I like to think there is a little something for everyone here. It isn’t necessarily out of spite that I do this, but I’ve drawn inspiration from the comments before. Why stop now?
This is my review of Perrier Peach. Hat Tip: mikey.
What, this isn’t beer? You don’t say?
I actually drink a lot of these during the day a a substitute for something else I used to drink a lot of: energy drinks. About a year ago I stopped when it occurred to me that I was drinking three to four of them a day. It all started during the fall 2007 when I was assigned to the airfield lighting crew. It was a nice gig at the time because all airfields are a high voltage series circuit. Each light is connected to a device called an isolation transformer, which is connected in series with each other like Christmas lights, so it is easy to troubleshoot.
It also meant we had to complete the check prior to the start of the ops day, which meant I reported in at 0430. I compensated for this when I discovered something called Boo Koo Energy Drink. This eventually led to me switching to sugar-free energy drinks due to a concern for the amount of sugar I was drinking.
So why stop? It had absolutely nothing to do with concern for aspartame which is a bit of a myth. It turns out there is no causal effect between aspartame and cancer. This, according to the American Cancer Society.
It really didn’t have anything to do with concerns over aspartame and nerulogical disorders either. Apparently, this is the claim floating around the ether:
75% of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA each year including seizures, migraines, dizzinesss, nausea, muscle spasms, weight gain, depression, fatigue, irritability, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety, tinnitus, schizophrenia and death.
None of these are linked to aspartame. In anything, these symptoms have more to do with other compounds like food dyes, used in products along with aspartame. It’s only been used in food products since the 80s, if it caused seizures wouldn’t this kind of information show up beyond WordPress sites and Facebook memes?
Finally, I didn’t stop drinking them because energy drinks are all that dangerous. In fact, there are no fewer than 2097 studies on the subject, as determined in a literature review published in 2014. They concluded,
Energy drink consumption is a health issue primarily of the adolescent and young adult male population. It is linked to increased substance abuse and risk-taking behaviors.
In other words, people that engage in risky activities, like to drink Red Bull. Funny, given Red Bull markets itself with people that engage in high risk activities.

Red Bull is not responsible for injury, accidents, or death resulting from extreme sports
So why did I stop drinking energy drinks? I never let my kids drink soda, and it seemed hypocritical that I drink so much of it in front of them. So I quit. The caffeine withdrawal subsided after a couple months but I still choke down a cup of coffee or two. The mineral water is…nice. Its water, but with little bubbles. The lime flavored one is much better; the peach is weird. Perrier Peach: 0/5.
“What, this isn’t beer?
Exactly what I was thinking.
I like Perrier also, but not the flavored stuff. We keep it in the fridge all of the time. The flavored works ok with gin or vodka.
Coffee is best, until beer thirty anyway,
The Wife actually prefers Sweet and Low over Splenda, go figure…
I had my two cups of coffee. Beer thirty officially arrives around 4:30pm or so.
I prefer sweet n low as well for my iced tea.
Sweet and Low (the pink envelopes) are the best sweetener ever for ice tea, not even sugar can do as well if you get it just right. But for some reason, a lot of trendy restaurants only offer the yellow or blue artificial-sweetener packets, which don’t work much at all for ice tea. Really not sure why.
Agreed. And thecreally trendy restaurants don’t even give you ice which is BS.
“beer thirty” is any time of day.
I have places to be and things to do first, no DUI for me, I’ll be good to go by 1:00 or so 🙂
No DUI is smart.
I love that song.
Handle checks out.
Wait until they discover it in college.
Assuming they go to college.
+1 I Learned It From You Dad
Or, they could go to BYU.
“This is my review of Perrier Peach.”
So open thread is what you’re really saying here OM.
Or MS, or whoever you are.
It’s Tulpa, man!
Everyone is:)
Glibertarians rule 1, 1, a: Its always Tulpa.
Glibertarians rule 1, 1, b: Its always an open thread.
This is just wrong. So wrong. HM-fetish-link level wrong.
The only carbonated beverages that should have a place at the Glibs table are (1) beer and (2) cocktails. The only redeeming feature to this post is that it was done to mock a commenter.
Mock? Mock?! NEVER! We exist to serve….and Mex delivered.
As HM, WebDominatrix, SugarFree and OMWC serve, um, different parts our readership, so does ms! SP, me, Brett, sloopy, Riven and others do our part as well.
