Happy Thirsty Thursday. I believe I’ll probably have started drinking by the time these links post. I have one meeting tomorrow and that’s mid-morning. Also, today I started making a brisket so I can celebrate Memorial Day in Texas style. I might get some pork ribs and sassages. Mmm. Yes. Okay. Enough about how awesome my weekend is going to be. The local figure skating team apparently lost last night. I guess Away Ice Advantage is a real thing this year. And now… the links
The ACLU sues California over gun restraining orders. Apparently, they believe this whole “right to confront your accuser and contest judicial actions” is a real thing. Who knew? [Link missing, now fixed]
And then there’s this… mockery… of science, claiming that NO amount of alcohol, sausage, or bacon is safe. This is demonstrably untrue. For one thing, fewer than 10% of the people in the study got cancer. Are we really to believe that 91% of the world’s population abstain from alcohol, sausage, and bacon? I’d be willing to bet that 91% of Muslims don’t abstain from all three. It is always the dose that makes the poison. The idea that exposure to a single molecule of ethanol, or a single protein denatured by the Maillard process can lead to cancer and death is ludicrous.
So sorry, Swissy and other Glibs who served in Afghanistan, a government oversight committee has labelled the efforts over the last 9 years to stabilize that nation as “a $5B failure”. Much blood and treasure has been expended. Let us wish them great success in their future and part ways.
Someone won $6M in scratchoffs? My days of evaluating people who use scratchoffs on payday as a retirement strategy “innumerate” are coming to a middle.
If they reshot The Big Lebowski today, the cable porno would go more like this.
Today someone made me thing of mercaptan, which led me to be earwormed by this.
The ACLU doing something not embarrassing? Weird
Oh, and I want my first gif, dammit
I got a 1st GIF once. Things were never the same. My brights were brighter, my whites were whiter, and I think I may have actually increased my “girth” IYKWIM.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks…
There was no link, so I searched “ACLU sues California” and I got a number of results that was displayed in scientific notation. Guess I’d need to be a little more specific.
My life is now complete.
Time for some bacon, sausage and booze!
I keep getting logged out of here. Not happening on any other sites.
Today’s NRA controversy is weird. They post the video which looks like satire from the title, then the video doesn’t feel like satire, then they say it’s satire, then they … kind of don’t?
I’ve been bounced a couple of times and gotten “temporarily down for maintenance”. I don’t know if its the WP platform or SP smiting bugs.
There are FOUR user agreements!
Someone isn’t taking the hint, I see.
The comments are horrific.
You spelled predictable wrong.
^^ The comments gave me cancer.
They actually believe the NRA condones death of children.
They’re retarded quarter-wits.
Speaking of compliance, you can blame the EU for being bounced and/or having to login.
I expect a rash of “user has re-set password” auto emails to hit my inbox.
FWIW I also have to login.
The EU are assholes with all this stuff.
Fuck EU. SP is a much better acronym.
I demand a referendum on WP exiting the EU.
My god, those comments. So many people who didn’t bother to watch the whole video. He explicitly says that he doesn’t think the government should actually do this and the mouth breathing morons of the left are STILL screeching as if he really does.
I’m kinda afraid to see what some of my relatives have to say once this hits facebook.
NO amount of alcohol, sausage, or bacon is safe.
Well, it’s actually relative. They’re all much safer than getting arrested for bashing in the skulls of the busybodies trying to take away my sausage, bacon and alcohol.
No amount of alcohol, sausage or bacon is safe……in my house, cause I’m gonna eat and drink it all.
I had all three, 3 days in a row, I’m not Dead…………
/or am I?
If you are, it sounds like you’re in heaven, so I wouldn’t worry about it.
Tonite is 4×25 Cobras and Beef Nachos!
Boy-oh-boy do I love some well prepared nachos. We’re polishing off a corned beef brisket (8 days corning, 10 hours in the sous vide, 10 – 15 minutes in the broiler) in the form of reuben sammiches but I might have to redirect over into Irish nacho territory; thanks for the idea. Also, picked up a bottle of Luxardo Original Maraschino and I am stone cold in love with it. Mixing it with Wild Turkey 101, black cherry juice, and ginger ale.
We had Reuben’s last night with my last package of Moose pastrami. Two pieces of brisket flats will be done Corning this weekend. One goes in the smoker.
Its like they haven’t even heard of hormesis.
I could go for some chili.
Clearly the answer here is to make bacon wrapped sausages and serve with a glass of bourbon (neat).
This is a British study. I think it’s much more dangerous to be a kid with a serious disease in a country with national healthcare.
Processed meats also cause people to be overweight which can trigger many more cancers.
Really? So if I eat 1000cal/day of processed meats I’ll get obese? I’m going to gamble and call this BS
Following up on the compliance conversation from this morning, I know of an entry level position open in anti-corruption, if anybody is interested. I thought it required a JD, but I can’t find any such requirement in the job advertisement.
Email me at zr9jcra46wey@opayq.com
I’d hate to work in anti-corruption for any company that has any operations in countries other than US, Canada, or some Western European ones.
