I hope your week got off to a good start yesterday. Well, I’m sure it was better than the Celtics anyway. They’ll, as I said they would, to Cleveland yesterday to even the series at 2-2. The Lightning also fell to the Capitals, and now we have a winner-take-all Game 7 to decide the Wales Conference. Meanwhile Vegas is resting up.

Never. Gets. Old.
Oh yeah, and TTUN announced that the football team is planning on going to South Africa in 2019. I believe Ohio State announced they are planning on going to the CFP Championship Game in 2019. Meh, to each their own. Have fun, skunkweasels. Those cultural trips probably erase some of the shame of never, ever beating your biggest rivals anymore. Or you’ll tell yourselves that anyway.
We got a few birthdays today. Noted composer and anti-Semite Richard Wagner, author Arthur Conan Doyle, children’s author Herge, oilman T Boone Pickens, politician Harvey Milk, Unabomber (and possible Glibertarian) Ted Kaczynski, supermodel Naomi Campbell and fading tennis great Novak Dokovic. Also on this day, for you military historians, Alexander the Great defeated Darius III in the Battle Of The Granicus. And one of the most catastrophic proposals in the history of the United States made its debut when LBJ presented his “Great Society” shitshow of a plan.
OK, that was fun. Now…the links!
Want to see how far to the left a so-called “fact checker” has slipped? They don’t even know the definition of the words “all”, “every”, “mass” or “mostly”. Fucking losers.

“Sorry suckers, fingers crossed”
-James Comey
DOJ Inspector General is about to savage James Comey for not moving quickly enough in securing a warrant to get the emails illegally stored by Hillary Clinton confidante on her convicted sex offender husband’s laptop. I wonder if it’ll touch on the facet that they were trying to avoid it becoming news at all until the press got wind of its existence and forced them to acknowledge its existence.
Huh. I had no idea there were Glibs living in Portland. Anyway, I believe you’ve made bail by now so you won’t be outed by a lack of comments today.

Welcome to Starbucks.
Starbucks already feeling the consequences of its retarded new bathroom/vagrancy acceptance policies. Dumbasses didn’t know this was what would happen?
I don’t even know why suicidal people jump out of windows or put a gun to their own head. Apparently all you need to do these days is buy a Tesla and let the car do the job for you. Sure beats the messy cleanup and your heirs can cash in rather than have the insurance claim rejected.
That’s right…blame the inanimate object rather than the asshole who pulled the trigger. Fuck you, Chicago Tribune. You’re not gonna get most peoples’ guns on a registry and you aren’t going to force us to get a permit to exercise a fundamental human right. Molon Labe, grabbers.

Don’t blame these career criminals…blame the inanimate object.
Palestine demands the International CriminalCourt look into how Israel defended herself when faced with a series of border fence assaults last week. Israel points out that they’re not even members of the ICC and tells the Palestinians to GFY and stop trying to breach the border and kill innocent people, which the Gaza’s are wont to to.
I hate this fucker, but this is a good song. Even if its a little long.
Best of luck out there today. I gotta take Reason to get some dental work done. That’s gonna be a lot of fun.
Should have stuck to urban legends and stayed out of the political arena.
Wait, didn’t their farsical divorce rip the site apart?
didn’t their farsical divorce rip the site apart?
David figured, “Meh, I can do better.” He was right, but paid the price.
Fact Check: Snopes is a fact-checking organization and not a means for providing certain perspectives political cover.
Stinky Rating: Mostly false
You are being generous..
These cunts don’t even try that hard to hide their bias these days, but get really pissed when you point that out.
And the irony is that the left hates Snopes because of their alleged right-wing bias. But leftists can never provide concrete examples.
“But leftists can never provide concrete examples.”
Of anything.
Concrete is bad for the environment, shitlord.
The up-front capital outlay, unreliability of method and Trabant-level delays in production make Telsa-assisted suicide a poor option for those wishing to depart.
But it allows them to leave a windfall for their heirs instead of a mess to clean up.
You gotta think long term. Even if you’re ending your life prematurely.
Out of twelve shots fired? That’s not Glib marksmanship. But it’s not cop marksmanship either.
“But it’s not cop marksmanship either.”
Well that depends if the two who were hurt were the intended targets.
I would run ballistics on the bullets from “each leg and a foot”. My gut tells me homie tried to pull his piece and shot himself in the legs and foot. Probably shot his friend too.
Keep it up Kentucky!
Hear, hear! The cry-bullying totalitarian shitheads can go pound sand.
What’s the violent crime rate of Kentucky compared to Chicago?
There are probably 10 square miles in western Louisville that approach Chicago level crime rates.
“no background checks are required at gun shows”
Bullshit. fuckin’ liars.
I’m thinking that’s actually true. Just because a background check s required to buy from a FFL at a gun show doesn’t necessarily mean that a background check is required at a gun show.
*Not a Kentucky gun law expert*
Background checks are not required for sales between private individuals, whether at a gun show or not.
This. This is how I’ve only had 1 background check, but own N guns (where N >> 1)
Preamble of KY state constitution:
Bolding is mine. It isn’t perfect, but it stopped, for example, Owensboro from banning open carry in public parks.
Starts off the same, but I think Pennsylvania’s constitution had a stronger finish:
“I’m not questioning it, I’m demanding that it not be allowed.”
Molon Labe, grabbers.
On the latest Reason podcast, Welch or somebody said responding to the debate with “fuck you, gun grabbers” is unhelpful. That’s pretty much where I’m at, though.
It’s the only reasonable response.
It’s the same response to give when someone wants to take his typewriter away. Or kick in his door without a warrant. Or when any tyrant tries to take away any right of his.
Well, hre’s my fallback position – We strike the NFA from the books, abolish gun free zones and ban permit requirements.
Come on, Gun Grabbers, meet me halfway, I’ve already given away too much in compromise by not insisting on the legalization of nuclear arms.
To be sure, I wouldn’t like for you to take my guns.
Welch or somebody said responding to the debate with “fuck you, gun grabbers” is unhelpful.
It is unhelpful. To the gun grabbers. Why an ostensible libertarian would be eager to help gun grabbers is beyond me.
There is the problem.
Welch is drinking one too many strawberry daiquiris if he said it.
I repeat what Kim du Toit used to say – right now we are at a compromise position on guns. I have to jump through all kinds of legal hoops to own guns. I’m against 90% of the guns laws and regulations currently in place.
So keep all that in mind if you want to start negotiating with me.
There are two poles, one where there is no private gun ownership, and the other where there is completely unrestricted gun ownership. The latter is the standard set forth by the Constitution. We’re currently at a compromise position somewhere between the two. We have arrived here largely because of bad legislation, good faith sacrifices, and the policy equivalent of giving a screaming toddler the lollipop so he’ll shut up and let you eat dinner in peace. Assuming the Constitution has any legal bearing whatsoever, we aren’t permitted to own guns at the sufferance of the state, the state is forbidden from limiting gun ownership.
What do they think the response should be to “reasonable” restrictions on the press? Probably “Fuck you, censors!”
Not if you are talking about Fox News and Conservative hate-speech.
Yeah, coming from the “Milo had it coming” brigade, I wouldn’t expect a robust response to calls for censorship. Reason has firmly planted itself in the useful idiot camp.
Or reasonable restrictions on abortion… Or reasonable restrictions on gay marriage… Or reasonable restrictions on importation of Syrian refugees…
They act like it’s a terrible thing to be a 2A absolutist, but they’ll froth at the mouth the second you talk about restricting any of “their” rights.
Doherty literally argued that open borders is the only issue defining libertarianism. So that’s settled.
The gun grabbers have lost their minds. Threatening gun owners is one example.
Mow the lawn, la baby.
As a follow-up to the advice I asked for some months back, my (((gf))) and I are probably going to get married ASAP, probably in the next few weeks, to help solidify her citizenship issues, and because we both want to anyway.
Mazel tov!
Well at least you’ve known her for months and you’re not on the Sloopy Courtship Plan.
Hey, can’t argue with results!
I always assumed Sloopy had worked at Polaroid.
Why wait?
If you pay her way there, SP can officiate.
You may not like the vows. There’s mention of rusty tin can lids.
Congrats. Really its not that bad
** flashes eyes .-. ..- _. .- .– .- -.– ***
As Rumpole would say “matrimony is like a life sentence, without parole.” Just kidding! I can’t imagine life without the one I chose.
Make sure the guy with the knife has a steady hand and has done this before.
^ best advice
I refuse to congratulate any man selling himself into slavery.
Best wishes, bud.
Happy for you both
Congratulations! Welcome to the club.
They keep bringing this up without taking the next logical step: it didn’t matter that the FBI didn’t pursue charges, what the FBI did find was enough to show that she was a crook and unfit to be president
Oh…another gem a couple paragraphs later:
The only supporters who think her name was cleared are the truly delusional ones.
I still wonder how many votes Trump got from the failure to prosecute Clinton.
The same as he would have got if they had actually prosecuted her? (Unless the Dems did a last minute swap-out)
Convicted, serving a prison sentence, dead, that hasn’t stopped people from being elected.
According to HRC, most of the UAW and steelworkers voting in the Midwest.
This was 99% of my reason to vote for anyone but Clinton…
Can you imagine this megalomaniac’s abuse of power once she had gotten away with something this blatant hand held the office of POTUS?
This is why I think Trump was the lesser by far of two evils. Trump can say whatever he wants, but he’s going into a situation where right out of the gate he’s opposed by virtually the entire government of the United States. Clinton would’ve gone in as a conquering hero with the support of a significant amount of Congress, much of the Supreme Court, and the federal bureaucracy. And don’t forget those brave speakers of truth to power, the mainstream media. Take a look at Clinton’s behavior and then imagine her with the powers of the Chief Executive with effectively no checks whatsoever, then tell me with a straight face that Trump wasn’t the obvious if unfortunate choice.
I was thinking the same thing. You are arguing from a position that assumes an unbiased FBI, if the FBI is biased, as the report indicates, then it doesn’t matter because nothing could have gotten charges pressed.
I am willing to bet they were ordered to not press charges. That’s because she told black Jesus he would go down with her if they went after her..
My take is that the FBI only brought it up because the WSJ was going to expose it anyway and would also tell the world that the FBI had known about the illegally stored emails for months and were trying to sweep it completely under the rug.
