Swiss screwed you last night. Maybe because of the 23 beers he had, but that’s no excuse. So it’s time to rely on one of the Original Elders of Zion to bring you news.
Do you know what common sense gun control would really look like? I’d say it should start with disarming cops. They really are far worse than the rest of us.
Macron runs out of other people’s money. Hilarity ensues. Pire que Hitler!
Here’s a delightful quote from a (Catholic, not St. Louis) cardinal:
It is good to prefer your own kind when shopping, to avoid Jewish stores and Jewish stalls in the marketplace. One should stay away from the harmful moral influence of Jews, keep away from their anti-Christian culture, and especially boycott the Jewish press and demoralizing Jewish publications.
So of course the church censured him. Hahahahaha, nope, Commie Pope has put him on the path to sainthood. Never change, Frankie, never change.
Who do corruption? WE do corruption! Waukegan is the taint of Chicago.
Best practice is not to have someone who could potentially be a suspect run the investigation, Newby added, and as an employee who worked in the district office, Newby said he and DeVonne could be suspects. It would also not be best practice to pick investigators who report to one of the people being investigated, he said, adding that Plascencia “is my supervisor (and) I’m her supervisee.”
The set-up was problematic and leads people to “think you’re not telling the truth,” Newby said. He added that that this doesn’t mean the results of the investigation are wrong, but it can leave room for doubt.
“Room for doubt.”
Inbred idiot acts like an inbred idiot. Will we never be rid of these people?
When Beer It Forward goes terribly wrong.
Light the Warty signal! California NIMBYism is the best NIMBYism.
OK, Old Guy Music for the maybe two of you who ever bother risking turning into your grandpa and actually listening to it. Country music gone problematic.
One should stay away from the harmful moral influence of Jews, keep away from their anti-Christian culture, and especially boycott the Jewish press and demoralizing Jewish publications.
NYT hardest hit?
*Zero hedge comment section nods*
The signs clearly say NO RUNNING
Are they carrying sissors?
My grandparents watched the Lawrence Welk Show.
I did as well.
. That show was staaaa-raaange.
I’d watch it sometimes because it was on before Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday nights.
Sometimes I’d catch a bit of it when I was a kid, because it came on right after Championship Wrestling From Florida on Saturdays.
My mom always was impressed by Gordon Solie; she thought he was the best straight man ever.
The other Saturday evening standard at our house was Hee Haw.
Doom, despair, and agony on me.
Where, oh where, are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over and thought I’d found true love
You met another and PHHFFT!! you was gone
The number to call is BR 549
“Good night, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams to you! Here’s a wish, and a prayer that every dream comes true! And now, ‘til we meet again! Adios, au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen….Goodnight!”
Kennedy Jr., a lawyer and environmental activist, would like to see a new probe led by his dad’s pal Paul Schrade, a former United Auto Workers official. Schrade was one of five others shot and wounded at the Ambassador Hotel.
Schrade, 93, has said he believes Sirhan’s bullets hit him and the others — but not Kennedy, and persuaded Kennedy Jr. to examine the evidence, the report said.
Magic bullet theory strikes again.
One of these days a Kennedy is going to do something useful for society, like smuggling booze.
“something useful for society”
Well they do eventually all die. If we could just get them to not procreate.
Comedy, don’t forget comedy. His response to the SOTU speech was pure gold.
Whoops. Wrong Kennedy. They all look alike to me.
Why is so much of America still obsessed with the Kennedys anyway?
I can’t wait for the Baby Boomers to leave the cultural stage so that we can move on from the 60s.
They’re our kind of royal family, inbred white trash with money.
Yeah, I don’t get it. This must be what it’s like to have a royal family. Like there are people who on some level seem to think that if JFK was a good president (by their standards at least) and Ted Kennedy was…in Congress for a long time, then anyone from the clan also carries the noble blood and will just be a clone of one of them. Presumably John or Bobby, I suspect even true believers could take or leave The Lion of the Senate.
allowing its members to run on surrounding streets throughout the day,
Did they have scissors?
Lee is accused of killing a law enforcement officer, but was not charged with a capital crime because the officer was off-duty at the time of the shooting.
He isnt charged with a capital crime because he shot what he thought was an intruder…he says.
Meh. He capped his brother. Probably over an ugly woman.
I was wondering about any property they might inherit.
If you or I shot an off-duty pig and claimed it was an intruder, we wouldn’t be getting this sort of sympathy from the state.
I’m surprised they even arrested him.
Wow. Now there’s a compelling argument. STFU, precious.
“Not getting my way is like, totes stressful!”
I’m going to say if someone is blasting loud music outside my house at 6:30 am on a weekend they’re about to have a problem they don’t want. Not sure we they don’t just sue the shit out of them.
It’s not that the royal family is a useless leftover from yesterday, it’s that they’re just so darn problematic.
NYU described blackamoor art as “Gaudy by nature, and uncomfortably dated — a bit like the American lawn jockey, or Aunt Jemima doll.”
I’m offended by Mrs. Butterworth.
Aunt Jemima is fucking Uncle Ben.
Mrs. Butterworth is in a threesome with Mrs. Olson and Mr. Whipple.
My grandmother was a casual racist. There was nothing malicious, it’s just the way they talked back then. There was an ashtray at our cabin that has long since disappeared. It was Aunt Jemima and her lower lip was the ashtray.
I fondly remember eating pancakes as a kid at Sambo’s. We used to buy the mix so we could make them at home.
Sambo’s was my absolute favorite.