Speaking of careers…..I’m in an MBA program, and I’m trying to figure out what I plan to do with this (Uncle Sam is paying for it through the GI Bill, in case you’re wondering why I started school without already knowing what to do with it). There are several concentrations you can do – management, finance, insurance, real estate, accounting, etc. I thought global supply chain management might be interesting. Anyone in that field?
My sister does that. She said its really exciting and she really likes it.
She used to be an accountant, so I don’t know if that’s saying much.
The one thing I would have reservations about it how dependent it is on statistical analysis. Like I mentioned in Q’s thread, I took a stats class last semester and did OK in it, but never really felt comfortable doing it.
My advice is figure out what you enjoy plus what demand for the profession looks like. My experience with business school in the dark ages is that MBA programs try to turn everything possible into something quantitative – right down to marketing and sales.
My expectation on something related to supply chain management is that there would be some form of statistics that dealt with optimizations.
So what I’m saying is don’t let the statistics and math sway your choice of concentration.
Real estate is a super interesting business, but its full of red tape, can get political and is extremely susceptible to economic downturns (except in certain locations like near D.C.)
I work in commercial finance – the sales side. Its a mixed bag. It pays well (median salary around here is $120K for a loan officer, but that’s inflated D.C. wages), its really fun to chase, negotiate and win deals, but it is also hyper competitive, fairly susceptible to economic downturns and has plenty of boring paperwork. One thing that’s really nice is that a lot of commercial finance is wild-west in that it’s fairly unregulated, I can pretty much offer whatever I want on the terms I want (as long as it matches what my company is willing/able to provide). As far as red tape, its less regulatory and more legal-type red tape.
I don’t know shit about global supply chain management beyond what I learned in economics.
Take the Project Management elective class – you’ll use it no matter what direction you choose.
Much like your undergrad degree, the concentration matters most for your next job and not all that much after.
(OT: Did you see the news the charged the U-Turning bus driver? Poor guy driving the dump truck was in the MIDDLE lane when he hit that bus when it was essentially perpendicular to traffic.)
Yep – he’s screwed.
Fair enough. I just need something to get me out of the rut I’m in. This is my post college career path-
-about a year and half in an entry-level editorial job with a publishing company. First post-college job
-joined the Marines cause I was bored. 5 years
-about three years in a couple of different sales jobs. Was laid off from one in the 2008 recession-fueled bloodbath in the construction business, fired from the other one, wasn’t good at either. I’m just not a salesman. Being a introvert who dislikes talking to random strangers tends to be a significant career obstacle in that field.
-Going on 7 years as a mid-level state government functionary. Not a bad gig, but doesn’t pay a whole lot, and as I’ve drifted more towards libertarianism in this period, I don’t want to be in the public sector anymore.
So, basically, I want to move into the private sector and make better money, but I really don’t have a ton of applicable experience to do so. Not a lot of demand for policy analysts outside of government. That’s why I went back to school, hoping it can get me into something where I don’t have to take a pay cut (again, not that my salary is all that much to begin with) to change careers.
I focused my MBA on technical management and entrepreneurship.
I don’t work in, but work with people in global supply chain management. I can tell you it can be really exciting, challenging, and financially rewarding. Companies have suppliers and customers across the world and they need entire teams working together to ensure they are getting the best pricing (site A and Site B might both use the same part, but they could have drastically different pricing due to separate deals with suppliers), securing multiple suppliers in case of situations where a supplier can’t meet your production needs, building trusted relationships with suppliers and internal sites to improve your security and pricing over time.
Few quick examples.
Management as a skill is really useful so I wouldn’t hesitate to take management-related classes, but I don’t know if I’d recommend it as a concentration. Every manager I know, which is a shit ton of them, got their management position by being an SME in some other role first. I don’t know anyone who came out of school with a degree in management and got a management job. Not saying it never happens mind you, I just think that “generic management” doesn’t look as good as something more specific.
I’ve known more than a few whose degrees are basically generic managers and every single one of them was utter shit at the job.
Basically a manager who does not have at least a minimal level of expertise in the field the people he manages work in is never going to be an effective manager. The best he can ever hope to be is to act in a manager as a servant role, where he makes no attempt to manage the people nominally under him but rather works to clear obstacles from interfering in their work while they self manage
Actually, the manager-as-servant (or expediter) is pretty much the best type of manager I ever had, before I went out on my own. Most managers that I’ve known had been promoted beyond the frontiers of the Peter Principle by the time I had to work under them.
A lot of truth in that, but even manager-as-servant types are way, way more effective if they know fuck-all about the thing they’re managing. You need to know enough to meaningfully challenge other people’s thinking and not get easily strung along.
I’ve been in supply chain roles at my past two jobs. The first was almost entirely project management. Being a people person was much more important than math. Interfacing with the day to day supply chain people and the non supply chain buyers and merchandisers to make sure events went off without a hitch. Outside of one side project, i never did any math more complicated than the sum formula in Excel.
My current position is in inventory management. It can get pretty math heavy. Larger companies should have some software doing the heavy lifting for you. More important is knowing how to set up a model correctly. What are your goals, constraints, options? You get some software to do the math after that.
If you were to venture more into demand planning, prepare for lots of stats and math. It can get really complicated, really fast.