The FBI never chose to release info on it. They were FORCED to release it when they got caught tryingto ignore its existence. The timing is irrelevant.
Oh, I am sure that the only reason this stuff keeps coming out in dribs and drabs, mostly with your SJW types and the dnc operatives in the media trying to do dmagae control, is because the people trying to hide it no longer could do so. I am now convinced that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it concerns the abuse of power and criminality of the Obama years. I bet that if we could go back with a fine tooth comb, we would discover they did the same things in 2012 that they did in 2016, and that what we know is but a fraction of how corrupt and illegal the deep state is.
It’s still a bit chilly in New York.
I hate this fucker, but this is a good song.
You should listen to me pinching off a stubborn loaf then. About the same sound.
Poetry my man…
Here is some detailed stuff on how the Deep State spied on Trump – and possibly every Republican contender.
Long, but worth the read. Depressing because nothing will happen to these assholes hypocriticaly accusing Trump of ruining democracy.
My bet is that if we look at 2012, they did this then too…
Fuck you, Chicago Tribune.
Every social media post of a criminal asshole thug I’ve ever seen has one thing in common: posing with finger on trigger.
I personally support more trigger discipline within the thug community.
But guns aqqre bad, mkay
Are. What the fuck?
go get a cup of covfefe
What’s Laurel got to do with it?
What’s Laurel but a second-hand emotion?
Hardy’s sidekick.
The Z-Man has a great and amusing essay up about the serendipity of Trump.
All the made up shit the left is projecting today on the orange man, would really be happening under that chardonnay swilling megalomaniac, and they would be cheering it on…
“Have YOU got a ‘Toblerone tunnel’? Stars show off the latest bizarre Instagram craze that’s been dubbed ‘the new thigh gap'”
Now they are just making things up.
What is “instagram”?
A metric unit for measuring ego.
Winner winner, chicken dinner.
I’d go by the kilogram then.
I think I’m going to use this. Well done!
“Toblerone tunnel”
Is this some euphemism for the Hershey highway?
Chocolate Starfish
Teens are responding to gun violence by sharing what they’ll miss if they die in a school shooting
I’ll never get to be a fish in a barrel ever again.
I’d save your kid. Like really. I mean it. I would.
Jesus Christ, the idiots praising her bravery for not actually doing anything makes me want to vomit. Talk is cheap, especially knowing the chances of it actually happening are on a par with getting hit by lightning.
Having coffee with the sheriff once and he said about school shootings: We are going in. There comes a time in every man’s law enforcement career when he has to ante up.”
I responded “I would amend that a bit. There comes a time in every man’s life when he has to ante up. You dont know what you are going to do ahead of time but when that time comes you damned sure know it and the instant you realize it you know what you are going to do. But you cant know ahead of time.”
He looked at me funny and asked me “What did you do?”
“I anted up”
This girl means well but the truth is she doesnt know what she would do. Dear God those replies are nothing but pure sickly sweet emotional masturbation. Makes me want to puke.
The important detail is that the sheriff has no legal obligation to ante up. They talk a good game, but they don’t like to mention that little fact.
You could argue about a moral obligation to do so, but in a court of law that doesn’t count for much.
I hear you get a sweet pension if you don’t ante up.
What about if they die in a swimming pool or car accident? Different list?
Yes, it’s statistically quite rare, but you can choose to avoid or mitigate the dangers of swimming pools and bad drivers. The state forces kids to sit in the classrooms all year whether they want to or not. I don’t blame them for wondering whether something will happen.
I’m pretty sure that “therefore, compulsory school attendance is bad” is not the point most of them are trying to make.
i like that hashtag. but don’t see the most obvious response:
#IfIDieInASchoolShooting it’s because gun free zones disarm the law-abiding.
i wish this was mine…
#IfIDieInASchoolShooting it’s because i stuck it in crazy and who knew she had a gun. but damn that co-ed poontang was totally worth it.
alas, this would be mine…
#IfIDieInASchoolShooting it’s because i didn’t scrub off the carbon buildup or i loaded it with cheapo ammo that caused a failure to cycle.
If I die in a school shooting I will never get to claim complete moral authority and aggrandize myself on social media while doing absolutely nothing.
Florida city warns residents of power outage, zombies
What’s more terrifying? A pack of zombies, or Florida man?

Terrifying to whom?
Florida Man has been officially recognized as a level 7 threat to most sentient populations by The Intergalactic Commision.
For an idea of severity, a level 10 is capable of generating black holes or causing stars to supernova.
I heard that when one of those guys tells you “Here, hold my beer and watch this” something biblical in its destructive power happens…
There might be something wrong with me, but the “edit ferry” is my favorite “edit fairy”. It amuses me.
Are damn it I done screwed it up again. Not gonna dig up the link but the headline says it all.
SMH are = god. *Unplugs internet for the day*
“I love how I can’t tell what type of racism this is. Is it anti-White from the SJWs or anti-Asian from the Alt-Right? Honestly cannot tell”
It’s obviously lacism.
Oh, it’s pretty clearly anti-Asian from the SJWs.
SJWs are white supremacists with a guilty conscience.
Haha great minds and all that
I’ve had the thought many times in nebulous ways, but her tweet was succinct and spot-on.
+1 on proper katakana use by AllieRX
And a present for you Slammer. How about Marty Friedman + Momoiro Clover Z . Marty loves J-Pop. And also met his wife at studio gig in Japan. She’s a professional string player. I can’ remember if it is violin or viola.
Mugen No Ai
Love Marty. Thanks.
Here’s a gift back.
That’s awesome! Thanks.
Since the only people that talk like that are SJWs it’s pretty easy to tell.
A “historian” tells the Morning Joe clowns that impeachment is how the Trump Presidency ends. Some gems from the piece.
Yes, I’ve just noticed how little the Dems have talked about impeachment since Trump won the election. “‘Get ready for impeachment,’ Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., wrote on Twitter early Tuesday.”
What? I gotta admit, I don’t recall Trump talking about Obama or Hillary anywhere near as much as those two have talked about him since his election.
Let’s see, Nixon ending up resigning from office because some Republican campaign operatives tried to spy on the Democratic campaign, and then participated in the coverup after the fact. Meanwhile, Obama’s administration used America’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to spy and surveil the Trump campaign, and then the agencies initiated a phony Russia collusion investigation to try to deflect when the “wrong” candidate won.
I think the parallels are not where Meacham thinks they are. They really are just propagandists for the Democrats, and now they don’t even try to hide it.
Reality is whatever these douchebags want it to be so they can push their delusions onto the world.
I have been pointing out to every asshole that has complained about Trump and peddled that whole Russia collusion nonsense that the real criminals here are the Obama administration, the Clintons, and the three letter deep state agencies – FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ – that were used to punish enemies of the state and to try to rig elections for the democrats. Make sure to tell them they care very little about any sort of justice, because they are willing to not just ignore, but back, some of the most injust and criminal shit, as long as it is their team doing it.
I suspect Trump would have been happy to not mention Clinton at all if she had had the good sense to shut up and fade away into the woodwork. Pulling away from his prosecute her stance was a truce offer but she wouldn’t bite.
Because she is stupid as well as incompetent and evil.
I said over at ToS that “Trump won’t win. Hillary will lose,” and someone with surface-level reading comprehension didn’t understand what I actually said and got mad.
TOS has really turned into a dumpster fire. I stopped even checking in over there quite some time ago.
I find myself over there rubber-necking like it’s a flaming multi-car pile-up on the other side of the highway.
I have this friend who started smoking weed and got way too into it. He spent all his money on it and gave up all hobbies besides getting high, and he even got really skinny because he wasn’t eating enough (presumably to re-allocate the food money to weed). I asked someone else how he was doing, and he said, “I dunno, man… It’s just depressing to be over there. All he does is get high and play video games. It doesn’t look like he’s even having fun; he just can’t be normal without it.” It’s sad, and I wish I could bust him out of that funk, but I probably can’t.
My friend = The Other Site
Me = The old commentariat
Weed = Trump Derangement Syndrome
We could easily do that meme pic with the guy ogling the other girl and getting caught by his girlfriend.
“Dude, just let him be, man. He’s always been cool, you’re the asshole!” said his best friend Jeff.
Jeff = sarcasmic, Crusty Juggler, Chipper Morning Wood, Sparky
The only times I see Reason stuff is if it shows up on my Google feed thing on my phone. So, basically, when I’ve been drinking enough to want to go outside and smoke but not so much that maintaining my balance is entertainment enough.
Obama was still blaming Bush for his policy failures in the waning days of his 2nd term. Does that tell us anything or nah?
I’m mulling a theory I’d like to write about. I’d love some feedback. Are the educated of today less well educated than the educated of, say, 30, 40 or 60 years ago? It seems to me they are. Talking to young college graduates today, I’ll make references (and, no, not pop culture references from my youth) that I can see in their eyes they don’t have a clue of what I’m talking about (information problem, “arms and men”, rigorous logic versus something being true, etc.). That said, I could just be getting old.
You can get a degree in grievence studies.
I think it’s a given that a graduate today is less educated than in any previous time in history.
I think that with the push for universal college degrees, that the average has been driven way down, but I believe the top 100 from today would out-perform the top 100 from any of those time frames (in a general evaluation; skill sets would obviously be different)
Yes and no. The Western Canon has been shattered for good or for ill. On the other hand, people know more about substantially smaller slices of the world than anyone ever in history. And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. I mean simply that educational specialization has focussed people on knowing things 2 inches square and 2 miles deep, rather than the opposite. That may seem like a bad thing for society, until you meet the guy who spent twenty years thinking about the optimal fabric blends that later got used for yoga pants.
And yes, I do wish logic and rhetoric were taught still as fundamental courses, but its an unprovable counterfactual because there is no more prosperous time than the one we live in.
Yes – my wife works in commercial insurance – she has several co-workers who graduated from St. John’s College of Insurance. They know literally everything about insurance and not one damn thing about anything else in the world. Engineers, Doctors, other specialists are probably the same.
Maybe its me, maybe it was my school, but I think I know a good bit more than just engineering.
I was required to take far more Humanities/Social Science courses than a liberal arts major takes Science/Math courses.
