Word is he is working on another advice column bit.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:55 pm
It’s been sad to watch one of my best friends from college (who used to be a hard drinking dudebro) actually try to adopt this lifestyle since marrying an emasculating feminazi.
The Japs won’t let you see the most paused on scene in cinematic history? Not cool. Or is it youtube that is blocking Sharon Stones snatch from the Japs? We need an international snatch treaty. It was probably part of TPP but Trump fucked that up.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:33 pm
The craziest thing is that the NBA blocks highlights here all the time. Yahoo sports is worthless for NBA coverage as every video is restricted.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:41 pm
It makes it feel like a small world to know that somewhere, scattered around the globe (but likely brought together by the Internet nowadays) there is a community of people for whom the most paused-on scene in cinematic history is the part where Rodney Dangerfield does the armpit farts on the diving board in Back to School.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:14 pm
I don’t know why, but I watched that movie a few weeks ago. I don’t know of a bad Dangerfield movie. Or can’t remember.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:21 pm
I like to think of The Karate Kid as essentially a prequel to Back To School, with Pat Morita hopelessly miscast in what was supposed to be Dangerfield’s part.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:35 pm
Newman is in that movie?! (never seen it)
on May 26, 2018 at 8:42 pm
You’re kidding me! Not even that scene? Not even enough to know Newman was in it? I thought this was a generational universal!
on May 26, 2018 at 8:46 pm
I’ve seen stills of… that… many times. Never watched the movie.
C. Anacreon
on May 26, 2018 at 8:15 pm
She spreads her legs, but they’re the literal legs, like the ones that lead to erections.
And as historically, that frequently leads to her getting promotions as well.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:50 pm
How about some signs that he’s a Glib?
on May 26, 2018 at 7:58 pm
Only seen the tote bag thing so far but it reminded me of an early 90s SNL skit.
It’s a PBS Afterschool Special in which a shy teenage virgin begins a sweet flirty relationship with the school hunk, is very mildly pressured to put out on an upcoming date, has a talk with Dad who says “your body your decision, make sure it’s yours and you’re ready”–and in the end isn’t ready and (no surprise to us viewers!) eventually wins the patient understanding and if anything even greater respect from the hunk, who really is a sweet kid. (In fact, he’s a virgin too!)
Only, they do eventually do it after that. And get this, the shy teen virgin is a boy!!! And Dad just treats this as a normal thing, even palming the kid a condom after their sex and responsibility talk.
And that’s it. That–apart from a little laugh line about Dad himself having had a crush on Tab Hunter back in the day–is the joke, the absurdist exaggeration. That PBS is so ridiculously out there that they would actually air this, and as something to show teens themselves! Crazy PBS!
Anyway, Phil Hartman interrupts with a pledge drive:
Hello. I’m Edward Osgood, Programming Director of WNET New York. The program you’ve been watching–Sex and Peer Pressure at Valley High–was made possible by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. But without your contributions, PBS can’t can’t continue to produce this and other fine programs. Programs like Nude Black Man Today, The Fidel Castro 60th Birthday Gala, and our award-winning 12-part History of Police Brutality, hosted by Ice-T.
Government funding, through your tax dollars, isn’t enough. It’s barely $600 million. So, please call and pledge more money, operators are standing by. And, if you’re pledging $30 or more, specify whether you’d like the Robert Mapplethorpe Tote Bag, or the Abortion Yes! Umbrella! We now return to Sex and Peer Pressure at Valley High.
It comes from laterite, the name for the reddish clay soil bricks are baked from. /former geology minor.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:24 pm
Q instructs us more in the pec region rather than the lat region hence our ignorance. So, Mr smarty pants geology minor, what does peceritious mean?
on May 26, 2018 at 9:46 pm
It comes from pectorite, which is the sand on a beach which winds up on some women’s tits.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:52 pm
Pectorite is my new favorite word.
C. Anacreon
on May 26, 2018 at 9:48 pm
It’s in that one song,
And delicious.
I’ll never dance with another…”
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 7:31 pm
“TOTALITARIAN IN NYC: De Blasio Issues ‘Cultural Plan’ Linking Museum Funding To Skin Color
On Friday, New York Mayor Bill De Blasio – who suggested today that the presence of The New York Post was harmful to his horribly-governed city – announced a “cultural plan” for New York. According to The New York Times, De Blasio looks to “link future funding for museums and arts groups to diversity of their employees and board members.”
So, no longer will public dollars merely go to artists based on the alleged quality of their work. Now De Blasio will explicitly link those dollars to the skin color and sexual orientation of the artists.”
Ah, fun times. I remember all the right-thinking people being oh-so embarrassed by that unsophisticate Giuliani.
On 1 November, federal judge Nina Gershon ordered the City not only to restore the funding that was denied to the Museum
Astonishing. They have a right to my money, I guess.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:09 pm
DeBlasio is A TOP MAN of course unlike Guiliani…
on May 26, 2018 at 8:18 pm
Haven’t looked into it since hearing it on the news as it happened but probably the right decision. You can’t say, remove the Piss Christ or else, and then pull the funding. That’s blatantly not content-neutral and has got a chilling effect. It’s a gray area for when funding pulling is “related” to content; a legislature is probably going to be given more benefit of the doubt than an executive, especially a loudmouthed one who blew any shot he’d have had at looking legit. But it’s a real thing, and a call that has to be made. As well as simply being the only morally legitimate thing to do, the libertarian solution again solves all problems easily–it’s an easy solution to all this simply to make the government footprint as small as possible–but on whatever the government does concern itself with, it needs to not muzzle free expression from private parties according to ideological content. It’s still an important principle, even to the highly circumscribed government aegis of a minarchist state.
The colors must be wrong on my tablet because I don’t look like any of those colors.
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 7:39 pm
“Robert DeNiro says he is banning Trump from his restaurants
Robert De Niro, a frequent critic of President Trump who has been playing special counsel Robert Mueller on “Saturday Night Live,” talked Tuesday about how he’d like to bar the president from eating at his Nobu restaurant chain.
The Daily Mail reported that De Niro, a co-founder of the Nobu restaurant and hotel chain, insisted that he would not let Trump eat in his restaurants, and that he would leave any other eatery where the president entered.
“If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I’d walk out,” De Niro said.”
The biggest cake. A cake in the shape of a wall. With a golden door. The best cake.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:42 pm
I wonder how consistent his support of freedom of association is…
on May 26, 2018 at 7:42 pm
DeNiro seems to have a burning, irrational hatred for Trump. Anyone know why he is so deranged?
on May 26, 2018 at 7:43 pm
He really got into Travis Bickle?
on May 26, 2018 at 7:52 pm
I would bet there is some inside info few know there. I bet Trump banged his wife or something. Or the hat spit on him back when he was using. The hat using, not Deniro.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:57 pm
Thats what I am thinking. The guy grinds his teeth and spits and froths at the mouth and makes violent threats….it doesnt seem rational. It’s beyond ordinary TDS and that’s saying something.
Heroic Mulatto
on May 26, 2018 at 8:01 pm
I don’t think Trump is that much into Black women.
I bet he would be if he could piss off Deniro probably because Deniro has never liked him kind of like most of the rest of the country. I am sticking with Trump banged his wife.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:56 pm
I don’t get it either. It’s not like he needs to impress anybody with how “woke” he thinks he is. He’s Robert DiNiro, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
That’s not really a good look for Bobby D, I think. Lacking a personal relationship with the man, his seemingly deep and personal dislike combined with his eagerness to signal makes him look a little unhinged. Of course, that’s true for a lot of the people in hysterics over Trump. Personally, I find it tedious as hell. It reminds me a little of the birther shit, except that since the mainstream media is in the bag for the Democratic Party machine, there’s a lot more exposure to TDS than there was to birtherism.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:59 pm
I am really finding it tiresome. I can just listen to crazy people rant for so long. I figured they would be over it by now but they seem to be working themselves further into a frenzy.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 8:21 pm
Wait until he fires Mueller. Hoo boy!
C. Anacreon
on May 26, 2018 at 8:24 pm
I think every time Trump does something positive — gets results in the economy, the Norks, or gets a Venezuelan prisoner home, it just infuriates them more and reinvigorates their lather. Because dammit, the guy is incompetent, evil and mentally ill, why does he keep doing things that work out?
on May 26, 2018 at 8:24 pm
Love Nobu. Will never go back again. Fuck you De Niro.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:27 pm
Yeah, cuz Trump is a raw fish eating machine.
It’s tragic that DeNiro couldn’t Hide his douchebaggery.
Gustave Lytton
on May 26, 2018 at 8:42 pm
“If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I’d walk out,” De Niro said.”
Never walk into a place you don’t know how to walk out of?
I dont get these people who want everyone else to eat something they find disgusting. It’s a fucking bug. If you want to know how good roaches and black crickets are as a food source try using them for fish bait sometime. Let me know how many fish you catch. Maggots also, try them and see if you get a bite.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:55 pm
Gunma or some rural place like that eat sauteed grasshoppers with soy sauce. They also eat bee larva. That’s one bridge over the river Kwai too far for me. Pass.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:01 pm
I like red meat from ungulates. I like rice. Potatoes. Chicken and especially that magical animal the pig.
I dont eat bugs. Well, mudbugs but thats it.
A while back someone was telling me how to prepare turnips so they tasted like potatoes.
“Why would I do that? I have potatoes.”
Heroic Mulatto
on May 26, 2018 at 8:03 pm
Fried and salted grasshoppers are an A-tier level bar food.
I will duel any man who says otherwise.
J. Frank Parnell
on May 26, 2018 at 8:08 pm
In fairness, you could fry and salt anything and make a good bar food.
Heroic Mulatto
on May 26, 2018 at 8:11 pm
Another delightful thing I discovered in Bangkok was fried duck bill.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:16 pm
Pretty much they eat the whole thing, eh.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:32 pm
I’ve been to Gumna it didn’t seem too crazy with eating bugs. There was only a few restaurants however.
I’ll be around that province some time later this summer likely Late July.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:52 pm
Let me know if you’re around Kanto and want to get a drink. (Prefecture. /Pedant off.)
Gustave Lytton
on May 26, 2018 at 9:07 pm
There’s a shop near Nippori selling some of those if I remember correctly. The photo is kind of crappy because I was trying to take it without causing my wife upset.
“Nutritious sautee”. Lol. Still rather eat those than the konbu they’re selling.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:18 pm
I’ll see where I end up staying. Probably near closest Shinkansen station to Gunma.
on May 26, 2018 at 7:44 pm
OT? OK. My 9 year old daughter and I watched Ben Stiller’s Starsky and Hutch last night. This morning my wife made pancakes for us and asked the kid, “What would you like to drink, Honey?” “Orange Juice. DO IT.” I love my kid.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:01 pm
I never saw that so don’t get the line. is it actually good?
(this is what happens when you follow all of HM’s links. You get recommended stuff like this)
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 7:52 pm
“I’m not even joking. If Trump announced that he was building giant Sentinel robots to target people of color, would you even be surprised? I wouldn’t. This is the timeline we’re in.”
If they aren’t careful they really will end up with a new Oswald Moseley. If you deny a large portion of the country a legal outlet to express opinions and air grievances the results are always, and I mean always, disastrous.
Gustave Lytton
on May 26, 2018 at 8:52 pm
I’m pretty sure Mosley is running things already in the UK.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:30 pm
Reminds me of something I read Johnny Rotten recounting, about the days after the Pistols released “God Save the Queen.” I like grown-up Rotten; and it is one of my favorite punk anecdotes:
Chris Thomas and I were in the Pegasus, just around the corner from Wessex Studios, and as we left, we were attacked in the car park by a gang of knife-wielding yobs, who were chanting, “We love our Queen, you bastard!” Normally I’d say they were National Front, but a third of them were black.
Congratulations Diego, you’re an alt-right Nazi fascist.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:14 pm
They are not still pretending to be not full-on USSR, are they? Arrest a guy for taking pictures in public then ban the media from reporting on it. Throw people in jail for telling a joke. Throw people out of the country for having opinions. Turn a blind eye to pedophelic rape gangs.
A disabled Yemeni girl, whose exclusion from the U.S. was questioned by Supreme Court justices reviewing the Trump administration’s travel ban, arrived Saturday in New York for resettlement.
