Hey hey, Glibs.
A belligerent client ruined my day yesterday, and really bummed me out. But, you know what cheered me?
Glibs! (Seriously.)
I know it sounds crazy…but I loved reading the comments on yesterday’s links post, so here I am…back for more links!
First, history! (Or be lame and jump straight to links)

Today’s birthdays include:
- Ralph Waldo Emerson was born today in 1803.
- Igor Sikorsky came into the world today in 1889.
- And today is Ian McKellen’s 79th birthday.
Notable deaths:
- Anders Dahl, Swedish botanist, died today in 1789.
- King Henry II of Navarre died today in 1555.
- In 1919 Madam C. J. Walker, the first American Female Self Made Millionaire, passed away from kidney failure.
- English astronomer Sir Frank Watson Dyson died today in 1935.
Notable events:
- Today in 1659 Richard Cromwell was dubbed “Tumbledown Dick” when he resigned as Lord Protector of England.
- In 1787 the Constitutional convention opened with George Washington presiding.
- In 1844 the first telegraphed news dispatch was published in the Baltimore Patriot.
- And Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was released today in 1977.
Lots of good links for you this morning!
Three cheers for armed citizens.
Just one example of why I refuse to have an Amazon Alexa device in my house.
A nurse is suing US Customs who failed to return her seized funds after she refused to sign a “hold harmless agreement” over the seizure in the first place.
Harvey Milk vodka anyone? (Sounds more disgusting than it is.)
Facebook and Zuck are accused of “weaponizing” user data.
Nessie can’t keep hiding. A scientist is hoping to prove her existence with DNA testing. The scientist doesn’t believe in Nessie, but wants to get money, media, and maybe a book deal “take people on an adventure.”
White women need to listen up and stop calling the police on black people.
A stormchaser wants his ashes thrown into a tornado and said in his obituary, “That’ll be fun!!!”
The bumper of a car driving down I-5 gets impaled by a handgun. Also on I-5: Feathers. Everywhere.
Have a lovely weekend, dear Glibs.
The second glance was less interesting than the first. At first I thought a person had been impaled rather than it embedding in a car part.
*narrows gaze*
“And Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was released today in 1977.”
Missed it by 21 days.
When it was released in 1977 it was just “Star Wars.” That “episode IV” shit didn’t come along until the re-releases.
That’s true. But 21 days ago was May the fourth.
I have picked up a cold off one of you filthy mammals.
My advice to you is to lay out on a rock in the sun until all your systems are functioning normally again.
And you can trust me because I’m a scientist.
have you seen the weather report for this weekend? Florida Man will be re-enacting Waterworld.
What’s Florida got to do with it? The rock is supposed to be in the sun not in the sunlight. You have a spaceship, get to it.
I blame global warming.
Beach may not be happening after all.
In Florida we name beers for our weather personalities. Denis was a great presence during Irma last year.
Alas, I am going to Florida this week where my nephew is graduating from high school, my mom wanted a road trip and it’s probably the last one I’ll ever get to take with her, and see my brother who once pulled a truly heinous Florida Man stunt. I’m taking my work apparatus so as not to be completely bored while mom visits brother and witch of a SIL, and hoping I’ll get to the beach for at least a couple of hours. Yes, I can stand to hang out with my mom for a week. She’s awesome.
That how we got rid of your Martian buddies.
*even more applause*
A belligerent client ruined my day yesterday, and really bummed me out.
I hate when that happens.
“A belligerent client ruined my day yesterday, and really bummed me out. But, you know what cheered me?”
Do you know what Muppets do to belligerent clients?
Assault them with trash? Sing them a song? Call muppet monsters to eat them? I’m on tenterhooks here.
You should see what we did to Maria once.
… go on.
Let’s just say me, Grover, Harry, Guy Smilie, Kermie and the guy who kept getting flies in his soup are all still on probation.
Stupid custys.
End of year lock changes are almost done. I can finally get back to a normal day.
The fact that people willingly want Alexa or Google or whatever else in their home confuses me to no end
Agreed. Volunteering for more surveillance seems foolish.
We’ve had an Echo for awhile. It’s marginally useful as a remote control, or at least as a device to pause a movie when you can’t find the remote, but the voice recognition and limited set of commands makes it more of a novelty than anything else. Now it just sits in a corner and we use its plug as another phone charger.
One in the kitchen, one in the bathroom. Great for:
– Playing music
– Updating the grocery list that automatically syncs to my phone
If the FBI wants access to my grocery list, I’ve made the decision to live with the consequences.
Same here. We keep it unplugged most of the time, but it’s useful for those two things.
I often think the same thing, then I remember that I carry around multiple recording and location tracking devices on me at all times, 24/7 (smartphones).
Another thought on the data mining post from yesterday. There are times that I wonder what conclusions one might draw from my search history. This thought was prompted by a thusfar failed attempt to find a heatmap of the percentage of people with some form of parasitic infection by country. I’ll leave out the context for that – because the whole “what might the computer think” has to do with not having access to why I’m seeking such information.
On a related note there was a 2011 study that surmised differences in population IQ might be impated by the rates of parasitism during development.
What if you are too dumb to know what “impated” means?
Or just didn’t C what I did there.
Well, a “pate” is a head, so it obviously has something to do with the effects of parasites on your head.
So roll up your sleeves and discuss this openly with your white friends, family and neighbors. Take time especially with people who don’t fully agree with you. Share facts. Ask questions. Check yourself before you call the police and don’t let casual discrimination go unchallenged. Handy phrases include: “That’s not necessary.” “Have you thought about what you’re saying?” “Where is that coming from?” Remind people that the advancement of one group of people absolutely doesn’t come at the expense of other groups of people. That’s not how our nation works. In fact, it works in the opposite way.
How’s the view from that pulpit? Bully?
I only call the cops when someone needs shooting and I can’t be arsed to pull the trigger myself.
The latest trend of non-stories the media reports to push the agenda that every white person is a racist. Cops get called on innocent people of all colors all the time but that doesn’t make the headlines.
It does when the cop kills them… But then we ‘learn’ that he wasn’t innocent.
Do what I do whether the people I’m calling the police on are white, black, or any other race. I ask myself, “Is this worth someone getting killed over?” And then I don’t call the cops. I saw two kids jumping the fence to an abandoned property nearby the other day. Looked to be younger high school kids, a girl and a boy. I thought about calling the cops, then decided to just shout to them that the house had been bought and they should stay out of there. They ignored me, but I also couldn’t prove they didn’t belong there since someone has been occasionally cleaning up the yard but no one has moved in.
high school age boy and girl sneaking into an empty property.
Why you trying to cock block that kid Brett?
Get off their lawn!
He’s trying to do his buddy OMWC a solid.
Because my experience is anywhere high school boys will try to get laid, they’ll bring their buddies and get drunk and break shit. Because they’re dumb enough to shit where they eat.
Can’t fight that logic…
I’m not a white woman so can I call the cops on Don Lemon?
“roll up your sleeves”
That may be problematic (according to a loud conversation in the cube near me by two cute gals at my new job). Both were complaining that HR had chided them last week for getting a little too casual on Casual Friday. As near as I can tell, they wore shirts that were a little too close to tank tops for comfort.
I may have to lodge a complaint with HR today. Tell them that I am triggered by their bossiness and that I would like to see more bare body parts on Friday.
You’ll get fired for making it a hostile work environment for HR.