Yeah, on my undergrad path to graduating Tau Beta Pi I managed to “waste” some time studying Asian languages. They didn’t count towards my major but I thought it was something I wanted to learn.
I took elective classes in psychology, meteorology, aviation, law, and minored in political science. There are still opportunities for broad based education in college, but you have to seek them out. Most of my classmates minored in math and took extra physics classes where possible. They still had to take humanities classes, though.
I took a year of Portuguese.
When I asked my engineering adviser for permission, he gave me a rash of shit in his deep, booming Russian accented voice.
“Why don’t you take something useful, like Russian or Chinese?”
Well, that’s because I’m not trying to nail any Russian or Chinese chicks right now, but I did meet this incredible Brazilian.
I doubled majored and still graduated in four years. So all my “free” electives wound up being used for credit in my second major. The only two real electives I was able to take were theater appreciation and music appreciation.
Two of the most fun and easy course of my undergraduate career. Amazing difference between the students in the business school and liberal arts school.
Many of my fellow finance majors were washed out chemical engineers from DuPont U or as it was otherwise known the University of Delaware.
Agreed. It is more common for an engineer to be knowledgeable about the humanities than for a humanities-educated adult to know much about science, engineering, or technology. Still lots of engineers that don’t know shit, though. At least in my experience.
Specialization has definitely been a boon for society, but the problem lies in the fact that too many people with a specialized education think they have a generalized education. And too many people with a formalized education believe in the lie that experts can run society. And too many people with a degree believe this makes them educated, failing to realize that it marks the start, not the end, of their education – the truly educated person acquires most of their knowledge (and wisdom) outside the classroom, not in it.
“Specialization has definitely been a boon for society, but the problem lies in the fact that too many people with a specialized education think they have a generalized education. ”
You are being nice with this observation. My experience has been that the issue really is that too many of these fucking credentialed idiots with delusions of grandeur had their heads filled by the Ivy league marxism peddling cunts with false adulation. All because they swallowed that marxist nonsense with gusto. People like this believe they actually know shit when they really know nothing but destructive nonsense. What makes them dangerous is that they have been conditioned to believe that when they put into practice their top down command economy and planning and it indubitably fails, and fails miserably, they are never able to connect the failure comes from their adoption/use of failed marxist ideas, or the fact they are inept cunts, but blame the failure on sabotage from kulaks and wreckers.
No need to hold back, feel free to say what you really think.
If we were more honest about how fucked up and inept our ruling elite class was, we would maybe shame some of them into actually providing value, or at a minimum to go away.
“… until you meet the guy who spent twenty years thinking about the optimal fabric blends that later got used for yoga pants.”
Pithy illustration. Very well written.
That may seem like a bad thing for society, until you meet the guy who spent twenty years thinking about the optimal fabric blends that later got used for yoga pants.
I think that’s absolutely true. But, only a relatively modest portion of college graduates major in STEM. And, honestly, I run into the problem I talked about less with them. It’s the liberal arts crowd I’m focusing my commentary on. The STEM majors tend to augment their formal education as Gadfly suggests. And, of course, STEM people haven’t historically been seen as “intellectuals”.
Up until recently the STEM people lived in a world where they had to content with the laws of physics and reality, so this forced them to stay grounded and made it easier for them to catch on to the fact the shit peddled by the SJW crowd was bullshit. This is being changed now, as the SJW exerts pressure to demand the STEM field open its doors to inept and stupid people that will put the marxist ideological drivel above the laws of nature & physics, and I expect us to soon have a serious problem in the STEM fields for employers. Ask the old Soviets how well science worked when it had to kowtow to marxism.
For slandering Comrade Lysenko, you go to gulag now.
STEM Gulag is 200 forced hours of womyn studies…
I think you’re right, today’s graduates are credentialed, but they are generally not well-educated, from my experience having young hires out of college.
Let’s see. Shakespeare, Jefferson, Newton, Socrates etc. are all dead white men and unworthy of study at the expense of someone else.
I think most high schools attempt to cover Shakespeare, but they do it in the typical dull and rigid public school fashion, so most kids leave school with an utter loathing of his works.
I picked up a copy of Shakespeare’s complete works, and they’re quite enjoyable. It’s a great way to learn about literary/rhetorical devices, and ol’ Willie packs massive wit into few words like nobody else. Plus, if you can comprehend that verbose writing, modern texts should be a breeze even if they’re on dense topics like science or medicine.
Subversive teachers show The Taming of the Shrew with Elizabeth Taylor. Lots of dudes suddenly paying attention.
I talk to the college student part-timers who are coworkers.
They’re reading and writing essays about books that were assigned reading to me in junior high school and freshman/sophomore HS.
But one girl is an immigrant from the ‘stans who is an engineering student, but I suspect she’s in a minority compared to the general college student population.
I’ve heard that a lot. I think K-12 has been dumbed down considerably in order to mask the embarrassingly low graduation rates, and as a result, colleges find themselves having to teach things that would have been covered in high school decades ago.
I would *definitely* say that the average high school graduate knows a lot less about civics today than in the days of yore. I heard some stat recently that over half of recent grads can’t name all three branches of government and one third can’t name any of them.
I also think it’s likely they are more ignorant of classical Western literature as the English departments get more and more woke and focus on obscure books written by grievance groups.
In fairness, that’s because of the cargo-cult obsession with graduation rates. You can’t maintain a quality program and push for ever higher graduation rates. High school grads in the past could be given a significant amount of knowledge because they represented only the top 40% of the country. When you have to teach everyone, you have to lower standards. Not everyone is cut out for a proper high school education – and that’s OK. I think they should reform secondary education in this country so students can go to tech schools or enter into apprenticeships in lieu of getting a high school education. Trying to fit every peg into the same hole is stupid.
Trying to fit every peg into the same hole is stupid.
True, but it serves the interests of the State.
What percentage of high school graduates had some level of proficiency in Greek and or Latin 50 years ago? I would suspect that the number would be less than 1% today. Does that really matter? Maybe not. I’ve always considered language proficiency to be akin to a mystical power, probably because it is very difficult for me. I think it would be amazing to read the classics in the original languages they were written in. How much is lost in translation?
You’re not alone. I suspect it’s not uncommon for people to undervalue the skills they have. “If I could master it, it must be easy,” being the way my brain manifests it.
Honestly, I’d rather read Maya Angelou or Zora Neale Hurston than Herman Melville. The only value in teaching Melville is to see how radical Twain, Faulkner, Hemingway, or Fitzgerald are within fifty years.
I just got done teaching a grad level class, and the youngest student was 24. The others were later 20s- mid 30. Their level of information on the constitution was sad, to say the least, but I give them credit for really working on the class.
Liberal Arts / Classical Studies is dead unless you are at a throw-back place like Hillsdale.
It’s unfortunate that “liberal arts” is now synonymous with grievance studies gibberish.
The Trivium and Quadrivium should still be taught.
*Googles “Trivium” and “Quadrivium*
Yeah, what he said!
I’d point to grade inflation as a contributing factor as well. The girlfriend just completed her bachelors in history, and some of the papers she got a C or B on would have gotten me a D or an F back in High School.
As alluded to upthread, it depends on your definition of “well educated”. The word “university” comes from the word “universal”. Look up “universal man”; years ago the ideal was for a person to be educated in several areas: languages, literature, math, science, sports, writing, etc. We still do that to a degree in grade school and high school. In college, education is a lot more specialized. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. (Maybe that’s something you can write about?)
Moving technical training into the university system and outlawing every other selection criteria besides education in hiring is in large part responsible for this. There’s no reason that accounting, engineering, information technology, early childhood education or any of about a thousand other career-oriented training programs need to be part of a degree-granting university system, except that employers don’t want to train people and they can’t use any other method of employment screening than education credentials.
I think the challenge with writing an article about this is that you’re going to be preaching to the choir. You’ll have to bring some hard data to back up your point, or dig into root causes, or explore the counter-point, or something else to make it interesting to people who will largely accept your premise from the get-go.
When my Dad was in high school, from 1938 – 1941, he was expected to read, understand and discuss materials including Plato, Aristotle and Cicero. This in a Iowa farm-town school during the Depression.
He found out that I wasn’t required to read any of these works when I was in school, so he had me read them and quizzed me on them to see what I thought.
I was so damn lucky to have a Dad who taught me to think, because my little Iowa farm-town schools in the Seventies sure as hell didn’t.
The public education system has become a glorified and massively overpriced baby sitting service which sees its first priority as the need to indoctrinate their sheeple to buy into the SJW bullshit.
Are you sure you’re comparing like to like? Same degree program/course of study then vs now? Bear in mind that like 2/3 of millennials are college grads while only 1/3 of boomers were. That 1/3 difference between them was mostly made up of underwater basket weaving degrees that are not intended to confer any knowledge and deliver.
Are the educated of today less well educated than the educated of, say, 30, 40 or 60 years ago?
On average, probably yes. With the possible exception of the sciences and maybe engineering/technical degrees.
There’s a lot packed into “more/less educated”, though. Needs some definition, especially around deep specialization v broad generalist.
My father has a BS in metallurgy from Rolla School of Mines he earned in 1964. I looked at his transcripts. He has the equivalent of a PhD today depending on the school.
When one of my grandfathers graduated from Queen’s University at Kingston in the 1930s he was required to have a working knowledge of Latin and Greek to prepare him for the rough and tumble world of chartered accountancy.
-1 Lion Tamer
The average American IQ is going down so it’s probably not just schools. The people are stupider.
Spotted on a package of Ocean Spray Craisins “100% of Profits to Our Farmers!”
Since Ocean Spray is owned bya cooperative of Cranberry farmers, that more or less declares “100% of Profits to Our Owners!”
Truth in advertising, I guess.
I just stopped by to say that Craisins are great. Especially the blueberry infused ones. Pro tip: mix them half and half with almonds. Delicious and healthy.
I don’t like almonds. I think it’s the cyanide.
Pecans FTW.
I was thinking cashews. I’d rather use the pecans for pie.
That was a Pro Tip! You can’t argue with Pro Tips!!!!1!11!!
Don’t tell me what to do! I’ll argue with anything I want.
Libertarian moment.
Have you tried mixing your almonds with cyanide? Maybe it will wake up your taste buds.
