I warned you. Well, nothing more needs be said, let’s get to links, which will not help you to forget that image.
Any news story that has the words “ejaculating puppets” in it is worth reading. In this case, it’s a legal battle between the son of Jim Henson and the commercial juggernaut of Sesame Street. It’s nice to see that Brian Henson has inherited some of his dad’s creativity and a lot of his dad’s delightfully dark side. I know which side I’m pulling for.
Dogs, eggplants, Australians… this story has it all. Victoria is the antipodean Florida.
So let’s get this straight- there’s no evidence of asbestos in the product, there’s no evidence connecting the product to this lady’s cancer, but they’re an EEVUL KORPORATION, so let’s mulct $25 million from them, just because. Ahh, the wisdom of California juries. And did I mention how much I hate lawyers?
If I were to carve out an exception to the First Amendment, it would be to ban media outlets and politicians from talking about science. These are some ignorant congressmen. The writers at factcheck.org are equally ignorant and highly mendacious “journalists.” Their sources are a dead giveaway. Want to know the actual truth? Read the analyses of actual scientists here, here, here, and here. Bottom line: it’s complicated, buried in the noise, and basically we just don’t know. Just like anthropogenic climate change. Perfect for politicians and politicized “journalism.”
Speaking the high quality science being done by our government, here’s another gem, this time to bolster the latest pants-wetting SCARIEST DRUG EVER NEED MOAR LAWS panic. It’s… a reach. But it hits the narrative in an intersectional way, all directed toward more government. Note that there’s nothing quantitative presented, no links to peer review, no actual risk assessment. And of course, the mandatory ties to unrelated but SCARY research.
I always said that I’d be a gynecologist if I could specialize in hot young girls. I had no idea that this specialty actually existed, but apparently my spirit brother managed to carve out that niche.
OK, Old Guy Music, as if you were going to get away without it. A wonderful song, and some delightful playing by a talented kid.
I ordered the Heaviside book. I read his Wikipedia entry last night and realized that he coined pretty much every term of significance that I used as an electrical engineer.
Not certain how I wasn’t more aware of him before.
That guy was awesome! If I remember, he invented vector calculus and used it to put Maxwell’s equations–theretofore presumably in a jumble of scalar variables–in some form that human beings could understand. He also devised the function named after him (can’t take that for granted, since not everyone does!) and on top of it all he was rather a little fellow which I love in light of his having one of the coolest names of all times.
You’ll enjoy it, I guarantee. One more bit of trivia: the equation for the radiation from an accelerated charge, which I learned as the Feynman equation, originally came from Heaviside.
You mean Cherenkov radiation?
Yes, Heaviside did it first, but for the case of an accelerated charge in a vacuum.
Clarification: OH made the theoretical prediction.
Letters to the Local Rag: I Need More Saviors Edition
” I want to offset the cost of my protection to everyone else in society”
I’m not against letting them carry at work.
Shooting the fire sounds like the plan of first action ordered by Fire Captain Kathryn Janeway.
As someone who spent a career in EMS and the Fire Service, I absolutely would not want the public to think that I was armed.
When you look at how Public Safety is viewed in this country, especially in the more impoverished areas, there are two distinct groups. Law Enforcement and everybody else. For better or for worse, people tend to shy away from cops and become less forthcoming. A visible, visceral distinction between those two groups is the firearm. The public knowing that Fire and EMS are now armed like the cops would have the very real effect of eroding the line between the “good guys” and the “bad guys”.
“Everybody loves a firefighter.” And for them to do their jobs to the greatest extent possible, that mindset can’t be undermined, which is exactly what arming them would do.
“I lost them all in a boating accident.”
Very different from on duty.
Sakes alive. I hope that is just a fold of fat flap behind the Trumpidildo.
We were warned.
Labi it is, labi it isn’t.
Sakes alive!
You’re right. That’s an ugly tattoo.
why not have more safety on the streets?
This is a question we all ask ourselves.
Put the Libertarians in charge and then we won’t have streets anymore. Problem solved.
Dogs, eggplants, Australians… this story has it all.
The dingo’s got my eggplant!
Damn it Youtube. How do you not have a clip of the Tick screaming, “Dingos took my baby!” from the animated series?
Letters to the Local Rag: I Pledge Allegiance to the FBI/CIA/NSA/QWERTY Edition
+1 Frank Church
There is no other possible explanation.
/mouth breather
Of all the certainties to be certain of that’s what he or she or it chooses?
Yes, we know.
Imagine if that were an Obama dildo.
Baroke Yomamma!
If you say that three times while looking in the mirror, you know who will appear behind you.
The wookie?
You don’t have to imagine.
How has that item not been reviewed yet?
Better than a Baby Jesus Buttplug (NSFW).
The areas where the oxycodone-tainted mussels were sampled are considered highly urbanized and are not near any commercial shellfish beds.
