I warned you. Well, nothing more needs be said, let’s get to links, which will not help you to forget that image.


Any news story that has the words “ejaculating puppets” in it is worth reading. In this case, it’s a legal battle between the son of Jim Henson and the commercial juggernaut of Sesame Street. It’s nice to see that Brian Henson has inherited some of his dad’s creativity and a lot of his dad’s delightfully dark side. I know which side I’m pulling for.


Dogs, eggplants, Australians… this story has it all. Victoria is the antipodean Florida.


So let’s get this straight- there’s no evidence of asbestos in the product, there’s no evidence connecting the product to this lady’s cancer, but they’re an EEVUL KORPORATION, so let’s mulct $25 million from them, just because. Ahh, the wisdom of California juries. And did I mention how much I hate lawyers?


If I were to carve out an exception to the First Amendment, it would be to ban media outlets and politicians from talking about science. These are some ignorant congressmen. The writers at factcheck.org are equally ignorant and highly mendacious “journalists.” Their sources are a dead giveaway. Want to know the actual truth? Read the analyses of actual scientists here, here, here, and here. Bottom line: it’s complicated, buried in the noise, and basically we just don’t know. Just like anthropogenic climate change. Perfect for politicians and politicized “journalism.”


Speaking the high quality science being done by our government, here’s another gem, this time to bolster the latest pants-wetting SCARIEST DRUG EVER NEED MOAR LAWS panic. It’s… a reach. But it hits the narrative in an intersectional way, all directed toward more government. Note that there’s nothing quantitative presented, no links to peer review, no actual risk assessment. And of course, the mandatory ties to unrelated but SCARY research.


I always said that I’d be a gynecologist if I could specialize in hot young girls. I had no idea that this specialty actually existed, but apparently my spirit brother managed to carve out that niche.


OK, Old Guy Music, as if you were going to get away without it. A wonderful song, and some delightful playing by a talented kid.