Eating a bag of blueberry craisins, dried apple chips, and banana chips at this very moment. The banana chips have some kind of very light glaze on them, which is unfortunate because it’s a bit sticky.
Odd euphemism.
Titty Tuesday.
Lucky 13.
A week after controversial head tax passes, Seattle City Council members propose property tax increase
If you live in Seattle get out!
The drank the Kool-aide on tax cuts and actually think that tax increases are better for people.
They are determined to prove Margaret Thatcher’s adage about running out of other people’s money.
And then declare it wasn’t true socialism either.
Diligently working to become a more scenic Detroit.
They’re going to tax blow jobs?
It’s stated in the article that the previous levy – for $58 million – allowed 850 families to send their kids to preschool for free (???-TANSTAAFL). That works out to only a bit over 68 thousand per family. If the citizens of Seattle pass this proposed levy increase, part of the money should be reserved for fitting the voters with Plexiglas navels.
In 2014, Seattle voters approved a $58 million levy allowing low-income kids to go to preschool for free.
Since 2015, the city says the program has allowed affordable or free preschool to 850 families.
Why, that’s barely $68,000 per family! Surely you can’t be so stingy as to oppose expanding this great investment in the future of THE CHILDREN.
Seattle City Council also votes to give members pay raises.
RE: Starbucks.
“Some people tweeted and posted supportive comments about Starbucks’s policy of inclusiveness, demonstrating the tightrope the company must walk in trying to cater to all customers.”
Ummmm…no. The solution to this is to not cater to SJW, social media crybullies, don’t apologize, don’t show weakness and tell them to fuck off. No matter how loud they are, they’re a small part of you clientele and fellating them only alienates the silent majority. Get woke, go broke.
Also, I am tempted to buy a 40 of King Cobra this weekend and get lit up at my local Starbucks.
You should pull one of these, while you are at it…
The libertarian
momentmovement?I see what you did there…
Clearly, Starbucks deserve government subsidies for providing public services free of cost. Free riding bastards must pay.
Once a corporation picks a side they’re open to this kind of pressure from all sides. It’s almost always the wrong move and it’s going to be glorious to see the flack they get when they have to (further) backpedal.
They forgot the fundamental question of business.
How do you make money?
They’re not “catering to all customers.” They’re catering to vocal activists (who probably are Starbucks patrons) and non-paying guests at the expense of their customers
Washington Compost: do to guns what was done to cigarettes. Make it socially unacceptable. A completely ridiculous piece.
Good luck with that.
Lol, cause that will work?
Funny, and I also enjoyed his reply to his own tweet:
love how it’s always my shittiest, laziest posts that blow up so my notifications are filled with septum ringed thots, ppl with they/them pronouns in their profiles & chapo paypigs who’ve tweeted 100k+ times pointing out the lawgic flaws in my shitposts & totally owning me online
Someone should start manufacturing ray-gun looking Glocks.
phased plasma glock in the 40 watt range
Thing is this is correct. The only realistic way you could get rid of guns is to do just this. Make it socially unacceptable.
The problem is they are far less likely to succeed as cigarettes are of no real utility to anybody and are objectively harmful to the user in all circumstances. Guns are very different as they are objectively useful in more than a few scenarios and they are not inherently harmful to own. Furthermore it was a relatively easy step for mass media to eliminate smoking as there were not really any tv shows or movies that heavily revolved around smoking. It would be virtually impossible to do away with guns in mass media.
So they are correct that this is the only course with a hope of successfully eliminating guns even this course is unlikely to succeed
Apparently all you need to do these days is buy a Tesla and let the car do the job for you.
The poor guy was probably just trying to adjust his mirrors. Tesla Model 3 Falls Short of a CR Recommendation
Not that CR is always correct in their assessments, but this was interesting to me:
Are you fucking kidding me? The hand-wringers in government and law enforcement want to stop me from using my cellphone, but a car that uses a giant iPad for all the mundane controls is OK?
Oh, and the braking distance they tested is worse than my F150.
It’s a moronic design, sometimes knobs and dials really are better.
As an engineer, I despise this trend towards putting everything on a touchscreen, particularly where it concerns commonly used functions.
Part of design is usability.
Along with that, automating things like vent grates that don’t need to be automated is the height of stupidity. I would gut Tesla’s design team given the chance.
Not metaphorically, I hope.
Yes yes yes. FUCK this overuse of touchscreens.
I recently upgraded from a ’96 Accord to an ’06. The one thing I don’t like about the newer one is the giant display screen. You have to push a single button to cycle through the different heat/AC settings, so when I’m trying to turn on the defrost, I have to take my eyes off the road for several seconds while I push the button until it reaches that setting. Worse yet, the screen seems to operate very slowly in extreme cold, which is precisely when I’m fiddling with the heat settings the most. This was never an issue with the knobs and buttons of the ’96 Accord. You just look down, turn the knob to the desired setting, and put your eyes back on the road in less than two seconds. I definitely never want a car with touch screens of any kind. I can only hope that this fad passes by the time my ’06 Accord craps out and I have to buy a new car (but Honda have been known to last 20+ years with proper maintenance, so we’ll see).
This is “gadgetry for gadgetry’s sake” at its worst.
None of my three cars, the newest being a 2012, have a touch screen. I’m not sure how many vehicles are left out there where there is a version without one. I suspect BMW/MINI, with their tiered pricing model, only do this to offer base cars with minimal features that allow entry for the cheapskates.
And yes I can adjust the heat, play with the (very good Harman Kardon) stereo, and even do Bluetooth connected calls, all without a touch screen. Imagine that.
One of the reasons I will drive our FJ Cruisers into the ground. No touchscreens. Hell, the controls seem to be designed for people using mittens, which is awesome.
Physical knobs and levers can be used without taking your eyes off the road and for that reason alone are vastly superior.
I hadn’t even thought about the fact that I need gloves in winter, and the common modern touchscreens don’t work with gloved hands.
These people should be moved out of California and forced to try to operate their cars in northern Canukistan for a year.
I hate the round endless turning dials in the newish Ram I drive. My 16 year old F150 has nice tactile level knobs with position detents. I can (and do) adjust the climate controls without taking my eyes off the road. The radio buttons have space between them so I know which ones I’m pressing without looking as well. Again, Ram- all buttons pressed together. Good luck figuring which one to press without looking.
My F150 is great. Big dial on left – fan. Big dial on right – temp. Audio controls huge as well. Very old school, even with the touchscreen.
I have a 2017 Nissan Maxima with Apple car play. Almost everything is voice command and its fucking awesome.
Climate control is still handled with physical knobs and buttons, but has a nice digital display.
Voice command is an abomination. I have been tempted to saw off the stupid voice trigger on the steering column so it won’t get activated by mistake again. I do not want to talk to my technology and have it respond – even if that response is doing what I tell it to.
PS, why does it never recognize “shut up you stupid computer”?
Flat what.
Pushing the little vent grille to a new angle was more or less foolproof. There was no reason to make it dependant upon anything but itself not breaking. I can even adjust an annoying one without taking my eyes off the road since it’s entirely done by feel. What spark of hubris led them to believe they could improve upon simplicity with overcomplicated claptrap?
Adding complexity just for the sake of complexity without improving function is idiotic, especially when the added complexity actually makes a simple task more cumbersome.
Adding complexity just for the sake of complexity without improving function
This is apparently the motto of a great many companies.
Yeah. I prefer having each system separate. Preferably mechanical,but if it’s separate you can deal with each one as it goes.
Tesla is the epitome of really bad car design.
Agreed, it’s so bad, We don’t even have to talk about the problems of when things start to fail – it’s a terrible set of ideas even when everything is working as intended.
Want to move your seat? 12 steps. Want to change the temp of the AC? 7 steps.
But it’s on a touchscreen! We know those don’t ever become outdated or slow down.
My C-Max (by no means a computer-free car) – Move the seat: 1 step; Change the AC Temp: 1 step.
Is there anything in their cars Tesla didn’t fuck up?
See thats how it should be
In my experience, technology-minded people hate the phrase “we’ve always done it this way“, and that’s justified, but you have to consider the fact that sometimes, a thing has always been done that way because that’s the simplest and most effective way to do it. The technological mindset has to be balanced out with “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it“.
I’m okay with “That’s the way it’s always been done” IFF they can also answer “Why was it done that way?”.
Likewise if you’re going to suggest a change, you need to be able to answer “How is this going to be an absolute improvement over the way we’re doing it now?”
I thought Sarkeesian was all about unrealistic portrayals of women being a sign of the end times.
She’s just a professional victim. If she’s released more content, she must be running low on funds.
Before/After Garbage human artistic touches.
Found this in the responses.
Single Dad
please don’t fuck my ex-wife. thank you
“Feminine Frequencys logo promotes false beauty standards so I decided to share what beautiful real women look like!”
Tard Tuesday: Not Allowing Congresscritters to Tack On Bullshit Pork and Other Unrelated Riders to Bills Is Totalitarian Edition
legislation that would likely pass with broad bipartisan support — on outsourcing jobs, immigration, gun safety, disaster relief, Social Security, Medicare, the environment, prescription drug costs, Pell Grants, national security, criminal-justice reform, veterans’ benefits, drinking water, child nutrition and maternal health.
veto, veto, veto, veto, repeal, repeal, veto, veto, repeal, veto, maybe, veto, veto, repeal, veto.
Milbank is easily one of the dumbest fuckers writing commentary today.
I think a good handful of them write incredibly stupid shit KNOWING that it is incredibly stupid shit, but knowing that given their intellects and personalities it’s either “write incredibly stupid shit” or “clean the pooprooms at starbucks”. There’s a level on which I can respect that as a calculated business decision.
Milbank is different. I think he really is just that dumb, and does not realize it.
in its ornate chamber
Hasn’t it been the same chamber since basically 1793?
No, the capital building a major rennovation around 1850s, and another expansion starting in 1958.
Apparently, Congress “oppressing” its own members by with a parliamentary maneuver is “authoritarian”. Remarkable. And here I thought Congress was authoritarian when it was oppressing Americans.
From sidebar of the Seattle property tax article above:
“Sawant calls Amazon CEO a ‘bully’ and some residents angry over homeless camps ‘right-wing NIMBYists’”
Right-wing? LOLOLOL. You obviously don’t know your constituency very well lady. Though maybe compared to an actual Commie like yourself they are “right-wing”.