Nice dog whistle.
Pulling oxycodone-tainted mussels from a shell?
That mussel article is a treasure trove of retarded.
I particularly like the Contaminants of Emerging Concern, it reminds me of the Rodents of Unusual Size.
So, you don’t believe they exist?
Don’t worry, Rodents of Unusual Size are completely harmless (sometimes they might be dangerous if encountered on the ice, but that was years and years ago).
What the fuck is in that link? Anyway, have these.
Or this
That link needs a shot of insulin.
The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland has been repealed.
Is that the prohibition on sobriety?
I don’t know if they have amendments outlawing circumcision or deep-dish “pizza”.
Which one concerns potatoes on pizza?
Hey given how much the Italians themselves love mixing potatoes in with pasta, I guess you can’t blame the Irish.
I always pick out the potatoes from the pasta and eat it myself; I cannot stand mixed starches. Dominicans mix rice and pasta, I have heard. And Americans like putting rice in their burritos and so-called “wraps,” which is fucking disgusting.
Oddly enough I do not mind potatoes in dough, as in samosa and other Indian goodies. Rutgers students put french fries in their revolting “fat sandwiches,” though, which again is back in disgusting territory.
Also, in 1990s New York there was a very peculiar fad of offering ziti as a pizza topping. I never actually saw anyone order it except a foreigner from a very nonpizza country.
Nonpizza country sounds evil.
If Ireland starts offering fetus I can’t imagine it’ll be much of a downgrade from their current pizza situation.
I will go to bat for ziti pizza:
carb-o-licious. A single since is all you need, but it’s tasty.
If anyone happens to be on the north shore of Long Island, I will heartily recommend this place:
It’s interesting pizza – crispy crust but with some real chew to it. I’m probably biased due to childhood memories, but it’s also a favorite of my NYC-raised cousin.
Perhaps it’s only us in the Bay Area aware of the San Francisco treat, Rice-a-Roni? That’s rice mixed with pasta, you know.
Putting pasta in pilaf is very common all around the world. Arguably that’s how orzo started.
I’m googling rice and pasta pilaf, rice and pasta together, etc., and all I’m getting on page 1 is a bunch of nasty shit that looks like it comes from 1970s American housewife magazines. Like you’re going to serve it to the kids this Tuesday night, mixing it up from the chicken chow mein you tried for last Tuesday’s experiment.
I’m also not seeing what orzo much would have to do with mixing pasta and rice together. It’s clearly meant to evoke rice, but it would seem like more of a substitute. And just one of the many “little shapes” that the Italians (who love their shapes!) make for soup.
Don’t you mean amendments outlawing Land Value Taxes and deep-dish? Do Glibs have a hot-tempered ongoing circumcision debate that I’m not aware of? I have to say I am exceedingly disappointed. That is the tiredest cliché on the Internet and I honestly thought we were better than that.
trustees awarded Nikias a one-time $1.5-million bonus three years ago, making him the third-highest paid college president in the nation that year.
Sounds like he made more than 7 digits a year.
Yup and now that he is done raising all that cash, the school is giving him the finger
Let me just say that as a business owner, I feel compelled to register my business with every goddamn social media outlet in existence just to protect myself from someone else registering it.
As a result, my email inbox gets pummeled with bullshit constantly. However, one of the worst offenders is the newest kid on the block, Alignable. They suck.
OK, Old Guy Music,
Not Peaches en Herb?
the accidental libertarian strikes again
Trump makes it easier to fire poor-performing federal workers
Hold on. I like poor-performing federal workers. It’s the effective ones I want fired.
The entire URL has hyphens. How do you know he isn’t targeting poor performing federal workers? I think after 83 years it is time to pull the plug on the Federal Theater Project, and it seems Trump is just the man to do it.
I’m the one who’s drinking, Diego. ?
You’re drinking Diego? Enough with the euphemisms.
Why not both?
Funny, I was just reading Rothbard, whom I am overall not a particular fanboy of, on his regret for having supported Joe McCarthy initially when he figured his particular anti-Communism was commendable because unlike HUAC’s it limited itself (at least initially) to rooting them out in government. He says, among other things, he should have listened to Frank Chodorov: “How to get rid of the Communists in the government? Easy. Just abolish the jobs.”
Ignoring the mind-numbingly obvious comments about this, if the GOP had balls, they would pass a law on this instead of leaving it to be reversed by the next administration.
Well, the courts keep ruling that it’s unconstitutional for a new administration to overturn a previous president’s executive orders, so it should be fine.
Fuck that. Expel the unions from federal office space. They can rent commercial real estate on private terms.
Like the 2017 fires in Northern California, the cause of the fire that burned our neighborhood, according to the government database, is still under investigation. One source is more likely than others: On that day, strong winds whipped power lines that hung over dry brush.
