Week 2 – IIFYM

When I was starting to lose weight, I knelt at the altar of Keto. I thought it was the best way to lose weight, bar none. What I’ve learned since then is that it was the best way *for me* to lose weight. And it didn’t work because the mighty forces of Beta Hydroxybutyrate valiantly went to war and defeated the Goblins of Insulin Bog. It worked for me because I could eat on a significant calorie deficit every day without being hungry.

Every successful weight loss boils down to a simple conservation of energy. Put a lot of energy into your body and the extra gets stored. Put to little into your body, and your stores get used. Thermodynamics, how does it work?

So do I think keto is necessary? Nope. Is it a good way to keep yourself happy on a calorie deficit? Yep.

But really, the important thing is to set your goals and stick to them. How do you know what your goals should be? Glad you asked. Go use this little work sheet.

Follow the steps given, and this worksheet will spit out your macronutrient targets for every day. For weight loss, the most important target is your calorie target. Eat less than your total daily energy expenditure and you’ll lose weight one way or the other. After that, your protein goal should be met every day. That’s important for keeping your muscles from wasting away with your fat. After that, your fat and carb goals are set.

Once you have this, you’ve done all the hard work. Deciding on what food to eat and how much is just a matter of making it fit your macro goals. Should you eat a hamburger slathered in butter? It’s not a moral question where you have to decide. You just need to figure out If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM).

To make this work, you pretty much have to be willing to log what you eat. Or at the very least keep a tally of your daily calories. Is that a little bit of work? Yes. Suck it up and be an adult.

But this it the epitome of working smarter, not harder.

Bonus 2 Week Challenge

Get a tape measure and calculate your body fat percentage.