TW: Autoplay.
Sawant, who is a socialist, wants tax dollars used on hygiene and other resources so campers at the 400 unauthorized encampments can stay where they are.
Lemme guess, water cannons?
Sawant is the biggest bully in Seattle. She has openly called for the nationalization of Amazon, Microsoft , and Boeing. She’s also called for the seizure of private homes to turn them into public housing.
So how misguided are the people of Seattle to vote this dangerous socialist twit-twat into power?
I don’t have any sympathy.
These people deserve her Rufus…
No shit.
By the way, re the fainting giving blood – all vitals are fine. I’m 100%. Like Stalin!
“But Sawant says year after year the city and the mayor’s office has spent millions and it hasn’t solved homelessness.”
So, so close
So, so close
Sawant is the type to advocate for violent purges. She’s a real, honest-to-goodness commie.
She’s never going to be close to right.
Even after she helps pile a few million bodies on that pyre…
How do you “solve” homelessness short of mass murder?
Mass imprisonment.
/you asked.
Pretty much; the problem once upon a time was addressed by institutionalizing the mentally ill, but now they have been “mainstreamed” back into the community.
in concentrated areas.
Holy shit, she’s an economist-she knows what she’s doing.
From that same link
Pierce County (Tacoma) is countering Seattle’s $275 a head employee tax with a $275 a head new job incentive for businesses
SLD, since they shouln’t be giving out any money like that, but I’ve got to hand it to them. Well done.
As noted last night, I’m going to just lay here and watch SB bumble around with its wokeself.
Unwise idiots.
My schedule is fucked, and so I am at the laundromat right now doing laundry. I should be getting epic on a 10 mile run. But I’m at a laundromat instead.
At least I have you creeps for company.
Decent cup of coffee too.
For you.
Thanks. I found this to counter with https://youtu.be/pShEVhvDyMY
I don’t remember which Glib pointed me to this one, but…
I love this video.
Run around the laundromat 111,456 times.
10 miles? Damn, that’s pretty good. I only do 5, but I’m at about 230 pounds.
I’m curious: For all the distance running Glibs, how far do you run, and how much do you weigh?
I don’t run.
My joints say no to all that shit.
I ran 5 miles on Sunday, weigh in at 190 pounds (down from my summer high of 219).
I’m a moderate jogger – only do 12-14 miles a week. I’m also chasing a mile best, trying to get into the 6 minute mile camp (currently running a 7:06). I’m a heck-of-a-lot slower than I used to be. Blame age and lack of aerobic exercise, having been a weightlifter until just last year.
I’ve been slowly increasing my morning run for 4 years now. Started as a 4 mile run. Then 6 miles. Then 7 miles two years ago. 8 miles last year. I plateaued. Bumped it to 10 miles about 2 months ago. I run at least 5 days a week. On weekends I’ll cut loose with a 13 or 15 mile day. I also try to do hill runs/hill sprints once a week.
Went from 225 lbs 4 years ago to 185 as of last week. Note: I drink like a fish and until recently had a high carb high everything diet. I’ve started to bring my diet and drinking into calorically lower levels.
how far do you run? – As far as the bear will chase me.
and how much do you weigh? – about as much as the bear.
Note, if I weigh more than the bear, I’ll probably turn around and face him.
TMI, man, TMI.
I try and do 3-4 times a week, a 5k run. If I get 4 times a week, it is a good week. But for being 53yo, I’m probably at my best shape since I delivered newpapers 30 years ago (Had a ten mile route), although I was never really in bad shape (maxwight 175lb). I’m @ 160lbs and 5’11. I did run 6.5 miles a couple of months ago, and that hurt.
I run about 3.5 miles and I’m between 270-295 depending on whether I’ve been lifting lately.
Correction: 170-195 lbs.
Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall
Leave. The. Hall.
That is awesome!
Leverse lacism?
Eat watermelon? Me too.
So those three individuals in Chee-ga-goo. I can’t tell from the mugshots. Are they black? Or just mannequin-victims of white privilege?
I have used this line too! Holy shit.
I have the song “Moshi Moshi” by Poppy stuck in my head, and I’ve decided the only option is suicide. I’ll miss you all.
Here, let me help you out…
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Ninja Re Bang Bang
This will clear that right out.
Hmmm. Try this.
Because hearing it over and over when it was first released wasn’t enough…
This will fix that https://youtu.be/bR5PnY-neCw
“Can gay leather culture survive the ongoing reckoning of toxic masculinity?
I don’t think of myself as macho per se, but being at a gay leather party full of hairy guys with big biceps and guts, the air dripping with man-sweat, does something to me. Cruising under those circumstances brings out my more primitive self, heightening my senses and sexuality in a way that’s uniquely exciting. I wouldn’t be bothered if there were some women there, but to be honest, too many would be a buzzkill. I realize how that sounds, but for me, too much mixed company would interrupt this Tom of Finland fantasy world that I’ve come to appreciate. However, in the current moment where masculinity is being called out as a cult on morning TV and where it has contributed to actual terror in the so-called “incel rebellion” running amok, it feels necessary to examine these temples of manhood with sober eyes. Is there something toxic about my man-fetish, and gay male leather sexuality at large?”
big biceps and guts
too much beer?
That really chaps my ass.
Flies Swiss fag, er, flag.
Swiss only goes for the narrow gays.
Kind of amazing, the SJW culture did what the Religious Right was trying to do for so long – make gay men feel guilty about their sexuality and social circle. Good job. Much justice.
Remember when they used to tell you it was the church goers that would turn us all into prudes? Yeah….
“But Sawant says year after year the city and the mayor’s office has spent millions and it hasn’t solved homelessness.”
Obviously, they’re just not hitting it hard enough. They should defund the NRA and spend that money on homelessness.
But I’m at a laundromat instead.
And, of course, this made me think of Repo Man.
“Fucking rich people. They never pay their bills.”
Bud: You think they give a damn about their bills in Russia?
Otto: They don’t have bills in Russia. Everything’s free.
Bud: Free? Free, my ass? What are you, some kind of fuckin’ Commie or something?
Otto: No, I ain’t no Commie.
Bud: I don’t want any Commies in my car!………No Christians, either!
When you’re on top, you can’t just rest on your laurels. Guess we in Indiana are going to have to work harder to stop those hillbillies in Kentucky from beating us at gun running. We do have a holiday weekend coming up, which usually involves a lot of shootings, so there’s that.
But can you rest on your yannies?
Transgender Files $50K Complaint After Muslim Woman Refuses to Wax Genitals
Pass the popcorn.
According to my “Grievance Victimhood Pyramid” (patent pending) a Transgender rates higher than a Muslim Woman. But it’s a close call because WYMAN! and MUSLIM! may just outweigh male genitals.
I’m hopping this gets the gears soo locked up that it all collapses in on itself in contradiction and takes down the whole pulbic accommodation bullshit with it.
Freedom to associate means freedom to not associate.
“Freedom to associate means freedom to not associate.”
So many people miss this simple truth..
With a possible honor killing at stake? I predict crickets.
We really need a flow chart on this one.
I don’t like popcorn. But Junior Mints?
How about some wax lips?
Shit, now you gave me a craving. Damn you, and damn Amazon One Click.
Surprised you don’t have a stash in your van …
+1 made me IRL laugh out loud.
Getting your pubes waxed is a Human Right.
I bet it is in the EU constitution…
Let them eat cake.
I won’t wax genitals, but I will wax poetic.
Can gay leather culture survive the ongoing reckoning of toxic masculinity?
Believe it or not, that is a question which has never occurred to me.
oh, how I laughed
Increasing numbers of workers in rich countries — as many as 35 or 40 percent in some surveys — are secretly convinced their jobs are pointless. Either they are covertly watching YouTube videos all day or they see their work as having no social value: That is, if their job were to disappear tomorrow, it would make no real difference. As a result, most are deeply miserable. I call these “bulls–t jobs.”
The most prestigious, high-paying corporate lawyers usually won’t admit it, but anyone else employed in the industry thinks all corporate-law offices could be sucked into a vortex with no ill effects. Many secretly wished this would happen. “I am a corporate lawyer (tax litigator to be specific),” wrote one. “I contribute nothing to this world and am utterly miserable all of the time.” Particularly indignant are the lower-ranking minions in large law firms or paralegals whose entire job is to adjust commas and do endless detailed grammatical reviews of documents no one will read or, alternately, know that their firm is being paid by the minute and are therefore encouraged by their superiors to be as inefficient as possible.
Company would go on without me – but the customers and suppliers would get eventually irate since we aren’t meeting their EDI / barcode specifications. So another person or an an outside consultant would have to be brought in. *shrugs*
At least when I’m driving down the road I see constant reminders of my job since just about every International, Peterbilt, Mack, or Volvo truck has a visible part made by one of our divisions, where I’m heavily involved in support.
Lower ranking minion corporate lawyer here. This entire profession should be hurled into the sun.
Hey, now! *peruses paycheck* Let’s not be hasty.
I have a hard time believing anyone would complain about #7 (academic administrative staff). I work with these people all day. Yes, their jobs are not necessary and they are a huge part of why education is so expensive. But they know they’re on the gravy train with a fat retirement package waiting for them at the end of the line. “I make a lot of money and get great benefits and my retirement package is so good it will cause my state to go broke. But I’m so unfullfilled!” said no government worker ever.
We’re facing budget cuts on my campus and I’ve offered to go over to the main admin building and fire every third person. Someone wanted to know how I would decide which ones to fire. I told them it wouldn’t make any difference, they’re so overstaffed they would get along just fine.
Why take a third measure – fire them all.
And I still bet it will not make much of a difference other than it would leave all the SJW types with fewer, if any, advocates to their insane causes..