A power line can start a fire if it breaks in the wind. It can start a fire when a tree or a branch falls across it, or when lines slap together, or when equipment gets old and fails without anyone noticing. In 2015, fires started by electrical lines and equipment burned more acres in California than any other cause. Power lines sparked fires that set records in New Mexico and fed a blaze in Great Smoky Mountains National Park that entered the city of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and killed 14 people in 2016. In recent years, they have consistently been among the three major causes of California wildfires.
In the months after my neighborhood burned, I waited fearfully, which means I waited angrily. In particular, I hoped power companies would put their lines underground. In 1995, fire-related costs ate up 16 percent of the U.S. Forest Service budget. By 2015, half of the budget was devoted to fire. Some of us wondered how safe our power can be when utility-company profits drive power operations. PG&E has been found guilty of negligence before in wildfires, and some of us point at negligence and greed again this time.
In general, power lines only cause fire when things go wrong above ground. Even utility companies agree, after a 2012 study by the Edison Electric Institute revealed that underground lines had fewer problems during storms and were better for public safety all around. But California has 210,000 miles of electrical lines. The cost to put lines underground is about $1 million per mile to start, and much more in mountainous areas. That’s five to 10 times what it costs to hang a line overhead, which usually makes underground lines logistically or economically impractical. In North Carolina, for example, a plan to put power lines underground was dropped because utility rates in the impacted area would have risen by 125 percent.
Long meandering tearjerker about fire in he west. It’s all in there. Evil moneygrubbing kkkorporations, global warming, stupid people (like the authoress) who want to live in places they shouldn’t be allowed to live, blah blah blah. She casually tosses out the notion of simply burying all those power lines but does not for some reason mention the rabid freakout by the I Fucking Love Nature types which would inevitably result when they realized just what that would involve.
She actually tiptoes near the cliff of comprehension when she talks about regulation, but scurries to safety before reaching any truly discomfiting conclusions. I kept waiting for her to say, “Put solar panels on those houses, and take down the power lines.” But, to her credit, she never did.
Cheap electricity is a gift from God if there ever were one.
These people are self-loathing Luddite Malthusians.
I don’t see Romeo, Juliet, Samson, or Delilah.
Do I really want to find out why Tommy Robinson was arrested again?
Because he’s the only man in where England used to be with the balls to speak the plain and obvious truth.
They arrested him outside a trial of immigrants who committed mass rape of underage girls. His speech obviously worries the authorities far more than English girls raped and pimped out by invaders.
From what I saw, he was arrested for reporting on a trial of gang rapists. The stuff he put out had already been reported by the local paper. It is Orwellian memory shit.
An interesting tweet thread concerning this case. Apparently the judge issued an order under some BS act or another that criminalizes reporting on this case and it appears that articles are being scrubbed and deleted from (some) UK affiliated websites.
It’s absolutely shameful.
If he isn’t murdered, he’ll spend more time in jail than the rapists.
It’s a travesty but the Brits are too emasculated to grab the torches and pitchforks and storm the castle. I’ve always been a bit of an Anglophile but the recent events there have broken me of that.
Sane here. I’d like to thank my ansestors fir leaving that hole.
They didn’t just arrest him. He was tried, convicted, sentenced, and shipped off to prison yesterday. Some incredible Orwellian shit for speaking up.
“One raped women and the other spoke out against child rapists.
Please explain to me the comparison.”
“UK among worst in Western Europe for freedom of press after ‘staggering decline’, Reporters Without Borders index claims”
This is my surprised face.
Oh. That’s surprising.
A country that starves babies to death and ignores Muslim gang rapes.
When does a country qualify as a ‘shithole’ again?
On the upside, their national soccer team finally learned how to play soccer. Wooo!
South Africa turned their country into a shithole to win at soccer too. It’s worth it.
What’s happening there is terrible but I call bullshit on that list, the US is ranked #45:
No way.
Do you even follow what Trump tweets about the media? THEY’RE UNDER SIEGE!
Without digging, I expected exactly that.
I’ve come to ignore these rankings.
Dude, people are getting blocked on Twitter every day here, we’re dying!!!!!
Apparently, this is a screenshot of the court order.
“The judge in Tommy Robinson’s case, Denise Marson, pulled a neat trick today. She threw him in jail for 13 months, and banned anyone in the UK from talking about it.”
They’re in dire need of a first amendment and a few others too.
They had a Constitution and a Bill of Rights – then decided they didn’t like it.
Fake news, but funny. It is also like MLW’s fake magazine covers. Not instantly apparent as a spoof because our world has become so silly.
How quickly people forget the artisanal dwarf cats
So, let’s suppose you have a dwarf cabbage, a dwarf cat, and a dwarf goat, and a single tiny rowboat…
Florida Man biathlon
That’s almost the same ending as Fahrenheit 451. I was rooting for you, Bud.