The wealth of the Windsor family was built off of the slave trade. Huh… that’s an interesting take.
I suppose if they had meant feudalism and running a protection racket around the world, then yeah. But they literally mean that their wealth comes from transporting Africans to be slaves.
That’s just silly. Talk about a drop in the bucket. They held entire continents as involuntary subjects who were required to pay tribute.
My favorite part of that steaming pile of nitwittery
Apparently something happened in the last few months and now racism is totes normal.
Muslim hatred of the English has become totally normal over the years.
Speaking of drop in the bucket, Meghan’s black? I don’t mean like for census purposes, I mean like Louis Farrakhan would be fine with her?
– “So, George, do you have any thoughts on this Meghan situation?”
– “Actually, I did have a thought.”
– “Oh?”
– “Why don’t you just ask her?”
– “Because, if I ask her, then it’s like I really want to know.”
– “Maybe she’s, um… mixed.”
– “Is that the right word?”
– “I really don’t think we’re supposed to be talking about this.”
Mom’s black, dad’s white. So, like Jews, her PoC status depends on whether something good or bad happens to her.
OMG I can’t even
The French are protesting pro-business policies. Most of the world is like that and they hate our guts for being wealthier.
That isnt the only photo of commie Sirhan with Kennedy. I vaguely remember seeing one with the pistol in his hand. He did it.
“Sure, he shot at Kennedy, but someone else actually fired the fatal bullet….. even though nobody actually saw it or caught him in any of the photos. Because reasons.
It’s the Kennedys. They can all go fuck off and die.
-1 bonus life
There will be pitfalls.
Waukegan.. FFS do they really need a deputy superintendent of operations, safety and facilities? I lived N/NW of there,
and it is an utter shithole.
mchenry and round lake
Aha, you had the fun of navigating 120.
Mostly going at opposite rush hours.. 3pm start in Palatine
I grew up in Lake Bluff. I worked at Lakehurst Mall in Waukegan when I was in high school. All these towns and road names you are citing being back some find memories.
Good grief autocorrect! Bring back fond memories.
Welcome Race Fans! the longest race day of the Year,
and a rare early Sunday appearance by Yusef!
AAACK drive fast, turn left zzzz
F1? are you Serious? or ignorant?
Brain cramp. jumped to NAnqSCAR. apologies
Letters to the Local Rag: I Fail to See the Problem
Walks like a duck etc….
But you aren’t, Blanche, you aren’t good enough!
Someone got passed over for a promotion.
What kind of message is that person sending about the city schools…?
Letters to the Local Rag: Oh Deer
That person has never been off pavement.
There’s an increasingly large segment of the population that oppose development of any sort. Whether it’s buildings for new businesses, pipelines, or electrical towers, they don’t want anything to improve. They’ve got theirs, everyone else be damned.
I fucking hate them.
It is a common sentiment for humans. Consider the North Americans who are complaining about deforestation around the world. Our continent used to look just like the others…covered with mosquito infested forest, fetid water, beset by huge seasonal floods and large swaths of land unusable. We conquered it. We built roads and levees, improved soil, rid ourselves of malaria and yellow fever. Everyone else is just supposed to live with what they have. We have ours so fuck them.
Yeah, those deer can’t get away.
I have a solution. A final solution you might say.
Does you solution involve an oven? Because mine does.
Oven, smoker, BBQ, yeap
On this Memorial Day Weekend, let us mourn the death of saintly decorum in the Oval Office.
is violating Americans’ expectations of how presidents should behave — even of how adults should behave, particularly when children are watching. Yes, Mr. Trump has now been compared to Joseph Stalin by one senior senator from his party, and, yes, he has been pre-emptively disinvited to the prospective funeral of another. But most Republican leaders, usually such vigilant guardians of Oval Office decorum, have remained strangely silent.
So, for the fourth time in a year, we’ve compiled a list of Mr. Trump’s more egregious transgressions. These items don’t represent disputes about policy, over which reasonable people may disagree. They simply serve to catalog what Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and all the other Trump-supporting Republicans in Congress and across America, through their silence, have now blessed as behavior befitting a president of the United States.
We find this guide a helpful way to avoid growing numb to what is so abnormal about this presidency, and to remind ourselves that a day may yet come when dignity and decency will matter again, even, perhaps, to Mr. McConnell and his fellow hypocrites.
There is a list. It’s long. One especially heinous offense:
Accuse an F.B.I. official of “treason” for sending a joke in a private text message that you take out of context
Yes, of course. Those intrepid defenders of Truth, Justice and the American Way down at the NYT editorial board are scrupulous to the point of obsession when it comes to context.
His greatest sin was calling out the commies in no uncertain terms.
They’re talking about politics, right? LMFAO.
Uh oh.
Either I’m tripping or the comments are wigging out.
The gray background is back?
No, the comments were just disappearing and reappearing randomly. Kind of fun, really.
Woke pastors trying to stop the evil pro Trump evangelicals! Oh man, this is a fun article.
Red Letter, eh? Might as well just say Commie.
Toxic Christianity? I’m going to guess that’s like “Toxic Masculinity” in that it’s the real deal, and as such is “problematic.”
Translation: Trump is doing things Christians like, so that lets them look past BS that doesn’t have anything to do with Trump’s job as President.
You mean deporting illegal immigrants. There has been no fanning of racial tensions by anyone but you shitbags. Of course tax cuts benefit the rich (oh my God, how evil!), given that it’s almost exclusively the rich that pay taxes.
The taxes that sock the poor the most are mostly imposed by Democrats at the local level. Funny, that.