Do I really want to work at a place that frowns on attractive women working in scanty outfits?
A spiteful HR will find the ugliest most obese furball they can to wear as little as they can around you just to make the point that you should be careful what you wish for (especially your verbiage)
Your adjective is redundant. Also redundant would be useless, malign, stupid, proggie, retarded, annoying, destructive of morale, and hated.
What are you gonna do if you win and instead of the attractive women it is the ones you wouldn’t even fuck with SF’s dick that start showing up with their rolls bouncing all over the place?
I can easily guess what the people in HR look like.
“Remind people that the advancement of one group of people absolutely doesn’t come at the expense of other groups of people. That’s not how our nation works.”
Do you think this vapid prog believes the same thing when it comes to “income inequality”?
I know some other handy phrases.
Remind people that the advancement of one group of people absolutely doesn’t come at the expense of other groups of people. That’s not how our nation works. In fact, it works in the opposite way.
I wonder if the person who wrote this thinks that economic inequality is a problem. Given the tone of their piece it would be statistically likely, yet also contradictory. If something beneficial happening to one benefits all, there’s no reason to complain when anyone gets ahead.
Well, I see this point was already made. Guess I should refresh more.
“Facebook’s submission to the court, an “anti-Slapp motion” under Californian legislation designed to protect freedom of speech, said: “Six4Three is taking its fifth shot at an ever expanding set of claims and all of its claims turn on one decision, which is absolutely protected: Facebook’s editorial decision to stop publishing certain user-generated content via its Platform to third-party app developers”
So how long will FB get to claim to be a platform when convenient and a publisher otherwise. I mean, also it would be nice to see someone nailed for breaking their own ToS.
When you’re working or hanging out in a group, look up to see who has a seat at the table. If everyone sitting at the table looks close to the same, then that’s a problem that needs fixing. Don’t stay silent about it. Say something to your leadership and be part of efforts to make your work diverse from start to finish.
Find someone to blame. Preferably a man who is white.
Get out there and fight. Being a shrill harridan in the service of social justice is your ticket to Heaven.
She talks about unequal treatment by law enforcement, but it probably never occurred to her to stop saying “there oughtta be a law” every time something inconveniences her. In fact, there oughtta be a law about whitey calling the cops on POCs.
You know what would happen to the complainer – they stop getting invited to the table.
Then they’ll blame it on systemic-something-or-other, with 0 self-awareness.
When I look around my department at work, all I see is a bunch of dudes. Must be our latent sexism keeping the women’s out of here.
Your plant clearly needs more diversity. Sexism is the only possible explanation for all the dudes, you need to do better recruitment.
I see a bunch of guys from India. I think white males are in the minority in my department in the company.
On a side note, if there’s a linguist around, is there any reason that the word ‘kindly’ appears to be more common with Indian people who learn English? I see ‘kindly’ more frequently in e-mails out to clients then I did playing Bioshock.
Here’s a linguistic tip. “Needful” is a hidden cue to ignore the entire message.
Yes, easily 75% of the requests I get from our Indian affiliates have the phrase “please do the needful” in them.
Just checked, only 2 e-mails in my mailbox have “needful” in them (although both are in the phrase “please do the needful”). I’ve got 63 instances of “kindly” this week alone. It’s seems a strange word to be that popular, which is why I was wondering if there was a reason for it.
If they took English classes in India, those classes are geared towards tech support call centers, so kindly is an operative and commonly used phrase.
It’s also possible that kindly is the closest English translation for some common Indian idiom.
spqr2008: I’m also wondering how much of it is self reinforcing. If I’m new to a job, and trying to match the “corporate” talk of my fellow employees, and I see the word “kindly” all over the place, I can see using it as well.
Gadfly: That’s kind of what I was wondering. It’s not that common of a word (at least where I am).
I read “kindly” as a passive-aggressive version of “please”. It turns a request into an argument.
I read “kindly” as a passive-aggressive version of “please”. It turns a request into an argument.
hmm. oops
My addition to news links
Not sure of it’s been shared.
What’s sad is that she did it for such paltry sums. $8,700 over two years. If you’re going to defraud the government, go big, as in Elon Musk big.
Making some sort of urban transportation using aa batteries
Non-rechargable, that gets the suckers every time.
I’m not going to make snarky remarks because it would only confirm my shitlord status.
Once you go black?
My snarky remark from last night when this was posted:
So it’s true, most welfare fraud IS from white people.
Damn. I’m always late
She never would have been caught if she didn’t make a big name for herself. I guessing this kind of fraud is routine to many many welfare recipients.
Yeah, I linked to a story the other day about a local news outfit that said that Minnesoda’s dept that manages day care payments has a budget of $248M and supposedly was defrauded of nearly $100M by local daycare operators.
Food and daycare payments have to be a goldmine for fraud and neglect. Who has the balls (among the normies, not you fucking lizard-Glibs) to ever question giving people money to pay for kids? Since no one cares, who at that govt dept really cares about making sure that the claims are legit. As long as there is enough money left to pay their salary and have a kick ass holiday party, things are good.
Yeah. I linked a story a few months back about a guy who was being paid thousands of dollars a month over several years to provide meals at his church for children. The guy never had any meals. It was only a story because he got caught.
They wouldn’t be prosecuting her if she wasn’t black. Especially an outspoken, strong black woman.
“Caucasian biologically.”
That woman seems like a trainwreck.
oooooooo…. fancy formatting
You must be a wizard.
I was expecting this.
This is more my style.
In fact I am!
“In her book Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America, scholar Lillian Faderman writes that bars were one of the only places where lesbians could go and be safe being visibly out. She notes that lesbians attempted to form baseball teams as another way to socialize, but bars were usually sponsors of the teams, and it was tacitly required that “after the game you patronized the bar that sponsored you.” In doing research for their book Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community, Elizabeth Lapovisky Kennedy and Madeline Davis found that many women who were historically involved in the bar culture were now too incapacitated from alcoholism to participate in their research, struggling with health problems and memory loss from the disease.”
Maybe women with children have less time to go out drinking?
I thought they drank to forget the fights and domestic abuse rampant among their ‘community’
Or maybe they liked going to bars
“In her book Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America, scholar…”
We’re all scholars now.
I find it odd that some people like to define themselves by what they like to fuck.
It’s not like they have a personality to fall back on.
I had two former co-workers, both homosexual. One would bring that fact up in practically every conversation, I give him some slack cause he was young, had just come out, and it hadn’t gone great with his family, but damn it was annoying as hell. The other Co-worker didn’t hide it, but also didn’t make it his defining attribute in his life. He was much more confident in his self. We were much better friends. It also helped that we hated everyone else we worked with.
“You’ve told us already. Get back to work.”
“So you like to take it up the ass? You will love working here then.”
Next week, a group of our mechanics are having to come to work a couple hours early to take a training class on lubricants.
The jokes write themselves.
You need good lubricants when you are involved in training someone.
My mom ran into that in the 90’s.
She was a manager and one of the ladies who reported to her asked to meet in private and explained that she was coming out of the closet. My mom said “OK”. “I want to bring my S.O to events where spouses and S.O’s are invited”. “OK”.
There was a long awkward silence as the subordinate realized that this thing she had been nerving herself up to do was meeting 0 resistance.
Ha! The Struggle is…. nonexistent.
Like Rachel Dolezal?
It’s not like I don’t have my kinks. Most of us do. They don’t define who I am more than any other traits I have.
