I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. And I want to say thank you to our veterans. I know today is a tough day for a lot of you, as we honor your comrades and brothers/sisters-in-arms who gave their lives for our freedom. God bless them, their families and those who are and were affected by the loss.
There’s no smooth transition from that to the rest of the links, so I won’t try to get clever and pull it off. But I will go into sports. Looks like I was wrong about Houston and the GSW. Tonight they play game 7 and I thought it would be over in 6. I still think the Warriors will come out and win, but I sure would love to be proven wrong. Meanwhile, LeBron did what LeBron does. He made it to the NBA Finals for the eighth straight year, carrying his team to a game 7 win in Boston when neither team could shoot the ball worth a shit and the Celtics simply locked up in the last 5 minutes. It was a good series. The NHL begins the Stanley Cup finals tonight, as Washington takes on Vegas. I’m personally cheering for a meteor.

So long Danica. We hardly knew ya!
-the Winner’s Circle
Congratulations are in order for Daniel Ricciardo, who got a little revenge for 2016 as he won the Monaco Grand Prix. Doing it with that gearbox he had was a hell of a feat, too. Also congratulations to Will Power for winning a crash-filled Indianapolis 500. Also congratulations to Danica Patrick. She ended her “racing” career yesterday, although it ended in a wall. It was a bizarre sight since she was always most known for climbing out of a wrecked stock car as opposed to a wrecked champ car.
If you were born today, you share it with such luminaries as Selim II of the Ottoman Empire, King George I, one of the greatest athletes ever in Jim Thorpe, blues guitarist T-bone Walker, cager Jerry West, “America’s Mayor” and Fox News contributor Rudy Guiliani, rocker John Fogerty, and skinny singer Kylie Minogue. Its also the day a solar eclipse in 585BC ended a war, Pope Leo X signed a treaty with the HRE, the first continental congress convened in 1774, Dodge Brothers and Chrysler merge to create a mega-manufacturer of shitty cars, Dwight Eisenhower unleashed a beast when he signed the first Farm Bill, and Scorcese’s Taxi Driver won the Palme d’Or at Cannes. Oh yeah, and Bill Clinton’s business partners in his Whitewater land deal were convicted of fraud.
That last historical event will make the first story that follows here a bit awkward. Which is my way of saying its time for…the links!

Chelsea Clinton
The daughter of privilege (and quite possibly a serial rapist) says President Trump degrades what it means to be an American. She may be right. We should all life lives of integrity…like having a dad get blowjobs from interns in the White House or a mother who oversaw a gun-running operation that got an ambassador killed and equipped ISIS. But that’s not her fault. Of course, maybe getting her wedding paid for with funds earmarked for Haitian earthquake victims is…but she’s so stupid she was probably unaware of that as well.
Maryland has turned into a flood zone. Wwe feel your pain here in Houston. You guys stay safe there and get to higher ground if the waters are still rising.

Hang in there, Maryland.
Hey Great Britain: FREE TOMMY ROBINSON, you bunch of jackbooted goons.
The Trump-Kim summit is back on after some posturing. I’m sure there will be people, namely pundits and bureaucrats who have never negotiated anything in their life, who will say this has been poorly handled diplomatically. But they have never trued to broker a deal before where the hard bargain is a necessity.

Trump and Kim
Bobby Kennedy Jr doesn’t believe Sirhan Sirhan killed his father. Ok then.
Speaking of conspiracy theories, I can’t possibly see how this development will do anything but feed the fever dreams of left-wing morons who don’t understand how oil exploration or extraction work.
That’s it. This is for the birthday boy.
Have a great day, especially those of you who lost a comrade.
“Now I’ve come to feel differently, because I think that the way that our president and many people around him have not only mainstreamed hate, but mainlined it, is so deeply dangerous,”
Where’d she pick up the druggie lingo?
Identity politics is everyone sitting around singing Kum Ba yah.
“I am going to be every American’s President” = not just mainstreaming hate but mainlining it.
All projection all of the time.
Mainstreamed hate. That does not mean a goddamned thing. Any “hate” she’s sensing is built-up anger over eight years of a president who casually denigrated blue collar workers, white people, the religiously faithful, skeptical scientists, conservatives, classical liberals, and anyone else not fully bought-in to his cult of personality, all while managing to fuck up at pretty much everything an American president can do, all with a great big smile. And who helped him with that? This dipshit’s mother and her cronies.
Fuck these people. I’m so goddamned tired of the TDS, and the social justice vocabulary, and the Orwellian double-speak, and the casual way in which these fuckers lie.
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy Robinson, Ooooh, Tommy, Tommy.
Clearly he’s a racist, fascist. Because the inly people supporting him we’re Far-right protestors.
Tommy can you hear me?
You’d better because the UK thought police are on your case.
Daltry says ad infinitum:
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy…..
“I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Not because I wanted to, but because I felt I ooowed it to them.”
“The daughter of privilege (and quite possibly a serial racist) says President Trump degrades what it means to be an American.”
That’s the strangest thing to say. Did Hitler degrade what it means to be German? Did Mao degrade what it means to be Chinese? The only way that phrase makes any logical sense is if you are thinking about the economic and liberty effects of their policies. But I don’t think that’s what she means. I think she has this collective identity of what an American is, and Trump doesn’t fit it. But because he’s president she also cant write it off. Collectivism is logically inferior to individualism.
It is a typo. Racist = rapist.
And I fixed it. Stupid apple and it’s auticorrecting.
I in no way meant to imply that Bill Clinton is a racist. Now Hillary may have been when she made her “super predators” comment. But I was actually referring to Bill and meant to say that he very well may be a serial rapist.
So to be clear, in case we have some lurkers, I believe Bill Clinton may be a serial rapist, not a serial racist.
Although all of his alleged victims are white women…
“We have freedom of speech, which I do think is hugely important – and yet……”
Why is it when progs talk about freedom of speech they always have to throw in a qualifier? Just say it…..if it were up to you you’d silence every opposing voice by any means necessary
“Second Amendment rights, like all of our rights, are subject to reasonable regulation.” – Hillary
See, just like it says in the constitution.
Unnatural rights of top men > Natural rights.
This right here. Freedom of speech is so simple that in my mind it requires a commitment. If you say “but it needs limits” you don’t support freedom of speech, or thought, full stop. And trying to tear down that actually degrades what it means to be an American, because we are one of the few places to have such a complete view on freedom of speech.
Also it’s a complete fools errand as there is a metric ton of case law establishing the current freedom of speech. The only way I see it being changed is Via amendment.
I may not agree with what you say, butI will defend to the death your right to say it.Exactly. What’s that saying about everything before the word “but” in a sentence isn’t true? People who want to eliminate a right start off by saying they support it but believe there should be “reasonable” or “common sense” limits. They do this because they know that what they really want, i.e. total elimination of the right as a right per se, is a radical position that most people won’t support, so they water it down with the intention of ratcheting towards the end goal over time. see gun rights, tax policy, etc.