Speaking of hipsters…..
Three people, two dogs and 24 hours? Only 100 ticks?
Sorry, but those people haven’t spent much time outdoors during tick season in Minnesoda if they think that is news worthy.
I’m amazed at how few ticks I find on me considering how much time I spend outdoors in the woods and the amount of nanny-state fear mongering over Lyme Disease there is.
Or you could be like the Hadids (Gigi and her siblings and mom Yolanda) and gobble vitamins by the handful every day because you suffer from “chronic Lyme Disease.” Go ahead and google that, and see how many of the articles (in “respected” journalism) covering their “struggle” or “activism” suggest that “chronic Lyme Disease” is a form of Lyme Disease, rather than a form of hypochondria. Oddly enough, this was a significant early step in my realization as to just how worthless journalists are.
If there was 100 per dog I wouldn’t even be shocked.
If only we had more laws, this wouldn’t be a problem
The meritocratic class has mastered the old trick of consolidating wealth and passing privilege along at the expense of other people’s children. We are not innocent bystanders to the growing concentration of wealth in our time. We are the principal accomplices in a process that is slowly strangling the economy, destabilizing American politics, and eroding democracy. Our delusions of merit now prevent us from recognizing the nature of the problem that our emergence as a class represents. We tend to think that the victims of our success are just the people excluded from the club. But history shows quite clearly that, in the kind of game we’re playing, everybody loses badly in the end.
Speaking of self-loathing liberals… That’s as far as I have gotten. I’m sure it gets even dumber.
Don’t worry, inflation will take care of that
We have left the 90 percent in the dust—and we’ve been quietly tossing down roadblocks behind us to make sure that they never catch up.
So let’s have more cronyism.
The meritocratic class has mastered the old trick of consolidating wealth and passing privilege along at the expense of other people’s children.
Is this the old trick of spending less than you make and planning for the future?
Those sound like some loopholes that need to be closed, comrade.
Yes History has shown that systems where people are awarded by merit are the worst…
It is another article that identifies a real problem and then recommends a solution of more of what helped cause the problem in the first case. The self-described meritocratic class has risen to the top and because they are the (self-described) best and the brightest make sure they and their kids get the best of everything and only associate with their own kind. And the meritocratic class, now that they are in power, have put roadblocks in the way of people seeking to join their class.
I agree with the author this is a problem. I’m not sure of all his data because I’m to lazy to look it up. My issue with him is his solution is more government. He doesn’t realize government is full of people in this meritocratic class and have spent a fair amount of time putting roadblocks up. It is as if he has a fairly common blind spot regard government. That the government has some special insight into what is best for people.
A large number of people think most (got to account for people like Trump) people working for the government (or certain non-profit organizations) leave their baser instincts behind. They don’t. And when they convene a group of “experts”, the experts already agree a “general” solution and just need to work on the specifics. I know I’m preaching to the choir here but government is full of people. And they are just as dumb and emotional as everybody else.
They also forget that the government IS a special interest group just like a corporation. On average, government workers make more than any private sector equivalent, they have much less pressure to get results, and their risk of getting fired is practically nil. And of course, there are those filthy fucking government sector unions who pretty much fund the Democrat Party – the one that always wants more government.
Basically these people think that if they buy something they want like an IPhone then they made someone richer. Then they should be allowed to steal their money back because it’s unfair that the guy they gave their money to now has more money.
I try to think progs aren’t stupid but they make it hard.
Hereditary meritocratic class? Contradiction much?
“Our delusions of merit now prevent us from recognizing the nature of the problem that our emergence as a class represents” So they are the problem and should commit mass suicide?
I’ve joked in the past about using the Yellowstone supervolcano as a geothermal power plant producing scads of “green”, “renewable” energy.
Apparently NASA (why is it NASA doing this?) put out a study last year about the feasibility of doing this to vent off the heat and keep the supervolcano from having a massive, catastrophic eruption.
Here you can listen to an interview with the NASA scientist in question. If you want to download the MP3, it’s a little over 12MB.
Mission Creep. NASA is the de-facto science arm of the US. If you think this is wrong, you hate science!
As well as a racist because Global Warming effects minorities more.
North Korea’s Kim meets with South’s Moon for 2nd time
The Dem-op media is already mocking Trump and calling him a buffoon and failure for falling for Kim’s tricks.
But the guy already succeeded at something tangible by getting those two sides to meet. They are incredibly shallow motherfuckers.
And he got hostages freed. And they disabled pieces of their program. Somehow accidentally successful again.
I’d bet on the Trump-Kim summit still happening, it’s just been delayed a bit. Trump does need to tell his underlings to stop mentioning the Libya model though.
Is this the old trick of spending less than you make and planning for the future?
Shush, you! Do you want everybody to know?