If anybody tries to take away any of those 3 away from me, it definitely ain’t gonna be safe.
Bacteria present in the human body produce small amounts of alcohol. In some people, this process gets kicked into overdrive:
Auto-brewery syndrome, also known as gut fermentation syndrome, is a rare medical condition in which intoxicating quantities of ethanol are produced through endogenous fermentation within the digestive system.[1][2] One gastrointestinal organism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a type of yeast, has been identified as a pathogen for this condition.
Claims of endogenous fermentation of this type have been used as a defense against drunk driving charges
Bottom line, the human body is adapted to habitual consumption of alcohol, which was one of the first food preservation techniques.
This is demonstrably untrue.
Silly Brett. Every person who ever ate bacon or drank alcohol is dead.
Or will be eventually.
I’m going to die?!
Yes. You are going to die.
Just like that old gypsy woman said!
That’s news to Ron Bailey.
When I heard this news I sent my ex-wife 50 lbs of bacon. Now you’re telling me she won’t die!?
No, she will. But don’t stop payment on that alimony check just yet, though…
If they reshot The Big Lebowski today, the cable porno would go more like this.
She fixed the cable guy?
Also, need pics to judge the enormity of this crime.
How in the world did they come up with the $5B estimate for the cost of a 15 year occupation and nation building in Afghanistan. I would have thought it was closer to $1T.
That’s just the official, “on the books” money. If we count the “off the books” money it’s probably $2T.
I remember Senator Feinstein went on an epic rant about this about 9 years ago. He said we ought to recognize the true cost of the war and that it was a crime against the American public to leave so much expenses “off the books.”
It was probably the only thing I agreed on with the bastard.
They started at about the 2009 re-engagement push.
I was thinking the same thing. It must be just money spent directly on pet projects while omitting all military costs.
From the comments about alcohol and bacon:
“No confidence in this report. Radical vegans or muslims.”
What a stupid report. I have zero confidence in it as well.
No amount of bacon or alcohol is safe. Go fuck yourself.
Sausage, rapini with casarecce pasta is a great combo and I ain’t changing for this ‘study’.
Let us wish them great success in their future and part ways.
So we can get rolling in China or somewhere else. Spawn 1 is 18 and we have been in shooting wars for most of them. It’s getting stupid.
I would have thought it was closer to $1T.
Well, they spent a lot of it on hookers and
blowopium. Only the other money was wasted.James Clapper – he lies constantly but really stinks at it.
Are they working on a remake of the Popeye movie?
haahahaha….he looks oddly like he might be Brad Childress’ older brother to me
I’m sure the View ate it up, Democrat harpies that they are.
Sorry to go OT so quick, but I want to post this and get back to work. No, really, if I can wrap up a few things I won’t have to come back until Wednesday. Fuck to the yes.
For the baseball nuts. A very interesting story on the recent dearth of radical defensive shifts. Twins personnel are the focus of the story, but the main points are about the entire league.
How, and when, will Major League Baseball respond to all those defensive shifts?
I hate the shift. Hate hate hate hate it. I’m all for a rule mandating no more than two infielders on either side of second base.
You’ll still get the shortstop standing on 2nd and the 2B shaded way left. I like the solution in the article. Bunt more.
Still would beat the third baseman in shallow RF and the shortstop just on the 1B side of second.
Fuck off, slaver.
Thank you, Brian Dozier.
They can predict what you’re gonna hit. Shades of Q’s article to today.
It doesn’t take a genius for 60% of the league. And then you’ve got guys like Gallo who is basically never late on a ball. Its just his swing pattern and strength. Throw it 85, he’ll hit it between first and second or out of the park, throw it 99, same thing. If he bunted it once a month down the 3rd base line, they’d never shift against him with runners on again.
Some hitters just can’t hit the ball the other way. Gallo is one. The most famous was Big Papi who wasn’t great with the Twins, but when he went to the Sox they told him to not bother with the other field and just pull. That said, at least some hitters should be able to beat the shift.
Sounds like baseball is hopelessly broken. Time to shut it down.
I like that the shift may incentivize left-handed batters to learn how to bunt – or do anything other than whale-away with uppercut swings.
Imagine if they had shifted on Wade Boggs, Rod Carew, or Tony Gwenn. Every at-bat would have been a roller right past 3rd base.
They would never shift on guys who sprayed singles and didn’t hit for a ton of power.
Gwynn pretty well could hit the ball where ever he wanted. https://youtu.be/ZMRXhAwg7HI
Hit it where they ain’t. The hitters will adjust.
I expect a rash of “user has re-set password” auto emails to hit my inbox.
I remember my password, I think.
ps, SP (How often does a guy get to use THAT?)- I’m not quite dumb enough to miss the opportunity to meet you guys, despite my visceral aversion to interacting with people in meatspace. I don’t think I decoded your email address properly in that other thread, though.
email address
Glad to see you can be “encouraged” to do the right thing!
Yeah, so about that whole ‘self-driving’ thing…
NTSB: Uber’s sensors worked; its software utterly failed in fatal crash
Fucking touchscreens.
I really would prefer if these assholes would do their testing in more controlled environments until basic mistakes are eliminated. This is just embarrassing. Big payday for the woman’s family is on the horizon.