Until WW2, Chrysler was a great innovator, arguably the technical leader amongst the firms that would become the big three.
I’m not a Chrysler guy or apologist, but it’s much more fair to say that all three firms have delivered a cornucopia of shitty cars.
I only worked in automotive design for 15 years, but I learned this much: America has almost nothing to teach us about cars….or manufacturing; Japan is where I learned that design is all about the math and avoiding self-delusion.
As in the rest of life, nostalgia regarding cars works best when the facts are avoided.
“Japan is where I learned that design is all about the math and avoiding self-delusion”
Seems like Tesla needed a shot of that kind if sanity before they went and decided to jack off to their touch screen.
“…design is all about the math and avoiding self-delusion”
Sounds like the patriarchy to me.
As well as the people considering buying a Tesla.
Tesla will be fine because marketing trumps every time: Tesla is not about the best car, it’s about a deluded perspective on environmentalism. In the same way that no excess in furtherance of the truth is wrong (/Stalin), no engineering incompetence is beneath mercy at Tesla. Remember the SouthPark where everyone bought hybrids and fell in love with the smell of their own farts?
You’d be right if Tesla intended to remain a marketing firm that made hand-built cars for upscale buyers on a relatively small scale. But their market plan is to become a mass-producer of mid-range cars thatbwill compete in the marketplace with a Camry, Altima, Prius or Elantra.
Harrumph! *stomps off and fires up 1968 Plymouth Satellite drop top with 440 6bbl, burns 3 gallons of gas flooring it*
The daughter of privilege (and quite possibly a serial racist)
I suppose you could be referring to the “deplorables” comment, but did you perhaps mean “serial rapist”?
Yeah. I meant to say Bill Clinton may be a serial rapist. I didn’t proof it before it went to print because I got up a few minutes late.
CNN’s April Ryan slammed for tweeting article about Trump running child-trafficking ring
Birther, Pizzagate payback is a bitch.
Haha. To be fair, the US government does host child porn sites, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the FBI has a “fake” child trafficking ring. And if it did, I would be unsurprised to know that some agents indulge in it.
“The Root is an online magazine of African-American culture.”
No, it is not.
Anyone taking The Root for anything but pure insanity is…well, they are insane. Ryan certainly qualifies. That is some pretty incredible mendacity.
But remember guys, only crazy right-wingers revel in conspiracy theories. Lefties only promote stories based on settled science and unshakable evidence.
In case anyone is wondering I have had three cups of coffee, barely any sleep and am now trying to avoid getting on the tractor.
Isn’t that what your orphan child labor is for?
Are you kidding? I bark orders from the tractor. They have to work barefoot with a scythe. Crackers and weak tea for their lunch while I have duck with plum sauce and bread pudding.
I, for one, am already plowed.
Ivanka Trump’s tweeting a photo of herself with her son sparks backlash, among idiots.
The something I’m doing is crossing the border legally.
Oh shit! Are people posting pics from a 2014 news story to show how awful her dad is? Or is Talcum X the only one dumb enough to leave it up?
Nope, not the only one. While browsing through “news” articles just now, I saw one (I think it was Buzzfeed) using that.
You mean the one of the kids sleeping in dog kennels? I saw that on the twitters numerous times yesterday.
That’s the one. The tweeters, conveniently a lot of them “journalists” who posted it at the exact same time, were all up in arms and saying Trump should be in a cage and that the ICC needed to bring people up on crimes against humanity mostly went silent and pulled the tweets down when they were made aware that the story and photo were from 2014.
One of that uncanny coordinated Democratic talking points. If I were Trump if start leaking images and memos from Obama era, as if they were current, just to get news coverage of them.
I just want to point out that even though the journalism profession has been caught once coordinating talking points, and that they claim they do it no more, it it mighty convenient that they all dropped the same AZ Central story within a few minutes of each other (and these were independent tweets, not retweets).
Journolist 2.0 is out there. And when it gets exposed, I simply cannot wait on the Trump tweetstorm and ensuing press conference. It will be epic.
Journolist 2.0 is out there. And when it gets exposed
Already happened.
And another example of fake news.
You would think that any self-respecting professional would be doubly extra sure to protect their credibility in a culture where their credibility is attacked on a daily basis. These baboons show that they’re neither self-respecting nor professional.
A lot of people seem to forget that media outlets are corporations, and corporations make money by giving customers what they want. Most people don’t want the objective, unbiased, uncomfortable truth. What they want is basically political propaganda in line with their views that makes them feel good about having the “correct” opinions.
That’s one of the sad things these days. People won’t or can’t take a stand when asked to do something degrading or shameful for a quick buck. Those types have always existed, but it seems that you can’t even find one person willing to stand for something more principled than their next paycheck.
BTW, myself included in that entire critique. I can’t afford to have principles right now. There are lines I would never cross, but they are few and far between.
All Trump, all the time
Now the tough question for Democrats is, why should they give up talking about impeachment when it might help rouse their voter turnout?
The party’s base of educated white women, young people, blacks, Hispanics and gays are notorious for not showing up at the polls in midterms. But their fury with Trump is real; hearing House Democrats pledge to stop Trump is a sure bet to energize the anti-Trump resistance.
This spring’s Democratic primaries have made it clear that populist, anti-Trump candidates are the choice for Democratic voters. Centrist candidates in the Democratic primaries — even with backing from the Democratic National Committee — are losing to unapologetic, anti-Trump liberals.
Who will rid us of this infernal pest?
psst- Juan- I don’t think your “Democratic” base is as large or as powerful as you pretend.
Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) speaks with passion about the need for impeachment.
Calling Trump a “jerk,” as Pelosi did, only “trivializes the impact of his bigoted policies on Jews, Latinos, African Americans, women and the LGBT community,” Green said in a statement earlier this month. In fact, he thinks Trump represents “the quintessential” president that “impeachment was designed for.”
Maybe I should read more Democratic Underground, but I don’t really see what specific harm Public Enemy Number One has inflicted on those groups.
My thoughts exactly. Please show me he his policies that did that. And show need that to have never supported similar policies.
Just keep saying Trump is racist, sexist, and homophobic. Even with no actual evidence of that, maybe eventually it’ll stick.
He threw them some crumbs and lowered their unemployment to record levels?
Hate, look what you’ve done for me
That is sweet, thanks.
The White House staffer who insulted John McCain accused her boss of leaking to the press — right in front of Trump . “Insulted?” How is stating an impossible to deny fact an insult? Shitbag McCain is dying. Anyway, love that they’re still trying to push this story as though any Trump supporter would care. I also love that this is at the end of the article.