I was just looking up how much of my cell phone bill is taxes. Horrendous.
I’ll tell you one thing, I have had a few Evangelicals work at my daycare. Give me them over any left-wing, unionized progressive ANY day of the fucken week. Far superior in their caregiving.
Bold Plan.
“Stockton is about to award stipends of up to $1,000 a month to residents deemed most likely to shoot somebody. This program is called Advance Peace, and it’s modeled after a crime reduction program in the Bay Area city of Richmond.”
“Dear Diary. Ima hold of on capping Ja’La’Ta’Quandray for 18 months and 1 day.”
They put the blame everywhere except where it belongs.
How the fuck is that? The lesson seems to be that by being a violent miscreant, you get paid.
Fat City is a really good movie if you can get past the opening credits of Stacy Keach in his tighty-whities.
Stockton should look to Finland.–/
I rode ambulances in Richmond in the early ‘80s. An extra check is just going to increase the amount of drunkenness and overdoses.
You mean it didn’t lead to an unprecedented boom in productivity?
But what about all that time that was freed up to pursue more noble interests? I was told UBI would lead us into Star Trek Next Generation levels of wealth.
Willful ignorance on parade
The new dropout crisis. The decline in the high-school dropout rate has been one of the big educational successes of the last few decades. About 16 percent of high-school students fail to graduate on time, down significantly from previous decades, with the biggest drops among Latinos and African-Americans. It’s a sign that progress really is possible in education.
If anything, in fact, the biggest dropout crisis is no longer in high schools. It’s in colleges.
There are multiple causes of the college-dropout boom. K-12 schools certainly deserve a substantial amount of blame, because they produce too many ill-prepared students. But colleges — and policymakers — deserve a lot of blame, as well. For years, higher education paid far too little attention to results. That’s starting to change, as Tina Rosenberg has described in several Times Op-Eds, but there is still an enormous amount of work to do.
The worst part of the college-dropout problem is the cost to students. The returns on a college degree are very large, in terms of money, health and happiness. And a growing share of college dropouts come from low- and middle-income families, which means that colleges’ low graduation rates are stifling upward mobility.
By all means, lower the high school dropout rate by lowering academic standards and telling everybody they need to go to college, and then look on in po’faced astonishment when those egregiously unprepared students can’t cut it in an environment which is completely wrong for them.
And by all means keep on repeating that ridiculous bullshit about how a (completely random nonspecific) college degree is the ticket to vast earning power.
Where are they going to kick it next? Evil Corporations aren’t hiring illiterate college grads? That has to be it cuz thats the last place down the road.
Grad school. Once we get our graduation rates up for bachelor’s degrees, grad school will be the next great blossoming of the public school approach to education. Look for enrollment in various Studies master’s programs to go up. After that, we’ll have to invent new degrees.
its like they are trying to prove Bryan Caplan.
“My father was the chief law-enforcement officer in this country. I think it would have disturbed him if somebody was put in jail for a crime they didn’t commit.”
So he’s disturbed about the witch-hunt against Trump?
“Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.”
Pah. Nothing cheers me up like reading about the French screwing up their economy.
If the NK diplomacy actually works, there are going to be a lot of butthurt Americans.
Stockton is about to award stipends of up to $1,000 a month to residents deemed most likely to shoot somebody.
A 21st century protection racket?
Bezos saved The Expanse.
*happy dance*
The bad news is that he’s turning the episode writing over to the WaPo
I’m going to ignore that comment and point out that Frankie Adams looks good without her body armor.
Completely agree
I’ll dance if they put it out on DVD or BR.
Start dancing.
I’m talking about season 4. I already own 1 and 2 on DVD.
My fear is that Amazon will hold it hostage to their streaming service.
Soooo, no dancing?
I dunno. I’ve found some Netflix stuff on DVD. But it looks like Amazon chooses to do without the business of people who would like to own their projects. Oh well.
Marches and rallies also were being held in dozens of other French cities as part of the joint action against Macron’s policies that organizers consider imbalanced and “brutal.”
Unions, opposition parties and other groups are particularly denouncing a Macron-led legal overhaul aimed at cutting worker protections and increasing police powers.
They allege that Macron supports tax reform that favors France’s wealthiest and is working to tear down public services. They also oppose a government plan making it harder for students to attend the public universities of their choice, more restrictive immigration laws and police methods in underprivileged neighborhoods that protesters consider “repressive.”
In the southern port city of Marseille, Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the far-left Defiant France party, also addressed Macron while speaking to demonstrators.
“In the name of the poor, the humiliated, the homeless and the jobless, we are telling you, ‘Enough, enough of this world,'” Melenchon said.
Let them eat cake.
Campaign contributor helped Obamas score Netflix deal
So fucking corrupt. But please, Barack, lecture us some more about the poor and downtrodden. You mendacious prick.
Just proof that Netflix is overvalued.
The stock market will eventually take care of it.
I’m not seeing the corruption here, they gave Obama money before, they’re giving him money now? Is it the ambassadorship thing? how much is that worth? and aren’t those third rate country gigs usually given to friends, as far as corruption that’s pretty weak.
Take some satisfaction in that everything Obama touches turns to shit. Signing him on is the kiss of death.
How much is enough Obama? Please tell us you selfish, narcissistic prick!
I’m so tired of hearing of this guy being ‘classy’ and ‘dignified’.
He’s a facia culo.
It fucking burns me up when I hear Lefties whining that Trump is “undermining the decorum of his office”, yet they said nothing when Obama was farting around on late night talk shows.