Professional Software Tester for 20 years here and my guess is they did a shit ton of this but the software is so complex it is impossible to adequately simulate real world scenarios and so they have no choice but to finish testing in live environments
I don’t think it’s a “big mistake” per se.
Computer vision sucks. Computer will continue to suck for a long time.
Radar and Lidar have significant amounts of error built it. They need to tune the algorithms to detect all conflicts (or nearly all to a very high probability), while not producing false alerts that make the system useless.
Given the location of the installation of the sensors on the roof, there will be blind spots not seen by the sensor. The early reports were that the victim was in or very near those blind spots.
My personal opinion is that this is an unsolvable problem at cost target they will need to hit for passenger vehicles.
I’d hate to work in anti-corruption for any company that has any operations in countries other than US, Canada, or some Western European ones.
For some reason, this conjured up the memory of the movie Deal of the Century, where the guy from corporate headquarters tells Chevy Chase he’s going to have to bribe the South American dictator, and to be sure to get a receipt, “for tax purposes”.
The cancer link to bacon is such absolute reaching bullshit that the constant pushing of this narrative must be driven by an ulterior motive.
Oh, I see, it’s one of those funking around with statistic things. So if something increases your chance of getting cancer from 1% to 2%, your cancer risk DOUBLED!
I hate that sleight of hand with the passion of a thousand suns.
Not being clear that you’re talking about relative vs absolute risk is an easy way to confuse people on purpose
I’m in an MBA program, and I’m trying to figure out what I plan to do with this
Not specifically a response to your question, but I’ll throw this out there: the single best most useful course I took in business school (for all the good it did me) was Money and Banking. I urge you to take it, assuming it’s not being taught by somebody like Larry Summers or Robert Reich.
I’m assuming that was a finance class?
Its an economics class. Or at least it was when I got my econ degree.
Econ for me too! Also one of my favorite classes.
Aha. I have registered for a required Econ class in the fall, but I’m not sure if that’s what it covers.
Hmm, I would have lumped such a class in with economic history as something that does matter who you take it from, since it is a matter of controversy even at the most basic level. Econometrics and price theory/micro are something where pedagogical quality is really going to be the only variable. Even Krugman’s textbook is acceptable. (It’s neither particularly good nor bad in quality, IMO.)
I was not particularly fortunate in the quality of instruction I received in any class except game theory, for what it’s worth, and never took a course specifically on money. Or history for that matter. Had to self-teach, which is fine.
I was lucky that my school specializes in economics and it was considered one of the best programs offered at that campus. The only course I was disappointed with was Econometrics. I really disliked that class.
Looks like Mueller is about to get embarrassed by the ham sandwich he indicted. They are asking for a speedy trial (required by law). Mueller is trying to stall and just dumped two terabytes of Russian social media as evidence. I don’t think the Judge is going to be amused.
Could this be the development that brings down the whole house of cards that he built?
No. You need an honest media and congress not asleep at the wheel.
It’s pretty funny how the Russians are handling this-this case that he was just sure would never go to trial was supposed to be an easy feather in his cap.
Its why some of the world’s greatest chess players come from Russia. Thinking ahead more than 1/2 a step.
no, likelihood is Muller will drop charges.
the real damage it does is to the entire narrative that Mueller is presenting.
If he has no case against the actual “hackers”… how can he claim that any conspiracy between Trump + anyone lead to anything actually-criminal? If the hackers broke no laws… how could any conspiring to (not break laws) be illegal?
the fact is that the indictment was made simply to create the *impression* that some crimes had occurred, and which justified the snooping into everything else.
Lacking that key component deflates the raison d’etre of the entire investigation.
Tonight on CNN, why Mueller had to drop the charges. Due to a ridiculous “rule”, Mueller would be forced to expose information that would damage US national security interests and hurt his future cases. Mueller had to drop the charges to get Trump, an indictment that is sure to drop any day now.
Freaking hilarious how this is blowing up in Mueller’s face. He figured he could score some gimme points by indicting entities that weren’t going to bother showing up for trial, so he didn’t bother actually putting a case together, and now he’s fucked.
When a prosecutor files an indictment, it is tantamount to saying, ‘We are ready to go.'”
Easy man. Rufus is around.
Well, they had to move fast to make sure the bad guys didn’t get away! Except they also need to take their time to make sure they have a good case against other bad guys.
Yes, i’ve been following this with interest.
the 2tb dump of Russian-language intel that the prosecution apparently never even translated themselves was an obvious “F.U.” they don’t even know how its material to the indictment. it is purely a head-fake
and they surely will file a complaint if he drops charges; i’m also sure that the media will somehow spin this as “trump and russians manipulate loopholes in legal system” or something.
I for one would love to hear Mueller trying to explain how 2 TB worth of Russian tweets are relevant to the case at hand. And further, how he knows they’re relevant without having them translated. Anyone know if Mueller speaks Russian.
if they did have them translated, i’d assume that those translations would have to be handed to defense. they don’t say;
It seems the only point of the handover is to stall, trying to create appearance of compliance w/ discovery while waiting for judge to rule on delay.
Maybe he learned some while delivering uranium to them for Hillary.