After denying her application in January, the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti reversed course and issued visas Wednesday allowing 10-year-old Shaema Alomari and her family to immigrate to the U.S., her father, Nageeb Alomari, said in a telephone interview.
Shaema was born with cerebral palsy, a disorder that leaves her unable to walk, talk or feed herself, Mr. Alomari said. “When she is in pain, she just cries and can’t tell what is wrong with her,” he said.
The way the US media, from my perspective anyways, ignores what is happening in Yemen is an utter disgrace. Obama arms the Saudis to the teeth and they use those weapons to pound civilians into dust. Crickets.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:21 pm
In the thread further back on the Brianna Wu tweet one of the replies said that Bush made the drones and Rand Paul wants to use them in this country. No mention of Obama.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 8:37 pm
Rand Paul wants to what in the where now?
on May 26, 2018 at 8:47 pm
The claim is that rand paul wants to use drones on us soil. I dont know if that is true or what possible use they might be put to. Killer robots to target POC no doubt in their minds.
No mention of Obama using drones to double tap weddings dissembling the bodies of young children and rescue workers.
All projection, all of the time.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:37 pm
In 2013 he stated that he’d be willing to use drones in an immanent threat situation, like where a cop would be justified in killing the suspect. That’s what he said, make of it what you will.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:42 pm
As opposed to the current situation where they use drones for any and all occasions.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:45 pm
Yes. He specifically said he was opposed to that. That over and above his overseas opposition, of course.
I do have a soft spot for that song. But why did I get an ad for the upcoming Teen Vogue summit featuring Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters? Good Lord, Google Analytics, what do you think of me?
J. Frank Parnell
on May 26, 2018 at 8:11 pm
Apparently they think you want to hear Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters discussing anal sex.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:32 pm
I foresee a serious fight over who gets to be the dude.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:19 pm
That sounds like a nightmare. Clinton should keep jumping left off of the cliff and continue spouting her crazy. Maxine too.
Fuck the protesting, start burning that shit down. Literally time for bloodshed when the State tries and imprisons someone in a secret court for taking pictures then forbids people from talking about it.
This is that moment Solzhenitsyn was talking about. The one where you still have the opportunity to nip it in the bud before everyone ends up in death camps.
Heroic Mulatto
on May 26, 2018 at 8:29 pm
Yet, this is nothing new. The Founders didn’t pull the ideas for the 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. Amendments out of their asses; they were reactions to the shit they actually experienced as British colonial subjects post-Seven Years’ War.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:41 pm
This cant be over emphasized. They had experience with totalitarians and all of the issues we are dealing with today. The constitution is built on a pretty solid foundation of experience yet its foes today portray it as arbitrary to belittle its importance, something it most certainly is not.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:45 pm
Gross what they did in the UK, but try handing out nullification flyers outside some courthouses in the US and you’ll see being authoritarians isn’t unique to the UK.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:49 pm
Yep. The charges were dismissed, but remember the process is the punishment.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:52 pm
Those efforts failed. If we really want to win we would hav to hit it harder and a fair number of people willing to go to jail.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:30 pm
You are exactly right, but they wont. They are over run with useful idiots who cant think straight and cant see it coming. That is the whole purpose of cultural marxism – to create helpless idiots and destroy useful institutions.They are doomed. Except for the blue enclaves the people here still mostly have their heads on straight. maybe now that we are getting another good example of where this leads the efforts here will lessen.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:10 pm
We’re importing people who don’t give a shit about the Constitution, we’re just a few years behind England. Texas will flip blue in 15 years and then the Presidency will be a one party game.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:31 pm
If he gets whacked in prison, I bet you see some “vigilante” justice on the streets. The court/govt must know the fire they are playing with and want that reaction.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:52 pm
Are we that far behind? We have secret courts that issue warrants to spy on people and a Justice department that routinely ruins peoples lives and then walks away without ever charging them. The last administration leaked over and over names of people who had committed no crime but much of the media insinuates crimes where committed because the people are on the other team. One of the things the Trump presidency has done for me is open my eyes more to how goddamned evil federal prosecutors can be because the people I listen to in part of my bubble are actually dissing them now rather than praising them like they always do with their thin blue line horseshit.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:12 pm
No we’re not far behind, the second amendment will likely be “reinterpreted” in the not too distant future.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:31 pm
If that judge isn’t disbarred (and perhaps jailed) tomorrow, the UK should revolt. If not, they are done. So sad. Churchill rolls.
Raven Nation
on May 26, 2018 at 10:22 pm
SLD first: the law he was arrested under is stupid.
But, devil’s advocate: he was filming accused but not yet convicted people which is a crime in the UK. He’d been arrested once for that and was serving a suspended sentence the terms of which he violated.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:29 pm
Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In is on Prime. I’m old enough to have watched it when it was first released. At the time is was totally rad and far out and I loved it. I watched to first show tonight while cooking dinner to see how it holds up.
I’ve seen a ton of the shows and they had a tremendous effect on subsequent TV shows so there’s no way it could still seem radical, but in some ways they couldn’t do the show today. What we would now call sexism was rampant with the men in tuxes and the women in bikinis and mini skirts (even if the bikinis had enough fabric to make several modern ones). Dick Marin’s drunk routines sure wouldn’t make it, never mind a humerous Nazi (verrry interresting).
One of the things that made the show so rad was it’s fast pace. By current standards it actually dragged and an hour was too long.
It did get a few laughs out of me though even if I knew all the gags and,
+1 Judy Carne
+2 Barbara Feldon
C. Anacreon
on May 26, 2018 at 8:31 pm
It’s a mod, mod world.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:41 pm
Sock it to me!
That’s all I remember from infrequent repeats in the 70s. But the goings-on you describe remind me of Benny Hill, a show I saw a lot more of and which also couldn’t be made today.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:43 pm
Hell, a lot of Monty Python couldn’t be made today, either.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:45 pm
Technically speaking much of it would get you arrested in the UK.
Gustave Lytton
on May 26, 2018 at 8:51 pm
Darn your quick fingers! What I was going to post.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:22 pm
Benny Hill was the only way to see tits on TV. Why was he exempt from that rule?
on May 26, 2018 at 9:29 pm
Did you see it on PBS? Otherwise, the reason the Brits saw it is because they’ve always been far more chill about toplessness, putting it casually everywhere, even though they only legalized porn during the late Blair Government. (Matter of fact, the topless girls in the Sun and other newspapers used to be introduced to the readership clothed before they were legal to appear topless, with a countdown until they would reveal themselves on their birthday. Their sixteenth birthday. The law changed only in the 2000s.)
on May 26, 2018 at 8:44 pm
What about Chris Kattan’s Gay Hitler?
on May 26, 2018 at 8:30 pm
Difficult question, tomorrow is supposed to be the first sunny weekend day that I’m free in the past several months. So what do I get growlers of tomorrow?
on May 26, 2018 at 8:36 pm
Start with the Starlight Lager, transition to the Trailhead Pale Ale and hurt yourself at the end with the Bone Head Imperial Red IPA.
Yusef drives a Kia
on May 26, 2018 at 8:44 pm
Bonehead or the BlueBerry looked nice from here…
J. Frank Parnell
on May 26, 2018 at 9:00 pm
How many growlers are you getting and how many people are helping you drink these?
I’d go with Trail Head and Black Knight. Maybe the Bone Head or Black Muddy River if I was sharing.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:13 pm
I’m planning on biking up there, so there’s a maximum of two growlers that I can carry. As for drinking them, it will just be me.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:35 pm
Every time I start to think that maybe the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim types are overreacting I read about what is going on in the UK, Sweden and Germany and realize that the situation must be much worse than I can imagine…yikes
Also this is Tory Britain. What would Corbyn do?
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 8:38 pm
We’ll find just that out before too long and it won’t look good.
Sigh. I was just having fond memories of Bloomberg after the mentions of Deblasio above and now this. Hey, remember that Giuliani fella? I sure miss him.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:57 pm
This kind of honesty will hurt him exactly nothing, of course, for the same reason that saying his purpose was to disarm young black men did not. His base–the technocratic centrists like him–does not actually think any differently. What is slightly more remarkable is that, even while keeping the centrists’ firm support, the Left has swung so far in favor of this kind of thing that they not only support it but seem to have forgotten all their reasons for animosity toward him. But what is utterly baffling is that the actual poor and blacks seem to have forgotten it. In inner cities all over the country they are represented by politicians who favor such reactionary measures and they fully support them! Sin taxes, plastic bag taxes, etc. pass with huge margins in Oakland for example! And most inner city politicians everywhere are fully on board.
How blacks have come to be so unflinchingly allied with MIke Bloomberg and his self-described plans to disarm them, is an utter mystery. But it’s what you do now.
I initially didn’t see the “Valley” in the video name. I don’t know if I’m interested now.
on May 26, 2018 at 8:55 pm
If you’re going to commit a crime in the UK, go big and get as much media coverage as possible. The jury pool would be contaminated and they may through it out.
Hey, I kind of like the New Yorker piece. And it is all the more New Yorkerish for being rather more out of touch than it imagines itself to be. (And also, not particularly funny when you think about it. Also very New Yorker.) Many signs of that, but my favorite is the final panel. “He does not have a Twitter account.” And the illustration it uses is a black dude, which everyone knows is the only kind of male (besides progressive journalists) who is allowed to use Twitter.
The Late P Brooks
on May 26, 2018 at 9:20 pm
Bloomberg discusses using behavior modification through taxation of the poor:
Was that before or after he said them niggers shouldn’t be allowed to have guns?
The links Loesch tweeted out point to a speech Bloomberg gave at the Aspen Institute in February 2015, where according to The Aspen Times Bloomberg said that “police should seize guns from male minorities between ages 15 and 25.”
“These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed,” said Bloomberg. “So they just don’t have any longterm focus or anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.”
Bloomberg also stated the need to “throw them up against the wall and frisk them” and that in New York City “we put all the cops in the minority neighborhoods.”
“That’s where all the crime is,” Bloomberg said.
But Trump is a racist.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 9:29 pm
His methods may be unsound, sure, but his heart is in the right place.
tldr: He and his daughter have some crazy autoimmune disorder and have apparently reversed all the symptoms by switching to a meat-only diet.
I. B. McGinty
on May 26, 2018 at 9:37 pm
Daughter – would.
Gustave Lytton
on May 26, 2018 at 9:55 pm
For a post-pregnancy, she sure is flatchested.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:41 pm
Just like my sister who was cured by whatever ailed for a year when gluten was bad then that wasn’t a fad anymore, so now not eating red meat cures all ills?
on May 26, 2018 at 9:43 pm
I remember him talking about his weird health theories. Feels funny to see a guy mixing that and the Jungian stuff in with mainstream psychology, even the best-researched aspects of mainstream psychology (not all are)–all with the same air of complete confidence. I suppose there are worse gurus a young person could have.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:16 pm
Mikhaila enjoys alcohol. However, once she changed to an LCHF diet, she realised that alcohol affected her mood.
Ya, me too. It makes me happy. I know I would be able to lose the last twenty pounds if I quite the sex in the canoe beer but I see little benefit for the loss of enjoyment. I don’t plan on taking any underwear selfies. Unless I get that drunk of course. Then they are going right to the submissions tab at the top of the page.
So any British lawyers (is it solicitors). Whats the legality of covering the protests against the thing you can’t legally cover? I mean, that’s a big loophole, or else a lot of people on twitter are going to get their doors busted down.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:49 pm
British lawyers (is it solicitors)
My Most respected Lord General of Her Queen’s Rightfully and Just Laws of the Commonwealth, I believe is the shorthand.
Breet Pharara
on May 26, 2018 at 9:53 pm
I gave up with British titles when I learned about the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:18 pm
Chancellor of the wut?
on May 26, 2018 at 10:23 pm
If I remember right (I’m not going to cheat and look it up) exchequer is somewhat like a treasurer; and a chancellor is in charge of that, and shadow means it’s the party not in power basically having their own out of power person doing the same job to double check the ruling party.
Some one check, did I get any of that right?
J. Frank Parnell
on May 26, 2018 at 10:31 pm
No, actually it’s the bloke in charge of getting the spotted dick.
Gustave Lytton
on May 26, 2018 at 11:23 pm
I wish I had some spotted dick and custard right now.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 9:45 pm
Assassin’s Creed franchise is 2/3 off on Steam this weekend. Are any of them worthwhile? I played one, maybe the first one, years ago, and found it mystifying and unfun.