“You fuck one sheep…”
Les Bos?
Many white people fear talking about racism and xenophobia. I know I do.
Liar or really that unaware?
At this point they’re just stupid fucken liars.
I don’t even read these stories anymore they’re so predictable and idiotic.
Black on white violence is much more common than the reverse but somehow we never need to make blacks have a national conversation about their bias.
Today is also the anniversary of the birth of the Heir to Lord H and I’s vast estates. He’s 17 now, sniff!
What do you get when you cross a… wait, this joke is too easy.
My youngest is the same age.
Your youngest what? Ex?
My joke was easier
That would be my oldest ex. They have 10th birthday as the use-by date.
Happy day!
Now that Lord H has gone for little European cars, does the Heir get the muscle car?
*Nest shove* Congrats.
So he’s inheriting a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Sounds cool.
Today is my daughter’s 8th birthday as well
Good time of year for a b-day, hope it is swell for her.
Is Captain Whatney coming by to check on the little shaver?
I wonder what I-5 did to deserve all this?
The 5. Use correct terminology.
I-5 is correct, We aren’t California – yet
Besides I might get confused with route five, which is where the game store is.
What does Balakirev have to do with this?
The 5 is only for Southern California. It easy to spot SoCal transplants here, “which way is the 84?”. And yes, I correct them every time.
“The eighty-four what?”
I hope you give them directions to 84 Lumber.
Zardoz and the gift of the gun?
*Puts tin foil hat on*. High speed rail trying to eliminate competition?
We’re all gonna die!
Nearly 120lbs (54kg) of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic painkiller, has been seized by police in Nebraska – one of the largest busts in US history.
The drugs, seized last month, could kill over 26 million people, according to estimates by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Police found the fentanyl in a fake compartment of a lorry. The driver and a passenger were arrested.
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 30-50 times more potent than heroin.
Totally not sensationalism. Not a megaphone for anti-drugz hysteria. Just good old fashioned shoe leather news reporting.
My local Wal-Mart has enough poisonous chemicals to eleventy billion people.
Also, fake news. Nobody in Nebraska says lorry.
It’s the BBC, they don’t have a requirement that the writer understand English, just so long as they’re not a white male.
Maybe they were storing it in a Laurie and it got lost in translation?
She’d have to swallow a lot of balloons.
Just one balloon if she’s talented enough
That was creepy. Why did you have that link?
“Police stopped Felipe Genao-Minaya, 46, and his 52-year-old passenger Nelson Nunez, both of New Jersey, on 26 April after spotting the pair driving on the shoulder of a motorway near the city of Kearney.
During the stop, a trooper “became suspicious of criminal activity” and searched the lorry to discover 42 foil-wrapped packages containing 118lbs (53kg) of fentanyl.”
Yeah, OK.
“In the US, it is approved as an anaesthetic and for pain relief, but because of its high profit margin for traffickers, it has become a large part of America’s opioid crisis.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that between 2015 and 2016, the rate of drug overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids such as fentanyl had doubled.”
I’m completely at loss how that problem could be easily solved.
“Three cheers for armed citizens”
WRONG! He kept another mass murder from happening, and as someone who supports second amendment rights, there’s nothing I love more than a good slaughter. Especially if children are involved.
Yes, we should all remember the bad old days, when a champion target shooter followed the law and had her pistol locked in her trunk when a man came into the restaurant she was eating at and killed 22 people, including members of her family.
More guns=more murders!
It is irrefutable that if there are no guns, there will be no gun violence. Just good old fashion regular violence, which never hurt anyone.
When seconds count…
The police are getting coffee?
Or huddled behind their cars. Either way, you’re on your own.
I just finished watching “Evil Genius” (Thanks Evan!) on Netflix about the bank robber with a bomb locked around his neck. It really struck me watching that situation unfold how when cops don’t know what to do they just default to stand behind your car and point your gun (fully acknowledge that was a unique situation where nobody would know what to do).
(fully acknowledge that was a unique situation where nobody would know what to do).
Yeah, I’m not sure if I’d know what to do either when confronted with a SAW-like situation. Fuckin’ crazy shit. That woman is batshit insane too, not an evil genius.
Yeah, I never got how she was the ringleader. Involved, sure. Rothstein seemed to have more motive than her.
Or too busy writing seatbelt tickets to fund their department to be worried about actual crimes.
The Echo woke after hearing a word in the couple’s conversation that sounded like “Alexa”
“Honey, would you give me a rectal exam?”
I have been sitting here wondering what word rhymes/sounds like Alexa. Lech Wałęsa is all I could come up with and I don’t have any good polok jokes.
It turns out they had actually just been discussing Yanni.
golf clap
Probably “Alexa”. It’s not that uncommon of a name, so if a conversation mentioned a person of that name it would wake the machine. Does anyone know if you can change the wake word? It would make sense that would be an option, to avoid such circumstances. If not, Amazon should have given their machine a more unique name, like Cadwallader or Athaliah.
I could easily see that thing perking up over the phrases “a Lexus” or “if he let’s ya“
How it “affects ya”.
Afraid you don’t have enough things to worry about? Time is here to help.
Briscoe’s reality — though, he says, it still feels like a dream — is a nightmare for any teacher. As educators in the United States grapple with the chance a shooting could occur with preparations, training programs and drills, substitute teachers are often put in a precarious place. The classrooms they inhabit are foreign rather than their second homes. Sometimes, they aren’t given keys to lock a classroom’s door. Other times, the classroom doors lock automatically but they are unaware of proper protocol. Indeed, the possibility of having to escape or hide in an unfamiliar place at a moment’s notice presents an additional set of challenges for substitute teachers — not just for ensuring their own safety, but for protecting the lives of the students they just met.
“It’s a real concern for substitute teachers and for the students that they teach to have a teacher who is brand new to the school’s environment, may not even have the contact number for the school principal or the teachers next door,” said Tara Kini, the director for state policy at the Learning Policy Institute. “In a crisis situation, they’re really on their own in a classroom filled with students they haven’t previously met before.”
In addition to dealing with all the usual complexities of being a substitute teacher, educators like Briscoe and Swanson are also now being tasked with possibly risking their lives for around $107 a day on average, according to Indeed.
Any time Swanson walks into a new classroom now, she thinks: Is there more than one exit? What’s this building’s floor plan? Can I open that window? Can the kids fit out the window? Can I? Where does the window lead to? What could I use to barricade the door? “You can’t just read your lesson plan and have a day with the kids,” Swanson said. “You have to keep [the potential for a shooting] in the back of your mind now.”
All day, every day, students and teachers are being gunned down in their classrooms. We can’t bury them fast enough. You’ll never get out of class alive.
7 out of 5 children will be killed in a mass shooting while in school!
Look on the bright side – they won’t get raped in college.
Read today that King Herod kept his deceased wife in a barrel of honey and would pay, uh, visits to her on nights.
That’s a sticky situation
Do you know who else was an anti-Semetic despot with Germanic guards?
And half won’t have to make 77% of what the men do!
Any of you data nuts want to enact some labor? Have any substitute teachers been gunned down in any of the school shootings? Ever?
Seems to me that the odds of that happening are very, very low. And if one did get gunned down, I think we should be investigating the teacher who was “mysteriously” missing that day.
Did you get the email yesterday about the ‘threat’ at the high school? i told the spawn back in my day it was bomb threats to get a day off.
They let you go home for bomb threats?