*bites thumb*
The only carbonated beverages that should have a place at the Glibs table are (1) beer and (2) cocktails.
1) Cider is better sparkling than flat.
2) Champagne and sparkling wines have a place in this world too.
3) I make a really nice session mead with honey, citrus, and French Oak. Typically at about 7% to 9% ABV and served sparkling.
4) Mountain Dew. Caffeine for those that hate coffee.
Fair points. Would you accept:
The only carbonated beverages that should have a place at the Glibs table
are (1) beer and (2) cocktailscontain alcohol.The Hat and Hair would like a word with you…
/Diet Coke button
Back to beer: A few nights ago I was at a local bar. The bartender recognized me, and said, “We have a special tonight that you are going to love. $3 Founder’s Porter.” Founder’s Porter is normally $7.50 a pint there. I said, “Yes. Yes. YES!”
I helped them kick the keg. It was a mixed night. I did not get the last pint, but I managed to have more than one glass and stay under my booze limit for the week.
“Founder’s Porter is normally $7.50 a pint there.” This is why I never go to Bars or Breweries, Good Beer is expensive already, It better be REAL good to pay 7.50 a pint
There’s far too many brewery exclusives for me to pass up going to a brewery. On top of that, you’ve got all the breweries that have no distribution at all. Off the top of my head, I can think of a good half dozen breweries that only operate tap rooms in Cleveland alone.
Thankfully, the mobile canning lines have started to even allow some of the smaller ones to get some distribution footprint.
I think Founder’s Porter is that good. The bar has other attractions too.
I had a 3 or 4/day monster habit for a while. I stopped after an incident where I fell asleep 15 minutes after chugging one. I figured that probably wasn’t a healthy reaction to guzzling an energy drink and now only have the stuff on very rare occasions.
I don’t mind “fuzzy water”, but I’ve never understood the allure. They don’t taste all that great, and the carbonation does nothing for me except upset my stomach. I’d rather just put a lemon wedge in a glass of ice water.
I find fizzy water more thirst quenching than plain – my sodastream (and lemon supply) gets a workout, since I work from home.
Ditto on the thirst quenching. Whatever that film is that forms in your mouth when you’ve been working on hot weather is stripped away by the carbonic acid.
Never understood the attraction of energy drinks. The first time I drank a can of Red Bull I couldn’t get over the feeling that I was actually drinking industrial waste.
Two cups of coffee in the morning, beer-thirty around 4:30. In between I drink this thing called “water”.
…water? You can drink that stuff?!
In most of the country, yes.
He must live in one of those “no-fracking” places.
Cause fracking water is teh deadly.
WTF is wrong with people?! I’m sitting in the MSP airport and some woman behind me is watching a cooking show sans earplugs. I don’t want to hear your show.
I was in the steam room at the gym the other day and some guy was watching Japanese or Korean videos (and not the HM type) on his phone with the volume way up.
Lack of beat downs as kids.
Start offering commentary… MST3K style.
That is an excellent idea. I’m going to use that.
I moved as far away as possible while remaining at the same gate. I can still hear the fucking blender.
That made me laugh for some reason. Sorry.
This is why I go everywhere with earphones.
It is situations like that when my inner assholiness occasionally comes out. Depending on my mood, sometimes I can’t help myself. “Excuse me, do you not have ear buds, or do you just think everyone in the terminal wants to listen to your stupid fucking show?”
The thing I’ve witnessed lately is teenagers walking down the dead center of the street (when there’s a perfectly good sidewalk) holding their cell phones playing shitty music.
And yes, get off my lawn.
If there are no sidewalks, you’re supposed to walk against traffic. Of course, you bike with traffic.
What if you’re in a group of four or five and you’re all spread out across both lanes?
Years ago, in our old neighborhood, we had one of those teenage boys who, when you turned onto the street, would slloowwwlly saunter out in the road in front of you. Just being a little asshole.
I had a ’74 Bronco with glasspacks. One afternoon, after a bad day, the little asshole tried it with me.
I dropped into first gear, opened up the 4-barrel, chased his ass right up into his front yard. I stopped and yelled, “Won’t try that with me again, will you, you little shit?”
He didn’t.
I have been known to drink la Croix lime now and then. It’s good mixed with pomegranate juice.
In between I drink this thing called “water”.
Water? Fish fuck in it.
I enjoy fizzy water. Especially with bourbon in it.