And did I mention how much I hate lawyers?
and I’m married to one!
Then I hate you by extension.
I thought you hated him because he’s too old.
Doesn’t everybody hate lawyers?
Argumentative and leading.
Fucking Congress is a bunch of pussies. What don’t they understand about their role in providing oversight into the FBI, NSA and CIA. You know if they aren’t complying, maybe cut off a few billion in spying? Or hold some of the leaders in contempt?
The agencies are stalling until the mid-terms in the hopes that Democrats will take seats and be able to stop the oversight.
Winner winner chicken dinner, you got it.
Entirely correct, but it is ridiculous that a congress and president cannot demand accountability of agencies that answer to and work for them as representatives of the American people. I kinda wish for a Designated Survivor scenario to happen. (Dear NSA/CIA/DHS, I don’t even know how to build a fire, much less obtain and detonate a bomb. And this is not a threat, just a wish. Like a little girls hoping and wishing to meet a prince or be Beyonce one day and knowing that’s not gonna happen without a parent like the Kardashian chicks have.)
Get rid of them all. We will be safer
I’ve said it before and I will say it again. The FBI needs to be shuttered. The decent agents can fold into other agencies with overlapping jurisdictions. Congress should give them a budget of $0. The whole gaggle of Federal prosecutors needs to be gone through and looked at across every district. When you have douche bags like Mueller and his top dog Weissmann move up in the DOJ after ruining peoples lives and being routinely overturned by the courts for decades there is a big big problem. Close the doors and start over if it needs to exist at all.
I’m with you in spirit. The problem is that if you shut down the FBI, the good agents would probably leave govt and go work for some private firms because they will be wanted. Only the slimy incompetents will find other govt jobs.
That is what happens any time a company does a buyout instead of firing. The competent people grab the money and go get another job. The losers are left behind.
While we are dreaming, why not pass a new tax rate of 110% on special prosecutors?
IDK. I have a cousin who is FBI and while he is a good, honest, hardworking man, he tells of incredible waste, abuse, and outright illegal actions taken by many in the agency. He is disgusted by it all, but stays because of his beliefs, duty, and, er, pension. I don’t think there is a solution other than starting over, or, perhaps, leadership that demands honoring the Constitution. Okay, so start over.
“A Victorian farmer accused of murdering a man who ran over his dog has claimed his shotgun went off accidentally when he tripped on an eggplant.”
That’s going to be the best sentence I’m going to read all day.
A neighbor trespassed on my land soon after I moved in. Claimed the previous owner let him whenever he wanted.
SSD: I’m not the previous owner. See this Doberman, she would have gone after you if I had not been here. Do not come on my land again unless given permission.
Trespasser: *Eyes Doberman* I’m not worried about your dog, I’ll always keep a gun on me just in case a dog comes up.
SSD: *rests hand on grip* And I’ll always keep a gun on me in case someone shoots my dog.
Neighbor immediately apologizes for trespassing and threatening my dog, have never had another problem with him in 5 years.
goddamn I don’t know how you refrained from shooting him on the spot. I’m not saying that would be an appropriate or ideal response but if an armed asshole trespasser threatened to kill my dog, I’m not sure I could have stayed calm at all.
What a bizarre dude. I do not think you are permitted in any state to shoot someone just because they trespass on your real property and destroy movable property located therein. But you’d probably do OK in practice if you shot a person on your property not only brandishing a weapon but discharging it, and discharging it into an animal used for your personal defense at that. It’s a pretty special case.
Property right seem like a thing of the past. I have owned several large tracts of land over 20 years and without exception numerous people trespass with impunity despite every boundary being properly fenced, marked and signed. I have no idea how this seems okay to them. The only times I have ever ‘trespassed’ was tracking wounded game. And I did so with both fear and respect for the landowner and with the belief that compassionately completing the kill took precedent. And, more than once, I offered game to the landowner where the animal died. And I would concede the same access to anyone who entered my property for said reasons and conditions. But recently everyone seems to think that ‘open’ land is public land. There for their enjoyment and abuse. As much as the defilement of our amendments I see this as a destruction to our society.
It’s not an exaggeration at all. Free societies are built on cooperation and trust, and you can’t have that if there’s no definite rule over who owns what and people don’t honor their obligations.
Ya, I am not sure the eggplant defense is the best route. I think shooting someone in the face because they intentionally ran over your dog is justifiable homicide.
I thought Australia was a gun-free zone??
It would seem not all citizens have been properly informed of the buyback.
I guess that explains how Sir Mix-a-Lot got his title.
See, this is why I am a loyal Post reader. When there is a butt story, I can always rest assured that Richard Johnson will be all over it.
All’s right with the world?
The FBI won’t answer Mr. Johnson’s questions about who is doing the redacting.
If they told him… well, you know.