Yes, because I really give a shit what KIDS think of Trump. If I wanted to know that, I’d ask OMWC what his wife’s view on Trump is.
McCain is the best example of why the children of any general officer should not be allowed to join the military, or at least the same branch as their parent. If it hadn’t been for McCain’s father, he’d be renowned as what a shitbag he really is.
You could also poll the kids in his basement.
“any Trump supporter would care.”
Of course they won’t, but that isn’t whom this continual drumbeat is aimed at. It is aimed at those 10% of Independents who can swing an election.
Convince enough of them that Trump’s personality isn’t suited for “Leader of the Free World” and the 2018 election results are substantially changed. I know of at least two GOP House seats in Penna. that will flip Democratic (according to latest polls) just because a sufficient number of the independent soccer moms are repulsed by Trump.
So man is arrested for speech and people who go out to challenge this abomination are called ‘far right’ for their troubles? If there’s a protest worth spilling time for freedom of speech is a good one, no?
The media is the enemy of the people for real.
More worried about contaminating the jury pool than the gene pool? (Just going where my implicit bias took me. Not my fault.)
Hey, he was reporting on Muslims doing bad things. Can’t have that. But not to worry, it won’t happen again. The Muslims in jail with Tommy will see to it.
“If there’s a protest worth spilling time for freedom of speech is a good one, no?”
It’s funny because by the logic that they used to arrest Tommy, all of those protestors should be in jail. It just goes to show what a naked power play it is. It’s easy to arrest someone with the wrong views when he’s alone. That’s why it you are committed to free thought and free speech, you really have to support everyone’s freedom. Cause when you’re the only one and no one steps out to defend you (not your ideas) then the state has no problem squashing you. And if you want to see others squashed by the state, you are no better than the Fascists and Communists.
This is a government that had no qualms murdering a child while the world watched and refused to let many willing others help on their own dime.
They also let preachers of a certain religion say whatever they want
Nice to see Roseanne throw her support behind Tommy. Uh, Hollywood? MSM? Bueller?
It helps that she burned her bridges long ago…. Nobody more current in Hollywood has the balls to do anything similar.
It’s a disgrace that the UK does not support freedom of speech or freedom of the press. But we kinda knew that about them a couple hundred plus years ago, no? So why are we shocked at this? They have always been a hares breath from being a totalitarian state. Just look at their ongoing worship of the monarchy. They love them some socialism which is as near as they can come to the monarchy of old. Most of my family is from there, but generations ago as part of the second wave. But I would never go back to visit and give them a dime of my money. Fuck them. The greatest Empire. LOL.
What’s the breadth of an unladen adult male hare?
Tesla will be fine because marketing trumps every time
For most of their customers, a Tesla is just
yarddriveway art.Like all the people out here who own horses they never ride, it’s just a billboard for the neighbors’ benefit.
*FYI- I despise horses. I’d ride a moped first.
My buddy is a portfolio manager and tells me institutional investors are long EVs. Tesla may go bankrupt but the EV race is on they bet.
This is Musk’s legacy they say.
That flooding pic is a rare photo of the elusive STEVE SMITH
Trump Won’t Hesitate to Tear It All Down. Oh no! Who will stop the crazy man in the White House!?
By “slow-dripping revelations” they mean nonexistent revelations. But please, keep pretending the RUSSIAN COLLUSION insanity is real.
They rate a yawn because it is obvious to everyone that he is correct. What are all of these scandals plaguing his administration? Is he running guns to drug gangs and terrorists?
Did he exchange terrorists for any of the US citizens he’s negotiated back from the countries they were held in?
I forgot about that. The scandals just keep piling up.
It’s Russian water torture.
The other day I climbed into my father-in-law’s car and on the radio some guy was talking about how Trump had started this conspiracy theory about the DNC and the FBI, and how the Mueller investment plays into it, and makes a ‘self fulfilling prophecy’. I mean forget the mountain of evidence and just plain facts that we know. That’s not real conspiracy. But Non-existant Russian firms. That’s real conspiracy.
Order the top ranks to release the redacted documents (Trump has the power to declassify them), and then put them all in Guantanamo on treason charges when they don’t redact and release them.
Wut? Like tolerating the actions of a rapist father, and your mother keeping the victims in check? Now that she has decided to be a public figure and preach to us all while she peddles her book, she needs to square her thoughts on what her father is and did as well as the actions of her mother. Until then, she has no moral authority on any issue. STFU Chelsea.
STFU Chelsea is always sound advice. She has done nothing and accomplished nothing. She has nothing to say worth noting.
I think that the way that our president and many people around him have not only mainstreamed hate, but mainlined it, is so deeply dangerous,”
And this says much, much more about our American Princess than it says about President Megahater; “I hate everybody who disagrees with me (including but not limited to The Monster in the Oval Office), so I assume he hates everybody who disagrees with him.” The idea of coexistence, in the true sense of the word, is anathema. We can only live together in peace and harmony when everybody who denies the One Progressive Truth has been rooted out and banished to the wilderness. Coexisting with heretics is unthinkable.
I forget who linked it but the ‘person on the street’ interview with New yorkers a while back was priceless.
“Do you have any friends who are Republican?”
*crinkles nose* “Ew, no! No way”
“Why not?”
“Because I am open minded!”
That’s funny. I’m friends with some socialist sympathetic people. Why? Not because I’m open minded (for socialism that ship has sailed long ago, it would be hard to convince me otherwise). No I’m friends with them because there is much much much more to life than politics. And we can agree on those other things that we like.
This. One of my best friends is a deep-blue, East Coast urban proggie. He used to bitterly criticize Barack Obama from the left. But, yes, there is much much much more to life than politics.
Banished to the wilderness? Not hardly. They’d have us chopped up and stacked like cordwood before they banished us and let our ideas compete with theirs, even if from the wilderness.
A hundred years of hard-left progressive history has taught us that their only way of pursuasive argumentation involves an overwhelming force smashing their opposition to smithereens.
Just a little FYI. The report about how Trump is separating illegal immigrant children from their parents, is based on data from 2009-2014. The picture about how Trump is housing those kids is from 2014. The picture about Trump’s bus for immigrant little kids is from 2016. This information was pointed out Saturday but people are still tweeting out about “Trump’s” treatment of illegal immigrants. And the corrections are deleted tweets at best. So in reality, all this hullabaloo about Trump treating illegal immigrants poorly, is about scoring political points.
“is about scoring political points.”
That’s the American journalistic tradition.
::edit fairy ?♀️ says hello::
Edit fairy, as a birthday wish, you are my only hope.
Happy birthday! ??
“Stop calling us fake news. You are damaging our democracy!”
I love that one. “The free press is under attack!!” Pointing out they are liars sure does piss them off.
***I thought I posted this before but it hasn’t shown up***
Interesting article. Explains pretty much why I call myself a libertarian.