They just herded us into areas that were easier to bomb and had the custodians walk about the empty building for a few minutes before resuming class. Once we had three such incidents in one day.
Nah. This was in the late ’70s, early ’80s. We ignored shit a lot back then.
Hmmmmm…. I didn’t, but I wasn’t paying attention.
My kid was sick yesterday anyhow, so he was home at the time (or so he says).
I don’t think we ever had a bomb or school threat during my time at school. To be fair though, my attendance was so spotty we might have, but I didn’t realize it because I had declared my own personal School Field Trip to a nearby lake or other fun place.
We never had anything of the sort either, even though we had a lot of pickups with gun racks parked in front of the school; those racks usually had guns in them, and nobody cared.
We did have a skunk set loose in the Prom one year. It was like a Pepe LePew cartoon.
A skunk would have been so much better. We had someone anoint the main hallway with buteric acid.
My father was a community college administrator for 40 years. Somehow in all 40 years, bomb threats only occurred at midterms and finals.
Weren’t 2 substitute teachers killed in the most recent school shooting?
I know it’s not a trend, but seriously it just happened last week.
all the usual complexities of being a substitute teacher
Playing a movie for the class and twiddling your thumbs for 6 hours?
Zombie Jeff Cooper sez ‘WTF are you only worrying about your classroom? You should maintain awareness at all times.’
Missouri student put school for sale on Craigslist. He’s banned from graduation
I like the creativity. When I was in high school someone got the keys to one the pop machines and filled it up with beer.
Joyless fucks. This was particularly sad:
Bacon and pancakes, man.
How do we get him some? Is there a diner we can get a gift card for nearby?
If you’re going to do that, you want to make fruffy pancakes.
That’s pretty funny, and absolutely harmless. The school needs to learn to take a joke.
On the one hand, this is bullshit. On the other hand, he should be grateful he doesn’t have to attend a useless multi-hour ceremony in a hot auditorium. I mean, he’s still getting his diploma, right?
“someone got the keys to one the pop machines and filled it up with beer.”
That’s pretty funny. I bet today every student that got a beer would be tracked down, his or her parents contacted, and possibly suspended for underage drinking.
You forgot to mention the horde of counselors who would descend on the school.
“The school saw it as a credible threat”
What in the actual fuck?
That’s fucking hilarious.
What a bunch of dicks.
“Penis graffiti all over bike trail. Literally 20 penises painted on trail, like directional signs, except the signs are penises,” the mayor wrote on the city’s 311 app.
Phallic symbols are always funny.
You really can’t go wrong with the old dick ‘n’ balls.
So is he mad that he was lured into walking a long way down that trail and there wasn’t a payoff at the end?
There is a train track spur near my hometown called “Richard’s Spur”. There is a pretty prominent sign near a busy (for that area) hiway to let everyone know about it. Since I have been a kid, until today some teen will spraypaint a “m” at the end of the sign. No matter how many times it is cleaned up, the m always gets painted back by some Jr High smart ass who respects the tradition of “Richard’s Spurm”
I do not believe him.
No mention that today is National Missing Children’s Day? The media conspiracy to cover for OMWC runs deep indeed.
Patty Wetterling has a sad
Mine never go missing. They’re a renewable resource.
Well, they wouldbe if you’d keep them around until menarche.
Never go in his basement.
Minority stress—the stress that marginalized populations experience due to low-level, frequent discrimination—is a clear driver of addiction.
I should be a heroin shooting, gamble holic with hairy palms if “low-level, frequent discrimination” causes addiction. Maybe it’s more like, “being told repeatedly that you can’t do anything because muh society is keeping me down!”.
I posted a harmless ad on Craigslist with no talk of violence at all, and because someone twisted my words and inferred that I might do something to the school, they won’t let me walk at graduation,” Scheele said.
“Everyone I know knew it was a joke. All the seniors knew that it was clearly a joke.”
But Scheele’s post led school officials and Independence police to spend significant hours tracking down the source, said Jana Corrie, the district’s spokeswoman. She said police even issued an emergency subpoena to Craigslist.
“We determined it was not a credible threat,” Corrie said.
But before that determination was made, she said, some parents worried the school was being targeted for possible violence and pulled their children out.
Land of the free. Home of the brave.
He should be happy he doesn’t have to walk-
Graduation is taking a beautiful day in May away from kids and their families so they can be forced to sit in the hot sun, in stupid outfits they are forced to pay for that they’ll never wear again, shake a bunch of tax-leech bureaucrats hands and get congratulated on a truly meaningless achievement that is the culmination of a program they were coerced into entering into by the state.
And Bob comes in with the truth hammer.
My thoughts exactly. I badly wanted to skip my graduation, but I am the oldest kid and my mother lost her mind and invited a bunch of relatives up for the ceremony and insisted that I go.
This kid doesn’t realize that the principal has done him a huuuuge favor. He doesn’t have to waste a day in a hot gym. And he has an awesome story to tell his buddies later in life.
I remember when my six-year-older brother graduated IU. Grandparents from VA came over and were so happy. So many pictures.
My mother pulled me aside when it was my turn to graduate from IU:
“Evan! We are so proud of you! Congrats!…..Do you….uh….mind….if….we-uh….DON’T go to the ceremony……”
“Why would I care? I’m not going to pay money to be uncomfortable for 4 hours in a stupid [farcical aquatic] ceremony.”
Fun story! My last final was in 2009. It was a humanities course about ancient Greek/Roman art/architecture. I just needed it for the credit, but I absolutely loved it. I get out of the building, realizing that I’ve just finished university. I pull out a cig on the top steps and light it, just absorbing the moment. My iPod had a cracked screen but through the clicks I could still find shuffle and listen to shit.
First song that came up was “I’m Free” by the motherfucking Who. I may not have ever strutted as hard as I did on that walk.
I was recently at a high school grad. There were at least 5 valedictorians all trying to outdo the other with a meaningless stupid yet hopeful speech. What struck me most about the ceremony was the number of kids with Mexican flags painted on the top of their caps. I am not making a judgement on that, it just struck me as strange. We weren’t allowed to decorate our caps probably because they knew half of us would have gone with a penis.
Apropos of nothing: A woman a couple cubicles down from me, who I previously thought to be an intelligent person, just loudly announced that her favorite movies are Crash and Erin Brokovich. I’m not sure I can any longer trust her judgment on any matter.
Which Crash? They were both good.
I didn’t know there was more than one. I assume the god-awful one with Sandra Bullock that hits you over the head every two minutes about what a racist society we live in and how it’s your fault for being so racist, you no-good racist.
There’s a Cronenberg film by the same name which was released sometime in the 90s. It’s really good if you’re into creepy Cronenberg stuff.
David Cronenberg. I assume it’s weird.
This doesn’t sound like a movie for someone who also likes Julia Roberts flicks. Also, she mentioned she doesn’t like superhero or science fiction movies, so I’m assuming it’s the other Crash.
This movie you’ve just described sounds kind of awesome, actually.
Also, stars James Spader (always brings the weird) and Holly Hunter (yum).
Spader does creepy well. *looks at copy of Secretary on the shelf*
I loved Secretary.
And Deborah Kara Unger when she was smoking hot.
An unfiltered image search of her and ‘crash’ shows that CP wasn’t kidding about “over-sexed”. Full frontal.
“David Cronenberg. I assume it’s weird.”
It’s weird and over-sexed even for Cronenberg.
The book is very good.