More bad news for Hawaii
Hormel has recalled 228,614 pounds of canned pork and chicken products sold throughout the United States and Guam after metal objects were found in them by consumers.
The recalled Spam and “Hormel Foods Black-Label Luncheon Loaf” were made from Feb. 8 to Feb. 10 and include “EST. 199N” on the bottom of the can, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Just trying to help prevent anemia.
Today is one of my favorite days if the year. Zoom
You going to let us know when there are ten laps to go?
It’s F1… I ain’t payin that close attention
F1 pit crews are hilarious. Looks like they have 20 guys over the wall.
Unless something goes pear shaped, we’ll have a single leader for the whole race. F1 sucks.
Good luck
The reviews for the second item are fantastic! Poor Crispin.
At 38 already knows what’s “best” for us
Chelsea can right fuck off. She’s another one, like the Kennedy infestation, that haven’t done a damn bit of anything productive in their whole lives other than be a leach on society. Even the drunk winos under the bridge pick up cans.
Mrs. Clinton, does referring to young black men as super predators count as racist remarks making one ineligible for the presidency?
This place is a shithole
No greater stimulus to our national economy exists than helping people become homeowners. When a credit-worthy person buys a home, they hire people in the construction trades; they buy appliances; they buy furniture; they hire landscapers and more. Jobs of all sorts are sustained and promoted through out home buying and owning that home.
The fox is in the hen house, representing the 1 percent of the richest Americans and destroying other opportunities to build wealth and share in the economic progress of our nation. We will never be great again if we do not address this problem.
Is this the kind of America we are seeking, with fewer and fewer of our citizens having sustainable income or a home to call their own?
John Taylor is President and Founder of National Community Reinvestment Coalition.
Won’t somebody think of the NGO parasites?
Plutocrats! Wreckers!
What a bunch of gibberish. Getting ready to inflate another real estate bubble? They never learn.
Credit worthy people dont need help buying a home. They are credit worthy. Subsidizing credit to the non-credit worthy gets us in trouble over and over. Sustainable income? What? Unemployment is at record lows overall and in every category. Housing sales and construction are on the upswing. What is this guy talking about? He wants back at the government trough, thats all.
To be more widely fair, the market for mortgages is grossly distorted by government interference. I do agree that mortgages are for the creditworthy, but, once we libertarians have our way, mortgage rates will be much higher because the market must weigh in true risks to the lender.
The good news is that we might be making even more money in that day and can happily afford those premia.
But the cost of homes will be much lower due to the removal of all the costs associated with regulation.
Renters don’t buy appliances or furniture? That’s an… interesting take.
+1 Rent-A-Center
It’s like saying renters don’t pay property taxes. Um… yeah, they do.
Right. And when a rich and evil landlord raises rent to capture a raise in taxes, he’s the bad guy.
I knew a guy who bought almost every single fucking possession from Rent-A-Center. His TV, Xbox, sofa, even his damn drinking cups were from Rent-A-Center.
It’s strange how we are always told that poverty some involuntary condition that hard-working, intelligent people are thrown into because of “capitalism’s failures”, yet almost every poor person I know has a long pattern of making awful decisions. The Rent-A-Center guy, a rampant alcoholic and pothead, a guy who purposely stays in a low-wage forklift driving job because he thinks other jobs are too hard, and a woman at work who lectures me on how silly it is to save money because “you can’t take it to the grave with you”.
Key word is credit-worthy. When people who are not credit-worthy buy homes, you end up with a mess.
“Swedish journalist and “culture critic” Kristina Lindquist has slammed the institution of marriage, but noted that marriages to asylum seekers to help them stay in Sweden are an “excellent reason” for them.
Ms. Lindquist, who wrote the opinion piece for Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter earlier this week, said that she did not personally believe in the institution of marriage, calling it “one of the most central institutions of the patriarchy”.
“The thought of who I’m sharing myself with would call me his ‘wife’ is both absurd and laughable,” Lindquist said.
While Lindquist argued against marriage, she argued for the practice for asylum seekers to keep them in Sweden, mentioning the 2017 Danish film The Charmer in which an Iranian asylum seeker attempts to seduce multiple women into marriage in order to remain in Denmark.
Since the 1980s, Sweden has had a marriage law that requires couples to be together for at least two years in order for one of them to gain permanent residency in the country. Lindquist stated that she did not agree with the law as it “puts people in an absolute and destructive deprivation — and locks women into violent relationships”.
“To give a person a refugee residence permit — is not that a great opportunity to marry someone who can manage and wants it?” she said.”
TW: Brietbart, Sweden
“locks women into violent relationships”
Great argument.
Muslims are kind to women as long as they cover their head and know their place.
It’s frightening to watch some people’s mental processes at work.
“one of the most central institutions of the patriarchy,” she said while cashing her latest alimony check of half of her ex’s monthly earnings.
I see by the collection of derpnews you’ve all collected this morning that the world is still as stupid as it was when I went to bed last night. Beam me up Scotty.
+1 hair to rival Trump’s Hair
Clinton added that people used to focus on tolerance instead of standing up against instances of hatred, like casual misogyny.
“We have freedom of speech, which I do think is hugely important – and yet people thought you couldn’t dispute hateful things, because they’re like – well, it’s freedom of speech. Well, freedom of speech doesn’t mean there is freedom of consequences,” Clinton said.
“Sure, you should not be in prison because you said something racist,” she added. “But you also shouldn’t be able to run for president. And yet here we are.”