Breet Pharara
on May 26, 2018 at 9:46 pm
The pirate one is a blast. Less Assassin’s Creed and more just a swashbuckling adventure. Other one’s suck.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 10:02 pm
Worth shelling out another ten bucks for the gold edition? I feel like I barely touched any of Witcher 3’s DLCs.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:05 pm
I’ve never played any of the DLC; but the ones for Black Flag had me close after playing the game, but I’m just too poor to justify the expense.
Breet Pharara
on May 26, 2018 at 10:09 pm
*fires up Uplay for the first time in years*
Let’s see. Doesn’t look like I bought any of the DLC, so no clue.
Pan Zagloba
on May 26, 2018 at 10:43 pm
In-game ones are pretty cool optional content.
You also get an Aveline story, but it is short and doesn’t do much if you didn’t play Liberation.
Freedom Cry looks cool, but I never played it for some reason. The lead in that one is pretty cool in the main game, and an idea of runaway slave coming back to do a reckoning is fairly compelling.
Also, Witcher 3 DLC is great, try it. Heart of Stone in particular really made me happy – I consider writing in that one to be a notch above W3, and that ‘s damn high praise.
Breet Pharara
on May 26, 2018 at 10:47 pm
This guy gets it, and is more elegant explains it better than my “the other ones suck”, so listen to him.
Yeah I though Heart of Stone was really good and well worth the time and money. I didn’t like Blood and Wine as much, but that might be because I needed a break and didn’t touch the game for a while, and when I came back wasn’t as into it.
on May 26, 2018 at 9:52 pm
I enjoyed them all immensely until Unity. 4 was the most, lets say, addictive.
Juvenile Bluster
on May 26, 2018 at 10:06 pm
Everything until Unity is great, and Origins is great.
Definitely. I never finished the first one because I found it boring, honestly, but I’ve played every other one. Like CPRM says, Unity was a neat idea but it’s buggy as hell and not very fun. The one after that, in Victorian London, is better, but still not that great IMHO. Origins is excellent, the Pirate one was unbelievably addictive, and the colonial US one, which got somewhat mixed reviews, was pretty entertaining I thought.
The Ezio games are the best, for my money, and they’re AC2, AC Brotherhood, and AC Revelations. Buy those, definitely, and then if you’ve got to pick one other I’d get AC4: Black Flag, then Rogue (which ties in to Black Flag’s plot). Basically, you can’t go wrong with any of them but the more recent ones, barring Origins, aren’t as enjoyable, I think.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:11 pm
The Ezio games also add that libertarian directive, profit! But, Ahem there were 2.5 pirate games, as that is part of 3, all of 4 and most or Rogue. I just started Syndicate, I wait till the games are below $20. So I haven’t played Origins.
I picked them all up when they were part of a Humble Bundle.
Pan Zagloba
on May 26, 2018 at 10:40 pm
Black Flag, as everyone pointed out, is awesome fun. I’ll be the one to speak for the writing – ‘present day’ segments are a glorious sendup of modern game development process, and the period parts contain an excellent character arc about hubris, stubbornness and price paid to gain what you think you want. And fuck it, they managed to make Blackbeard a sympathetic character. They kept references to previous games light, so I didn’t mind not catching them first time around
I’ve watched 1-3 and they’re mediocre (1, 3), OK but stupid (2, Brotherhood) or absolute vile propaganda that should be eradicated created by Secret Nazis (Revelation).
Er, that last might be just me.
Actually, 3 might be of more interest to Americans, if you want to see a Quebecois writer bitch about the English and Americans equally, though.
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 10:47 pm
Black Flag was awesome. I caught them later, with Henry Rollins on vocals, and they were great. Greg Ginn is a crazy fucking guitarist.
Of the lot, Syndicate is a low point. It stands as the only installment I could not finish. Not for reasons of difficulty, but I quit when there was a mission to defend Marx.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:00 pm
Sargon had a livestream about Tommy Robinson earlier today. I’ll let anyone who wants to listen judge for themselves.
Note: the video is very long, but only about the first hour and a half is about Robinson.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:03 pm
Hour and a half? I can’t make it more than 5 minutes into any of drivel I’ve seen linked.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:05 pm
Sargon…the video is very long
We live in ever more shocking times. Next you’ll tell me it’s not stupid, but not nearly as smart as he thinks it is.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:06 pm
And yeah, yeah, I should talk. In b4 all y’all.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 10:08 pm
Sargon’s pretty smart but he ain’t no Tariq Nasheed.
I don’t think I heard a single thing that remotely sounded like rapping on any of those tracks. I think that shit would get rejected by Cornel West for inclusion in his spoken word album. I do think his whole life is a troll. I think he’s got to be at least somewhat in on it. Then again, who isn’t a “smart” to some degree nowadays, no matter how dumb? Doesn’t take a “Constitutional Advocate, MLK Conservative,” that’s for sure.
His early work was a bit too raw for me, I prefer the erudite sophistication of his later stuff. I mean, “Wash Yo Ass” was a fine song and all but the smooth groove of “Mink Slide” just beats it hands down.
Look guys, I’m just putting it out there as info, and even if you’re interested, you’re obviously not required to listen to the whole video.
Would you prefer less information and fewer viewpoints?
I am NOT saying I agree with Sargon, just that he has a different viewpoint, from a UK perspective.
J. Frank Parnell
on May 26, 2018 at 10:29 pm
So what you’re saying is, if we were all lobsters you would force us to watch 10-hour Sargon videos until we agreed with them?
on May 26, 2018 at 10:31 pm
Lobster girl haz sad.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 10:30 pm
I like his stuff. He’s a bit longwinded but that’s what the fastforward button is for.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:39 pm
There is no such button on Youtube. You must be pressing the “advance to next video” button. And I agree, it would be most useful when watching Sargon videos.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 10:41 pm
on May 26, 2018 at 11:05 pm
Fuck, dude. I agree the guy is nowhere near the be-all-end-all. He does do fairly decent research and documentation, though. What specific issues do you have with him? Other than finding him boring, what specific flaws?
on May 26, 2018 at 11:27 pm
I think you may be reading too much into everyone dragging him here. He’s none too bright, he’s smug, he’s a conspiracy theorist, he is cringe, he takes himself way the fuck too seriously and has a comically delusionally big head, and he’s boring. These aren’t the worst flaws in the world. I’m glad he exists, and I think he played an important role, especially in the past (his time is somewhat done, but thus is the fate of true pioneers).
I also think it’s interesting that the alt-right hoi polloi utterly loathe him. Like they are obsessed with him, like they are obsessed with few other than the Jews. I think it’s because (1) he represents an unapologetic, un P.C. liberal(ish) civic-nationalism as an appealing, anti-SJW “militant” option for white youth, which is their greatest nightmare. And (2) his flaws–his delusional cringey self-importance–makes him an easy target of contempt at the same time, as it does for so many other people.
Sargon actually came to the TOS comment section a day after a HnR piece about him had occasioned a discussion. He thanked everyone, and even briefly alluded to some of the shit I had been talking about him! And I think that was cool.
Overall I don’t think anyone here really gives much of a shit about Sargon. That is why they aren’t riding him at length with much more than a few silly jokes. They don’t really dislike him at all. Even I give him much less thought than this would suggest. I’m just long-winded. Like Sargon.
I can see where you’re coming from. Maybe pointing out some of the highlights would have helped more people listen to the video. But people are probably no less averse to listening to it than any other video of that length suggested by anyone; they’re just throwing in some silly Sargon jokes just for shits and giggles. They’re not throwing it back in your face or nothing, needless to say!
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 10:16 pm
His videos take so much time geologists can’t understand it.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:06 pm
Could he be charged for “reporting” it?
on May 26, 2018 at 10:03 pm
In interesting death penalty news, Dianne Feinstein is now against it. (Kamala Harris says her “career was marked by fierce opposition to the death penalty,” which is what she apparently calls consistent support for it.) And the Republican governor of Illinois is trying to reinstate it (it was a Republican governor of Illinois–now in prison of course–who unexpectedly began the nationwide trend against it by declaring a moratorium almost 20 years ago) by horsetrading with Democrats for even tougher gun control than they’d been pushing for.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:07 pm
Unlike a lot of libertarians, I’m not completely against the death penalty, but I think it should have a much higher standard of evidence than imprisonment.
Breet Pharara
on May 26, 2018 at 10:12 pm
I’m not against it on moral ground, purely on practical ones. That higher standard will never exist, so it’s just not worth it IMO.
Juvenile Bluster
on May 26, 2018 at 10:14 pm
I don’t care how high you set the standard of proof. I don’t trust the government not to fuck up (whether negligently or purposely) the manufacture of that proof.
See the number of people released from prison who were convicted to a degree of absolute scientific assurance that turned out to be bullshit (hair matching, bite mark, arson investigations)
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 10:20 pm
The spate of lab technicians being outed as frauds or horribly negligent was… concerning.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:37 pm
+1 eye witness testimony.
I am against the death penalty because people fuck up and or are mendacious cunts.
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 10:37 pm
I’m against the death penalty. If murder is illegal. Then it is for everyone. Including the State.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:45 pm
Isn’t kidnapping illegal?
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 10:48 pm
Fair point, I guess. But death is irreversible.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:09 pm
The state is not competent enough to administer the death penalty.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:11 pm
This ^^^
The reason for the Illinois moratorium in the first place was because with better DNA testing they discovered they had executed 11 innocent men. It should have stopped nationwide that day never to be reinstated.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 10:15 pm
Is that right? Damn…
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 10:25 pm
Eleven innocent men, or men who should have been found not guilty, given the quality of evidence?
A sad story, it won’t happen but that guy should get a commutation.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:29 pm
He’s going to prison. To finish out a 35-year term for selling crack to an informant in the 90’s.
Twenty bucks a cop sold him the crack to sell to the informant.
As far as I know, (from research I did for speech class back when I was under the delusion I wanted a college degree in the late 90’s) only one person has been put to death in TX that was later found to be innocent. Numerous people have been sentenced to death to be later released from death row after being proven innocent.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 11:42 pm
It’s not so much the procedural objection to the thing that offends me. It’s the pretense that this man, who had so much to lose, having been released and found a niche for himself, might recriminate and put himself in exactly the position that his persecutors eventually put him in, that’s what offends me.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:15 pm
The state is not competent enough to administer any aspect of the justice system, or any other of even its legitimate (i.e. essential) tasks except external defense (which it does far too expensively and inefficiently of course). I’ll agree the death penalty is rather higher stakes, and of course cannot be commuted partially (as imprisonment can) upon a mistake being discovered. Those are important considerations. I just don’t think they carry the day.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:11 pm
For those unfamiliar, Dianne Feinstein–whose only consistent ideology appears to be authoritarianism–has spent her entire political career bragging about how much she loves the death penalty. I don’t think the Hutu Ministry of Propaganda hyped the virtues of death on the radio more than this lady did.
I’m not sure what to make of the Publix thing. On one hand, I disagree with Publix about giving in to his demands and discontinuing their campaign donations. On the other hand I think if you want to get the donations from PACs out of politics get rid of the incentive. Publix donates the money expecting something in return.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 10:26 pm
Sincerely, a southwesterner
on May 26, 2018 at 10:29 pm
OMWC talks about his mom loving Publix chicken; but man I miss Von’s day old chicken.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:34 pm
It’s a Southeastern supermarket chain. I think they might have invented the supermarket, or maybe that was Piggly-Wiggly, the other one they have down there.
“Yonder’s the Piggly-Wiggly, Miss Daisy” –God
In any case they do not call their pharmacy section PUBIX so I want nothing to do with them.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:43 pm
The only place I have seen a Publix is in FL. It is a supermarket. Like City Market or Safeway.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 10:46 pm
I saw a HEB in Texas and thought, Jeez, that seems a little antisemitic.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:33 pm
Ya me too. Then I shopped at one and thought, “Damn the Jews know how to run a grocery”. I love HEB.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:27 pm
Good point U. B. McGinty.
Count Potato
on May 26, 2018 at 10:42 pm
Publix also withdrew their support for leftist causes at the same time.
LOL Kashuv is the one who is really winning, for real. He is like the Jordan Peterson of children.
