy, what was his/her position in the Trump team and what exactly did he/her/it do?
Agent provocateur
Also, Andrew McCarthy’s take
Stephan Halper. Ted links to a story above. He was a spy and they put him in because they had nothing and still have nothing. What Obama did, and he is at the root of all of this, was highly illegal.
Love how they framed the photo to make the seal look like a halo.
That happened a lot with His Oneness. Almost like the photographers assigned to him were trying to make him look good . . .
. . . nah. That’s just crazy talk!
That Chocolate Nixon moniker was prescient.
I remember saying that after Obama is out we will find out that the shit we knew about then was nothing. I have a suspicion this wont be the worst of it.
We still have no idea where he was or what he was doing while Ambassador Stevens’ body was being sodomized and dragged through the street.
Any chance we’ll ever find out?
As someone said way back when on TOS ; “Less competent than Carter, more crooked than Nixon.”
That was me.
Dumber than Carter; Dirtier than Nixon.
I had bumper stickers made.
At first I thought it was a bit of an overstatement. Now, it’s a good summation.
Shaun King/Talcum X talking out of his ass some more:
He’s looking to create a story. There’s no way in hell he’d be breaking this, and if players were thinking of doing this, they’d be sitting out now when there aren’t financial repercussions.
25% can easily be replaced.
“Considering”. No Justice! No Considering!
If these guys care soooo much where were they during the off season pushing for change?
Lol, if this is the hill they want to die on, I’m sure the new XFL and the AAFL (or whatever) would be glad to take their viewers.
The NFL already killed the product for me. Stopped watching in Week 3 last year. Didn’t miss it. Oh, that pretty much killed college football for me too.
College is getting harder to watch with a guaranteed 1-2 targeting ejections per game.
Most of which aren’t targeting.
Please do it.
Progressives should be most annoyed by anthem protests. They succeeded in lowering support for black lives matter by more than 50% in about 2 months.
For the record, many of the original blm tenants were perfectly reasonable had they been presented in a better manner.
Crazy people can just pretend to be sane for so long and then it pops out. BLM is nothing more than another commie trojan horse. How long did it take before they went from ‘stop police brutality’ to ‘ destroy capitalism’? A year?
Personally, I’m kinda miffed about how the country was finally discussing justice system reform, and BLM managed to kill it by turning it into a racial issue. But that’s just me.
Here’s my theory: The Democrats are worried about the whole police shooting thing because 1) several of the notable incidents happened in places where Democrats rule basically unopposed, and 2) Democrats have been the biggest proponents of unionizing government officials, and it’s the union that jumps in and saves the murderous cops from being fired every time.
No reasonable person can take a serious look at this situation and think the solution is to vote for more Team Blue. So, the Democrats had to come up with a way to spin this in their favor. They did that by portraying it as a race issue, which fits perfectly with their marketing image as the anti-racists. It also steers people away from asking any uncomfortable questions about government sector labor unions.
I think the last thing on Earth that Democrats want is for people to start asking whether or not it’s appropriate for government employees to be organizing and bargaining against the voters and taxpayers. They don’t want people to realize that if police unions are having such a deleterious effect on police conduct, there’s good reason to believe that similar things are going on with other government employee unions, such as the teachers’ unions.
Steering everyone towards the “cops are racist” theory is just the rational thing to do for the Democrats.
Which is why, although Republicans need criticizing, most of my ire is directed at the dems.
Some player who is about to get cut will say they refuse to play over the National Anthem. Same thing happened with concussions.
How about them Caps? As a native of DC with zero connection to politics, I feel no shame rooting for them.
I’m a DC-area native and I’m rooting for them, too. Look, believe it or not, there are people who actually live in the Imperial City and its environs who are actually from there and don’t spend their days thinking of ways to give the shaft to the rest of the country. There are plumbers from DC, too, you know.
My mom was a nurse and my dad was one of the last conservatives to work at a newspaper, the Bmore Sun. I didn’t know the difference between a democrat or republican because my parents didn’t give a shit, they were trying to feed 6 kids and there were way more important things to teach us.
My grandfather came from the familial homestead in the ‘Bama. He had a birthday party in Bull Connor’s yard, because they were neighbors. He, like most southerners at the time, was a Democrat, and went to work for the Department of Health when that was a thing, which took him to Arizona and finally Bowie, MD in the 60s, where he and his wife, a Memphis socialite who didn’t know she married an introvert, spawned four more children, two having been born in the desert. So, a good chunk of my family sounds like they’re from Alabama, a chunk sounds like they’re from the eastern shore (Google that shit), and a few sound like they could do the weather for any station in the country, having the mid-Atlantic neutral accent.