Israeli child vs. New York Times “intellectual.” Ooo, the suspense is killing me!
Amazingly, all Republicans! What a scoop, factcheck.org!
As a native of an island territory, the global warming issue has special resonance for me, as it is we who are on the front line of mankind’s shortsightedness. And of course that’s not even the most urgent danger we face.
That never gets old. Every time my respect for the Admiral goes up.
He is such a fucking idiot….and somehow still in office. One more reason to never live in Georgia. As if anyone needed a reason.
“sea levels over the last 3 million years have gone up and down in line with the cycles of ice ages.”
No shit. And the last one is still in the process of ending.
That caught my attention, as well. He says something like that, but then goes on about global warming. I only skimmed it, but it seemed like he said rising seawater is due to AGW and lowering sea levels is due to AGW. Same thing for less Antartic ice as well as more. SMDH
The fact checkers go to Michael Mann for clarification of the facts in one case. When they go to a known bullshitter for facts and call that proof of their facts I don’t know how you fight it. They peddle bullshit with a straight face.
I looked at Factcheck.org and the science. They rely heavily on government agencies to support and back their claims. Also, Nature and Science Direct I’ve seen – safe to ignore them?
I guess their tactic is to blitz the reader with an appeal to authority in a long article to give the impression it’s a serious essay.
I suppose to the ignorant or people who just don’t have time, they simply defer to government agencies and trust their telling the truth.
Bad move in my view.
Government tentacles are everywhere. That is why I stick to trusted, independent sources of junk science debunkery.
I am pretty sure it is in the terms of service of this site that it is against the rules to link to that. *closed the tab as soon as I saw what it was and shuddered
That never gets old.
Thanks for reminding me how stupid that was.
Man this has to go in the pantheon of all-time great comments:
9 months ago
I clicked back on my porn because its easier to explain if someone walks in
That was just retarded.
We need separation of science and state.
Goddammit. I’m laboring mightily to get through that Atlantic article about Teh Evul Meritocraceez! The one I linked above.
Holy fuck, it’s like being trapped a La Brea Tarpit of moronic whining. Oh, the humanity.
An example-
Let us count our blessings: Every year, the federal government doles out tax expenditures through deductions for retirement savings (worth $137 billion in 2013); employer-sponsored health plans ($250 billion); mortgage-interest payments ($70 billion); and, sweetest of all, income from watching the value of your home, stock portfolio, and private-equity partnerships grow ($161 billion). In total, federal tax expenditures exceeded $900 billion in 2013. That’s more than the cost of Medicare, more than the cost of Medicaid, more than the cost of all other federal safety-net programs put together. And—such is the beauty of the system—51 percent of those handouts went to the top quintile of earners, and 39 percent to the top decile.
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? I suspect it’s some kind of reference to the dire need for a punitive wealth tax, to turn those hoarding bastards upside down and shake the filthy lucre out of their pockets.
My head hurts.
“tax expenditures through deductions”
All of your shit belong to me.
“That which is not taken, is given” QED
the federal government doles out tax expenditures through deductions for retirement savings
Can’t remember who coined “Not giving is taking”, but there you go.
I believe it was Sarcasmic at TOS.
“Progressives” have an odd view of wealth – they think it is a substance that rightfully belongs to every single person in the country in equal measure, and if any person has more wealth than everyone else, they have to justify why they should be allowed to be that rich.
It’s a classic example of “unsupported premise” in an argument, and unfortunately, it has mass appeal with non-rich people. Everybody wants what everyone else has.
Every time I think they’ve reached their low, they continue to disgust me further with their mutual admiration society.
I’m sick of hearing this. We dont have a democracy. We have a republic.
Franklin – “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Clinton/Obama – “You didn’t keep it.”
Well, almost a quarter century ago she “wrote” a book declaring the raising of children to be a public matter, titling it with the wisdom of a fictitious collectivist “African” culture. And then there’s…well, everything else since. So much as I agree with you (and am constantly bitching about the same thing), sharing a misguided and ahistorical political fetish with Antonin Scalia is probably the least of her problems.
“Attempting to erase the line between fact and fiction, truth and reality is a core feature of authoritarianism,” she said.
She doesn’t do self-awareness very well does she?
She’s an evil piece of shit:
“Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism … this is what happens in George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered. The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust towards exactly the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves.”
Good catch, I’d forgotten about her, um, interesting take on the message of 1984 and it fits in well with her fresh statement.
That’s an amazingly wrong take on that passage.
How do you go into a room with educated individuals and completely misinterpret a book that is assigned to people in middle and high school without getting called out on it? Hm…
In other Hillary news, Drudge is currently running with several stories demanding answers as to why she’s wearing the heaviest pant suit in her collection during a heat wave.
Her people suit is breaking down. It’s past its expiration date. Her failure in the election must have convinced the reptilians that she was a lost cause.