Who doesn’t want to be hectored by an overprivileged twat whose sole claim to fame is being somebody’s daughter? I hang on her every word.
Still no actual examples of the myriad evils Trump is committing. Accusations, insinuations, ad hominems and oh, he doesnt respect decorum. No evidence.
At what point does Europe go full on communist?
It doesn’t. Real Communism has never been tried.
Here’s the funny thing about that. Real communism has been tried countless times by little collectives of hippies and it invariably breaks down a short time later. Why these idiots think scaling it up would somehow work better is a mystery. You know what has worked on small AND large scales for millennia? Voluntary trade.
And communism has the best chance of working in small, cohesive groups who are all somewhat committed to making the whole thing work. If it doesn’t even work in that situation, that’s really saying something.
The Kennedys should move to France.
But they are Catholic, not Muslim.
On the Polish to-be-Saint:
The community’s fears came true on July 4, 1946, when a mob attacked the building of the Jewish Committee in Kielce, leaving 42 Jews dead and more than 40 wounded. A week later, the AJC letter said, “Cardinal Hlond held a press conference but he did not condemn the pogrom nor urge Poles to stop murdering Jews. Rather, he pointed out that the Jews were all communists or supporters of communism and that the pogrom was their own fault.”
Seems like a swell guy.
At first I thought maybe he had an excuse – coercion by the Nazis. Nope. post wwII he was still at it. Disgraceful.
“Right-wing activist Tommy Robinson reportedly jailed after filming outside child grooming trial”
I wonder how much coverage this is going to get in the U.S.?
I made a prediction yesterday – that the English would knuckle under. I am glad to be wrong. Last night I saw where there are huge numbers of protesters in the street demanding his release. Maybe they aren’t as doomed as I thought.
Note the framing:
British society is really playing with fire.
I’m sure it will get mention in multiple links threads.
“I wonder how much coverage this is going to get in the U.S.?”
Other than Fox and the alt-media, very little to zero.
Meanwhile, the media were all over Weinstein’s fake perp walk.
Ah, Piers – never change.
Respect other religions you christfag
“On @SkyNewsAust the courageous hosts of #Outsiders are ordered not to talk about #TommyRobinson. @rowandean and @RossCameron4 do their best given the circumstances. #FreeTommyRobinson #FreeTommy #auspol @Lauren_Southern @BrittPettibone”
Perfidious conspiracy!
We all use fossil fuels, but that’s because up until very recently there were no alternatives. Literally. One of the main reasons there have been no alternatives is because the oil industry spends billions of dollars obstructing their development and deceiving the public and Congress about the climate-related dangers of continued reliance on its products. The oil industry has done everything it could to make sure we stay addicted to its products. While that might make good business sense, it also caries liabilities, for example, when you know for decades that your product is causing potentially cataclysmic changes in the global climate.
What they don’t get (among many things they don’t get) is that the “oil industry” spends billions of dollars a year looking for alternatives. Getting oil out of the ground is dirty and expensive. If they can find an alternative fuel that’s cheaper to make, their profits go up exponentially *and* they look like saints.
They are the Trump of industries. No matter what they do they will be demonized. They supply us with cheap energy which allows the creation of much wealth which mightily empowers the individual. That is what they hate.
What alternatives? There is only one and this crowd has spent decades obstructing it.
Which is how you know that this is about power and only about power, not saving the earth.
This Memorial Day start a conversation at the table with your family and ask them to think about what they did voting for Trump. Ask them to repent or else never speak to them again. Do it for your community, your family and Obama who is still with us…for some reason….yapping in the corner of the dining room… a drunken muppet….
Humph. I didn’t see anyone else step up last night.
*lifts chin*
I appreciate you Swiss.
Switzerland almost pulled it off at the WC. Sweden back to back titles…..on shootout. Tsk, tsk.
Speaking of Sweden, we watched Let the Right One In last night with English subtitles. Interesting contribution to the Vampire genre.
Switzerland loves hockey more than most people know.
Oh, I know. I watch the Spengler Cup and they always do segments about hockey in Sweeezerlind.
I was lurking for a while. I couldn’t sleep
An outstanding (continuing) twitter thread on what it was like to live under actual (in this case, Romanian) communism
While it’s good content, it’s the wrong medium.
So much this.
If he condenses that into a single article I might read it, interesting but the tweet after tweet after tweet format gets tiresome.
Chicken feet are censored by Twitter.
I have a friend who emigrated from Poland with his family in the late ’80s. He told me about Watermelon Day. Watermelon Day was the one day a year the stores near his home would have Watermelon, so everyone would wait in line all day for the chance to have a little ration of watermelon. Like other kids he knew, he was told by his parents that it was a holiday so that the ‘waiting in line all day’ part would be more exciting and not such boring drudgery that he or his siblings would misbehave.
Also vroom
Argumentum ad Ursus maritimus
Our hope a decade ago was that the listing would help spur swift and aggressive action to curb fossil fuel pollution, the largest climate culprit. The science was clear: Keeping the vast majority of the world’s fossil fuels in the ground is critical not only to save the polar bear, but to preserve a livable planet for all of us.
Fossil fuels are still being extracted and burned at a furious rate. And the polar bear’s habitat is melting away even faster than predicted.
While the Trump administration pursued its dirty-energy agenda, the Arctic experienced its warmest winter on record. The maximum sea ice extent was the second-lowest ever recorded. And the sea ice this summer may well hit a new record low.