What people don’t realize who aren’t from the area is that a lot of the DC metro was the south up until, say, forty, maybe thirty years ago. The Fed and its employees has an effect, but there are actually people from here.
Nappy, do you like bluegrass? The one redeeming quality on NPR in DC was Ray Davis and his afternoon bluegrass. Not political BS or cancer patients in Haiti making finger paintings but honest to god bluegrass. I’m not sure how it lasted so long but he was the shit. DC was truly the south until about 1990.
I love me some bluegrass. The nice thing about the drive back from the annual family camping trip to Rocky Gap is that we go through bluegrass radio country for most of Sunday.
Funny thing, Maryland was part of the club of southern governors until that thieving mick O’Malley withdrew us. Even as late as the 90s my part of MD considered itself southern, but we’ve been overrun by retirees from NY, NJ, and Feds from DC. It’s sad, really. My town has become something of a retirement community for wealthy northerners and DC transplants.
Haha O’Malley went to the same high school I went to, he was political elite, we were poor Irish Catholics. I loved backpacking in VA and WVA. Beautiful states with amazing backcountry you could explore for decades. DC has gentrified but I’m not sure it is better since the newcomers are all parasites on the expanded federal govt. That being said, the roads in DC were a fucking mess when Barry was mayor. Oh and the murder capital of the US
What people don’t realize who aren’t from the area is that a lot of the DC metro was the south up until, say, forty, maybe thirty years ago. The Fed and its employees has an effect, but there are actually people from here.
I run into quite a few native/longtime residents out where I am. They remind me of the folks I knew in Indiana and Texas. The transplants and beltway swamp monsters remind me more of the people I met in silicon valley. The immigrant population is usually more swamp monster than native, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised more than once.
Good friend of mine’s mom grew up here and moved to Elizabeth City briefly. Pretty much same in terms of culture, albeit fewer crabs. If you’re in southern Maryland or the eastern shore it’s much closer to what Annapolis used to be like in the day than what it’s like now. In Upper Marlboro there’s a golf club called Old South, and it’s called that for a reason. I still maintain that the mid-Atlantic identity is kind of a separate thing, but it’s closer to what you’d see in the south than what you’d see in, say, northern PA.
…are they being held against their will? Should we send for help?
The DC suburbs were a fun place to grow up in. We could commit generally felonious acts without getting caught, bang mixed race girls, go to the Smithsonian, eat food from all over the world and not give a fuck about the piles of shit the rest of the country sent us.
We like to say that DC is made up of all the shit from the rest of the country, don’t blame us because you suck.
You coasties are all the same: a diverse, indefinable bunch.
Haha despite what people say there are great people in DC. That being said my mom was from Nebraska and we went there every summer for our vacation, it certainly helped us stay grounded.
Their fans can’t be anywhere near as obnoxious as the Vegas “fans”.
These Vegas theme shows are goddamn tedious. We get it – your city is all about silly fantasy and pretense. They should just roll out Wayne Newton to do the anthem and be done with it.
This is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen. Not gay as in homosexual, I mean gay in the pejorative sense usually reserved for when something is too “white”. I want to beat Vegas up and take its lunch money, and I played Rifts for Christ’s sake.
I used to copy pictures out of my brother’s Rifts handbooks. I was young enough that the bazonga bonanza was more confusing than titillating.
Also, what was it with Epi and “the gayest thing since gay came to gay town”?
Words escape me
I hope the dad puts the fucker through a wood chipper.
DA and judge to follow
If someone touched my kid like that and the justice system acted in such an appalling matter….il cortello in cuore.
il coltello in cuore?
I have to assume it means something along the lines of vigilante justice by the forcible extraction of the testicles via the colon, followed by forced feeding of said testicles to the once proud owner of said testicles.
il coltello in cuore means the knife in the heart. Rufus wrote il cortello in cuore.
Rufus wrote il cortello in cuore.
Which clearly means knife in the scrotum. ?
I’ll take your word for it; latin is not my native tongue.
Does that mean “cut his balls off and shove them down his throat until he chokes to death”? I’m not Italian, so I’m not sure how the translation works out. All I know is there’s beheading, and then there’s what you do to people who really fucked up.