Bar hosts ‘Reparations Happy Hour’.
A fool and his money…
Gives me an idea for a business. ‘whites suck!’ where white people pay to let people beat them up.
Like that scene from Dirty Harry https://youtu.be/OvAs1pos3TA
Isn’t that what Kinkfest is?
I’m so glad you posted this story. I would never have seen it otherwise! 😉
Oh, you!
As I commented on this in the Discord:
My great-great-grandfather served in a Wisconsin volunteer Infantry regiment from 1863 to 1865. He was badly wounded and ended up dying at age 46 from complications of those wounds.
If anything, you “POC” should be buying me a fucking drink.
That’s what’s so stupid about this insistence that all wypipo owe something to all bla’pipo…
People like your great-great-grandfather risked their lives and sometimes lost them to end slavery, as did people in the Royal Navy who blocked the slave trade as well as abolitionists and Underground Railroad personnel.
It’s just blatant race-baiting. What people don’t realize is that there is a profit-driven grievance industry made up of “community organizations”, racial studies university professors, government agencies like the EOCC, race-baiting media outlets like The Root, and Democrat politicians. All these groups have a profit motive to keep racial hatred alive – their paychecks heavily depend on it.
Same here, but great-great-uncle. Grandad had too many kids and a productive farm. Over 100,000 union soldiers killed in battle in the war that secured their freedom. I think the price has been paid in full. Fuckers.
I’m going to pay for a drink. And then drink it myself. Happy reparations day!
I can’t wait for the invariable discrimination claim to be filed. Reap the whirlwind.
Also congratulations to Danica Patrick. She ended her “racing” career yesterday, although it ended in a wall. It was a bizarre sight since she was always most known for climbing out of a wrecked stock car as opposed to a wrecked champ car.
Her post-crash interview was vintage Danica. Paraphrased:
“what happened?”
*with pouted lip* “I dunno, I was driving like I always do, and then the car just decided to slide into the wall! It probably broke or something. The data said I feathered the throttle at the wrong time, but I just have no idea what went wrong.”
2) Fuck Danica. She’s the only raver I’ve ever met at the Indy 500 that was an utter prick to me. Everybody else was at least cordial, even if they were busy.
3) Glib Admins: would it be cool if I started planning and advertising a Glibs meetup at next year’s indy 500? I’d probably write an article or two with detail info, and maybe print up a Glibs themed banner or something for the campsite, if I decided to go that direction. I don’t want to go too far down the planning path if yall aren’t cool with this being a semi-official Glibs function.
I’ve met plenty of prick ravers at the speedway.
What did she do?
She wrecked. Like she always does.
No, I mean about being…mean.
She walked right into the middle of a group of me and my friends, and when we offered friendly salutations to the c-list celeb that just walked into the middle of our conversation, she exaggeratedly turned away to ignore us and literally stomped off toward the pits.
I’ve seen her act similarly with other fans in other years, thus cementing my perception of her.
Race car drivers are egomaniacs.
I came across a few in my day.
I hear Max Biagi and Ricardo Patrese were fabulous though with people. But this was pre-glam of racing.
Shows how far I go with this.
Egomaniac or no, most know that they are in the entertainment business, and act accordingly when interacting with customers. Folks like Mario Andretti, Helio Castroneves, and Rick Mears have been pure class while interacting with me, even when they were obviously busy.
“Everybody else was at least cordial, even if they were busy.”
Not every driver can be Dick Simon.
“Fuck Danica.”
Yeah, OK.
Indy meetup? You can do better than that. Dig around in the bottom of that can for your hidden loot and sponsor a car. I’ll drive….*urp,*hick
If the scientologists could do it, we can!
Yes, but now she can go on to a more lucrative, successful career. Hopefully porn.
Gonna watch Private Ryan tonight just as a reminder that people died for ideas that would change history. Don’t even want to see what the left will try to turn this day into.
That film is harsh. Not for the feint of heart or those easily sickened by gore.
Tesla may go bankrupt but the EV race is on they bet.
I think there is a legitimate niche for EVs. Local fleets, for starters. Vanity toys, like the Model S, for another. But I do not believe the electric car will ever comprise a significant market segment, absent powerful government intervention.
Despite them being out of favor these days, I think that plug in hybrids will be the compromise that wins out in the next decade. My hybrid isn’t a plug in, but it makes nearly double the mileage of the standard version of thr car. Saves me around $1k a year in gas. It was a $6k difference in price, so the break even will be at 6 years. As somebody who will keep this car for 15 years, the tradeoff makes sense for me. If they could get that to 3 years, it’d be worth it for a larger segment of the population.
The report about how Trump is separating illegal immigrant children from their parents, is based on data from 2009-2014.
*desperately rummages around in memory for name of President at that time, draws blank, returns to Two Minute Hate*
If I ever go to Britain, it will just be to stop at the airport and I will make sure to piss on something I’m not supposed to and then vow to never go back. Fuck the limeytard, if we need to kick their fucking asses again, I volunteer to help, for free.
They are kicking their own asses just fine, thank you. And what makes you think they would let you in? I’m guessing all the Glibs are on some fucking list they have.
When did this happen?
Yes, I see.
Part of this almost makes me wonder if there isn’t some sort of cabal of BNP supporters in the British police. Adopt the most twisted, authoritarian and oikophobic a form of “tolerance” as possible and drive otherwise sane people to extremism.
That idea has been thrown out there by a few folks. It’s certainly possible, though I need to research the politics of the judge involved before I buy in.
Gonna rest today. No running. Nice early walk around the neighborhood. Gonna pick up a pot roast at the grocery.
Coffee. Smoke a joint. Start my stew. Play guitar. Snark it up on Glibs. A good day.
I’m planning on grilling some rib eyes, shooting some clays, and drinking bourbon.
Breakfast, putter in the garden, smoke a rack of ribs, drink bourbon.
Just FYI, Ellicott City has not turned into a flood zone. It IS a flood zone and has been since it was founded by two brothers in 1772 who built a mill there. The old city is in a river gorge on the Patapsco River, surrounded by steep granite cliffs. It’s the perfect flash flood location if there ever was one. This has happened 2 times in the past 5 years. That rail bridge that crosses over near where the bridge goes across the Patpsco, there are high water marks on there, a lot of them. In 1972 the water was near the top of the bridge, a lot higher than it was yesterday. If it’s raining a lot, don’t go down there. There is nothing new to see here, folks, no historic event, just a lot of tourists now on weekends dumb enough to park there SUVs down there during heavy rain. I lived there for 5 years.
I’m still in Baltimore. Got back to the hotel and saw the videos. Pretty crazy.
Taking the train back to NYC at noon.
If the water gets up my house, Baltimore will be about 500 feet under water. *considers… calls upon rain gods*
Yeah from my time in Bal’more I would conclude that it needs a good cleansing.