I’m going to butcher this parable, but here’s an offal parable –
Multinational Wigets Inc completed their automation project, and now their production line was one great big machine, and the guy who built the machine sat around most of the day doing nothing. So they laid him off. Everything was normal for a while, then the machine broke. All of the people at MWI couldn’t figure out how to get it working again, so they called the guy they’d laid off. He said “Sure, I’ll take a look if you’ll pay for it.” They agreed, as they needed to get production running again. He came in, listened to what the machine was doing. Then he walked over to it and drew an X on one spot. “There’s your problem.” MWI opened it up and lo and behold, a tiny part had broken within that compartment. They were back up and running by the end of the hour. The guy submitted an invoice for $50,000. MWI accounting, located nowhere near the factory said, “You’re going to have to itemize this invoice.” Se he sent them a revised invoice that read “Drawing one ‘x’ $1; Knowing where to draw it $49,999”.
My job feels a lot like that some times. Despite all the knowledge transfers and documentation, I still get called and very quickly point and go “there’s your problem” and so they find it. The job feels worthless because when nothing’s broken it’s mostly dull tasks, but the amount of floundering people do without that pointer costs more than keeping me around.
I’ve heard that tale with Edison, Tesla, and Ford.
The joy of specialized IT knowledge, and business knowledge that backs it up.
Mine is your job on steroids..
The fun part is the management types demanding I train others to be as good as I am. When I ask them if they have any way of helping me transfer an innate logic ability, my penchant for problem solving, an engineering background and education, 30 plus years of experience doing software, and an insatiable lust for knowledge to a bunch of low bid people that are there just for a paycheck, I usually feel I am looking at a cow heading for a slaughterhouse. The angry or blank stares tell me all I need to know.
Pay me the money and shut the fuck up.
Let’s be honest – most people don’t get any kind of satisfaction from their jobs. Some people luck out and truly enjoy engineering or lawyering, and some people might be talented enough to become successful as a musician or photographer, but the vast majority of people are just doing a bunch of bullshit for money.
How do you get one of those jobs??
You take the civil service exam, get on the list, get canvassed, interview, and get selected.
Younger people who grew up being told by their well-intentioned parents that it was not only possible but necessary to pursue their dreams and find work they love kind of got set up for unrealistic expectations I think. Even my own parents, who were not exactly at the forefront of the self-esteem movement, could have done a better job in that regard.
I think two pieces of advice have had a highly pernicious effect on the life outcomes of young people:
“Do what you love” and “Go to college”.
The result is people taking out huge loans to go to college for something they love, which is typically not something very profitable. This is why you have liberal arts majors working at StarFucks for $9 per hour complaining that capitalism has failed.
“Love what you do” is much better advice than “do what you love.”
This. I say “do what you’re good at”.
Do I love web dev and content management? Fuck no. But I’m damn good at it. And it more than pays the bills, Same thing can’t be said if I stayed in the field in which I got my degree. That would have been a nightmare.
>most people don’t get any kind of satisfaction from their jobs.
I can’t really agree with this. When I was a a teenager working at a big box retail store and fast food, sure. But most adults I know that work full time find *something* about their job to take satisfaction in. I know construction workers that break their back under the hot sun, but take satisfaction in building roads. I know a guy who sells paper, and for all the jokes about his life being like the Office, he takes a lot of pride in what he does and what that means about him.
I sympathize with that feeling, but a little perspective is in order. Not one single person in the entire history of humanity has been indispensable. Perhaps there was a deeper sense of personal fulfillment when the apex of human achievement consisted in not starving to death and reproducing enough so that maybe a couple of your offspring lived past adolescence – a condition in which the bottom 15% or so of the world still finds itself. You can always trade your whinging first world ennui for that type of fulfillment if you’re really convinced.
But we have to save these jobs from teh rerbuts!!!
See, if the government controlled the economy, there wouldn’t be nearly this much waste.
In other news, pornstars might not be the best and brightest.
“I’m turning in my gun to the police today and leaving my gun rack empty, just like the beds of all the lost children. I’m not against the 2nd ammendment, I am against the untimely deaths of children.”
Untreated syphillis tends to dull cognitive function.
It’s ok. I’d still fuck the retard out of her.
It is the strangest journal of psychotherapy I ever subscribed to. I almost complained to the managing editor, but the mailing address for Mister SMITH was invalid and lacked a street name.
And you don’t want the complaint department on your ass.
Now society will be spared all those untimely deaths of children that her gun caused.
Kyle Kashuv is currently on track to be class valedictorian next year, and he says that some of his fellow students plan to boycott graduation if he ends up as such
If I were him, I’d be calling them antisemitic. Beat them at their own game and such.
This just keeps getting better
They’ll change their minds after they find out there’s cake. They all want cake.
Why doesn’t the school simply bar his participation in that case? If it could conceivably save the life of just one child, aren’t we bound to do so as a society?
Hah…..what a bunch of fucking crybabies.
Meanwhile, Piglet is “taking a year off” because he couldn’t get into a decent school.
WTF? Are you telling me that Bloomberg wouldn’t even have someone call someone and give him a free ride at the ivy league of his choosing?
Of course not, his 15 minutes of fame ended already. He’s no longer useful to them and was as such left out to dry.
I think they realized he was too strident and therefor counterproductive to the cause and want him to go away quietly.
Apparently UC Irvine isn’t good enough for him
I expected him to hit his sell-by date once something else came along in The National Never-Ending Shitshow Cavalcade of Stupidity, but I didn’t think that moment had arrived already.
Too strident for the “Yes, I really DO want to take all your guns, I admit it” crowd? How can that be?
He shouldn’t play the race card. Just let them embarrass themselves. If he just laughs at them, they’ll get increasingly more strident and look more and more like the crybullies they are.
I mean, I have a crazy idea. How about someone woke beats him for the title fair and square instead of trying to disqualify him from it because of wrong think?
That requires effort.
Criminals or Libertarians?
Why can’t it be both?
I wouldn’t care, save for the safety violation stuff and having children inside at the same time.
“Google Removes ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Clause From Its Code of Conduct
Google’s unofficial motto has long been the simple phrase “don’t be evil.” But that’s over, according to the code of conduct that Google distributes to its employees. The phrase was removed sometime in late April or early May, archives hosted by the Wayback Machine show.”
At least they’re finally being honest.
Somewhat related:
Tech bros are the worst bros.
“be evil for Democrats”
“Don’t Be Google”?
Tard Tuesday: Nothing To see Here, Move Along Edition
It is pretty fucking laughable that they are suggesting that is SOP to use “informants” in presidential campaigns based on supposed “connections” to foreign nationals. Hillary was taking tens of millions of dollars from foreign entities for over a decade through a bullshit foundation, and you mean to tell me that what really concerned the FBI was Carter Page talking to some Russians in 2013? Tell me with a straight face that no one in the Clinton camp had shadier connections to foreigners – even Russians.
These fucks could have nailed Podesta for the same sort of shit they want to go after Manafort for, and I’d guarantee they could build a far stronger case in that instance.
So, if that were true, then they didn’t put spies and surveillance on the Hillary campaign, even though the Hillary campaign actually colluded with Russian operatives to produce a phony dossier, because…..why, exactly?
If only Nixon had thought of just using the FBI rather than planting his own bugs!
“Harvey Milk Day is organized by the Harvey Milk Foundation and celebrated each year held May 22 in memory of Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist assassinated in 1978.”
So I guess you could say he really liked his milk.
The dude who shot Milk was lactose intolerant.
Dying with Diane Feinstein’s fingers inside you has to be one of the worst ways to go.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, heroine
In Monday’s case, decided by a bitter 5-4 vote, the conservative majority ruled that employers may forbid employees from banding together to fight wage and other workplace issues covered by arbitration agreements. The court said a federal arbitration statute overrides federal labor law intended to protect workers’ bargaining power.
Speaking for the four liberal dissenters, Ginsburg said the decision threatens to return the country to a time in the late 19th century and early 20th when workers were forced to take jobs strictly on the boss’s terms and “yellow dog” contracts, forbidding employees from joining labor unions, were common.
Liberals had insisted the labor context was different. “As I see it,” Ginsburg added, “in relatively recent years, the court’s Arbitration Act decisions have taken many wrong turns. Yet, even accepting the court’s decisions are they are, nothing compels the destructive result the court reaches today.” She predicted the decision would lead to the underenforcement of federal and state labor laws.
Gorsuch acknowledged in his written opinion that because individual workers might not sue on their own, class actions can help enforce federal and state wage laws. But he added, quoting Ginsburg in a 2010 case, “it’s also well known that they can unfairly ‘place pressure on the defendant to settle even unmeritorious claims.'”
Little to no useful detail or context in the article, of course. Just take it as given that
Justice Gorsuchthat seat stealing troglodyte bastard wants to turn back the clock and make America’s workers nothing more than slaves of the plutocracy.My understanding is that the conservatives deferred to Congress’s current statute on arbitration agreements.
Ginsburg is pissed that the Court didn’t run roughshod over the law. If she were to argue that the entire law was unconstitutional, that would be one thing, but she isn’t saying that. She’s saying that she doesn’t like the outcome, so Constitution and separation of powers be damned.
With every decision, she looks more like the utilitarian she is.
You mean the time when the US changed from a backwater agrarian country to an industrial superpower? A time when the standard of living for average people skyrocketed to levels never before seen in history? A time when resources like steel and oil became incredibly cheap and allowed for the growth of countless new industries that improve our lives today?
I’m so sick of the Leftist “terrible horrible no good very bad 1890s” theory.
” forced to take jobs”
Fuck you.
“President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have entered into a multi-year agreement to produce films and series for Netflix, potentially including scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries, and features.”
Someone should probably tell them he’s not president anymore, and as such no longer has the title.
I was griping about that when I posted that yesterday *nose in the air*
Seriously though, this permanent title bullshit is one of the things I hate most about contemporary American politics. The title goes with the office, and is passed on from one to another. It was not meant to follow a man his entire life.
Yep. Lifelong titles are for royalty, we don’t do that here.
Worse, I think it’s creeping down the stack further and further. Didn’t we just recently see a story about some low-rent city councilwoman or other minor puke functionary trying the “do you even know who I am?” bit with the cops, using a title that she no longer held?
Call me Senior Business Analyst Humungus, peasant!
They are our royalty man, and you should go to the guillotine for daring to disrespect them.
Maybe they can hire the Wachowskis to run it for them. I don’t think anyone else is going to hire them again after their latest turd of a production.
So this is a thing?
Everything is a thing on twitter, it seems.
There’s some cartoon show my kids watch called Unikitty, so that doesn’t surprise me.