This rifle is kind of like a mullet.
Well, obviously, these guys are NOT from Canada originally, but it’s the only reason, thanks for RUSH, that I’m willing for the US government to not nuke and invade Canada, which for no other reason should exist in Americo do Norte.
Motion Device
We know, Bill. Now follow John’s good example and grow a tumor.
Kristol is the scum that scum scrape off their shoes.
I thought he was still trying to eat out Palin.
“I fear the Republican brand is fatally damaged. I am proud to say that I am a McCain conservative.”
“So you vote democrat and talk GOP around your friends”
Man some of those replies are gold
Yes they are. A few like minded shitheads there but most ordinary people mocking and deriding him. They really are out of touch and in for a rude awakening.
OK, more.
You too could have a well-paying career in the growing field of inclusion and Intersection.
“Your message is problematic and fails to consider the importance of DEI on the student experience at @UMich. U-M has historically suffered from a severe lack of diversity amongst its student, staff, and faculty populations. 1/2”
One of them crawled out to defend there feifdom. Her argument doesn’t even attempt to defend the school spending 11 mil on diversity beaurocrats
I mean, if they all looked like her, I’d understand and consider it well spent.
But I know they mostly look like this.
LOL fishmouth… I thought it was slack jawed
I had to look it up SMH
define trigglypuff
When are we going to have another ‘talk like a pirate day’? I need an excuse to use “Well, trigger me timbers!”
Trigga, please.
As close to pirates as i get
My buddy in high schools nickname was butt pirate, when they called his name at graduation there was an audible “Arrrgghhh!” Haha
Best reply i read….
Money Grip
May 21
Replying to @Mark_J_Perry
Who diversifies the diversers?
In Trump’s America, Las Vegas has an expansion hockey team playing for the Stanley Cup. #IMPEACH
Finally a movement I can get behind.
It gets worse. They’re about to get their own foozball team, coached by CHUCKY!
Was The Last Jedi really this bad?
I haven’t seen it. It sounds pretty obnoxious, from what I’ve heard.
It was a pretty big piece of shit that basically built on all the flaws of the first one. I mean that literally. Like, Johnson watched it and picked out the worst attributes of movie 1 and said how can I build and replicate off them. The faggot nerd in the Youtube video mostly hits on the biggest problems.
I watched that video, and it’s all I care to watch of The Last Jedi, and whatever the hell the ninth movie will be called. I detested The Force Awakens with every fiber of my being. Rogue One was okay, but even that one I skipped when it was in the theaters. I have no plans on seeing Solo in the theaters either.
The thing I have to say about the Disney movies that I’ve not seen any of these reviews have said; the prequels were shit; but the pieces were there. George Lucas wasn’t any unique talent, I had hope when the rights were bought from him. But at least with his turds there was enough there to piece together a story, as my edits have shown. But as an editor, I see no way to fix the worst faults in the new movies.
Completely off topic and probably nonsense.
I took a nap today and had a disturbing dream. Early in the dream I witnessed a couple of guys opening a door at the top of a stair to an old wooden building. There was a large nest of aggressive red wasps in the wall next to the door and they attacked the guys. Plot winds on and on and later for some reason I had to go in that old building. Just as I was opening the door a wasp came out at me and I thought “Oh shit, I forgot about those”
Because of the way the dream was perceived I had the sneaking suspicion that my memory of seeing the wasps may have been generated after my experience of opening the door myself by my brain and then shuffled back to the correct place in the deck so that it could be a memory instead of being created prior to my own experience and originally been in the correct place in the deck to be an actual memory.
I will have to see what the implications of this tomorrow.
Your dreams are operating in Primer mode.
Dreams don’t mean anything. Last night I dreamt I had a big bag of coke, that I kept spilling. Doesn’t mean a thing.
Ha I’ve had that one.
I dreamed about finding a big cyst on my side. Shockingly big and necrotic around the edges, like a giant gaping anus on my abdomen. I was driving a bunch of friend back to the house so we could party and sleep, but I could barely concentrate on the road while I worried about this sudden, huge cyst and wondering what I could do about it.
Get help. Of the psychological kind. Immediately.
Dream police?
I just dream about murdering prostitutes after sex. I don’t spill my coke. I don’t get caught after.
I just don’t get you people.
I think it means I need to worry less about the future and just focus on living it up now, you know?