I was wondering about that. That is a lot of water running down the streets. That is what you see in desert canyons during thunderstorms, and I wondered how a street could flash flood like that. This is why you don’t camp in the bottom of ravines or arroyos if there is a chance of rain within 30 miles . Maybe they shouldn’t build towns in them either.
It’s not too hard to see that, at all. Just go visit EC and you’ll see. There is a river running right through the middle of the city, which is surrounded by steep granite cliffs. The building are actually built right into the side of granite cliffs. They must have used dynamite to blast them out. Like I said, it is the ultimate flash flood zone. When it rains here, what you have is a steep run off from very hilly areas south and west to the coast at sea level. And the ground is very solid, mostly granite. There is nowhere for the water to go, except for a rush downhill.
Fox Newz is calling it a 1,000 year flood. Except it happens every year or so. Flood zones gonna flood.
Boiling the frog
Trump is “simply trying to de-legitimize the Mueller investigation, the FBI, the Department of Justice,” Michael Hayden, who led the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency under Republican and Democratic presidents, said Sunday.
“He’s willing to throw almost anything against the wall,” Hayden said on ABC’s “This Week,” mentioning Trump’s unsubstantiated claims about wiretapping, “unmasking” U.S. citizens in surveillance operations, and abusing warrants. “And for a lot of people in the country, one or another or many of those things have already stuck.”
Well, if Hayden says it, it must be true. It’s not like Team Deep State is frenziedly throwing shit everywhere in a desperate attempt to get something to stick. And well known hands-across-the-aisle moderate deep thinker Jeff Flake says bad stuff about Trump. What more do we need to know?
Roll out the guillotine.
Roll out the guillotine
The Frog it was named after was born on this date as well, although I didn’t list him.
“unsubstantiated claims about wiretapping, “unmasking” U.S. citizens in surveillance operations, and abusing warrants.”
Unsubstantiated besides the documented news stories about it.
Unsubstantiated besides the documented news stories about it.
And that’s what galls me. These guys aren’t only lying. They’re lying in the most transparently obvious way possible. In the same breath, they’re saying that they weren’t spying on Trump, but they had a confidential informant giving them information from inside his campaign. Do they really think we’re that stupid?
Yes, they do.
” Do they really think we’re that stupid?”
I think most of these newspeople are true believers and they’re mainly interested in maintaining the narrative with other true believers. One of the guys at my campus, who I know vaguely, is a labor historian, smart guy, kind of accepts the idea of class struggle, etc. That is, he’s got a good grasp on a lot of theories but I was having drinks with him and a few others the other day, and he “explained” to everyone how Facebook ad buys convinced people to vote for Trump.
Once you’re in the narrative, you just want affirmation.
The ‘investigation’ is illegitimate. That is, unless you are OK with a losing presidential candidate’s ability to go after the winner by whatever nefarious means and have the tax payer pay for it. The Democrats are stepping in some deep shit here.
Aren’t those all things that they have more or less admitted to doing but have special reasons why it was ok?
It’s not about doing, it’s about who does it. It’s always OK when they do it.
I couldn’t find room in the links for this. So I’ll post it here with a poll question:
Do you find this post on Memorial Day
A: creepy as fuck
B: tone-deaf and stealing honor from the men and women who died in the actual line of duty
C: neither
I think adults having big funerals for animals is silly.
A kid having a little funeral for their pet hamster? Fine.
A man having a funeral for the horse he rode for 20 years? Fine.
A flag-draped coffin for a police dog and a funeral in a church? OK, but I think it’s nuts.
Quite frankly it’s retarded given how many dogs cops kill. And stupid for a church to hold a funeral for an animal. (Considering most religions deem the innocence of animals, it seems strange to me).
+1 Norma Desmond
I’m on the fence. It’s definitely sadder when a pigdog dies than when it’s handler does….
Staged for PR. I am not buying it given what leonadasiv said.
I agree too. And it’s creepy as fuck.
Creepy. And I have bawled over the deaths of numerous ‘pet’ dogs. Let the handler pay respect to his friend and partner that happens to be a dog. But to do this kinda shit actually minimizes that relationship. It’s somehow more important that the dog served the state than it was a companion and ‘colleague’ to a cop. Fuck those assholes.
I’m inclined to agree. The cops themselves are the most adamant about how these are working dogs and people shouldn’t pet them or show any affection. Then, all of a sudden it’s man’s best friend.
And local TV news eats this shit up.
The last dog I had died of old age, (I actually had to put him down because he could not walk anymore without pain and was suffering) he was a 100+ lb Golden/Lab mix and the sweetest dog I have ever met to this day. I cried. I truly missed him every time a came home for months and months but then I got over it because he was a dog. A great dog I loved as much as I love my son, but sorry, he was a dog. Dog’s are awesome, but they are not people and no you do not have an open casket service for them. I am also a cold hearted bastard so there is that too.
Regardless the reasons for the funeral; sorrow, PR move, insanity…all of the above, the main thing is that today is to honor American human soldiers, airman, sailors and marines who died in the line of duty. Not EMT’s, not firemen, not cops, and not cop-dogs.
Thank you to all who served, and my thoughts are with those of you who lost a friend in combat.
This, in its entirety.
some random military facts for the day
Mel Brooks (yes, him) was a combat engineer in the army during WW2. He fought in northern France after D-day. He said being a combat engineer combined the 2 things he hated the most: combat and engineering. Oy!
Robert B Sherman, the guy who wrote “It’s a small world after all” and a bunch of other corny DIsney jingles also served in the army during WW2. He got shot in the knee at 19 and walked with a cane for the rest of his life.
I went to Fort Sumter yesterday. Very cool. After the Confederacy captured the fort in 1861, the Union tried to recapture it several times. One attempt was an amphibious landing which was a disaster for the Union. Another time, 6 union ironclads blasted the fort but were forced to retreat by counter fire. There the Confederates also endured a siege of nearly 2 years, the longest in American history.
Today, a sandbar connects the fort to the mainland at low tide. I presume that was not true in the past. Otherwise, the Union could have just walked to the fort at low tide. I found it funny because one of the placards said that rising sea levels from climate change could put the fort underwater in a 100 years. Well, if sea levels are going up, how’d that sandbar get there? A hurricane maybe?
Robert B Sherman, the guy who wrote “It’s a small world after all”
It’s a Small World
It’s a Small World
It’s a Small World
Fuck that guy. That ‘ride’ as Disneyworld gave me the creeps. It’s possible that we could be activated as secret agents at the playing of that song.
Coffee. Smoke a joint. Start my stew. Play guitar. Snark it up on Glibs. A good day.
Not every driver can be Dick Simon.
“Dick Simon before he dicks you.”