Meanwhile, Piglet is “taking a year off” because he couldn’t get into a decent school.
Is he going to be a coffee boy at Moms Demand Action? I have a feeling there are going to be some awfully disappointed moms.
That’s only because he wasn’t the handpuppet of Bloomberg gun grabbing campaign during the last admission cycle. Depending on how quickly he gets Cindy Sheehan-ed, expect offers from schools well above his scholastic qualifications as admissions officers fall over themselves to virtue signal and get him into their school. It works for sports programs.
They *are* demanding action so I guess they’ll take what they can get.
Gotta get someone to clear out those cobwebs, not matter how praying-mantis-like.
And yet when incels demand action, it’s problematic!
Huh. I had no idea there were Glibs living in Portland. Anyway, I believe you’ve made bail by now so you won’t be outed by a lack of comments today.
Newport is on the coast, about 2.5 hours from the Portland metro area.
Glad you made bail.
Depending on how quickly he gets Cindy Sheehan-ed, expect offers from schools well above his scholastic qualifications as admissions officers fall over themselves to virtue signal and get him into their school.
To be honest, I would not be surprised in the least if my alma mater, The Colorado College, reached out to offer him a spot. They have pretty plainly abandoned their historical commitment to academic excellence in favor of frantic social signalling and moral preening.
Shocked he’s not already Dean of Evergreen State. Probably because of his white maleness.
I’m travelling today, and I made a last-minute decision to leave my immersion circulator at home. On account of I didn’t want to explain to the TSA that sous vide isn’t French for “Allahu Akbar”
“Its a vibrator”
Linking to CNN because it’s the only good live video I can find, but there’s one hell of a lava flow from the volcano in Hawaii right now.
He’s been broadcasting from this house for about 6 days now. They’re 1/2 mile from Fissures 17 and 20. Right now it’s pointed at 20.
Yes, I have watched about 24 hours of this.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who wants to see a couple news crews engulfed.
I am with you OMWC…
Seconded (thirded?)
Two words: press conference.
Damn. Never did get to Hawaii. Oh well.
The closest Starbucks to me is in downtown DC, inside the Trump Hotel. With this new “all are welcome” policy, I’m afraid to even look in the window of that store.
You owe it to yourself to go there, not buy anything, and lounge around while using their free wi-fi half the day. You’ve earned it.
Completely OT: Outside my window there is a work crew laying more fiber/cable. The machine they have to do the digging? The Ditch Witch.
Iowahawk knocks it out of the park yet again:
And the one above it is a gem, too: As God is my witness, I thought that people with clenched fist flags could run an economy
“OH but it does work….nearly everyone is equally poor.”
That guys is literally the only redeeming part of Twitter. I’m absolutely stupefied he hasn’t been banned yet.
National treasure.
Sweden seems fun.
“Girls in Sweden who are at risk of being taken abroad for forced marriage or female genital mutilation (FGM) have been advised to tuck a spoon into their underwear as a last-ditch method of alerting authorities to their plight.
Katarina Idegard, who is in charge of tackling honour-based violence in Sweden’s second biggest city Gothenburg, said girls should hide the spoons so that they would be taken off for questioning in private room where they could raise the alarm.
The spoons would trigger metal detectors as a last chance to get help, Ms Idegard said.”
These people deserve the impending dhimmitude they are inflicting on themselves….
honour-based violence
This is beyond horseshit.
Political correctness kills.
Scientists mapping the total mass of organisms on the entire planet have discovered humans make up just 0.01 percent—dwarfed by the mass of bacteria, fungi, earthworms and plants.
But, barely a sliver of the planetary pie, humans have driven the extinction of ancient megafauna, countless modern animals and even plants, the researchers report in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The scientists think humanity may be to blame for the loss of more than 80 percent of wild mammals and about half of all plants. Deforestation, overfishing and hunting are just a few of the ways humans are decimating wild species.
Livestock, on the other hand, is booming. The authors estimate about 60 percent of our planet’s mammals are livestock, the Guardian reports. The total biomass of domesticated birds including chickens, the authors think, is some threefold higher than the biomass of wild birds.
“I would hope this gives people a perspective on the very dominant role that humanity now plays on Earth,” lead study author Ron Milo from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel told the Guardian. “It is definitely striking, our disproportionate place on Earth.”
More things most of us already knew. I have no doubt this shocking revelation will be widely disseminated in classrooms across the land.
This is precisely the logic I have pointed out escapes the AGW cultist. When compared to nature, man’s ability to impact things is just noise. Short of an all out nuclear war, we have very little we can do that nature will not shrug off and roll on with.
When old time religion was around people had something innocuous to focus on in the impending apocalypse. Deprived of that, they need to invent new ones.
I disagree. We can totally obliterate nature if we want to. I mean we don’t. But we could. We are that awesome.
I would put my money on nature obliterating us first..
Already on Derpbook by a “Pescetarian” who apparently thinks killing fish is preferable.
“very dominant role that humanity now plays on Earth”
So what you’re saying is, the most evolutionarily advantagious adaptation for a low-cognition species is to become domesticated livestock?
Yes, if you want something to avoid extinction, raise it as food.
Or a pet.
“The scientists think humanity may be to blame for the loss of more than 80 percent of wild mammals and about half of all plants.”
They had it comin’
“Damn, and here I always thought that the best gift a woman can give her husband is a kickass blowjob.”
I hate everyone on that thread.
A hot readhead who gives blowjobs?
Except her of course.
OK, then.
Sorry but the fact that you are a virgin does not make you any more desirable nor does it make me want to have sex with you any more.
First off there is 0 chance you will be a virgin on our wedding night because if we haven’t been fucking for a minimum of a year there is 0 chance I would ever ask you to marry me. I need to know that you are competent in bed before marriage is even on the table. I also need to know that you actually seriously like sex for it’s own sake and do not treat it as some sort of mystical affair that can only be done when the stars are in the correct alignment or as a necessary evil to be used for procreation only
Second, your being a virgin when we first meet is far less meaningful than you think it is. Yeah sure there are some guys who have a fetish for popping cherries but the reality is that while most of us would be more than happy to break your cherry for you they would much rather be with someone who has quite a bit more experience because contrary to what they say in songs the first time is almost never any good.
So yeah, I’d much rather marry someone who has had a couple dozen prior lovers and been fucked a few hundred times than a virgin
For me, it’s kind of a bell curve. It’s simple probability that the more sexual partners you’ve had, the greater your chances are of having an STD.
And in my experience, girls with a huge number of sexual partners are not willing to be faithful in a relationship. I’ve witnessed a lot of these girls cheating on their boyfriends and rationalizing it as “I’m just so bored with him” or “he doesn’t satisfy me“. There seems to be a tendency for these types of women to think of pleasurable sex as a human right, and that if their boyfriend isn’t getting the job done, it’s the woman’s prerogative to go out and find it behind his back (instead of talking to him about it or breaking up with him first).
I realize that these are not universal laws, and I realize that people can change patterns of behavior. But it’s a matter of protecting myself. I’m not willing to take the risk of being cheated on or catching an incurable STD. If other people want to, that’s fine, but it’s not for me.
Everyone manages their own risks. Nobody would call a person cruel and judgmental if they declined to hire an ex-junkie to work in their pharmacy or an armed robber to work in their bank.
Lol I am not interested in monogamy and actively encourage my wife to go out and hook up with other people and even though she had been with well more than 50 people before we met she rarely has any interest in doing so and when she does it is usually because of my encouragement.
Obviously my experience is going to be different from most but I feel comfortable in saying that the overwhelming majority of guys don’t want to marry a virgin
I watched Laverne Cox on Who Do You Think You Are? last night. She talks like a high school junior who is head of the student social justice club in the San Fernando Valley. I can tolerate almost anyone’s opinion, even if it’s contrary to mine, if they present it in a straightforward, non-affected way. That is not Laverne Cox.
I have no idea who Laverne Cox is, and it sounds like that’s a good thing.
Looks up LC in Wikipedia anyway: She rose to prominence with her role as Sophia Burset on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black, becoming the first openly transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in the acting category… She has an identical twin brother, M Lamar, who portrays the pre-transitioning Sophia
Well, OK, using your twin brother as your pre-transition self is kind of a cool way to handle that.
But now I’m wondering if the twin does not feel the need to transition, how innate is the need? (NTTAWWT)
IDGAF what people do to their bodies. Because I’m a libertarian.
But her virtue-signaling ass is boring and pseudo-intellectual and it’s irritating as fuck.
I thought the Aztec was supposed to be a point of pride?
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/c6KuZyOc8os/hqdefault.jpg (Probably not safe for work).
So the school wants to be represented as a group of people that practiced human sacrifice, violent conquest, and enslavement. And the woke students don’t like because they claim they’re the ones who represent people who practiced human sacrifice, violent conquest, and enslavement?
“Petition: LSU Tigers mascot a ‘symbol of white oppression'”
Here’s a life hack to drive down your cooling costs!
dip @Dope_Hopes
May 19
Replying to @beautyofspaceHQ
Pyramids are giant power generators, they redirected water flow from the bike river through stone tunnels underneath the pyramids aquifers lined with granite absorbed physio-electricity since granite is a conductor, this energy was transferred to the upper layers of the pyramids
Why is it so hard for people to just appreciate how much of an accomplishment it was to just pile up those rocks with only primitive tools and human muscle power?
I’m seeing an opportunity in cable lifters.
Here’s how it happens.
Hey, Lizzie, pin it on a Remainer and you can get your Kingdom back from Frau Merkel.
I didn’t realize the Queen was such a big Morris Day fan.
That’s how Harry caught the Jungle Love!
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobehavioral condition characterized by an ongoing pattern of inattention, hyperactivity and/or impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
ADHD is among the most common behavioral disorder among children or adolescents, according to Dr. Caleb Alexander, co-director of the Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness at Johns Hopkins, who was not involved in the new study.
“It’s one of the most common disorders diagnosed in children, and the rates of diagnosis have increased a lot over the past two decades,” Alexander said.
“It’s been diagnosed more frequently in recent years than historically, but there are unlikely to be large baseline changes in the prevalence of this disorder. The changes in diagnosis are probably more from evolving thresholds for diagnosis than true changes in the population,” he added.