I am a fan of fizzy water, lime and tequila. I never use the limes I buy in time for them to not turn to green juice-less rocks and it is hit and miss for fresh ones anyways, so I started just using lime flavored fizzy water. Not as good as the real thing but being lazy makes it good enough.
Hey, MS. Thanks for the HT. My first! Now I just need a narrowed gaze and my life will be cmpelete.
Its the start of a lovely day. 70 degrees, not a cloud in the Big Sky. And it’s snowing cottonwood puffs.
Without the beer my summer drink is now Aqua Fresca. Paste make of strawberries, water and sugar. Afew tablespoons over ice and add sparkling water (we make our own with a sodastream). Light, fruity and fresh and not too sweet.
Oh, and fuck you MS.
Hey mikey (he likes it?), if it makes you feel better, I recently had to give up all booze for health reasons.
I like Arizona Diet Iced Tea, but there’s a remarkable lack of psychotropic effect.
Thanks BP, but you’re being miserable doesn’t help.
At the end of the day I really miss that first hit of the alcohol and that hop explosion (I’m a real hop head). I’d have more that one, but I always wished there was a way to repeat that first sip.
If you’re looking for the hop hit, there is a craft soda maker that is making soda with hops, Hopwater. I don’t know if they distribute to your neck of the woods or not, but it may be an option to help.
Thanks, but nothing within 500 miles of me. But that’s true for things in general. Seems to be a Cincinatti/ Columbus thing.
I’ll keep an eye for for something similar out west.
Hopwater is based out of Cincinatti, I just remember seeing it on the shelf at one of my local beer stores. They sell through Amazon, but buying a case of something on spec is always tough. If it’s just the hop flavors you’re looking for, there is Hop Candy that is fairly widely distributed. This is just one brand, if you google, you can find a lot more, or a local home brew store might carry them.
Sorry mikey and BP about you two not being able to drink booze.
Thanks, DEG, but in my case, at least, I ‘earned’ it. I did a lifetime’s worth of drinking in 47 years
Ah. Yes, quitting booze in that case is a smart move.
I had filled my quota a little earlier, at about 43-44, and quit for health reasons. My wife said she’d kill me if I didn’t stop drinking. I believed her. That’s been nearly 40 years ago, without so much as a sip. Its great to wake up every morning and not have a hangover.
Stopped a 2 pack a day habit in my late 30s. A year or two later was doing 10Ks in 45 minutes, ran about 3-4 times a week.
Yeah the days after I didn’t drink were generally a lot more pleasant to wake up to, as they are now.
I made it to half-marathon length during a previous period of sobriety. I’d need to get a physical if I wanted to start running again, although I suspect my blood pressure will come down fairly quick now.
After I quit drinking I didn’t sleep well for about 3 weeks, then I began to sleep the sleep of the dead. I think some sort of dependence builds that requires the booze to go to sleep but it wasn’t a restful sleep. My running days are long over but I can still walk 15 minute miles for 3-4 miles.
Thankfully as a cheapskate I’ve pretty much been a one drink a day person.
My first “drunk” experience, however, was when I was studying abroad in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Slow build-up to storms and 88 degrees here. Ugh.
Same here. I have my air conditioners running. It’s supposed to be in the 50s here tomorrow.
Yeah by tomorrow overnight here. W00t I can’t wait. I hate summer weather.
“Oh, and fuck you MS.”
*narrows gaze*
Nice try, Tulpa.
Funny, given Red Bull markets itself with people that engage in high risk activities.
The coolest sport ever invented imho.
I wish I could find the old 80s “Perrier, the Earth’s first soft drink” jingle.
My in-laws bought us a SodaStream last Christmas and we’re hooked. We go through the zero-calorie flavored water stuff like crazy, either with vodka or as-is depending on time of day and desire to get tight. Growing up I had a case a day Dr. Pepper habit, but I kind of lost my taste for soda in my twenties, and aforementioned SodaStream stuff notwithstanding I hate the taste of non-sugar sweeteners. I was a mineral water guy for awhile, though, and still partake from time to time. I’m also a pot a day minimum coffee drinker.
Days like today that happen after nights when I indulge in a few too many Heavy Seas Americannons are usually days when I hit the fizzy water good and hard.
I have a soda stream but decided the cost of refilling the canisters was more expensive than buying 2 fiddy twelve packs of soda water at the store. I am not sure if my math is solid there because I never recorded any real data there, but getting four canisters refilled seemed way too expensive. $30 – $40. Seemed like a racket for some CO2, and the refills didn’t last as long as the originals so I felt ripped off and it just collects dust now.