It’s “inappropriate for a prosecutor to manufacture complexity and then contend that things are too complex,” McCarthy told TheDCNF. …The tactic “is apt to make the presiding judge very angry,” he added.
You know, just for humor’s sake I’d not be terribly disappointed if the judge wound up throwing Mueller in holding for contempt.
Yes, but how many pages is that?
It better be the trump pee video after all this.
Re that Grand Funk Railroad link: there are some glorious whitefros in that picture. If we’re going to bring something from the ‘70s back why not something classy like that instead of the shitty Star Wars movies they keep churning out?
I’m not looking forward to Solo, but I’m sure my wife will drag me along.
White fros are cultural appropriation dude.
Get woke.
Apologies if this was posted before, but Senators vote to remove random roadside alcohol testing from impaired driving bill.
How is that not a blatant violation of Section 8 Charter rights (similar to 4A rights in US)?
God damn, man. Trudeau is even worse than I imagined.
Go fuck yourself, Lahey!
Worse and double it.
He’s awful beyond belief.
I can’t believe Canadians actually thought voting for him was a good idea.
Hmm, so your Senate proves its worth again! Curious.
I’m still gobsmacked that my fellow Canucks, particularly those in Quebec, believed he would be in any way, shape or form superior to the other options on the table at the time. He has massively, massively increased my cynicism towards the State and the Laurentian Elite. He managed to demonstrate that the whack-jobs who believed in the conspiracy theory that Turd Junior would continue his father’s work of fucking over the West in general and Alberta in particular were absolutely correct. He’s an appalling witling who has the approval of a substantial fraction of the Canadian electorate.
There just aren’t enough woodchippers in the world, goddammit.
I’m at the point if you have a semi-functional brain you can’t possibly think he’s competent.
The implications for the average Liberal voter are ominous.
Nice word – – stealing it.
And the Senate finally shows it’s good for something.
Thy sons command you to stop selling them short.
Related: Jody Wilson-Raybould is the second Justice Minister I’ve seen at a local store.
I also saw Vic Toews at IKEA. He looked … confused by the FLURGVUGEN coffee table.
I’m assuming that was a finance class?
Economics dept, as I recall. Taught by a for-real Federal Reserve Bank Economist. He was a pretty good guy, despite that.
I just noticed the wine in the picture. I opened the Romanian wine pie suggested and both I and my wife really enjoyed it.
“World Cancer Research Fund”
I guessed the UN but it seems they are UK based. I cant find any info but betting the UN is tangled up in it somehow. The name reeks of more political activists masquerading as scientists. The finding is completely unsurprising.
No, fuck you, I am gonna keep eating meat.
*swigs vodka and grapefruit juice*
A greyhound aficionado, I see. Quite the lost tribe. Especially since most of the people who’d like one are on so many meds by this time they’d statistically have to have at least one interaction.
The WHO’s tentacles are everywhere anyway. They fly around in jets and stay in five-star hotels like it was going out of style, spending more on travel than on AIDS, malaria, and TB combined. They selected as their new head is a corrupt Ethiopian politician (he is not a doctor) who has openly signaled the bar will continue to be open. There was a Spiked! podcast where the interviewee characterized them as “essentially FIFA.”
I’ve been noticing them because of–yes–their antismoking nonsense. It was they who announced that they were concerned about the health of Syria’s people because the Civil War–then at its height–was thwarting the implementation of smoking bans. (An expensive lobbying effort was instituted.) It is they who meet behind closed doors in various third world countries and kick journalists out. It is they who issue blatantly mendacious propaganda efforts like those (I shit you not) discouraging smokers from switching to vaping because vaping “still involves inhaling nicotine into the lungs.”
Former WHO Director-General Margaret Chan
I love Greyhounds on a hot day. After a few hours of yardwork sipped under the willow tree is even better.
an interesting write up on that firefight between ~couple hundred syrians and russian mercs vs. ~40 Marines/socom guys and a few arab buddies (+air support up the wazoo)
it did not go well for one side in particular
the understated conclusion: “that the Russian mercenaries and their Syrian allies were in the wrong part of the world “
“Michelle Obama reveals the cover of her new memoir BECOMING – after sharing intimate never-before-seen photos from her childhood to her co-piloting The Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.”
She fucked someone famous. That is the only reason she’s relevant. Why the hell does she need memoirs. Let’s go back to the days when only people who did interesting things got memoirs. Or is this another obvious bribery case run through book publishers.
She’s a working class Chicago black girl who made it to Princeton and then Harvard Law. All her siblings have gone on to be successful in a wide variety of fields. Her biography is a great testimony to how even those in “demographically disadvantaged” profiles can have extremely “advantaged” home situations because of the environment they provide for their children (an almost cartoonishly Ozzie-and-Harrietish one in this case). Obama’s bio is probably more “interesting” but I’d rather read Michelle’s. Not that I’m going to be reading anything written by a politician (“written”) or authorized by them about themselves. Or really anything about these two because you only have so much time in life.
Her “getting paid to be married to an important politician” gig at University of Chicago must be over.