Also I personally will trade Planned Parenthood divestment for some Florida Republican asshole any day. I don’t even know who the fuck that guy was.
I. B. McGinty
on May 26, 2018 at 11:26 pm
Someone replied to @TheBigGlibowski in the comments. Is that someone here?
on May 26, 2018 at 11:45 pm
I don’t think so. Looks like the Glibowski is a big Dem activist from his twit page. Not that there might not be some of those here. I do know some here are incognito twits but they are more liberty/small gov minded and not more state control like that prick.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:54 pm
His Twitter bio:
I work to create peace, hope and positive change for every woman, man and child of our country.
Isn’t he soooo dreamy? *swoon*
on May 26, 2018 at 11:00 pm
My twitter bio says I’m co-creator of The Hat and The Hair cartoons, doesn’t make it true.
*slaps the orphans who do the writing and animating because I don’t have enough subscribers*
on May 26, 2018 at 10:07 pm
Fuck me
Worked 12 hours today. Came home and found I had the parts I ordered for my mower sitting in my carport. I rebuilt the deck, tested it and everything is good. Now it’s 10 and I’m fucking wore out. I got tomorrow off to mow everything around here and then back to it monday.
Raven Nation
on May 26, 2018 at 10:31 pm
Better man than I am. It was 97 here today so I didn’t leave the house. I probably worked 6-7 hours but that was reading and grading – not the heavy-duty work you due.
Plus, my wife’s travel got delayed so instead of flying in tonight it’s going to be Monday lunch time. Damnit.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:32 pm
When Lach leaves work and it’s 97 outside that’s like air conditioning.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:37 pm
There’s some truth to that. I have come down off of the melt cranes where the temp is in the 130’s to the furnace floor where it’s in the 100’s and gotten cold chills. It’s strange.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:42 pm
The three years I lived in Las Vegas none of my cars had AC, so I’d turn the heat on when I was in the car so it would feel cool when I got out. (Then when I’d come back north to visit a day later I’d be able to take the trash out without a shirt in 30 degree weather, human bodies adapt quickly)
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 10:43 pm
I am a heavy sweater and a nervous sweater. Flop sweating when I’m asked to do something. But also excessive overcompensating sweating in hot weather. I think I’d die in your world. I’d probably just disappear one day, and nobody would know why I walked off the job, but the truth is I sweated myself dry and then briefly combusted like a ball of newspaper in the fireplace.
on May 26, 2018 at 10:48 pm
Hopefully it’s a dry heat in the facility, or otherwise, damn I can’t get past 80 up in this wet heat without sweat dripping in my eyes and blinding me; I’d walk into a smelter on accident my first day if that were the case.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 10:51 pm
Christ, you’d hope. I like living in New Mexico for that reason. Anywhere humid would be hell. I visited New York to help a friend move, and after carrying several boxes from her apartment to UPS up the block, I had soaked my shirt through. My shirt had reached its sponge capacity and was starting to drip.
I sure as heck hope your employers are compensating you well, and value your high work rate.
Pan Zagloba
on May 26, 2018 at 10:49 pm
Yet another Jordan Peterson hit piece (seriously, what the fuck is with journos?) as Toronto Star, the newspaper that thinks is NYT but ends up as a more retarded Guardian gets in on the action with a fresh angle.
In the end, I am writing this because of his extraordinary rise in visibility, the nature of his growing following and a concern that his ambitions might venture from stardom back to his long-standing interest in politics. I am writing this from a place of sadness and from a sense of responsibility to the public good to tell what I know about who Jordan is, having seen him up close, as a colleague and friend, and having examined up close his political actions at the University of Toronto, allegedly in defence of free speech. When he soared into the stratosphere he became peculiarly unknowable. There is something about the dazzle of the limelight that makes it hard to see him clearly. But people continue to be who they are even in the blinding overexposure of success. I have known Jordan Peterson for 20 years, and people had better know more about who he is.
There is reason to be concerned.
So it’s finally reached the Struggle Session stage, where we’ll drag people to personally denounce Peterson until…what? He breaks down in tears and begs the Party’s forgiveness?
on May 26, 2018 at 10:56 pm
They’ll put a rat in his face cage.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:01 pm
As long as it’s not BEES. NOT the BEES!
on May 26, 2018 at 11:03 pm
You’ll lean to love Big Brother in due time.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:03 pm
The fact that these two masterpieces were never combined is one of the greatest crimes in the history of English literature.
Oh, yawn. I really did have high hopes for this one; it started out so promising. In the end it probably was the best profile of Peterson written so far, which is a low fucking bar indeed, but failed. Yawn. He is butthurt about his transdaughter. The quest to dig up something compelling about Jordan Peterson lives another day.
Pan Zagloba
on May 27, 2018 at 12:14 am
Following his opposition to Bill C-16, Jordan again sought to establish himself as a “warrior” and attacked identity politics and political correctness as threats to free speech. He characterized them as left-wing conspiracies rooted in a “murderous” ideology — Marxism. Calling Marxism, a respectable political and philosophical tradition, “murderous” conflates it with the perversion of those ideas in Stalinist Russia and elsewhere where they were. That is like calling Christianity a murderous ideology because of the blood that was shed in its name during the Inquisition, the Crusades and the great wars of Europe. That is ridiculous.
The man reaches the nadir of Stupid and only rates a “meh”? I blame Derpetologist for desensitizing us over the years.
on May 27, 2018 at 12:34 am
You know you’re right; I didn’t see that, which is preposterous if quite familiiar at this point. I assure you I was not meh’ing your derp contribution. It was some fine derp. I was unclear. I was speacking not of its inherent derpiiness, of appreciation for it on that basis, but on its (straight) merits as a Peterson analysis. It started out by promising, which I actually believed for a bit because it seemed engaging enough, that we would see some juicy dirt on Peterson. Instead we learned almost nothing. There was nonsense like this, and we learned Peterson is an unspeakable monster because he doesn’t believe in some fictitious emergent “gender” concept and the author’s son is a transwoman so that is a very ugly thing to say. The dirt on Peterson is what is disappointing, is what is yawn, not its delusion on how it believes it has it.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 11:02 pm
“I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous”
Must be Canada’s version of “I’m a gun owner but here’s why I think the NRA are terrorists.”
Breet Pharara
on May 26, 2018 at 11:05 pm
“I was a Libertarian, but now see that Ayn Rand was a sociopathic bitch.”
on May 26, 2018 at 11:10 pm
–90% of the libertarians who made her acquaintance at some point
on May 26, 2018 at 11:14 pm
Funny how you seldom see “I was a communist until I saw that….”
Lenin was a psychopath
Stalin was a psychopath
Mao was a psychopath
Castro was a psychopath (and a near billionaire, btw)
etc., etc
J. Frank Parnell
on May 26, 2018 at 11:16 pm
Those were State Capitalists, not Real Communists. Duh.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:23 pm
They’ll get it right the next time. Also, what do you have in your trunk, sir?
J. Frank Parnell
on May 26, 2018 at 11:51 pm
on May 27, 2018 at 12:47 am
Sorry, dude, I was playing on your avatar. I was hoping for “oh,you don’t want to look in there.”
On hand this evening: Grey Goose, freshly squeezed orange juice, Purple Urkle in the bowl, Seasons 5-6 of Red vs Blue on NetFlix playing on the television and an otherwise empty house. Later, I may get hungry and make an omelet fried on salted butter with black pepper, shaved parmesan and diced wild green onions. I’m one exciting motherfucker.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:05 pm
“Purple Urkel” does not even rhyme. Unless it’s supposed to evoke Urkel getting so high his face turns purple.
OJ is better with rum.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 11:07 pm
You’ve blown my mind, friend. I can’t decide whether you’re a savant or a gustatory terrorist.
Trigger Hippie
on May 26, 2018 at 11:16 pm
Rum and I don’t get along. One day I’ll tell you of the evening I lost my eyebrows because of rum. Those fuckers take months to fully grow back.
Trigger Hippie
on May 26, 2018 at 11:35 pm
It’s a weed strain, man. Don’t expect a great deal of creativity or consistency out of the names at this point. There’s just too many. For example, earlier I vaped a liquid concentrate called Wedding Cake that tasted like peaches. It was nice but the flavor and name had no connection as far as I can tell. Maybe my taste buds can’t pick up the subtlety of the flavors. My palette is for shit.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:06 pm
I used to drink the cheapest swill vodka there was, and for my birthday my friends bought me a bottle of Grey Goose. I never finished it and went back to the swill. Eeech. Still gets my gag reflex.
Trigger Hippie
on May 26, 2018 at 11:18 pm
Really? My problem with Grey Goose is that I can barely taste it at all in a screwdriver, thus knocking way too many back far too quickly.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 11:24 pm
Give Sobieski a shot, 21 bucks/1.75 litres and really good.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:25 pm
Sobieski is indeed a solid choice.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 11:27 pm
Sounds… Russian.
Say, friend, what’s your Twitter handle?
on May 26, 2018 at 11:29 pm
Russian!? *a legion of Poles start sharpening their knives*
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 11:33 pm
Anything east of *does quick google search* …Europe… sounds Russian.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 11:35 pm
on May 26, 2018 at 11:35 pm
Actually, I thought it sounded Ukrainian.
(Not really. I just wanted to get the Poles riled up again.)
on May 26, 2018 at 11:38 pm
LOL don’t even tell the Poles they are Eastern Europeans. They consider themselves Central European slavs, thank you very much. Sophisticated, cosmopolitan folk lIke the Czechs, Wends, Slovenes, etc.
Plenty of other candidates! Walesa, JP2, Pilsudski, Marie Curie, Copernicus, Chopin, etc. all household names. They’re an accomplished people! Albeit one whose history (along with Ireland’s, Scandinavia’s, and all of Eastern Europe but Russia’s is for some reason incredibly neglected in all the European history survey courses.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:33 pm
I am not a vodka man but my choice for best vodka for the buck is definitely Luksusowa. Quite cheap and it is the vodka I most enjoy drinking straight, which is my favorite way of drinking vodka. Beautiful velvety mouthfeel. I would not use it as a mixer, certainly for not anything fruity, though.
Stinky Wizzleteats
on May 26, 2018 at 11:37 pm
Good choice
Trigger Hippie
on May 26, 2018 at 11:40 pm
Hmm…I just may do that. I honestly can’t recall the last time I drank Sobieski. Many years, too be sure(giggle,…sorry).
on May 26, 2018 at 11:24 pm
That’s my issue with Tito’s – so smooth I easily overdo it (drinking Tito’s and soda now).
Trigger Hippie
on May 26, 2018 at 11:42 pm
I’ve repeatedly seen here many people mention Tito’s but for some reason I never run across it in the liquor stores I frequent.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:53 pm
That’s shocking – they have 7% of the vodka share in the US, it should be easy to find at this point.
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 11:06 pm
That old Halo machinima series is on Netflix?!
commodious spittoon
on May 26, 2018 at 11:10 pm
Jesus, no kidding. I used to watch it back in high school. That was more fingers on my hands than I can count with years ago.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:14 pm
It was my little brother who got all into Halo and RVB, but I still get emails from Roosterteeth for some reason. I never cared for Halo, as I abhor most PFS games, but I still did some LAN parties.
Trigger Hippie
on May 26, 2018 at 11:26 pm
Heh, I was already out of high school for a few years and didn’t discover it until season 4 or 5 I think. I enjoyed it for the most part though I thought the two project freelancer back story seasons took themselves a little too seriously. Overall it’s a fun, silly little show that I can have on in the background and get an occasional chuckle out of. Caboose’s childlike innocence, stupidity, and tendency to kill his own teammates is a favorite.
on May 26, 2018 at 11:27 pm
I haven’t watched it in many years yet sometimes I have hear in my head, “Goddammit, Caboose!”
Yup, yup. I always enjoy watching F1 Monaco and Indy. If you have never seen the documentary “Senna”, it is well worth a watch.
commodious spittoon
on May 27, 2018 at 12:37 am
Following up rewatching The Langoliers last week, I’m watching Storm of the Century tonight. Last week was cringy campy, but this is pretty creepy. I remember Langoliers as horrifying, not because of the razor-tooth CG monsters, but more because some psycho stuck a knife in the blind girl. And also the Aussie guy gets disappeared because he’s awake when they travel through the time rip.