NJR writes at great length: In Defense of Social Justice
Well, one common conservative way to talk about fairness implies that it’s only a concept that applies in one-on-one interactions. So here are some actions conservatives would agree are unfair: I steal your beignets. I poke you in the eye. I hate you because of your race. If we live in a world in which nobody is doing these things to each other, we live in a fair world. Hence the libertarian “non-aggression principle”: as long as I’m leaving you alone, and you’re leaving me alone, we can do as we please and it is silly to speak of injustice. The social justice perspective says that this is naïve, that everyone could start following the non-aggression principle tomorrow and we would still live in a profoundly unfair world. The social justice perspective also says that there are harms produced in the aggregate, in which it’s difficult to single out a particular individual as morally blameworthy but the overall situation is clearly unfair.
This often happens because we inherit the world we live in from those who lived before us, and injustices committed in one generation distribute benefits and harms across the members of the next one.
A core left-wing objection to capitalism is that while, in one-on-one interactions, it may “maximize efficiency,” left to itself, such a process may ultimately devour the Earth and make everyone miserable.
[head desk]
“says that there are harms produced in the aggregate”
This is why leftists never take on individuals, instead they construct a strawman, say NRA for instance, and then attack the strawman.
Fundamentally, what Robinson is acknowledging is that “social justice” is a collectivist ideology. That much is true, I suppose. What he evades is the question of whether collectivist morality can ever be legitimate and, if so, why the particular collectivism of the social justice cadres is more legitimate than the collectivism of racists or neo-Nazis.
The takeaway I get is it’s an ideology for five-year-olds. “Not fair!!”
Social justice is nothing more than a euphemism for collective punishment.
Well, I think Robinson’s angle on social justice is that it’s a tool to attack British identity. You start by saying that there’s collective guilt held by some races or classes of people towards others and therefore to remedy that society must hold certain classes of people to a different standard. Then all that’s left is to associate values or practices or what-have-you with the guilty classes and you can start wearing down, for instance, national identity. It’s a Marxist thing, and if you scratch the paint on social justice you’ll find Marxism right under the surface. Now, Robinson and others would substitute social justice with civic nationalism, which is also a kind of collectivism, just a collectivism of birthplace and ideology. We did that (and still do, mostly) in the US with the whole premise that being American means loyalty to a certain set of beliefs, not being a particular ethnicity or being born in a given geographic region.
Things anybody with half a brain already knows, ch 759
Of course, the college wage premium doesn’t mean that getting a degree will automatically boost your income by the given amount. Some fraction of that extra income is probably just due to the talent and work ethic needed to graduate. And your major matters too — earnings are substantially higher for STEM, health-care and business majors than for arts and humanities majors. So Bartik and Hershbein’s research doesn’t provide a perfect answer to the question of “Should I go to college?” Still, for most people, it’s probably worth it — as long as you can graduate.
For poor people, Bartik and Hershbein found a very large college earnings boost, so at the lower end of the distribution, college probably works to reduce inequality. But in dollar terms, people from the upper classes get the biggest boost of all — more than $1 million in extra lifetime earnings.
To the extent that this premium represents a causal effect, it means that college degrees actually increase the total income gap between the upper class and the middle class. Bartik and Hershbein found that the difference is largely driven by white male college graduates from well-off backgrounds
So college is very important for the poor, but it may be even more beneficial for the rich — especially the rich, white and male. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to that problem. Abolishing the college system would almost certainly hurt the poor, and rich white men would probably find some other way to form good-old-boy networks. A better solution would be to make college social networks more egalitarian — to somehow ensure that rich white men make lots of friends who are women, minorities, and people from less advantaged backgrounds during their formative years. That’s easier said than done. But colleges should be thinking about how to promote such a mixing of human networks.
And, of course, the real takeaway is, “How do we forcibly integrate those goddam snooty social networks?”
A better solution would be to make college social networks more egalitarian — to somehow ensure that rich white men make lots of friends who are women, minorities, and people from less advantaged backgrounds during their formative years.
And yet, somehow, they miss the fact that vilifying white males, telling them that their achievements are false, and seeking out every opportunity to exclude them isn’t the most effective way to win friends and influence people.
Start by assuming that you’re right, that everyone who disagrees with you is stupid and/or evil, and take the position that every opinion you have about how other people should behave is a matter of life or death. Now you’ve got the modern Progressive left. These are the people who say, “Disagree without being disagreeable”, and “Love trumps hate”, and then seconds later refer to people as deplorables, Nazis, child-killers, murderers, and say that it’s morally acceptable to do anything to those people, from murder on up.
So here are some actions conservatives would agree are unfair: I steal your beignets. I poke you in the eye. I hate you because of your race.
He can’t even get that right. Hating me because of my race, in and of itself may be dumb, but so long as you do not act on it and attack me or do me some sort of demonstrable harm, imposes no unbearable burden on me. I will simply hate (or pity) you in return.
Life is not fair, nor should we expect it to be. Most children outgrow that bizarre delusion before they reach the age of ten.
The prog obsession with fairness exposes their envy motivation.
“fairness” and “equality” are thin facades for envy and the oppression narrative.
Conservatives and especially libertarians tend not to think in terms of fairness and equality. Personally, I frame things in terms of dignity, as I expounded on in my pity v. compassion article.
Life is not fair, nor should we expect it to be.
Yes and no. I have no problem with the notion that the same rules and standards should be applied universally. And that, roughly, captures my view of fairness. Of course, that’s almost 180 degrees opposite of what the social justice cadres have in mind when they talk about fairness.
With respect to the social contract, if it exists and has any validity then as you say the rules have to be consistently applied. That’s the contract. I am foregoing my right to settle my own affairs vis a vis others in exchange for which we all agree to be held to the same standards and be subject to the same consequences. So to that extent, civic life should be fair. Life in general is also fair in the sense that there are no guarantees, no rules other than the inevitability of physical phenomena, and nobody is sheltered from or immune to the chaos that is existence. So in that sense, life writ large is fair, too. Fair doesn’t mean everyone gets a brownie.
I spent the weekend in a small little hamlet called Buan-Gun. Only national park that here that has mountains and a beach.
Officially Girlfriended the squeeze. Got her to shoot roman candles on the beach for the first time. (These euphemisms are getting more pyrotechnical…) She was terrified and ended up loving it. I have already subtly began her down the path towards righteousness. Classical liberalism, sure, but I’ve gotten here to eat meat twice already after a decade of pescatarianism.
We got two beds with our hotel and she loved my idea that we take the mattress off and make a fort on the floor. We watched my favorite movie, LA Confidential.
I’m gonna have a band audition soon, which I’m stoked about.
Work sucks dick for Skittles.
Just a casual update. Carry on Glibs. Hope everyone can enjoy the holiday. End transmission.
What are you going to do with her when your contract runs out?