She was totally hot 40 as a rich housewife.
Anyway, this is the other one:
Yep, same as in The Blind Side.
I think the scene in Crash where Matt Dillon is trying to get Bullock out of the car before it explode is actually a very good piece of film. The music really makes it work.
The Paul Haggis Crash was tripe, dude.
I imagine she means the earlier Crash if she likes Erin Brockovich.
I hear you. I hate talking about stuff with people – even when I like them – because of the stupid shit people like. On the other hand, I could be more open -minded, but on the other hand, I am right and my tastes are better. . .
Stossel had Brokovich on a as guest a few years ago. He confronted her with the fact that the rate of cancer in that town was lower than the national average. That being the case, how could she be sure chemicals from PG&E were the cause?
Her response was basically “eh, so what?”
Indian restaurant in Canada explodes, wounding 15; suspects used IED, still at large
No, of course you don’t. It was probably just some harmless senior prank.
Trudeau is licking his lips and rubbing his hands praying it’s a hate crime. I’m surprised he hasn’t opened his stupid mouth yet.
Imagine the wonderful spin meetings if it turns out that the attack was by muslim women.
“Could we say that these women were just a pop up version of one of those reality shows that try to help a restaurant owner fix up their place? They were simply trying to let more light and air into the place?”
Racism and global warming drove them to it.
Oh, well if an ied isn’t a crime fueled by hate, we’re all good!
Everything’s fine, people!
Because of all the profit in bombing restaurants?
I’d imagine that there is a deficiency of quality tropical snack bars in the Peoples Republic of Canukistan. Perhaps that drove the perp. over the edge.
Can I know why the board of directors at Tesla are tolerating Musk’s shenanigans?
Alistair Weaver
May 23
Dear @elonmusk . I’m editor-in-chief @edmunds . I’m paid by @edmunds to put the consumer first. We bought a #Model3, tell it as it is (good and bad) and millions of consumers respect us for it. We paid you @Tesla, not the other way around. Fix the car not the media.”
“BURN” -Kelso
That’s gonna leave a mark. Did you see the original article? It was fucking brutal.
No. I picked this up via Seeking Alpha who discussed it briefly. I should look it up.
“Audio system came on and went to full volume all by itself while the car was off, locked and unoccupied. I heard it from 100 yards away. “Who is that joker playing his stereo so loud I can hear it from here?” Oh, it’s Elon. I turned it down, but it kept wavering up and down as I started driving, working against my repeated attempts to dial it down. Then it blasted all the way to maximum. My ears are still ringing two hours later. Fixed after reboot. Not sure about hearing damage.”
That’s ridiculous.
I’m starting to get the feeling Tesla is an Apple watch on four wheels.
That’s not really fair to Apple. They actually managed to get the Watch into production.
And the Apple Watch works.
Except that it can run you into a retaining wall at 70 mph.
Hey, when it’s a good song, even the car wants to turn it up. I hope it was Sweet Emotion or Mr. Brownstone or Have a Drink On Me, I always turn those way up.
What’s ridiculous is having a fucking iPad to control every function of the car. How dangerous is it to have to go through menus to adjust the mirrors or turn up the heat.
Honestly, this is all complexity for complexity’s sake. There must not have been a single car guy on the design team.
I find it interesting the show Silicon Valley, for the most part, have the biggest insecure douches in Teslas.
I agree.
Silicon Valley doesn’t hesitate to show that culture at its most ridiculous. I love that show.
The Mark Cuban parody, Russ Hanneman, makes me laugh every time.
This is what people don’t seem to get. Tesla is NOT a product for real car enthusiasts. I have never heard any real car guy express even the least bit of curiosity about these cars. It’s a product for millennials that have been driven around strapped into a toddler car seat in the back of a Volvo until they turned thirty.
Interesting, because the only people I see buying these things are Gen X’ers and people in their 40s. I haven’t seen any millennials driving the model 3, because Tesla is having trouble manufacturing them, and I haven’t seen any millennials driving the more expensive models, because most of us are too young to have ~$80k lying around yet.
Having driven a friends model X, I can confirm that it moves. It doesn’t really feel like driving a car though.
I totally understand that, but I would argue that effective marketing is often aimed at a crowd younger than the one you’re trying to sell products to. Appeal to youth is a powerful tool.
Michael, lol. Or even Gen X hipsters with cash.
I didn’t realize Russ was a Cuban parody. He’s that bad?
Hanneman says that the moment he became a billionaire, he was sitting naked and constantly refreshing his computer watching his stock rise. He says he got an erection and ejaculated from the high.
Over the years, Cuban has shared a similar tale of his billionaire experience, complete with how he was naked and refreshing his computer until his stock hit a certain point that made his net worth equal to a billion.
I’m almost afraid to ask who Big Head is based on.
let me enact your labor for you
Laurie is Meyer, eh? I don’t much about her.
Yeah, I didn’t realize that either. I though they just needed someone to play an Aspie VC after the actor playing Peter Gregory passed away.
And, on top of everything else, this supposed “game changer” that would be the Tesla for the masses, selling hundreds of thousands of units a year, actually costs….$56,000. Because lots and lots of people spend that kind of money on a car, right? Especially one that falls to pieces.
You could get a new Porsche Macan for less than $56,000 (base model, but still…).
The search for deep pockets
The lawsuit filed in Broward County Circuit Court asks the court to rule that the families would not face potential financial ruin by bringing a lawsuit against American Outdoor Brands, the parent company of Smith & Wesson, which manufactured the M&P15 semiautomatic rifle that Nikolas Cruz used in the massacre, and Sunrise Tactical Supply in Coral Springs, which sold the weapon to Cruz.
Florida law specifically prohibits legal action taken against the gun industry, including firearms or ammunition manufacturers, firearms trade associations, firearms or ammunition distributors or firearms or ammunition dealers because their products were unlawfully used. The bill was signed into law by Gov. Jeb Bush in 2001 in response to Miami-Dade’s efforts to force gun makers to pay the health costs of gunshot victims.
The statute, as it reads now, makes what attorneys say is a confusing reference that private individuals could sue the gun industry on the basis of breach of contract or express warranty or as a result of a defect in the weapon.
But attorneys for the Parkland families worry the law’s language could make those companies immune to all suits and leave the Guttenbergs and Schachters liable for all attorneys’ fees, costs and compensation for loss of income, saddling them with a fortune in legal costs.
“What I have learned in this process since Feb. 14, the day they were murdered with an AR-15, nobody says, ‘We can be responsible,’ ” Guttenberg said Thursday. “Our legislators won’t do anything about the law. The gun lobby says we shouldn’t do anything about the law. The manufacturers, marketers and retailers of these guns say, ‘It’s not our fault.’ ”
He added, “This is the only industry where there is apparently a protected class. Well, we’re going to change history and break that protection. Enough is enough.”
I think that Guttenberg guy is the shrieking hysteric who was on one of the Sunday shows last weekend. I wouldn’t mind seeing his lawsuit backfire.
They’ve got the responsible party. He’s sitting in a jail cell. Sue him, if you want to sue somebody.
“This is the only industry where there is apparently a protected class. Well, we’re going to change history and break that protection. Enough is enough.”
Ahem. The farmers would like to talk to you.
Or the Sheriffs department who’s response (or lack thereof) was an abject failure by any standard.
Anyone else see that Scot Pederson, the Coward of Broward, apparently helped bury a rape allegation against the sheriff’s son?