+1 Hookers and blow until you go
Last night I had a dream about a zaftig redhead that was wearing see through lingerie. She was nice.
Too challenging for me tonight.
All I’ve got.
Red Sleeping Beauty by McCarthy https://youtu.be/vKcIEl8kCWs
“Zaftig Redhead”, sounds like a dream for John/Red Tony!
I read somewhere that dreams may be squirted into your head fully-formed all at once which might explain that.
That is what I am curious about. Is it created willy nilly then pieced together into a narrative or is it born fully formed and in proper order. given some of my experiences with some people in the real world I think memories of the past can be created today and inserted into the proper place in the narrative.
Didn’t you get nailed by a wasp recently while fishing around in the back of your truck for something? You probably shouldn’t look any deeper than that.
I’m pretty sure there’s a scatter shot component that only arranges itself into some narrative order when we’re waking up and consciousness reasserts itself. I’ve had that feeling too about dreams that seemed to make a little too much sense, like I’d made some intuitive leaps between REM and waking up and what I’d “dreamed” was just post-hoc rationalization.
Enters an opening to a dark and dank space, gets stung by something. Ever had VD?
I have some pretty wacky dreams; some people say it’s my diet (a lot of protein powder and cheese). Here are a few choice gems from the dream log I started keeping:
– I was at work, and somehow got my right pinky and ring fingers cut off. This goofy virgin guy I work with found them and gave them to me. I ended up in a hospital in India, in line behind several small children with more serious ailments. At some point, I was in a Hitler Youth uniform and being taken to a prison of some kind.
– Me and a co-worker were walking around the streets of Japan at night, commenting on how expensive it was and how people under 25 weren’t allowed in the country club. We ended up at a small gathering at someone’s home. There was a Jewish lawyer there with his teenage daughter. As soon as he left the room, she took her clothes off started having sex with some guy. My co-worker and I wondered what was going on and where her dad was. We were excitedly anticipating his reaction when he comes back in and sees his daughter getting fucked.
– I had just been elected president and I was sitting in a local bar eating a bowl of watermelon ice cream. There were some girls looking at me, giggling and whispering. I saw a couple of my other friends come in and motioned for them to come sit with me. We started talking, and then the girls came over and sat with us. As I ate the watermelon ice cream, I said, “I wonder who’s running the country right now…?”
How the fuck do you miss a cross-check like that?
Fucken Vegas
This is gonna be a fun series.
Damn. Vegas earned that game.
If by fun you mean a god damn heart attack then yes it will be, “fun”
Tundra my brother is in St Paul, how far are you from there?
I’m in a NW suburb of Mpls. Not far.
What part of St. Paul does bro live?
In St Paul just south of I-94, very not libertarian haha, just wondering. It’s a fun city btw
Lol. Not that part of town, for sure. I like St. Paul – smaller then Minneapolis, but some cool places.
He’s a super catholic with 5 kids and a crazy wife. But MN seems pretty awesome the further north you go
RHK? No idea what this cult is about. Some lady came up to me just now in the park. “Do you believe in the one God?” “I’m trying to eat lunch. Go away.” She tossed a flyer in my bike basket. Bitch. http://www.rhk.or.jp
Sounds legit. https://sites.google.com/site/rhkreihanohikarikyokai/
I don’t know, but they have the Korean Jerry Falwell on their side.
I read that as LRH.
Why’d Ron name his belief system after Dianne?
The whole thing started as a joke so why not.
And the Warriors win again.
So after all that entire season, where Houston and Toronto came in as the winningest teams in each division, it didn’t matter, and we’ll have the same two teams in The Finals that we’ve had for four years. A consistency we never see in any other pro sports these days. Reminiscent of the Lakers/Celtics back in the 80s.
Interestingly enough, here in the Bay Area, it’s almost been as if no one even has known the playoffs are going on. I think that will change for the next week. It’s only when it’s championship time does the Bay Area care about its teams, it’s really not a big passionate sports area like Chicago, Philly or Boston. Most people in the Bay Area brag that they have no idea what the local teams are.
For the most part, I really can’t stand pro basketball, but I always did enjoy watching Michael Jordan, and it can be fun to watch the Warriors when they are raining 3-pointers. But basketball is just too boring for three quarters to watch most games.
At least Houston tried. Toronto got to Cleveland, saw LeBron, and then ran and hid in the corner.