Yeah, well the truth of the matter is that Barry is now pretty much played out. It’s not like he’s going to be running for anything anytime soon. And Obama’s rise was too quick for him to build the kind of network that the Clintons could exploit. They’ll be annoying features in the news for the left to look wistfully to until they find themselves a new champion.
Memoirs of what?
Of when she added turnips to cafeterias?
God damn this noise inside my head
Look at her appropriating that hairstyle.
The hierarchy of hot girl outfits.
1. Birthday suit
2. Sports bra and yoga pants
3. Bikini
4. Sundress
So cute.
I like 5.
No lingerie?
Anyway, related:
18, 24, 30 for me please.
I’ll take a 3, and 18 and a 30 to go please
0. Clown suit. Some think Mother Superior Hitler or Matador She-Lincoln belongs here but I think they are some weird fucks.
#4 superior to the rest of that list. Even #1. I mean, to start. A little mystery.
Number 11, 22, and 23 please.
4. Sundress
With cowgirl boots!
This reminds me of the Dave Chappelle sketch in which he compares and contrasts the way in which rich and poor people are arrested.
I wish I were powerful enough to have advance notice of when I’d be arrested (or just not get arrested… but you know what I mean).
That has to be a joke, right?
One would hope.
That’s a mug just begging for a Louisville Slugger right down centerfield.
need to start band with this name ASAP
Oh my lord it is serious; I thought it was sarc/parody. But I think this guy is just plain nuts though. Even lots of ALL CAPS, and the only sane men to use those work for Glibs.
Been at IAD waiting for my flight for too long. At least there is eye candy to look at. The worst part though is flying back home to Vegas and enduring idiotic undeserving naive fans of Army on Ice.
Unsuprisingly, the Turkish Airlines lounge has delicious turkish delight at the reception desk.
Use a condom.
I think using the provided tongs would be sufficient. No need to glove up.
How have they not gotten Jason Statham (informally in his Snatch character) to be their ad campaign spokesman? That shit would light up the Internet.
What we really lost on Sept 11…people watching at airports.
You want to find Erdogan?
Er, fund, fucking auto-correct.
You people are incorrigible
Pretty sure these dudes would win in a battle-of-the-bands vs. the “Marble Machine” guy
* i remain convinced that , although i think that guy is probably a genius of some sort, that the performance of said marble-machine was faked in its debut video. it may actually ‘play’ something. just not the audio used in the vid.
Wow. It’s not that it’s good playing. It’s that someone built a robot metal band.
I like how all the robots have “heads” simply to bang along with the music.
That’s hilarious. My son will love that.
We watch a lot of orchestrion videos.
Not a true orchestrion, but one of my favorites.
I’m getting a serious X-Tinction Agenda era Cameron Hodge vibe from that drummer.
Hi, Phil Swift here with Flex Tape! The super-strong waterproof tape! That can instantly patch, bond, seal, and repair! Flex tape is no ordinary tape; its triple thick adhesive virtually welds itself to the surface, instantly stopping the toughest leaks. Leaky pipes can cause major damage, but Flex Tape grips on tight and bonds instantly! Plus, Flex Tape’s powerful adhesive is so strong, it even works underwater! Now you can repair leaks in pools and spas in water without draining them! Flex Tape is perfect for marine, campers and RVs! Flex Tape is super strong, and once it’s on, it holds on tight! And for emergency auto repair, Flex Tape keeps its grip, even in the toughest conditions! Big storms can cause big damage, but Flex Tape comes super wide, so you can easily patch large holes. To show the power of Flex Tape, I sawed this boat in half! And repaired it with only Flex Tape! Not only does Flex Tape’s powerful adhesive hold the boat together, but it creates a super strong water tight seal, so the inside is completly dry! Yee-doggy! Just cut, peel, stick and seal! Imagine everything you can do with the power of Flex Tape!
Also, Wintergatan is a poor man’s Maywa Denki.
Tucker Carlson STEVE SMITHS California’s Representative Swalwell on Swalwell’s idea of an assault weapons ban, buyback, and prosecution of scofflaws. It’s a few days old but it’s definitely worth a watch.
“I didn’t call for confiscation”
“Yes you did. I just quoted you.”
I don’t see how he still manages to get opposition guests.
This is how:
Prog: “I can beat Tucker. Tucker is an idiot.”
Prog’s lackey: “Tucker IS an idiot. You can beat him.
“According to emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, first reported by The Baltimore Post, advisors to then-President Barack Obama immediately strategized how to exploit the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school to push their gun control agenda. “Tap peoples [sic] emotions,” Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel advised then-Education Secretary Arne Duncan on December 16, 2012, just two days after the massacre that left 26 dead. The victims’ bodies were yet to be laid to rest.
The two discussed how they could exploit the tragedy to bring about their anti-gun agenda. “What are your thoughts?” Duncan asked Emanuel on an email with the subject line, “CT shooting.”
“Go for a vote this week asap before it fades,” replied Emanuel. “Tap peoples [sic] emotion. Make it simple assault weapons.”
“Yup- thanks,” replied the education secretary.
“When I did brady bill and assault weapons for Clinton we always made it simple. Criminals or war weapons,” wrote back Emanuel.
Duncan then inquired about the so-called “gun show loophole” and other talking points to push on the public.