California is the bellwether for climate policy, but its actual policies do not protect people or polar bears from the health and climate ravages of fossil fuels. We cannot allow this to continue. That’s why I’m working with the Brown’s Last Chance campaign to demand Brown stop new oil and gas drilling in California and devise a fair plan to phase it out entirely.
Keeping fossil fuels in the ground now is the only way to save the polar bear’s icy Arctic home. It is the only way to address the health and justice crisis caused by dirty oil extraction in our communities. That’s why Brown must act now — on the 20-year anniversary of the polar bear’s listing, it will be far too late.
Those poor, poor bears, drowning and starving just because a bunch of stupid humans hate walking to the grocery store, and sitting around in cold dark houses. They only species which should be pushed to extinction is MAN.
I’m beginning to get the idea that The Hill is a veritable goldmine of derp.
“Save the bears by unnecessarily crippling the economy.”
Sounds like a plan.
You want a state swarming with polar bears? This is how you get a state swarming with polar bears.
Polar bears are scary. My brother did a canoe trip in the arctic, and couldn’t land on shore for about two days because a polar bear was stalking them on the river bank. He has photos and video and his buddy wrote about it for either Outside or Canoe magazine.
Nice bear. Good beary bear. You just stay there Mr. Polar Bear.
Get back in the canoe. Start paddling.
“What is apparent is that the global population of polar bears has not declined over the last 30 years, as the PBSG status tables indicate.”
“California is the bellwether for climate policy, but its actual policies do not protect people”
No matter what the math might ultimately show about climate trends and possible causation, oil is going to be the cheapest BTU for a long time. So the larger scale of, say, American law, would never protect anyone from the economic reality of the global phenomenon and carbon is going to be burned for a long time.
I’ve had enough math and modeling to absolutely doubt our ability to model such a huge system meaningfully yet; I’m exhausted by the leaps that folks on both sides make, as if causation is an award that is handed out by popular accord, like a People’s Choice. But I am intrigued by the Smithian question of total costs (someone help me with the correct academic terms): someone(s) burns something and the exhausts affect me….it’s hard to say as a libertarian that some of that shouldn’t be regulated somehow. The kids say “microagression;” that’s funny, but it’s real that lots of us damage each other in drabs, and maybe we’d stop or it would become a luxury if we had to fully pay for what we do to our neighbors…..not very NAP of us.
“someone(s) burns something and the exhausts affect me….it’s hard to say as a libertarian that some of that shouldn’t be regulated somehow. The kids say “microagression;” that’s funny, but it’s real that lots of us damage each other in drabs, and maybe we’d stop or it would become a luxury if we had to fully pay for what we do to our neighbors…..not very NAP of us.”
I think you’re talking about externalities. The quick round up of libertarian analysis is this: some of these things are unavoidable (you can’t charge your neighbor for the beauty of your garden) and others fall into the government mishandling property rights, ( if a corporation pollutes, it might be protected by the government despite it violating the properties of existing people around there)
what is often missed also is the cost of government externalities.
In some (many) cases, externalities cant be fixed because the cost of government externalities is higher than the cost of the externality itself.
Cut the electricity lines from the rest of the country.
Sometimes I wish California (or at least the major metro areas) would secede and just go as far as they want with their environut feminist socialist policies. If their way of doing things is so much better than our way of doing things in icky redneck deplorable flyover country, why not lead by example?
“The maximum sea ice extent was the second-lowest ever recorded. ”
During the medieval warm period Europeans could sail nearly all the way around greenland. In the warm period prior to that Scandanavia had nearly mediterranean climate. Polar bear populations are slightly on the uptick which is why they are showing up farther south than usual.
Bigger liars: Gun grabbers or warmistas?
“Woman who falsely accused DPS trooper of rape won’t face additional charges
The woman who made false rape allegations against a Texas DPS trooper will not face any additional charges.
The Ellis County District Attorney made the announcement Friday that no criminal charges will be filed against Sherita- Dixon Cole for “blatantly false and malicious allegations” since a formal complaint to an authorized officer was never made.
Dixon-Cole was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving in Ellis County last Sunday. She claimed the trooper raped her during her arrest. However, body cam video of the arrest released on Wednesday disputed her claim.
While Dixon-Cole was in jail, officials say she made several phone calls in which she made detailed false allegations of criminal conduct against the trooper who arrested her. Officials say it is from those phone calls that the false claims against the trooper were made public.”
Of course she won’t. None of these scum ever face consequences for their false rape claims.
Fucking Cultfit.
I just finished watching Black Panther and I thought it was a OK superhero origin movie.
No spoilers that are not in press releases. I don’t understand the accolades it was given. If I were a SJW type, the premise for the advanced state of the country of Wokanda would be problematic. “African countries could only be more advanced than the West by some a magic material that falls from the sky”.
Yeah, I just watched it for the first time last week too. I enjoyed it pretty well, but it wasn’t amazing. Although I will say it had a more interesting than usual villain for the Marvel movies.
What happens when you can’t think deeper than a mud puddle.
I haven’t seen any evidence that Hogg gives a shit about gay marriage or abortion so… I’ll think he’ll sleep fine at night.
Hogg doesn’t give a shit about anything but his media exposure.
Since gay marriage already exists they are not harmed. The right is trying to spin a win out of a loss.
In the game of chicken between democracy and corporatism, Seattle demonstrated that people power can prevail.