Sodastream refills are indeed a total rip-off – something like 10x the cost of the actual CO2.
If you’ve got the room for a tank: https://www.amazon.com/Sellution-Paintball-Canister-Adapter-Conversion/dp/B00IAJZUIU
In BIF news, assignments have been sent. If you didn’t get an e-mail with an assignment, e-mail me, as it’s possible I typoed while sending everything out.
I miss real Four Loko.
Not that I would have drunk it, but fuck Chuck Schumer for his campaign against it.
Doing keto, I have a limited number of beers I can drink:
Michelob Ultra, Natty Light, Miller Light and Coors Light are all acceptable. I know that’s heresy to all the beer snobs around here, but on a hot day I actually prefer something light like that anyway. And I can always switch to gin and diet tonic if I need something with more punch.
Also, for those doing GlibFit but not willing to give your liver a respite:
Which, BTW, a 40 of King Cobra is keto-friendly (only 15 g of carbs), but not particularly GlibFit friendly (450 calories).
I am a mostly Miller Lite operation now. I used to drink a lot of Mich ultra but Lite is cheaper. 14 clams for 18 at Walmart. Back in the day I was a keystone light drinker because you could get a 30 pack for 16 bucks. As I have aged, seems I developed a refined pallet and can’t do the Keystone anymore. I use the term refined pallet in the white trash sense of the word of course.
The best part is use can use a pallet to carry trash.
Hey. Spell check told me to spell it that way.
Sex in a canoe.
Some people like fucking close to water.
I like all those beers.
Let the alcohol snobs get a room.
Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Not a bad set of choices.
God bless America!
No happy in Memorial Day for some of us…but we appreciate your morale efforts.
TW: Autoplay.
Based on their graphic ZARDOZ is right. The penis is evil.
And now, some news from the butthurt billionaire beat
Elon Musk has registered the domain name “Pravduh.com” days after fiercely criticizing the media and saying he would build a website to rate the “core truth” and “credibility” of articles and reporters.
Musk has recently railed against reporters, whom he has criticized for focusing negative coverage on Tesla.
Recent media coverage of Tesla includes reports on crashes involving Tesla cars. In several cases, they have drawn attention from federal agencies such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board over the possible involvement of Tesla’s driver assistance technology, called Autopilot.
There have also been reports of repeated production delays, and CNBC has previously reported that Tesla is manufacturing a high volume of flawed parts.
I’m just surprised that name wasn’t already taken.
He and Hillary could sing a duet: “Stop saying true things about me. It’s not fair!”
Bad enough that Musk is a snake oil salesman, but a whiny, brittle, childish snake oil salesman is so much worse.
Watch him put Al Gore on the board.
I choose to believe that only Episodes 4-6 exist for Star Wars. Anything that has come after that is embarrassing.
Hell, the ads for Solo have been so uninteresting that neither me nor my girlfriend (both Star Wars fans) have any interest in seeing it. I may catch it when (if) it comes to Netflix.
I rather liked Rogue One. At least until it turned in to a CGI shitshow in the end.
Rogue One was the best of the last bunch that has come out. The Force Awakens was just basically a reboot of A New Hope, without explaining how the rebellion fell nor how the New Order took power. The Last Jedi broke the rules of the universe, and destroyed Luke’s character enough that Mark Hamill complained about it.
Oh, great.
Amazing they were wearing those shirts at the premiere of a movie called Solo. Is it about Han’s daughter or mother or something?
Photo is from some stupid event couple years back, but no, it’s not helping. The opposite in fact.
Me too, and I only refer to them as 1, 2, and 3.
I refer to them as God intended – “Star Wars”, “The Empire Strikes Back”, and “Return of the Jedi”.
Bless you both.
video games: KotOR, X-WIng (fine, Tie Fighter, it was mechanically better, fuck Empire), Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader (possibly Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series but I just started playing it)
books: Thrawn Trilogy
TV shows: Clone Wars animated, Clone Wars CGI (it also makes Revenge of the Sith better), Rebels
I had filled my quota a little earlier, at about 43-44, and quit for health reasons. My wife said she’d kill me if I didn’t stop drinking. I believed her.
You’re doing it wrong
Energy drink consumption is a health issue primarily of the adolescent and young adult male population. It is linked to increased substance abuse and risk-taking behaviors.
I think they have this backward, don’t you?