“Gun show loophole? Database? Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?” he wrote.
“Cop killer maybe,” answered Emanuel. “The other no.”
“Got it,” Duncan agreed.”
When Obama first appointed Rahm, there were all these gushing profiles in the media about how tough he was, how he was a real hard nosed intimidating guy. There was a story about him going up to some Congressman in the locker room and grabbing him while the dude was naked and just in general being a total mafia thug type. The media thought this was just swell.
Meanwhile in the real world, if a 5’7” middle aged man grabbed me in the locker room, he’d be in a very great deal of pain very quickly. I’m not saying I’m some kind of tough guy, but I’m pretty sure I could break this little fucks neck like a toothpick.
That would be unwise to do to me. I react poorly to things like that.
Your skepticism is foolish. CCTV footage of the incident has long been available.
Also, in all seriousness, they were both naked. Naked Rahm cornered the naked guy and got up in his face, like a tense scene out of School Ties or the latest CW teen drama.
This Oz remake is too gritty for me.
Ah yes, there’s the reference I needed. Much better.
I have to start watching these quality HBO dramas everyone raves about. I don’t think I’ve even seen one.
Not even The Sopranos?
“Gun show loophole? Database? Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?” he wrote.
Everything about this is repulsive but the way Arne writes like the know-nothing, pathetic, groveling lackey that I’m sure he is makes it especially nauseating. If I was trying to manufacture dialog demonstrating the banality of evil I couldn’t do it any better than that.
Stop being such babies.
Lecturing the poor johns on being pathetic. Harsh, dude.
If the sex workers fill a need, I’m fine with that. I’m much more fine with that than those with emotional needs that want the rest of us to satisfy them under the auspices of the social contract.
This. After reading, I can totally see how many men simply want some sort of intimacy.
“Facebook wants your naked photos to stop revenge porn
Facebook is asking British users to send naked photos of themselves to the social network, to try to stop revenge porn.
If you’re worried an intimate photo of you could be shared by someone else, the idea is to get it blocked before it appears online.
Similar technology is used to try to stop the spread of child abuse images.
Facebook’s been testing the system in Australia and is extending the trial to the UK, the USA and Canada.”
What could possibly go wrong?
This is brilliant, I support it 100%.
That’s just nuts.
It’ll be as useful as tits on a bull.
You’re gonna need a bigger monitor.
I snickered
“Facebook requires more comprehensive data on human anatomy. Do not be alarmed; it will benefit the species in the long run.”
–Mark Zuckerberg
Some pervert at Facebook suggested this and must be laughing his/her ass off that it was approved by management.
Am I the only one that maybe found irony in dude’s first name being “Antigone”?
“The meaning of the name is, as in the case of the masculine equivalent Antigonus, “worthy of one’s parents” or “in place of one’s parents”
The latest from Reason favorite, libertarian GMU professor Tyler Cowen.
And Niskanen Center advisory board member.
You can practically feel the smug coming through the screen.
Clinton/Blair/Hillary strategist Mark Penn on the Mueller probe–though we’ve probably covered it already.
I see you too read the latest interview with Judah Pearl.
Have you seen this?
Yes, I have. I remember discussing that site in the comments here before.
My kids are howling with laughter at this.
The little fucking halfbreeds even laugh at the parts that make fun of them. But they really love the parts that say that any white devil who marries a asian gal is a closet nazi.
I think everyone here fits their definition of “nazi”.
Anyway, I found your wedding photo.
And your daughter is just adorable.
His stuff is pretty far out, but he is a badass. Way over my stupid boiler room toiling.
Oldie but goodie: Oh they say this now. Good. I’ll cite it.
Indian leaders have learned to manipulate whitey’s stupid “noble savage” prejudices into dressing up various civic and political national institutions as somehow “spiritual.” Thus, for example, Indians get extra points, even among the normally cultural-appropriation skeptical, by insisting that feathers are “sacred to our people.” Well, Indian tribes are multiconfessional nations, majority mainstream Christian with some syncretic religions, atheists, and so forth. You are talking about national costume, not “sacred” objects in any sense that any liberal normally recognizes the term, and I will wear feathers as damn sure as I will wear wooden shoes or a Mao cap no matter what a Dutchman or Chinese tells me. I’m not going to be sit here and be lectured by a Baptist chief that some object is “sacred” as it is being donned by a Roman Catholic. I know damn sure what Catholics consider sacred objects.
Canadian whitey expects self-destructive racist ignorance from the red man too, I see. His patience is infinite.
I had once had an Italian language professor who was Slovenian.
Fuck that racist prick.
+1 Italia Irredenta
Have you guys already discussed this fair and unbiased verdict?
An Obama judge ruled that Trump can’t block people from his twitter account. Because it is a public forum.
I really hope some of the deplorables who have been run out of twitter use this ruling to force twitter to let them back in and bake them an AR-15 cake.
I don’t think that judge thought that ruling all the way through.
I look forward to Trump baiting Kathy Griffin or Rosie O’Donnell into saying or posting something batshit insane to his twitter and the Secret Service arresting them.*
*I don’t think they should be arrested, but it would be fucking hilarious is all I’m saying.
>I don’t think that judge thought that ruling all the way through.