Storm of the Century has that element everyone loves about King: it’s human, it makes fodder of all of our flaws. It was horrifying because this villain knew how to press all the right buttons to get what he wants. He’s not interested in ruling over you as subjects. He wants you to lord it over your fellows, and in the end make him a god of the desolate wilderness you made of yourselves. Andre Linoge isn’t just some creep who knows your secrets, he’s a creep who happily makes your secrets public.
on May 27, 2018 at 12:48 am
Well, that was sad. I went down to the local bar given recent developments. I was already 12 deep, had another 3 there and was saddened by the how drunk the few people who were there were.
OT can we get real links?
YEAH! Billy and the Boingers!
I used to have that album insert. I have no idea when or how I lost it.
Word is he is working on another advice column bit.
Q links?
“Seven Signs That Your Man’s Masculinity Is Nontoxic”
O… K.
1, 4, and 5 seem like something the New Yorker would actually think is appropriate.
Yeah, I was having a hard time deciding if this was poking fun at themselves or if it was actually what they think. Probably a little of both.
2, 3, 7 certainly seem to be parodic. Not sure about the Vonnegut/Wallace one.
It’s been sad to watch one of my best friends from college (who used to be a hard drinking dudebro) actually try to adopt this lifestyle since marrying an emasculating feminazi.
You’re not me, are you? I have one of those too.
He’s an ultrabeta?
“He laughs calmly when called a cuck”
But what does he do when he walks in on his wife being double teamed by the unemployed 20-something down the street and the mailman?
He exits the room quietly and gently masturbates while mentally applauding her independence.
Why wouldn’t the masturbation be ‘vigorous’?
Too masculine and, thus, toxic.
^^^ Winner. “Tennessee Williams” style langour would also be acceptable.
“He never makes references to David Foster Wallace.”
IOW, he’s an uncultured failure.
I know this is supposed to humorous but what is so woke about Vonnegut and not-woke about Wallace?
Did I miss something? Why has Wallace been getting run down by the SJW crowd lately?
He is logical and unorthodox. That’s enough to get him unpersoned and have his books burned.
4. He opens doors for women at work, but they’re metaphorical doors, like the ones that lead to promotions.
She spreads her legs, but they’re the literal legs, like the ones that lead to erections.
It has to be done…..
Fittingly, Blocked in your country.
The Japs won’t let you see the most paused on scene in cinematic history? Not cool. Or is it youtube that is blocking Sharon Stones snatch from the Japs? We need an international snatch treaty. It was probably part of TPP but Trump fucked that up.
The craziest thing is that the NBA blocks highlights here all the time. Yahoo sports is worthless for NBA coverage as every video is restricted.
It makes it feel like a small world to know that somewhere, scattered around the globe (but likely brought together by the Internet nowadays) there is a community of people for whom the most paused-on scene in cinematic history is the part where Rodney Dangerfield does the armpit farts on the diving board in Back to School.
I don’t know why, but I watched that movie a few weeks ago. I don’t know of a bad Dangerfield movie. Or can’t remember.
I like to think of The Karate Kid as essentially a prequel to Back To School, with Pat Morita hopelessly miscast in what was supposed to be Dangerfield’s part.
Newman is in that movie?! (never seen it)
You’re kidding me! Not even that scene? Not even enough to know Newman was in it? I thought this was a generational universal!
I’ve seen stills of… that… many times. Never watched the movie.
She spreads her legs, but they’re the literal legs, like the ones that lead to erections.
And as historically, that frequently leads to her getting promotions as well.
How about some signs that he’s a Glib?
Only seen the tote bag thing so far but it reminded me of an early 90s SNL skit.
It’s a PBS Afterschool Special in which a shy teenage virgin begins a sweet flirty relationship with the school hunk, is very mildly pressured to put out on an upcoming date, has a talk with Dad who says “your body your decision, make sure it’s yours and you’re ready”–and in the end isn’t ready and (no surprise to us viewers!) eventually wins the patient understanding and if anything even greater respect from the hunk, who really is a sweet kid. (In fact, he’s a virgin too!)
Only, they do eventually do it after that. And get this, the shy teen virgin is a boy!!! And Dad just treats this as a normal thing, even palming the kid a condom after their sex and responsibility talk.
And that’s it. That–apart from a little laugh line about Dad himself having had a crush on Tab Hunter back in the day–is the joke, the absurdist exaggeration. That PBS is so ridiculously out there that they would actually air this, and as something to show teens themselves! Crazy PBS!
Anyway, Phil Hartman interrupts with a pledge drive:
Everyone knows tits are always on topic.
Stick around late enough after the kiddies go to bed and maybe I can be talked into more titty lynx.
Never go OWMC, Q.
For you.
I’m honored. *Bows deeply, repeats*
You should put them in a brothel and call it, “The Would Store”.
Ditto on 81. Yowza.
Nice lineup. 5, 6 and 12 are special. I think 29 would hurt me.
#1 looks a lot like a bartender at a place I sometimes stop in.
“Is rap the most important music since 1960? Scientists say they have proof”
Science, yo.
Any rap post-2004 is utter garbage.
I disagree.
“That’s not an opinion, it’s fact — backed up by hard data, says a team of researchers from two London universities.”
I’ve heard of a conclusion in search of a proof but holy hell.
Dr. Flavor Flav approves.
Wow, I didn’t realize Blondie was so influential.
So, what’s the word, commentariat?
I honestly did not know that word. The shit I learn here has no end….
That’s a new one for me too.
It comes from laterite, the name for the reddish clay soil bricks are baked from. /former geology minor.
Q instructs us more in the pec region rather than the lat region hence our ignorance. So, Mr smarty pants geology minor, what does peceritious mean?
It comes from pectorite, which is the sand on a beach which winds up on some women’s tits.
Pectorite is my new favorite word.
It’s in that one song,
And delicious.
I’ll never dance with another…”
“TOTALITARIAN IN NYC: De Blasio Issues ‘Cultural Plan’ Linking Museum Funding To Skin Color
On Friday, New York Mayor Bill De Blasio – who suggested today that the presence of The New York Post was harmful to his horribly-governed city – announced a “cultural plan” for New York. According to The New York Times, De Blasio looks to “link future funding for museums and arts groups to diversity of their employees and board members.”
So, no longer will public dollars merely go to artists based on the alleged quality of their work. Now De Blasio will explicitly link those dollars to the skin color and sexual orientation of the artists.”
Bill de Commieo.
You Know Who Else had cultural plans?
Isaac Carasso?
David Duke?
Alexander Fleming?
Everyone who ever performed a pap smear?
10 points for bringing a gynecological reference from morning lynx into late lynx.
George Alan O’Dowd?
*raises hand*
Can we just not give any of my tax dollars to museums and other propaganda outfits?
+1 Sensation
Ah, fun times. I remember all the right-thinking people being oh-so embarrassed by that unsophisticate Giuliani.
Astonishing. They have a right to my money, I guess.
DeBlasio is A TOP MAN of course unlike Guiliani…
Haven’t looked into it since hearing it on the news as it happened but probably the right decision. You can’t say, remove the Piss Christ or else, and then pull the funding. That’s blatantly not content-neutral and has got a chilling effect. It’s a gray area for when funding pulling is “related” to content; a legislature is probably going to be given more benefit of the doubt than an executive, especially a loudmouthed one who blew any shot he’d have had at looking legit. But it’s a real thing, and a call that has to be made. As well as simply being the only morally legitimate thing to do, the libertarian solution again solves all problems easily–it’s an easy solution to all this simply to make the government footprint as small as possible–but on whatever the government does concern itself with, it needs to not muzzle free expression from private parties according to ideological content. It’s still an important principle, even to the highly circumscribed government aegis of a minarchist state.
omg why do you hate art?
I suspect that may be successfully challenged.
By whom and what judge will approve?
Oh, that won’t get litigated…no siree!
Guess they’ll need something like this.
How high a number do you have to have before you can get exhibited?
what about sexual orientation? Do you have to prove it with an evaluation committee?
Who the fuck is #2? I think you need a physician more than a racial hygiene award for some of these. Or a coroner, frankly.
A libertarian taking colloidal silver?
Ha! Colloidal silver is for suckers though. Laetrile is the only treatment you need to escape the AMA junk science monopoly racket.
Don’t forget urine therapy.
I’ve been doing a lot of outdoor ladder work this Spring so I’d say on that scale I’m at 15 and 24. With absolutely no shading in between.
It goes from Seal to Seal’s teeth.
The colors must be wrong on my tablet because I don’t look like any of those colors.
“Robert DeNiro says he is banning Trump from his restaurants
Robert De Niro, a frequent critic of President Trump who has been playing special counsel Robert Mueller on “Saturday Night Live,” talked Tuesday about how he’d like to bar the president from eating at his Nobu restaurant chain.
The Daily Mail reported that De Niro, a co-founder of the Nobu restaurant and hotel chain, insisted that he would not let Trump eat in his restaurants, and that he would leave any other eatery where the president entered.
“If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I’d walk out,” De Niro said.”
Perhaps he should be forced to bake Trump a cake?
The biggest cake. A cake in the shape of a wall. With a golden door. The best cake.
I wonder how consistent his support of freedom of association is…
DeNiro seems to have a burning, irrational hatred for Trump. Anyone know why he is so deranged?
He really got into Travis Bickle?
I would bet there is some inside info few know there. I bet Trump banged his wife or something. Or the hat spit on him back when he was using. The hat using, not Deniro.
Thats what I am thinking. The guy grinds his teeth and spits and froths at the mouth and makes violent threats….it doesnt seem rational. It’s beyond ordinary TDS and that’s saying something.
I don’t think Trump is that much into Black women.
Even her?
There is only one way to find out.
I bet he would be if he could piss off Deniro probably because Deniro has never liked him kind of like most of the rest of the country. I am sticking with Trump banged his wife.
I don’t get it either. It’s not like he needs to impress anybody with how “woke” he thinks he is. He’s Robert DiNiro, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
That’s not really a good look for Bobby D, I think. Lacking a personal relationship with the man, his seemingly deep and personal dislike combined with his eagerness to signal makes him look a little unhinged. Of course, that’s true for a lot of the people in hysterics over Trump. Personally, I find it tedious as hell. It reminds me a little of the birther shit, except that since the mainstream media is in the bag for the Democratic Party machine, there’s a lot more exposure to TDS than there was to birtherism.
I am really finding it tiresome. I can just listen to crazy people rant for so long. I figured they would be over it by now but they seem to be working themselves further into a frenzy.
Wait until he fires Mueller. Hoo boy!
I think every time Trump does something positive — gets results in the economy, the Norks, or gets a Venezuelan prisoner home, it just infuriates them more and reinvigorates their lather. Because dammit, the guy is incompetent, evil and mentally ill, why does he keep doing things that work out?
Love Nobu. Will never go back again. Fuck you De Niro.
Yeah, cuz Trump is a raw fish eating machine.
It’s tragic that DeNiro couldn’t Hide his douchebaggery.
“If he walked into a restaurant I was in, I’d walk out,” De Niro said.”
Never walk into a place you don’t know how to walk out of?
“Is cockroach milk back as a superfood trend?”
No, it is not.
I dont get these people who want everyone else to eat something they find disgusting. It’s a fucking bug. If you want to know how good roaches and black crickets are as a food source try using them for fish bait sometime. Let me know how many fish you catch. Maggots also, try them and see if you get a bite.
Gunma or some rural place like that eat sauteed grasshoppers with soy sauce. They also eat bee larva. That’s one bridge over the river Kwai too far for me. Pass.
I like red meat from ungulates. I like rice. Potatoes. Chicken and especially that magical animal the pig.
I dont eat bugs. Well, mudbugs but thats it.
A while back someone was telling me how to prepare turnips so they tasted like potatoes.
“Why would I do that? I have potatoes.”
Fried and salted grasshoppers are an A-tier level bar food.
I will duel any man who says otherwise.
In fairness, you could fry and salt anything and make a good bar food.
Another delightful thing I discovered in Bangkok was fried duck bill.
Pretty much they eat the whole thing, eh.
I’ve been to Gumna it didn’t seem too crazy with eating bugs. There was only a few restaurants however.
Don’t know why I thought Gunma. Fake news. Guess it’s because I just went camping there.