What an evil cunt.
It can’t be said enough: She’s a cunt.
A cunt with a stupid Harvard medal around her neck.
A cunt with a stupid Harvard medal around her
Just when I thought Mike Stuchbery couldn’t be any less human.
Well, he’s a douche, but is he correct about why Robinson was arrested? If there’s a law against filming suspects before conviction and he was on a suspended sentence for doing it then does it again in public…?
He did actually violate the law but the response and the sentence is far out of whack from what is apparently seen in similar cases. They’re trying to silence him for his political opinions and send those who agree with him a clear message.
He did actually violate the law
There was a time when only things that were malum in se were supposed to be crimes, not things that were merely malum prohibitum.
My latin is long in my past, but I would say he was not wrong attempting to expose those who were accused of rape and did not deserve to be punished for speaking freely about it. The UK is fucked beyond repair. Winston Churchill would be ashamed.
“People gloating at the fact Tommy could possibly die in jail can honestly go and fuck themselves.”
“Mike Stuchbery couldn’t be any less human”
Unfortunately, his sentiment is shared by most Americans. The law is always right. FYTW.
I’m guessing this will turn into a shitshow.
Saying something questionably racist can get a cop fired. Doing a mag dump into a dude holding a cellphone gets you a medal. Copy.
Perverse incentives, how do they work?
The fact that it’s a black female officer being disciplined by a white female police police chief for racist comments I think is going to blow up. Especially right after a white cop who took a running kick into a restrained black kids face was just reinstated.
“In an audio recording of a meeting with internal affairs investigators, she said she used the phrase “black on black crime” during an employee evaluation as part of the reason she did not give a Columbus Police sergeant, who is also black, a negative mark.”
Say what now?
See, this is why Meaning comes from context. lack of context = lack of meaning. Quod erat demonstratum.
What are you a time-traveler from ancient Rome? 😉
Just getting my Latin on. Sadly, you’ve seen most of it on this thread. But I at least threw in a couple of Japanese words, too. Thought I’d try working furrin’ words into every comment, but ran out of steam. Que sera, sera.
It sounds like spin. She didn’t give a black cop a bad mark because that would be black on black crime. That’s racial favoritism. They are spinning it like she’s being punished for being insensitive to blacks when she’s really racist against non blacks and let’s it effect her evaluations.
Good guess. If that’s right, she’s an admitted racist who makes personnel decisions on the basis of race, and should have been disciplined, if not fired.
“Very Hot Alt-Right InfoBabe Faith Goldy Assaulted by Antifa – Idle Cops Watch (Video)”
“UPDATE: She liked our headline”
Oh Lord how have I never seen this site?
Это интересный сайт, не товарищ?
Hehe. Remarkably enough, the last word is the only one I don’t understand even though I don’t speak Russian. I understand the two functional words, and the other lexical words are both easy cognates. Last word probably “chief” or “boss” or “pal” or whatever, I am guessing. Yes, it’s a very interesting site to say the least.
Looks like “fren,” Tovarish.
Faith has nice lips.
And even better the words that pass.
I didn’t know Q was a store room clerk at my plant
What are you talking about? Sesame Street only survives because of public funding, which is under constant attack by Republicans who want to destroy the happiness of small children in order to fund tax cuts for their rich buddies.
Not that HBO licenses them, I expect a Muppet Game of Thrones. It just looks like Henson beat them to the punch and they’re bitter.
I would like to thank Old Man for the image that flashes every time I refresh my browser. It’s now indelibly burned into my subconscious.
*rummages around for tanto*
*passes scruffy wakizashi, stands behind him with katana raised*
“Hybrid human chicken embryos: HALF HUMAN – HALF CHICKEN abomination created in US lab
A TEAM of stem cell researchers have done the seemingly impossible and successfully combined artificial human cells with the embryo of a chicken in a shock new experiment aimed at trying to better understand developing life.”
This is the future that scientists want.
Ah yes I was going to mention that, but I forgot where it originated. I remember it from one or two skits when the dude joined SNL.
Gay peckers? Uffda.
Also, re: Sesame Street
What do they give Tickle Me Elmo before he leaves the factory?
Two test tickles.
“Facebook and Google Face $8.8 Billion Lawsuits on First Day of New EU Data Laws
The Verge reported that the two companies were hit “with a raft of lawsuits” accusing them of “coercing users into sharing personal data.”
“The lawsuits, which seek to fine Facebook 3.9 billion and Google 3.7 billion euro (roughly $8.8 billion dollars), were filed by Austrian privacy activist Max Schrems, a longtime critic of the companies’ data collection practices,” they reported, adding, “GDPR requires clear consent and justification for any personal data collected from users, and these guidelines have pushed companies across the internet to revise their privacy policies and collection practices.”