Contract is up in 6 months. She is really unhappy with her job and has, without my poking, has mentioned her desire to move to a new country.
I’m going to Chiang Mai in September to see how shit is there. I want to start an online gig of editing/proofreading to get paid in USD while living super cheaply in Thailand. (Don’t remember if you were there for that thread.)
The more that I think about it, the more it makes so much sense for me. If she wants to join me that would be lovely. We’ve only been dating for a month so I’m not looking that far ahead. Things can certainly change really quickly.
I really need to get out of the teaching game. So many children. I want to kidnap about 5% of them and murder 50% of them. That’s not a sustainable ratio. Or maybe I just need some OMWC tips.
I was there for that thread, which is why I asked.
And wait until to have kids of your own.
Florida Man dispatches Zombie Clown
That’s a clown mask? WTF kind of clowns do they have in FL?
Umm, Florida Clowns?
Correct, now help me with this shovel.
but no one defends themselves with concealed handguns!
If there’s anything more American than a pair of nice, fat tits I don’t know what it is.
Have a nice day off, Ameriglibs. To all the furriners, make like Rufus and get back to work!
7, 13, 15, probably more but by 15 I’ve hit sensory overload.
50 is . . . odd.
20,35,41,47,48,49. God bless America *raises flag to full staff then slowly lowers to half mast*
1 could been a contenda, except for the ink.
#11 and #50 excluded from the orgy.
I just motorboated my phone.
Four is for me. 20 needs a warmer beach…or not? 30 IDK, strangely aroused but in fear for my life.
“Kylie Minogue shows off her youthful looks as she marks her 50th birthday with star-studded bash”
I have no idea who she is, but, would.
Oh fuck yea. A certain 14 year old boy (who may or may not be me) derived much “enjoyment” from certain scenes in her “Can’t Get You Out of My Head” music video, namely that fucking white robe thing that is showing most of her ass and just barely covers her tits.
OK, I actually looked up that video, and it made me glad I’d never heard of her before.
At my mom’s house for Memorial Day. She’s watching one of those true crime shows on Investigation Discovery. I’m half paying attention while getting work done for a closing tomorrow.
It’s this veteran homicide officer talking about his old cases. Anyhoo, in the intro to the episode that’s coming on now, the guy says that when you’re taking a suspect you know to be armed, you want to take him outside, because if you try to arrest him in his house, he knows where the guns are and the hiding places, and you don’t.
Why don’t modern day drug cops understand that?
Lemme guess; Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda.
Not a bad show if you’re into that sort of thing. Which I am.
“When a Nashville man named Matthew Charles was released from prison early in 2016 after a sentence reduction, he’d spent almost half his life behind bars. But in a rare move, a federal court ruled his term was reduced in error and ordered him back behind bars to finish his sentence.
He’s going to prison. To finish out a 35-year term for selling crack to an informant in the 90’s.
Charles had already served 21 years before his sentence was cut short as a result of crack guideline changes passed by the Obama administration. But the U.S. Attorney’s office appealed his release on the grounds that Charles was legally considered a “career offender” due to a prior stint in state prison. They said the retroactive change in the law did not apply to him — and a Court of Appeals agreed.
Since his release in 2016, Charles has held a steady job. He volunteers every Saturday, has reconnected with his family, and started a serious relationship. But really, his rehabilitation started years prior.
In prison, he took college classes and correspondence courses, he taught a GED program and became a law clerk. With his training, he helped other incarcerated men understand the judicial system long after their public defenders moved on to the next case.
Charles kept the secrets of those who were illiterate so they wouldn’t face ridicule or harassment — he read them letters from the court and drafted filings for them in the library. He organized bible studies and counseled newcomers. Two decades in federal insitututions — from maximum to low security — without a single disciplinary infraction.
Those that know Charles say they can’t understand why the justice system won’t recognize his rehabilitation. But the federal Bureau of Prisons did away with parole and most “good behavior” incentives years ago — even the best behaved must serve out the majority of their term.”
“He’s rebuilt his life and now they’re coming to snatch it,” says “Wolf”, who met Charles at a halfway house in 2016. They’ve volunteered together almost every Saturday since, long after fulfilling their community service requirements.
Ow my balls!
Thanks. Straff nutpunched this one two days ago.
I think sending someone back to prison after they’ve been legitimately released is a clear 5A violation. Also, not a rare move. See the Hammonds (Malheur NWR occupation).
And fuck the judge. ‘Oh, my hands are tied. I just have to commit this injustice.’ The Nuremberg defense for Legalists.
Yet “tough on crime” is a hugely popular bipartisan strategy during campaign season.
I always have to shake my head whenever I hear people associated with the justice system say that the purpose of prison is to rehabilitate. I agree that it should be more about justice than rehabilitation but don’t lie about it.
My response to all of this: Who gives a flying fuck? Your service exists to entertain me, regardless of political agenda. If it ceases to do that, I will cease to use it. Easy peasy.
I am not a Netflix subscriber anymore because I found I was not using it often so I cancelled. There is no doubt the Obama’s will produce progressive political content but I see here even conservatives calling that “his values”. The same as the linked by someone article the other day about the prog whining Obama was not doing enough in his post presidency. The Obama’s have one value and one value alone and that is to get as filthy rich as they can. If you think their lives are being lived in anyway other than to benefit themselves and their friends well, you are an idiot.
I’m convinced that the vast majority of “progressive” politicians don’t believe a word of it.
Yeah, there are plenty of shows I watch on Netflix. They’re throwing cash to the Obamas for support during the Net Neutrality bit. Fine, that’s the regulatory capture game, and while I hate corruption I get that they’re playing the game they’re in. I’ll keep Netflix whether or not they blow production money on the Obamas or not, and when they stop putting out quality stuff because they’ve wasted money paying Bumbles to talk about how great he is in a six-part documentary or whatever, I’ll drop Netflix like a hot rock.
My problem with “conservative” entertainment is that it hits virtually ALL the goddamn notes. If you’re a conservative filmmaker and want to give conservative entertainment crossover appeal, you’ve got to go with the easy, good, unobjectionable stuff: lower taxes, less government, show how traditional American values work best. But they always have to throw in God and the cops and the military, all that stuff. That’s all fine if it’s a preach to the choir flick; I don’t think play-to-the-base films change a lot of minds or make a lot of money.
“Elon Musk: I think journalists are kind of shit tbh fam
Journalists = largely scum. Musk = Cross between a snake oil salesman and PT Barnum.
Can’t they both lose?
Goddamn it is hot outside.
Read over the commie shitweasel arguments above and y’alls comments.
All of the left’s arguments are saying the same thing: You dont own yourself. Your mind, body and conscience are not your property exclusively. They are making a claim on you as property and they will decide what to do with that property. People are just cattle to them. Chattel.