I’ll be around that province some time later this summer likely Late July.
Let me know if you’re around Kanto and want to get a drink. (Prefecture. /Pedant off.)
There’s a shop near Nippori selling some of those if I remember correctly. The photo is kind of crappy because I was trying to take it without causing my wife upset.
“Nutritious sautee”. Lol. Still rather eat those than the konbu they’re selling.
I’ll see where I end up staying. Probably near closest Shinkansen station to Gunma.
OT? OK. My 9 year old daughter and I watched Ben Stiller’s Starsky and Hutch last night. This morning my wife made pancakes for us and asked the kid, “What would you like to drink, Honey?” “Orange Juice. DO IT.” I love my kid.
I never saw that so don’t get the line. is it actually good?
Not bad. Something to watch with the kid. This cracked me up.
Damn good movie, better than Godfather II but not quite up there with I.
What is that in Japanese?
She can only watch TV if it’s in English. But I suppose it’d be something like, “Yatte!”
*Don’t try it. Doesn’t translate.
There are two kinds of people in this world.
Yatte people and Yatta people.
What about us Hinoi people?
(this is what happens when you follow all of HM’s links. You get recommended stuff like this)
“I’m not even joking. If Trump announced that he was building giant Sentinel robots to target people of color, would you even be surprised? I wouldn’t. This is the timeline we’re in.”
Storm hardest hit.
She is running for Congress? I am going to follow that crazy person. Pure gold there.
The replies largely restore my faith in humanity.
I thought she was the batshit crazy that went to jail for assaulting wrongthinkers.
Nope. Wrong one. I am sure that tweet will do wonders for her campaign.
Apparently she is also campaigning on ‘having been a Gamergate target’.
“All democrats need to do to win is not be crazy.
And yet…..”
“The arguments journos are using against the public are word for word the same arguments despots use against democracy”
“[Redacted] Arrested for [Redacted] Outside [Redacted]: Leeds Crown Court Issues Media Ban”
Well, at least they put it back up?
I hope that isn’t fake news.
Then again there’s this.
“Far right protestors”
If they aren’t careful they really will end up with a new Oswald Moseley. If you deny a large portion of the country a legal outlet to express opinions and air grievances the results are always, and I mean always, disastrous.
I’m pretty sure Mosley is running things already in the UK.
Reminds me of something I read Johnny Rotten recounting, about the days after the Pistols released “God Save the Queen.” I like grown-up Rotten; and it is one of my favorite punk anecdotes:
Congratulations Diego, you’re an alt-right Nazi fascist.
They are not still pretending to be not full-on USSR, are they? Arrest a guy for taking pictures in public then ban the media from reporting on it. Throw people in jail for telling a joke. Throw people out of the country for having opinions. Turn a blind eye to pedophelic rape gangs.
What’s happening in the UK is really frightening.
No shit. Using history as my guide if I were there I would be planning my escape.
See reply below.
It’s like looking into the future.
Posted without comment:
A disabled Yemeni girl, whose exclusion from the U.S. was questioned by Supreme Court justices reviewing the Trump administration’s travel ban, arrived Saturday in New York for resettlement.
After denying her application in January, the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti reversed course and issued visas Wednesday allowing 10-year-old Shaema Alomari and her family to immigrate to the U.S., her father, Nageeb Alomari, said in a telephone interview.
Shaema was born with cerebral palsy, a disorder that leaves her unable to walk, talk or feed herself, Mr. Alomari said. “When she is in pain, she just cries and can’t tell what is wrong with her,” he said.
The way the US media, from my perspective anyways, ignores what is happening in Yemen is an utter disgrace. Obama arms the Saudis to the teeth and they use those weapons to pound civilians into dust. Crickets.
In the thread further back on the Brianna Wu tweet one of the replies said that Bush made the drones and Rand Paul wants to use them in this country. No mention of Obama.
Rand Paul wants to what in the where now?
The claim is that rand paul wants to use drones on us soil. I dont know if that is true or what possible use they might be put to. Killer robots to target POC no doubt in their minds.
No mention of Obama using drones to double tap weddings dissembling the bodies of young children and rescue workers.
All projection, all of the time.
In 2013 he stated that he’d be willing to use drones in an immanent threat situation, like where a cop would be justified in killing the suspect. That’s what he said, make of it what you will.
As opposed to the current situation where they use drones for any and all occasions.
Yes. He specifically said he was opposed to that. That over and above his overseas opposition, of course.
Don’t you know?
I do have a soft spot for that song. But why did I get an ad for the upcoming Teen Vogue summit featuring Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters? Good Lord, Google Analytics, what do you think of me?
Apparently they think you want to hear Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters discussing anal sex.
I foresee a serious fight over who gets to be the dude.
That sounds like a nightmare. Clinton should keep jumping left off of the cliff and continue spouting her crazy. Maxine too.
Blue wave, my ass.
The Word
Wow. Way to phone it in, SS.
Well, I tried to get STEVE SMITH, SEA SMITH or ZARDOZ to do some nightly links….but nuthin’. About the only response I was going to get was:
Swiss Servator…SS. Steve Smith…SS. Sea Smith…SS.
The Nazis had an SS
(((Old Man With Candy))). It’s all related. Wake up people, this really is a secret Nazi website. Or maybe I’m drunk…
I see nothing about the lamentations of the women; fake.
RE: Tommy Robinson.
Fuck the protesting, start burning that shit down. Literally time for bloodshed when the State tries and imprisons someone in a secret court for taking pictures then forbids people from talking about it.
This is that moment Solzhenitsyn was talking about. The one where you still have the opportunity to nip it in the bud before everyone ends up in death camps.
Yet, this is nothing new. The Founders didn’t pull the ideas for the 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. Amendments out of their asses; they were reactions to the shit they actually experienced as British colonial subjects post-Seven Years’ War.
This cant be over emphasized. They had experience with totalitarians and all of the issues we are dealing with today. The constitution is built on a pretty solid foundation of experience yet its foes today portray it as arbitrary to belittle its importance, something it most certainly is not.
Gross what they did in the UK, but try handing out nullification flyers outside some courthouses in the US and you’ll see being authoritarians isn’t unique to the UK.
Yep. The charges were dismissed, but remember the process is the punishment.
Those efforts failed. If we really want to win we would hav to hit it harder and a fair number of people willing to go to jail.
You are exactly right, but they wont. They are over run with useful idiots who cant think straight and cant see it coming. That is the whole purpose of cultural marxism – to create helpless idiots and destroy useful institutions.They are doomed. Except for the blue enclaves the people here still mostly have their heads on straight. maybe now that we are getting another good example of where this leads the efforts here will lessen.
We’re importing people who don’t give a shit about the Constitution, we’re just a few years behind England. Texas will flip blue in 15 years and then the Presidency will be a one party game.
If he gets whacked in prison, I bet you see some “vigilante” justice on the streets. The court/govt must know the fire they are playing with and want that reaction.
Are we that far behind? We have secret courts that issue warrants to spy on people and a Justice department that routinely ruins peoples lives and then walks away without ever charging them. The last administration leaked over and over names of people who had committed no crime but much of the media insinuates crimes where committed because the people are on the other team. One of the things the Trump presidency has done for me is open my eyes more to how goddamned evil federal prosecutors can be because the people I listen to in part of my bubble are actually dissing them now rather than praising them like they always do with their thin blue line horseshit.
No we’re not far behind, the second amendment will likely be “reinterpreted” in the not too distant future.
If that judge isn’t disbarred (and perhaps jailed) tomorrow, the UK should revolt. If not, they are done. So sad. Churchill rolls.
SLD first: the law he was arrested under is stupid.
But, devil’s advocate: he was filming accused but not yet convicted people which is a crime in the UK. He’d been arrested once for that and was serving a suspended sentence the terms of which he violated.
Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In is on Prime. I’m old enough to have watched it when it was first released. At the time is was totally rad and far out and I loved it. I watched to first show tonight while cooking dinner to see how it holds up.
I’ve seen a ton of the shows and they had a tremendous effect on subsequent TV shows so there’s no way it could still seem radical, but in some ways they couldn’t do the show today. What we would now call sexism was rampant with the men in tuxes and the women in bikinis and mini skirts (even if the bikinis had enough fabric to make several modern ones). Dick Marin’s drunk routines sure wouldn’t make it, never mind a humerous Nazi (verrry interresting).
One of the things that made the show so rad was it’s fast pace. By current standards it actually dragged and an hour was too long.
It did get a few laughs out of me though even if I knew all the gags and,
+1 Judy Carne
+2 Barbara Feldon
It’s a mod, mod world.
Sock it to me!
That’s all I remember from infrequent repeats in the 70s. But the goings-on you describe remind me of Benny Hill, a show I saw a lot more of and which also couldn’t be made today.
Hell, a lot of Monty Python couldn’t be made today, either.
Technically speaking much of it would get you arrested in the UK.
Darn your quick fingers! What I was going to post.
Benny Hill was the only way to see tits on TV. Why was he exempt from that rule?
Did you see it on PBS? Otherwise, the reason the Brits saw it is because they’ve always been far more chill about toplessness, putting it casually everywhere, even though they only legalized porn during the late Blair Government. (Matter of fact, the topless girls in the Sun and other newspapers used to be introduced to the readership clothed before they were legal to appear topless, with a countdown until they would reveal themselves on their birthday. Their sixteenth birthday. The law changed only in the 2000s.)
What about Chris Kattan’s Gay Hitler?
Difficult question, tomorrow is supposed to be the first sunny weekend day that I’m free in the past several months. So what do I get growlers of tomorrow?
Start with the Starlight Lager, transition to the Trailhead Pale Ale and hurt yourself at the end with the Bone Head Imperial Red IPA.
Bonehead or the BlueBerry looked nice from here…
How many growlers are you getting and how many people are helping you drink these?
I’d go with Trail Head and Black Knight. Maybe the Bone Head or Black Muddy River if I was sharing.
I’m planning on biking up there, so there’s a maximum of two growlers that I can carry. As for drinking them, it will just be me.
Every time I start to think that maybe the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim types are overreacting I read about what is going on in the UK, Sweden and Germany and realize that the situation must be much worse than I can imagine…yikes
Also this is Tory Britain. What would Corbyn do?
We’ll find just that out before too long and it won’t look good.
“6) Ask yourself why you’re feeling jealous.
See if there are other reasons you’re feeling less secure. Maybe you think your partner isn’t supporting you during a rough patch at work.”
No, I’m pretty sure that I’m jealous because she’s taking more sausage than a drunk Packer’s fan.
A little old but it’s never too late to hate on Michael Bloomberg.
Bloomberg discusses using behavior modification through taxation of the poor:
He and Soros both need to hurry up and die.
Sigh. I was just having fond memories of Bloomberg after the mentions of Deblasio above and now this. Hey, remember that Giuliani fella? I sure miss him.
This kind of honesty will hurt him exactly nothing, of course, for the same reason that saying his purpose was to disarm young black men did not. His base–the technocratic centrists like him–does not actually think any differently. What is slightly more remarkable is that, even while keeping the centrists’ firm support, the Left has swung so far in favor of this kind of thing that they not only support it but seem to have forgotten all their reasons for animosity toward him. But what is utterly baffling is that the actual poor and blacks seem to have forgotten it. In inner cities all over the country they are represented by politicians who favor such reactionary measures and they fully support them! Sin taxes, plastic bag taxes, etc. pass with huge margins in Oakland for example! And most inner city politicians everywhere are fully on board.
How blacks have come to be so unflinchingly allied with MIke Bloomberg and his self-described plans to disarm them, is an utter mystery. But it’s what you do now.
Recording from my grad school lounge.
I initially didn’t see the “Valley” in the video name. I don’t know if I’m interested now.
If you’re going to commit a crime in the UK, go big and get as much media coverage as possible. The jury pool would be contaminated and they may through it out.
throw threw thrown. Repeats to self.
That Emerson’s friend?
Also it’s lie/lay/lain, lay/laid/laid. How many people use the “lain,” even among those who get the lie-lay lexical distinction right?
I lain lotsa chix.
They are Poms so it is througn with the unnecessary “u” followed by a “g” in lew of a w. lough lou lew? fuckit.
“Seven Signs That Your Man’s Masculinity Is Nontoxic”
If her boyfriend is a eunuch, she’ll know, won’t she?