“Both Google and Facebook have rolled out new policies and products to comply with GDPR, but Schrems’ complaints argue those policies don’t go far enough,” the Verge explained. “In particular, the complaint singles out the way companies obtain consent for the privacy policies, asking users to check a box in order to access services. It’s a widespread practice for online services, but the complaints argue that it forces users into an all-or-nothing choice, a violation of the GDPR’s provisions around particularized consent.””
TW: Breitbart
Facebook is a human right that Facebook is taking away from people.
If Twitter is now a public forum and blocking people is a first amendment violation, why shouldn’t FB be considered a basic human right?
Personally, I wish FB, Google or Amazon would block any one in the EU and delete all their data. Then tell the mob that erupts that it is all because of the GDPR. It would be sad that blocking access to FB causes more outrage than rape rings or other bullshit, but at least it might scare the pols.
“Google employees are spending heavily to elect Democrats in California and to flip the House
California’s congressional elections are crucial to Democratic efforts to take back the House of Representatives.
Tech workers in Silicon Valley have been contributing to the Democratic cause, with employees from Google leading the way.
Some Alphabet employees are hosting fundraisers and calling on their friends and colleagues for help.”
For a second I thought they were trying to flip the CA House.
*puzzled face*
It’s the most important election ever!
Huh, Republicans hold 14 of 53 districts. First shock: I didn’t expect to find that many Rs in CA. Second shock: 53 districts??!!
Looks like 6 of the 14 are in play. I wonder how many of the Silicon Valley folks live in the R districts?
The vast majority of counties in California are Republican.
Including that giant one that’s bigger than most East Coast states!
Except for the ones where most of the people live.
I’ll bet you anything a hardass prosecutor could string Google up for any number of technical campaign finance violations.*
*SLD: not that corporate resources being spent on politics should be illegal in the first place.
I think there’s something to be said for the traditional hard/soft money distinction. Bribery is not really speech.
I don’t believe I saw anything there that suggested that there are more than a tiny number of remotely flippable Republican seats left in California by this point. I hope they do continue to poor money into these efforts. Perfect companion to all the money Tom Steyer is spending trying to impeach Trump.
Rohrabacher (semi-libertarian)’s seat is apparently in jeopardy because he’s allegedly a “climate change denier” and has opponents who are scientists and all.
I would be curious as to what district that would elect a libertarianish politician would boot him because of his alleged “climate change denial.” Seems odd.
But the fact that the Realtors have taken to telling baldfaced lies about him (see video) for some reason I cannot really understand, perhaps this indicates he really is weak.
Let’s be honest, Dana is not the brightest bulb. Nor the sanest. Still better than 90% of the rest of congress.
Everyday I’m happier that I dropped gmail.
As usual, OMWC has the very best taste in music.
“Is She Serious??? This Is Why Men Are Often Skeptical When It Comes To These Accusations”
I just lead the deadpan delivery Freeman uses. The man can make anything he’s saying sound classy.
Good grief, talk about taking a comment out of its obvious context.
JB’s link about the Columbus cop sent me down the googleimage rabbit hole, since the anchor and reporter both caught my eye. I know there’s a Rule #34, but this little gem seems oddly specific, approaching HM levels:
Tonights google porn category selected.
For those into booted newswomen, things seemed to have really slowed down in 2018 judging from the number of posts.
The dude who runs that is more meticulous and passionate about that subject than I am anything.
Wow, there really is a website for everything.
“A Michigan Marxist Restaurant Closes After Failed Group Decisions and Long Sandwich Waits”
Are we doing “best of” links?
And… what is it with the inevitable linkage between “marxism” and “vegan”? I don’t remember that being part of the program but it always is nowadays. I can only imagine it’s because some of them get off on telling you what to eat and the rest get off on being told what to eat.
Probably some BS about vegans being oppressed or something.
Do you even intersectionality bro?
Stupidity is the common link
They’re trying to rekindle the glory days of the Soviet Union, when there was no meat on the shelves whatsoever.
“why is it that progressives refuse to acknowledge that socialism doesn’t work and never has? It can’t work because it runs afoul of natural law and human nature.”
Because they live in a delusional fantasy world.
They would probably call that a naturalist fallacy, to which I would reply: “There’s a difference between a naturalist fallacy and a law of nature. It’s not a naturalist fallacy to tell an incompetent architect that his building is going to collapse because he has failed to account for the force of gravity.”
I wouldn’t mind doing some amateur gynecological exams on these ladies.
No reason to go past #1.
#15 just makes me sad. Those look uncomfortable.
I’ll take me a 47. I don’t care what the rest of her looks like.
No reason to go past #1.
But then you would miss 43. Proof even hot chics live in trailer houses.
Trump dildos, ejaculating puppets and a gynecology scandal.
You, my friend, are in a very strange place today. I suggest you start drinking early.