Sawant, who burst onto the national political scene with her bold socialist agenda, won her seat on Seattle’s City Council by calling for three major reforms, summed up by the slogans “$15 an Hour,” “Tax the Rich” and “Rent Control.” Four years ago, Sawant fulfilled the first of her campaign promises by leading the fight to win an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. In an interview on “Rising Up With Sonali,” she shared with me how her second reform was achieved against massive opposition. “It was a bitterly fought-for victory,” she said of the “Amazon tax” as it became known, “because we went up against the Democratic Party establishment, the absolutely ferocious opposition of the Chamber of Commerce, of big businesses like Starbucks and especially of Amazon.”
The larger question, she added, is, “Who gets to occupy urban spaces in America?” Indeed, as the technology sector has seen record growth, the cities in which tech companies establish themselves—including Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, Ore., Chicago and others—become playgrounds for the wealthy new transplants who work the high-tech jobs. “The billionaire class—[those] like Jeff Bezos—get to enrich themselves hand over fist,” Sawant said, “while every square inch of this city gets privatized and gets more and more expensive.”
Dispatch from the crab bucket. Better to be uniformly poor than unequal.
Read it, and weep.
well weep because someone is stupid enough to think that Seattle was the “little guy”. Amazon is the one being bullied.
How many of those 15/hr jobs are available now? My understanding was that most of their restaurants closed or left town.
Quick search says record numbers closing or leaving town followed by frantic denials from the left that it has anything to do with the rise in minimum wage.
Seattle commissioned a study that said the rise in minimum wage cost the average low-income worker $100 a month. (Of course to the progs that’s table scraps, but to everyone else it’s a significant amount)
More like “read it and want to punch a hole in a wall”. Too many lies to even begin unpacking.
“African countries could only be more advanced than the West by some a magic material that falls from the sky”.
Foreign aid?
The movie actually debated how to best to help the less fortunate people in other countries in the world. To provide aid or not.
Debating foreign aid is OK but raising questions about throwing welfare dollars at Americans makes you literally worse than Hitler.
In the US? Look around. We have been here 500 years. Look around Africa. They have been there 100,000 years. Nothing we do is going to help the less fortunate people in other countries. Have them adopt our ethics, values and habits? We would just be evil colonizers.
There is no discussion in the movie about why this one country was able to use its resources to develop thier own. It was implied that because of its remoteness they never faced the dreaded colonizers.
“You’re missing the point & living in a bubble of self-righteous sanctimony. The public doesn’t trust you. This was true *before* the last election & only got worse. Don’t believe me? Run your own poll …”
See, no one is pure evil.
Yeah, Gab has been retweeting Musk lately. Gotta say, I don’t dislike the man reading those tweets.
Polar bears are scary.
You misspelled “cuddly”.
“Has an outgoing president ever worked to delegitimize and dislodge his successor like this?
‘F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims,” read the headline on a lengthy New York Times story May 18. “The Justice Department used a suspected informant to probe whether Trump campaign aides were making improper contacts with Russia in 2016,” read a story in the May 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal.
So much for those who dismissed charges of Obama-administration infiltration of Donald Trump’s campaign as paranoid fantasy. Defenders of the Obama intelligence and law-enforcement apparat have had to fall back on the argument that this infiltration was for Trump’s — and the nation’s — own good.
It’s an argument that evidently didn’t occur to Richard Nixon’s defenders when it became clear that Nixon operatives had burglarized and wiretapped the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in June 1972.
Until 2016, just about everyone agreed that it was a bad thing for government intelligence or law-enforcement agencies to spy — er, use informants — on a political campaign, especially one of the opposition party. Liberals were especially suspicious of the FBI and the CIA. Nowadays they say that anyone questioning their good faith is unpatriotic.
The crime at the root of Watergate was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC after George McGovern seemed about to win the Democratic party’s presidential nomination, just as the government misconduct in Russiagate was an attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign after Trump clinched its nomination.
In both cases, the incumbent administration regarded the opposition’s unorthodox nominee as undermining the nation’s long-standing foreign policy and therefore dangerous to the country. McGovern renounced the Democrats’ traditional Cold War policy. Trump expressed skepticism about George W. Bush and Obama-administration policies on NATO, Mexico, Iran, and (forgetting Barack Obama’s ridicule of Mitt Romney on the subject) Russia.”
Reason says the “spy” claim is “absurdly overheated” with a link to WaPo to prove it!
“Still, in this week’s controversy over name games, we should understand: Whether we come to see an informant as an indispensable “confidential human source” or as a treacherous “spy” has little to do with his subjective virtue or malevolence.
In the Trump–Russia affair, officials of the Obama-era intelligence agencies suggest that there are grounds to believe that the Trump campaign was in a traitorous conspiracy with the Kremlin. What grounds? They’d rather not say. You’ll just have to trust them as well-meaning, non-partisan pros who (all together now) can’t be expected to divulge methods and sources.
Countering that are not only Trump fans but growing ranks of security-state skeptics. The Obama administration blatantly politicized the government’s intelligence and law-enforcement apparatus. Their Chicken Little shrieks that public disclosure of FISA warrants and texts between FBI agents would imperil security have proven overblown at best (and, in some instances, to be cynical attempts to hide embarrassing facts). “Trust us” is not cutting it anymore.
In the end, it is not about who the spies are. It is about why they were spying. In our democratic republic, there is an important norm against an incumbent administration’s use of government’s enormous intelligence-gathering capabilities to — if we may borrow a phrase — interfere in an election. To justify disregarding that norm would require strong evidence of egregious wrongdoing. Enough bobbing and weaving, and enough dueling tweets. Let’s see the evidence.”
Parody is dead.
I saw that the other day. What the hell is that supposed to be?