No way for her to tell when she’s pegging him.
How transphobic. Not all boyfriends have testicles to hand over; what are they to do?
Oh Man!
Not bad
Hey, I kind of like the New Yorker piece. And it is all the more New Yorkerish for being rather more out of touch than it imagines itself to be. (And also, not particularly funny when you think about it. Also very New Yorker.) Many signs of that, but my favorite is the final panel. “He does not have a Twitter account.” And the illustration it uses is a black dude, which everyone knows is the only kind of male (besides progressive journalists) who is allowed to use Twitter.
Bloomberg discusses using behavior modification through taxation of the poor:
Was that before or after he said them niggers shouldn’t be allowed to have guns?
Music time
Hammer time
The links Loesch tweeted out point to a speech Bloomberg gave at the Aspen Institute in February 2015, where according to The Aspen Times Bloomberg said that “police should seize guns from male minorities between ages 15 and 25.”
“These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed,” said Bloomberg. “So they just don’t have any longterm focus or anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.”
Bloomberg also stated the need to “throw them up against the wall and frisk them” and that in New York City “we put all the cops in the minority neighborhoods.”
“That’s where all the crime is,” Bloomberg said.
But Trump is a racist.
His methods may be unsound, sure, but his heart is in the right place.
I don’t mean to risk causing a Jordan Peterson overload here, but this is kinda crazy in a nonpolitical way.
tldr: He and his daughter have some crazy autoimmune disorder and have apparently reversed all the symptoms by switching to a meat-only diet.
Daughter – would.
For a post-pregnancy, she sure is flatchested.
Just like my sister who was cured by whatever ailed for a year when gluten was bad then that wasn’t a fad anymore, so now not eating red meat cures all ills?
I remember him talking about his weird health theories. Feels funny to see a guy mixing that and the Jungian stuff in with mainstream psychology, even the best-researched aspects of mainstream psychology (not all are)–all with the same air of complete confidence. I suppose there are worse gurus a young person could have.
Ya, me too. It makes me happy. I know I would be able to lose the last twenty pounds if I quite the sex in the canoe beer but I see little benefit for the loss of enjoyment. I don’t plan on taking any underwear selfies. Unless I get that drunk of course. Then they are going right to the submissions tab at the top of the page.
*sets fire to in-box*
This is a long video of the Tommy Robinson protest.
Looks like is on the dais.
Fun Fact: there was a time when Hollywood fellating of the Democrats was even more blatant than it is now:
So any British lawyers (is it solicitors). Whats the legality of covering the protests against the thing you can’t legally cover? I mean, that’s a big loophole, or else a lot of people on twitter are going to get their doors busted down.
My Most respected Lord General of Her Queen’s Rightfully and Just Laws of the Commonwealth, I believe is the shorthand.
I gave up with British titles when I learned about the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Chancellor of the wut?
If I remember right (I’m not going to cheat and look it up) exchequer is somewhat like a treasurer; and a chancellor is in charge of that, and shadow means it’s the party not in power basically having their own out of power person doing the same job to double check the ruling party.
Some one check, did I get any of that right?
No, actually it’s the bloke in charge of getting the spotted dick.
I wish I had some spotted dick and custard right now.
Assassin’s Creed franchise is 2/3 off on Steam this weekend. Are any of them worthwhile? I played one, maybe the first one, years ago, and found it mystifying and unfun.
The pirate one is a blast. Less Assassin’s Creed and more just a swashbuckling adventure. Other one’s suck.
Worth shelling out another ten bucks for the gold edition? I feel like I barely touched any of Witcher 3’s DLCs.
I’ve never played any of the DLC; but the ones for Black Flag had me close after playing the game, but I’m just too poor to justify the expense.
*fires up Uplay for the first time in years*
Let’s see. Doesn’t look like I bought any of the DLC, so no clue.
In-game ones are pretty cool optional content.
You also get an Aveline story, but it is short and doesn’t do much if you didn’t play Liberation.
Freedom Cry looks cool, but I never played it for some reason. The lead in that one is pretty cool in the main game, and an idea of runaway slave coming back to do a reckoning is fairly compelling.
Also, Witcher 3 DLC is great, try it. Heart of Stone in particular really made me happy – I consider writing in that one to be a notch above W3, and that ‘s damn high praise.
This guy gets it, and is more elegant explains it better than my “the other ones suck”, so listen to him.
Yeah I though Heart of Stone was really good and well worth the time and money. I didn’t like Blood and Wine as much, but that might be because I needed a break and didn’t touch the game for a while, and when I came back wasn’t as into it.
I enjoyed them all immensely until Unity. 4 was the most, lets say, addictive.
Everything until Unity is great, and Origins is great.
Definitely. I never finished the first one because I found it boring, honestly, but I’ve played every other one. Like CPRM says, Unity was a neat idea but it’s buggy as hell and not very fun. The one after that, in Victorian London, is better, but still not that great IMHO. Origins is excellent, the Pirate one was unbelievably addictive, and the colonial US one, which got somewhat mixed reviews, was pretty entertaining I thought.
The Ezio games are the best, for my money, and they’re AC2, AC Brotherhood, and AC Revelations. Buy those, definitely, and then if you’ve got to pick one other I’d get AC4: Black Flag, then Rogue (which ties in to Black Flag’s plot). Basically, you can’t go wrong with any of them but the more recent ones, barring Origins, aren’t as enjoyable, I think.
The Ezio games also add that libertarian directive, profit! But, Ahem there were 2.5 pirate games, as that is part of 3, all of 4 and most or Rogue. I just started Syndicate, I wait till the games are below $20. So I haven’t played Origins.
Oh yeah, I forgot there was the ship bit in 3.
I picked them all up when they were part of a Humble Bundle.
Black Flag, as everyone pointed out, is awesome fun. I’ll be the one to speak for the writing – ‘present day’ segments are a glorious sendup of modern game development process, and the period parts contain an excellent character arc about hubris, stubbornness and price paid to gain what you think you want. And fuck it, they managed to make Blackbeard a sympathetic character. They kept references to previous games light, so I didn’t mind not catching them first time around
I’ve watched 1-3 and they’re mediocre (1, 3), OK but stupid (2, Brotherhood) or absolute vile propaganda that should be eradicated created by Secret Nazis (Revelation).
Er, that last might be just me.
Actually, 3 might be of more interest to Americans, if you want to see a Quebecois writer bitch about the English and Americans equally, though.
Black Flag was awesome. I caught them later, with Henry Rollins on vocals, and they were great. Greg Ginn is a crazy fucking guitarist.
Disclaimer I am a fan of the series.
Of the lot, Syndicate is a low point. It stands as the only installment I could not finish. Not for reasons of difficulty, but I quit when there was a mission to defend Marx.
Sargon had a livestream about Tommy Robinson earlier today. I’ll let anyone who wants to listen judge for themselves.
Note: the video is very long, but only about the first hour and a half is about Robinson.
Hour and a half? I can’t make it more than 5 minutes into any of drivel I’ve seen linked.
We live in ever more shocking times. Next you’ll tell me it’s not stupid, but not nearly as smart as he thinks it is.
And yeah, yeah, I should talk. In b4 all y’all.
Sargon’s pretty smart but he ain’t no Tariq Nasheed.
This is true.
A man with a fascinating journey!
I don’t think I heard a single thing that remotely sounded like rapping on any of those tracks. I think that shit would get rejected by Cornel West for inclusion in his spoken word album. I do think his whole life is a troll. I think he’s got to be at least somewhat in on it. Then again, who isn’t a “smart” to some degree nowadays, no matter how dumb? Doesn’t take a “Constitutional Advocate, MLK Conservative,” that’s for sure.
That’s the question.
I’m leaning towards black Alex Zones.
His early work was a bit too raw for me, I prefer the erudite sophistication of his later stuff. I mean, “Wash Yo Ass” was a fine song and all but the smooth groove of “Mink Slide” just beats it hands down.
Let us refresh ourself with a much finer-quality exhortation to better hygiene.
Damn. Kisara Vera is pretty.
I wish her many strong-jawed children.
Look guys, I’m just putting it out there as info, and even if you’re interested, you’re obviously not required to listen to the whole video.
Would you prefer less information and fewer viewpoints?
I am NOT saying I agree with Sargon, just that he has a different viewpoint, from a UK perspective.
So what you’re saying is, if we were all lobsters you would force us to watch 10-hour Sargon videos until we agreed with them?
Lobster girl haz sad.
I like his stuff. He’s a bit longwinded but that’s what the fastforward button is for.
There is no such button on Youtube. You must be pressing the “advance to next video” button. And I agree, it would be most useful when watching Sargon videos.
Fuck, dude. I agree the guy is nowhere near the be-all-end-all. He does do fairly decent research and documentation, though. What specific issues do you have with him? Other than finding him boring, what specific flaws?
I think you may be reading too much into everyone dragging him here. He’s none too bright, he’s smug, he’s a conspiracy theorist, he is cringe, he takes himself way the fuck too seriously and has a comically delusionally big head, and he’s boring. These aren’t the worst flaws in the world. I’m glad he exists, and I think he played an important role, especially in the past (his time is somewhat done, but thus is the fate of true pioneers).
I also think it’s interesting that the alt-right hoi polloi utterly loathe him. Like they are obsessed with him, like they are obsessed with few other than the Jews. I think it’s because (1) he represents an unapologetic, un P.C. liberal(ish) civic-nationalism as an appealing, anti-SJW “militant” option for white youth, which is their greatest nightmare. And (2) his flaws–his delusional cringey self-importance–makes him an easy target of contempt at the same time, as it does for so many other people.
Sargon actually came to the TOS comment section a day after a HnR piece about him had occasioned a discussion. He thanked everyone, and even briefly alluded to some of the shit I had been talking about him! And I think that was cool.
Overall I don’t think anyone here really gives much of a shit about Sargon. That is why they aren’t riding him at length with much more than a few silly jokes. They don’t really dislike him at all. Even I give him much less thought than this would suggest. I’m just long-winded. Like Sargon.
I can see where you’re coming from. Maybe pointing out some of the highlights would have helped more people listen to the video. But people are probably no less averse to listening to it than any other video of that length suggested by anyone; they’re just throwing in some silly Sargon jokes just for shits and giggles. They’re not throwing it back in your face or nothing, needless to say!
His videos take so much time geologists can’t understand it.
Could he be charged for “reporting” it?
In interesting death penalty news, Dianne Feinstein is now against it. (Kamala Harris says her “career was marked by fierce opposition to the death penalty,” which is what she apparently calls consistent support for it.) And the Republican governor of Illinois is trying to reinstate it (it was a Republican governor of Illinois–now in prison of course–who unexpectedly began the nationwide trend against it by declaring a moratorium almost 20 years ago) by horsetrading with Democrats for even tougher gun control than they’d been pushing for.
Unlike a lot of libertarians, I’m not completely against the death penalty, but I think it should have a much higher standard of evidence than imprisonment.
I’m not against it on moral ground, purely on practical ones. That higher standard will never exist, so it’s just not worth it IMO.
I don’t care how high you set the standard of proof. I don’t trust the government not to fuck up (whether negligently or purposely) the manufacture of that proof.
See the number of people released from prison who were convicted to a degree of absolute scientific assurance that turned out to be bullshit (hair matching, bite mark, arson investigations)
The spate of lab technicians being outed as frauds or horribly negligent was… concerning.
+1 eye witness testimony.
I am against the death penalty because people fuck up and or are mendacious cunts.
I’m against the death penalty. If murder is illegal. Then it is for everyone. Including the State.
Isn’t kidnapping illegal?
Fair point, I guess. But death is irreversible.
The state is not competent enough to administer the death penalty.
This ^^^
The reason for the Illinois moratorium in the first place was because with better DNA testing they discovered they had executed 11 innocent men. It should have stopped nationwide that day never to be reinstated.
Is that right? Damn…
Eleven innocent men, or men who should have been found not guilty, given the quality of evidence?
Also pretty aggravating.
A sad story, it won’t happen but that guy should get a commutation.
Twenty bucks a cop sold him the crack to sell to the informant.
As far as I know, (from research I did for speech class back when I was under the delusion I wanted a college degree in the late 90’s) only one person has been put to death in TX that was later found to be innocent. Numerous people have been sentenced to death to be later released from death row after being proven innocent.