Judges should apply the law, not decide that a result would go against their preferred policy. Haven’t read the ruling, but the blurb on Volokh makes this sound a lot less stupid that it seems on first blush.
I posted it thinking it was a joke tweet. Then I found an actual article.
One would think judges would be people with superior judgement.
So i hear Chris Cuomo has lost his CNN gig? a shame. he provided so many lols (cue: montage of his greatest hits)
He is being replaced by the editor in chief of the Daily Beast, John Avalon.
Just goes to show that if you hack hard enough, you will be rewarded
Now he’s free to run for office (and win) in good old New York.
This is pretty clearly a promotion, no?
It seems you’re right, and i’m 10 days behind the curve
he’s moving up to prime-time
i think my conclusion remains the same. you hack hard enough, you are rewarded.
i really can’t think “more cuomo” is actually a good idea for CNN ratings, however. he really fools no one into thinking he’s smart.
“CNN has struggled recently in prime time, falling to third place behind Fox News and MSNBC, as viewers are increasingly drawn to partisan commentary. Anderson Cooper, who hosts the network’s coverage between 8 and 10 p.m., attracted about a third of Mr. Hannity’s audience last month, for instance.”
ah. they need to Prog harder, because MSNBC is outprogging them.
dear god, cable news is a snake pit of stupid.
It’s time to drive outcomes towards market adjacencies!
I don’t know why cable news doesn’t go professional-wresting Japanese-game-show full retard. Have an actual pit full of snakes.
I would support this.
Maybe Anderson Cooper could have kept his timeslot if he had spent more time blogging about how disgusting he found black people (most white people think it; he’s only saying it), and going around taunting politicians he didn’t like about secretly having black ancestry, then invited a bunch of “black leaders” on his show to declare they forgave him for the good of the larger fight, and by this time everyone would have forgotten about the preposterous, normally inherently career-ending (regardless of subject matter) initial lies about being “hacked.”
Do you like it? Well you can’t have it because it’s going to kill you.
This is a warning to all of you that post before reading the links.
Psssst….blame the booze.
This is a warning to all of you that drink three Moscow mules before posting on this site.
And they said that the Puritans died off. Nope, they just changed their name to progressives.
The alarmism wouldn’t be so toxic if Americans had any respect for the freedom that they so blithely suppose they love. As it is Britain is surely just months away from some Tory bacon nudges, with California and then New York to follow and a few mil from Mike Bloomberg to take the effort global.
You mean like sewer systems and vaccines, you mendacious twat?
Do these guys have a death wish?
I mean, feel free to get your jollies, but this seems suicidal to me.
“Chemsex (also known as “party and play”) is arranged via “smartphone geospatial network applications” (a fancy term for hook-up apps) where the parties use a cocktail of drugs including crystallized methamphetamine, the synthetic stimulant mephedrone, γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) or γ-butyrolactone (GBL), as well as cocaine and ketamine in conjunction with sexual activity, including condomless anal sex.”
The lack of condoms sounds way more dangerous than the drugs.
Is this really a “drug-fueled sex fad,” or when you pick it apart is it more like, “This just in. Many gay dudes like to meet up with each other, take drugs, and fuck. If they take too much drugs their judgment gets impaired and they may ditch the condom. Then they get AIDS. More at 11.”
take away the pretentious science-speak, and its like, “some dudes get high and fuck. we ask people “do you get high and fuck dudes”? Some said yes. of those, slightly more had supercooties than the ones who said “no” “.
Up next: RTCs! Treatment groups gets Molly and a date. Control group gets pez and a free Netflix account.
Should have said the control group has to do their taxes (so it only feels like they are getting fucked).
I hate it when I have a premature empostination.
Tab A in slot B still works just fine for me. Chemical enhancement not required.
“And then there’s this… mockery… of science, claiming that NO amount of alcohol, sausage, or bacon is safe.”
I can do a study concluding that no amount of broccoli is safe. Just give me the grant money and tell me what results you want. I’ll get em, just keep that funding coming. I want a new Bugatti, a mansion, and a yacht, I can even prove that broccoli causes cancer, with just one bite.
On behalf of that insipid “study”, I’m polishing off a light 5 mile run with a Kronenbourg 1664.
When I was little I went to a Jackie Mason show; then as now I think he’s one of the funniest men who has ever lived. He loves old-school ethnic stereotypes, and he had a bit about how when Jews go to the pool they won’t go in the water if they’ve had a Junior Mint in the past three hours. “Oy, no, I just ate, what are you, crazy.” Meanwhile, he says, the Italians are doing flips off the diving boards while eating meatball heroes.
Clarification: I went to as many Jackie Mason shows as I could get into. But this was just one of them.
Kronenbourg 1664.
French beer? Reward fail.
Former Spokane, WA NAACP President Rachel Dolzeal charged with welfare fraud
I blame… yeah, I’m not going there. Just leaving the link here.
Welp, there goes Twitter tomorrow.
You, David Hogg, are no Al Sharpton.
How long before Piglet becomes a tranny?
The “power to the people” types tend to be very sexually submissive. I’d put money on cis-hetero , but likes having his balls stomped on by women in stilettos.