Link? Somehow I’m just not surprised…..its sort of, like, government entities exist to perpetuate themselves and hand out favors to their friends and family beneath a facade of nobility and self sacrifice.
My mistake – not quite rape, it was two boys (one of them the sheriff’s son) holding another kids down, grabbing his junk, and acting like they were going to rape him with a baseball bat.
A cop could raise a bully? Police look the other was when it’s one of their own? No way! Gotta be a mistake….
So just good, English-boarding-school fun?
But you’re going to recommend they proceed anyway I’m sure.
Would they also sue Lowe’s if someone used fertilizer purchased there to blow an office building in half with a fertilizer bomb?
The coming collapse
TLDR: oodles of delicious, delusional progressive butthurt.
Made the mistake of reading the article. This person seems to believe that our democracy is about to turn into a tyranny, and that apparently tyrannies don’t have garbage collection. Well, maybe he’s actually been paying attention to Venezuela.
“An economy reliant on debt for its growth causes our interest rate to jump”
Well, okay, he has a point with this one.
“It is a political system, dominated by corporate power and the mandarins of the two major political parties, in which we don’t count.”
He has a point with this too.
“It plays to the margins, especially in election seasons, refusing to address substantive political and social problems and instead focusing on narrow cultural issues like gay rights, abortion and gun control”
Also correct.
Every once in a while, you’ll get a prog like this that’s pretty good at diagnosing the problem, but just like a toaster can only make toast, their solution is always PROG HARDER.
The solution is always to quote Lenin! Because he solved all these problems. Except he was betrayed by __________
You won the internets today, sir…
This dude has spent his whole life wanting Big Daddy Government to create the American Utopia by steering every civic institution through the force of law. He’s got it. Education, healthcare, the media, infrastructure, agriculture/food supply chain; it’s all heavily controlled by the government. Utopia!!
I have it on good authority that this never happens.
An armed citizen with a pistol stopped a shooter at an Oklahoma City restaurant Thursday, according to police.
The shooting occurred at Louie’s Grill & Bar in Oklahoma City. According to police, a man entered the restaurant and opened fire, shooting two people before an armed man confronted and shot him outside the restaurant.
“Multiple shootings reported in the area of Britton/Hefner Parkway,” tweeted Oklahoma City police. “Roads in the area have been shut down. Avoid area. More updates as available.”
The Oklahoma City police department then tweeted that the shooter “was apparently shot-to-death by an armed citizen.” Two people were shot and both are hospitalized. The shooter was the only fatality.
We’re only one Trump tweet away from having Team Blue defend this a-hole and count him as a “victim” of gun-violence.
If Trump was smart, he’d tweet against the guy who saved everyone, then the Left would reflexively come out in full support of concealed carry.
I’m still pretty sure that his pardon of Jack Johnson will result in some proggie floating legislation to bring back miscegenation laws. By the way History on Fire did a great series of podcasts on Jack Johnson.
They have defined everything they do as “if Trump’s for it, I’m against it.” Trump’s not playing 47-D chess, he’s playing Chutes and Ladders but the Dems are too stupid to keep up.
If only such things were possible in schools. But what am I thinking? Schools are gun free zones! Guns can’t exist in them!
–Puts proghat on–
What you guys are cheering that two untrained men got into a public gunfight? If we only had common sense gun control this wouldn’t have happened. Plus the fact that they were men proves we need to change this culture full of toxic masculinity. Men need to be give up their roles of leadership and turn over control of this country to kind, gentle, nurturing, and accomplished women like Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren.
–Takes proghat off–
I remember when this happened. Good on the armed private citizen.
Also, how the hell did the Harry Callahan wannabe not manage to hit everyone else in the area with his spray and pray shooting that all non-cops do?
The right needs to add up these cases and show how the gun laws proposed would have led to more people dead. Then contrast that with how the gun laws proposed wouldn’t stop the shootings. Then ask democrats why they support laws that would factually lead to more dead children.
It’s OK to use this data to show gun-grabbers are idiots, but My Rights Are Not Subject To Some Fucking Business Case.
It doesn’t matter if the presence of guns is plus-sum or minus-sum regarding the number of gun deaths that occur. You cannot get into arguments with gun-grabbers on this topic, because they interpret it as success.
The only answer is “fuck off slaver”.
Sums up the libertarian case for most freedoms pretty well. “We will lose on all the issues, but we’ll lose with honor.”
It will definitely be counted as a “gun death” in the statistics.
Finally Friday! Feel free to fantasize about these fabulous females with fantastic fronts!
Great group. Any. All. I like (((7))) though.
Losta ink.
Once again, the first one is the best one.
I like (((7))) though.
How the hell do you (((know)))?
Educated guess based on the facial structure (and not just the (((nose)))!).
The ink is getting worse by the day.
82 is really bringing the crazy.
We’re only one Trump tweet away from having Team Blue defend this a-hole and count him as a “victim” of gun-violence.
If all the guns in Oklahoma were magically disappeared, that man would still be alive. Why can’t we try?
If it just saves one homicidal maniac it’ll all be worth it.
Nice job on the links. The formatting is beautiful.
Agreed. Easy on the eyes.
WebD or the links?
Aw, thanks, guys!
OT rant about my personal life: Brother is a newly minted a Sheriffs deputy. Its been a sad evolution watching him go from a business owner and devoted libertarian to embracing tacticool/thin-blue line culture. I spent last night listening to him explain how cops being too slow to shoot people has been costing them their lives and how it needs to change. In their minds a cop who doesn’t go home to his family is the ultimate tragedy, above an beyond the slaughter of innocents. Funny how they “he should have shot first” logic is never applied when it comes to a cop who is in a position to save the lives of OTHERS.
Sad. Is he flying the flag with the blue stripe yet?
Lives in a different state so I’m not sure but it wouldn’t surprise me. Few things trigger me like that stupid fuckin’ flag.
Said it before, but that stripe should be brown skid mark.
Go ahead. Sue.
Sadly for Phillips and her husband, by acting on the Brady Campaign’s advice to file suit against the store, they have seriously damaged their own finances. After they sold their home and belongings in Texas to attend Holmes’s trial in Colorado — and then to travel around the country in a camper to advocate more gun control — their frivolous lawsuit finished them off. In throwing out the case, the judge ordered the family to pay Lucky Gunner’s legal fees — which totaled more than $200,000. Harsh as it may sound, this was fair and correct decision considering the underlying facts and the lack of any substance in the case.
Not sure if Brady is pushing the people from Florida to sue, but they’re looking at some serious downside.
I’m sorry for their loss but it’s tough to not Nelson Munce “ha-ha” at them.
Damn it.
Bless you Edit Faery!!!!
I feel terrible for what happened to them, but their actions afterward are beyond stupid. If they had consulted even for an hour with a third party lawyer knowledgeable in the subject, they would have realized that their lawsuit was hopeless. The Brady Bunch’s legal team I’m sure knew this and wanted to use them as a puppet once they were financially ruined to say “look how screwed up our laws are! these people are ruined because they sought justice!” The lawsuit was DOA and the piece of shit Bradys were counting on it. These gun grabbing activist groups are about as mendacious and evil as you can get.
Exactly. The well-funded Brady Campaign could easily have paid off their legal fee’s for them. Instead they instigated them into assuming all the risk and then left them high and dry. Evil barely begins to describe it.
They should sue the Brady cocksuckers.