It’s not so much the procedural objection to the thing that offends me. It’s the pretense that this man, who had so much to lose, having been released and found a niche for himself, might recriminate and put himself in exactly the position that his persecutors eventually put him in, that’s what offends me.
The state is not competent enough to administer any aspect of the justice system, or any other of even its legitimate (i.e. essential) tasks except external defense (which it does far too expensively and inefficiently of course). I’ll agree the death penalty is rather higher stakes, and of course cannot be commuted partially (as imprisonment can) upon a mistake being discovered. Those are important considerations. I just don’t think they carry the day.
For those unfamiliar, Dianne Feinstein–whose only consistent ideology appears to be authoritarianism–has spent her entire political career bragging about how much she loves the death penalty. I don’t think the Hutu Ministry of Propaganda hyped the virtues of death on the radio more than this lady did.
Are we sure Hoggs-y isn’t just one giant troll?
This shit is getting way to meta for me.
wood not…not even with your dick.
I’m not sure what to make of the Publix thing. On one hand, I disagree with Publix about giving in to his demands and discontinuing their campaign donations. On the other hand I think if you want to get the donations from PACs out of politics get rid of the incentive. Publix donates the money expecting something in return.
Sincerely, a southwesterner
OMWC talks about his mom loving Publix chicken; but man I miss Von’s day old chicken.
It’s a Southeastern supermarket chain. I think they might have invented the supermarket, or maybe that was Piggly-Wiggly, the other one they have down there.
“Yonder’s the Piggly-Wiggly, Miss Daisy”
In any case they do not call their pharmacy section PUBIX so I want nothing to do with them.
The only place I have seen a Publix is in FL. It is a supermarket. Like City Market or Safeway.
I saw a HEB in Texas and thought, Jeez, that seems a little antisemitic.
Ya me too. Then I shopped at one and thought, “Damn the Jews know how to run a grocery”. I love HEB.
Good point U. B. McGinty.
Publix also withdrew their support for leftist causes at the same time.
What leftists were they supporting?
LOL Kashuv is the one who is really winning, for real. He is like the Jordan Peterson of children.
Also I personally will trade Planned Parenthood divestment for some Florida Republican asshole any day. I don’t even know who the fuck that guy was.
Someone replied to @TheBigGlibowski in the comments. Is that someone here?
I don’t think so. Looks like the Glibowski is a big Dem activist from his twit page. Not that there might not be some of those here. I do know some here are incognito twits but they are more liberty/small gov minded and not more state control like that prick.
His Twitter bio:
Isn’t he soooo dreamy? *swoon*
My twitter bio says I’m co-creator of The Hat and The Hair cartoons, doesn’t make it true.
*slaps the orphans who do the writing and animating because I don’t have enough subscribers*
Fuck me
Worked 12 hours today. Came home and found I had the parts I ordered for my mower sitting in my carport. I rebuilt the deck, tested it and everything is good. Now it’s 10 and I’m fucking wore out. I got tomorrow off to mow everything around here and then back to it monday.
Better man than I am. It was 97 here today so I didn’t leave the house. I probably worked 6-7 hours but that was reading and grading – not the heavy-duty work you due.
Plus, my wife’s travel got delayed so instead of flying in tonight it’s going to be Monday lunch time. Damnit.
When Lach leaves work and it’s 97 outside that’s like air conditioning.
There’s some truth to that. I have come down off of the melt cranes where the temp is in the 130’s to the furnace floor where it’s in the 100’s and gotten cold chills. It’s strange.
The three years I lived in Las Vegas none of my cars had AC, so I’d turn the heat on when I was in the car so it would feel cool when I got out. (Then when I’d come back north to visit a day later I’d be able to take the trash out without a shirt in 30 degree weather, human bodies adapt quickly)
I am a heavy sweater and a nervous sweater. Flop sweating when I’m asked to do something. But also excessive overcompensating sweating in hot weather. I think I’d die in your world. I’d probably just disappear one day, and nobody would know why I walked off the job, but the truth is I sweated myself dry and then briefly combusted like a ball of newspaper in the fireplace.
Hopefully it’s a dry heat in the facility, or otherwise, damn I can’t get past 80 up in this wet heat without sweat dripping in my eyes and blinding me; I’d walk into a smelter on accident my first day if that were the case.
Christ, you’d hope. I like living in New Mexico for that reason. Anywhere humid would be hell. I visited New York to help a friend move, and after carrying several boxes from her apartment to UPS up the block, I had soaked my shirt through. My shirt had reached its sponge capacity and was starting to drip.
I sure as heck hope your employers are compensating you well, and value your high work rate.
Yet another Jordan Peterson hit piece (seriously, what the fuck is with journos?) as Toronto Star, the newspaper that thinks is NYT but ends up as a more retarded Guardian gets in on the action with a fresh angle.
I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous
So it’s finally reached the Struggle Session stage, where we’ll drag people to personally denounce Peterson until…what? He breaks down in tears and begs the Party’s forgiveness?
They’ll put a rat in his face cage.
As long as it’s not BEES. NOT the BEES!
You’ll lean to love Big Brother in due time.
The fact that these two masterpieces were never combined is one of the greatest crimes in the history of English literature.
And I’ll form The Head!
Swing energy machete
Oh, yawn. I really did have high hopes for this one; it started out so promising. In the end it probably was the best profile of Peterson written so far, which is a low fucking bar indeed, but failed. Yawn. He is butthurt about his transdaughter. The quest to dig up something compelling about Jordan Peterson lives another day.
The man reaches the nadir of Stupid and only rates a “meh”? I blame Derpetologist for desensitizing us over the years.
You know you’re right; I didn’t see that, which is preposterous if quite familiiar at this point. I assure you I was not meh’ing your derp contribution. It was some fine derp. I was unclear. I was speacking not of its inherent derpiiness, of appreciation for it on that basis, but on its (straight) merits as a Peterson analysis. It started out by promising, which I actually believed for a bit because it seemed engaging enough, that we would see some juicy dirt on Peterson. Instead we learned almost nothing. There was nonsense like this, and we learned Peterson is an unspeakable monster because he doesn’t believe in some fictitious emergent “gender” concept and the author’s son is a transwoman so that is a very ugly thing to say. The dirt on Peterson is what is disappointing, is what is yawn, not its delusion on how it believes it has it.
“I was Jordan Peterson’s strongest supporter. Now I think he’s dangerous”
Must be Canada’s version of “I’m a gun owner but here’s why I think the NRA are terrorists.”
“I was a Libertarian, but now see that Ayn Rand was a sociopathic bitch.”
–90% of the libertarians who made her acquaintance at some point
Funny how you seldom see “I was a communist until I saw that….”
Lenin was a psychopath
Stalin was a psychopath
Mao was a psychopath
Castro was a psychopath (and a near billionaire, btw)
etc., etc
Those were State Capitalists, not Real Communists. Duh.
They’ll get it right the next time. Also, what do you have in your trunk, sir?
Sorry, dude, I was playing on your avatar. I was hoping for “oh,you don’t want to look in there.”
BTW, greatest movie ever.
Damn it! Been drinking so I didn’t catch that.
Speaking of commies, here’s a Romanian immigrant putting to bed any doubts anyone should have about socialism… or communism… or “socialist democracy”. I wonder whether Pie has seen it.
On hand this evening: Grey Goose, freshly squeezed orange juice, Purple Urkle in the bowl, Seasons 5-6 of Red vs Blue on NetFlix playing on the television and an otherwise empty house. Later, I may get hungry and make an omelet fried on salted butter with black pepper, shaved parmesan and diced wild green onions. I’m one exciting motherfucker.
“Purple Urkel” does not even rhyme. Unless it’s supposed to evoke Urkel getting so high his face turns purple.
OJ is better with rum.
You’ve blown my mind, friend. I can’t decide whether you’re a savant or a gustatory terrorist.
Rum and I don’t get along. One day I’ll tell you of the evening I lost my eyebrows because of rum. Those fuckers take months to fully grow back.
It’s a weed strain, man. Don’t expect a great deal of creativity or consistency out of the names at this point. There’s just too many. For example, earlier I vaped a liquid concentrate called Wedding Cake that tasted like peaches. It was nice but the flavor and name had no connection as far as I can tell. Maybe my taste buds can’t pick up the subtlety of the flavors. My palette is for shit.
I used to drink the cheapest swill vodka there was, and for my birthday my friends bought me a bottle of Grey Goose. I never finished it and went back to the swill. Eeech. Still gets my gag reflex.
Really? My problem with Grey Goose is that I can barely taste it at all in a screwdriver, thus knocking way too many back far too quickly.
Give Sobieski a shot, 21 bucks/1.75 litres and really good.
Sobieski is indeed a solid choice.
Sounds… Russian.
Say, friend, what’s your Twitter handle?
Russian!? *a legion of Poles start sharpening their knives*
Anything east of *does quick google search* …Europe… sounds Russian.
Actually, I thought it sounded Ukrainian.
(Not really. I just wanted to get the Poles riled up again.)
LOL don’t even tell the Poles they are Eastern Europeans. They consider themselves Central European slavs, thank you very much. Sophisticated, cosmopolitan folk lIke the Czechs, Wends, Slovenes, etc.
Jesus Fuck, man.
Sobieski should be one Pole everyone knows.
(OK, maybe Pulaski instead for Americans)
I think her kooky poems threw everyone off.
Plenty of other candidates! Walesa, JP2, Pilsudski, Marie Curie, Copernicus, Chopin, etc. all household names. They’re an accomplished people! Albeit one whose history (along with Ireland’s, Scandinavia’s, and all of Eastern Europe but Russia’s is for some reason incredibly neglected in all the European history survey courses.
I am not a vodka man but my choice for best vodka for the buck is definitely Luksusowa. Quite cheap and it is the vodka I most enjoy drinking straight, which is my favorite way of drinking vodka. Beautiful velvety mouthfeel. I would not use it as a mixer, certainly for not anything fruity, though.
Good choice
Hmm…I just may do that. I honestly can’t recall the last time I drank Sobieski. Many years, too be sure(giggle,…sorry).
That’s my issue with Tito’s – so smooth I easily overdo it (drinking Tito’s and soda now).
I’ve repeatedly seen here many people mention Tito’s but for some reason I never run across it in the liquor stores I frequent.
That’s shocking – they have 7% of the vodka share in the US, it should be easy to find at this point.
That old Halo machinima series is on Netflix?!
Jesus, no kidding. I used to watch it back in high school. That was more fingers on my hands than I can count with years ago.
It was my little brother who got all into Halo and RVB, but I still get emails from Roosterteeth for some reason. I never cared for Halo, as I abhor most PFS games, but I still did some LAN parties.
Heh, I was already out of high school for a few years and didn’t discover it until season 4 or 5 I think. I enjoyed it for the most part though I thought the two project freelancer back story seasons took themselves a little too seriously. Overall it’s a fun, silly little show that I can have on in the background and get an occasional chuckle out of. Caboose’s childlike innocence, stupidity, and tendency to kill his own teammates is a favorite.
I haven’t watched it in many years yet sometimes I have hear in my head, “Goddammit, Caboose!”
Monaco,Indy, Coke 600. Longest racing day of the Year, going to be…. fun? I hope so
Mike Rowe, good stuff,
Rowe/Paul 2020 or, you know, flip it.
Yup, yup. I always enjoy watching F1 Monaco and Indy. If you have never seen the documentary “Senna”, it is well worth a watch.
Following up rewatching The Langoliers last week, I’m watching Storm of the Century tonight. Last week was cringy campy, but this is pretty creepy. I remember Langoliers as horrifying, not because of the razor-tooth CG monsters, but more because some psycho stuck a knife in the blind girl. And also the Aussie guy gets disappeared because he’s awake when they travel through the time rip.
Storm of the Century has that element everyone loves about King: it’s human, it makes fodder of all of our flaws. It was horrifying because this villain knew how to press all the right buttons to get what he wants. He’s not interested in ruling over you as subjects. He wants you to lord it over your fellows, and in the end make him a god of the desolate wilderness you made of yourselves. Andre Linoge isn’t just some creep who knows your secrets, he’s a creep who happily makes your secrets public.
Well, that was sad. I went down to the local bar given recent developments. I was already 12 deep, had another 3 there and was saddened by the how drunk the few people who were there were.