The comments are giving me cancers yet discovered:
New conversation
Ryan “Wu Tang name Intellectual Wanderer” Cole
13h13 hours ago
Replying to @davidhogg111 @GiGicmka
Funny how they keep calling you snowflake when it is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt you frighten them entirely.
12 replies 1 retweet 46 likes
Robert Worley
5h5 hours ago
You have been
watching too much #FoxNews and listening to #NRA ppropoganda. I have been to war and believe me GUNS kill. Why do you think the Army buys the most effective weapons on the market? One reason only–KILLING POWER.
I made the mistake of reading a couple of replies. My head hurts.
Such modesty. *swoon*
Another one of STEVE SMITH’S relatives?
A wolf in melanistic phase.
Once you go black…
“My Latest. It’s time for Black owned sports teams and Black owned sports leagues. No demographic is more loyal to Trump, and to the oppressive status quo of the United States, than the white men who dominate sports ownership in America.”
Knock yourself out.
I love the idea that those black athletes are in a horrid state of oppression.
What’s their annual salary, again?
Black athletes/celebrities as oppressed is something right out of the Bizarro world.
It’s so retarded beyond belief to think Lebron James is oppressed. In fact and in reality he’s more privileged than the average American regardless of race or creed.
And that douche King and his fans are racists – straight up.
““Windows is gay,” he tweeted regarding his frustration using the operating system in December 2015.”
Literally worse than Hitler.
I cant keep up with the whippersnappers these days but I was under the impression that when they use the word like that it has nothing to do with homosexuality. Hell, the meaning of the word has changed more than once in my lifetime. I am gonna call mendacity on that.
*rubs eyes* What year is it? I thought I already lived through the nineties.
That’s so girl wears a skirt for a shirt.
I giggle at the potential Blue team fail.
Oh, Dean Obeidallah, will you never win?
That’s as bad as Keith Olbermann. Surely it’s just an act?
I’m afraid not.
OMG. His Nazi comment.
What a disrespectful dick who deserves a good kick in the dick.
Which one of you is Captain Daniel Smith?
Fucking shithole.
It is. I used to know an American geologist who worked at a mine there. He got caught with a playboy magazine. They were going to hang him. He hid out at the mine, stole a canoe one night and paddled all the way to Australia where he begged for Asylum. They did not grant it to him. They whisked him to the airport and chucked his ass on a plane bound for USA.
It’s a shithole alright. Now that I think about it he might have been in Indonesia. I cant remember now.
I have an ex in Malaysia. It really is an awful place with almost no redeeming qualities. Unless you’re part of the ruling class, of course.
I don’t understand people who travel to these places with such laws.
*On this memorial day weekend, make sure to occasionally lash out at people on Twitter and accuse them of wearing Nazi uniforms… oh, wait, that’s a picture of your dad who was killed in ‘Nam? lol whoops (delete tweet)
He’s a petulant asshole. This is the mindset of a ‘resister’. A fucken child.
It’s time for Black owned sports teams and Black owned sports leagues.
Too bad it’s illegal. It’s illegal for black people to own sports teams, or create business agreements for the purpose of entertaining people, right?
Bring back the Negro Leagues? Really?
More beautiful ladies than you can shake your stick at!
The first thing I thought of looking at these is that Bernie Sander would say “You don’t need 130 different pairs of boobs.”
What is wrong with me?
Completely unsurprising since lefties treat their political views as a religion and dating outside the faith is a grave offense.
Conversely, 42% of Republicans expressed aversion to dating a liberal
They found a liberal on campus?
This makes my eyes bleed. Absolutely no mention of decades of forest mismanagement and maximum fire suppression which lead to massive overgrowth. Vast swaths are moonscaped making it almost impossible for the forest to regenerate.
This douche is retiring and it can’t come too soon.
Think of it as imminent bonuses for your Idaho (former) compatriots.
“Black trees make green wallets.”
That stuff makes me irate too. There were people back in the 80’s preaching we need to let fires burn and do more thinning or we are going to have big problems. They were ignored and now we have massive out of control fires every summer.
Randal O’Toole notes in his blog that thinning and other fuel reductions are still very expensive, and would be even more expensive on a total basis than the current fire suppression scheme.
Very interesting guy. Started off as a hardcore environmentalist, and moved away from the political environmentalism as they increasingly supported watermelon government control.
Controlled logging and control burns do work. Creating a fuel mosaic instead of endless miles of trees can significantly decrease the severity of a running crown fire. Control burns remove dense underbrush that greatly impacts the fuel load and remove ladder fuels that get the fire into the canopy.
Even supposed moonscapes will eventually regenerate.
The balloons!
I don’t know who’s singing “Back Home in Indiana” but it ain’t Gomer.
The order to “Start your shitboxes” has been given.
Aaaaand, they’re off.
Actually, that would be a good race – a NASCAR style event where you had pro drivers but the race organizers spend no more than $2k/vehicle. Drivers pick their car by grabbing keys out of a basket. The Beater 500 would be TV worth watching.
“Suki Waterhouse leaves nothing to the imagination as she strips completely NAKED to play sex android Ash in James Franco’s Future World”
War on Drugs. Fuck. I’m going to bed.
Crazy shit.
Goddam. Thanks for the nutpunch.
Post release revisting of a sentence should be an obvious 5A violation. Once you’ve been released (baring an immediately discovered clerical error), a new conviction on a new charge should be the only way back in. ‘It’s an injustice but my hands are tied. Sorry not sorry.’ Fucking Legalists.