ADHD diagnoses among children in the United States more than doubled between 2005 and 2014, according to a 2017 study. Approximately 14% of all children in the US were diagnosed with the disorder in 2014, compared with 6.8% in 2005.
Who could have seen that coming? The article is about some study of ADHD drug misuse/overdoses. Surprisingly, more diagnoses and prescriptions might mean more Ritalin in America’s drug cabinets.
The world’s most feminist country:
“Swedish police warn lots of rapes will happen this summer and advise women not to go out late”
So much for the “Teach Migrants not to Rape” plan.
Just lay back and remember how awesome multiculturalism is.
Take it for the team!
Original article was so execrable that even alternet had to remove it.
He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar [ ].
*blinks slowly several times*
He…he didn’t? How is that even possible?
In this corner, weighing in at 220 pounds, the current champion, “Blaming the Victim”! And and this corner, weighing in at 225 pounds, the challenger, “Racism!” ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?
Even though I work in an office and ever so rarely leave my ivory tower to go onto the shop floor, I have to take Safety Training classes that were created by Dupont. And it’s not one class… it’s six spread over six weeks.
Duh: don’t do anything stupid when there is heavy machinery involved.
Industrial accidents are almost always the result of complacency created by familiarity.
They even mentioned that in the class – new employees aren’t commonly the ones having accidents, it’s the guy (or gal!) who has been on the job for over a year. Of course there is some statistical kung-fu there given that probably most employees have been on the job for over a year.
Does it tell you not to join their wrestling team?
Way back when I was working on Diesel equipment, our shop would be subject to OSHA mandated safety courses about twice a year. In hindsight, the management of that place was pretty awesome. Since OSHA at the time didn’t specify the materials used for these courses, the boss would pick the corniest, most outdated films he could find and would schedule the viewings on Fridays before Memorial Day and Labor Day. This was followed by grilling burgers and bratwurst right in the garage bays for lunch which were complimented by a celebratory keg of beer. One of the films I had the privilege of viewing was this classic:
That was a pretty fun job.
“Despite their potential to make our roads safer in the long run, consumers have high expectations for safety,” Greg Brannon, AAA’s director of Automotive Engineering and Industry Relations, told Gizmodo in a statement. “Our results show that any incident involving an autonomous vehicle is likely to shake consumer trust, which is a critical component to the widespread acceptance of autonomous vehicles.”
The study even shows that people aren’t just afraid to passengers in driverless vehicles, they’re also scared to see them on the road when they’re walking or riding a bicycle. A staggering 63 percent of Americans say that they’d feel less safe with autonomous vehicles on the road when they’re a pedestrian.
Theory collides with practice.
I’d be happy if they banned bicycles from the roadway. Actually just a traffic rule that any conveyance unable to reach the speed limit is not permitted into the traffic lanes.
Hell yes. Personally, I’d be happy if they just banned bikes on roads with a speed limit higher than 35, which more or less agrees with your alternate proposal.
Town I live in is FULL of bike snobs who can’t wait to lecture everyone about their RIGHT to use the roads. And any time one of them has an unfortunate incident with a car it’s “he assaulted me with a deadly weapon!!” Fuck that noise. I’m doing my best to be a safe and responsible driver but when you’re using pedal-powered conveyance on a street where the traffic is moving at 60mph you’re fucking asking for it.
Oh my god, do we have some annoying bikers in my burg. The typical bicyclist does the Schrodinger’s Vehicle bit, where they’re simultaneously a vehicle for the purposes of traffic laws and a pedestrian for the purposes of ignoring traffic laws when they’re inconvenient. So they’ll chug along in the middle of the lane, as is their right, but then they’ll white line it and blow through a stop sign or stop light without a pause and continue along on the sidewalk, until they decide to hop off into the road again.
“Swedish police warn lots of rapes will happen this summer and advise women not to go out late”
Just remember to tuck a spoon in your panties.
Completely unrelated rant: is it an American thing for people to not work on their birthdays or for students to skip class on their birthday. I keep running into, “oh, I can’t be at that meeting because it’s on my birthday and I’m taking the day off” or “I won’t be in class on Thursday because it’s my birthday.” What the actual fuck kind of bullshit is this?
Not a custom. I request the time around my birthday off so that I can avoid any notice of it in the office, but it’s not customary.
Damn dude…
I too end up having to take the day off from work to avoid all the pranks and annoyance from people seeking revenge for me making fun of them on their birthday..
When I was a shift manager at Jimmy Johns, someone (at the last minute mind you) asked if they could have the day off. I asked if it was due to an emergency and they said no. They wanted that day off because it was their birthday and they wanted to celebrate it. If they would have put in for that day weeks in advance or found someone to take their shift, it would have been all good. But they didn’t so I told them that they still had to come into work that day. They pissed and moaned about it but knew that if they didn’t show, they were out of a job.
Ask them, “did you just discover that tomorrow was your birthday? No? Fuck off.”
I can’t speak for the whole country, but I always take my birthday off.
Me too (born on July 4th).
Heh I knew someone that hated Christmas because it was their birthday and they were not good at sharing. When I pointed out that the december date was likely appropriated because it was the one closest to the winter solstice, they still told me they felt jibbed…
I know people who do that. They like to do something fun on their birthday, or just treat themselves to a day off. As long as they have the leave time available, I don’t see a problem. It’s no different than taking a personal or vacation day on any other random day of the year.
It’s not a thing really, but some people take the day off if they have something special planned.
I usually take my birthday off – so I can use the day to go shopping for presents for myself. That is to say I use my birthday as an excuse to buy myself more junk.
Wal-Mart paid time and a half if you worked on your birthday when I was there, so of course I went in. This year I went in when I wasn’t scheduled. But I’m poor and always in need of money, so I may not have the same perspective as others who don’t worry about money.
A small handful make a tradition of it, most don’t. I’d estimate somewhere in the 3-5% range. I’ve personally never done it.
I have a rule – if you aren’t a teenage girl or adolescent child, I don’t want to hear about your fucking birthday.
And even then, I don’t want to hear about it. It should just be socially unacceptable for grown men to act the same as the ones in those groups.
Our company actually lets you take your birthday as a holiday.
I don’t know if it’s an American custom per se, but I always take my birthday off if I’ve got the leave. I’d say about half the office does the same.
I usually schedule my vacation around my birthday, but this year I couldn’t get reservations for the week I wanted. So, this year I will be working on my birthday, but typically I don’t.
“Keith Ellison Sings a Song Mocking President Trump”
I now envy the deaf.
Let’s face it, he’s no Tariq Nasheed.
I finally figured out what the left plans to do with all those Muslims when they are done destroying Western Civilization.
Muslims forced to drink alcohol and eat pork in China’s ‘re-education’ camps
Oh, they are counting on their ability to resort to base brutality to deal with the muslim problem once they have used them to destroy their enemies…
Once again, communism takes the gold for most evil ideology.
When the Soviets fought Muslims, they would often wrap the bodies of dead leaders in pig skin before burying them as a warning to anyone that would fight back. “You’ll never get to paradise.”
God can do many things, but one thing He could never do is retrieve a soul wrapped in pig skin.
I mean, I’m sure there’s all kinds of awfulness otherwise, but these camps don’t sound that bad to me at a glance. Free shelter, alcohol and pork. That’s basically all I need to be content.
With all the communist Indoctrination, you’ll feel like youre at college.
It’s a big big happy barbecue with beer where everyone shares!
Bring on the hoors!
“Abortion tied to sharp decline in women’s mental health
A provocative new study shows that women who have an abortion face an increased risk for mental health problems including substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.
“Results indicate quite consistently that abortion is associated with moderate to highly increased risks of psychological problems subsequent to the procedure,” the authors wrote in the study, published in the September 1 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry.
For the study, researchers analyzed data on 877,000 women, including 164,000 who had an abortion. They found women who had an abortion experienced an 81 percent increased risk for mental problems.
Women who had an abortion were 34 percent more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, 37 percent more likely to experience depression, 110 percent more likely to abuse alcohol, 155 percent more likely to commit suicide, and 220 percent more likely to use marijuana.
Nearly 10 percent of the problems could be attributed to abortion, the authors concluded.”
Or maybe drunk crazy women are more likely to get knocked up?
It would be interesting to see a comparison between women who had an abortion and women who gave their unwanted kid up for adoption, as that would be the most equivalent comparison, in my view.
“maybe drunk crazy women are more likely to get knocked up?”
Maybe. Correlation =/= causation.
However, it makes perfect sense to try and drink away guilt from your murder.
Just ask Lady MacBeth.
The connection is obvious and probably not causal.
Compared to what. Compared. To. What. Mother. Fuckers. Your job is to write. Do your job better.
Compared to pregnant women who gave birth? Compared to women who didn’t get pregnant? Compared to miscarriages?
So you see how that’s critical information that a reader needs to know to be able to understand what you are getting paid to write?
“Feminist criminology scholars have given up on understanding domestic violence in the real world. Instead, they are turning their attention to comic books.”
does it count if the “female” character (based on traits) is a robot or not even human? because Rom purging all those Dire Wraith witches should make the cut.
Is that a dress or an apron?
It’s not a dress – the top is separate from the bottom.
I meant the MAGA garment on the mannequin.
Oh, that’s clearly an apron.
Usually when someone posts a link here containing an image of a woman, she’s the focus of the discussion.
Please run on this. Please.
The 2018 Blue Wave
If they were to attempt it without actual evidence of collusion, the resulting backlash would be disastrous. They’re playing with fire.
Is collusion even illegal?
No one in Clinton’s campaign ever got help from a Mexican national?
Technically no, but they don’t even have that right now.
They don’t seem to understand that impeaching without actual hard evidence of wrongdoing to overthrow an election could result in an actual violent revolt, possibly leading to another civil war. I would have thought this unthinkable just one year ago, but they really have no sense of restraint.
That no talent assclown should have to change his name.
In his district, he’ll win on that.
I just forced myself to finish a Stony Joe: Golden Mocha Stout from Stony Creek Brewery. It wasn’t very good. It’s the first canned beer I’ve had since the 1990s and I finally understand why my mom refused to drink anything from cans; it just tastes like a tin can. I wasted $2.00 on this drek.
Someone is obviously not familiar with “The quality bottle beer taste in a can”.