Not quite SF’d the link – what do you call it when the link is functional, but goes to the wrong place?
Or, maybe it’s missing a second link? Where’s the quoted text from?
P Brooksed.
“Florida law specifically prohibits legal action taken against the gun industry, including firearms or ammunition manufacturers, firearms trade associations, firearms or ammunition distributors or firearms or ammunition dealers because their products were unlawfully used. The bill was signed into law by Gov. Jeb Bush in 2001 in response to Miami-Dade’s efforts to force gun makers to pay the health costs of gunshot victims”
I’m sorry, but how stupid do you have to be to go up against this? Yeah, you’re mourning and you’re desperate for something to make it all make sense. You want “justice” (read: revenge), which is a totally natural human emotion. But pull your head out of your ass. You will lose everything fighting a company with almost $1 billion in revenue to make a claim specifically forbidden by law.
Backdoor teen mom.
I leave it to your Google-fu to find her having anal sex on camera.
Seconded. She’s gross.
Top comment: “When you buy every body part but your brain”
Farrah Abraham list living proof that there is a market demand for thoroughly awful people.
Anyone know a good place to order a single name-tagged uniform shirt preferrably cheap, since it would be for a joke.
Yep, your search history looks like you’re planning a fine art theft or terrorist act.
*leaps to feet and begins frantically applauding*
Check uniform supply stores in your area. I’m sure most of them will also do embroidery, and in my neck of the woods, most have work shirts for $10-$15.
Oooh, Harvey getting perp walked. This is a fun day.
“Harvey Weinstein smiles in cuffs as he is charged with rape and sex abuse, with disgraced mogul posting $1M CASH bail and surrendering his passport while agreeing to wear electronic monitoring bracelet”
Thx, Potato. A little busy right now to link it myself.
Wow- I fucked that up. too many windows open, or tabs, or something.
That Brady lawsuit article was here, at National Review.
DO you handle your tabs like you handle your threads, one for each comment?
At least you didn’t paste to porn tab link in a work email.
Voice of experience?
I haven’t done it, but it seems to happen about once a year in companies with 1000 or more employees.
stop calling the police on black people
Personally I do not think that skin pigment matters if one is in commission of a crime warranting police intervention.
That Alexa bit reminded me of a little kerfuffle we had here a couple of weeks ago.
The Pinto league baseball team (8 and under) that my daughter plays for has a group text set up to communicate with the parents. One of the coaches sent this text to the group:
“Yes, I do want Laura to sit on my face while you ride me tonight.”
There was a long pause, and then a text blaming it on voice recognition and having Howard Stern playing in the car.
I dunno about that, but I did spend the next couple of games trying to figure out who Laura was….
Hot 3-way action in the ‘burbs. “Who is Laura?” will be be the discussion at every cookout this summer, I’m sure.
I am really curious about Laura now, too.
It’s National Wine Day.
Not that any of you need an excuse.
“NEW VIDEO: The Truth About LGBT in The Middle East Islam is single-handedly the largest threat to LGBT freedom on the planet. In this emotional video I read letters from my LGBT subscribers who live in Muslim countries. Please RT”
Brian (alka) Stelter: Conspiracy Theorist
“About 10 years ago I had a crush on a woman at Fox News. She was a low-level staffer. I was in college at the time. So I was going out on what I thought were dates. Chris, I thought these were dates. These were not dates. She was actually reporting back to Fox News about me. Because I was a reporter on the beat, they were actually spying on me that way. …
Now I didn’t think that was a big deal at the time. I thought it was the way Fox operates. Fox is a political organization. But now we know they were actually sending out private investigators. They were tailing other reporters.”
1) I find it highly unlikely, given the visual quality of the women of Fox, that any woman working there would go out with soy-boy beta-male and human cue-ball Brian S., even if a lower level staffer.
2) Whereas CNN is the bastion of honest, fair, quality journalism…
3) Perhaps they were just tailing reporters that were chasing tail.
“I was just so important, they spied on me.”
Yeah, ok….
“1) I find it highly unlikely, given the visual quality of the women of Fox, that any woman working there would go out with soy-boy beta-male and human cue-ball Brian S., even if a lower level staffer.”
Then wouldn’t that support his conspiracy theory?
“Broke: Boys can play with dolls if they want, and girls can play with trucks. All kids should play with whatever toys they enjoy ☺️
Woke: No one can have toys. Or books. You will refer to each other as “comrade” from now on. Pronouns are oppressive.”
“Books and toys could be BANNED from schools in radical push to make classrooms ‘gender-neutral’.”
Pooh is wearing a shirt but no pants.
I’m currently in a disagreement with my 17 year old daughter about gender issues. She wants to be called by a male name, even though she is clearly female and has a clearly male boyfriend. I believe that 3% or less of the population is actually transgender, but it’s become a trendy thing. So much that her small school is somehow defying the odds, as she as 4 or 5 friends that are all “transgender” and want to be addressed by gender-neutral pronouns. She got pissed because she introduced herself to someone as “Nick” and I rolled my eyes. As with most teenagers, she is very closed-minded about her beliefs and expects everyone to take them as seriously as she does.
This is the direction our society is going, folks.
It’s like mohawks in the 80’s, they’re proving their “uniqueness” by wearing a their gender like a fashion.
Just discourage any permanent decisions, like surgery.
I might show xer some photos from that period of all the “punks” and discuss how silly they look in retrospect.
“It’s not a Phase!” – 99% of rebelling youths everywhere everywhen.
I still have my white linen suit and pastel t-shirts around somewhere.
I think you meant .3%
Thanks! I knew there was a 3 in there somewhere. There’s no way her little school, with a graduating class of 60, is 10% legit transgender.
LOL, yeah there’s no way that’s true.
I would argue that the main difference now is that being “transgender” is rewarded as a form of victim class, whereas punks were an explicit rebuttal of society at large. That’s the thing I would worry about. There’s a reward system in place for “victims” and it is a temptation.
Ignore the gender stuff and focus on the “victimhood as the moral high ground” issue.
Maybe we should check the frogs in that town? If a lot of them are going gay….
Soon we will need to ask these snowflakes if they are practicing or not to get a better sense of if they are doing it as a fad or not…
Good point. My parents didn’t understand my 80’s punk rock fashion or choice in music. Gender is a new type of fashion.
My wife is MUCH less diplomatic about this. With her, it’s “You were born a girl, and you still are. Case closed.” While the kid has talked about surgery, the wife and I are both in the “hell no” camp. We won’t even let her get gauges in her ears because those would require surgery to reverse in the future.
“We won’t even let her get gauges in her ears because those would require surgery to reverse in the future.”
Not true. I had gauges — two really large ones in the right earlobe — 15 years ago and they slowly disappeared over time. Today, one would never know.
I think your daughter might be dating a gay guy.
She claims she is bi and so is he. Maybe they can both get a sex change and keep dating each other. That would make sense.
If I had kids, I would need eye surgery because of the constant rolling.
Back in my day, it was just stupid haircuts and clothing. /waves cane at kids on lawn
Related: ‘Working Girl’ was on TV the other day and – holy 80’s!. The glasses killed me (I may or may not have had some gold & tortoiseshell eyeglasses back in the day).
She kissed a girl and she liked it?
I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body!
I have two customers that are a married couple. I’m pretty sure the “wife” is a mtf trans and the “husband” is a ftm trans. They are nice people. Whatever.
Fun fact. I have two more couples as customers that are transitioning in the same way.