They also know that they can never act on that while the citizenry is armed.
You cant have my guns motherfuckers.
Collectivism is the cornerstone of the leftist project and collectivism always necessitates reducing people to unwashed masses of slaves (presided over by a “benevolent” group of elite betters of course). And you’re right, the ability to fight back is extremely threatening to them.
Molon labe.
Fuck the progs
fuck chelsea
manningclintonfuck the twinks having a tantrum
THHPPT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atQ7Q2nShHg
Looks spunky
That was classy.
“Butchers ‘living in fear’ as vegan attacks on the rise, says Countryside Alliance
Attacks on small businesses by vegan activists are on the rise, according to the Countryside Alliance.
Death threats, stoked by social media and encouraged by international groups of activists, have caused butchers and farmers to “live in fear.”
Marlow Butchers, in, Ashford, Kent, was targeted earlier this month by activists who daubed red paint on the doors and windows of the shop.
Since then, the business has been subjected to online abuse.
Wayne Marlow, who runs the business with his father and brother, told Kent Online: “On the internet it has been very threatening.
“It has got ridiculous – activists from as far away as Australia are getting involved.”
Careful, butchers’ have knives
And my butcher carries a Glock.
So militant vegans are like the left’s version of abortion clinic bombers?
Tree spikers.. paint throwers .. road blockers.. grocery whatever that is
It is always the fist with them. “We cant convince you? Fine, we will beat the shit out of you.”
-Worth noting:
I’ve gone through various “Global Terrorism databases“…. historical datasets which try and quantify terror-trends….. over and over again. There’s like ~3 of these types of sources, all of which have their own quirks on definitions/time frames/ methodologies.
They often tend to count either “incidents” or “body count”, both of which can be misleading stats; ‘bombs that never go off’, but which have could have killed many? get downgraded. while “incidents” like vandalism are sometimes given equal weight to mass-murder or hijackings, etc.
but, notable: is that there was a huge rise in left-wing ‘environmental / animal rights’ activism in the late-70s-late 1990s. so much so that their ‘incidents’ tended to swamp data on things like ETA and IRA and other ‘separatist’ or marxist-radicals. The “green” left was one of the most active sources of terror-data for like 2 decades.
I’ve noticed that most people who try organizing these data for publication – particularly when making absurd claims about “Right Wing terrorism” – often strip this entire category out, particularly because
a) they do tend to primarily be ‘vandalism’/property destruction, but still in many cases resulted in injuries/deaths (e.g. see: “Tree Spiking“) and b) they were so frequent that they make other sorts of violent ‘ideological’ terror seem rare (which they are) by contrast, and undermine the scare-tactics the authors are aiming for.
“Far-right activists banned from the UK are coming to Australia
LAUREN Southern says the media has got her all wrong. The Canadian who was banned from Britain is about to land in Australia.
A CONTROVERSIAL political commentator heading for Australia says her ideas “will shock people”.
Canadian Lauren Southern will tour Australia and New Zealand starting next month on a speaking tour that stops at Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Auckland.
Southern, who previously worked for Rebel Media — the same media organisation former Labor leader Mark Latham aligned himself with — calls herself an “independent journalist”.
She is known as one of the torchbearers for the alt-right movement in her country and will be touring with countryman Stefan Molyneux.
On Monday night, Southern appeared on Sky News’s Outsiders program where she referenced a news.com.au article that compared her to Milo Yiannopolous.
Yiannopolous’ tour of Australia last year led to violent demonstrations where hundreds of police were forced to intervene in clashes between left-wing protesters and supporters of the far-right figure.”
So there is a Memorial Day parade happening outside my rear window. What are your thoughts on having a parade to celebrate a holiday based on remembering our military dead.
By the way the Shriner’s “Oriental” band float was delightfuly non PC. Oriental band written in chop souie font was a nice touch.
Enjoyed sleeping in today.
More on the Tommy Robinson case.
“The upside — and the irony — of this case is that the gag order, while silencing the British news media, has caused people around the world to take notice. To be sure, a quick tour of major mainstream newspaper websites in Western Europe, North America and around the Anglosphere turned up nothing. But on alternative news sites around Europe, the story was front and center. The Fox News website reported on Robinson’s arrest — but even Fox, frustratingly, insisted on calling him a “right-wing activist.””
Right wing = person who tells the truths that the powers that be don’t want told.
“I am in a country that is not free… I feel jealous as hell of you guys in America. You don’t know how lucky you are.” — Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad), YouTuber with around a million subscribers.
It isnt luck. A lot of blood paid for that.
This is one lost sailor who is worth remembering.
And those today who would be his grandchildren are calling for re-segregation.
I think the loss of our history is one of the biggest tragedies of this time.
That’s why the left is desperately trying to erase it. So that younger people, whom they always target, wont have any context or perspective.
There are still demonstrations in front of the Philly Starbucks that caused the outcry. Guy on tv was just demanding reparations for slavery, and telling us that talking isn’t the answer to deeply embedded racism. Sure, hitting up the descendants of Italian immigrants from 1910 for reparation payments is a sure way to wipe away any potentially racist thoughts.
Some animal chewed up the hoses on my gas grill. Again.
Has it occurred to you that maybe someone is trying to kill you and they are disguising the sabotage as animal damage?
It’s not dangerous, because by the time I would light it, all the propane would be gone.
Stainless steel lines, that is all.
But doesn’t the MSM know what’s best for everyone?
(googles, “Tits with apple pie“)
i think ‘Tits with a machine gun’ would also work
Would eat.
I don’t know. Looks store bought. The pie not the tits.
A long read but worth it. Jimmy Stewart was a true class act.
Clark Gable went up in bombers a fair number of times while making a documentary. Actually got angry when they sent him home after he was done. He was also quite helpful getting his squadron mates in getting female attention.
There was director (he made the Memphis Belle documentary) who flew into combat a lot. He actually made himself a pest as he kept thinking of what would make a good shot, not necessarily safe for the crew (he actually suggested the crew fly back through flack to get a better shot).
I’m reading a book on the American bombing campaign in Europe.
But Jimmy Stewart pretty much did as much as anybody with his fame coming in. Charles Lindbergh (despite his pre-war stance) helped out a fair amount in the Pacific theater with suggestions on long distance flying. Flying as an observer he “accidentally” got into a few combat situations himself. I remember reading he may have shot down a few Japanese aircraft himself.
Seth Myers let’s one of his black female writers get on TV and rant. This gets passed off as comedy despite not there being no jokes and the delivery itself.
Imagine what would happen if the people in corporate America, particularly the media, actually understood most Americans. Think about how much money could be made.
Shaun King/Talcum X talking out of his ass some more:
He’s looking to create a story. There’s no way in hell he’d be breaking this, and if players were thinking of doing this, they’d be sitting out now when there aren’t financial repercussions.