What the hell do you sell?
I’m guessing strapons
Lol! I manage a postal store in a very LGBTQWERTY neighborhood.
So, in a situation like that, do they do a dick transplant from the one to the other? I’m mean if one’s cutting and the other’s attaching, it seems like it makes sense. Waste not, want not.
If they’re compatable, just swap the whole apparatus between the two and they might be able to still have children.
Brain transfer looks like the most efficient process.
” “The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. Other cultures are not failed attempts at being YOU: they are unique manifestations of the human spirit.”
-Wade Davis, author of The Serpent and the Rainbow
I wonder what Mr Tolerant would have to say about this:
“We tried, we work hard and get money to try and improve our lives,” Maris said. “When our life is improved, other people become jealous, attack us and accuse us.”
Though societies in Papua New Guinea are extremely diverse and impossible to generalize, many are characterized by a fierce egalitarianism and deep loyalty to family ties. Entire villages chip in to pay traditional bride prices for newlywed couples. Younger relatives who move to a city for high-paying jobs are expected to send money back to their families.
Some researchers suggest that modern sorcery attacks may be a particularly brutal way to redistribute power, if a successful member of the community is not seen to have shared his or her wealth appropriately.
I’m going to sorcery some ticks out of my lawn this weekend.
In Swahili, the word dawa can mean drug, chemical, or medicine, depending on the context. On the other hand, Swahili has 3 different words for rice: mpunga is rice in the field, mchele is uncooked rice, and wali is cooked rice.
Different languages split hairs in different ways.
In Japanese, the word for different (chigau) also means wrong.
Pooh is wearing a shirt but no pants.
But he has no icky genitalia. He is what all modern men should aspire to be.
Oh you guys are gonna love this. NJ cop pulls over black school board member for speeding…and the rest is gold…
You know, we tend to focus on bad cops here, but there are a lot of good ones out there. The do their job everyday and have to put up with shit like this. He did a hell of a job of keeping a cool head.
There is a reason the people doing bad things get the focus.. I am far more interested in stopping the bad things than the good things. And when someone does their job, I am far less likely to be impressed that they actually did what they are getting paid to do, and do so well. Granted, in a profession that attracts megalomaniacs, maybe we should be impressed by those that do their job well.
Another great batch of links (I assume) by WebD! But, she missed two birthdays:
1945 – My Dad!
1948 – Klaus Meine
What’s with that music?
Why would you let your tongue get close enough to your ex for her to bite on it?
oh yeah, penis.
She loved his nuts.
Some researchers suggest that modern sorcery attacks may be a particularly brutal way to redistribute power, if a successful member of the community is not seen to have shared his or her wealth appropriately.
Elizabeth Warren approves this message.
She wants to be called by a male name
Call her Butch.
In Japanese, the word for different (chigau) also means wrong.
“The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.”
“Woman who walked free from court after making false rape claims against THREE men – including one who was on holiday at the time of ‘attack’ – is now jailed for four years on appeal”
I honestly think she needs to be put on the sex offender registry for life, too. She ought to have to receive the life-long punishment that these 3 innocent men would have received.
In Sumerian law and the Code of Hammurabi, the worst punishments are for false accusers.
Anyone is allowed to bring any kind of case against anyone else, but they better make sure the charges are going to stick—if they don’t, it’s the accuser that’s going to be put to death. In some cases, that meant proving charges in a court of law, but in others, it mostly concerned the accuser’s swimming ability. One method of proving innocence was for the accused to throw themselves into a river. If the current swept them away or they sank, the gods had determined they were guilty. If they could swim to shore, they were found innocent, and the person who had brought the charges in the first place would be executed for his false accusation.
That is pretty horrifying. I think this strays away a little bit from what I was saying in my reply.
Considering these sort of accusations destroy someone’s life, and often even when exonerated you can never get back to normal, making false accusations of this kind should have a similar result on the accuser.
I don’t think we should see if the 3 men can swim through a river back to shore in order to determine the guilt of this woman.
“not all Muslims are from Islam”
“If all white ppl stopped buying the music of rappers who use the word ‘nigga’ in their lyrics, & stopped going to their shows they’d quit using it pretty fucking quick.”
“In 1919 Madam C. J. Walker, the first American Female Self Made Millionaire, passed away from kidney failure.”
Years ago I had a dog, a beagle, named Walker, because my wife found him left for dead outside the Madame C.J. Walker theater in Indianapolis. We nursed him back to health and he lived for another 15 years.
That is all.
From the Edmunds review of Tesla Model 3 that Tundra linked above:
This really, really bothers me. How is it not common knowledge that over a massive amount of your electricity comes from fossil fuels? It doesn’t matter if you are burning them in your car or miles away at a power plant… most of your energy comes from fossil fuels.
When did people start disconnecting electricity from fossil fuels?
Well, living in proximity to nine mile point, indian point, niagara falls, etc, I grew up with the impression my wall power was nuclear and hydro.
Mine is a mix of coal and nuclear.
That could be true for you, but that’s not the make-up of the current inputs to the energy grid in the U.S. Renewables are growing, but most electricity still comes from a combination of coal, oil and natural gas.
We’re pretty damn close to the energy make-up of what Obama’s stupid 2030 clean power plan B/S was supposed to get us to. (Note that the market did this without the EPA needing to actually implement the clean power plan).
You think that might be why they picked that goal?
Don’t put it past a politician to jump in front of the parade and start waving the baton.
Out of sight, out of mind. You see the fossil fuel you put in your car. You don’t see the fossil fuel being loaded up into the power plant. Plus all the hype around renewables will lead to people overestimating how much renewables contribute to the electric grid.
It’s our good friend capitalism and the division of labour. Drives many of the best things about modern life, but means that people can live extremely comfortably, reliant on processes they are totally unaware of.
This just reminded me:
When I was a kid we kept having power outages, and every time Dad would walk around bitching about how Niagara Mohawk (our power company back then) was really “Nicaraguan Mohawk.”
I spent most of my childhood thinking our power came from Nicaragua, and someone down there just flipped the switch off when he was pissed.
Is James wrong when he says: “looks like men no longer can hit one womenz“…
What’s up with the rising mortgage rates? Is this just an inflationary adjustment or a sign of bad things to come? What about rising gas prices? With the economy now taking off, inflation has to be coming into vogue sooner than later?
Re: Mortgage rates. That is a very misleading headline. Its not the actual basis point increase that’s been “rising at a pace not seen in almost 50 years.” It’s the fact that rates have risen in 15 out of the past 21 weeks (71%). The headline makes it sound like rates are getting super high super quickly. Rates are still very, very low, so much so that if we hit a recession, our central bank will not have many tools to re-inflate the bubble.
Worse, short term rates are rising much faster than long term rates (when we look at basis point increases week-by-week). Who gives a shit about rising rates when we are looking at the possibility of an inverted curve, which almost always signals a recession.
Re: Gas prices. It seems like Politico is really *hoping* that increased gas prices hurts Trump, but I don’t buy this. From the article:
I have a hard time believing that American voters think this way. I doubt that many are going to calculate how much they saved on taxes vs. how much more they’re spending on gas, figuring out the difference between the two, and then getting angry at Trump over it. I think a lot of Trump voters, if they did do this calculus, would think “well, if Hillary were president I wouldn’t have all this extra money to cover my increased gas bill, I’d just be spending more on gas without the benefit of the tax cuts.”